?f A, ? -V1 ? t lattfagte? VOLUME XXV-NO. 71.-SLX PAGES. LANCASTER, PA., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1888. SIX PAGES-PRICE TWO CE1 yJjjlntciluKUircf. m MANY MINERS ENTOMBED. UNK OUNDRKD AND RIXTX TIOTMJ Oa AN EXPLOSION. Black Damp fiansrs Afal Dataller la B Mine Near t'llttbaT, XUMJIM Men Blews Onl of the abaft aad Tarrtbty frJnrsd-Tbttr Keseae Delayed, Av4sjce px1oi1ed, whleh startled Ihe Tlliavarinf Pftuhurg, Kana, at duak en Friday nt;tu, probably ended the llree of IGOmtnem The explosion spread cettater. nation among tbe inhabitants and broke tbe windows or their houses. Fer few mementa ttiu Merited peole tcarcely dared te stir nut e tbelr buddings', tbe violence) of the shtrk-kAsJr bern no great as te hurl dishes freuf Their shelves and dameliab chimneys. Half an hour alter Ibe exples. Ien tbe vlIlBnem preparing te go te tbe mines were etartle;! by s ragged, bleeding iun wbe almost staggered lule tne arms of tbe Mircbeis. He said tbat Ne. 2 abalt, at vrantenae, a mining suDure 01 lue village, had been destroyed by an explosion and tbatthemeti In ibe mine at tbe time save blinaelf and a Dine, wbnm he left bleed ing at the mouth el the pit, were undoubted ly dead. Herse were qulekly harnessed te wagons and In slew mementa the vil lagers were hurrying through tee tierce snow and alret storm whleh was prevailing. At tbe mouth et the mine tbe tremend tremend eua force at tbe explosion was apparent. Tbere were huge aeams In tbe earth and tbe timbers of tbe heisting apparatus were shivered and burned. Feul gas was also escaping. Tbe Dane, who had escaped with tbe man wbe alarmed the villagers, lay In tbe mud with hta face oevered with bleed. Fer a long time It was thought be was dead, but be regained oensolouaness In a few hours and Is new at his home. He can net apeak and does net knew what caused tbe explosion. His oletboa were In ribbons. Tbe man who readied Pittsburg with the first lldlnga of the disaster and wbe accom panied tbe rescuera back te the mine, said the men were aoeut te quit work for the day when the explosion occurred. Together with the Daae be had ridden In tbe ear te tbotepof the sbatt when the earth seemed te snap beneath him, and the next thing be realized was tbe splashing of tbe enew and water upon his face as be lay with his com rade In tbe wreckage above the mine. There were 100 men In tbe mine at the time of the explosion and aa they were at work 112 feet below the surlaee It Is be lieved tbat net one survived the terrible sboek, wblcb must have destroyed every thing within tbe pit. Aa seen as the relatives of the miners wbe live In tbe llttle cottages at Frantenaa re covered from their alarm, tbey ran te the mouth et tbe fatal pit ana made pitiful ap. peals for their husbands, fathers and sous te return te them. Although the storm waa severe and tbe cold exceedingly bitter for this time et the year, tbe peer, scantily elad women steed about in tbe water until long after mldnlphU Big fires were built near the mouth of tbe pit and bealde these blaz ing piles the women placed their children while tbey themselves tried by all kinds of entreaties te Induce the minera from the ether shafts te cuter tbe pit and rescue their relatives. One rescuing parly started down the shaft at 7 o'clock, but waa forced te turn back owing te tbe foul air. Anether attempt was made at 9 o'clock, but tbe plucky rescuers were again forced te abandon their work. Tbey could net hear no Bound from the ebambera below, and thla lcada old miners te believe tbat all tbe men in tbe sbat t have perished. Other attempts will te made te reaeb tbe entombed men before morning. 'Xbose who started down tbe abalt early in tbeeventngsay that tbe shook baadeatreyed whole drifts, a'ld tbat it la probable tbat tbe men In tbe lower levels are burled beneath tens of slate Black damp Is supposed le have caused tbe explosion. Most of tbe miners at these shafts eame originally from Illinois and Pennsylvania. UK. HOSTKrjEKDIEO 1NIESTATK. He Was Insnred Fer 8333,000 and Is He ported te lie Werm 014,000,000. It la denied tbat the life insurance com panies will contest tbe claims of Vt. Hos Hes tetter's family because be died from the Immediate etrects of a aurgleal operation. The risks which he beld were as fellows : Mutual litre. (50,000; New Yerk Life, $100, OUO, with f27,000 te be added : Equitable, 1100,000 ; North western, 31,000 ; Provident Lite it TruBt company. (20,000 ; Mutual Benefit, (5,000. Total, (33'AOOO. Ten days age in New Yerk, when Mr. Heetetter bad n) Idea of death, be aald be had made no will and did net contemplate making one. A personal friend glvea the following approximate achedule of Dr. Hoatetter's asset: lake Erie railroad 0 per cent bends, (1,800,000; Lake Erie railroad scrip, (300,000; Lake Erie railroad stock, (900,000; Pittsburg, McKeeffOrUt Yough Yeugh Yough legbeny stock, (750,000; stock in illuminat ing gaa companion, (3,000,003; Allegheny Valley railroad seven thirties', (1.000,000; Penn Gas Geal cemraay atcek, (1 000.COO ; Philadelphia Gaa oempany notes, (450,000 ; bank stocks, (500,000 ; Seuth Penn invest ment, (2 000,000 ; general stocks and bends, (1,000.090; mUodlUnseus railroad atoek, (500,000; Hosteller's bitters, (1,000 000; realestate, (500,000; life Insurance, (332, 000 -total, (11,032,000. Tbe premiums en Or. Hostetter's local bank stocks and etbar investments will probably bring hla estate up te (15,009,000. Tbe funeral took place en Friday afternoon. Are Tbey Ail rtrJereraT Edward McOune and wile, Patrick Man eysey and Owen Burns, all of Seulb Beth lehem, were committed te Jail en Friday by United States Commissioner Kirk Kirk patrlek en warrants charging each with perjury, The suits grew cut of McCune's application for a pension, awearlng falsely It is claimed, te same, and tbe ether prison ers perjuring themselves, It Is claimed, aa witnesses. According te an investigation tbat has been in progress ever six months, tbere was no foundation for tbe claim, Me- Cune never having been Injured or disabled In any way while in the army. When tbe Investigation was first atarted, McCune claimed that It waa en Information fur nished by spiteful neighbors. Watblogten's Inauguration, Obauneey M. Depew has accepted an In vitation te deliver tbe oration en the occa sion of tbe centennial celebration In New Yerk or tbe Inauguration et Geerge Wash ington aa president. The secretary of the navy baa premised tbe cooperation of bis department and tbe atate department will be asked te invite tbe participation of the French navy. The celebration will begin en Monday morning, April 9, with tbe arrival of tbe president en beard a dispatch beat from Ellzabetbtewn aa Washington arrived. He will pats between aaluting lines of American and foreign ships up New Yerk harbor and be formally received at Wall atrect. Tbere will be a grand ball In tbe evening and literary exercises the next day, followed by a great parade. (175,. 