IW""' .J!liR!5W ' 4fi THE LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENOEK, MONDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1888. n'ystv- .The Daily Intelligencer. LANCASTER, OOTOllKIt 15. lfcS. Illnlne'A Herns Focus. l;'i Mr. Uialne baa had the temerity te ven- f. -jar a reply te n Fpcech of Mr. Mill?, and ) the latter Lad dealt In his usual nian- E,- with substantial Tacts and convincing iftjeres, the plumed knight did net pre. I'uee a very brilliant specimen of oratory SJHfl tried te nrRtie that thr reduction of 12 tttlil by the Mills bill was In fact ever M, tenty.feur per cent., reaching this con- LS-.a.usIen br the very s mule process or rut- P'i? several of the largest items out of the r problem, bilks nnu liquors, wtilcli are vH touched by the Mills bill, ninde n SsKlawe sum of customs revenues In the EMpist year, and adding te this for Eorae Ifi mnsnewn reason, the dutv cel cctcd en KLiigar, he takes the total from the sum & et the revenues collecteJ, and shows that .jtae reduction 'of the remainder by the S- Mills bill would hnve been twenty. four Kii'&r cent. This he calls the nverage re- gu daitien by the bill, nnd calmly aska what iK&lfr. Mills meant liw Rnvlncr Hint, it wna 0 only fire per cent. He wants te knew IS" whether that gentleman will tell the p7 Wert growers and salt and lumber men that their reduction Is only five per cent. ' mii.i..,i..i. .. .i.ii Di.i J wiwi nuuuci is nueiiucr iui. JIU1I1U r-, will net carry lout his peculiar system of B'Attftshing averages by ruling Eorae ether til . thlnffS nut nf tlin nrnhlnm nnlll lin Unlila k ir i?:.:::., . ;r :: """ ." "" sv-i te ueciaru ine average reuuciieu wv per Mat. This talk about wool and salt, and i lumber, displays his rhetorical Jtieelery &, and the wonder is that se experienced a &-i gpeaker as Mr. Blalne should display se hfc Jktw an estimate of the Intelligence of his 5 llAamra TllD1 L'tinil' lllul liaTrni.m (tint Hinn V VW.W..J, Am; IlilUlTidllUUUAUUIl Willi tilur f knew.what was meant by "a 11 ve per ctrfit. average reduction, yet he tried te make R1 , them believe that important articles net ledujuU silks, atid liquors, should, with "-ifflir. lift lpfr. nntnr a pnnntilpriit.lnn nf ERA: the average of the whole. There Is neth m. lag Becret about this measure, nnd the W lumbermen and wool and salt men have f?'fv as geed an opportunity as any one of scelng r. just what the reduction is en each f -article of the list, nnd figuring out the Eg.- average for themselves. Tlie Democrats h are net afraid of the verdict and have distributed the bill far and wideasa r?k campaign document. y. jls is me ueast et me party that vwille reiucing taxation upon raw materials of h: manufacture and necessarlpH of life, it 0" baa left liquors and silks unreduced, and i'tfLr ltl anlta nf Mm I nunf nf cnnMnimltetn rrA. Deaea tn rpilnp.n tlin fur nn fuitrnr. It In fp our beast that en woelon goedd thore uuwuuji ui iuu iiiuia uui in iiiiiuy ev 'vi cits" ftflntL. AvIiIIa urnn.1 unit Ittmtinr nrul itlinr gvtxrr . """" "" ""' ...." v..v. wungsareiree; ana uie best indication Ol the desperate state of the Republicans tfijfc "te that they are obliged te make their - f greatest euerts among me wool, salt aim fev lumber men of Michigan, whose, piesper seHy they held Is menaced. Business and JleliRieii. In the annual report of the Moravian sk- Bjaruer missions tliere occurs tlie fellow- t tag comment en thedilllculty of combln cembln - InstreHcien and business. "In Green. ?i:xliind nil Ir.niln Hun In tin. linrwla nf llin p Danilft government; In Labrador we BX1 earry it en ourselves, uud trade nnd mls- R& -, I ,....., ir. bieu werjt go unnn in nunu. in iiieery, $ tais appears te be the true Ideal ; and jet - In actual exnerience tin difliculttcs in b?Sf ihlH fiplfl flrn fur frrunlnf lltnn Iti llrnnn. w?r ij T,t, i.. ...i i.... i KJf". Bum JJUOKjl.ll tlillll Ulll 11JI331U11 WIS Buffered from its connection with trade. Rte The trad Incr npee?silntpa Rtrlct rnli'R. WM