W'WV'V 'iu 1 sv- "te ,'V r . r P" ... fvV1"' . st -c'r i ' x-' 1ULK LANCASTER DAILY INTEUJGENCER, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1888. f rt" -".fc (5 ' m m , is? htfi Vi. IfiS - : w .1, t&t sit -a V&, V - A Vi - The Daily Intelligencer. j 1.ANCA8TEB, NOVBMBER7, IKS. ' i - Net let CettalB. E? ft , fm.A Mtlaii MuvaIhiiiI mm hA ma frt HWItB KmC AUV ACfcuuu iiAiCiicu iu nD(ju i.u .u i tU 4 a. tt. show ffalDB'fer lUrrlsen in ibe Uj.f. . wt av in nvta nrv. lTHnn r SMMJ Vi AlUH AULA IU PV1IIO uyu ,..-' '? district euts'tle of New Yerk and Broek -i hralhftt it centlnuel in the remaining ilia- tftrieta will probably overcome the ten nboeiftnaRaln of Cleveland lntl i CtiUM. New Yerk however Is in lue great a great ft '', taa an.1 an plflSA that. IIO CArtAlntv Can felt of the final result of the mint. It seems te be necessary te New Yerk te elect the a "$ Deaaocralie national ticket. The eitua- V-ttea is Involved in like doubt te that - 'fj: which se long prevailed four years age; n and th present prospect that Harrison frJ 0 has been ch03en may be reversed by later 'nMfi n tiA eimfincfitl tAeM ten nf lllAlnn ij ftuM. WAS jg-V11 The New Yerk Herald seems te held !&,,'J" rUnannr Trill enH Iternr ITnrellf rtunntl. Sv rtble for the less of New Yerk, nnd prob preb EV ably the local light of the New Yeik city Demectncy had much te de with the less suffered by the Demo cratic electoral ticket, tis compared with the state ticket. It is net se easy te ece that Gov. Hill's candidacy iu jure! the electoral ticket. He has run ahead et the Republican gubernatorial candidate all ever the state, proba bly en the temperance issue. It eems unjust te charge upon Gov Gov ereor Hill, who has made se strong a run, any offence for ee doing. There U no apparent reason for supectiug him of disloy alty te the Democratic national ticket. Our readers will await full return from the whole country before conceding liar. rlsen's election; and It it must finally 1 be done, they will have the proud con cen con Bcieusners that our flag deea net go down In dishonor but they will feel nnd knew that they may always be proud et the atreng and upright national administra tion which for four years their party has given te the country. Republican chairmen nre notorious for their facility In claiming everything after an election ; and en this occasion they have shown their disposition very freely. Chairman Cooper, of our state, claimed the election et Harrison and Mor Mer Mor eon, and that New Yerk was Republican by 20,000 majority, at an ear ly hour em election night and before the meagre returns ceuia pesjiuiy juawiy it , and our Republican fellow townsmen had a howl and a walk around, a court house bell ringing and a high old time gener ally, with abundant consumption of fiery alcohol te attend their gladsome sp'rits till daylight did appear. If they can continue their pleasantry its early advent may net embarrass them ; but in a great country such as this It is some what hazardous te laugh tee seen after an election, as has often beeu proved. There is nothing se certain in the election returns up te this writ ing, as we go te press with our afternoon edition, whatever there may be later, as te warrant uubil died Republican rejoicing. There is un old adage about the slip between the cup and the lip which It is well te remember at election times. New Yerk may be for Harrison as It leeks te be ; but the margin is tee small te rest tecurely en before the count is all In. And there are ether states whose count must be awaited. Reside New Jersey, Connecticut, Indiana and California, which ere new reported In the Democratic column, but may be transferred te the Republican before the final summing up, Ohlo,uew considered Repub!ican,pe33lb)y may go te the Democratic slde. Judge Thurman wired Chairman Urice late last night that he did net give up his state. With New Yerk, Connecticut, In diana and California the Democratic electoral ticket will have 101 votes, 201 being necessary te election. Ohie has 23 electoral vote?,' and may elect Cleveland and Thurman without New Yerk, if ehe will. "Without claiming what