'V VNV7 i Ki zfiT' 'm"sw V' V t '" -.li-! tyvwfr, . i- , & THE LANCASTER DAILY INTELIJGENCER, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1888. '-r. . . T nun tbk aoire-s aeK evt oeo Lire." ' vi hen the long's gene out of your ltk yc can't tort another tUH It's a-rlnglng In mr ears, but lie twet te have a Wt of ellene Uj eat of that tnaybe Ajaalm'll eera by n bye " Sdward Uarritt, W hen the tang's gene out of your lite, lht you thought wenldltjt te the end Ttalnrstsaeeteongel the heart, That no after days can land She song et th blrde te the tleee, The song of the wind te tke flower , Tbe tong tsat the heart tints low te itae.tr When It wakes In life's morning heura- Teu cut atnUne ether song, Net eveasa. t remulssH net Will falttrTerth en the empty nlrt It diss In your aching threat. It li alt In rtln tbat yen try, Fer tbe iplttl of tong U ned Tha nightingale tlngt no mere te Ue reta When tbe DeautUut flewar It deid. Se let silence teflly fall . . On the bmisea heart' qtlverlng atrlngi ; Perbnpa from the leai or all yen may learn The tong that tha aeraph ting, A grand aad glorious psalm That will ttexb'e and rlie and thrill, And till yourbreist with It gratelut rest, And Ita lently yearnings atlU. 4nen. Met a Bad Teat of Wala.ni. Frent (he tan rranclace Waip. A plumber and an upbelaterer were rt eentiy engager in ntting up a faahlenable residence In Van Nets avenue, and get Inte ditcnaalen aa te whleh was tha hMTler, a pennd ei lead or a pound of feather. "I'll bet yen four bita that I can prove te you that a pound of lead la heavier than a pound of leather," aald tbe plumber. "I'll take that bet," aald tha uphelaterer. The plumber out eff a feet of lead pipe and paired It down until It weighed alxteen ouneca Then he get from the uphelaterer the iima weight In feather. "New," aald tbe plumber, holding the lump el lead In hi rlgbt and the bag of feather In hla left hand, "let me drop the lead en your left feet and the feather en your right, and If 1 de net prove that tha lead la the heavier I'll pay four bit." Tbs man of feather would net oenaent' te the trial, bnt paid for the whisky and e'gar. a IhesafestandmostrelUblercmedy for tbe usual disease et tbe oaey is ur. nuns naey svrap. it contains nothing lnjutleus. Prlee 39 cents a bottle. II yen ltve In a low, marshy district, where themtaima arising from decaying vegetable matter, pelulet tha atmosphere, the nieet r.axader becomes a political necesslty. It drives mtfarla freai the system at one and costs only 25 cents. . s The Homeliest Man in Lancaster. A well as the handsomest, and e-hers are Invited te call en any drugglit and get free a trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam ter tbe l hreat and Lungs, a retnedy that la selling entirely upon Its merits and la guaranteed te care and lelleveall chronic and Acute ceugbs,aithma, Bronchitis and Consumption. Price tecenta and II. Jyl'i6md (1) ' Bnptnre cure guaranteed by Dr. J. U. Mayer, 31 Arch street, Philadelphia Kate at once, no operation or delay from business, attested by thousands et cures after ethers fall, advice free, send for circular. marie-lyd&w HP KOI Ah NOTIONS'. BLKKPLKBB NIQUTS. made miserable by that terrible cough. Shlleh'a cure Is the remedy i or you. Beld by H. B. Ceehran, druggist. Ma In and US North Oueen 8U Lancaster. Fa. (2) A cold of unusual severity which I took last autumn developed Inte a dlfllculty decidedly catarrhal In all lis char icterlstlcs, threaten ing a return of my old chronic malady, ciurrh. fine bottle of Ely's Cream Ualm com. ptetely eradicated every symptom el that painful and prevailing disorder. K. W. War ner, 168 Hudsen street. Uecbester, N. T. I'atarrh rer twenty years I waaaanfferer from catarrh el the head and threat. By a few application a of aly's Cream Balm I received decided benefit was cured by one bottle. Charlette Parker, Wavcrly, N. Y. e!9 2wdeed&w Mothers Mothers 1 1 Methara I II Are yen disturbed at-night and broken el