K?l b JPi.TT7 , m rabfrmrefr fflr "5C CTHH ?. i ,jgv ;? -"i "r"ir v -YvVfTl Vf V J' s 2 :.:. LANOASTBK DAILY INTELLIGENCER, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27,1888. t'-? r 'x -r ; iSfe v-i't u. w m ifft l is & & '-. iwa. lr?V k rw 'it s v ? T I'SS 15? ;i fr i"j- PS, Its h. f I rc& I ft' . 3 a -tb A The Daily Intelligencer, LANCASTKlt, UCTOUEIt S7.1SSS, They Lingh TYIien Tutjr Slienld Ween. Tlie Republican press and orators affect te eee In tbe letter that tlie Urltlsh min ister v.s trapped Inte writing, nn effect as fAtel te Cleveland as llurclinrd's Hum, Romanism and Rebellion was te l)lilne ; tbelr idea being that tlie Jlrltlsli minis ter's expression of opinion tbat Cleve land would treat tbe Caunda matter with a conciliatory spiilt, would inflame Irish sentiment against him. Just bow they can get this opinion it is net easy te eee ; because tbe mere they excite atten tion te this Canada business tliomeio clearly will they discover te the Irish voters that the Republican Senate refused te give te the president tbe retaliatory power which he asked for and which tbe Heuse promptly granted. The resolution laid dead In the Senate for a month be fore Its late adjournment ; and, as Judge Thurman has Jmt aid, will lie dead for ever, se far as Republican effort can make it dead. "Where then i3 tbe Republican capital te come out of tbe letter of tbe British minister expressing tbe opinion tbat Cleveland's policy toward Canada would b9 conciliatory, even supposing tbat this was a correct opinion? Iu the first place, a conciliatory policy 13 what the geed sense et the country will demand from the president in Ills treatment of foreign countries, for no sensible cltiren wants te be rushed into war when It can be honorably avoided; nnd supposing that there is a bloody Irish element, that is net sensible when con sidering our relations with England, hew de the Republicans expect that this element will be drawn te sup port the Republican jurty, In face of the fact that the discussion of this Sackvllle AVest letter makes It clear te everyone that the Republican .Senate refused te the presldent the retal iatory power against Canada which he demanded and pledged himself te use If granted 'i It is certain that the nntl Engllsli feeling of the country caunet be attracted te the Republican party en this Issue , and that it is in vain that Its leaders will deneunce the Democratic party as insincere in its declaration in favor of retaliation, when the Republican senators have demonstrated certainly tbat the Republican rarty 13 net In favor of that vigorous policy. If the Dem cratic party was te be put In a hele of Mint kind tbe Republican Senaloeught te have given the Democratic president the power be asked for, nnd have made him face the music. It was afraid, knowing very well that lie would de what be threat ened; and it is silly In the highest extreme for the Republican party new te claim for itself the political support tbat the Republican Scnate deliberately rejected. It is a wonderful exhibition or cheek. And when it is understood that the Rritish minister was made the victim of n Republican trick, it 13 still les3 likely that his party will take anything by It. It is far mere likely te bring it te grief along with Lord Sjckvllle AVest, Who proved tee confiding and unsophisticated te stand up against theirgame. He Is tbe victim of th.ir conspiracy ; and net the president and tbe Democracy, whom it cannot hurt. A Sad Case. The Lancaster Examiner frequently assumes a Butirlcal style In its reflections upon the vanity and weakness of men. AVe have noted with admiration the flue scorn and keen sarcasm tbat It fearlessly dispenses at limes te social snobbery and sham, and any hint en tbe part of a clti 7en that he possibly considers himself better than somebody else. Rut this top tep top leftlcal critic of ethers has mere than once fallen, and fallen regularly and ruinously into the very worst variety of this same fault. The Examiner has often been moved te declare as it did en Friday that in the ranks of the Republican party is concentrated till the worth and intelligence of the American people. Says the Examiner : " Take away banners, mottoes and all insignia of party and you can tell a Re publican fremT a Democratic parade, Imply from its better nppearance aud in telligent bearing." AVe accept the charitable theory that the writer of the above is the victim of an unbalanced development of intellect. Ills studies en ether topics lave evidently strengthened his judgment of borne things ut the expense of his mental sym metry, and he holds te belief that all that is geed is Republican, just us hundreds of confined lunatics believe themselves te be somebody else. It Is a mere acci dent tbat his mental twist happened te take this form instead of a belief that he was the king of England or tbe Ah Sind of Muscat. Fortunately for lis readers the Eiaml ncr usually gives some plain indication when this lit is en by some absurdly mis taken account of current events. It does this in the present case by referring te the Republican parade as "the finest that the city has ever witnessed," though even in its maudlin condition it liuds it necessary te explain that it does net mean in numbers, but in appeiutineuts, marching and