we de net knew that we have, and without conceding what we de net knew we have lcat, we will await patieutly the complete returns cf the election which are needed te deter, mine certainly its result. The SiuKtMc Correspenaeucc The fiackvilla correspentlence abewa that the minister was dismissed while LqiQ Sslisbury was awaiting Information 'from "Washington as te what the minister liad Eald in his Interview with newspaper correspondents, which Mr. l'belps ad vised Lord Salisbury, was the chief cause et offense. Lord Salisbury reasonably cliimed,as the Sackville letter was a con cen fldential one and had been published In violation of the seal of privacy upon it, that the writer of It could hardly be re called en account of It, since it would be impracticable te lay down upon foreign ministers an Injunction that would forbid them the private expiessien of their views upon the affairs of the country te which they were accredited. Our government was net disposed te await the interpretation put upon Us mlnUter'd conduct by his own govern, ment, when It was satisfied that he was no longer a proper representative for it te nave communication with; nnd it ac cordingly dismissed him, us it had a right te de. Lord Salisbury concedes that any public statement, such as made te a newspaper correspondent, that was obnoxious te our government, would b3 proper cause for dismissing a minister, as he would net then have the protection necessarily accorded te a private state ment et opinion. It has net been understood here that Lord Sackville's chief offense laid In his newsparer communication. And it is te be t aid ubeut his letter, that though a minister may be at liberty te rrlvately criticise the government te which he is accredited, jet when his opinions are communicated te the members of that government and are offensive te it, his future communications with it will be mturally embarrassed, and hla usefulness aia intermediary se destiejed, that his withdrawal from his pest becomes proper. It fclieuld 'et Hate lleen. -, Our lUpubllcan fellow citizens were f , . Mtusauie mr getting somewhat beside 'r$ tkemselves en the announcement of the I .aUiuiiastic chairman of their state " r ceaamittee, which was ty unexpected by lueai, mat uieir presidential ticket had JW elected ; but we de net sse that they N v,uiuu uyc uecu I'ciumieu te express Uirjey by ringing the court house bell 11 rucrJDg up the flag upon the court house flag staff. They should have re membered that the court house was net theirs, although all the offices are; and the court-house custodians should have recollected that they are officials of the people of the whole Jceunty, Demo crats as well as "Republicans. The court heuse bell should net be rung in celebra tion of h paity triumph ; and te this we knew the ui ectable sense of the Repub lican party will agree. m ' The Indian summer hbze e'erhans- Iceland" The s til t lecllun bummer and the tired bran bind Are counting; casta. The trita sr le ifles and the weather flr, Willi 1lh p'e . vltfllanee and no ile-pilr Wu wall the stnash 01 lue whole Ktgantle Republican Jollifica tion ever the supposed eleotlen et Rlalne fc Ce. m m Oun turn te oteer Is oemlog, and It may net be lour jcaia away. Tux Republicans who rang the oeurt beuse bell en Tuesday night, took an out rageens liberty with publlojprep erly, but perhaps It wasju.t well te give theeus theeus te maty signal et grave national disaster. m CAiu.tsr.n and Mill, are both reelected by tueir Indignant oenatltuenia" Tiikhk woresomo fine example, of the etloets of free wblskjr In this city lat night. m PERSONAL. Miw James J. Dull, of Harrlsbnrg, died en Monday evenlng at half-put llve o'clock, atter an Illness et several weeks. The Uoceased was well known In Lin Lin caster. Many Andkhsen, when aba lauded In 'New Yerk en Monday, said: "I'm se glad te ba baek In America again, It', three yeara new Inc9 1 went away, and truly I was getting homesick. I don't knew a thing about what has been going en In America except what 1 learned from frlenuV letters. The English papers are of aw IIIIIa i a In .An.til In A mn.ln.n I rewn." Miss