y-::' .-' '-': l -& "!WriC!Gx!f -v '- "' v ,7f"'. 't; ''. v. THE LANCASTER DAILY rNTELLTGENCEl, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1888. '! V - riS BAST TO LABOBt. Tin cr te labor with kepa M eat (OM. Tjfaeoken ei enwatS and brighten the wart Te stt enfflhen the nart Ull all tow are deBed, Ana Mreugtfccn the ntm till all work U is pir. 'Hi ctuy te conquer when friends us lur reuiid, Bverswect wordiefcoinfotttoipelkln ear iri Te W'ep doubt away that till darkly hid. frowned. And keep from our vision the rhintems of rear. Bat what, wben the tweet star of Hepe that did guide I bidden by clouds that It nay net d'spart f Ana whattr the comtettlnc friend at tny nae fitjnd illante: creak wllh tbe denttln Ur heirtr Oh I give me the heart lint thiengh alienee of friend May walk In the light, or with darkness may eope; Ob I glTe'1119 the heart, which, If neel, te the end My even light en In Ihi hope of a hope. Ye ia bravely strike forward, theiih left In the dark, Still kerplng the ceuise that It held through the llB.it Yen, sttlke axd keep st'lklng, lit but by tbe spark Which 1U brave ceoselcsutiokoi btlngeut el the night x Frem iA Courier-Journal. " ffhf n levfly women strops te felly." and roes out In the snow without her India mb b rs. the only art te curd her cold la te buy ero bottle of Dr. Ball' Cough Byrup at SI cent, aid take 1 1- speak this speech a I tell you. tilpplngly en tee tengv " Bay that one of the great benefactions of the age Is a small bottle of Bal Tatton oil. tha greatest cure en earth for pain. I'nly IScenU. Buptnre cure guaranteed by Dr. J. B. Mayer, 831 Arch street, Philadelphia Base at once, no operation or delay from business, attested by thousands of eures after ethers fall, adylee free, seed for circular. aarlO-lydAw BPB01AL NOTIOJtai 8LBBPLB8B maHTS. tnade miserable by that terrible cough, shlleVs Cure Is the remedy or you. Beld by H. B. Ceehran, druggist. Ha 87 and 189 North eueen Bt Lancaster, Fa. (1) A cold nf unusual severity which I took last amumn developed Inte a difficulty decidedly catarrhal In all Its chariot eristics, threaten ing a return of my old chronic milady, eitarrh. one bottle of Ety'a Cream Balm com pletely eradicated every symptom of that painful and prevailing disorder. K, W.War ner, 16S Hudsen street, Kechester, N. Y. catarrh. Ter twenty years I was a sufferer from catarrh el the head and threat. By a few applications of sly's Cream Balm I received decided benefit was cured.by one bottle. Charlette Parker, Waverly,N. Y. 019 IwdeedJtw Mether Mothers 1 1 Methetsllt Are you disturbed at- night ana broken ei yenr rest by a slek child suffering ana crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth T If se, go at once ana get a bottle of MBS. WINBLOW'B SOOTHING BYBD P. It will re lieve the peer little sufferer Immediately-fle-pend upon It t there is no mistake about It. There Is net a mother en earth who has are used It, who will net tell you at once that It will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te tha child, operating like magic It is perfectly safe te use in all cases and pleasant te the tase, ana is the prescription of ineelthe eldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Beld everywhere, SB cents a bottle . mayl9-lydw Truth Crushed te Earth is bound te rise. Crowd down and smother tbe truth as you may concerning Ihemat' Me leetrie Oil yet the facts will rise up that It Is one of the best remedies for aches, sprains, and pains that has yet been Invented. Fer rale by H. B. Cochran, druggist, 187 and 159 Werth Queen street. iAncaster. Our Candidate for President, He will be nominated by the convention and will be elected by tbe people, because he wll I come the nearest te filling their Ideal of a Chief Magistrate. Jtlectne Bitters has been given the highest place, because no ether medicine has se well filled the Ideal et a per fect ton'e find alterative. The people have endorsed Klectrle tutors