000 la te be raised for tbe celebration. A Majority of Nina In uoeersu. The result of tbe congressional elections throughout tbe country en Tuesday re mains practically tbe came as announced en Friday, tbe only inereaie In tbe sin of tbe Republican majority made by tbe latest returns being 1. According te these tbe Republicans will have a majority of 9 In the next Heuse, which will be oem Dosed of 1G7 Republicans and 153 Democrats. The only changes reported en Friday are In Ibe Etgbtb Indiana district, which proves te be Democratic by a small majority ; tbe First Virginia dlstrlet, wbleb la Republican also by a small majority, and tbe Fourth Weat Virginia dlstrlet, which la Republican, it la net likely that these results will be ma terially changed either way. The rith Wheel Broke. The tilth wheel of tbe wagon used by Bpreuget'a beer bottling establishment, broke this morning as the driver waa turn ing from tbe railroad track en Seuth Queen treet near Middle. Tbe driver waa thrown from the wagon Inte a peel of water, but be beld en tbe bone and prevented a runaway. JL few beuiea et gtnttr all fall le the grevad w4 win MM mbmbkiw Kuccrrtew. An ferjnyeble BatejUmment by the T. M.O. JL Ua Br May Kraalac. The members of tLe Yeung Men'a Ohrir Uaa association enjoyed aaetber delightful reception last evening. It was the occasion of the members' reception tlven te mem bers and their lady and gentlemen friend. Although tbe evening waa stormy and un pleasant without, tba seen within the bnlldlng was en of Jey and pleasure. Aa Interesting pregramme bad beta arranged and with two exceptions was lully given. Tbe pregramme waa as fellows : Piane sole, Mr. Ambrose Htein; veaal sole, "Marguerite," Mlae Battle Quinn; piano duett, Silvery Eshee," Mrs. Q. K. Reed and Mrs. W. S Spetee; reading, "Tem Sawyer Treated for Leveelckneas," A. C. Clay; vrcal duett, "Harp of the Winds," Messrs'. Gibsen and Speeee. At tbla point In tbe pregramme Secretary Speece made tbe announcements of tbe wlntei'a weik, and urged tbe members te enter Inte It with renewed aetlvlty. Be was followed by Rev. J. N. Folwell, who Invoked divine blessing upon tbe work and tbe young men. A piano duet', 'Qul Vive," by Mra-G. K. Reed and Miss Carrie Staufler, olesed tbe pregramme. All et the items were heartily received as was demonstrated by tbe earnest spplaute. The pregramme being ended tbe guests spread through tbe building, tome going te tbe secretary's efflee for refreshments ethers te the museum, etbeta totheparlera. while ethers remained In the audience room te enjey piano soles, and tbe har monica musle given by Mr. Harry Win gert. All wereserved with refreshments, after whleh an hour of social pleasure waa spent At 10:30 the young men and their friends took their departure, pronouncing the ooca eoca oeca alon one of tbe most delightful given In the association building. Tbese receptions will be repeated elten during tbe winter. Beginning with te-morrow (Sunday) the "week et prayer" foryenng men and Yenng Men'a Christian associations will be observed throughout tbe world. Tbe Lan caster asecclatien will observe it In tbe fol lowing services : Sunday, 0:30 a. m., con secration servlee in Ibe association parlor ; 3:30 p. m., nnlen meeting in BU Paul'a Re formed church, te wblcb all, both ladlea and gentlemen, are Invited. Daring thereat of the week services for young men will be beld In tbe Association ball, beginning every evening at 8 o'clock, except Wednesday evening, when it will be held at 9. Willis Hawley, of Harrlsburg, will conduet tbe services Monday and Tuesday ; S. B. Herr, of Yerk, Wednesday and Thursday, and W. S. Speece, of tbe city association, Friday and Saturday. The regular Saturday meeting for men will beheld thla evening at 8 o'clock. A Slety Tbat Was a tie. The Examiner published a story last evening te the cllect tbat en Wednesday afternoon one of tbe letter-carriers et tbe poetellloe wblle making bis collection en East Chestnut street lest hla mall pouch which was afterwards found along tbe atone wall east et tbe Pennsylvania railroad station. Tbe story is false, but it la llke many mere tbat tbe paper has told since the opening of the campaign. The truth is that tbe poueb was feunl en last, Satur day evening. It bad been thrown from Day Express East by a careless postal clerk and waa found later. Tbe Examiner article was written simply because the letter carriers are Demcerata and aeber and Industrious. The writer probably deea net remember that durleg the term of Postmaster Marshall one of hla carriers, while drunk, spilled his mall all along the street. He waa afterwards found en a deer step and tbe pouch was taken from blm. Ne complaint of thla kind bes been made te tbe present postmaster. Miner I'ellcs Cases. Jacob Stoy, arrcated In Centre Square en Wednesday for endeavoring te raise a disturbance, was beard by Alderman Hal Hal baeh last evening. He was discharged en payment cl coats. James Gurry, a telegraph lineman, ar rested for drunkenness and disorderly conduet at the Pennsylvania railroad station, will be beard before Alderman Plnkerten. James Waters waa sent te Jail last even ing by Alderman A. F, Dennelly for five days, for abusing bit wife. Tee aeven inmates of the station house last night were ledgers. All claimed te be In reareh et wet k and were dlscbarged. Fallare