effect. "The individual Democrat may be an admirable man, but it is useful te see him In the aggregate and compare him w ith the Republican miss. Yeu had the sight list night, voters, and if you are observant you surely had but one conclusion te draw that permanent safety can only hi found behind the Intelligence of tbe Republican party." These readers of the Exanmur', who raw the two pa rides and noted the vast superiority of tie Democrats in marching, equipments, eethusiasn,and remarked the great num. bar of wagons and mules in the Bjpubllcan parade, will doubt whether tha writer of the abeve was In town tbat night. And as for Intclli gance, the comparlsenjmay be illustrated by the stupid Republican ex which had te ba led ujeug by a halter while the DmecraUcanIwaI intelligently marched In harness. (ULirenxiA. ductals are showing an or cm et real In the oiifercoinent of the Ublnete exclusion net. IUs a ratter email business 10 try te kt-ep out a few dezsn Chinamen, who return te Nan Kinnclsoe tier a summer In Alaska, und tlie court tbat e promptly declared that their return could net be stepped should nave reproved the zuleui eMclals. They ought te knew leat the deck et an American ablp ta legally Aumlean territory aud In the voyage from Alaska the Ohiuese have net left our feuulry, Mr. Quay is playing a deper. nte game, for defeat ineana te lilm the re lentless anger et his party, already Inpa tient with n manrgemenl of tbe campaign which has practically given tbe lead te their candldale of four years Bge, and lelt thelr plntterm In n eadly wrecked and dan gerous condition. The better clement et the party hnve rtcelved his unscrupulous metheds with Itl-coccealed dipgust, and Le knows that Ida political llfe depends upon tbe Issue. AVe may, tlierofero, expect him te resort te tbe meat bold and desporate meiiurcs tbat cnnnliiKcan suggest, and the last days of tbe emipilgn will probably be fertile In carefully sprung traps llke tbe Beckvllie West letter, nud the trapper will niake as much nolse ever bis small garae an though bis centcmp'.lble snares could catch ele phant?. m m Tuts Is n contest between two palir, Cleveland and Thurman, and Quay and Maine Tbat la the long and abort of tbe wbole raatter, and every candid man kuewa that If Quay and Jllnlne aucceed tbey will manage things te suit themselves with small dcllerence te tbe ilgure heads 01 tteir party. Tun Kepubllcans raske se much fuss about the loiter of tbe lirlttsb mlnlster te the mythical KeRllahman In California who asked him te tell him, In strlet confidence and eccrcey, whether Cleveland waa going te retaliate upon Canada, and whether It would be welt te vote for him, tbat we ptlnt the loiter, which otherwise we would net consider worth tbe space It occupler. This man Murcblsen has been bunted for at tbe address be gave In California and can net be found. The Les Aogeles Tunes tbat KftVO this lotler te the publleaduilta that there la no man of that name, but says tbat tbe persen who wrete It exists, and wants te remaln unknown. Of com no be exists ; and he Is believed te be con ncctcd with tbe riiiia Naturally be would net want his name te be known, be caueo of bis breach et faith In publishing a tetter which be securcd tinder tbe prornlse that be would keep It sterol and regard It as atrlclly oenllJcntlal. The New Yerk Herald's California corros cerros corres demce anya that tbe city editor of the Leu Angeles Timet, Charles V. LuminlP, con cocted the lettrr. lfe Is new It atoms In MexICP.IiavIUftbcoustrlckeuwltbparaljBlH, und hardly oDjeya aibe expected todelbo result or bla tchome te catch the llrlllsb minister aud mnke capital for bla party. Ills lotler wnsmalled fremaamnll place near Les AiikeIcp, called 1'omena, en Hep-tetnber-l, and was received by Minister West en the I211i, who answered It next day, tbe atinwcr Retting te Pomona en Hcptemtier 21 tt The answer net being such as was hoped ler, end containing no recommendation as te who tbe correspon dent Mieulit vete for, thore appears te hnve bcen delay in the publication until a coun cil of war could be held among the Repub lican leadors of tbe country as te whelher It would be wlaote print It, The decision Lelni; In the afUrmatlve, the Les Angoles Tunes piloted It Ojt. 21, and tolejrnphoJ It at ence all ever tbe country; whero tbe Republican lodders, knowing It was coining, wero realty lore?elvo and use It. And this Is all thore is of the letter tbat their plot drew out : PIUVATK. Hni-lam In rtcelpt otyeur loiter of the Ith lust, and ber you te say that I fully nppreclatutbedllllculty In which ynu 11ml yeurae'lt In casting jour vete, ou are probably nwiire that any political parly which nperly favored tbe mother country tit the piiBent momeut would leau popu larity, nud thai the party in power Is fully iiwme et thin fact. Tbe party, bowevcr, le, 1 belterp, still doilreiiH et maintaining friendly filiatiens with Ureat llrltaln, nnd h Mill as desirous of settling all questions with Cannda which have been unfortunately roeiKirmd aluce the retraotlen of the treaty by the Republican inpjerlty In tbe Honalo and by tbe prcsldent'u meSHagp, le which eii allude. Allowance must, tboreforc, be mnde for tbe political nltuatlen as re-gntds the presidential election thus crented. It le, totvever, lmposslbleto