and rely upon this grrat remedy In all troubles of Liver, Stomach and Kidneys. Fer all Malarial rovers and diseases caueed by Malarial Poisons, Klectrle Bitters cannot be tee blgbly recommended. Alse cures Headache ana constipation, satis faction guaianteed or money refunded. Price Mc, at H.B.Cechran, Drug store, U7 and 129 North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. () Ah UNKOUTUNATK PEBSON. The most unfortunate person In the world Is one afflicted wllh sick heodaehe, butt hey will be relieved at once by using Dr.Leslte's Special Prescription. Bes advertisement In another column (I) Every Persen te lie a Ileal Buceiss In this lire must have a specialty ; that Is, must concentrate the abilities et body and mind en some one pursuit. Burdock Bleed Bitttrt have their specialty as a complete and radical cure et dyspepsia, and liver and kid ney affections. Vat sale ty H. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lan caster. Uriel Mention, I hive used Burdock Bleed Bitten with great benefit for Indigestion acd (ensti catien of lhe bowels" e. L. Kiaten, Hamilton, ent. rer sale by II. B Cochran, drugjUt, 1S7 and 189 North Queen street, Laneaster. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Tn But baits In the world for Cuts,Brulses Seres, Ulcers. Belt Uhenm, Fever Beree.Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, corns, and all Skin eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. Ituguaranteepteglveper. reel satisfaction, or money refunded. Price K cents per box. Fer tale by H. B.Cechran, Druggist, Mes. 137 and 139 North Qneen street, Lancaster. Pa. lunen-lyd What We Want. Give Homeopath bis pellets, Allepath his plllst but for rheumvljtn, for aches, for sprains, Thomai' JCeleelrie Oil Is Ineffably su perior te either. It has benefitted as many people as It hat had purchiser. All druggists' sell It. rer sale by H. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Laneaster. Grunt It Out." The above is an old saw as savage as It ts senseless. Yeu can't " grunt out" dyspepsia, nor liver complaint, nor nervousness if they once get a geed held. They don't remove themselves In that way The taking a few does of Burdock Bleed Bitten Is better than "grunting It out." What we can enre let's net endure. Fer sale by H. B. Cochran, drug, gist, 187 and 189 North Queen street, L an cat ver. COUGH, WHOOPING COUGH and Bronchitis Immediately relieved by Bhlleh's enre. Beld by H. B. Cochran, druggist. Nes. U7 and 183 North Queen St, Laneaster, Pa. () A Geed Thing. ' I tometltnes wish I could take held of the sale of Thomai' Kelectrie Oil for 1 tell you It Is a grand thing, and 1 am conscientious In say ing 1 could de a geed work." Uev. B. F. crane, Carry, fa. Klectrle oil cured this gentleman et quinsy of many years standing. Fer sole by li. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. Kfduclng the.Burplus. The disposition of the surplus In tbe U. s. treasury engages the attention et our states men, but a mere vital question has our atten tion, and that U tte redoetlon of the Surplus Consumptives. Since tha discovery and in traductien of Dr. fling's New Discovery for Consumption, there has been a marked de crease In the mortality from this dreaded dis ease, and it Is possible te still further reduce the number et consumptives. UewT I By keeping constantly en hand a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery and using according te directions, upen tbe appearance of the first symptoms, such as a Cough, a Celd, a Sere Threat, a Chest, or side Pain. Taken thus any a cure is guaranteed. Trial bottles free at 11. B. Cochran's drug store, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancai ter, Pa. (4) THAT HACKING GOUGU can be se qulekly cured by Bhlleh's Cure. We guarantee It. sela by H. B. ceehran druggist, Nes. 187 and iw North Queen St., Lancaster. Pa. (l) BUILOU'B COUGH and Consumption Cure Is sold by as en a guarantee. It cures Cen sumptien, sold by H. B. Cochran, druggist. Mes. 137 ana 189 North Queen St., Lancaster. Pa. (I) EDVOATIOXAL, ' D ,ONT POT IT Ol-'if 1 Don't put off tbe matter el getting a "Busi ness Kan catien." That Is, that kind et an education that will benefit you most in a gain Ing. If net an independence, at least aoed living. A knowledge et B00rvKEKM6 AND BDMSESS FORMS, combined with a gecd handwriting, tfees a gresl vay In accomplishing this. Day and Evening cessions. 