Wt -v-5,-7,! jjej r t :v v i" V "rv fc-wt -r, i-.lf -. f it - THE LANCASTER DAILY INTELIilGEOER, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1883. 7 !. m r ' TUB TOSGUB. . " 1 In boneless tongue, be small nd wealr, Can eraih aad kilt," declares thi Ureek. ' Tin tongue dottrers a greater neide," Tin Turk asserts, " than does tbs sword." I li t Puritan proverb wisely salt it, " A lengthy tongue-an early flea h " Or sometimes takes this form tnilead, ' Don't let your tongue cnt off your liead." " The tengne (nn tpetk a word n hise speed," Bay the Llitnose("outatrips the steed." While Arab sages thla Impart, " Tlif tongue's graat store lisase Is the heart." Frem Hebrew wit tliti maxim sprang Though teettleuld slip, no'erletlhetosguf." The sacred writer crowns tin whole, II Who keeps his tongue doth keep his soul." - Rev. riiltp Burreught Streng. m Ivery one Is nntlrely willing te benis neigh bor's payslelans i yet tried remedies sheu'd only be emp'eyed. The popularity of Laxa der Is censtuntly Increasing, which testifies tn the rial worth of this valuable family tn.dlclne. Itorsisenly 2A cents. Always reliable and efllcacleus. Dr. Bull's llaby bvrup never disappoints molhers and nurtcs, but cures at once the troublesome dis eases et ruUyhoeU. Sold overy where at 28 ceits a bottle. Buptare care guaranteed by Dr. J. II. Mayer, 831 Arch street, 1'hlladelpblu Kase at once, no operation or delay Irem Dullness, attested by thousands el cures slier ethers fill, advice free, scud for circular. inaneiydAw HPKOIAL NOT1UK8. Buck ten's Arnlea Salve. Tits Best Salvb In the werfd (or Cute, Bruises Beres, Ulcers, Bait Kheura. rever Beres,Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cerns, and all Bkin Eruptions, and positively cures Flles, or no nay required, It Is guaranteep toglveper teglveper toglveper feet satisfaction, or money refunded. Price n cents per box. Fer sole by H. II. Cochran, Druggist, Mes. 137 and 1S9 North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa, ltrneZ7-lyd The Verdict Unanimous. W. D. Bait, Druggist, Blppus, Ind., testifies : "I can recommend Kloctrie Bitters as the very best remedy. Kvery bottle Beld has given relief In every case. One man took six bottles, and was cured of Rheumatism of 10 years' stand ing." Abraham liare, Bellevllle, Ohie, afBrms: "The beat selling medicine 1 have ever han dled In my 20 years' exporlence, Is Klectrlc Hitters." Thousands of ethers have added their testimony, se that thn verdict Is unani mous that Klectrlc Bitters de cure all disposes of the Liver, Kldney or Bleed. Fer sale at II. B. Cochran's Drug Stere. 137 and IX) Noru. Queen street, Lancaster, Pa, (2) A Weman's Discovery. " Anether wonderful discovery has been made and that tee by a lady In this country. Dlseose fastened Its clutches upon her, and for seven years Rhe withstood the severest tess, but her vital organs were undermined and death seemed Imminent. She bought a bottle of Ur. King's New Dltcovery for con sumption, and was se much rolleved en taking first dose that she Blupt all night and with one bettle has been miraculously cured. Iter name Is Mrs. Luther iutz" 'lhus writes W. C llamrlck A Ce , of Bhelby, N. C. Oct a free trial bottle at Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. (2) PR Y GOODS. w ATOHHP1UNQ CORSET. BUY THE FAMOUS f ATCIISPRING CORSET. WILL NKVEU liliKAK. UUAUANTKKt) TO ODTWKMIANY CUS-'lOM-MADK COKSKr. Mayer, Strouse Ce., MANUFACTUUKU?, 112IIuOADWAy, N.Y. ocl3-52tM.Th.5eew e UAHIiKH BTAMM. TIIK- TSrOllTH QUEEfl" STREET DRY GOODS STORE, ISTHEPLACETOGO. IF YOU WANT TO GET OOOD GOODS. JF YOU WANT TO UKT CJHKAl' GOODS. 