particularly in respect te cnteless mak- E M.A w& u.uici. jjuu 1U1 UIU llll&aiuilill J Ita vEn inch te pnfnrrr, Hipctn rulnq In tlm (ahh nf t.YinF!itnillm'1flv annma in lia liwtnmifil ii Ba ..in. .!.:. ii... . , .. ..,.. Iv '"" vniisiiau ievu unu mercy. J.iua W appeara te afford n curious example of Kii' Uu .llnln.,1ll ,... r l I... i uc uiuivuuira IllUkUII iuuuu uy mjuicu g iu me ways or iue meal uieeries el Jiiu ; wiuvuuuuci. be easily laugni ireni me &, pulpit. Thesogeod men frankly admit the difliculty of practically uppbiug the principles thev teach, hut thev no doubt ewe their success in the mission field te the verv ifaf-U)iat they have been eblierd te min- fcj gle business and preaching. Tliey were 11,. forced td demenstrate the pessl r Wllty of practical application of the ""religion that thev taucht. if m.iiiv br tt i fia ctirlmntncf I ak .. ...l.A IJH w MWUIWU3HWHUJUUUK uimi wiiut'tir 1.V. JTCntPr lhfnlncrin!il rami nnr naitItli rrt-,.,,1 and noble ideas about the regeneration of Le&humanltv would keen nw.iv fmm tiimtK llhalls of learning for a while and pitch fiPatethe active tug and struggle of life tif.V """ -. .v.iun mcil) buujr 1VUUIU Willi iVaTIUn... I. C ll. .. . ft w luui-e iu u iew uiunuia inai weuiu vfc be worth mere than volumes nf Ilnlirrm- Poland theology. They would learn, with hTtbeee Moravian missionaries the dilll- P eulty that appears te interfere with tlie i,"'""'l"" ui uciiuniui ineunea nnu mey Ifw wema ue awe 10 iaii mere te tlie point jt vrhen they reached the pulpit. if- i.ne education and training nf tim III- clergy of all creeds appears te be strangely fejHat variance with that of the gie.it twelve iW lollewed tlie archetype of Christian flrpriesthoed. They were men familiar Jr from personal experience with the very fjOimcuity found by the Moravian mission- ; anes. u.ne seinsu inllexlble man of bubi Beta found among them men as keen and nnuHn1 flintmli timf nn.l .nr.n.ir..l mi Ite -w vi "vuBu juewuuu iijciuiiui. e.uey fc'1 had all measured their strength iu the k,woefre and the struggle for a living or puuuoBDuieriune. mey Knew just wheie j weranr the line between kindness uud lweaknets, Justice and mercy, gentleness ra " toeuieueas, anu me urawmg or mat fUna lathe best te3t of wisdom and char acter. Kellgien tOKlay needs practical IMiueuauuu mere man preacuing, for K?Manv an linnpt pltwi. ii iii-q n, ..,.,. r?XlUimaur. unabla te mnkn n RHTiHili. kippllcatien 0f ihe lefty priuciuies te IpU" lald down bv a Peacher with his vaaa in ine clouds. '.'Jcr Hlllll IhK S.r.f.... U I-When Secretary Fairchild talks about Jlancial affairs he gees right te the busl- l,wmi centre or jn ew lerk- and meet the jLfcwtiness men face te face with honest i jaewena Btraigutferward areump.nt. in -kk speech en Saturday he cemnletelv nn. t'ilirered all his critics, and. bv limwnv K.499k occasion te answer the charge that aaa DanK of Uolenel Brlce had been fa jjywad. He In common with the rest lte i-uumij ma nei nearJ or i Dtmecratlc chairman iu connection ll any bank until Mr. liinin n ra I fMlttl tO lllm. Tfn lllDn afils..! i,., . BMlbeut it and leirned that he owned a tmij or me atecK or a bauk in Ohie, tthitthe bank never had a government u. "He also had some Kin,-v r lOliaae National bank of 2fewYorlr,ef which, if politics are te b3 considered, It is proper te eay that Mr. Cannen, the last Republican controller of the currency, Is president, and that a majority of tie directors are Republicans. 