SO-, MTV "n"7"135 ''v-ffi'irvsJ- ' ' ' 5ry!f" uim r .-' i. , !r" V ' -, ,,-r. V-3.;:V r-vw-.- v . . Is THE I.AN0ASTE11 DAILY INTELLIGENCER, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1888. 2 W i? n--. Daily Intelligencer. LANGABTKH, NOVKMI1KR3. 18S& Bat Oae Trial Fer Hnrdcr. ? supreme court of Pennsylvania tins 'decided that one tried for murder. fcnet convicted bocause the Jury could i agree, cannot be nguln tried for the leuenee. The court says: "Tliere t be room te doubt the whilem of the atienal rrovlslen In Its present it but there ii no room for discussion l te Its effect. The consequence is that l defendant, charged with taking the l of his fellow man, gees out of court 1 eat of reach of justice because of the of lair made after nn lienett, king effort te be right. Thejudg- v1Mftt entered upon the demurrer was riibi and Is therefore new affirmed." . ;Ju what the court means by speak- gpttsg of a " mistake made in law " we de -Mt understand, it it means mat me itutienal prevision is a mistake, we R' ioBet agree with it. That prevision is, i game that has been embodied in the ;lw from time immemorial almost, aid ;.hnp1y declares that " no person shall for ?"'k,Bame offence be twice put in jeopardy I'M Ufa and limb." IvA'Ner de we agree, as the court affirms, ij-'lbtit " there is no room for dicus3len ns fett.the effect" of this constitutional pre- i Tl ii i Ana Jitulie.JtHMtinnliAnii .t.n iwuui uui uuuciaiuuuiUK uneutcu n ;ttta generally construed te meau that no .M shall be tried again for nn offense of sliWhlch he has been acquitted, the "twice 'K', jeopardy" being awarded a judicial ;f snatructien intended te suit the judicial fUu of the fitness of things. rJV.TaIs is a trick that judges have. They soften decide laws net according te their '.f letter but according te what they think fcp.Mwuld be their intent , and they me net either te lnnuira what the latent of the law makers was; they jSiw content te find what they think their IMKent should have been; and hence cornea p,we juaiciai legislation or wiucn we nave il MA munli mill nf wlitnli n -vnrv &......: .. . : . ' v Burning illustration is nueiucu in ttUui Inl nnrftlnflnn nut. I v till Kfeeuxis of Pennsylvania upon the - murder statute, which declares Hint PTOnly "premeJitatcd killing," such as by 5tr?mlnninr- Ivlnn- In irnlt. 'nr Kuril ilelihnr. 1te act, shall be murder in the first tie- fBve. rThls plain law our ceurta have FT il i iji nm censirueu nway ns 10 neiu te ue ltynf tlie first decree of murder, nny- SriTwhcHfrrta' another after he lias lnul a K" T--' .... .. .. ... .... tfimotaentet " cceung time," in viiiicu no pvlght receive from a fit of passion even ?. ithnncrh lin did nnt. Thn linilnnlitril nnr. . - , ,rpee of the legislature, te punish with r? death only the poisener, assassin nnd the .undoubtedly dcliberate murderer, has .betnse changed by the courts as te hang ki these who slay in anger, intoxication acfl upon impulse. Sphere is netlikely tete nnr crcnt harm 7JtflKia tiv ilia nrAeenl. .lantafnTt fltnf nnn 1 tMfll le nil f lilf nnr. n fr -rtii-iYfi fill a jury disagrees the presumption is v .tbftt there is enough doubt in the cane te EtlUe the prisoner te go free. The law .fives every or.e accused the benefit of a ftasenable doubt, and we knew nethlug that should be mere satisfactory evl- 'tWinefl of the existence of such doubt thnn iiSit. ... - .. . ,. ywie muure 01 u jury te cuuvici. Sherman Has Talked Twice. K-S . . ... ,. . . -'At Aeru, muiann, en i-nuay, Jeun KnArmiin rnlL'nrl Mr lila ennnrtd n.1,1 Ifier itlmn tn snnnnrt. nf Trnrrlsnri nnd 'Kfnrlnn. ITTa hnrl Anlv nnnlrnn nnna VinTrirn In tlin mmpalgn, and Eccmed quite conscious of ;ine tact nmi. in mis struggle ne fcoeuia net be active in support Pet bis parly without fatally l'."'j.,l t.fa ..,..lnll f .. 1 l..l lrvuiuiiKluA ula icpubabjuu iul u lUUK "cliu n- Mm l4m4il wf tn II a nkrAMv.1 4 s fallow the plumed knight te prance un- Kxtralled at the head of the inrty; and it 5J easy te imagine his satisfaction ever ssy.'LHiw wrnnK nr liiiil frmiiipmnn r rpnur.- ; " - .tlpn and the disaster that threatens ;,hta man Harrison This second speech Trtf .Tnlin Kliflrmnti -ea f rnrnnrlrn. re?.r ""'""-"-"- -." Wme, ana was piaimy nothing nut MJfi move te keep an ear in with the awwnv Oft llinr. lin mnr ntlll lm nnntlnrail J'K.J WW ,M-V -.V, &.J WW... UW V,W...lV,.V ,- powerful politician. He simply re- jjpeated the old and often anstirered critl- y VISIU Ui. bUU UUUl.lliObit.ViUll 1U1 UUb UUJiJJ bends with the surplus, and in- .Ak.