1UX KABT KING STKBET. N' OT1UB TO TKKMPAMSKKa AND GUNNEBB.'wAll persons are hareb ter. bidden te trespass en any et the lands of the Cornwall and Speedwell estates tn Lebanon or Lan paster counties, whether inclesed or nun. alestl, either ter the purpose of sheeting or sktng, as tha law will be rigidly enforced against all trespassing en said tanas of tte nn Atelgned after this notice. WM. COLBMAN FUBXHAM, - B. PkaOY ALDBN, IBDW, 0. FBB1MAB. Amnttf wi.w.ceisBtts'iiHM QUT1CURA RKMED1X& 8C11T0HED;28 TIAKS. A gear llektag Mm Disease With Bad less BaStHng CmrM by Catleara Heaaedle. If I had known of tbe COTIOUBA RKMI. Dlas tweeiy-ttabt years age It would have saved ma BssBjOS (twd handred dollars) and an Immense amount of suffering. My disease (rtenatb) eommeneeAonmy headln a spot net larger than a cent. It spread rapidly all ever my body ana sret under mv nails. Ihi seale i would drop off of me all the time, and my suffering was endless, ana without relief. en thousand aellars would net tempt me te gave mis iiinmewr again, a am a sear, man, bniMalrteatobenlletedetwhatsomeolUie doe'ors said was leprosy, some ring-worm, Mertasta eta. I txmk .... infl....8rumjllli ever one rear and aihilr, but no cure. lean 'net praise tbe CuUcura Kemedlea tee mneb. They have) made b7 skin as clear and free as a baby's AH I used of them was three boxes of Cutleura, and three bottles of cull enra leselvent, and two eakea of Cutleura lean. If yen had been here ana said yen would have eured ma for Samoa you would hav had the money. Hooked like the picture In your book of Psoriasis (pletnre number I we, Hew te Cere Skin Diseases,") bat new am ts clear as any person ever was. Through force el habit 1 rub my hands ever my arms and leys te scratch once In a while, but te se purpose, I am all well. I scratt bed twenty eight years, and It get te be kind of second nature te me- 1 than a yen a thou ! and times . Anything mere that you went te knew write me,arany one who reads this may write te me en 1 will answer It, . n minis DOWMIKw. W atmsust, Vt, Jan. SO, 1857. Pserlislf, Xciema, Tetter. Rlngweim Lichen, rrasltu, scaTiHead, MllkCiue, Uan drutt, Barbers,' Bakers,' Grocers' and Washer women's Itch, and every species of Itching, Burning, Scaly, Pimply Humors of the Skin and scalp ana Blecd, with Less of Hair, are poMUTOjycniea ey iutiuuu, inc great sain cure, and ctmcuaA Bear, Ian exquisite Bkln Bnauttfler, externally, and Ctmecma BsnotT BsnetT nar, the new bloea partner, Internally, when physicians and all ether remedies tall. sold everywhere. Price, ctmctnu. BOet Sear, Me i BaseLvnrr, 11.00. Prepared by tbe POXTBB DBUO AND CUKMlOAIi CO., Bos Bes Bos eon. Mats. SPBendfer "Bew te Cure Skin Diseases," 64 pages, te illustrations, and loe testimonials Of HMpt'1tB Blackheads, chapped and oily lr alia Skin prevented by Cuticvia Mbd- 10ATBOB0AP. Sneezing Catarrh. Tbe distressing sneers, sneeze, sneeze, ths act 10, watety discharges from the eyes and nose, the pilnlul InfUmtcatlen extending te ihethToautheawelllngel the mnoens lining, causing evoking sensations, oengb, ringing noises In the head and spllttit g headaches headaches hew famllir these symptoms are te thousands who suffer periodically from head colds erln finer za, and who live In Ignorance of the fact that a single application et Baebd's Kadi eal Cubs fob Cat arh will afford (nifanfanseut rHe But this treatment In cares of simple Ca tarrh gives but a taint Idea of what this remedy will Ce In the chronic