1 did find that his bank did haven deposit of 51,100, 000, which it has repald te the govern meut recently, net finding' profit of 50, 000 a year, as Mr. Blaine states, nor prob ably any profit in the business, else It would net have chosen te discontinue It. " Mr. Talrchlld very easily showed the uvldent fallacy of Mr. Blaine's state ment of the profits en government de posits. Instead of making (50,000 en a deposit of a million, as Mr. Blaine said, he showed that the banks made but 5,(W0ly putting that much of theldle surplus where it could be used In busi ness There lias been nothing mere Bubllme in the whole campaign than this com cem com plete annihilation of Mr. Blaine's pom pous argument by the cold and indisputa ble facts and tlie Irresitible logic of the secretary of the treasury. Ills deal ing with General Harrison's sounding al literatien and false nrgument is of the same thorough character nnd his speech make3 ene of the most valuable of Dem ocratic essays en the issues of the cam' palgn. i Hi.aimi: la predicting a rorelutlon in Imllr.ua. He tell nropertor Hint Harrlnnn'a mojerlty will net lull bo'.ew 16,000. It will be remetnbored tbkt lie called tlie result et tlie recent Maine election n roveltitlon. In his We&tcm npoecbea thin Atalne roveltitlon. nun net a favored topic nnd lie Ulled te loll tils audiences that tlitv- Domeorala bad uiade large galna In tlie I'lne Troe ateta -lltv. llt'eii (), I'liNTKCOMTl-idrlfllnBfar ewny from tlie tJlirl.itlnn rollglen, wlilcti tin Jomierly prtaohed. At the Athenmum, In Brooklyn, en Holiday, he Bald : ' 1 de uet Bay thore 1 no Oed, liut I de ay that 1 am entirely Igneiaut en the nubjoet of (led. I am nn acnostle In the Bplrltual world mid donetHllrin or deny the cxlatonce el n Oed. 1 will wlllliiRly glve this plntfenn te nnyone who will cemn hore and preve thnt thore li n peraennl Oed, that prayern are tlllciclouserthnt mlrnelca are real. And r they can piovelt, beyend the (itioatleii et Hiieuiil, l will talie hack nil J haveeald ami hcoemn eh much of nn enthualaatrR nnyone," 1'erlinpn Mr. 1'onleeoat would llke te preve Komethln elne beyend the shadow of n doubt. Jir example, when wahe born nnd whore7 Nodeuhthowia there, hut having no pomenal rccolkctlena of the event he must tely upon the testi mony of ellicre, nnd It cannot be proved beyond the question of n doubt that he la the ltev. I !ii(ii O. 1'ontccesU Thore nre numerous ceh en record of niUtnken Identity. Tlie law of gravitation Is opeu te grnve deuhts nnd la donbted by nble thoerlstf, hut for ull practical purposeH It Is qtilte aatttifaoteiy, nnd thoue who accept It en faith are meat firmly convlnecd of its truth, ft ills In well with all the phenomena of nature uud the oenoluiloua Ol bO'.OllCl'. l'EKBONAL. I'esrMABrillt OUMJUAt. Diokinhen 1h oeiitinu.1 te hU houee iu Waaliliiulun with a hid ceM. Jehn J, Him.i.ivan has neenpted tlin poHltleti el ortliiudlterol tliu New Yerk JiluilrateU 'etvx, Bnv. I). C. Olmm-ikah, of the Methodist Kpltoepnl chureh, dlwl nt hh hntue In nIltieel!0 en Saturday, lle was ffil yearn et pk and hfti been preaching the uohiieI ler tnrty ene yeHrn. "UiSd Jehn" Wk.ntweiitii, ene of i'IiIoiike'h eldest eltlzjiiH, u dyliiK. Mr. Wnntwerth at ene tltne ropreaentod nearly half or the mnte In Oenicrpsa, nod wm atter. ward tiiicted mayor of Olilcaite. Ills wealtli la eatlmnieii nt f :t,00(),000. Ciui.r Ji HTit-K KuiitiKu's family will he it Kroat nddltlen te Wnshlngten aoeioly. Of IiIh uiiiiinreiii dmiRhter, three are old cneiiRli te lnduljce In social galeliea. They nre jileanint, witll-iiinnnarcil Kirla, and will Le popular. Thure 1 a fourth daiiKliler. who 1 BtuilyliiK mimle In Kurope, who hai roielicd the n li lined necAHsnry ler an ontrance te hecltty. Bhe will bu home this tall. Vex ruull. Tlmvelru of an IntcilltKent iniople dec'ruci inaiau.uii)NTt9nnnrtlcluet KtiiiDlnniuuill nun iiinirpuiioniiKuaenurius wlmt tlitlr volce pretlatim. 'llioietM no KalnriijtiiK this jiro jire titmcttimrnru. KacU lUtestca iby tlie uvICuiicu el nuiuliiiless loipecliiblo cltlrena preve thill It U oerroct. iNe urtlcie for the teeth has such u whin ji jminiliy, una ussumaiy nene exurta fciuhti lieni'ilcent liilliiuue upon tlmm, ron ren ron deilnif, naltfloea, thelr strneluru mero solid, uiul oiteruduutliig the eecds of lu Oecuy. Tnsuiririii)dbeiliMi(nntli almost luinntat. til fur Hiiiiault, mill qtilte se tern liuby. Vlmn ll In MUljiua Uli eullc, OlurthiuA or elluic lieuliUxmiti OLerilHis unu Dr. iiull'a Jiubv Uynili J'ilia routs. him tlin Inuicutlens nre thnt n perfectly Tnltubln iiK'Olclne U rvrdi-a te miculatu tlie llvtr. tiihiiouKlueii ihoHteimictinml rmmviile the nytleui, no ene theuld hoaltite le usu Lux- COitVLXXlON l'O WDKK. QJMl'IU;XfON I'OWDKH. LADIES WJKi VtLUtC A UKr-'lNKIt COUi'L.KSIO.N Mlisr USK POZZONI'S MKIUCATXU; COMPLEXION POWDER. .iM lm1?ar,, R hrllHvit tnmsparency te the 1K0h?tSU?,h,ru3neVj.ihrU Steau9' pInk 0r flc OH SALS UX All Dnigststu and Faney Ooe.lfl Ueulurti ilvcrywhore. aiirtTlvd WA1'B F IU"ATXON9.