,i THE LANCASTER JXAHjY INTELLIGENCER, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1888. a i& I" J.. 5" 1 ' ft r E- iSv r B tr" QS9 i "7 V The Daily Intelligencer. LANCASTER, NOVEMBER 0, 1853, Their Little Whistle ,: The Ilepublicans manage fairly well te 'v -keep up their show of confidence in the 'reiult, nehvlUistnnaiuR nil the signs of the political weather nre ngninst them ; ,-, tmt when the welitlcIiuisAru brought te c Um test of putlinpf up their money, they VJMOW much weakness in meir kuecs. ;t They de net llke te wager their money, t;Kujm ney nave no scrnpies nsAinsc k ' twttlng upon which te place their reluct-.;-' Me;. There is something in the nlr which ilanrlvpg MiAin nf llinnnnetlln fnrlmMlntr. I . , -v,. ... ,-,-,.... -r. PiC It is a new situation for them. This I'i-i Bnprn.t.lnn fines net rprctUfrl the time teft when the Republican betting man was net up with the lark in the morning and , W .1 J, ltl. l.- .....1 tf1t- BAnLlnnlita Yfe ' BUIUHU WlfcU WIO UWI UK 11I8"" Dcueiuiua prey. It la very aggravating 10 mm mat the situation is se different new ; and he ventures occasionally a tlmtd wager ,based only upon hla hope that Chairman Quay will see the patty through with the abundant money he has fried out et its frightened manufacturers. There la net another thing in the sltua. tien te support the Ilepublicans' hope; and upenthU miserable reliance they must be content te rest. Chairman Quay will bea bigger man than anyone else in the party, if his party nchleve3 success with all the chances against it; and there, will net be a hole tee small for him te crawl Inte it it fails. Such Is the difference be tween success and failure, in this funny world of ours ; which will hail Harrison, te), as a great man If he U elected, and if he is beaten will rate him as the re spectable old mediocrity that he really is. It is well for a man te be a candidate for president, while he is a candidate; but it is very unwholesome for his repute te be a beaten candidate. It takes a geed man le Btand the strain of that trial; te go under and swim ashere takes stout muscle. We are sorry for Harrison. He had n grandfather, who was elected and then died. The grandson was nominated en the theory that election runs in the famil; but they misunderstood it; it was death that was the family trait. "We have deep confidence that Harri son's election is an impossibility. There never has been n time when it was possi ble, and we had but te nwait the coming ten flay te be sure that there was nothing hidden in the womb of futurity te bring it about. The day hat come, and every brceze that has blown has been strong nud mighty against llepublican success. Tonight our readers may seek their couches early und wait contentedly for tlie news et the morrow, though we de net Buppese they will de it. The news from New Yerk city, doubtless, tliey will want before they will be easy. There is every prospect that it will be geed ; but should the majority in the city be less than an guine expectations leeks for, as it may well be, our confidence in the final result will net be nt all shaken. It is written that the Democratic ticket is te-day elected, and upon that faith we icEt. The Fashion In New Verk. 3ver since A. T. Stewart, the great New Yerk merchant, died, the Jawjcrs have had a feast upon his estate; but there is ene of the fraternity who early fastened upon neatly the whole body of it, and has enjoyed the body te this day. His name is Hilten Judge Hilten. When Mr. Stewart died he was tiding as his confidential adviser. The business passed into his hands. Mrs. Stewart took the stocks, bends and real estate. Hilten managed them for her. After ten years or ee she died; and atter awhile her heirs began hunting up her estate, lilch seems te have disap peared under Hilten's hands. An ex pert accountant has been going ever the books for the past summer, and Is new giving In evidence the result of his ex. aminatien, lie finds that Hilten as boss partner In A. T. Stewart Jc Company's business, hid some eight millions of the concern as his interest ; and that upon this he ic celved interest, commission upon insur ance of its marine risks, and commis sions upon gunranUts of its accounts, beside his share of the ptefit ; ee that in a few jears he get the pteflt the con. cern made and then wound it up with some fifteen millions te his credit. He found also that he leaned Mrs. Stewart money, that uoed lady centlu. ually living beyond her income and run xlng several millions .behind her annual income in her annual expenditure during her ten years solitary course of life after her husband's death and when manned by