Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, November 09, 1888, Image 1

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i"" M
Vr. U. A. MeCermlck SIMM rresldeat,
Tbemes r. MeElllgett Beetetaty, William
O. Marshall TreatBrer, aad Jehn H,
Lencki amiuw-fli Ceaemlltate
An adjourned maellaitef lb oheol beard
waa held en Thursday evening lnoemmon
oeunoll obareber.wllh tbe members preeeaf,
Meeara. Breneman, Belanlua, Brealua,
Brown, Ooebran, Darmatetter, Kbermae,
Rrliman, Kvans, Urleet, Hartman,Hegar,
Kants, Levcrgoed, Ltehty, Llppeld, Mar
thill, MeCermlck, MoElllgett, MeKUllpa.
Ocht, Owens, Fonts, Raub, Reyneld:
Bohreyer, Shirk, Blanflar, While, Wlekar
him, WebUen and Wolf.
Mr. McCemaey waaalae pratent, bntwaa
pilred with Mr. Warfel, who waa abaant.
Mr. ScbBaderand McDlvltt wereabeent
A motion waa made and adopted te ballet
for prctldent, and the mult waa 10 votes
for Or. MtCeimlck and 10 (or Dr. J. P.
Wickerabam. A acoend ballet rcanltad tba
ume way, and Mr. Brealua moved (bat a
reeeaa of five mlnntea be taken for cenaulla
In auppert el thla motion Mr. Brealua
aald it there la no organization of the beard
In a reasonable time, all the membara of the
beard will aland convicted et greea neglect
of pnblle duly, and the aupreme court In a
recent cue removed a beard el dlrectera
for falling le organize and In their opinion
aald : " Members wbe care mere for pride
of opinion than the pnblle Interest are net
fit te discharge public cilice." Thla beard
la In that altnatlen te-night, and a solution
one way or the ether must aoen be found.
If we leave thla hall te-night without dla
charging the duty for which we- aaaembled,
organization, any citizen may Invoke the
power of the court te remove all the present
membera and appoint ethers that will de
their duty.
One aide of the beard baa nominated for
the presidency a young man of merit, worth
and aspiration, the ether aide a man of age,
experience and dlatlnotlen, One party or
the ether must de the heroic act, and the
question 1, shall the party sustain youth,
merit and ambition or age, experience and
dlatlnotlen ? Te allow the respective pari lee
time te reflect en tbe matter In dispute be
moved that a receaa be taken.
The Republican numbers adjourned te
aelect council chamber and In five mlnntea
Mr. Brealua moved te proceed te a ballet
for president and the motion waa adopted.
the dkadlece; broken.
The roll was called and each man preaent
recorded his vote In favor et Dr. McCor McCer
mlck for chairman, and be waa deelared
elected by a unanimous vote.
Dr. Levergood moved that Mr. Marshall
be elected treasurer by acclamation and
the motion waa adopted,
Mr. Cochran moved that Mr. McKlllgelt
be elected secretary by acclamation and
the motion waa adopted.
Mr. Eberman moved that Jehn H.
Iieuckabe eleeted messenger by acclama
tion and the motion waa adopted.
The c nicer s elected returned thanks for
the honor conferred and all pledged them
selves te a faithful discharge of the dutlea
of tbelr respective offices.
The roll was new called and tblrty-tbtee
members anawered te their names.
Mr. Evans nominated Jehn Heg, Jr., aa
the oelleotor of delinquent taxes and he
waa elected by a unanimous vote.
Mr. .Evans presented the bend of Mr.
Hegeln the sum of f 10,000, with Jehn
Hege, ar., Jehn Pnsterer and Pater Zelsert
a sureties. The bend was approved.
Following la the report of the elty super
intendent for the month of October :
Lancaster, Pa., Nev. 1, 1883,
Te the Beard of Scheel Dlretteri :
Gentlemen : Your city superintendent
aubmlta the following report el the pnblle
schools for the month of October :
Tbe whole number of pupils enrolled waa
286 In the high school., 414 In the grammar,
673 In the secondary, GO In the ungraded,
972 In the Intermediate and 1,434 In the
primary, making the total 3,889. The
night schools enrolled 203, making the
grand total 4,097.
The average attendance waa 274 In the
blgh aoheolB, 387 In the grammar, C64 In
the aeoendary, 12 In the ungraded, 850 in
tbe Intermediate and 1,291 In the primary,
making a total of 3,448, and adding 147
from tbe night schools, the grand total waa
The number never absent waa 1,871, the
average percentage was 90, tbe number of
teaebera who attended the meetings waa 72.
Tbe following were absent : J. O. Gable,
Mlaa M. E, Btabl, Mlaa Daisy Smallng,
The number et vlslta made by tbe elty
superintendent waa 143 ; these made by tbe
dlreoteta were 110, aa fellows : Jehn I.
Hartman 31 ; J. 15. Warfel 20, Jehn Mo Me
Killipa IS, Jehn Oehs 13, Ohas. Llppeld 8,
Wm. MoOemaoy 7, S. F. Krlsman 4, H. R.
Brenemae, W. S. Shirk, Jacob Pentz and
Henry Wolf 3, Dr. R. M. Belenlua 2, Dr.
M. W. Rsub 1.
The two primary aoheols In the Walnut
street building and one of the primaries In
the James street bulldlpg should be sup-
Elled wltb Appleten'a reading charts,
elng newly organized tbeybave net yet
been supplied and are therefore at a disad
vantage as compared wltb ether acboela of
the aame grade.
Very respect! ally, your obedient servant,
R. K. Bus II RLE.
Mr. Eberman moved that tbe reoaaimenda reeaaimenda reoaaimenda
tlen in the report be referred te the commit
tee en furniture and apraratus,and that the
committee have authority te purchase the
ebarta required. The motion was adopted.
Mr. Hegener aald tbe elty superintendent
bad failed te report tbe namea of non-real-dent
pupils, whose parents had net paid the
tuition required by tbe rules, and be moved
that the secretary be directed te request tbe
auperintendent te furnish tbe Hat at the
next meetiDg of the Loud. The motion waa
Prealdent McCermlck announced the fel.
lowing aa the standing committee ler the
Superintending cemmittee: Wm. Mo Me Mo
Oemsey, chairman ; Jehn B. Warfel, Dr.
Jehn Levergood, J. P. Wlckeraham, J, A
MeDevltt. , ,....
Finance committee; Rebert A, Evans,
chairman ; B, K. Llchty, O. Edw. Hege
ner. Committee en bulldlega and grounds :
Jehn L Hartman, ebairman ; Jehn MoKtl MeKtl
llps, Samuel K. Erlaman, Themas B. Coon Ceon Coen
ran, Henry Wolf. .
