Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, October 13, 1888, Page 2, Image 2

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The Daily Intelligencer.
1'rcTcstlen and Practice.
The consular reports, efflclaily made by
thoroughly reliable men, who In many
cases are llepubllcans, are often et value
as Democratic campaign documents, be
cause the right can never suffer by the
truth. Net long age we called attention
te the Canadian branches of American
manufacturing establishments described
by our consul at Halifax ; and new
another consul shows that the Dlastens,
et Philadelphia, are net the only pro
tested manufacturers who sell their
goads cheaper abroad than at home, and
that In a country where the tariff is
renlly as high as anywhere excepting in
this country and Russia. The United
States consul te Londen, Ontario, who
reports te the department of state
en the subject of American agri
cultural implements in Canada, is n
Republican. He has held his position
ever ten years, and it is (aid is te be a
descendant of Geerge Washington.
We note that the logic of facts will net
b3 controlled by political prejudice and
tbat the business sagacity of men often
declines te run harmoniously wlthtlulr
political opinions. Hamilton DIssten,
though a Philadelphia chieftain of the
Republican party that bases its
life upon a high tariff, sells
his manufactures abroad at a less price
than he asks at home ; or, admitting his
statement that he gets mere money in
the aggregate for his foreign sales te be
true in its broadest sense, the conceded
fact that he is nble te sell his manufac
tures nbread signifies that he, at least,
has no need for rrotectien from the
tariff ; n fact which wholly demerali7es
thodectrinoof his party, and shows Mr.
DIssten, n3 a politician, te be running en
different lints from the buslncsi firm of
which he Is the head.
The same may be said of the wool goods
manufacturers In Philadelphia who
supports the Republican party, though
their business Interests clearly demand
the free wool that the Democratic party
offers them. Themas Delan is reported
te have given Chairman Quay ten tlietiff
and dollars for the Republican party ,tlmt
proposes a tariff tax upon wee), which is
the raw material of his carpet manufac
ture. And Jehn Wannmaker is new exposed
by a suit against the 'government, just
decided In his favor in Philadelphia, us
resisting n duty charged upon Imported
ribbons ; though his Republican faith
obliges lilra te declare his political
opinion te be that the highest tariff la the
bast tariff for the nation.
When these men of large wealth nnd
influence thus exhibit themselves, with
political opinions opposed te their busi
ness conduct, what rellance can they
hope that the poeplo will place upon their
declarations of national policy V If Want
maker and DIssten and Delan think a
high tariff is geed for ether peeple H
ought te be geed for them. Wauamaker,
In resisting a high ribbon evident
ly sedulous for ahekels ; the etheis might
claim credit for magnanimity in demand,
lag the high tariff they show that they
teiict wd, if they would take the ground
that it was geed for the peeple but net for
themselves; but as they pretend that
their own Interest demands It, In contra
diction of plain facta, they cau only be
credited with nn excess of partisan preju
Out of Ills Latitude.
Rlalne has made his anpcaranccMri
Indiana without exciting great tnthu
slasm.and no Republican geed cau be
expected fiem his coming. Why he
went there Is a conundrum. 1 1 is a statu
et which he said when he was seeking nn
opportunity, some years age, te back out
et a libel suit he hud brought there, that
he could expect no Justlceln It. It Is a
state that the Republicans expect te
carry out of ita pride lu their candidate,
and through no feeling et devotion te
ilalne. It Is n part of the great West
kiat has no sympathy with lllalne'rf
bws upon the tariff, nnd that lias an
abiding horror et these trusts which he
sajsWe no public concern.
It Eems that he has deemed It advisa
ble te modify his tone about trusts, siuce
he has readied tha West, that has be
steady a prejudice against them, aud te
declare that they are bad things, and te
charge them up against the Democratic
party us their godfather. Rlalne is f qual
te any assertion and any change of base ,
but It does net seem te be geed policy te
expose him te a political ntmospheie
where such a total chauge of dectrine
was called for. lie had better have been
kept east of the mountains nnd the lake?.
He is net u prairie flower.
i i
The City's Situation.
The decision in Ayers appeal has net
yet been handed down by the supreme
court, and no intimation is given of the
cause of delay. Sjine conjecture that it
is intended te held the decisleti back
until the legislature meets nnd
the municipal law can be amended.
Others suppese that a reargument
is te be ordered. Against this
last suggestion ia the fact that the deci
sion in the Grant street case declares that
Ayers' appeal had ben unaulmeus'y
decided and that the decision is
that the municipal act is uncon
stitutional. It 13 net likely that
this exposure of it would have been made
in the Grant Btreet case, if there was any
thought et postponing the decision until
the legislature meets. The probability ,s
that the decision was net handed down
only because it had net been fully written
out, and that we will very seen get it.
Meanwhile the cities of the common
wealth that the bill affects And them,
salves paralyzed. Lancaster has a mayor
aidEelect council, that seemingly have
b sen duly eleittd under the old law, the
constitution of select council net having
b?en changed by the new law, and these
efflslals having beeu elected and taken
their places en the proper days and en a
proper proclamation. The common
council Is, however, differently formal
under the new law, aud there Is little
doubt that it Is net a proper
'Council. Hiinicliiai legislation is there
tore stepped until n new common
council can be chosen; and there is no
prevision under the law for such a
choice before the regular election in
February, and the Eeata will net be taken
Until the regular time in April.
This may net be a very bad thin?. We
can probably get along very well without
legislation frr six months. The mayor
ylU practlcal'y hare a fro feet and has
probably authority enough inherent in his
office te keep things going and te provlde
the needed eillcers, with the approval of
select council, te keep the city afloat.
Practically we are a city with a mayor
and nothing else. It is a bes3 situation
for the chief magistrate.
When ene man li killed nomeuoily In
sometimes hanged. Wben great many
poeplo are killed the hanging business Is
suspended. Hce the dispatches from the
neighborhood et the Mud Run eltsuter.