-M 11'- XAMAKKll'S 1'uilldklvuu, Monday, Oct, l, lttt. We've been skipping Up holstery. One side of the De partment has been stretching out into meie room along Thir teenth street. Meantime tlw best and biggest stock we ever had has been crowding in. Ready new stuffs, place. Upholstery of every grade; high, medium, and as low as is worth your thought. i',rca"103 Voleum llr.tudcs Aimri .spi-a Ue3 troteunci and all the new ideas. Htnu. for (iBrtaln, Htuiri for Wall Decoration i aturrj ler rurultare Cevcringa Richest Oriental Hangings mellow in color. Their charm grows with the years you have them. Lace Curtains like a shower of cobwebs : Ilruneill I'elut Alltfn nn noniien .'wiiiHuimui and all the ether worthy sorts. Table and Piane Cevers in ettluicaam n'AJfAMAA'KH'H multitude el effects. Best of designers and work men te suggest, estimate, or take entire charge of fitting up. Stcsnd fleer, north of Transept. A novelty in Art Embroidery this season (introduced by us) is the " Venetian work." Bril liant shades of silk, chenilles, metal art thread and the like, done in close and graceful de signs en cloth, felt, frieze, or colored woolen Bolten Sheet, ing. That's the first step. The next is te cut out the parts net covered by the embroidery and let the satin lining of matching or contrasting color show through. Ne wonder such rich and effective work is getting te be the craze. All the Fall and Winter Art work things are ready. Noir the contre of tlie (tore If you think of getting a uni form and equipments, there isn't much time te lese, although wc are putting in extra work and getting the things around very quickly. They say it's a campaign of thought. There's a rattle of drums and a flash of torches just the same. In our business we knew no creed or politics. All the fit tings, frills and fol-de-rels for campaign clubs of any faith. Best goods, quickest service, and least money cost is what we aim at. Chestnut atroet aide, if eat of main alilc. One of the quick-ever hap penings in Fine China. Scat t e r e d pieces of 1 laviland, Limoge, and Carlsbad Decor ated Dinner Sets. Less than price of white. f"tirg nnd CniiceM 1'llltOI. Ull BlJ.CM Aieit IMi-Ii-i,, nil Coviued VoKetalilii I'lilies Mere than 1,000 in the let. Hcoend fleer. .Tur.lner iitrcet tlde. reur lis lis Viileis. Wc have grouped some of the most fashionable Station ery, including the latest makes el Writing Papers, se that you can see at a glance what the correct thing is. Fine Writing Papers always, we point te : (Jiitnn'a "Old Hlyle," cream, ntUu. enp- uhlie. Mnraita VVnrd'n Heim'Oia KiiRlUh Velliim. " tVnnniiiakiir l.lncin," imw well known in Invlnir nil ttii ijiiiIIIKii et roc tiled " Ueyul ltlili Mm.li," nt about ha f the prlce. Jtvery dosliedblro. We don't use a customer's correspondence te scatter a business imprint. Our plan is te sell papers of any kind cm their merit. A little ahead of Holiday time, but the pretty Folies and Blotters and Pen-wipers and all that breed, French, English, German, and our own get up, are in sight. EeulU of Thli'leanlb sticct untrunru JOHN WANAMAKER. MAVUlNlt&r. QHNTKAlj MAC1I1NK WOKK& W. PARK13 OUMMIN03, Central Machine Works 131 A 130 NOUT1I OHK18T IAN HT , IiANOlSTIR, 1'A. Kniilncd nnd llnllem, of irem 2tol2heioo piiwer, et our own mmn iiHpncliilr. Neut m OiHlKii.ef full imwiir, diiniliin mid clunp. btiiiun lloedanndHiipoiIusiu Kn.ut viuUtv. rnnatniliK nt nlves, i.eck, I.ubrluaf la, Wh'Hli-, liiiucuirj, rjoctem, l'uinpi. 