Hilten. She owed that interesting and affluent geutlemen six millions when aae finally slipped her cables and left his company. The amiable Hilten having kept both sides of his account with Mrs. Stewart bad only himself te blame if the balance was net satisfactory te him. He is net the one complaining. Mrs. Stewart's ljeirs re uuiug uu ui iwn. vjau tiling mey ou. ject te is his charging payments te Mrs. Stewart's account with interest, but emitting te credit with interest en pay ments by her. Uut this is the fashion of the New Yerk financier; we even knew one toclwrge his client with interest upeh the interest payments made him upon his own money. m mm The Supreme Isbiic. The New Yerk World grows thought ful ever the spectacle of theusauds "of full grown men shouting no free trade ever a preposition te reduce a war tariff of 47 per cent, te an average of 4- per cent., with the free list extended enlj 100 articles, and mere than 3,000 left subject te the highest duties In the world 1 Ami this is the end of a "campaign of educa tion." The World need net be sad, for the end is net jet; and no matter hew this election may go, the campaign of educa. tien wlllcentiuue. The spectacle referred te only Ehews hew badly such a campaign has been needed. Foreigners have been greatly impressed with the interest that has been shown by large masses et the people in a question J of political economy that has been thought tee dry and prey. Itejnllsts and aristocrats have argued that a republic must fall when confreutf d with problems like this requiring thought ;anU readiugfer sok sek tbu, but we have uhewn them that an educated nation, ruling itself with dignity and forethought, is a possibility, and even it the decision et the ballets te-day should present the absurd tbtctnele of a people vtt'eig uu. nectisary taxation upon themselves, It wille !7 show the conservative and cau tieus Instincts of the voters, and indicate thet they want mere tlme for thought. It must be confessed that the simplicity et the question befere them hardly justifies the least hesitation in an answer. The voters ought te knew by this lime what free trade is and what a war tariff is, and Ihey should be able te see that the shortest read te frce trade is by way et that war tariff advocated by the llepublican party. It they persist in going te the ene extreme, reaction will drive them te the ether. The nation will, wa believe, cheese the only logical and f-a'e course, the cautious revision of the tariff advocated by the Democratic party. Such an issue et this struggle would be a glorious triumph for free institutions. Tjinnn la an olllce begging in Washlng Washlng ten which twelve appolnlees have refused. It Is that of type-writer In the bureau et steam engineering;, salary (000. In the naval war rcoerd ofUeo nine lad lea have re re lusecl a (7&0 oulee. The trouble appears te be that the class et work reqnlred o'ra e'ra mantis a better salary. The average clergyman hai had no lltlle friction with the struggling world that he la hardly competent te judgoef the motives and character of the people he moeto, UU there may be exceptlena and the chaplain el Blallerd prison, who write tiie following te the Londen Daily Tele graph, appear te be one of thorn. Ana prlaen chaplain of nearly twolve years' Blending, 1 claim te apeak with some authority en the point, and I aay untied tallngly that 11 a society for the manufac ture) et criminals were set en feet, that so ciety could In no better way further its ends than by pressing for the Imprison ment or every little boy and girl who could, en any decent pretext, be brought borero a oencn or magistrate. Clearly the prison system evor thore Is net altogether beautiful and prisons in genctal appear te be well devised ler the manuttoture of criminal. The question Ip, what are we going te de about It 7 Wanted, a acclal economist te devise something perfect for the menaRcmcntef all grades el crlmlnnlH from the boy who steals an opple te the broker who stoats a railroad. It Is probable that the next OengreHs will be strongly tinted te furnish modern vcaelfl for the training aoheol of the navy, but if the rovlvel of our inerchnnt marine cau be stimulated the training ships need only be used fe glve finishing touches te llie education gained upon the decks of coean steamers. Thry will then be the smaller cruisers and gunboats et the navy cqulrprd thoroughly with the meat elab orate devices of mtdcrn warfare. The old ships new med for training boys for the navy are very dltlereut from tiie vessels that these boys will be required te work and fight en, and If we cau net have a merchant marlnu we must