et Jeseph Osihelm. Executions were Issued late en Friday against Jeseph Ostheim, wholesale grccer, te collect 151250,and tbe sherlfl levied upon his stock. One et the executions was Uaued for (5,000 by Gustave Uroeizleger and tbe second by Philip Glnder for (10,250. Tbe amount of Indebtedness recorded In tbe protbenotary's and recorder's offices la (28,050. In addition te the stock in hla wholesale grcccry be la tbe owner of valu able real estate. Tbe amount of hla ln debtedneas te Philadelphia and New Yerk merchants Is net yet ascertained. Dwelling Heuse Destroyed. On Friday morning about 7 o'clock tbe people In tbe vlelnlty of Bamford vllle, ene mile east of Lindlsvllle, were aroused by tbe cry et 11 re, and a blaze was seen dis covered In tbe house of Jehn Kapp.The pipe was detective and a can el oil which steed near it Ignited. Tbe flames spread very rapidly. The house, whleh waa a two story frame building, was boeh destroyed. A part of tbe furniture waa saved by tbe tbe family wllh the assistance el the neigh bors. Sermon ler Yeung Men, The sermon wbleb will be preaebed In Trinity chureb te-morrow evening will be specially adapted te admonishing and stimulating young men. Tbe theme will be tbe challenge et the prophet Elijah te tbe people assembled en Mt. Carmel, aa found In I Klnga,xvUL, 21: "Hew long bait ye between two opinions ? If the Lord be Cled, fellow blm ; but If Baal be Ged, fellow blm." Jhtsler Valley Ministerial Association. The bl monthly meeting of the Chester Valley Ministerial association will be beld la the Methodist Episcopal chureb at Seuderaburg, en Monday and Tuesday, Tbe opening sermon will be preached en Monday evening by Rev. Charles Reads. Rev. J. R T. Gray will address tbe temper ance meeting te be held en Tueeday eve ning. flesalt of a oampalge of lutellcct. jrrem the Yerk Dally. Twe vetera who cast their ballets at tbe West Manchester polls Tuesday, In tbeir eagerness te eleet tbe candidates et their choice, made a ludicrous mistake. Oee man atuck a tax receipt In and tbe ether a small band bill. Aa " Ignorance la biles," eta, their votes made them feel as happy as these el any ether voters, IT be Kssult In Virginia. Complete official returns from tbe First congressional dlstrlet of Virginia show tbat T. H. Bally Brown (Kep.) Is elected ever acuuui yuma.j ey -i majority, ice Democrats have elected 8 of the 10 con gressmen, leaving tbe Republicans the First aawl Second dUtrleta. The Dsmoeratle BBsierttr en tbeir eteotenl ticket la Vlrglaia 1TlflsVfjfWMl,W( A TERRIBLE DISASTER. juanr pkuhens dbsd and etib TWBNtX RKPOUTKD BUSSING. Dmi rant ten of a Manuftcteiy in Reentster Bj Flra-feurlfen Kinptefts of lh Works Jamp Frem the Windows. tf the Namber Fatally trjarad. Names ofsemsot the Victims. The mekt rilMstrnua Ore ever experienced In Roehcater, N. Y., occurred en Friday evening at the works of the Steam Uuage and Lantern oempany. It Is lecited In a building of anveu aterle, with two build in a. It li situated at the Genesee Falls. The fire broke out at 7:35 o'clock. Tt Is tlieuKbt tbat five or mere bodies are In tbe ruins, Including one or mere girls, Leta en bultdlrg, (65,000 ; Insured for (19,000. ln en lantern plant, (176,000 ; Ibnutanc, (179,000. Asa Democrat and Chronicle reporter was errtalng Central avenue bridge, about five minutes alter the first alarm, bla atten tion was ealled te two men In a tblrd story en tbe ilveraldr, Just above tbe falls. About forty pemena were at work,mostly en the tblrd fleer. The smoke was very aenae ana the men ceuui net reaen me nre escapes, and tbey were forced te Jump from tbe tblrd story. Fourteen Jutnpad en the weat side of the bulldlOK eud were fright fully Injured, slxeftbeui dying within an hour. Four etbeta will die before morning. Tbe names et tbe dead nre Jeseph Dar ner, Jehn Uremenr, Jeaeph Webber, Harry Sehuelder. Jehn Gall aud one unknown. The fatally Injured are : Rlcbard Pascb, Frank Siddene, Daniel Watklns and Jehn Gern. They atoed for a moment eppaiently un decided what te de, when auddenlyene leaped out and fell In tbe water about ten feet from tbe brink of tbe precipice. He was Immediately followed by tbe ether man. One of thorn apparently recovered himself and waa unhurt aa be waded through tbe water until be was under tbe bridge, where he was reecued by a party wbe lowered a ladder te him. As seen aa be reaehed terra firma be atarted ou a run toward State atreet and disappeared. Ne traea of the ether man was discovered, and It Is presumed he was se badly Injured tbat be could net help himself and remained tbere and was buried under tbe wall, wblcb fell ten minuted later. 'William Devlin, one of the Injured men, stated while be was lying In tbe shoe factory watting te be removed, tbat be was in tbe tblrd story and beard tbe rear of tbe flr.mes coming up tbe elevator well. He remem bers being crowded te tbe window by his oemradeain the room and was told te Jump. He did se and atruek tbe pavement wltb aeveral ethers. Frem that tlme until bla Injuries were attended te he deea net remember anything. Devlin has a fracture et tbe left leg and arms and rocelved eeveral severe burns. He cannot account for the burns unless, as be Bald, he received them after be tell, as he Is certain tbe flames did net reach blm before be Jumped. IHK DEATH LIST REACHES RIOUT. Roeeiestkr, N. Y,, Nev. 1". Three charred and mutilated remains were taken from tbe ruins of the ateam gauge and' lantern company's works Ibis morning In addition te tbe five bodies recovered last night. They have net been identified. There are undoubtedly mere bodies among tbe rulnr. Among these who are missing and whose bodies are probably under tbe smoking debris Is Ibat or AIedz) Stene, whose wile was murdered by the tramp Deacons a year age last August. Eight bodies bave been recovered thus far, and 20 are repotted missing. Five et tbe dead men have been Identified, aa fel lows : Jehn Gall, Jeseph Dauzler, Jeseph Webber, Henry Snyder, C, A. Oehs. The ether three bodies are oharred and bnrned beyond recognition. HKUHKN IIUIIOX AfUtl23TEI. lie Mikes an Unprovoked Attack en Ecott 1! nil j and Others. Reuben