-Jh. i m maa t i. s VOLUME XXV-NO. 61. LANCASTER, PA., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER ill, 1888, PJRIOE TWO CENTS. W - MnUiimmM HE IS BOUNCED ! MINUTE It BAOKYU.LE TOLD BY THE PKKSIUEXT TO VACATE HIS OMICE. Tli Gamble engli.bnun'i OenMaaaaee In Washington no Lenger Aceeptabls-Oreanas of the Administration's Action Stated m lit part Of Bieretary Bayard. By direction of tbe president U e Meretacr of state en Tuesday informed Iierd BnV vllle that, for cause heretofore mule known te ber majesty's government, bli continu ance In but present oUlelnl position In tbe United Slates 1b no longer acceptable tetbli government, Bud would consequently be detrimental te tbe relations between the two countries. Thn grounds or this action en tbe part of the United (States ara stated in a report of the secretary et slate te the president, dated tbe 20th instant, whleh is as fellows : DirAKTKBirr or Stats, ( WAsumoTeir. Oolebor S9. 181 Te the Pukiidknt : The undersigned has the honor te snbmlt for your consider ation tbe following statement with a View te receive your dlreeilcn ttereen : On tbe 4 th of September last a letter par. pitting te be written by one Ubarles 8. Murolilfen, dated at Pomona, California, was sent from tbat place te the British minister at this capltalt In which the writer solicited an expression of his views in regard te car tain unsettled diplomatic questions between the United States and Great Britain, stating at the aame time tbat such an expression was sought by him ler tbe purpose of de termining his v te at the approaching presidential election. He stated that he wbb a naturalized citizen of the United State, or English blrtb, but tbat he still considered England the motherland, and tbat this tact led him te seek advice from tbe British representative in tbla country. He further stated that tbn Infor mation he ceugbt was net ler himself alone, but te enable him te glvecertaln assurances te many ether persons In the same situation as hlmBelf, for the purpose or iDlltienelng and determining thelr politieil action aa citizens of the United States of English blrtb, but who still regarded their original obligations or allegiance as paramount Tee letter also oentalmd gross reflections upon the conduet of this government in respeet te questions new In controversy and un settled oetweon tbe United States and Great Britain, and both directly and in directly imputed insincerity in such con cen con deot. Te this letter tbe British minister at once replied from Beverly, Mass , under date of tut) 13th of September last. In tbla reply he stated tbat " any polltteal party whten openly favored tbe mother country at the present moment would lese popularity, and tbat the party in power is fully aware of tbat fac', " and tbat In respect te tbe " ques tions with Canada, which have been unfor tunately reopened since tbe rejection of the fisheries treaty by the Republican majority lu the Senate and by tbe president's mes sage te which you allude, " " all allow ances must, therefore, be made for the po litical situation aa regards tbe presidential eleotien. " The minister thus gave his as sent and sanotten te the aspersions and im putations above referred te. This, under bis correspondent's asaur asaur asaur anoe of seoreey, in which tbe minister con curred by marking his answer ' private, " he undertook te advise a cltlzen et tbe United States te exercise tbe franchise of suffrage in an eleotien close at hand for the presidency and vice presidency of tbe United States, and through him aa the letter suggested, te Influence the votes of many ethers. Upen this correspondence being made public tbe minister reeelved the representa tives of the pnblle press, and in frequent interviews with them, Intended for publi cation, added te tbe Impugnments which he bad already made et the geed faith of this government In lis public action and international dealings Although ample time and opportunity have been allerded him for tbe disavowal, modification or cor rection of bis statements, te some of which his attention was called personally by the undersigned, yet no such disavowal or modification baa been made by him through the channels In wblch his statements first fennd publicity. The question is thus presented whether It Is compatible with the nignliy, security and Independent Boverelgnty or tbe United States te permit tbe representative of a for eign government in this country net only te receive and answer wlthe at disapproval, and confirm by bis repetition, aspersions cpen Its political aotten, bnt also te inter fere in its domestic affairs by advising per sons, formerly his oeuntryuuen, as te their political course as citizens of tbe United States. As between this country and Great Britain there cm be no oentrovortiy aa te tbe com plete severance of the tles of original allegianeeby naturalization. Disputes en this point wete finally put at rest by the treaty of naturalization concluded between tbe two countries en tbe 13th of May, 1870. -Therefere it will net be contended, nor was such contention ever admitted by us, that citizens of tbe United States or British origin are subject te any claim et tbe country of their original allogtance. Tbe underalgned also baa tbe honor te eall attention te tbe previsions or section 6,335 or the revised statutes et the states, by which severe peualtlcs are visited upon tbe citizen of the United States who, without tbe authority or permission of this govern ment, " commences or carries en any verbal or written correspondence or intercourse with any ferelgu government or any orUeer or agent tltereer," either with an Intent te Influence tbe action et such government or its agents, in relation te any disputes or controversies with tbe United States, or with an Intent " te deleat the measures et the government cf the United States." These penalities are made equallyaprlleable te every citizen or tbe United States, net duly authorized, who " counsels, advises or assists In any such correspondence," with similar unlawful Intent. The undersigned respectfully advises tbat tbe attention of the attorney general of the United States be dlreetea te tbese enactment!1, In order tbat an Investigation may be made with a vlew te ascertain whether they have net been violated In the present case by tbe correspondent et the British minister. By your direction the attention or the British government has In a spirit et comity been caned te tbe oenduot of the minister aa above described, but without result. It therefore becomes necessary for this govern ment te consider whether, as the guardian of Its own seifrespect and et tbe Integrity of its institutions, It will permit further intercourse te be held through tbe present British minister at this capital. It Is te be ebservrd that precedents are