'leiin. WieukIii.MhIIimiMu mm Cast lien iutni: and Wreuutit and(;uBt I i,m i-ipe, etc. Lest ob tiers' dlHCOiint te tliu tnule. flKiclal lmirlitiieiy liulll le nrder, ii'id r-piilrinKpimip-.iydenn. All, iron nud llrua CiintliiKf, rnliernaaud MeduU. Bl'KAM r-lTTINU AND BTKAM IIEAT1MI Al'I'AUATUb. OOOU WOUK. rUOMl'T.NT.SS. lth.VSO.N- Alll.KCIlAUUKi Central lachine Works. ftUfHBTHautJBHljtu i:in. QAUL AND HKB -TUB- ROCHESTER LAMP BlityUanOle-MBrit; ncuta mom &m Anotner Let of UiiKAroiiOuxaifreM an-' OUBIOVOO, THB ' PHItrEOTIOK " HKTAi UOUJ.1HNO A HU1I1IIU CU3HK1S WEATHERSTRIP UMls Uiw u.-tmi- strip euiwwu all ethert. 5K?fut.J,n J"1 ?.te' U"K otliidewr Kiclude tee duiiU Keep out enew uud uiln Aoyeno con apply ltne wiiite or dirt inndV in npplylnK It. !;n ta fitted nnywfiuri-ue - ,bSr?1 lna,y ,or u- u "' ""I PHt, wtirn or inrlnk-n cushion Btrlp u Uin uiet Kerri 8teve UefiVu' "mw -or-; Jehn P. Sehaniii & Rens. "4 SOOTH QUEEN ST . lJvWUAr)Clt.f. Ij-AHHLK AND UKAMTE WOKKa. " CHARLES M. EOWJI'LL, MAUBLB AND GKANITH WOUK8, Ne. lauNOUTlt QUKKNBTKKKT. llavlnKrpeclalfirllliira for iimnufacturlnK OraultoMeuiimi'jitii.Tmib,Uiuv-!t4iniiiia Cou.eU.ryWeikof ml klndk. reVpect lulU " llilt the patroiiBKeof tSe public. nnd n vi ,, ,ti! te call andoxiimliielliooiton.ivo.tocko! M nr lile Moiinuiemo, l.niv.-steiu , etc .new in. laUvd and oreolert nt my weris. whicn J en "r at Kltatly ruduced pik-en l'ractlcul exn n unce, with Uste In lue urninKeineUt el ,,',,. iiiontfttleii. lKleitriK nnd uxocutieu u( di.i J 11 ulih wruat euro l9 u KUaimity that poril'ei of inypkCren t,,VU tU " wltni bmiaiSJi wSrk!lnTlll'd lecuU for wummiw )id-lrocelvod for nil kinds el Mantnla A large nainber of rintatitd B.mdand llnm n. Btone UOOI-3UU en hand, nt low prlwa K. . CM AS. JU. H'lH Kl.l. BAilI?IN "-NKW JIOAUDINO AND linninS1 If lle1ul. N- ""Otll UIIIH ,. KIt,fl?,',)0W,''l,lJ,,"8rcl',l'r,,l'1'ter liinr ..l'.'tr"",n"lb'obe"n. ltlll ttt Ull dSra ileru?,",".0' ",r I'cn.iai.Biit "e.i" .ma No.iieeuihUuia8tnt. OOD'H BAKSAI'AIULLA, Pure Bleed It absolutely ncoenary Inrrdtr te be per fect hnalth Heed Barnaparllla ll tbaKteil bleed pnrlfler, quickly conquering rcrelnln, taltilicum, and all eiLcr Inddlem encrakt which atlnck tbe bleed ard nndrmlne tbe hcalthi It tlne bullili up the whnln ryitem cum dyaperltand nick Lejdscbc, and eyer comes tfcat tired fevltntf. " I hiTO tuken two lietUra of Hoed'a Sana parllla ler lalt I bourn and dyspepsia, with which I w.i trenblid very much, Alter tak Iiir this mefllclne I am feeling aa well asevtr In my llle." (. W. t'ei, retlsvllleil'a. 1IOOIVA HAUSAfAKllil.A "I harobten tteulidby a sciofuleus affec tion all my life. His ene of the mnrked rec ollections et my boyhood dyr, and toraevoral years bni renfleiid me tinable te de much. I think lloed'a Fnrinparllla, which 1 h&vobfen tialnit at Inteirals ler ten jcais, la the bout thlntt I have overtaken. Iain new CO, andiny Rnncral ke<h (corns bttlorthaneTcr." It I). AaueiT, Warren, N. II, l'UitiriKs tiik m.oer) "1 had n sltttht bled disorder which I Iheuirbt nothing enrlcup, but ltitrowlntea a bad form of skin dlitn'e, which soma called lupus, brcnlitnK out In sotes nnd ulcers all ever my body, HreVs BiraaparPla In a abort tlinocempli tely cured mc 1 feet thatlowe my llle te lloed'a Barsaparllla." Fnau Wacii Tin, llourben, Ind, K. H.-Ilemru te get only HOOD'3 SAKSAPARILLA Beld by nil druggist. II six for 13. i'rep&rcd only by U I. 11UUL) A CO., Apothecarior, Lewell, Muis. 100 Desos One Dellar. li) AUK YOU CONSUMITiVK ? U8K I'AUKK.U'rt OINHKH TONIO without delay, A riire mrdlclnal compound thitcurrs when allelse fulls. II an cured the v oral ces of Ceuuti, Weak I.unns, Asthma, Indigestion. Inward I'alns, Kxhaustlen. In valuable for Itheuimillsm, reuinln Weaknemi, and all plna nnd dlserdnra et the Btem&ch and liewels. 