V m r ?' Jii-i & 'J wjrgj" -v- n' DEMOCRATIC MEETINGS. OtTKATTnEOLOO llOUMANU ANOTIIEK ATiuBorctt&uueaR. , J-mts O. Mtfpxrran te Addreia the Creml TM Kvtnlng and W. V. Jlenael te Talk V t'peuth Tariff en Motility Kvcnlrg. Mr. Itotieit CunUnu Irjarcd. ; - r VULiUJllltAl ilUli . UIVUUU Ui IU . ll ....... fk.tMM n t MrllMH . It.n ' uieveiana anaxnurman emu win de ueiu "j.ll evening st tbeir quarters la Bank alley. iiunw win de me mat reguiar meeting 01 me ;eab and business et importance will bn . i'Miniaejea. une emn win de naaieptcaiy ' lJimet O. McNnarran. who ! lncleil and vMrnnt talker en the tarlir qiustlen. V. OnMondsvevonlnirnestn inoetini; will , jbsheld In the opera house when William 'tf U. Hensel, eq , will speak en tarlfl revl. , BlOO. air. JUcnaci oeniea ey invuauuu 01 n OTer two hundred werklngnicn who. are JSF 4 deeply lntereited in the Bubjeel et the re 8rvfS duotlen of tbe tarlil. Mrs. itoeort iNimgan, wnne coming from the beuse or Jacob Jlninrr, (ell te llie mvement breaklDK her right arm near thfl shoulder. Willie Kwlnpr, a Ben or Goerpo Ewlnrr, KM bitum in the right check laU night by deg. The wound was cauterized. xne lunerai 01 Airs. ruagaeione ncuieia, U1 be held en Saturday morning ut U e'clcck. Bolemu high mass at HelyTrln. lly Cathella church. The funeral of Oscar Lelssy will be bem ea Saturday afternoon nt 2 e'clcck. Her. Ticea at the bouse et bla lather, J. C. Lei wy, en North Seventh streeb true following statement aoewn iue im mense bualneea dene by the Pennsylvania railroad In the movement of cars at this plaoe. The flgures show nil the cars pass ltjg through tue Columbia yardH dnrltm Octeber: Main line, 102,750; Columbia A Pert Dnpealt brnncn, U.IMI i Fredurlclc branch, 1.SS3, for Columbia, 3,692, maklnju grind total et 11., (CO cars. A guesi box ban beenplneed atKrlsman'a saloon whero any person can make a guess en Pennsylvania's majority. The poraen coming nearest te the actual majority cetB the contents. A. pleuBlnc entortalnment wna fjlven last night I nTrlnlty Reformed church by the .Tuuler Rulldlng Fund Msoelatlen. Tliu room wai crowded. Wlllle DlsslnRer wen Btrnck en the had head with n stene yesterday knocking lilm senseleas. He la confined te bin bed. The regular monthly meeting of the Columbia tire compney will be held this evening. Jehn and Jamea Phillip were arretted by the 1". 11. a. pollce for tram Jumplne tbla morning, tiqulre Helly gaye thorn -0 davs eaeh. Jehn Jlrewn, of Marletta, was sent te J nil for 30 days for disorderly conduct et itiu railroad station nt that place. JACOIt IIAIlTt&'H UHATII. It I Catuea by I.em .et llloeii, llie licjult ul n CluitBliet AVeautl, Jacob Hartman. the ynuuc en of llurry txnaartmaO, who sccldently shot hlmaelf Bi.-V while out nunulng near Kaen etrThurailHy, U1CU UIUIIS JJULI1U MfcUWU U U1UU& fcUiO M.U4U' Inir, from less of bleed. The ncsldent occurred et 10 o'clock in the morning and it wai nome tlme borere any ene could be secured te bring the boy te town, lle did net reach home until ahertlv botero ene o'clock and it was half an hour nlterwarda bit'ore n pbyalelan could be socured. The boy beunn te urew weak Feen afler hn waa brought home, but rallied laler In the niter. neon, in iue erening no uuxh" hiuhiuh and died nt the tlme abeve united. The boy Wisjfiftsonyears et age a id of gee;, atuady bublts. .Fer yeara iiu waa empioyce in tbobrickynnlsel Jacob 1'eniz eud was popular with hla fellow workmen and oom eom oem pantone. Corener IJoneman held an lnqucat this afternoon aud the jury rendered u vcrdlet that drath resulted lrem a gun uhet weuud inUUtelaceldcnlnlly. In the opinion of the jarorathefarmcra who declined te bring hlin te town, Inhumauly pcrralttltig liltu te lie en the gieuud ter nearly two heuit, are cemurable. A DltlVINCI AOOIUtNT. Etn. Jutilai It, KnclniHU and Mr, V. V. Mautt't CM hi blifitillr Iijurcil. Tburaday ntternnen Willi 11. Jltisser waa dnvlnc aleiiG the Conostega Creele Just below the Urge railroad brlUge. In the carrlage with htm wa his wife, their llttle child and Mra. Junius U. Kautmnc. Justaa they were about nenrlug a bend in the read countryman with n lead of feed met them. The man pulled li!u Iioibe in close (e the binkand there wai net suf. llclcntrcem for Mr, Musaer te paai. The result waa a collision and n wueel et the latter'a carriage was breken toplpces. TIiIh left the front part of the vehlole down and the herr.0 begau running. Hornu ler the dla. tancoef a Equaroevor botne reckH thatvcre lying nlcng the read nod whs Unnlly caught by .Peter V. Gorrecht. When the nulntnl was brought te a Bland mill he waat the very edge of a Bleep bank leidlng te the creek. Anether atop would linve landed blot in the stream. Heme tlme after the home began ruuulng the llttle child wn thrown from the carrJace and badly cut about the head. Mra, Jvui(iiisn wen ulse thrown out and Hsverely brulsed. Mr. Museer and v.'l.'e received n bad shaking up. A NctrMuilcJl Team. Jcseph