pro pre pro dlet tbe cource which I'rcsldent Cleveland may pursue In tbe mailer of retaliation abeulit be be oleeted, but there la every reaHen te believe tbat, wblle upholding the position he Iihh taken, be will manliest a i-pltll el conciliation 111 dealing with the question Involved In bis message. I onclnse nu artlcln Irmn tbe New "Yerk Tunes el August 'Zl, and remain, ycura faithfully, L. ti HACKVii.i.iMYi.H.r. ISi.vi.ltM, Mass., Bept. 13, lb3& -- PERSONAL. M111 JamksO. Hi.aink, Jr., Is seriously HI ut New Verk from uorveus prostration. W'liiam T. IJa.mii.ten, ex-governnr of Marjhmd Btidtix Tolled Htates aenater, died en KrldRV, ut JJagorstewn, Md, Mus Amki.ii: Kivks Oiianlku Is anon. tbusUstle Uemecrut und la anxious lu see l'resldeut Cloveland re oleeted. W. W. Cet.kman, aged &S, proprletor of Der Herald, tbe leading Uertuan paer In MIlKutikeu, dled en Friday In a room I u his uowHpaper IUce. He waa atrlcken with paralysis wblle at bis desk a few days hlUCO. Till: I'KKalllK.II AMI THE FI51IKKIK3 An Icttti-Amcilcan' Concise mmimeiit el llm Seimle' IJIiceuillture. Jehn UiyluO'l.'cllly In tbe liosten Pilet. When the Republican Henate defeated Chamberlaln's lUherlca treaty they struck a chord that vibrated clean through the people, regardless of party. Tbe verdict el the country was undoubtedly against the pa-eagoef this treaty and tbe Republican njoctlen was n dlelntegratlug atroke. The Republican press lustaully began te grind out campaign documents culling Mr. Clove Cleve lanil u ''Jlrltlsh proatdent." Hut wheu tlie president swept tbe wbole field clear with his uninlatakoab'e und practical retaliation moasage the surprised country paused and Icoked toward tbe Nprmlii In Him uhnt It wnuM .In I. ....... - crucial moment. The Ropubliesn sentteis wuruatruck between wind and water. Ttiey werndlsuiayedlntoexjieiilntfielrcowardly policy nud hjpccrlsy. Tbe presldent told tbuui, in bis plain, straightforward way, that Blnce they bad declared agalnat negoti ation and ter retaliation, he would lake them at their word, lle waa net dlsposed te ubandonthe rights of American tlshor tlsher meu any mere than tbey were. The plan he presented was plain and unmistakable. It was thorough, direct und ttlectlve. Hut le I these patrlotle and valiant do de tractcr. being taken at tbelr word, at oueo Icat all thblr zeal. The president Immedi ately bicame lu their eyes a "dangerous man." He was net te be entrusted with retaliatory pewerp, because be had shuwu be was ready te ute them. The aenatera bave lest thelr orpe'tunlty, bocauke they were lublueere. Toe prosl presl ilent has wiped out an administration mis take and actually strengthened himself and his party In dcieg se, because be was out spoken aud full of convletlon and purpose. m m SlurUsrtil lly llurglars. Invld Sellers and bis wife, living near Mount Uileud, Ohie, were murdered Thursday night, und tbelr furm-buuse was tired by the perpetrators or tbe crlme. Thelr daughter aud the blred man, who slept up sialic, wete awakened about 'i o'clock Friday morning by smeke bbferu thfi HAmnit linll crnlnHit mlinh lm. fte. They iscaped und finally succeeded In get- ..ILI Liia uduiDfl ill mil nuu iiim. ntiiinrH ..ill Heib worn dead. The man's bead had been burned cl), and the woman's skull bad been crushed and her Jaw broken. The coroner held an lncpuest and declded that both bad bsen muruereJ. Nil era was very wealthy aud was in the habit of keeping money li tbe house. it is iberefore supposed lhat tbe murder was committed by burglars. Teere Is great ixe lenient In the vlclnlly of Ml. Ullead and iiarUm 1mm lir.cn , ...,. .,...".' search for theinurdereis. B ' Ueuiiucd WltU f earls, A mouth geinmea r-lth peailj nasties rafli rafli ance every ttme It epeni. iha contiaslbt centiaslbt contiaslbt twien tbe ruby el ruby lips aua tbe pearly tettththey cucloeea bis wliigBJ tba fancy e't msny u pout, Hii JUONT, Utr ente, la ten tbtng tb it ineit eautributej te adorn tba friu tnlne uieuUi 11 ts pure, Ills areiuatte.lt ro re t.lus tba uutural color of teeth, lucruattd wtih jeliew lattir. Negritty oretbor ebjeit tlouable lagrixlieet contaminates it, Its oaer Is balmy, and lis purlfflev operation ther. ea M,w,rXw BOOKS AND AUTHORS, We anii Heeks, by Agnes Koppller, Houghten, Minim A Ce. Tnls vnlume or i asaya by the slster of tbn late Mrr. Katbatlne R. Dougherty, of this city, eorers se great a variety of topics that the combination ro re nemblea n llrst-clats mtgszlte, Heme of Ibe tltlns nre "On tbe llonelHs et Hupornll Hupernll lltinn," "The Decay of 8011111111,'' "Uu ilOHltlCH of crlilcUm," "Heme ABpcesls of I'eatlmism," "Children IVstnnd Present." All of tbe articles hnve been printed lu leading msgtzlncs nud nre excellent speci mens of that claps of that high grade el lit lit erature, M Us Koppller aptly refers te Ibe pleasure.thnt the nvernge pessimist takes in doaiennttatlng the bopeli'ssnoea of tbe world nnd In all hercnnK Isentcrtslnlng. A Man Hteiiy by K. N. Howe, Rosteo, Ticknor t Ce., la a curious tuloet a queer character and several ether characters equally queer who are all drawn lu an easy but ilnlsbed way that makes h very entertaining book. The here's mirrlage has been a very emphalic failure, lle and his wlfe bate ene another with touching cordiality and he obtains n dlvorce, an