THE IiANOTEl. DAILY IKTEIiLlGENOBR, MONDAYOOTOBEK 1. 1888. TUB VfOKLD'S MBWD, II In estimated at the treasury df pwtmenl that there has been a decrease el 114,500,000 In the public debt since September 1. In tbe court of queen' beueb. at Montreal, en Saturday Chief Jostlee Blr A. A. Dorlen MnteneedO. A. Pitcher, lately teller of the Union bin', of Providence, K. 1 , te seven years In the penitentiary ter bringing stolen money.lnte Canada. Flteher received hla Mntenee unmoved. The total amount of bend purchased nnderthB circular of April 17 la fl0,iet.P00. et which -il,G3L700 are feura and (18.655 00 are feura and a bait. Their coat waft (13, 840,206, et whlnn 163 416,853 was paid for the fenra and 110,021,015 ler the feura and a half. Michael Whales killed hla wife and him elf In their home In Danville, Pa , en Satur day. Their bed lea were terribly mutilated, the Insane-husband using a razor. Secretary Vilaa hai aent as important letter te the nrlnclnal chief of the Cherokee Indian nation, notifying him that any leaae or oenttaEl for gracing en -the "Cherokee outlet" In the Indian territory will be with ent authority from the government and subject te cancellation. Cnarlea W. Watdren, the Bllladale (Mich.) banker who ran away with a woman, baa cabled from Ixmden that he la coming home te pay hla debta and will hare 1260,000 left. Tee Longfellow alatne km unveiled at Portland, Me , en Saturday. A terrible tragedy waa enacted Sunday afternoon at Qllt'a atatlen, near Memphis, A party of three while men, J. D. Smith. Will W. Eastman and J. E. Jerdan, all realdenta or Mem phi, took a trip en the dummy line, which runa near Qlll'a atatlen . Here they get Inte a quarrel ever a mule with Jim Uenley, a negre. Smith and Eaatman atarted toward him, when Cen. ley retreated into hla beuae, netted a shot gun and Bred both barrels, killing East man Instantly and mortally wounding Smith. Conley fled, but the Jury of ln ln quest held ever Eastman exonerated Con ley, who It wai prevtd waa defending hla henae from a'nult. Professer Qeflncken returned te Ham burg from Heligeland, Saturday and waa Immediately arretted. He Is charged with furnishing the extracts from KrnperorFred KrnpererFred erick'a rilnry which were recently published by the Veuttche Iuntachau. He saya he teturned expreBely te meet the charges. A I.lfe en the Ocean Wnve Indurates the stemicli njplnet pea slclncs, bat a tlngte or occasional transit ncress t!ie"llllmlL ahle ctiicsn" in product l e nf prcleus tinlmsa espcclall) when It Is sliirmy. Ocean travelers, Jr.lilimcn, ship surgeons, remmerri'il Inijers sent ubru ill, oynRers liyslcnmunit, nncl nil who nre nor aientilly or frequently called upon te lie where "liillousnre IniflcttM" fheulil nkcnleiift Hosteller's Meiiiim-Ii Mucin, the llnest known nntlilnte fnr ten lilm,, biliousness, and (Unerders of llie Memncli iwiIIutelM. Many travelers by railroad, Willi delicate fleimclu tnd ncrte, llkcuUe suiter severely ril route. 'Hicbe will llml the lliltcm surely helpful and conselttnry Trnvelini:, even In swift, steady nnd eoinniedioim sie.imlilps and luniptueus Iialace cars, is net nlwajsn source nf unmixed uy and dcllslit. and thu Hlllera docs Hindi te counteract llie llcnnifurls nllenilinj? It, ngsrv alcd by delicate health. IttieuninUsiu, brmiKht en hy ifampMetlhir, kidney Doubles mid do de bllltr. nre effectually relict cd bv the Jlltterp Rnpture enre guaranteed by Dr. J. IS. Mayer Rll Arch street, Philadelphia. Kase at once, noeporatlon or delay from business, attested by thousands of cures after ethers tall, advice Ireo, Bend for circular. marlO-lydAw Dr. Thbkl's Inst lecture en weak, norveu bleed poison and dobtllUtted men sent froe of charge. Addres', Un. TnnxL, Ne. IJ3 North 4th street, Philadelphia, Pa. Jy30-U,W,81yaAw Tbe Homeliest man In kanes.ur. As well us the handsomest, and othersare invited te call en sny druggist and Ret re a trial bottle of Kemp's llalsim ter tee Threat and Lungs, a remedy tuat is selling entirely upon its merits and is guaranteed te cure and relieve all Chronic and Acute Coughs, Asthma, Krenehltls and Consumption, PUee SO cents and ll. JanlS-lydAw (1) HPEOIAL NOTlOBBi An Klmlra (N. Y.) Lady, Mrs. It. L Clark, 3MK Clinten street, declares: Burdock Bleed Bitter t nre a medicine 1 nd mlic. Hest remedy lerdysnepMalj the world. Keep house supullcd.wlih it. Ker Bale bv H.U. Cochran, druKKlst, 737 una 139 North Q lit en street. Lancaster. "My Grandfather's UlecK," We son co a very popular bepr, but llke many mher sentimental tunc" It doesn't wear wolf. Dr ThemaS Xclcetric Oil wl 1 wears it will wear away all aches, sprains, and pains, nnd repay its purchaser u hundroe le'd. Fer tale by 11. B. Oechinn, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. 