C. Keyor, who baa been connccted with the ercbeutra of Fulton opera houae ni drummer silica the opening et tbe eoaseu, ban rehlgucd and will quit the beuEO ou Uaturday ovenlog. Ilia place In the orchestra will be taken by J. It. Scabroeka, vhe has been connected with the 1'alace tbeatre of tit, Leula. Mr. Keyor hai formed a partnership with 11. W. Burten, of New Xerk, who la new In tbla city, Bnd they will oenstltuto a musical team. Inn short tlme tbey will start en the read playlug datcf. Mr. Iteyer la well known as a geed musician, and bla new partner, who wkm formerly with Heating, cl Keatlng it Hands, la highly dpokea of. Their friends wish them success in the new venture. Accident at the Ulcctrlc l.lcUt WetUu, "Vcsterday Cbrliitlan Oembp, adrlver of one of C. W. Jiltner'a freight wagons, and five ether men wcreengaEOd unloading a new meter, weighing 3,U)0 peunda, from a wagon ut tbe United Slates Klectrle Light werke. They were using an oak pair of aklda. When the meter wua belt way between the ground aud wageu the sklda broke, One end et theploceet timberstruck Gombe en the unkle, apralulng It badly and otherwise bruising htm. The meter tell te the ground, end Gemhe narrowly escaped being struck by 1U The injured man was taken te ula home, whero lira, A. J, licrr and M. IJ. Davis attended blm. A Ulcaatlc 1'erelgn Contract. Comegys &. lewls and the Union Bridge company have closed a contract with the government of Chile for building nnd equipping 730 mllea of railway lu tbnt country. Tbe prica has net yet been pub llshed but la known te be considerably In e-xceaa of the f35(000,000 at Urat vetea for tbe purpose by tbe Chilian government. This la the largest contract ever entered into by a foreign government with citizens et the United Stales. UrlcUIjei' null. The brlcklay eta of the city held n p jcknge party and ball at Uroenorchor nail en Thursday Muht and tuu attendance waa ..r,5?: 61lvbr ca,,tr ww wen by Chailes McUlnnls, a Ien et coal by Mrx. Kdwerd Bbay and 103 pounds of flaur by Mary Den. nelly. Alter the distribution et tbe cltta ainclnt: wat Indulged in for several hevjrJ It whs a suecoshie t aDd well manHged inter. Ulnment and rellecta creait en the com. mttteelu charge. nitailunary Aadrtesta. The mlsUeriRry meetlng under tbe dlico dlice dlico tlen of the Indies' Missionary Hnclcty et tbe Unformed church, at the Kirut Itoferuied church ea Thursday eveulng, wat largely attended, Intereatlng addresses en fetelgu mtsslenury work were made by Kev. A. D, Orlep, late a missionary te Jajue, and Kev. A. H. IHrtboletnew, eecretary et the foreign uiltsleu beatd. Iteoerea te 13 Day. 1'etcr 'vVoed who waa seut te jail ler SO days by Alderman Jlarr en Monday for drunkenness and disorderly conduct, waa taken twlere Judge Llvlngnteu tbla uilor uiler uilor Reon ea a writ of babeas corpus. Alder tMn llarr Eppearcd and reiiatcd the Ola. ebrja. After blaring the testimony lu the jwatue imprltcnmcnt waa rtduced from .3JktHlif. ja wwwwiwwuiiniMiJwi mewmmww Te udebinte Kinanrliiatteu liar. A meeting et colored residents of the city "m held en Thursdsy evening et l'onten M. Harris' residence, Ne. 343 Middle alreet, U make arrangements for the celebration et Knianolpstlen Day en January lit. Communications were received from MIddlolewn and Ilarrlsbnrg slating that large delegation from thote places would be present te take pait In the festivities. In In rltatletm were Mint te the colored peeple of Yerk and Columbia and faverable replies ure expected. The pregrame as thus far arranged will oiiiMUet addrcases at the court house In tee alter neon, a supper In Iiove and Charity bnlland a ball at Mronnerobor hall. The oemmlttoool arransetnenui areliewla Wilsen, Jehn Jnner, William Ilnnic and Albert Harris. The committee will meet en next Thursday evening, M0L UUtl'tL Te day. All Heuls' Day. is observed as a holiday in tbe Catholic ehurcbes. Masses worecniobrated for tbe bannv renose of tbe souls et these inembers who died tbe past year. Koeort Cook, a colored banjo player, waa the only lumate of tbe station heuse last night He claimed Columbia as his home and said he did net have money te procure lodging. The mayor discharged him this mottling. Chtet of l'ollce Smeltz has rccelved a let ter from UoBten te-day making Inquiry as te tbe last reaidenoe nnd burial place of Jehn 11 Hurley, He waa a railroad con tractor In tbla slate botwecu the years H65 sud 1870. Flnldicrt Ittarr Uaullnc Te (lay Dantel Trenltz flulabed the work of removing tbe six million gallon pump from the old te the new city water works. Tbe laat ptece wolghed eeven tens, and It was hauled by ten horses. Trnnttarteit te l.tbnnen, Frtlucr Clement Hohlcuter, who was In cbnrge of HI. Josepb's Catholle church ilurftg the Illness nnd slnce the death of Father Urolemyor, has been transferred te r.sbanen. He will beanasslstant te Father ClirUt, patter of bt. Mary's Catholle church. Tlie Uuler Line in Alt, .Tey, Kev. C, C Tdlls, whorepresontod