your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain et cutting teeth t If se, go at once and get a bottle of MBS. WINSLOW'fl SOOTHING SYBCP. It Will re lieve the peer little sufferer immediately de pend upon It i there la no mistake about it Tfcere la net a mother en earth who ha eve used it, who will net tell yen at once that It will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It la perfectly aafe te use in all ceses and pleasant te the taae, and la the prescription of jne et the eldest and beat female physicians and nnrees In the United States. Beld everywhere, 26 cents a bottle. tnaylMydw Truth Crushed te Karlh lsboundterlso. Crowd down and smother the truth as you may concerning Itiemat' Me lectric Oil yet the facts will Hbbup that It Is one of the best remedies ler aches, sprains, and pains that has yet b?en invented. Fer tale by U. B Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 Merth Queen street. Lancaster. Oar Candidate for President, He will be nominated by the convention and will be elected by the people, because he wUl come the nearest te filling their Ideal or a Chlet Magistrate 1! Ice trio Bitters has been given the highest place, because no ether medicine has se well tilled the tdenl et a per fect tenc nd alterative. The people have endorsed Electric Hitters and rely upon this great remedy In all troubles et Liver, Stomach and Kidneys. Fer all Malarial JTevers and diseases caused by Malarial Poisons, Klectrle Bitters cannot be tee highly recommended. Alse cures Headache and Constipation. Satis faction guaranteed or money refunded. Price Bec., at H.B.Cechran, Drug Stere, 137 and 139 Merth Queen street, Lancaster, l'a. (i) Ah UNFOltTUNATK l'KUSON. The most unfortunate person In the world Is one afflicted with sick headache, but they will be relieved at once bv using Ur. Leslie's Special Prescription. Bee advertisement In another column () Every Persen leBss Beat Baccsss In this life must have a specialty! that Is, must concentrate the abilities of body and mind en some one pursuit. Burdock Steed Bitter t have their specialty as a complete and radical cure et dyspepsia, and liver and kid ney affections. Fer sole bytl. B. Cochran, druggist, 187 and 139 Merth Queen street, Lan caster. Brief Mention, I have used Burdock Bleed BUtert with great benefit for Indigestion and conallcallen et the bowels." C. L. Kisten. Hamilton. Ont. for sole by II. B Cochran, druggist, U7 and 188 Merth Queen street. Lancaster. Bncklen's Arnica Balve. Tn BssT BALva In the world for Cuta,Brnlsea Beres, Ulcers, Salt Uheum. Fever Beresretter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, corns, and all Bkln Kruptlens, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It fa guarantee? te give per fect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price U cents per box. Fer aale by IL B. Cochran, Druggist, N0&.1S7 and 18 Merth Queen street, Lancaster. Pa. Inne27-lydi What We Want. (live Homeopath his pellets, Allepath his pills; bnt for rheum v Ism, for aches, ler sprains, Themat' Eclectrie Oil Is Ineffably su perior te either. It has benefitted as ninny people as It has had purchaser. All druggists sell It. "or sale by U. B. Cochran, drnggut, 137 and 139 Merth Queen street, Lancaster. "Urunt It Out," Tbe above Is an old saw as savage as It Is senseless. Yeu can't " grunt out" dyspepsia, nor liver complaint, nor nervousness If they once get a geed held. They don't remove themselves In that way The taking a few does of Burdock Bleed Bitten Is better than "grunting It out." What we can cure let's net endure, rer sale by U. 11. Cochran, drug gist, 137 and 139 Merth Queen street, Lancas ter. OOUaU.WUOOPlNGCOUOUand Bronchitis Immediately relieved by Shlleh'a cure. Beld by II. B. Cochran, druggist, Mes. 137 and UO Werth Queen St. Lancaster, Pa, (i) A aoed Thing. I sometimes wish I could take held of the aale et Themat' Bclectrie Oil ter 1 tell you It la a grand thing, and 1 am conscientious In say ing 1 could de a geed work." Uev. K. ". Crane, Cerry, Pa. Klectrle Oil cured tbls gentleman el quinsy of many years standing, for sale by II. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 Merth Queen street, Lancaster. lttdnclng the.Sarples, The disposition et the surplus In the U S, treasurv annates ' e attention et our states men, but a mere viutl question has our atten tion, and that is the reduction of the Surplus Consumptives. Since the discovery and In traductien of Dr. Ring's Mew Discovery for Consumption, there has been a marked de crease in the mortality from this dreaded dis ease, and It Is possible te still lurther rednce the number et consumptives. HewT (By keeping constantly en hand a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery and using according te directions, npen the appearance of the first symptoms, such as a Cough, a Celd, a Sere Threat, a Chi at, or tide Pain. Takeu thus early a cure la guaranteed. Trial bottles tree at 11. B. Cochran's drug store. 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancas ter, Pa. (t) THATU4CK1NQ UOUUUcanbeaeaulcklv cured by Butten's Cure. We guarantee It. Beld by H. U. Cochran druggist. Nea. 137 and IN Merth Queen Si.. Lancaster. Pa. (1) SUILOU'B COUOll and Consumption Cur Is sold by us en a guarantee. It cures Cen gumption. Beld by H. B. Cochran, druggist, mes. l u IN Merth Queea BtTMsaeW, fa, () TTOOiyS 8ABBA.PARIL.liA. Pure Bleed lsabtolutalynrceaaarylaerderto have per. feet health. Heed Baraapartlla ta thegreit bleed partner, quickly cenquerteg scrofula, aaltiheum, and all ether insidious enemies which attack the bleed and undermine the health, it also builds np the whole system cure dyspepsia and alekhaidache, and ever ceatee that tired feelleg. -1 have taken two bottles of Boed'a Bare. parllla ler salt lheum and dyspepsia, with which I was troubled very much. Alter tak ing this medicine I am feeling a well as ever In my life." e.W. KoiB,rettvlJie,Pa. HOOD'S BaBSAPABlLLA M I hare been ttenbled by a sorefulous affec tion all my Ufa. It la one of the marked rec olleetlena et aay boyhood dy, and ler several year has rendered me nnabie te de much. I think Heed' BartaperUla, which I have been using at lntetra'a for ten years, 1a the beat thing I have ever taken. I am new 60, and my general healthaeemsbetterihanever." II D. AaaeiT, Warren, M. H, PUHirlBS THB BLOOD "I had a slight blecd disorder whleh I thought nothing serious, bnt It grew Inte a a bad form of skin disrate, which aema called Input, breaking ent In tetea and ulcere all ever my body. Ht el'e Sarsaparlila In a short time completely cured me. I feel that! ewe my life te Hoed'a Sarsaparlila." Fain Wacb tsk, Bourbon, Ind. K. B.-Be aura te get only HOOD'S BARSAPARILT.A Bell by all druggists. II t alx for is. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD CO., Apothecaries, Lewell, ass. 00 Desea One Dellar. (2) TTAIR BALSAM. , PARKER'S HAIU BALSAM Beautifies, Cleanses and preserves the hair. Keeps It soft and silken. Promotes a lnxnH. ant growth, always restores gray hair te Ita original color. Prevents hair falling and Dan druff. Cntetscalp diseases, EOs. at drnggtsts. HIMDBlt CORN8. Safest, surest and best cure rer Cerns, Bun Ions, etc steps all pain. Mever falls te cure. Se. at druggists. M AXh (3) S( OHENCK'B MANDRAKK PILLS. THE LIVER, Works with the Stemash and the Bterra:h wlthtte Liver. Yeu n uit have geed bile te have pettect digestion, and free liver action te h we pure bleed. Therefore beware of a congested Liver, which Is ne'hlng mere than a thick' nod and clogged Liver. The great re ducer of congestion Is Schenck Mandrake Pills. BILIOUSNESS. An early and ugly form or liver trouble, it it bleed polaen. 