V'JrWl' . rcr -?'. 11 v. t; ' rtTTii' , -V - - '. 1 . - V J '- . V - V ? F- ;-' .if- fr E Y 11 LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 17, 1888. DP W Daily Intelligencer. lANOASTKK, OCTOHKIl 17. IK?, 4 1'oer Cooper. Wwi print elsewhere the circular letter fc chairman of the Republican fctate nlttee, being moved le de sd by ins it distress ; nnd we de net llke te r that Mr. Cooper is se poorly snp- l as he ceems te be by the rich Be us of this great county of Lancas- .,: On the long list of the flnanca coin w of the Republican state committee ktkfe campaign , which Mr. Cooper prints with his circular, and which we i te contain the names of all who contributed handsomely te the committee's funds, we And tlie of but three gentlemen of Bter ceunty: namely, Francis Shre- r," Themas Baumgnrdner nnd Clement ,' Orubb. Mr. Cooper doubtless has had int reason for gratefully cnterlcg IWir names upon his list of contributors; -,Mt it troubles us te And that the illua. - Moes names are se few. The list includes ilWtter flve hundred names of J'ennsylva- Bepublicans that have been most dy blessed with this world's goods ; certainly Laucaster county Re fsMIcans are very shockingly scarce , rOQ it. The reason certainly is their poverty, for there are neta- "Ny fat birds among tlicm. Ner is it : tfaat they are spending much money in n apolitical way at home; for in truth they , spending very little. There never Imm been n quieter national campaign 'ipen the Itcpublican side in this county. fy-The plain fact is that its Itepubllcans ICb net willing te spend their money for jtiarnsen nnu Morien ; n may ue uccause they are net used te doing nuylhlng of i'f'xtee kind, having been went te rely with rrplacldlty and satisfaction upon the ceii- E.'trlhntlnnsnf llin TTnltncI Ktjitni nfllnhiln: '-.... . : . ' ujrnich are new non est; or It may be that ft! Ihe Lancaster farmers de net qultoeee th beauty of a high tariff, and are will- (jifliug w atu .w euiuusiiiswe nuuiirers I'.iy .terit. Si,.- Cooper complains and we all sce that .Bepubllcan money is scarce in l'ennsyl Kirania. Mr. Quay lias gene ever te New Bjf'Vrirlr nnrl hiin Inkpn wll.li lilm nil llm lilrf &"".. .. ................ ...w sjoentnuutiona mat naturally belonged te VCoeper, en the plea that New Yerk p Meaeu it ana I'ennsyivania is Bare. Mr. prf-Coeper flndshimself in a despicable depth if" M poverty. We pity him, publish his ap- peal, and urge the Republicans of Lan- ; caster te respond te it. It is really tee ;bad that be far but three Itepublicau K parse strings in Lancaster county should nave been drawn. .. Retaliation. The rhiladelphla 2Yics gives great m prominence te a rumor that when the Fife president receives the customary formal -notice that Congress is about te adjourn JrvllA will nf nna rend (it n inncnnitn lnntt g$S?lng what is te be done about retaliation. ; Yirt..fi... 41. . t i...n. t.. it.i. t nustuci ui uu tuiie la iiuy uuiii ill una Exumer there is ample justification for tV such action, nnd though many a states L nen would under the circumstances pre fer te wait until after the election, it tV-Weuld be auite characteristic of Mm Kg present executive te tell Cengiess what- 1. fllVr fia ffinurvlif licet rAitni-flluBa f nl. wie wuujbvhuhiii auu ucuuiu uu3 uaauiucu ItnmfftdnMB fl'ltrt C..nfn l.nn n.. ... ...1 IM. TMDOnslhlHtv for tlin fallurn nf Mm rn. tallatien bill nnd he could verv well afford te let the matter rest, but theines3age en IV that subject indicated that he was r?i uiuieuguiy in earnest, unu no is net, inu iA'man te let the nation suffer through the partisan smallness of the Senate. The fact that many of his enemies would choe3dto regaid such action as a intra bid for Irish votes in New Yerk would probably have no weight at all lndetr Jsy mining President Cleveland's course, for a, he has net been accustomed te consider sfe- what motives might be attributed by his fyviiuueuia. no una u way ei lurewing bombshells when occasion arises, and the WW MMMnAl IT.. 1 .t . xaci-inat, a nouce or ttie aojeurnmenl J arnishessuch an onnertunliv'is nrnbablv r(the only ground for the present rumor. Though the reduction of the Urlu las been made the issue of this camnahm. tllA lirmatrlni In eiiUaii nf 41. n T f.r...l.1l ... iS Senators in flllllntr tn nr-h imn. Mm rnlnll. :ik atien bill will undoubtedly receive de- . aerved rebuke from many who value the Hener or their country abeve any nues- rf lien of flnnnrn nr Tl!ir!v riiln E&, ;i; fe, The Thing te Jie Dene. 