be believes, and marries another woman. Mbe Is represented as a number ene woman lut has no end of treuble through the unex pected eflerts of wlfe number ene te tight tneuiverce proceouing". tub story onus happily In the geed old fashioned way, and In spite of tbnunattractlve pletlsaftrctg and well written study ofchnracter, nnd ii a type of character net nften well derctlced. Tbe author mnde qulle a llulter among tbn critics by his "Story of a Country To?e," and new they are beginning te rovlse their judgments of his first boektosnlt tboiKipu tbeiKipu iar approval wen by Ills originality. Mr. liowe writes of Weatern llfe and characters and takes bis own tlme te it with un atten tion te trivial detail and repetition that would be very tlresome In a wrlte le original and humorous. Inkiihitv; Its causes, lis results, Its remedy, by Dr. Franklin D. Ciiitu. L'p L'p L'p plnoett it Ce. This book lscnllr. 1; tree from prohibition fanaticism, nud the author prescribes ler habitual drunkards u pruolt pruelt pruolt cable courae of lemporate dtlnklng with n view te curing the habit. He tells thorn hew te "sober up," nud In fact furnlnbis net only a tomperanou manual of rnte vulue uuia nanu doek ler urunKarua, Jt is u so se so riens, shrewd and liberal book tbat la sure te de much geed. Woiumvermi Is mentioned by Canen Duller as oxprecHlng bla mind with grcnt frankness concerning llyren, "He was a man," he mild, ' of tbe most rancorous ills position, who nover cired what pain be In dicted 011 olheis he long us he grntllled his own vanity. Mi, tee, he nttneked me, who had neer wrlltcnu word In dlspnragemcul et him. lle was a man of urcnt natural gllta which be derndtd by hl mlsusu of thorn." Onomernlnglhtilj OllvorWendell Helmes stnpped Inte his hulchi;i V, and hnndlng the proprletor bis latent bill, nsked what wan meant by serving lit 111 with mch an autlqualed fowl u'i the dodo. "What de you mean?'' mked tbe astenlsbid meat vouder. "Why leek here," said Dr. Helme, "you have rhnrged me 'Oal. 1 six pounds btef 1 Ojt. 'J, tlve pounds dodo.' I have nevt-r received ibe bird." Tkntimi en Tin: Pi.aini, or (lneral Cuslerlu Kansas and Teia-i, bv ICIl.ibeth II Cmter. Cbarles L. Webster it Ce., New Yetk. Mri Custet'a latest book will be sure of n wldu reading I tbe IrlumlH ahn lias mhde through " Heets nnd Baddies " but there nre lu It graphic iicc unlH nl trivial ma'.ters told In 11 inannur be grta'py that tbs autheress will uudnubtedly win mero readers et her own sex for this chronicle el camp nnd family llfe, Of courae tbe book Is full of Ibe general, but ever slnce Mrp. Custer relusid te allow his splendid statue te stand by bis gruve ber oattmiite of him has been Hllently Ignored by theso vbe knew him, and her rcoeilectloiiB will only be useful lu furnishing plctunsqun detail te the future historian when he proceeds te enliven the dull pages of history wllb the liguroef IhorecklessanddaHblng trooper. That worthy may net tee lit te se depict tbe general, but In the Judgment or bis IcIIew elllcnrs t'uster win net n military genius and lu fact wan llithi mere than a het headed, neck or nothing Ih-hlcr ropreaentad by the atatue. He bed net even princlnle oueugb te obey orJers. Mrs. Cusler bus given n plcture of army llfe from tbe lomlnlne point or vlew that balances wall with tbe Htnries of funtnlu King and is probably qulte as truthful, J am us WimceMii Rtt.uv'a poeins nre te be roprlnted In iienduu under the tltle of "Old Fashioned Rehch." Mas Huunkttk has written for aeiun coming number et "St Nicholas" 11 short story of New Yerk lUe, It la outltled "Llttlu Ht. Kiizitietti." Massus Wiiiti: A Al.t.hS, of linnden nnd New Yerk, re pirllcularly cnrelul te etll ntteullcn te thb"iiRohanIcnlr.TO'jlencii" of tbelr publications mid bend out i well prliitedund ixtenslve catatogue of boeka aunouuced us "atisolutely new" whieli prove te be chli lly very old books, new only In the mechanical sonse. II there be bibliemaniacs among us as proud et iv per fectly beuud und printed book ns 11 dee or would be or h porlect akeleleti and, who rovel In ; "limited editions totally nncul" tbey can get oxamples of tbe work of tbn Cblswlck PreHs of Londen which claims 10 be 'tlie only establishment ex'stlng at the prosent tlme where tLe truttlllrns and custcuiti, et hiich miistorael prluters' craft as Plantlu of Antwerp, remain In force." They announce, however, the following novelties : "lhe Mett Htroet Peker Club." n new book Hlmllar in style te "Toe Tbotniisen Htreet Poker Club," (luy Carleten'a humor humer humor eus darkev Htery. It is lllubtraiud by Mtchael Woolf, and Is described us un amusing and graphln account et life uuieug the Chluose In New Yerk city. C. M. von Bkvi'Pki., whesu wernlerfully quaint Imitations of old Kgyptlan MSS. bave been se popular, nppeara ngnlu as the author and llluBtrater of an amusing little book entitled, "The Hottentot ltluo-ltjek ; or, Smith and Hehmidt lu Africa." AM. tbe publishers are beginning te make thelr customary great premises el holiday books, und D. Luthrnp it Ce nre bragging oheerully ubeut "The Luck of Ldeuhall" nnd the "ArtUt Hallery H riefc" et photogravures of famam pilutlngs el seven famous urtlsts. Thk liosten JJeacen says that Mr. Long fellow ence entertained a Kurepean wbT had tbat large analytical