THE LANCASTER DAILY INTEIJLIGENCER, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2i, 1888. Itv " Wfc, tt Peclf Bay te the relltlclsnt . The flihei are ripe In the waters, The birilets bare flown from their nest. The pumpkin turns geld In the sunshine Stamp speakers are doing their best Duluth lYtragraphtrt Oh. .1 atnei G. Blaine, 1 beg et thee, Where'er you chance te walk, Te think of Barchard and of mo me mo Den' t talk, dear J Itn, don't talk. -Lockport Commercial. Deaths of great men all remind ui There are urea, men still about ni When we leave the world behind ui It will getaleag without ut. Exchange. A campaign of Intellect With mtllce prepense, They ask Levi Morten Fer dellarr, net sense. Exchange, 'Annihilating Multiform Disease. Miasmatic; or malarial, dlcase has many forms, I'hyslclans have, for the sake of con cen vcnlcncc nndlfer the tmrpose of Indicating lis most strongly marked forms, subdivided It Inte Intermittent and bilious remittent fever, dumb airue and agne cake. But It presents an infinite variety et symptoms In different Individuals. lie these symp'ems what they will, always rp memtrtr that Hosteller's Stomach llittcrswlll annihilate them at the outset, and prevent thelt recurrence. A review of the proofs would con vince any one of the faet. This, however, is Impossible beca ise they are tee numerous, and unnecessary because the effects of this gTand anti-malarial specifle are a matter et common knowledge. Ne less familiar te the public are Its remedial and preventive effects In bilious at tacks, constlnatien, dyspepsia, Incipient rheu matism, debility and kidney troubles. It Is, moreover, an exccUent appctuer and tonic nervine. Hlsnu'sUonalileatleastte allow tin baby e exhtust Itself and. annoy the liouicheiA with lis continual crying when that tried remVJy, Ur. iinii'a Many syrup will quiet It at once. Prloe SS cents. . . . If yeuare troubled with dyspepsia, pain In Ilia region of I he heart, liver and Sidneys, or any ether pilnlui symptoms, de net wsltte cenflim the disease, hut break It up at ence by using Laxader. Yeu will thank us for the advice. m Buptnre cure guaranteed by Dr. J.B. Mayer, 831 Arch street, l'hlladelphli. Kase at ence, no operation or delay from butlness, attested by thousands of cures after ethers fill, advlce free, send for circular. marlO-lydftw BPECIAL SOTIOEB. ' Klr Him Out." 1 his Is a common remark when roughs and rewdys Insult public decency by their an an seemfyways. Uyspep'la U a horrid bnre Flre It out with Burdock Bleed Bitten. Yeu can de It. rer sale by II. 11. Cochran, drugget, 137 and 139 Werth Queen street. Lancaster. Let Truth Vravatl. Let the facts be known. Letus understand that a bell, or an ulcer, or a carbunclrf or auy eruption or blomlshet the skin Is sum te wnar away and dlsappeir when Burdock Bleed Bit Bit fsrtareempleyed. Thlj wjndertal medicine acts directly upon the circulation and the reasons for ltausearothereforeobvlnus. rer ale by II. II. Cochran, druggist, 137 and LW Werth Queen street, Lancuter. Its Kqaal Yet Te Hear Frem. The movementa of a mule's hind legs are very varlabln and uncertain, but J)r. ZVtenuii' JCelectrie Oil takes but enn course-It henlg and cures. Itsen.ualler asthma, diphtheria, catarrh cold and sere threU has never yet been told. Fer sale by U. 11. Oechran, drug gist, is; and 139 Werth Queen street, Lancas- First Itevivea and ihen Oured Was troubled (or a year with torpid liver and indigestion, and alter trying everything Imaginable used Burdock Bleed Biltcrt. Th first bottle revived me nnd the second cured me entirely. J. 8. Williamson, Itochester, N. Y. Fer sole by II. IS. Cochran, druggist, 1S7 and 1X9 North Queen street Lancaster. An Kxplanatlen. We ene modldne will euro everything, but It Is an lDContestlble fact tint Themat' itclec trie Oil will cure a sprain, a bruise, a blte, or an ache, and Is also an active and pronounced cirefornenralglaandrheumatlim. rer sale by U. a. Oechian, druggist, 117 and 198 Werth Queen street, Lancaster. "" A Flee Hit, When the proprietors of Burdock Bleed Bit fort put this renowned medicine en the mar ket they hit It ezactly. They bit dyspepsia, Indigestion, and live' and kldney complaints ahaid blew, from which they will never re cover. Fur sale by 11 11. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street. Lancestur. Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. In Basr Suva in the world for Cuts,Brulset Beres, Ulcers, Salt liheum, rever Bores,Tettor. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cerns, and all BUb Eruptions, and positively cures Files, or no pay required. It Is guar&nteep te give per fect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price B8 cents per box. rer sale by 1J. U. Cochran, Druggist, Wea. 137 and 139 Werth Queen street, Lancaster. Fa, luneZ7-lyd The Verdict Unanimous. W. D. Suit, Druggist, Ulppus, Ind testifies : "I can recommend Klectrle Bitters as the very best remedy. Jcvery bottle sold has given rllef la every cese. One man took six bottles, and was eured of Uheumatlsm of 10 years' stand ing," Abraham Hare, liellovllle, Ohie, alllrins : The best selling medicine 1 have evor han dled in my 20 years' experience, is Klecttle Bitters." Thousands of ethers have added their testimony, se that the verdlct is unani mous that Kloctrle Bitters de cure all dlseoses of the Liver, Kldney or Blend. Fer saleatll. B. Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 and 139 Werth Qunen street, Lancaster, Fa. (2) A Weman's Discovery. " Anether wonderful discevery has been made and that tee by a lady In this country. Disease fastened Its clutches upon her, and for seven years Bhe withstood the be vel eat tests, but her vital organs were undormlned and death seemed Imminent. Shu bought a bottle of Dr. King's Hew Discovery for con sumption, and wea se much relieved en taking first dose that she slept all night and with one bottle has been miraculously cured. Her name Is Mrs. Luther utz " Thus writes W. O. Uamrlck A Ce , of Shelby, W. O. Get a free trial bottle at Cochran's Drag Stere, 137 and 119 Werth Queen street, Lancaster, Fa. (2) Try, Try Again. Alter trying many advertised remedies for catarrh during the past twelve yfaisltrled ally's Cream Balm.snd wl h complete success. It Is ever one year since 1 stepped using It and have h d no return of the catarrh. 1 re commend it te all mv lrlenas in this vicinity. Milten T. Palni, Ueadlng, Pa. My daughter and myself, great sufferers from catarrh, were cured by Kly's Cream Balm. My sense of smell Is lesteied. 0 M Btanley, fcboe Dealer, Ithaca, N. Y. ol5-2wdeodAw HATH. S' TAUFKKR A CO. Because we have Just wlnt people need. Because we have the largest stack from wlitch te select. Because we have only the latest and no west stj les. Because we have no doubt ful qualities. llrnnee extra earn Is taken te lit and picuse jour pur chase. IlFcausa our prices are the lowest. Oar Far Dtpirtatnl has been enlarged and we are new prepared te show you the largest and Hnest assortment of LAIMKV and (IKNT'd FUUSandrUKTUIMMlNUB at Bettem Prices. WJt AUK HAVING A BAl'lD SALE ON HATS. BEST 1 15, 11.60, 11.73 and (2.00 ruu BTirF HAT KViCIt SOLD. UO It KB, BUKLLAS GOODS. QLOVUS, UM and UUUUKU THU.NKB and TUATKLING BAGS AT BIG UtUUAINS. Stauffer& Ce, 31 and 33 N, Quecn St. LANCABTKU, l'A. MACHINE KY. c EM'KAL MA0H1KK WORICa W. PARKB OUMMING3, Central Machine Works 131 & 136 NORTH UHRIHTIAN Hr , LiHOiSTIK, 1'A, Knglnes and Boilers, of from 2tol2herso power, of our own mike a epectilty. Neat In design, of full power, durable and cheap. Steam Goods and (supplies in great vatlety, consisting of Valves, cocks, Lubricators, wniBlina, mjuuuird, sjqcuhb. 