'S Tlin XTote VnA ir,..7.7 .! 1...1.. K entlal Democratic support in the effort It .unites 10 persuaue me local Democracy of New Yerk te unite upon n single can- didate for mayor. "We bee no reason te f question the correctness of the jiidc- 111? m8nfc tliat Maver Hewitt is permitting Y .himself te be made a stalking horse ier Hostile designs against the Democratic i. nauenanicKet. Whatever the merit of hii controversy with Tammany Hall it dee3 i net present the supreme consideration S s, lit present, which is cenQned te the effect 2 Of IIM r:T1llirfl 'Vlinnn (hnnitfni.nl tlnu... "We believe that his nomination should have been acceded te by Tarn. , many Hall, in the interest of harmony ; v. fia it. VQa In font- en noennti,.! .... I.W . m iiH,., su ucun;u m uvu yea IS M( age. Aewuiat another nomination has " tuwn mnrln tlta lt.aattir. ..a . .. l.I.I. ;b -nw MU, vuu mjl,lJU 113 WJ 1J1UL1 . ihnnlil hn tvlllwtr.'itvn ..ui .. u. k,nr aettled by considering what should have been. The most magnanimous aide Will Yield first. If Miivnr TTpwIII could see the situation, ns ether unpre- ?' jaeicea Uemecrata see it, we knew that Be would yield; for hei3 an honest and reilly unselfish man. He has, however, iwen be eiirrea up tuat there seems te be jj$, peer hope of his being able te take an un- i prejuaicea view or the situation. It is certainly, however, the duty et these who -uu .u vu.i.tu. buaitju ui ine uemeciatlc Jiarty te second the Herald's effort te te cure the withdrawal of one Dsinecratic mayoralty candidate. Maine's llad Ilnlilt. 3-, Mr. Blaine never was a very correct tfv.w5an, anu naeiiuaiiy suues into ueliberate tmlstatements with great ease. Ha h.i Sf BO reputation for truth, fnlmpj nn.i Ks .heaesty te take care of, and does net imaM.e uujiuiug ei me K1I1U. lie bas dropped the tariff iu the "West wUare it is net nenular. nn.i tmx kaullitituted nn nttnnlr nnnn .i. ...i a. atlnUtmllfiii fnr f.itnrlllerr, t ..n fktiki in depositing in them the govern. BT faTaTabnt iTIAtiatia llml.ili) .-. I- II. v. ""wji luekcau ui mve3iing me f'meilOV In ireveriimunt hnntls. Tin. f,r If'W? that the treasury department Is kb iwtu. The deposit in banks t secured bv bends ntid nm nf litllu -Kefit te the binks. Iu this way the laeaeyinthH treasury can get into clrcu. IftUOa WithOUt the Cavnmment lislnrr Mm. U - .-W-6VV-4- relied te ray nny prlce the bondholder e may ask It for their bends. It will readily be teen that it the bondholders were advised that the treasury department must have their bends, they might put their price up te any figure. The government even new, in buying bends, is forcing the prlce up en itself. The ether day It was asked $M0 for the 1 per cents.; and when the secretary bought nene, nnd it was intimated Hint he Intended te step buying them, the prlce fell several points. Mr. Ulalne might like te see the government redeeming its bends at the price of two dol lars for one, but it is net likely that the "Western farmers would think that wise. In truth, Mr. Blaine pcems te have chosen his field badly for his argument, since voters who are went te pay high interest for their money, are net likely te appreci ate an attack upon the treasury department based upon its unwillingness te redeem four per cent, bends before they are due, nt ever 30 per cent, premium. It is a wonder that he did net suggest the lean of the surplus te the pralrle farmeis nt three per cent. Interest. Such a policy would be likely te be popular in a country plastered ever with form mortgages