J.t '") A- fixtellxgttM m$$Li$ v i?J -rta. . (ft 'J5 i ''Vi mt IB VOLUME XXV-NO. APPEALED IN VAIN. TUB UE0I4IUM 1M THE JACOBS KCKDBT OUE 19 AFMKMKD. Wfij the nnprems Court Will Met Interfere With lb Lewer Court'. Verdict The Paul en De.nl New lh. On! Bep Fer lb Condemned Man. Tbe supreme oeart In Pitlsburg te-day a (firmed the dEclilen of the lower centt which refuted a new trial te James H. Jacob, oenvloted of murder in the first degree. There new remains but one hope between Jacob, and tbe gallewa and that la In tbe beard el pardon. The. JNTKLMOKNnKFi waa the first If receive tbe newa of tbe deolalen of the upreme court A speelal telegram reached' tbla efflee at 11:30 o'elook tbla meratnirj.lt waa at once put en tbe bulletin beard and aoen tbe newa spread te tbe four quarter ottbeeity. Tbe universal verdlet of Ibe people la tbat a righteous oenoluslon las been reached. Following la'a brief lynepsla of tbe otte from Its Inceptien: HISTORY OP TUB MUnUKH, On the evening of the 11th day of Decern ber,18S0, Elmer Ellswerth Qulgley roeelvod Injuries by being stabbed at tbe bands of James II. Jacobs which resulted In bis death en the following morning. Jacobs beoame a fugitive from Justice after be bad Inflicted tbe fatal wounds en the body of Qulgley, but a few days afterwards surren dered himself te tbe authorities and waa committed te the county J oil. At tbe Jan uary sessions, 1887, a true bill charging James H. Jacobs with murder waa found. The case wascalled for trial several ttmesand continued for legal reasons nntll October 5, 1887, when he was put upon trial. After ex hausting the regular and a special panel of jurors twelve jurors were secured who solemnly swere te try Ibecaie without fear, affection or .favor, and tbe trial waa pro ceeded wltb. On tbe morning of tbe 10th of October tbe jury came into court at 11:30 o'elock and as tbe clock struck twelve tbe vordlet of tbe jury "waa rendered. They found tbe defendant guilty of murder In tbe first degree. Tbe usual motion waa madefera new trial and tbe reasons assigned were argued before Judges LlvlngBten and Patterson. SENTENCED TO UK nANClEI). On January 28tb, 1888, the rule for a new trial was discharged and Judge Patterson pronounced this sentence: " Tbat you, James H. Jacobs, be taken lrem this places from whence you came and from thence te the plaoe el ezectlen within tbe Jail yard and tbat you be banged by the neck until you are dead, and may Ged have merey en your seuL " A writ of error was taken te tbe supreme court, and the principal exceptions argued in favor of a new trial were that the court erred In refusing te allow tbe following questions te be asked : ' Bute wbatare tbe quality and charac charac teilsttes of defendant's mind aa te exolt exelt blllty"T - , "Please state whether or net -in your judgment sueh oenlrolllng Influences were In tbe mind of the defendant that It was net conscious of Its purposes, and en account of these lnlluences was Incapable of dellber ating or premeditating, and If se, what were these controlling Influences "7 Tbe opinion of tbe court was read read by Oblef -Justice Gorden, and he says : "Tbe questions thus proposed by the de fendant's counsel were properly rejected. Thoy.enly tend te Bhew that Jacobs was exeltable-and prone te commit in moments of anger acta which his cool or Judgment would net approve. A rule wbleb would allow the justification of murder en sueh pretext would utterly pervert and subvert the moral order of things. It may de well enough when applied te tbe brute world, but It will net de for the government or man, te whom Ged has given a reasonable soul, by which all bis paeslena may be con -trolled." AUJOUltSKD QUI 111 Kit SESSION J. A Small Llat anil Only a Few Important Casea "for Diaposlllen. An adjourned court of quarter sessions waa opened at 10 e'cl "cl; this, morning, with Judge Patterson presiding. Thern are en tbe list for trial 78 caies, of which tbe fol lowing are the most Impertant: Annie Ktlngter, coneeallng death of Illegitimate child ; Charles E. Ocas, embezzlement ; T. P. Bradenbaugb, Involuntary man slaughter ; II. M. lleauiaderfer of. al., con spiracy. A verdlet of net guilty was taken in tie case of comtnenweilth vs. Charles Webb, larceny. Tbe defendant Is a small boy and tbe only