1'UIups, 'iOOlS, Wrought,Ualleable and Cost iron riltlDgs and Wrought and Cast Iren ripe, etc lest Job bers' discounts te the trade. Special machinery built te order, and re pairing promptly done. Atsolreu and Brass Castings, Patterns and Medels. BTKAM FITTING AND BTKA.M IIKAT1NU API'AUITUS. GOOD VYOBK. I'UOMlTNtSS. KKASON ABLECIIAUGES Oential Machine Works. oecs-ea pjUTlOUHA. ItKMKDIES. NOT A PIMPLE ON HIS FACE. Bad With Ecitma-IIalr All Uena-Bealp Cov ered With KrapUoaa-Taeugtit BM Batr Would Mavsr Orew-Cnrtd by OnUeara Rcmedlas Hair splendid and Met a Flmple On Him. I oannet say neugh In praise of the Ctrn cdra Kbmidiis. My boy, v hen one year el age was se bsd with eczema thtt he lest all of his hair Ills scalp was covered with erupltenr, which the doctors raid was scald head, and that his hair would nover grew again. De spairing ei a euro from physicians, 1 began the use of the.CnricnrA Kzmsdiis. ana 1 am hsppy te say with ilie most perfect success. Ills hair Is new splendid and there Is net a pimple en him. 1 recommend the Ctmcvm zMiDtss te mothers as the most speedy, eco nomical and sure cure for all skin disease of Infants and children, and ftel that every mother who has an aflleted child will thank me ler se doing. MBS. M. M. WOOD3UM, Werway, Me. A rsver Mera Eight Yrars Gored. Imustoxtend te yen the thanks of'eneot my enstomers, who his been enfM, by using the Ccnccaa Himidiis, of tin old ten. cansed by a long spell ei sickness or fever eight yean age. He was se bad he was fearful he would have te have his lea arapulatert.bntts hajpy te say he is new entirely well-sound as a dollar- He rrquesta me te use his name, which Is U. It. Cisex, merchant el this place, JOUJt V. MINOtw, Druggist, Ualnabore, Tenn. Severe scalp Dutm Cured. A few weeks age my wife suffered. very much from a cutaneeus disease of the scalp, nnd received no relief irem the vattousieme vatteusieme lies she ttsed until shn tried Ccticcbs. The disease promptly yield d te this treatment, and In a short ttme the was entirely well. There has been no return et the disease, and Curict-Bi ranks Ne. 1 In our estimation for dlseae-s of the skin. UK V. J. PBK8SLY BAUUKTT, T. D.. Balelgh, N. C. Frem PlmpUs te Scrofula Cared. CtjTicnru, the great skin cure, and Cutiectu Sexr prepared from it, externally, and CDti cdra Hk-ielvikt, the new bleed purifier, In ternally, are a posltlve cure for every form et skin and bleed disease, from pimples te scrofula. held overywherei Price, Cuticctu. BOej SeAr, 25e llzseLvzirr, 11.00. Prepared by the I'OITEK DUUU AMD CUBMIUAL CO., Bos Bes Bos eon, Mass. avsondfer "Hew teCnre Bktn Diseases," CI pages, 60 Illustrations, and loe testimonials n A TVTTjgBhln and Scalp proservod and uauj. WDoauuneaoy ct CCTICCSA MZDIOA- tkd Seap. Catarrhal Dangers. Te be freed from the dangers of suffocation whlle lying down : te breathe freely, sleep soundly and undisturbed ; te rise refreshed, head clear, brain actlve nnd free from pain or aches te knew that no poisonous, putrid mat ter denies the breath and reta away the deli cate machinery of smell, taste and hearing ; te leel that the system does net, through lis veins and arteries, Buck up the poison that Is euro te undermlne and destroy, is Indeed a blesslng beyond all ether human rrjeymenta. Te purcliase immunity from such a Inte should be the object of all aflllctcd. But these who have tried many roiredlos and physicians de spair of relief or euro. 8 a ford's hadieal Curk meets overy phase of catarrh, from a simple head cold te the meit loathseino and destructive stages. It la local and constitutional. Instant In relieving, permanent ir curing, safe, economical and never-jatllng. SAM-reRO'a uaoieai. Cure consists of ene bet tie t.f the IUdical cure, enn box nf ca tarrhal solvent, and one Imfrovbe Imiialbr, all wrapped In ene pick me, Willi treatise and directions, and sold by an druggists for II. Petter Dtca & Cukuieal Ce , Bosiev. Ne Bheumatiz About Me. IN ONK MINUTE. The Cutlcura Antl-1'tn Plaster relieves llhoumatte, sciatic, sudden, Sharp and Ner vous PalnB, Stialns and weaknesses. The first and only paln-klillng plaster. Wew, original. Instantaneous, Infallible, safe. A marvelleus Antidote te l'atn. Inflammation and Weakness. Utterly unllke and vastly suporler te all ether plasters. Atall drngglsls. 