Andersen doei net atloet the the British aocent, IliHiier Hkymeuh, of the Protestant Episcopal dloceso et Hprlngtleld, III., In iturtnmi at Orange, N. J., en Huuday, spoke of the utter disregard et honesty that men, otherwtso respectable, will exhibit In pellt. calHirilrs. A reporter of the sermon add.: 11 Tne bishop did net spare the newspaper. In his remark., but .aid that the only con solatien for the Christian man was that net mera than half et the stories printed were true," And a large proportion of the ethor half would bear sharp scrutiny. Hen. I)k LenMA Imuiuk. a clerk In the auditor goneral'a department, died In llar rliburg en Tuesday afternoon. Us was a retldent of lioaver county and was well known In thn western part or the state. He represented his county In the leglala turn for three vear., and was In the Henate In 1BC2. In 1ST 1 be was oheson secretary of the constitutional convention, an honor tint Vfiui much sought alter by ethers. He was pi man or culture, ana naa a wiae oireie el Irlendf. He wt. about G3 yeara of age, m A Clitntn. Tiger Story. rrem tbe l'all Mall Uiuotte. Here Is a Chinese tiger story from a paper oilled The Jin J'ae : West el Kaldln City, Kwantung Province In a wild, mountain eus locality, lien tbe llttle village of Tak'ang Ta'un. Outside the village Is a llttle old tcmplfl or Wu-tl, and tbe man In charge, who in net a abaven priest, care fully lickH himself In at night; but two helua drilled In the deer ullerd him a menus of looking out and a guar, antoe against sullccatlen. One night a tiger came nnd crouched just outside the deer for a long time, as If he knew there was n man lnslde, Hethentlrat put a paw iu through ene of the boles and cUwcd around, and next Inserted his tall te foci for his prey with tbls seniltlve mom mem ber. The tomple guardian, maddened wltti fear, get a chopper and waited for tbe anluaal te renew the experiment, and then dotltavlelont blow.andeutjthe tall through. The tiger pave a reur that shook the tiles en the reef of the Joaa-beuso, and then charged at tbe deer repeatedly, finally knocking It oft Its hinges and ou te the man who bad been trying te prep It up en the ether aide. The tiger chirped In OTCr the prostrate deer, and, net m.eIiik the man who was hidden by Hi (.In (1 ene of tbe Jesses 'which steed en each hiiIe of the deer In Its jaws and gal gal Iepul avw-.v, vihlle the man belted oft te the vniHpe. me uixi nay some grass-cutiers ou the inc uiUulcs fcuud the jeas lying en a wild, lemiy hlllMde, where It had been alauiieuMl hy the tiger, and recognizing tbe Mtcrcd Iiiiace, brought It baek te the Ullage, fiml there heard the extraordinary story of Ua removal. As apoiftctlysufiiHiiarellibla Umletoifu Umleteifu Umletoifu ulatslhe linwtis nnd hraes up sua renOTtiui the vystuni, i u-ssaer I) Just the tiling, All druinl!s. 1'ilce S3 cents. 'Iho iMnPKiU' r 'Ulcus euitlit te be protected Qiihisttliu sturelylnfc luBntnce of patogerla or Inuilmiuui. Vu ell the atventkm or all loetbci-s te the nrtthut Ur. Hull's llaby Byrup lisb-ieliitely hutmless. Price 25 cents. Held by all drncgUti. -' - ' j - nrAJfAJJAKJCH'a 1'uiLADELvuu, WednMOay, Hey. 7, 1S6S. 50 pieces Bleached Irish Table Linen, 66 inches wide, and a quality that by rights should be S5 cents. We make it Ce cents just because we can. It's the cheapest let we've had for many a day. We've cut it into pieces el 2, 2, 24t 3, and 4 yards for quick hand ling. Went last from sun up till sun-down when once the women find it out. A jumbled let el Fine Irish Linen Tablecloths and Napkins. Seme match, some don't ; some a little rumpled and smirched. Mostly patterns that haven't come te an end evenly surplus of Napkins or Cleths. We generally clean out such strag glers without a word. 10(0 Tablecloths at 13 TO I i.mi J RblicielliD at ft tu M IU 1 nulcclcths utl C,7." $1.75 1 able-cloths Ht 15 uu II J 10 MnpMnsutiaiO tJ(Ulnjkliisattu.73 3 75 Nu ii Kl no at 1310 Mtr Woiren' Walling Koeui, We have a Beys' Navy Blue Flannel Shirt Waist, made in our own work rooms, of mater ial and workmanship that will be a surprise te you at the price $i. Compare it with any body else's $1.50 Waist; you'll wonder where the difference comes in. Chestnut street side, frost of main alile. New Laces are heaping up like snow drifts. Mere room for them "than ever, but a crush and crowd just the same. We must quicken the step el some te give place te ethers. Prick the prices te de it. Orientals at 5 te 35c, about half off white, cream, natural. Oriental Fleuncings, 45 in., 75c te $1.75 white, cream, natural. Egyptian Fleuncings, 40 te 65c, yesterday about double. Whatever you want in Laces, and very likely for less than the market. Chestnut ittcct tldf, (MtOi inula aisle. WAITAVARKK'B Pocket and work-basket cut lery are keen in their new quar ters near Juniper and Market streets entrance. 6oe patterns of Pocket Knives at a glance. 1 5c te $8.50 Scissors Sets, from the simple three-pocket affair at 75c te the richest satin-lined case, choicely filled, at $11. A dozen grades between. What we take te be the best Razors in the world are Ameri can made. The temper, the hang, the leeks, are with them. $1 te $2.75 each. M ear J tin I pzr ana Market streets corner. All the Japanese bits and bcautifiers are bunched near the stairway te Carpets, Juniper street side. The most hideously attractive things among them are the absurd grinning skele tons a hand-breadth or se long. There's a mild craze for them. A whimsical memento merl. 35c- Portieres, bamboo and bead, waved, birded, scrawled, $2,25 te $5 each. Japanese Embroidered Screens, Screen Fans. Lac quered Ware, etc, in novel de signs. Juniiiurstieet slap, northwest of contre. JOHN WANAMAKER. COMPLEXION J'O WVXK. SeMFIiKXlON POWDKK. LADIES Wilt) VALUK A UrriNRI) COUI'I.KXIUN MUST U&K POZZONTS mkiucaikd: COMPLEXION POWDER. it Imparts a brilliant transparency te the skin, llomevei all pimples, truckle, ana ats ats ats coleratlons. ana inikea the skin delicately son and beautiful. It contains no lime, white, lend or arsenlc In three shade, pink or neth, wblUs and brnnelle. wen sale nr All Druggists and Fancy Goods Doalers JSvorywhero, SSTBKWAKK Or IMITATIONS.- aprJUvd vmw auuut. R KM KM UK R. Ues. 6 & 8 North Queen St. THE BEST PLACE TO BUY costreuTs, WOOL AND COTTON KLANNKLB, BK IUT3 AND SK1HT1NO, I. VU1KS' AND MISSES' COATS, BUAWLS, UNDK11WKAK, 110H1KKY, GLOVES, rtmilllMMllU)?, UUKS3 TUIMMINGH, U01UKTS, l'ANSY 1IUSTI.KS, KVKtlYriUNCl NKW AND C1IKAV 10 U CASH, AT 6 & 8 North Queen St., I.ANUA'JTKlt.l'A. Jehn S. Givler. warlO-lvflAw J." MAHT1N A CO, VISIT -euu- LADIES' & CHILDREN'S COAT DEPARTMENT, -AND rxamine the Noveltieo. Seal Plush Coats and Jackets, A SPECIALTY. IHT Special Bargains. All Ladles' aud Children' Coats carried ever from last season have been reduced te exactly halt the former selling prices. J. B. MARTIN, & CO. EVAN'H FLOUK. Levan's Fleur I THE BEST. UdUThAB pfOOD'H SABSAPABILIiA. Almest a Wreck It s eftsa the eats that a penea cets Inte a run dewa conaitlen, thacausoefwhlchltls almost ImpeMlbls te atermln. Frem a weak weak nea system ana Impnra bleed, wet. ana mete orteBs OUortters ppcr, entit th constlM censtlM constlM tlen breaks flown and .emefleflnlta pewertn fllMa.0 gain, a Arm bold. W fasti thatllrefl feel InK conies, nn It thenlfl be overcemo at any cestt Heed's Sarsaparllia should be ttkente roTlve the declining power, restore the appe tite and vltaJtte the bleed. " 1 leel It my duty te tcU what I think Of Heed's Sarsaparllla I wu In a Tery peer state of health for several months t for four weeks I was unable te work, and nothing .coined te be what t needed. Tdy appetite was peer, I could net sleep, had head aehe a grout deil, patns In the small of the baek, my bowels did net move regularly. Why 1 1 seemed altneit a complete wreck. In this condition I began te take Heed's Barsa parllla. and In a short Ume It did me se much geed that I feel Like a New Man I can't beln te tell all the geed It did me. My pains and aches are relieved, my sppellte lm. proTeit. Had 1 reallred hew much geed sin. gte bottle of Heed's Barsapariiia wenld de me. 1 would gladly have paid ten dollars for It, 1 say te ethers who noed a geed medicine, try Heed's Sarsaparllla and see." Qsoaea r. Jack Jack en, Kexbury Station, Conn. Heed's Sarsaparllla t Sold by all drnggtsu. II t sis for is. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD CO., Lewell, Mass. 100 Deses On Dellar. (1) "piUOK LIST. BAED fclcELEOY, 33 and 35 Seuth Queen St., (Opposite Fountain Inn ) PRICE- LIST : We name a few of the ninny bargains we are offering. BHAWL9. FhenlderSbawsAtl(i,23t40,anfl0ctaar.dup. BiHKln Shawls at II ), si 2). l,ce.l.'ftandup. uouble Stinwls at 12, 2 se. K, 13 Mi, 4 nml up. We dety any hcusa te beat thtse goods fct theprlce. BLANKETS. Whlte or Colored at 73c, 11,11.25, il.te.H, 2 se, 13 ana up per pilr. UNDBRWBAR. Children's Underwear, smallest tlr.n, starts at 8c i next at lOe. U)c,15e and up, according te slze and qualltv. Ladies' Merine Underwear at 23c, 8)0, te, 7k) and up. Our 89equallty Is nil we claim ler It. a S"e grade, and U shows It by the war we are sl!lng thorn. Ijvdles' Scarlnt Uedlca'cd UnAerwearntTTc, 1,I1M and I.7K. Our 11.25 nam tier will com pare with any thing heretofore sold at i. Men's Undurwtar In white or colored ati'c, 37KC (Ocandnp. Wen'i Bcarlei Medicated Cndrwear. 50". 75c. II. l 2S and l S7X Camel'. Hair and Natural Weel at low prices. FLOOR OIL OLOIH. The trade we have established en Fleer and Table OU Cleth, we venture te say, has never been equalled by any ether house. Wu have the reputation and we mean te keen II. el tell- Ing the belt wearing, best seasoned Oil Cleth that ever wu sold ler the money, WINDOW SHADES. 1'Uln or Dade shades, beat geed, spring mtutej, atMe each. DEESB GOODS. extra bargains In Dress Qceds rrem Pa per yard tell, in all the latest styles and tludcs. GLOVES. Men's (..loves at 2ft, 25, 40, 4 te, 05,75 eta and up. Me call uipeclal attention te our 26e Weel Knit (ileve. Ask te sen It, and If yen think you eyer bought anything hotter ler 1eb than Me don't buy It. We carry an Immense stock of Olevcs. Watch for our advertisement and prices el Gloves. Impossible te glve It new 1 space will net allow. We "I'll goeili en emsil profits. We adver tise whu we get. When you come for It you gut It. W he uMe Is under as small an exnence us we are only X tquare Irem Centre T We can slII goods en small proms, and we de, BARD &McELE0Y, 33 and 35 Seuth Queen St , (Opposite Fountain Inn ) 1HK PEOPLE'S CASH HIOKK. Plush Sacques, Plush Jackets, Plush Medjeskas. High CLtsi Plushes Only nt Unusually Lew Prices. Our Stock of Plush G.uments Is worth jour while te Inspect if you contemplate purchasing utiything In this line tills season. Alse all the Popular". Styles in Cleth Garments for Ladies, Misses and Chil dren. Tbe People's Gash Stere, MO. 36 EAST KIKO B'f RHBT, LANCASTKll, i'A umrU lydAw JJA 2'tf. gT. AUirr.H a co. Ilecante we havejust whit ptople netd. Ilociuse we bnve the largest stack lre3i uhlch te select. DflCdUBe we have only the latest and newust stjles. llecausn we have no doubt tut qualities. lternueeextia care Is taken te lit uud pUuse yeut pur- ChO90. Urctuse our prices are the lowest. Oar Far Drpubncnt hns been enlarged nnd we are new prepared te show you the largest nnd finest assnriment el LAUlhS' and UKNl'd r Una and ruu'lltlMMlNUS at Hotteui l'rlces. WE AUK HAV1MJ A HAl'Il) BALK ON HATH. UKbT II 29, tl K, 11.75 and 2 W rvu. BTirr HAT KVhll KOI.U. UOIIKK, L'ltKI.LAS uoeua. Gl.OVKS, UM una ueilUKlt TUUMtb aud TltAViLlhii BA08 AT UtU lIAlidAlNS. Stauffer & Ge, 31 and 33 N. Queen St. LANUASTKH, I'A. BIDS KOKTlli: UOI.LKUTIONOFDK. lliiiiuuut City Tuxes will be received up te Kriduv evenlnir, huvetnber 2, ill 8 o'clock, liulleu Kelirer. Cleik, will alt In belcct Ceuu ell chumLer between t aud 8 o'clock p. in, order of Uy FOR BALE Oil JIB NT. H U0BK8 FOK BALK ON THE MOST . liberal terms, m w.t ntiMimiL wai. nut. Lemen. Mary, fta mad Charlette streets. Ann! vat mlS-Omd SOI NOBTH Bf ABT ITU1T, AUCTION HA.LE3KKBE-IF CLEVK land Is elected or If he l. net elected 1 will offer all real estate given me, or any ether prcperty ferOQdays fie. from this date, ho he vemcer 1, LEWIS PaULICK, Ne 3 7.Nerlh LI me at, Lancaster, ra. nl-1 wii IFHAKKIEOX 1H KLEOTED I WILL crtcr all Km! Ks'ate elven trie from this date, Octobers, for thirty dsvs, kret. Bale or