rF,"iseprj - ". frsJTrsffnw- ' ws .' 7VJ - -,'-' " t j - . ,wz -a - it . 1 ., W. V J- . J-F .1 " 1. ' . fcU-V ' W V .. A.A. .' 'JT v - W-;, ? THE LACASTEIt PAtLY INTELLIGENCE, WEDNESDAY". OCTOBER 17, !& aa I -V SI THE SICK GUILD. A little bird Iain, Shut from the fields of air, A ud In my cage I git and stng Te 111m who placed me there, Well pleated a prisoner te be, Itt-cause, lny a oil, It pleaieth Tbce. neught tave I else te de t I sing thn whole day long, And He whom most 1 love te please Deth lliteu te my long He caught nnd bound tny wanderlng ing, Kill ttlil He bends te hear me sing. Dxxr wrapt In trrer li the buaian mind, And human bliss Is ever Insecure. Enow we what fortune ytt rcmalus behind 7 Knew we hew Ions; the present will en ditto T Titular, li. D,522. A Deuble Help for the Unions. In addition te that chief remedial measure the use of Hestcttcr'a Stomach Hitlers per per tens suffering from nu acute bilious attack, IE facilitate recovery byttie use at first of milk nnd llme water and thin gruels, ana by a very gradual return te the use of solid feeds. Fatty substances should be excluded from the diet. Illue tilll Is n remedy of doubtful safety, particu larly If there be nausea nnd temlttnp, frequent concomitants of liver trouble. '1 he Hitlers, pro pre tided Its reformatory action be net retarded nnd marred by gross Indiscretions In diet, will seen rcstore tlie equilibrium of nnd action of the liver, stomach nnd bowels, nil tliree Ultimlcred by bil. eusness. In nllferms of malarial ilUrn.cuhlch in e cry one of Usplmfcs prcucnts Indications of liter trouble, Hestettur'n Meniiicli Hitter In the foieme.it of specifics. The Imlit of ecr thirty ) earn' experience nloe shows it te be a line rpine ily fur rlieumnti4in. Kidney treuulcr, Ujspcp.ia, uen eusness and debility. A Rie it many remedies nre advertised te bring them betore the public, who dtcldes whether the article Is geed or btdj The geed reputation which Dr. HnllU Ilaby Syrup en- Ieys is a startling guarantor et lta merits. HC3only'25cent. Laxader Is the sovereign remedy for dys pepsia and all digestive dlserdeis. Prlce 28 oeniaapackaxe. Persuln by all druggfsbj. tAhAOB Or VA8HWN. A HrRlOU'M l'.tL-ACK OF KaHUION. ASTRICH'S BROS.' PALACE OF FASHION, 1 3 East King Street. Lancaster, Pa. Special Display Fall and Win ter Underwear. Fully two thousand trimmed Hats and Bennets. Choice and exclusive designs. Trimmed Bennets and Round Hats of late importations, of our own designs and trimming. All the new colors. Choice shapes and latest nov elties of material. Fine Silk Velvet Bennets, Round Hats and Turbans, crowns embroidered ; Persian effects. Latest combination gros gres grain Ribbons ; Satins and Plush. Misses' and Children's Hats, trimmed in unique styles, for the baby of six months, te the miss of fourteen years. MOURNING MILLINERY. Special Display. Plush and Velvet Untrimmed Hats. New colors and com bination of colors, also cloth and velvet te match suits. Plain and braided effects. MILLINERY MATERIALS. Special exhibit el latest and finest novelties used in the mil linery art. Feathers and Plumes. Ribbons and Silks. Plushes and Velvets. Lace Ornaments. ASTRICH BROS. fOH UAl.ll OH HUNT, HOUHKHFORHAIjK ONTHE MOST liberal terms, en West Chestnut, Wal nut, Lemen, alary, I'lne and Charlette streets. Apply at ralMirad 8WN0HTUMAHYSTHKET. FOB BALK AT PRIVATE BALK, tte three-story f-tere and Dwelling Heuse, Ne. 13 erth Queeen stroet, Lancaster city, fa. Inquire, of 11. 0. KHKADY, Ne. 27 Kast King stiect, Att'y for Estate of Jacob C. liready. eeprS-M.WAsild WILL HK bOI.I) AT 1'LUL.IO HALE at7.30nn TuiaJay evening, OctoberfcO, at the Leepard Hetel, th-tt convenient dwell dwell Ing.Ne. 31 south Duke street, boa a frontage el 20 loot, depth 15) feet; heu9u contains 13 rooms i bath, gas, het and cold water, water closet and sttamJicatlng. os-eedtsd JOiTLL.UAlNKS, Auctioneer. JTlORHAliKOR RENT. A HUILD1NG JD situated lour squares from centre of city, suitable for any muunficturlng purpose Has geed bucmunt, two lloers and attic. 