Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, October 06, 1888, Page 4, Image 4

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And Thry Said "lt'a Inuarnwt" Though
Yt It Had IJlile Sense U It Fnnnr? Well,
Ttaa Jsn't Clear Riultln Thought It
; Mr. lar introduced many years nge n
,7 .new vein or humor; that is, if it is con
J ceded te be humor. Whatever It is, it
' met with rreat success, and was com-
Srf.Vi vuMibl kv .-tttf-a cnMi fl Mr.
fc'il1 Buskin, The Louden Spectator nud Atlie-
njcum. 11 was certainty nu iujs"'"1
feature and was best named non
sense, the fun lying In the utter
wantei sense. Its appreciation is uouei'
Ien the eevcrcst
test ene's natural i
rense of the riill-
culeus can be put
te, and we need I
net be hurprlsed
nt finding e n e
whose bump of
humor we have
regarded large,
and which is
large, reading Mr.
L ear's llngle .
with a blank ex
pression, if net I
with a leek of
EDWAUDLCAn. ,n Ul0 grcat
family of humor, of which thcre are finy
branches, Mr. Lear's uenens seems te
Drisir from the same btecic as iranK
Stockton's. Lear gives lis nu absurd alt
nation In verse, relying purely en its ab
surdity; Stockton gives us the same
in prese; though Stockton's situations
are noticcable for constant bordering
en the real, and have a bearing that has
net been usually recognized, being doubt
less satires en novels of the realist school.
However, this latter cannot be considered,
Blnce Stockton's situation)! are clTectlve
within themselves. In'Lcar's It is intend.
ed te add te the effect by means of the
Here is a specimen:
There una an CM Man of 1 1 je Nile,
Who sharpened hla nails with a flip.
Till he cutoff his thumbs, aud said iiiluily: "This
Of sharpening ene's nails with e flic'"
Thcre Is certainly room for u charge
that there is nothing funny in this, ami
it puts a strain en ene's sense of humor
which unless that sense Is at the ex ex
treme of acutcness, the cfTect is lest.
That the humor, or what we choeso te
call It, is thcre is manifest from the
pleasure given te certain peeple, and we
have no mere right te say ft Is net there
because we de net see It than no have te
say a bird does net sit en n distant limb
which seme ene with keener ejesthan
ours tells us is there, though our vlslwi
cannot discern it.
Here is anether:
There was n Teuug Ijiily w liose cj es
W'cte uulnue as te color nud die;
When Khe opened tlicm wide, jieople all turnM
aside, i
And started nwey In Biirprlse.
Thcre is scarcely any greater Intensity
of the ridiculous tu this thuu in the oue
first quoted, the writer In lieth rcl)lng
(esccpt as te the cut! solely en the Minple
absurdity or want of point in the htato htate
ment. The form of verse used nt ence attained
great popularity, nnd became the taslng
of thousands of funny pictures, iu houie
of which the situation itself was exceed
ingly humorous. This class of humor,
first brought out by Mr. Lear if it be
humor musttakelts place at the bottom
of theso different kinds of which n hum
orous embodiment of nn important truth
stands ut the head. M.
bolen A. Adams.
It docs net appear nt first bight that
there is any great encomium In the state
ment that n man has dene his duty; but
it depends largely en what that duty is.
Mr. Solen A. Adams, The New Yerk
World correspondent nt Jacksom llle,
Fla., has blinply dene his duty, but that
duty lay In the midst of nn epidemic of
yellow fevcr, nud te brave ene of these
6Ceurges requires mere nere than te
stand up against shot aud bhell.
Mr. Adams Is a Yermenter, having been
born at hwauten
in 165'J. He was
educated ut the
Norwich nuiver
tity nt Nerthficld
and the Mout Meut
pelier Methodist
l.plscepal semi
nary. In 1871 he
wus engaged in
the book nud
paper business ut
anten,aud four
j cars later re
moved te EOUth
ern Flerida. There
ADAMS. he established a
newspaper, but in I860 remeied te
Jacksonville). Ter seme tlme he has
been a correspondent of several New Yerk
papers and The St. Ixjuls Pest-Dispatch.
r When The World's regular btall cor
respondent was taken down with the
fever and telegraphed "I have getltnt
last." Mr. Adams kept en doing the work
alone, besides dovetlug himself te the
care of his colleague.
Hack Kooms Are l'reft'rrrd.
"Hejv much of jour incotne de jeu
have te pay for oflice rent I" was asked of
a well-te de lawyer the ether day. Ills
rooms are en the'first fleer bulk of a Dia
mond street law building.
Well," fcald he, "my partner and I
have three rooms, way back, as you
would call it, and have te pay for their
use the modest sum of $000 per year. I
feel sometimes that I'd rather be the
owner of a large law building than be
an attorney with n big practice "
"Yeu bay your offices are in the rear,
what de the men in the front of the build
leg pay."
"Net nearly se much. You're surprised?
Well, no doubt; but what I say is right,
and I'll tell you why Persons occupying
rooms in the rear of n building ure will
ing te pay a little mere than for front
rooms. This U bocause they are net an an an
noyed by habitual otllce loafers, of whom
there ere many; then the man who runs
In 'just te write a note,' as he sa)&, 'or
wants te use your aesK a minuie, is un
known. I'akirs don't find you in the
recessed of your rooms, uud tlie nolse and
rumbloef wagons nnd street llfe de net
annoy you. T hese ure n f e w reasons by
back offices are preferable and command a
higher rate of rent." Pittsburg Dispatch.
Tlie Italian's I'elr Weapon.
A knife, commonly carried nnd fre
quently used by criminal Italians, is what
Professer Kcannapiece, the Neapolitan
fenclug master, calls the "mellctta." Tlie
inelletta bears seme resemblance te a
rater, though considerably longer. There
U only ene edge, and the Made opens ltke
a penknife. It swings loose, hew ever,
and when drawn is opened by catching
liPjsLsI HJiamiln.witU.iheJinirera ard
. .""trsv.