'i he Liver la cot taking the bile Ingred'enta ftem the bleed. Treat It with Bchenck'a Mandrake rills and make it de se. BREAKING DOWN. If yen have neglected the laws or health tee lengand feelthu your lungs are Involved In any way, send for Dr. Bchenck'a new book en the Lungs, Liver and Stomach, It Is sent free and will ba ct lnOnlta service te you. DK.aCUKNCK'S USDICINKB. SPU III PULMONIC 8YBUP CAWKKD IONIC, AMDltAKB PILLS, Are sold by al'. Druggists. Fnll printed direc tions with each ptcksge Addresi all com munications te Dr. J. II. Schenck & Sen Philadelphia, Pa. myl7-lydw YER'S SAKSAPAKILLA. THE OLD DOCTORS Drew bleed, modern doctors eleanse It ; hence the Increased demand for Alteratives. Ills new well known that most dlseasea are due, net te ever-abundance, bnt te Impurity et the Bleed t and It Is equally well attested that no blecd medlclne Is se efficacious as Ayer's Sar saparlila. " One et my children had a large tore break out en the leg. We applied simple remedies, for a while, thinking the tore would sbertly heal. But It grew worse. We sought medical advice, and were told that an alteratlve medi cine n as necessary. Ayer's Sarsaparlila being Recommended above all ethers, we used It with marvelous retulta. The sere healed and health and strength readily returned." J. J. Armstrong Welmer, Texas. " I find Ayer's Sarsaparlila te be an admira ble remedy for the cure of blced diseases. I prescribe It, andlt does the work every time." -X. L. Pater, M. D., Manhattan, Kansas. " We have told Ayer's Sarsaparlila here for ever thirty years, and always recommendlt when asked te name the best bleed purlfler." W. T. McLean, Druggist, Augusta, Ohie. " Ayer's medicines continue te be the stand ard remedies in spite et all competition." T. W. lllchmend, Bear Lake, Mich. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. nTAkn bt Dr. J. O. Ayer A Ce., Lewell, Maes. Price n ; alx bottles, ss. Werth 15 a bottle, novstell TJJLT'8 OBHABi BALM. OATABRH HAY FEVEB. BLY'S cbbam BALM cures Celd in Head Catarrh, Boee cold, Hay Fever.Deafness. Head ache. Prloe 60 Cents. KABY TO USB. Bly Bra's, Owego. M. Y., U.S.A. ELY'S CBBAM BALM Cleanses the Natal Passages, Allays Pain and Inflammation, Heals the Seres, Restores the Senses et Taste and smell. TBYTHsTcUKK. A particle la applied Inte each nostril and la agreeable. Price 60 cents at Druggists ; by mall, registered! 60 cents. BLY BROTHERS, BS Warren Street, Mew Yerk, nevlMydAw B BNBON'B 1'LABTKR. And all nature assumes a wintry aspect, these who are prudent economical will begin ti leek about for protection against WUfcN cold weather, change et temper ature, and their results. Winter clothing, tnel and BENSON'S TUB PLAal KB are recognized aa tbe mrat Important et household necessities. The plaster has se- LBAVK9 cured a permanent place tn ... .if -MHllat.il tin.. uiH.M as the most valuable external BK0.IN remedy known for Coughs, Colds, .Chest Pains, Backache, Rheumatism, Sciatica. Lumbago TO FALL and all achea and pal us peculiar te this aeasen of the year. Owing te lit great popularity BKM BON'S PLABTKU has been largely imitated, hence buyers should always ask for Bensen's and refuse all ethers, thus avoid ing worthless products. Aa-8end two cent ttamn te Beaburv A Jehn. ten, 21 Piatt street, N. Y. for a copy et In In ttruclieni from the Docter, a valuable house held book. H) rUMPHRKYB' rOMEOPATHIO s PEOIKICB DU, HUMl'lIKKYS' Boek of All Dlseases, Cleth and Ueld Binding. Ill Pages, with Steel Engraving, MAILED hKE. Address, P.O. BOX 1810, M.Y, List of Principal Net. Cures. Price. 1, Pkvxrs, Congestion, Inflammations 25 i. webms. Werm fever, Werm colic '2 g. Cbtikb Colie, or Teething of Infanta. ...33 I. DiAMHOM..ef Children or Adulta 25 5. DTBBHTBBT, Grtptng, Bllleua Celic 23 6. chelbbi Merbus, vomiting., 25 7. Cocoas, Colds, Bronchitis , ...25 a. Nbubaxqm, Toothache, Paceache 75 9. HaADAcaa, Btck Headache. Vertigo 25 10. DrsrarsiA, Bllleua Stomach 25 11. Bcrraaaaaoer Paivtvl PaaieDt ..25 12. Wnrraa. tee Profuse Periods 25 lit. Caecr. Ceugb, Difficult Breathing 25 It. Bait Bubum, Erysipelas, Eruptions..... ..25 15. BaatmATiaM, Bhaumatle Pains 25 11. ravxa ad Asub, Chills, Malaria.,., ......60 17. Piuts, Blind or iileedtng SO 19. Catabbh, Influenza, Celd In the Head, ...50 30. WnoeriHQ cough. Violent coughs... se 24. UtBjui.DBBiLmr,PhyileU Weakness, .50 27. Xiebbt DUBAas 50 as. Mbbveds ubbiuti 11 00 aj. UaiaABT Wbabss, Wetting Bed........ M DisaAsaaerTHaHBAW, PalpluUen....lti0 Beld by drngguta. or snl postpaid onre enre eeipt of prle. aiDaffsUIxa1 MiulCIMB TVtAMOND IYKS. aasTXHB ONLY Brilliant -g,--Durable DYES Economical Are Diamond Dyes. They excel all ethers In Strength, Patlty and Fastness. Nene ethers are Just aagoeod. Beware of Imitation a -they are mad of cheap and inferior materials and give peer, weak, erecky color. 39 Celers ; 10 Ogata ee.cn, end pcatal for Dye Boek, Sample Card, dl dl rectlena for coloring Photes., making the finest Ink or Binlng (10 eta a quart), etc Sold by Drnggtsts or by Weill, n.cBirdsen&C., Barltagtea, VU rer Ulldlng or Btenalng Faney Articles, USB DIAMOND PAINTS. aeld,8tiver, Bronse, Copper. Only 10 cents. FUKN1TURB. TyiDMYKK'8. Farnitare Attractions ! NO QUESTION ABOUT IT. Style, Qualify. Lew Prices, WHICH KILL OUR rLtlORJ, AND IN WHICH WB LBAU. BKST ASSORTMENT IN TOWN AMD BEST BABQAIgS. WIDMYER'S Oer. East Kins & Duke Sta. TH18WKKK WK D1SPL.AY IN OUR Seuth Window a NEW LINE OF GOODS. MBW AMI ATTlt AT1VK. BUACKKTS Mc, SCO, 75c. C3MB CASKS 60c, 7!c , Il.tO WASTE PAPBU BABBB1S 11.23 MUSIC STANDS BJ.B0 LADIES' WOltK BASKKTS f3 DO TOWEL BACK? 2 7 StIAVINU GLASSES 2W ear We alto show tbe Mew PI nsh Gecds con cen atanlly coming In at such low Pilces; you will be surprised te learn them. Our store will be open every nlghtuntll 8 30; will be lit up until i-i o'clock until tha Holiday teaten is ever. HEINITSH'S, 27 & 70 &OUIB QTJttBN BT., LANOA8TKB.PA. H OFFMEIKK'S. WILL CLKAIW11KM OUT I WUATT WHY A PEW Parler and Chamber Suits At Almest Your Own Figures. Big Opportunities. WHYT Because we must make room fei the goods we are receiving tbls tail. WUKKKt At lloffmeler'a Vurnllure Stere. This week we have mcelvcd a nice line of Plush and Leather Hookers. Call tosee them AT HOFFMEIER'S, rUBKITUBKSTOBK, NO. 26 BABT KINO BT. aeplS-Smd e OHH dc OIBBB. STYLISH, INEXPENSIVE FURNITURE. Recognizing the prevailing desire ier something new, we are constantly adding the latest patterns te our immense .stock of popular Parler, Bedroom and Dining Roem Furniture, of the best workmanship, and at the same Lew Prices as pre vails throughout our large es tablishment. Everything new in Furniture for any part of the house. Remember the name and number. OCHS aGIBBS, Manufacturers and Dealers. 31 Seuth Queen street. aprll-lyd F UUMTUKK I FOKN1TUKKI THE UMUEUSIUMXU HAS BEOPEMKU HIS STOUK AT THE OLD STAND, tfe. 38 East King Street. Which was destroyed by Ore some time age, and kaa a perfectly rtewbteck of all kinds el FURNITURE. PABLOU SUITES, BEDBOOH SUITES, TABLKS,',CHAI1UI, Ete. UPHOLSTERING In All Ita Branches. Alse Painting and Or namenting old Chairs., HENRY WOLF, Ne. 38 East King Street leatfd NOTICE TO TiiKHPASSKBS AND QUMNEBS.-AU peraens are hereby for. bidden te trespass en any of the lands of the Cornwall and Speedwell eatatea in Lebanon or Lancaster counties, whether inclesed or nam nam eieaed, either for the purpose of ahnotleg 01 Ashing, aa the law will he rigidly enforced against all trespassing en aald lands of the nn Oealgned after this notice. Wat. COLBMAB FBBBMAB, A'akiWcii,., 1 AINt 0 COMPOUND CURES Keuralgla Nerveca PROOFS "Patne'a Celery Com mand enied tar nerv eus headache." Mrs.L-A. BMHTirt, Baa J acta te, VaL " After using six bot tles of Fame's Celery Proatiatlen Compound, l am cured of rheumatism." Rheumatism Kidney HlSDIL HCTOalKSO. Seuth Cornish, m.H. "Jthaadonememere Diseases geed for kldneydUease than any ether medi cine." a aa Abbett, AMU All Liver Disorders sieux viiy, lewa. Palna'a CelarvCem- noundhaabeenefaireat benedt for torpid liver, Indigestion, and bll- 'ensnesa." i-iiAim i. Upall, Queebee, Vu BOOTS AND HHOB, TMl'OKTANT TO LADIES I We desire te call yenrattentlnn te our Una of 1 we Dellar Shoes, w hlch we have tn widths B,C, DnndJI In