net wanting as te tbe question under consideration. It is a settled rule, essential te tbe maintenance of international inteiceurse, tbat a diplo matic representative must be parsena grata te the government te wblch be is accredited. ir by bis conduet he renders himself persona neu grata, an announcement of the fact may be made te his government. In tbe present case all tbe requirements et comity have been duly communicated te ber majesty's government, with an ex pression of tbe opinion of tbe government in regard thereto. Respectfully submitted. T. F. Bayard. (Scheel Heard Meeting The Ift't meeting et tbe present school beard will be beld this eventug at 7 o'clock In common council chamber. Tbe only business te be tiansacted Is the approval or bills and closing up tbe business of tbe year. Tbe new beard organizes te-morrow evening. The enlv chanuea are these : Geerge N. Reynolds takes tbe place of Pntllp Bernard ; Henry Wolf, who tilled out tbe unexpired term et Geerge F, Sprenger, deceased, enters upon a lull term of three yearn. On the Republican aide Diulel G, Baker and J. W. Byrne retire. Tnelr places will be taken by Wm. D. Buutferand H A. Bohreyer. m Lsvl trailed te Aiiptar. Levi Senaenlglast week bet (GOO en Har. risen, In Philadelphia. His bet was promptly taken by Drever Schwartz. The Philadelphia Times says that the local drovers were looking eagerly for Cattleman Sensenlg, who, they sale, bad premised te tarn up en Saturday with a pet of Lan caster oeunty money te back Tippecanoe) bat who badn'j put la bl appsaxaaes. A HKTUODUT PAStOR'S VIEWS. Tbe Ktpebllcan Fatly Is a Hindrance te national Progress. Rev. William Plttenger, pastor of the Methodist Kplacepal church la Hlghtate wn, H. J,, has writun the following communi cation te the editor of the Hlghlatewn -dependent . "Why e'I vote for Cleveland T" The above question is frequently asked and X will endeavor te answer through your columns. 1 approve the president's administration and wish it continued for another term. His foreign polley has been Just toward weaker aa well as stronger states. There baa been no bravado, but American rights have been secured. The civil servlee, while net faultless, has been mers Impartially administered under him than at any time within my memory. His treatment of the silver question and et the dangerous surplus has been admirable. He has worked tar harder at bis desk than a common clerk and has impressed me as a man who has a genius for administration and who does consider otliee as a "publle trust." O J three points only has he been seriously criticised even by his opponents. iifit us consider these : First, His pension vetoes have been greatly denounced, and an effort made te array all soldiers sgalnst him en tbat Issue. But soldiers bsvea greater interest than any ethers in keeping the pension roll clear of Improper and unwertny names, and 1 have seen no veto that did net appear abundantly Justified. Meat private pensions are net even read in Congress, but passed by title only, and some great abuses bare crept In. One man enlisted, get his bounty and deserted before leaving the sUf, never seeing a day or aervlee ; yet the law whleh Cleveland vetoed would have put him en tbe pensicn roll I A geed soldier wants no frauds or Imposters en the roll of these who receive the natlen'a honor and bounty. The dependent pension bill was false In princi ple and badly drawn. Tbe Grand Army will never urge it in its old form. Cleve land has signed mere pensions than any ether president, and I doubt net tbnt he will sign all tbat be believes te be worthy. I hope that he will continue te veto all that ate unworthy. Ssoeud. He has been criticised for leaning money te national banka without Interest Instead et reducing the debt by tbe whole amount of the surplus. But ail the bends due werepald. Te have used all thp money in the treasury te buy undue bends would have run thu premium en these bends, already high, te an enormous figure, and he would have been condemned for wasting tbe people's money In tbat manner. What he did was best Seme et tbe surplus was pnt in banks te avoid a stringency in tbe money market, and bends were bought steadily, bs fast as they could be bad, at reasonable premium, wulle Congress was asked te rtduce the surplus by lowering tsxatlen. Nothing need be raid about tbe tarifl moiaage mere than tbatltcxaetly expresses my own sentiments and thus affords an additional reason why I should vote htm. But my strongest reason I have. reserved ferthelBst. I think tbe Republican party ought te be defeated. Its present position is politically dishonest. In tbe Weat it strives te keep alive tbe passions of tbe wsr ; in the East it strives te win by persuading tbe workingmen tbat high tariffs are in their interest and net in these of monopolists and trusts. It lies directly across the track or temperance progress, holding together liquor dealers and temperance men by the bend et common memories and tradi tions brought down from war times, and thus keeps Prohibition In the background. It it can win en this line we will have just tbe same bat tle te fight ever again In four years ; but It defeated, it will be obliged te one et two things, exobange dead issues for live cnes, of which temperance is easily chief, or give way te some ether party, as Wblga gave way te Republicans. Either of these courses would clear tbe ground for a square fight en temperance, whieh Is Just what temperance men went. 'ihese considerations especially the last will show friends why I expect te vete the local Prohibition ticket, but at tbe same time prefer Cleveland te Flak. 1 helped the Republican party te eloet all its presi dents, and watcbed its blrtb In 1854 with Intense Bympatby, but when it becomes a hindrance te national progress I cannot be controlled by a mere name. William PiTTENOEn. A FIZZLE AT KfllKATA. Tbe "&ut Republican Kally" at Epbrata Net Wbat Was Expected. List evening was tbe time Set for tbe last grand Republican rally at Epbiata and the affair was expected te ecllpsu anything of the kind held in the upper end. Inere were net three hundred men in the parade although three times tbat number was ex peeted. Tbe industrial d'aplay waa a disunl failure. J t consisted ofene wagon with brick layers and another with two men flailing wheat. The decorations and Illuminations by both parties In the town were very pretty. Tbe meeting after the parade was called te order by Martin S. Fry, who Introduced W. ICSelizeras president. The latter made a few remarks aud then made way for that lelitlsal hustler A. B Haesler, who has gilaed sufficient laurels in this cam paign te secure for him the prison solieltorsbiD or some ether prominent jjtt.ee next year. Tbe speaker made a lew ramming remarss, ut.cea.ing mere anymore mixed up tbe further he went. He