2-IllK Thlves-S. Dyspepsia nnd debility are two big thlevcs t they creep in ana steal our health and cum tort before we knew it. Let us put u step te their Invasions with a bettle of a Jturderk Weed Bitter te be hsa nt any drugstore. Fer buIe by U. U. Cochran, druggist, 137 and ldu Neith Queen street, Lancaster. Worked Wonders. "My daughter was vorybadeir en account of a cold and pain in her lungs Dr. Themat' JScltclric Oil cured her in twenty-four hours. One of the boys was cured et soie threat lhlR niudlclne bes worked wonaers in ear family " Alvah l'inckney, Lake Mahopac, M Y. for sole by 11. 11. Cochran, drugKlst, 137 and. iK North Queen street, Lancaster, A Hepe About Onr Necks. A weak stomach or entoeblefl circulation is llke a rope about enr nccus. We am strung up and unstrung alternately till ex atencu be comes unbearable Burdock Bleed Bitten will aucbtall this misery. " burdock Weed Hit ters are a been te the sick. Let us remomber this fact. Fer said by 11. 11 Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancesttr. BlilLOU'S COUGH and Consumption euro la sold by ns-en a guarantee. It cures Cen sumptien. Held by H. is. Cochran, druggist, wes. 187 and 139 North Queen St., Lancaster, fa. () A Baptist Minister's Experience. "I ainn Baptist minister, and before 1 ever thought of being a clergyman 1 graduated in medlcine, but lett a lucrative practice for my nwsent profession, forty yours age. 1 was for many years a sutrerer lrem quinsy. 37iema' Kclectria Off cured me. 1 was also troubled with hoarseness, and 77enuj' JCclectrle Oil always relieved me. My wife and child had diphtheria, and Thomai' ICcltclrie Oil cured them.andlf takenln time it will cuie boveii times out of ten. I urn cenfldent it Is a euro for the most obstinate cold, or cough, and if any ene will taka a small teaspoon and hall fill It with thu Oil, and then place the end of the spoon In one nostril und draw the Oil out of the spoon into the head, by snllUng as hard as they can, until the Oil falls ever Inte the threat, and jiractlce it twlce a week, 1 don't care hew orfenslvo their head may be, it will clean it out and euro thulr catarrh. Fer deafness and earache, it has done wonders te my certain knowledge. It is the only medi cine dubbed patent medicine that 1 have ever felt llke recommending, and I am very anxious te see it in every pluce, for I tell you that I would net be without it In my house ler any- consideration. 1 am new sutTerlng with a pain like rheumatism in my right limb, and nothing relieves mil llke Thomai' Eclec trie Oil." Dr. E. F. Crunu, Cerry, l'a. Fer BOlebyll. 11. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 1S9 North Queen street, Lancaster. A Bound Legal Opinion. E. llatnbriage Munday, Esq., County Atty., Jlay Ce., Tex., Tex., says: "Have UBOd Klectrle Hitters with most nappy results. My nietner D T.AMOND DYES. If Yeu Are Sick With Headache, ffcuratila. Khenmatism, Dyi pensia, Jillleusneas, mood llnmere. Kidney blsease. Constipation, remaleTrqribles, revr and sgur, sleeplessness, Partial raraiyau, or iua rroitratien. use raine-s wir uuui- ivrreQi x roitniLien. u pound and be eared In each et tfeete tbe canae 1 mental or physical overwork, anxiety, exposure or malaria, the effort et which if te weaaen tbe nervosa ayatem, resulting in one of tbese disease. Bemeve the earaiiwlth that great Nerve Ionic, and the aaaeu will aisap- pear. Paine's Celery Compound J as. L.BOWSH, Springfield Masa.wrlUst- falne'a telcry empeund cannot be ex celled as a Nerve Tonic. In my case a single bottle wrenaht a great change, aty nervous, nesa entirely dlaappea'eil, and with It the re sulting affection of the stomach, heart and liver, and the whole tone of the system was wonderfully Invigorated. 