IT&WFfirfv -' JA-r?1 ' . - tv" - b i i AN0A6TETC D VTLY INTELLIGENCER, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1888. S m m R i ik. v sf- tr- I?. rsr Ivf II m Pi ;v ? w It V'' a? J IKUUH 1I A lUAlfl. . ?H OLDMANSKKIOUSLTINJUUKUNKAK (JUICKtK?, ON MOKDAV, fl,1' V j-m ' vi inn iinj w nil &nv :-u riAlllna Cint r9 f at Ifatt VL'- linn nil YfcM la llnt4 llrKr Fence IiynTTttt Hound Train. Cat aud limited Terrlblj. Columbia, OiL 1(1, Frederick llrono llreno llrone man, Age 72, wes struck by nn erjglne ei a mtm bound freight tttln yesterday aiter. Boen about 1 o'clock, a abort distance east of Cfalcklca station, lie had gotten en the 2:43 p. m. train ter Yerk Instead of the train ter Marietta, and did net discover bis mistake until he reached the bridge He then atarted te walk en tbe rail read te Marletta nod was walking en the south track. Near Uhlckles he BOlleed an east bound freight train ap t proaehlnR and te get out of the way, stepped " en the North track, directly in front of a Weat bound train. The man was struck With considerable force by the cnglne nnd was thrown ever a fence into the yard sur. ' rounding the Iialdeman property. The man was carried Inte Uhlckles atatlen and Or. Craig summoned. Me is badly bruised bout the body and head and a long gash cntacreu thecontre of his head caused by the fall. On account of his age the In juries may prore fatal. Ureneman is a resident of Norten county, KauBas, He was removed te Wild Cat, whero his brother reslder. Conductor Henry McCIesky, of Wrlgbla Tlllc, employed en the Pert read, had the lndf i flnger of his left hand mashed last Bight wblle carrying freight from a car at Peach Bettem. A meeting of mombera of O.Men ledgo of Odd Fellows was held last night, when a octal eiub was organlzed by the election of the following eillcers : l'roldent,Oeorgo W. HbroeJer; vlce preildent, Geerge Tille ; secretary, Chat. I. Fllbert ; treas- nrer, M. II. Hmllh ; executive cemmitter, J as. A. Allisen, Unas. A. Cerrlgan, Goe. VV. Hamaker. Kulca and regulations ler Uie government of the club were adopted, The M. Jj S. held a party last evening nt the home of Miss Mary Bewers and had a pleasant time. Mies Hertie Ottey cnlertalncd the 0. H. H. laat evening in honor et her 10. h birthday. She was presented with a geld pen and bolder by the members et the society. U&erge Yeung, nnether member, was presented with a similar prcent in honor et his 2lt birthday, which occurred yoster yester day. The members wero baniimuiely on en Urtained. This evening the society will be entertained at the home of (leorge Yeung. Mrs, Jacob UethschlUls roturned from a trip te Iiallliuore last ovenlng. F. W. llcrkcl is en a business trip te Curwensvllle. II. I), llbode, of the JieruUl, is home from a trip te Worthlngteu Valley, Md. AT I'KOl'I.K'S I'KICUS. A. HUDCtiter Heuse Drum Ultcn br Men anil Deg at the Opem Hump. Attheopera liouse tliore was a fair slzed ndlenoe last ovenlng te greet the l.eonze Brotherr, who opencd for threu nights In thunder and lightning dramas. The plays given by this cotiple are or the most sens.!. tlenal and trashy kind, Seme Idea of them can be learned from the description of the picture en a eli-ljeet bill that they une te dvertlse their attractions. In the rear there is a waterfall and "yawning abyeu," Over this is a leg, and ou it stands a bad looking man who has "necked" nnether, probably werse than himself, and is about te plunge him beneath. At the ether end et the sauie leg, n villain with a gun Is in the net of scattering a lair maiden' brain. Near by Is an Indluu tied te a atake with a small tire at hta feet. He Is supposed te be toasting whilenblg deg is cbewing the necktle ell his com panion. A colerod man with a red uhlrt ud a revolver at the ether elde of tbe bill la keeping six men with guns nt bay. Every persen en tbe bill ban a pistol, gun or kulle, and the see no Is there fore Quite thrilling. List nlgbt'H play was called "Maj'a Dovetlou, or the Manlau Banter." The Li9enz:s and thelr dogs nave tue principal oharaaters. One or the brothers is nfalracter, whlle the "business" of the ethor Is te wrestle with I he big dns. Among the support is Miss Pauline Markham, at ene tlrne a leading bnrlesque actrcsu ei this country. She ders very well in the