kuowledgo of Kugllsh be common tocenttnontnl scholars. aud who used the language with unusual case and readiness. Rut ene day be suld te bis hest: "1 want you te explain tomo temo tome thlng te me. What does ':attleioe mean ? "TatlletoeY" roplled Mr. Longfellow; "why.therb's nothing llke fat In Kegllah." Oi, yes, thore Is j for 1 bear oerybody no It. Yeu use it yourself." "Oh, de J 7" said the poet. "Well, you etll my muni muni teon the next tlme you bear 1110 say ir, nnd we'll haveun explanation." Tbe two gen gen gen tlomen sat en at their chat in the llhmrv until at last Mr. Longfellow bad occasion te summeu a servant, whom, Htter ber report bad been made, be dismissed with a pitas, ant, "ery well, thank you; that'll da" "Tuero," crleu bis friend, " 'taltletoe' ; 1 1 told you se !" He tbe professor of mnuy languages had te acknowledge that there wasjuktlcelu the crltlelsm Implied lu he well taken a point, nnd te thauk his friend for un unintended lessen lu careful eauncl. atlnn. "L1TT1.K Lean K.CNri.i.ite Is a great success m a lilay nnd as a beuk lias reached Its sixtieth thousand aud will probably make Mr. Iluruett rich. MeMIIIau it Ce. me bringing out u hand hand hand aome two-volume edition of Rebert Llsuiore aud will uiuLn this work of Mathew Arneld's niece uulferm with tbelr edition of tbat peel. Qt kkk PKei-r.K wllh paws, nnd claws, end their kweer kapurs Illustrated by Pal mer Cox. tbe author of the llrewnles, tbelr book. Hubbard Rrethcrw, Philadelphia, This Is n book ter little folks, full of well drawn pictures of fexe, rats, frogs and a whole menagerie of lntolllgent animals Hnd Insects cutting eapem te nursery rbmeH. Tlie book comes strmiL-lv rm. mended, fci atesman, diplomat, aud wl, Kunset Ces, fcays; "Jlie ICweer Kapers aru simply Incomparable," wblothevonerablo Oliver Weudell liolmes writes, "1 am sorry I bava net a nursi-ry lull of lltlle folks te eujjy Its bright pletures aud stories." "'Ms ii jir'uiiis the Krosteavbeon, balvalleu Oil; ltcim-8 BObfxui. W bun CbiUtuiaa cauiu with Its nod cliicr. IU Ian una Its iiiurry.iiiAkiiiK, we med lu ilu liru.Hle Its celds.bui tbat win long iigu, bt-101.1 iha diy if lir Uult's i:nui;b bjiuit. Nea It 1j vcr iliiluruut A new uru hs (law m.i en m. unci Kivnt und small, mile una tub, jneny men all, are happy. ' JJ ""American peepla are amicterl with sick uuvtu he lu eilber its 1101 vuus, bilious or coiwi-stive forms, tausid bv lneuulur liublU. ElKhllvluK. etc . nud no itiiieey h2S V-Vrl!i",.HlS,f1.'urea l "UUI lr. Leslte-a Bpecl.il I'rescrlptferi was dlscoverod. Qlvelta trtal. beg aavsrtlieuient in another celuum, (") nr.hiuiuv.t. R KLIOIOUH HKHV1CKS WILL UK lielfl 111 Iho fnllewlnir r.hiirrtipa nn Hun. day, lu the morning at lfe), In the nvenlng Rt7;45. Hnnflay achoel at 1:I5p. m. Wbenlbe hour Is n nre rout It Is speeliuly noted! MBHSONim. Tba Old Mnnnenltcswlll held snrvlces In their church, corner et Katt Ubtst 11111 and fchfirmnn strcfts, en HunOuy.Ott.il, at 2 p. in. rrnacbtngln both languimes. pRssamnuK ilsxenUL Cannen, 8011th Queen streut, Themas Tlieriiprnni panler l'reacbtngnt lOUs.m. BnnOay school at 1 4) n. in. Yeung iM-njile'ii mentlng at C.tl p. in. l'rca'btnifiit 7.11 p. 111. I'rnynr and leichers niRftlngen WmlnesOaynv.inlnirnt "0 p in. L'liuncii or IJoD-cenmr of rrlnce and Or Or ange. l'reactilngat 10'm a rn. and 7:15 p.m. tiy aider Cond, of Columbia, Sabbath school ut lllp in. ejunisTl.tiTiKnAnCiiURcn We it King street, K. I,, ltcud, pasUir. t'tirvlcsnt lUJMa. iu ana 7 IS i 111 hiinany sc'iel nt l.tj p m. Uate chutlctl lintrnttluiu en Krtaay evening at 7 o'clock. Uhitkd llnmiRKn im CnniST (Cevikakt). West Ornnge und Concord stnids-ltev. J. 11. runk, pistir. l'reachlngat lu.JOn in nncl7:'& p 111. Hnnday school nt 1:1) p m. l'mliu mf (it lri at 0:15 p. in finyer service Wednesday eviiilngal 0 Yeung people's Greup Kilday bVcntngatTUi. Olivbt llArriRT Ciinnrrr. Knst Vine nrar tluk strcnt. I'rcnthlng morning and oven even IriK at tlmiiMinl heii's Suljectinthu oven even lug, "-Jhu einnd QiiPstiei)." llaptlsrn after oviiilnescTiiien Pundsy rchoel at 1 es p. in. boys .Mission Hand imotseii Tue.asy evenlDg Ul I l. HT.i.CKH'siiRreRMstv Marietta Avonnn.ltev. Win, V. I.lchlltrr, pastor. Divine servlca at 10.30 a in nnil711p in Hundny school nt tip in. foivlcelii tbn (innnnn languaKeat6:30p. m.l'rnt 11. U. Schlcdt, eflUlMliig Itirst ItarenMxnUiiDRUii. Kuv. J. M.TItzel, I). I.,tmster. eer'lces te morrow at 10.3J ft. in., nnd 715 p. m. ttnneny school at 1:1 p. in. tVAvunnoiL-KlrstObiirchlOermanlhorih Waturstreet, Jlcv. r. P. l.ehr, pastor, l'rrach Ing ut 10 30 a. in. In tlie Uermnn language. lnunKpi'enlu'siuudtlagatap. 111. Preaching In tbn kngllih laiigungi)at7iiS p 111. Hnnday fichnelaiua.ii). Unvlval inuutlng continue dDrlmrUie wcek. All urelnvlt-d. Ht. l'At'L'B UuroRiiKD-ltev. J. W.MPtntnger, pastor. PriiicMngnt 10.3) 11 in. and 7:15 p. m. eiindny school nt 1.15 p.m. Heng survlte at ntu.ip m luacn'irsmeeiingen Menaav eve ning. 1'rujer torvlce WednesSay evenlngat 7:30. Ht. BTsriiK's (Itarenuan) Oiiuncn Collkeb UiiArxL. Dlvlrm hoi viceut 10.30 11. in. Hunueu by Uv. .1.8. Hlnbr, l'h U. Westkiik M. K. Ciiuncu K. W. liurkc, pastor Ulansut 0 15a.m. 10 30 a in.an0 7.!0p. 111 preaching Sunday tchoel ut tt p. in. Uluss Tutr-day ut7 :w. rrnyur meeting ou ahursday eviiiti!Knl7.10. KastMissiesM. K. Ciiurxu.