mKsTPH vxy c 4. , LAJSCASTEK XbULY INTELLIGENCE!?, TTTUTtSDA.Y. OCTOBER 11, 1888. m W TM w iV The Daily Intelligencer, LANGA8TKU, OCTUUKU 11. 1K8, Hlalne and Trusts. Willi an effrontery that would be re markable in any man less notorious for Impudence. Mr. Hlaiue has ngalu ven tureil te talk about trusts. Of cettree he made no reference te his famous decima tion that trusts are private affairs that no one has a riflht te Intel fere with, but he took pains te call attention te what General Harrison has said about them. As he finds his own views about trusts unpopular he would llkejte have the public attention diverted from themjle the views of his man Harrison. It is plain that this method of running for president by proxy has its advan tages te n tricky dodger. Mr. Ulaine manages te be quite as untruthful in his references te events of ten months age as he was in his tariff history. He began his address with the following remarka ble slander of President Cleveland, He says that in his message of last Decem ber the president "warned theceuntiy of the dangers of trusts and argued that they weie the offspring and result of the protective system established by the Republican party ; at the same time, while assailing in the wide sweep of his accusation almost every industrial intei est in the North, the president was par ticularly careful te be silent respecting the enormous tariff en sugar." New as every one ought te knew the president made no mention of special trusts, but manfully condemned them all. Thcse were his words In the message te which Mr. Ulaine refers, and we fall te nete any of the particular care te be silent re specting the sugar trust. " But it is notorious that this competi tion is tee often strangled by combina tions quite prevalent at this time, and frequently called truBts, which have for their object the regulation of the supply and price of commodities made and Feld by members of the combination. The people can hardly hepe for any consider ation in the operation of these, selfish schemer." The president in "his sweeping con demnation" included the trusts, sugar and all, and the Democratic Heuse, act ing en his suggestion, reduced the tariff en sugar 10.73 per cent. The manufac ture of sugar from sorghum has just begun te succeed, and improved methods in the Seuth promite great results, but the Republican Senate cared nothing for the protective principle; it was after votes, and did net expect any from the sugar states. Per that reason the Senate was very bold about sugar. There was no fat in the shape of campaign contribu tions te be fried out of the sugar-growers nnd ns they had te deal gently with the Northern manufacturers nnd their trusts, they tried te make it up by cutting sugar unmercifully and in direct defl.ince of the platform of their party which pre ferred free whisky te the sacrifice of any part of the protective system. Republi cans should new npply the argument se often unreasonably used by them ngalnst the Mills bill, that a small JarJC tix means large imjjert." 'anil a large Income. -trTtepubiicans have lowered sugar se ai te take protection tiJZr,Xd the Democrats have left it fair protection while legislating ugalnst the trust that has grown up under the Republican rule, nnd the direction of Claus Spreckles, the sugar king. The fulse statements of Mr. Rlulne me se many that they can only be answered by a selection of samples, nnd tills sugar argument is about his best specimen. One fact he can net twist or dlsguise : be is the avowed friend and champion of trusts President Cleveland their most bitter enemy. Working ntul Ttilnklrg Voters". The New Yerk Herulil says : " The country belongs te bus!iies3 men and workingmen. It is the only country en v th v, the planet that can be divided up in that