1 tell my friends if stcx a 1 have been, l'alne'a Celery Compound Will Ours Yeu I Sold by druiglsts, II t atx for II. Prepared only by V t-Ls. Uicuadse Ce , Buillngten, Fer the Aged, Herrons, DtbillUtcd. DIAMOND DYES Warranted te color mire geed thin any ether dyea ever made and te give tpote bril liant and durable eel erg. Ak tut the XXamenif, and take no ether. ADrtseDjd A Coit Colored Qumeets Reneved 1 FOB 10 CKNTS.; A Child Can Use Them I Dnequalltd for all raney and Art Werk: At drugulsts and Merchant. Dye Boek Free-WKLL-9, HIOIIAUDBOM CO 1'reps , llnr llngten. VU tl) TTOOD'8 HAKSAPABILIiA. TRUE ECONOMY It Is true economy te buy Heed's Barsapa rllla, for "loe Deses One Dellar," is original with and true only et this popular medicine. If you wish te preve this, buy a bottle of Heed's Barsaparllla and measure Its content. l en will find It te held 100 toaspoenfuls. New read the directions, and yen will find that the average dose for persons of different ages ta leas than a teaspoonful. This is certainly con clusive and unanswerable evidence of the pe culiar strength and economy of UUUD'A BAUSAPAlttLLA " We began using Heed's Barsaparllla in enr lnstltn'ien some months age, and having watched its efTects, wish te say that we find it a geed, reliable, and beneficial medicine for family use, and for hospitals and Institutes such aa ours." Sisixna or Maner, West Fourth Bt,, Cincinnati, O. v " I took Heed's Barsnpirllla for less of appe tite, dyspepsia and general languor. It Old me avast amount of geed, and 1 have no hesi tancy in rocemmendlng It." J. W. Witui Witui ebd, Qulncy, III. UKALTIl UCTTKK THAN KTBK " I have been troubled by a scrofulous affoc affec affoc tlen all my Ilfe. itlsoneof the marked roo reo roe ollectlons et my boyhood dtys,and for several years has rendered me ucable te labor much. I think Heea's Sarsapartlla, which I have bcen using at Intervals for ten years, it the best thing 1 have ever taken. I am new CO, and my general health teems better lhanevcr." U. It. Aniierr, Warren, N. II. HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA Beld by nit drugntats. II i six for 15. Prepared only by C 1. Huuil CO., Lewell, Mass. 100DO3KS ONE DOLLAU (3) A YER'S PlliliS. "Try Ayer's Pills." Fer Iiheumatlin, Ncuia'gla and Gout Btcpben Lansing, of Yenkers, N. Y., says: ' ltecommendod ai a euro for ohrenlo Cos Ces Cos tlvenoss, Ajer's l'llls have rolleved me from that trouble and also from GOUT. It every victim or this disease would beed only these words of mine, 1 could banish Gout trem the land. These words would be-' Try Ayer's l'llls.'" " ily the no or Ayer's Pills alone, I cured myself permanently of ihenmatlsm, which had trouuled me several months The rills are at ence harmless and effectual, nnd, I be Hove, would preve a specific in all cases of lmlplent RHEUMATISM. Ne modlclne could have served me In hotter stead." c. O. iteck, coretr, Avoyelles 1'ar lsh, La. 0. F. Hepkins, Nevada City, writes: "I have used a j er's l'llls for sixteen years, and I think they are the best rills in tbe world. We keep a box et tbem In the heu se all the time. They have cured me of sick headache and neuialgla. Since taking Ayer'a fills, 1 have been liee lrem these complaints." I ,bave derived great benefit from Ayer's Fills. Flve jenrs nge I was taken se ill with rhtumatlsm that I wasunuble te de any work. 1 took three boxes of A j er's l'llls and was en tirely eured. flnce that time I am never with out a box of these pills." l'oter Ohristeuatn, bhorweod, Wis. . Ayer's Cathartic Pills. FKSFJtRID BT Dr. J. O. Ayer St Ce., Lewoll, Masa. Sold by Druggists and Perfumers. octlte7 A NEW BOOK. WORTH SEOIM EOB. Dii. J. Hi SCIIKNC1C bes published A NXW AND KLAUOKATK BOOK On the Treatment and Cure of Consumption, Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia, Which will be Mallea FUEK te all wfce want It. If you ate, or knew of any one who Is, atlllcted with, or liable te any of thcte dis eases, send name and address (plainly writ ten) te DR. J H.SC1IESCK& SOY, PlULADKLfHIA, PA. (Name this Paper.) myl7-lj d A w also was very lew'wltn Malarial Fuver and Jaundice, but was cured by timely usoet this medicine, aiu sausuuu ciuui-Aiu uiiujis wcu lils life " Mr. D. I.Wtlcoxsen, of Ilorfe Cnve. Ky., adds a like testimony, saying: He positively be lieves he would have died, had Is net been ter jClectrle bitters. This great remedy will ward off, ' s well as enre all uaisnai I'Ht ases, ana xer uu n luuuy, Ltverand BtomachDlserdersBtanas unoqualed Fer sale by our agent, II. 11. Cechrun.drugglst 137 and 11 N. queen bt., Lancaster, i a. ib) THAT UACU1NU GOUGll can be se quickly cured by Bhlleh's Cure. We guarantee It, Beld by H. B. Cochran drngglsu Nes. 137 and 1SJ North Queen BU. Lancaster, l'a. (1) I ba b en a sufferer from catarrh for the nast eight years. Uuvlcg itlta a inunbnr et remedies aavenlsed at "surecurea" without obtaining any relief, I haa resolved never te lake any ether patent lnudlclnts, hn a rnnnd auvNed lue te try Kly's Cream 1'alm. 1 did e wlib guut reluctance, but