-Hunday school at tip in. St. Jehn's i.UTiiciiAN. Ilnv. II. K. Allcman 1). 11. panter. i-nrvlccH ut 10.30 11 m. and 7 15 p in. Hnhtiath school at Ht. Jehn's at 1:15, nnd nt (letwula jiunuerlnl chnpul at i p 111. I.ccture and praier tcrvlce en Wednesday evening nt7T). CuRcMettcal lectures rrldiy uvniliigal7.'H). 1'RKsnrTKRtAK Itev. J. Y. Mitchell, II, D. p.ister. rrentlilng in the morning by Mr, O. A.fuutM). In tbnevunliiKtiy Mr A SI HChmldt, rd'ruukllu uud Maishall Thcoleulcul euinl nary. ht. Paul's JI.K. Onencii-Charlea ttends, pas tor. t'reaclitng ut 10:30 a. in. and 7:1 p. 111. V tbe rivster. Kvenlnir tublect--"Thn l.hils. t un In routing " Hundiy sclioel at 1:15 p. in in l'eung pceplu's meiittiigntUp. in, diss meel- iiiKs en luMHuny, iniiiauuy, una rriusy eve nings, l'ruyur meeting en Wednesday ovon evon oven tun. rinaTltAr-riST. Services at tbn regular hours morning nnd uvenlng, pastor, Itev. J, S. Fol Fel woll. Bunday school ut '2 p. 111. Yeung pco pce pl .' piujer meeting nt045 p in. KvenliiK mbjeut " Tbe Sllgrny te Have." Wednesduy prner mer-ttug m 7 13. Kirst St. K. Oiiuiteii. Itnv. .1. It.T.tlrny, pas tor, clnm inuetliiKS at tl u. 111. lu- u. m , pre idling by tbopisiter. 7:15 p. in. Ulbloroid Ulbleroid Ulbloreid tnnby J(v. W. H. opeeco. 1 n p. m Hunduy schi nl. 0 15 p 111. young people's meeting; Monday und rhurseuy class ineetlnKst 7:30 p. 111. luesduy, helliiesj minting: 7 30 p. 111. WiuliuBdas, pnijur muutliig; 7.30 KUday, young people's clisj; 3 p. in. tlbuisduy, pnUei's class. SleiiAViAH. J. Max Hark, 1). 11., pastor. 1P:3) n, 111. I.ttimy und sermen. 2 p in, Hunduy schnnl ; 7 5 p. 111 uvcnlUK scivlcs. 'Jkisitv I.t-TiisiiAn-Uuv. O. 1.. Kry, pastor. I sunt servlcuH, morning, utternnen unde.cn. ing, conducted by thuiuister. Missionary day In Monday school. Hpechit lervlcfs In the church en Wi dnesday evmilng nt 7:3n, apiiro apiire apiiro prfntelolho 1-cstlvalet the Holermullon. URAua I.utiihran. Ceinur or North ejuoen and Jnmus sticut. Itev. O. Klvlu lleupi, pas tor, lllble tbias for men tU5a, in. l'leucblng ulK3Jn. in und 7:15 p in. Hunday school atz i in raiter's Catecfiutlcnl class inuets en Tui-Bday und Krlday oventng. Kull service ciimiueiuorutlen et Kef jmmllen Hay nu Wed Wed iiOKduyuvenlng. Meullng et the Ladles' Aid leclcly ullei anrvlce. Menthlv mi'tttlng nl "teuchers' iissoclutlenon 'ihundiy ovenlng in t iinfluy school roe.11; 11U0 chapel services ut J. . til 1 Wtsl l.oinen slieet. WAA'AJUAKKK'H riiitAiKtriiiA,t-aturdny, OcU2f, HSS. Black Dress Goods have been moved te two long coun ter.; northwest of the centre. Yeu knew the tucked-up corner they left. Little mere than space te show the samples of such a multitude. The stuffs and the visitors don't have a fair chance te get at each ether and all the time new labrics Irem the makers, mere styles for mere uses. Of course the pinched quarters kept getting tighter and tighter. We've fixed that new. We are in shape se you can see something of the length and breadtli of our Black Dress Stuffs gathering. We take it te easily be the fittest, most varied, best stock of the kind in America. Net a style or qual ity missing that ought te be here. 1 Net a price out of time with the quick pulse-beat of the store. Proper goods, proper light. Norllnvcstelconlro. We are just opening some Women's Linen I landkerchiefs that will help te show you what the new ideas for the coming season are. Bits of embroidery, reveres, and delicate colors are prominent. onion's nnd Misses' Hemstitched nnd l'lluted lliimlki-u-McH 1 ke. Women's llnuistliched uud JCmbroldered 11 indkiHtMulM.l'.'Kc. Women's l'luln W ritte Handkerchiefs, ruvuivd, embroidered und huuistticDed, si-,Bc, and up toil. onion's HcmlPpHd nud Kuibreldercd Jlaudkercbluts, v5c te II Acress the aisle : Mno slles Jlfu's l'rtnted Mnen Hand' Kttrcnici!?, (inn in itirun cjieis, II fe u (Intui. e.oiupure luvurublj with muuy et our own .ue ort. e)ue i t lue ntuiu-st or tbs new styles has a colored woteu be-der uud a plain white ennui', ft Made n. Mini's ; tieiiinlltchud, lullUUd, ' nulla- IsbeJ," 13 u der en. What is true of Handkerchiefs is true of all our Linens. Southwest vt contre. We hear ei stores where Blanket prices are always tum bling, no odds what the season is. Just a bit strange, isn't it ? You'd leek for a right start once in a while ; a start that needn t be get down from te make people buv. Perhaps the tumbling is mostly in the papers ! Did you ever think of that ? A geed share of our Blank ets are about the same one year as another. We knew them ; ycu knew them. We put prices at the beginning se close te the bottom that there is no room for tumbling. Here are two : ie pounds of geed, fairly fine wool, well put together, two and a half yards square, $S.5e. 9 pounds of fine wool like t lat used in California Blankets, ejxe2 inches square, 10 50. We put them beside any Blankets at the prices any- whert cither for wear or worth. Mear Women's Walling Roem. Travelings Bags and all the get up of that family arc where you can sec half a hundred sorts between winks. Full assortment of small Hand Satchels in various shapes and leathers, 75c te $8.50. The 1 e inch Real Alligator Bag at $2 is away below the common price. 