1FYOIWANTTO CJKT A RARCiAIN. OU WUKRK YOU GN FIND LOW I'RIC'EB. WHKRK YOU OAN FIND IUO RE DUCTIONS. WHERE YOU OAN FIND A FULL STORE. WHERE YOU OAN FIND A FINE SHOW. WE ARE ALWAYS FIRST 1NMTODK, 1NSIYLE, IN SALES, IN LOW PROFITS, IN LOW PRICES, IN HIGH QUALITY, We Are First. COMPETITORS, CUSTOMERS, CRED ITORS, WONDER AT OUR SUCCESS. AT OUR GOODS, AT OUR CASH PAYMENTS. W It Is wonderful hew honest gceds will talaand lair denilnv will lilumph evur the windy, wordy putt hlch Lii rets like the bub ble It Is. WONDERFUL UARGAINS FOR WON DERING BUYERS, AT Charles Stamm's eiii(JiNAL-ea Bosten Stere, 35-37 North tjiiccn Bhect. LaNCASTKU, 1'A. NOTIOE-1 WILL COMMENCE TO reeelvogeod Itys at my distillery. Ne. C4i Kant Klni? etrmt, en nest eaturduy and en evfry tatutday lollewlng. Itje taken In ex ebonite tnr-WbUk y. SBplStfl JACOB F fillltAKKKH. BOARDING NEW BOARDING XnD Lodging Heuse, Ne. 41 "euth I.tine sin et, Lancaster, Alex tl-ergp,( Klein rckWroprtfler, First class German labie beard. Meals at all hears. Hoineejmtotti ler permanent bear ders. Meals lurclahed promptly and In rlrst class style te wedding and birthday parties, balls, hops, etc., it short notice. Atharoei the public's patronage. Uespecttallysellcttcd. . , ALKJC.OKOJiOK, I'W-Jmd Ne. l Beuth Lime Street, OOD'S SARSAl'ARILLA. TRUE ECONOMY Itlstrae economy te buy Heed's Sarsapa rllla, ter " 100 Doies Onfi Dellar," Is erlglnai with and true only et this popular medicine. If you wish te prove thtf, buy a bettle of Heed's Sarsapartlla and measure Its contents, ten wUI find Itte held loe teaspoonfuls. New reed the directions, and you will find that the avorego dose for persons of different ages Is less than a teaqpoenful. This Is certainly con cen con cluslve and unanswerable evldence of the po pe cultar strength and economy et UOOD'B 8AU9APAKILLA " We began using Heed's Barsaparllta In our Institution some months age, and having watched Its effects, wish te siy that we And It a geed, reliable, and btneflclal medicine for family ase, and for hospitals and Institutes such a ours." Bibiirs or Mskcy, West Fourth Bt,, Cincinnati, O, " I took Heed's Ba'snpirllla for less of appe tite, dyspepsia and general languor. It Old me avast amount of geed, and I have no host hest tancy In recommending It." J. W. WitLs WitLs reRt, Qulncy, 111, UKALT1I BETTKH THAN KVKU " I have been troubled by a sctofaleus affec tion all my Ilia, It Is one of the marked rec ollections of my boyhood d y s, and for several yeirs has rendered me unnble te labor much. I think Heed's Bartaparllla, which I have been using at Intervals for ten years,-Is the best thing 1 have evor taken, 1 am new 60, and my general health teems Det I er than ever." U, D. Abbett, Warren, N, It,' HOOD'S SABSAPABILLA Beld by nil drnplsls. tl x six for IS. Prepared only by O I. HuOD & CO., Lewell, Mass. IMPOSES ONE DOLLAR (3) UOHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. Dr. Schenck's Mandrake Pills. (ll. K ANSI iiie mucous membranes of tliOBteiinch and bowels el all sllme and lerelgn mutur, start the socretlons, assist digestion and ncslmlUtlen, nullfy tin bleed. They rellnve tin llverCet digestion, glve It a chance te oxtractblle ti.lsen from the bleed, te make thuin Inte geed bile, and teecctetw Just whtt Is needed, ihey dn net tearthalr way and Inltnte llke most purgatives, but thuy treat all the surfaces and organs, se te at the ontlre system responds. Ihey are bosed en tclentlde principles. Tney are entirely rational and natural. 