Ei.r.vr.N non-cemmlssloncil etrlceis et the
army bave patseel sovere examination nt
Fer tr eis Menree and will be appointed
second lieutenant. Theso promotions fiem
the ranks are Riven the vacancies that era
Wtafter the yearly graduates from Went
Point have been oralgned te duty. Prier te
President Cleveland's administration theso
vacancies wero tilled by appointments from
civil life controlled by laverltlam and Inilu
tncr. Tim Paris odltlen of the New Yerk
Herald hat astmilsbed foreigners by pub
lishing the substance of' book
In splte et great precautions te koep It
secret. American Journalists have Imcti
well trained te capture presidential rocs
sages, prlvate treaties and ether socrets et
Wantud A. rain tn wash the street!
elean and carry the tnud Inte the creek te
that we may drink It.
Mns t;i, panHed Friday night
In New Yerk and all doubts of the Democ
racy of the metropolis disappeared like
mists bofero the sun.
"Staiiti.inci facts" are said te be coming
out at Dm coroner's Icquent en the Mud
Itun illtniter. The whele thing was wiilely
conMelend n vrry startling fact in ltself.
A ioei many hesiers, representing
elllUrent "ecboels," have geno te Flerida
tn try their hand mi yellow fover, but the
Jlnjititt Vxaminer tejH It has net heard of
prnct lilen li set the Christian iclcnce Join Jein
lu if the precession. This would have been
n line chance for the CHtnbllahment of nny
sclonce net begun, tint the Christian hoIeiico
poeplo linve net ellsplnyeil great conlldenco
et uuibtislasm.
Tin: Ne Yerk lleraUl publishes llve
columns of extracts from Jlr. MackeriK e'h
book which bnaru the following tllle: "The
fiitul nines of Frederick, the Neble, by Hlr
Merrill Mackenzie" '.Mark hew plain 11
tole nlinll put you down." llenry JV. It
Ha surprise te find llioie extracts qulte
Intoreatlug nnd llttle oneumbortd by acion acien acion
tltle technicalities. The cloetor certainly
strikes back nt hla (lenmiu critic with great
vigor nnd he la particularly sovero upon
Professer Ven llerghmau. He tollshewlio
hastily scribbled a nole ene day for Ilorgh Ilergh
inan te iwldt lu the changing of a tube, aud
H.ys that helH net exaggerating In calling
this nole the death warrant of the emperor.
Theu lie geos en te show hew that tionlle.
arrived lu 11 statu of great oxeltoiuonl and
behaved lu n most extraordinary, Indecd,
Hltogether unaccountable wanner; hew hu
Inserted his linger lu the wound and man
aged the tube no roughly that the otnperor
olteu alter complained of It.
1'iieM the report of Censul Oee. W.
Uoeuovelt ut llordeiuix a great deinl of In
formation may lie gathered about the cul
tivation of prunes In France. As Lancas
ter county appentH te be well adapted te
the cultivation of prune troen nnd Ameri
cans would epecdlly impreve en the pilml pilml
tlve Fiencli nibthedp, It Beems a pity that
seme ollertls net made by our farmers here
te supply the Amorlenu demand. It Is net
n small buelnini by nny means, "llordeaux
la the eunrj of this partleular
cnmncicf), wbieh lii yearly Increasing, lie
sides the large ntueunt of prunes exported
te IJurnpcnn countries by way of rail, thore
are about ene hundred vosuels annually
leaving this pert loided with this vnluable
nnd succulent prod int. The most Impor
tant rxnnrlntlnn nf thin nrmliintlmi lu in iim
(& i -- ----- -. -. .V. ...u
JUiilted HtahH. During the pest eight jOBts
titrtfoeo worth of prunev, or an nunual
average et S3I19, ll!!i wero experted."
Wi: have received from Hurra ,v Com Cem
piny, of IlitentH Ayres, a rotunrkeblo cir
cular full (if lustaucei of English as hhe Is
apoke In HpanlRti countries. It would ap
pear that this tlrm win fonnded " with the
vlew of contracting commercial Intercourse
betw een the United Htates of North America
and the Argentine Uepubllc, inatntalnlug n
ponnanent exhibition of both countries."
Among otber things this exposition 'shall
embrace ngro-peauary products." a
printed form of questions with space for
niiHwers linn the following. " What Is your
opinion upon the advantages nnd pecunlaiy
exlt of ii pDrpe'.ual exposition ?" "Will you
prevail of the udvantagei of this exhibi
tion?" Nevcral ether questions et the kind
fellow aud thou com eh this pollte request,
"llene nggregnte jour Blgn manual nnd
postal dlreotteu."
Tin: Buprome court has diulded that the
Itensemer patents for the manufacture et
basic hteel are the propetty of the llcsso llcsse llcsso
mer Steel eempnny, and It can new author auther author
lze inanulscture by that process. Net a
single lleonse has yet been granted for the
ui-e of this process becnuse the company
could net give u guarnntee ngaluBt Infringe
ment suits.
IexATit's De.nnki.i.v has withdrawn
from tlm coute.t ler the goeruorbhlp of
Hlsitei- William Is te lenve
or hH iiitmlen werK lu Alrieii atteut the
lit of DiOdiutier. It Is expected that a
number of lulnjleiiarliu will a.'oemiunv
hlni. ' '
Mlw.s Naiicisia K. Whitk, national
organizer of the Weuihii'h Christian
TomptiraLee I'ulen of the I'nlted Htates,
was quleiiy niarileJ In Hliareu, I'd., ou
Friday te li. Mullen, of Oregon, The
groom Is a reputed millionaire.
AmiiiKr. I'. Fneu, who was oleeled by
the Kfpnet cr two years age, nnd who
velf it for tha Mllle bill, hasbeun nominated
for Centrim i,y the Domecrnts of ttie Thlr Thlr
teenlh New Yerk dlstrlet, Mr. Fitch some
tlmn age wrnte a long letter giving his
rontens for lenvlnu the Republican rarty.