-.A t .l,nn.n .. . .-..llf uiugcu ju u tuauuj vfu iiiv ui'tuiucaui fe4JJepublican administration of fereigu ;, affairs as Illustrated by Grant. He cautiously refrained from saying ..Anything about these beauties as illustra- PtetTby-Blaine, who would undoubtedly t$tm the "uncrowned king" of n llar- , riseu administration, mauatrint; both p.fereign and domestic affairs te suit Blmself. The kind of foreign policy , t needed for comparison with that of flM..I..J1.1HJ 1AL .1 .1 -..A 1.- Zyfv .VMJVC.UUU auuiuiuiaiQuiuu COUIU U0l uu SSl found thl3 sidn nf Omnt'-j ilnv wlinn vn still bad, in the prime of llfe and vigor, -itbe material of the most powerful veteran $ .army in the world, and a navy equal te ili- any : two things that command resupct. ;.BrillIantly successful at every point, this administration has by its record forced opponents te make the campaign fshlnge upon a single great issue. Ne $one soberly doubts the ability or patriot. liPism of President Cleveland and his ad- &j?liers, nnd the only shadow of an excuse 9$? any voter can nave ler opposing his re- lectien is rear et the rovlslen of the s?f lanir. uaim, unprejuuicett rtllectien tVW atiiv.T 41i(e fan tnlm .sma.. .. .1 1 r. Eyai "uuv auun luwiciu vuudk'uuuuicu, FAi .. -.. - , j no rrespcci. ST The Xew Yerk Herald publishes le day .reports from correspondents In every state la the union, stating the present political stHtualleu and prospect of Tuesduv'a re :&u't. The summary shows 182 Deme. $ cratic electoral votes te 130 Republican, with 60 classified as doubtful ; the latter Being oeioraao u, lewa 13, KansisO, NebrOfikll C. Xnvniln fl. Vuw .1.,, n ..., few", v",. ,"' "" " "" jjsew J vim. ev. ? The 182 yete3 conceded a3 certain te .'lie for Cleveland, comprise Alabama, Ar- X kantst!1, California, Connecticut, Dela. 'si wxre. Pler da. Geercla. Indiann. irin. 'ta:ky, Louisiana, Maryland, MUsIsslppi, !-Mlsseurl, the Carolinas, Tennessee, Texas 5.iiiirfii f.'.tm'A iuu v riKiiuiia. Te the liepubllcana are cenceltd ,ifMlne, Massachusetts, Kew Hampshire, ,j.vrmeut, ltheue Ialaud, rennsylvania, ajaie, Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota and i???'uu V"' luei Jiiateacuuseiis is net ' jawwn, nor is new liumpshlie, Illinois rJtflnnesela!; though the strong preba- f WHty Ja that Harrison will carry them. Osle and Michigan should be classed Mtesg tle doubtful states with probability of their electoral going te the Democracy. Km. h BHde doubtful by n Unlea Laber ticket which Is In the field and is likely le poll fifty thousand votes. There is nothing cheerful In this view for the Itepubllcan party, which will have te carry New Yerk te have a chance te win, while the Democratic ticket can spare New Yerk and win. In Despair. The llepublican extremity Is Illustrated by the way in which the party organs hang en te the Sackvllle letter,whlch has long since flashed In the pan. Llke the gun that was taken out te kilt the plover, it but knocked its owner ever. It gave the president a chance te please the Irish element in the proper discharge of bis duty, and he did it and will get Its vote. There is no doubt at all of this condition of things, but the New Yerk Tribune, the Philadelphia 1'ress, and the ether llepublican journals that are new engaged in following their leader, still put the Sackvllle correspond ence in big type ; and have new taken le giving it te us in electrotype form in the very image or his lordship's " hand write." It shows, we say, hew hard up the organs are for argument. They had this letter appointed te de their work, and when at fizzed and failed, they had nothing else te take its place; but they still keep the sign up ; just as the disgus ted real cstate agent is apt te leave up the advertisement of public sale of his house, after the sale Is ever and has failed te bring a purchaser. He feels tee mean te go te the trouble of taking it down. IJut speaking of electrotypes, we are going te liave one of the Dudley letter which our Itepubllcan friends can con template with such satisfaction as they can command; being the letter of the treasurer of the national llepublican committee, written but a few days age te aid Harrison's election in Indiana, and abounding in abuse- of Demo cratic " bummers, " it ought te in uk e plensant rending for the Itepubllcan patriot. Hut we doubt whether he will much enjoy seeing it lu u newspaper. It is net the place for it. He may think the letter admirable in the proper hands, anil read sub reaa ; but in the bread day light it Is net se beautiful ; seeing that it advises the use of means te carry the election, whose use and encouragement the law punishes; and Cel. Dudley Is threatened with a jail. i l'oeu Mr. IHalne in getting tripped up eery day In Mb statouientH. Mr. Welln ehowHthe bIUIdcbn of bin last nltetnpt te mull en me wen. known fact of onermouii contributions te the ltopubltean cauce by Gould, Carncgle and ethers.