noaate. AUG. r.ntlNCEHL, ducctstorlelleniy Shubert, Auctioneer and Ileal is'.ate Agent, el North Duke street. ose-tld PUBLIO BALK OF VALUABLE CITY UKAL 18TATK. OW TntJESDAY, KOTIWMS 22, 18:8, the undersigned, administrators de benis non cum tiamente annoxe, of tb.9 will of Qod Qed frled Zhm, lain of Lancaster city, deceased, will tell at public sue, at theBtevea. Heuse, the following drscrlbed rtal eatate, via t We. 1. a it max let of ground situated en thn west side of North. Filnce street, frentln ilnce atrent. frentlns 82 reel en ramn ana extenaing or mat id extendlnir wldtn wratward Its fret along Urant street te Wat or. The Improvements en si'd let consist of a tilendld tito-nterv IlilckDwnlllnir Hnnse. He. 3), with twostery brick back building, con. taming all the modern Imnrevemenu. such a. bath room, new heater In the cellar, sswer connection, en, 1 here re also en the premi se, a weed and coat shed, hydrant and well el rprlng water, with pnmp therein. This let will be sold sub) eet te the right and privilege of the purchaser et Ne i. his heirs and assigns te nse In common with the purchaser of .aid Ne. 1, his heir, and ar.lgns a passage way or alley of the width et three feet, beginning at the southeast corner of said let and extend ing In depth westward of the width et three lent along the south line the distance of BO feet. Mas. All lint let of greand situated en the west side of North l'rlnce strict, fronting Zl feet 10 Inches, mere or less en tame, and ex tending el that width westward along the south sidoefsold let Ne , the distance et 148 leet, te water strtet. The Improvement, en said let consist of a one-story ilrlck Dwelling Heuse, Ne. 20 a well of water with pomp therein and at litem wl'h pump therein. With this property will also be sold the privilege te a 8 feet wide alley-way as above tot forth. Ne. s. ah that let of ground situated en Water street and adjoining the rear 01 laid let. Ma 2, en the south side, fronting en Water street te leet B Inches, mere or leu, thence extending eostaleng south line of Ne. 2, 80 feet 0 Inches, and thence south V feet 4 Inches, thonce west 21 feet 11 Inches, thence south 2) ieet 8 Inches, thonce west M feet 7 Inches, to'plice e beginning en Water streets Baldprep9rtle. can be viewed by calling en any of the undetslgncd. Hale te commoner at 7 SO p. m. en sold day, when terms will be mnde known by It.M.BHltKlNEK, J. XUKU 8RNKU, H, .. IIHUAUR, Admlnlstrulerad. b. n. e. Uft. JOILUAINSS.AUCt. U0YI.3 7,10,11,17,21,21 AfcBIClNEE'8 HALE ltKAL BBTATJC OF VALUABLE OHBATCROAT, NOVllMBtRlO. 165.1 Thn undersigned assignee for the benefit or crtdltoisef lleniy Unruer and wife, of Lan caster city, l'e., will sell at public sale at the Cooper Heuse. In said city, the following valu able real oatAte, te wit : Me. 1, A Let or rioce of Ground fronting TO feet, mere or less, en the weit slde of south Qaeen street, la said city, between Andrew and Uarel streets, nnd extending westward In depth 20 f'et, mere or less, te heaver street, en which Is erect id a geed denble two-story Ilrlck Uwelllng Heuse, with mansard reef, nninbcrcd 414, with a large double back build ing, supplied with all modern Improvements, and In geed lepatr, together with ether small buildings, variety of fruit trees, etc, being the Bitue premUus new occupied by Ame. e. Urban. e,2, A Let or l'loce of around, fronting 20 leet, mero or less, en the east side of south quoen street, in raid city, bRiew Andrew stroet, and extending westward. In depth el that width 213 feet, trier j or less, te a public street, en which Is eree'ed a two story ilrlck Dwelling llouse numbered 4!3. with a two story liaLk building, and otherlmprevemonts Me 3. Aloter piece of ground, fronting 20 feet, mero or less, en the north side of Marietta avenue, lu said city, above I'lne street, and eztendlng northward 100 feat mero or less, te a fourteen feet wide alley, en which Is erected a two-story lltlck Uwelllng Heuse, Me. 013, with a large twostery lUck Ilulldlng and a Ltsar staking Chop attached te the rear, a pump with nuver lulling water and ether im provements. Me. 4 A let or plece ef ground, fronting 25 feat, mero