blmself le Mr. J. It Martlu M a hoiceuoathlc nhvsl. clan, Is a graduate et a medlcal college, and will practice in this city. It has been learned tbnt Kev. Feils met with tbe Hjme opposition In Mt. Jey he experienced here. He rented two houses in tbnt borough recently and wasoempollod tO glVO Up thO ICBM'W. t'eultrrdl tlie Ainiilllltri llrcrce. Thirty membcra el Inland City Ledgo, Ne. 88 ICnlghta of 1'ythla, went te I,ltltz In 'buKea en Thursday evening te confer the BUiplllled degree en four candidates. Afler the work was flnlshed Bnd the meeting odjeurnod the liucaster vlaltera were hnndnemely ontertalnod by their lillllzbrothren. JtriMititlrtns Lending Tliclr l'nrly. ZiHlei Hwepe, tq., the well known Grecnbacker, en Thursday renoived a bhal iifaa Itittortrem nlnwyer In Kaunas. The Woslcrner nlludea te the revolt of Kepubll cans fiem their party, end bollevoa that the next clnotlen will llud Kansas in tbe list of Democratic tlatea. Tlie lietllni; Ceutlnnna, The belting HtlU centlnuea in this city. Thursday morning two men posted ?5U0 ench en the prealdentlal restilt nnd soveral beta of (CO and tlOO bave been made alnce jesterdsy. In Quarry vllle. en Wednesdny evening, f250 was bet evon. Yesterday nnelher ff.OO bet was made and there weie tevernl smaller enea te-day. .1. Finn ltlat, ttie wholesalo and iclall grocer, li b taieii tlioexrluslvo sule of thnsc SiUbeui Kumous lloilen lteaslud Cetleu for bmiuibter city. 'llicsoceiTefti me kept In uir-tlglit cnni). Always uutfenii and have u natleniil riiutnt'.en. Consult ufl ertttcuient. Alinuitnt nn Knit. ClaiWs Seven Day's Snap will toen bent nn end To-merrovASalniJay) will be the It s t day. nnd you will regrat It nil tlie dys or your llie If jeu de nottake lulvnntiiRu of the grcntbugatna lu Tean, Coirues und Uteccrlca, iinaaourcdveitlsemunt. iiu JIkvjiib.-Uii Uieilistuit., UtaTJTu. hlsiitt. wiie or win, is. Hi era. 3hu luniral will take pines from tlie root reot roet doncn or har huaband, at 0 MHe Btone, Weat Chuili r turnpike, en Saturday, the 3d lnat. aid I iiBAir.-In Hi's rlty, en tbi 1st Inst , Ames B.Uibiii.mtfcutaiioaret lilaORO. 'Xheiiiiatlvtsiina friends or Uiefimlly, also the Inlaid City Ledgo, Ne. B3.K. or 1'., l'e,t 81, (1, A. It., 1 uncaMer Aaacuibly, Ne 27, A. O. M. 1' , and M. l'anl'a M. K. fiunduy BChesl, me rtvpertfully Invllid te nttend tUe funerul, trem hla late rcataonce, Ne, ill Seuth (juuen Btrnel, en taturday altorneon at So'elock. In. tcimentnt Woodward Hlllcamutery. 2ta )i'rrr-Nnyeiiiliarl,193.MitUaiJetta, James Dully, ued 7 years. 'Jl.eiuliitlvcsnnd filcndi nrn Invited tout tend tee tunuuil, liem his lutorehldencu, en .Monday, Novemtor 6, nt s.se. Interment lu JHarlir.tu, J'Juisoeuilt lleHura. JlAUTiA?(.-Nnvembfr 2, 1333, tj,j, clty Jaueb (Uuluin lluriiuan, in bla 15lh yeur. The fuUttvea nnd Irtenda of the ramify are reaptclfttlly Invite! te te nttend thofuncel, lrem hta pueuta' losiaeuoo, Ne. 810 North l'llnoe stieet, ou Sunday aftornoen at 3 se o'cleik. luturuiBiitntl.iinci8tercinnBtery. MAKKMTU. MetV urk Alxrkni Nnw Yerk, Nev, 2 Fleur market wralci Kine, $2 35BS 60 1 Bunarnne. 1 " M Minn Kxtra,t3jffl7 3tl City Mlll.Kxtra.a0 25OSS6 Wlntr Wtiiuit oxtre, 13 250 75. Wheat-Ne. 1, Hnd, Btate. It 1501 10: Ne. 2. W,i, W;2- "OO. Wlutnr. Nev.. II 09H Hxie.. l hjji receipts, e.'WO; BhlpmeuS) .,c,un. Wa 2- Mixed, Cash. 49e i Sfi&SSlngZ'i rece1' as5u' hSeT NNo'2l'm!xNe'.!i3; 3Vep- recelpts. 8.'.0 e , shlnmenu-, J.I7J. ' ' ' Uyedullt Btate 75n. Jiilcy dull, ntaijJMc. 1'erk cull i Old Mub.15 73O10 25 larrt iinttitiinl , linn tu ,n . ,.... .aan Uel&HSii ilull Jer'tv bDlltnif' iH:k. black BU-np.lte. Nuw()ilfttUB.20fflec. TnftMiitlini.fitniu . limn.. !"" 3 7. I i 1 '' Iiiu lieeln steady: atrulnc uu, Koed.lt (OflJl D5. iwmenm iu ei i lleOued in Oasfe. 7JCe. liutterduili Webtern C-oamery. vile. Checsii steady I Wiutern Vlat, 70fc; Sbiloaetoiy, 7kSK3 rrmcy Whlte. 12i 12e Ohie Klat, t-KlJloXe! u 23K8" nrm SUl,, i33: tiif ' Woslern Jja "urar qnlst ; Kefluea CnUeaf, 6Vici Granula- lb. tow qu'Cj I'rlinn City, ()'c. lttceni ii mat i Carolina, tftlrtoKeod, two Coute ate-idy: ifutr Curceea, ter lile. 15UC Clitcnte t'roduce Alarkei. ffiVevIiftfc UV" l .'k Vite ,4,Ji!nT:"tif Oula-nev, 210; Dec, 2IKei May. 29a. lS0 !l4 P '.Ma'' m 10 ) JauT.IM 72. Ma?Tn!0OV"3-6il,CC',3ll,i Jau- "-? suuia itlbj-Jan., t7 15. CICOIHO. m.1" feV0V" ,W1X' ucc- l ICVi. Jan.. II 13 1 aiiXj t fi lift, -vrL','XOV- 3:XCI V"0-' SCcj Jan., 37KCi ,to-Nev, 24pj Dec, 2T,c; lay.29c. ilrJlay.vSV O00,tu "! Jan- tb'tVM.K. l DC0' M 10- Jan' -Kev Uius-Auv , 18 10; Jan, J 45 i May, LUe8i nisrnt. CuroAae, Nev. 1 Cat'la-Kseelpta. 13 000: ahlpiu -nu JSOi market Bteady : beuvta, I520S5 75 : st . s 3fl5 tO,- sleckura uud Undii fl 7004 80) cewa. iu la ni mixed, l jsbj 7S i 'ieittns ewer, U J,aJte( Western raugera, I293Q105. " ' Hoas-liecelpi8, 1'O.X) headt shipments. tax): uiait.it fr hg, mtxiu is se UStOthjavy, 5 2,i50'lnt,5tea5 70jsklnsl ti teas 15. Bhoep - UccelpU, O.oje head: ablnmenta. 