testimony against hint was bis confession made under duress, Ida lioller was put en trial for assault and battery aud malicious mischief en ibe complaint of Alice Keener. These parlies are neighbors, living in Blrd-lti-Hacd. According te tbe commonwealth's wit nes.ee, en tbe llth of August, Mrs. Keener bung out Ler wash In the alley way between tbe beuses of presecutrix and defendant. Mrs. Heller cut the wash line, the clothes fell te the ground, and, when Mrs. Keener remonstrated wltb Mrs. Heller for euttlng tbe line, Mrs. Heller struck Mir, Keener In tbe face, knocked her down and truck ber several blows, Tbe defendant admitted thatshe cut tbe wah-llnn becaute Mrs. Keener bad no right te put her wash In the alleyway, but she claimed that Mrs. Keener was tbe aggressor In tbe fight, and It was only after Mrs. Keener bad attemp'ed te strike witness with a dl.b pan that she dorended herself. She denied having assaulted Mrs. Keener and claimed tbat the only blows she struck werein self-defense. Jury out. Adam Keener, upon whom the costs were Imposed at the last J,erin of court, was ar rested en a process and taken before the court. On motion of his counsel, sentence was postponed until Ooteber 22a. Til. Heal Kttuta Market. Tbe properly of Jehn MeMauus, Ne. -UU, Seuth Queen street, otlered at public salt) en Saturday evening by Auctioneer Haines, waa withdrawn for want iel bidder. Tbe properly will again be cllered ler Bale en Wednesday ertnlng. Tbe beuse and let of ground In Mount Meunt vllle, tbe property of tbe estate of Sarah Detwller, otlered at public sale by Sam Matt Frldy, auotleneor, en Saturday, was withdrawn at f-,050. Sam Mitt Frldy and J. M. Freellch have purchased from the estate of Ida Herr 33 acres of land In West Uemplleld township, wltb Improvement, for $6,760. Jt.tain.it Heme. Miss Ida M. Kautz, who has been visiting friends In this city for the past two weeks, as tbe guestefMUsCrrle Stene, returned te ber borne in Heading en Sunday after noon. A large number of friends tendered ber a farewell party at tbe house of Mica Stene, enrSaturday evening. Tbe Heys te organ!.., Tbeb0)sef tbe Sixth ward will bold a meeting this evening at Ne, sia North Queen atreet, for tbe purpose of organizing Cleveland and Tburmin club. Allyeung Democrats from H te IS yeats of age are In vitsd te attend. Tba boys of lbs Eighth ward will meet for organization ea Tuesday eva-aing. 26. POLITIC 41. NOTES. Fully 000 persons, nearly all of whom are engaged In tbe dry goods trade, and many of them leadleg merchants of New Ter city, were present at tbe first noonday meeting of tba Cleveland and Thurman Wholesale Dry Uoeda club en Friday, at Ita headquarters, Ne 313 Broadway. Although tbe club has been organized but two wseka It baa new a membership of ever 0,000 busi ness men, who are enthusiastic In their advocacy of the Democratic candidates and tariff reform. At tbe Democratic ratification meeting In Cleveland, O , en Saturday night, Albert II. Weed, a lawyer, hitherto a prominent Republican and an rfuee bolder, publicly announced bis Intention te vote for Cleve land and tarltl reform. He made a strong apeecb In favor of revenue reduction te stimulate Industries. A dlspeteh from Indlanrtnelts save that IJJr. Jerdan, president of the stale univer sity of Indians, and Prof. Llnd, of tie Dan ville normal oelite, both heretofeie Re publican., have announced tbat they will support Cleveland. General Harrlaen asks of tbe Democrats : "De they bepe tbat when the coat Is made cheaper the wages of the man or the woman who makes It will be Increased T" Certainly. That Is just what they expect. When tbe manufacturers no longer have te pay duties en wool required ter admixture they can afford te pay better wages. jftw Yerk World. The Republican opened tbelr eampalgn In Philadelphia en Saturday nlgbt with a large mass nesting at Ibe Academy or Musle and a b rest demonstration tbat waa witnessed by at least 100,000 persons, and about 20,000 men took part In the precession. At the academy meeting Senater Hawley, Congressman Dlngley and Adjutant General D. H. Hastings made speeches. In New Jersey the polls en election day will be open from G o'clock in tbe morning until 4:61 In tbe evening, under tbe "Munsei" election law passed by tbe legis lature last