bear ing seven, eight or even ten nnd twelve per cent, interest. In Septnmljcr notion vnlued at 13.814 072 vtai cxper U'1 from thin country nnd nearly nil or It went te Kurope. Orcnt ltritaln took tS.C30,091 worth. Ot the total New Yerk linrber itlilpped 77 Oil bain", valued tt J3,80:,033 and Nevr Orleans 41,016 b.ler, or J2,02l,wr worth. The experts et cotton for Heptcmbcr wero Heme flve millions lewnr In vnlue than In rjeptomber et 1887. Minera! oils wcre exported In the month te tlie amount et $3,674,719, which was f 133, 470 lra than a jear a0. The fthlpmentn from New Yerk had a value of 2,768.209 and from l'lillwlelphla (1,031,071 Tu'ose figures nre from the report, Justlnsuci), of CnlolHwIlz'er, of the treanury bureau of BtntlHtlM. A niMi'ATCH from Londen nin.eunclnj? the Mk"I"i; or n mall contract botweou the Imperial government and the Canadian 1'acllln railway company la nccompanted by ceiiiinmit that will net reatly ploase the CiutflillniiH. lly this contract the ureal monopoly getn en annual payment for carrying matin amounting te (300,000. The Londen illrpnteh nays that it'la tell HtrenRly In elllclal cnmmerclal clrolea that If Uanada Intends te boeoino the llrltlah reute te the HiHt nhe uiu'l inake eacrlUccH te lnltlate an luletiuate Atlantle Hervlce. It Is polnted out that Australasia, with n popalatlen of 1,0:0,000, annually payH for purely ocean aorvleo (1,676,000, whlle Canada pays only e fractional unieunt." He In order that the yiouepoly inBy have control of a (.100,000 mall sorvlce and the tratUe with India that tleta net go by way of the Hed Sea Bhe must Hiibmlt te uiore taxation. A nnor.eoisT has oemo beck from an ox ex psdltlun te the Yuken rlver, with such glowing accounts of the precious inetnl lliore n!) undlng that the rush te that rogleu la mire te be greatly Inoreaxett next spr ug. The Yuken risen nway up In ttie uenhwtBUrn corner of llrltluh Amerlca nnd Hewh through seme hIx hundred mllCH of llrlthh territory botero It enters Alaska te completotho reuialnlug 1,700 mlles et Us leunth. Thlt ilver Ih uavlable for nbeut two tUmu'iiiHl mllei and gcel. ORlst McO.trnull roperta that In ledges of reclt along Km bank rich geld ote may be neon plainly whlle the crewila of mlncrn iilrtndy In the country nre innklni; from (U0 te (60 n day washing geld from the Mind of the rlver. Ne doubt many n llfe will be thrown away In the scramble ter unlth en the Yuken, and undoterrod by the ueverlty of the climate, whleh only permlts two mentlm of work, large psrtles will be ready te plunge Inte that great wilderness next aunimer in Bearch or ttouturei jet unknown. Toe country where proeloui tuetaU most abenud li uaimlly the very roiigheit and most forbidding, nnd It must be rcmembored that the tomperato oliiunte of the cuut (Iech net oxlend east or the coast riinge. In the geld belt the cold haa been reported intense, and until thodetaliu et Mr. McO'jnuell'H report are known, the exlravt guut accounts of the nbundanoe of geld munt be taken with a grain of Bait. Tin: New Orleans i'tcdjtiiictupgeBiBtlia "the Eklrmlshlng et Ulalne en the front line Is drawing much of the tire that might de execution II aimed at Harrison the can can dldnie aud the Republican party." Theie U truth enough In thlu te inake It apfear n H9rleus warning, but net enough te be really nlurmiug. ltlalne la net n mere BlilrmlHher, but the real lighting leader of his puty. Te hltu aud net te Harri son wan gtven the nggreaslve leader ship, and whlle the oneral uttera courtceua opiumenplnco uentlmenta In reuelvlng lotunle campaign clubH and ii'ilfernisd nssoclatlens otelllce-iookers, the plimifil knight goea prauclng around, breaking laricen ou the lssuei of thBcatn plgn. It would be liuposilble te inake Harrlreu ns proinluem in illalnp.Blmpiy t0. cuuse he real.as that thore Is nothing much te be Bld en hln Blde ei the case and Ueeps quiet, whtle lllnlne, te our lntlnlle ej', will routlnue te open his mouth und put hU feet iu It every time. PERSONAL. Tin: Hkv Lit. Jejki-ii Paiikiiu, or Louden, bttH: "Always hIIewiiii; for uxceptluiiH, thopuleit Utheiiald sluvoet re)i-eta01iiBecl(ty." Pi MlllA UaMAD.1 II. n l.lt. .