70 feet trent and leet deep llasanuw 2) fcorte power boiler and englne, eluvater and olhce remplete, with a siding lu jard en llnoe'P A 11. II and one-story waiehou-te W by IS feet In thH rear or leatn building Will tell orient cheap by applyleg at once te CUAULhSF MILLKIt, tS-lmd i East KlngbtnuU uiLTie'" sAi.B eF vaTuTkle KhALFSl'A'lK at the KejstonelluUbe, North Queen street, Lancaster, 1'u , en SAIVBUAT E KVUO.ttTOBIIR a, 1S:3, The property located at Ne, 440 North Uueen street, en which Is a Large Dwulllng Heuse lu uoed repalrt ulfe a laige carpenter shop, lame let with cholce fruit ana snrubbxiy. This property was occupied for yara by Jehn D. Hiring, decvastd, tb well known builder, and U one et the most destrab u situations ler u resldence In this city. Bale te commence at 7 o'clock p ui., when terms, ttc.kwlll be made known by niAltIrIT IIOUI.SO, tcxecutrlx. Josl L Haivis, Ailit ect 0,13.17,M BUAKDINIi NKW HOARDING AND Lodging HeukO. Ne. 41 Couth Ltmnstnet, lAncaster,Alox(ieerge,(Klemsrck) Proprietor, rirsl class Uermau tuble beat d. Meals at all hours, liomecjinterw ler rmnnatient boar ders. Meals furnished promptly and In Ilrst. clui style te wedding and birthday paitlbs, balls, hops, etc, tt snort notice A share of thn public's patronage. Itetpectf ully solicited, ALKX.OKOKOK, itHma He, l leavh ui Btrvet, QUT1CURA REMEDIES. NOT A PIMPLE ON HI8 FACE. Uad With Ecztma-Ualr All Oene-Beat? Cov ered Wltb Kroptlens-Tnouclit Hu Hair Wenlcl Merer Clrew Cared by (Jutlrura lUtnMltstlatr Splendid and Net a Pimple ue nun, I cannot ray eneurh In praise of the Ctrrt coea HiMiDiss. Ily boy, when one year et age was se bad wli h eczema that he lest all of his hair. Ills scalp was covered with eruptions, which the docten tatd was scald head, and that hi hair would never grew again. De spairing et a cure from physicians, I began the use of the ccticuia Hiiiimis, and lain hsppy te say with the most perfect success. Ills hair Is new splendid and there Is net a pimple en him. I recommend the Ctrrici-RA idiss te mothers as the most speedy, eco nomical and sure enre ler all skin dlseasea of Infants and chlldren, and fiel that every methHr who has an anicted child w.ll thank me for se doing. MUs.lt. ft. W00D3UM, Norway, Me. A Fever Bere Eight VrarsCnrtd. I must extend te you the thanks of one of my enstemers, who Ins been ouree, by using the Conceal Uimediii, of an old tore caused by a enr aDOll el aldrnnaa nr I vnr nlirht veara age. Hn was se bad he was fearful he would ham te have his leg amputated, but Is haypy te say he Is new entirely well - sound u a dollar- He requests me te use his name, which la 11. II, C'iBOH, merchant ei this place. JUIIN V. MINOtt, DrafTKtst, Oalnsbore, Xenn. Serere Scalp Disease Cured. A few weeks age my wife suffered. very much from a cutaneeus dlcease of the scilp, and received no relief irem the vatleus tome dies the nsed until she tiled Cutiecbi. The disease promptly ylchltd te this treatment, and in a short time the waa entirely well. There hat been no return el the disease, and cuTicuai ranks Ne. 1 In our estimation for disease! of the skin. UK V. J. fUKb'LY UAUBKTT, II. D-. lialelgb, N. C. Frem FlmpUs te Hcrefula Cured . CrTictraa, the (Treat kln euro, and Ctmenaa Ben- prepared Irem It, externally, and ccti ccba Uxaelvbiit, the new bleed pnrider, In In lenially, are a positive euro for every form ei skin and bleed disease, Irem pimples te scrofula. "old everywhere. Price, Cuticuiu, Beet ?.?wp,-?9.i ''Melvbht. tl.tt). Prepared by the ,1'H DUUU AND CUKalldAL CO., Bos Bes Bos eon, alass. .,"8endfer "Hew te Cure Skin Diseases," Pi pages. 