1 hey always de what Is claimed ter thorn . They work en tin system In tli3 way claimed Thsy work togethor for tin greatest geed. They are net llke new end untried medicines. They need no praise, but only simple montlen ei merit. Dr. Hchenclt's purely vegetable and wholly r-l!nhle rumily medicines are for le by all Drngglsts. Jtvery package has neat.y printed directions for use. It you would un derstand yonrself tend terJDr. acbenck's new Boek en DUuises et the Lungs, Liver and Btemack. gent free. Adflress Dr. .1, M. Schenck A "en, Philadelt hU, Va. .yI7-lydftw YER'S SARSAl'ARILLA. REASONS WIIYAYICR'BBAIMAPAllILLAISt'UKFKB. A11I.K TO ANY OTilKIt FOB THK CUBE OF BI.UOD DISEASES. Becaue no poisonous or del teiieus Ingre dients outer Inte the composition of Aytr's Safeapartlla. Ayer's farsaparllla contains only the pur estand most trirectlve remedial properties, Aycr'a Earsepirllla Is prepared with ox ex trcmu care, skill, and cleanliness. Ayer's Sarsaparllla Is prescribed by leading physicians. Ayer's Sareapnrllla Is for sale everywhere, and recemmended by all Qrstclass diugglste. Ayer's Sarsaparllla is a medlclne, and net a bevorage In dlgulse. Ayer's Sar,aparllla never falls toefTocta cure, when porslsteutly used, according te dliccllens. Ayer'B Farsnparllla la a highly concentra ted extract, and tlieiefjre the most economi cal Bleed Medlclce lu the world, Ayer's Sarsaparllla has had a successful caroer of nearly hall a centuty, and was uuver ae popular as at prosent. Theutands et testimonials are en flle from these benefited by the ttte of AYER'S PILLS, runrAitHD nv Dr. J. O. Ayer s Oe,, Lewoll, Mass. Price i : six boltles, 5. Werth 13 a bettle. ccrJHea pARKER'S HAIR BALSAM. rarhcr's Hair Bnlsiim Cleanscs and beautifies the hair. Pro motes a Luxuriant Urewth. Ne rer Falls te Bostere Gray Hair te Its Yeuthrul Celer, Cures Scald Diseases and Ualr Falling. 60c. at Druggists. FLOltKSTlNL COLOGNE. The Most Fragrant and Lasting et Per fumes. V5c. Druggists. ectai-dmdM&TliAw TqUMPUREYS' XTOMEOPATHIO s PECIFICS 1)U. HUMl'llllEYB Boek of All Diseases, Cleth and tield Binding, 111 Pages, with Steel Engraving, MAILED CUKE, Address, P.O. Bex 1810, N . Y. List of Principal Nes. Cures. Price. 1. Fkvbrb, Congestion, Inflammations 25 2. Wekms, Werm Fever, Werm Colle 26 s. CnviNQ Colie, erTeethlng of Infants... .2S 4. DiAniuiaiA, of Children or Adults 2S 5. Dtsbnthiit, Urlplng, Bilious Celic 23 6. Chelkra Merbch, Veinltlng 2A 7. Ce ca ii b, Colds, Bronchitis 23 8. Nhuraleia, Toethacho, Facoache 75 9. llBADieiiK, sick Headache, Vertigo 25 10. Dtbpkpsia, Bilious Stomach 25 11. BerrKK.ssuD or Paihful Pinions 25 li. Wuiths, tee Profuse t'erleds 25 13. Cbeuv, Cough, Dllllcult Breathlnc 25 14. Balt ItiixUM, Erysipelas, Eruptions 25 15. Brsukatibk, Bheutnatlc I'atns 25 pi. Fkvkrand Aquk, Chills, Malaria te 17. Pilus, Blind or Bleeding M 19. Catarrh, Infl uenza. Celd In the Head. ...50 20. WHoeriNQ Coceii, Violent Coughs w 24. Uknkral Dbdility, Physical weakness.. M 27. Kidnkv DlSKABa M 28. Nkrvecs Debility tlOO 10. Urinarv Wkakmibr, Wetting Bed 60 Si- Dishiskseftuu Uxart, Palpitation ..,,11 00 Beld by druggists, or sunt postpaid on'ro en'ro on're celpt et prlce. iiUlll'ilUKVrt' MtClUCINE OO., 109 Fulton St. N. V. Tn.1b.SAw(2) B ENSON'S PLASTERS. Mav afford bedilv