- liiclne vi'uinnii who has been holleltlnir ftinils In tht country for thu eatabllshment et ncc-unel lu ludU rer wldewn, 1ms ro re liirned te her imttve country with (eO.OUO. Hue obtained mero money in tim KruncUue thou oiywherenlBo. William I). Klueit, well nnd favor, ably Known throughout the southeastern part of the statu, unit ene of the most premt, iiwit ct.tz.ns of Yerk, dled en Tuesday, irem lb55 te lb7u he wbs oue of the most extentiive tebse manufaeturers iu the Neith. .Subfeijueiitiy i,0 engaged In bank ok liuslirtt. .but of late yc'at3 ,1Bll tically rotlred Irem nctlve bualucss pur. nulls i Leitn Hackmub, the OBcontrle nnd wealthy nobleman who has Just died with with eutbelr, leltu will bt'ijueathuiK lusporBeuat properly te the queen's buveu maids or honor. Itlfcsurinuml iimt. ii...M.it. ...... te bouie maid of honor te whom he did net wish tocaiiBptelal attention, he hit uoeu the plan of making thorn all rich. The fjunliy neat und eutalled estates go te Hiok Hiek Hiok yille Went, the llrltlsh mlnlster nt W aiulrg en, who Is new Lord Sick vllle. . m ir?.m,.f"cll,"0.n'' Vn.-l soil n itreat Qeai vt ,. .' J.U. ." l.!J,ll!h. bsrui' anil that it Kiv bit. ter kaUifattten than uuy ether Ceuh byrui. 1 WlLbU. AlOSEblCV. DruifKl.t. "(l.ce upon n iniaiiUlit areury," when l tnm-a s;j saa Hurt ey, upon iiiy biaimlt Vex t'ejiaii, 'Jhuvoire ei tn Intelligent people Oec ares Urn bo.e U. .NT Uan article el Kenul ,UUIlt untl then palronuue cenUnns what their voice proclaim!, 'i here Is no KalnBnyleB UiH r0 r0 nuncaiaiie facts atte.ua .by the evidence et uu ui be less respectable citizens prove that It is correct. Ne article for the teeth has such a wide p pa'arpy.aua assuredly none exerts tut hit buiillc-iiiliinueucj upon thmi, len flerlair, its It does, their ttrueturu inoretolld, uud ex uiu.tuatliiK tletetdseilteecuy. Vt'ell us Ftur, I.ettie Heward rlte from UutTale. N. y .h,ytt"i" b Cttm" t?reatly deeilltateil r r'?u "roaen prolastlenal amies. Buf Buf i.er . ,?i,uilll:,.,,ia- "'e" heiaache.ana bilious, neis. Trim Huri'eck Bloea lHtltrt with tlm v!St.V?uVncl?.1 f.ntt0t- Am wfiui ever, ter l hertli Queen itreet, tancMtt" OOMI'LKXION rewnujt. pOMPMiXlON POWCKlt, LADIES WIIU VAI.UK A ItKriNBl) COUPLKZ1U.N iiuar utiK pozzeNrs UEUIOATXI): COMPLEXION POWDER. 11 Imnarts n brllllunt irnefpamncy te the shin, uomevesnllplinplrs, irePhles und Dis coloration, and umkes the skin flcllcaUily soil nnd beautiful. Itcentalns neltine, wlilK letd or arsonle. In three shades, pink or flesh, white ana urnnotie. roil BALE MY All DruKsmta nnd Fnney Qoeia Doaleru flvorywhero. SWlIK.WAUK Or IMITATIONS.- tprJO-lva M'ANAilAKlCJVU l'niLAnKLrnui Wednedny, Oct. 17, HfcS. Finest Damask that comes from Germany ; cloth 5 yards long, twelve ? napkins, $44 the set. Finest from France, same sizes, dozen patterns, $38 the set. Irish tee. Any of them in as dainty designs as linen ever took, and in all the right sizes. That's one end of enr Table Linen story ; here's the ether : Cream German Damask, clean and clear, 64 inches wide, 50c a yard. Five neat patterns. Matching Napkins $1 a dozen. Honest Linen that grows en your liking with every wash. Between these extremes such a Damask showing kinds and prices ns we doubt if any two houses in America can match. Houlhwestof contie. 