winter. The Democratic leaders el that stale say tbe majority for Cleveland and Thurman will net de less than 8,000 Hen. J. G. Blaine ma-ie a speech at the Pole grennds in New Yerk en Saturday night Thirty thousand people helped him te de It. Ten thousand of them beard him, 10,000 mere tried te bear blm and oeuldn'f, and tbe ether 10,000 paraded about Harlem and poured Inte the grennds before be was dena Governer Feraker, Congressman Finerty and ethers also delivered short speeches. Blaine reviewed the tariff, of the past century, bnt forget te repeat that trusts were private afl.lrs. Tba Meadvllle "frt&ime says a well known Democrat or tbat city baa wagered tbat Pennsylvania will go Democratic this fall. Francis V. M. Hudsen, treasurer of the Albany Antlqne company, wbleb Republi can tariff revision la 1883 almost paralyzed uy juuiujbidic -.axe en us raw materials, says of the benata tariff bill : " I notice In the summary of the bill, which I presume la cornet, that 'alizarine colors are en tbe free lift, us well as a number of dyes and ebemicaK' If this means aniline dyes, of oenrae the Jig Is up with the aniline dye industry In this country. Ali zarine colors have been put en the free list This Is clearly in the Interest of foreign manufacturer. The Mills bill, by putting our raw material en tbe free list, as we had desired for years, wenld In crease our business and enable as. te meet In large part the demand whieh tbe Senate proposes te hand ever te the foreign maeu. facturers of ailzuine colors. The Senate kind of tariff may - be ' protection ' te tbe aniline dye works at Ludwlgshafen en tbe Rhine. Alizarine colors are coal-tar dye stuffs, and the treasury has se decided as a matter of principle, Tnere Is no reasnn why flsh should he made of one and flesh of another. The business is a Northern In dustry and la conductedtehlefly In New Yprk state. Alizarine Itself bas always been en the rree list, and coal-tar prepara tions, net colors or dyes, should be also. " The Pepe. Jubilee Knded. Tbe ending of iba pope's jubliee was celebrated in all tbe Reman Catholic churches of the world yesterday wllh solemn requiem sorviefs. This was In accordance wltb tbe order of tbe pope, who set aside the last day of his Jubilee for the benefit of tbe faithful departed. The priests all were sable -vestments, and solemn requiem masses wero snng at the Catholic churches In this city. The attendance at all tbe servlces was large and there were a great number of communicants. Llat or Letter. The following is a Hit of unolalmed let ters remaining in tbe postefllce at Lancas ter for the weak ending Monday, Oct 1 : Xdifie.i JAM Becea Alndaem, Mary C. Clark, AUbm Minnie Erb, Mrs. Martha U. Galoway, Mrs. Amanda Hartman, Miss Ella Herr, Mrs. Frances Ueerner, Miss Anna M. Murray, Mrs. Mary Rehm, Mrs. W- W. Whitman. ' GenCa LUt.S. C. Carpenter, Decberdc Ce , Jehn J. Fry, W. C. Harris, Wm. Ken nedy, Aaren O. Leas, Frank MoDenell, W. L. Meyer, Benjamin Nead, E. D. Rlobardsen, Thes. Rtcbardsen, A. G. But But eon, Jacob 11. Yeung. Itt tutt of Hue t'.U at met. Saturday afternoon a game el base ball between nine old players and nine young ones came of! en tbe -Ironsides grounds. Tbe air was raw and chllly, and but few people attended, Hut three Innings were played as tbe gamn was called en account of an accident te William Brecbt, of the young nlne, who sprained his Bnklf. The score steed 3 te 2 In favor or tbe old timers. (Sunday's cbainplonsblpcentests resulted: Kansas City, 20; Athletic, 14; St. Leuis, 13; Brooklyn, I; Cincinnati, G; Baltimore, 8; Louisville, 0; Cleveland, 3; Louisville. 7 ; Clevelanl), 7 (tecead same). The games played en Saturday resulted : St. Leuis, 7; Brooklyn, 1; Cincinnati, 8; Baltimore, 1 ; Cleveland, 4 ; Louisville, 4 : Detroit, 0; New Yetk, 2: Chicago, 3; Bea Bea eon, 0; Indianapolis, 4; Washington. MeTatnany had two home runs and a two base bit eff Mattlmere yesterday. HnndayScl oel Anniversary, The twentieth anniversary of tbe Sunday school of Christ church was held Sunday evening. The audience was qulte large. The first featnre after tbe openlng service was an exerclie by tbe Infant department, under tbe care of Misses Olile R. Stouer and Ada P. Uuber. The ready auswers given by tbechlldren te tbequestlens or ttitlr