have Hpcclal school ships. Uommedoro W. H, Hcliley will biiKfieat In his forthcoming report that accommodation should be made feri!,C00 beje lle would llke te send all of the vosselft out en a roving commission, enlisting beyH at the sea ports, lle is also anxious te tccute boys from the Pacllle slope The establishment of direct com cem com merco with fcuth ami Central America would avert the ncccislly for any artificial factory for ecbiueu. PERSONAL, ltiiv J, F, h'cii.MKi.,, of this city, waB orator at the l!5tlt nunlvercary oelobratlou en Hutiiley of tiie ordination te the priest hood of Itev. l'ather Francis Nowbauer, jitstoret 8tB. J'uter and Paul K. U. church of (Januten, N, J. l'nr.fciiDKNT Ur.KVCf.ANDBtid the mom born of hla cablnet will attend tiie centen nial colnbrntlen el Uoergotown unlverslty, In the District of Columbia, te be held en tholiile! February next. Tiie proaldent will delivcr the honorary degroe te be nwerded en the occasion. ll.vNii.r, 1). Maenum, of Danbury, Oetiu , la a blacksmith who has made a bid for tame aud fortune. He haa Invented it wagon reach c.e constructed that the wagon can be turnad around anywhere without the tucking precenn. Ilia Inven tion la called a Murium beuutn. H. M. Wanamakkh, of I'lilladelplila, 1h a brother el Ihn oelobrutcd Jehn Wauamaker, mid lflhlninelfn merchant prlucu. lie Ih forty yeara old, but leeks llke a roan of thirty, and Ih an athlete, He began life en the lewt'Hi round et the lndder in the clothing business, nud the aucoesa he haa wen is Belkl. Step Untence. It you see your nfirse giv ing thu baby ullher laudanuin nrparanerlr, steplt atouce. Ityeunant a geel uiudlcluu ler your children, gel Dr. Hull's Uaby Syrup. Vilce, SScent, ruuulus who have trled Laxnder the " golden "apecllle ler delicate complaints pn pn enllar te tlielr mix are no longer Hkeptlcal. They caunel say tee much In lta prube. Ouly "i ctnlB. At diUKgUts. n'A&'AMAKKR'tl l'uiLADBLruiA, Tuesday, Nev. u, its. Stere open all day as usual. When Lew Price and High Quality set the pace there's sure te be a quick stepping business. Such a combine don't come from haphazard buying or selling. There must be thought and know-hew be hind it all. Loek through the store. There isn't a counter-spot that isn't made specially interesting ler you in some way. A Suiting stuff that's never gene for less than 75c ; that would be a lively seller at 75c. The price is 50c, the width 50 inches. Every thread fine wool. Clean, no grease. Noth ing in it that oughtn't te be there. In half-a-dozen quiet mixtures. fc'outhuinef contre. One ei the toughest stuffs you'll come across. Hard, wiry, springy te the touch, and yet soft and yielding enough te drape gracefully. Fer knock about wear, but neat and mod est. We never heard of it for less than 37 c. The price to day is 25c. In checks and small plaids, dark effects. Eeuiuuiut efceutre. In all the crowded Dress Goods there's no kind com pleter in its way than stuffs for Second Mourning. They are at the Black Goods counter, a sterelul by themselves. We have given mere thought te them than ever. Mere styles, mere that are very modest priced. Half-a-dozen te set you thinking of all : Serge, broken hair-line clus ter stripes, 50c, four styles. Serge, graduated cluster stripes, 65c. 50-inch Serge, 2 styles, hair lines yi and yi inches apart, 65c. Scarce; desirable, and WANAMAKB1VN worth 75c as the market gees. 52-inch cloth in checks and rriaids, 75c ; 4 styles. A little finer, $1. Stripes, embre stripes and checks, with plain te match, 85c. Northwest of centra. We told you the ether day hew Camel Hairs have again come te be one of the most fashionable Blacks for ladies' wear. The genuine Camel Hair seltcns and betters with use almost te the end. Hew shall you knew the genuine ? Buy of a reputable dealer. Then you're safe ; his guaran tee will be behind it. II you wish te lean en your own wit, here's a hint ; They say real Camel Hair the hanging hairs takes a jet black, while the blackest el the make-believes has a grayish cast. Six or eight qualities of Black Dress Goods that have been 65 te 75c go down te 50c. Stripes, plaids, fancy weaves and plain, unds el lets, and yet a bit tee big te be bundled off te the Remnant counter. Noithwrstet contre. Because Jewelry is mostly extravagant is no reason the prices should be. Whysheuld't Diamonds and Watches and the golden bits and ornaments that almoet everybody likes in one shape or another be had just as ether merchandise ? A little corner of a little counter used te de for our Jewelry and such like things. Wc have added and added. Never space enough for the busy times. Jewelry without