"v. aEBBSf fflqz IDwtfagte? ittelimettM VOLUME XXV- NO. 60 LANCASTER, PA., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1888. T3TTr,cn rrmrri rtT?vrrra -? 1 llJlli S ST V VJS.Li.i3l i.r-i. - 13 SENATOR FRYE SCORED. VEIEBtrTB RBBENf HU RBOCBT OTXBB AMOKS IN O AM DBN, HEW JBK8EY. Dimoeratle Oolea soldier Met lunm." Streng. Btsotatlen Cesaaaaatllag sat Present Atfnlotetiatlen rjlTaaaa Blgea All Straight Feast) Mil. At meeting of the Demoeratie Veteran association, beld iMt evening, tne following wm unanimously adopted : Whbbkas, It Hm been reliably repotted ad dm never been responsibly denied that Senater Fry, et Milne, recently declared In lelltlcal meeting, In Camden, New Jertey, tbat any anliiier who would vote ter Q rover Cleveland waa a "bummer." Therefore, be It Jletelved, By tbe Demcoratle Veteran as sociation et Iiineuter. oempoaed of ban died a of Demcoratle Union Midler, and peaking for tbeuaanda of tbelr fellows from tbia oennty, wbe fought for tbelr country and vote. wild tbe party et geed government, that 1 The declaration of Senater Fry la a wleked lie and a wanton Intuit te bundreda of tbeuaanda et brave men wbe fengbt gallantly for tbelr oientiy, and wbe will "vote at tbey fought" In auppert of effi cient, eoenornlcal and patriotic admlnlatra admlnlatra tlen uuder Grever Cleveland. 2. Tbe names of aueb Demcoratle aeldlera aa Hancock, McClelUn, Meade, Reynolds, Hoeker, Slgel, Heaearans, Kearney, Sickles, Slocum, Cene, Bragg, Bnell, Cutter, Davie, Franklin, Deebert, Hambrlgbt, McGovern and bundreda et rtaer Union officers et blgb rank are a sufficient anawer te tbe aa aa peralena or the Kepubllean mudslingers wbe claim for tbelr party tbe exclusive eredlt of having fought the war and aaved theUalen. 3 Tbe work of the pension department under President Cleveland',) adtnlnistra adtnlnistra tlen In adding 172,132 names te tbe pen sion roll, In increasing tbe annutl value of penalena $14 733,765 01, and In appoint ing Union soldiers or tbe widows of Union soldiers te every ponelen sfteney : tbe present Incumbency In federal efflees et mere ex -Union, aeldlera than under any Republican administration; tbe action of President Cleveland In confirming aa lawa mere private pension bills In three yeara and eight monies than Presidents Grant, Hayes, Garfield and Arthur approved in sixteen yeara; and tbe courage and discrimination of President Cleveland In vetoing the unworthy claims et pretenders, bounty Jumpers, deserters, oewards and perjurers oemmend for him tbeoenfidence et old soldiers, He will have the enthusiastic auppert of these wbe from 1801 te 1865 fought for their country from pttrlotie motives and net for bounty then andeffloenow TUB KAIjEK'S D1BFLEASUKE. Bbsrply Rebuking zurerences te tbe Late Emperor Fredeilck. In reply te a request of tbe Berlin mu nicipal council for an explanation of tbe . emperor's speech of Saturday, tbe follow ing, which is tbe text of tbe concluding passages et tbe speecb, was sent te Mayer Fcrckenbsek : I cannot but give expresalen te a very rilnful reminiscence etmyjnurney. While have devoted health and strength te se curing the peace and welfare of the Father land, and thus of tbe capital also, by creat ing ties of friendship, tbe dally press et the capital bas given publicity te and spoken about the affairs of my family in a manner which a private individual would never tolerate, I am net only pain Jully Impressed by this, but Olspleaaure has been aroused. 1 wlab, above all, that the contlnueuaeltlng of tbe name of my departed father shall cease. It most deeply irjares my feel ings as a son, and li Is in the highest degree unbecoming. I trust tbat when 1 cheese Berlin as my principal residence aud as a Berliner It always attraeta me tbe people will avoid making the private relations et my family tbe subject of press dlacuaalen. Tbe duties uniting a prlnee with his people for tbe purpose of maklnglhe Fatherland great and happy are numerous and Important enough for them te devote tbelr whole at tention te it In thoroughly patriotle manner, allowing all ether affairs, snob aa I have already mentioned, te rest without giving them publicity. Tbey should combine te uae tbelr atrength In a faithful devotion te these blgb and noble acts. I trust tbe representatives of Berlin, te receive whom gives me a sprelal pleasure, will endeavor in thla matter te perform tbelr part. Tne passage In whieb tbe emperor re bukes tne press for quctlng tbe Emperor Frederick In unfavorable comparison wltb himself ellelts speelal Interest. Tbe first aeml-offleial copy contained no explicit reference te the Emperor Frederick, THE BEAD1NQ BELIEF ASSOCIATION. BmPlevea Frem All Alees lbs Una Meet te Uiscem tbe Frejtct. Tbe empleyes of tbe Reading railroad meet In Niuanercher ball, In Reading, to day, ter tbe purpesn of dlseusslng and act ing upon President Cnrbln's plan of insur ance proposed for tbelr benefit. Delegates representing Its empleyes from all along tbe line et tbe Reading rallrcad will be present A constitution has been drafted for tbe government of the relief asso ciation, and tbla will be aubmltted te tbe delegates for approval. Quite a number of delegates are s,ld te be op posed te the ecbeme In Its present form, and there Is a likelihood tbat It will be radically amended and modified before It la adopted. In Reading, et the company's 2,000 empleyes, net 25 per cent have yet signified tbelr Intention el Joining, and this Is tbe condition of affairs along tbe line of the read. At te-day's meeting It It pie posed te se change the plan of condueting the association aa te conform wltb tbe vleira et tbe sreatest number of empleyes About 250 delegates are expected te be E resent. Etch division superintendent as appointed one or mere dele gates from each branch of tbe service te attend. The scheme, aa It will be aub mltted te the meeting, has been changed somewhat, se as te permit men ever 45 yearsef age te texme members of the as soelatlon, provided tbey send In tbelr re quests belore March 31st. After that time no one ever 45 will be allowed te become a subscriber. The government et the associa tion Is left te a beard of managers, consist ing et one from the main line division, one from tbe North Penn it Bound Broek divi sion, one from the Pine Qrove division, one from tbe Mabaney division and one from tbe Catawlssa division, three appointed by tbe directors et the company, and the gen eral manager, wbe shall be chairman. The contributors are te elect the