50 Illustrations, and lue testimonials TJA'DVrOBkln and Scalp preserved and uxlUJL O beautified by ctrrieusa IIbdioa IIbdiea IIbdioa tbdseap. Catarrhal Dangers. -.JSi"! rroeajfrom the dangers of suffocation wnue lying down j te breathe freely, slcen soundly and undisturbed ( te rise refreshed, head clear, brain active and free from pain or ache i te knew that no poisonous, putrid mat- tlirdAH M Ilia hrnnlk .4 ..,. . ... .a-. cue mochlnery of smell, taste and hearing i te teel that the system docs net, through lis veins and arteries, suck up the poison that Is jure te undermlne and deitrey, is Indeed a blessing beyond ail ethor human enjoyments, l e purchase ImmuAitv from Buch a tate should be the object of all auilcted. Hut these who have trled many reiredles and physicians de spair et relief or euro. Haictebd's BiuieiL Curb meets every phase of catarrh, from a simple head cold te the most loathsemo and destructive stages. It Is local and constitutional. Inslantln relieving, permanent ir curing, safe, economical and nover-falllng. aANveiiD'B iSADieit. CcriB consists of one bot tle of the Uadical cbbb, one box or !A- TARRIIAL CiOLVBNT, and rule IMPROVED iNUALBR, all wrapped In one packure, with troatise and directions, and told by mi druggists for II, l'OTTBBDirJO Jt (.HKM1CALCO, IlOSlON. Ne Bheumatiz About Me. IN ONK HINUTK. The Cutlciira Anil l'iln Plaster rrlleves Hheurmitir, bclatle, budden, Sharp and Ner vous Pains, Stialns and Weaknesses, aha first and only paln-kllllng ploster. New, original, lustantnneciK, Infallible, safe. A marvdleus ntldote te Pain, inflammation nnd Weakness. Utterly unllke and vastly superior te all ethor plasters. At all drngglsls. ?5 cer.U; five ler il te; or, postage Iim, of Pettbr Dll'e and Ciismiual Ce , ilosten, HasB. Juna-IdWBAlyw S' OHKNCJK'S MANDRAKE PIM.H. Schenck'a Mandrake Pills, VOR- HlL10U3ANDLlVKItCOMlJLAlNT8. COUKNUK'a MANDRAKE, 1'Ihl.S. Schenck'a Mandrake Pills, ten UlLlOIJb AND l.lVEltCOlIl'I.AlNTd. OOllKNUK'S MANDRAKK 1'II.LH. Schenck's Mandrake Pills, ren HILIOUS AND I.lVlCllCOMl'l.AlNTi. CUMKNOIC'8 MANDRAKE I'lLLS, Scherck's Mandrake Pills, llll.IOIIS AND 1.1 VKIt COll 1'LAlNTd. ir.yl7-lydAw VEKVS OHEHRY I'EUTOUAl.. Every Household Should have Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It saves thousands of llvei annually, nnd Is peculiarly etncacleus In CUOUP, WOUP1M, (JOUUH andbUUKTHllOAT. ' After an extensive practice of nearly one third of a century, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Is my euro for recent colds and coughs. I pro pre pro scilueltand bellovelttobe the vety best ex pectorant n'W offered te the peeple " Dr. Jehn C. Levis, Druggist, West ilrldgewater, Pa. "Scme years age A yer's Cherry Pectoral cuted ine et asthma alter the best medical skill had failed te give me relief. A few weeks slnce, belDg again u little troubled with the dlseaie, I was promptly RELIEVED BY the same rerredy. I gladly effer this remedy for the bem lit of all tlmllarly aflllcted." P. II. Hasjler, Editor Argut, Table lteck, Neb. for children alUlcted with colds, ceuahs, eore thre.it or croup, I de net knew of any remedy which will gtve mero steady relief thin Ay or Cherry Peotera', I have found It, a'se, Invaluable In ceses of whooping cough" Ann Lovijej". 1351 Washington street, Ilosten, Mass. "Ayet'a Cherry Pecteral has proved re markably effective In croup and It Invaluable as a f ami1 y medicine." D. M. Uryant. Chico Chice peo, Mass. Ayei's Cherry Pectoral, rBtrABBO BT Dr. J. O. Ayer & Oe., Lewell, Maac Sold by Druggists. Price, li; tlx bottles, V. octliteH TTIIj-lf'H UHKAK HA1.M. OATARRH-SAY FEVER. KLY'S CUKAM llALU cures Celd In Head Catarrh, UoseCeld, Hay IfHver.Daiinbss.Huid ache. Prlce M Cents. KASV TO UBK. Kiy Ure's, Owego. N, V U. 8, A. ELY'S CltEAM HALM Cleanses the Natal Passages, Allays I'aln and Inflammation, tleals the Werea, llesteres the Senses el Taste and Smell. TKYTUK CUKE. A