extravagance ! Where else de you hear it ? Kvcry liitthn of Aineilrmi Wntchei", Moin Mein um llicin ly tiie IieIcb' Unlit Watch, m HtnrllnK bllur Km titles unil Jrlllguu Juwtlrv. I.Oet'V Knet Hliiys, niiaizna Mlver. Jlroeclx'n with illmiieiul unit pciil Kitting, llcanlltiil mmini'M 011 11 unit lsf unit geld Qiicien or fob ClmltiH. I.utcit cenceit1 In Ml.sfi' unci Llilldten'H KliiEi. And whatever is new and worthy in the Jewelry world. The same guarantee with Jew elry and watches as with ether goods. JunllicretH'OtsKIc, neulinctt ercuutic. JOHN WANAMAKER. OOiU'LKXWN 1'U VTOKR. c OM FLEXION l'OWUKlt. LADIES WHO VAI.UK A HKKINRI1 COMIM.KJION MUST VtiK POZZONI'S MK01CATK1: COMPLEXION POWDER. It Imparts a brilliant trnnspaioney te the skin. llouievoB all pimples, rookies and dig colorations, and mukus the skin dellcntely sett and beautiful. Itcentalns no lline, whlte, lead or arsenic In thruu shades, pink or flush, whlte and brunotte. rOlt BALK liY All DrtiffBlata Doalera nnd Frvuey Goedn lilvorywhero. JPllKlVAUE or 1M1TAT10NU.-M aprte-lvd L2H4L MU1SVBII. ESTATE OK II. 0. COOPEH, OK THE city of Luncuster, deoensod. Letters testameutary en suld pstute having liwn granted te the undersigned, all persons In debted thereto are requested te make lintiic dl ite payment, and the.e having claims ei ile usaiids ugalnst the uume, will present them without dulay for settlement te the under signed, residing in said cllv- JOllN K. UA11IFON, Executer. Wit. It. Wilsom, Attorney. eibctai'ii AHS1QNKD ESTATE OK HENUY I,. Hlmen and wlfe, of Lancaster city, Lancaster reunty. 'llie undersigned auditor, appointed te distribute the balance remaining In the lands of Jeremiah ltllu, assignee of Henrv .. blmen und wife, In trust for the benetlt of the said Henry I, Slmeii, te and among these legally entitled tetluiBame, will sit for thtt purpese ou Tuesday, Noveinbei 13, IMS, at 10 o'lleck a. in., In thu Llbraiy lloem of the Court Heuse, In tee city el Lancaster, wreieall persons luterested In said dlstrtbu tien may attend, elU-3t0Tu J. W. DKNLINOKlt, Auditor. ESTATE OK ANNA JJ. 7X K.KUUEK, late of luncaster city, deceased. The undersigned auditor, appointed te pass upon excsptljns and te distribute the balance re maining In the hands of JaiiH'j;Zuorrner. ad ministrator nt Anna 11 Zuerchar, deceased, te und among tuose legally untitled te the same, will sit for that puipoe ou Friday, November 16, lS:d,allO o'clock u. m in the Library lloem or the court Heuse, In the rltyef l.auraster, where all persons tnteiestcd in said distribu tion may attend. 1. MCMULLKN, e:t!-3tdTu Auditor. BAKIXU 1'OnDKR' CTEKLINU 1IAK1NU l'OWDEK. STERLING Ml POWD Absolutely Pure. THIS Powder never varies. A marvel el purity, Btrunglhund whohweiuenesj. Mern eMinemlcul than thu eidlimry kinds, tield euly In Cans by all urecers. faXKULlNt) MANUrACTlIKINU CO. l.'and ItBpruceHtitwt, New terk. aug2S3md JUWCATJOA'AL. TONT PUT IT OKI' I Don't put off the matter et getting a "ltusl nns Kducatleu." 'lhal Is, that kind et un education that will benefit en moil In a gain ing, If net uu tndt-pendence, at least a geed living. AknowluOguet BOOK-KEEl'ISB AND BUSINESS FORMS, cemblaea with a gecd handwriting, gees u grcHl way In accomplishing thU, Day aud Kventng eiieDs. 3X KASX KINO aritKKT. DRY UOODB. pEMEMUUU. Nes. 6 & 8 ITeith Queen St. TOE BEST PLACE TO BUY COMrOBTS, WOOL AMD COTTON riiANMI.S, 8KU1T3 AMU SKlllTlNO, L.VU1E5' AND MISSES' COATS, BUAWLS, UNDKKWKAH, ItOSlKUV, ULOV'KB, rUHTKUIMINU?, imitSS Till SI MINUS, (JOKIKTa, 1'ANSY 11U8TI.K8, KVEUYTHINU NKW AND CHEAP 1011 CA81I, AT 6 & 8 North Queen St., LANCAITKU, l'A. Jehn S. Givler. u;arlO-lyflw pltlOK L.I3T. BARD fcltcELBOY, 33 and 35 Seuth Queen St., (Opposite JTeunt&ta Inn ) PRICE- LIST : We name a tew of tiie many bargalni we are eirmluir. SHAWLS. Bhnutaer Shawls at 10, i te, an rt te eta and up. MnK'fiMhawlsalll no, ! ,l 60.1 Lift an a up. Iinublu Mtmwis m i:, z ou 13, t w, it nnd up. We duly uny heuau te beat lliisa goods ut thoprlce. BLANKETS. Whlte or Colored at 7Jc.ll.tl.21, fl.Cfl.12, fl 00, tlunCk up ptrpilr. UNDEBWflAR. OMiaren'a Unforwear, smallnat tire, atarts at 8e t nuxtallOe. liHe.lScuua up, according te nlre and quality. I.ldlrs' Merine Underwear at Me, 39c, f0. 