9 -inch, with curved frames, $2.75 ; ieinch, $3. A let of Pocketbooks that have been sellincr at &2.7e, 3. and $3.50 go te $1, $1.25 and $1.50. Real seal ; one-piece goods, with fine frame and lock. North of centte We will show " Hew te take photographs with the Kodak Camera" from 2 te 5 te-day. Inquire at Optical Counter. JOHN WANAMAKER. COlti'LKXlON rO WDJCli. QOMPiiKXION l'OWDKK. LADIES WUO VAI.UK A KKriNKI) ceMri,Kxien BtUHT UBK POZZONI'S .HKDICATEI); COMPLEXION POWDER. It Imparts a brilliant transparency te the sktn. Ilomeves nil pimples, ireckles una ais ais ais colerations, and mskus thn skin dellcatalv soft and beautlful. Itcentalns no lime, white, lead or arsenic In three shades, pink or flush, will te and brunette run sai,k itr All Druggists nnd Frtney Goods Doalera flvorywhero. WlfKWAUK Or 1MITAT10N8.-C annaHvd N K W A D VKR T1HKMHN18. TgAKlNtJ M)W1)KR, ROYAL BAKING POWDER, Absolutely Pure. TUIB powder never varlea. A marvel el purity, strength nnd wholesemonoss. Mere economical than the ordinary kinds, and can net be sold In competition with the mnltttude of low test. Bbert wulitht, alum or phosphate Pawders Hetit only in cant. Ueyal IIakise ewdbb Ce.. 100 Wail Htreet, New Trrk. tyl8 lydiw DAYS' SNAP. A 7 Bays' Snap IN Teas, Coffees and Groceries, C'eimnnncliiu; Saturday, Octoher 27, will con cen tlnnu tintll Sal u day, Mevuinuur3. ltomembei, alter this data all goods mIIIke buck le eldf rices. The Great fillsbury Fleur, E'.)J. I'KllliUAltTKIt. 1'UAtltlK (JUKKN ll-l.OUli, geed as tbey make, ;-c uiiuarler. OI.AI. K t'j AA UOLI.Ell r I.OUlt, 5Jc. nuar ter. SOOllAltltBi.StHlAUKKKS. 4 Hi OIUOI.E KAOl.ic i,ltCKKIl8Ior!Re. rush llaked roiree HUcutis, 10a It, fresh linked (ilnger Snaps, 10c lb. (.'umpalgn Ureckvrs, ICe a, llane Unit Crackers, U'e ft. llestand ritwbnst Oraham Wufnra, lie a. A Ueiiuttiul eield Handed Ueceratud I'ltcher with llanlsen and Morten or Cleveland and tlhurman's l'lcturu en each side with lit of e;iurke's Teas: any pilce Teas from 5Ue te tl te per pound. ou should see thn lleautirul toss Ites- Soup Turuens und l'ltchurs you gut with '. Wruppers el Clara e's Uleuuscr Seap, only Be pbi eike. Itroeku'ii Kleonallne 4e per bar. l'arler t'rldu fetove Knainel, be bettle, Kleeirlc 1'asle Btove relish, beat In the world, Si-. 1. . Uouiember, this eirer l-i only geed for Seven l)as. SAMUEL CLARKE'S WHOI.KJAIjK AND ItKTAIL. i EA AND COFFEE STORE, 1 'J and 14. Seuth Queen St. l.AMASTKII, 1'A. xuii.'puuiiut). lydAw e uusAumiis. STYLISH, INEXPENSIVE FURNITURE. Recognizing the prevailing desire ler something new, we are constantly adding the latest patterns te our immense stock of popular Parler, Bedroom and Dining Roem Furniture, of the best workmanship, and at the same Lew Prices as pre vails throughout our large es tablishment. Everything new in Furniture for any part of the house. Remember the name and number. OCHS aGIBBSt Manufacturers and Dealers. 31 Seuth Queen street. aprll-lyd TjIAI.1,, lasS Fine Tailoring Ker the Latest Nnvilllei, ronOned styles, l.nrnuat ti'nertui'-nt of Unit ft colons, and prices as low us uny, go te H. GERHART'S Only Direct Importing Tuilcr. 3 NOUTU QUXKH BTUKlCr, JJOOD'S SAKSAPAKlliliA, Almest a Wreck It soften the case that a porsea gets Inte a ran aewn condition, the cause cf which It li" almost impoastble te aeurmlne. Frem a weak ened system and Impure bleed, mero and tneie sorteus disorders appear, unlit the constitu tion bleaks down and soma definite powerfu disease gains a Ann held. When that tired reel ing comes en It should be overcome at any cost 1 Heed's Harsapartlla should be taken te levlTethedeclinlng power?, rtstore the appo appe Ute and vitalize the bleed. "tieelitmydatv te tell what I think el Heed's Sarsaparllla I waa In a varr peer sute of health for several months 1 for four weeks I was nnable te work, and nothing; seemed te be what I needed. My appsUt was peer, I could netsleep, had head ache a great deal, pain In the small of the back, my bowels did net move regularly. h u, 1 . Buciuwi Mineil B cetnn nlA wrnfflr. In this condition I began te take Heed's Barsa partita, and In a short tlme it did me se much geed that I feel Like a New Man I can't beiln te tell all Iho geed It did me. sty pains and aches are relieved, my appetite im proved. Had 1 realized hew inuch geed a sin sin gle bettle of Heed's Sarsaparllla would de uie, 1 would gladly have paid ten dollars for It, 1 say te ethers who neodageodmodtctno, try Heed's Barsapatlllaand sec." Uioreb r. Jack Jack en; ltexbury Station, Conn. Heed's Sareaparilla Sold by all druggists. II t six for IS. Frepired only by C. I. HOOD A CO., Lewell, Mass. 10O Dezen One Dellar. . n Aif W AJJ VJiliTJUKMlSNTti. T" HE PETITION OF UAURYTdYERS for the transferor A. C. ltahter'a Liquor Llconte tn the ytrst Ward, Lancaster city, and all remonstrance will be heard en Sat urday, Novembers, 1833, at 10 a in. a. r. W. URBAN, el3,3),t!7d Deputy Clerk Quarter Bossleus. w ATOUSPHINO. COKSKT. BUJT TltK FAMOUS WATCHSPR1HG CORSET. WIMi NKVKU llltKAK. UUAUANXRKI) TO (JOTWKAIl AHX CUH-'XUM-MAUK COUSKI'. Mayer, Strouse Ce., MANUFACTUUEHH, eUiiHOAUWAV, N. Y. oct3-32tM,Th,!cew OTAUKKKR A CO, ltoraiHe we bavejustwhal ptojie need. ltcciuse we bave the largest stock from which te select. liocause we have only the latest and newest slj les. Itecnusn we have no doubt deubt lul qualities. llBcatir 0 extra care Is taken te lit and pltasu your pur chase. Ilrcause our prices are the Far Dfpulintnl has bcen enlnrged and we are new piupaied tosbewyou tbe largest and finest assortment of liAUHIS' und OK.NT'8 KUIIand rUK-lltlUMINUB ut Bettem 1'rlces. HOIIKR, GI.OVK3, UM DKKLI.Aa und UUllUKK tiueus. WK AUK 1IAV1N13 A HAl'lU SALE ON HATS. 1IKST tl 15, 11 50, u.