particle Is applied Inte each nostril and Is ugrticable. Price 60 ceuta at DruggUU ; b mail, reglitend, CO cunts. KLYHUOTHKI19, bl Warrea btteet, New Yerk, nevlMydiw SAKE, SURE AND SPEEDY OURE. llupture, Varicecele and Special Diseases of either sex. Why be hnmbnggna by quacks when you can And in Dr. Wright the only Ue. ulab PHYsieiAtr In Philadelphia who make a specialty et the above diseases, and Crass TbbmI Ccbbs Ucaramtbbd. Advice Pree day and evenlng. Strangers can be treated and re turn home tame day. ortlecs prlvaus. DU.W.II. WKIOIIT, 141 North Ninth Street. Above Uace, P O. Uexe73 PhUadalpuia. (ebJiyaw FOR GOOD BRU.SUES. au TO KILBURN'S, Ne ill West King Street, Lancaster Pa. Mpzs-UndAw ACTATED FOOD. Lactated Feed Possesses many Important Advantages ever ethor prernted Feeds. RAU1EHORYEORIT, INVALIDS REL1HI1 IT. Makes Plnmp, Laughing, HeMthy Bablot. Atguiaies me oiemncn ana iioweis, Sold by DrugglsU. 556,600., 11.00. WKLU". incUABDJON ACO .Uutllngten.VU Baby Portraits. A Portfolio of beautiful baby portraits, printed en rlne rlate naner bvnttmitniinin preensr, tent free te Mether of any Baby born I within a year. Kvety Mether wants these I iuuiuius- sum ai unce, uive liaey'a name and age. WSLL1, KtCH-UtDSON A CO , Preps, llurllngten.Vt. OLOTltltm. K 44 West KiDg St. M EHCHANT TAILORING. Yeu can find a most exUinstve line of Por Per eleu and Domestto Uenas for all and Winter Wear at prices that will surprise you, a ASKEW'S, NOB, 1134 AND 230 WKST KINO BTUKKT. en-lyd "ILOrUlNQ ! OLOTHINU ! L. Gansman d Bre. CLOTHING PRICES. Claims am easy. Hut our claim Is that our prices ler cloihlnger all grades are lower than any rospecuble competition Is capable at certain and swllt proof, SEE MANY EXAMPLES IN FALL OVERCOATS. AT t H, 13, 10, $17, ll, fid, 1?, M. is Be Huys a Nlce Csslmere Suit. 7.W liny a a Uoed Worsted Butt. 1 1 0j Huys a Uoed All-wool CosslmereSutt. 1.2 CO IJuyg an KngUsh Worsted Cutaway Suit. lis CO Buys a Perfect Fitting Prlnce Albert Suit, HOY'S AND CHILDREN'S L'LOTIIIM, llny' Fulls at 13. tl. ts, te. 17. 18 and t. I hlldrei.'s hi 11.75, I2.VA, 12.7.1. tl. $l 16 and K. Men's, Hey's and children's Pants at Low Lew est Prices. Our lis oe and 118 00 Suits toOrderaro Fast Sellers. It will pay you te Ieek at them If you are In noeil of a rail Suit. L. GANSMAN & BRO., MANUrACTUUKUSOr Men's, Beja' and Children's Clothing, S. W.COUNKHNOUTHtJUKKN AND OUANUK STItKKTS.LANOASTKlt, PA. M YERH A RATHKON. EVERYTHING 'I HAT in Desirable and Dressy IN- Uee'a, Youths' and Boji' CLOTHING! FOn THI3 FALL, CAN UK POUND IN OUUBIOCK. Our Ten Dellar Suits arejustes Dressy and Dutable as the average Pllteen DellurSults. Our Men's Dicss Suits at sixteen Dollars we knew are the II Honored at that Prlce any where, The Hest Variety el Overcoats at Ten and Twelve Dollars you'll find anywhere, right here In stock. lyers & Rathlbn, 11EI.I A1II.K 0LO.H1KU3, NO. 12 EAST KING 0T.. LAMIA BTSll I' A JIKATINU. c KLLAIl UEATERH. FLIHN & BRBNBHAN'S Cellar Heaters AllttTHK UtbTlN TllKMAUKXT -AND PEIOES TEE LOWEST. ALL WOitliUUAUANTKKD. & CONTUAOTOKS (JIT Plumbing 8c Heating, Ne. 163 Hmth Quesn Btraet, l,ANfA!rjtll PA -TT L. F1BHER, DENTIHT. W Particular attention given te fllllnfl and nreservlng the natural Uth. I have all the latest improvements for doing nice work at a very reasonable cost- Having years of ex penence in the large cities I am sure te give the beat of satisfaction and save you money ijMttJttfleltf letheiUyaiperat. Bunt-tia Ma M MUSTH ttUUX IT, It's Easy te Dye WITH DIAHOUD DYES! BUPK1UOU IN JlrtDgtb, FistDtss, Bcmly acJ Simplicity. W arranted te color mero goods than any ethor dyes tver made, and te Klve moie btlf llant and dutable colors. Ask for the Din Din iiienif, and take no ether, sn colers: lu ceutt each. WK.LLS, telUIlAKDsON ACO, llurllngteu, VL rer Gliding or Brentlng rancy Articles, U8K DIAMOO