Squire, Hound and liread lee. The Sheet are of Pine Dongeta,Kld and Pebble Leather, and for Style, fit and Wear a te equal te 10x0 Sheea sold for mete meney. Fer eld feet we have a full lit oef Cleth shoes, llannel Llned, at 7:c,l.Wand 11.25. H, Swllkcy'a New Cash Stere, NO. 21 MOBTU QUEEN STttEET. Ctll-Smd F T WEAK. Ready New I Yes, MOW BEADY, with my Complete (took of BOOTS, BUOKS and BUBUEBSfer Pall and Wln'er Wear. Never before did 1 have aueh a Large and Varied Stock of the Very Best that the Market Affords and Marked and Quick Selling Prlees, Alse I call jour attention te my $3.00 GILT EDGE SHOE. This is one et the best Three-Dellar Shee for men that Is made te-day. Call and sea them 1 It beats all ethers. S. P. STAGKEOUSE, (ONE-PBICB8TOBE.1 88 80 BABT KINO, BT, ' LANCASTER, PA. aV-lyd B OOTB AND rJHOBH, -WK ABE BETAILINQ BOOTS - BOOTS -AT- WH0LESALE PRICES. Hew Can We De It? YOU MAY ASK: WB WILL EXPLAIN. A Iter the last Beet Beaten we bought fifty nine (59) Cases of Youths' Beys' and Men's Beets at a Private Assignee Hal e, for Bpet cash, at such Exceedingly Lew Prices that we can new sell you them Hetall at Uegular Wholesale Prices, and yet make preflt enough te keep us alive. We Can Sell Yeu : Youths' solid Kip Beets, tires 11 te 13, ler f 1.25 ; regular price, II 50 and 11.75. Beys' Heavy uoets, sizes 1 te 5, for 11.00, 11.25, loe,IL75andaxco. Men's Solid Ktp Beets, sites 8 te 11, ll.W. 11.75 and iloe t regular price, (2 w, 12.25 and 12.AO. Our Beets for 12.6s and aj.oe we defy anyone In the cennty or state te beat for Pit, Dura bility and Pi la 1. We could makit an Immense rpreflt en these 69 Cises of Beets by aelllng them at the old prices, bnteur motto is Quick Sales and Small Profits, We have stuck te it, and te our Bute" of giving our customers tbe advantage of our urchaaea. We hve the largest stock of adlea'. Misses' and Children's Heavy Laea and Butten eheea for rail and Winter Wear In the city, (which we dely any of our competi tors te dispute) at prlees te suit the times. Call In te aee them whether you wish te pur. chase or net, aa we consider It no trenble te ahew goods at tbe prices we sell them. The One-Price Cash Heuse, d The Leaders of Lew Prices IH BOOTS & SHOES, Ne. 3 Eut Hing Street, LAMCASTEB.PA. twstere closed every evening al 6 p. m., ex cept Saturday and Monday. BOOKS, All. S1 UHOOIi HONGS. Scheel Songs. Tbe MEW MU8I0 HOOK adcpted for use at the Teacher's Institute. 4W-TOUE HAD ONLY1T AT L B. HERR'S liOOKSTOUK, NO. 51 N01U11 QUKfcN bT. r' Hiewers et Matting " Is liil New Sunday ecboel Muilc j-oelc. anglMyd ATXOKMMtB. T UTHKR M. KAUilTMAM, ATTOslNKY-AT-LAW. Cecend rioer Kshleman Law llalldlng, Ne. Ill North Uuke Street. ttB-lvdAw J K1HHKK, DKNT1HT. fartlcular attention given te fltllng and preserving the natural teeth. I have all the latest Improvements for doing nice work at a very reasonable coat. Having yeara of ex Krlenee tn the large cities I am ture te give t heat of aaUiaoUen and aave you soeoay IEY ECKERT BUM TON' T MISS IT. GREAT SPECIAL SALE Ladles', Gent's WINTER 1MWEA Ne. 24 Centre Square, J, Harry Stamm's New Bosten Stere, THIS 18 A RARE CHANGE. 20 Per Cent. Under larCOMK KAKUY. HALE JJKXT DOOR TO OOTJKT HOUHB, A LIST OP SPECIAL UAHQAINS NOW OK SALE AT FAHNBSTOCKS. Bilk Plushes rea Allshadea of Kldordewn Bie All-wool se-inth Tricots We Ltd'es' Csrdlgsn Jackets ....7'e Laaies' Ketdy-Made Uleth Skirts BVi ute lata luury rrinia de Elmpien's Mourning l'rlnts te Warmnted Turaev Itrd Tab'e Linen ea - eel 210 elt, Large Mae lllaekata II a pair, lnch ill-Weel Henriettas worth tl for. ..750 Iiatirilnaln Ladlia'and cihllanu'illoeds rhlldin't cortex Waists. 3t)a Ladles' Weel, Kmbtoldered Vests and Jackets 78e Ladlea't nliara and Cuffs lOoatet ladles' Colored Kid titeret , J'JO FAHNBSTOCK'S, NOB. 30 c 87 MABT KINa BT.. LANOA8THB, PA. AD1K8' AND OUILDRKN'S COATS. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS Children's Coats from $1.00 up. Beautiful Stockinet and Diagonal Jackets for Ladies. Particular attention te our Seal Flush Coats, Seal Plush Medjeskas, superior in make and finish. All our Coats are made expressly ler us by the best makers in the United States. Metzger & Nes. 38 & 40 West King Street. aavorreBixc tub JMWMLHT. H; Z. RHOADH A BON, DIRECT IMPORTATIONS. THE first of our importations Is new In Stock. Each succeeding week ethers will be re ceived. Yeu will find a line of new styles the finest productions of the present markets and are cordially invited te come and examine them. H. Z. RHOADS & SON, Ne. 4 West King Street. tiUBBtiHWAJtn. H IQH & MARTIN. Lamps. - Lamps. -AT- LL All persons ualng Lamps are Interested In securing the BEST. The Eocliester lamp Is entitled that name, " THE BEST." It Is a central draft lamp, has a perfect wick movement, no danger of explosion. The volume and steadiness of light Is superior te any. Yeu can get It either In a Stand, Par Par eor, Piane or Lltfrary Style and at Bettem Prices. Don't fall te examine these be fore making a purchase. If you don't want a ROCHESTER, we have the Largest Assortment of Stand, Parler, Library and Hall Lamps, In the Best Styles and Lewest Prices of ether makes ever offered by us. Any of these will make useful as well as ornamental present. OrCall and examine our asseitment before making your selections. High & Martin, Ne. 15 East King St. CIMM ecu-tW tytlDf. OF- and Children's I -AT- Price for Underwear. WILL MOT LA HI' I.ONU,.: oed Bag.Jnte and Ingrain carpets Ve Slnlr Carret 10c, He, lte Smyrna Bugs wertbtl. 7Aa Best rrathrTiniiigi,.,,, , ilc I anlfs'Hibbed Ves'a t.e Heme-Made L'ouuerU f l.ie, 11.54 Best rloer OH Cleth sold VSe Stair nil uleth Ce and 10a up. Hest Table oil cloths ie suncU ellk W lied nirssdneds se l'lush and Oriental Diniiery.. ..25e fpeetal Value In Men'a Cusslmores.. ........ BOe Hen's and ladles' iimlerwear ll.W Ladle' 600 IJrossCle'h at, 37MQ Lace Window curtain 73e, niy.cuwi .00 Haughman, Lancaster, Fa, coepku iieubb.-iT l rrrATCHEH AMERICAN I Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Specs. Kye-Ula JCte,at LOWKSl'fuiCKS. Optical Heeds. Telegraph Time Dally. Kveiy Article lathis Line uarelally itetaired. LOUIS "WEBER, Ne. van S, Qneen 8L, Near P. U. U. Butten. w EDDINO PRESENTS. GILL, Jeweler. Wedding Presents in Silver. New and Artistic Designs In SILVKUTKABXT8, LKMONAuK BKTS, CAKKIIASKKIS, FliUlT U1BIIKS, rHENCIICLOCKB, 11U0NZE8, KtC, CBAS. S. GILL, NO. 10 WB8T KINO BT., LANCAHTKU, PA. R KPAIKINQ. WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING! 'or rine Watch and Jewelry Uepalrlng TUV US. Wlllglve you tbe bust of work and (or less money than you hve been paying. ANYBrXOlAL WOUK, Resetting Stones, &c, All Werk Warranted and Satisfaction Guaranteed. WALTEK C. HERE, Ne. 101 North Queen Street, COU.OrOKANaaT, LAMOASTBKrA. VH JKADINU & COLUMBIA R, R, Wt Arrangement el Patten ment m Passenger Trains en, allr,SUHUAy,kATlS,18. NOttTUWARD. SltTII A. W. uarryvlile n.te Ing Street, Lane 7.3Q Lancaster 7.40 Leave A.M. . 11.95 HIS 11 SO 11U 1130 A. at, xte A.K. 11.60 r.tf. l lis 2.00 Chlcklea 7.30 Marietta Junction 7.W Columbia. 7.30 Arrlre at i A. at. Beading au SOUTH WAUD. l-eave a. t. Beading 7,20 ArrrtTeat a. at. Marietta Junction 9.M Obleklea 9 se Columbia ........ a ItlAalaltm . . n m ., '?-. . uvw wa aaaaaaeaaaaaaea W tAI itt . BlniT 8trwit.Janr.- fl.in irViivli'! l.tf UtlMTTTlJU 10.31 S.tJi LTS OU"UAI & TRArtshtiBB avian. Snarryyuieat 7.10 a.m. sfjj & Ing street, Lantv. at 8.06 a. m., and S.U b. Wyw ArrtTeat , jLB wwinifi iifciw a. in., seu imje p. in. Leavei Beading, at 7.20 a. m and I n. m. r'SS Arrlye at Vgk'i narryTUlN at 8.10 p.m. .."j .. . .-rr . ... . . J trxrains oennict at Heading with train 1 kuu irmn rnimunipnift, reiuvuie. Harris ti Atiuiiwwn ana new xerg, via. uenad At Columbia, with trains 10 and front Tasj' 'd Hanover, uettysburg, Frederick and Mi,- l At Marietta Junction with tratnt tsi suasl'-iii from tihlcktns. x7w At Manheitn with trains te and irem Laats-' non. '.O' At Lancaster Junction, with trains te imA'' from Lancaster. Quarry vllle, and Chlcklea. .t . , jl. at. vnusun Bupcrintenaent.t.' 1- KNNNYr.VtNIl It ATT.T.rAT'.r'f AT nrtlKnm.X ln ,Mt frnm In.. 1, ..