division man agera and tbey are te bold office for one year. Tbe association Is te begin operation en January 1st next. Granted by tbe Itegltter. Tbe following letters were granted by tbe register of wills for tbe week ending Tuea dav, Ooteber 30 : Testamentary. Lsvl Hemming, de ceased, late et Adamstown borough ; An drew M. Qettball and Ludwlg T. Custer, Adamatewn, executer. Henry Herman Nlemer, deceased, Ute qf Lancaster city ; Frances Nlemer, city, ex ecutrix. Katharine R. Dougherty, deeased, late of Lancaster city; B. J, McGraun, city, executer. The. Totten, deceased, lateel Wilming ton, Delaware ; Thes. Baker, Celeralu, executer. Maria Frank, deceased, late of Epbrate township; Henry Frank. Warwick, and Jacob Herat, Ephrata, executer. Administration Fanny E. Trout, deeetatid, lata of Kast Heuirhelrt township; Jacob M. Trout, Eaat Heaaptleld, adminis trator. Bonem Ssmeen, deceased, late of Lancas ter city ; Kltzabetb Kubus, city, adminis trator. Auutbar Jlepcater Sentenced, Out of tbe arrests for Illegal registration wblcbhave been made by tte New Yerk police within tbe past few daja two con vie liens were eoeured. On Monday tbe second case waa tbat of James M. Htarr, aged 45, wbe gave his residence aa Ne. 9 Mulberry street He registered last week lu the Nineteenth dlttrlet as living at Ne. 9 Pell etreet He pleaded guilty, and Judge Cowing sentenced him te two yean and Wi is awe pnaws. PBMOOBATIO CLAIMS. ritatss W bleb Are Counted Upen for Cleveland ad That maau The useabera of the Democratic national committee were enthuslaaile en Monday meralBg, and tbe claim was made that tbe caeaoMef the election of the Demoeratlo national ticket were better by 10 per eent than they were four yeara age. Reports reeelved from tbe New Yerk state com mittee show that a careful canvass of the state has bean made, and the reports are te the effect that the Cleveland and Thurmsn tieketwlll be elected by at least 12.0C0 plurality, and the figures may reach double that number. It ta a'as claimed by the national; Demoeratlo committee that Indiana, ConnecUeat, New Jersey, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin and California will be found in the Demcoratle column en Wednesday et next week, and that possibly Ohie and Iowa wenld also eaat tbelr elec toral vote ter Cleveland andThurmau. A letter was received from Bosten en Monday morning revealing tbe latest trick of tbe manager et tba Republican party. The writer aaya : ' 1 have geed reason te knew tbat en the eve of election tbe report or rumor of the death of Allen G. Thnrman will be put In circulation by tbe Republican national committee, te be published In every Republican newspaper en the morn Inget the election, knowing that there pert cannot be denied until alter the polls close. I am In tbe employ of one of tbe Republican candidates tot atsle Senate, and It waa through him that I heard el this plot" - Colored Calbellc te Mast, A colored Catholic oengress, the first of tbe kind ever held In the world, will assemble In Washington, D. C, en tbe lit et next January. Since tbe war the Catholic hierarchy tn ibis country have been actively engaged In the work et extending the In fluence of the church among tbe oelored people, but se unostentatiously have they gene about the matter tbat attention has net been dlreeted te It, except In Isolated In stances, the Protestant denominations tak ing little or no notice et the movement It is well known tbat.lbe.Oatholle religion Is the only one reoegnlzed by the black citizens et the republics of Hayti and Sante Dominge, the one for alongtlmedomlnated by the French and the (ther by the Spanish government The blacka in all the Seanlsb and Pertugese Wcat Indlea are Catholics. The congress was proposed by Mr. Daniel A. Rndd, of Cincinnati, the editor of tbe American Catholic Tribune, tbe only paper of Its kind In tbe oeuutry devoted te tbe colored Catholic Interests, owned and controlled by a colored man. Tbe If beat field or the World. Frem the New Yerk Herald. The latest repot t et the department et agriculture makes no material change In tbe former estimates of this year's whesl hsrvestlnthe United States. Tbe foreign advices also reetlfy some el the pessimistic errors ell eat last month aa te the deficiency of the European crops. Brilliant weather In September oenalderablv Improved the har vests In France, Great Britain, Helland and Belgium, wbile In Russia the present crop Is reported te be "as large as tbat of tbe auperabuudant yield el 1687. " It la net likely, therefore, that there will be mueb, It any, further Increase In the price of bread In this country. Aa tbe orep of Indian oern la exceptionally geed It may be large-, ly substituted as feed in the plaee of whea Cel. Hacnman's Feneral. The funeral of Cel. A. W. Bachman took place from the residence of his brother Jehn, In Willow Street this morning. The funeral servlees were held in the German Reformed cbureb and the sermon waa preaehed by Rev. D. W. Gerhard. Among these wbe attended the funeral was a de tall of twelve members of Geerge H. Themas Pest of tbe Grand Army, of tbla eity. After tbe servlees were ever the body was brought te Lancaster by tbe Grand Army accompanied by tne friends and relatives of the deceased. Tbey took tbe 12:53 train for Philadelphia where tbe funeral will take place te-morrow. Tbe following members et Geerge H. Themas Pest aeted as pall bearers and aoeompanled the remains te Philadelphia : Capt Abraham Setley, MeJ. O. H. Faanacbt, Capt Jehn A. Scbnb, Milten Swope, Jehn Kellly and Hiram Snyder. Blue Ball Nete. Blub Bali., Pa., Oar. 29. Mr. Henry Eaby lslving veryslek with catarrh-pneumonia. There Is very little hopesol his re covery. A. W. Wanner, of this place, employed at the car shers In Philadelphia, returned home with a badly bruised finger, A twelve yesr-eld daughter of A. W. Martin died et scarlet fever en Saturday. S K. Weaver, a student of Mublennurg oellege, spent several days at home te attend the funeral or bta former classmate, Harry K. Weaver, of New Helland. AlVerk ueinpany Falls. Frem tbe Dally. The judgments entered by reason of tbe Yerk Manufacturing company's failure are: Mary E. Loucks v. Jacob Loneks entered October 20tb, f22.V2l.61 ; P. H. Glatfeltcr and Isaac Loucks vs. Jaoeb Loucks, en tered October 27th, 111,189 01; laae Loucks vs. Jaoeb Loucks, entered Ooto Oeto Oote ber 27th, 2 000 ; P. H. Glatfelter vs. Gee. W. B. Loucks, Wm. H. Wlieeler, doing business as Loucks A Wheeler, ndasthe