char. Mter of May Percy, and Kugrne Mass Is capital as l'ctt Green. The de,(s de thelr work oievorly, and are always en hand te ---f"'er?GW up the evil doerB. TcJght "Brether Against Urother : or. Man vs. D3g" will be played. It In et the same wild class as last night's piece, and atreet sprinklers or bleed will be spilled. The "atreug attractions" that the mauago mauage ment of the opera hoase Is new proseutiug are something that our Bmuseinont-lerlng people should feci proud of. UKiTii or'itEuiii:it. His tremtsa Uccur at Ucnntien, Ie, Wblle Ku ltonte lu CalllerulB. A telegram was received by Mr. Uoergo J). fcJprechcr en Monday atlernoen nniioune leg tbe death of Ills nephew, (Samuel Bprecher. The ead event took place at DennlscD, Iowa, at 8 o'clock en Monday morning, where he had stepped te visit friendp. Deceased left this city two weeks go for California, where be had intended making his future home, the climate here aet agreeing with him. He was tfllictcd with a pulmonary complaint for a number et years and hoped cbangoet climate would benefit his health, Deceased was tbe ou of the late Hauiuel Bprecher, and was BbeutSS years old. He was a graduate et Lnhjjotteeollege, HibIep, and alterwards studied civil engineering, Which profession he followed for a uumt-er of years. In the days et the volunteer tire department in this city he was an actlve member of tbe Kmplre Heek and Ladder company. His remains will be brought te Lancaster for interment, end are exptctcd bere te morrow. He leaves a widow and two.'yeuDg sons. llclera tbe Majer. The mayor had eight cases te dispose of this moraine. The meat dlstlniiulshed prisoner was Kmma Arcbey. Olllcer Bobs found her at the corner of Orange and Grant treets last night, tee drunk te walk, and he took her te the station houte. Kmma Mid her only elfense wes cheering ter Har rison, and a peri-en ought te have the right te cheer fcr the Chinese candidutp, The mayor told her that hta valiant force would net think et arresting ani body who cheered lorHarrisenbut en general principle he lie would scud her te jail for 30 days. Israel White, from near Mt. Jey, had te be carried te the station house by Olllcer Beas. He was discharged upon the pay. Baent of casts. William Kanllmae, arrested for the same eflenae, was dlwbsrged, it Lelng Ids ilrst appearance be'ere the mayor. Five ledgers necking work were dla charged. faaddcu Dentil. Jehn N, Uarerstlclc, n farrner in the W- a year of Usage, residing at Wabank, went fA Visit his fcnn. Tlarviiv 17 TraA.-ati..i . 'jMitaae Valley, en Humley. He was taken waddenly ill and died te dav. n !. u H (WH end family. His funeral will take y u Biaee from bis late rosldenceat Wabnk. ft TfcwraJay at 12 o'clock. Herviees aria lu. K-v' larmeat at 1 o'clock, at Htone Meettne r. UBe, Hew winviue. TheyHtule Junk. Lat night thieves broke open the deer of piuieuijuuu raegiey, or rteriri gereu nu men rerceu efu tbe ttllce Vfnm (hta (hftv afnla annul Win n.i. itireand fl6 worth of Iren brass. A- ,' aegley thinks he knows who they Mnrrlcil In limiting. Hkapi.nci, Oat, 10 At 11 o'clock Hits morning in Trinity Liutheran church cf this city, the pastor, Hev. Dr. Fry, cfllclated ntthe tnatrlngoef his daughter Josrpblne and Mr. William Benbow, of Kasten. Guests were present from the adjacent states et Ohie, West Virginia and New Jerey, and the principal cltles of this state l,hilad(lphlr,l'lttaburg,l.ancaiter,Kaatunl 1'ottsvllte, Lebanon, ele. The groom la an accomplished organist, formerly et Celum bus, Ohie, new of SL Jehn's Lutheran church, of Easten, ltev. David U. Gelssluger, pastor. He has given a number of exceptionally fine recllats, the most recent In Lancaster during the Christmas holidays et last year. The bridal gifts wero many and elegant The parly left en the afternoon train for Washington. Cnsw strawberry Plug Tobacco andiavotte Tags ler a hsndsonie prt sent. C. DUTTKNllOKKU, Sole Agent, slMmd 47 West King Street. llAcrs n. tbu Manhelm Driving 1'artr, Man liilin, l'n., en Thursday, October 19, nt 2 o'clock p, in Tretting ruce bonei never be fere onteio'l, ten nnttlcs. 3.00 Uloss-tliteo homes ontercd. 2.43 Clais-flve horses en tered, l'aclng race two well Known tierecs eutcrcd, A geed llme may be expectcd. 