- Tin: Ulilnoee Wimet, an KukIIsIi paper publlaueJ la Ueug Keng, eaya tlint Ublnn li disposed te rotnllate upon the Unlle J BtnlCH for the passaRO of the exclusion ect. Uhlna ia really net at all lnjured by that monaiire, m oho litw been trying hnrd te keep uer poeplo nt home, but hue niny be hurt In her dlguliy, and rumor says that Just new that U n very tonder point. i i Tiiuiii: are thirteen unlualty whaling vossela lmprhoueJ In Arctle waters, a theusinU mlles ormeto west of the north western oxtremlty of Alaska. The ThetlH la fitting out nt.Han Francisce for thelr rollef, but thore la llttle obaneoot her getttng thore In tlme te be of nny sorvlce and mero re llanes la plnccd In the two eteain whalers whleh hnd at last accounts bravely uuder. tnken the rescuc. it may be ldle te spoculate, but every overy every bedy Is disposed te be Ule In that way Just new. Heme et tlie results of epoeuliit'.on are astonishing. It Induces many neted for habitual caution te wuger heavily en the olcctleu and It drlvei oerroapondouts fnuied for reliability te atatoments that eaver of romauce. Theriilladelphla Times recently prcssntcd nn Intoreallng assort ment et spoeulatlvo remarks en the rCMUlt of the election whteh display a runiber of Doureor.Ulo nowapiper men la an attltude of profound dejcotlen ever the proapects et thelr party, whlle Eome Kepubltcau knlglita et the pen wero quite aa Uospeudont ever thelr own party oUbuecih. The New Yerk Titnes, that staid nnd rolhble metropolitan Journal, hat n cheerful Jetter from n Bosten correspond cerrespond correspend ont who tells or a spiritless Itopubllean cam paign lu Massachusetts, nnd predicts that thelr majority will be reduced very near the danger line. The samepapar has cheer ful news from Illinois, Tin: olUcersof the lntor.tuunlelpal con cen con yentlon tbat Urew up tbe nbsrtlve munici pal net of 1837 Iiuve Jssue J a call for tbe re oedvodIuk et tbe convention en November 13, te try Hi hand again nt fieltlng up a law that will overcouio tbe objection et tbe auprome court te the prcaent or a, Tuone objeollona bave net been atated te the public; and we de net Ree why thla conven tion Blieuld meet until the Buprome court's ronaena for rrjcetlng thopresont bill have bsen published. ltlH posulble that the reasons liave been prlvatelyoeinmnnIctcd te eotnebody, elnce tbe advertisement of the proinsed meeting H3ya that the oeurt objeota te the division of tbe cities into elaists. Thce has been funny feeling about tbla doclslen. It was auncuiiced ns innde In the I.nucaster Grant street cnee; tutlt hlinover lean maile pub. He nml I Ida 1j the loasen why no ene line'AS. PERSONAL. Ittr. O. W. Smith, of Trinity oellfge, Hertford, Conn , Imi bcen elected assistant blfibopef tbe l'rettftaut Kplsoejial dloccee et Ohie. Illshep Bldell, who fa 111, Is In Kurore, The Rev. A U Dixek, of llaltluiDre, haB llgurcd out that en the basis plven In the Apecalypse, llenven centalnH 6,703,760, 0' 0,000 roeinB, each ene belug nluoteeu by blxteen fcet in dtuicuMeus. Asa KuLT-eaaaudliU wife Sarah, each OJ j ears old, dled within hours et ene Brether ut their home near Greenfield, Musa , the ethor inernlng,uftbr having lived bapt ily together as tunn nnd wifa ter C3 yeai-, Mi8. KoIIeki; dled first from tbe li UriLituHef vre, and the husband, after klalrK f'li dead cotninnlen, remarked that he w ul.t seen fellow, and In a short tlrae he tee tyHi dead. A Iletarn te Duty. This Is always desirable and the peedlr It takes place the belter. Doubly wclcome is It la the case of theso usually industrious llttl organs, the Mducys, which, when they goon it ttrlko-se te speak and drop w erk, terleuslv lin. icru ucuun 111 mero inau une war, first and orcmest. their Inaction begets tficlr disease. v-liicliUliydrj-bcaJcd, Including such ilangcr' eus maladies as Uright's ducatu uud diabetes. Next, when luactive they fall te assist lu remov remev lug from the bleed liniiuiiltes that beget rlieu. mutism, gout and dropsy. 