Miss Mautiia A. MoCennki.i. was ro re ro
cently eluwen deuoen by the Kofeniud
I'rnnliyerlan church of MoICeesjieri The
prosjtery qiuuttoned the regularity of the
ultietluii, ai d referred thu matter te the
synod, which, through Its committer, has
decided "that, in our Judgment, the ordina
tion et a woman ha h deacon li in Harmony
with the New Testament and the censtitu
tien 01 tuu Bpotiieitu church."
A Veiiug (ilrl ljmiged,
1'aullue McCoy, u nore girl, aged nlno nlne nlno
teen, via-ihsngiKl at I'ulen Kprln(,s, Ala,
en Friday for the murder e! AnnloJerand,
a fourlecn-vCBt-eld while child, last
February. Toe execution was private,
euly the nectssary persons being admitted.
Ttie crlu.e fur which the wemun wai
bRiii'td was a peculiar eue. The victim,
Annte Jerand, Btraved nwuy from hemu in
Montgomery, Hiid nothing was heard et
her uutll bur dead body was dlrc-etertd
In a plum thicket ut Turee Notch. Clr-
cuaihtauei a pointed te I'aullne und sne was
nrjtBtHl with the dead girl's clethluj; en
her. he was found cuilty lust spring and
teutenccd tedintb. Ktlens were nuite te
get the gevpruur m Interfere, but te no
uvbII Ne demonstration el any sort was
Toe 1'ltueuri; luiteu Laber l'irlr.
A meeting of the Filtsburg end of the
United Laber party was te have bcen held
lu Lawyer Hint's cillce en Thursday night
te iiatue electors, but It did net uiateriulU.
Ah it result nu electors were named. A
geutlemua who was present saya the mom
hers declared their intention of voting for
Cleveland since they could net support
Htr eater, Nearly all the trailei were repre-seated.
Tin: Ile.Mi:.MAKi:n, Vel 1, Ne. 1, a
monthly mbjozIue tdllfd IV Marlen liar,
land, and publlibtd nt 21 WeitZld strcet,
New Yerk. An capital el this wetk's lltor llter
ary column woehecsathls new monthly bo be bo
cnue an addition te the list of high clan
magazines Is of even mero Impertance than
the publication et a valuable book. As
tliere Is no end of making many books, nil
uinering in cnaracier ana vaiue,as men ue,
and ciewdlng ene annther out of public no
tice, be tins uoviceer literature, wnercny
the Improialeti Is repcatcd at regular inter
vale, has even greater lnlluen.'e 01 the
thought el the day.
The magazines publish n great deal of
trilling and worthles llht tuttter, and a
large amount of dull nnd stupid heavy lit
erature, but they nlan gtve the world nmne
excellent literature of bothvarletle, and In
a hliapn putled te buny Americans, The of n msgirlnn allcct publle
opinion and thought by a regular repetition
ei ine same itinu ni ineiinine in lien in
epathla doses, and It Is thorc-fero noted wit i
pieaure that an iihocIhIe editor of trio
Uemtmalf Ih Clrace l'tckbam, M. I).
Anether editor Is Cbrlitlne Terhune ller
rlck, and It speedily appear h that all the
contributors te this runnier are women.
KoseTorry Coeke, Oliver Therno Miller,
Harriet I'roreotlHpollord.OctavaThanUand
ethers of equal nole. Though n low wen
are In thn lint (if futute contributors,
woman Is the home maker In eviry hei,b.
The first pages are devoted te shoitoll sheitoll shoitell
torlah nnd a salutatory which announces
that "cookery nnd all manner of handi
work will loeolvoa tiilliharn et nttcntlen,
as will hyglenn nrd etomeMtlo inedlcnl
practice." Jtnelly, this Illustrated mentliy
is of high class und low prlce nnd nprcar
well designed te meet the Held telicted
for It.
Tin: Lirr. or La Ka vijttk Toe Kulght
of Llberty lu tl.e two wnrlus mid two cm cm
turles, by Lydla Heyt F,iriner, Tnemai Y.
Creswoll .t Ge , 13 Aster l'lace, New Yerk.
This Is eine of tliche books tint hie cold
cblellr foryeungorrinderp, but tnnke the
very bcstel retailing for their el Jern. The
author has written ninny hoekn ler chil
dren, and nt times the nyle bttrajs this
training, but as the tioelt cennlitH largely of
innlerlal from imttimcrlptN of mem
born of the l.n Ftiyultn family, nnd
French works new tut of print,
and miTer before t'liin-Iii'id, It Is
worthy of warm prnlpeaan emli iilliiirnt
of eared ul labor and 1 1 inch. 1 he following
claim of tliu author In her preface appears
tn be vrell femulril. "A ir.nre completo
llfe of (loneral l.n Kajette is here elltireid
than has lielore appeared el'her In this
country or In Kurepi." 'J hn Mery li mnre
fascinating than notion, and in many the
vlew presented of this great hlntnrlcil
lljtute will be novel. Jlln marrlncu at the
uijoef elxtcvn, and Ihes'rm go wooing that
priceded It, his learning et ttie truiib'ea
of the Americans limn ttie brether
of the kln of l'.ti('in), nnd the
dlerta et his tamlly the king te
restrain his boyish iitiler I ir thn putnets,
all cetnn fresh upon Urn render f rum thn
lotteraof LuI'VyotfehlUHilf and his wlfoef
fojrteon. Ills Uiglit te America, in nplte el
the royal command anil a strong pretMblllly
that his Immvneu family (smtta would be
BOlzd by the king, Is slinuit te l.nve beeu
solely tee generous Impulse of u callow
jcutli. Ne wonder that tilifrluuds at home
rtqueBted llenjimlii FinnlElln toilncesomo
meney, ttint tliuy sunt ler hlm,ln the cam of
"rotne dlHcieet friend, who may supply
him Ircm tlme te time, and by that uumriH,
knowing Ids expoime, mny take ec ii'len
te hiIvIme him, it nicctf-Hri, Hern tcemuch
'i'ne "discroet friend" cliosen was Wash
ington ami IhntchlldliHH lKirnsenms.te linve
wntelied evor the yeunKiiinrqul-i nVlhnugli
he wero his ewt. seu. Ne doubt thn young
man formed lu the eoclety of Washington
many of tlione traits of character and hitbltii
of thought that gave him rank In later II te
with the greatest inen of bin tlme and the
best ineiief sll ages Innusge of involu
tion nod nuaretiy he held lih place, in n
teacher of Jav,rder nnd lltiert y.nnil though
owing nitich te liunlly lank and lnherlied
wealth he used these advantages he well
that nnstatrHinan ever enjoyed for inking
n tlme te much popularity nnd reipcct with
ineiii of all clafhes. He was wolcemo nllke
at the councils of kings nnd patriots nnd
was always true te thu notile linpulses of
bis early youth In thn American colenics.