Yerk Manufacturing company ; Geerge W. 8, Loucks, Wm. U. Wheeler and Jacob Loucks, entered Ooteber 27 tb, f 17,053 05 ; Rebert A. Lord va Geerge W. S. Loucks entered Ojteber 29tb, 12.600. Total, f55,6G5.07. The boeK accounts et tbe Yerk Manufacturing company are said te aggregate 123.000. What the outslde In debtedness is bas net been made known. Yesterday the defendants In the above Judgments executed and delivered te P. H. Uladfelter, of Spring Greve, a deed of voluntary assignment et all their property for the benefit of tbelr creditors, Political HeetiDge. The Democrats et tbe Seventh ward will meet this evening at 7 o'clock at the Seventh Ward hotel te drill .and trsntaet business Arrangements te go Yerk will be made and cltlzsn having no unllernis are Invited te be present All tbe members of tbe Tariff Reform elubare requested te be at tbelr rooms te night at 7:45 te make arrangements for the Yerk trip, also for fancy drill practice. This evening n parly of youeg men, wbe Intend forming an umbrella club te go te Yerk, will bold a meeting In tbe second story of Brown & Hensel's cfilee. Tne Yeung Men's Democratic Drilling club will meet this evening at 8 o'clock for drill. Members will please bring their lanterns along. A meeting of the Slxtb Ward Demoeratlo association will be held at tbe Schiller house tbla evening. All members having uniforms will please brlni: them along. m Ketnrnea te Court. Edward Bankr, the young colored man against whom there are a large number of larceny eases was heard by Alderman Hal bach last evening en five charges. The prosecutors In these cases were Abraham Hlrsb, Harry Hirer, David G, Hirst), Jeseph Josephs and James Swayre. A the articles stolen from tbese gentleman were found In his possession a strong case waa made out against him and in default et ball he waa oetnmltted for trial at tbe No Ne No vember sessions. floods UelleTld tellave Uecn SteI'D. This morning Constables Wlttlck and Barnbeld snd Alderman Deen made another aearch of tbe house of Rebert Presaberry, tbe colored man, who, with bis wife and Annie Wall, Is new lnjattebarged with larceny. Tbey leund tbe following articles which are believed te have bee a stelen: Geld hair ring, old fashioned leather case, pair of fine linen tablecloths, gentleman's large silk uiulIUr, let of napkins, unfinished pillow hbams, ladles gown, & e. Tbe goods await Identification at Alderman Deen'a cilice. Demoeratie lleja I'arade. Te morrow evening the ladt who favor Cleveland, Thurmtn and tariff reform, will have a big parade In tbe Eighth ward. The Junier clubs et tbe city are stienger this year than ever, and tbey will turnout nearly every member en Wednesday even ing. The " bualneaa men" will meet at tbe home of Daniel Marks, North Qieen street, ad alter forming a line will march te aerwart and Maner. Th toot of tM panda la set jtj loe, STANLEY MASSACRED. ONLY TWO OF 1113 MEN BSCAPK TUB ULCUQEOMS OF AFltlOAN!). The Hi pert or tne FAtnent Explorer's Fate Heeclred lu France Sketch or Ul Very Krenttal Career lie Strvcd In the Colen and Cenlederate Armlet, The Eche du Norct,et LUIc, France, s tat 09 that tbe president et the Geographical so ciety of Lille hai rocelvd news from Africa tbat Henry M. Slanley has been massacred, with all his expedition, cxeeptlng two men We have only tbe brief statement, without verification and without particulars; ee tbat we take It without teal confidence in the truth. Tbe secretary el tbe Erain Bey relief ex pedition commlttee In Londen, had, up te midnight, received no news et the reported massacre of Stanley, and entirely discredits It But," he added, "it by the end of February Emln Pasha should send letteia te Europe without announcing the arrival of Stanley at Wadelal, then we shall feel tbat there Is reason te be anxious about his fate. Ex-Obler Justlce Charles P. Daly In an Interview last night In reference fe the cable from Lille, said : " I haven't be lieved any et tbe previous repertu about Stanley and I should require tails te be corroborated by some further evidence. There Is se rnueh interest felt about him tbat should any information be received In any part et Africa, upon reaching tbe coast It would be transmitted te some mere im portant point than the geographical aoelety et an Interior French town. I de net say bat it might net be happen, but it is highly ru probable." Henry M. Stanley, tbe famous African discoverer, whose death is reported, was born at Denbigh, Wales, In 1810. He was baptised under the name of Jehn Rowland. His parents were peer, and at three years of age he was left In the poerbouse, where he remained thirteen years, gaining, bow ever, an education which enabled him te teach In a school. Commencing at sixteen tbe wandering life he alterwards led, he shipped a cabin boy en a vessel for New Orleans. Here he was employed by a mer chant named Stanley, by whom be was adopted and whose name be rssumedOa tbe death of his patron he enlisted In tbe Con Cen lederate army, was a prisoner, Jelucd tbe Federal Hervtce aud eventually became a petty efflcer en a United States war steamer. Alter tbe cIobe of the war he brcame a newspaper correspondent and In 1SQ7 waa sent by tbe New Yerk Herald ps its cor respondent with the British army In Abys. slnta. Sent alterwards by the Herald into Russia, India, 8 pain and elsewhere, he was finally dlreeted by Mr. James Gorden Ben nett te undertake a special expert It Inn Inte tbe beart of Africa te aearch for Dr. Living stone, of whom nothing bad been heard for ever two years. He organized his expedi tion at Zicztbar in Januarv, 1871, and from thence, wltb nearly 20J men com menced his daring expedition, which was se successfully ended by the meeting with Livingstone at UiJI, en Lake Tanganyika, Ooteber 2Slb, 1871. He remained wltn Livingstone, supplying bis wants as far as possible, until February, when Livingstone comtneneod his last ex pedition, and Stanley returned te the coast; and, finally, te Europe Here be was re ceived wltb great honor, tbe queen present ing blm wltb a geld snuff box, set with dia monds, and tbeKeyal Gaegrspbtcal society decorating him with its Patron's medal. la November, 1872, he published his well known book, "Hewl bound Livingstone." He went out as tbe Herald correspondent In tbe Asbantee war, and published his ac count of It, under the title of Ooemaasln and Magdala, " In 1873. in thla latter year be was engaged te command an expedition fitted out jointly by tbe Londen Daxly Tele