PAINTS. Oeld, Silver, Hrenxe, Coprer. Duly 10 Cents. T FVKNirUKH. w IDMYKR'S. FURNITURE! FURNITURE! BTOCK PULL, NKW AND HKAUTlr'UL. Can't be Described. Put Y'enr Kyes On It, and be your Own Judge. Common, Medlnm and rine Kiirnlture. Stylu, Duality una Plntshltlslng te the II Kill KBT Pi toil, while Prloesaretn the LOWKHf NOTCH. Mern worth In our goods thanthu prlce would Indicate. A Grand Exhibit. The Latest and most Atlrnetive Novelty. The DuUM Otteman and Poetatool lu the Window. Loek at them. Onr rioera are Full el the Newest Styles. WIDMYER'S FUJiNlTUJtS STOliX Oer. East King & Duke Sts. P URN1TURK I IfURNlTURK I THE UNDEU81UNED HAS liKOPKNKD HIS STOfHK AT THE OLD STAND, Ife. 38 East King Street, Which was destreyed by flre semn time age, andkasaiHirleclly Nuw block el ull kinds et FURfJITURE. PAULOU SUITES, UKDUOOM SUITES, TAULKS..CIIA1KS, Kro. UPHOLSTERING In AH Its Hrancbns. Alse Painting and Or imiuenUnj; Old Chairs., HENRY WOLF, Ne. 38 East King Street. teD-lfd e UHHA, U1HH3. FALL OPENING. TO-DAY AND NEXT WEEK OK THE NEWEST DESIGNS IN FURNITURE, At our Warerooms, 2d, 3d and 4th floors, 31 Seuth Queen street. All are invited te see the ex hibition. Nene asked te buy. OCHS a GIBBS, Manufacturers and Dealers. aprll-lyd BL OEKMEIER'B. An Invitation te all who centetnplatn making uny clungx In ihMr homes (ai regards rurnlluio,eto-)thls rail, te Call und Kxamlne OUU Larg3 Assortment FURNITURE or ALL DESOKIl'TIONS. Our BtccklsCemp'eteand our Prices as Lew asthn!,ewet. it will be te your udvantage te buy your Parler, chumber, Dining Ueum Suits, Kle., riteii HOFFMEIER'S, NO. 20 BABT KINO ST. sepl5 3md UIDEHOARDH. OUR NEW STOCK or Sideboards Fer the Fall Trede U very choice In styles acd satltlactery In workmanship, They have all been placed whole It will be most convenient for you te seethem-en the riUST rLOOU, and prices have dropped solew en them tint everybody, rich and peer, can have a Nice Dlnlng-Uedm at every Utile cost We invite a spuclal call, Just te soeSlDK seeSlDK 110AUD4. HEINITSJi'S, 27 & ?0 EOUIH QUDHN ST., I. VNCASTKK.PA -Send ail KKPAIHlNd or UK-UfHOI STKUINU tout, and It will be welldeue.al LOW PUICKS. NOTICE I Wlhli COM MEN OK TO receive geed ltye at my distillery, Ne. e3 Kast King lrtnt, en next Saturday and en evry ratutdsy lollewlng. ltye taken lu.ex. ccangn ler whisky. aeplMfd JACOUP. SIIKAr"KK.U. WE CAN HKKVE VOU WKLLANU save you money ,tn advertising. Esti mates free. AUYKKTIRINU OUIDE-IIOOKH. The most complete and original ever Issued. Benten receipt of CO cunU te pay for packing and forwarding. ADVIBTItlSQ WHITINO A EPKCUITV. The L. J oft, Mllbourre Advertising Ageney, HSiaad 12U A 1st DaUlmereB trout, Baltimore, Ud. l28-md&W H AQEtUt BROTHER. filffck Dress bcrfrn nml batln lk'tber Stripe, In Narrow nml Wlile Strlixa. Cashmere nntl Satin Herber Cliecks and Plalth Larue and Small. Alpinist Cleth In Stilpes, with I.liies or Lnrueaml Saiall Deti. Venetian Cleth In several qualities with English and lonle 1 I11I9I1. Corkscrew Cleth, especially for Tiillor-Msde Oannents, net as heavy iw Rroatlcleths. Rread- cloths in a Variety of Weights. Biarritz, n Certled I'ahrle tltill In Ilnlih. Dral rt'Alraa In All. Weel ami Silk Warp, about the welpht et Henrietta Cleth. Series French and Kngllnh narrow and wide illaRena'. Camel's Hair a complete linn In the India and lteirular Finish In most lieaiitlrtil and durable. Henrietta, All-Weel, Unladed likn Silk Warp, lens expenslve. Cachmlre all members In Rlne nnd Jet Hlack, at remarkably low prices. Kllk Warp Nun's VellliiR for Veils. Cetirtland'a Lnglish Crcpe for Veils and Trimmings. HAGBR & BROTHER, Nes. 25 and 27 West King Streot. e RAKl'8 GOLDEN TON10. WHAT IS It Is ft putt ly vegetable moaiclne, containing nomercurr, qulnlne nrotber Injurious drugs. It Is compounded by an entirely new and Improved prccesi, whereby eaeh Ingrodlent Is thoroughly