2,d Chkw Strawlierry I'lngToliacceandsivotbe Tags f jmliandeoine piesent. U. DUlTKNIIOrKrt, Sole Agrnt, slt-lmd 47 West KIur btreet. lrlliun nl ICeipect. Te lh Jleartl e Dlrteten ej the .M.rmerj' teuthcrn Markrt Company; e, your committee, appointed atthel&st meeting of the beard te draft resolutions of condelnnco en the death of our lite follow fellow director, . 1 elin A. Arneld, most respectfully tubmlt the following Wiierkas, lllias plentd un All Wlne J'rovl J'revl J'rovl dencoln Ills tnscrutiblussptFiice, te rrmove nam our nitdileiir well-buievud lollew dhec ter, .inlin A. Arneld. JietehtU,Thil this beard of directors deeply nnd sincerely renrct the less woliavntii) weliavntii) Inlnrd te this body, In n inldstef ft iiitnen nl activity unil tmelulnrss In wbtih his counsel nnd wisdom tinve been u source et great bunu llttnllilf beard. Httehul, TtRt we sincerely nyrnpathlri with tliHlx'iiiuvcd fiitnlly In Hits. Hi) ljotiret their mil (.mictien, nnd truht tliat thelr less will be M etnrm.l iiln Jttiehttl, That n ropy el tliesnroselnlloni be presented te Uieb.iriiuvpd family, nnd lhv be rpruad iinn the inlnnteHOftbu nonrdef dlrrc dlrrc ters, nnd btlmlilltlied In the dally papula by the consent el the lumlly. Mil. (J. DAIS., OKOIUIK llABrlNO, .IUIBI'11 WACKK11, Committee. The nbove reaotutlens wero unanimously adopted nt the Inte meeting t the beard of directors, Ucliber 10, 1MW. Chew Blrawberryl'lng Tobacco and save Uie 1 B(5i ler n baudsome prepent, O. IJUTfKNllOKKlt, Bole Agent, sll lmd 47 West Kin Htreet. DHATJ1H. 1 In this city, nn the lllh lnnt , l.eiiuu, wllii of Jehn a. Tilsjler, in yonret hur uge. The relatives mid frlends of the family me lespectfully Invited tn attend thu lunernl from the rtistdence of her husband, Ne. 31C North Mury sticet, en Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment at .Lancaster cemetery, IUtmhtick At I.I inn Viillsy, en lha lfilli lust., Jehn n. Ilavurstlck, In the Wth year of bis ii k. 1 he relative, nnd friends of the family are respcctlully Invited te nltnnd the funeral from his rcstdoiu'e St Wnbank, ThursiUy lit i o'clock. liitermentut 1 o'clock at Btenii Sleeting Heuse, New Danville. ti-iuaiin In Iliinnlsnn, lows, October 15, 1S-3. cumuid kprect nr, lucently el this clly. Nn'lce of funeral Hereafter. till MA KKNTH, iL'JillMdaliilil i'ruiluve Alrkl. rnn.ADULriiiA, Oct in -rinur steady i sales TOO bills i JUlnn, riiuknrs. 15 767 Ou I I'enn'a. ramlly, I.Vitatl i Wi'slem en, MiaeTlai winter l'alenls, t 2'07 1 i Uprlng de, 17 2Jtf ilye.ll 25. tUVVsieV."' Nev", Cetu-ucu, tejjci Nev. Mitfc; Dec, 40e i Jan., 47Hc eiiu-Oct, SJ5iet Nev., M'ici llcc.,1 3IK: Jan.,Mc. Mew Ynr Mnraai. Naw Yeni. Oct IB Kleur rnarhet dull: rine, tl MU 3 71 1 tiupornne. 14'a4 23; Minn Extrn.i3i.iu7 te i city Mill, Kxtra,t5We5 Winter Wlinuteitrn,3 2.HJ3 75. Whent Ne. 1, lied. BUitu. II 1601 1! Nn J. II 07Xi M) 4, Ited, Wlnlir. Nev.. II lai. ! Due. 1 llj; receipts, lu,e&0 shtpiuenu, Cern Ne. a. Mlxed, Cash, Bie : Nev. Mei Ic, tiiv, rucelpu, 1UH10; ahlpinonu,lle,2U. Oits Ne. I, WhlU). SUitn. 41et Ne. 2. de, !!t;et Ne 2 mixed, Nev., 3ke Dce.lllVc, ti"'iliii i.ii,ieu : siilpuieuuj, 2ia. llyeflull; a la te 75a ii.iruiv niimliml, ut Hn'tc. i'erKdullt Old Mess, eiQ 21Qt, 73. Lard nnmlnil ; Nev, is UJ i eca, is 12. alnliwsus dull; rer 60 belllnir suiclr, tuj hlnck sttnp, tic. New Orleans SOQIOc. Turpniiue BtrnnKur at llO'lKc. Kenln dull 1 slralnnd te goea, WHcOll 05 I'olrelimm quiet 1 Jtenned In Cnsiw. 7!c. rrelghts dull main te Liverpool, 3Qiid. ilutUirstrmiK t Western Uieumery, iJe. Chowan iictlve 1 Western riat, 7tlsc. Plate raclery. 7KCTH1 t raney White, 1W Kirtrs llrmi utaw, .'OI.'Kei Western, IK G--l'c. euiir dull j Kenned UuUeuf, b'ic: U rauulv ted, 7 V, c. Tallew weak ; 1'rlmn City, IMe. Ulcenniiiluul: Carolina, fulrtOKOOd, tiVc. Collt.e nrm 1 JTalrCarKees, for Uie, 10c. UhlCKKO I'roduce aiarket. Criuaoe, Oct. i(), 11.30 a. in Mnrkotepnned. Whct Nev ie9VJ;Dec.,llUHi May.ll l(. Ceni-Oct., 4.ic ; Nev., 4JXe 1 Dec, i(Hu, Outs Dec, 240 ; May.tPe. l'ork-Oei, listie j-nev . 114 15. Lard Oct , s 75 j Nev,, f i 40 Short Uiei-Ocu, t) ux uLosine. Wheat-OcL.ll.Ui Nev., IMlJ.