2000) market sleidir: nntlves, is Ce! B8l)l Wuauuiibhuru.HWQJlO: icxaa shorn. ti0jil5i luiuba. l U035 2). Kaht l.injtTv, Oaitlu Uocelpta. l15i Bhtpmentn. lt:Sj market Eellilnu de'ng ; nil thoeBh consignment j ; no cira bolppea te New VoiKte-diy. e Ji028 1!f oelStJ'' 7-ew hm1 shipments 25fl market Arm t J'hlltiaeliihlas, 15 75U 5f5; mlxirO, 15 WU5 75 1 Yerkew, 5 mu 6751 tomrnen te lair, w 0,75 45 1 pfel, (4 w Ql Oj j 4 curs shlppsa te Nlw l erk te-dly! Bheep-lUwflpw. 400; stlnmnuu, 8t marteil Oull ; prliui, tmtTS; lair te koeO atOSS W t cemuieu. 'teu: 5j i lumja, J wu I'fclJa4eliM l'uducv Market. eTJ'7fiDK"u' !ev s-"lrlenr stctdy: sales 8 but illrn, Inkers, 5 sjfle te i Venn's, r-amlly. 3 was 2t We'atar n de. it 00O5 85 , winter l'iituu,0 0037i0i spring de, t0 7. liye.UKOIVlX. ,.,tV0ht,FeNCU,l?K, DeC"1W' . j,hw,"v.iei Uec..4iXet Jan.,4iXe; ?t70T, 9 Dec, J3X Jun.,34Xc M Civ 37,C Hsir Yerk mocks. Juw Vew, Ney, f, l p, inueney deiea XiAyQAS'JOait BAILy at 102 per cent, t Kxchanga quiet t patted rates, fi fna BSMi actual rntes tt 8la "IKferOOOsya and II 8e for demand Oereraments eleiMi qui tt currency ft, i aiH bid i-a cuupea, It VM IX's de, it tsa blfl. Tbe stock markfit opened quiet but fltm, anaei thabnytnc of allimii I raclfle prlccn ndranccd tteidlly until tntadsy, when they WJre up H te li per tout. 1 ha mnrket lms hlncj bltomelncBUlarnnd unut led tlratn sod tovuieua. rnrnlahed by B. K. Ynndt. UrnVnr. CBioane, ttev, 2, l.oe o'clec p. m. . Wheat Cern. Oat. 1'erk. Ixriy. Nevnmber lis ssj Sl .... g.is Oecenitier 1H :im uii .... b.ie January 112H S7',-i .... U 77 8.10 May MX 3a)i W 15. Oi 8.W i.ruun utl..., ...,........... ...,.,,,,.81 Consels 97 KC Cloateg rrleea-2:18 o'clock p. m. Wheat. Cern. eat, l'nrk. I.ard, Kevembnr 1MW IH J4K 14.M 8 17 Docembor licsi j( 21JJ u,t, 8, te January... 11S4 K7 .... 11 75 8.1 February Hay 117K Bi)i 23 la.l'J 8.27 nrnaoetl siU. Coasela . , , . itecelpu. carlx)ia. winter wheat... i.l Sprlug Wteat ;u Cern ....................,.......,.,.. 411 Oau , vej Uye Uoxley , Head. l(nsAlru fteir , js.ijie Itcctilpls Catue...... (i, W3 Btecc nararta. Quotations by lteed, McOrann & Ce., bank era, Lancaster, I'a. aw YORK List. 11 A. it. 12 kf, I r. M. Canada I'aclfle M' U. G. C.Al riJ Colenido Ceal si Central I'aclOe .... tiv, Canada Beuthern W' ttk lX 0ht,8t.I..Afbg .". ..Tf 14 Den. A Ule O Del. LAW M4 UV, IT) Brie.. 'Z-'H '214 mi Krle2nda. let Jer q Uj ixi.; hk K. A X.. ...... .............. . 12i IiOU.AH.. I. tiili ui Ifl.-i UDhore JCUJi 1WM 10JJS Mich. Cnn Mlcnmrt I'aclfle ',7 77 liy, lleck Valley.. , i rti N.r... !. u :ci m,i: fret ei (,',)? (u;i N.Weal 111K Ills mk N.Y.C WH NewKORland tiv; v, 4.V( ami Tonnuseo wa l",i lOVt Omaha , in ui. ;HK Oregon Trunaportatlen.. 3)X luC le OnuneJtW V. .... 1'aeirtcMall T,-H V,-,K 3' Utohmena Terminal vem iv2 ii nu I'anl i,7 i44 M Tuxna I'acirte 2I1 2 "i WA. Union I'aclfle i-,;j u uy. Wabash Coin ..,, u Wnbiwh l'rer v; Woatern U tn,S ; U WostBhero Henda .... .. ..." ruiLADSLvntA Linr. Lell. VuJ f, 5 H..N.Y. A l'hlla JiV it .'..... iii ny, Mtj ueadin..... -a 21 tiu Leb. Nav r, i Hoatenv. rasa ,, t. A B..I. .................. .... ,,,, ,,,, N.Cent t'oeplos l'aes "' ifX sX f8 OU 83 Ki'i 84 l'htln.Trnctlnii ",, A1CW Al) VJlKriHKM iintH. TgAKINU l'OWDKK. ROYAL. BAKING POWDER, Absolutely Pure. THIS powfler never vnrlea. A marvel ct purity, 8trenjith and wholtvaemnnusa. Meiu economical than thii ordinary klnOa, and can net be cola m competition with tliu multitude of low ttet. sliett welht, nlum or phosphate ponders t'elil eni (n can. Ueval liAkina l'ewuau Ce.. 100 Wall Street, New tfrk. Ivll lydAw rj DAYS' HNA1 A 7 Days' Snap 1N- TeasCeffees and Groceries, Cjmmnnctni; fntnrday. October 27, will eon. tlnue untU Saturday, jovciuuei'3. 9 llomember, afler this flate all coeda will no back toeiai'rlcea. TheGieit Pillsbury Pleur, raj.rEiiQUAUTKit. J2ifiHK "( rLOUk, geed ea they tn-ike. ,ee nuuarter. ULALKH'a AA UOLLEK YLOUIt, 61c. quar SOJ HAIIKKLS OllACKKKS. 4 6,3 OltlULK KAOLK ultACIvKltB ler!3c. reeh Hakna OoiTee Jlljcuitr, le.i tb. Freiih ltaked Ulnger Snuns, U'e A. CumpalKn Crackvrs, ice it. Hasii Hull Craekers, iue tt. Deat nnd Frcstn-Mt (Jraaain Wafera, lie ft. A Ueautifiii Celd iiindi-d Decemma ritclier Willi HiiriUen nnd Morten or CluVKlnudiiud lhiinnan'8 I'lctnre en luch Blde with IB, et J.larkes 'leas: uny prloe Xeus from 5Ja te U oe per peuna. ieu should son tha Jteautlful Meai Itese Soup 'lururus uud I'ltchura you net with 25 pureVk"'' 0t UUrk0''s U'enuser feeap, only 50 j:rnnLe'a Klienallnn 4operbir 1'nrler l'rldn htove Knauml. be bottle, worfd'ei0 6l0VU i'club b04t tb0 Sov'enDtill)n0ml,0 thU 0trer la 01lly aoeA ter SAMUEL CLARKE'S W1IOLK3ALK AND KF.TA1L 1EJAAND OOPPEB STORE, li! und 14 Seuth queen St. -,... . . LANCASTEn, I'A. WTolepkonoe. lydAw TMI'OIU'KDIN UOTTLK3. QENUIHH IHIBH WHIdK-Y. KOUUKU'S L1QUOU STOltK, Ne. 22 Contre Square. Lancaster, I'a. AFinST.OI.iAHS NO. 3B 1'UKTA1U,K Victer Heater for sale: noed ng new. ter .'5, Apply nt Ne 253 Wcat Kinu street, ltd ATTENTION 1'OST 81. The ettlcurs nnd comrndej of Gee. II. Tnemas FettBt. are requesied te meet ut pest h.ulJ?u.T,e?9l sorrow (Saturday) atiurnoen, atl:3j o'cleok. te attena the timet ui et our late ceuii-adu. Amei B. Urbin. Full iiulfeitn, white Klevy and esius l'eit 405 l re'dially in VHed. J.A. E.UKKD. A vicMr . Commander AOJuunt. n TrENTION YOUAG DEMOCHATrf 1 All members et the Yeung Men'a Democratic Club ultblug te participate In the erk in. luae, will report ut thttir rooms ut e.ij n. m. abarp, en Friday, Novumber t, 18W. i.