Uutten wan releated from Jail this morning and celebrated the ovent by getting drunk. He met Ssntt Brady en East King strcet and assaulted blm. Short ly afterwards he went te Alderman Barr's office and wanted te proseeuto Brady, but tbe alderman refused te entertain the com plaint, Hutten then lett and became ae dis orderly en tbe atreet tbat Constable Mer Mer rleger arrested blm. This afternoon be was taken te Alderman Barr's ofllee, and when besaw Mr. Bradytberebe made another as sault en blm. He also attempted te strike Frank Barr, eon el the alderman, and It was with difficulty tbat Uutten was oenqueied. Wblle In the office he used In sulting language te all who were there Fer drunkenntts and disorderly conduct, he was aent te Jail for five days aud in default of ball was committed for a hearing en a charge of assaulting Mr. Brady. Hutten spends tbe greater portion of bla time In Jail, and Is a nuisance when net there. Tee assault en Brady was unpro voked, and be will no doubt be severely puulsbtd for It. Treasury ualaucts The etatementet tbe United States treas urer shows geld, sliver, United Utaten notes and ether funds In the treasury en Friday as iouews: uaia coin ana minion, &si e-w.-727; sliver dollars and bullion, (251,458,925; trade dollar burn. (0,181,203; fractleual sll ver oeln, (23,990,287 ; United States notes, (47,100,910 ; national bank notes, (263,171; national bank notes In process of redemp tion, (3,655.859; depeltn with national bank depositories, (47,622,511; total, (714 922 620. Certificates outstanding geld, (138,748,700; silver, (231,469,656; currency, (11,330,000. Te Loek Alter tha EobeoU. Tbe following sub-dlvlslens and align ments et the superintending committee for the ensuing year have been made by tbe chairman : New atreet, James street and West Wal nut street rchoelr, Dr. Jehn Levergood ; Lemen atreet and Ann street schools, Dr. J. P. Wlckersbem ; Duke street, Koeklaod street and Strawberry street schools, Jehn B. Warfel ; Maner street and Seuth Prince street schools, Jas. A. McDavltt; corner Weat Cbesteut atreet, West Chestnut atreet and high tohecls, Wm. McComiey, UloeJy Hatllrs In Kgjin. Seventy thousand followers of theuiabdi attacked tue town ei waual, west of Dar Dar Dar loer. The Karrlsin repulted the assailants and killed three thousand, but the Mahdlata reattacked and captured tbe town. The aultan of Wadel fled te Ghlrl. A New Beading Pipe Mill Olesrs. The new pipe mill of the Readlng iron works, which waa recently erected at a coat of (100,000, was shut down en Friday, owing te a lack of orders', ter an indefinite time. Heme 300 men and beya are thrown out et employment. Bervlcs In Tbe lircttiren Ueuse of Worship, Protraeted aervlces in the Brethren obureb, at Meuntvllte, will begin ou to morrow and conlluue each evening during tbe week. Rev. Jehn Flery, a minister of this denomination from Brldgewater, Virginia, will be present te preaeb. Sprained An ALkle. The Inlet recently pUeed at tbe corner of Frederick and North Duke streets, caved In en Thursday evening. Miss Carrie Strauss, when en tbe read borne, stepped In the bole in tbe pavement and sprained ber ankle. Commissioner Bertz has been notified te make tbe necessary repairs at tbe Inlet. Ilcstureil te lis Owners. A horse btlcbed te a Jenuy Llnd wagon was found en North Mulberry street laat evening. It was taken te tbe station beuse where it was claimed by lis owners, Miller &. HartnaaBt The horse had been left no ted la fr ent et Mr, Miller's behm Md WftUMtUWaj. WKKKLT RtmKWOF TBADK. Volume et Legitimate Unstness Wonderfully Well sustained NethwUbstandleg tbe Election Excitement. New Yerk, Nev. 10 The following la R, if. Dunn A Ce. 'a review of trade for tbe week ending te day : Tbe election baa ae far Interrupted business during the past week that meat comparisons wltb the cor responding week lest year are misleading. Nevertheless, the volume et legitimate business baa been wonderfully well main tained during tbe past week aa daring tbe wneie political campaign, ae mat me presi dential contest et 1S33 gees into history as haying disturbed current trade less than any previous contest, although it turned largely upon industrial and commercial questions, and waa generally considered ueubtful te tbe very end, and this la the mere remarkable because In the months preceding these of political exeltement speculation bad bctn unusually active and extravagant. At alt cities reporting money continued In fair or active demand, while scarcely any oemplalxt of stringency Is heard, and collections, though somewhat Interrupted, have been, en the whole, satisfactory, wltb Improvement noted In aeveral cases. Tbe large volume of ourreney In circula tion, together with tbe temporary inactivity of speculation, explains tbe matter, and an offlelal statement abewa tbat the circulation ofallklndaef money, which bad passed, uoteoer i, uie maximum or last year, ci, 334 000,000, Increased (21 5C0.CO0 In Octeber, and reaehed (1,407,871,068 November 1, be ing (41,e00,000 larger than a year age. In tbe last week tbe tressury baa also paid out (1,700,000 mere than he lias taken In. The report of antbraelte and bituminous fur naces In blast shows a weekly output of 128,340 tens, against 110, 189 a month age and 130,487 a year ego. In output et ohareoal Iren the changes have probably been small, ae tbat the Increase of about 7 percent. In tha month of October makes tbe weekly output only about IK percent smaller than at thla date last year. The inerease of late, however, has been mainly In Southern production. Ne ebange In prices Is recorded as yet, though an Im proved demand is observed, and the Im pression la quite general that even tbe inereased supply will net prevent aeme advance. Yet the large transaotlena In steel rails bave been at very low figures ; In all 40,000 tena were taken by the Vanderbllt reads, and as mueh mero by ether com panies, and It la reported tbat large orders ean yet be plaeed av net mere than (27, The wool market bai been decidedly mere aetive and atrenger, but while a mere con fident feeling prevails In tbe goods trade, Improvement In orders or purcbaees