Thn book 1h profiisely Illustrated.
l'ueiii.r.MM or Te iAV A. dltoueelen of
Creteetlvn turlllf. taxation, and inotinpelluH
y Klchard T. iCIy, i'li. !., nssoe'nto pi -fotser
et political economy In tlm Jehu-T
Hepkins I'nlverslty. Thnmns Y. Crewell
it Ce., 13 Asler l'lace, New Yerk. This
work Is made up of n revision nnd enlarge enlarge
meet of ii nerles of papers written for the
lliltlmore .Vitn Theso essaj h uttra'Jted wlde
attention because though uiuutin; from no
umlnent n scholar they wrrees tlmple and
clear as the subject would allow, nnd were
ns eagnrlytrcad by the pi'.rens or n great
newapsper as though thny had treited of
murders and buse lull matches. I'erlnqn
It la bj' way of rriintleu from the oxtteme
Heuenllauiillstn et dally iiuwm that men nre
new leading with interest of lliingH
te sober mid substantial. At any
rate it Is n geed meve for all, and
possibly ene reason may be that willers
like Mr. Kly 1ihe contrived te clear nuay
the (sibwelH of leiirulng, te draw folence
down from lefty a tractions nnd inake It
iiselu I te every man. I'relessnr Kly Is v. oil
known as the author of n rocent work en
t'je labor innveineut as well as ether esiajs
en ecounmlesutijects, And without endors
ing all his conclusions, It may bes-ild that
by lnforniBtleu, fuirnns and Hli.cnty, bin
work Is made of great value tn the thou
Fnnds who study the jnib!um of te day by
i be lliitit of their own Judgment nnd
Temnysex, whose health will compel
h in te pasi thn winter nt Nice, rafuses in
ellKuautly nil requests et publishers torpor
senal memoirs. With mero fercn than ro re ro
lluemout be compares this publle exhlbl.
tlen of peri-enal allalrs te being "ripped up
llkeaplg." " '
Tiik Atlanta Cosititijtiex enyi
that Mrs. ltlves-Ubnnler was elltired eer
130.000 for thu iiinutiKcrlpt of n novel; thut
Colonel K. M. Johnsten Is ptld JOO ler
each of his Bhert Hterlc, and timt Joel
Chnndler Harris has an eiler or f 3 000 for
thn novel he Is writing.
Wblttler's llarbarn Frltchln logend has
bceu se etten written et Hint eiurthisiv
knows hew mythical It Is, but the follow
ing account of the incident that probably
formed the ground of the poem Is wer h
reprinting from American Notes unit
Queries. It tlrat appeared lu thn lUltlmore
lleraUl. " In thu Urat place, thnre were
lioueot the tioetle Incidents mentioned by
Wbltller. Thore was no window sill and
theie was no old woman about It. Mrs.
Mary A. Quatitrell was, nt that tlme, a
woman of thirty-two, black-haired and very
ptetty. Her husband was thou nt work ih
n compositor en the Malmnal Jiifeftweii
cer nt Washington. 1). I'., ami Mrs.
tjuantrell ws llvinu in Freuterlck with her
chlldren. On the day that Htonewnll
JacUHen pasied through Fruderlck, slie
and her llttle daughter were Btaudlng nt
tte gate. They had several small I'ulen
llagn, which they brought hote te wave as
the Confederate troops piiieil by. Vlrgle
was waving a small Hag, many et the roeel
soldiers callliu: out "Threw down lrtat
llag!'' but the llttle girl kept vulng It.
Hiuldeiily a lieutenant drew his sword und
cutthORtatl In two, thelisg falling te the
ground. The little girl then waved auether,
tiit, tee, was cut Irem her hand. Theu
Mis. Qunntiell waved n larger tljg In n
conspicuous manner until Jackseu and his
men bad marohed past her beuse. Sno
was net molested Huino of the e llcera
raised thelr bats te her svlng, Pe you,
madueu, net your lliir. The (J ihu ihu
trell fauilly nre new in possession of letteri
from Whllllcr, ackuewleslglug his mistake.
Mr. Whlttlerbiivs he derived bis Informa
tion lenn Mr. K. 1 Ji n. southweith,
the BeinaUeaal nevelidt."
A prudent man, " ncceullnR te Ilei le "
or cut, ii mi brutne, anU bum, ulU Lell
Will me at encu Salvation en.
" Nevor wa tieiira audi a terrtlile cutBe," as
thu iiiHnKOtotlubeutiil,,tulibciii m a muld
It be pomlble tht he llv. 1 in cli-lllz ulen una
hid mil liutiUel Dr. Hull's Liiuuli srnp ' l.el
htui lukotlieoia ro.liUlei uuUnieiiewuirljrf.