1 2 extravagant Quilts, 30 te $75 each. Of course the filling is first class (eiderdown in some) and the covering ex quisite silk heavy weight, hand-woven silk and richest satin in the most delicate shades. But that's only the beginning. Each Quilt is an art study. Unique. Londen's proudest people have such Quilts specially get up ler them. These are by the foremost Lon Len Lon eon designer. A Kensington art idea in each. Odd, auda cious, startling perhaps, but al ways artistic, and never two alike. You'll like te see them. All sizes Down Quilts, from $3-75 for crib te $15 for big gest. Kensington notions in some. A remarkable Cotten Quilt gees en the counters te-day. As geed as we ever sold for $3 ; you shall have it ler $2. One side extra quality sateen, ether genuine Turkey red. Stuffed with clean carded cot ton. And two yards and six inches square! A pinched, beggarly Quilt is as mean as a stingy Blanket. We don't keep either. Near Wouien's Waiting ltoem. Departments for the sale of Women's Merine, Silk, and Weel Underwear have just twice the space they had last week. Just as much mere room for the Men's. That means better service and mere comfort for you in buying. The goods were here, but a little hard te get at. They never were here better or mere than new. The best Underwear from the world's markets at prices that'll please you. Chestnut street side, west of main atele. San Dominge Bedroom Suites, in special designs, beau tifully finished in every detail, don't beg for buyers. At halt price they touch the sensational. Se of Quartered Oak. Beth are here 50 per cent under the market. As unlikely a thing as could happen in Furniture. About two dozen in all. Ma hogany, $100 te $115 ; Oak, $90 te $100. Third Meer. 1 out elovuteis. Tambour Lace Curtains, $5 te $20 the pair. Extra geed hits from $7 te $12. Brussels Lace Curtains be gan at $iS, strong effects in every grade te the top $50. Brussels Point Curtains, $3250 te $100. Any ether Lacey Curtain loveliness you care. bctend Meer, north of Transept 100 Twilled Silk Umbrellas. The ticket en each one savs "Guaranteed for one year," and "will net fade or split." The ticket tells the truth. 26 inch $4.50 28 inch 5. 00 Come prepared te see Um brellas worth $6.50 and $7. All silver hooks and creeks. Unique shapes. We paid for similar handles last year what you shall have these Um brellas for. Chestnut street side westet main aliie JOHN WANAMAKER, riOOU'S HAUSAPAMLLA. OUT OF SORTS Is a feellns peculiar te poriens of dyspeptic tendency, or It may hi causoabrtchangeof cllmate season or llfe. 'I he stemiich U out of Older, thu head aches or dots net fee! right, appotlte tictprlrloes, the net vel scorn evor. worked, the mind Is confusel and Irrltnh'e. This condition llndunoice!lont corrective In Heed's Harsapartlla, which, by IU regulating nnd tenlnc pnners, seen 'restores fcarmeny te the system, and glvf s thnt strength of mind, nerves and body, which makes ene feel per fectly well. HUOIl'8 BAltHAl'AIUM,. " I Inve used Meed's earsaparllla In my ft-i lly for thrteytars, and have tnken tt person ally with grrnt success. It has always built up my system by giving me a geed appotlte, has cloarel my skin, and his rondemeslerp. I haverulTured treiu nervous ptoitratlen, nnd have been cured by nothing but Heed's Brmv imlllanndncci.lenally Alowel Heed's l'tlls." O r .U'NKUtiKANw, 8upt. of Music In Public rctioels, ulntlunnll, e. OUKKS DYBPKl'aiA "I Mitlercd a crcnt whlle wih dyspepsia, nnd tried a geed many rotnedtiB. Afilend uii;cd me te try Heed's Sarsapirllla, and I have new taken two betllesi H Ins entirely cuied me of dyspepsta, and a scrotuleus ntTec ntTec lien his also entirely disappeared. 1 can hardly And words te express my high appre. clntlcn of Heed's rarsaparllla." Allzh 11. MiaLc.u, City Hetel, Lancaster, 1'a. Heed's SarBaparilla Beld by all druggists. It ; six for 5. l'ropared only by C. I HOOD A CO., apoUiecaiiot, I.OKOll, Mass. 100 Dee ta One Dellar. 0) Q.OLOKN Hl'KOliae. DRUNKENNESS -Olt TllK MU.UOII HA HIT POSITIVELY CUIIKD 1IY ADAUN18TK1UNO I) II. 1IA1NK3' HOI.DKM Bl'KOtKtO. It can boyiven lu a cup of coffeoor tea with out the knowledge of the person taking It i Is absolutely harmless, und will effect a perma nent and speedy euro, -whether the patient Is a rnolenuo drinker or nn alcoholic wreck. Thousands of drunkards have been made tnnipomte men who hnvn taken Oolden Bpo Bpe Bpo ctne In their ce!ri3 without their knowledge, and te-day hollevn thny milt drinking of thelr own freewill. IT NKV felt TAILS. The sys tem once Impregnated with the