-i ""-.." ou"' "niiMimt tthlteU evea, IlidKouna'terchLBiilorn Oiled. ' Jlv order et UAO.N. UfcYNOLDS. I'tfuldent. Ul2ld XMl'OKTANT TO LAD?ES I We dtalre te call your attention te our linn of -two Dellar shoe, vhlcb'He Imvu In nldttii D,c, DandF. In Stjuire. Ucuud aud Urenil 'loe 'ihiae Bhoea ure of Flne DniiKela. Kid una reijbla Luather, and rer Btjlu Fimnit ear uie mud te ioxe BhoeaieM formeiu money. Fei old lent we hiue afallllieer Ueih bhoea, flannel Lined, at 71c, H.lOanJ Ja5- H, Swllkey'a New Cash Store, ctllnd?1N0UXU QUKEN 8TWKBT. INjCELLIGEKOEK. FJllDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1888. KKW AD VBHTlSKitSNTB. DANCINO HOHOOIj AT MNNETJiT chnr Hall, Saturday Kvcnlnir, Btenv's Cull Ure.hust tu Admlislon-Uenta, 15c I Lldlfs, ICO. BAMUKLUOWAUI), ltd Manager. AUCTION SAM-lil'itEEIK OLKVE. Innd U elect! der If ha It tint elfcted t will otter all mil caisie given mr, or any ethor property lorsednyafio-, from tela dnip.no dnip.ne dnip.no vembnrl. LEWIS l'AULICK, Ne 2'7 North Llrae at, tancnjler, fa. nl-lwc M AHT1N mtOTUKKa Witsect a Ytlp r csslemtra ara quick te acogeed valuei. We'ie Priccp in the Lewest Nick. making n b'g stir In Men's and boy 'a Cleth logendUndcrncarnow, It's ear altogether supe rier make sill lowest pKccs tint's doing It. MEN'3 1C 00 AND 11X00 BUITB. Ne question ns te all-wcel. Our own make and new gnnls mne stm by tiae lleneit sfrvlee In evety eult, und you can't pick a peer style. MKN'311000 AND r.00 BUITB. Yon'llbesurpilscdto tee hew flnolhearo If you've btcn piylng tnnre. You'll nndtlm tlw new Urrad wale Vverstaaa.Fllk Mixed and blatk en 1 JIlue Cerktctcw Cleth. OVEltCOATSi OVKKCOAT8! Inte; could be en ene plln yon'dstywe luvuuineuiitiln el thvtn. tbeapest In lleya, II A1. Fluent In llcn'n, !6.C0 UlVQ thiaayeur cyea for mgru thin we can tell. MARTIN BRO'S Clellilng nntl Furnishing Goods, K'IRTB OIJKWNBT. A' Ml'HlOUB l'AJLAOli: OF FASHION. ASTRICH'S BROS.' PALACE OF FASHION, 13 East King Street. Lancaster, Pa. We call special attention te our immense assortment of Stamped Linen Goods and their extreme Lew Prices. TIDIES. Size, Style and Price. 12x12, stamped, only 5 cents, fringe all around. 13x15, enlysc 15x18, only 5c. 14x20, with fringe, 10c. 18x27, at iec. 18x29, knotted fringe, both ends, only 1 7c. 1 6x30, one row ei openwork and fringe, only c5c 1 7x30, Memie Cleth, Iringed, 25c. 1 6x34, Memie Cleth, fringed and dado border, 37c; finer goods at 50, 63, 75 and 95c. SPLASHERS. 18x27, stamped geed linen, iec. 19x30, fringed all around. I2C. i9x3i with knotted fringe, 22c. 20x31, one row of openwork, at 25c. 19x34, Memie Cleth, with dado border, 25c. 20x34, Memie Cleth, dado border and fringe, 35 cents. 21x34, Memie Cleth, one row of openwork, fringed, 39c; bet ter grades 44, 50, 63, 75 and 88c, about 25 styles in all. WASHSTAND CQVERS. These are from 50 te 54 inches in depth, and 16 te 18 inches wide. Styles and prices as fellows : One row of openwork at each end, 1 6x50, 25c. Knotted fringe, 25c. Heavy Linen, knotted, 30c. Memie Cleth, dado border, 50c Memie Cleth, dado border and openwork all around, also fringed all around, only 63c; actual value S7C. Memie Cleth, with satin dado border, and 3 rows of openwork at each end, fringe all around, only 75c; usually sold at $1. Memie Cleth, satin border, and one row of openwork through centre and one row all around, at 87, worth $1.25. Very elegant and fancy, 95c. ASTRICH BROS. w liilUAMHON it iTOMTtflt. ONWARD. Acether Star Planted en Our Banner. OBSERVE THE l'lUOES. OVBKOOA'fS, OVERCOATS, OVER GOATS. Vex thllJtcn nnd Prys.t2.25, litO, tWO, 11.25, It ou. Cveicctts for Youths nnd tiente, 13.10, I5.C0, ifontaeo. Medium Weight Overeenta for Uenta, II te te 1-v.w. Onr Spccul Suit for Winter Is n Neit, l)itsy. Smeeth-traced Casttnere cl u Dark Colorin llrol.en l lifck erhlilpc. 