I'rlcu, 'Jie
ucmiiiinu leucwing cniiuiH-sini Sim
day, In thu morning ut lOai, in tbe wniux
nt (5. hunday school at l 15 p. in. huu tbe
heui is dlUeient It Is spi ilully imte-il :
l'HKsnvTKiiiAM Memehul Cnei.iii, Seuth
Queen Btnwt, Thomejj Ihotupeu puun
"ii unrnlng ssrvtcii Kveiilnj ut 7.1.5 p. m
Tb i lublUn ii'fiichitlen et i:.ubllu mid
MsrliHll rellvirn will conduct seiviets bun
any tchoel ut 1.1) u in. eunt; poeplo's nu-nt-lute
at CO p m l'rnjer aim lllble ttuily
Weduesduy uveulngut 7 Opm
Uui'iicii uv Uou-ceruer ei l'llnce nnd Or-aufc-e.
1'rii.icbluKiil 1U.SU u m. aud 7.14 p. in
by Iho p&s-or liibbatli school Le.tcM uud
untertalniiiHiitat 1 15 p in.
ikst iuitiht. services at tha regular hours
morning and evening, pastor. Itev. J N r ol el
wetl. Jjvtntnir subject "lbaOtdsctel Ued'a
..wU.u ouuuey sciioei ui ji. in, ieuiik I
pcepla'spiujermeetlnKuteiJp.m. Wednes-
I'macldng rnnrninz and even-
Inie Ml thn iikutl ham, feunflny reboot at 1 H
li. in. iwuiu nmninm every auernoeii inn
wirOK at 8: 0. nna KvtnRallitie aervicc-a every
evfintn at 7.30. cendnctnd by 11 or. . M.ll.
iinttnrell, pastor of the r"lnt JJsptHtcnarcb,
iieoemd KVAtrniLieAt, ( Kngllth ), en Jtnl Jtnl
berry itruet, above (JmnKe-Heu lniy fla''
AtlU:r)t.m. Inlaiitbipileuinndpreichlnirl y
the pa.ter-fiubjuct," AOucntlen." At 7.1 J .
in, rrcttatlem, uiaija, rtadlnK'. ana muilr,
Sunday school at a p. in. l'inrinctlngi(iu
WnDnnsday ard Thuridaynt 7:W p.m.
T. I.uki's llirenHBD Manntta Avuniin.ltey.
Win. r. J.Iclillter, pualer. Illvlnn anrvlcn at
lU-.Mn in. Be men iiy Kev Newton .1. Mlller.
Mi livening emvlru, Hnnilny acliwil at 2 p.
in. Ne Mirrlce In trio (lerman language
Br. Paul's KxrenMau-ltev. J. W.M.tmtngnr,
p.suir. l'rnacblnffHt 10j)a m.nna 7iH p. ir;
nunday rclioel at 1.15 p.m. Beng sendee kt
at 0.15 p in
Westhkn m. K. Chcrch-K. W. llarke,
pallor. Class at nam 10 30 a in aud 7.J1 p.
in prcaclilnir rnnday icboei at 'ip m ulns
Tuemtay al7 m. rtnyur lueetlng en lnrsd&y
eviinlnir nt 7:11.
Kast1is.e li, I'.. Cui'rck Sunday acboel
ntp m.
uniTxn iiRSTnaxie ik unnisr (c;evesast).
West umngeaml ejonrerd atrisita-ltev. -I II.
Knnk, pLsier. Pnculilnieat lu:jan in and7i'B
p in. Monday acboel at 1:U p. m. l'ralse Intel
InirntniiAp. in
(JiiniftTl.cTiiKRAHCntmc-n West King strcet,
K. I.. Heed, piMter.-t-tirvlcaat lotea in and
7 15 p in hnnduy ccbel st l.l p in. Catn
cli'itlcal Instructions en Friday evenlngal7
amsiTV I.UTiixRAN-ltcv. (J. I,. Kry, pastor.
Rcrvlces Mtle.:tua. m.nnd 7:IA p in. conducted
by Ihu inaier. Ituniluy icbeui at 1:IS p. in.
Weduutuay evenlng scrvlcea begins at 7.J0
p. in.
hT. Stei-iikh'a (ItKreRxan) Oncricn Colleem
(Jiiai'ku in vine st I vicent 10-.W a. in. Uurinua
liy Itev. Theodere Apple. U. II.
rinsT lUroniixeCuoncii. Itev. J. M.TItzel,
li. 11., piister. borvtcea te morrow at 10.31 a.
tn., and 7 15p.m. Hunetay bcIksjI ut 1:15 p. tn.
Ut. Jehn's I.uthbeak. Kev. II. r. Alleinan,
1). I), pnater. Hely communion nt lu.30 a.m.
and 7 15 p.m. fabbath acboel nt Mt. Jehn's
nt 1:1'., nnd at amwnld Memerliil cbnpel at 1
p m. l.rctnre and prayer cervicn en Wort Wert
neday uenlngal7.:ii. CaUcbetlcal lectures
IfrliUy (ivunlni? ut7.30.
riiinr at. K. (Juuueii. Unv, J. H. T. Gray, pas
tor. (JIsbs ineutlnKs nt 0 b, tn. a. in.,
nnd 7lSp m.prenctiing by tbopister. 1:15 p.m. in. younKPOeplo'a inont inent
llinr. 7.W p. in Monday anniversary or the
young I ml Ins' mtialen band. Address by Mis.
I H eisl.orne, a letnrned Mlsalennry from
India 7:30 p in. Tuesday, holiness mealing i
7.'H p in. Wednesday, prayer meutlnir; 7.30
Iliuisdiiy doss inietliigst rrldny, young peei
pln's cliai ; :i p, in. 'Ihnrsday, pastor's ctass.
(litAcn I, utiikuak. Cerner el North ejueen
and Jiunus streuu Itev. V. Klvln JIeupi, pas
tor. Illblu class Inrmin I'dftn m. Preaching
nl It:,!) ii. in and 7:15 p. in. Holiday school nt l
p. in SlteLlnir of tbe Helpers en Tnutdty
evuitnte l'nstet's (,'attclifltlrat class tiKeti en
Tin rJhj' nnd rrlduy Lveulng. Usual inla
wed! rvlces en Wednmflay tivenlng.