'Ihlrd, their Inaction weakens the bladder. All tills is pmentnble and rcrocduhle by the pkasent promoter et or gaule acUen, Ilu.teuei's Meinarli Hitlers, at onceatonio and n itirulater. lids gcutly out ilfeetually impels ihe Cidnets te return leiluij, and stri.stheus Uicm and the bladder. I'peu l .,vc1' l?di and liver it likewise cxeits a e?TJ!"s tf" '""Berating uulueuce, and It 6aii'auV,h"i'!au;nui2ra UUfU 'M" SS'f u,,'y "' '"(? b?m. Dr. Sulfa 1 any ?,yl,u.?,i, " '.a".,fca ret I" oentalu unTthlSg omnfeud'fl"1 Uwnteru be widely iee. U hti ii04llhy action of tlw llvnr can be estab UJll "i'li""1 u,.nV? 'y thojuetclouansoof id ' ' Br" rsfcUiater and bleed A Geed Thing. " 1 lor.etlmes wish I could uke told of the sole et 7Vter,iai' JCelecit te Oil ler 1 tell you It Is a g-aud thing, end 1 urn contclentlous in sav ing 1 ceuid de a geed work." ltev. h. r. Uraue Cerry, J'e. Klectrle Oil cured this gentleLcau et nulnsy of many years standing. Fer sale bv li. u. Cochran, druggist, 1S7 and 1 North (lueen street, ).aucaiicr, jyjlTY'a MALT W1UHKBV. DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY, A KOIBNTIFIO REMEDY, -XOT- A DBVBnAQE. Ne dtncun Kerm rnn resIUf.V rarrnln lelKcfl In Hi" body II tbla licat lletnr.ay H turufullv nna censinnily used. ITef. Win, T. Ctitter, Btala Obntntater Uonnesticat, tstiya t "lliitve Winifred a gieat many lamplua of Whlakay, Wines, Ales, eta.. and waieniprlena te nnd upon analysl that llutry's Walt Writs kpv was ubtelutit pmu, as 1 neviT found Uila te le the ense lniiny ether Wblskey I had ex amined, ihose fAcla must cauiuiend It te ganaral no and publie favor. lie sure and secure tte gunulne, and taUe te ether. It la Fer Bale Universally. MBLIUIUVS. REM010UB HEHVIOKH WIIjIj HE held In the follewlnx churches en Bun day, tn the morning at 10:30, In the evenlnff nt7:V Bunday school nt IMS p. In. When the hour la different It Is specially noted I I'RXSSITMRIAW llXHORUL UllUItCIt, Betlth Onoen street, Thenia Thompson pastor. rreachlnR at 10:39a, in. Sunday school at 1:43 a. in. Youns people's meetlnK at c fi p. m. 1'rnaehlnKat 7:15 p. in. 1'rayer and linceers tneetlniren Wednesdavevenlnirat 7:0 n m. Churuh e OOD-Corner or l'rlnce nnd Or Or rhke. rreaehlni? at 10 30 a. m. and 7:15 p.m. by the pister. Sabbath school at 1:45 p. m. OnnisTl.oTHBRAKUnuRen West hliiK struct, K U. Uned, pastor. SerrlcB nt lOJWn. in and 7:15 p. m. Bunday sol esl at 1.43 p.m. Catc. clmucas Instructions en Friday livening at 7 o'clock. U hit id llnsTnr.xn in cnainr (CevkkawtI. West UranRfland Uoncerd slrciits-ltuy. !. It. runk, pastor. X'rcachlnK nt 10:30 a m. and 7:15 p, in, Sunday school nt 1:13 p. m. J'ralse iinet lnir at 0:15p. in rrnyr.r sorvle WedncHflny cvenlnK at'-'O. Yeung people's Greup Filday OVCnlnR at7:3J. St. J.UKa'sltBrenKKD Marietta Ayenun, iter. Win, r. J.lchllter, piwter. Dlvlne sorvlce at 10.3Oa m and 7:11 p. in. Sunday school nt 2 p, in. Service In thn German lniiguaKOattOp. in , l'rel II. c. Schtcdt, emclntlnf? KVAWOBLicAL-Flist Ohurch (Gurmnn) North Water street, Kev. JT.-l. I.ehr, pastor i'reach Ing at 1020 a. in. In the (lei man language. Yeung people's muctlng nt tip in. Trenching In the hngllsh laugunKuiit7: 6p in. Htinday school at i u. m. Kf.vlval mevtlng continue during tllu week. yll nrnlnvll a. OUtit llirrisT Uhkrch. enst Vine nenr Dukn street. 1'inachlng tnnrnluir undeven- lngnttheuhual heuis 'ihe I.eidS supper will bnaamlnlsteied at Ue cloie of iiieinlngsrr vice. Jiapllsiuln thoevunlug. Sunday tcLoel it 1.45 p in. Bt. I'acl's Uktermbd llnv. J. W.Mrmlnger, pastor, l'roaebliig nt lO.Sla m.and 7:15 p. in. bimdny school ul 1:43 p. m. Heng sorvlce nt nt0:15 p. in, l'lujer totvlce Wcdnesi'ny ovon evon oven Ingnt 7:3(1. First KirenMgD OiieRcn, Itey. J. M.Tltzel, I). J pastor. Bnrvlcns te morrow nt n. m. Sunday school at 1:45 p. in Noie vlcesln thoevuntngon account of the annlvtaiyef the" Lnaieh t.liy "iract secletj". huceMD KVAMnKLioAi-tiiencii. Vicichlng n'. 10:JU u in. and 7.15 p. m. by thu pastor, huu day school nt 2 p. in. l'niyer nicetines WoJ WeJ in sdny nnd 1 hunday at 7:30 p. ill. Wkutkrn M. K. Church B. W. Ilnrke, pastor. Glass nt 9:13 a. in. leada. in. preaching, nundny echoel nt 2 p. in. l'ralun torvlceut 7:30 p. m raster's elms Tuesday nt 7.30 p. m, t'rnyer mretliigeii ahurtiilny evening at 7:30. Kart Mission Al. K. C'uunvu.- Sunday echoel at 2 ii. m. Bt. Jenx'H LtrriiEnAK. Hev. II. r. Alleman 1). 