-r. and 2 no ruu btiitf HAT kvku eei.i). ThlJ.SKS and TltAVKLlKC. ISAUa AT 1I1U H.VltOAlNS. Stauffer& Ge, 31 and 33 N. Queen St. l.ANCASTKlt, l'A. OOK ! I.OOK ! LOOK! Our Kew Arilvalsln Plush Furniture. I'lush Itockers for Cblldren, l'lush Itockers ler Mlsecu, I'lush Ucckers for Ladles, l'.ush ttnekurs for JUeys, i'lush Itockers for Ounlleuien, l'lush lteckera for Kverybedy, All l'rtces f 1 0111 11.7s Upwards. 4S-J In Variety and Trices are se varied we will Invite you te call, and sce them and then f;tve theprice, as space rerulds it hera The sreest Assortment at tbe Lewest Trices te u 3 found In the city. rlEINITSPi'S, 27 & SO EOUXH QUEEN ST., LANCABTKIt.TA. J. 11. MAKTIN A UO. Oar Lh'Veb' and Cliililren'd CleaH Department Has been Knlarftd, and you a'e Invited te Call and Inspect tbe block, whotber desirous of purchasing or net. UKAUQUAKTKU9 FOlt Seal Plush Ceals, Seal Flush Jackets and Seal Plueh Mcdjeskas. ladies' Cleth Jackets. lire All-Weel Steckinette .tarket M an ItdO Kicullent Jacket, both in fit aud Male 13 (i J rial. n.w All-U'oelJaeket li rerfect In Kit nnd iw le,ul te any two Jacket sold. ' Bee Jacket U made of a IMigenal C'eth, tue Kura Heavy uud clesu ntilnu. LAUIK3' CLOTH UODJESKA WUAT3 IN ALL bllAUEH. Misses and Children's Goats ASi'KClAl.Ti aVL'DATa AT IIAI.C TlllClf. Alinf Last t ear's Sleck of LuOlt-s', Mlei' and CMIdren's Cots bave bi-n Marked ut Kiactly Half Trice te il ake Koeiu for tbe h u w J.B. MARTIN, & CO. SKW AD VitRTlSltUBNTS. N KW HTOUK OF OANE8. liaMIITII-n mui WiUES1-"- - ..tablUhed. iSf m "StSV 8SSd -----, QAMl'AIQN GOODS. Campaign Tandauni Buttenp, PIVfl OBNIS. FLAG BUNTING, TKKCKNTSAVAUU. 1IAKGA1N8 IN I.AU1KS', OSATLKMKN'3 AND CHII. UltK.I'd MEBIffO UUDERWEIB. Weel Mltlf, Gloves and lleilerv. Loek at Our tadles' Undressed Kid e) loves. 25c a pair, wen h 7Je. JehnS.Givler, 6 & 8 Kerth Queen Bt, l.AKCA'JTKU.l'A. mariaivdAw riLerniNa i clothing i L, Gansman & Bre., OUR OVERCOATS ! 1J01H W1NTKU AMI JdKDIUM VVKIUHT AKK NOW UKA1. We ctrer the largest assortment of freshntw gcedf, the finest te be had, and save you money en the price In plain Jtngllgh. If you buy from ns any Suit or Overcoat yen III pay 3 te te 15 00 less than yen would have dene at aDy ether store for the same goods This I our policy. It la making a great business and wearoea'lstled. i 00 will buy a nice Chinchilla Overcoat. 7 00 will buy a Heavy Mack Ifeaver Over coat. 13.00 will buy a rine Helten overcoat. $10 will buy a Stylish Leeking Uelton or Kergey Overcoat, silk facing. IU will buy our tlreat Ulyitan lleaver Over coat. IIS will buy our Pest Winter Overcoat 112, lit, lie, lis will buy a handsome Satin Lined Medium Weight Overcoat. Storm Overcoats nt 15 00, fi op, 8 CO, 110,112 IH.I16. liera' and Children's Overcoats lu large quantities nt lowest prices. Sce enr Fine Engllth Cerkscrew Suits. In Sack or Cutaway, at lle j rally worth lid. r-lbe best qualities ler less money than el sew here. L. GANSMAN & BRO., UANUrACTintEus or Men's, Beja' and Children's Clothing, 8. W. COBNEIt NOIITU gUKKN ANiOltANOK8TUKIt'r3,l,AN0ABTKlt. PA. RED HOT BARGAINS AND Milk-WMte Treatment 00 lOOKTUKIt KVKKY TlilK IN OUtt STOUh. A lUItt. UNi'Oil KVEHY UUVKK. 1IAHGA1N3 1N COMKOUTB. Ccinterts 50c each. Sold elsewhere ler7fc Hetter Goods ut 730, II (0, 1 25, l.t0, 11.75. 12.10 t.' te, 13.00, U CO, l 0 aud II te. BLANK ETd. e5c a pair, worth i"Xc Wa also have ttcm for 75c II te, II 60, 12 00, 2 te, l,ee, I l.Suund un te 112 00 a pair. Allure bargains. QUILTS. Large size tiulUc geed qualtly, only 75c Oursi 23 Quilt li a sni prise te every bed y. It In BHid of a yulit we hive them fieui 75c u te the finest quality at low prices KLANNKL3. All-WetlKed Klannels freui 12ie unwardti All-Weel Heavy Hid Shaker riaunel, almost yard wide, only 25c a yard White flannels us low as sa a yurd. Our 2;c White K lannel Is a wonder te ever) one. CANTON ri.ANMCL3. A geed heavy Canten at Be a yard. We have ene ut 7e that caunet be matched. MUSLINS. Hleacbed and Unbleached, ysrd wide, as low as 6c ay aid. for S3 you get almost the best. UemnantscrAppluten "a "only 5c a yard : yardwlde. TA1ILK L1NKNS Table I.luenB at remarkubln low dgurts. A kce.i ene for 2Ha a yaid ; all linen Our S50 01 Inch Is the best goods we ever offered for thu money. I.INKN TOWKLINC8, Towellngs-geod goods from 2K, 3 and 4 cents a ymd and upwaids. NOW IfOlt A BAUeJAlN-CALlCOKS-NKW UOODa, 2V, .IK. X and 5 ceuts ; wcoevor heard or Cullcoesaecbojp, NAPKINS J All-l lnnn Napkins, 2Jc, 50c, 75c, 11,00 a dozen andupuardr UNDKltWJCAU. Cbtldieu's. fiem ICe upwards. Mts-es', frcm 1'JHc upwards cutbs'. Hem2ru upwards unr i.ud!e s' .Merine Vest, tllk flnlsh, uU7c. Is tbe lilggt-et bargain in Underwear ever etrerud. This Is a Great Chance. BUYIU'S 11KNKKITAN1) UAHOA1N BOOH -AT Charles Stamm's 33-37 North Queen Slieet. Bosten Stere. T KVAN'H KLOUK. We are new prepared te furnish a flrit-clau article of Kiln-Dried Cornmeal. LKAN & B0N3. UdHThAB