1MI tern. Qtmllly ui.d erkmuuaLIp wiruiikd OjlllCl. Picc Sick Cost Suits, $1200. Williamson & Fester's, " 3i, 3t, ; a: Stf E. KING ST., i.ANUABVia, I'A. AND ttO. 310 MARrvtlT BTflxaBT, UAumauujie, rx. NKWADVlin TJHKMMNTB. rfi" - rr - -1 1-11- i.i. 1 -,- n. -t-nxi i-rtn,m "i nji. r.,-i,.ii n- - -. - 1lMjKBflKlVlS QOODKYK EVERY whltkyV7' 7 Ukcn ,n txcluu,0 iet mm."1-"0- E.KINB BT. Jsratere-Nq 15 cuntre (square. aeplMf d NOriOE-THE MKMIIKIIS OP IN. latidtltyLHHe,Mn J. K. erH.,aTnrn. imeaUd le jiiiji t at UietrcWii Hall tomeirow Irfatnrdayl nf nrneim nt 10 o'cleo, tenttend tUraiioialeroarMtn llrotfcer Knislit jimea f. Urban tljlerled es urn invncd.iJy order of... . . '"". IUI,LK.,c.Cein; Allen: Jr.iniMiAii Iiipk, K it. as. ua pElHT. PERFECT COFFEES -AT- REIST'S. WK UAVK SrilUCKlTATLaBT. C11ASK A BANHOUN'.S liOSION KOABrKU curjrxK'a. Mir They have a Nn'lnnal Kcputatlen We luvu tbe Axeiutlve Salu ler Laneialer city. l'nt In atr-ttpht cans, wh'ch, which com p ctely t-xcluCe all moisture and dampueas. JMOte wlutweniy:, HKALimAND. Th's CelTf e la pieVcd In two-pound air tight tin can. hlch thoroughly preiervea its erlK tnal fliverundstieiivih i 1 iruaraniecd tobe a rare combination of I'tlvnte Plantation Java nnd Arabian Mccha producing porfuet blend et gloat altength and vxiutslle flavor. CKUSAUK JibBNUEU Is a combination el threo distinct tpectal Krewth cotrtea: ene neted Jer Its Kieat jtrcnirth.nnnttierfer lis dvllcate aroma, and tlie third fcr Its delicious flavor. ThoaclenUllo blcndlntr of tbcae thrce cellces produces tte meal i erfect cetTdca en the market. AltAUIAN MOCHA Is thaflnntt cems et the kind en the mar. kbt. Mui.h Is cold that Is nolgcnuluc-enrala warranted. 8TANDAUD JAVA. 71ioltcat0ennlno 1'rlvnte Plantation Java Ceirce en the tnnricet. lry It, and seu will net be without It. Combination Jav., Standard Java nnd Mecha Mixed Fancy llie ana I'um Bantn. The dilnklni qualities et tkise colleej cannot liuuipjsKl Reist, Wholesales Retail Grocer, WllObKSALK AND 11ETA1I, (1UOCK11, erllit'iSl Cerner VI est Kle? and 1'rlnce Strceli, J.ANCA8TEU,rA. Tdnphonennn ITrse llillvcry. , t iiuitaicis. After the Election. TBE VIGT0BI0U3 PARTY Will want te C'clebr.tte It4 lctnry la Seme May. As IJi'ulctslu FIREWORKS FLAGS & LANTERNS At all t'tuej, we will h.ive ni(oel supply or tliuu Reeds in mIi ck, unit with a day s notlce we cm snpj ly n most uny quantity. EKESE &R0CERIES AUKIVINU UAlbY. One Hundred UnsVeta G'ONCOUI) AND CA TAW li A UUAl'iib.Uoed and Cheap. NEW FHUlTd. NEW (1ANNE1) AND BOT TLE GOODS. Fini'it TEAS AND COITI.ES, with Canaidatn runnel X'hotes. Finest of the Cumpalcu. A Few left. BURSK'S, NO. 17 13ft.ST Knia HTIIT3DT; I.ANUABTKU, l'A JnrTclepheue. H IKSH iV UROTUKR. The llnsli for Bargains Still Continues, Tills was clearly proven this week by two hordes rushing heailleup; Inte our bulk windows. It Is ettslly tuiderstoeil. Tlie window wttH fllkd with the latest Fall und Winter Clethinfr and tlie prices were audi as te attract even the dumb brutes. GentB' All-Weel Overcoats, $7, S3, $10, $12, $1-1, $15, $10,$1S, $20 and $25. Everjene of this large assertmentis guaranteed te glve satisfaction or money re funded. Gents' Dress Suits in Cork Cerk Ecrews, Wales, Diagonals aud Worsteds, $7, $8, $10, $12, $15, $10, $18 and $20. Gents' .Business Suits in Cassl mere, Cheviots and ether Cleths, $5, $0, $7, $S, $10, $12, $18, $11 and $15. These nre all of our own manufacture aud of the lal est cut. Youths', Ueya' and Children's Ovetceats at $1, $2, $2.50, $3, $1, $5, $0, $7, $S, $9, $10, $12 and $15. Underwear ia an important branch with us, as our large and varied trade lequire a general assortment. Therefera we can safely eay that no such variety is is te be found elsewhere in the city. Prices Gray Mixed, 17c ; better quality, 25j. White Me. rine, luuvy weight, 115s : better quality. 403. Yiceua Mixed, ptreugaudduiable, 50c; worth 75e. Spanish Drewn, very heavy and weh made, 75c ; were sold at $1. All-Weel Scarlet, 60c, 75c, $1,$1.50. White All-Weel Ex trti Weight, $1, $125, $1.50. Genuine. Utidyed Weel, $1.50. Heavy Dlsruarck Drewn $ 1 a suit. n BROTHER HIBSH & BROTHER, Leading Olethlers & Merchant Tailors, CORNER OF II QUEBNBT.&OENTREBQUARE, L1N0ABXKU, PA. ItBW ADVRRTlSEtlSNTtl. ". JjJKXT DOOlt lO COUKT HOUBlS. ALlSTOFRPrnTAT. lATr!AivraTttrAvr e . ., . F'AHNESTOOES. m nt I'luahpt rn. All abnflcs of Jildordewn , ......tre f JA0. f r3'".n Ject 7(0 xsniLes0T'tt'iS5 cloth skim........:" oeS Mmpten's MrutntnB l'rlnl fC Wannntca Tnrkeyllra Tab'e Linen....... 2'c S.f,"?!ilc" 2'.n.rT'-if.r.T,e Linen ,46 Inch Vil-Weel MenrteuMA'wnrVh'iiA? Fr; .:r.vii?" bisdkeis iinrnir. Hu.it.;.' i? v"'."' '." "" t "' ChlTd7n.;coraeTWft,;8u..''"',a" uoeo i.aaioaM;elorcaKidtiiovcs wc i bAii.i u ... " r. -- FAHNESTOCK'S, HOB. 35 A 87 A8T KIKQ ST.. LAWOASTHn, r&. NHW AD YJCRTI8BMBNTa. REMOVAT M1B8 ANNA M. HABN begs tfave te Inform her frlendt and fiatrens that ahn has removed htr droetmnk dreetmnk droetmnk ngreoms from Ne. CSi beuth Queen streut, te Ne. 1ST south queen street. nl 1W BIDS FOR THE COLIiROTlONOFDE llnquent City Taxes will be received up te Friday evening. November 2, at 8 o'clock. UuBels Kehrer. clerk, win sit in Bekct Coun cil Chamber between 7 and 8 o'clock p. in. lly order et nltfq FINANCK COMMITTEE. IF HARRI&ON 18 JSLKOTBO I WILL ener all Ileil Estate lven me from this date, )cleber3J, for thirty dav, iron. Bale or nosale. aue. r.itntiCEHb, Sucoesaer te llenry Bhubert, Auotlenoor and Heal jestate Auent, 61 North UnkeBtrtct. e30-ttd Ol'KOIAh,-JD8T REOE1VED, A CJ I.an?e Invoice of SCOTCH TKOUBKltINU direct from Scotland. Tie proper ihlnir for bu'lnnts wear. Jjuiable and stylish. Cut In the Latest Btyle A l'orieet Fit Oiiitaniccd. A. U. kOeKN8TKlN, Tine Tailoring, .f North Queensucet, cerner of OratiKO. BlO-lydU Lancaster? Pa WENO W HAVE THE CELEBRATED Almend Meal, se htPhty recommended by n New Yorksecloty Ladytorsettenlngand whltenlnir the skin and slaving oil wrinkles, l'rlceiu cents. JTHAUjKX'S KABT END rilAllMACY, (Opponlte Kastnrn Market.) Take Fralley's bitter wine et Iren for Weed and Nervo Tonic. 