extracted and properly combined. WHAT DOES IT DO ? CRAIG'S GOLDEN TONIC Isa thorough purifier of the bleed and Impoverished ttntu of the bleed or from PROVE IT, Vralg't OelJen Tente tniinni Iibntb: Pleasu send 11111 another morn for inn than the hundreds I have pupslaln Ha worst stages, l've had that dull tooling ever en tire body with shnrppalna In the side. In th region of the heart, wi.inti Increased with every iiinvotnentnr the body, at times making work an lmpeslbllIty. Waa compelled te take purgative medlctna continually. Slnce taking your Teute all pilns havelelt me, my bowels have been reRuUted, I have regained my uiiHiuiu itim letu in, iii?ii-n9i(,ii niieri - KIVIII 11 i me hI I htlleusnissiind dyspnptla irem my Bystein. Yours Uuly, Is forsale by nil Drugniita. Don't getting the only genuine OK AlU'B SAMUEL OLARKE, Wholesale Agent for 12 iJk B ARUftMalCliHOY. bard & 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, OVKMISU'UK I'l.KARKI Contrary te what most everyone satd, nllttle mero than a year aitn, that we would d no butlness where we am, we nre proud that we can say wn dene morn than woexpeoted.nnd Increasing dally, rrmn oasemont te third Meer every Inch Is occupied with goods i lint ropresantbai gains, that we have hardly room te turn around. Lew ptlces has been the secret et our surcets tlnin far. "Tall Oaks fiem Little Arerns Orew," We have planted the acorn. 11 sprouted, It Is uiewlng. With an oxpetloueo nt almost II) years, and with etrlrt attention te business we mean todevelop It, nnd wn ten in the net far distant futute the lMghty oak. It Is our aim nnd purpose te build up ntrade second te none, btsrtlngnt tlie bmiein oiihelndder, wearuatiulng for the top, but only step by step. Per want of room In our present quarter we cannot carry soine lines el goods that we would llke te. Our inpiitn inpiitn inpiitn tlonen fleer Oil Uleth Is established Our Utiderwenr Is moving faster than weaxpvcled Our Lew li Ices are doing It Our niess (loeds Department U In better shnjin than ever, with hot ter value than nuythlng ever sold at thn prlce Our AII-Vnolllnnrlettiallt7Xc, 4D Inehrs wide, nre the best viilue lu the cltv. All- Weel Uleths, IK yards wide, only Me. our prien en the best Poathers li lower than you eun buy them anywhere elsn. Kxtra bargains In l.'nsslmeres at 23a and up line let el Keieey Oassliuere at 45e ; ehoanutOlHe Onn let uxliu heavy home madn All Weel t'asslmore alCle t were made te neil nt II Ol. Ounten Plannelsatn, IIW, H, 19and UK cents extra value at the price. IHrgalns In Onltnu Flannel Iteinnttnta. Mpecml llargalnslu Herman Table Linen, blanched or unbleached, with or without Turkey Ited border, nt cm pur yard. One let uttnfcc will com pure with anything etlnrcd at 11 12K. 'I he biggest drlve In Meil's Weel Shirts at 175c, SI 00, si 21 11.1(1 and upyeu oversaw. Stamped (loeds umiaper than ever. Aprons that weroiSeareUOo new. Kinbroldery roll, two yarns wide, only II Kftper yard t B) dozen bordered Handkerchiefs atCeeacfa, with or without embroldernd silk Mnwar In corner, Nuw let el Window Shades, best goods, spring llxlutes, plain or dado, only Boe each. Home Heme Home Made Hoedr. Toboggans, -leckey Oaps and Children's Hacks at extr-iincly low ptlces Try our Fast Hlack stockings for ladles at lunnd 13X cents, llurgalus In Hosiery, Bard & McElroy, 33 nml 35 Seuth Queen St., Oppenitu Fountain Inn. T A DIES' AND OlIIIiDKEN'H COATH, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS Children's Coats from $1.00 up. Beautiful Stockinet and Diagonal Jackets for Ladies. Particular attention te our Seal Plush Coats, Seal Plush Medjeskas, superior in make and finish. All our Coats are made expressly ler us by the best makers in the United States. Metzger & Nea. 38 & 40 Wist King Street, WOl'l'OaiTK THK JJCWKLKY. H. Z. RIIOAUS A HON, DIRECT IMPORTATIONS. THB flrst of