ay." Even thU division Is quite iiuag- imny, for the business man must be a working mau, and the citizens wlte live in idleness 'are tee iuslgnlflcaut in num bers or lbfluence te be worthy of consid eration. It might be said with greater accuracy that the country is divided be tween the men who work with their bands and theso who work with their heads, but in these, days se me little head work is required of every one, and this mental Btlmulus makes popular govern ment a success, and assures the triumph of the logic and facts of the Democracy In this campaign. Ry mauy times refus ing joint debate of the tariff issue, the Republicans have practically admitted that their position, if it can be found, is Indefensable. Rut Republican debat er would be at a less te And that posi tion. It Is only a few weeks since States man Landls tried te prove that any re duction of the tariff was inadvisable and new the Senate proposes te reduce it. The business men and the workingmen are thinking. Listen te tne news from Newaik, and hear them think. New Verk uud the West. The registration returns of New Yerk city show that the struggle for the mayoralty will probably help the Demo cratic national ticket mere than it will hurt it, for the increase is much larger in Democratic than in Re publican districts, nnd the Democratic leaders are taking care that the vote en national or state tickets shall net ba affected by tlie vote for mayor. This will mean an overwhelming victory in New Yerk city und the reports from the inte rior et the state show that the tariff scare is working no better there than in Connecticut. The New Yerk Times publ'shes te-day reports from the West that aid te the assurance given by this Eastern news, and the Newark triumph. The appeal for financial aid which the national committee made a few weeks age is meeting with a fair response, but the committee need a great deal mere in order te properly conduct the campaign. SenaterQuay is very much disturbed ever the exposures of the doings of the Republi. can be3ie. One of the merchants who attended the recent conference told a re porter of the 2 imts yesterday that only one thing was emitted in its report the fact that Jehn Wanamaker had brought him with $200,000 te be used by Senater Quay in guardlug the purity et the ballet-box after the Pennsylvania manner as ex pounded by himself. This $200,000, the gentleman euld, was the teceud und bat Installing, of 400,000 which was raited by thiee committees in PhUadel- phla ene composed of Union League club men, ene headed by Mayer l'ltler, and ene composed of members of busl nesi men's clubs. " I didn't knew about this m j self till te-day," continued he, " nnd 1 sha'n't add te the pile new. Senater Quay must have enough. 1 don't tike much stock myself in his election fraud scare. It is rather attenuated." Senater Chandler, Jay A. Hubbell and Stephen W. Dersey are in NewJYerk and from this select trio great things an ex pected, but hardly In the way of honest politics. The Cable Car Strike. Chicago is a great city. It is famein for anarchists, fires, riots, wheat deals, sudden wealth and poverty, gorgeous dis play, breathless energy, large failures, feet and perk factories. Alse a few ether things. This wonderful city is juatat present trying te rivet the world's oye with a strike of novel Jvarlety, the cable car strike. The cable car system of Chi- cnge has been one or tier cmei glories, and her people have been went te claim that her cable cars ran faster nnd mero steadily than nny street cars en earth. The Philadelphia cable system was constantly and justly derided by the Chicago people for its slowness and was constantly getting out of order te the annoyance of its patrons while the Chicago cables nnd cars ran smoothly and rapidly day after day