I1 jssl
h mmm
i . MM
k.Bi.U.)Lil,'r KSfl J I
V V tVX 'TrtfflVZVU
I w
Tttrtrrrrsr wie Diane entwara. this re
quires spractlce and dexterity. A email
spring catches tbe Juilfe and holds It
Been. It Is closed nv nreKsurn unen a
"button" en the iiandle. TIieurIi
net es enectiv a weapon ns the stiletto,
it makes an ugly wound when used by nn
oxpert, and can be opened nimeRt ni
quickly as ft stllotte can be drawn from
Its fOicatli. The ense with which It ran
be concealed addi te the frequency of Its
ii8e. Tim haudle Is hard Meed or bone bone
New Yerk Graphic.
Tnif ole-el Mm Opposing lr Oilier fur
a Bent In Ceiirtcs.
Twe of the most netable nominations of
this ilecade were recently made In Massa
chusetts. Gen. Nathaniel Prentiss Hanks
was nominated for congress by the Ho He
publicans and Themas Wcntwerlh Hlg
irlnvm by the Democrats of the llflh
congress district. Gen. Banks is nearly
Til j ears of age. Cel. Illgglnsen Is
neirly C5. lJeth were famous before
this generation was born. The names of
lxith are inseparably connected with seme
of the most important events In the his his
tery of thin century.
Gen. Hanks has taken many parts,
many of them widely different, ritart
lug 'in as "liebbln ley" In the cotton
mills of hlsnatlve town, Wnlthaui, Alass.,
lie has shene In n remarkably large field
editor, lawjer, Inspector of customs,
state represcntallve, atate senator,
fipeakcr of the Massachusetts heuse of
representatives, governor, member of the
United States heuse of representatives,
(speaker of that body, major general of
volunteers, railroad manager, ngaln mem
ber of congress, and lattly United States
marshal. He was, ns far back ns 1839,
an actor, though In tliH profession he np-
pearcd rarely, net from Inck of wiccess,
but from dislncllnutlnn. Wliile In con
gress he was ntirccsslvely n coalition
Ilemecrnt n Knew Nothing for a
shert time, nnd finally n Jtepubll
can Theso who nre old enough
will remember his grent contest for llie
speakership of the heuse of reprcaenta
t Ives. Theso w he are net old enough hut e
read of It. It was in 1M0. It was oue of
the most famous deadlocks In parliament
ary history, Dunks was linnlly elected
en the H'H-1 ballet, when the deadlock had
been bra, ill by the adoption of the pin pin
lalltyrule. Ills war record is tee well
known te be dwelt lipeu. In 18C0 he re
signed the presidency of the Illinois Cen
tral railroad nud wni commissioned n
major general of volunteers and assigned
te the command of the Fifth corps In the
Army of the 1'otemiic. I'ur this duty hit
was In a degree quulillcd by experience la
the state mllllla A part of his corps nc
nulttcd Itself well nt thebatllnnf Win
Chester, lle hnd n titRsle with Gen Jink
f.en u shett tlme afterward. Ills Knl
Itlvcr eiEpeditleii is enmeshed in the his
tery of the civil wnr. He was nt the
front In many battles, nnd was nu excel
lent general for a man net trained in tint
strategics of wnr.
Gen, Hanks resigned his commission In
IPdl and was elected te congress from his
old district. He was re elected te the
successlve congresses until 1877, falling
enlj In 1872, when he was nctlve in be
half of Herace Greeley, the Liberal Demo
cratic candldate for president. Slnce his
retirement from congress he inatiecti
I lilted Slates marshal for MfhusettH.
The especial fellcltv of Themas Went-
r -SPVj
rlAiavUi -Hlgglnsen has been te imlte tint
nctu Hies of a political nun social relernier
with the grace and dignity of a man of
letters. He was born in Cambridge,
Mans., in 18211, was graduated nt Harvard
in 1811 and nt tlie lilMulty school in 1B)V,
il luthosainejearwns ordained pastor of
a Longregalienallst cnurcii in isowoury isewoury isoweury
jiort, .Mass. In 1W0 he was nn nnsuccess
1 ul I'ree Seil candldnte for congress, lit
1W3 he left the ministry and deveted
himself te literature. Ter his part In the
attempted lcscuoef it fugitive hlave he
wasiiidlcted for murder, with Theodere
1'arker, Wendell Phillips and etheis, but
was discharged. In 180J he recruited two
cempauleH mar Worcester nud received u
commission us captain In the Viftj first
regiment of Massachusetts volunteers
On Nev. 10, lb(12, he was made colonel of
the I'lrst Seuth Caielina eluuteers. after
wards called the Thirty third United Staten
coleied t loops. It was the first regiment
of freed slaves mustered into the national
bcrvlce. Cel. lliggiuseit c.iptured nnd
held Jacksonville, I'lu , but wits wounded
nt Milltown lSlulT S C , In August, lsiKI,
unci in October, lblll, reslgtusl cm ucrmint
of his dibHbility He then turned his ut
tcntlen te llk'rur) wetk, nnd resided In
Newport, It I , until 1W. when he 10
moved te Cambridge, where he has blnce
lived, larjing his pursuits as an author
by his dm'otien te the tause of political
and beclal reforms As early ns 1W0 he
had ceme prominently before the public
In behalf of wemun RUtltitge by bigning
the first call for n national movement of
its friends, wlihh wits held in Worcester.
He has blnce bet n n lender lu theeaute,
Mippertltig It b his xoice mm pen.
Mlllim 1rMn, tlie r.iriluntil "1 lllicinalu .
Milten Westen, who was recently par
dencd uud liberated from the Western
penitentiary, Pennsylvania, is the mill
ionaire who was bfutcmed, Jan. SO, 18MI,
te llve j ears' imprisonment for voluntary
manslaughter, iu canting the death of it
matt named Haymaker, tour vcars age, in
n fight between the tmplojes of thu
two men ever the possession of a
plece of laud in western l'cnnsvlvani.i
There was a dispute between "Wisteii
unit Ubaeliali lluv
maker ever the
ownership of u
plece of land situ
ated near Mur
iti) sv llle iu Wet
mere laud count),
which culminated
en Nev 20, lbSa,
in n personal en
counter of the
forces represent
ing the opposing
interests. As n
result of this en
eounter ltav
maker was killed,
It tvus net ttlleceel
that Westen inflicted the wounds which
caused his death, but he was convicted In
June, lfcSI, of contributory nir- der, us
being present, nlding nud nbctti'.g ene
Itewzer aud ethers theu lu his employ In
their nets. His pnrdun was in god by
Senators Cullem nnd Legan, and Governer
Oglesby, of Illinois, en the ground that
Westen was convicted en insufficient evi
dence. i:aeli in ill euu tn).