Judielary committee : J. Hay Brown,
chairman ; M. Brcalui, Themas B. Coch
ran. Committee ou text books and course
of instruction : Dr. R. M. Bolenles,
ebairman ; Gee. N. Reynolds, S. J. Owens,
W. W. Grlest, Char. F. Eberman.
Committee en furniture and apparatus:
Jaoeb Pentz, chairman; Jacob F. Kautz,
Wm. WeUlsen.
Committee en aeiaier.' erpnane ana neme
for friendless children: Geerge Darmstetier,
chairman ; H. R. Breneman, R. K. Bchnader.
Committee en night schoels: Jehn O.-ba,
chairman; W. B. Shirk, Charles Llppeld,
H. A. Bohreyer, Wm. D. Stauffer.
Committee en hygiene: Dr. M. W. Raub,
chairman; Wm. D. Btaufler, Chsrlea J.
White. iti .
Visiting committees for November,
December and January: Northeast division,
Gee. N. Reynolds, chairman; Wm. B.
Bblrk, Jaoeb F. Kau z.
Beutbeaat divisien: W. W. Or lest, chair
man; Jaoeb Penlz, R. K- Bchnader.
Southwest division ; H. R. Breneman,
chairman, B. J, Owens, Henry Wolf.
Nortawetdivteloo,a. Xdward Hageuer,
ataUraua, Ctwlea Jt Walla, Otwle Up.
Tba PresMeatlal ElecUen.
rrem tht Baltimore tun.
Aeeasalag that tba contest for the pre sl
deacy baa been concluded by tba election
of Mr. Harrison, K la in order bow for our
people te dlautlaa politics from their minds,
tefatfeerwltk tbe excitement and eense et
dlaappeintmeat wltb which ae naexpeeted
a result la naturally reealvad. Might-have
beeaa are crevarbUll uncrettabie anb-
I JeoUeloontaaapUtloB. Tba batter way la
te accept aa aoeompiianaa laet wiia goea
raoe and turn te accustomed avoeatlona.
Four yearabenea there will be aa oppor
tunity for tbe defeated patty te reverae tbe
result of Tueaday'a voting, and in view of
tba Impracticability and unwladem of
tba policy te which tba Republican
party la oeaamttted, tba opportunity prom prem
liea te be an emtnlntly favorable one. Bad
eoeaoasio ends, bad metheda and bad lead
erablp are aim eat aura within four ycara te
produce a multitude of party blunder,
unpepnlsrlty and consequent disaster.
Meanwhile It la tha duty of tbe citizen
te entertain tbe beat petalbla wishes for tbe
prosperity of tbe country nnder tbe govern
ment It baa, and te tee bla beat endeavors
te promote that dealrableend. At tbe aame
time ba may find It Instructive te atoer ateer
tala and eatlmate at their true value tbe
faotera of Mr. Harrlsen'a vlotery. Among
tba varieua eauae efcMr. Cleveland'a deleat
tbe meat prominent and potent, perhaps,
waa tbe enormeua and unprecedented cam
palgn fund at Mr. Quay'a disposal. Wltb
thla Mr. Quay brought tbe organlzttlen of
bla party te a atata of tbe utmost perfection
In tbe doubtful states, making gains for bla
candidate where be waa already streng.and
detaching vetea from Mr. Cleveland In
lecalltlea where bla candidate waa weak.
Meney la a factor lu politics aaln ether
human s flairs, and a great deal of It may be
counted upon te produee a great effcet.
Intimidation of empleyes In several et tbe
Northern atatea by peiaena Intereated In
tbe retention of tbe existing scale
et tariff taxes also, It may be
supposed, played a part. Manufacturer,
under tbe Impreailen that a 7 per cent
rednotlen of the tariff means fne trade, and
that free trade means ruin, would very
naturally try te exert, directly or Indirectly,
a considerable pressure unen tbelr work
men. Many of tbe latter bad, no doubt, i
Been reaenca ny ine lariu literature scat
tered through tbe country by the Deme
cratle managera and aeme bad been con
vinced. Tbla la evidenced by the large
vote received by Mr. Cleveland In Con
necticut, New Jersey and ether states where
manufacturing oenetltutea tbe chief em
ployment and interest et the people. But
intimidation cannot be met and over
come by argument. Timid voters will
cast their ballets as dtrceled, when
tbeyaee that tbe failure te de ae will be
followed by less of work. Beth of the
causes here mentioned operated largely
In New Yerk, the pivotal state. They were
greatly assisted, however, by the faotlen
tights and petty interests or tbe New Yerk
elty Democracy. It la net imprcbible tint
Mr. Cleveland would bave received in New
Yerk city a majority sufficient te overcome
tbe Republican majority In the atate out
side the city bad the elty Democrats been
united. They wenld bave been united,
perbapa, but for tbe obstinacy et Mr.
Hewitt, wbe insisted upon being a candi
date for tbe mayoralty. HIa nomination,
thereupon, by the County Democrats made
the opportunity for trading which tbe Re
publican managera desired, and Erbardt
was nominated as tbe Republican candi
date for mayor, Tbua tbe battle wasjelned,
and It la plain en tbe face of tbe retnrna
that Mr, Cleveland was sacrificed te
meet tbe exigencies of tbe rival Democratic
candlda'es for the mayoralty. Grant, the
Tammany candidate, waa tbe victor. It la
te be noted that In thla case, as In the case
of Governer Hill, vlotery fell te tbe oppo
nent of tbe doetrlne that "te tbe victors
belong the spoils. " Tbe defeat of
Mr, C.'eveland, tbe eblef exponent el
tbe doetrlne of clvll-aervlee reform,
will be regarded in many quarters aa
a further demonstration tbat tbe American
people have net yet accepted the bread
principles underlying that reform. It la
difficult te account ter tbe oenourrent suo sue suo
eesa of Grant and Hill and tbe defeat of
Cleveland otherwise than upon tbe theory
tbat In tbe rough-and-tumble combats of
our political life tbe spoils are
looked upon as the legitimate
and proper reward of tbe victor. Aa
respects tbe bearing of tbe result upon tariff
reform, It la te be observed tbat it may de
lay but cannot prevent It. The people may
net understand their relation te the ques
tion fully yet, but tbe educational process
inaugurated during tbe campaign will con
tinue, and tbe end can be foreseen. Lew
taxea Is tee practical a proposal te remain
permanently unaccepted. It la hardly te
be aaaerted that the subject was fairly pre
aented by tbe defenders of the exlatlng sys
tem during the campaign, and It la clear
that Mr. Quay's metheda tend te tbe per per
veraien el the real verdict of the people.
Tbe division et tbe membership of the
Heuse in tbe Fifty-first Congress between
tbe two great partiea abew tbat at present
the sixty-five millions et tbe American peo
ple are almeat equally divided en the sub
Uevaraar Hill en tbe Itnulr.