Chapnl enrvleentt' W en 'Ihursduy evenlnir
ileiiAViAH. J. Max Murk, li. I)., pastor, 1C31
n. in. I.liniiy and suiiiien. 2 p ui. bunduy
iche 1 1 ' .5 p. in nvcntiiKBCrvlce.
l'REflnvTKiiiAM I'reachlnKlul tbe uaual hours
lmirnliiK and tiveiiln by the pastei, Uev. J.
V. Mltclirll, i 1).
Ht. Paul's m.K, Ciiuncu-Charlca Iteads, pas
tor. PrinchliiK at Itie n. in. by l(07. K. K. Mlllur.vllle At 7.11 p. in nddreis
bv Mrs Oilinrnn. en " Keielgn Mlislenaty
Weilc ' Hutuliy pchoel at 1 15 pin. Veung
pcople'a nn citing at 0 p. in. e,ls nicetinics en
lueslsy, 'IhntiJay. and rridsy uvunlngs.
1'iayer uieetlngen Wednesday evening.
Ne flUihre germ can POSMHI.Y' rntrntn
ln.lKi'd In tlm lioey it this Ureal lteinedy is
ciiiniiilly ami ceusliinUy used. Prof Win. T.
CntHir, Btate I'lininlsl et Uonnectlcut, s lys :
" 1 huve uniilj zia n Kiciil many eiunples of
Whtskey, Wliuts, Alls, etc ,nnd wiusuiirl.ea
le Hint itnn nnnlysls that Diiiry's Malt Wills
I.e. w ns absolutely puni, as I nnver leuudtbls
te lie thu casti In any ether Whiskey I had ox ex ox
iiuitned. 'iliusn lanls inusl coiuiuend 11 te
guiiiiral ufe and publle favor.
"ii snre and buluiu tLe gvnulue, and take co
It U Ker f nle Unt vcrjally
Miiar usK
It Imparts a brilliant transparency te the
sktn lluineves all plinples. i ruckles and Ols Ols Ols
colerations, and in ikes ihe skin delicately
ill ami bO'Uilltul. ltcentnlns nn lluie, wlilte,
te doraisunle In tbiueabades, pink or Hush,
-vhlte nun brunulte.
rent 8A.bK iiy
All Druggleta nud Fancy Ooedo
Doitlme Bvorywhero.
PuiLVDELi-iiiA, Saturday, OtU U, Ufs.n
Keystenii Library has settled
in the Hasement near the Seda
Fountain. Mere room te show
the books fitly. Mere titles
than ever before te show. Mar
vels ei cheapness. Ihink of
works ei Rebert Leuis Steven
son, Charlette Brente, Rider
Haggard, and mere than one
hundred ether popular authors,
at i e cents each! Geed type,
fair paper, handy sizes, and 10
cents ! Absurd !
October Boek N:u s is a fair
sample of what the magazine
has grown te be. The test of
such a publication is what its
readers think of it. Fer months
past nearly every expiring
BenK. Ni us subscription has
been renewed. We ought te
have a circulation of 20,000 or
30,000 instead of or 12,
000. When the readers of the
country find out what it is cost
ing them in money wasted and
iniormatien missed te be with
out Boek Nus, we'll have
100,000. A year for 50 cents.
Sample copy free by mail.
Fall Millinery in full swing.
The call is for everything at
once. We are fixed for it.
Felt Hats, black and colors,
The jaunty and popular
Walking Hats and Turbans.
Scarce ? Yes ; but here they
Children's 1 Iats. A hundred
new conceits. Net easy te trig
out the little ones te mamnn's
fancy, but the things are here
te de it with Felts, Knock
abouts, Cleths, Plushes, Fancy
Stitched Cassimeres, sauc y
Fezzes that se many like ($1),
and heaps of ethers.
Trimmed shapes for women
and children. If the feathers
en the eneinal birds
fly faster. Newj
Duke street.
M a. .-.
things from the work-rooms
every day.
Fancy and ostrich feathers
and all the bright trimming bits
till your brains in a whirl.
Thirteenth and Chestnut street corner.
What shall the Ribbon be ?
Settle en that and you can pick
from the biggest and fullest
Ribbon stock ever shown at re
tail. Every kind for every
use. Floed-gates are up for
the Satin Reversible Ribbon,
2j, 3. and 4 inch ; 18, 22, and
28c. Other sorts with the
special bargain smack scattered
like seasoning.
Katt Transept.
Here's the price-best thing
we've ever done in Men's
Handkerchiefs Regular three
quarter size, white, fine, pure
Linen, ya and 1 inch drawn
hemstitched, $1.50 a dozen !
Unlaundcred, but they don't
leek it.
Just from
and nebby
" Parce " as neat
a let of Men's
Printed Berder Handkerchief
as ever heard French ; maybe
fifty styles, and net one loud.
Hand printed (" blocked " the
linen men say) and hemstitched.
Homelier have been 75c each ;
these 50c.
Men's French Handkerchiefs
in circus borders horseshoes,
scrawls, and wild wiggles 75c.
Silk Mufflers are crawling
into sight. Almest lest in the
jungle of Handkerchiefs.
Bouthwestet contre, next main aisle.
One lewel. Leem Huck,
21x42 inches, colored border,
i2c. Tweuld cost you that
or mere in a Dublin shop.
The Linen store is full of
things at the Dublin price or
Southwestof cent'e.
recclve K-oed Uye at my dlsttllery, Ne.
CIS Knst Klnu stuet, en nextcnturnny unden
every eatutdny following. Kye taken U x
Cbunirn ler whisky.
C. B. a la Spirite
O. Da
Ker Sate by Lending Merchants.
Manutactureri, 112 UltOAOWAV, N. V.
ect3 5JtM,Tb.-,oew
Out stock of Steves, Heaters
nnd Hanges is new complete as be du9lteel. We bave them
In all Bi7es nuil for nil prices.