really distressed tbe audience, and tbey were relieved when he stepped. This was Mr. Hasalet'a second appearance in Ephrata this aeaaen. Mart Fry was censured for bringing him there tbe first time, and he will enlv get Inte mere trouble for the second offense. Tbe second speaker of the evening waa "Ltttle Bey Blue" Relrmal, who Is bually engaged making himself solid as a candi date ler district attorney next year. The major related his usual number of sterlei, some et which have become veterans. He sarcastically called President Cleveland tbe "Big fat man" and said that tbe Old Reman who la making speeches every night was near the grave. Mho major theugnt tbat the elections were all fixed in tbe Southern state where hla party Is te be cheated, but he wants te hear from New Yerk, Indiana, Connecticut, and New Jeraey. The major predloted tbe eleotien of the whole ticket, Including Marriett Breaius, and alter cheers by Mart Fry and the boys tbe meeting adjourned. Court Heuse Metes. The sheriff hai pested in bis office bills for the sale et the personal property et eight persons. On November 17 he will soil tbe real estate of seventeen people in city and oeunty. On November 12, Judge Patterson and Jury Commissioners Dilierand llyus will begin filling tbe Jury wheel with names for Jury duty in 188U. The same week the Lancaster oeunty teachers' institute will be be:d In tbe cejtt house. - Reformation Day. Special Reformation services will be held In a number et Lutheran churches thla evening. At Trinity Lutheran ohureh a special sermon will be preached by Rev. Charles L. Fry. Tbe theme et hla sermon will be tbe lulluence of the Reformation upon tbe Northern Nations, particularly upon tbe Swedes. The choir et tbe chureh has been aupplemented for ibis occasion by a number et additional voices. At Grace Lutheran obuieh a service oom eom oem memoratlve of the Reformation will be held. There will also be special services in ether Lutheran cbuiches. At St. Stephen's speelal services will be held next Sunday. Trying te Oet Heme. The only Inmate of tbe station house last night for the disposition of the mayor waa Matbew McGowan. He claimed te have been connected v. 1th the circus the past season. He left the show In the.West and was endeavoring te get te his home In Philadelphia, The mayor aiBcnargea ntm. Back Frem Ibe West. Assessor Jereme Yendersmtth returned last nlbt from a three weeks trip through tbe Weat He visited relatives aa far west ai Denver. He reports bavlng bad a geed time and thinks tbe Weat Is a great country. Oraated a renaloe, Xdward Benzlns, et Wllllamstewn, has ba grant! pmsIeb. LIGHT-WEIGHT TRIPLETS. JOHNNr HKNrzKK, HILLY I1KOWN AMD RUUlEaiLHERTMAKB "iPEECaKS." 'Hatch" MIMei'a Heeling in tbe S. tenth Ward Enlivened bjr the I'rotfcenoUry, Who Knows 'Sentanda et Democrats mi it HI IVete ler Harrison." Fer the put week Butch " Miller, Beb MoDennell, Billy Deen and the ether shin ing lights of the Republican party have been making tbe meat active preparations for holding a parade in the Seventh ward, where they all reside. Last night tbe affair took place and the clubs tbat marehed were thoae of the Second, Third, Fourth, Seventb, Eighth and Ninth wards, the Yeung Republicans and the dr kles. Tbe Keystone Wateh Faotery elnb, whleh is the star organization et the party in this oily, did net participate, as tbey in tend reserving themselves for Yerk en next Friday. These organizations, headed by the Iroquois band, marched all ever the ward, through streets and alleys, and finally stepped at Ed. Delsley's hotel, st Duke and Middle street. Here n meeting was organized, and the first speaker was J, W. Brown,a lawyer et vastexperionep, who told what a failure Grever Cleveland was at tbe bar. About tbat time there were men at Delsluy's bar who wero great suc cesses. Following Brown came E1wln Gilbert, anether new lawyer. Mr. Gilbert knows little about national politic?, as he has confined hltnself te looking after the Interests or Lew Hartmst), and getting the office of solicitor at the prIen since be made his little debut. Everybody knew tbat he was a peer speiker.but no one had any ldea that he would make tbe miserable failure tbat he did. "NOISE" URKAK9 ni.M UP. Everything was quiet when Mr. Gilbert mounted tbe stenu, and he began very timidly. It seen became apparent tbat he was becoming badly "rattled," and great lumps beean te gather in hla tin eat. He began togrewwhlte and his legs weakoned. 2 ie stepped speaKing ana ieiu ins auuieuce, who were as noiseless as tombstones, te keep quiet. He tried te resume, but said it was no use. Tbe crowd iums'.cu upon .his going en, but tbe speaker picked up his ovdrceit and said : "it is no use, I won't spak," and left the stand. The crowd could net understand the speaker's strange action, but tbe truth Is that he was ten much frightened te speak, This Is tbe first time that Mr. Glltert has faeed a Lancaster audience and before be does se again he will take some nerve feed. After GUbeit had retlred from the plat form the mansgotaet the meeting began te leek around ler another speaker. Jehn W. Menlzer was found In tbe crowd and he did net need a second Invitation te make a speech. Fer some tltne past the enemies of Mentzer, in bis own party, who are Jealous et him, have been making an effort te get htm en the Kturep In Lancaster city In order that tbe citizens could learn something et his ability. jeiin aivgsjennr credit. Last night was tbe first tlme an opportu nity was afforded and "Bnteh" Miller mo me ceeded in placing the old rival of his friend Hartman before tne Lancaster people. Jehn spokefer some time, tutunlibe Mr. Gilbert he could net be "rattled." He told tbe old story of his trip te Chicago, and or the mauy speeches he made this campaign. He predicted tbe oieotloa et Harrison whleh he said will be largely owing te his 6fJerts In that candidate's behalf. The protbenotary grew red In the faoe as he yelled "I knew eeusandBOi Democrats In dls oeunty dat will wete for Harrison and 1 feel it in my heart aud beet s dat he will be elected." Tbe darkles misunderstood the epxaker when he said " benea " and thought he said "beets" Thfy all beai raugblnftbut Jehn regarded this as enoour eneour enoeur sgernoni ud epeke until he was compelled te withdraw irein sheer exhaustion. At the close he was eaturated with perspiration and as he passed from the stand he was heartily aougratulated by the darkiea One of tbe number premised te give him a chnuee in some et the debates in the col ored church in F.ieglnjsvllle tbe coming winter. During Mentzer's spt eah a crowd of Hartman Republicans steed some dis tance away holding thelr aides with laughter at tbe efforts et the speaker. One of them said : "Revenge Is sweet. We have been trying te get Menlzer te de tbla for some tlme past and