graph and tbe New Yerk Herald te con tinue the explorations commenced by Liv ingstone and te or est tbe continent et Africa. Starling from Zinzlbar In Novem ber, 1874, with 3U0 men, be worked and fought bis wey tbreugrt count lees barriers, and reaebed Like Vloterla Nyacza in the following year. This lake he circumnavigated and showed tbat it was et vast extent, probably tbe largest fresh water lakoluthe world. Westward he explored te tbe banks of Like Albert Nyanzi, and proved tba' 11 bad no connection with Lake Tuauj ltia. He was forced back te UJ'JI, where be con tinued tbe exploration olLatte Tanganyika, In Ooteber, 1676, Btter nearly a year's rest, be readied Njaugwe, en the great river discovered by Ldvingetnne, and called by blm the Lualabs. This alraaui Livingstone supposed te be tbe Nile, but ea Stanley bad disputed this, be determined te descend It te Its mouth. His party numbered 150, all natives, with the exception of one Englishman, Frank 1'oneck. Alter enueun tering countless difficulties from numerous cataracts', hostile natives, and all tbe dan gers of exposure in the equatorial regions of Atrlca, they finally reached tbu pass tnreugn uie ueasi uiuge ineuniainH in March, 1877. Tbe canon Is 185 inllen long, tbe banks frequently rUtng 2 000 feet, and in its oeurfo mere were mera than sixty cataracts encountered, having a tetsl fall of 5S5 feet The p.-tsBBK't occupied five months. In June, 18S7, he retched Isanglla Falls, abandoned bis ca ca uees, and niade hU way over land te Embeyna, a Portuguese settlement about a hundred tulles from the coast. The Lualaba proved te be tbe Conge. He bad lest thirty Uve men, Including Frank Pccsck. Frem the I'oriugutae settlement he waa carried te the Uape cl Geed Hepe, and thecce te . zlfear, where the expedi tion was dismissed, and Stanley returned te Eurepe Tlie account of the expedition he published uuder the lltle of "Through the Dark Continent," and again be was tbe recipient of many honors, but also net a little envy and lll-treitment He reported the great rlchuesi el the coun try, and the navigability of the Conge above tbe cataract), and t f er only a few months' ilhi bu miurned te Africa te found a colony under the com mand of the Afrlean Ititeru&tlenal associa tion, of which the King et tbe Belgians, Ijeopeld II, waa n prominent member and patron. Stanley wltb his oempanlocsstarted a trading station en tbe Conge which lias formed tbe nucleus of the Conge trte state, which waa established by a coo ceo coe prors of nations In 1831. In 1855, he pueimueu nis itsi work, "xne uonxeanu the Founding of tbe Free State," In 18SC he returned te Europe, and thence came te tbe United States, wbere he was received with every honor, but was sud denly recalled te command an expedition sent te relieve Emln Pasha, Emln Pasha la a native of Auatrla, and a aargeen by profession, wbe has been In command of the Turkish army, and who bad been ap pointed commandant of tbe Central Soudan district by General Gorden when tbe latter was governor general et Upper Egypt Since Gorden's death E-nlu 1'aatja has been defending btmaelt a beat he could, and la thought te be In Imminent perlL It la while en tbla mission of mercy that Stanley It Wl4 te taara mM Ms unhappy fat, A PAIB OF FRISKY STEEDS. Tbey Croats areas Kxeitemtnl and Bem Dainag In tb Central Van of tbe ctiy. Lancaster Is the home of rnnaway horses, and although they have net been doing se well by the reporters et late they new seem te have resumed operatlena. A runaway la a frightful thing, but whea a pair et hlgn spirited horses get away together and run wildly through the atreeta It la something terrible. A runaway of thla kind oc curred en the atrceta this morning with results bad enough, although tbey might have been worse. About ten o'clock two fine bsy hones, hitched te a light, one seated eanlage, were seen dashing up Seuth Queen street at a furlcus rate. Tbe wagon was covered with mud and the herste seemed somewhat fatigued. Opposite tbe Odd Fellows' hall tbe wagon struck against a out that was being leaded wltb dirt from the streets. One singletree, tbe tongue and the top were broken. The harness was tern and tbe horses became loose trem the carriage. With tbe yoke and lines holding them together they dashed en up Seuth Queen street, and several unsuccessful effort were made te rapture them. They passed the Intelli aRCER office at a high rate of speed and crossed Centre Square. They had undoubt edly Intended going up North Queen atreet, but tbey did net make the turn In time. Tbey dashed Inte the front et Hlrsb. ct Brether's clothing a ter j en the northwestern corner et the Square. Tb deer of tbe Mere opens en tot corner and there is acmethlng of a oevered apice between It snd tbe pavement Next te the pavement Is an lr( n pest Between this pest and tbe deer the horses passed. They struck the largeplataglssalu tbe south ern end et one et the North Queen street wlndewr, shattetlng It te pieces. Tbe ani mals were somewhat checked by tbls col lision but tbey at once took te tbe street again. They resumed tbe strong gait snd tuore attempts were made te capture item. At Orange aud North Queen street the ani mals ran into Wlsslur's local dellveiy wagon which stepped them. They were at nees recognized as the horses of Jeteph Sendtelmer, and wern taken te his stable en East 'Marlen atrebt Tbe horses were found te be terribly cut about tbe legs, shoulders and head, but their Injur Injur ies are net believed te b) serleue. Several persons lu Centre fquare nar rowly etcaped being killed by tue horse, but a lady from the country will net seen forget hew near she was te death's deer, She waa Immediately In front et Hlrsh'a doorway when she saw tbe horses coming towards her. She sprang towards the deer and steed hugglbg the western alde of tbe opening. Tbe horses passed within a feet ether, yet she escaped unhurt while some clothing dummies tbat steed near her were knocked Inte the street. The window glaes broken by the bnrses was valued at be tween (75 and 1100 and wan Insured. An hour or mere alter tin rucaway had occurred, Mr. Sendbeuner, the owner et tbe horses, turned up. He had been te the country and stepped te attend te seme business at a heuse en the Willow Street turnpike four miles from town. He left tbe horses untied, and they ran into town. Mr. Sendhtlmer was obliged te walk te town. FIHE IN A HtOKK WINDOW. Fan and Other Goods of W. D. BtanOVr St Ce , Are Damaged te tbe Kxtent of )70O, Monday