Specific, ltbo ltbe ltbo cetiiM an utter Impossibility ler the llouer appetite te exist, rer sale by Oil AH. A. f.OOlIKH, Druggist, Nn it KnstRlug Street, Lancaster, l'a. BUKSlydJI,V,r TMl'HOV K 1) CUSHIONED KAK JL DHU118. UUKIC 1'OK Till! DKA1'. IVctt'M I'ntant Improved Cushioned Kar Dmn s perfectly rejieru hearing and porfenn thu work of the nnluialdrum, lnvlslblecnm. fertublanud always In position. All conver sation unit even wlilflixirs heard distinctly. Hend for Illustrated book with testimonial. rilbK. Addrc33 or call en r. HlSUOX.tsM llreridwny. New Yerk. lt'2S.2w0M,W,rAw HXTATUllKH " AMERICAN I Watccts, Clocks, Jewelry, Benes, Kvo-Ulesao?, K te , ut I.O W KS f l-11 1C KS. Optlcil Hoefls Telegraph Tim e Dally Kvery Arltcle lu this l.lue Curelully Kei ulrcd. LOUI8 WEBER, Ne. 1WK N. Uneen 8t, Near P. U. It. Slnllen. W KMIINU IMIKSKNTH. &ILL, Jeweler. Wcddieg Presents in Silver. New and Artistic Dtslgns In BII.VKIITKABKTS, l.KMONAIiKBK'lB, OMCKltASKKTS, FKUIT DI81IK8, yuKscii ci.ecksi, IIUONKS, Ktf. CfiAS. S. GILL, HO. 10 WEST KINO ST., liANCASTKII. PA. lDi:i'AlltlN(. WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING ! l-ei line Wu'ch nnd Jewelry Kepalrlng 'Jll US. Will nlve ou the boMlet work and ler less money than jeu luvobeen paying. AM Sl'EOIAl. WOltK, Resetting Stones, &c, Ail Werk Warranted nnd Satls.'actlen Uunranteed. WALTER C. HEM, Ne. 101 North Queen Street, i con. or otiANer, lancastku. pa. iii-ua jiAJtuwAim' ftJI-XV DOOlt TO THE l'OSTOl'KIUK. Out bteck of Steves, Heaters rnl Haiigea i.i new cemplete as can be desired. We Imve thetu In all sizes aud for all prices. None should wait leuger te iue p.ire theniselvea for what prom. I.'os te be a Ieiir and severe win ter. When the deep snow la liere aud the lierce cold wind blowing, it will be dangerously late te pro vide for heating the house. Xew is the acceptable tlnie, and the best place te which te go is REILLY MM & 1MB, IlAUDttAI.K Al Het M I I ItMMUXd (ioeK-t, , 40 ti : x qui:en st. DC 11 tilll J ''i-r . ;r itm uuviii. -THE- ROCHESTER LAMP Miiy canOin-LUhti Ucats thorn all. Anetbii' i.ei ei fKr ai.OUOferuas n' OU stoves. T1TU PBttFEOTIOK " HH'L, MUl'LUlHd A UtlltDKll OUSHIOH W' THKR STRIP ii-.. - "i csis strip ouiwearj alt ethers, H.pc i i . id s'ep n.'.uiii el windows, Sf'i n" 'I. - -; nep out puew andiuln. Anj me . ., . . -no waote or dirt made lu : 'UuH imi'il anywhere no helPt 1. .e. re .-. ter nue. It will net split, ws.ri e irn. . iBtiien strip Is tbe most rnrfn i -rn -i.i, n&4tr and Itange Bterea -or-; Jeiui P. ''flliaum & Sens, rt5uUriiUI3SN3T liAWUAttTKil. I'M. H' TOIIAOae. QUI HONi:.STV TOHACCO. FINZER'S OLD rIONESTY The Clicwera of 01.1) HONESTY TO1JACC0 will Boen find that It laats longer, tflU-s flvveeter than ether tobac cos, and will pleiwe you. Ask your dealer for It und Insist en getting it. Genuine Has a Red H Tin Taq en Every Plug. JHIUTU AND UllOKH. rY thi: vva y7 ' "" We wish teeall your uKonllen le out l.lne of JTAl.Ii AM) W1NT1CU SHOES New In stock, for I.adlcs. Mlses and Chil dren, lu the dlirorent styles of Uu-(lpera, Common BeiiBe and fqnaiu-hlgh and Tew heels. Fer Men nnd Heys we have them In all styles-Hutten. I.ate and Cenuress-nud tte Pmy'shTseVn? "1'10 H. Swilkey's New 0a8h Stere, NO.?l NOUTH yUKKN HT11KKT. ectll-3md F IOOT WRAK. Ready New! ei. NOW llKADV, with my Complete tteck of UOOT8, BHOK3 and JtUUllKlcs for rail and Wtnler Wear. Never before did I havu Biieii a I.arge and Varted Bteck of the Very Jiest that the Market Affords and Marked nnd Quick Selllug ITI-03. Alse I call your attention te my $3.00 GILT EDGE SHOE. This Is ene et the host Ihree-Hellnr Bhoe for men that Is tnmlu today, tall ami tee thorn i It beats all ethers. D. P. STACKEOTJSE, (U.1U1UKBT0UK.) 80 & 30 HAST KINO, UT, LANCA8TKK. PA. alu-lyd JgOOTM AND 8HOKM. WIS AUK ItKTAII.IKQ EOOTS - BOOTS -AT- WHOLESAIiK ntlCFS. Hew Can We De It? Villi HAVAbli- WKW!t,I.HUM,AlN. Alter the Inst ltoelBviKon ve bought Mlty nlne (M) Cafei of Youths' Heys' and Men's Heets at 11 1'rlvntoAsslgnee