fexms, where the breathing Is obstructed by choking, putt Id mucous accumulations, the hearing affected, smell and taste gene, threat ulcerated and hacking cough gradually fastening itself upon the debilitated system. Then It is that the marvelleus curative power or Bawfebd's Bad ieal cuu manifests Itself In Instantaneous and grateful relief. Cure begins from the first application, it it rapid, radical, permanent, economical, sale. SAnroBe'a Badieal Cutis consists of one bot tle of the Radical Cubb. one box of ea. TABBHAL SOLVKITT, BUd an laTTBOVBD lBEALBB, price, ll. POTTBB DlTJQ A CHBHIOAL CO., BOSS OK. Pains and Weaknesses OF FflMALHB Ins'antly relieved by theCulleura Antl Pain Plaster, a new, mett asrreeab'.e, lnstantaneeu s and Infallible pale-kllTlng planter, eipcclally adapted te relieve Female Pains anu weak, nesses. Warranted vsstly superior te all ether plasters, and the most perfect Antidote te Pain, Inflammation and Weakness yet com pounded. At all druggists, 2S cents: five ler 11.00 1 rr, postage tree, of Petter Dkt'e Attn Cubiiieal te , Bosten, Mass. JunJJ-lydWABAlyw E IY'8 URBAN BALM. OATARBH--HAY FEVER. SLY'S CBBAM BALM cures cola in Hea Catarrh, Hese Celd, Hay rever.Deofneas.Uuaa. ache. Prlee M cents. BABY TO U Bit. BIy Bra's, Owego. N. Y., U.S.A. BLY'B CBRAM BALM Cleanses the Natal Passages, Allays Pain and Inflammation, Heals the Beres, Uesteres the Senses of Taste and smell. TBY THBCUBK. A particle Is applied Inte each nostril and Is agreeable. Price BO cents at Druggists I by mall, registered, 60 cents. BLY BBOTHBKB, H Warren Street, New Yerk. nevls-iydAw aOHENOK'B MANDRAKE PILLS. Dr. Schenck's Mandrake Pills. GLBANSB the mucous membranes of tt-e stenncli and bowels et all sllme and foreign matter, start tbe socretlens, assist digestion and assimilation, nullfy the bleed. 1 hey relieve tbe liver of congestion, give It a chance te extract bile poison from the bleed, te make them Inte geed bile, and te secrete nst what Is needed. They de net tear their way and Irritate like most purgatives, but they treat all the surfaces and organs, se that tbe entire system responds. They are based en tclentlfle principles. They are entirely rational and natural. They always da what Is claimed ler them. They work en the system In the way clalmed They work together for the greatest geed. They ere net like new and untried medicines. They need no praise, but only simple mention of merit. any Dr. Schenck's purely vegetable and wholly reliable family medicines are for sale by all Druggists. Bvery package has neatly S rlnted directions for use. If you would an erstand yourself send for Dr. schenck's new Boek en Diseases of the Lungs, Liver and Btemack. Bent tree. Address Dr. J. M. Bchenck A Sen, Philadelphia, Pa, myn-iydAw H ARD RUBBER TRUSSES. 8EELEVS HARD RUBBER TRUSSES Will retain the most difficult forms of Hikmi a or Bupture with comlertandsafety thereby com pleting a radical "tfTOE" of 11 curable cases, lmpervl-VO fa Cleus te moisture. May be used In bathing ; and fitting perfectly te form et body, are worn without Inconve nience bv the youngest child, most delicate lady, or the laboring man, avoiding all sour, sweaty, padded unpleasantness, being Light, Coel, Cleanly, and always reliable. caution. Beware or imitations. Aiigenn lne are plainly stamped "LB. Bbslbt Js Ce; WABBAtmS." RUPTURE. Its BkUlful Mechanical Treatment a Spe cialty Kither In Persen or by Mali. W Years Beferences -Pret. a. D. Oren.D. Bayii Agnew, Wlllard Parker. W. H, Pan Pan eetut. Dr. Themat (J. Morten, and Surgeon Surgeen Utneralt of the U.S. Army and xfavy. Our" Mechanical Treatment of Hernia and Illustrated Catalogue Contents : Hernia or Bupture delineated i its dlfierent descriptions cause, treatment and care. Alse cerpulency, Abdominal Weaknesses and Varicecele. Boek of W pp. and 180 Illustrations. Mailed en re ceipt of 8c postage. L B. BKBLKY A CO., y-Imdeed18tw Philadelphia, Pa, Q.OLDBN bPKOmu, DRUNKENNESS -OBTHB-LIQUOK HABIT POSITIVELY CU11KD BY ADM1N1BTBB1NG DB. HAINBB' GOLDBN BPXCiriC. It can be given in a cup of coffee or tea with out the knowledge of the person taking It ; is absolutely harmless, and will effect a perma nent and speedy cure, whether the patient Is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of drunkards have been made temperate men who have taken Gelden Spe cific In their coffee without their knowledge, and te-day believe they quit drinking of their own free will. IT NKVBU r AILS. Trhe sys i sys- It te tem once impregnates, wiw ins epecinc. it comes an utter Impossibility for the Uq nor annetltA te exist. Fer sale bv CH AS. A. LOCHKB. DruggUt, Ne. s Bast King BtreetTLancasWVPa. ang8-lydM,W,r IMPROVED CUSHIONED EAR DBUMS. CURE FOR THE DEAF. Peck's Patent Improved Cushioned Bar Drums perfectly restore bearing and perform the work of the natural drum, invisible com lertable and always In position. All conver sation and even whispers heard distinctly. Bend for Illustrated book with testimonials, FACE. Address or call en r. UlSCOI.sM BfeMway, flaw Yerk. li8MwflM,Tf,rAw UMOND DYES. TBI 0HLY Brilliant ,. Durable DYES Economical Are Diamond Dyes. They excel all ethers In Strength, Put I ty and rastaess. Nene ethers arejustasgoeod. Beware et Imitations -they are mads of cheap ana Inferior matarlali and gire peer, weak, crecky colors, S3 Celers ; 10 OMta Meb, Send postal for Dye Boek, Sample Card, di rections for coloring Photes., making tha finest Ink or Bluing (10 cts a quart), etc Sold by Druggists or by vtelli, R(cakrdeB&C., Uarl.gU,Yr. rer Gliding or Brentlng Fancy Articles, USB DIAMOND PAINT3. Geld.llver, Brente, Copper. Only 10 cents. fTAfOMSM. TyATOHES ambrTgan I Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, specs, Bve-GIa Bte , at le was r pbiges. Optical Goods. Telegraph Time Dally. Bveiy Article In this Llue carefully Bej aired. LOTJia WaslBR, Ma 1M B. Queen St., Bear P. B. B. Station. w EDD1NU PRESENTS. GILL, Jeweler. j Wedding Presents in' Silver. New ana Artistic Designs In BILVBBTBABBTS, LEMONADE SETB, CAKEBASKKT8, FBU1T DISHES. FKENCUCLOCK8, BBONZKS, Etc, CFAS. S. GILL, NO. 10 WB3T KINQ BT., LANCABTEB. PA. R EPA1RINQ. WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING I Fer Fine Watch and Jewelry Bepalrlng TBYUB. Will give you tbe best of work and for less money than you have been paylngi ANYBPXOIAL WOUK, Resetting Stones, &a, All Werk Warranted and Satisfaction Guaranteed. WAITER C. HERE, Ne. 101 North Queen Street, COB.OrOBANGE, LANCABTBB. PA ni-tra QVKKKSWARB. H 1QH & MARTIN, Lamps. - Lamps. -AT- AIL All persona using Lamps are Interested in securing the BEST. The Rochester Lamp la entitled tbat name, " THE BEST." It is a central draft lamp, baa u perfect wick movement, no danger of explosion. Tbe volume and steadiness of light Is superior te any. Yeu can get it either in a Stand, Par Par eor, Piane or Library Style and at Bettem Prices. Don't fail te examine these be fore making a purchase. If you don't want a ROCHESTER, we have tbe Largest Assortment of Stand, Parler, Library and Hall Lamps, la tbe Best Styles and Lewest Prices of ether makes ever offered by us. Any of these will make a useful as well as ornamental present. CTCall and examine our asseitment before making your selections. High & Martin, Ne..5Eaat King St. OCtl9-tfd VSIBKKLLAS. T B, &U. R, B. 8c H., Melius R. B. & H. sepJMmd WANTED. TEMPERATE, ENER. getlc man te sollelt orders for our choice nursery stock, steady work and geed pay. The business easily learned. Ueletenee wa"rea State age. Address. B. Q. CHASE ZZWiZZJji " " ""wjiw D CHINA OELERY COMPOUND GURES Nesrsiftl Mmtebb FrostiftUen RhOBMiBtkra sttdBtjy DLteasea PROOFS "Palne'a oalatwcem pennd euieA tny nerv ous headache." Mn.L. A. B9MBTBBB, San JaeUtn, Cal. " After natasf six bob. lies of Patne's Celery '.'omneund. 