1). pastor. Bel vices nt 1U..I0 it, m. and 715 p, in. Patihath school nt Bt, Jehn's lit 1.13, and at Uelnald Memerial chapel nt 2 p m. lAxtme nnd praver sorvlce en Wednt'sday (ivenlng ut7:3e. Cutcchetlcal lecturui JTrlday evnntng nt 7.S0. Naw uiiuacu Itev. Kurc no .1. K Bchrrck, of J'htlailelphlii, will iirrnch nnd ndinlntiturUit) sacrament uf the i.erd's mpper tomerow morning nt thu usual hour, rung's bulldli g, le North Queen ttieet, Kiiwt IIaitist. Uev. J N Feln el), pastor. l'reichlngatl(l:3Un, in. Bunday school ut 2 p. ui. J.IUU Huiipurub inu fJitiHu ei iuerning ser vlca. In thn uveulng this congregation will meet with the M. K. church en Dtike strict. Weduesdny prnyer meetlng nt 7 IS. rinsT M. JC. Uiiencii. ltev. J. K.T.Uray, pas tor. UIebs meetings at U a. m. iu:30 it in., preaching by the Jiuv. J, F. crouch, presldlng fleer. 1:45 p. m. Bunday rchcet (mlsslnuuiy day). 0:15ii. in. young poeplo'BiuubtlnH; 7;)fi p, m. Annlvrimiy ep-tnict becIUv. AddrrssrH by llev. J. M. 'ill nil, J) l)mid Hev. J. N. Keltvell. 73) Monday nnd Thursday class meetings; 7:30p. in. Tueedny, holiness intot intet lngt 7 3J p. m. Wednesday, prayer meeting i 7.30 Friday, young people's cUsj ; 3 p. m. Thursdav. pastor's class. Bt. Btki'hkn'b (ltureiiMED) Uiiurcii Collkeh CiiAVUL. Dlvlne RorviceiUlO.ISOa. ui. Boruien by l'ret. II. C. bchludt. i'nasnvTaniAw ltev. J. Y. Mitchell, J). 1), pastor. I'reachlng In the morning unit open ing by the pa jt or. MeiuviAw. J. Max Hnrlr, U. I)., pastor, 10:31 a. in. Litany and sermon. 2 p m. bumlnv school i 7:15 li. m. evening aetvloe. Sermon en " l'he Coming Klcctleu " St. 1" aul'b JU.K. CHlinoii-Charles Henda, pas ter. Uoiumuulen of the LenVd tuppuriifiuru lulet seruinn at HUO n, in. rreuchlng and 7:15 p. m. Buudiy school nt 1:15 p. in. Yeung peo ple's meeting at Up. in, CUss meetings en Tuesday, Thursday, nnd irrldny evenings, rrayer meeting en Wodnenday evening. Main members In business meeting en Meinljy eve ning. Uiueh Lutiibran. Cerner of North Queen and Jitines street. Kev. U. Klvlu lleiipi, pas tor, lllhle class for men D:16 it, in. rrcachlng ul 10:30 n. in. and 7:15 p. m. Bunday school at 2 p. m raster's Cntcuhetlcnl class mects en Tiu-Hday nnd Friday evening. Usual mid mid wcfksurvlcesen Wedneiilay uvenlng. Glife choral guild en Thurtdty evening; also ohnpel services nt Ne. 45J West Loineu stroet. 'JuiNiTT LVTnuiiAN Kev. U. I.. ry, pastor. Byslcnut'e heuillcliu- day. IstialBeivlces, morning, nltruoeu nnd nvenlug, conducted by the pastor. Vestry meeting en Monday ovenlng. Aid's scolety's wJoatlen of ntUuer en Wednesday ovenlng. The young lneu's cUrsef thu niiniliiy school will meet In its new room te-morrow nllernoen nt 1:15. A oensoemtlou eorvlce ut the Y. M. O. A. to morrow at ti30ii.m. At .1.30 p. m a meetlng el young men will be cemluctul In the associa tion Lull, WA&'AMAJMK'a 1'niLiuiLi-uiA, Eaturday, Nev. 3, lilS. The cream is new here of what we'll have this season in high class Figured Novelties for Evening Wear Voiles, Gauzes, Crepes, Bengalincs, Cashmeres. Beauties. We've never had their equal of the kind. Benga lincs printed as you've scarcely dreamed of, Voiles in lace ef fects, embroidered, figured, and touched with colors as delicate as the heart of a shell. Dainty Gauzes with lace or satin stripes. Cashmeres of the fin est fibres, 46 inches wide, printed with even mere than Challis grace and exquisiteness en grounds of cream lnlltrope lavender mede pink blue gniy liw 11 and the price range of all these rich stuffs is far below what we've ever known. Frem be ing extravagant things we have brought them te the level of real worth. West Transept. Mere of the famous 50 cent Colored Cashmeres are in sight. Anether turn of the great trade wheel brings them our way. Yeu thought these Cashmeres well worth 65 cents (we've had 75 cents for them). Se did we. But for a streak of doubt as te the future that struck the maker's this side agent you'd never have seen them at 50 cents. Frem the best looms in the world. Just the colors you'll ask for. Near the centre of the store. We sell a geed share of all the Linen Handkerchiefs (Lin ens of any sort for that matter) that come te this country. Geed reasons why: 1, We have the Handkerchiels ; 2, we don't count cotton-and-linen as Linen ; 3, we go where the Handkerchiefs tjrew and get them by the ten ; 4, we sell by WANAMAKKR'8 the single Handkerchief about as low as most stores buy by the hundred. Glance at a flight of dainty Handkerchiefs for Women that has just lighted en the counters, Sheer, clear, and as gracefully