-j Dce,UJli; Alay, till Corii-ecl., 45; ; Nev., iic Dee , 40Kc ..".''"t" V0-' -Sev' 2,X;i 1'ec. 250; May,25!ic ' lirjo'flu'yh.'l'e. "" N0V" "'".U"". .,I,ar!?r'-t-',!,7sNev' ii') 1)ec' ni'-x. lu ay, la a bhert ltlbs Oct , 17 i7H i Jan., 1; 211 llralu im i-revisiens. rurnlshed by B. K. Yundt, llrnkvr. CuioAeo, Oct IB, o'clock II. Wh..1 ftrw ft.... I...... m. Lord. 8 27 b H S 1U October .., November, December, Jauuuiy .. May UrudnOU., Contois ; .... h ixi 42K .... 14 (7 4'li 24 M 10 lllX ..111 i'.iiiji 37ft 6'J 14 17 xy, 11 35 Cleslug 1'rlcvs- -'.' 13 o'clock p. m. Cern. Oats. Perk. 11 zietu Oetebur Nuvlubr... Deceuibtir... January .... May Crueniiu ... arO. ..HI 41 21 15 w s 73 ll 11 M ..114 i 241 1 40S K 37i .... WH 2J!i 14 15 S go 14 II) 8 12 II 17 K 111 14 40 8 -a UJ Car Leis'. 71 B7 Psj J7 Coasels Winter WJieit. BprlDR Wfceat.., Cern eata Uye Uarley liucelpu. I lnud. 14.ree S.OJO HeeelMs Hem... KecelpU Catue.. The Lecal Live Bleck SUrket. Lamcastkr, Oct. 10 -The rectilptsef Vn stock ui tLe yard of James HutMurt ler in wttkondlngte-d.iy,wcro20i5cattlo, 201 hex 400 sleep. ihe ile at this yard uiu i.swJ CAttle ' At J ob 11 W Menlrer's yards the talui with UO cattle unit 17ih0K83ld. tre At Levl bcuienlK's yards 400 cattle, '1 he prims ler the wcuk were Meck bulls !,7a per w pounds , Blockers, I3Q1M, fped' ers, id 4t,UI VI; tat cattle, 31J5 ; hCK, 17 25. Ure Stock Market. C1111A00, Oct. 15 Cattle Kecelpts. 11 eoe: sbtpiui'iiu 3 5i)iii market slew 1 beuvus. fJ7ieH stuus.JU0a5 5'; steckers und Itcduis lllJitJ4ii cehn. bulls and mixed, 11 40OJ ou 1 iVVaiV"51' i Wai 'Ml 1VesU)ru '"Kers, Iliitfs-Upculpts, 13,cee tead: shipment. euui umrKHt stKiniri mlxed 15 (J NO obhteVy' ,581O6'-u'KrU.30u2'i lOisklps, Hheep ncrelpts, bee head t shlnimiiKu 3"t markev slew 1 mmvel 11 ii 4 10 1 Vesi.niBh()rn.tl2.'aj,. I'iiusiier tl 5AJJ 10 j lambs, f 1 oues leT tIIU'"'ern, New lurk Htecat. Nr Year, Oct. 16, 1 p. m-Money cloeea at 2XSJ per eenL j KxcbanRe steady ('posted rates, si 4 KU4 t"Xi actual rates 11 gin I81i lertOQijs and II wei &!; for demand 1 Qevemments dosed qulet 1 cun-ency e's tl 21 bid j 4's touren, 11 2; Wtae, 11 wA bid The stock market In Ari- mu 1 u 11. .1,, mero active this morning, but the tonewss eik 'Jho grauKers were quite freely sold, etpectaily the I' 11 & Q., und under lis lead juices Ut cllutd uai per cent, during the first hour blnce 11 o'clock there has been mere support extended the Hit and prices have re covered H Wiper cent. Blecc markets. Qnotallens by lleed, UcUrann A Ce., ers, LancAster, l'a. SW TORE LIST. 11 A. X. UK. Canada i'acinc 0. O. c. i UK 1K Colerado Ceal . Central Pacific Canada Southern H UK 0hl,8t h.A 1'bK Den. AllleO Del. L A W Ill leiK .... ..... 21 y -K-i krta2iids... Jer c tvi mi A Xtt i itea It Leu, AN t!X IWi L. Bhere. 101 102 Mich. Cen Missouri i'nclfle........... KM tell bank- Jr.. 57 $ UK 111!', my. 18 fO iieck Kiiuy,.,. vaiu N. 1'. 1'mf Vj. 24 MX 1H7S Id N.West 1I3U 11.1 N.r.U 107W 1I.7K HewKnglnnd.. , U Mij XMl Toiinessoa Omaha St f'.i Oregon Trniuportatlen.. '& 2:iK Ontario AW... , racineMnii e;i 37K Hlcsmend Termlnal...... v,a 2i;vj 7li 27K 24 44 ay. nu I'anl (AW 0 Texas 1's.cine 2iVi n union l'ftcinc nj ui wauasncem Wabash 1'raf V4 21)1 Western U tiVi t.'.'i WestHhere llends .... mtLAOSLruiA LIST. Len. vai ay. wy. H..N.Y. 1'hlla ra.ii.u m;, m Keadlnir vi.x UK Leh Nav. ............ .... .... .... Ilestenv. l'ass .... .... I. A J. ...... ...,..,. .... .... N. Cent...... ...... ......... .... .... Peeples l'ass lid. 4's.... Oil tt. e.l l'hlln.Trtlen NKW Al)'ieitTJHKMHNT& OAKINO 1'OWDKR. 13H s-'i te ROYAL BAKING POWDER, Absolutely Pure. TI11B powder never varies, a marvel el purity, strenxlh and whnlesomniiess. Meru economical than the ordinary kinds, and can net be sold In competition with the multltude of low test, short welubt. alum or phosphate pewders Held only In cntii. Kotal Uakiku l'ewuin Ce., Kin Wall Btruit. New Yr rk. IVlSlvdAw N KV (K)OD.S AT- S. CLARKE'S U. KN AWAY lllfi OTKKII KOIl A BIIOHT T1.MKUM.1. Te therniiKbly Intreducn Pterllnir llnklni; I'nwdtr, will irlve te unyone liijlniia-iii el this pewdur, 0110 ran trie . KUitrunteid te Klve perlucl satisfaction or Me.MlV UK lUMiKI), MAGDEBURG. Sail Water Dell. Pickles. KLKCTIUU 1'ASTK Ml'OVK l'OI.iail. The World's liest, Fnvts Lnlier, bclnir lllnckar In Celer, Is r 100 Hern Dusl, and only 5eu l'uckui;e. New ("ptiijheltl Mncarenl. lJic pound. Nmv Lnjuraiid Htewlnir ritfx, CVc