evening a fire occurred In the hat store of W.D.Stauffer & Ce. en North Queen street whleh caused considerable less, yet It might have proved rnueh mere serious had It net been for the presence et mind and coolness et these who extinguished It Although tbe fire took place aa early aa bslf-paat five o'clock In the evening, there was no alarm sounded, and but few people knew tbat any lire bad oeourrod. At thotlme Mentioned Geerge Herman, a bsy employed In tbe store, went te tbe window In the northern slde of the store, In Iren', for the purpoae of lighting the ga. Tbe window waa tilled with valuable geed. Just at the boy applied the match a pleca et fur fell down upon the flame made by tbe gas and caught tire. Frem this a let et fancy paper Ignited and In an Instant the whole window was In tlames. Captain Stautter, Jeseph Welehans and tbe buy in tbe store ran te tbe windows and began Seiling down the goods. They were Joined yteversl men who saw tbe flames and came In from tbe outside. After some re markably aharp work they succeeded In smothering tbe llames. Harry Shaub, one et the men who lent valuable aid In the work, had hl bands tnrrlhly burned by tte flames. The word work lnelde et the window was badly scorched, In tbe window where the Are occurred were the following goeds: Fur trimmings, gloves of all kinds, one sheepskin, seal Jacket, trunks, valises and traveling bags, paper trimmings, umbrella, rubber oeats, blankets, furs, robes, & The greater part of these goods were damaged te seme extent and the less will likely reach $700 or mere. Tbls amount Is covered by In surance tn companies represented by A. A, llerr, Shenk & Biusman, Bansman & Burns, Jeremiah Ktle, H. R. Breneman, H. S. Gara and Jehn H. Metzler. Married Iweutj-lWe Yean. Mr. Jeseph Albert, residing at the corner et Sblppen and Cheater streets, was married twenty five yeara en Monday and tbe Llederkracz society, of whleh be is a mom mem ber, arranged for a surprise party for him. They assembled at tbelr laall and marched te bis residence. About tbe time of their arrival a handreme parlor suit ordered by tbe Llederkranz from Oehs &. Ulbbs' os es tabllstimunt reasbed tbe beute, Mr. Albert was greatly eurprlsed at the appearance et the society, but he Invited them In. Prof. Gustave Kuhnr, en behalf of tbe society, presented the lurnlture te Mr. Albert aud tbat gentlemau made a feeling respense. After tbe presentation came the festivities of the evening, whleh consisted of singing, dancing and the par taking of an elegant aupper. It was a late hour when the rnerry puty lelt for their homer, wishing Mr. and Mrs. Albert many happy returns et tbelr weddlng anni versary. Colored Democrats at Wcat Utrster. Colored men who have forsaken the Republican party ler Democracy huve been laboring with the colored voters of West Chester for some weekB with geed effect Monday evening nmeetlng was bold, when a large number of colored men were pres ent and applauded tbe addresihs of the Demoeratie epeakers, who were also colored. S S. Licev and It (i, Stilt, et Philadelphia, and Frank I lu J. Weed, et West Chester, a graduate et Lincoln Uni versity, wete the speakers A club was afterwarJ formed te spread the doctrlr.es of Democracy among the 400 colored voters et West Chbttcr, Werk for tbehtreet Ceinmln loner. There van a cave In nn North Queen struct oppxtlte the poatetllce, where the Belgian blocks were recently re-laid, en Monday afternoon. Several teams made narrow escapes trem driving Inte the hole. Towards evening Street Commissioner Bsrlz filled tbe hole It Is only a question of a little time when there will be ether boles en this street, the stones having been relaid In a bungling manner. The police report a cave- n en Locust street, between Rockland and Llinn streets. It will be attended te te day by Commis sioner B9ilz. lllalne'a (Streng I'elut. It Is possible that Mr. Blalne doesn't knew that Secretary Jehn Slmrmau bad mere money deposited In a single national bank In New Yerk, when he was at the head of the treasuiy, than Secretary Fair child new hasdeieaited In all thn national banks In the country 7 Bosten Herald. Se you think he la telling the people what he knows, doyeu? If hedld that, it would roake mighty interesting reading. During the whole et this campaign he has been telling what he doesn't knew. On thatsutject hecan talk longer and better than any eiher man In tbe oeuntry. A. Y, Herald, Special Bertlcca at lit, Btepben't. Services preparatory te Reformation Day were beld at St, Stephen's Lutheran churuu en Sunday. The church was handsomely decorated and asermeu appropriate te tbe day was preached. A eptctal pregramme of exardaea haa been arranged for next leads. THE BOOKS WILL BE OPENED. COUNSEL FOK TUB "TIMES" DRilKRs TO 8&STUB LKaQUB'S ACCOUNT?, lb Attorney for I'arnetl Intimate That Will Us Ne Objection lettlmpny In tbeCe Being llen-Tb Cemt' Idea el lb Order of Bildace. Londen, Oct 30 On resuming the fit ting of the Patnell commission thla morn morn leg, Attorney General Webster, counseller for tbe Iiium, asked the court te en force the order permitting tbe IVmts te Inspect tbe Dank books of the National League containing an account of the League's deposits at the Hibernian, the National and tbe Monster banks. Judge Hannen said tbat It tbe banks, undercoler of protecting tbe privacy et their clients, obstructed tbe Investigation by the com mission, the court wculd put lis powers tn fore. Sir Charles Russell, counseller for the Parntllltee, Intimated that hla clients would raise no orjeotlcn te the production of tbe boekr. The hearing et evidence was then begun. Sir Charles Russell raised the question regsrdlng the order In which evidence was te be submitted. J uttlce Hannen said that he hoped tbat the evidence would be brought out in the order of sequence. Sir Richard Webster premised teappilte the parties implicated et the order et evi dence aa far aa pcaslble. TeOtarge Against Candidate Morten, Nkw Yehic, Oit. 30 The atateraent re ferred te lu a Washington dispatch this morning as likely te effect the loyalty of one of tbe Republican candidates Is prob ably the tallewing given out thla afternoon by tbe national Democratic cemmittee: A Washington correspondent wrltes the following letter te the national Democratic couitnlttee, regarding the record of the vice preildentlal candi date en the Republican tloket, Levi P. Morten, during the war: "I am In loiiessleu of lnformtlen concerning Morten's record during