Nene should wait longer te pie pie pio
pare themselves, for what prom prem
ites te be a long and severe win
ter. When Iho deep snow Is here
and the llerce cold wind blewingi
it will be dangerously late te pro
vide for heating the house. New
is the acceptable time, and the
best place te which te go is
40 &
ectl SuU
J. B. Martin & Ce.
A purchase of lllankets in the
early part of the Summer proved
te be a most fertunate transac
tion for us as well as our cus
tomer. A manufacturer needed
the money, we the Llankets.
The let was tee large for us, but
tin active leachinj,' firm came te
our lesctie, nnd between us the
block was divided. An inspection
of thfse Ulaukets will prove the
greatest values ever offered.
What de you think of an every
Thread Weel Klanket ll-l in
siite, extra weight, for ?5 a pair.
.eme call a Ulauket with cot
ton warp all wool. We don't.
The next grade, of which we
made an eirer in uet purchasing
theentiiolet, ittstead of dividing,
has a cotton warp with wool
lllling, 11 t in s,z?, weighs seven
pounds, price i?l 112 a pair. This
Jtlanket wa will only cempare
with the $5apairJ$laukets found
elsewhere. Colored and Scarlet
liliinketH among the bargains.
Comforts of our own make in
print ami sateens, and we knew
w hat is inside. Ne shoddy.
In the China Department Ex.
celsier Cjeking Creeks at 30c for
all sizes are still en sale, l'hila.
delphla stores are asking doubie
French China l'iate?, White, as
fellows . Dinner size, ijl :i5 ;
Breakfast, i M; Tea, fl.bO.
(juality limited. AUe odd let of
French China Cups and S.uieers.
8c CO.
Cor. West Kieg nnd FrlnMStu.
JKtabllibeet, nre. ieb- WAsKtid
rrtsh Heuteet Dally and flneat New Crep.
Ne. 113 West Kings.
Theso IIKLvrTIAntth Oeld and Sil
ver Oi pj ut 11.10 aie Bargains.
R. B. & H.
fcpaltlcgnnil Uo-cevorloij Dene.
35 and 37 North Queen Street.
KVJCtlYllUUltlN TUB DAY NKW 0001)3
AUK AltlltVlSti AT
Charles Stamm's
Tollle rrancalse. Morle
Antliius, biitln lie l.nx
or Molre XiaEcatne, ai.
mnte Plque. Wustirs,
niruhs, lebaaamcs.Vel lebaaamcs.Vel
vets, Satins, Neveltln,
Annure ltoyale 'loiro 'leiro 'loire
tas Ulace 1'eiiKces,
Henriettas, Sorsref , Om.
tier I'liilOB, eiilcs, Pat'
TtUPOCl nnrkT3'inber8tripes,811kand
JLJ.b Liu KJ vJUUJJu Wools. Ilaute Neuve
ante, Wejl Morien,
L'auibiiilue Suitings.
('iiscadetMiitlniis, l'lulu
lrerxissiis rruncaise.
Lniltcs' Clethe, Tricot
Cleths, Delia's CleSbr,
Check Cleths, Coatunie
Cleths, Loonex Clntiis,
Strlpe Cleths, Wlnmr
burn Cletb, Amazen
'letbs, Tw.eil Cleths,
Plain Cletbs. liaiili
cloth?, Mlied Cleths,
Novelty Cleths,
We soil all sorts et
Kine Dress Ooefla for
wedding receptions or
ney uinuroccusieni no
storetn Lancaster can
show se much that's
line in tbls line, or Mill
themchinper than we
A full linn et the
lalO'l NowDiessUooitt
In ftishtnnab'e llntr,
and lull line or I'lalds,
Surahs, ltratds, Mi no
Velvets, Morle Hllka
nrd t'luiheste go with
tlicmaue. acoeipleto
stock of everything
which can effer attrac
tion, net only te theso
who took tha beantlial
at any cost, but also
. fund ihU cblelly) a
RlO frrl "tocfcitcblnuilngs.fer
-"B 1 UvRi tbosewhohavenvedto
make a dollar de Its
utmost la purchasing
power, come and seu
tee jvewuoeas.ana see
bow cheaply tbey may
be yours.
Charles Stamm,
35-83 Kertb Queen Slreet.
New Yerk Stere
Is full te ovei itr ulnKwiih the latest ami most
Cujliulile styles tn
Autumn Jackets
At Kitremely Modetnto l'llcss.
STOCKINKIM 1CKKT3 are salt, elastic and
duruble. Just the thing le-cool Indian rum-merwe-ar.
Hore lh-y aru In gru a variety at
U, CJ.&P, l auil each.
STOCKINET J ACKRTS, bound with braid,
fl and $3 each.
LADIR8' CLOTH JACKETS at U, $.! 60. 1.
t G te 110 each.
braided, leach.
J A- KKT3, fancy
LADIK8' NKWMAUKETi at IS, 0, 7, ?, $10
te M each.
LADIES' MODJESK is, h, braided c'etb, at
SEAL 1'l.UslI JACKE13,
SEAL l'l-USllCOA'lS,
Maile bem (elected nlDshei te ourewnoider
during tbe summer at low prices.
A Wonderful Felecilen et CUILDltrN'S
Cl.OAKj tn all tlzi-i una iiuilltles and pile s
te suit ever) bedy.
Special Sila of ICO MISSKb' COATS and
HKWMAllKKr.", stzuj from 10 te 16 vears, it
less tbanllalf the L'.uil Price.
PfOUaKH FOB HALE ON THE MOST' ""' p,n, J,a ObArietuitriitt.
JU Ue tbroe-stnrr Hore ana DwsIUdk
HonyevNe. north Qaeeen street, Lancuutr
.nj xiu. 3 ieriti u
cltjvr Inaolre of
j " B. C. KHKADY,
J Ne. V KsstKldg street,
.. .. tl y 'or tate of Jacob tj. Kreaity.