1 omeuied of rheumatism." HAMUSL HCTOatBtOW, Seuth Cornish, nu. "it has dena ma mere geed for kldneydlseaae than any ether medi cine." GBO.ABS0TT, Bloux City, Iowa. "Palee's Celery Cem. round has beenef great benefit for teraia liver. AND All Live Disorders indigestion, and bll bll eutness." Ehxabstb U. Udau, Qnechee, Vt. Beem AND BBOtm. TMl'ORTANT TO- LADIES I Wedjilrotecall yourat'entlon te our line or Twe Dellar shoe, which we have In widths B.C, DandB In Se. mm. Bound and Bread lee. Th se Shoes are of Fine Uongela, Bid end Pebble Leather, ana rer Style. Fit ana Wear ate equal te tome Shoes sold for mere mosey. Fer eld feet we have a full IIle of Cleth shoes, Flannel lined, at 7Jc, n.wand vl.S. H, Swllkey'i New dash Stere, . BO.MM0BTH qUEEN 8TBEET. ctllmd JKX) T WEAK. Ready New I Yes, NOW BEADT, with my Complete i took of beets, shoes and BUBBEBS for Fall ana Winter Wear. Never before did I have such a Large ana Varied Stock of the Very Best that the Market Affords and Harked ana Quick Selling I rices. Alse I call your attention te my $3.00 GILT EDGE SHOE. This is one of the best Three-Dellar Shee for men that Is made te-day, Call and see them It beats all ethers. D. P. STACKEOUSE, (ONE-PBICE STOKE.) B8 e 80 MABT bUNO.BT, LANCASTER. PA. atO-lyd B OOTS AND HHOE8. -WE ABE BETAILINa- BOOTS - BOOTS -AT- WHOLESALE FRIGES, H6wCan We De It? YOU U AY ASK : WE WILLKXPLAIN. Alter the last Beet season we bought fltty nine (N) cases of Youths' Beys' and lien's Beets at a Private Assignee Sale, for Spot cesh, at such Exceedingly Lew Prices that we can new sell you them Betall at Begnlar Wholesale Prices, and yet make profit enough te keep ng alive. We Can Sell Yeu : Youths' Solid Kip Heets, sties 11 te is, for 1. ; regular price, f 1 60 and 11.79. Beys' fleavy Heets, sizes 1 te a, for 11.00, $1.25, llB0.gl.7SandW.C0. Ben's solid Ktp Beets, sizes 0 te 11, 11.50, 11.75 and 11.00 1 regular price, f J w. rt2B and 12.60. Our Beets ter U8 and M.OO we defy anyone In the county or state te beat f or Fit, liuro liure bUlty and Prien. We could mak ii an Immense profit en these 69 Ceses of Beets by selling them at the old prices, but our motto ts Quick Sales and Small Profits. We have stnek te It, and te onrMBnla"ef giving our customers the advantage of enr purchases. We hve the largest stock of Ladles'. Misses' and Children's Heavy Lace and Butten shoes for Fall and Winter Wear In tbe city, (whleh we defy any of our competi tors te dispute) at prices te suit the times. Call In te see them whether you wish te pur chase or net, as we consider It no trouble te show goods at the prices wa sell them. The One-Price Gkah Heuse, t Th. Lwulen of Lew Prices IK BOOTS & SHOES, Ne. S East King Street, LANCABTEB. PA. sBrStere closed every evening at 8 p. m., ex eept Saturday and Monday. BOOKS, tO. S( OHOOL SON as, Scheel Songs. The NEW MUBIO BOOK adipted for use at the Teachtr's Institute. WTO 11 K HAD ONLY-E AT L B. HERR'S BOOKSTORE, NO. SI NOItlll gUEEM BT. 49" (bowers et Blessings " li tin New Banaay echoel Musle i.oek anglB-lyd AXIOMNMIB. T UTHEH 0. KAUKKMAJN, ATrOKNEY-AT-LAW, Second Fleer Bsbleman Law Building, Ne. 13 North Duke Street. ua-IvdAw WU K18HER, DENTIST. Particular attention glTen te tilling and preserving the natural teeth. I have all tha latest Improvements for doing nice work at a very reasonable cost, Uavlngyearsefez Krlenee In the large cities I am sure te give s best of satisfaction and save you money pMtartlBesAltMUcsUySaOOparset. snariA-iya liWaQDIi IK PilNE'S FREY ECKERT rAQERA BROTHER. Up We are showing attractive values in Men's Winter Overcoats at prices that claim yeurj interest. PANTALOONS. Men. Pantaloons. Stylish, Striped Cheviot at - $3.25, All-Weel Cheviot Stripes at - $2.35. Serviceable Beaver Cassimeres, $1.95. HAGER & BROTHER, UMM TAON' T MI88 IT. GREAT SPECIAL SALE LadleB', Qent's WINTE Ne, 24 Centra Square, J. Harry Stamm's New Bosten Stere, TUIH 18 A RARE CHANCE. 