and their patrons smiled. Chicago's Bystem was n triumph of ingenuity. Rapid transit solved, the labor of horses dis pensed with, but nlai net the labor of men. Dccause of the emission slen of the invcnllve genius te dovise a perfectly automatic sys tem Chicago is in trouble. He might while he was about it, have invented an attachment whereby a passenger might Btep a car and get en beard by dropping n nickel in n Blet. Theu there would be no cable car men te strike. Re cause, of this failure of the invontlve genius Chicago is new furnishing the public with news of riot, and everyday the danger increases. Chicago, like New Yerk, is cuised with a large population of low class foreigners, eager te take advantnge of every opportunity for riot, nnd there may yet be need et troep3 te repress tills grow grew ing trouble. Whether the strikers had just cause for complaint is net new the question, for they have alienated sympathy by n resort te vlollence and peace must be restored. New if the inventor of the cable system had contrived te dispense with men as well as horses there would have been great hardship te the men displaced, as there always Is when ma chinery Ilrst takes the place of manual labor, but the final result would be to wards the cenfluing of human labor te work requiring skill and high wages. The kind of labor that can easily combine for self-protection u3 the unskilled cable carmen cannot de. Till', nwful accident at Mecf'Kim en the Ijehluli Valley railroad, bletted out mero liuwHrHfte In n minute than the jollew levor claimed lu the Houth In many day. Quinini; was puten the froe Hat through Deaioerallo exorlleua In 18711. Thore wtre then thrce fnoterloa In the country and the prlce we.1 C.'t.fii) an eunce ; new thore are U ad the prlce Is Ully coots an eunce. I'm: Ueptibllcans are trying te counteract IlarrUeu'a unpopularity among lndlaua werklncmen by employing KulghtH of Laber te work BUHiunblles for him. The plan will he met by Domecratlo knight. m ah I'reaiuent uievcianu huvh, una la campaign or Information. Uhalrman Ooehrun ovlilently dees net agroe te make It se. He I. us called ctt the ltepubllcau oratem who cvlnce n disposition te dobate the Joieaiost 188110 the tariff becauae In the few debatea with Domeorata the result wni net water en Hnrrlsen's mill. 'Hah for is'ewark I The rout of the Ito Ite publlcanH thore en Tuesday Indicate! they will take the tame reute en Novembor 0 travoraed In 1831. Up Halt lllver they go again. Mil. Hi.AiNi: ealled for a truHt controlled by KefmbllcauH with any political connec tion. Ills roaders are respectfully roferrcd te Fester's lotter: " 1 whb asllolleJ te con tribute te a protectlvo tarlll league, and 1 replied that It the manufacturers et the United fcitatCH In their associated capacity wero an olcemenynury Institution, thall would vete te glve thorn a pension, but that 1 did net propose niyself te conlrlbute money te iuIvhuce the Interests or men who woie nutting practically the nole benelll, or at least the meet directly Important benefits of the tarlll laws." And he add?, "If 1 had my way about It, X would put the manufac turers of i'eunxylvanta under the llre Bnd fry all the tat out of thorn." Here are a low of the trusts controlled by theee Kepubllema with this llnanelal political connection, The wool full Irust protected by a duty varying In ditlereut qualities from tee te l'J5 percent. The eufrar trut, for is net Mr. li C Knight, et rilladelphla, a ltepubllcau and asugHr printer The null trust, tarlU lax el f 1 1 per 100 pounds. The Iren nut aud washer trust, tax of f2 per 100 p mnds, The barbed fenoe wlre trust, tnx nf no cents par 100 pounds, Thu oepptr trust, tax of ?2 M) per 100 pounds. The loud trust, tax of ?1 &0 per 100 peundf. The statu pencil tt list, tax of HO per