7Je nnd up. Otir 39cuallly Id all wn claltn ler U. it Ste grade, una Uehewult by the way we ure Bflilnic tbein. Ladles' Scarlnt Medicated Underwear at 730, ll,flUandl.WK. Our II number will com pare with anything lioreUiforoaoldatfZ. aien h unuurnrtnnn wnue or colored ai:c, 37ke. tee and ud, slun's Scarlet Medicated Underwear, BO?, 73c, 11, $1 as and f l 37X Cauiel'ri liulr and Natural Weel at low prices. FLOOR OIL OLOXH. The trade we have established en fleer and Tiiute Oil Cleth, we venture te say, has nevur been caualled by any ether heuse. We have the reputation and we mean te keep tt.et rell Iiik llie belt wearlnj?. beet seasened OU Cleth that evor was sold ter the money. WINDOW SHADES. Plain or Dade Phadus, host goods, spring nxtuics, (it Me each. DRBSS GOODS. Kxlru bargains In Uress Gceds from Pc per yard loll, luull the latest styles and shades. QLOVHS. Mon'stllevesat20.21. 40, , BO, 65, 75 cts and up. We call especial attention te enr 25c Weel Knit (llove. ABk te see ft, and If you think ou ever bought anything better ler lets than tee deu't buy it. Wn carry an Immense stock of uIevch. Watch for our advertisement una prices et tiloves. Impossible te glve It new ; xpaie will net allow. We sell goods en smill profits. Wendver Wendver tlse whit we get. When you ceme for It you iruL It. W he uUe Is under as small an exnenre as we are only X siiuarn from Centrer We can sill goods en small proms, una we de, BAED &lcELE0Y, 33 and 35 Seuth Queen St , (Opposite Fountain Inn ) pill! I'EOIM.E'S GASH SIOKE. Plush Sacques, Plush Jackets, Plush Medjeskas. High Class l'lusliea Only nt Unusually Lew Tticea. Our Sleck of l'lusli Garments i3 worth jour while te Inspect if you contemplate purchasing miything in this line this season. Alse nil the Popular Styles in Cleth Garments for J.mlles, Ltlsses ntul Chil dren. Tbe People's Gash Stere, HO. 25 EAST KINO BTR3BT, LANCASTKU, l'A. xarU-lydAw IIJtATJNU. D MOV IN l'HIOK. A NKW nni'ARTUBBlNTHEBTOVK UUalNESd. STOVES ADD HEATERS -AT- HALF COST. A IILNKKU1T STOCK THAT MUST UK SOL.1). Jh se RODdj are all of the best makes and warranted Hut we bnuKhttbeui low aud will give our cusiouier ths benetlt et our geed fortune. Come euly and inake jour seloctlen. Ne mth prices will ever be ettered again. We Lmeuuiullul Steves and Heaters ; all makes and cUes. AmenK the let Is seven of "Spear's' Celebrated Parler Heaters, lietfular Pike, 111 te i Cut Price, 117 W. Other Makes In Pro Pre Pro pertlou, FL1NN & BRKNEHAN, He, 162 North Queen Htroet, LAKUABTItt fA. t'OH HA L K OH 11 KNT. HOUSES FOH BALK ON THKM08T llberal terms, en West Chestnut, Wal nut, Lemen, Wary, rine and Charlette street. Apply at tnlMmd Wl NOKT1I MABY BTIIIBT. AUUTION HALISIl'KEB IPULISVB land It elected or It he 1 net elected 1 will eiTer oil real estate glven me, or any otber pr. petty ler tedays fiee, from this date, No vember). 1.KWI8 1'AULICK. Ne 2'7 North Utne El, tancaster.ra. nM4 IK HAKItlfeON 18 KLKOTED I WILL eiler nil Hull Eslate riven me from this date, ;ctebur), ler thirty davs, Free. Bala or uoiale. AUU. r. HKIMKHL, Oucorsaer te llenty Shubert, Auctioneer and Itcel JCslale Agent, 61 North linke Strict, eSO-tfd TJPXKOIHOK'H HALE OF REAL EH' XU TATK, On FBirur, Nevskber 9, $i, by virtue et an order of sale granted by the urpnana' veurin Lancaster county, inenn deislirned, executer or ltev. Jehn Tucker, do de ccattd, will sell the following real estate, viz : Let of ground en south Stan of West Orange street, Lancaster, containing 3.1 feet 1 tnches front, and extending In depth 170 feet, en which Is erected a uouble one-story iiaine dwelling house, Nej. 812 and 311. The let con. tains otielce fruit trees. Bile at 7 o'clet l: p m .. at the Franklin llouse, when tonus will be madn known by IiKWISH.TUORIB, Kxccnter nf ltev. Jehn Tucker, deceased. AVU. r. ltxiKxuL, Anct, e20-lUtd8,Tu,Th PU11L10 BALE OF VALUABLE North Queen street l'roperty, known as tho"UrapeiloUl." Ox Monday, NcvuvnEn 12,1888, will bn sold all that valuable three story brick lintel bnliainir. with larse threo-kterv back buildings, stables, etc , with let et ground fronting en Werth Qaenn strest 84 feet K inches, (Including the common alley en the north), and extending In depth te Market Btroet i'K feet, mere or lets, with a southern oztenston of about 30 feet. Including the com mon alley along the south from Nettli Qneen street te the City Market lleuseB. A correct draft of the promlees may be seen at thoeffice of the undersigned, showing the dimensions and the various alley rights nnd privileges be longing te the property. This property Is located In the principal business street. Is one of the eldest liotel stands In the city, has a large number or rooms convenlontly arranged, with het and cold water, gas, heaters, etc. t nle will couimenco en the premises at seven o'clock p m. CUAUt.KHM. MOWKLL. Ne lS'JMnitti Queen 81. o!7,:eo2.C.u,12d Agent for JtllrabtthMlchael. "-rCTOrtm QIKKN STUEET PKOPEB il TIES at nnbllc ea e. Un BATUltDAX. NOVUM HKIl 21, 1M? at Cooper's (lied Men) hotel, WrslKtng stieet.wlll le soldatpublle a'e.alllhU valuable