only tiucceeded te-night. Hartman should net kick about his defeat by this man after he&ring what an ass he can make of hlmssir." KEEP OUT OV POLITICS. air. l'ettdcrlr Warns the Kulflits te llewars of l'ellttcal Circulars. General Master Workman Powderlyhas sent out the following circular te tbe Knights or Laber, warning them te beware or politicians, and te threw political circu lars and ether campaign literature into the waste basket or the tire : Horanten, Pa.,Oct. 30, 1888 Te the order wherever found, greeting: Circulars or a political nature, papers published In the in terest of parties, doeuntonts slandering either one et tbe candidates for president, and ether matter of a political character, are being scattered throughout tbe order. Seme et these documents near tbe seals of dis trict or lecal assemblies AH literature of this description should bt dumped into the waste-basket by the secretary et tbe assem bly who finds it lu his box at tbe pest clllce or at his home In the evening. Ne docu ment la legally befere an assembly unless Itecmes with tbe seat of the Hale or dis trict assembly te whleh tbe local is at tached, or Irnm tbe general secretary, tbe general treasurer, tbe general worthy fore fero fere man, from the Becretary of the genural ex ecutive beard or the general muBttr work man, and should any of ttusa send a docu ment of a political character net sanctioned by the general assembly In session It Bheuld be cast aside aa unworthy et notice. I bare been Informel that en November 5 there Is te be a circular Issued throughout the United States ouieng members of the Knlgbta et Laber, bearing my signature and advising mmuh&rs te vete for a aeruln candidate). Interviews wl'h me are te be put listed en itiutvoef olte'.lin, in wblch 1 am te speak for a certain party and candi date. All members of thla eider will tee te it tbat no deception is practiced en tbetu by any such transparent frauds, I have net and will net lasue such a circular, will net be Interviewed en the situation, be de net be deceived. Burn all documents whleh are sent te you by tboegentBef partita. Political partlea have doiie nothing te build up this order. It is a standing ri proton te their misman agement In the past, it is undoing thn evil tbat tbey have for years been engaged in, and if parties had their wy the order would have no existence. Se de net allow your enemies, dlrgulsfd as friends, te nn nn nn pose en you or make use of an organization whose every step thelr party organs fought from the beginning. Fraternally yours, T. V, Powderly, Gencral Master Workman. A Chance el 1'sster. Mount Jev, Oaf. 31. Rev. O. K. Cook, who iikh been pastor lucbarge of tboMetbc tbeMetbc tboMetbc dlsteburohhtro for mcre than two years and a half, has been transferred te Wlce. nlece, l'e by the presiding elder et tbla district. A ncancy in Philadelphia caused these ebanges. Rev. HbecHtnlth will fill Rev. Coek'a place The change was unex pected te both pastor and people. Rev. Cook has bet n indetatlgable In his labors ler bis obarge and hie departure la much regretted by all. On Sunday last he preached his farewell sermon. JJaltew E'en. This evening Hallow JVen will be cele brated. Tim boys will have a geed tlme and thelr efforts aa uhubI will be dlrcc.el te tbeaunojaneo of their neighbors. If their sport is net carried tetbeextiemethey will net bs Interfered with by the police, but for any removal et steps or etber malicious destruction of property they will get them selves Inte trouble. f aid the Ce.t. Daniel Stewart, who was arrested with Peter Weeds for drunkenness and dis orderly conduct, was discharged last even ing by Alderman Barr upon the payment oleosU. fOLITlOALKOIKL C. L. Hawer, et West IndlanspMIs, lnd., scuds te the Indianapolis Senhntl an able letter, In which he says tbat he wishes te add hla name te tbe list of old Republican voters who are going te support Cleveland andTburman. He save, he is the same Re publican he was in 1SGD Ot, when he had sense enough te vote for the best and grandest man he sver knew. Mr. Hayes writer : " I am 70 years old and have never voted for a Democratic president in my Ills. I have never held any ofUee. 1 donetwanyany, But I am Interested In this government, as every man should be u no is a voter, a eeneve vi rover Cleve land is the beat friend te the laboring man we have had in tbn Whlte Heuse since the dsys et Abraham Lincoln. Werklnamen. take the record of Mr. Olnveland. Take it alt Kead'Mhe platforms, both of them. Read the letters or acceptance, both of them. Then bs independent and manly enough te vote for what you believe te be your best Interest as an honest man, and you will net trade off an old friend ter the candidate of the bankers, the Vanderbllts, the Gould, tbe Asters, the Mertens, the Sages. theCarneglesnrtheBlalnes. " A New Haven (Conn.) dispatch te the New Yerk Commercial Advertiser of OMober0 says tbst Theodere S. Woolsey, formerly president In the Yale law aoheol, and son of ex-President Woolsey, of Yale University, was the principal speaker at a rrcent Democratic mass mettltig In ths OJat Valley, California. By curious coincidence Air. woeiseys name waa used the same evening, without bis knowledge, en tbe list of vice presidents of a Republi can rally In New Haven, Conn. Edward S. Tbachcr, a planter In ths OJal Valley, son of the late Professer Thacher, et Yale, presided at thn California meeting. A dl'pateti from Ithaca, N. Y., says Ihst Prof. F. B. Sanburn, of Bosten, and new resident lecturer In social science at Cernell university, said te tbe New Yerk World representative en Monday : " I waa a Ha publican as leng as the Republican party hsd any principles. This vear I shall vote for Cleveland, becanse the Democratic party represents a real issue. Tbe recent Saok Saek Saok vllle letter Is a simple piece of nonsense, written by sn Englishman who knows nothing about American pelltlm. It will have no effect en the Irish vote." A barber and his helperat Meadvllle have entered into this kind of a bet: It Cleveland shsll be eleeted the wages et the empleye will be raised 1 per week, and If Harrison shall be elected the helper will consent te a reduotten of tbe same amount. President Ammldewn; of tbe American Protective Tariff League, has put 300 im ported Hungarians at pauper wages, In place of American workingmen, in his woolen mills at P9a!c. This is the gentle man who has his campaign circulars full of "faets for the workingmen," folded and wrapped by women who are paid the mag nificent salary or 00 cents a day. Tbe pro tectionists are selfish Individuals, who be lleve in protecting themselves and nobody else. And, atrange te say, there are a geed many foolish enough te help these fellows Inte a continuance of unearned luxuries. New Yerk Catholic News. LOWKKKD UEaUOKATH. Tbeytlave