Governer Hill, In response te a serenade
In Albany en Tburaday evening, in tbe
oeurae of bla speech, said : "Oar euccess in
tbe gubernatorial contest la marred by tbe
ahadew of national disaster. In common
wltb every true Democrat, X greatly re
gret tbe defeat of Prealdent Cleve
land in tbe state and in tbe nation.
He deserved better at the banda et
tbe people of thla country. Heneat,
brave and courageous, he gallantly led
bla party In tbe great centeat for tariff
reform, and sutlers defeat owing te falae
clamor, unjust prejudices, unfair represen
tations and the glgantle and combined ef
fort of all tbe monopolists of the country.
He did hla duty, aa he understood 1', re
gardless of personal or political considers
liens, and he abeuld have been auatalned
by the taxpayers, consumers and maesea of
the people, whose true Interesta he desired
te subserve, and whose rights be unselfishly
endeavored te malnta'n.
it la net new necessary or profllable te
Inquire whether tbe Issue wblchhe ae bold
ly made might net mero wiaely have been
earlier presented or postponed te a later
period. It Is sufficient le say aaa trusted
leader el tbe Democratic party, after a full
consideration of tbe whole subject, be
deemed tbat the beat and trueat interesta of
tbe country required that tbe issue should
be made at tbla crista and wltb tbat patriolle
and deliberate conclusion when once
reached there abeuld bave been prompt
acqulesen de. The principle et tariff reform
baa only met wltb temporary deteat;soener
or later it will ultimately triumph in this
country. President Cleveland and tbe
Democratic pirty were right, and deserved
te succeed. The argument waa with us,
and two weeks' longer discussion would
bave given na tbe victory."
Krsncl. O. Balsy was MarcbUen."
The exeltement created by tbe Bsckvlllo Bsckvllle
West letter and the effect It may have had
en tbe recent political campaign deterred
tbe writer et tbe Mnroblsen letter, te which
Lord Sickvllle replied, from making blm
aelf known. New that the electlea Is ever
be baa withdrawn the veil of aecreey.
Murcblsen la Francla G. Haley, a farmer,
realding two mllea from Pomona. He is a
native of New Yerk, of Irish deseent, and
baa a very nice little family. He told me
tbat be wanted te get at tbe bottom faeta aa
te tbe real wishes of tbe British government
"I wrote tbe letter te Minister West," said
be, 'entirely et my own volition, and
though I expected a reply, I should net
have been disappointed It none eame. I
held tbe letter neatly three weeka alter It
came before 1 showed it te any one. 1 waa
In collusion with no one, ana naa no iaea
that the correspondence would have any
political effect."
In conversation respecting himself, Mr.
Haley said be came te Pomona from Ohie
between four and five yeara age.
His neighbors all give blm tee reputation
of an honest, fair dealing man.
II Is Kacereilcg.
Jehn Kllllnger, the young man who waa
atabbed and badly Injured by bla Infuriated
mother, aeme mentha age, is receveilng
rapidly, He is new able te be about en
erutcbas, and ea eleetlea day managed te
ajateataad east bla Orat vole, wMek wm
Testlmeay et Kz ait Mtchaatc aud Emptor
el Beth Ita Vbemtcil and Bltetrle Light
Wetkr Hlcbtel Klaea Olaa rrem
th Injuries B Baatalnad.
Mlebael Klann, one et the men injured
in tbe boiler exploaien at the Lancaater
ehemlcal company 'a works, died at bla
residence, 323 North street, at 0 o'clock tbla
morning. An examination made by the
physicians showed that be waa badly
scalded and bruised, two rib were broken
and he waa hurt Internally. Deceased waa
64 years old and leavea a wife and five
Corener Henaman waa notified et the
death and be empanelled aaa Jury the aame
men be had aumtnened te lnveatlgate tbe
eauae of tbe death of Jehn ReldeL, Tbe
Jurera are Adam R. Barr, Jacob H. Nor Ner Nor
beek, Martin Krelder, G. A. Trlpple, B. F.
Haatlsga and Eugene Bauer. Alter view
ing the body of Klann they adjourned te
the orphans' court room te bear testimony.
The first wltneta called waa Charles F.
Miller, and hla testimony waa aa fellcrra:
" I am the president and manager of tbe
Lancaater Chemical company ; JebnReldel
baa been in my employ for eight yeara ;
Klann worked for ua about a year ; tbe men
at tbe works were adding tbe last piece te
the new engine when tbe accldeut occurred;
Roldel waa ordered te go te the wheel te
turn It ever and the men wbe were carry
ing the piece of the engine laid It down
while tbey leited ; Reidel turned the wheel
ever, I was at tbe cress bead, Frank Abel
was at the crtfnk pin and the rest
of the men were at the wheel turning
1' ever te ascertain .where tbe lest
motion was, wben tbe exploaien oc
curred ,at 15 or 20 minutes alter 5 o'clock ;
there waa usually 76 pounds et steam car
ried; tbe boilers registered SO pounds and
the engine 75 pounds; an Inspector of tbe
Hsrtferd Insurance oempanyset tbe gaugea
at 80 pounds; from 60 te 80 pounds of steam
waa carried, according te the work done;
about six weeks age from 86 te 90 pounds
were carried and thou an inspeo inspee inspeo
ter came from Philadelphia at our
solicitation; be thought tbe pressure
tee great and reduced It te 76 peunda ; we
then ordered another boiler. Before tbe
exploaien steam blewed off, which would
Indicate tbat net mere than 80 pounds waa
The boilers made were the beat we could
gel ; two were put In en August, 18S7,
one last May aud the fourth six
weeks age ; none or the men em
ployed at tbe works ever suggested
tbat we were carrying tee much preaaure.
1 went te Mr. Bpencer, et tbe oetton mill,
in reference te the amount et steam carried
and he said : "They usually bave 76
pounds;' the safety valvea were set te
blew off at 80 pounds ; there waa no partic
ular reaaen te get the men'a lives insured ;
It was done six months age and before we
began furnishing power te the electrle
light company ; our policy of
Insurance reada that every man Injured la
insured; we are consuming coal durt and
tan, aa a substitute fcr coal, and are obliged
te bave het event; the ateam with thla fuel
runs up rapidly and coela off auddenly;
an Inspector was here yeaterday and ex.