leisc. NewOranulatcduiid Kiln Dried Ceimncnl, 4c V (imirt. New hcetch und Ainerlcan Outmcul und Aveuit New Iiiipoited Hwljs Cli'tHO at 283 V pound. New Mild Full Cumin llieusv. the llnist jeu ever cat l'JKc und 15epnr pound And thu finest llrlnd lluef und Hauls til prices lower than thulencsL K 1 1111 (1 rape. Currant, I'luinnnd I'lath Jelly In 3U pound ImeSets, II 25 per A New Full Uoller Fleur, 11I0 per iliurtcr, and a KOed baker at less uienny Wliut jeu want te de Is 10 buy 25ccaks Clutke's Cleaiisnr Benn, te per cikn, nnd iu iu iu ri'tvorrem Aute 71 rents wiuhel tlilnu, ulass or Ciockiiyvtuie Iree. 1'Altf.OU 1'ltlDK KNAMKL-iCa llettlu. SAMUEL lLARKE'S WIIOLKSALK AND UETA1L 'i EA AND OOFFEE STORE, l'J ami 11 Seuth (juceii SI. -Depot for Cll AKl'a O01. 11KN TONIC. ljdAw MA (I 1 O II K A 1) AUHK WA1- Kits have I'ehh well lueeinii'imdcd tn 11111 by uuiiuiberel ladles who have bison hiiilrliiK with llciulache und NeuralKla. They uie worth atllal. Frrmlent 11U11LK1 'H I)KU() 8TOUK, 30 West Klnu Btnmt, WAN TK1) TWO MOUK M 1JN wanted te sell the HIiiKer Hewlnir lu lu rhine. Milailus Mill lie paid. Cull ul the blUKorOIJIce, In lha Htvvuiis. Heuse, l.uncns ter, l'a., 011 Wednesdny.ocieboi 17,at0o'elock. T11KBINUH.K MFU. COMPANY. K. r. UKOVK. E STATU OK Tl. (3. coerKuroKTiiK el y of 1 iinrnslur, doceasod. Lelteis Kstuineiilary en said estule havlntr linen 5r'."."!;':.10 ,ilB undtrslKned, all peisens In In In diililedtliorelotuo reijuesled te make Inline Inline dlate p lyment, and th(e huvliin claims 01 iio iie mands ngaliist the same, wbl piiHeiit them without delay ler settluuiunt te the undwr slKhud, rtsIdliiK In tulil cllv . ., . JOUN K- "A''"1 ON, Kxcculnr Win It. Wilsen, Attorney. elbetd'l'u AHSIONKI) KSI'ATK OK TTkNIO'Tj Blmen nnd wlle, et Lancastur cltv Laucuster county, 'ihe tiudernlKiind uuilitei! appointed te distribute thu balance n-uialnlti J In the hunds of Jeremiah Kim, astlKneu of lleniT J. Miuen and wife, In trust ler the hernia t of the said Henry I. Simen, te and umeiiK thote let-ally enlltl d tethusuuie, will sit (or Uiil purpesn en Tuesiliy, Neveuili, r 13 lssd, ul 10 o'clock a. 111., in the l.lhrury lloeiu of the Court Heuse. In tnu city et Lincasler. wheieall persons iutorestod In said dlstrlbu tlen may attend, uiti-jiaTu J. w. DKNLtNOKi:, Auditor. R AYMOND'H VACATION HXUUH. BIONB. Alt Tittvelluu Kxpenses Included A Winter in California. VKMIIKIIH nndlllultSDAV. DKCKMlIKlttl In Sped il l'ullman l'nlnw ( .11 for t usudeiiu Ifernl"" Uua otllurl,eluU "' eeuihurn Cel . T",.u lu be via, ltaltimnre. Wasblnit ten. I'lltsburtf. ChlciKO, Kanias Cliy, las W'jfas. Het hprlUKB. ennui Ke, Albuiiiiuiniiel llaistew and Hun liomudlne All ttuvel be! yond 1 htrnvii In at portal train 01 maiiiincent ettlbu ed I'lillnmu jialace cun, w lib. I'ullmun palucedlnliiKrar Included. a Kvery ticket entitles the holder ti vlsp 1 os Anireles. Tte iluymend, nt Kust l'esudeni Ulverelde. nan l)leKe, Leur neich, sauta jiJ: bum, bun KruuclKce, Mouteruy, bauta CriTz ban ltutacl, und Napa wedu bprlUKs-ull th.i leadliiK irserts lu California. A tJnlce of Ktve llltteretit HniiKx lt.,i ,,ri., u ..'.. '" lleturnliiK l'urlles under Special Kscert 110 turu llcketsulte Keed en nil trains until July ItrJ Jrduiienit.nt 'llckeis, ceierlnu everv oiienst both wnts.uud Klvliih-entlie Ireedeui totheruisoiiK.irs while In Cull reiniu.uiui utsi! In mtilcliiu tlti. 1itirtw. 1mi...u ... .. .... -".. pens unpelled ler lonicer short sojourns at 'lh'i ltayuiend, Kust l'uiuaenu ; Hetel Del M.,iue Monterey ; 1'aluee lietel. Bun KiuikUce Hetel Del Coreuado, fun Diege ; Hetel llilael hau ltutaul ; Nupu budu bpilnus ; suiitu 1 rur 'llie ArlluyUm. eanta lluiliura; Liiiirlleuuh llutel ; una ether fatuous 1'uclltoceust rcseils. Dili's rietht-r California Lxrurilens . Jam--find 1? a 1Ui t'etruiiry 7 u ttua 'l audilurch Dmes of Mdilce Kxcurslens Jjinuirvll Jjinuirvll ITebruary Hi ana March 11. rfFend for deeerlptlve circular, designat ing whdher book ulatimt le Cultlernla or Mexico tours Is Cestitd. . RAYMOND St WHITCOMB, 111 80 Ninth Hlreet. ' eciltrM lu "h0 U1) 1'U,t'BEl',I"l 1'. XK W AD VSll TlHBHKNTa. TMl'OUTKU InTieTTLES. GBNDINH1RIBH WBI3KY. UOUHKU'fl LIQUOR 8TOIIK, Ne. 21 Contre Eqflnrn, Lancaster, 1'a. T OOK OUT FOB IT I llistCeDRh and Celd will qlve yen treubln