a II IK Meeting at Klrfcwoed, On Tueidey Kvanlng. QUARRYVILI.K, Oat. 30 The largest and meat enthusiastic meeting tbat has ever been seen In southern Lancaster oeunty, was beld In Klrkwoed this evening, under tbe auspleea el tbe Cleveland and Tbur man club et Culeraln. Frem all tbe ceun. try around the people Hooked te that place, and delegations and clubs were present from Bart, Gap, Llttie Britain, Oxford, Russel. ville, Fairfield and Quarryvllle. The Prkcsburg, Oxford and Kden cornet bands torntshed the music The parade started at 8:30, marshalled by Jehn Wilkey, and e insisted et all tbe visiting elubB. about 5C0 strong. Fer a place et this size it was a very creditable exhibition. The meeting organized with the selection of James M. Walker president, and tbn fol lowing vice presidents : Dr. J. M. .ell, Dr. J. M. Denver, Jeb. D. Moere, Ellas Stautler. Dr. W. J. Wentz, S. B. Coulter, Jacob Rutter, Wm. S. Hastings, Geerae Htee), Bransen Slack, Jes. Llnsey, W. N. Galbraltb, Je. White, R. B. Patterson, Jar. McCulIeugh ; secretaries. H. S. Patterson, W. F. McSparran, Jas. Moere, G. W. Hen sel Jr., A. L, Winters, J. W. Aiken, Ames Hess, W. D. Swisher, Jes. U. Miller, Chas. Hei ten. Jcs. Wlnket. Jas. R. Jacksec, Jas. G. McSparran. Guorge Kfclmcnunyder, Jehn E. Malene, and Jehn A. Ceylo delivered ringing speeches, which were listened te with marked attention, and the cheers that greoted the namea of Cleveland and Thur man or the mention of tariff reform, were enough te sicken any Republican. The citizens of the town bad their houses decor ated beautifully. Tbe ladles in this section are deeply Interested In this campaign, and they turned out last night by the hundreds te grace the occasion, aud Celeraln, the banner township of the oeunty, have much te be proud et lu their meeting of last night. The Democrats et Quarryvllle will bold a meeting ou Saturday, the 3d, te whleh everybody Is invited. It premises te ha a big atlalr. Htrasbnrg Democrats Uelst a Flag. The Ddtnoeratio club of Htraaburg, en Monday alternoen ereeted a 11 Jg stall 33 feet long, from the top of ibe cupola of Mas snlt hall. Tbe flag staff was painted red, white and blue, with a geld acorn en the top. Tne blue field was filled with stars, and the red was spotted with white dia monds, makltig a complete bandanna. Tbe large bunting Hag which Is eight by twelve feet, was preaented te the club by the Dem Dem Dem oaratle ladles or the boreugb. The club return a vote of thanks te the ladles for tbe handsome Mag, nd it new waves evor tbe Democratic head quarters. Hnrt 117 a Itecklcta Urlter, Jehn Zwalley, of Brownstown, was seriously injured at Kphrata en Tuesday night. He attended tbe Republican meet lug there, and wben about te leave for home waa knocked down by tbe team of an unknown party. The shaft et the wagon struck him en llin hip and he wbh also hurt Internally, Mr. .valley was carried Inte Kaker'H hotel wnere he was attended by Dr. J. P. Mcntzer, alter which he was removed te his home, Tbe doctor pro nounced him te be In a critical condition. The rum who drove against Mr, .wallcy noveriiteppcd te fteeliew badly he was In jured, and if he would have been caught last night he would have been severely bandied. Dlorlen Ueeles Ir, The iNTEi.Lien.NOEit last evenlng pub lished a telegram te the clleet tbat proof had been secured that Levi P. Morten was during the war engaged in shipping dry goods te tbe Bahsma Islands, and then rt sblpplng them te Southern ports by block ade runners. The New Yerk Press pub. llsbesan Interview with Candidate Morten, in which he says that " tbn Htatemeut Is absolutely and unqualifiedly false and without the slightent foundation." " It Is alllrmed tbat there are records In oxlHtenee te prove tbe assertion." "That isaiseuutrue," aald Mr. Morten, Indignantly, "Any record that contains such a statement Is a false record and a lie madeontet tbe whole cloth." Hunt a Flue. List nleht engine Ne. 303, attached te Western Express, wblch lett here ever tbe Pennsylvania railroad at 11:10, hurst a flue at Dlllrville. The water ran nut of tbe ixiller in'etbe fire box and extlogula'ied tbe flit. The paint was burned from tbe Inalde et tbe cabin. The engineer and tire, man succeeded In slopping the locomotive and then jumped out upon the feet beard te escape bttlug scalded. After a delay of ever one hour a freight engine was procured te take the train te ilurriuburg. A Vger Aiaene College Htudenti. The political club or Franklin and Mar shall college have inade a curious election wager. Tbe Democrats agree that It Harri son Is elicied they will turn out In parade wltb the Republicans while tbe Republt rana have agreed te de the same with tbe Demoerats It Cleveland li elected. Tbe Rabbit Beaten Opening. Tomorrow will be the first day for rabbit Bboetlng and a large number of gun nera are making preparations te be In tbe field at the opening. It la believed tbat tbe day after the eleotien will find many eat TUE PAUNELL INQUIRY. O4FTAI!OStIK.TKLL8OlTllSlNSrnU0 TlONS RKUElVED FRUM f& KNELL. The Witness Hays the Irish Leader Dealrcrt the Helenas et Mlehael Davit Frem Frlsuu-A I'ropeiltton It the Arrears i of Hcnt Question Was Settled, Londen, Oat. 3L The Parnell commis sion rosumed ltt sitting this morning. Attorney General Webster, counseller for the Tames called Captain O'Shea te the witness stand. Captain O'Shea stated that at Mr. ParneTl' request he conferred with Mr. Gladstone in June et 1SS1. The interview was accomplished with out the knewledge et his colleagues. After Mr. Gladstone's speech made In the Heuse of Commens, May 10, 18S2, Mr. Parnell spoke of the awkwardness et the speech and hew It had annoyed Kgan and ethers. Negotiations were discontinued until 1882, when Messrs. Parnell and Dillen were In Kllraatnhatn Jail. The proposals whleh the wltne.s made te the government in 18S2 were made without the authority et Mr. P.trnell. Certain members had replied te them in Parliament about tbe tlme that Mr. Parnell was released. After the 1st tet'a return from Paris he conferred with tbe witness at the latler's heuse and at thoe conferences they were alwaya alene. Captain O'Shea stated Mr. Parnell desired te release Michael Davltt from imprisonment, but net Brennan. Tbe Irish leader also autherlzad the witness te confer with the government, and said that If tbe question regarding tbe arrears In rent was settled satis factorily, be would advlss the tenants te pay their rents aud would himself denouneo as eutragea all resistsnoe te law. Mr. Par nell said that he had power te carry out thla guarantee. A Wedding test Evening. EJwIn 11. Albright and Miss Clara V. Elchnltz, the artist, were married last evening at the rraldoneo of tbn bride's father, H. C. Kloliellr., Ne, 42 Seuth Limn street by Hev. O. L, Fry, of Trinity nbureh. Tbe wedding was