the war. I am Informed that, while he pesed as a Unionist in New Yerk, It Is suieeptlble et proof trem tbe records In tbe possession el the govern menl that he waa constantly engaged In shipping dry goods from New Yerk te Nassau, New Provi dence, ene of the Bahama Ialands, and then re-sblpplng thorn; te Southern ports by blockade runners." Mr. Morteu was aeen In bis cfilee by a reperter, but declined either te affirm or doey tbe charge. An American Clusin Freed. Waiuiwoten, Oat 3a Tbe sutodopait sutedopait sutodepait ment Is In receipt of a dispatch ft out Minister Bragg saying tbat J. B. Lawrence, an American citizen, wbe haa been con fined In prison at Sitae, Mexico, en a charge of train robbery upon tbe Mexican Central railway, atate el Guanajuato, since June 17, 18S8, was discharged from custody en tte 20th Instant lie' Net Insane, Tbey Bay. New Yebk, Oct 80. Patrick Hkelly, tbe old man from Louisiana, who waa tcund helpless In Parle Rew recently with about 110,000 in his pockets, left tbe pavilion for the Insane at Belle vue hospital thla mernlcg. Bis brother, who bad oeme en from tbe Seuth en hearing et the case, took charge of blm. Tbe man Is neither Insane nor a miser. There la a myatery surrounding the old man which the hospital people are leth te make public. One Cbsrge Dismissed. Oiiicae.0, Ojt. 30. Justice Hamburger tbls inemlng discharged Julius Kateberg, Peter D. Tompkins, Thomaa Nichelson and Jehn Magee, tbe alleged dynamiters, en tbecbargoet unlawfully handling dyna mite. The consplraey case was then taken up and evidence waa heard upon tbat The decision knocks out Captain Sebaack'a theory that the explealve materials put upon the traeks were dangerous te life and limb. An Actreee Ileceuie Insane. Nkw Yeiiu, Oef. 30 LUlle Gould, who hasdone thoseubrette lusevetal theatres throughout the oeuntry, waa taken te the pavilion for tbe luaane at Bellevue hospital last night She keeps up an inceaaant chattering and etaiks about her nsrrew cell like a tragedy queen. Her condition Hull Critical. Nkw Yenu, Oot 30. Mrs. James G. Blaine, Jr., Is slightly Improved in health, the doctor tays, this morning, but her condition Is still critical. She Is suffering from acute nervous proatratlen bordering en brain fever whleh added te ber other wise dclleate condition makes her friends fear a cbaoge ler the werse at any time. m TltADK IN TOUAOCO. Leral Dealera Handle Beveral Uundred Casta During tbe Fast Week, The local market for leaf tobacco during the past week'.was net dull. The sales air gregated 1.000 ess. Hkilesft Frey sold 135 Oises,and bought 50 of '87 seed and Havana. D. A. Mayer aeld 125 cases '80 Havana aeet. B S. Kendlg A. Ce. sold 150 cases aud bought 00 cases. Tne weather the past week waa net favorable for the curing et the '83 crop, What Is needed Is n few weeks of warm weather. Tbore are many line crops of tobacco In tbe oeurity, but in a number Is what Is termed "tail end" tobaeoo, or tobacco replanted tee late aud mixed wltb the gecd tobacco. Claua' Weekly Bepert. Following are the bales of seed leat tobaeoo reported for the Intkllieknukh by J. H. liana' non, louaeoo Krener, nv. 131 Watrrstreet, New Yerk, for the week ending Oct 20, 1888 : 500 canes 1887 Htate Havana WiQ-Oe ; 250 ctsee 1887 New Euirland Havana, HW'$5'.:270ea'6H 18S7 Pennsylvania Ha vana, )i'i", 150 cases 1887 Pennsylvania Havana. I5c; 300 1887 Wisconsin Ha vana, 7Q1-WC ; 105 cases 1885 Ohie, p. t. Total 1,C0 cases. Oeltbrated Uls Filth lllrlbday. The little friends et Jehn Blselnger, Jr., gave btin a surprise en Monday evening, at bis parents' residence, the Maner hotel, It being his fifth birthday. There were 45 et bin playmates present aud a large number of relatives and friends. Tbe evening was spent In games and amusements. Mr. Keener entmUtned the ehlldren wltb sielght-ef.hi.nd tricks, and Mr. Parker rendered several flnu selectlcna en tbe guitar and harmeulca. Mr. Sbread, en behalf et the Older of Buffaloes, preaenled te young Blbslnger, ttie mascot of the order, aputaeet (15, The young gentle man received a uumber of valuable preseuts. The commit!" who arranged the surprle pirty were Mamle Allabach, Hadle Flick, Mamie HeUui and Sallle Kautz. A Mill CretK Uult. Patrick Mclienna has bwtn sued before Alderman Deeo. He is charged by Fred. erick Mumuie with surety of the peace In thratenlnit te knock his brains out. Mrs. McKenna is charged by the same prose cutor with being a common scold. The ac cused live at Mill Creek, ou the Pennsyl vania railroad, and tbey have entered ball for a bearing. Chercb Dedication, The new United Bretbreu church at Sil ver Springs will be dedleated en Sunday, November 11. There will be services a. 9 .30 a. in., 2 and 7 p. in. Tbe presiding elder et tbe dlttrlet will have charge of tbe servicer, and will be aasuud by a number el Clergymen, A "Cart-tall Canvass." The carl-tall canvass In the Interest of tariff reform, arranged by E. Ellery Andcr Andcr sen and the Reform club, was Inaugurated In New Yerk en Mendsy. One truck, designated tbe "Old Reman," started from Pier A. It was decorated with streamers, digs, bandannas snd mottoes. On this truck were E, Kllery Andersen, Everett P. Wheeler, a fifer and drummer, two baakela et tariff llterature and a satchel con taining speclmen suits et American and Kngllsh manufactured clothes. Mr. Ander Ander eon made tbe opening speech et this novel campaign, and explained the advantage whleb, he said, the working men would gain from tatllt reform. Tbe vehicle pro ceeded around the Battery te Seuth atreet, and thence te Bread, whero a halt waa called In front of the stock ex. ebanga Brokers, bankers andclerksorew. ed around the "Old Reman," aud heads appeared In every available window. Mr. Andersen took out the two suits et clothes and explained that the our American made containing 50 per cent of wool, cost 1 10 in this city, and the ether, containing 80 per cent of wool, only cost V lu Lon Len Lon deu; that en the former the duty ou raw material was G 00 and the latter f 1.10, while the workman en the (7 ault waa paid 12 There were eheets ter Harrison, each time, however, followed by loud chcera for Cleveland. One man yelled: "Take tbat British flag out of your pocket" Whereupon Mr, Wheeler drew a red bandanna, and created great enthusiasm by waving It The Produce Exchattge was next visited, and the arguments were ro re peated. Anether truck, called "Grever Cleveland," freighted with documents snd geed talkers, canvassed lite