Tirst Bey I guess vetir fnlks ain't as
rich as ours. My father nnd mother go
driving every day.
Second Hey My father diives every
day, tee.
I'lrht Rey-I don't bellove it I What
docs he drive!
fcceend Hey Nails Hut llngten I'ree
iX'-fiuel el Ills Mtineirj.
Brown I Bay, Dnmlcy, jeu haven't
lorgettenthat ten dollar bill jeu boriewiel
of me a lone tlme nfn, have jeu
IJuraley (in a hurt teme of v eleel Ior Ier Ior
pettcn it, my dear bejl De jmi think
I'm l-e v call minelcel us ull thatt lei
rather a man weu'.d Impugn my credit any
day thin my ineuery l.ife
llclsUn YVutch Dogs.
Amens the exhibits in a ISclgian deg
fclievr is a breed of dogs, the bcliipjierkes,
found euly in Ifc-lglum. They lire tuade
use of ns watch cV)g3 en beard the numer
ous inland navigation beats They nre
email black dogs vtitheut talis nnlvwih
rotated cars, of extraordinary intelligeme
nnd fidelity. New Yerk Sun.
L v
'nff k"S. 7SiM
Cenrlnhlp Anions; the Iniltnaiix llnw
Iib Aitttrnllnu Captures Ills rttlilc Tlie
fitjle In Certain J'arls r Asia A Cnrl
cuts Cntm In Itnllnnit.
Among the nnrlcnt Assyrians nil mar mar mar
rlaoable young girls were assembled at
ene place, nnd the public crlcr put them
up for nale ene utter the ether. The
meney which was received for theso who
were handsome, and consequently sold
well, wea bestowed ns n wedding portion
en theso who were plain. When the most
beautiful had liecn disposed of the mere
ordinary looking ones were offered for a
certain sum, and allotted te theso willing
te take them.
In ancient Greece the lever was seldom,
favored with nn opportunity of telling
his passion te his mistress, and he used
te publish it by inscribing her name cm
the walls, en the bark of llie trees In the
public walks, uud upon the leaves of
books. He would decorate the deer of
Iter liouee with garlands, nnd make liba
tions of wlne Were It, in the manner
that was prueticcd In the Tcmple of
Accerdlug te Dr. ltnyea, courtship
among tlie !quliniiux hies net much
tenderness nbeut it. The match Is made
by the parents of the jouple. The lever
must go out nnd enpture u Pelar lear ns
nn ovidenco of his courage and strength.
Thnt accomplished, hosneJks beldnd the
deer of his nwcetheart's heuse, and when
she comes out he pounces upon her und
tries te carry her te his deg sledge. She
Hcreams, bites, kirks nud breaks away
fiem hltn. He gives chase, whereupon all
the old women of thoscttlemcut rush nut
nnd beat lier with frozen strips of seal
skin Sl falls down exhausted, the
lever lashes her te his slcdge, whips up
his dogs, dashes swiftly ever the ire7ctt
snow, und the wedding is consummated.
The Australian lever Is btlll mere laek
Ing In tenderness, If the statement made
by Mjers Deloy Is true. The lever makes
up his mind as te which woman shall lie
liU brhle, and then hides In the bushes lu
the vicinity of her dwelling. As seen ns
bhe comes near the spot where he Is con
coaled he knocks her down with a club,
nnd carrlei her off before she comes te. If
he does net get her te bis hut before she
recovers thore Is likely te be a lively fight
In the bu&h, for the Australian damsel Is
generally n v Igoreus ene, and may have
reasons of her own for objecting te his at
tentions, Tholevermny then be obliged te
club her again, uud us that is considered
te be semewhat of a reflection en the ardor
with which his earlier effort was made, he
is upt te put ns much soul nud muscle
into Ills first leve tap ns he can hummen.
In seme parts of Asia the question of a
man's tltle te u brlde must be Bottled by
a llcrce light between the friends of the
contracting parties. If his forces nte vic
torious, tils svvcethcatt becomes hlu
trophy. If her friends ure victorious, he
must pay Mich prlce ns llie victors do de
inand All ever tbut country seme cer cer cer
cmonyef vlolence or exhibition of phy
elcal power must precede n wedding.
Some natlve tribes Insist upon a feet ruce
between the Inlde und llldcgtoem te do de do
eide the question of marriuge, and ethers
require n long chase en horseback In
Aome sections of Asia the lever must
innv oil his brlde cm If he
reuches his hut with her, there can be no
pretest ngalnst the muulage. railing in
that, he must pay her patents for her lu
cattle The willing brlde makes no out
cry, the unwilling brlde louses llie whole
village, the residents of which trv te res
cue her.
In the Isthmus of Darlen either bcx can
de the ceuitlng, while iu the Urkraltie
the girl generally attends te it. When
hhe falls in leve with u man, she gees te
his heuse and dcelares her passion. If he
declines te accept her, she remains there,
and his case liecemes lather distressing.
Te tutu hi r out would provoke her kin
dred te aveuge the Insult The jeung
fellow bus no revolt left him but te inn
iivvay from home until tlie damsel Is ether
w le disposed of
A curious custom prevails In Ottd
Heleilaml, Helland. October Is tlie nils nils
plcieus month, nud en the fit si Sunday
(known ns review day) tlie lads and Insscc,
ult lied iu their best, promenade) the
ullage separately, sture each ether out of
countenance, and then re tire te muke tip
their minds en the second Sttudav. which
Is called decision daj The voting men
?e up unci pay their compliments te the
uic ones of tlulr rheicc, te learn if they
nm regitidcd with favor. On the third
Sunday, or da eC purchase, tlieswalu Is
epecteii te snatch me pecicet iiamiuer
citief of his adored oue, nnd If she sub
mits te 11 with geed grace he un
derstands that Jils chances of winning
her nre UuttAriug The captured
pledge Is restored te the fair owner
em tlie fourth Sunday, the "Sunday of
Taking Possession," and it rnrtly hap
pens that tlie danibcl refuses the lever for
whom she has indicated a piefercnce On
the Sunday following, the suitor, nccord nccerd
ing te custom, calls at the house of Ids
Inamorata, where he is asked te tea. If u
Plcce of the crust f a ginger bread leaf i i
liauded te hltn, there Is nothing left for
liliu but te rctlte If, en the ether hand,
the parents offer the vnunjr mutt n phce
of the crumb, he is allow ed te ceme again
and Is admitted into tlie family.