28 centt j five ler II no j or, postage free, of Petter Duua and CnsuiuAL Ce , Bosten, Mass. juna-ijawAeaiyw LJOHENOR'H MANDRAKE PILLS. Schenck's Mandrake Pills, 0R BILIOUS AND LlVIMl COMPLAINTS. S' OHfiNOK'a MANDRAKh. PILLS. Schenck's Mandrake Fills, FOR BILIOUS AND J.lVKJl COMPLAINTS. S' OHENOK'S MANDRAKE PILL8. Schenck's Mandrake Pills, FOR BILIOUS AND LIVKK. COMPLAINTS. 8 OHENCK'H MANDRAKE PILLS, Schecck's Mandrake Pills, BILIOUS AND L1VKU COMPLAINTS. myl7-lydAw TJUiY'S ORKAM HALM. eatarrh-5ay fever. KLY'S CBKAM BALM Cures Celd In HOfld Catarrh. Uese Celd, Hay fever, Deafness, lluau. ache. Prloe B0 CenU. KASY TO USK. Sly Bre's, Owego. W. Y., U.B.A. KLY'S CBKAM BALM Cleanses the Nasal Passages, Allays Pain and Inflammation, Heals the Seros, Uesteres the Senses el Taste and Smell, TttY THE CUlt K. A particle is applied Inte each nostril and Is agrueable. Price W cants at Druggists i by moll, registered, CO cents. ELYBUOTIIKUS, fie Warren su-eet, New Yerk. nevlMydAw Q.OLDEN HPEOIFIU. DRUNKENNESS -Oil TUB LIOUOH HABIT POSITIVKLY ClIUED BY ADM1N1STKU1NO DU. UAINICS' GOLDKN BPKCiriC. It can be given In a cup of corfee or tea with out the knowledge el the person taking It ; Is absolutely harmless, and will elTect a perma nent and speedy cure, whether the patient Is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of drunkards have been mede temperate men who have taken Gelden Spe Spe cifeo In their oerroo without their knowledge, and te-day believe they quit drinking of their own freewill. ITNKVKIt rAlLS. TThe sys tem ence Impregnated with the Specific, It be comes an utter impossibility for the liquor appetite te exist. Fer sale by CH AS. A. LOCUKO. Druggist, Ne. 9 KastKlng Street, Lancaster, Pa. aug3-lydM,W,r IMPROVED CUSHIONED EAR DBUMS. OUKE FOR THE DEAF. Peck's Patent Impreved Cushioned Far Drums perfectly restore hearing and perform the work of the natural drum. Invisible com fortable and elwuys In position. All conver sation and even whispers heard distinctly, send ter illustrated book with testimonial,), ritKK. Address or cell en V. HI SCO J, 863 Broadway, New Yerk. Jv23.2wdM,W,rAw SAFE, SURE AND SPEEDY CURE. Iluptnre, Varicecele and Special Diseases of either sex. Why be humbngged by quacks when yen can And In Dr. Wright the only liia cu. Phtsieiah in Philadelphia who makes a specialty of the abeve diseases, and Cures TbexT Cobes Guarantied. Advice rree day and evenln g. Strangers can be treated and re turn home same day. enlces private. DB.W.H. WHIOHT, 241 North Ninth Street, Above Uace, P. O. Bex 673 Philadelphia. CAJiJtlAUBd. CJTANDAKD WORK, EDW.EDGERLEY CAKRIAUE 1WILDEK, WOS 0, 42.45, ISM AUK KT STliKKT, U6XI Ol Poatetnce, Lancaster, Pa, I have in Stock and Build te Order Every Variety of the following styles: Coupe, Bug glee, Cabrteli.ts, Carriages, V lctorles. Business Wagons, "T" Carts, McCall Wagons. Surxles, Market Wagons, Phaitens, Express Wagons. I employ the best Mechanics and have full. Itlea te build correctly any style of Carriage desired. The Quality, Btyfe and finish ei my work makes It decidedly the Cheapest In the market, TW HATE THE BEST AWD CHEAPEST CAJIXIWTHEMAEXET. vjw TOBACCO. s TANDABD CHEWING TOBACCO, DOYOUQHEW? -THEN GET- THE BEST -WHICH Finzer's Qonulne Baa a Red H llu Tag en Every Fluff. OLD HONESTY is acknowledged te be the PUUKST and MOSTLA8T1NCJ piece of STANDARD CHEWING TOBACCO en the market. Trying It Is a better test than any talk about It. UlveitafalrtrhU. JO-YOUUDEALBB HAS 1T.-W nevl5-lydA-w FUHN1TVUM. V '"W il mVvWAAfWVWWV -V TE71DMTEKU FURNITURE! FURNITURE! STOCK FULL, NEW AND BEAUTIFUL. Can't be Descrlbed. Put Your Eyes On It, and be your Own Judge. Common, Medium and rine Furniture. 