Brick Dwellinsf Houses,
Mtuated en Xaat and West Walnut. Weat
Imen, Chpstnut, North Lime. Charlette,
Mary and I'lnn streets and Lancaster avenue,
all In geed mdar and repair, the louetirrnnnd
QZtrnding In depth Its and ISO fnt. te 10 feet
wide alleys, for sale en the meal liberal ttrria.
Apply ui
XI situated four squares from centre of
rtty, suitable for any tuannficturlnir purpee.
llasgced basement, two floors and attic, 70
foci irent and U leet deep, llssa new 25 bone
power boiler and engine, elevator and office
remplete, with a siding In yard en ItneetP.
n . ifc . nnu uncsiexy wbipoeuho 'et ey 43 reel
In ihu resr of main building. Will tell or rent
cheap by aDDlvlmr at once Te
231md East King Btreet.
iikalebtaie at tbe Keystone Ilcute,
North Queen street, Lancaster, fa., en
The property located at Ne. lie North Queen
street, en which Is a Large Dwelling Heuse In
voed repair) alto a large carpenter shop,
large let with choice fruit and snrubbery.
Tbls properly was eccnpled for years by Jehn
D. During, deceased, the well known bntlaer,
and Is one et the most desirable situations ler
a residence In tbls city.
Hale te commence at 7 o'clock p m., when
terms, etc., will be inade known by
UAKMltcriJOltlNO, Kieeutrtx.
JOSL L. IlAIKIS, AllOt. OCt.0,13,17,20
Oif MeNDiT, OcrenaB 19, 1E33,
7he underslgned oxecutersot tbe will efthe
late Jehn lierse, deceased, will sell at publle
sale, at tbe Leenard botel, the following de
scribed real estate, viz :
Ne 1. Alt that LOT or GROUND situated
en tbe west slue et Water btreet, Nes. Stand
!A, between West King nnd Orange streets, In
tbocliyef Lancaster, containing in fronton
sntd Water street teny leet, mero orle-s and
extending In depth wtBtward fnrtv-tbrne fnflt
moreerless, en which are erncu-d a Deub'e
Twe-Slnry UltlCK IJWKI.I.1NU MeUSK. nes,
21 and SO, Vecd thed, Hydrant. Well of Watr
with l'ump therein nud et nor Improvements.
A0 2 All that I.OTer OUlUNtiBt ualeden
the south stfln of west Walnut UriO-, between
Wnter nnd Mulberry streets, In Ue city et
Lancaster, ou which Is erected a Twe-Storied
llttlCK DWKLt.lM) IIUU8K, Ne 211, con
taining lu front ea Walnut stree. twenf--one
Ii'et, and extending In d'pth nlneiy nlneiy
twe feet, six Inches, te an eight feet wlde
uatotecemmenco at 7 3) p m , en said day,
wben nltcndnnce will be glven and letuis
made known by
riiKnneitK wenditz,
a. r. iiewb, Auct ectc-ih,r,bt8d
Kstate In the City of Liu caster.
On Km day, Octeiier 2G, 1838,
the undorstgned Leirs of Dnrelhta liiien, de
ceased, wl'l soil at public sole, at the Leepard
Hetel, In tha city of Lancaster, the following
valuable real estate, viz :
All that two-story brick dwelling henae.wtth
the let of ground thereto belonging, situated
en tbe south slde of East King slreet, In the
city el Lancaster, numbered 110. 1 he let con
tains eoventy-two feet six and a-half Inches,
mera or less In fronton Hest King street, and
extends southward or tbn same width two
hundred and forty.flve feet, mero or less,
10 a fourteen feet wlde public alley.
This properly was for many vears the
resldence of the late Keran It. Uegerr.
The housels large and In geed condition, and
It supplied wltn het and cold water In the sec
ond story, alie let Is well knewH for Its
ahu'iilantiupply el almost every variety of
cbolce lruli.
This preperty, owing tells location, slr.1 and
condition. Is very desli able, and Is la every
way worthy of the consideration et puicbasera.
bam will commence at 7.30 o'clock In tbe
evenlng, when teims et sate will be made
known ny tbe umiuielgned. Thi gunidlanet
KdwardU. Hepkins sells by orderof the Or
phans' Joint. W. W. HOPKINS.
Guardian of Edward It. Hepkins.
.Iekl I,. Haines, Auct. ectS,132025
We wish tecall your attention te our Line of
New In stock, for Ladles, Misses and Chil
dren, In thn different Btyies of tee-Opera,
Common eonse and fquare-htith and low
heels, t or Men nnd l!e s we have them In all
styles-itutteii. Lace aud conuress and ibe
pitcen you will find te be the lenest ler the
quality et shoes shown.
H, Swllkt-y'a New Cash Stere,
Ready New!
Yes. NOW UKADY, with my Coraplete
stock of UOOT8, SHOES and KUIIIJEllS for
Fall and Wlnler Wear. Nevor borerp did I
have such a Large and Varied Stock of the
Very llest that the Market AlTerds and
Marked and Quick Selling trices. Alse I call
J our attention te my
ahts Is ene el the host Throo-Dellar Shee
for men that Is made te-day. Call anil tee
thorn ; It beau alt ethors.
LANCAHTEK. PA. a30-yd.t
DfTcreasiug Prices
Beets and Shoes
That are Comfertnb'e, rresentable aLd 8er
vlceablu at
r:ic.B Decketlly low.
Iteys' Fchoel Shoes, lull of geed le. ks and
wciirlngiiualltles Wj tell 25 b '
Ma te 1 CO sceei' 8ysb, easy and strong,
Uent's Dress Shoes. Seamless Dppers. with
Tin or Plain Tees, it 10 and 1 10
uenl's Drees lialiuerBls, Uppers without
seams in teles, penectly smooth, neatly fin-
tsbed.Tlper I'JutuTees, u.w. '
Seventeen Butten Beet
roll LADIES.
Hongola Kia, Square Tee, riexlble Soles,
hnndsninely flnlibed, eijual tocastein work
lull tango of nzss, five wtathj Price, 1 Se.
Williamson & Fester's,
-c. - -'.