50 cents. M.W.FAw vreiTOE. jm A meeting of the let ewncra and sub Ecrlbcn nthe new stock of ttie I.nndUvllle campincctlng Atscclntlen will be held In the Duke sttcet M. K. Church, Lnncutter, l'e., en Monday, Novemher 6, ItSi, at 10 o'clock u in, His Important that all interested should bi present, na Ci'llnltj and dual action rruslbe taken. H. r, UltUNRH. t.2-aid Chainunn. ESTATE OF UARRY H. HOLTON, late of Lancaster city, deceaaed. Letters testamentary en aatd estate liavlng beeu uranted te ihe underalgned, all persona In dehtcd thereto are reuueated le make Im mediate payment, and theso having claims or demands against the sumo, will present them wltbeut delay for eettlement te the under signed. J A8. It. a AIIV1N, Besidingln Lancaster city. WM.U.1NMAN, liesldlngln Lancaster tewnstiln stlCtdF Jl'EAKH FOR ITSELF. Our Werk Kpeabs for Ilseir ! It la ensy te prcmiae something geed and yotdtcelve poeplo. Many merchants make wild premises, which you And they cannot luinil. We de net dicnlve. but let our work spoilt for ltsel f. We have baa many years ex ex ex petlonce In thn shoe business, nud ran nil yenr wants teller ttan most persons who nave net had mat ozperlenco. We manufacture largely and glve all that we premUn. We also Scep a lull line of Heady. Made Bhoea and can suit almost all taatua. UeapecUuily yours, WM. H. GAST, NO. 105 NOItTU QUKEN BT., LANCASTEIt. JuuMydW&F E VERYBODY WANTS GOOD FLOUR ut ueaaenuule 1'ricts. The Demand ter the " ARBUaUa" ROLLER FLOUR Is as great as eyer. It la n gennlnn Beiler l'rrcesa flour, und whlle U dots net bisn quite us "White as thn patent brandp, It makes as germ bieud as any. 'Jho present price Is only Ce Cunts. THE PEARL " FLOUR Is onnef tbe Unest, whitest and host brandp. All ln U90 It aiedellp hied with il It la tha highest grade. At piescnt .3 Cents. Ill') eaies of tills r'lnur are lmmeuae. It gives but lr general satisfaction than any Heur new en the market. Twe Tens te ArttveTc-day. New Ftewlng Figs, very line. Kvnnernted Callfernlt Apricots. ISj cents h pound. New hulilua. New !urrunts, row vaperaled 8ui:ar Cem, New ltice-atl at Lewest Iruea. NEW J1E5S WUITE nan. Something te take the placn of ch'np mack erel only 8 Cent" apiuce. 'j he prlce of mack mack eral convinces hifjh. GRAB ILL, TUE OUIQINAI, AND ONLY CABII UKO CEU1N LANCASTKU. N. W..C011. 11UKK AND VINE STB. mltlydM.WAF J. H. MARTIN A CO. OPENING -OK -IN- OHINA DEPARTMENT -AT- J. B. IAETIF & C0.'3. 'J hn Largea' At sortment ue have even hewn la uoweptulorlntpectlou. ItOYAl. WOUCrSTEB, llKLLEVK CUINA, D0ULTON WAP.If, DBUSDKN CHINA. HUNUAIIIAN WAItK, MOOUISH WAI'.K, JAl'ANKSE wna, FAUY1AN WAUE. ART CHINl & CUT GLASS IN FANCY LAMP', FlNGEUb-CJWLS, CUCCOLATE 1'ATB, 1'UUDINUBKTB. MACAllONI BETS. HOSE J A US, CUACKKlt JAU". (1AME8KTS, OVbTKltSKTf, SIUltKE SKTS. 3-AUI.INOTON HINNKU BhTB In 'len Diuereut IHCoratlens. LAMPS. J I you ure looking for a lamp Ce net fall te examliiM our slot k. Kvurj thing von want In lump, at prices te suit lbs closest bujers, J.B. MARTIN! & CO. v;" TTririfl It at fc4 A l r- ,.t sc?eSsSrS Slatrdil rimi. :" f0 liestTabPJeVi aiiffi::: f0 ana 1CC ?v 3t.Jnth llk MlHd ntVssVVoees 1'lUBli and uilrntni n-nreryT.! "I iK Micclal Vuluc In Men's Csaalincrai SrS Mtn'snnd Laflics' t"nde?w,r inn LBdlitoelroisfloau:... &c2 Lace Window Cnrtnln,..:.V.75CV8.:,L,",d $ !cS JCW ADyKHTJUJCMEXTU JON'T PUT IT OFF I fdnrMloulbatwIUbeiicntyo BOOK-KEEPM AND BDSISfSS FORMS, 5!g lT;lal5rSSf.SJ.rtneR M Day and Evening eaUens. 10H EAST KINO BritKET. JUST RECEIVED THIS MORNING. O AKOlItKIlLOr OFTU03K LITTLE BROWI JUaS. "l T'ftTKB nnd fmill Slue", for Clevelar.d and ThnrnMii and for HanlsAi aud Morten. Near Celeis aim BIze. . J.AKQK BWK.2 OF.NT . 1MALL HIZK, 1 OKNT. t .V.0,"10.4!".""1 V -mnalgn II idge or f hat m !l h S0' iict hvm lulckly oeforo thv aronllKeno. erdurs forJuge nonivea by mail. AlsochnapCaiupa'giiJIuiteus, HadKOJ. Mill Mill Mill UturoiJuueanuallowe.olo., "M AT ERISMAjN'S, NO. 4JWKBTKINO BTItKHT. JJBW TANTALOON PATrEhNsr OVERCOATING. LIGHT AND I1BAVY NEW IMPOHTATtONS OF SU1TINU3 AT McGrann & Newlen's, MKUU1IANT TAILOIIB, NO, 41 WEST KINQ&TKKKr. WlALL, lbW. Fine Tailoring VlM tri4 T nlnal VnnMIU. .j m a - Largust a8erimcnt of i;iua w oolong, ana H. GBRHAHT'S Oniy Dirfct IiniierlinR Tilqr.1 43 NOJiTH QUKEN BTKEE!. -yALUE 1 Satisfaction la what has gl von me thoextenMvo PfttromgeS 1 have received from thn public My Hue oil Foreign and Demtsllcs Is timurpasstd In thei llii r.ltir. fl "U1CE3 AWAY DOWN, A3 USUAL. TROUSERS I I nttontlen la.crlled temyx I I lead. . Special attention laicrlled te my Troupers,! ASKEW, Tailor, NOB. 23t AND 2J0 WEST K1NM ntitKltT.I u. jmm,n FOR HAJjII OR RUNT. TJOUSKS FOR SALE ON THE MOSTJ m I Hrtnral 4)nm.