private, but from 8 te 10 there was a reception at the bridn'a home, wbleta was attended by about 300 persons. The parlor and dining rooms were decorated with tropical planUsfsrns, chrys anthemums, iVe. The Mendelsehn club, under tbe leadership of Prof. Walter Uaus man,' was present and rendered a number of line selections. Tbe bride reeelved many beauttful presents. At 1:25 this morning the couple Istt for Abilene, Kansas, where they will reslde in the future. Tne groom Is a son of Jehn Albright, of tbe Farmers bank, and Is in a banking house In Abilene. OOlNO TO YUltK. A Large Crowd of Democrats te Visit the White lteae CltJ. The indications point f a big crowd en tbe excursion te Yerk en Friday, when tbe big Demonratle parade will take place In that elty. Every elub In this elty will parti clpate, and it Is pretty certain tbat tbe num ber et excursionists will be ever one thou sand. The Eighth ward will be accompa nied by the Metropolitan band et Columbia and the Yeung Men's Democratic elub will take tbe Iroquois et this city. At a eitlztns' meeting held at Yeung Men's Domecratioclub, last night, In addi tion te couimlttee Iretn eaeh ward the fol lowing gentlemen wern appointed te ar range for the trip te Yerk : J. L. Stein metz, Char. Rengter, Geerge Cox, Samuel Altlck, Rebert Clark, Jehn Hebauin, Fra:k MettretU They will all meet te-nfgbt at 8 o'clock sharp, when all arrangements will be com pleted. The style nt dress and badge te be worn will be decided upon this evening. Tbe Liberty band will aoeompauy the citi zens. UETT1MU IN TDK CITV. Stere Meney Up Than Ever llefere en a l'realdentlat Election. Tbn betting in this elty ever the result of next Tuesday's presidential election exeeeds anything ever known. There In mero money up born new than nptoelectisn day in former contest'. Nearly allot the money is en tbe general result. One Democrat has bet evor ,000 and smother ever $2,000. On Monday n lint of f&OO even was made and several or (100. Yen ter day one et (200 wax made and quite a number et from '2X te (100 Tbla morning (500 en each of the candidates waa posted and there were ethers of smaller suma. Ihese gentlemen wera sent te New Yerk by tbe Republicans en Monday te see what they could learn. Quay told them everything was all right and they catne home happy. The betting In tbe metropolis is in favor et Cleveland, hewever. One prominent sporting man last evening rtlnrnd in bet thai by election day odds et (100 te (10 would be given en Clevelaud. LOCAL CHIP!) A petition is being circulated te-day and signed by a large number et clllzsna ask ing councils ter the repair of Christian street, between Chestnut and East Ktng. This thoroughfare, although nothing but an alley, la used bb much aa any In the city, and thoae who have occasion te pais through It knewH its condition. Andy Kasper hH a large let of pome granates, a fruit which la uncommon here. They attract much attention. Nunemacber it Levlnlte, through A. O. Newpber, thla morning iebuedoiitxrcutlen against Adam S. Dlethtr, wagon maker at Mllleravllle, ter (500. Thore was a hinall aurtlonce at the opera house last evening te wltues the second production of the " Gelden Giant Mine. " Tfce Bhew Is ene of tbe best or tbe bhbsoe. The epera house la te bj closed the lBSt litres nights of thla webk forwBntef attrac tions. Tun First ward Democrats will meat nt the Western hetel te-morrow evening, te complete arrangements for going te Yerk. The Junier Democratic elub et tbe Sixth ward are requtmed te meet at the usual place In full unllerm at 7 o'clock tbla even ing, te take part in the Eighth ward parade. Death of Henry Wenger. Henry Wenger, a resident or Epbrata, died en Tuesday night, aged it years. He sullered with consumption for a number of years, and lu addition was attacked with chills and fevcr two weeks age. He was only confined te bed for a week. He leaves a wife, a atater, Mrs. Jacob Buch, or Akren, and threo brothers, Dr. Oersbetn Wenger, and Barten Wenger, et Reading, and Eli Wenger, of Gap. UtH funeral will take place en Saturday morning. Rev. Samuel Uarli-y will cillclaie, and the Interment made at Metzler'a cemetery. A. Thieving Agent, On Friday last a young innu namnd Hen ham engaged bearding at Jeseph WolferB WelferB berger's bearding beuse, en Seuth Prince street He clalmed te be an agent but did net de Biiy work, remaining In the house nearly all the time. On Tuesday he skipped out aud two chairs belonging te Mr. WelfnnBDerger were leund at a second store whoreiieubambad sold them. The agent also stele a suit of clothes, A description of the thief has been furnished toCenstablo Harnheld, and he Is en the leek out for him. She Was Deceived. T . III la .-Afti..itnrAjl Hint II fAW WPfikS age the marriage of Mian Virginia Knox, et Pittsburg, te tbe Count Da Monteallerl was celebrated In that city with great eclat. New European dispatches have a pitiful story of the brutal treatment of the Ameri can bride by ber Italian husband. Tbey were notified te leave the Hetel Bellevue In Paris becanse of the disturbance raised by the count's abuse. The countess said sue hsd been thoroughly deceived in her husband. She believed him te be a man of means, but learned tee late that he waa net only peenUan bat se Uibasu brat 1'ltOUAIILY FATALLY I.V.IUHEI1. Fainter Kberletn SerTerlng Frem Wounds He. celveil In a rail In Wrlghtsvllir. Cet.UMniA, Oct. 31 The aoeldont which happened ou Tuesday morning te Samuel H. Kberleln.ef this plsee, la of a very serious nature. He was employed by Samuel Mor rison, of Wrlghtsvltic, nnd was painting a house at that ila-e. He had almost com cem com pletod his work and Instead of moving his ladder he reached along tbe alde of the house. He lest his balance and tell about fifteen feet. landing en a grape arbor. He atruek en his stomach and rccolved very serieus internal Injuries. He was brought te hla home en Locust street where Dr. Llneaweavorlssttendlnghlm. The exact state cf h'a injurhs cannot yet bu deter mined. He is as' well aa can be expected this morning ItlOe practice. A squad of company C, held a rlfle prao prae prao tiee at their range yesterday when some excellent scerea were made. Several members succeeded In classifying and M. H, Smith becoming a sharpshooter. The score at 200 yards was: Markley, 10; Mo Me Dlvltt, 13 Preaten, 10; Smith, 23; Bennett, 17; Bruner, IB; Monery, 10; Warfel. 