or Its, en the east stdeef North fliarysueet, in sum city, ueiween unestnut nnd Will nut street", ana extending eastward In depth 120 feet, mere or Jois, en which Is crec'Hd a two-story Ilrlck 11 welling Heuse, Se 235, with a large two-story back building ; lu geed repair, supplied with all modern lm-pi-uvetnents t eat buildings ; iron fence In front, yard f l ent and side, fruit trees, Ac. Me b A let or plece of ground, fronting 1C0 feet, mero or less, en the south side of Marietta avenue. in sild city, west et college avonue, and extending southward In depth S& feet mere or lens, te an leet wide alley, en which is erected a geed two-story Ilrlck uwelllng Heme, Ne 810, with alarge two-story brick back building, the Mtiole in geed repair and sup plied with modern improvements, with ether small bulldlugs t well and pump, cistern, grapovlnef, aiarge variety of fruit trera, Ae. llelng the premises new occupied by Henry burger.; Mo.e. A let or plece et ground fronting 43 feet, mere or less, en the north side of Colum bia avenue, in said city, west of College nvenue, and extending northward In depth 3)4 feet te a It feet wide alley en whlcnls erected a noed sized rrame Machine Bhep, sultnble for elhtr purposei ulse. eald let is nmubiieaUTen "i'let A." of lett, laid out by Jehn U. Heger. Sale toceuitnoncn at "K o'clock p m,when attendance will be given and tertus nude known by JOIIm auam HUUUKii, Assignee of Henry liiirger and wife. J, w. it. iiachman, Atterney, Ukorek IIuatke, Auctioneer. 2t-nev347 JJAKINU J'OWDXK- QTEKLINO BAKING POWDKK. Absolutely Pure. TllIB rowder never varies. A marvel el purity, strength and wholeeinoness. More economical than the ordinary kinds. Beld only in cans by all urecers. bi'KHLINU MANUrACTUKINOCO., 12 and it Bpruce Btreet, Mew lerk. aug2S3md 11 H ATI Nil. D HOI' IN I'lUOE. A NEW DEPARTURE IN THE STOVE BUSlNliSd. STOVES AND HEATERS -AT- HALF COST. HANKKU1T HTOOK RE SOLD. THAT MUST lli'se gasdi are all et tha host makes and warranted llut we bnugbtthumlew and will give our custtinuu tli'i beuctlt el our geed lortune. Come eirly end mate your selection, Ne such prlu-s will ever be offered again. We h i e about lte Staves aud Heaters ; all makes auiUlzes. AireDgthtilut laseunet " Speer's ' Cclebrited l'ailer Uontere. Itegular l'lce, 134 (0 ; Cut frlce, 117.10. Oilier Makes lu l'ro l're l'ro pertlou. FLINN k BRKNEHANi STERLING BAKU MM Ne. 10U North Qnoen Streot, LAMOA.TBU PA. iOLerjtiira. JKW FANTALOOITFATTJBKNH, OYERCOAfiHG. LtaUTiHDMAViriWlkrORTATIOH. McGrann 8c Newlen'sf MBBCHAMT TAILOES, MO. 44 WEST RINOftTBBKr, 1L.OTU1NU I OLOXU1NU I L. Gansman & Bre,, ODR OVERCOATS ! BOIU WIMTKK AMD atSOlUM W1GUT jta aun aiaui. We offer the largest assortment of fresh tie w goods, the finest te ba hid, and save you money en the price In plain legllsh . If yen buy from na any Bult or Overcoat you will pay is co te IS oe leu than yen wenld have done at any elher store for the same goods. iht. Is our policy. It U making a great business and we are Mtl.fled. is oe wilt bay a sloe Chtnehllla Overcoat. 17.00 wUl buy a Heavy lllack Beaver over coat. 3 oe will buy a Fine Helten Overcoat. te will buy a Blyllsh Leeking Helten or Kersey Overcoat, .UK facing. 5 111 will buy our a raat KlysUn Beaver over ever coat. ' US will buy our Dest Winter Overcoat. ' 112, ill, us, 111 win buy a handsome Satin Lined Medium Weight Overcoat. t Bterm overcoat, at 5te, .tcep.tscfl, 1(12 lit, us. f Be;.' and Children'. Overcoat in large quanutle. at lowest price. , Bee enr fine Xngllsh corkscrew Buttl, In Back or Cutaway, at 110 1 f ally worth III. 1 JBflha best qnalllle. for less money than elsewhere. I. GANSMAN & BRO., UAmretnrtMfuan f Men's, Beja' and Children's Cletbing, 8. W. COBNSU MOUTB gUKKN AND OI1ANUE BTUKET3.LANOASTEU, PA. M YBRS A KATHPOH Fall Overcoats. A LHAJ1DS0ME STOCK -or Fall Overcoats te Order. IN FA9U10NABLK llUOADWAME D1A0O NALB, KKU3KKB ANUTANCY CHEVIOTS j AT Prices Lew Enough TO MKKT THB WANTS or KVKUY I'UU CU1BBU. Myers & Rathfon, rASlllONAUl.lC CLOIUIKUS.I NO, 12 BAST KINQ BT t.ANUASTKU PA JRSH & BROTHER. What $5 Will Buy. Yeu have the choice of 20 dif ferent etjlea of