-i tr. n . a -. num iwiue, im ifuit uiifsinuit wal nut, Lmieu, Mary, rine ana Cnarlottestroou.! mlMmd 02 NOKTlt MAKY BTHF.KT. pUHIilO SALE OF VALUAULK ft ..""n yneeri atreet rroperly, known ns the " Urape Hetel." Ok Monday, Ncvcmder 12, 18S3, will ba sold all tbnt valurthle IJir e-story brick helnl bnllalng, with large thtne-atnry baek buildings, stables, ote, with let of ground lrentlnir en tenrth Oimnn aim i. nt ijnt jiv tDChes, (Ineludlug the common al'ey nutlie "iuii ...m vAiuuuiuK m uupin te AiirKOL street 455 'eet, mnre orlep, b h a Fnuthurn oxtenelon et about 20 feet. Including tin e ,m ,m men alley nleng tn south Hern North Qat-eu piiu3b iu iuu vjfcy juaocet jieuaes. A correc Oraltetiliiiiirumlnniiiiviiiifii.il nt. !riw of thn undHislxned. shnwfn? tlm nitTinnair.n.1: and the vnrleuj alley ttgnte nnn prlvllrges bef longing te the preperty This pn puny In; lecatea In tbe nilnclpal bmlness atreet. U ene-l ei iuu uiueev jiuiei Btauua in inn clly, iris a" larBonumliirefrooroRCouvonlont'yarriingcdi with het and cold wutfr, gas, hooters tte f We will cemu.unce en tbe premises at sevem CIIAHI.K8M MOWKLt.. Ne ISO Neitn Queen Bt, oIT.Iens.o.D.ua ARontlerKllzibtthMlchaol. E XlCCUTORS'SAliE OF ALUAUL1 Jicai csiaie. OK TOESDiV, NOVBSIBSR 13, A. I. 18"8, atthoLeeptrd Ketel, In the clly of t nncitterj iue uuuMiEiriiuxi win eunr a punuoaaie tLq follewlm? vatuuliln n-nt n rI,i in wi, 1 Tract Ne 1, tiemg a let of giound.en whlclu Is erected a fouriery bilcu stere bul dlngS nuuiuran a i i'ii nn rquire, containing lii trout 54 fcci.nit.re or hiss, and cxteudlm; in dinth 07 tents Inches, mom nrlnHa. I Tract Ne. 2, lining it let et ground en which! la erected a thtco-Ktery btick stele bull. IngS ,,uiue.v.. w fjuii.i Qiiuurr, t-'eniuiing list "'. ." ivri. ,i juuiiui iir.i.1 eritas, aimei tending In di'iuh 4I1i t 3 lnchm. iiinramli. Tract no, 3, biting a li-t of gieund en nhlctl it eiecifu two-story ana mnimra reef biiel uwuring aoiie, (liuuti'aen tnu feutli staoel t'elnmbta nventf, and nu tiered 3 Cottage lattj.iuui fining in z e ii iiu mm, mere or teas and extending In depth -GO tuct, mini or li-es 'J hla property ha wjut, g s. watir-o!eeta furnace, range, und nil medi-rn improvements and would make a aulltbt(ul home. '1'ract Ne 4. helnrfElx Jels el Lrrnnfl eitun ted en the southeast corner et t elctrii nv..rini nnd Went Lo'nen m' rout, containing In Ireni i' icuv uiu i Aiuninur eastwara IT2 lent mere or leas, with rlgh. te common alleys or east and south Ti act Ne ft, being a let nf ground, sltuitec uiiiuieuuiuBiutiuiimu nfetii j.otneu itreet eentJtlnlng In front 22 featnnfl . -rtLniltn,. i. di-pih 133 feet, moreorIC33, also with rlxhtu 611m8 ihi whole et the abeve mentioned store uuuuiugs nrn iBiiuutfii uy urar-ciaaa terantn nnd they pruientninnst dmlrable tnvntmnt andlhay wl.l be se.d tegutbjr If desired bi tuu imt.ji&ur. Any ene wn-hlng le vlew any of ihe proper ties can de bO liv cilllnL-mllvi tinctiitt,.n.il pole te commtmce at 7 o'eteo p m., whet iuuuiuvia nil, uu 1UUUU iuuwji uy MAK1A MUSTKTTEK, WILLIAM H HOTfcTrEU. FHANKL. HOifKTTEIt, Executers el D. It. llcstetter, dcraed Jekl L Halves, Auct. oetttJ.7tlTu&F VMURKLr.AS. R II. A u. ABOUr UMONS. in our telle of tne plat wei k, we icceni' mendua lliilnn FI k ler UliT'iclins It is i' coiililnitieii of ullk nnd coil en hnlc inrim and cotton back. A flne Unlei euu ecarctld ue tuiu in in nil uii Dim, mill ynt ntll eillHt'a tne latter two te ene. Hit live anumbprn gradea.whtch we cenitnntly curry te miet the aemanaei our moetEuia ' eranmrni. Frem iheiu yen cau select anyq nilllyyei like, and have tutnu made up In nu t eruttr. out two meat noun ar numuiTs urn I'mr 500" and "our 1 TO) " et both of which we havi sold ten of thniiHinda In the nast fw inr.nthJ We led jf lu Tecemiiundlng theee te yeui as we knew them te hu geed vuartrsnnd ma coleia. A large assortment of nil trucks ami stantlylnatenk. I These llslvetlis. with Geld und Silver Han,' d'es, at ii.bi, ate bmnmeni." iiemiriuir una rf cnvminis nnnn nri,tini v 'i All th laltbt patterns la Ue.d and stive Handles. Olveiiaacall. Yeuts ter Umbrellas, R, B, & H., NO It EAST K1NQ STUELT, aer5-3md B(MRDIN NEW HOARDING! ANI lodging Ileuae, Ne. 41 ei.lh Ltmoatitev . ancaj.tur.Aluxijeorge.cimwrck) loprUter finsi ciunn utiiiimn uiue ueiru meais at or hnirs. HeuiHC lutleita ter permaoei t beat dcrs Meals lurnltbd rireniniiv and In tint elaas style te wedding and bluhday raulul: tbe public i patrenage. iteapwuully oiicited t(i4iri uujrt ctvti rb luuiii uuvibP vruaaeaa AL,A,UAUbUfi 28ma Na 41 BeuU Lime tiuutu Si v ' -Hj M-.rt V?L" ! fc-p. -