13, At 600 yards: Mowery, 13; Smith, 22; Pi esteu, 13; Tyson, 10; Eekman, 18, Flams KntghU Come High. The Republicans of Wrlghtsvllle had a parade last night whleh was attended by the Plumed Knights of Yerk. Sotnesotlve Republicans or town thought It. would be a geed Idea te bring the "Knights" te Columbia and have a parade. After some work the Yerk company agreed te come if their transportation, amounting te (20, was paid. This amount was secured, and then tbe fact et the parade was adver tised. The bulletin in the A)y window stated that COO Plumed Knights would be in town, and every poreeu ex peeled te nee something wonderful. About 10.30 p. m. the musle of a drum corps heralded the ap proaeh of the pa re de down Locust street. When It passed Second and Lecus', street I there were exAetly CO men in line ; the ether V0 falled te put In an appearand 1 1 is the opinion effmsnv that " Knlirhts." especially the plumed enta from Yerk, are a very oestly article. Town Notes, Miss Nera Stautler, of Hllver Springs, Is visltlne S. G. Reath. en Ksmnil atient. The ladles Interested in the band fair held a meeting last night and are complet ing their arrangements for tbe event, W. U. Uensel, esq . will speak In the opera heuse en Monday night, under the auspleea of the workingmen. 'ihe h'gti hat club will give a short street parade be bo be fere the meeting, The dltierent trades will organ Ite and be represented In a body at the meeting. Jaoeb Brutnmer. living en Union strce;, reached his 47th birthday yesterday, and a surprise party was given him lastnlgbf. About 30 members of CblquoBalutlgsZI'rlbe, Ne, 30, et Red Men, te which Mr.Brummer belongs, were present, They presented him wltb a Red Men's pin. A bounteous supper was prepared te whleh all did full Jusilea Officer Jehn Gilbert arrested Je'm Lloyd, of Philadelphia, for being drunk and disorderly. 'Squtre Hershey gave him 20 days in jail, Mrs. Gee. II. MllUIn Bnd family are moving te Wayne, Dolaware county, to day, where they will reside. S. E. Bait, of Dayton, Ohie, Is visiting In town en his way home from Bosten. Edward Hlttner lett town this morning for a trip tn Baltimore. The Ruaaell missionary society will meet In Trinity Reformed cliurchthln evenlng. Ohsrles Stnedley, working at Suppiee's euglue works, was removing a large casting from a planer jesterday when a large bar struck him in the head, cutting an ugly gash. The O. 8. S. held au onlevablo meeting last evening at thn home of Jehn Sweeuey, en North Third stroeu Tbe Insurance Flan Acceptsd. Representatives of all the empleyes of the Reading railroad company met in Rending en Tuesday t.editcuss and aet upon Presi dent Cerblu'a sohetne te oreate nrellef aaae. elation for the company's oinpleyor. Of tbe sixty soctlens In tbe proposed insurance plan, two- thirds wern adopted, Tbe objec tions ,te tbe remaining sections wero re ceived and recorded for thu purpese of referring thorn te a commltteo for nation. The fund Is divided into llve e I amen et empleye, ranging In their pay from (10 te (100 and evor per month, and the corres ponding amounts te be paid In case nt disability incurred in the company's service range from CO euntn te (2 CO per dav. Thn drtth benefits range from (260 te (1,000 for the llve claasts. In oase of slckuoes, from -10 cents in the first clava te (1 in tbe fifth class are te be paid. Tborates of contributions per month range from 70 cents, first class, te (.1 70 In the filth class. Its management shall be In the hands of a superintendent, te be ap pointed by tbe Philadelphia & Readlng general manager, and an advisory oom eom oem mlttee of eight, three te be aelocted by the railroad managers and oneoaoh liv the rail roaders of the Pine Greve, the Mabaney, the Catawlasa, the main line and the North Pnn and Bound Broek divisions. The company pays all expenses of clerk hire, otilce room, etc. The rail road company propesos te '.bnoemo a con tributor te thn amount of 10 per cent, of the sum contributed bv thn empleyes until the lund reaches (1,000,000, and te contrlbute S per cent, after it has exceeded that sum. The company guarantees te make up te the extent et (100,000 any de ficit In the sum pilnr tn lu reaching the total contribution of (1,COO,000. Deatn and llurlal eU!tnnnel Mllter. Emanuel Miller, who died at llarevllle en Saturday, was burled en Tuesday, nnd his funeral wbh largely attended. The services were held nt Heller's church, and the edlflce was crowded. Rev, D. W. Ger hard preached the sermon. Thn Interment waa made at the graveyard adjoining tbe church. The pall-bearurs were J. D. Don Den linger, Adam Raff, Theodern Myers, David Myers, David Brenelser, Jehn Uuebl, lllo llle lllo leng friends of the deceased. Mr. Miller wes aged 45 years, a to bacco a'iner and qtilte active lu politics, always looking after the interest et the Democratic party In that section. He whs HI only a tow days from typhoid fever. A wife and eight children survlvn. II. B. Weldler, et this city, la bis brother-in-law. An Cnfertannte Let eMCepabllcani. The Republicans et Dauphin county are already getting themselviH In trim for a Matt river trip. J. am evening a large party et men started from Steel ten te attend a parade at Mlddlotewn. They hitched a horseto a large llat beat, whleh nil bearded, and atarted down tbe canal. Befere getting far their horse fell into the canal, and wbb taken out In buch an exhausted condition that he could go no further. A mule was then procured, and he pulled tbe beat te Ulgbsplre, where he fell Inte the canal and was drowned. Thn party then concluded te walk te Mlddletewn, and they did net arrive at that place until after 10 o'clock. A Convention en Wcdnetday, A woman's missionary convention of the Reformed churches of tills city will beheld te morrow In St. Paul's Refermed cburcb. The morning session will begin at ten o'clock and tbe ofteruoon at two o'clock. The evenlng sossleu will be held In tbe First Refermed church at 7:15 o'clock, when addresses will be delivered by Revs. A. D. Gilng and A. R. Bartholemew. A Fireman Taken With Spasm. Michael Kirk, fireman of the origins et Harrlsburg express east, had a rather queer experience thl-t morning. He waSHtauding ou the back nt th englne whlcu was taking wa tr at th? Pennsylvania passenger station, when be waa taken with spasms. He fell from the tank te the plank fleer below and was considerably bruised. Dr. Zlegler, el Mount Jey,atteuded him and he was taken te Palladelptila en tbe Wain. raleauaetsSlO.OOO. The famous Hadeau. Grant Hull hss tuen compromised by tbe payment of f 10.000 te General Badeau, net for services, but be cause premised by General Grant. This is the settlement that was etlered by the Grants from the flrat. City Property Withdrawn, The dwelling house of Mrs. Jennie WItmer, Ne. 34 Seuth Duke street, ctiered at publle sale at tbe Leepard hotel last even. leg by Auctioneer Haines, was withdrawn for want eJb.4a.sa-s, 20,000 MAJORITY. I tt -nil. KSIl'llin STATE HILTi HfA tsT, TUE DEROCKA1IO COLUMN. &V 11 Ktgistralleii and Other Important Hattessf Oareralty Attended lob; the NaUenalOass mlttce DeteeilTee Snnfttinv 1tiiafa-CA' , , Rttinbllrane "Feel" Cenndsnt, i , W." I tf'i Special te thO ISTKtLlaSVCXR. Nkw Yenir, Oct. 31,-2 r. M,- Answer lngjeur request for impartial newsi m the political situation and outlook, 1 fcepi.