20 Per Cent. Under tar COM K KAKLY. HALE N KXT DOOR TO CX)URT HOUSH. A LIST of special bargains new en sale at PAHNESTOOKS. Ilk Plnsbes All snades of Kldordewn...... rda 5i'c ti.nuui oe-iuvu 1 iiuuin... ... ...... ..no isa'es' vsrdirsn Jsesets Ladles' Meady-Made uletli Bkltt , One case Fancy Prints Simpsen's Mrumlng frlnts Wartanted Turkey Urd Tab'e Linen Velt. Luvehltn Ulinknla 1.710 bvj 6c Ce Va II a pair, for... 78e Heeds 40 Inch All-Weel Henriettas worth II Bargains in i.aaifs' ana Children's luunren'siorier waists Ladles' Weel, Embteldered Vests uacaets ................................I Ladles' Cellars and Cuffs....... Ladles' Colored Kid ulevci , TOO and 780 lOeaiet .......we FAHNESTOCK'S, NOB. 80 87 BA8T KINO BT.. LAN0A8THB, PA. A DIES' AND CHIIiDHEN'B COATS. . LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS Children's Coats from $1.00 up. Beautiful Stockinet and Diagonal Jackets for Ladles. Particular attention te our Seal Flush Coats, Seal Plush Medjeskas, superior in make and finish. All our Coats are made expressly ler us by the best makers in the United States. Metzger & Nes. 38 &.40 West King Street, -OrTOSlTK THE H. X. KHOADrJ it HON. DIRECT IMPORTATIONS. THE, first of our Importations is new in Stock. Each succeeding week ethers will be re ceived, Yeu will find a line of new styles the finest productions of the present markets and are cordially invited te come and examine them, H. Z. RHOADS & SON, Ne. 4 West King Street. CABPMT HALLM. QO TO HAHUA1NH I SHIRK'S CARPET HALL WILTON, VHLVBT, BODY BRUSSELS. Tapestry, Ingrain. Damask and Venetian. Ri0 and Gbain Carpets, OIL OLOTHB, WINDOW BHADMB, Ac We hav the Largeet and Beat Btoek In tta Olty, H. S. SHIRK & SONS, Oernir Wm. King ted WiUr Slrnls, Unctstir, Pi. G EOKUK BURTON'S f'niinil nit UarvmvA HxnrfSS I.lnB. Geergu Hart in, lute el tbu aievens Heuse, boys tosnneuDce tbat be Is prepared te attend te ell manuer et Davicsge transferrlnK ana coupe sna carriage service. All equipments strictly flrst-clssa. orders ltd at Ne. 1 Centre Bquue will have prompt attention, day or night. Telephone coaueeUMt ew-lwd $ Brether, Nes. 25 and 27 West King Street muutMt OF- and Ohlldren'a -AT- Price for Underwear. WILL NOT LABI' LONU.fJ flood Us k, .la te and Ingrain Carpets We Hi air carpet 10c, He, lle Smyrna Buc kei tli II.... ....75e Best rtathi-r Tins liigi Itc laalfs'Hlbbed Ves's He Heme Hzla Cemmrts l.4.,l.ft0 Best yloer (III Cleths sold tea Stulr Oil Cleth te andlCeiip. Hest Table Oil Cleths e st-lncli silk Wlicd nrrss uoeds...... sa Flush and Urleniul Piane ry , Me Miecial VhIue In Men's Cassimeres.... GOO lien's and Ladles' Underwear,.,.. II. IU Ladle' tee Dress Cleth at, S7K" Lace Window curtains 7Se,87K(. andlt.de Haughman, Lancaster, Fa. COOFKU IIOU8VW IBEWEE I a, JMWMLHT. BAKUAINS I BOARDINO-NEW BOABDINQ AND Ledttlug Heu.e, Ne. 41 Seuth Llmestrtet, ancasier,AlexUeorge,U'UinsrcH'rpprleter. JTlrst class lierinan laule beard. Meals at all beers. Uomecemtorta ler pe"n'"'t V.0!' ders. Meals furnished promptly and In flrst. class style te wedding and birthday parties, balls, bops, etc at short notice, a share et the publics patronage. fPSu,al"?,?,1li,le4 .SB, M - jk i em p s3Bia Me, tl Beuvh lium atrttet, Mm .AtlW ' i rf A Itlack Fur Beaver worth (12.00 at $10.00. A Ulack Diagonal Beaver, worth 110.00 at 14.00. Fine Heavy Kersey, worth (lS.OOatllOOO. Fine MenUgnac Beaver, Silk Sleeves, worth (23 00 at (20.00. Fine Montagnae Beaver, Heed with beat Q nil ted Satin, Silk Sleeves, worth (20.00 at (23,00. Fall Oveiiceats A Stilish Worsted Overcoat, Silk Faced, Satin Sleeves, worth (16.00 at (12.00. j-n t& .jU'i fvM S.'vIM &&$ Mi TRAVHLBHa 0(70 A $&& TKADIN(1 A COLUMBIA K, K. 4n ArraBsrement of Passenger Trains a alter, BUHDAY, KaT U, ISM. fcl . t-- ' KOBTHWABD. Leare a. sr. QnarryrUla 8,40 Kins; Street. Lane 780 Lancaster 7.40 Ohlekles 7J0 Marietta Junction 7M Columbia.....,,,... , 7.S0 Arrltreatl a.k. Keading tun BOUTHWAKD. Leare a. at. Keading 7. ArrrtTeat a.m. Marietta Junction 9.04 Ohlekles ass Columbia ,,, 17 Laneaster bio Kins; Street, Lane , ftae 