nrolectlen " In your mind," but something mere VKL KT substantial will benecessary rjclta seen, as Inter Is raplaly approach COLLAB lng In addition lu heavy cloth ing, thesa who are prudnt will OH Ol 11 piovldeasupplyotl jben'h Plab tsr In untlclpitlen of toughs, LINEN Colds, Chest ralus, Bheumatlsui, tclatlca and ether ailments wblth DUSTEUS are turu te prevail dutlng the Fall months. This pluterls w. H known a a unlferm-y reliable remedy in such trou treu bles; is always teady ler lminedlatu applica tion audits cllect Is prompt and permanent. as there aie many spuileu Imitations In the market, cireful buyers will always usk for llKveeN's and refuse all ether porous plasters. -rencJ te cent stamp te-ialiury A John John Jehn eon, 21 t'Jatt street, N V , for a copy of In. itructteni ren the Docter, a valuable house, held book. (l) UAOUINKRX. QENTRAL MACHINE WORKS. W. PATIKH OUMMING3, Central Machine Works 131 A 13u NORTH CHRISTIAN SI' , Lakeabtxr, Pa. Engines and Boilers, rl from 2 te 12 horse power, et our own initie a specialty. Neat la design, of lull power, durable and cheap. bteam Uoedanncl huppllesm great vutlety, roeslstlng et alvti. cecki, Lubrlct re, Whittle, Injectors, jcctem. Pumps, Toels, Wreught.Malleablu anil Castlren fittings and Wrought and cast lr.in flpe, etc test Job bers' dUueuuts te Iho trade. Special machinery built te order, and re pairing preuip ydone A'xnlren and Uiats Castlngr, l'atierns and Medels. BTEAM FITHNU AND STEAM HEATING APPaBATUS. GOOD WOUK. PUOMITNLSS, BEASON. ABLECHABGE3 Central Maehine Works. , eees-ua H roiiAOeo. S' TANDARD CHKW1NU I'OBACCU, DOYOUCHEW? THEN UET- THE BEST -WHICH IS- Finzer's onulne Has a Red H 1rx Tag en Every Plug. OLD HONESTY Is acknowledged te be the PUBEST and MOST LASTING plece'ef BTANDABDCHKWING TOBACCO en the market. Trying It Is a better test than any talk abent It, Glve It a fair trial. 4VYOU&DKALKK HAS lT.- nevlJ-lydftw FURN1TURK. TylDMYER'S. FURNITURE! FURNITURE! STOSK FULL. NKW AND BKAUT1FUL. Can't be Descrlbed. Put Your Eyes On It, and be your Own Judge. Common, Mellum and Flne Furniture, Style guality and Finish Blslng te the II 1NU KST fl ICU, while Prices are In Ilia Lit WKHT notch. Mem worth In our goods than the prlce would Indicate. A Grand Exhibit. The Latest and most Attractive Nevelty The DKUM Otteman and Footstool In Iho window. Loek at them. Our Floers are Full of the Newest Styles, WIDMYER'S FUJiNITUJiJS STOHE Oer. S aat Klnar & Dnke Ste. F URNITURE I FURNITURE 1 THKUNDEB3IUNKD HAS BEOPKNED II IS BTOBE AT THK OLD STAND, ffe. 38 East King Street, Which was destroyed by Ore seme time age, and as a perfectly New Bteck of all kinds el FURNITURE. PA BI.OK SUITES, BEDBOOM SUITES, TABLES, CUA1BS, ETC. UPHOLSTERING In All Its Branches. Alse Painting and Or namenting Old Chairs., HENRY WOLF, Ne. 38 Eant Kins; Street leD-tfd e OHSAGIBUH. FALL OPENING. TO-DAY AND NEXT WEEK OF THE NEWEST DESIGNS IN FURNITURE, At our Warerooms, 2d, 3d and 4th floors, 31 Seuth Queen street. All are invited te see the ex hibition. Nene asked te buy. OCHS a GIBBS, Manufacturers and Dealers. aprll-lyd H OFKMEIER'H. An Invitation te all who contemplate making any chu'gn lnlh Ir homes (a regards Furnliuie.etc.) this ra'l, te Call and Kiamlne OUB Large Assortment OF FURNITURE or A I,Ii DESOItlL'TIOJK OurBtcck lsComp'eteandonr Prices as Lew asthLoe-t It will be te your advantage te buy your Parler, Chamber, Dining Beem Suits, Me., FBOM nOFFMEIER'S, NO. 38 EABT KINO ST. B0p5-3md