cent. The nickel trust, tax of (15 per 100 pounds. The y.lne trust, tax of fi CO per 100 pounds. The ullclnth trust, tax of 40 per cent. The Ju'e bin trust, lax of 10 per cent The uorUBKe trust, tax of 30 percent. auu .ujier uuvoiepa uuar. tax or 25 nor cent, ' The gutta percha trust, tax of 35 per cent. The caster oil trust, tax of fcO cents nor gallon. ' The Unseed oil trust, tax of 25 cents per Callen. The cotton tctd oil trust, tax of 25 cents per gallon. The borax trust, tax of ?5 per 100 iwunds en borax nnd boracle aeld, 13 per 100 pounds en crude borax and berntu Hum uud ft er 100 pounds ou commercial bor ber bor aceo ncid. The ultrairarlue trustB, tax of fr, per 100 pruuds. In a hearing Lolero a Pittsburg alderman en Tuesday of n complaint against the Pennsylvania company for cawing a fatal accident la that city, the following extract from the orrtera or the oempany was otlered in evldtuce. "Kourth-The whlatle must net be aeuuded within the limits of the city of Allegheny, or en the tracks of the cimpany In llici city of Pittsburg, txcept In extreme east h, as a call for brakes, or te present datuage topteporty or less et llfe." A net it vn of the famous Kox clster wheaa doings as splrltualUtle mediums navoefUn attracted alttntton.have revolted en a oemplolo exposure et the fraud of splr 1 ualUm. Mrs. Katy Pox Jcnckcu new admltH that spiritualism la all humbug from beginning te end. "The biggest humbug of He century.1' And yet her altter sud herself claim te be the founders vi wie meaern lyiKm, rERSONAt. Mn, Iti.AOKiiunN, the famous chtM chtM plaer, plsyed cilKht sluiutianoeus sauien blindfolded at the Londen Uhcsscluba tw nights age, and wen Uve of them. The ether thrce wcre drawn. Pe.iTMASTKn UAimiTY, of Philadelphia, lias been ptosenled with nhandsnmealbiim, eantatnltiK in engrcHsfd mlnute adopted by the produce exclmtiRC, thanking him 1 r the early morning dollvery et the mall, id commending hi in for the feonernl till till till olenoyof Ills cilice. A. M. HmtMlDT, of the cenlpr claln the theological aemlnary, went te Nor Ner Nor rlstewn lat owning te attend the meeting et the United 8 tales ryncxl. Mr. Hehmldt li an elder et Ht. Htephcn'a congregation (OiUsg&thipel) and a regular dcloateto the KetertuLU synod. Ham Small, the famous evangtllst, lce tnred In l'ltttbnrg en Wodnesday night In the courae el an Intorvlew he paid he had traveled extensively through Wlscon Wlscen Mn and Michigan, and he believed the Democrats would carry both of theso states. He far as he could learn a majority nl the people there wcre In favor et tarltt rolerm. Ex Mayeii Coernit, of New Yerk, has coatribu'odagocdolzsdcbooktothoDetno ceatribu'odagocdolzsdcbooktothoDetno coatribu'edagocdolzsdcbooktothoDetno emtio national commlttee. Ex-Mayer Grace baa sent (2 500 te the commlttee, and It wai ropertod en Tuesday night that Mayer Ilenltt had alie contributed liberally, but be donled that he had sent a check, and said If he had It wai nobedj'a business any mero than it watt what wero bis ointrlhu eintrlhu ointrlhu ttens te his church. Cor,. Jesf.I'U M. 1!i:nni:tt, of Philadel phia, en Wednesday kve the managem of the Methodist Kplaeepat erphanage f 2S.O0O te build and equip additions te the Institu tion, madd nncesmry by new applicants for its aliener, uoienoi isonneit nau previous ly given te the managers n spacious man slen, with S!ri acres of ground attaahed, ou thoedgeof 1'alrmeunt park, and later en J 10, 000 for the onlargemout and Improve ment of the houte. "lttit eh 1 what datnnnfl inlnu'm (l!g he e'er" who nitren, but wain t who writhes, jet means, before be makes up hs tut nil te tund out for Just twnty-Ilve cunts worth et fcmva fcmva tlen Oil, the pain euro. They say lha nverage politician Insetting hearau tAlklng about tmlrr una imi tut