Is net yet observed. In many brancbea of the manufacture it la feared that any advance In prices would result in greatly .Inereased importations. Cotten goods have been firm, wltb a strong undertone, beoauee slecks are un usually light. A similar oauseatrengtbens the beet aud shoe trade,ln which actual de liveries tbla year thua far bave beeu 7 te 8 per cent larger than last year's, with net prleea averaging a shade botter,wblle8tooka are unusually narrow. The oeke and coal trade la uuusually aotive at Plttseursr, and the output of antbraelte oeal, 913,849 tena for last week, has lieen for the vear thus far 31,101,560 tens, atjalnst 27,870,403 last year.a Sain of nearly 12 per cent. Foreign trade as net been large, experts falling 0 per eent below last year's at New Yerk, while Imports here In October were about 4 per cent, below last year's. Prices et the chief ex portable products still rule no high as te prevent a free move ment, sod wheat has advanced during the past week about one cent with sales of (31,600,000 bushels ; oern has advanced 2j cents, with sales of 5.500,000 busbela ; eats bave advanced five eighths ; perk 25 cents per barrel; oil 1J cents, with small trad ing ; cotton a sixteenth, wltb sales of 365, 000 bales, and nelfee baa remained steady wltb sales of 234,000 bags during the week. Transactions In stocks have net been heavy and prices bave scarcely changed at all In tbe aggregate, though considerable Belling en foreign account appeared te check tbe advance wbleb began en Wednesday. The Impression that tbe coming adminis tration will atop tbe deposits of money wltb banks, and apply the funds te the purchase et bends, though It threatens no reduction In the circulation, la used without feunda tlen in speculative circles as a reason for expecting lower prices for securities. The business failurea occurring through out the country during tbe last seven days, as reported te K. O. Dun & Ce., tba mer cantile agency en Friday by telegraph number: Fer the United States, 191, and for Canada, 32, or a total of 220, as compared with 275 last week and 254 the week pre vleus te tbe last. Fer tbe corresponding week of last year the total was 246, made up or 225 failures in the United States aud 20 in Canada, Gunners lu Trouble. Thla morning NeabUelz, of East Hemp field, brought suit before Alderman Me Conomy against Jehn and Jacob Krelder, charging them with trespassing en bis farm while gunning. Mr. Getz baa been greatly annoyed in tbe past few years by tres passers end be la determined te step it, Jehn K. Lelever, ef'Eist Lampeter, has aued Jacob Hartman, of the same township, for trespass and surety of tbe peace. Thcae parties bad a similar treuble last year and Lefever says that when he ordered Hartman en be (Hartman) caught him by fie neck, and ulter choking blm, made tbreala. All of tbe above parties bave given ball for bearings. Death et CMIil. Dera, a six-year-old dauihtcr or Jacob Wolfer, who resides at 223 East Walnut street, died at ber borne this morning at 4 o'clock, of diphtheria. Sbe was a btlgbtand interesting child, and ber parents havothe sympathy of their friends. A Dirty favcineut, Tbe pavement In front of tbe Urapobet6l 1b la a terrible condition at present. It Is full of mud and people must walk In tbe strcet te keep tbelr shoes clean. freperly Wltbdrawn, The property belonging te the estate of the late Jehn Tucker, Nev. 312 and 314 West Orange Street, offered at publle sale laat evening by Auctioneer HelLGDl, was with drawn at (1,570. Ilsptltin at Iteigart's Lnndlng. I'.et. B. W. Ferd, tbe blind evangelist, will baptize eight persons at Relgart's Landing te-morrow. Tbe baptism will net be postponed en account of the weather, A collection will be leken up ter the benefit of tbe Faegley vllle mission. Olevslsnd ler 1891. The Chicago Herald editorially nomi nates Grevor Cleveland for president In ISM. "The triumph of the Republlcaua," the Herald declares, "was accidental, and based en mlalnrorraatlen,aud Its fruits will speedily decay, Grever Cleveland alone among modern Democrats in high place gave his puty aa issue. He alone la en titled te lead tbe host te victory." Ifcld Fer court. Harry Mc Aleer bad a hearing last evec leg before Alderman Spurrier upon a e targe of assault and battery preferred by Geerge Kessler, Ed. Frankford and Allce Flick. He wai held In bail for trial at court. Au atleeilen Wagtr. At 6 o'elock this evening, te settle en eleotlen wager, Jehn Kamm will wheel Harry W. Ackerman from tbe Lancaster Radiator works down North Qaeen street te Centre Htjuare and thence te Aoker man'a home en West King Btreet, Kamm will furnish the refreshments for tbe trip. slack te Lancaster, Jehn and Themas Meekens, wbe went te Les Angeles, California, te work en tbe construction of a cable read seme time age, returned te Lancaster en Friday. A Geed leatltate Number. The Inquirer ltsues an institute supple meat well tilled with special oorrwpoad eorrwpoad oerrwpoad aaaa aald snattav of latastsat ta aaaabaaa. BBesRwsrwf BBSBsrsas) asBBBBSBrsssrsBSBB ess sssssl ewswrwwesj Bases weBBBsssssasjsssayassj FRANKLIN CRISTY DIES. rNBOMONt OAltrtlRS AWAY TUB WKt.t, KNOWN OAKt'BNTBR, Ratlve et Maner Township, Resident or the Moreugn Many Tears, Msmbtr of Use Odd Fellows and a Smooch Democrat. Services In theCborebcsenSOLday. Cei.tt.MniA, Ner. 10, Franklin Orlsty, one of the best known oltlzsnset this place, died this morning at 0 o'clock, at hta bone en Maner atreet abovetourtb, In tbe 64th year of his age. Ha had been confined le bis bed since last Friday evening wltb pneumonia, wbleb was tha eiuae et bla death. The deceased waa born in Pittsburg, Lancaster county, and eame te Colombia wben 25 yeara et age. He was a earptater by trade and waa employed by Jebn B. Baehman slnoe living In town. He waa a member of Orien Ledge, Na 870, of Odd Fellows, and In bla death the ledge lesra one or ila best members. He was always a alaunch Democrat and a worker for bla party. Mr. Crlsty was well liked by all, and the town loses a geed eltlain. A wife and reur children, one aen and three daughters, survive. Tbe funeral arrange ments bave net yet been made. Hely communion In the Mothedlat cbureh en Sunday morning. A sermon te the young In tbe evcnlng. Bubject, "A Wise Cholee." Rev. 0. 