TOOK ! LOOK ! LOOK! Our t-'ew Anlvalslu Plush Furniture. Plush Beckers fur Children, Plush Beckurs ter MUtuj, Fluth Itccktrs for Ladles, Plush Iteckers for Beys, Plush Beckers for UentlemeD, 1 lath Beckers ter Kverybedy. All Prices from 11.75 Upwards. -! hi Variety and Prices are se varied we will Invite you te call and ins them and then ulve tnoprlces. as space forbids It Here The Inryesl Aujertint-nt at tLe Lewest Prices te he leunlin the city. rlEINITSrTS, 27 6s ?0 EOU1H QDBBN ST., LAHCAflTEB.PA. QVMBS3WARB. WnwVW 1UH & MARTIN. Lamps. - Lamps. -AT- CHINA HALL All persons using Lamps are interested lu securing the BEST. The Bechester lamp Is entitled that name, " THE BEST." It la a central draft lamp, has a perfect wick movement, no danger et explosion. The velume and steadiness of light Is superior te any. Yeu can get it either in a Stand, Tar tar, Piane or Library Style and at Bettem Trices. Don't fail te examine these be fore making a purchase. If you don't want a ROCHESTER, we have the Largest Assortment of Stand, Tartar, Library and Hall Lamps, in the Best Styles and Lewest Trices et ether makes ever offered by us. Any of these will make a useful as well as ornamental present. tfiTCall and examine our assortment before making your selections. High & Martin, Ne. 15 East King St. OCtlO-tfd JJPOTH AND UliOJta. tT IS ADVISABLE rer persons wearing shoes at Ona Dellar aud Fifty Cents te call and see the linn we have at that prlce for ladles. We have Ihem In Dengnla and Kid. The styles are Opera, Common Bense and Square Tee. Fer Men In Lace and Congress, Plain Bread Toe and Narrow Toe with Tip. rer&tyle, r It and Woarthcse Shoes are un equalled. H. Swllkey's New OaBh Stere, NO.51N0BTU Q.UEKN BTUKKT. ectll-Dmd F IOOT WEAR. Ready New! Yes, MOW BKADY, with my Complete Cleck of BOOTS, SIIOKH and UUBBKUS for Fall and Wlnter Wear. Mever bofero did I have such a Large and Varied Stock of the Very Best that tbe Market Affords and Marked and Quick Belling Prlces. Alse I call your attention te my $3.00 GILT EDGE SHOE. This Is ene et the best Thteo-Dellar Shoe for men that Is made today. Call and bee them ; It beats all ethers. D. P. STACKHOUSE, (ONK-PUICKSTOBK.) 28 & 30 BAST KINO, 8T, LANCASTER. PA. aW-lydA B OOTS AND HHOEB, WK AUK BETAILINU- BOOTS - BOOTS -AT- WH0LESALE PRICES. Hew Can We De It? YOU MAY ASK : WK WILL KJCPLAIN. Alter the last Beet Brawn we bought tllty nlne (M) ceses of Yeuihs' Beys' and Men's Beets at a I'rlvate Asslgnee f ale, for Hpet Cash, at such xzceedlngly Lew Prices that we can new sell you them Betall at Bvgular Wholesale Prices, and yet make prom enough te keep us alive. We Can Sell Yeu: Youths' Helld Kip Beets, sires 11 te 13, ler 11.23 ; ruifiilar prlce, II fiO and f .li Beys' Heavy Heets, sizes 1 te 5, for 11.00, f 1 25, tlBO,U75andlle. Men's celld Ktp Boets.sUosntoll, ll.M.IUS and 1.(J0 ; regularprlce, It 00, lUSi and 12 Oe. Our Beets ler tlM and ll.WJ we dely anyone In tbe ciiinty or statu te beat ler fit, Dura bility and 1'ilc We could maun an Immense "profit en these 51 Cases of Beets by selling them at the old prices, buteur motto Is Qhick Sales and Small Profits, We bave stuck ten, and te our" Bule" of giving our customers the advautugn of our purchases. We hive thu largest stock of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Heavy Lace and B.uten chees ler rail mid Wlnter Wear In the city, (which we dely any of our competi tors te dispute) at prices te suit the times. Call In te see