Children's Suits in all the latest cloths, but of tbe kind that gives tbe boys long service. Buyers generally knew when they are getting a bargain. That Is why we se licit your calling. We have 25 different styles of lieys'and Children's Overcoats all of the late it and most fash ionable cut. Yeu can select a coat from these for your boy that will have the appearance of one coating twice tbe money and we3r you quite as well. The manner in which these goods are made would de a credit te custom work. It is net our intention te con vey the idea that we have $5 Suits and Overcoats only. There are 3,000 Suits and about 1,000 Overcoats en our coun ters, ranging in price from fl 00 te $10.00 for Suits and 11.00 te $15 00 for Overcoats, but It is our intention te convey the idea that our e Suits and Over coats are such as defy all ethers te produce auythlug similar for the sarae money, O CJ1 O "n e CJl HIM & BROTHER, Leading Clothiers & Merchmt Tailors, CORNER OF N QTJEHNBT.SeOHNTRE SQUARE, LNCA8TEU, PA. TT 15 5 BIRSH BROTHER 5 SS rUMJTlTVJiM. !!!.. .-V.nfr. mjli w ICMTBK'FJ. FarnUare Attractions! NO QUESTION - - - ABOUT IT. Stjle, (jaililj, Let Prices, WHICU TILL OUR FLCOI', AND IN W11ICB WI LEAD. 8KSTAB30LTI1BMT1NT0WN 4 NO BlftT BAKUAUS. WIDMYER'SI Oer. East Kins & Dak Sta. THI8WKEK WK DlSPL,a.Y IN OUR Seuth Window a NEW LINE OF GOODS. NW AMJ ATTIU.T1VK. OUACKKI8... :ie , SCO , 7Sc. COMB CASKS ,'.S0c.,7ic,l(0 WASTE FAl'JtE BA8KKIS S1.J5 MUSIC STANDS WW LADIES' WOBK BASKETS SM TOWEL BACKS , fll BUAVINQ GLASSES 2M We also show the New Plesh Gecdi con stantly coming In at such Lew Fitees; you will be surprised te Icatn them. Our .tore will be open every night until 8J0; will be lit up until U o'clock until Uu Holiday Eeaten is ever. flEINITSH'S, 37 & SO EOTJXH QUHHN ST., LANCASTEU.PA. rOFFMEIER'a WILL CLEAUTUKM OUT I WUATf WHY A TEW Parler and Chamber Suits At Almest Your Own Figures. Opportunities. Big WHYT Because we must make room for the goods we are receiving this ten. WHEUBT At Heffmeier'a Furniture Stere. This week we have received a nlie line of flush and Leather Boekers, Calltoseethem AT ElOFFMEIER'S, rUUMTUUKSTOBK, NO. 20 BAST KING ST. sepl5-3md e CBS X OIBBB. STYLISH, INEXPENSIVE FURNITURE. Recognizing the prevailing desire ler something new, we are constantly adding the latest patterns te our immense stock of popular Parler, Bedroom and Dining Roem Furniture, of the best workmanship, and at the same Lew Prices as pre vails throughout our large es tablishment. Everything new in Furniture for any part of the house. Remember the name and number. OGHS JTCUBBS, Manufacturers and Dealers. 31 Seuth Queen street. aprll-lyd P URN1TURK I FURNITURE 1 THB UNOEUBIQNEU UAB ttEOPKNBD HIS BTOKE AT THE OLD STANO, tfe. 38 East Sing Street, Which was destroyed by Are some time age, and Iras a perfectly New stock of ail kind, el FURNITURE. PABLOK SUITES, UKOUOOU SU1TKB, TABLES.CUAIUB, ETC. UPHOLSTERING In All IU Branches. Alte fainting and Or namenting Old Chair..; HENRY WOLF, Ne. 38 East King Street. leeud OAKKlAUHa. OTANDAKD "WORK. ED W. EDGERLEY CARRIAGE BUILDER, NOB 40,12, 45,43 MAUKET BTBEET, Bear 01 l'osteftlce, Lancaster, fa, I have In Btecjt and Build te Order Every Variety of the following style. : Coupe. Bug. gib., Cabriolets, Carriages, victeria., Business Wagons. "T" Carts, HcCall Wagons. Burrtea, nar! arket wagons, rnntens, express wagons. 1 emnlev uie Deal Mecnani le Dest iiecn&nics. ana nave lacu lUe. te build correctly any style of Carriage desired. The Quality. Btyfe and Finish 01 my work make. It decidedly the Cheapest la tha market, WWE HAVE THB BEST ANDOOEAPXST OAHT IN THE atAUKKT. VOAIj SI'EOIALi ATTENTION 18 INVITED te our assortment of Indiana and ether nrst-clasa Western hard weeds. Ash, oak, Maple, l'eplar, Cherry, Ac. He ft kindling weed prepared for thn stove, also for sale. U. D, MAUT1N AIIOh Ceal ana Lumber Yard, 121 Water street, Lancaster, fa. nS-lyd TAUMOARDNKR'H OOMPANY, COAL DEALERS. Orvics-.-'Ne. 12) North Queenaueet, and Ne. OM North frtnee street. , YABMt North frtnoe Street, neutleadinf ltanM. .f iiiiAm LAKOASTUVrAA; ullld riNANCBCOMHlTrClC, 4SSsJS&- r '