60c. nt Kmnslsls rMJllKITON COI.OONK, teit rrngrantaud Lasting of 1'orlumea. Uc Uruifslats. (I) JtOOKH, .te s iTAI IONKIIY DKl'AltrMKNT. Writing Inks -ANIJ Mucilage. rOltlCilOUI. A.M lll'SINESS. -Tbe (JUAMTY of Ihoee Reeds inikin them detlilidiy the Ubiupett uud Hint, Merfs Bookstore. NO 51 N. tJUEKN BT. auglS-lyd UA11UWAKK TTI' X 1' DOOK TO TUB I'OSTOfKIOK. Out stock of Steves, Heaters nil UiiiiRca i3 new couinlete as can be desired. AVe have tliem In nil Bies and for nil prices. Nene should wait longer te pie 1 nre themselves for wlmt prom, i'ca te he n long and severe win ter. When the deep snow la here nud the Herce cold wind blowing, it will be dangerously late te pro vide for heatiiiR the house. New i3 the acceptable tltne, and the best place te which te go is EILLY BROS. & 1MB, II.VKDWArti: AND Hei jII rilMilUNO ClOODH, 10 & 42 N QUEEN 8T. oeU-5mJ CAIH'KTS. fXVltl'KT ULKAN1NO. Deus iJotTemh lour CnrpMs, when having tin m Cieaiail m LANCASTER Steam Carpet Cleaning Works, AB MANYSUITUbX. 11 it did ll would luln thorn, ltelinply ililM's thu iiincblneiy '1 he process of oleiin eleiin Ingulll net lnjure the most dollcnte labile, will net Inlure n earpit near us much as hand cleanlng. Te preve It we will give you a low cu pet of eauie quality It we InJ tire yours. One of Mm beat proeft la te soe the ma chtnury werllng. Yeu are wolceuiu at any tlme. It is the only sjstem that will thoroughly cleuti u carput and luslore the colors. LEAVE OUDKU3 AT GHIRK'd CARPET HALL, or J. D. MARTIN & OO. JWJKLEPIUNK. JIEAI'JXti. QKIA.MI UliATKIty. FLIHN & BKENEMAN'S Cellar Heaters AUCllIK IICSTIN i'HK JliUKIT -AND- PRICES THE LOWEST. ALL WUUh (11! All AN rKU. FLhl & BRtNENAN. i;hmi:autuhs or Plumbing & Heating, Ke. lba Kerth yuesn Btrcet, IiASOAB'rSB rjL, H' TOHAVOO. QLU IJONKHTY TOBACCO. FINZER'S OLD HONESTY The Uhewera of OLD HONESTY TOIJAUCO will seen find that It lasta longer, tastf s sweeter than ether tobac cos, and will please you. Ask your dealer for It nnd insist en getting it. Gonuine Has a Red H Tin Tar en Every Plug. HOOTH AND H1WKI. TY TUi-fVAYr" ' We wish tecall your n'lontlen te our Line ei r Abb AMI) WINTKH SHOES New in Bleck, for I.adtlp, MIskxs and Oblb dirn, In the dltrereut styies of tco-Opein. l.'ommen Pense and Fiinare-hlxh and low hoels. Ker fllcn nnd llej we have thrm In all stylfs-llulleu, barn und conuress and tre Pilces jeu will and te botne loncslfertho "juallty cf sheta shown. H, Swllkty's New Cash Stere, NO.?4 NOUTII (iUKKN 8TKKKT. ectll-3ind F IOOT WEAK. Ready New! Yci, NOW K.EADV, with my Complete ftoek of UllOTS, SUOK3 and UUBUKUSfer Fall nnd Wtnier Wear. Nevor before did I have such n banjo and Varied Bleck or the Very llcat that the Market Affords and Marked nnd Quick Seiling trices. Alse I call jour attontlen te my $3.00 GILT EDGE SHOE. This Is ene et the best Thloc-Dellur Shoe for nien that la uiadu te day. Call nnd 100 them It beats all ethers. D. P. STACKHOTJSE, (ONK.rmozsieuE.i BO & 30 HAST KING, BT, bANCAHTKU. l'A. a'lyd B OOT8 AND SHOES. WK AUK ItKI'AIbIKU BOOTS - BOOTS -AT- WHOLESALE FIUGE8. Hew Can We De It? 10U MAV.tSK: WK Wlbb K XPbAIN. Alter the lust Ilnet season we bought HMy HMy nlne (SI) Lnes el Youths' Heys' and Men's lkiela at a I'rl vate Asslgnie Hnie, for Spot Cash, utsueh hzcnrdingly bow I'rlces that we can new soil ycni thnui I'.ulall at llcgulnr Whe'nsala 1'rlces, and yut make profit enough te keep us alive. We Can Sell Yeu: Ypiithi' Pelld Itlp Heets, Plrm U te 13. ler 11.25; luunlar prlce, 1 60 and 7S finVlWaMT' 8,ZS 1 15' '0I l1-00' " Men's solid Kip Heets. Hlznsfi le 11, il.SO,ii 75 and jiOO; n-gulur prlce, tl i). t.'S and 2 60 Our Heets ler J.6rt and II W) we defy nnyone M.th0 C"UI"V 'r statu te bout for JTIt, liuru. btllty and I'llci We could mau inuliiimftnso'prent en thoue K) Cases of Heets by soiling them at the old pilces, buteur wottels fi&iek Sales and Small Profits, We have stuck te It, and te our " Ituln"ef giving our customers the advantage or our purchases V hive the largest stock of badles'. Misses' and Uhlldreu's Heavy bace and Mutten f hoes for rail and Winter Wear In the city, (which e dely any of our competi tors te dlsput) at prices te sntt the times, ball in te me U10111 whether jeu