On the IMnuil of Hindu, opposite
Itliodefl, n girl is net allowed te have u
lever until she has brought tip n certain
quantity of sponges, and given proof of
lur agility te take them from iv cettaln
depth. Qn the Island of Nicaius the girl
is net consulted. Her father gives her te
the best diver among her sttlteis He
who can st.t longest under the wiitei and
gather the- most niHUigcs niniries the
maid Piank II. btuufTir in Tlie l'pmii
lleimernei'il sntl 'le'itifnll 'line.
Muik Tnmn, in lila ilry vav ttpeu ece-a
fien, halel "Tlie teuiptatieii te drink
uiiiengr. literal ,v men Is net tlie liiiei
Inn u is tllsslpateil his fileudi ill
vviijh .lv, "Stuli iv brilliant fellow if he
vveiilel only let lletner nloiie ' In tlme the
drinker gets credit for talents he never
dreamed C'f lioatessinj?, and there urn
manv vtlte try te plneli tins brand front
tlie initnltijr Tite number of elnuiciM
ciiTered te a wl man te iefetm unci
earn n (jeihI livnij; tire many mere than
these open te the neeeptanee of n Beber
nnil inilubtnens jettin; fellow. Iu fact
the heber und ititlustneus nre sttpiieseHl te
Kit cm any nu)." And this in net only
liiimoieufcly but tearfully true. Tite
lecerel of lltcrar) labor does net show
Mich n splendid premium en industry and
bebllity C'uireut Literature
Kighty four children belong te four
mothers of Media, l'a. Jlrb. Samuel Tield
lias tveenty elcht, Mrs. Jeseph Chandler
tvveuty-five. Mrs. James lUrreU slsteen
uud Mrs. William Wight llftcen.
A lluniuirr lnr I'urpiiit) rs.
An unproved hammer for carpenters
has a gioevo in the ulde of the head, into
which the head of any Kind of a nail may
lie slipped and the nail fastened with ene
Wew. The hammer can be readily wit h
ilravvn without disturbing the nail, which
may tin u be driven home iu the usual
way Carpenters willnppreclate the value
of the tool, esjieclally iu driving nails
in a place tev rn or eight feet abev e the
Meer uinl ceiuceiuently almost out of
reach. Chicago News.
lVrnntiin eif Aeleiltrrutleti.
Tlie Massachusetts beard of health ox ex
uinineel last jear 1,870 samples of feed.
Including H.UsO of milk. The percentage
of uelulteratleiis, etc , in milk was 113 IKl,
as against bi! 0 In WB'i, when thelaw first
went Inte operation. Drug ndum'ratlenu
were rcdtireu te 27 27 per cent Tlie gen
eral percentage was lie 03. Ilosteu llud-Bt-
in Cum of Typlinlil.
l'ri nclj pli)-n utis are reporting great
success with tbe prompt internal use of
an antiseptic in cims of typhoid fevcr
After dibtnferiien c f the Intestines, uc
cording te this method, the discase runs n
short course. -Arkausaw Traveler.
Tlie hlmple fttjle nt aisxlrqurl The Vest
nn Inrnmbrance.
We ran dress here In four pieces, te
wll: shirt, pants, shoes nnd list. On
Inte occasions, socks'. In town en nre
commonly obliged te put en eleven pieces,
te wit: socks, shoes, drawers, pants,
shirt, undershirt, cravat, cellar, vest,
coat nnd hat. A vnV nineunt of tlme
and ferce Is used up by myriads of civil
ized beings in putting en theee cloven
pieces In het weather. A vast amount
of strength Is used up,liy simply wearing
them. Starch is misery en n sultry day.
Your linen shirt Is a straight jacket; your
lightly buttoned vest and four button
cutaway nre two mere straight Jackets
ever that. Yeu put oft four thicknesses
of cloth te conform te the demands of
Ilreadway, when iiature calls out hut for
one, and n thin and very loose ene at
that. When you have'nnythlng te de, or
otigette your effir, you shuck your
coat and sit lit eilr shirt sleeves, or put
en a thin ene
Y'eti nre unconsciously u slave te this
idloevef custom Te litiehtcn this Idiocy,
eti put en the most clothing and the
tightest tits nnd the meit slarrh In the
rlty, where it Is hottest Winn you go
te the cenutr , where it Is a little cooler
nud there Is mere air te brcathe nud
purer air te breathe, nnd consequently
mere strength 1" be get out of such air
te help ou endure our lead of tight fit
ting cloth, v en put en less cletblug and
looser clothing. This Is Inconsistent. Yeu
should wear our cumbersome starch and
tight fitting vestments where im have
tlie most strength te wear them
Your est Is u useless iucumhrnnre It
is only the rudiment of the old fashioned
"waist coat " That was n coat. It
rcacheel te t he hips HO ears uge. Peeple
then were in si bstuure two coats a back
reat and n front co-it, new the waistcoat.
The waistcoat has been gradually grow grew
Ing shorter In a back suit it Is of no
earthly use save te Increase your
lead In het weather nnd make
ou hettei It Is hlmplv another
bhert eeat, which elt wear because
jour tailor stys eit must It's
ltke v earing one hat Insiile the ether.
Yeu can't cvfln wear It out Yeu knew
en wear out out sev en pairs of pants te
ene waistcent Yeu knew that new your
closet Is full of vests left ever from worn
out suits that ett den t knew what te de
with Yeu can't muke them ever into
iiantaloens Yeu can t set them for eel
traps Alene, they won't answer for
scarecrows Se mllfletis of iitds of cloth
me vvutcd early In the innklng of vests.