amlned tbe boilers; be aald "tbat 00 pounds
was net te much ateam for tbe first flve
yeara a boiler la in use, and for the last
net be ever 70 or 72 pounds; Mr. fperer
recently took out boilers in use for 19 yeara
aud the pressure en them before tbey were
removed was from 70 te 75 pounds; the
bellere used by ua were built en tbe same
principle aa Mr. Bpeneer'e; Frank Abel
waa tbe fireman when the accident occurred
and la an experienced man ; when tbe night
engineer gees en duty he examluea every
thing te aee tbat all la right; he then
ebangea hla oletbea and gees te work; en
the evening of the explosion when he made
bis examination be found two gauges of
water ,lu all tbe bailers but one and In tbat
ene tbere were two and a halt
gauges; the boilers were examined
five or six weeka age by an Inspector
from Philadelphia) and tbe new
one,net yet In place, waa examined at Best's
shop ; he saw tbat the aafety and check
valves worked all right and auggeated that
a piece of lead be cast for one el the boilers,
se tbat tbe weights used en tbe valvea would
be tbe aame In all ; the boilers that exploded
were tbe old ones, the ones put up In Au
gust 1887 ; alnce the fourth boiler was add d,
wa bave had no trouble and it waa
easler en the fireman ; the electrle light
company alwaya bad power enough, but It I
tOOK lime 10 bujubi maiieia; tueaueusei
our bellera abew tbat tbey were kept clean,
and the inspector from Philadelphia after
examining tbe same yesterday said it waa
no fault of eure tbat tbe aceldent happened;
he found tbat the lien In the boiler was of
irregular thickness, and said it waa lmpra
slble for the mauufacturer te leek In the
middle of aBbeet; tbe workmanship was all
right and the iron tbe best made; tl.e
Inspector bad no idea of tbecausoet tbe
explosion ; the prcssure was net ever 80
pounds, for I looked at the gauge net two
minutes befere tbe explosion.
Frank Able, Hwern : 1 am tbe engineer ;
en the day et tbe accident the fireman waa
net en duty ; I attended tbe bellera and en
gine all dny ; 1 bad between 75 and 80
peunda of nteam wben 1 heard a thump in
the engine aud went te the ecglne te leek
for the cause, and at that moment the acci
dent happened ; 1 ran the engine at night
for the electrle light company two or three
nights when Engineer Usui bright was sick;
It does net require mere power te run the
electrle lights than the machinery of tbe
works ; I never felt tbat tbe engine was run
tee baid at night or that tbete waa tee
much prcesure en the bollerf ; en tbe day ct
tbe accident 1 attended both tbe engine
and bellerr; tbe engine did net require
much attention;! waa at the engine when
the explosion rxcurred; I have been work
ing at the chemical works for four years
and bave had charge of the engine all of
that time.
Jaoeb M. May cr, who II ves near the works,
waa called as a witness, but his testimony
threw no light en the causa of the ex.
Adelpb Bcbreck, superintendent of tbe
electrle light com pony, swern: I was cut
aide the building when the aceldent oc
curred ; I knew netblug et the quantity of
ateam or water tbere was in use: 1 was
there In the morning, after the lights were
out and there was then 20 peunda et steam,!
first bad treuble about getting power but It
waa the fault of the engine and net for want
of bellera ; 1 de net knew what tbe cause of
the aceldent wac; tbe fault at tbe old electrle
light waa the engine, but two bellera were
used there; I alwaya bad great confidence
In the bellera at the chemical works, and
never expected them te explode,
Matblaa Van Hern, awern: 1 am em
pleyed at Jehn Best's boiler shops and
bave been there for 23 years'; assisted in mat.
lng tbe bellera of tbe chemical works; 1
recently caulked several of tbe flues which
bad baas lesklag aa la often ttfl
HMM MealM Ua keUata
closely then but thought tbey
were In geed eondttten ; I waa out
yeaterday but did net examine tba boilers
eleaely; thought tba material la the bellera
waa all right as tar aa I aaw II; wben at tbe
werka aeme daya age about 6 .o'clock p. m.,
X waa In the engine house and then 76
psunda of ateam was being used. There Is
such a thing as one boiler taking the water
from another; this might be eauaed by one
boiler having mere fire than another; the
man In charge wben I waa there seemed
very careful and te understand bla bual-
LjvI Ltndl, maeblnlst ter 34 yearr,
awern : I saw the boiler after tbe accident,
aud examined ahead between the two build
ing, wbleh yet bad a flueln it ; 1 aaw there
waa nothing wrong wltb tba Iren of tbla
boiler ; around the bead, where tba rivets
go In, It was eraeked for about one third ;
part of that abewed a dlaoeloratlon of the
Iren. It might bave been an old crack, or
might bave been eaused by being thrown
In the dirt i an examination could easily be
made without discovering thla Imperfeo Imperfee Imperfeo
tten, If aueb It was : 1 oeuld net tell what
the cause et tbe accident was unless tbe
brace inside bad net been drawn up prep
erly; this was net certain; It waa witness
opinion that there was an Imperfection In
the boiler, but It wasel the kind tbat It
might net be discovered even by an In
spector ; tbere are many different opinions
In regard te boiler explosions, and there
are many theories aa te the eauaea among
men of experience ; I could net tell tbe
eauae of tbe accident, but a perfect boiler
would net explode at 1C0 peunda of ateam ;
bellera bave been tested with aa high aa 400
peunda of ateam, and tbey did net explcde.
Frank Marlen, boiler maker, sworn : I
have been In the buslneaa24 jears; lex.
amlned the boiler alter yeaterday'a acol acel
dent; the bellera were well constructed as
far aa I oeuld Judge ; laaw no defect about
tbe boiler ; saw the boiler head between
the two buildings ; aaw no bead tbat was
eraeked aa far aa I recollect ; aaw a piece
et the ahell attached te the head that was
broken ; I have no Idea of tha eauae of the
explosion ; knew nothing about the dlmen
alens et tbe boiler, bnt tbey should bold SO
peunda without any trouble ; as near aa I
could tell there waa no defeet In tbe boiler.
Themas Andersen, machinist, awern: I
have worked for 20 years at the trade ; aaw
tbe boiler at tbe chemical werka after tile
accident ; thought tbey were made all right
and tbat tbe Iren waa right ; thought the
head, found batwoen the two bellera, waa
meat tee light ; bead for that kind of
boilers should be about 6 10 of an lneh in
thickness while this waa about i ; the one
boiler exploding eauaed the ether ; the
weaker one waa overpowered, and if ever
80 pounds wai belng uaed thought tbat
would cause It te explode ; I knew nothing
of the quantity of ateam In uae here ; thought
bellera of this kind abeuld be teated once
or twice a year with a amall engine!
thought 80 peunda of ateam waa a high prea
sure for bellera of the kind in uae here;
there waa ample boiler capacity te de tbe
work at this place; witness we a at the
werka In day time and found everything
working well.
Jehn Knapp, a machinist, awern ; I was
working at the chemical works four or five
weeks age; waa often In boiler beuae before
the electrle light waa being run ; then they
did net carry mere than 40 peunda et steam ;
aiter tbey ran tbe light tbey carried 76,
wbleh waa net tee great pressure; did net
tblnk there was any defeet In tbe Iren;
oeuld net tell whether there bad been
negleet; tbe way tbe fire place waa con
structed witness could net bee hew a very
heavy fire oeuld be getten under tbe bellera
at any time.