districts In the neighborhood of Ninth avonue aud Fifty ninth atreet A thlid truck, railed "Old Hickory," performed Its work In West street and the Washington market ZZZS TUBT TfKNT TO MAltllAr. Bems el the lltpunileau Clubs Visit the Leng Itoreuxh aud t'arade. The Republicans bad a parade at Marietta last evening In whleh a number of visiting clubs participated. Amnug them were the Yeung Republicans and Seventh, Eighth and Ninth wnrd clubs of this city. All day yesterday the heelers of the ward clubs weie kept tramping ever town begging money from the politicians te make the trip and they Bucoeednd in getting eunugh, although the bosses say that the money Is thrown away and they are booming sick of it The trip was made ever the Reading read and the cars were taken at tMeKIng street atatlen. The members of the watd clubs turned out lalrly,well but tbe Yeung Republicans had only thirty men. Indeed their crowd waa ae small tbat they were ashamed te couie out of their room, en North Queen atreet 'or some tlrue. Lew Hart man, and Turnkey "Butch" Miller gave the boys of tbe Seventh and Eighth wards their tickets at the statlen. The train which had the Lancaster delegation ou, only ran te Oblokles atatlen and from tbore the clubs were obliged te walk several miles evor a terribly bad read te Marietta. After tbe parade they returned, retchlng Lancaster between land 2 o'cIeck tbls morning, aud tbe members were pretty well disgusted with tbe trip. Some of the youngsters who compose the Yenng Republicans are un able te atsnd the hardships of a campaign and they have refused te take part in any ruore parade.', although the managers hsve laid out something ler every night tbls week. A short tliue atter the train had left Chlckies en the return trip seme one threw a torch through oue el tne ear window?, breaking rut tbe slats and buratlng thu head of a bass drum Inside. "THE QOLDISN OIANT MIRK' An Old Lancaster Favorite Terus Up In a New Flay. At the opera heuse last evenlng there was a medium alzsd audlence when Mrs. McKee-Itankln and oempiny appeared in tbe play entitled "The Geluuu Giant Mine." The star of this company lu former years waa a great favorite in Lancaster. When abe was known as Kitty Blsnehard she appeared here as Gabriel with Rice's "Evangeline," aoemlo opera, whlcb, by tbe way, bas been tevlved with auceeai These woie tbe days when Henry Dlxey and Rlebard Gelden were doing the heifer " business" and Harry Hunter, E.H. Tarr and ether well known people wero In Mr. Ktec'a employ. In later yeara the lady was seen here as JHllle i"ij)er In "The Danltcs." The play in whteu Mia, Ran kin new atars Is by Clay Green, It Is or the Woitem mining character without the bleed aud tbunder that Lancaster people have bad se rnueh of recently. The play and oempauy are both strong, and thu audience waa pleaeed with the production. Mrs. Rsnkln appeared In the character of Stasia Fairfax, for which she Is admira bly suited. Among the support meriting apeelal mention, were J. F.Pike as Alexan der rairax, Henry O, Lewis a Ja el. Masen, and ethers. LOCAL Villi B. The fatso pretense case against Cyrna Beweiaat Alderman Hal bach's, preferrcd by tbe officers of the Peeples National bank, has iieen arranged satis 'acterlly te all tbe parties Interested, Last evening B. F, Howe, auctioneer for executers of Jehu Hees, offered for sale two two-story houses mi North Water atreet, another en West Walnut atreet They wero withdrawn. James Carrell, arrested en Frederick stri-et. en Mendav. ter besalntr. bv Sneclal Officer Kbrman, was aent te J all this morn ing uytue mayor lornveuays. xwoieugers were discharged. e Cleveland's btreugib In Jlllcelt. The Cleveland aud Thurmanclubef tbe Chicago Beard of Tradu new numbers ever 1.0C0, including 100 grain. trimmers, en or whom voted for Blaine, It leaked out en Monday that "Bess" Davis had a poll made of Cook county, lueludlng Chlcige, about a month age, aud feutid te hla morti fication tbat Cleveland had 4 COO majority. Net satlatled, tbe Republican leaders ordered another canvas, whleh abewed 7,000 for Cle eland. This comes very direct, and la verified by geed authority. Bets even en Cleveland carrying this atate are mero abundant than ever, aud takers lew. Seme even beta are tbat Palmer will have 10,000 majority for governor, The Ills llecelver Completed, The new gas receiver et tbe Lancaster Gas and Fuel company Is completed aud will be In use In a few days. 'Iho work et excavation was begun In tbeeprlug and six weeks age the builders et tbe huge tsnk riveted the first het. The receiver's wster rapacity la 105,000,000 gallons, and holds 1!10,OCO cublu feet et gar. Dally & Fowler, Philadelphia, were the conlractera for tbe Iren work, and their mechanic Samut-1 Geutner and Gee, Stoeber, et l'lillr delpbla a-eirdlng te Mr. Jehn if, Hiuiti gardner, succeeded lu putting up a ilrst ilrst ciaasjeb, More AReat ejuij'a Bletnl Campaign. Frem the New Yerk lliraia. Quay's plan, as disclosed last night, con. templates arrtsta by the wholesale of such unfortunate outcasts ax have neither friends nor money te aid them. Charges of illegal registration and colonization are te be pre ferred agalust them, aud thu whole thing Is Intended te be suddenly Hashed en the publlose as te make credulous people be lieve tbat Quay de. I res nn honest election. The acbumu la intended te keep tbeuaanda of peer and tlmld Democrats fiem tbe polls by having It proclaimed that detectives are en tbe watch ready te arreht any one en bus. plclen. Tbe wholesale aricets are te te made en the day bolere election. At the JrlaiDuercher. There was a large crowd nt Maianorcher hall lat evenlng, where a pleas.iut sociable was beld. There was no cenuert, but tjulte a number of aengs were well rendered by members el the society. Dinelng was kept up until a late hour. . Making Way Fer the rubllc Untitling, Charles Kehr-ebel, who Uiebaiid th old buildings en tLO reir of the Atlte properly, where the uttw pentcfllce is te be erected, has a force of tueu at work tearing down and removing them. Mad an AMlgument. Adam DleUIeh and wife, city, made an assignment et their property today for the benefit of oredlters, te Jehn W. Eshleman, of Wttt LuBpaur tewninip, AN OVATION TO THURMAfe HE IlEVIBtVS A BIONS1EII FABADB IN WUBBLINO, WEST THtQINlA, Twenly.flr Thousand l'eeple Wltntet tba uemonttratlen-Clnbs Frem Fenntrltanla and Ohie Attend 1'rlvats itesideacta and Haslners Flaefs Decorated. Wiikkmne, W. Va., Oaf,, 3a 1 r, m, It Is a