thum whether you wish te pur chase et net, as we consider It me trouble te show goods at the prices we soil them. The One-Price Cash Heuse, fe The Leaders of Lew Prices BOOTS & SHOES, Ne. S Eist KiriR Street, LANCASTKB, PA. W Stere closed nvery evening at fl p. in., ex. cxipt batunlaj and Monday. wlT kTh h krT dkntTht. Particular attention given te filling and preserving the natural teelh. I have all the latest Improvements for doing nice work at a very reasonable cost. Having years of ex perlence in the large cities 1 am sure te give the best et sails tactien and save you money best artluclAl teeth only a.oener set. """"' marlB-lyd Ma 04 MOKTttQUJUM BT, m ECKERT H AUER it BROTHER. Curtain and Upholstery HEAVY CUIlTAISf, HEAVY DllAPEUIES FOR Chenllle, Turceman nml otlier Heavy DriiierIo3nre inateriiilly reduced In price nnd we nre new efTerlnj? many attractive w thliiRs In Cnrtnlns nntl I'ortleres from tlie low gnulra et Tapestry Curtains te Artistic Vuleura ILmglngs with lieivllTr gcd tops, forming Lambrequin Drapery. Novelties In all kinds of Colored Curtains. ' 2 new fringed LACE CURTAINS. ltrtiBfels I,ace Ctirlnlnp. Swiss Tambeured Curtains, Irish Teltit Curtain?, Autliiue Lsca Curtains, Uaauttful Netttngliam I.ace Curtains in Drussels effects, mid at Very Lew Trices. PLAIN AND PRINTED SOR1M3. BASH CURTAINS. New Madras Laces, l-'lorcntlne and sems. Fringes te match. I've rythlng necessary from the Vreper Hanglnfref nil kinds of Ciirtiilnt. The nptly attended te. All kinds et Window Shade Werk done nt short notice. promptly HAQBR & BROTHER, Neb. 25 and 27 West Kiep; Street. VMM JTKXT BOOK TO COURT HOUHK. DON'T FORUICr OUR GRKA.T HTO0IC OK Ladies' Misses' and Children's Coats. NEWEST STYLES, LOWEST PRICES. Children's Celts from 2 te 10 y ears. JUtsen' Cents front lote 18 years. l.ndleV Ceals from 82 te l Inches, t Mir $W seal I lusb t'eat, eurlJJ Seal l'luth coat, and our CO seal l'lttsh Ceal are marvels et rlchness and cheapness combined. Many things In Medjtskns from II te i:e. Many things In Komnarkels fromlltetlV Many Bargains lu Misses' and Children's Uarmeuts. asrVlnlt enr Urcss tioeds Departuieut. The tsiertincnt was never 10 large. Bargains noverso plenty. FAHNESTOCK'S, NOS. 35 A 37 BAST KINQ BT.. LANOAaTBn, PA. pKCORATlNU MATERIAL. bard & Mcelrey, 33 and 35 Beuth Queen Street, DECORATING We are Closing Out our DECOHA.TINU MATERIAL nt 1.223 than 1 tegular Prl.'es. These Intending te Decorate for the Coming Parades will Bave Meney by Seeing Our Stock. Bard & McElroy, S3 and 35 Seuth Queen St., T AHIES' AND UHILMIKN'H UOATH. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS Children's Coats from $1.00 up. Beautiful Stockinet and Diagonal Jackets for Ladies. Particular attention te our Seal Plush Coats, Seal Plush Medjeskas, superior in make and finish. All our Coats are made expressly ler us by the best makers in the United States. Metzger & Nes. 38 & 40 WeetKing Street, JWOl'l'OHtTK TIIK JKWJCI.KY. H; . Z. RUOADS A HON, DIRECT IMPORTATIONS. THE3 first of our importations is new in Stock. Each succeeding week ethers will be re ceived. Yeu will find a line of new styles the finest productions of the present markets and are cordially invited te come and examine them. H. Z. RHOADS & SON, Ne. 4 West King Street. CO Ah HI'KUIAli ATTENTION IH 1NV1TKI) te our assortment of Indiana and etbnr UrsUclixH Wtilern Imra weed". Anil, oak, Maple, l'eplar, Cbniry, Ac. Helt kindling weed pienarcd for the tevi alie for sale. II II. MA.HI IN ,t I'D., Ceal ana Lumbur Yard, Ki Wauirslteet, Lancaster, l-a. nSlyd -OAUMUARONKR'U COUJfAWy. GOAL DEALERS. Orntjs-.