Here Mr.MUIer explained that the boilers
were ae conatructlen aa te prevent any ex
plosion from contraction or expanalen.
Everything was done tbat waa possible te
Insure safety and n new even was built at
an expense of f 1,800. Ne time or labor was
spared te make everything aa safe as possi
The members of tbe Jury called tbe atten
tion of Mr. Miller te tbe fact tbat when
they were at Klann'a house thla morning
hla daughter said that wben her father waa
brought borne after tbe accident be atated
tbat be bad told Mr. Miller before tbe ex.
plosien tbat one et the bellera wa very het,
and that Miller bad replied tbat tbere was
but 75 pounds et ateam. Mr. Miller aald
tbat nothing of- tbe kind bad occurred
and be did net aee Klsnn, wbe waa a
laborer around tbe place, en tbe day of tbe
accident, and bad net spoken te blm since
Bunday. Mr. Miller stated tbat Ham
bright waa a firat-clasa engineer, and
be bad received thorough Instructions
from an engineer from Providence, Rhede
Island. He bad implicit confidence in Mr.
Abel or be would net have given him
charge. Mr. Mllleratated that be telegraphed
te Philadelphia yesterday and brought a
boiler expert from tbat city. He
examined the boiler and oeuld net tell tbe
cause of tbe accldent , he found tbe work
manship flrst-elssa.
The verdict of the Jury In the Roldel In
vestigation wss that be came te hla death,
accidentally, en November 7, 1888, by an
explosion of the bollera at the ehemlcal
works, tbe cause of explosion being un
known. Tbe verdtct In the Klann case waa that
death resulted from Internal hemorrhage,
tborcRulter Injuries received In tbe ex
plosion et tbe bellera at the ehemlcal works,
the cause of said explosion being te ua un
known. Ferrlan Opimuur, vlte aud Oibernlie.
Tbn United Ireland, of Dublin, expresses
IndlUurencj at the election In the United
Htatee, and attributes tbe result te the Hack
vllln atlalr and tbe Irish vote :
While It is iUtterlng te the Irish te be
able te turn the aaile in such a contest, tbe
fact 1b regrettable, as it is also humiliating
and menacing te America.
The Irish vote exists aa a aoparate and
menacing factor in American politic?, be
cause the fact tbat Ireland is without home
rule, rankles as a spear-bead In tbe rela
tions between tbe English speaking race.
"It would be cheap," saya the paper, for
America te establish borne rule In Ireland
even at the cost of a war with Great Britain.
We need net comment upon tbe value te
England of a settlement of tbe Irish que,
The Londen Standard aayi; "Nevor
was there a mere absurd fiction than that
British geld waa iavlahbd te secure the do de
feat of Mr. Blalne and bla nominal leader,
or tbat Englishmen would be mortified at
the overthrew et President Cleveland, O!
all persona In the world tbe one that we
have tbe least reason te be grateful te la
President Cleveland." It thuu proceeds te
BDueeMr, Clevtltnd unmercifully,
Tbe Londen Vimu aava: "Though we
bell6ve that President Cleveland'a inter
nal policy and hla administration are mere
remarkable for capacity and uprightness
than anything te which Republicans can
point in recent yeara, we cannot profess re
gret at an event wbicb may be regarded aa
an appropriate penalty ter els discreditable
aubservleuce te tbe meanest Influenoeaef
American politics, and bla culpable neglect
of tbe decencies of international lnterceurie.
We are sincerely aerry that ihe change of
government Involves the retirement of
Minister Phelps, wbe baa performed bla
dutlea wltb marked ability and adroitness,
and baa wen our esteem and friendship."
The Londen Chronicle save: "it la
pretty well undemoed tbat Harrison la a
marionette and Blaine pulls tbe strings."
Mad an A.lgDmut.
Henry Beste and wife, of fast Denegal
township, made aa assignment of their
property for tba benefit et creditors te
Hamry fc, iaamk, Ot Wet KMIffteM,
GefT, KspnlillesD, for uovaraer, Kan 1,000
Vetis Ahd et His Tlehst Th Lfglsla-
tnie In Doubt Democrats Ooneeda
California te tha Republicans.
WiiRELiNn, W. Va , Nev. 9. The state
Is still in doubt. All tbe reports ae far re
ceived abew Republican gain, some
greater tban expected, and, It een tinned,
Harrlaen will get tbe atate by about 900.
Gefl, for governor, la probably 1,000 ahead
of bla tleket. The legislature will be oleee.
The return ae far Indicate a Republican
mnjerlty of two In the Senate and one la
the Heuse msjf.rlly et three en Joint
ballet. Tbla will mtke GeQ United Btstea
In tbe First oengreailonal district, At At
klnaen.Ren,, la elected te Congress by from
70 te 160 msjerlty. In tbe Second, the Dem
ocrats elatm 150 majority for Wilsen, bnt
there la a proapeet of the eleotlen of Filek,
Rep., bya amall plurality. In tba Third
tbe reaurt la still In doubt, wltb tbe pros
pects In favor of McQInnls, Rep. In the
Fourth the Republican committee claims
tbat the election of Smith, Rep , 1 beyond
doubt or danger.
tutmus nom California.
Ban Francisce, Nev. 0 The latest ro re
lurna leave tbe Democrats no hope of the
atate or maerlty of the oeogreialonal dele
gation, Tbe Republican majority In Call
fernta will be fully 10,000, aud four of the
congressmen will be Republican. Les
Angelen county gives Harrison 4,300 major
lty, which abewa the Influence of the influx
et Yankcea Inte the land of orange groves.
The congressional delegation will aland aa
follews: First district J. J. DeHaven, R.;
Second-Marlen Blgga, D.; Third Joaeph
McKenna, R ; Fourth William Merrow,
R ; Flfth-T. J.OIunle,D.5 Sixth William
Vandever, R.
100 preelncts In the elty, out of 170, give
Harrlaen 21,080 ; Cleveland 27,601.
Tbe Republican atate committee claim the
stale by from ten te twelve thousand. The
Democratic atate committee concedes tbe
state te tbe Republicans, but by a amall
msjerlty. According te tbe lateat figures
four Republican congressmen are eleeted.
Three et tbe congressional diblrleta are very
Harrison. Carries Indiana.
iNDiANArei.ifl, Nev. 9 The ofHelal
count : Domeoratlc plurality en tbe elec
toral tleket In Marlen county la 381, a gain
of GC0 ever 1881. This Is net enough te off
set tbe Republican galna In the atate. Har
rison electors are obesen by about 3,000
A Cles Congress District la Illinois.
St. Leuis, Nev. 0. At 2:30 a, m. what
are claimed te be the ottielal pluralities
in the 18th Illinois district were
received In thla elty aa follewa : Fer Baker,
Madisen 324; Bend 380 ; Waablngten 72.