Pull clown eu'r vest. Pull it off nnd
leive it efT
It is n great liixtlt te urhe In the
morning and dtcss by three or four me
tlens In ns innny pieces, te stick our feet
into u pulr of slippi re iiinl be shed with
out the tielietibiii ss of 1 icing up or but
toning tip etir city beets And four
plows inn be made ns becoming uud grace
nil ii)e, nud more-se than cloven pieces,
anil four gatmentH cnu be ehnnge?d
oftener tend cbatised ul tetter I be
llove that die-s slmuld lie neat, be
coming and as I't.'iilul at possible for
every stutieti or culling, and because a
man llvtw where tlme Is no publie or
public opinion te leek ufter blm, is no
reason w by he i-liuiild llve in rags or go
with uncombed halt Hut the treuble la,
und you may see It pmv t-ti ev cry day In
the city iu tlieiiMtiuii nnd thousands of
enscs, people Invent lime nor means te
vviartheit eleven piece- pieptll, nnd for
that, reason ding Inn u is lnr mere com
mon than that of stieu whiteness, and
iv clean celhr uud eulT-. me net proof that
they nre incited te n cleittt sliltt, and the
necktie iu two caws out of ihtee is a base
ami efteitm.cli'ati nuKteifugu und imita
tion of BeiiUnhlug inte.idtd for nu orna
ment, slung en. stuck em, find en tiny
way, only because rtiMem sit8 it must be
init en, und put en only te be endured.
)ress refiu m lnr woiinut'enlv ! Man needs
It qulte ns lninii ns she does Pientlce
Mulford in New Yerk Star
C'arf'ei el ttiu hiitmet
the hiiltiieiti is h.itelieil he is
known us i
' p.ur," or
fiv " thou he becomes a
smiled, ' or "pink," or
The n t chatiKO makes
then he is ti-Msferred te
him n ' miielt,
n "iTrilse," nml Itnilly develops into a
(ilmeli, Whim liiivn f suit vtiitef he Is
cnlleel n "vvltite -tin unl hen joint;
linck after i-pivvniii ; it bl.uU' into or a
' I, nit llu lmli) t- tltniiii is lintcbeel
fimn "0 te He) elics uflef the efj(jH nre
laltl In fuirem , in i.tnv.ily heels neui' the)
head waters ef elt in , e ild livers When
iln tlie ' frv"bt.i(re he i about ene inch
long, vUtli KoKtfle cjes When three
months old he In conies well Muipctl, with
rurnnne hiets en the MiIch lie is then
no hutigtj and irneel) he will jump ut
iinythinir Manv iiust.tke them nt this
tife for limtt, and it is common for mar
ke ts te elfe r them ler Milf ns bioek trout.
Onl tibeut oue half the hatch returns te
the K(n, the lest lcmtilttiut: lit fresh
v titer. This has been decided loliobo leliobo loliebo
ctiifo botiie develop iiioie i.tpldly than
cithers, the kite one's fjeltiir te bait witter
in the hcieiul t-c.iseu 'J he nrntnirenieut
cm he acivpled lib it wIm pmvisiouef
nut lire iitruiiiict extermination by whole
Mile destine! ion lilelie Detune rut.
lllte ie it lllll timtetr).
The provinee of 1'uh Klen, China, is
almost en unbroken sttetch of hills und
mountains, a chutming country te lever;!
et vild scenery, but tedious te travel In,
for the emlj carringes me Mdnn chairs.
Ktecpt near the sc.tbeaid, the streams ure
Hvvlft nttil reeky, reuelerliii; llieir nscent
by lient very slew One tnli?ht think that
lu such u count jv tice eeuld net be staple,
Vet nu ever) hill and mountain where
there is a hprini; and will eneush te work,
there ure terraces for i lee. lhej pejne pejne
tuite into everv nook and corner, se that
u map of the' nre eeuthes of 1'uh Klen
vteulel he a map et its vviiterceurbcs. The
people who Inhabit tlie vullevs present
irteat vatleties of character nnd ttuech.
It jeu cress ii eliv tele which separate s two
iniln branche-b of llie river, jeu may tlnd
peeple llvitii; within a few hours' wtilk of
each ether who can scaievl' converse te
irether, iu fact, everj village has its own
local breiue lfev. ,1 1' Wulker in
OlebeI'e uiecrit.
11., llirre lint.
A man, his wife and three ehildreii
walked up te oue of the diep a Kiiny in-the-slet
and asietlain vettr corteet weight
machines In ene of the North river ferry
beuses Aftt r examining it he told his
thice children te btep en the platform of
tlie scale, which they did He then
dropped n cent into the (dot und the hand
moved around te 2011. He the u told the
lurge'st child te step off. i.tul as seen .is lie
did the lund liievcel back te 113, thus by
bitbttactli llll from "0.1 he ascertaiiied
the weight of tln child In this manner
lie also tisceitaiued the respective weights
et the ether tee children. His wife and
himself get en the bcalcs and were
weighed "m u HUe manucr. He 8.ived
three cents Nuw Yerk I;tter.
Tbe 1'i'ei.liin mtiiuU-Ieiirr's Troubles.
One woman in the best f.uth addtesses
tlie cnmmlhslener ami nsUs that he cee the school house' In her neighborhood
be established lu the center of the ills
trlct. Anether informs hltu that her
husband has long , been nbsent. the has
waudenxl ever llie face of the country in
search of him, nud she would new like te
hav e him take up the search .Many such
c aseseeenr. Letters containing seuv enlrs
clear te the senders, but utteily valueless
tn mi) one else, ure received, letters of
udv no detalliiiir whole pension schemes te
lie Mibstitutctl fur the pre.-cut s) stem of
laws, li'ttetsef estravngant cemmeuda
tlen, of censure, of anger, of ceutempt,
of wrath, of immitigable hestilit) , letters
of insaiie writers threatening vilcnessund
v iuletuv; letters exclted by the granting
of peuslens and asking bculsens upon the
heads of all concerned, letters of bitterest
reproach for pensions tleuled, calling down
the wrath el Cled uud men upon theso
who have 1hsu Irving le de their slmple
dut.v all these nnd multitudes of ethers,
fiint ast te, selier retieual and wild, jieur
1) the butiJinls and thousands into the
mu I of ih bureau mid from the charity
nud paticn.e wlmh forbears te respond,
and tit. s ne of duty which compels the
n 1..At -rf ,lim t.Sk ItAO fttfflfrA VHrttll fT
thoceuiplamts and denunciations of the
ufllce for IU iijegcd ueglect. PcnaiQi
If Yeu Are Sick
With HenlRCh.i, Neuralsis, llhnninnltsm, Urs.