lir : but ha cum his cold cvuiy nlht with Dr. Hull's Ceuuh Syrup, and bCKli.H atrcab next morn ing ullh the lark. VOMi'LKXlOtf l'O WD Kit. rlOMPLKXlON l'OWDJSK. LADIES WII.l VA1.UK A KKKINKH COHPl.tilON MUST USK POZZONI'S MKDIOATKI). COMPLEXION POWDER. It Imparts a brilliant transparency te the kin. llomeves all pimples, irerkles and Ola Ola Ola coleratlona, and unkus the ttkln dollcately soil and beauuful. llcentnlns no lline. white, lend or arsonle. In three shades, pink or flush, whlte und brunette. roil BALK Ul All Druggists and Fancy Goods Doalero flvorywhero. WHKWAUK Or IMITATIONS, -M aprju-lvd WANAilAliKK'X l'liaiveu'iiiA, Thursday, Oct. II, ltts. This mernincf we shall open nine cases latest Parisian Nov Nev ties in Ladies' Wraps, newest materials latest designs exclusive styles Each garment a bouquet of pleasant surprises, prices in cluded. Second fleer, Chestnut strcet front. 'Iiike ele vators. A little patience in the thick est times and you can get at the " windfall " Jersey tables .lerenygntlttc .lursnystt fl Jerseys at 75c JiTKejsut (1 25 Juneys ul1.60 Te-day we add a big jag of Jerseys at 50 cents ; the best half-dollar Jersey we ever had. Becenfl fleer. Chestnut sliect aide. Keurcle VlllOltj. Yeu don't leek for much of a White Shirt at 75 cents. Ne reason te as things go among shirt men. But here is a 75c Shirt that is out of the rut. Geed muslin, well finished, per lect fit, Besides its old good ness, the " everlasting stay." Loek sharp at it and pull at it if you please. The parts you can't sec at a glance are ready for your eyes. liath ends of the store, miame entrance. If we could only get enough of that "$2 Broadcloth at $1.50" there would be no question what kind el dresses a geed share of the women here abouts would have. Can't. The end is in sight. All the going tints. Northwest of eontre. The Millinery quarter is full from morning till night. Trim med Hats and Bennets, the shapes te trim, the sttifis te pretty them with. Ribbons as if the air were lull of rainbow bits. The thickest spots yesterday were by the Reversible Satin Ribbon satin and gres-grain, with gres-grain edges. Three widths, 2i 3 and 4 inches, iS, 22, and 2S cents. Twenty el the fore, most shades, among them : roie I. Inn cunllnnl Happtilre l.utiivuttu Ketixllu liicde tushegany maroon crjacur luyrtle Ikei a U uli cream Kust Truntept. Imitation India Wrapping Shawls, grade we knew of, Deuble The best $12. Less than half the common price, of the same Single Shawls grade are $15. India Shawls, Mountain Indias Umritztir start at and S'7. Valleys at $75. Each one made up of numberless bits of fine hand work. " Imitation " In dias is nonsense. locenil fleer, nenr Junlpr mid tenant mrtuu corner. Takotiluvuier Hemstitched Linen Sheets might be a bit extravagant if you paid for the hemstitching. Figure en these: French Linen, 2 yards, $4.70 a pair; trifle better linen, 2s yards, $5 WAXAMAKBR'H a pair. Mere than the hem stitching thrown in. Southwest of centre. Take it all in all, what we have done in Blankets this year overtops our Blanket doings of any ether season. Net a stingy Blanket in the let. You'll care when snappy nights come. Keep size in mind as you leek at AH. wool HliuftcUatSlapalr. All-wool lilnukuts At t a nlr. Ail-wool lllunketa atW.Wa ptilr. And se en through the list. Wear Women's Wetting ttoein. A little let el Decorated Bo hemian Glass Berry or Fruit Bowls. Odd shapes. $2 te $5. Third off. Socencl fleer. Juniper street alfle. JTeur tie- valers. JOHN WANAMAKER. 1UHAVVO. grANDAKD OliKWlNU TOBACCO, DO YOU Q H W? TUKN HKT THE BEST WHICH IS Finzer's Old Honesty. Qonulne Has a Red H lln Tag Bvery Plusr. en 01.1) HONKSTV Is acknowledged te be the l'UUKST and HOST I.ABT1MG ploce of BTANDAUD CHK WINU TOHACCO en the market. Trying It Is a hotter test than any talk about It, Ulve It a fair trial. WYOUUDKALKU HAS lT.