8tylu. Quality nnd rinlsh ltlslng te the lliuu EST PI f OH, whlle Prices are In the LO WBHT WOTCU. Mere worth In our goods than the price would Indicate, A Grand Exhibit. The Latest and most Attractive Wovelty. The DitUM Otteman and Footstool in the Window. Loek at them. Our Floers are Full of the Newest Styles. WIDMYER'S FVJtNITUliB STORS Oer. East King & Duke Sts. P UKN1TURE I FURNITURE 1 TUKUWDEUSIONED UAB UEOPENED HIS STOUK AT THE OLD STAND, H"e. 38 East King Street. Which was dofltreyod by flre some time age, and kas a perfectly Aew stock of all kinds of FURNITURE. PABLOU SUITES, BEDKOOM SUITES, TAULE8..CUAIKS, ETO. UPHOLSTERING In All IU Branches. Alse Painting and Or Or namentlng old Chairs.; HENRY WOLF, Ne. 38 East King Btreet Ie9-tfd e OUS A 01I1UH. FALL OPENING. TO-DAY AND NEXT WEEK OK THE NEWEST DESIGNS IN FURNITURE, At our Warerooms, 2d, 3d and 4th floors, 31 Seuth Queen street. All are Invited te see the ex hibition. Nene asked te buy. OCHS a GIBBS, Manufacturers and Dealers. aprll-lyd H OFFMKIEH'B, An Invitation te all who contemplate making any chmgelnlhelr homes (a regards Furnltuie.elc.) this Fall, te Call and Examine OUU Large Assortment OF FURNITURE OF ALL DESCRIPTION . Our stcck Is Cemp'nteand our Prices as Lew as the Lewe t. It will be te yenr advantage te buy your Parler, Chamber, Dining Beem Suits, Etc., FROM flOFFMEIER'S, NO. SB BA5T KING ST. sepl&-3md OOK ! LOOK 1 LOOK! Our yew Arrivals In Plush Furniture. Plush itcckers for Children, Plush Ueckers for Allies, Pluah Itcckers for Ladles, Plush Ueckers for Beys, Plush Ueckers for Gentlemen, Plnsh Boekers ler Kverybedy, All Pilcas from 11.75 Upwards. a-Th Variety and Prices are se varied we will Invite you te call.uud see them and then give trie price j. as space forbids it here The larguit Assortment at the Lewest Prices te ba found in the city. FIEINITSH'S, 27 & ?0 SOUTH QDBBN ST., LANCASTKU.PA. QuammwARB. 4trBiHs H 1QU A MARTIN. Lamps. - Lamps. AT- GHINAHA All persona using Lamps nre interested In securing the BEST. The Rochester lamp Is entitled that name, " THE BEST." It is a central draft lamp, has a perfect wick movement, no danger of explosion. The volume and steadiness of light is superior te any. Yeu can get it either in a Stand, Far ler, 1'lane or Library Style and at Bettem Trices. Don't fall te examine these be fore making a purchase. If you don't want a ROCHESTER, we have tire Largest Assortment of Stand, Parler, Library and Hall Lamps, in the Best Styles and Lewest Trices of ether makes ever offered by us. Any of these will make a useful as well as ornamental present. CSrCall and examine our asaeitment before making your selections. High & Martin, Ne. 15 East King St. cctia-tfi BOOTH AND tHJOBB. TTIS ADVISABLE Fer persons wearing Shoes at One Dellar and Fifty cents te call and see the line we hava at thatprlce for ladles. We have thorn In Dongola and Kid. The styles are Opera, Common Bonse and Square Tee. Fer Men In Loce and Congress, Plain Bread Toe and Narrow Toe with Tip. rorStyle, rit and Woarthese Shoes are un equalled. H. Swilkey's New Gash Stere, NO. Si MOUTH QUEEN BTliKET. ectll-Smd F' OT WEAR. Ready New I Yes, NOW UKADY, with my Complete Stock of BOOTS, SHOES and UUUUEUB for rail and Winter Wear. Never before dldl have such a Large and Varled Stock of the Very Best that the Market Affords and Harked and Quick Seiling Prices. Alie I ceU your attention te my $3.00 GILT EDGE SHOE. This Is one of the beat Three-Dellar Shee for men that Is made te-day. Call and see thorn ; It beats all ethers. D. P. STACKHOUSE, (ONE-PK1CEBTOUE.) &8 8t 80 HA8T KINO, BT, LANCASTER PA. aX-lyd B OOTM AND BHOKS. -WE AUK ItETAILINQ- BOOTS - BOOTS -AT- W1I0LESALE FIUCES. Hew Can We De It? YOU MAY ASK: WE W1LLEXPLA1N. A iter the last Beet Brawn we bought fllty fllty nlne (.VJ) Casus of Youths' Beys' and Men's Beets ata Private .AsslgneePaleforSpet