city nraperty.Bltuated en the west side et North Queen street, I nn caster, l'n , belwtt n Centru cquare and West oiange street, consisting of thu two following purparts, viz : Ne. 1. Unit tlnec story MAUIII.K rrtONT tl!lLl!INU,nnd let of ureund, containing In front en NeriliO.iH.cn Rtieat It feet liilnchei, ineiu or les., nnd extending westwnid of a Idth flllilly rtrcreaslng te It feet Olnches, at the rear of wild building, and thence of a niilleun width te MirketMiunic.a te uldrplh of 107 feet luote or list, nOJelnlng pioperty of juceu l.oenen ine uenn, ana purpnii ku.z en the south ; leiulhrr with the right of way and ttee Iniirtes, igicea and regiessntenga certain adjelnln't en try, or passuve, and stair way, of the wllth of J loot 0 inches, lead ing from said Netth'Oucen street te the second dory of said bu'ldlug The store room (Ne. Jl North (Juconhttceti, en the first fleer, tan nne, l&igu loom, evc CO feet In depth, wlih lirge Mull cnpaclly ler slielvlnj and large show Mlndew. Ne. !l 'ibat three-story Ililck Handing, Nes. 18. CO aud V2 North queen street, and let of ground containing In front en &ticet31 feet, moieorlos", aud extending of that width estwatd In depth 107 fttt, mero or less, te Market eauare, iidJolntugpurrnttNe. Ien the north, end ptoertv et etUtu of Jacob M, Leng, deceased, oaths south; sublocttetho right etwny abeve dtscilbcd as appurtenant te Ne, l The st rcioem en first lloer has a width of 21 tee 9 Inches, nnd n depth of 31 feet (.Inches, with asheu winnow en either side of entrance lleth piepuitlct hwe cemplete draluage by connections lumilng te public sewer uu Murket strict. Tte two purparts together make one flne property, hwtug n width of 45 feet, lOlnchcs In front en North quean strcetacil of 4) feet, OlnolnsatlhnreiiTen Market Square Oppor tunity will be given te purchase the property as a whole. B.ilo!eoomtenroat 7 p. m., when attend ance vlll be gliu and conditions made kununbv 1.0UISK JACOU, lioyJ-leiS.T&Th gent for Owners. EXEOUTOUS' HA.LE OF VALUABLE Ileal Kstale. On If edav, November 13, A. 1). 13;8, atthoLeepird Hetel, In the city of l.ancaster, the undeislgned will etrer at publle sale the following valuable real rsiate, te wit : TractNe 1, belng alnt or ground, en which Is urtctcd u four story brick store building, mimbered Si Centie Bquate, containing in front '.'I feet, mero or less, and extending In depth (17 KetB Inches, mere or less. Tract Ne. 2. being n let et ground en which Is erected u three-story brick slore bullelng, numbered !6 ( ontre Square, containing In front 13 feet 11 inches, meie or less, ana ex tending In depth 41 loots Inches mero or less. Tract Ne, ;i, being a let of gieund en-which Is erected a two-story and mansard reef bilck dwelling heuiO, tltuutedeu the south slaoet Columbia avenue, and numbered 3 Cottuge Place, containing In rreatP'J feet, mero or less, and oxtendlng In depth 'Ml feet, mero or less. 'Jhls memirtv lias water. gas. water-closets. furnace, i ange, und all modern Improvements, and would make a delightful home. TractNe 4, being six lets et ground, sllua sllua tel en the southeast corner et College avenue and West Lemen airent, containing In front li2 feet ind extending eastward 132 leet, mere or less, with llgu. te common alie) s en east and south Tract Ne r being a let of ground, situated en tha south side of utd West Lemen street, containing in front 21 feet and extending In dpth 132 feet, moieoi less, also with right te alleys 'J ha whole of the above mentioned stere bulldtiigs am temuiKd by rlrat-claqs tenants, und they presonlumestdesliablo Investment, and tiny will be se.d together It desired by the purchaser. Any ene wbhtngte view any of the proper ties can de se by eilllng en the undersigned. t-ale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m., when confll'lens will be made known by MAltlA. MOSTKT'IKIl. WII.I.1AS1 II HOSTKTrKU, ritANK L.1I03TETTKII, Kxecnlnriel 1). 11. Hosletter, deceased. Jein. I. Haiksi, Auct. ecUJ-TtdTu&l' ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF VALUABLE 11KAL ESTATE. Ok Wednksdat, NeKVimii !l,H;8, Will be sold at public sale by the undersigned astlgnnxnf iBrael P. Mayer and wife, at the Leenard hotel. In the city et Lancaater. Pa.. the fellow Ing Iteal hetute, viz : Ne. 1. A four-story Itrlck Tobacco Waro Ware Waro heuee, ISilOJlOBt, Ne. 32m Neith Queen street, und a two-story Urlck Cigar Kactery, 3JHU leet, en Chrltttan street, und let el ground thereto belonging, cnntalntuK In front en said North Queen btreet 3J feet 2 lnthes, and ox ex tendlni; In depth 815 feet tee hrlstUn street. Adjoining llie Washington Uoje Heuse, en North queen street. Ne 