wish te pur pur chitie 01 net. as we consider it se trouble te show goods nt the prices we soil thorn. The One-Pilca Cash Heuse, ff I ECKE The Leaders of Lew Prices -IN- BOOTS 8c SHOES, Ne. 3 Ktst King Street, bANOASTKlbl'A. -Ster closed every evenlrg ut 6 p. in., ex cept butunlay and Meuduy. MlllilCJ.LAS. Umbrellas! AbbUUAUKS AT KKASONAllblt 1'UICES. R. B, & H., Ml. 14 KJS1' K1NU STItKKT, " 'Jhrse IIKI.VF'llA with Oeld andStl Vcr CjpJatll.UJuiu Unrgulus. . B. &H. NO. 11 KASTKlNUSf. or 'epilitcgnnd Ue-oevorlng Dene, se VMuid ATreuyjirn. TUTU KKH. KAUKFM AN, V A1TOUN S Y-AT-b A W, Eeoenfl r-lonrKshleiEaa baw Ualldlng. Ne 43 North Dake Btrwit. fB-lyflAW m !RT UHOVHKIKS. QOFKKEBI TEAS I OHOIOE OLD"eOPPEE3. rrcsh UeasUd Dally and rinest New Crep. TEAS. UnnOki?:analru0eJ?r in "Tr an1 UeM OKOUOK WIANT, Ne.llJ WejtKtngS. H IUU OKADE UH0UEH8. W. A. Reist & Ce, man skadk qkeceus, Cor. East King and Ilnke Streets. e WNaTK,0-f'J Pjepln te call nnd taste 8alUdSeateam Wafers, th lust Wafer in the world, told by the pound or 9 pound cans, bptclal rMceln can luts. Anether Iresh let of VandirvenrA Melmei' ''hncoiate Vanilla and (linger Wafers Justin. 2Se per can. New KvaperaUd reichef. Pears and Aprl Aprl cela, new ininberrPs, L'emmcal and Iluck wheat, new Table Oils, Ollve, Kauerr, Bar Bar alces. Cresse A lllackwell's l'etlcd IllentPr t'astn In dpcoiated Uis, te-, Hlchtrdsen's and Jtnbbln's retted chftken, buck.'lurkcy, Uaine, Tongue and Uam, Iieih. New Dulch-Heid or Edam Chaeses. llradquatters for rine llama and Dried Peer, rintflt mock Island llleater Macknrel. weight IViand IK fts. whlte aa paper and IU as spring chickens. Ask te coo thorn. W. A. REIST 8c CO. WTTolepronn. Kree Delivery. AT ItUKSK's! CIMPAIGN PIEADOUIRTERS reit KbAOS, riHKWOUKS. OIIINKSK AND JAI'ANKSK bANTKltNS. PREPARE FORTH S BIG PARADE ON THE 24th DON'T WAIT Kcmomber thern will be a demand for lha.e goods en the liflth. We will help you te make it a grand occasion. TUINKOriTI We will sell you UodTahleauz Flres at hall the usual prke. We will sell you Fireworks at Greatly Ile duccd Trices . SOMETHING NEW. Sprague's Tatent Illuminated Lnnlern t leeks llke a balloon l'oitraltsef Candldatns, a lg ltoestor carrying u pendant with words "Victory "en it, tordtceiatlng buildings and carry ing In paindes. DO YOU WANT A. HUNTING IbAOT We ran furnish you any sin's. De you want a ilsg te carry In precession : We can furnish them complete. IheADAMANTINK CANDbES.10 randies te the pound, at 15c are cheat). We sell the best. BURSK'S, NO. 17 EAST KING STUEET bANOASTFU.l'A T EA ! TEA t TEA I REIST TEA! TEA! TEA! bAHUEST 81O0K I HEST ASSOllTMKNT 1 AND bOWKbT ritiCKS I Kote a Few of Our LottderB : Oolong, at 16e per pound, has no equal. Oo long and Imperlil, nt 15.', leads 1I10 world. iur lllend, nf '21e per pound, maties many friends. Our Japan, nt lie, and Impertal and Harden Orewn Oolong, a', 600, will surprlse you OiirtlnotOunpewdor, nt 600, ts.wllh out a doubt, thntlnest Tea en the market for the money. We also have in etote Yeung Dy son. Kngllsh Ureuktust, rlncst Japans, etc. COFFEES 1 COKFEE3 ! COFFEES 1 Coirees nre egiln advancing. Wehnvongeod stock nni wi.l vet tell at old prices, lu, 16. l!, S0.J2 S5, 58 nnd 30 cents. Dest Mecha and Mandh-llng Java in stock. NEW GOODS. Cranberries, Granulated nnd Ovon-Drled Cernineul, New lieans finest Ikinnleis oed lh, Fancy vaper.ned, Whlte and lellew, l'ared and Unpaied l'eaches nnd Apricots. Uurk-audtieli-linlslutr llucku heat will be in, in day or two. We In ve Just lecelved, liem a direct Importation, a huge quantity of the " 1 a Fnv.irlta " llrnnd lluilanincnrenl, Spag. uuttl, and Vermicelli, strictly fiueh, and will sell at two packs ler m cents, LOOK I LOOK 1 LOOK I Four pounds I'earl Tupleca, Mc. Four pounds Flake '1 nplecn, 'ile. Four pounds Crackeis (ttesb) S53, Twe rlne llroems ler iBc. hlk pounds iielled eats for SVt. Mx peuudj Oatmeal terSJc. One pound Cocoi Shells, 6c. One bottle Parler 1'ilde huiuiul, inc. 