Ifyoudenot LOOK OUT Velt IP, and the beat way Is by latins the rx eple's laveille, COUilltAN'TloeUHIl CUItr. which Is gnatnntoed te Rlva lalliraclten, l'rlc9 25andf0 cents. Fer saIe only at CeUlllAN'rt HKUO 8 1 our, Tu.ThAS 137 133 North queen 8L w ATUUHlMtlNU UOKSET. LUY THE1 AJI0U3 WATCDSPRING CORSET. WILL NKVKIt 1IUKAK. (lUAIlANTIEKI) TO UUTWKUl AN Y CUS TOM MADK COUSK.r. Mayer, Strouse Ce., MANUrACTUlIKItt1, 411 DUO AD WAV, N, Y. octr-VlM.Tb.Jeow rpllK I'KOI'IiK'S KAVOltlTK. GIVEN AVVAY. rrem October 15th te 2Jtb, The People's Eaverite! Don't fall le procure a espy of our Latest, nnd Hest. HUe 11x17 Inches. This hnndsome Panel is tuch a beautlfu'. snbjcct that It has only te be seen te be admired, it Is tbe finest of 1 Ithegrnphln Werk ever proauced, oxo exo oxe euted In eighteen oil colors. It la the Acme et Lithography. Tha Great Atlantic and Pacific TEA COMPANY, NO. 114NOUTH QUKKN HT11KKT. '.0l3 7ld w KDOINO I'ltKHKNTH. (JILL, Jeweler. j Wedding Presents in Silver. New nnd Artistic Designs lu blLVKIlTKABKTC, l.KMONADK BKTS, CAKKI1ABKKT8, FHU1T D1SIIK9, rilKNCII Lt.UUKM, IIUONK3, Htc. CFAS. S. GILL, UO. 10 WEST KING BT., LANCA8TKK. I'A. "JOHN H. UIVtiKU. UNDERWEAR. I-udlcs', Stlsses' Chllditu's WIUTK, hCAULUT AND UllAY MK111NO AND A LI.-WOOL UNDERWEAR At Prices te Suit Kvorybedj-. We will let the Uuyer Judge hew cheap they are. u knew they am. -No'lieublii Hi Shew Uoeilj Jehn S, Givler, 6 & 8 Kerth Queen St LA.NCASTKU, l'A. n srin-ivd.w H lltSU A HKOl'HKK. WE ARE STILL ON DECK. .Saturday wiw u busy day with 119. Our Ceiitsnml Stilta went by the score. Is'evertheksa we still luive enough of new goeJs te supply the great diMiniud, as we 1110 censtiintly manufacturing. We litive en hand at nil times L AKG1-: SIZHS in alleur goods, with prices just the same as reg ular stock sizes. (! loves are In season. Weuie lend te supply all in all grades of Kid, DjpsLiD, jJuckskin, Leather and Woolen tileves, witli prices se low ns te astonish you. Our Order Heek is full of orders for .Suits and Oveiceata, but theie is always 100m for mere. One Hundred l'icces of Ht Imported (Joeds liave ar lived audaiojiew ready, ticli tieautiful fabrics ns we have just received cannot be excelled. We will muke you a pair of line piiii piiii piiii taloensof Imported Cheviot for $joe. A duiable Oassimere in cluck or stripes, W.00. A geed Casaimere, strong as well as piettyiu design, $100. Worsteds lu endleas variety, i i.ue upward lVifect lit Ouaranteed. Give us HIRSH (I BROTHER. a call for Custom Werk. VOU CAN SAVKMOXKY. HIRSH & BROTHER, lading Clothiers & Merchant Tailors, OORNBROP W QUlnNbT.&OENTRHSQUARB, L1N0ABTKU, VX. ITS W AD VKH T1HSUBNTS. DO NOT M133 TO VJS1TT1IK HOUTU rrn Market The finest building and bt m-rketlnir Market days, Tuesday and Saturday morning, and Batuiday nltemesn at lour e clock. slt-tldK FAMi ANNOUNOEMKNT. Myassorlinentef raliovercoatlnkisona of the most complete lines 1 have ever dis played. Ceiiinrl-lnn Wide Wal Worsteds In nil hadf, Kireyn, rancy Chevleu, Bell Woven DlaKeuals, Mellrnsand Patent lleiv-t-rs.mstn upln the most arils tic style ut mod erate pi Ice j, ut A. It. H03KNSTK1.N, ns North (Jut en street, corner of Orange, sHMrdll Lancaster, l'a. rOK HALM OK HMNT. HOUHKH KOK HAliB ON TUK MOHT liberal terms, en West Chestnut, Wal nut, Lemen. Mary, l'lne ana Charlette streets. Apply at mlMSlEd &J1 NOUTH MAUY BTUBET. FOK HALE Oil KENT. A HUILD1NO situated four squares from centre of city, sultatile fir any mnnnficturlnn purpese. Has Rced btsetnenu two lloers and attic, TO feet trent and 49lcctdnep Hasa new 2Vhore power holler and engine, elevator and oince oemplolo, withasldlei; In yard en line or 1'. A Ii. it . and one-story waioheuso 20 by 43 feet In thu rear ef main building. Will tell or rent cheap by apply leg at once te CUAKLK8F. MILLKK, 1 21 lmd 42 Kast Klnn btrcet. CI.OT11INU. ICTAliL, 188A Fine Tailoring rer the Latest Novelties, confined styles. Largest u'sertinent of Kins Woelons, and prices as low us any, no te H. OERHART'S Only Direct Importing Tailor. 