8 All tint certain tbree story Brick Dwelling und uteia house, with tno-Blery lltlck Warehouse, In the rear, and let of greuud then te belonging, situate Ne. 311 en the east side of North yneen street, containing In front en North Queen strict 31 toot 2yJ luchu?, and In depth Hi feet, te Christian street. Adjoining property of Jehn Fargley en ihn north and uu thi teuth the property of late Jacob K Milrk. Thu dwelling aud stere aicuenitn uvsieain. Nii.3 Alltho-ietwe two story Ilrlck Dwell lng Houses lib Mausatd reefs, with two-story brick back building und lets of ground, Nes. 6 3 and te) North Lltne street. In said city, containing In front en said Llme street, 18 feet, mere or Ie3, und extending In depth 137 feel, meru or less. Adjelntnu piorerty et Au di uw J. Cogley and otters. Ne 4. All tlmtcertaln two story UilckDwell. lug Hun 10 with two-story brick back building attached, and let et ground theiele belonging, sltuate Ne. 131 'en the Neustslde of ewstreet, containing lu front IS feet Inches, mero or less, und In depth KO furt mero or less Ne. 6. T we two-teiy Ilrlck Dwelling Houses with ene story trumu back buildings attached una let of uioundtberetebBlonglDg, situated Nes 3(1 aud 38 West Liberty street, tn said city, each containing in front 15 feet, and In depth bl loot Cinches, moieor Itsj Ne e A two-ttery Urlck Dwelling Heuso wlthu two-ttery frame back building ana let et ground, situated Ne. 761 en the eust sldoet North Pilncu streut, containing In lrent lu feet V lucfiej, and In depth 1W feet, mero or less. Ne 7 A two story Ilrlck Dwelling Heuse with a two-slery trams back building and let of ground etlinted Ne Tuien the east sldeet Nerlh l'llnte slMt, ceatalulng lu front 1G feet 3X luches ana In depth UM leet, mere or less. Ne 8. A two-story Ilrlck Dwelling Heuse with a two story brick back building and let of ground, tltutiRd Ne "Wen the east sldeef Neith Prlnce strret, containing lu float IB fvulJXlrahu, aud lu depth luu teet, mero or tefs Ne 9 All that certain Let el Ground, situ ated en thu teuth tide of Liberty street, be tween Nerlh Prlnce und Market streets, lu said city, eeutalnlng In lrent en tald Liberty stnet 12 feet, mere or less, and et that width extending southward 65 feel luches, thence et tbe width of 18 fret, mero or less, extend ing lurlher seu'h 'it feel 'J Inchts, mere or less, thence et the width of 32 feet, meru or less, lurlher south M feet, mere or le.-s i en the south end et suld let Is eroclel a large two twe two slery Ilrlck LUur factory Any person wlshtngtovlewnnyef theabnve properties may cull upon lsruel P. Majer, Ne. 313 North Quejn ttreet, Lancaster, Pa. rale te continence at 7 o'clock p m., when terms und conditions 111 be made Known by JACIIUL. lJl.UltAKKli, eJOal.S.C S,10,13, 15,17,.Od Assignee. NOTICE TU TKESPABSEBS AND UUNNKUS.-All persons are hereby for bidden le trebpass en any of the lands of the Cornwall and Spuodwell eatates In lbanen or Lancaster counties, whether Inclesed or anln. elescd, either for the purpose of sheeting or nshlng, as the law wUl be rigidly enforced against all trespassing en atd lands of th un designed after this notice. WM. COLKMAN rUKKMAM, It. PXttOX ALUIN, IIDW, O.VKBJIItAlf, termn Nt K.W.CeHmu'i;wtt IcLermira. JjJ-KW PANTAXbblTl'ATXKhNrj; OVERCOATING. UaiirANDaAVTW,MPOttTAT10NB McGrann 8c Newlen's, UKBCUANT TAILORS, NO. 4 WEST KtNOBTBKKr. M AHT1M BKOTUKKa. Many Suits and Oyer lie SiiUul Pficrl ceits get their inarch ent of tug deer en tatnrflay. Cartful bnyera wt rathe marshal . Tee Step of tha aeasen Is faat In Win ter Clothing, but our Pesiibl Vca Can Al- w&yi Count ed Find ing Hen, buiy work rooms keep the tables w ell filled. Suits and Orerceits Ready-Made. SUITS AND OVERCOATS Made te Measure lle bnys a Man's All-Weel Suit, sol I a for ser vice, ready te put en at a mament'a notice Sce the I158ulls and Overcoats with the make of goodness all ever them that yen can reaC lly UU. The sort of Clothing we make te order Is the sort that makes a t lelhler a aoed name. All the novelties and the plainer In Cats! mer;s, Worsted, Chevle's and Ueavera ter your choice. 4 MARTIN BRO'S Clothing and Furnishing Goods. m NORTH QUKBNST. -MTILLIAMHON dl ITOHTKH. The Maicli Sublime or- THE VICTORS AllUWKD IN 0VEE00ATS AUD SUITS Selected from Onr Superb Stock nf Reliable Clothing! OUK NEW Sl'KClAL HUH' KOIt UKNT'3 W INTKll WEAU Or ALL-WOOI, CAE- BIMKUK, ritlCK J12O0, la net and Old Flcoper, shook up. ted luaOe te pose as a stylish srarment, but fs s benaUde, fresh, new and fashli nable Bult, msde te our special order, and we guarantee ltasiopre ltasiepre ecnled and correct la every particular. Gent's Overcoats, All Styles and Qrades, MSOtelM. Williamseu & Fester's, 32. 