'J hree or rlve pound ktttlu taubtic Seda, at 7e per pound, 'i en large cakes gced baundry Feap. ?sc. Flne Diled Heer. lajte per pound. Fine Picnic Hums, HHe e KKuy.n ""e' 'Jengues and best Ne I and Ne. 2 Whlte and Fat Mackerel. Reist, Wholesale & Retail Grocer, WHObESAbK AND KETAIb OUOCFlt, Northeast Cerner est Hint: and I'rlnca Streets, bANOASTKlbl'A. WTi lephone and Free Delivery. j'crA'As. JCTAl.L AND WINTER GOODS, M. HA13ERBUSH & SON. Fall and Winter Goods. Our Stock of Kail nnd Winter Goods is new complete We have tlie Largest aud Pinest Stock in the city of HORSE BLANKETS (All Grades ) Lap Bl.uikets, in Plush, Weel and Felt. Ulack and Grey Geat Itebes. Hudsen Hay and I'rairle Wolf Robes. Buffalo Robes. Siberian Deg (Black) Robes. Fex and Uoen Skin Robes. KIT We consider it no ttouble te show our goods M. latabush & Sen's WADDLE, ILAUNESS, -AND- TRUNK STORE, Ne. 30 Centre Bqfaare, LANOABTXU, l'A. nRT goods. J. U. MAKTIN A VO. J. B. Martin & Ce. A purchase of Blankets In tbe early part of the Summer proved te be a most fortunate transac tion for us as well as our cus tomers. A manufacturer needed the money; we the Blankets. The let was tee large for us, but an active reaching Arm came te euriescue, and between us the stock was divided. An Inspection of these Blankets will prove the greatest values ever offered. What de you think of an every Thread Weel Blanket U-l In size, extra weight, for $5 a pair. Seme call a Blanket with cot ton warp all wool. We don't. The next grade, of which we made an error in net purchasing the entire let, instead of dividing, bes a cotton warp with wool filling, 11 4 in siz9, weighs seven pounds, price $1.12 a pair. This Blanket we will only compare with the te a pair Blankets found elsewhere. Colored and Scarlet Blankets among the bargains. Comforts of our own make in print and sateens, and we knew what is inside. Ne shoddy. In the China Department Ex celsior Cooking Creeks at 30c for all sizes are still en sale. Phila delphia stores are asking double same. French China Plates, White, as fellows : Dinner size, (1.35 ; Breakfast, 41.15; Tea, 1.00. Quality limited. Alse odd let of French China Cups and Saucers. J.B. MARTIN, & CO. Cor. West King and FrlnceStB. -r HAKHV Stamm's Stere (.!, 11AUUY8TAMU) HAS REMO YED FEOM TUB OLD STAND, NOS. 53 A 57 NOKTUO.UKKN STKKKT, -TO THE NEW- Bosten Stare -AT- NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE. (lkilwconEeutu Queen and East KlngSta ) 1111A9 IS A (10OD DOU, nuT HOLDFAST II 11K1TEU ONE I W'HKKU IN THE WOULD Was a Urineus be tiulckly Established, as we have Ktnbllshad ltat NO. 21 CENTHE 8QUAHE. WhatlstboEccretet OnrSucces;, We'll T 11 leu: IT'S ''HObDFAbT," And In Older le TKbtcn Our Held, we Offer lO-DAY, Special Bargains -IN- ITNDEEWEAR. Flttv Dezen Men's A 11. Weel Pcarlet Shirts andDrauiautUXccach; loguler price, 75c Ihlity-Sir Dezon Ladles Medicated Scarlet Vat, AlbWecl " nibbed i-klrt "at tlioKitia tlieKitia tlioKitia erdinary bow i'rlce el f 1.00 each. Thirty Dezon Men'a Mixed Mf line shirts and Dra era atSXe each. Thse goods were never eeld for less than tea each. One Hundred Dezen Ladles' Hese, All-Weel Utuular Made, 20c u lulr. SPECIAL SALE OF- RIBBONS. At 7c a Yard Fermer l'rtoe ice a Yard, At 8a a Yard Fermer I'rlce WXea Yard. At 103 a i aid Fermer l'rlcel'e a Yard, At l'JKe a l aid Fermer I'rlce S2e a Yard. badles would Ue well te Examine tela Let AT J. HARItY S T A M M'S, 24 CENTRE SQUARE?. ltomevod from the Old stand, 15 and 37 North Queen htrtet. vuAiT Ji H. MAKTIN & UQ.' Whelegalnand Retail Denleralnall kinds et LUMBKK AND COAL 0 YiKD-Nn. 11 North Watar anrt tin. ii North I'tlnee streela. Incaster, I'a nMyd OAUMOAKDNBK'S COMPANY. COAL DEALERS. Oirricm:-Ne. 129 North (jneenSti-eet, and mil 664 North I'nnre (treub YAtna: North I'rtnce streat, nuar iteadlna Deret, IDC 1MIO UHPAinill, PA TUMHElt, COAL, a LUMBER, C03L AKD ROOFING SLATE. O. SENER & SONS. l'KINCE AND WAbNUTSTS., Sell Ceal of the Dest Quality at the Lewe I Trier, buy new, M It may be higher. jewa