1Mipla, lillleiisni's', lllned llutneis, Ktdney
Dlseve, Ucnisttutlen, Kuinalii 'Hen bles. rvr
und AKiin. nlteple hsiiiss, l'urtlal Paralysis, or
Nervous riostrnlleti, tiie rnlmi'scjcinry vlcmi vlcmi
peutid mid Iw eiited In chcS el tbcoe tlm
cause Is mental nr physical civerwer)r,nilnly,
expesum or tnaUria, thu etTerl et which Is te
wiasen the imrveus system, n-snltlni,' in nrte
of thesn diseases. Ileni'ive Uin cacsb with that
Kreat Morve'ietile, audlhu kkhult will dtsap
IKMir. Paine's Celery Compound
.Iah 1, 1!ewkn, SprlUKtlfld Mass , wrllfs t
" I'hI no's Celery cjotnpeuncl cannot be ex ex
celli das a Nc rve Tonic. In my ensa a slnicle
hettlu wreuiihtH Ktent chnnKi) Myneryeus.
nnrRunllieiy dliiHpMiaieci,una with It llu in
stilling iitre-cllen of the stemirh, hmrt and
liver, und the whole te no of thnsyi-UMii was
wendntln'ly Invlneratnil I tell tnjr friends If
tick an 1 h ive bun ii, I'alne's Celery Compound
Will Cure Yeu I
Sold by drttwilsts, It i six for 15. I'reparnd
only by V KLUi,ltiLiiAUlse! A Ce, lluilltilen,
Fer tlie Aged, trtetifl, Dthllltultel.
Illl J Hi SUIIKNI'K hies vuhl'shed A.NKVV
utt the lieutmenlund Cern of
Liver Complaint
and Dyspepsia,
Which will be Mailed rilKK te all wte want
It. if yen uie, or knew of any one who lc,
allllctnd with, or liable te tiny el these ells,
eiuii-u, send name and address dilaluly writ
ten) te
(Naiiiu this l'nper )
YKit'a I'll, La.
"Try Ayer's Pills."
Ket llhuiiinaltftit, NeniiilRin and OeuL
htephem l.iinslnK, of Yenkurs, N V, siys siys
Heueiiiiiiiinded in u eute ter chreule Uos Ues
llvciinsf, Ajer'd I'llls lmve iiilloved me lrein
thsl treuble undjilse from (lUI)T It every
victim of this dlsease would litwdenly theso
wotelsel intiie. lenitlel banish Unut ttcim tlie
lund 'IhcHO words would be-' 'try Ajes'n
" lly the n of Ayer's Pills iilnttp, I cured
liiysulf pnrmniieiitly of ihemuallsm which
had trembled iiiiiHUVeriil months 'lliefe l Ills
nn, ul nm ii hurmlimH nnd elte'Lttnil. nnil, I lie-
lleive, would pti)vu u siwctUe In ull casus el
Ne iiiiidltlnoreuldlittV0 8rvud me In better
steiael." e,. U. Ileclr, Ceiuer, Avoyelles fin
ish, l-a.
"" O kTllepklns, NiivadiTTtly. wrtles: ' i
havn used Aywr's fills for Hlztean yemrs. and
1 Ihtnlc thuy urn the liest fills lit me world.
Wei keonnbex et them In the house nil the
tlme. Ihey lmve etited me or sick headache
nnd neiiiufiii. SlttiMi taking Ayer's fills, 1
httn been tree Irem these ceniplulnu."
I have derived meat liuitulll tretn Ayer's
1'lllic. tlve yours uite 1 was tiikim he ill with
ibeiitinitlsiii thutl wusuimble todenny work,
t ttuik tlircH Iieikh of Aier's fills and was en-
tltely cured, l-liiee that tlme lain imvnr with
out n bev of ihuse pills." l'etei OhtlatouHen,
therwoed, Is.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills.
riiarAiisu nv
Dr J. O. Ayer & Ce., Lewoll, Miiee.
Held by DriiKKUtta and fetluiuers.
eatarrh-"Ihay fever.
JCl.V'U OHItAM 1IA1.SI cures Celd lu Head
Caturrh, Hoae Celd, liny rivur,Dcufinis(llad
ache, fiioe 10 Ccmts KA8Y TO USK. Kly
lire'H, Owego. W. U. 8, A.
KI.VU CUKAM HAI.M Oleiuises the Nils il
1'uiwiki'h, Alluys fain und liillnmmallen,
lleuls the Seres, Ueatcirc s Iho heiipes et "Viwt
anil tjuiulL
A partlcle Is applied Inte ouch nostril and l?
aifreouble. frtee M ceinUi nt OruKKlstc; ")
mall, re'Ktsleuud, Hi units.
Mi Warren SUoel, New 1 erk.
Fer skin and Sculp tumbles such
WO 111 II us hezeiuu, letli'i, iiltiKWeiin,
Hcaly trupllens, tlretinil llch,
'f II Kill I'nWim llieic, Hietidriitf. Kullliiv
llutr, otcKAiinRvllvuiieN Ant-
VV l.llill V 1MU. teAt-ls Hiipotlertouilottiot
local roiuedlea ItlsapuieMeill
IN ecited Hemp entirely fece Irem
uetds ul knl lis et olher Injurious
1)01.1) iiiHitur. IIpIiik swtelly seniitiiel
It Is pleasant anil retrehhliltr for
(JOIN Iho Uillui, liiitliandnutsery.
tm llie Kennrul puipose el a
llUilltl'Cllllll, aKAUOIlV'rt ttULVIIUIl CjAICllLI'Ha'll
libtlily eslenuied by l'liyslelaiis uvurywhoie
i luuti ciuifllt'H urn no it, cleimiy. silo, nnil ren
vuuliiiit lerillstnfi'CtltiK atore Koeius, e lennts.