11 Betl, or the Cbureh et Ged, will preaeb en Sunday morning en the subject, 'Paster and Church Mutual Property." Evening subject, "Ne More Curse." Rev. E. Ludwlek, of SalemeU, B.ohureb, will preach en Sunday morning en tbe subject, "Dospendenoy Ged's Cure for It," Evening subject, "Jacob at Bethel." Presbyterian ehurch 10:30 a. m., tttbjeet, " Honest Palna and Honest Gains," 7 JO p. in., " The Love of Gcd." Second street Lutheran church 10:30 . m., ' A Biblical Grand Old Man," 7 p. m., "Seme after thought en tbe recent elec tion." A parlor concert waa beld last evening at tbe parlera et Jehn Pendrleb, for tbe bene fit el tbe Prcabyterian church. The concert was largely attended and a great success. The dlllerent numbers en the programme were given In an excellent manner. Pennsylvania Castle, Knlgbts or tbe Mystic Chain, will bold a apeeial meeting this evening at 0 o'clock. Miss Lulu Vacbe left tbla morning for a trip te Philadelphia, P. S. Brugb and family left for a trip te New Yerk this morning. Themas McCannn was sent te Jail for 30 days by Squire Evaus for beltig drunk and disorderly. Joe Retian and Chat. MoCulleugb were wheeled through the streeta laat night by Dan Oliver and Charley Sblltew,as a reault et an election het, A meeting or the supervisors el Saleme U. B. ohureu wna beld last nlgbt and 30 visitors te represent tbelr cbureh were ap pointed. Tbe Metropolitan band fair opened last night and was a tucecas, Jehn Ferdneyand Jehn Silnebadtetake a ride wltb n mnle and a wagon last nlgbt as a tesult or an election bet. Warren Bishop and Jebn Ferbst furnished the musle with a bass and tenor drum. W. II. UAltMDM DSIMU. .V The End of tbe Democratic Rational Cem- mlttte Oliairman la Nlgb. BiunaureitT, Conn., Ner. 10. A tele gram fietn Llme Reck, Conn,, at 0:40 a. m. cays: " Hen William H. Barnutu Is dying and cannot possibly llve until neon," New Uavkn, Conn, Nev. 10 A tele phone Inquiry direct te W. U. Barnum's beuse at Lime Reek at neon showed blm te be In a very critical condition. His death Is expected any moment. The senator ba net been well for mentts past and overtaxed himself during tbe natleual committee's work ler Cleveland during tbe past campaign. He la 70 years old, aud has long been a sufferer from dis ease of tbe kidneys. TULkaitAt'IlIO TArS. Jebn H. Urahau, tbe brakeman en the New Yerk elevated railroad who la said te be mainly responsible for the death of young Mr. liaer, who fell Inte tbe street from Mr, Qrabau'a train en Thursday evening, sur rendered himself this morning and was looked up en a aharge el bomleldo. William Telft, of Tetft, Weller & Ce., one et tbe largest wholesale drygoeds houses of the country, died this morning at bis resi dence In Mew Yerk. U. H. steamer Kearsatgp, Commander Allan D. Brown, left tbe Portsmouth navy yard thla ucen for Pert au 1'rlnce, Hayti, there te prctaet American Interests. Madame lima diMurska, the Hungarian tengstretr, wbe 1 new In atraltened cir cumstances, left New Yerk for Kurepe to day en tbe btcamsblp Klder. Hhe la aald te be dy Inland ber musical friends subscribed te send ber away. Henry Geerge and Mr. Maunders, ex M. P. for Hull, were also passengera en tbe same steamer. Itefuse te f etsrlerSt Losden, Nev. 10. Tbe patriarchs of Constantinople and Athens refuse te Inter fere In tbe matter of King Milan's divorce from Queen Natalie. Tbe Russian synod wllllsHue a mild pretest against tbe un un un oanenlcal nature of tbe deoree, but only In tbe form of a letter te Natalie, net te tbe bead or the Her v Ian church, aa she desired. Anether Victory. Ban Francisce, Nev. 10 Yeiterday the AllAmerlcan base ball club defeated t'ie champion Htockten loam. Score 10 te 1. Will Iteslgu. Washington, Nev. 10. It Is aald tbat tbe celebrated Merrlt A. Themas, of Balti more, baa resigned, or la about te resign, bla position as Indian Inspector for tbe pfH lllTafr AeJ8R9Gt r Interior department, Appealtd, KniNiiuitaif, Nev. 10. Tbe Vimca baa appealed from tbe decision of Judge Kin near, In which he allowed proof of Jurlsdlo Jurlsdle Jurlsdlo tlen In the case or Parnell va. Times, Pend ing the deoletea en JBe appeal, proeeduro tianirsi Tnrtaa yiaaasar ta -- , SB'aaTRF, W W BeBrSa? waaaBBBjBSSSWjwsBSB asa awejeji sj g wj spa NEXT PBMrtsmV: OIA LKOtsLATURE. rr BRNATK, nit l u II Smith, K S-Wllllsm UeAlner.n S Charles It nevltn, D a J J Mnerarlane. Il 6 -Jehn m Key burn, r ft Heles Penrose, H 7 Jehn a Orndv, U a-llenry BTnvler, K 0 Themas V Cooper It 10 Ueerge Kees, U 1111. U. Ureen, D H-Henry K Brown II IS Ames It Mylln It 14 Jehn MStcaman,lt Ita. r Thompson, l: 10-al a Ilonmnaer, 1) out, 1 A Lines, R rr-" sniu ft D Hates, It s-Otrad O llrewp, D .it-l.uttir It Ktrftir, K O-HU rtrtsen. 11 tl -.turn's v Weeds, R -'tn a Martin, II it-wmc.K wiiilam'nU M w w u, tt. I) tt-Jehn Leuinn, R n W B Alexander, K i7-UVYHoe1.K H-.l If Wllr,n, D tq-Kdtt leliblna. R I0-T it KohnMlerlr, D lt-,1 ilM,0mHfr.U IJ-.tnmn a Itiitin. R I? .i " e uoein, it IR-Jacob Dacbfedt It 41 li.bh llnrnriiiin. It l-A,JHatJan,K SO-I, A Watrrs. It II .t u Sewmyer, 11 il-Wlltlara II Illncs.I) n-DBniiDie nie-i, it t1-J uUnLaln.lt. I7-Tt0j at Me hud, B 14-nuAIIen.lt 19 -n li Memnirv. R mi it putiii u B r K Kewoll. R S4 Vcrusll Meicxer.U go -noiace n raeaer, n 50-11 W iJclnuuter, B Hctmbllains. re: Demount. II. I list fien- ate. ftennbtieana. SO l Ilcmrertta. 14, l bem lu even unmberea dtstt If is held ever. HOUSB Of RKPRKSKKTATIVKP. ADAMS. Fran ets Cele, D Jehn J Hrnwn, D ALLaananr. 