our Importations la new In Stock. Each succeeding week ethers will be re ceived. Yeu will Arid a line of new styles the finest productions of the present markets and are cordially Invited te come and examine them. H. Z. RHOADS & SONL Ne. 4 West King Street. AHV1IA1.Y 11LOUKU. A HI'HALTl'AVINU KLOOK. Asphalt Bleck Ce., Offlce-Oil Chestnut bL, Phlla., Pa. Works isrldgepert, I'a., A Camden, H, J. MANUrACTUUKUS OKJ Standard AsphaltPaving BleckB EIVCES 1x5x11 AND 1x1x12. Ingoneraluseferstreotpavlng.sldewalks.gar den paths, mill yards and driveways, gutters, cellars, vats and sea walls. Advantages: WolscleBS, dustless, strictly Banltary, pructl pructl callylndestrucllble anl cheap, for pricus and further Information addrt-sst R, B, OSTBR & BRO., Agenta Lancaster Ce.. S24 North Prlnce St. LancaxUtr. Pa. tel'md MAtilil.it WOliHU. -ATARltiit!: AND URAN1TK WORKS. CHARLES M. HOWELL, MARBLE AND QRANITH WORKS, NO. ltl'JNOUTU QUEEN STHKKT. Having special facilities for manufacturing Uraiillu Monument,Teiiib,Orav -Stones and CemeUiry Werk et all kinds, respectfully se lliltthuimtronegonf the public, and Invite all te call und examine the extnnnlvnteck of Alar bio Monuments, (Jravt -Stones, etc., new tin. lsbed and erected at my werkB, which 1 offer at greatly reduced prices Practical expert ence, with taste In thn arrangement e! orna erna orna mejnallon, lettering and elocution of designs with great care, I a guaranty that portuel satisfaction will be given te the mostexactlng of my patrons. Ilullders are invited te call for estlmutes ter building work. orders reevtved for all kinds of Mantels. A large number of Finished Band and Drown Drewn Drown Stene Doer-bllla ou hand, at low prices. U11AS.M. 110 WELL, Ne. 1S9 North Queen BUeet East Hide. angu-lydM.W.s Mrics, Mourning Goods. Illue nnd .let Ulack. Henriettas, Silk Warp, L'rlestly's iiiakeackuewletlRed the CRAIG'S GOLDEN TONIC? renovator of the system, and Is designed for diseases arising from an Impure, weak or debtllty of the digest! ve ergnnt . It is net a euro-all, but positively does euro Dyspepsia, bettln of vnurTonle. The one dollar I paid lern liald ehtstnlans. nnd ter ether imdtclnes. rertwelvu veam 1 have urrnmd with nr. nuug, i nut (tiny (.mi Turn, nvii. it-ui iiku miiKiiiK. tur wiiu iue new 11 in your lonie nan hna luftuie. 1 new wish another botlle thntuvery vestlge of dyspepsia may bedrl II. SALMON, Ne. Mil Uerhard htreet, Philadelphia. CRAIG'S GOLDEN TONIC run thoilskef uBlDgao-cnlleil Tonics or Hitters Uiat may cenlnlr. POISON, but Insist upon UOLDKN TONIC If your Druggist dees net keep It send te AND 14 SOUTH QUBBN STREET. aeuiia. Mcelrey, Opposlte Fountain Inn. Haughman Lancaster, Pa. COOPKU 1I0UBE.-V UO A U B. 1J. MARTIN CO,, Whelcsalnand Hntall Dealers tn all kinds of liUftllSKH AfiiJ UUAIi. r Yakd-Ne. 424 North Water and Ne. 42C North Prince Streets, Lancaster, Pa. ni-lyd B AUMUARDNKR'B COMPANY, COAL DEALERS. Orrici- Ne. 123 North QuecnStreet, and Ne, Ui North Prlnce stroet, YASb: North Prince Street, nearP-caalng De ret. AUgMtatfl iANOASTIill, PA f U611IKR, COAL, ile. LUMBER, C01L AHD ROOFING SLATE. G. SENER & SONS. P1UNCK AND WALNUT STS., Sell Ceal of the Heat Quality at the Lewell Prtc.-s. lluy new, as It may be hlguur, Icviild NOJ'IOK TU TRKSfASSKHS -ND GUNNBU8.-AU persons are hereby for bidden te trespass en any of thu lands or tna Cornwall nnd Speedwell estates In Lebanon or Lancaster ceuntlej. t7hether inclestd or unln unln clesed, ettuer for the purpose tJu"etl,'i',9X Ashing, as the law will wptiiaiy eatatcea against au trespassing en said lands of ths un designed atuer this notice. . WM. COLEMAN PKKKMAN, IL PEEOr ALDEN, 1'niLiHKi.i-nii. .tuiv in. lfttt. bottleof Craig's UoldanTeutohasdono driven Lancaster County, ect3MWS&w TKAVMLBRH UUID1 TJEAUINQ & COLUMBIA R. R. AjTangcment or Passenger Trains en, and alter, SUXDAt.ilAY 1MS88. MOUTIIWAKD. Leave a. K. 2narryvllle ite tug Street, Lane 7.80 Lancaster 7.40 Ohlckles 7.8O Marietta Junction 7.M Columbia 7,80 Arrlveatt a. sr. Heading 0x0 BOUTHWAUD. I-oave a, v. Heading , 7,30 Arrrlvn at a. k. Marlettn Junotlen 0.04 Oblckles 9 80 Columbia .,... 