beautiful as if touched by fairy fingers. Sheen of silk and airiness of a spider's web. Net overloaded with embroidery the white snowy as their own Swiss mountain tops. These begin at $1.25, commonly $2.50, and run te $3.50. Seme of the ethers : Illsh T.lnen, stall eped nnd embroidered. nr homsiltched nud embroidered, purs white, ?5e te II 80. Plain white-, hrmstttchel, ltn.5c. J'rlnled, hemstitched, 75b n dozen. J'rlntid nnd cmbieldcred heinslltctcd, KHe each. Kinbreldcrcd nnd hemstitched, 12Xe each. In Men's Handkerchiefs : Men's threo-qunrter, lirrnstltchrd, t nnd Inch hems, plain or printed, ll.Sjn dozen A spccltl lmportntlen of Men's three rjuarier hand hemstitched llanaknr thief ; vtiy scarce goods, W, 17 50 and t) n dozen. Dozens of ether sorts, including JTrench ovtltlejup te 73c. And we've only heard the first note of the Handkerchief song. Southwest of centre. Lively times in these Wo men's Londen-made Water proof Wrappers. There are two new numbers in plaids, $7 and $8, and some lovely silk ones at $18, and a fair stock of the small checks at $10. All of them about half price. Chest nut Btreotslde.woBt or main aisle. Helps the home fitting te have a Dress Ferm. Saves worry tee. Skirt Ferms only, $2.50, $3, and $3.50. With papier-mache bust, $5.50. ltuseineut, northeast of centie. 249 pairs Men's Old-geld and Red Plush Opera Slippers. Chenille embroidered, quilted insoles, chamois lined hand sewed. $1.75 a pair. Origin ally $2.50 and $3. Nearly all widths and sizes if you are quick. Market etrcet frost, wen of main aisle. JOHN WANAMAKER. (JOMl'LKXWN JfO WDKR. QOMPI.KxieN rmVDKU.' LADIES UIO VALUK A KRjriNRn COMI'LKJION MUSI' UHK POZZONI'S illtlJlOATEU; COMPLEXION POWDER. It luinarts a brllllaut transparency te the skin. Uemevesull pimples, lruehies and als als als coleratlons, and makes the shin delicately selt nnd beautiful. Itcentalns no Ume, whlte, laid or arsenic In threo shades, pink or nosh, Whlle and brunotle. ren SALS J1V All Druggleta Doalera und Fauey Goeilo 3vorywhero. -ukvauk or IMITATIONS.' apWUvd &JC1V AD VJiliTJHHUKKTX. Tiik annual.'mektinu OK TUK Stockheldoifl In thn Itrlilinnnrt .- iin n. Bhcn luriiptite Ueinnanv. for .. .. .... ...: - ----. ..'.e. Ill he purpoieol circling ouiceis, will he bold en Monday. NOVUIII ber ft. IS-S. WltwriMlMnHSr'-lrt v. ..; ' at thu Leepard Hetel. AND. M. FEANTZ, OCTOBan 13, l5d. ol5,2Unev3 rTU113 ANNUAL MKKTINO OK THK stockholders of the Utrasburg ft Millport 'lurnplke itead company, ler the purpose nt electing atllci-rs, will ha held en MONDAY, NO KM It Kit ft, lt:, between 2 and S o'clock p. 111., ul the banking house nf iteed, McOranu Jt ue. oke. K.ueiee. octlS.JU&uevS J'to.ldent. R.15 A u. R. B. & H., lllMulIuS R. B. & H. aeji3-3md w lmiVKK'H. Furniture Attractions ! NO QUESTION A1I01T IT. Style, Qualify, Lew Prices, WHICH FILL OUH KLOOU", ANDINW1I1C11 WKLKAD. llLSr AHSOITMKNT IN TOWN AND UKST UAUU.UMi. WIDMYER'S Oer. i-rt Kiuji & Duke Sta. JOTUM' TU THEBI'AHHKKS AND X uVMhKU- A'l persons are hereby for. bidden 10 iTxupews 011 any of the lands uf the Cem wml tuie p.,i4llHjtaUeln Lebanon 01 LMicuetnr cnun'w whither inclesed or unla cietibd. bllhur ter thn purpose of sheeting or nshliift. as thu lw ui be rigidly enforced ajxluit alltrespesiliijc en sold lands of tLeun tLeun dstlgure after this uettcs. WM. COl.KUAN ruSINAK, R.l'KRUr ALDBN, ikun.u.rittiM&M, J Atterntyt lex JLW.ceUuian'iiUti SmWAD VBRTJBBUMNTa. TJEHT F1TtnuCOBBET.' ' "" cTb: C. B. a la Spirite C.B. THE UK3T FIT11NO COUSKT IN THE WOULD. Fer Sole by Leading Merchants. MAYBB, BTBOUSB & CO., Manufacturers, 412 UKOAD WAY, N. Y. ect3-52ttt,Th,',00W MAKB. CLOAKS! WATT & SHAN D 6. 8 AND 10 XAST KING BT1IKKT, AiothewlDg ft Wendtrful Variety of Ladles'. Mlsses' and Children's NEW FALL COATS In all the Latest Novelties. Upwards et 25 Styles (TChlldren's GretchPn Coats In nulls. Mtlpes and l'laln colors In sizes from t te 14 ypars, Misses' Miiwrnarketa In all styles of trim mings, sizes from R te in years. Ladies' Jackets have never been soperlular. We olTer the lieit obtainable Steeklueit Jacketi at 13 m, t3.M, li eu and tvue each. Htocklnett.lackets, trlrnmed wlta braid, In newdetlgns. Ladlet' Clnth Jackets In Plaids, stripes. Checa and HulU Celers, at V, J, l,t5te 110 each. LAMK8' NKWMAUKKT9, I.AUlttb' UAULANS, LADIES' NJtWl'OUTS, In all the New Styles at Lew Irlc:s, Our Large Line of SEAL rl,USlISACyUK8,J 8EAL, l'LUSU JAUKKT3, SSALl'LUSU MOD HsvebM-n made te our Special Order, and niu the