Cellars, Mnks, hhlps, tieuts, nte lnsuruife
leuipuules iicomnieiid lliemus u tutu lneuns
el employ Ing Hitlptiitr.
- Always use IIkjihen s f lahteb let ai'hc-s
and pains. (-')
Iltniii'epiitlilc eterlnury piTlllrs,
Kei Herdes, tattle, bheep. Deks, iles, foul
try, toil I'AHK HOOK
On lioiilitiuiitet Aulmalsund Chart Seul Kree.
Clltlh'C fovers. Coniiesilnii, IiitlHtnuiatleii.
A n spinal Sti'ntirultli, 'l k ver.
II It --trilus, UiiiieiiiKss, Kin uiuutt
, l, HlslOlliper, . I I I I ' llHlh "
Ii ii.- llutx iii ""' v i ren
K K -l i u i .Jli'tvis I' KillliOlllu.
I ! -I eillt nr l.ilpe-, II, llyne he.
I. Ml cieriliige, lloiiieiibiies.
II II Urinary uud htmev Dlsotues.
1 1 - hriipUvn lllsrn-cis. VtunKC
J.K. Dlseuses cu I'lxrstUm
HI vi l.r. e nek, w I M '.
witch ll-.rel OH und iinltit d 17
full fc, stiig.e Itottle (evnr nedei) ,eu
blll.O IIY DUUCOlst- , !
bKNT fllKl'All) ON It II 1' OS" I'UHJK.
lluuiphrevs' tied Ce, PU Kiillen ai, N. 1.
Hiiiuplirejs'llomfepiitliicSprillli!o 28.
In use ,11 jeurs 'I he einlv sutceeslul rimicdy
nt N.rvciiis Hulillll), V tin! W eukre-ss and
frostratte i Inutt civnr-werk or eihurraiisi's.
II uipeir vial, er6vli's mid lirue vlat p. ( .,
t,r 5ii
seiiniiv HiiuuniHTs, or sent postpaid en ro re
culpl el iirtce
Ne le fulteti SUtet, .N. Y.
mat ."7 laA I'ulhAS
Will i-ututivlhei most dllllcull tertus eIHkkmia nr
lluptuteHlth coinieit und sale ty then by com cem com
pletlni; u radical rtf T r V 'i tt curuble
esses iniiwrvl. VCA I C eus le uielsluiu
Sluy be used lu biulitnif i and flttliiK porlecily
In lerin el body, are "ern without mrenviv
n ire liv tbe yeuiiK'-Bl child, most dollrate
l the 1 liirlnK limn, avoiding nil sour,
seiuly, padded unplrasanttn ss, being I.ltfM,
Unel, c'lciaiily, und ulwuys rollable
UAU'lleN -ltowuruet liultallens. aIIki'iiu.
Ine uin ptatu'y slumped"! It Skslkv a Ce.
Its Skillful Mecnanlcal TreatineLt a bie.
Kliner tn f crsen or by Mall.
SO ears llotcrene'8 iVei N. I) (Iran. J),
llaiti Agntu; ll'itturel I'ttrker. If Jl J'au
cimiiI, Dr, Themat U Morien, ami tiurgeon tiurgeen
Ueneral'Of the U S- Army anil ,vmv
our" &iAchunlemlTrentuient of ltrnla and
Illustrated Cataleirne CentenU : llemta or
liupturu deltueulid tits dtnuretit descrlpiiens
cause, treatment aud cure Altoceniuloncy,
Abdominal Wealcnosses and Varicecele. ISoek
el BO pp. and ISO lllnstraUetts. Mailed en re
ceipt of lie postage. I. Ii. BKBIiK ItO.
jrWmawcAintw f hUftaeipbia, i
Warranted te color mire goods thsn Bny
ether itys ever mde nndtu ulve trore hrll
llai land durable colors Ask fotlhe flleimenei,
utiel take no ethur.
A Drtss Djed
A Coit Colored
Garmeuts Renewed
A Child Oaa Ube Them I
Uneiiualled for all fancy and Art Werk
At druicKlsts nnd MerchanUi L)ye Heek rree
WKI,1,3, lUUIlAUDMON X CO-, 1'repg , llttr llttr
llnten. VU . (1)
Ready New!
les, NOW KKAIIV, with my (Joinpleto
i-tectt of liny T3, SHOKS und UUUIIKKb ler
Tall and Winter Wear. Never before did I
Inive uurli a Large and Varied BUv-k of tbe
Very lies! that the Mar het Affords and
Marked und ejulck BelllnR Prices. Alse I call
jour atteullen te my
1 his i one et the best Thtco-Detlur fclioe
ler men that Is mnde tu da;, lull and see
the'in ; It beats all ethuis.
(ONE-l'lllUXSreUK )
VU te. 30 HAbT KING, OT
Hew Can We De It?
Aller Iho lust HoeiKCi'ii-eii u beuicht fllty fllty
tilne (M) ciues el leinllii' !( u' und ilun's
limits ut u filvute AsstKin e Mile', ler Spot cash,
ut such Ksiecdinicly l.tiw frlces Unit weean
new sell you tbetti lietall ut He t$ulu; VV linlciiie
I'rlees, and jet muke profit enough te keep us
We Can Sell Yeu:
Youths' Solid Kip IIihiIs, situs 11 te 13, let
ll.V'i; teitiilat prlee, II tviund t 7i
Heys' Heavy t'oem, sizes 1 teft, let II GO, 1 z
II M, 1 7."KH! SJ.I1I
Meil's Hellcl Kip lloels.slznsRtnll, l..'-i.ll 7f
and ; re i;u lur prlee, leje. i;.'JSuud lido
Our lloels ler fi Se and l ei) we duly an j one
lu the ciuniy or slate le beat ler fit, Dura
lillllyutid rile
We could lnuii i an linmotise pieflt en thoe
1) Cusis et Heets by Helllng thutii ul the old
prices, buteut uiouels
(hick Sales and Small Preflts,
We liave stuck tell, and le our " ltiilo"el
Iflvlnif our ciistnnmrs the udviintne of our
purchases Wei hive the laricesl sleck et
l.udli'S", MIshhs' and Children's Heavy Luce
and IWitten shoes for rail and Winter Wear In
the city, (which we duly any of our competi
tors tn ellsput") ut ptlccs te suit Iho limes
Cull in te see ilium whether you wish te pur
chiu-e et net. us cee consider It we Iroubfe le
alum goods at llie prices we sell tbuui
Tht) Ouo-Piice C&ah lIeuHti,
The Leaders of Lew Prices
Ne. 3 Eiht Kitii Strrut,
I.ANCA-cl Kit, f V.