-ff nevlSlyOAw JtVOTH AND Ml OH. WKAllT"'"""" iue r Ready New! Ycu, NOW itKADY, with my Complete HOCk el I10OT3, SltOKS und HUH 11 BUS for Fnll and Winter Wear. Nuver before did I have Biidi a I.are nnd Varied Bteck of the Very Huat that the Market Affords and Marked nnd Quick Seiling Trices. Alse 1 call joiirnttentlon teir.y $3.00 GILT EDGE SHOE. Ihla i ene el the beat Thtco-Dellar Shee for men that la ninOe te-duy. Cull and ice tlieni ; It beats nil ethers. D. P. STACKIOUSE, (OHK-VlllCaSTOIlE.) 5 O & 30 BABT KING, 8X 1.ANCA8TK11. PA. a'JO-lyOA IJOOl'S AND SHOKH. UK Alte; KKTAII.1NQ BOOTS - BOOTS -AT- WHOLESALE FUICES. Hew Can We De It? YOU MAY ASK: WKWIL.LKX PLAIN. Alter the last Heet Season we beualit itity nlnii (Si) Cases of Youths Heys and Men's iKKita nt n PrlriitoAsstgnt'eCale. ter Spot Cash, nl such Kxceefllngly Lew Prices that woean new sell ymi thetn Ketall nt Kcgultir Wholesale Pilcfs, nud yet make preflt eneugh te keep us We Can Sell Yeu: ll.!aXr,lpW,,,S5rlV,?f " l0l3''r ii WA'siStr-ei"3 x te B-,or ,i-00' Mini's solid Kip lloets. sizes 0 te 11, ll.fiO.IU5 anfl filie ; regular price, f J 00. .'.25 and H W. Our Uoets tar$iM and 11 CO we duly anyone blllt ' "i'i" l1. "r SUlU l l"ittt '0r " utu utu We teulfl mau ) an immonse 'preflt en theso Si Iimch of lloets by belling them utthoela pilcea, buteur motto Is Q&ick Sales and Small Profits. We fcnve etiicti tell, and te our" ltulo"ef gtln our customers the RdvantniiO of our puirliKM-H Wu hivii the largest stock of LuiIIih', Mlssns'and Uhliaren'8 Huuvv t,ace and llittnn t-biHs for Kail and Winter Wear In the city, (which we aely any of our competi tors te dlsputH) at prices te buU the times. ( all In te ei othem whether !,ou wish te pur pur chue ei net, ii9 e rouslderltMntroub'oto show goeJa at the prices we soil them. The Oiie-Pilce Cash llease. IE! A E The Leaders of Lew Prices IN BOOTS & SHOES, Ne. 3 Exst Kins Street, LANCASTKll. P.. ar-siore closed every evenli g ut C p. m.. ui rent wuinr.luy mid Monday. ' JiOUVATJUA'AU Tjp I' -JtIJCNCK"vOAV,rTAU EXPERIENOEjs. CAPITAL. " My partiifrhad the exneilcnce and 1 fur fur nlaludthe mil i' " At thu end et te years thin condition was rover, id and Imhiil the cunltal and I had the t'XiHHt'iicn i trunid te my purtnur's honesty and his b(M)kk ()inK ' U tv iiiny eon eui-hft knowledge of nc-eunts aite iiuibfe him ui i te lerhluiielf the true condition nl mr.lra " ThUNnetusket h of the Imagination, but nrnintrkiimda tiiitu puiiclnal nf ihe I.A CASIKltt MUKlti.lAi. Ctll.l.KUK jy one of our ItunlDg cltUeusand liuiliitus nicn rn uiitertng hli son ter the lull HuntnefS Coue. Day uudevoDlugstiilens. Address eep rt tfd li. u. WfiiULKU, t iindpal. CKERT JJOOirS BARSAPAKILLA. TRUE ECONOMY It 1 true economy te bur Heed's Earsapa rtlla, ler "100 Doies On Dellar," Is original with and tnie only et thli pepalar.medlclne. If you with te preve this, bay a, bottleof Heed's Sarsapat Ilia ana measure It contents, xonwlllflnaittehoiaiootoaspoonruls. Hew read the directions, and you will fled that the reraae dete for persons of different age la less than a teaspoenfut. This Is certainly con cen cl uilre and unanswornble evldonce of the pe culiar strength and economy of HOOD'S BAHSAPAlltLIiA " We began nttng Heed's Batsaparllla tn enr lnstltatlen some months age, and having watched Its effects, wish te sy that we find It a geed, reliable, and beneficial medicine for family e, and rer hospitals and Institutes such as ours." Sisi una or Mbrct, West fourth bt,, Cincinnati, O, " I took lloea's Basnpirll1a for less of appe tite, dyspepsia, and general languor. It Old me BTHit amount of geed, and I have no hesi tancy In recommending It." J. W. Willb- veBu, juincy, in. UKALTH BEtTKIl THAN KVKtt " 1 have been troubled by a scrofulous affec tion alt my life. It Is one of the marked rec ollections of my boy heed days, and for several years has rendered me unable te labor much. 1 think Heed's Bariaparllla, which I have been using at Intervals for ten yean, Is the best thing I have evor taken. I am new CO, and my general health rooms better than ever." U. 1). Abbett, Warren, N. It. HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA Beld by all druggists. II t stz for IS. Prepared only by O 1. 