Total 782. Fer Ferman, Menree 500 ; BL
Clair 229. Total 760. Plurality for For Fer
man, the Democratle candidate 7. Baker
carried the district ever Morrison In 1880
by 1,102.
Twe Contests.
Petkrsbure, Va, Nev. 9. It la an
nounced that Jehn M. Langttlen, the de
feated colored candidate for Cengreas In
tbla district, will contest tbe seat of E. C.
Venable, Democrat, en tbe ground et al
leged irregularities, and also that Judge
Waddell will centeat Congressman Wlae'a
seat in the Richmond dlatriet.
fork County's Official Italarns.
Yerk, Ney. 9, Tbe official vote of Yerk
county for prealdent la as fallews: Cleve
land, 12,359, Harrlaen, 9.047; Flak, 30b
Cleveland's plurality In the county 3,312.
Over 30,000 natality In Iowa,
Deh Moines, Iowa, 'Nev. 9, Blxty-ene
ceuntiea complete give Harrlaen a net gain
et 10,683, or a plurality ae far et 20,000. The
remaining 38 counties will probably ralae
bla plurality te 34,000.
Hants dirts Dla; Plurality,
Topeka, Ks., Nev. 9. Returns bsve
been received from erexy county In Kan
aaa. An eatlmate by Chairman Beeth from
tbe reports received gives Harrison 70,000
plurality ever Cleveland and 05,000 ever
tbe entire aUte Demoeratio atate ticket. Tba
legislature la almeat aelldly Republican. '
Aa Eminent rby.lclanDead.
Vienna, Nev. 9. Henri de Bamberger,
the noted Austrian pbyalclan, la dead.
Tba Republican Cbessn.
New Orleans, "Nev. 9. Complete re
turns eleet Celeman, Rep , in tbe Heoend
Louisiana dlatriet by 320 majority,
Tba Electoral Vel.
The following la tbe latest eatlmate et the
electoral vote :
Fer Uakrihen,
Fer Ut.KVKr.AND.
California 8
Colerado 3
Illinois 22
Alabama 10
Arkanaas 7
Connecticut II
Indiana 16
Iowa 13
Kansas 9
Delaware 3
Flerida 4
Georgia 12
Maine..... 0
Kentucky 13
Lenlalana 8
Maryland 8
Mississippi 9
Missouri 10
New Jersey 9
North Carolina.... 11
Seuth Carolina.... 9
Tenneaaee 12
Texas 1.1
Virginia 12
MaMacbUBetla .... 14
Mleblgan 13
Minnesota 7
Nebraska 6
Nevada 3
New Hamnshlie.. 4
New Yerk 30
Ohie 23
Oregon .1
Pennsylvania 30
Rhede Island 4
Vermont 4 Total.
Wnst Vlrulula....
Wisconsin 11
Total 23
Necessary te a ohelco, 201.
Congress Is Itepubllcsn.
Hlale. Dem.
Alabama.. ........ .......,..... M
Arkansas , ft
California. -
Connecticut. 1
Delaware 1
Flerida I
UxerKla I"
Illinois 0
Indiana ti
lowe ' 1
Kentucky.. 10
Louisiana 0
MaryWnd 6
MaeaiicuukeUs 'J
MlcblKtin. , 2
Ultint-setv .-
Mlssliklnpl... f. 7
MfftBOurl......... ...... .................. V
Nebraska 1
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Yerk
North Caielluu
Onte ...............................
libede Islana...
Hauta Carolina
I SXB-. .............................
, 7
Virginia 0
Went Virginia
Wisconsin -
Total I&l"
Tbe our lax.
The finance committee et councils re
cently appointed Oeerge H. Lehman col
lector of elty tax, which la te be collected
under the old law, People are given te
December litbj te pay, and alter the laat
day of tbe year Hens must be filed against
the properties. Laat year the elty treaa
urtr appointed a collector wbe bad five
mentha te gather tbe tax aud make retursa
aad people Intereated would de wall te give
till Bagtttr tgilr biiMUebI.
Hanry Oejr Carlten Dreps la for a Sjtrpa-
Ibis leg Cbat.
Frem the N.T.WetM.
I dropped In yesterday afternoon In an
en tlrelv friendly and cemlJentlal way upon
New Yerk's tavetite eon, Mr. Ooegan, te
assure myself that he waa following my
earnest advice and taking tbat long needed
repose ae essential te tbe preaeryatlen of
health among retired atatesmen at this
season et the year. I found Mr. Coogan
poring ever the atuba et a large check
book, ever and anon paualng te pleasantly
cipher out hew many tiniea 9.017 votes
would go Inte 1100,000.
"Let tbe eagle scream 1" 1 observed, with
a light hearted laugb, Hinging mM)lf onto
a largely cushioned divan aud lUhtlng a
fragrant cigarette, In order te at.n tilm
tbat my lien will waa beating me up m
spite nf Ice dleceuraglng Democratle news
from Vermont. Let her scream P
Fer several minutes Mr. Coogan iralenn
reply, being busy with his figure. Then
he threw down his blue pencil, combed hi
whiskers, strode rspldly up and down tbe
room In varying attitudes of profound
tbeught, filing himself again Inte the re
volving chair, and said :
'Tbla la remarkably cold weather for
1 replied that I had bad no time that day
te consult Perry's thermometer, but l but I
bad beard tbat several prominent munlelial
persona bad been somewhat frost-bitten.
" Aa nearly aa I can figure it," aald Mr.
Coogan, running bla eye again ever the
atuba and hla column of election returns
"as nearly aa I can get at It, tbla derned
Tammany foolishness lis oeat me a barrel
et soap, Hew deea it atrlke veu T"
I nodded In a bland, lOlimsllve way,
and auggeated as a oeuaolatlon that euek
waa llfeln large eltles.
It is aaddeu lng," continued Mr. Coo
gan, leaning back and closing his eyes in
order te better enjoy the aroma et my
cigarette: "It la saddening te an impul
sive and warm-blooded patriot who has
devoted many toilsome yeara te hiding
away iurnlture profit, especially ou tbe
low and treachereua instalment plan, and
who ha nursed Inte life an ardent young
ambition like mine It is sad for htm te
awake en a chilly, dear, aeventb-dav
morning in bleak November, and find
himself In tbe gruesome depths et tbe oeld
mcek turtle."
I nodded In sympathetic aesent,
"Get onto these stutst" Impultlvely ex ex
etalmed Mr. Coogan, with a courtly wave
of hla right band tewarda tbe check-book.
"Oat right onto theso atuba and then akin
your eye ever thoae return!"
I did aa I waa requeated.
Isn't that eneugu te make a dlslnter
eated and self saerlllclng patriot blueT" in
quired Mr. Coepsn.