-Ne. IX) North QneenStreet, and He. 564 North l'rlnce street. Yasm: Nertli l'rlnee Dtreet, near Heading Depot, IttrlMM UHIUBTtK. P T UMUKH, COAL,, Ae. LUMBER, C01L AMU ROOFING SLATE. O. SENER & SONS. 1'llINCK AND WALNUT 8X8., sell coal el the l!Mt Quality at the Lewest l'rtcvs. lluy new, ealt may behlKher. twvirm CAHHlAUHa. QTANIIAKD WORK. EDY. EIDGERLEY CARIIIAUE KUlLDEIt, MU3 n, J. 5.tftlAUKKT BTUKKT, liOU Ol I'ostetllco. Lancaster, 1'a, I have tn Huck and llulld te i irder ETrry Variety et the following styles: Coupe, lluic Klt-s, Cabrleluts, CarrlaKes. victerias, UusIiikcs Wajjens. "T" Carts, UcCall Wagons Hurries. Market Wagons, l'hntens, KxTiress Wagons. 1 employ thu beat Mechanic and have I acli Ittes te build correctly any style of Carriage detlreO. The Quality, Btyfe and Finish ei my work makes It decidbdly Lhe Cheapest In the market, WWI UAVKTHS UMt AMDCUKAPMT 0AKT IH TUB MAKKKT. China Silks, Vlaln nnd Figured, for Sa9h Curtains, Half Curtains, Vestibules and Tran $ ' POLES AND TKIMMINUS. aUVDB, Opposite Fountain Inn. IHBUA1 OpuosUe Fountain Inn. Haughman, Lancaster, Pa. COOl' Kit 110UBK."S 11AKINU VOWDUR. taTKRWNO UAKINU l'OWDKR. BAKING Absolutely Pure. T1II3 Powder never varies. A tnirvel of purity, trni!lh anil wLole'oiuiiiies, ilore economical tliau thu ordinary kliids, Ueld only In cans by all Mrecerj. BTKULINU MANUrACTUlllNOCO., 12anait8prucu8truut, New Kerb. ani(2)md R KU FJRK IfUll ILLUMINATING AT IIUULKY'8 IJltUU STUKK, St! Weil Ktnx airf-et. NOTIOB TO TRKHPAHHKR8 -i NU UUNNEU8.-A11 persons are hereby for. bidden te trespass en any of the lauds el thf Cornwall and speedwell e.ttili-s In Lebanon or Lancaster cinnllN), whether Incleted or unln. closed, either for the purpeue of hoetlnK et DshlnK, as the law will rigidly enfoiced against all tretpasalCK en said lands of the un aligned after this notice. . WM. UULKUAN rUXKUAH, it. VSUOT ALDKN, I111W, O.WUMMUAK, AitarMTt fee K.w.ueKuiftn't ui STERLING POWDER, Department! BOORWAYH. work of linngiiig polesand draping curtatni K , s? TRAVKLKKH UUlliM. TKAD1NU & COLUMBIA R. R. Arrangemnnt of l'assengnr Trains en. ana -43 NOUTUWAltD. 3 Leave a. m. a. k. r. m. narryyllle (1.40 9.23 IN lng (Jtroet, Lane 7.9) 1Z 1.40 Lancinter 7.40 12.43 S-90 Ohlckles 7.30 1180 S.J0 Marietta Junction 7.M 12.M 4.04 rinlntntilA 1 x i.i ja Arrlveatt a. w. . w. . w. A: Ucadlng 9.M 2.10 SJt ;M SOUTUWAUD. .. irf-ave A. K. A. M, r. M. Heading 7.30 11.60 6.10 Arrrlvnal a.m. p.m. p.v, Marietta Junction e.et i ss UhlcktPN...., 930 2P4 Columbia ..,0 27 2.00 8.9. Lancaster ,9.91 1.4S 8 09 King Olitiet, Lane 9 30 al.WlvlJJ 8.W cjuarryvllle 10.20 ss 9.U SUNDAY, Leave Suarryvllle at 7.10 a. m. lng Street, Lane at 8.05 n. tn., and 3.Up.n Arrive at Beading, 10.10 a. m., and IU5 p. m. Leave; Iteadlng, at 7.20 a. m., and 4 p. m. Arrive at Kins Btroet, Lane., at 9.20 a. m., ana 8.W p. m Quarrv vtlie, at 6.40 p. tn. -Trninii connect at Heading with trains ta and from rhtladnlphla, l'ettsvllle. Harrlsburgi' Allentewn and New Yerk. vis. linnnA Umnf ltoute. . At Cnlnmbte. with trains te and fretn Tork,v Hanover, Gettysburg, rroderlck ana Bait inuru. At Marietta Junction with trains te aa from Uhlckles. At Manhelm with trains te and irem Lee non. AtLnnenster Junction, with train te and from I-ancoater, Qiiure vllle. and chlcklcs. a. M. W1LHON Bunenntnnaent. PKNNHYLVA.N1A. RAILROADMa HClIKUULK.