027 J ancester. am A. V. r. M. 9.X 180 12.M S.id 12.43 BOO UIW 8.88 11M 4.04 UIW 840 A. M. r. K. 2.40 6JC A. K. r. K, 11.60 US t.x. r.k. l.sa 204 2.00 ., 1.4R 1011 King Street, Laue ,980 KI.M1V&DS B.2S Ujuarryvlilii 10.20 8-5 ftli BUM DAY. Learn Ouarry vllleat 7,10 a. m. King Street, linc. at 8.0s a. m and Ulna Arrive at Ueadlng, 10.10 a, m., and US p. m. Leave. Heading, at 7.90 a. m., and 4 p. m. Arrlve at Klna street, Lane, at 9.M a. m., and a,eep.m QuarrvTllle, at 0.40 p. in. -Trains connect at Heading with trains te and from Philadelphia, Pottsvllle, Harrlsburg, Aiiontewn and ew Yerk,,Tla. Hound Hroek Heute. At Columbia, with trains te and from Tork, Hanover, Ueuysburg, Proderlok and Ilaltt mero. At Uarletu Junotlen with trains te ana from Uhlokles. At Hanhelm with trains te and Irem Leba non. At Lancaster Junotlen, with trains te and from Lancaster, gnarry ville, and Chlckles. A. M. WILSON Buperbntendent. PKNNHYJ, VANiA RAIIiKOAD BUUJtDULK.-ln etrect from June 11, IBS. Trains lhivs laheibtir and leave and ar- nvn at rmiaaeipnta as fellows : Leave fjUIA WKSTWAHD. Paclfle Kxpressf.. News Kxpressf.... Wav PasHOiiBerl... I'hlladelphla. Lancaster, 11: ji p, m 4 SO a. m 4:S0 a. m 7.nea. m i::na, m, itsna. m. 6.30 a.m. .S1 a. m. 9.88 a. m. MOlTh, :Ma. m. Mali train vlaHt.Jeyl nu. t nail xrainy,,.,, Niagara Kxprees .... Hanover Accetn Past Llnet. rrederlck Accem... Lancaster Accem... Harrlsburg Accem.. Columbia Accem... via Columbia 7:40 a. m. via Columbia il:uia.m. 1 via Columbia m'pii via ml joy. m. x:iDp, m, 4:40 p.m. 6.50 p.m. 19:60 p. m, Leave Lancaster. J:vea. m, e.-ej a. m. 8:10 a. m. s.Ma. m. 9.00a. in. 11:80 a. m. 12(p, m. t.-O) p. m. 8.(0 p. m. 4.48 p.m. e.ts p. m. 8:80 n. m. 7:40 D. m. 7:80 n. nu Harrlsburg XxpresM rfuswru jhsprussf KABTWAHD. Phlla. Express!... Past Line) 11:10 p. m. Arrive at Phlla. 4i4Sa. m. 8:28 a. m. Harrlsburg Jtxpressj 10:20 a, m. via Mt Jey 11:45 a. m. jaucnBir jiccuui,,,, Columbia Acoem.... Atlantic Jtxpresat... Boashera Kxpresa..., Philadelphia Accem. Sunday Mall...., Day Kxnresst Harrlsburg Accem., lsp.m. :1B p. m. BH p. nu 8:45 p. nu 6:80 p. m. 9:45 p. m. (The only trains which run dally. On Snn day the Mall ualn west run by way of Col umbia. J. H. WOOD. General Passenger Agent. C1IAB. Z. puull. ueneral Manager. LKBANON A LANCASTER JOIN! LINK UAILHOAD. Arrangement et Passenger Trains en, and after, sdkdit, Mat 18, 1S88. NOUTUVTAKD. Sunday. Leavn a. k. r.x. P.M. a.m. r.v, 8.05 8J6 8.18 4,04 8.43 MS 9.17 6.U Onurryvllle.. 6.0k 6.64 6Mi n.in g btreet. Lane. 7.00 12 81 12 48 LIS 14S Lancaster 7.07 Manhelm 7X1 Cornwall 7.W 880 6.58 Arrive at Lebanon 8.11 UOU1UWAKD, 1.5S 7.10 9.33 5.5J Leave A. M, Lebanon 7.11 Cornwall , 7.27 Manhelm 7.M Lancaster...... 827 Arrive at King Street. Lane 8.85 r. m. 12 SO 12.45 1.14 L4S 1.63 r.x a. k. r.x. vi'i 7-8G7J6 3-U 7.488.10 4.00 Mi 8.16 8.4a 6.16 M 8.429.U MS M 8.B0I9.50 6.M .& liallread. A. M. WILSON, SupL R. 0 H. 8. NKrP, SupL C. U. it. ltAKINU JPOWDKR- 8' TKRL1NO BAKING POWDKR. STERLING nmn '; Absolutely Pure. THIS Powder nevcr varies, A marvel of utility, strength and whole'omoness. Mera economical thau the ordinary kinds. Sold enlv in cans by all urecers. bTEULlNU MANUrACTOmNUCO, 12 and 14 Spruce Street, New Yerk. f-Will exhibit at Lancaster county Pair Cakes ler all, Samples for alL augwSina WANTKD. - TEMPERATE, KNER. i-etle man te solicit orders for enr choice Sursery stock. Steady work and geed pay. The business eisllv learned. Itelerenc; reaulred. Slate age. Address. H. Q.CUAaK Alie., use s. I'enn Sauan, PhUadelphiA. tepl'2ne4 vm M ,r.v "itV3 .V-' .rtsa i M 55 -m T m