1 0 W Motnnsen, R (Jnnirn Hhlna. It t-iWKiKca. Jehn It llrewti it Wm I' Merilsnn.n lArKVWAHKA, I J f Hdtr. u :-m r Hnd. u 1-Jatnns I. Graham. It ij j amr-KPT, it l-MK M Donald, D Li'iinna. wmTMarsb4ll.il S-Mlchael 11 Lemen, It Jamea r ltlchards,U 4 -James Vulgar, 11 O-Hs.m'1 L LsfTertr. n Thes.t. Cbaltant.lt David It Weaver. K Alfred Mariana, II ft Dsvla U Jnnri. U O J Blegmaler, D 1-K ACnrav.lr. It i-W M Williams, It i .inmcn immune, u - Jehn W Neary, U r w uiurrey. i LTcaumfi. J Jebn W Nestiet.lt OeeTROU Weed, T Walter K Hitter, I Jehn OatTev, D 7 W II ItonulleuBb, IS Wm it White, 11 i-B. k. Stewart, U AKxaTaore. A J KIllelU 11 SllUoebtan.U Bsivrn. M'KBAX. JehnTUrimth, It Wm llurdlck, it IfftSCKR. J 8 rrnlt. It Hartferd l itrewn.U Henry llsjl. K L 11 Bpelr, It Mirrttif. W f Slcvnnien, D atOMRUB. MtJLesb, 11 sroaTerm. I0DU i.inve, u 'wvnvniin. N C KVIM1S, H W S Mullen, U nanss 1-Allen H neck, 1) M DBllsaluier. D I V ITetra, II J Jebn K I'autach, It KORiaOMBRV. Austin I. Tairc&rt. It rt a AiuRmm, u V W KutE. I num. A 1' MnUenalO, It U b W.Jenm. U anaDreRu. Milten OLoewIs, II Jelm K raulkmr. II 1 A Shoemaker, II Ubarlei Moere, 11 DTvsen Kratz. H X W ilenn, II RORTIIAMTOV. WllllamBcb.it, U William Themas, D lllchard Chapman, D LaUyotte J Cutver, B KORTnOMBRRLANI r M Ktllmer. IL n K lllndoneck. II Aneustns Wlllett, D ItTKckert.D T uueuuins, ii, nUTLR 11 train Itmrm. IL rBXAT. William It HwartK,II. rniLiDiLrmi Jeaeph Themas, Jr., It 1 HH Mnlii l. li CAMBRIA. Jehn B atbey, D J no MHesr, U CA1IBSOK J O Jehnsen, It CARBON. K M Mullif urn, 11 OSJITSK. W If Allisen, it J linrouen lielt, 1) CUKSTBR. l.ewts 11 hvaus, It. Jet.n W Hickman, It D HmlthTalbtt.it W W Atnuennel), II CLARION, A W bit Hey, U U llrlnker, I) OtBARTIXLO V W Wober. U Jehn fur' ell, It CLIVTOM. J Kficbmrtr, i ceLuuntA. WrnKrleHjAUin.D J T Fex. D QKAWrOBD. WH Andrews, Jt II Wallaoe Drewn, It A A roller. It mHttnLiHD eamuHBtilen, u I .iimiBi ii iiu., it. n 3 J 11 Loe, I) I Jehn t'onrhtie. D 1 llruee Lrn.t. It U Jeshua Itu.sell, 11 l iiimry n iuver,u 8 -lehn M roett, II ii 1 u tleklus, R lurrutiR at jiitier, u AH notions, It lift AQitigley. n finituti) iir, I) is J J Ml.ll n v, it II Wlll'tt'ii SI Kill! R ISJamui W "aik.lt 11103. 1'n'.tcnien, U Id W m r Bli.wurt, it ITJrhnll V.iwD H ii Aiycrs, H J A Knnl-, It Itr Kn'sl.t. It U'.V II Kusur, II J II Jtull)-I, It vi u r..... ... VI T . W 1,111 p, , 21 W H IWO'l,lt .1 l(ert..lniiei. R 24" V -ihlirui. It W llnnuli.Jr.il 2 J it K'obniend, It J M 2llllll.ll. It Hainutl at Wheiry, 1 josse r Aieaier, u DAuruiN. 1 Win K llariKis, It 2-11X iilcklnien.lt David Alleyr, It Valentine lAnker.It DBLAWana Jcaae M linker, 11 Isaac V Uirrelt, U. Ward tt IS! iss, It sue, A A Clay. D W 11 trncklnger, It BRtB. J it Whttuy, it J 11 Huntley. U VAVBTTX. UiNernn Melt. It 21 It 1' C't.niinll, It ii u n urRTiien, fill rietrhar.lt MRU Dlnuee, I H rr in i none, u rixa l.sfiyotte Kowland, tt rerraa. Ueerge W lieffgc, U nnTiisil ABlInlMch, It RCUDTLKILt, t W Jenes. It K Danehue, II SOW lirewer, U l a, uavi", a SOXKRSIT VeahB Mlller.lt Ueorge W Campbell, It James I) HihU.H ruREST. O A. Kendall, U. rKAKKLIX. WmCKnips.lt Cyrus X Keercr, U rvirev. Ueerge w Bklnner, I) a RISKS. Jebn Illulr. D uutrrmoneN. Willi Mtoveus, It 1 Lytle, ll IBtllAHA, B K Allen, K W L Heed, U JBrrxtsea-. r AWmver, H JUKIATA. W HeruiBr, B LABOASTBR 1-W W Franklin, It 2-A C Baldwin, It StUtatchell, It 3-11 C Kaurruian, II Uue II Banc , tt W SBmlth.lt LSBABOH, T U Cep p. tt ua Walter, I) LXHIOII. M II Harwick, 1) Ddvta it Koper, 1) llcury C Wagner, 1) KUJ.LITAH W W WlVldl-ll, tt KUfQCUAKA W K aiuxnv. It DUlilinAii.lt TIOOA Oeorrfe 'I'Uinylt laaaesqiiin. u UltlUH ilfrellisy.-. R VShASOO. n f Merrow 4 r W Uaye, U WAKIiXK OClh;npiin II VTABUirOrOH fames - ntncklnr, tt I K llllllnirslef. U J 11 Denull-nn, tt WATRS 1 S Hasur. It J K Woeamanaen, tt WBSTXOBBLAHU n 1 Hl.cmuern. u J U rniht, tt . ii sact n tney, a U McUermicK, It WTbMlVO I Whitney, it Yebk t O D Hene, D I I.Hilillt.i, I) HJ MoKiunei-, D II W llulues, D Demecriiti, CI. Last nit Dtuiccrjits, (5 1 iteptitSllcans, 117 1 Hou.e ; ltrpubllcuns, Ureenbacker. s. NO HlOX'i IN IlALEtaU, An OUlclal Denial Tbat Political Disturb ances et adj Hind Toek I'lace. At a meeting beld en Friday night by tbe beard of aldermen et Raleigh, N. C, at which were present members of both po litical partlea and both races, a preamble aud resolutions were adopted denying as absolutely untrue and grossly slanderous statements made In ;a dispatch dated Raleigh and published In New Yerk en the 0th instant, alleging tbat political disturb ances and riots existed thereon tbe day be fore eleotlen, tbat negreea and Republl caua bad been wounded, and tbat threats et Interfering with a fair election uau been made. The resolutions declare tbat net the slightest foundation existed for the state ment made, and tbat net a single arrest bad been made In the city during the campaign for violation of tbe laws or for disorders growing out et political differences, and tbat tbe city en election day was unusually quiet and orderly. Tbe resolutions were adaptsd en motion of Alderman James U. Jehns, a prominent colored Republican ,who was seconded by Alderman James II. Harris, an Influential colored man, and one et the meat distin guished colored oratera of tbe fcjeuth. Ornithologists te Meet. Waskinoten, Nev. 10. Tbe sixth, annual meeting of the American Ornltbo Ornltbe Ornltbo leglata' union will be held lit tbe leeture ball of the National moaeum en Tues day, Wednesday and Thursday next The Ornithologist' union la composed et the leading ornithologists of America, and Its honorary members embrace tbe i.smea of tbe meat distinguished men In ibat branch of science. Tbere are tbree hundred cer responding inembera of tbe union, and tbey are scattered in all parts cf tbe world. Tbe sessions or next wttk'a meeting will be beld dally at lle'cltik. Dr. and Mrs. Elliett Coues bave Issued luvltallena te a reception te be gU en te the delegates Fri day evening. ratally Shet by a Desperado. Ouicaoe, Nev. 10. A special from Martlnsburg, W. Vs., siys: Lut evening a prominent merchant named Geerge Sanders wasshoutingferHarrlsou.whenadesperado named Allen rode up te Mr. Sanders and shot him In the breast, remarking: "Tbat'a what all black Hepublleans deserve." Tbe wound la fatal. Citizens atarted In pursuit U Allen, but bete aUU at large, AUolaseta w tetViiaBt a MX wiwfti FIVE ON JOINT BAUXtei ' !' raw LEaisE.AiORB or wbbt tii IS DBMO0RB.TI0. Jf'i . J Senater Kenna Ssnits the Mews ta ' lea The fenngest Man In tha WH OeBgreas Likely te be tbe Tesaaf- st in the Flfly'. first. it s WAHttiNOTey, Ner. la Senater says in a private telegram received I day that the legislature et West VI will have five Pern ocratle majority i ballet, ". Last evening the election of Th Democrat, for governor waa Clair , 750. Democrats tben conceded the : latttre te the Republicans byv- majority. The senate la tweRepu majority and the Heuse one Din Atkinson, Republican, In the Flrvt. i Smith, Republican, In tba FeurtaV'l eteetea Dy toss than loe, tmi end and Tblrd districts wer7; IB doubt. In each the majority tltt will be less than 100, Tba Repat elalm tbe state, all four oengreeemesi, .1.. !... I-... . M . t-.