beit va'.ue In the iiiarket. New Yerk Stere. SleCallM l'apper I'stterns -und for Uuteu Fashion Sheet for Ko Ke Ko vember. M YKKH A KATriKOW. Pall Overcoats. A HANDSOME STOCK -OF- Fall Overcoats te Order, IN FA8UIONAIILK HllOADWALK DIAUO NAL3, IvKUSKIS AND FANCY UUEV10TS AT Prices Lew Enough TO MEET THE WANTS OF EVERY U1ASK11. l'Ulf- Myers & Rathfon, FAS1110.NA111.E UL0IU1KRS, NO, 12 EAST KING ST., LANCASTER l'A. J."' MABT1N OO. VISIT OUR- LADIES' & CHILDREN'S COAf DEPARTMENT, -AND- Fzamine the Novelties. Seal Plush Coats and Jackets, A SPECIALTY. C3" Special Uargains. All Ladies' u nil Child reu'd Coats carried ever from last season have becu tedtictd te exactly half the former selling prices. J.B. MARTIN, & CO. DR r UOQDH. R EMEMBKB. Kes. 6&8FeithQueeiiSt. THE BEST PLACE TO BUY COMrOBTS, WOOL AMU COTTON KLANNLS, SKIRTS AND BK1BTINO, HDIta'ANDM USES' COATS, BIIAWLS, UNDKRWKAB. HOSIERY, QLOVKS, mil HUMMING?, DRESS TRIMMINGS, CORSETS, PANSY UDBTLES, EVERYTHING NEW AND CUEAP lOR OAB1I, AT 6 & 8 North Queen St., LANCASTER, FA. Jehn S.Givler. irarlO-lydw piUOK LIST. BAED &"lcEIE0T, 33 and 35 Seuth Queen St., (opposite reuntilalnn ) PRICE" LIST : Wn name a few of the many bargains we are offering. SHAWLS, Shoulder Shawls at 10, 2 40, and CO eta and tip. HlnglnShawlsatll no, si.25, l,S0,l.-,6and up. Deuble Sbawlsatl2,2B0.3,ta), U and up. We defy any house te beat these goods ht the price. BDANKBT3. White or Colored at 75c, 11,11.25, tl.C0.f2. W 60, 13 and up per pslr. UNDERWEAR. Children's Unf orwear, smallest else, starts at 8c : noitatiec. 12Jic,15cand up, according te size and quality. Ladies' Merine Underwear at 23c, S?c, te?, 75e and up. Our S9e quality is all we claim ler It. a 50e tirade, and ltshewit iiv thnwatrvn are srllliiK them. Ladles' Scarlet Medicated Underwear at 75c. II, 11.25 and !.17K. Our 11.23 number will com pare with anything heretofore sold at 12. Men's Underwear in whlte or colored at 2'c, 87Kc60eandnp. Men's sonrlet Medicated Underwear, 50f, 7.5c. 1, $1.25 and I1.37K ceinel'a Hair and Natural Weel at low prices. FLOOR OIL OLOIH. The trade we have established en Fleer and Table Oil cloth, we venture te say, has never been equalled by any ether house. We have the reputation and we mean te keep sell ing the best wearing, best seasoned Oil Cleth that ever was sold ter tbe money. WINDOW BHADE9. Plain or Dade Phariee, best goods, spring flxtmea, atwoeech. DRBSS GOODS. Fxtra bargains in Dress Gceds from Pc per yard te II, in all the latest styles aud thades . GLOVES. Men's moves lUM, 25, te, t,B0,G5, 75 eta and up. we call especial attention ti our 25c Weel Knit Gleve. Ask te sea It, and ir yen think Seu ever bought anything better ter less than )e don't buy it. Vj carry an lmmense stock of Oleves. Watch nr our advertisement and prlces et Oleves. Impossible te give it new ; space will net allow. we sell goods en small profits. Weadver Weadver tlse whU we get. Wfcen you come for it you gut It. Who else is under as small an exnense ass we nre only X square from Centre 1 We tan sell goods en small pre a is, and we de. BAED & IcELBOY, 33 and 35 Seuth Queen St , (Opposite Fountain Inn ) rpHE FEOPLK'S OABU STORK. Plush Sacques, Plush Jacket: Plush Medjeskas. High Class Plushes Only at Unusually Lew Prices. Our Stock of Plush Garments Is worth your whlle te Inspect if you contemplate purchasing anything in this line this season. Alse all the Popular Styles in Cleth Garments for Ladies, Misses and Chil dren. The People's Gash Stere, NO. 25 EAST KIKQ 3TRUET, LANCASTER, PA umrlMvdAw THK APPLICATION OK FKANOKS Nelmer ler transfer et tiiveru llconee xranieate iienry Neircer, lriist ward, Luncaa Ler tuy, unu an romen9irances, AC illl be heard en Saturday a.m. octJt.SlAnev" Nnvomber 17, IsS, at 10 II. I. . UltllAN, Uep. Clerk (jnar. tics. WK OAN HKKVK YOU WKLL ANU save you money in advertlslni;. KBtl mates free, ADVERTISING GUIDE-BOOKS. The most completn and original ever Issued. Sect en receipt of te cunts te pay for packic g and ferwurdlng. ADVKBTISISU WBITIMO A EriOIALTV. The lu Jett, Mllbonrre Advertising A Rene v. Ill and l'A) Jtast lialtimere bUeet. naltlmeK, Md. s238mdAw OUKT PUOC'LAMATION. Whereas the Ilouerablo Jehn 11. Living ston, 1'ivslilenl, and llonerublo David W Put Put tciNen, Additional Law J udtje of the Courts et Common Pleas lu and for the county of Lan caster, and Asslstaut Justices of the Courts of Oyer und Terminer nnd General Jail Delivery and Quurter Suctions or the Peuco In and for