can new testify wlih pieasUM that utter using it for stx w'eksl believe myself cuied it is a most agreeable remedy-an invaluable llalin Jeseph Stewart, tit Urand avenue, ilroeklya. siO-iwdeed&w JJeu-t Kxpertment. Yeu cannot afford te waste time in experi menting when your lungs are in danger. Con sumption always seems at first only aceld. De net permit any dealer te impose upon you with some cheap imitation of Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, but be sure you get tbe genuine liocausehe can make mero profit he may tell you he has something lust as geed, or Jusithesume. Don't be docetved, but Insist upon getting Hr. Ming's New Discovery, which is guaranteed te give relief in all Threat, Lung and Chest Inactions. Trial bottles free at 11. II. Coch ran's drug store, 137 and 13d N. Uueen Bt , Lan caaterjra, (8) Buckleu's Arnica Salje, Tn Bbst Balvi In the world ter Culs,lirulsc4 Beres, Ulcers, Bait Kheum, Fever Borus.Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, corns, and all Bkln eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or Uinxl 11 I HUlUBUl.-'l' Ml Kf , D (K- ninn. nr mnnav refunded, l'rlce K cents per box. Fer sole by U. li. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 157 and 1W NertH Qaeen street, LaaeMter, Fa. June37-lyd rjOLDEN HPEC1F1U. DRUNKENNESS -OB TUX LlUUOlt HABIT P031TIVKLY CUtlKD BY ADM1N1BTKK1NU Dlt HAINES UULDKN BPKCiriC. it can be given in a cup of coffee or tea with out the knowledge of the person taking it ; Is absolutely harmless, and will offect a perma nent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of drunkards have been made tomperate men who have taken Oelden Bpe Bpe clfle In thetr coffee without their knowledge, and te-day believe they quit drinking of their own freewllL it nkvku fails, t; he avs- tem once impregnated with tbe Specific, it be- cemeB an mir siuinwaiuiiity tut apiKjllte te exist. Fer sale by "I ipesslblllty for tbe liquor CHA8. A. LOCHKft. Druggist. Ne KestKtng Utreet, Lancaster, l'a, augS-lydU.w.r G RAY'H HPEOIKIO MEDICINE, FVRN1TVRM. TTTIDMYER'S. FURNITURE! FURNITURE! STOCK FULL, NKW AND HKAUTIFUL. Can't be Described. Fut Tenr Xyes On It, and be your Own Judge. Common, Vallum and Fine Fnrnltnre. Style quality and Finish lining te the HIGH EST PH'CH, while 1'riees are in the LOWEST NOTCH. Mere worth tn our goods than the price would Indicate. t A Grand Exhibit. The Latest and most Attractive Novelty The DUUM Otteman and Footstool in the window. Loek at their. Onr Floers are Full of the Newest Styles. WIDMYER'S FURNITURE UXORS Oer, Eaat King & Duke Sts. H OFFMEIER'a YOU All knew us. Can yen guess who we ARE Iflnnrodef 'urnltnroef call and btoetio any description, ACQUAINTED --. And Examine our Large Atsortment, know ing you can deal WITH lie, after seeing the Great Display and Lew Prices at , HOFFMEIER'S ' gV llnpatrlng Promptly Done EABT 1CINU BlltKK'Jl, Lancaster. at MO. IB slS-3md -eum a gibbs. Parler Furniture. We have en view the largest and finest assortment of Rich Parler Furniture ever brought together by us, artistically Up holstered, and covered in the latest shades of Plushes and in best Hair Cleth. Novelties in Fancy Chairs, Easy Chairs, Handsome Couches and Lounges, all in the very latest covers. Our prices are the low est. It Is worth a visit te our exhibition, whether you buy or net. Warerooms 2d, 3d and 4th floors, 31 Seuth Queen street. OCHS a GIBBS. Manufacturers and Dealers. aprll-lyd URNITURE I FURNITURE ! E THX UNDEKSIQNKD BAB UKOl'KNKD UIH BTOUK AT TUX OLD STAND, Ee. 38 East King Street, Which was destroyed by Are some time age, andresaperfeetly Nt.wbteck of all FURNITURE. PAULOUHUITKB, UKDUOOM 8U1TKS," TAULKB, CHAIRS, KTO. UPHOLSTERING In AH Its nrnnches. Alse fainting and Or namenting Old Chairs. HENRY WOLF, Ne 88 East King Street. Ie9 tfd 38 BY ACTUAL, COUNT. QRAIO'S GOLDEN TONIC. WHAT IS CRAIG'S GOLDEN TONIC? TRArKT.KRB HVWM. fi. R HAVING a COLUMBIA H. R. It Is a purely vegetable meelctne. containing no mercury, quinine or ethor Injurious drugs. It Is compounded by an entirely new and improved prcecae, whereby each Ingredient Is thoroughly extracted and preperly combined. WHAT DOBS IT DO ? CRAIG'S GOLDEN TONIC . Is a thorough purifier of the bleed and renovator et tbe system, and Is designed for diseases arising from an !mpmeweak or Impoverished state of the bleed or front debility of the digestive eraanr. " l net a cnre-all,bntpcsttively does cuie Dyspepsia. PROVE IT. raie'l fJaltltn TtinM I)tnAnl mts 1 neasu lunu m wiuiuur uiiiuti ui yuur tuuie. PnitirnLrili. Julv 1A. 18S1. vtinnnArtllAr I M tnr n linltlA nf t:n<f' I4ntdtfn 1 onto ha done mom (or inethsn the hundreds 1 have paid phi stetans. and ter ether medicines rnrtelveyra' 1 have sutfercd with Hjs- pspsla In IU worst stages. I've naa teat enll feeling ever ontire ueay wttn snarp paw in ine siae, i in; region ui vnn umi h wlileh increased wlih every movement of the body, at times making work an impe nihility. Was compelled intake purgative modlclneenntlnnaU. Blnoe taking yonrTenlo all plns have lett mn, my bowels have been mnl tcd, 1 have irgalued my appetite and leel no oppression after eating. 