gala day in Wheeling. Every Demo cratic buslness heuse and private retldeee en all the principal thoroughfares and meat et the residence stieeta are decorated with bandannas, bunting and flags. At an early hour this morning trains be gan te arrive evor the different reada leaded down with people and Democratic otuDswue came right here te tske part la or leek at the parade. There were clubs from Pittsburg and Allegheny City and from Washington and ether Pennsylvania towns, while every Western Ohie county irein Columbiana te Menreo sentdelega- M tiens. The dav be Inn fine, tbe parade wan ivV- very successful. At neon it is ninvlnsr: 't through the streets, viewed bv an lm. i. menee concourse of peeple. Judge -, auM.nu AUUU n, UV UTBU W Jf' trie paraue in company with senator ? fuuikner, ex. senator Camden and Chair . tutu, j.uujr, ui iuu meiuutJiuiumep, luiiuwcis by about twenty Uve carriages containing M- distinguished pecple from Pennsylvania, OUle and West Virginia, The cluba pre sented a One appearance, and the estimate of the number in line runs from six te nine thousand, wbile net lers than 25.CC0 pople were en the Btreets as spectatets. v Judire Thurmsn Is nnw rnvfn-slntr eiai'N precession from a graud stand, surrounded '.' by leading Democrats, The speaking will begin at 2 o'clock tbla nllcmoec, from llvoerelx different stand. Among tbe speakers will be Gen. A. J. Warner, of Ohie, Hen. Jehn W. Book Beok Boek waiter, of Ohie, Hen. W. D Moere, of Penntvlvanla. and Hanatnrs Kau'knnr aiit Camden, ct West Vliglnla. Judge 'lbur-V man win apeaK te nigui in tue iiuk. .j--iS A imiDQK FALLS INTO A fllVEK. Odd Man InMantly Hilled and Beveial Fittallr Injured Namee el the Victims. rnnnhud thin fl!lwntnrr1ftv nltArnnnn nf thm sudden uollanse el the larire llewa Iren 'K'1 truss county bridge near Blalrvllle, 10.11 ( . .. .. k Ml.. .... . -.. Xi.M uiiien nuuiu ui uere. j no uriugu was uu ?M toot In the dear and 43 ft.ct above high $irl water, iuu uuu Bau ruuuuiug eiuar svoresti . V - Hlir Muddy river. A irantr. et men were at -X, work repairing the flooring an order waa M given ene et thorn te loeseu a girder a .y4 the main supports and one turn et the-'ftv' 1 ...it am ...- .Iitf hvlitn..r., I f .!.... k mwmtt TZ without n in nm mil's warnlntr the vaatig mass drepped te the water, fifty feet below."1 hi William Thompson was Instantly killed i)r9f and ten ethers were fatally or seriously in- ig -j juiuu. xiiu lujureu am, r, n. eiuimjt ifg broken collar-bone ; Arthur MeKhea, Jaw broken and hurt Internally ; Jatnca Camp- -; bell, lelt leg broken, one eye knocked out J and head crushed, he will die ; D. Maffeld, ,1; : t.ntt, vntiH l.rnirfin nmlAlnft klitn nrllt,ftf1 SX Jehn Edmund, back broken and denser- it.. ou Inlernal Injuries, be cannot recover ; &i Themas Robinson, oue arm broken and ?,M UIUJY UUBUSU iiNllVQU.IIlPl UIVMUMUi t t ,'.' i Frank Lseeb, fingers of one hand cut of ; r lhoedore Harris, both hip broken ; aa g&M unknown man badlv crushed. ?.a A valuaritn tntm nf lirtrefle waj klllAff. & The brldge was built In 187C, and cost f0,6CO. Mf Four Men lllenru te Flecea. ' Milwaukee, Oat 30. The boiler el tbe tug Lawrence burst tbls morning ell North A Point Captain Sullivan, Engineer Sullivan ir, and Fireman Sullivan, and tbe llnencai, Themas Handlry, wbe were all near the " Im.allAi. hnllni- wArn Mnwn (n ntrrflL Tha tug Merrill, whleh was near by at thexirmei ei tne explosion came in uie iticue uu picked up Frank McGewatfj the cook, and Themas Deeley, who was en beard as a visitor. A thorough ecatch waa made by the Merlll, but no traces of the mangled bodlea could be found. Tbe Lawrence was valued at fAOOO. . The Nary Orderad te Uaill. WASHiKdTOjr, Oat 30. Ths sseretary et atate has requeatcd the navy departs send a man el-war te Haytl, l Jred at hi American interests mere, wZ7xday, aa haa bojeepardlzsd by the aelzuretu. lcau meainer Hay tlen Republic at St. j ... Tbe Bosten, tbe only avalable vesstl of tbe ifj Central American pert, beyond the reaeh . s4 of the telegraph. Efferts, however, will --S1 ue inaue w uiuiujHuiva,u wt.u uv., uw is expected alie will be able te reach Hajitl In a few days. TBLBQllAl'llIt; taps. Richard O. Warren, disbursing clerk at tbe Reck Island, Ills., arsenal, has been arrested for embezzleuieut of government funds. The amount or his discrepancies Is net known. Wurrin has been In tbe post pest post tleu twenty years. He Is a resident of Daveupert and his arrest has created a gieat burprlse. Rtchard Barber was aentenced In ltbaa. N. Y., te-day te be banged Dec. 17. Tbe prlrener beard the sentence without ex hibiting any emotion. Henry F. Alberts, late lumber dealer of Buffalo, has disappeared, leaving behind him a large amount of debta and spurious paper. It la believed the aggregate ui me j?" spurious paper will reach (50,000. Leuis Helm Sleanaker, cashier at Stenx City, Iowa, ter the Ohloage & North western railway, who Is said te have ab- soended some time age, baying embezzled , about (4,000 of the company's funds, waa v traced te Terente and arrested last night Yesterday morning at Fayettevlile, N. V., Whattea J. Greeu, ex-congressman from the Third North Carolina district, aud Ml a. Adee Davis, relict of Vice President David ! DavU, were married, ' At Wilkeabarre yesterday Mlke Dry luichl, a miner, eloped with a young Hungarian girl. Twe brothers el the girl pursued thu rnnawaya and en oemtngup wltb tbe pilr hacked Drylulehi with an axe ae badly tbat hla recovery la doubtful. Five tbeiuand colliers In the Rhondad Rhendad Rhondad Orfatueni valleye, WbUb, have atiuck fir higher waea. A fire at Athens, Me., tbls morning burned lite eterec, Including Wade ifc Ware'd new three-stery,. block In whleh waa a pttblle hall, also Odd Fellows' hall. Lese (J&.OOOj lnsurance (10.0CO. Ileulaugei'a Ounibter Married. Londen, Oot, 30 -The civil marriage of i Geu. Boulanger'a daughter, Marettlle, te ' Capt. Drlant, took place yeiterday. Only the most intluute ;rleada were preaent. The religious ceremony laaes fw w-uj. A Uurular tteuteueed. Albany, N. V Oot. ia-PiIce, the bank robber, waa this morning seateaaei te 19 yen and five months lu DannemeraprUea at hard labcr, i m WB4TUK11 1NO10A1IONS. P Washington, U- . , 3(x-cr Eastern l'eansylvani : Fair, colder Tuesday, warmer Wedueeday , north, westeriyrtjaokleg te seuthwesteriywlnds, Kon'theceMtfore abort tieTdiw aJPHBOOfli m -3 m m ..? .. & --..3 JU-TM TO Ml Wf J lit n.r1 vv$ A J JS m ts 1SJ sa m v m -r " " "'-,' -..- ,. "'!