the county of Lancaster, hne issued their precept, te uie directed, re nulrliiK urn among ether things toiuuke putt putt He pmchiiiiiitleu throughout my bailiwick-, that a Cem t of Oyer ami Terminer uml u liun erul Jail Dcllverj", 1 Court of tienunil Quarter Sessions of the Pence and Jail Ih'ltvl eiy, will cemmuueu lu the Court lieuau, iln the city of Lancaster, In the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, ON THE THIRD MONDAY IN NOVKMBKR (the lUth), 1kk(, In pursuance of which prccept public notion Is hurtiby k1 en te thu Mayer und Aldeniieu of the City of Lancaster, tn the suld county, and all tbe Justices et the Peace, the Corener nml Constables of the satd City and County of Lancaster, that they be then nnd there In their own proper pel-neus, with their rolls, re cords and examinations, and IihiuUIUeii, and their own remuinhruiices, te de these things which te their elilcun appertain lu their be half te be done ; and also all theso who Mill rirosecute against the prisoners who are, or hen shall be, In the Jail of the said County of Lancaster, are te be then and there te pros pres ucutu against them as shall be lust. Dated at Lancaster, the -ita day of October 1HBS. U. tt. UUKKUOLDKB. 027 StaSASlw Sheriff. FURN1TURB. H OFFMEIER'a WILL CLEAR THEM OUT t WUATt WHY A FEW Parler and Ohambar Suiti At Almest Your Own Figures. BIf Opportunities. WUYJ Because we must tnake room for the goods we sue receiving this fall. WHERE! ' "" At Hoflmeler's Fnrniture Btore. This week ye have reeetved a ntte line of Hush ana Leather Becken. CaU usee them AT HOFFMEIEIVS, FUBFIIUBE STORE, MO. 20 BABT KINO BT. eplMmd e OHSAGIBBS. STYLISH, INEXPENSIVE FURNITURE. Recognizing the prevailing desire ler something new, we are constantly adding the latest patterns te our immense stock of popular Parler, Bedroom and Dining Roem Furniture, of the best workmanship, and at the same Lew Prices as pre vails throughout our larj;e es tablishment. Everything new in Furniture for any part of the house. Remember the name and number. OGHS AG I BBS, Manufacturers and Dealers. 31 Seuth Queen street. aprlMyd F UKN1TUKK I FUKN1TURK 1 TUK UNDKRSIUNKD HAS REOPKNKD UIB 8TORK AT TUK OLD STAND, Ne. 38 East King Street, Which was destroyed by fire some time age, and kes a perfectly New block of oil kinds et FURNITURE. PARLOR BU1TE9, UEDROOM SUITES, TABLE3..CUA11W, ETC UPHOLSTERING In All Its branches. Alse fainting and Or namenting Old Chairs.; HENRY WOLF, Ne. 38 East King Street te9ttd TOOK! LOOK ! LOOK! OnrNew Arrivals in Plush Furniture. l'lush Rockers for Ohlldren, l'lush Rockers for Misses, Plush Hcckers for Ladles, l'lush Rockers for Heys, l'lush Rockers for tientlcmen, l'lush Reek ors for Kverybedy All Piless from 11.71 Upwards. 3-Th Varlety and Prices are se varied we will Invite you te call and sen thnin and then Rive the prices, ns space forbids it httm The iarKOst ABSertinnni ut the J.ewu-t Prices te be leund in the city. HEINITSH'S, 37 & 9 BOUXH QUBBN ST., LANCA8TKR.PA. HATS. OTAUKFER A CO. ilorau'e we havejust what people need, lieeiuse we have the largest stock from which te select. llecanse we have only the litest and newest si les. Recanse we have no doubt deubt iul Qualities. Rnrau'oeitra earn Is taknn te lit and pliasu yeur pur chase. Jtcau89 enr pilces are the lowest. Oar Fur Department has been enlarged and weare new prepared toshewyou the largest and finest asertment et LADIES' and OKNT'd KUItu and rURTRIMMINUS at Rottem Prlces. WK AUK HAVING A RAPID BALK ON UATS. REST fl.SS, I1.G0, 11.75 and 12.00 fur BTirir HAT EVER SOLD. u e hep, 1IRELLAS UUOD3. OLOVES, UM and UUUUKU TRUNKS and TRAVELING 11AG3 AT UIO RARUAINS. StaurTcr& Ce, 31 and 33 N. Queen St. LANCASTER, PA. UAXDKERVUIKrH. ri'ar hkeeived this morning. ANOIllKRLOT Of 'IH031C LITTLE BR0W1T JUGS. Reth Large and f-nnll slzuf, ter Clerelacd andThnrminaud for HariUeu una Mrrieii. NewColeisann size. j.AROK BlZB, 2 OKN'J MALL blZlC, 1 CKNT Trivneit UnlqueCsmpalKn lUdeoeri hum In tk.j niirket, iet them quickly helnru they aruallKone. ordeis for Jugs received by nail. Alse cheap Campa'gnlluitens, lladtfej, Min iature Luncanua Rens, etc., AT E R I S M A N NO. it WEST KINO 8TUKKT. OI.DBKASS WANTKI)-rilK IlIQU st rash pilceptld for old llnts4 and Cop per. The tlni-sl b'Stscistlngs iciule te order Metal pattern work hnl'n a nt rcasonuble raus. M. W. FU AIM'S Leck norm, Rear l.echur'a jUnkleu llulKllut'. 16-Tn.ThAHifd X KVAN'H PI.OUK. Levan's Fleur I THE BHBT. UaiiTbAS "- tiZ.&&i