1 net only can work, bnt feet like working, ter with the new life y enr tonle bis given me all blliensntsa and dys pepsla has lelt me. 1 new wish another bottle that .every ' vnatUe el dyspepsia imy be driven from my system. Tours truly, U. SALMON, no. IftU Uerbard btreet, Philadelphia. CRAIG'S GOLDEN TONIC Is for sale by all Drngguta . lient ran the risk et using se-called Tonics or Bitten that may contain POISON, but 1 at lit upon getting the only genuine CKAIU'B OOLDtN TON 10. if yenr Druiglst doe net keep It send te SAMUEL OLAEKE, Wholesale Agent for Lancaster County, 12 AND 14 SOUTH QUS1N BTRBBT. rOK BALM OR RMNT. H0UHK8 FOR HALE ON THK MOST liberal terms, en West Chestnut. Wal nut, Lemen. Mary, Pine and Charlette streaks. Apply at mis-emd aea north mart btrikt. ORPHANS' COURT HALE OB DES1R. able City Heal Katate. Ok TUSBDAT, OOTOBSB t, 1S88, will be sold by the nnderstgned trusters. In pursuance of an order et tbe urphnna' Court el I aneaster county, at the Leepard Hetel, Kast King street, In the city of i Lancaster, Pa , the following valuable real estate, te wit : y Knee iiweinng Heuse brick back batidlng at Ne. 1 a twe-ter with a two story UOBOd. and lotef ground In said city, containing in fronton Kast Kins; street Si feet and V Inches. mere or ln, and in depth along nn street feet and Inches. mere or less, with the annnr- tenances There is water and gas in the house and a hydrant in the yard and the house has nine rooms. Ne a A let of ground en last King street adjoining Ne 1, en the west, containing en Kast Klne ttrnet, in fteta inches, mere or less, and tn depth 1W leet, mero or less. Ne S A lotef gronndenKast King street, aejelnlng Ne. i en the west, containing In front en Kast King street, 18 feet fee' and S Inches, mere or less, and extending in deplh 100 leet, mere or less. Ne 4 A onc-sterv Itrlek Dwelling Heuo with one story brick baek building attached, and a frame wash house with hydrant en di vision line between this property and Ne a. And let of ground en Kast King stroet In said city, adjoining Ne. Sen the west, contain ing in front 17 feet 0 inches, mere or less, aad in depth W feet, mire or less. This property haa six rooms, grape vines and fruit trees. Ne. S. A one-story brick Dwelling Uense, wltbone-slory brlek baek building attached, and a fpvme wash henie with hydrant en di vision line between this property and Ne. 4. A lotef ground en Jtsst King street, in said city, adjoining Ne 4 en the west, and en the east property of Hen. A.UerrBinttb, oontain eontain oentain in front 18 feetandnincehs, mere or less, and extending in depth 01 feet, mere or lets. This piepeny hss six rooms, grape vines and fruit trees, ft also bas a rivhl te a letnt alley en the east tothedopthof the main building. Ne. 0. a lotef ground en Annstrret, lu said city. In the rnsr of Nes. 1 3. tl. 4 and 8, contain tag in front 90 feet and in depth 91 feet, f inches, mere or less. -Ne. 7..A let of around en Ann street, in said city north of No.-MMll!UllaJsj4nJientMfeet anu in uepm ui ieui t menus, mere or less. no. 8. e lotef around en Ann street, in said city, north et a, 7, centninlngln front 20 feet, and in depth 00 feet and 8 lnehes. mera or less. Ne 8. A lotef ground en Ann street. Insula city, north et Ne. 8, containing in lrent 20 loot and in depth 00 test, mere or less. Ne. 10. A let of ground en nnstreet,lnsald city, north of Na and seith of preperty of 11 f Btelgorwa'Ueonialnlngln front SO feet and in depth E9 feet a Inches, mero or less Bale te commence at 7.30 e cloek p. in., when terms wUl be made known by- - .. ruANi ia a. nuBHONQ, JOHKPU1NK W. UALL, ANA 111 MILI.KU, Trusters appointed by said Court te sell the real estatu et Win. Ball, doeoaatd. Jest L. Uaisis, Anotieneer. SI 8,13,17,?2,24,?9.0ia ggt sjOOJM. J. HARRY BTAMM. NEW BOSTON STORE I (J.1IAHKY BTAUM) Ha3 Removed from 35 and 37 North Queen Street te