& I ..-& i, sua icgiiuic ujr utb ua joint Dsuteft r Complete Metarns Frem Illtaele.- Chicaoe, Nev. 10. Complete rati from the stale show tbat General Hank plurality ever Clevelaud ta 21,134 ; and I Governer-elect " Filer has a plurality; . n,V3t ever rainier. ,,.( The Illinois legislature will aland : I1 Senate Republicans 25; Demccrala.l union liBDer i, in tue Heuse i cans 182 ; Demccrats 71. RerublleaSKi Jerlty en Joint ballet, 30. .f JbeMBJerny In Virginia. Richmond, V, Nev. 10. The mend Diinateh, tbe leading De parer here, prints a (able et eleotlea I from all parte et tbe slat showing , land's major Ity te be 1,365, Furtber returnaand correction, it is aald, mayi the ugurea, dui net materially, , w5- Ireiueets of the Cotten Crj--. ' Wabhinoten.Nov. 10. The a' of agrlenlture reports a geed i ten picking, daring October, In f JOl west, ana only, meaeraie.y --7 weather In the Atlantic coast ststi wet weather or September proved vs Jitrleus tequsllty, prostrating plaatatx retting Dene, causing blight and she and Inlurlnsr nrcanecta of tha Inn's There ta much atalced flbre,snd tba qa la much poorer than tbat et the pre? year. Pick lug was late In oemmenolng,;! tnere nas as yet ueen no ktumg rreaf.i derlng possible a partial compensation rat lengtb of season. ' Indloatlensof yield per acre averaga same as last year at tbla time, ta tbe previous condition or tbe plant I warrants the expectation of se mnekJ growth and harvest outcome In het und Dceamber. 4 ,s Tbe statea weat or tne Htcaiaaipni a slightly larger yield than laat year, i Georgia, Alsbema and Tennetacelndli slight icductlen. Other states la nearly tbe same Indication attbUdatf,- A. .. . v'- i nnnawn uunnsna vasiTfe, u' ? The Defeat Caused by MltrsprtseatalieaVI tbe Democratic Pealilen. f.; WAsniNUTON, Nev. 10 Senater man whlle lu Washington yesterday Interviewed en the results of theeamr Tbe contest," said be, "waa fought i unen the line et polley laid down by ' prealdent In his message and by tba aetsflf.'f Ol tne xeiuuurdwu luejuriijr iu ws XAUweBBj Tbe tariff Issue was ever pretent threagkOBf : the eampalgB.and It seems as though the K4 publicans bave made the country bellstt ': that we were committed te free trade, and Hi -i people pronounced against It, Our poelteaja rr eressly mlirepretented, aa our part': baa net at any time declared for free Ua4y atlen, but tbe catch-words of tbe cmavessM were alt against us. We bave gene dewmj In m contest entirely free from perseatalWjj ties, a fact upon which tbe country is MM ' censratuUted." i- Concerning Chairman Brlce, tbe aald : Fer tbe tlrst two months et campaign, most orals time wta oeniua In trying te Induee aotive and lnflnesi DomecraU te forget their dlMppemtasaji and enter heartily Inte tbe oentett, aenal grte vaneea were very hard te orereossw In aeme Instances, and It waa a aima matter te arouse some of the most Tain party workers. By the tlme Uieae;fa.i Indices were supposed te de overcoats, Brlce had but tbree weeks te deveta te nnnnafttnn." She Was Duped. 1;V '? Wabhinoten, Net. 10. Mlsi Kim Smith, who la employed In one et tbe de-, partmenl, uaa Marien u, newmae ,ac rested last nlgbt en a charge or ebUlnlfAf money under false pretenses. Newmast,; H la alleged.came te this elty little mere tba , month age andsdvertlsedforeorieepondeaat , with a lady with a view te matrimetty. Miss Smith answered tbe advertiaemele, aud tba two, It la claimed, were engaged Is) k. m.wlwi TiTAwman. an It ta aald ' ue m..... -,. --? -; -7 - s obtained f DO from tbe laay, ana alter was , .tiomnteri Mlti Mmlth nlatmsL te break that? aktvt.j'- , .-- -...- , --jj engagement, au guuxiiiubuue wi iu hv bad blm arrestea. miss nmitn m goeu-y-looking, and seema te be an IntelllgeaU j woman. Newman Is. a bandaeme m,V about 30 vests of age. HeUlks wu. Is evidently a man of odccatlen. He claims," te coma ncin uauicmia. j,ht Heavy Damage by Floods, t t UUbUUilUOj AUU. -.W- W .V-. -w. - y In this section have cauaeaanovejuowsjs .. .. . , ..aa. sMAii .yi the White river, woieu is uuiuiw "",-,iVi age by washing away thousands of DtiMOtenj Ol new corn luoaiieu iu uuiwm .m -j, HKYMeun. Ind.. Nev. la-ItbAaralskstja hnr Bteadllv for ferty-eJgbt hours. WbM mi Mnacatitiek rivers have overflow tbelr banks and tbe low-lying landa Mv! inundated. Mueb llve stock has betm awef4 . away and drowned, thousands of brjsbeiis . of oern nave neon test ana .uuniiasi , mere are euusugeicu. x uia uuuut -,. t-i tlnue another day tbe damage will be It7 kf. larire. ? ,1 Ur"- Offer a free Farden. r -.T ti ui. nK..lii. TPartia. V LUKUUi A1UT. iW. Jl u.m ,,, .-a . .' -. ... xr..nnnll.n rUn.A oemmiasiouer ui iue jjieiu4Arf,i t-?:".!! has offered a froe pardon te the socempuesi, Allhan.iit,laTapnrihA lest vlQtlDS Of law) ' East Knd, who will give information tJi leg te the capture of tbe fiend. Later rjj formation abewa that themnraerea wcsse n.,i. nrl.lmarlck. WhOBUBMtM, SO f in.,., k.re hn married a collier, WBO-- was killed In aa explosion, a.w swaths ITSIVtl nuw- . . .. w- -- husband's death she came te Xionaea. . an.... T.rrlhlA tnd. 4&S jl iBItasce m -- str-VKBTON, OeL, Nev. la-Late Ufl evening the body et Fred Gret was foueaV , Oa Monday be was blasting at tba Nertav , at.r mine, en Salomen mountain, easti! .i.rwi anewallde whleh bete hle ' and hurled him ever a high preet n-hA mn la verv btavy en tbe mcuu end the mine has been abaadended (or. winter. V . h WBATUEH IMUIUANUKa, ' sbbs- Wabhinoten, d. C, Nev. 0.Jtm Kastern Peensylvia t Kaw aWHaiv day, fair Sunday J mwakt oeWerj woof weof woef arly wbsdJrtswpemuWattlatt fasMl .UjC-- i, . V