43 NOUTII UUKKN BTItKKT. M AltTIN 1JKOTHE1W. Faturdav'b Suit und The Brightest Spot. Overcoat walk soeined te be turned toward the deer. Yeu knew a geed thing when yen sce 11. Tha bevs knew the slvle land whit tbey llke The llilghtcst Spot and when they ees It III iBhtest Styles at Least Cot KOIl Suits and Overcoats IS AT- MARTIN BRO'S Clellilng ami Furnishing Goods, SS NOUTII QUKEN 8T. M EKOMAMT TAll.OKINtl. Tailoring -AT- NO. 25 EAST KINO ST. We tire Xew Heady with one ei tlie liest Selected Stocks of SUIT INGS, THOUSKULXOS, Ac, in the City. We use the Best Material only hi Trimming and employ none but Uie bedt artists. Satisfaction Guaranteed In Kvery Particular. The People's Casb Stere, NO. 25 EABr KINO STREET, l.ANOASTKli, I'A. -jmrll.lvdAw MAUMNKKr. QENTKAI, MAOU1NK WORKa W. PAUKH OUMUINQ3, Central Machine Works 131 A 13(5 NUKTII OHK1HT1AN HT , Laheastsr, l'A, Knnlnes and Honors, cf fiem 2tol2hnrse pewer, et our own iiiukoasiieclalty. Neat In Ueslirn, of full power, durable and cheap. Bteam Heeds und suuplles In gruat vailety, censlstlnir et ulves, Cocks, Lubricators, Whli-lliw. Injecieis, jocters, Pumps, Toels, WroiiKht.Mullt'uhle und Cast Iren riltinKs.nnd Wrought und Lust iron I'lpe, etc. liest Job bers' discounts te tbu trude. Hpeclul uiuililpcry built te erder, and re- Sulrlui; piempiiy done Alse Iran and Uruss astleKP, I'ulierns and Medels. STKAM riTTlNH AND 8TKAM 11EAT1NO APPARATUS. UOOU WOUK. ritOMl'TNKSS. KKASON Alll ECUAUUK'J. CentTal Machine Works. decS-ltd l,r.tii. fiui.iuna. NOriCK 1H MKKKliY UIVKNTHAT nn uppllcutlen Mil be made te the Gov Gov ereor et ivnnsylvanli, en Wednesilay, Octo ber Jl, A. 1 Ibts. by Jehn W. Lnnell, Uluslus leckrr. Mlchuel lluberhuth, Jumes U. Uable ned.lnhii a Ceyle, under the Act e( Asreuf lily, entitled " An uci te provide for ihe incor poration and regulation of certain corpora cerpora corpera tlonf ," apnreved April S9, 1MI, and the supplo supple liitmts theitte, ler the ch iru-r et nn Intvuded corperutton te be called "TUK HOilKllUlLl). 1NU AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. OK LAN CAHTKK, PA, the chsracter and object et which Is the uccuuiulutliiK of a fund by the contributions of the members tboreef, and the leaning of ihe lauie te them mm time te tlme te enable them tn purchum real estate, build themselves delllUKhouiesernuKUKO in any legitimate business, nnd ler this purpose te htivs, ix)ses and enjoy all Iherlxhls.buneflts and privilege el suld Act of Assembly and supplements thrte JOUN A.UOYI.g, 03,l,tyj,ll,U,lC lJ.AI.Md So.lclter. c AMI'AIGN GOODS. Merchant The People's Cash Stere Campaign Goods, WHITri GLOVES, BADGES, BUFF GLOVES, NEW NEO&TIES, AT ERISMAN'S, KO.MWK8TK1NO BTUIST. NM W M D VKR jy) veu wish no have money t THE TARIFF OFF. AntJ1?lna.R7,.tfu.rl'T,lr1nmentwo,'a,0Taweraon8olnUrostlnB'a subjct. Te re I Aiica first eestls the objectof every enB.b ihilrthoery Free rradaorVreteoUon. KspecUlly i.,,,l,J!01Pn we?"n, "PnarH. We lavortse peller thai pretests r?Snrpokteolt. Hyen can SomethTngYiSe you mt y wn t"1" 0ak U m9aU" J "" & " mucJ "oSyenh wele AiUI for'il'lf.0Ter0!,rl!":.eljUtan!.,hLn coma nlleik at eursruentp.webeltsya iaViw."tKlat?effil,7plJi1,rt we bave u,en u,,, ut,ff off "a the OUR LOW TARIFF PRICE LIST. A1Ai!:We?! rac8 Stockinet Jacket afe e.l'S?55.Ie..wln,4!r.Jafltet,n,rMn"'nulearlpes 310 iS "i '. ' ! '8aver Jscket in Hlaek. Bine and: Brown .V.. ....... .. 6 ou All All WOO! llAiWAr .lanftnt IttaM . ..Aa.n ... vvu W?i7Tiwlth J,UI"P' Capes, Bell Bh.pjd uieeves ana'tiie" o'wi'etnYed' and'urV DSCKS, ItOlllti Mix is.......... tn Ml tn m lYl AriusnJackBUliaUnLlne.:.::.."t...r....... '. wei A Htfll-t. Mlti.h miuwuiim , .,,, 1BW a auuH jHwujVQaM THE CLOAK STORE, Ne. 140 North Queen Street. Mil, w. U. 1NMAB mar be found with JPALAVH Of FASHION. A HTIUUH'B 1'ALACK OV FABUION. ASTRICH'S BROS.' PALACE OF FASHION, 13 East King Street. Lancaster, Pa. Special Display Fall and Win ter Underwear. Fully two thousand trimmed Hats and Bennets. Choice and exclusive designs. Trimmed Bennets and Round Hats of late importations, of our own designs and trimming. All the new colors. Choice shapes and latest nov elties of material. Fine Silk Velvet Bennets, Round Hats and Turbans, crowns embroidered ; Persian effects. Latest combination gros gres grain Ribbons ; Satins and Plush. Misses and Children's Hats, trimmed in unique styles, for the baby of six months, te the miss of fourteen years. MOURNING MILLINERY. Special Display. Plush and Velvet Untrimmed Hats. New colors and com bination of colors, also cloth and velvet te match suits. Plain and braided effects. MILLINERY MATERIALS. Special exhibit el latest and finest novelties used in the mil linery art. Feathers and Plumes. Ribbons and Silks. Plushes and Velvets. Lace Ornaments. ASTRICH BROS. 1100K8, A.0 s TATIONERY DEPARTMENT. Writing Inks AND Mucilage. foil SCHOOL AND 1IUSINKS3. 