I replied that my keen knowledge of
human nature wquld lead me te expcet a
aemewbat akylih complexion en .even a
peaslmtst under Iheae circumstances.
' Ten dollar, thirty-nine cents and. eight
mllla per vote, and then didn't get enough
te fill a accend-hand hair trunk," exelalmed
Mr, Coogan with rllng emotion. "Ten
plunks and nearly forty centa, spot cash
and no Installments, ancf then didn't stand
any mero real ahew than a alck eat wltb out
claws, nine fathoms deep In Tephet."
I sighed with blm, and then we both
lighted fresh cigarettes.
'But what makea me llred,'remarked Mr.
Coogan with aome Irritation, after we had
aat with clasped hands for aeveral second,
what rilea up my liver and puta me In
need of mental real Is te remember, aa I
de new, tbe frequent end entUuslastle man
ner in wbleh tbe boy a would drop In and
work me ler a latge wad, and every cussed
one of 'em from districts where I didn't
get enough suffrage te plaater a sere back.
It waa my bonfires here and my dodgers
there,my campaign eluba getting uniform,
10,000 lamps olepplng ever with my kero kere kero
aene, my brass bands, my beer, my speakers
me, Coogan hiring balls, feeding a mob
nine times a day and filling 'em full every
night don't you ace wby 1 feel uneasy and
I aaw.
Er a de ynu et" 1 began, "de you
er In view of the recent large huuks et
experlenoe you have purchased at faney
prices of lale doyeu oenlemplato a political
buret In the er next campaign T" I re
quired. "De 1 T" echoed Mr. Coogan In a aomo aemo aome
what tropical manner. "De 17 Shew me
a man who will whisper politics te me In
tbe next four years, or oecks bin eye at tbat
cheek book, or wants te get me te run this
town, tnstalmenter spot cash me Coogan
ahew me that man, and flve min
utes later 1'Jl abew ynu tbe largest
private collection of oeld meat In the
Fourth ward. Ne, air ; I'm a folding bed,
1 am, and I've abut up wltb a spring lock
ana lest tee Ky.
Yeu bear mr Coogan
I'm talking. 1've
neen meu in my own
tat and 1 want a chance te cool. I'm a
hundred tbeuaand te leeward with what
I've blown In, but I'm wlae ; I'm coeny, 1
am. Yeu bear me Cecgan. Me and
Hewitt are out. "
I aaw tbat Mr. Coogan was alncere in
what be aald aud 1 left,
Hxnry Our Carlten.
Unique Collin Dcitgned by a Maisactiuietts
Weman ter Iter Untbaud's final
Kesllng flace.
Dr. Henry Ulller died Monday evening,
at Wilmington, Mae., and will be burled
Bunday In tbe meat expensive and elabor
ate oe 111 n ever devised te bold the mortal
remalna of man.
In order te avert the common fate et
humanity, or at leaat le lessen ita feice,
Mr. Dr. Ulller conceived the Idea aeme
yeara age, of preparing burial casketa for
herself and husband, which would net only
rob the grave et ita vlotery, but would ex
prtaa by tbelr carved symbolegy tbe
thought tbat lite and death are one and the
aame lu nature'a grand economy.
Te vine creeping up from tbe feet of the
lid meeta about a human nkuli carved from
nature. Out et tbe skull's left eye socket
creeps a lizard, gtvlng the death's bead a
meat ghastly appearance. A caterpillar
crawla along the rim around the emblem et
deatb,but round about ate daisies and resea
and a buttettly, while in tbe bottom of tbe
Vine la a bird,
Above tbe plate and directly ever the
place where tbe heart et the deceased will
be are branches of Rngllah and Amerlean
caklnttrtwlntd. In place et a glass cover
ai the beau mere is a nrasa Plate, cast ana
engraved, repreaentlng the river of deatb
and tbe angel of death leading a fair maiden
down tbieugh the recda and graaiea Inte
Letbe'a water. In the horizon the aun Is
fast sinking from sight
Belew the river aie engraved the words,
Henry Ulller. In each lower corner la a
staczt of poetry composed by Mia. Dr.
Hlller. The paueled sldea of tbe lid are
wrought no le'beautllully that the top.
In tbeoantreef onesldeUagleboonwlngs,
repmeutlng time; en the ether is a burning
urn, a symbol et death. Ou one of tbe end
panela of the lid an owl the bird et tbe
ulgbt holds a field meuse tightly in its
clawa: en the ether end panel are a bat and
two aer pent.
All tbe panels et tbe lid have foliage and
flower, maple branches entwined with
morning glories and otber symbols of na
ture's beautiful side, but mingled with
them are snails and serpents aud grass
hoppers, a marsh fly, and horrible dragons
with ghastly, grinning faces.
I'rtfirred Killing- a Man te Ureakiug Itales
Ot tbe Company.
On Thursday evening being In a hurry
te get home aa bis wife and family were
waiting te be taken te an entertainment,
Mr. Pnlllp Bear sprang upon the rear plat
form et a slowly moving train ou tbe New
Yerk elevated railway. The guard re
fused te break the rules of the company by
opening tbe gate of the platform ter him.
Aa tbe speed of the train Increased
be received a blew from a railing en tbe
atatten platform but bung en te tbe guard
rail nf tba car until ilflv feet bevend the
atatten wben be fell te tbe ground and waa
killed. He bad been delayed at tbe ticket
office maklngebange.
Sedden Deatb,
Deputy Cercner aemperling te-day filed
bla lnqueat held en the body of Henry Rlt Rlt
tenheuse, et Kphrate, wbe died auddenly
en Wednesday. The verdict et the Jury
wa tba death reaultedfiem valvular dU-eMtCftMaWKt,
r.Terjr inaieatien Tbat tha Wblt
nmeher Waa tier sUjer-Tbe Ha3, 1
Far and Other Members et tfce'1
teitncale ate Cnt Frem tha Beat?,
.... W
Londen, mev. 9. Anether horrible
der baa taken plare In the Ktet EkV
wemau'a refly, hacked at,d cut Inte
wssfcund thl morning en Deriet,
ine body wm found at 11 o'tleek;
metnlng. Tbe pellce are inleavertM
.i. .i .. ... -. . . .
iw inn inurneier uu inr,'! tlCUnea..'
ine u.ny wa mutilated in a manner
iisriotueeoaiiaoi tht women ptev
mnrncreii. .$,
The victim of the Spltalfieh'a mi
wa, like the rewt et thn Whllee
vietims, an abandoned woman, She-'
a husband wtje waa a porter, but she
with blm only at Unite. Hr name tt;l
Iteved te be Litz!e Fiaber, and 'jfi
was nicknamed Mary Jane. Aa
entered the house where she ledaed.1
means of a iatehkey, probably mvj
aw me man wnn agaernpatiiad ler. Ml
it la rtouetfui If the murdeter la ever I
titled. The min in U lit easily have left
neuee at any tttns between the hours et l
and six, without atlrnetlr.g cepmUli
tinn. The phya'ctauM who viewed i
eurpae re-erve their statements for the laH
queat wbleh will fellow.