-lg made careful inquiries at various fettreesjF of information. I can find nothing te utiA one uemecraua fears or te Inspire RemMM llcan hopes. A reliable and cautions msi? olesoly associated with the Domeoratle BSVJ tlennl committee, said te ma te-day : ,j'" ' " There has been no chsnge in the BllMi lien rer ine worse, se lar as anyreay -' knows. Our people new talk et msJerlUesj) and think the majority In this state wilt net be less than 20,0C0. Tbe reglstraMean' has been careiully attended te In every, shnpe and form as fares tbe large cltm. are concerned, snd it will be impossible fesr any serious irauu ie ue perpetrated ! de net think theie Is any reason! whv anv et our friends aheniat 1 fanl lllfttnebfxt atuMlt thn ttllnailAH. T -1 The Republicans ate making a gecd deal. et noise. Advices from the inside Indicate i , that they de net at all feel tbe confidences' J they profess. Mr. Quay has bevm lurntAg down very ctlectuallv bv oeollntioua and- ttlHtnVB nvnntmn tt hli nu,Aa. m.A Jii '.,.-w, v ,.vu.w u- a. untww., raut JIIH- -n may be assured tbat wherever a ReptiblU,' ' can repeater ledges en this Island the eye--' or a Dcniocrntle detective as at the ksj'J; nole." P. J A Yeung Weman Stain. XJ , Tvnnv tl k tti-u T.ift i1rr HI rn,a.w.i .. was enacted here last night In Ibe midst et' a bis: Republican narade. Deilv Phlllinev .r.i.i.n uiu., .uu., u., ... .-iu .m . ; nged 20, was the victim of an assassin's bnl,:'. let, She was standing en a corner wateuinf J & the paraue,wben a man npproaeuoa,roiuis a revolver, and pulling the trigger, aald 1 'j "Thorp, take that," Sbe fell te tbe slde-. walk with a bullet through h6r bead, end J , j dled a few minutes later. The murderer V Mnflnnri In nnttn nf flin tani lliat flliA r.-Alf,. . : was thronged with people, but waa Idsn-l llflArl fit e. mnii nemprl Gjillnwnv hv anvsral . people who saw the sheeting. Beth partlfM'i A . . t & .1 .. . at laaAv iivu ueru, uui luu cauea ui me auuu.ieg m$ uuKuunu. 'ftSSj, Sirs. lIlaliiB'a Condition. New Yerk, Oct. 31. Ur. dliiuue vVi,! .- rti-.. Itlnlnn. Ir.. Kllllnrril n rfllenttn last fivnnlne?-, and for a time was dollrleur. Towards?; morning she became quieter ana anally kAatl In in lent Br.ne-a ftlilnn etl m IvAS -SiS' naUfi lUiu tuu uiun AUiAvtMiiug eiuuiuvai t It vths nUtcd lent night that the arrival 04, Mrs. J n me 8 G. Blaine, ar., waa ler tbe parR ttssa nf tiiht sin. im ha il 111 All. Hca tkAtWalAUfcV. ber son James snd his wife. Oel. NelM when infermed or this slntoaient te day i"?. .......... .. .. . ...... . ..u... ,. &, nuicuiuu 11 auu nam ; "nuii nuui rawnj- near us and we won't hear rrem her." Ha a-" added that all oemmuiiloiMons between the .4! two families bad been broken ett, i nalllmr I'nr .Ixinrte. i' . Wasuikotek. Oaf.. 31 The lnter.ta!e1' eirnmerce commission has called upon allj subsidized railroad and telegraph cem-Stj panies 10 report as required ny act fKjuyj AUguat , J009, w.imurr 11117 nr :-,'. maintaining and nperating telegraph lines M , ter ine ube 01 tne government or in? puuiie 5 fnr (inrnrnerrlal and etber nurtieacn witheut'',?-r , . , s .. j, .llnn.l..lt.inlln1 M1il UTtinlttfl tVlAtt fe-tWa-i Ttm k.Hiln n.i.4 Annllntiuatinh B.rnnnnm.nl. fm. WH UUU RUM ivuiimuu euvu aa a ... i ,4, v a."M .n -. JJ.-ji-J the lutorchanee of business with any con ,1' uectlng telegraph company. jt Tburinan Jletucna 10 Ohie. Whekm.ne, W. Vs., Oef. 31. At 10:35 this morning Jttdge Thnrman was driven from the Windser hetel te tbe depot, where he took tbe Baltimore & Ohie train. He will reach Newark, O., about 3 p. tn., and alter speaking there will leave Immediately for Columbus. Judge Thurman will go te Nelssnvllle Noveuiber 3, where he will deliver his last speech of the campaign. Denies He Waa Ehet. PiTTsnune, Oct 31. A private dlsrateh was received from ex-Mayer Fulton at MO o'clock this aftbrnoen. Mr. I- ultoeiTt that he was shot or etbcrflilBJnlJjred nt hi! ranch near Dauver, Oct,, jetSrday, as has been reperted. m TKLIIOUAI'IIIC TAfS. A freight train en the Nerthern Pad de rati into tbe rear et another near Town Tewn Tewn send, Ment, yesterday, demolishing tbe caboose. The train men saved themselves by jumping, bat three passengers were in jured. One, a Swede, name en known, was killed entright j anether was badly in jured and a Uhluese cook had both legs cat oil, besides being otherwise badly Injured. The registration retu.ni from tbe entire atate of Maryland show that tbe total num ber et voters lu Maryland is 210,533, of which -iO.Oli are negrees, In Indianapolis J, A, MoAfee and Themas Slavln engaged in a fight last night lu the lattei's saloon. Slavln was Bitet through tbe lungs and the left ear and MoAfee was ahet through the waist Neither man can long survive. The alr-brake of au englne drawing a plle driver en thu'VUla Greve Branch of the Rie Graude railroad, gave out yesterday when about 13 tntlus from Sauna, uel,, Jut aa tbe descent of the sleep grade from Pomona pass was begun. Tne engine shot down the mountain at a terrible speed until a sharp curve was reached, when it jumped the track and went tumbling down an em bankent 25 te 30 feet high. Flremau .Lud low was Instantly killed. Conductor Vin Vin eon bad his leg tern open and died wttbln a few minutes from less of bleed, Engineer WhUleckand Brakeman Alten were seri ously injured. The publishing house of Vlzetelly & Ue of Londen, has been ttued 100 for publish-'" lag the works of Kela. A report reached Duqueln last night that three mere of the victims of tbe bridge a:cldent at Blairsvllle, last Saturday, are dead. Mr. Thompson was killed outright, Biaklng four deaths. Frederick Schilling, tbe butcher, con victed et manslaughter lu the fiist degree for killing his wife Mary It their apartments en First avenue, New Yerk, was te-day sentenced te 12 j ears In the state pilaeu at hard labor. Juige Glldorsleevo In New Yerk te-dy sonteneed Harry Radgras, the young mur derer et William Dunn lastsummer te state prison ler nlneteen yeara and five months, 1 Tne muoh-talked-ef prlza fight between Patrick Dutly, of Bosten, . WUin MnMitien. of tbla city, toot, piace ai 1 tf clock th wernlng near Washington, and was wen by Dully lu the 17th round. WK.aTiuut iMJiUAiieaa. WAsuisaie, D. 0., Oct 31. Fir Eastern Pennsylvania; Fair Wednes day, raiu Thursday, warmer, Increas- .. ,- ....!. thtnh 1.1 thai Ing southerly winue, uj.v u -'a- jtiM coast WednesJay night mFM ......ltnwn'M fr-atl-Ade. The Democrats of Mlddletewn will tut, a grand demonstration en Thursday r ing which will be attended 'We4rt a from Harrlaburg and ether eitlesj " hops for a large delegation from Kxtenllve arrangemsnU tev' IWMCssAlwwlt, . . . - -l H'"j v m t -.- - Mi Si S: VW? MX 1? iis ih 5WJ i,M ! m W n ,M fr 'J -V ym . -s .