34, 36 & 88 E. KING ST., 1 ANCABXKU, PA. AMU MO. 818 MARKET STRHEiT, HARtllHKtTUa. PA. ILOTUING I CLOTUlWtl 1 I, Gansman & Bre,, OUR OVERCOATS ! UOT11 W1NTEU AND MEDIUM WEIGHT AUK NOW UUADV. We offer the largest oesertment of fresh new goods, tne finest te be had, and save you money en tbe price tn r lain Kngllsli If you buy from us any Suit orOyercoat you will pay n CO te 13 00 less than yen would have done at any ether stere for the same goods. This li our policy. It fs making a great business and we are eatlstled. 15 oe will buy a nlce Chinchilla Overcoat. $7.00 will buy a Heavy Black Beaver Over coat, 3.00 will buy a Fine Melten Overcoat. 110 will buy a Stylish Leeking Melten or Kersey Overcoat, sflk facing. 112 will buy our Great KlytHn Heaver Over coat. 115 will buy our Best Winter Overcoat. 112, 111, tie, lis will buy a handsome Satin Lined Medium Wetght Overcoat. Storm overcoats at 15 00, jaoe, is.ce, 110,112 IH. 110. Ders' and "Children's OvcrceiU lit large quantities at lewest prices. See our Pine KnglUh Corkscrew Suits, In Sack or Cutaway, at lle ; fully worth $18, rihe best qualities ler less money than elsewherd. L GANSMAN & BRO., manutactuueus or Men's, Bejs' and Children's Clothing, S. W. COUNKll NOUTH QUKEN AN D OUANUE 8TUK.KTS, LANCASTKU, PA. M YEBS HATUKON Pall Overcoats. A HANDSOME STOCK or- Fall Overcoats te Order. -IN KA3U10NABLK BUOADWALK D1A0O- NAI.3, KEUSK1S AND FANCY CHEVIOTS AT- Prices Lew Enough TO MEKT THE WANTS Of KVEltY PUU LUaSKU. Myers & Eathfen, rABlUONAULE OLOIUIEUS, NO. 12 BAST KINO ST.. LAN0AAXBU PA. FVRN1TURM. w IDMTKK 8. Fainlteie Attractions ! NO QUESTION ABOUT IT. Style, Quality, Lew Prices. WHICH FILL OUB rLCOK, AND IK WHICH. WK LEAD, BK8T ABSOfcTllKNT IN TOWN AND BIBT BAKQAIKB. WIDMYER'S Oer. East Kins & Duke BU. H18WKKK WK DISPLAY IN OUR Seuth Window a MEW LINE OF GOODS. NXW A 1) ATTlt ATIVK. UIIACKKT3..... fSc,SCC,7SC. COMU CASKS W)ff.,7:c, 11.(0 WASTKFAPKU BASEKT3 1.M MUSIC STANDS 13 W LADIES' WOUKUA8HKT3 13 W TOWEL BACKS 27 SHAVING QLASSE3 ......2 60 Ur We alto show the New flush (lord, con stantly cemlnK In at such Leip Pifiwi- you will ) surprised te Icatn them. Our store will be open every nlgbtunttl 8 3d; will bolltupunllll'ze'clock until lhalleliday seoien is ever. HEINITSH'S, 27 St 30 EOU1H QUBDN ST., I.ANCA8TEU.PA. EL OFKMKIEB'S. WILL CI.KAUT1IEM OUT! WlIATt WHY A PEW Parler and Chamber Suits At Almest Your Own Figures. Jllg Opportunity j. WUYT Uecause we must make room for the goods we are receiving this fall. WUKKK7 At HeiTmeter's Furniture Stere. 1 his week we have received a nlce line et Plush ana Leather Iteekcrs. Call tesee them AT HOFFMEIER'S. rUUKITURK ST0EK, KO. 2Q BABT KING BT sepllKlmd e (JHH A GIBBS. STYLISH, INEXPENSIVE FURNITURE. Recognizing the prevailing desire ier something new, we are constantly adding the latest patterns te our immense stock of popular Parler, Bedroom and Dining Roem Furniture, of the best workmanship, and at the same Lew Prices as pre vails throughout our larre es tablishment. Everything new in Furniture for any part of the house. Remember the name and number. OCHS &GIBBS, Manufacturers and Dealers. 31 Seuth Queen street. aprll-lyd F DRNITOKE I FUBN1TUKB I THE UNDEU91UNED HAS UBOPENED U18 UTOUK AT THE OLD STAND, fte. 38 East King Street, Which was destroyed by flre some time age, and kas a perfectly New stock of all kinds ei FURNITURE. PAULOU SUITES, BEDUOOM SUITES, TAULKB.'.CUAllla, ETC UPHOLSTERING In All Its Branches. Alse Painting and Or namenting Old Cheirs., HENRY WOLF, Ne. 38 East King Street leJ tfd HA A'D KBR VH1H FU. TUBT RECEIVED THIS MOBNINU. ANOTHER LOT Or THOSE LITTLE BROWff JUGS. Beth Large and small Sizes, ler Cleveland and Thurmau and for Harrison and Morien. New Celers ana size. LAUGK SlZB.2 CENT. HULL SIZE, 1 CENT. TMiaeit Unlque Campaign ftadge or r hit in In tt J market, Wet them quickly before they are anyone, orders for Jugs received by mall. Alse cheap Campaign Itmtens, Badges, Min iature Uaoeanna Bews, etc., AT ERISMAN'S, NO. 12 WEST KINO STUEET. OARRlAUm. QTANDABD WOBK. EDW.EDGERLEY CAKMAtiE BUILDER, NOS tO,t2,3,iSMAUKET STUEET, Ue&r Ol Postemco, Lancaster, Pa, I have In Stock and Untld te Order Every Variety of the following styles t Coupe. Bug. gles. Cabriolets, Carriages, Victorias, Business Wagons, "T" Carts, McColl Wagons, Barries, Market Wagons, Phmtens, Express Wagons. I empley Die best Mechanics, and have facu lties te build correctly any style of Carrlegd desired. The uualtty. Style and Finish ei my work makes It decidedly the Cheapest In t market t OT-WE BAVS THE BEST AND CHEAPWt UAlT 1M XBJIIIAiUlKX. ,- - i