Three bloodhounds which are owned (sjjtj
private einasu nave eeen piactd eat M
scent, but tbey are useless. 4&
The appearance or the remains was frJgwtV:
ful and the mutilation was even greata
man in the previous eases. The bead
been severed from tbe body and placed
neatn one et the arms. Tee earn and.
Had been cut off. The body wa di
tutWAlt,..! aM.I AI-a taal b a u 4.m
wwwtm muvk IUV umu WIN HKU IIUIBII
fuigna. ine wemD ana einer organs'
misalng. Tbe forehead and checks I
eeen completely skinned, and one'
was ruined Inte tbe stomach. Ys ;-i
. Q3L-'
I'rebablr His Last Jams, ,, JB .
PeuaiiKKKrsm, N, Y., Nev. 0 8
Biodle, the champion jumr(r,vwi
Jumped from the Brooklyn bridge, i
from the bridge wbleh Is new being'
across the Hudsen river at tbla point
o'elcck thla morning. Tbejump wasi
from tbe west pier. Bredle uttataaeV
severe Injuries In the Jump, breaking I
ribs, and bleed waa freely runnlna-
bla mouth and ears when picked up by.
ueau ut was rowed te Highlands,
site here, and put en a train for New YertbtW
it is saia mat ureaie may cue rrem nis a
InrlM ''V
Nkw Yenrr. Nev.0 Bredle, en bla i
la this elty, was taken te bis home at
117 Heater street, where be waa exsi
by a pbyslelan who aald tbat tbe Jus
would be all right In afew daya, Thejs
waa for a wager of fr00 and tba dli
Jun pl la aatd te be 222 feet.
i Ml
Dismissed tha Case.
Washington, Nev. 9, In tba
Savery fc Ce. vs. the New Yerk 0n
railroad company and ether, the Inter
oemmeroe commission has dismissed ,
complaint Tbe commission deeldes
bave no authority te Interfere with '
regulations of the New Yerk Imraigi
commissioners in reference te n
transportation et Immigrants from Bfi
Yerk te the West; tbat there la net!
illegal In giving Immigrants special
for tranaportatleu, and that tbe eemuakv
elenera will Inspect tbe Immigrant ears fM
themaelvea. "&
Tbe Mines le be Closed, .3?i "-,
1'iTTsnuRe, Nev. 9. The three bundri.;
miners who struck at Conereaaman W. Ik
Beott's coal werka en tbe Pan Handle 'rat.-
ruau ycautruay win uuw ue wuiniNjW3
aeeic employment eiaewnere. it la atata :
today tbat Mr. Scott has decided te
tbe mines for the winter.and all enflnlahaa)
orders for coal will be transferred te rJeeati
Haven, where the men are still werking''
for 74 centa per ten. It is probable MWj
tbat all the river miners will be redueedafl
74 cents per ten en account nf Beutl's wUOaV
Ocnrrftl BwH'sir llrad.
PiTTsnuRd, Nev. 9. (Jen. Bewman -
HweltB?i, after a brief IIIem, died la tha
city tblf morning. Orneral bwemer aervw -with
distinction during the late war I Watt'
widely aud favorably known aa an attef
nev of exceptional ability and for
jeara held the position of protbenolary, ;
tbe aupreme court ei tMnnsyivsui?.
leave a widow and tbree children In
fcrtab'.e clrcumrtanee.
he On Wat Klll'd.
Leuibvillh, Ky., Nev. . The report ,
a naltlteal riot in Livingston, Ky., aud I
five men wete killed en Tut-sday, Is u aires)
and woolly without foundation, tee as -
p,rt originated by the local Republics ,
tl ket being completely enewed under, eaeVi
en. ni their members sent a telegram aa a -
hn.Tim friend here atatlng that he Waat a
wounded and five etbera killed.
an Insane felttlclan.
Bt. Lecis. Nev. 9 Renabaw, campaign: 1
manager et Ueorge W, Caatleman, defeate4
candidate ler uengres in uie .nininuwr;
trlet, la a raving maniac. He became Tety,'
Violent weuneaaay nigui ecu rujue j n
nearlv all of tbe furniture In hla beuse. Ut
Imagines that water Is pouring In upeara;
hin. -n,i timt he la in denser of drewnb'BV e 3
... . llhan. ttnlNltV ltnmtff. -&.a
ALUANY, N. YNev. 9,-Tbe south wlngfe
of the Albany unlveraity buuaing waa news
etreyed thla morning, aud It la feared kJR
all the roceraa are uamageu. loeioii-;
be replaced. In tbla building, niet bm:U
steel for nearly a century, Joaeph Uenry,
while nrofesaer of pnyales from 1828 te 1S38, S
. .. ..,. . n.Finunli with elfittrleil''.1-,'!
.. . .. ..,.. Ar alr Thn hnllHInw-T'-l
tnreuga BituM ..-.- 'Jja
holds an Important part In tbe etate'gl
Washington, D, C, Net. 9. Fcr
JJB Eastern Pennsylvania : Threatening
weather and rain, lollewed by colder.
fair en Saturday ; southerly winds shlttlaavA,
te wetterly.
An W,-rtlnn .Ind.M Klllld.
A report from Valencia county, N. M.,T3
says there waa trouble between the Repub. jsyvs
Han Rafael en Tuesday, ever an attempt J.,
Kroveneber, one of ,Je-d"1i's
.it La.- tk-niieti thai naann aWa I..'1
Citizen. WeUBuuk umwb- ZZZZZ bww
.tantly killed by the Mueklag JWV. TM
muraerer eeoepeu . - . ,
e .,....! An Ankle. ' .'
. ... n-l.ft.rf at IhnnnrnapAl1
The iniet rte""7 ""- --. --.;.
Fiederlckand North Duke streets, cav
in n Thundav evening. Mlaa Carrie'
Straus, when en the read borne, eteppe;
In tbe bole in ine pavement ana ipmm
hr nkin. commissioner Berts dm bean
notified te make the necessary repairs atj J
fie Inlet,
lUstured te Ita Owners. J"
M. hnrau liltphHd tO B JOUIIV LlUU WMOtV
. . TJerth MnlhArrv ttiut Ual'i i
was iguuu vu n. . .-.-., - ..-,.,
evening. Itwastaken totbeatatteahoaaa
where It was claimed by Its owners, Milker
& Hsrtmat Tbe nerse bad baas left a.
tied la freat et Mr, aiiilefa laaaaf gg4
weUW4aWJ. - ' ai
'A' at " ..i