Cash, ut such Exceedingly Lew Prices that we can new sell you thorn Uetall at UeKUlar Wholesale Prices, and yet make profit ODeagh te keep ui alive. We Can Sell Yeu: Youths' Belld Kip Beets, sires 11 te 13, ler ll.'i', ; regular price, II Ut and II. 7S BeyB' Heavy Uoets, sizes 1 te 5, for 11.00, 11.25, II W, 11.75 and K.IO. Men's Solid Kip Beets, sizes 0 te 11, ll.fi0.IL75 and $2.00 1 reiular price, II 00, r&23 and 12 U. Our Beets ter 2.ui and we defy anyone In the county or slate te beat ler Fit, Dura bility and Prld. Weoeuldmakianlmmenso,'proflt en these m Cases of BoeU by selling them at the old prices, buteur motto Is Quick Sales and Small Profits, We have stuck te It, and te our" Kuln"of giving our custemrrs the advantagn of enr turchases. We Inve the largest stock of adles', Mltins' and Children's Heavy Lace and Batten nhees for Vail and Winter Wear In the city, (which we defy any of our competi tors te dlsputH) at prices te suit the times. Call In te see them whether you wish te pur chase or net, as we consider It ae trouble te show goods at the prices wu sell them. The One-Pilee Cash Heuse, Th Leaders of Lew Prices IN BOOTS & SHOES, Ne. 3 East King Btreet, LANUASTEILPA. V8iore closed every evening at 6 p. in., ex cept Saturday add Monday. WK W1HH TO EMPLOY A HELIA 111, K man In your county. Ne experi ence required i permanent employment for three jears. Salary Increased eaen year. Light, easy genteel business. Meneyadvanced for salary, advertising, etc. Largest manuf'ra In our line. Enclose S-rent stamp. Ne pos Mils, centennial M'f'O CO, Cincinnati, O, augio-ftetdooa FREY EGKERT OUR BOND. Ne. 158. Philadelphia, Sept. 5th, 1888. We the undersigned hereby agree te pay the sum of One Thousand $ Dollars, te any Charitable Institution the Bearer of this may designate, if Craig's Gelden Tonic fails te cure Dyspepsia. Craig's Gelden Tonic Ce. $l,O0O oel3MWHw JpAlNK'8 CKLKHY UOMl'OUiNl). MY POOR BACK. That's tlie conamen exclnmntlen of thoe suffcrliu? with rlieutnatlsm or kidney troubles. In either tllspnse Palne's Celery Compound will surely eiTect a cure, and there will no longer be any cause te complain eC " peer backs." Hundreds et testl testl menlals like the following ceuflrni our claims for that grand old remedy, L'alne's Celery Compound : " Twe weeks age I could net sleep mere than an hour at a time any night, was constipated and kidneys did net net, utid had a geed deal et pain in the back. Since I took Falne's Celery Compound the pain left ray back, and I can Bleep like a child." Zenas Banders, West Windser, Vermont. " Having been troubled with rheuma tism for flve years, I was almost unable te get around, and was very olten confined te my bed for wteks at a time. 1 have used nearly all medicines Imaginable, beldes outside advices, but te no adrantge. Having seen l'alne's Celery Compound adver tised. I gave it a trial. I have used only bottle and am perfectly cured. lean new jump around and foci lively as a boy." Frank Caroli, Eureka, Nevada. Trice, 11.00. Sixfere5.00. Sold by Dnuanisw. Sknd ren 8-paek Testimonial Paper. WELLS, RICHARDSON 8c CO., Proprietors nUHLINQTON, VERMONT. MI N KXT DOCK TO COUKT 1IOUHK. -DON'T KOHOKT OUU Ladies' Misses' and Children's Coats. NEWEST STYLES, LOWEST PRICES. Children's Ceils from 2 te 10 yatrs. Mlisei' Coats from 10 te 1H years. Ladles' Ceals from 32 te 41 Inches. Our W seal i-lush Ceat, our t! Seal 1'lusU Ceat, and our 30 seal 1'lushOeat are marvels of rlehness and cheapness combined. Many things In atedjrskns from 11 tetw. Many things In Kowmarketa from II te 115. Many Ilargalns In Misses' and Ohlldren's Uannents. sr'VlsIt enr UreBS Geed a Department. The assortment was nover se large. Ilargalns nevorae plenty. FAHNESTOCK'S, NOS. 86 & 37 EAST KINO D KCOHAT1NU MATKH1AU bard at Mcelrey, 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, decemiig We are Closing Out our DECOUA-TINO MATERIAL at Less than Regular Prices. These intending te Decorate for the Coming Tarades will Save Meney by Seeing Our Stock. Bard & 33 and 35 Seuth Qnecn St., AD1KB' AND (JlIILDltEN'8 COATH. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS Children's Coats from $1.00 up. Beautiful Stockinet and Diagonal Jackets for Ladies. Particular attention te our Seal Plush Coats, Seal Plush Medjeskas, superior in make and finish. All our Coats are made expressly ler us by the best makers In the United States. Metzger & Nes. 38 & 40 West King Street, JWOI'l'OSlTB T1IK jBWJCjttr. H; Z. RUOAD3 A HON. DIRECT IMPORTATIONS. THUS first of our Importations is new in Stock. Bach succoedlog week ethers will be re ceived. Yeu will find a line of new styles the finest productions of the present markets and are cordially invited te come and examine them. H. Z. RHOADS & SON, Ne. 4 West King Street. OOA4, Sl'KOIALi ATTENTION IH 1NVITKD te enr assortment of Indiana and ether llraUclass Western bard weeds. Ash, Dak, Maple, 1'eplar, C'berry, Ac. Belt kindling weed ptepired for the teve, also ler sale. II II. MAKI1N AIM)., Ceal ana Lnmlir Yard, 121 Water stieet, Lancaster, 1'a. pi-lyd -DAUMUAIUmKK'H UOMJfAN Y. COAL DEALERS. Onnv.Ne. 123 Nortli.gDeenatrriit, and Ha 66 North rriucestreeU , , YaBD: North 1'rtnce street, uar iteadlug We pet, anrliitfa -A MfiAwrn pa T UMBEtt, COAi4 &0. LUMBER, COL AN1 ROOFING SLATE. O. SENER & SONS. riilNCE AND WALNUT STB., Sell Ceal et the Uest Quality at the Lewest l'rles. Uny new. aa It may be higher. jtmia UUUJDSi OUKAT BTOOK OF- BT., LANCASTER, PA. Opposite Fountain Inn. mam McElroy, Opposite Fountain Iun. Haughman, Lancaster, Fa, COOl'KIl IIOUBK.ft MAHBLU WOItKH. -KTAHIiliiS AND UHANiTK WOKKH. CHARLES M. HOWELL, MARBLE ANDQnANIXB WORKS, NO. 13U NOUTU QUKKN BTBKKT. Havlne special facilities for manufacturing OroulUjMeiinmciiW.Tombs.Urttvr-StoneBana Cemetery Werk el all kluds. respeetlu ly se lUltthopatreiiaROOf tbepahlle.andluvlleall te cell andeiamlne ihe extensive stock of Mar ble Monuments, Urave-Sleni'S, etc., new no. Ished and erected at my works, which X olter at ureatiy reduced prices, l'ractlcel expert encu, with taste In the arranKumeut et orna erna orna mentatlon, ItttturlnK and oiecullen of designs with tcreut care. Is a KUaranty that periuct saltsiactlen will be given te the most exacting of my patrons. f- iiulidura am Invited te call for estlmates for buiiaiuK work. urdera received for all kinds of Mantels. A large number of rinlshed Bandand Drown Drewn Drown Btenu Uoet-BUU en hand, at low prices. CilAb.M.ilOWKI.L, Ne. 139 North Queen Btreet Kast Bide. angS-lydM,W,B BOAKDINn NKW BOABDINO ANO ldln Heuse, Ne. 41 "enth Llmnslre Lincaater, Alex ueerKe,C Hlrearcfc) "rprrMer. Klrst Class Herman table beard. Steals at all henrs. Homeejinloiu ler permanent boar bear boar ders. Meals tumlsbed promptly and In UrsJ. class style te weddlup and birthday vaiUes. b-Uls, hops, etc., at abort notice A haie et the pnbllVi pauinage. Bespeet '""VseUjltea. sJmd No.8euthLlmo8treeU V Jt ' mtfi Ov -m TKAVXLBRa QUIDS. TRADINU & COLUMBIA R, K, Arrangement of Passenger Trains en. alter, BUNUAY, MAY 18,1888. NOUTnWARD. Lftava a. k. a. . auarryvllle b.m h Ing Street, Lane 7.30 lz Lancaster , 7.40 12.43 Cbtckics... , 7.8O nan Martetta Junction 7.M iim Columbia. 7.50 use Arrlveatl a.. a. v. Beading bw ite BOUTUWAltD. Leave a.k. a. v. Ueadlng 7.30 Armve at a. v. r. . Marietta Junction 9.04 18B Uhtcklea..,,. 9 30 SP4 Columbia ... 927 2.00 T.annstni . . n an ia Misfi Ml,; -.;' MC r.m. Klnir Htrgwit. Latin e en ml lunwftflst yuarryvuie ioje '&s MW Leave vi Quarryvllle at 7.10 a.m. "fit King Street, Lane., at 8.09 a. rru, ana S.M p. mH- Arrive at Beading, 10.10 a. m.. ana tUB u. m. iC " lAavst" ItlMlillntv. H Vli. m . anrl A tm m Amve'at "- & Klna-Btroet,Lano.,at9.20a. m.,and B.G0n,M quarry vuie, at a,t p. m. iiains oennoct at ueaam r with trsina and from l'hlladelphla, PettsvlUn, llatns bnrgi -K Ailentewn and New Yerk, .vl. Bound jBreeT mi llonte. A-"S ItPnlnMltl. with ... . . .. .w yiirS Hanover, (iettysburg, rroderleK ana Ball Wi mere. "?1- At llarlntfA Jnnntlnn wlfh frnfna M mM i?J from OhleklM. At Manhelin with trains te ana from Leb v nmV idJS from Lancaster, . .niiuiviiv, Miiifeiiuu. Wlta irains UJ SHN 'P s aier. unarrj vine, ana cnicKM. M A.M.WlLfiON BueerintenOMt. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROABl BCHKUUL.-In effect from J one ,11' Trains Ilva I.aeartb ana leava ana ucii nve at i-nnaaeipnia as iouewi 1 lsavs WK8TWAUD. raclfle Kzpress) News Kzpressl , Way 1'assengert MalltralnvlttMt.Jeyl Ma a Mall Train) Niagara Kzpress Hanover Accem Cast Llncf..... rrederlek Accem.... iAnraster Accem . . . . Harrlsburg Aecnm... Columbia Accem... Philadelphia. ii:tb p. in. 4 SOa. m. 4:Sea. m. 7-flOa. m. via Columbia 7:40 a. m. via Columbia ii:rua m. via Columbia vlaMt. Jey, :ie p.m. 4:40 p.m. B.Wp. m. B-.uO p. m. Leave Lancaster. z:iea. m. n.-esa. m. 8:10a. m. 8Ja. m. cea. m. 11:90 a.m. 12.-Mp.ia. MM p. m, D.tOp. m. 4:4ft p.m. 0:45 p.m. Harrlsburg Kzpresi) Tf esiern iprcs8 KABTWAKD. Phlla. Kipressf... rast Llnel i mm fthttsft. Harrlsburg Express) 10:10 a, '7 Miiiu.aiurAIJlHJin.M Columbia Accem... Allan tle Kzpress).. Seashore Kinross... 3:lp.JSL'S rhlladelnhta Accem. Bunaay atau.. ...... Hay Kipressf Harrlsburg Aocem 6:60 p. .; Leave m UneuMb- 4 :s.bu(, i BJl a. M,f$: ' 9jWa,.ka.U i 5:30 p. BM ! iMa;!' A1T1V tA$Z IThn enlv trains whlGh rnn flallv. On Bitsw ' aaytheMaU train west runs by way of Ott, nmbla. c-;:i J. U. WOOD. General l'sssenrer imli CHAB.K. PUull.ueneral Manager. -"'V LKHANON & LANCASTER JOlMlf LINK U A I I.UIUII. '-r.-.'I Arrangement of Passenger Trains en. imti'j alter; bphdat, Mat 18, use, :,fi 1 ?. VG NOBTHWAKU. Leave A.M. t.m. t.h. unaar.M."! A.K. WMttS Qnarryvllle. .( King btreet. Lane 7.00 is n B.54 Lancaster 7.07 1243 B.02 a 08 8.18 8.45 UT Manhelm 783 1.18 Bte Cornwall 7.W 19 6XB arrive at Lebanon 8.11 BOUTUWAltD. 1M 7.10 9.88 m. Leave a.m. r.w. r.M A.K. 1M Lebanon 7.12 1280 7.B0 7.46 8.15 8.43 Cornwall 7.27 1X43 Manhelm 7.M 1.14 Lancaster. &27 L48 Arrive at 8.10 8.40 9.13 Sing Btreet, LancM 8.85 LM a50 9.20 A. M. WILSON, Bunt. B. ft O. KattrOaO, B. B.MKrr, Supt, (J. K, K. TXUtfJCB. 'wvwvNWVV,'' F ALL AN1 WINTER QOODS. M. HABERBDSH & SON. Fall and' Winter Cii Our Stock of Fall and Winter Goedi kt new complete. We have the Largest atd'i?3 Finest Stock In the city et nOBSBjl BLANKETS (All Grades.) M Lap Blankets, in Flush, Weel sndfll Felt. Black and Grey, Geat BebsjJ Tfiwlann Itntr nnrl Pralrla Wolf TJnll' I'.l Buffalo Robes. Siberian Deg (Black); Robes, Fex and Coen Skin Robes. V7 We consider It no trouble te show pj our goods AT M. lateMsi & Sen's SADDLE, HARNESS; AND TRUNK STORE, Ne. 30 Centre Square, LANCASTSB, VA. ' AOMIALT BLOCKS. A HPHALX PAVING BLOCK. Asphalt Bleck Ce., Offlce-aeiCUe8tt.ut8t,PhUa.tra. w m Works-ltrlOgeport, 1'a., A Camaen, N.l vc a wtrtw nirtiRVua nn AA VM AVAVHAHM JV Standard Asphalt Paving Blecki 1 BIEB tXaXUJATtu iil7ti JV.j in goneraluse Ierstreetpavlng.siaewaUjMg AA.r.akai mill vssTiYa nnii drlTAWBVsa. stUvWISg. UDU LfOtbAASf J -- ' - --- - -. J ,, cellars, vats ana sea www. ---" ya Noiseless. ausUese. stricuy sanitary, praett- IS CV?riSSa .nerlnfSStatlen sfldrssN ;3 A. . vw , ..w Agents Lancaster Ce.. 324 Nena lime -j, A ..mufc mi, a . " m. i. rOTIOK TKKHHAHHKIUI AbTB, nil -L UUNNEU9. AU persons are aeravK js- - biaaen te trespass en any of the WBeaaai ssw ,- OernwaU ana Bneeawell estate r!i5f2fSCv invi. Aithiir for the nurpess Of MnntWfJ ,1 .a nnsinr run niitw. .......... nshlng, aa the Uw win . JVfJa JSiii SS X in,tautresrasslntnaiaiaapltt4lft. V Kalnst ail trespiislng wi saM UsMU Pi Oeaigneaaxtethucetijj. nXMMhMt 'l - - .;-.. & ' K. 1-BJkV lUZmmZi m AUcrntrs tt K.w.oeisMt s)M -vs ?rf .1 a i s.'V M m Ats tf'J Lif 11 "i - Tfll m i& V.Ji i- i ft 'I 3- & ii s i.