Hale, ler Spot Cash, nt such JCcceidlnKiy l.ew Prlcei thatwecan new soil you thein Itetall nt UugiUar Wholesalo 1 rices, and yet make profit enough te keep us We Can Sell Yeu: Ii'jaVkW anY,1"' S,"a 1 10 B' lM ,1W' nnili"'l',0lU, K.'p "oets. h!i Ote 11, ll.B0.ll.7S and itoe t ii'Kularprlce, tt 00, $i.a and 12 W Our lloeu ter HM und ti (10 wu defy anyone f1i,.h0 c2".!y "r btlkUi te heat for i-lt, Jjuru unity and rile 1. We could ImiilKinnlininanse "profit en lhee f.n Cases or Iloeu by sellltiK Ilium at thu old prices, but our inotiels Q&ick Sales and Small Profits, We have sturk te tt, and te our " llule" 0 glvlen our customers thu advantnge of our purclmsrs We lnve the largest stock et Ladles', Misses' nnd Children's llenvv l.nce and Jliittnii thees for fall and Winter Wear tn Uinclty, (vilileh wodetyany of our coinpotl ceinpotl coinpetl Jora te dispute) at prices te suit the times. ,.iii in m bio wieuiwnuiner jeu wish te pnr tue mi ,,1,1, an we ronsmerit mitrouhle Bbew goods at the prices we sell them. te The One-Price Cash Heuse. I71)l?v p, mm IT I I 1, The Leaders of Lew Prices -IN- BOOTS 8c SHOES, Ne. :i Khf Kiug Street, I.ANCA3TKII. PA. -hiore closed overy evenlrg nt I p. in., ex ex ceptbatuila anil .Monday. ' .. l'MttKKl.l.AS. Umbrellas! AUI. UUAUK4 AT ItKABONAUMS l'UICEB. R, B, & H., tte 11 EABP KINUSTUKKT. v 'Jlirse IIKLV'IIA" with llrld and Sll verc psiitfl (Ouie llmalns. NO. 11 K AST lil.SU BT. "epaliljganil Ite-cevertiiB Ione. se, '.Ktiud ATTIIU.VXm. I UTHKKa. KAUtJfMAN, ATTOUN EY-AT-LAiy, Second fleer JCshleman Law JJalldlng, Ne. 13 Neith Dake btreet. ts-iyQw riu ilMttl UKOVBK1KS. SeKFKEai TEABI OHOIOB C)LD"00PPEE3. Fresh Ueastca D&llj' anfl Flnest New Crep. TEAS. . We (liiarantoe Ter Kine Flaver and Geed UrlnkluKtluulttlcs. UKOllMK W1AVT. .Ne. Hi West King 8. JIOU OKADE UltOUKIW. . A. Eeist & Ce, man qcaus uueceks, Cor. Kust King and Duke Streets. WANTKD-500 noenln te call and taaln Falted Henteam Wuferr.the lifst Wafer In the world, told by the pound or 6 pound cans. Bpeclal rrtce In can lets Anether fresh let et Vandjrreer A ITolme Chocelato VanllUand fitnger Wafers Justin, 25c per can. New Jtvaperaud Peaches, rears and Aprt Aprt cel, new iranberrl.r, cornmeal and liuck wheat, new Table 011b, Ullves, tauctr, Bar ulccs. Cresie A Illackwetl's Petted Illeater PasU In decernted lats, )?, If Ichsrdsen's and Uebhln's Petted chicken, DucX.'iurkey, Oaine, Tengue and Uani, ftuih. New Datch-Hexd or Edam Cheeses. Headquarters for Klnn Hams and Dried lienf, irinest lllnck Island Illoater Mackerel, weight lJi and IK lis, whlle as paper and It as spring chickens. Ask te bee thorn. W. A. REIST & CO. -Tolepfcono. Free Delivery. "a"t ituusic'a " ' CIMPAIGJST FEADOUflRTBRS reu ITLA09, rillKWOHKS, CH1NRSK AND .IAPANK3& I.ANTKIl.NS. PREPARE FORTH 3 BIG PARADE ON THE 24th. DON'T WAIT-Ucinnmber thore will be a deinand Teri here goods en thumb. We will help you te make it a grand occasion. THINK Or IT! We will seli you IleaTablaauxrires at ha'.l the usual prlce. We will sell you rirowerks ntU really Kc d 11 cert I'rlces SOMETHING NEW. Snrogue's Patent lllnmlnated Lantern : leeks like a balloon Poitraltsef Candidates, a "ig Keester carrying 11 pendant w lth words " Victory " en It, ter acceiatlng buildings and carry Ing In poindes. UU YOU WANT A, HUNTING FLAG? We .-an miuiiu juu any uir.es. un you want a Hag te carry lu precession ? We can lurnlsh them complete. Iho ADAMANTINE OANDI.KS.IO randies te llie pound, at 13c are cheap, we sell the BURSK'S, NO. 17 HAST KXtm BTREHT 1m AN OAST Kit, PA T RA ! TKA I TEA ! REIST TEA! TEA! TEA! LAKUKSTSIOOIU J1K3T ASSOUTMKNT I AND LOWKST PltlCKi I Uote n Few of Our Leadera : Oolenff, at 15c per pound, has necnunl. Oo long nnd Imperial, at '.5s, leads ihe world, our liiend, at 'iie per pound, makes many friends. Our Japan, nt Be, ana lmperlal and Oarden Grewn Oolong, ut Mc, win surprise you Our flnest Clunpowder, at 50c, Is, with out a doubt, tlie flnest Tea en the market for the money. We also have In stere Yeunir 