- ""iS 1888. fj Trains inkra LAKOAaran and leare and rv:- nve m s-nuaaeipnia ns roiiewa : Irfiare WKSTWAKD. iaoine Kxpressf News Kxpressf Way Passeng8rt Mall train vliMt.Jey Ma 1 Mall Tratnt..... Niagara Express..... llanoTer Accem Fast l.lnif rrederlek acceiu..., Lancaster Accem... llarrlsburg Acoem.. Columbia Accem... Philadelphia. Laneaaaas' i jump, m, . 4 SO a. m. 4:rea. m. 7:00 a. m. lr-a. aavrfi.1 esn. m:.u 9.si a. m.6 j via Columbia ll-1l.l aa tati a, 7:40 a. m. 9:ea,B,lA, Mil aa.'i 20 p. at,, '; 2:i0p.a.i?S, ' via Columbia! ii:uiiu rn. via Columbia via ut. Jey 2:i8p.m. 4:40 p in. 6.50 p.m. fcMp.in. Leave Lancaster. fttea, m. e.esa. m. 8:ina. m. 9 Ma. m, exa. m, 11:30 a. m. 12 0t p.m. 2:05 p m. Step. m. 4:le p.m. B-10 n rmAtf ' ' 1 7:40n. ..? llarrlsburg Kxpresif 7:50 p. ta, i nvtveiu jixpressr KASTtTARU. Phlla. Kxprestl,.,, Fast l.tnet lliiep. w.4f ' ArrlvVi tM'i . rnua. t w rM tits a. rn,''.,, 835 a. Mint'. llarrlsburg Kxpress) in-9fln. 1M. ?V ... rl ?Z.'. j.BucBaier ccuin.,, Colombia Accem.,,. Atlantle Fxprrssf... Boashero Kxprest.... Philadelphia Accem, Pnnday Mall Dav Jfim-essf !!... ..".'' . vi.n.HUT. . ..w n. mtvijf, I.El n. Um.?: :: ! e.iq p. sa.yr B oe p. aa.'; 6:4Sp.m fl:M n. as. '' Harrlsbnrg Aocem e:ta p. m :i3 p. ITheenlv trains whlnh run dallv. On Sntv.1' fl uny me saau uua weak runa iy way ei watVv . umbla. ig?' J.B cnAB. K. WOOD. Generat Passenger Agent'fc"- ', .8. K.PUU II. uoneral Manager. .'S--j( TEHANON 4 L.ANOAHTEU JOlNlfe 'M Jl LINK ItAII.HOAl). ifct,.--i JU LINK UAILUOAO Arrangement el Pattenger Trains' after, Buxeat, Mat 18, isss, nebtutyakdT 11.1. Vv.J BnndAy.l.i'1 Leave a.m. r.v. r. sl Qnarrvvllle......... 6 08 a.st. r,MT. ti King Street, Lane.. 7.00 12 85 B M R05 Lancaster.. 7.07 1243 0.028.13 Manbetm 783 1.18 S.808.4S Cornwall 7.BB Ltd 8.Bti947 Arrive at Lebanon 8.11 1A3 BOUXUVTAItD. Leave A.M. P.M. F,M A.M. Lebanon 7.12 1280 7-S07JS Cornwall 7.27 12.49 7.M810 Manbelm 7.B8 1,14 &168.40 Lancaster. B27 LIS 8.12 .12 Arrive at KingBtroet.LancuB.SS l.U 8.50 0,30 A. M. WILSON, Sunt. it. 0. Kallread.' B. B. NKFF. Bupfc O. K, K. m. TBUtiKB, F ALL AND WINTER UOOOB. M. HABERBUSH & S0N J Fall and Winter Eoedsii Our Stock et Fall and Winter Goods It - new complete. We Lave the Largest and -8& T.Mnnt uin.t, t. it,. .it s iinncn A- :,r" rr, .. r:.r VL "w-.i Duji-ix n.iu a a vii uniues.j T lilanknts. In "Plush. Weel ... SS ana Felt. Black and Grey Geat Itebei. Hudsen Day and Prairie Wolf Robes. zH liutTale Itebes. Siberian Deg (Black) j,, Robes. Fex and Coen Skin Robes. 3 We consider It no trouble te sliew our goods -AT- M. Haberbusli & Sen's SADDLE, HARNE88; AND- TRUNK STOR Ne. 30 Centre Square, LANOABTKB. PA VMBBBULAS. JwlwwVVVtrvWv R. II, & U. R.B. &H., Mrelliis ! R. B. & H. tepD-3ma MACUINKHT. pEMRAL MACHINE WORKS. W. PARKS OUMMINQS, Central Machine Works 13 A ISO NORTH OHRIHTIAN BT LAaeAani, Pa, Engines and Boilers, of Irem 2 te 12 horse power, of our own make a specialty. Neat la design, or lull power, durable and cheap. Steam Goods and supplies in great JWjfW. consisting et Valves. Cch, Lobrtcatera. Whistles. Inlecter. .electors. Pumps, Toels, Wrough1:MXableandcastlron;lllloga.a Wrennht and cast Iren i-lpe, etc liesl Joh Jeh bers' discounts te the trade. hbcIbJ machinery built te order, and re-pMrmgl-reiSptly done Alse Iren and Brass Castlugs. Patterns aud Modelt. stkau rirriNu AND stkam ukatimq APPAUATU3. GOOD WOUK. PUOMPTNE33, mSASON' AULKCUAJIQKB, Central Machine Works. WANTKD.-TKMPKRATK, KNEK. KBtle man tu tollelt orders ler our choice nursery atec. steady work and gce pty. The bu1nest 8lly leed. Iteterenej reuutred. State age. Address. K. U. LHAaat AO.mes. l'nn sauare, PhUaOiriBkat, MPl'2wtje4 h i J.SX ,.Ji A-51 i'4-w ffiS J$?. i? -i && m '1 ?i & 1 ! ' .Jit f? jf V '1. '"r ,