Ne. 24 OENTRW SQUARE. V OK BARUA1NS IN Blankets and Comforts OO TO BTAMU'8, II CKN'JBk 8QUAUK. F ORBAUQA1N8IN CANTON FLANNELS 00 TO BT AUK'S, Si OENTUK BQUAUK. FR OHBAP UNDERWEAR no te The New Bosten Stere, ?4 Centre Hquate. P NKW STYLES JERSEYS ae te BTAMH'fl. J4 CKNTUR BQUAKC. pORUAKGAINHIN TABLE LINENS OO TO BTAMM'S.M CENTUK BQUAUB. JWR LOWKBT PK1UKH IN RIBBONS ae te BTAMM'8, (1KNTUK FQUAHK. F OJtBAKUAlNHIN DRESS GOODS aoTe BTAHU' OKNTBR SQOMlg. F BAKQAlNa IN HENRIETTAS aOTO TUB NKW HUSTON BTOHK. POR BARUAINU IN CLOT HS aeTO THK NKW 1103TON STOKE. TOOK BARGAINS IN SATINS AND PLUiHES OO TO NO.J10KNTKK HQUAUK. E OK BARGAINS IN SHAWLS OO TO OKNTliK BQUAUK. F ORBARQAINIIIN Hosiery and Coreeta OOTO BTAMH'8, 21QKNTKK BQUAKK. The Setf iteBStere. 24 Centre Squaie. lUI't,w.etlii ?"-.. s-.'vnr' B ARD 4 MeKLBOY. tn. a satis a. CELLAR HEATERS. FLINN & BRENEMAN'S Cellar Heaters AUK THK 11KST IN TUB 1 A1IKBT -ANU- " BARDtSt Mcelrey, 33 and 36 Benth Queen Street,' " .-.. Opposite Fountain Inn. Yen never tinneht aa crnful tTnAnrvrAKr fnr ihn mnnw .mi arA nffArln v. ana vta flent earn when or whtre yen bought It. Children's Underwear, the smallCSt-sU? siarta at 80, prloe else, where lOet next arade at 103. tirteaelaewheni !2We 1 rjhilarn' Hriinrit-UedleaUid at 15f. and next grade at Sbe t ehlldren's Lambs wool at ie, ana each alto larger lirtiarrespfindiDiiiy . i-aaies'Stenne vostsaize, asRneaasarerecnlarlysnm at II arta-we. me yen a Alie Vest. 7RO A.K. . USB U.43 1M A. a. 140 A. St. 1X10 r.. in S04 100 1 .41 aUffiTM Arrangsmant of Passenger Trains ea, aast alter. hllwtiAV IflVlllltl IVHBirABU. . narryvuie.. .& Ins; Btreet, Lane , 7 se neaster 70 Chtcales , , 7.J0 Marietta Jnnetlen im Oelumbta....... ..,,,, .,,,,,, 7,sa Arrlreati .. Beading we 0OUTHWABD. Tieare a. . Beading;...., 7.39 Arrrtvnat , sr. Jf"i?ttJnncUen 8.04 U"'eles.i em Columbia ,,, en feancaster e. nif eimii, lane , BSO ynarryTUle .ioje Lear. 8UMUAT' OnarrrrUle at 7.10 a. m. sUna Street. Lane.. at son . ana 1 sa . Arrive at -i,?? Leare. Beadlnic, at 7.M a. m., and 4 p. m. ArrUrn st Kin8tret,lAne,at.a. B0L,aaa MO .-. qnarrrnlI at 6.40 p.m. ' ... ? a . eprTralns oennoet at Headlns; with tralM M AC ; ana from I'hllsdelphla, PetuflDe, Harrtshwraj, y Alien town and New Xerk, .rl. Benn Maalxi- J&OT1UI. .!& At Columbia, with trains tn ikS fmm TSWSS.V - n.HAIM. 1....H.WM. Z X TTS1 Cjj il" uursi, areueriea: ana jsatw mere. - JM JW1?? Jnnctlen wits trains teial from t hlekles. tC At Manneim with trains te and trem Lesjsv .: Ben. ,r ' from Lancaster, lluarrjyf He, and CMcrtMeeTTJM . ". wiien Anrjinntensrt.3J i.ii .aw 1 1 1 1 .i ' m in nn 111111 an. un iiiiarti an. vv. jiii sssi 1 - a 1 ; ...:. ....rz." .. -w.a. Arrangement of Fassengrer Trains .after, BimeAT, Mat U, 1H8, 'lh C. &3 NOKTHWARD. Leare. a.m. r. v. anarryTllle. Ins; mreet. Lane.. 7.09 707 7H 7. 1 An outer Mantiatm.... Uernwall Arrive at Lebanon Ml BOUTUWAKD. Leave a.m. Lebanon 711 tfse Cornwall 727 I.45 Manhetm 7.M 1,14 Lancaster. 817 1.48 Arrive at King Btreet, Lantu 8.SB LM A.M. WIL-ON, Bunt B. O. BaJlreaO. b. a. nmrr. nnpt. u. H. K. OB. Matft j nnsJar.V-4 Bl 'I i 1JX5 BMSOB MM'' 1141 0.O8.IS tMM 1.1s an a.40 3 148 AJ8IU7 Mlt 1J0 7.10 OH M14. Van7J 2' J.4S 8 10 iM 8 lft 8.40 &h, i ' IBOJAKT' PK N.N 8 Y 1 ,V A N 1 A RAILROAD ! BCUKDULB.-In effect from June M.v . . ft trains lbavsi iaeastu ana leave anc asi, rlve at 1'Hiladelphla as fellows : , WKSTrTABD. r'aclfle Kxpresst News Kxpresst ...... Way Passenaerf Mall train vlaMt. Jey 1 Ne.9MallTratnt..... Niagara Express Hanover Acoetn. Vast l.lnrt rrederiek Aceem..., Wan raster Accoro.... llarrlsburg Aoeem,., Ue'umbta Aecem... llarrlsburg Bxpresif wesiexa Axpiessr AST WARD. Phlla. Kxpresif.... Fast I tnet , llarrlsburg sxiress .'...uiiiiiiir cuuiii... Columbia Aceem.... Atlantle Kxpresst... Beaabnre Kxpresa.... rniiaaeipnia Aoeom 4all., nnnaay Day Kxnresit Hamsbnric Ancore.. Leave Philadelphia. 11. jap, m. 4 80 a, m. 4.10 a. m, 7,-oea. m. Via Columbia! 