4uarryTlile 10.10 BUNUAT. LeaTa A. St. MB u 11M 11 use u a. . IIS rai A. K. ILW r.st. l. IN V.1 uoe 1.M ftLHlvMI Quarryy Ule at 7.10 a. m. j Ulns; Street, Lane. at 8.08 a.m..uiai,Ha,i ArrlTeat Bteadln v. 11110 a. m.. and RJIfl n. nr 'f ;-?.. - , w r. m v ,i King street, Lane.. at a. bl,u Mly,ij T J, vm- y. mm iV m Tialns eenneet at Reaaias; wltk I ua irem rnuaaeipnia. reiuriue, s Alleptewn ana Mew Yerk, .Tim. Se uaw. At Celnmbls, with trains te aaafreftl IlaneTer, Hettysbur-, rredertck amsVJ mere. At Marletu JuncUea with trsiaa- iits; VJ Readlnw, at 7.10 a.m., and 4 p.m. ,',,f.ii rrem quickies. - nj AtManneimwiiB trams te MtmisW nun. . .--a from Lancaster, Oaarn Wile, anal A.M.WILSOM SUDIClBtl PENNSYLVANIA RAIIIOsifr SCUKDUL.-In elect from JtsSHsV Trains tsira Uieum and leara aaUl 1 riTO a irjuiaueipuia ea iouews I Learn WESTWARD, raolfle Kxpress)..... News Kzpresst War Paaaenaert Philadelphia. Ism'sVsK1 SSB.I limp. m. I se a, m. 4:30 sum. 7.-00 a. m. Mall tralnTtaM t,Jey no. a asii inun. NtS4rara express,.. Hanerar Acoem.... rest Line Tla Columbia 7.40 a tn. Tla Columbia liiBea. m. Frederick Acoem. , , , Tla Columbia Lancaster Acoem... Ilarrlsbura Acoem.. via Mt. J 07. 1:18 p.m. 4:40 p.m. B:Mp.n. 9:80 p. SB. Leare Lancaster, t:?0a.sn. Ma tn. 8.10 a. tn. bjs tn. stcesw m 11:80 a. tn, 12.01 p. tn. l.-aip m. 8.-10 p. m. 4:48 p. m. 8:48 p.m. Columbia Acoem. ... Ilamsburg xprese) nniern jszpressr, ABTWABD. Phils. Xxpresit.... Past Line).......... Uarrlsburg Bxpress) rtaM Columbia Acoem.,.. Allan Ue Xxpressl... Seashore Kxprese.... Philadelphia Accem Sunday Mall.......... Day Bxnressf HarrtsbBTK Accem . . L1MSI 11 KHsVsBli' 8Mm.Sk.'-' em ' ftUi t The only trains which run dally. On tastM davtliaMall trln wait runs lnl SMSUI tunbla. i,r if J. B. weed. Oeneral Passenger AmbM. OUAS. B PUUU, lieners! Uaxumvr. 7S KB ANON A LiANOASTKR i LIMB BAILBOAU. JOIM1 VJi Arrantement et Passenrer Trains en, B4B arter.BCBDAT, aUTl,i888, jtf -..-...; rr . W nvAanAAv. Leave a.m. t.m. r.n. UMssar.v ... itfsV QnarryTllle. B.08 Kins; utreet, Lane.. 7.00 11 as b.m Lancaster 7.07 1143 8.0! Manhelm 783 1.18 6.B0 Cornwall 1M 148 6Je ArriTe at Lebanon All 1 7.10 1.M BUUXUVTAUU. Leave a. v. r.st. Lebanon 7.11 1180 Cornwall 7.87 11.48 r.st 7.S0I7JS 7.18 8. 181 WIIIWIIU.,,,.,, Lancaster. Arrive at 7.0s J.14 8.17 L4S BsKlUB Xing Street, Lanc 8.9 i.a uei A. M. WILSON, Bunt. B. 0. HAllXWsV ' "U: B.B.MBPr.Bupt.(J.K.B. '.'?:,. . SOS US' U7 m A.K. ,B ,. 1M MM 8.10 JBA 8.48 Smii as 38a-,i THUS KB. -. '. - tr F lALli AND WINTER GOODS. & M. HABERBUSH & SOKi p-ii nr:MiA. trjie$ rauai(u nntJi uuu3.: our HtecK or rail ana winter uoetjj -. new cemDlfite. Wa have the lArswflt sussl.-" .... .. . . . . Finest Stock in tbe city et HORMk, BLANICETS (All Grades.) Hi r, , ." . .u m ., Ai j-mi uuuiaeui iu xiuau, nwi mm;, Felt. Black and Grey Geat Bobea. Hudsnn Hav and Pralria Wolf BehsM. -,. .... ,,t,. ,.- ,tx.x-4 Diuuuu Jiuuee. eiuerutB neg uimi . Bebes. Fex and Coen Skin Robes. wT We consider it no trouble te abewj ourgeoda & M. Haberbush & Sen's HADDLE, HABNESBi -AMD- TRUNK STORE. Ne. 30 Centre Square, LANCABTBB. PA. MACMNMXr. QKNTRAIj MACHINE WORKS. W. PARKS OUMMLNaS, Central Machine Werk nnTt,r,. am fa LM A 130 JNUitlXl wuueiin , ',n! LAkOASTH. PA. i,- ! KeKlnes and Boilers, et from I tomtem 5 power, or our own m iFciij.y. xh. ssra eslsn. of full power, durable and cheap. Bttiam Uoeds and Bupplles in great vatlstr. censlsuns et Valves, cocks, Hpeclal machinery built te order, aad pair Cast annvnremnuTQUDB. aieuud um msw lastlngs, Patterns and Medels. I MMW.M. - Whistles, iDjBcver., sjbcuji., ruiups, .uunfc;,' Wrought, Malleable and Cast Iren rltllngs,a J:'; WreuKht and cast iron fine, etc nest tvSKW h.N niAAtinlH tnthn trftflft. 8TKAM PITTINQ AND BTBAM HBATlf ' - AFPAUATU9. , l Q0OD WOBK. PKOMPINE89. UEASQ(. , A11LKCUAUQIC3, ' " Oential MaeMne Works, ft,1 4 & n- fM J&fY m -m .Pn .a iJ ffi3 Wv SJ -- 1 -. J2 fej W ii vw irpy j 1 ,V fV ;t J jt"