sT-More closed eviy nvenli a ut 0 p. in.. e.v
cupltiiituiitay uud Monday.
K 1,1, All UKATKHS.
coMiucreits or
Plumbing & Heating,
Ne lea Nertli Quoed Htroer.
HARltl.K H'Ollhli.
-TyrAHHljl-, AM) UKAM1H0KKM.
HavliiK special ficllines for inaiiulac'urlpi
(Jmullii Moiiumi'iits,'leiiib,Oriiv, -stones and
Cniuotery Wen k et nil kinds, rt'spuellully se
II, it thu piiUmiHKoel the linbllc, una Invite ml
te cill und cixamliiu the exteusiv e lock of M ur
ble Meii'imeitts, liravi-steni-B, etc, new nn.
(shed uud orectcid at my weiks, which l oirer
at urcntly reduced prices fracilcul ezprrl.
onto, wllh Uste In Ih- arraiiKcnnent et orna erna orna
men'itlou, lutetliiK and oaeciitlou of designs
wlih Kiwut curie, is u KUuntnly ihnt period
sntlstactleti will be Ktvi'ii te Ibu mo.leiftctlUK
el my patrons.
llui.e.Ts hi invited e call for estimates ler
bulldldc work.
cirelns reculved for all kinds el Mtiii'eU
A lame mini bur nl rinlsbi d tinudaud llrewn
Stene lioer-hllli cm baud. allow prices.
cjHah, M aewM.I,,
Ne 119 Nerm tjtieen Street Kattaice.
Did Yeu rind tbe lira I'M ADKCI.OTIUSO
fttlhe lOV'hr l'lllUBST '
aenla' AII.VVeil Uutnwly foil Suits et
Faucy Vasal meni are sold for t ,0 Hi t
(Jents' rftII.Weltht (.verrmta In Ditk
Jllied CdssliLenii sni sod for 13, 17 and H T
l!ey' UnUwny and ls flack Ceat Bulls,
In Worsteds und Unsslmuies, are sold for ft),
Chlldreu's Handsome) Shit I Pant Bulls In
Fituiiy cheviot hiiQ ousslniere, are sela for
l,l5ound3ie :
Children's Winter nvorreals of tie Latest
rasbioes, ure told ler IJ7e, llund II t
18 VI
Williamseu & Fester's,
;k,:.. ,t(i A' ;ts e. h jnu 8T
-neaduuarters ter Hems' Underwctr,
lteeleiy and Uioves nt I.ewcbV 1'rlccs
We Ed ilie P
lillc Ultiers Try le Fellow.
Our gieat UiuJi'iwiar Sain is
still going en I'er the benellt of
these who did net knew It we will
continue the sale until next Wttl
nesdiiy. Oveiceiita beeiu te be the sour
at present. We are selling tin m
atrilltt e.uller ttiaii ti.iiiiil,liut the
pilciis will Unit.
The Cliildi en's Suit Depart
ment is full of nebby Bt)les for
the be)3, ranging Jin prices from
$1 te 310.
13 0) a' Suits iu all sbes from
$2.50 te $1S. A tlrat-class Scheel
Suit fiem i'2 50 le $5.
Meii'wSdckHuitiiu Uasaimtres,
VoisttdB,Cerk?ciew8, Wales and
Di.igenals from ?S te $15. Cuta
way Suits from $S te $.0
Iu our Merchant Taileting De
partment wu have ileeUled bar
gains in Treuserings and Suit
ings. Any st)lt) Suit made te
elder at short notice.
Xkm est SlM-l.s,
I'lNl-ST Quai.I'UKi.
I'iicib ethiTH elare net
Clothiers && Mt-iihitil Tanurs,
"1l,OriUNG ! CLOriUNH !
I Bre.
Olulms am easy. Hut our clilm Is tint our
pritcs lorclelhlncrot ull kiiuIhs ure lewnr than
any luipretiiblii ecmpulltieu ts capablu at
certaln nnd swill piesji
a i te, i (ie, iu. u, lie, uc, i-v.
I'i 60 lluysu Nlce CnssliiiereSuit
t7')0 liny s uCjOOiI VVersli d uU
1 1 Ol Huysa ceed vil-wesil Casstmere Suit.
f Jie llu j s nu KiiKllsh Worsted Cutuniy
lVCDUujs a ferfect ITIttlng frlnce Albert
lley's Pulls at! 1 II IM6 17. Hard fJ.
I lilldii.i.'shti;2 a. tUi. U. II (3 and 18.
Mint's, Hey's nud children's fan IB al Low Lew
est frlces.
Out liven nnd lis no suits toOtdnrare Fast
bellurs. It 111 piv cm tu leek at them If you
uii) In ceeit el a '"oil iulL
Men's, Beja' and Children's Clothing,
All aorseua urn hereby tee-
hldann tn trnsnass en unv of ITe iHnd e' Oil
Uecuwsl d Spewel we' iutate In eli,c n en
Uif- tc -counties wtethtj Inclesed or u.Un
Cie. JinrVit purt'Oeh Oj 6 Uu et
nsluu the law ln I rli-Siliy nfcc
salnst J, trspsliiH en ssJd 'infis
dAslirnMl Httiir this entire.
ww. i' a r
tH'tUlir ALUAN,
AHernr tei B,Tf .oeieaan't uu
L. Gansman