7:ea. tn. via celnmblal ii:Bea. m. via Celnmblal via ML. Jey, 4:e p.m. BS(i p.m. '.9-BOp.ta. Leave Lancaster. ft'Oa. m. B-esa. m. s.ina. m. 8 51 a. m. tKna. m. 11:80 a.m. 12-Otp, m. S;OTp m. 8:30 p.m. 4:48 p.m. SIS p.m. Lain . , UneMMsi 8iia.t. ejja.,isv; e-.sia.x.c,'-; Ml.' MBa-'Mk..' fcWp.sB.4. Wp.x.: fcp.aif 7:40 9., 7:3011. av 11:100. . Arrive j a 4sHa.sB.f J 8:Ma.x., 0:a,.;9 rtaMtJaarl 11:48 a. xeV 8:15 p. mA 8 00 p. BV 0:4 p. sm.V tlheenly trains whteh ran dally, enlja 01 UJS. day the Mall train west runs try way annua. & J. a. WOOD. General Passenger AjaaAJ CHA8, K. FUUU, Uoneral Manager. tft I 'If V THVKKB. .TJr MKM-VIMkArVUI F ALL aKBJVINTKR QOO0S. -. ifc... M''.'M lilirliA-. Im -..Ia Mm WH..W. ... u.auv. .m.c piaiuiu . n-t. a. .ui iw n'-ju m nia i.iuiKnjr iiiiii , si ,-,- - , next irTsun yen eee every wnere is sihe. new we will koIme higher and make It 80e and-ffsaj. jni- woven uaiDngvan vems atoueana ., IkniAl'a Hall- fc Rn I.HIllna Nfllr-ll At 138. Ladles' Medlcatedat78e,(l,si.8,ll.87i.bcstvalue ever tilven. tlnr tl.u number y n never sw Its equal for lets thsu(L boys while "d Urev Mln-d Underwear, all sises. at S80 and 40e. Men's Underwear In White and Colored at 2m t best gneds ever seid at the prle . Jtxtra quality at 40e. At tee we defy sny house In 1 anra tertosliew a- larwe a variety or as geed goods as e ar- showing In White, Camel's llatr, Natuial Weel, Urey Mixed, He4 and White Mixed, ana one let with doublalrentaud back, all at AOnnach, Kxtra vslueln white at OSeandSI. in Colored at 70e. Kxtra rine Camel's llatr at tl and 1123, Men's Hcarlnt Medlealed at two. 76c II, tl fs andtl87H Men's Usnten riannel i;rwnrs at lie, 400 and tee Oneeasa Laaies' Merine lilbbfd liosnatlBe. wromadetesllbt2te. Onncasu Men's Beamless Mmlne H Hese, a pairs for 28c, rrKiilar pi Ice 23e per pair. Ilargatns In Children's 1 otten Hosiery rioer Oil Cleth, feathers, Hianketi. lieme-XRdu Comforts, at lewext prices ever known. Medicated tted Twill Hannel at 28c, worth 3lWe. Cream Celer Twill funnel at 37Ke, regular prien ftte. Urey Mlxrd flannel at WKe. worth 18o:atl5e. worth vee) at 17e, worth Me Wehavmnou Wehavmneu Wehavmnou tlened some prices. We ask you te call and soeforyonrtelt Wu repeat It attain. Yeu never bought as geed goods ler Hid uoney In your life. We don't care when ,or whure you bought It. I Bard & S3 and 35 Benth Queen Bt, McElroy, Opposite Fountain Inn. PBIOES THE LOWEST. ALL WOUKQUAUANTKHD. FLINN & BRMNAN, CONTUACTOHS Of Plumbing & Heating, Me. ma North Queen Btret, LANOABTXK FA. t-Ai-A-witf-i-afSri AD1B3' AND OUILDREN'H COATS. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS Children's Coats from $1.00 up. Beautiful Stockinet and Diagonal Jackets for Ladies. Particular attention te our Seal Flush Coats, Seal Plush Medjeskas, superior in make and finish. All our Coats are made expressly for us by the best makers in the United States. M. HABERBUSH & SOI m WS jfe Fall and Wiijte anoeBHiBa, TEAH I piOPl'KEH I OHOIOK OLD COFFEES. fitsh Boasted Dally and finest New Crep. TEAS, fine flavor and Heed We Guarantee for Drinktut;guuUUeg. UKOUHK WIANT, N0.11J WettJIlngB, JET INK QKOOKKIEa AT- Metzger & Haughman, Neb. 38 & 40 West King Street, Lancaster, Fa, -Ol'l'OSITJC THK COOfKII HOUBK.-fcO. N EXT DOOK TO COURT HOUHE. CARPETS Gry's Specific Medicine. The (J real Kngllsh Heraedy will promptly and radically cure any and every case et nervous debility and weakness, result el Indiscretion, excesses or overwork et brain and nervous sys tem i is perfectly hannlcss, acts like magic, and been extensively used for ever 80 years vllh great success. JVfulI particulars In our pamphlet which we desire te send free bv mail te every one. WThe Specific Mwllclnels Beld by all arug- flsts at II per package, vt six packages (or 16. t will be sent frea by moll en receipt of the money, by addressing the agent, B. B. OOOHR.VN, Druggist, Nes. 137 A 133 North fjueen BL, Lancaster, l'a. THK QUAY MXDIGINK CO., Ne. KM Main Btreet. liutlale. N Y. JunlS-lvdAwMWAf TTtLY'tt OltllAM UALM. OATARBH--A.Y FEVER. KLY'S CUXAM UALM cares Celd In Head Catarrh, ltese Celd. Hay fever.Deafness.Hoad fever.Deafness.Head ache, i'rloe M Cents. KAsY TO U8K. ily Bre's, Owego. N. Y U. B, A. KLY'S CUKAU 11ALH Cleanses the Nasal Passages, Allays fain and Inflammation, Heals the Beres, Ueatores the Senses el Taste and Smell. tbythTcuiie. A particle Is applied Inte each nostril and is agreeable, l'rlce w cents at Druggists i by mall, registered, CO eaatt. B0TUKU8 M Warren Street, New Yerk. nevlWydAw 38-By Actual Coit-38 We bave received during the month of Bep tember 'ibtrty-KlKht Shipments, or ineihr words Tbtrty-ElirhtsepuHte and dlstlct Dills of the Newest, choicest ard Most Attractive Goods which the market affords. All thesn are being placed datly en our large and coininedlous fleer te thu bst possible ad vantage ler the benent oleur vltlters and cus tomers Seme et the cbelcrst pitterns of llattan and Heed lteckers o)euea te duy already sela. A ririetak Suit, very laigeand well made, at the popular price et te-aay. Heelt. A very nice