-ln effect irem Juna U,1-Mg 1HS1. Trains lbavs Laxeabteii and leave ana ar & . rlvu at I'hlladelphla in fellows : p Luave Ltl&VA i J9. WK8TWAUD. raclfle Kxpruss).. News KzprcsBf.,,, Wav rassunueri... I'hlladelphla. Lancaster, & 1:18 a. m, ii.iip. m 4 30 a. m 4:10 a. m 7:nea. m r a. m. fe Jea.m.1S 9:S1 a. m. i-a-ejiia.m. W 0:50 a,, m. hi MalHralnvlaMt.Jey nu, x nan Anunj.. Niagara Kxpress.. Hanover Accem... Fast l.lnct via Columbia 7:ie a. m. via Columbia! 2Op.iaI5i into a. m rroderlck Acoem,... via Columbia 2:10 p.m. a Lancaster A ccem . . , . Ilarrlsburg Accem... Columbia Accem... Ilarrlsburg Kzpmsit via mu Jey,. ase p. m. i i:iiP, m, 4:40 p.m. ft:.Vlp. m. 9:50 p. in, Leave Lancaster. 2:10 a. m. r.:05a. 111. 8:10 a. in. Mis. in. O.Ola, in, 11:30 a. m. 120s p.m. Win in. 8:10 p.m. 4:15 p. m. 0:13 p.m. 7:40 p.m. ;r:ir 7:50 n.m. i-$ya rresvern s,zpresst KA8TWA1U). lMilla. Kzpreait... Pest Ltnet lt:10 D.a,:5i Arrlve MS-el I'BIUU t ,! 8:ffl.B..T,'J'? Ilarrlsburg Kzprcssj 10:20 a. m.-KM uauunniur jiuuuill... Columbia Accem..., Atlantla Kipresif,., Bnasheru Kxpress.... rhlladelrtlila Accem, Eiinday Mall Day Kxpressf Ilarrlsburg Aocetn.. vlaMt Je $' ii:i &. ' n it 1:23 p.m. W1 8:14 p. m. I&fl e.uu p. ns, ri 5:5 p. mj SK'S Ma ' w" t The only truinu which run flally. On Sna aay me iaii train west runs uy wy or CM- UU1U1U. . CHAR. K. I'Ulid. linnnr&l ManaiVnr. Vv fH --. . wm-- , jjiV1 T KlIftBOW CL LiAMUAHXHH JUll SS.A JLJ LINK UA1L11UAD. Axrangeinnnt et 1'assenger Trains en, aatf aiiur, DvnuAT, mat w, 1003, NOUTUWAltD. Leave a, m. r. m. Onarrvvllle......... King btruet, Lane. 7.00 Lancaster 7.07 Manhetm 733 Cornwall 7.60 Arrlve at Lebanon 8.11 8UUTUWAUD, Lcave A. M. Lebanon 7.12 Cornwall... , 7.27 Manhetra 7.M .Lancaster. 8 27 Arrlve at Sing Street, Lane 8.S8 A. M. WILSON, BupU B. 4 O B. B.NKrr, BupL C. U. K. TsV ITMla Sunday. JL3 P. M. a,m. r. VS B.D8 I M 12 et &.M ann m' i'jfs 12 4.1 0.IU8.13 4.04,, 1.18 6.30 8.43 IM? 143 6.68 3.17 M-4 1Z3 7.10 9 S2 B. K-i P.M. P.M A.M, P.IT. ,K 12 30 7.80 1M 8.'i 12,43 7.46 8.10 4.01 ,1? 1,14 &16&40 fcWS. LIS 8.42 9.12 SM '0S 1.58 8.60 9.20 IM -VjU BallreaO, M TJIALIj AND WINXKR Qtied at bla MS H. HABERBUSH k SON. 1 Fall and Winter goods. Our Sleck or Fall and Winter Goods te new complete We nave the Largest and Finest Stock in the city et HORSE BLANKETS (A.U Grades.) Lap Ulankets, in riush, "Weel and Felt. Black and Grey Geat Robes. Hudsen Hay and Prairie Wolf Robes. Buffalo Robes. Siberian Deg (Dlack) Robes. Fex and Coen Skin Robes. O We consider It no trouble te show our goods AT M. Haberlmsli & Sen's SADDLE, HARNESSi AND- TRUNK STORE. S Ne. 30 Centre Square, LAN0A8TK1L V. AHl'UALT HLOUKt). A rWHAlr PAYING BLOCK, Asphalt Bleck Ce., Olnce-601 Chestnut St., I,hila..l'a. Works-llrldgerert, fa., A Camden, . J. m an u r Acrimitts en Standard Asphalt Paving Blecki B1ZK3 4x5xli.'AND 4X4X12. In general use IorstreutravtnK,sldowallts,irar dun paths, lnUl yards and driveways. Rntters, cellars, vats and sea walls. Advantages! Noiseless, dnstless, strictly sanitary, praew, cally Indestructible una cheap. rer prices and larther inlormatlen addrass R. S, OSTBR & BRO. A cents Incaster Ce . EM North Prince St. n(Tr r- .-.,-..-, 7T M) - IfcAIr-KKArK. KM5R. W getle man te solicit orders for our cholce nursery stock, awaay wera anu goon liar. The liuMness e" V learneq. ueie lOGutred. euleige. Address. U. O. C Uelerenen CUABH Hprww m TJ'J 1 . ,3V- 1 tfA m .m I f v3 v, $ 4 M M Tn Til 4