1IUOO ft CO., Lewell, Uass. 10JDO3KS ONK DOLLAll (3) FURN1TUKB. niUKMTUKK ! FUKNlTUKlart T1IK UNDKU31UNKU HAS KKOl'KNEU 1113 STOUB AT THK OI,U STAND, 5e. 38 East King Street, Which was destroyed by Sre some time age, and Iras a perfectly Hern bteck of all kinds el FURNITURE. I'AHI.OUBUlTKS, 11KDUOOM SUITES, TA11LES, CIIAIItU, KTO. UPHOLSTERING In All Its Kranchcs. Alse Painting and Or namenting Old Chairs. HENRY WOLF, Ne. 38 East King Street teS-Ud e .UHHft GIBUS. FALL OPENING. TO-DAY AND NEXT WEEK OV THE NEWEST DESIGNS .IN FURNITURE, At our Warerooms, 2d, 3d and 4th iloers, 31 Seuth Queen street. All are invited te see the ex hibition. Nene asked te buy. OCHS A GIBBS, Manufacturers and Dealers. aprll-lyd EL OFKMKIKK'S. An Invitation te all who contemplate mating any cluing lntliMr homes (atreKards irurnltuio.etc.) this mil, te Call and Kxainlne OUK Large Assortment OK FURNITURE or ALL DESCRIPTIONS Our Stock IsComp'eteandeur Prices ns Lew as the I.ene't it will be te your advantage te buy your Parler, Chamber, Dining Itoein Hulls, Jito., KltOM HOFFMEIER'S, NO. sepl5-3md 38 BABT KING ST. VyiDMYKH'M. FURNITURE! FURNITURE! STOCK KU1.I,. NKW AND HKAUTlKUIi. Lun'tbu Ucscrlbed. Put YeurKyeOn It, and be your Own Judge. Common, Mullnm ana Kine Kumlture. Style quality und Klnljli Klslng te the HtOn fcaf PiiCll.whllu Prices are In the MIWKT NOTCH Ment worth In our goods than the price would Indicate. A Grand Exhibit. 'Hie Latest and most Attractlve Novelty The Okum Otteman aMd Koeutool In the Window. Loek ut them. Our floors are Pun of the Newest Styles. WIDMYER'S FUllNlTUItJS STOJiJt Oer. East King & Duke Sta. T OIIOl'SKKEEl'KRS! TO HOUSEKEEPERS! Your uerds for thn next few woeks will be varltd. ou may want something New and lingutlu Furniture I Wu Invite you te leek through our stock and will dm ur bet te n-con.iiieQtttc 5011. there aru Chi loe New Patterns of Antiqne lletMloem Furni ure, MUSIC CA1HNK1H, COUCHK3, Chairs for the Library & Parler. lto-uptelstpringana Itcpulrlng of all kinds, hi Medel ute Prices. rlEINITSH'S, 27 & ,0 EOUIQ QUBBN 3T I LANCABTKlt.PA. SUtlDA. OBN8. GIVIiER. . v-v. NEW MESS GOODS -ANU TRIMMINGS. We are showing the Vry KnwestBtyles In ria,.?i,,1,ua "a0 Btrlped Dress Ooeds at Popu lar Prices. Fancy Plaid Cleths, 64 Inches Wide. special Dargaln in 28 and 40 In Plain and Check. All Weel Cleth Suitings only 25c chtap SI e70 Hosiery, Gloves and Underwear AT LOWI8T FB1CB8. av-Ne Trouble te Shew Goods. Jehn S. Givler, 6 & 8 North Queen St., LANCA9TKB,VA. marle-lvdAw J. HARRY BTAMM HAS- REMOVED raeu THK OLD BTANII, NOS. S3 & 37 NOltTUQUBKN STBKRT, TO TUB NKW Bosten Stere -AT- NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE. We are Pleased te Announce the Aril vel of a Complete Stock of Choice New styles In PLAIN ANDKANCY Dress Goods, And wenld call y our attention te a few OK N U1NK ISAUUAIMS, net the se-called or sugar coated bargainings, but bargains In whlrb you get More Than Your Meney's Werth, viz : Ten 8hades ALL-WOOL HKNKIKTAP, 40 Inches wide, 37X0 a yard; never was sold for less than ICc a yard. Twelve Shades ALT -WOOL UllOAD CLOI11S, 45 Inches wide, tes a yard. EIt Styles CHILUHKNS 'PLAIDS, rich and beautltul In their colorings, tic a yard. Twonty.nve UHTerent Things In DltBsa GOODS at 2te a yard, which tnclude