Wilten Kug Suit in Cherry at a price that will net let you pass It by. TUK POI'ULAU I'LACK, THIS MOJT l'Ul'ULAU l'BICKS, The Newest and Mrst Popular Qoeds. Heinitsh's Famitare Depot 27 & ?0 EOTJXH QUEEN BT., LANCA8TKII.PA. T EVAN'H KLOUR. USE LBYAN'S FLOUR. It Always Gives Satisfaction. tidal ThAB W. A. RE 1ST & CO.'S GROCERS, COUNKUKAHTK1MU AND JJUKK STi. CRANBERRIES AND KALAMAZOO CELERY. We recelvf d this morning New cranberries and Michigan Celery, flint berries et tbe season. liulKD IIKKP I DIIIKD ItKHTl Yes. we nre headquarters for lleer, and am selling the but bet at He per pound, flam at I2WO. J hAt's th'iapr than what you pay ter ItfUe whwre. lsit nett Why lanwn sell it fur that prtret 'Jhats easily answered. Wugetltdl rect from Armour A I e, chlCHge, and save tbejebbet's profit call and tastn Anether lotet VanDerveer A Helmes' Cakes and ill-cults tecelved iresh te-day, AlsoChoo AlseChoo AlsoCheo olate, Vanilla and Oluger Walers, . A. Reist & Ce. -TelepLone. free Delivery ."M Our Fall Line of Carpets 1b new ready for your Inspection. The new styles are as perfect as tlie weavers' art can make them, while the p Icea cannot fall te meet with your approval. These Carpets are entirely new and fresh, having come direct from the looms during the last few days. The new InKraiti Carpetlngs are 20, 25, 31, 48, 40, 45, 60, CO, 05 and 75 cents. (Special attention Ib called te the 60c. grade ; they are, without exception, the bust koeiIh ever offered for the money. Tapestry Jims Eels Carpets in (treat variety at CO, 02, 75 and 85 cents. If you are at all interested or anticipate buying anything in Tapestries be sure te see this line before you de se. Bedy llrussels and Velvets, 41.00. Hall and Stair Carpets in all grade and makes at popular prlcei. We the cheaper grade Stair Carpet at 10, 11, 15, IB and 25 cents. All geed value. OIL CLOTIIS-rioer Oil Cleths, Stair Oil Cleths and Table OH Cleths In all designs. Bargains la HUGS. Our Sleck et Fall and Winter Goods i nttta stiMMitlnln "VDrt linttn t-liA T nsassenatl- msbbJI' l'infst block in the city ei huubjsj BLANlvETS (All Grades.) -m Lap Blankets, In Plush, "WoeV uAf Wolf Tttenlr en,l (Iran linmt TtnbttmM . uv MiMtn u. v.v .viaw .vmm a Hudsen Bay and Prairie Wolf BebeWf Buffalo Robes. Slberiaa Deg (Bias) Itebes. Fex and Coen Skin Eebei. 3" We consider It no trouble te show our goods AT M. Haterbush & Sen's: SADDLE. HABNEBSj AND TRUNK STORaSS Ne. 30 Centre Squart, t,Mn"TKR- PA. VOAL. bsmMsa T B, MAKTXN A CO., Whelesaleand Hetall Dealers tn all Wnes at IiOMBKH AND COAU asTYaD-Ne.42t North Water and Ne. North friuce ntreeta. Lancaster, Fa- nS-ly M FAHNESTOOK'S, MOB. 80 6 37 BABT KING ST.. LANOABTBn, FA. DVB HUHKX. -J-YK WOKKH. Steam Dye Works and Dry Cleaning Establishment, ' NO. 686 HIGH STREET. Ladles' l)reis s dyrd te mateh any shade or color wttbent rlppInK spirt. Uentleuien'sKanuenladyed and warranted net te rub ntt and leaving, tte lining cltan also renevatlnK equal te new. SWUoeJs called fur and delivered fioe ei cnarsre. M. BTBAB8HOBFJBR. i:tima JUWKLHY, H.v Z. RHOAJJH & BON. DIRECT IMPORTATIONS. -rjAUMOAKDNER'S COMPANY, COAL DEALERS. 0nos:-Ne. 1 Nertn y ueens tree t, and Ha Hi Nerm Frinee street. . j.. Tasna:-Nertn I'rinee Street, near steaAtsMt Deret. . . anvisiffl LAsTnABTSiK. r f -r UMBEK, COAL, Aa LUMBER, COL .AMU ROOFING SLATE. G. SENER a SONS. I'CIKCK AND WALNUT BTA, Sell Ceal et the Best Quality at the Lewest l-rlivs. ilny new, as It may be feigner, josetfd T BE first of our importations is new in Stock. Each succeeding week ethers will be re ceived. Yeu will find a line of new styles the flnsst productions of the present markets and are cordially invited te come and examine them. H. Z. RHOADS & SON, Ne. 4 West King Street. MAOHINMUT, ZlKNTRAIi MACHINE WORK& FOR SALE CHEAP I-OB IMMEDIATE DKLlVUtT. One 1 W H. P. Knglne and Heller combine. One i ill. P. Kunlne and S n. P, JteUer, M i base, combined. .. m " Oaelil P. Hicona-uane ureas .- wltn or witneut ueuer. -.. . - One a u. r, sewuui"s'" ww Knalnesand Hellers of every lite anAs ,cee?eral' Botary VentllaUng ran, suluWe for shop or oraee use. . Alse Valves, iflttluBs. Pipe, Brass end lrjet Cocks and and a full line 8 team Uoeda and Ms gtneers' Supplies. . Maehlne wfer. Pattern Wersr, Brass CaH lugs, Shafting, Pulleys, Uangers, ate. Ate. f OWPtt-aia m. UEASUNAIlliSI UUU . m-m -3 r A--I MneUne UnrUaa- "; OOIliltAI iwiaeiuisw ww w. w. P. UUMX1MG8, Pwarletwr, NOS. 134 A 186 NORTH 0HK1BTIAN BT. LAaOUTBB, r. : - -'t . Br j:jA h ' A?i- s.,t. vi