11 v son migllsh hieukrsst, Finest Japans, elc. COKFEES ! COFFEES I COFFEES 1 Coireesarosgaln advancing. Wohaveanood ?!.k,ftn5 w"' vnt s0" ut old prices. uS.le. ,a,.2.?5'l!I0,ia.30 ceIlU' Uel Mecha ana Mandlullng Java In stock. NEW GOODS. Cranberries, Granulated ana Oven-Dried Cernujeal, New Heans, Finest lloneloss Ced fish, Funcy Kvaporated, Whlte and fellow. J urea und Unnarea Peaches and AprlceU lluck-nnd Uelt-UnlstnK Jliickwhent will be in. In day or two. We luve Just received. Irem tt inject linpnrtntlnn, 11 large iiunntlty of the ' nnvnrlta " llrund Italian Mucnrenl, 8pa. uettl, anil Vermicelli, strictly fresh, ana will sell nt two packs ler US cents. EOOK 1 LOOK ! LOOK 1 Four pounds l'earl Tapioca, 2c. Four pounds Flake 'J npieca, iUe. Four pounds Crnckeis (treshl I.lc. Te flne liroems for 23e. btx pounds ltelha Oatsfer2Sa fclx pounds Oatmeal for 25c. One pound Oocei Shells, Be One bottle Parler Prlda Ku'iinel, 100 Ihree or rive pound kettle uiustle Seda, nt 1 en large cake geed Laundry Poap. 25c. Flne Dried lieef. ii)e per pound. lnu I'lculc Hums, HXc. .K.'.,",8t Kt'0' '' engues, and best Ne 1 and Ne 2 White ana FatMuckeiel. Reist, Wholesales Retail Grocer, WHOLESALE AND UKTA1L (.HOCJtll, erthest Cerner West Klnr nnd Trlnce Strecti, LANCASTKlt.PA. "Tlephone and Fi-co Dfrllvery. TD1AI.li AND WINTEll (JOOD.S. M. HABERBOSH & SON. Fall and Winter goods. Our Stock of Full aud Winter Goods ia new complete. We have the Largest and Finest Stock In the city of HOUSE BLANKETS (All Gnults) Lap Blankets, in l'lueh, Weel and Felt. Black and Grey Geat Bebes. Hudsen Bay tiutl l'rairie Wolf Bebes. Buffalo Bebes. Siberian Deg (Black) Bebes. Fex and Coen Skin Bebes. iftS" We consider it no trouble te show our goods AT 51, Hatarlmsh & Sen's f4.lUL,lIAKNKSS, AND TRUNK STORE, Ne. 30 Oentre Squara, LANCABTJEK. PI. j vLermxu. jyiEKOHANT TA1LOIIINO. Merchant Tailerihff -AT- The People's Cash Stere NO. 25 EAST KING BT. "We are New Beady with one et the Best Selected Stocks et SUIT INGS, TBOUSEBINGS, Ac, la the City. We use the Best Material only in Trimming and employ none but the belt artists. Satisfaction Guaranteed in Every Particular. The People's Gash Stere, NO. 25 EASr KIKQ BTRBBT, LANUASTKlt, PA. tnarHlvdAw CT1HHH A KKOTUKK, WE ARE STILL ON DECK. d Saturday was a busy day with us. Our Coats nnd Suits went by the score. Nevertheless we still have enough of new goods te supply the great demand, ns we are constantly manufacturing. We have en hand at all times LABGE SIZES in all our goods, with prices just the same as reg ular stock sizes. Gloves are in season. We are ready te supply all in all grades of Kid, Dogskin, Buckskin, Leather nnd Woolen Gloves, with prices se low as te astonish you. Our Order Boek is full of orders for Suits and Overcoats, but there is always room for mere. One Hundred Pieces of New Imported Goods have ar lived and arenew. ready. Such beautiful fabrics as we have just received cannot be excelled. We will make you a pair of One pan pan pan taloensot Imported Cheviot for $3.00. A durable Cassimere in check ;or stripes, $5.00. A geed Cassimere, strong as well as pretty in design, $4.00. Worsteds in endless variety, $4.00 upward Perfect Fit Guaranteed. Give in a call for Custom Werk. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY. HIRSH & BROTHER, Lsiding Clothiers & Merchant Tailors, CORNER OP N QOBQNaT.&OBNTRHBQUARH, HNOA8TKK. PA. HATH. JI'KUIALTIESFOK YOUNQ MKN. Stauffer&Ce, LKtDISO UATTEBSiND FUltlUEIlS. We have eolecontrolof the woilrtinnewnod DUNI.AP HAT and the CuIolinUed UOSTON ilEAUl'IKS. Unequalled In quality and the uowest and prettiest shapej out. Our linn nfRTirv hath . ,,... .. cemplete and our 11.S0. 11. ts and Mtmttif 11.1, are unequalcd. Trunks and Traveling Tags AT SPECIAL JJAKUAIJiS. t-lieL)ej or all klnCs at Very l.ew l'ilea. Stauffer&Ce a l and 33 North Queen St. HIRSH BROTHER HASDHUROUlKtV plAMl'AiUN GOODS, Oampaiga Goods, WHITU ULOVBtl, BADGES, BOPP GLOVEa, NEW NEOKTIEB, ERISMAN'S, NO.UWKSTKINQ BTJUEBT.