0-The QUALITY el these goods mikia them dethUdly .the Chtupeit und liest. Merr's Bookstore. NO. SIN. QUKKN hT. &ugl$-lyd KDUVATJONAl.. B UaiNKSS EDUCATION 1'AYH. Ne veuntr man rhcuM aa Inte liUBlncas wblle he la Ignorant of lha manner et regu lating boekF, tin may hive ureal natural ability hut that will et supply the dellclency of a krmwli'dge nl Uoekkt'uping or prevent thenilulrs fiem ir't llnir Inte confualen. The ceuubk or I.N3TKUCT10N as adopted at the LANOAtTKU BUSINESS COLLKGK will be of advantage le every man whatever his future occupation iny be. It will teach buktui'Hs habits anil attention toscceuuts, which will give Increased interest and success Yeung Men und Ladles hsvlng this course tn vluw are cordially Invited tesieiid a day at the College and satiety themselves us te the merits of thu Institution Day and evening sessions. Address sep.-: ltd It. O. W&lULKii, I'Unclral. FOR geed imrsHics, Ol) TO KILiBTJRN'S, Nn. ill West King Street, Lancaster l'a. sepxUma&w TISEIIBNTU. MMMIHt 18 00 us. Open Kvery Evening;. 0I8-T11 Th S our vvuiiB. T IHE OLOAK DEPARTMENT AT TUB New Yerk Stere Is full te overflowing with the latest and most Oejlrable styles In Autumn Jackets AND- HEW FAIL COATS At Extremely Uoderato Prices, BTOCK1NKT.TACKKTS are soft, elastic and durable Justtha thing for cool Indian Mim Mim merwear. Here tliy are In great variety at 13, 13.50, U and 15 each. STOCKINKT J ACKBTB, bound With braid, It and is each. LADII8' CLOTH JAUKKT3 at 13, S3 60. tl, f 5, 10 te 110 each. LADIES' BTOCKlNKr JA'JKKTU, fancy braided, ti each. L&D1K8' NEWMAUKK.T3 at 5, G, 17, i, I0 te 120 each. LADlEa- MODJEBKAB, lu bralded cloth, at UtotlOeich. SEAL l'LUSU JACKETS, SEAL I'LUSH WUAl'S, SEAL I'LUSH COATS, SEALl'LUSU MOD.IH8KAB, Made fromselectedplnshos te ourewnotdor dating the summer at low prices. A Wonderful Beloclien of CUILDUIN'S CLOAKS in all sizes and qualities and prices te BUlt everybody. Special Sile of 10O MISSES' COATS aud NEWMAltlCETP, sizes rrem 10 te 18 years, at less than Half the lUnal I'rlce. WATT & SHAN D 0. 8 AND 10 EAST KINO BTUKKT, IHAKLEH HTAMM. 35 and 37 Nertb Queen Street. rrnu N KVEUYUOUUIN THE DAY NEW UOOD3 AUE AUUlVlMi AT Charles Stamm's bTAMM'S OLD STAND. TilK OLD STUCK OF Sl'AMll 11UOS. HA V inHI)i D OUT NOW WE HAVE KVEHYTUINU KKKSHANDNEW. Tollle rrancalse, llorle Antlijue, fcatln lie Lux or Uolre JTiaccatse, Ar mure l'lque, I'liiBhes, fcurabs, Khadames, Vel vets, Satins, Neveitlns, Ai inure Iteyale TarTo TarTe tan Ulace Pongees, Hhantlng. SILKS Henriettas, Serges, Om lie r Plains, ireules, Pat tern Suits, Casbmeres. iXlUOOUUUiJj Wools, Hsute Nouve Neuve aute, WedI Merles, cambrldge Suitings, Cascadebutttngs, l'lule D'erTlssus irrancalte. I.sdles' Cleths, Tricot Cleths, Delhi's Clelh., Check Cleths, Costume Cleths, Leenez Clplns, Stripe Cleths, Winter, burn Cleth, Amazen Moths, Twfeil Cleths, Plain Cleths, Habit cloths, Allied Cleths. Novelty Cleths, CLOTHS We sell all sorts et Kine Dress Heeds for wedding receptions or any ethor occasion. Ne store lu Lancaster can show se much that's line in this line, or cell them cheaper than we de. LOW PRIDES A full linn et the late U New DroeaUeodj In Ushlnnabie Huts, and lull line of Plaids, f iTBICT kTVIVl! Surahs, llralds. M.rleJ&'fij Oil LttO. Velvets, Morle silks and 1'iuihes te go with them aud a complete stock of everything which can offer attrac tion, net only te these. wheEeecthi) beaulliul at any cost, but also (and this chlttlyi a Qlepl, tocr!chlnthlDgi,fer OIULK, these uliobive n.itd le make a dollar ai Ha utmost In psrcluslng power, ceme and sea tbe New Goods, and see hew cheaply tbey may be yours. Big Charles Stamm, 35-83 North Queen Streot. OLD HKAhS WANTKD-TUK UIQH est cash price paid for old Uruss and iop iep per. The flnrsl brats castings made te order Metal pattern work Qnlsn d at reasonable rates. M. w. itUaim'S Leck works, Uear Lecher'i llanklng BnllOlDg. UTn,Ti8Ua i-'i