goods actually worth SJc a yard. SPECIAL ASSOHTMKNT OK BLACK GOODS. We want your meney, Frank, Isn't It. Yes And we want your friends, ana your nolgh nelgh nolgh bers' money. And In order te get It we will otter in exchange Ileal Jelly tieM Naturcd Hargalns, or in ether words, till you get ac quainted wlta our New Location we will gtve yen the BEST OF THE BARGAIN, FI.ANNKI.S, BLtNKKTS ANI COMFOUTi INOltKAT VAUIKTY -AT- NO 24 CENTRE HQUAI1F. HOOKS, d'O c UILORRN'S BOOKS. Herr s Bookstore. Sunday Scheel Beeks, A. B.C. Beeks, Picture Beeks. aa-The I'eit Selection nf the Hest Itoeki ler thlldten. 'Ihey areSure te Please. 53 3ST. QUEEN ST. augls-lyd QUXJiXUU'AltE, IJ1UH A MARTJfi """ New Wares CHINA HALL, e are nnwiecclvlugu Large Line of NKW KANCYUUODF In Jupunete, Doullen, Peyal Worcester, New Hungarian, llodeuback, Stell uucher, Ac, Ware. Decorated China In uowdaceratlons. J- These Uoeds are. nf the Latest Designs unl will bu sold at Lew oil Prices. HIGH &"" MARTIN, Ne. 15 East Kini? Streot, LANCACTICK, PA IJlOlt GOOD HltUWUhS. H Ol) TO KILBURN'B. Ne. 211 West King Street, Lancaster lepmmdAw Pa. CLOTHING, SO. TlEKCHANI TAILORING. Yen can And a most exteettve line el Por Per eijtn and Domesttc uoeds for fall and WlaUr Wear at prices that w Ul surprise yen, a ASKEW'S, MOS, 134 AMD ZX WEST K1HO STttKKT. 0.-7.1TQ A GOOD TREAT IN BTOUK rOB YOU IF YOU OABR TO LOOK AT A WELL-SELECTED STOCK or- lDg. Everything Desirable -FEOM- $ 1 0.00 TO $25.00, -AMU- Made In Our Reliable Way. THE FRIGES ARE NOT TOO HIGH. yOU LL SAY SO W1IKN VOU BEK THIH lyers & R-atMen, UBLI A11LK CLOIlIIKllS, NO. 12 BAST KING ST. LAROASTBB PA. "II.OTLUNa ! CLOTHING ! L. Gansman I Bre. CLOTHING PRICES. Claims are easy. Hut our claim Is that our prices ter clothing of all grades are lower than any respectable competition Is capable at certain and swill proof. SKKMANY EXAMPLES IN FALL OVERCOATS. AT t t8, 13, 110, $12, 911, 1'.e.llS, f20. IS be Buys a Nice Cnsslmere Suit. 17 00 Bnys a Uoed Worsted Butt. tiOJ UuysaUoed All-wool Ciissi mero Suit. 12 te Buys an Kngllsh Worsted cutaway Snlt. 113 CO Cuys a Perfect fitting Trlnce Albert Sulu BOY'S AM) CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. Hey's Cults at 13. tl. M. 18. 17. 13 and $9. children's at tl.7M2.2S, 12.75. t i, at. s and 18. Men's, Hey's and children's Pants at Low Lew est Prices. Our lis 00 and 118 00 Suits te Order are Fast Sellers. It will pay yen te leek at thorn If you are In noedef a full Suit. L. GANSMAN & BRO., MANUlTACTUltEliS or Men'?, Beys' and Children's Clothing, S. W. COIlNKlt NOltTH QUEEN ANOOUANUESTUEXTS.LANOASTEU, PA. H IKSH & BHOTHKR. Our Werd Is As Geed s Our Bend. (I Any sensible person would nat urally suppose this of a beuse that bas been established nearly 10 years, especially wben we positively assert that we com mand the trade of mere of our old customers than any ether house in tbe city. Our motto is Fair Dealing, combined with the LOWKST l'JUOES for the QUALITY' OF GOODS. Our Merchant Tailoring Department has been for years one of our most important DEPART URES. We have just received direct from the manufacturers about 300 Pieces NEW GOODS, embracing all the Latest Style Cleths, with all the New and Popular Designs, from which we are prepared te make you aey stjlesuit you desire, guarantee ing you that the garments will be a perfect lit and of the II treat cus tom make. We can make you a First-Ulass Overcoat te Order at the price you would pay for a ready made ene in one of the miner stores. Call and examine our assortment, and be convinced that we are the ONLY Heuse who can show you all we adver Use. HIRSH & BROTHER, Clothiers and Merchant Tailor?, CORNER OP U QUEEN ST. &OBNTRBBQUARH), LaNCAiTSK, FA. Ready Made Ge BIO BROTHER jj. wIW! "! .'-y fft K wmi3twrirrn jtgt tt --J f.- 3JltVi