teachers evinced tbe most careful training, Tbe main school engaged In a short re view exerelse Interspersed with psrtlnent remarks by pastor and superintendent. The soheol Is careiully graded, following as mueb as possible a systematic course of lessens. Therollef thesobeol is ever three hundred ; tbe class receipts amounted te (262 03, total f410. The- CeuM Net Olva Third One. At the opera beuse en Saturday evening there were live little boys who bad oetuo te see the "Heep et Geld" by Fleming's dramatle company. The management thought it test net te give a performance. The curtain was net lifted and tbellttle boys were given tack their money while tbe lights were put out. Wen br a Uiicmtr Hene. On the last day of tbe Carlisle lair tbe great attraction was the running race, a mile dash, between Sam Walten, entered by E. II. Kaullman, of this county, and Trollepe, entered by W. W. Hutchinson, et Berryvllte, Virginia. Mr. Kauffman's horse wen by hair a length In 1:51, The puree was (125. Aaianlted an Olil Man. Charles Klntner has been prosecuted be bo be fere Alderman A. V. Dennelly for commit ting a felonious assault and battery en S. Remy. The prosecutor Is 81 years old, lives en East Fulton street, and alleges tbat Klntner aiaaulted him with a hammer several days age. When Klntner learned tbat a complaint bad been made against him be skipped out, Upen bis return te tbe city be was arrested, Ball waa entered for hearing, LANCASTER, REPUBLICAN'S PARADE. ABOUT BlXrKKl HUNDRED in link em BATtillDAT KTBNINB. Th. Club, of the County Turn Oat With a F.w 0117 0-tntntlen.-M.wpp.r unices and Dwelling. Dl.play Lan- ttrn. and Flag He Knthnelaira, The Republican clubs of this city and oeunty had a parade In this city en Satur day evenlng, in accordance with an ar rangement made for the clubs of the country te turn out Fer weeks past the workers of tbe party have been making preparatlena ter the event, and they were tilled wltb enthusiasm. Tbe eluba that pirtlelpated In tbe parade lnelnded these et the Second, Third, Fourth, Bey entb, Eighth, and Ninth wards, tbe Keystene watch faotery, Frank lin and Marshall college, Columbia, Mari etta, Mount Jey, Ellzibethtewn, Btraaburg, Mllleravllle and ether plaees. Berne of them were very late getting into line, and It was after eight o'clock before the parade moved cfl Lime street. There were ex actly 1,630 people In the line, exeluslv et bands of ruusle. Among these weie a great many boys. Tbe parade pass'd ever the reute as published In the lNTi;r,Mai:NOKn en Saturday evening. The line was net well kept together, and at Intervals during tbe march there were gaps of a square or mere. Along the route there were quite a number et Illuminations and some fireworks, but there was very little enthusiasm. The Ntu Era ofllre looked very pretty, and while the Exami ner bad no lanterns out they burned a great deal of red tire and displayed Jesh Ly te.The Yeung Men's Deinoerallo club bad Its rooms very prettily Illuminated In honor or tbe event Tbe cotton mills owned by Farnnm & Ce. were lit up from top te bottom, and It la said It was tbe first time thegaa was turned en ter a political demon stratlen. ''Cotten Is free and tbe Mills bill proposes te remove tbe dnty from dyes," said a well known citizen en Saturday nlgbt j "I de net believe tbe company wants te pay mere than It new does fdr raw material. I presume tbe same amount of gas will be used at the trills wbentbe Democrats have tbelr parade" It was b noticeable fact tbat all the meri who are candidates for oeunty ollleea or cxpeet te get anything In case or Harrison's oleetlon occupied prominent plaees and made themselves very conspicuous, houses et many of these were brilliantly lighted. The elub made, the beat appoarance of In line and did tbe finest marching that et the Watch factory. The lee elub also looked very well. The ale that any was cel- Tlie Yeung Republican were compelled te turnout without tbelr uniforms owing te the mistake In making them. Tbe worst looking club in tbe line was tbat of tbe Fourth ward, which bad tbe ugliest uniform that men could pesslbly'get. In tbe line were qnlte a number of wagons leadod wllh yelling men and -boys. The banners were mostly peer and were filled, wltb tbe free trade chestnut. As the reute waileng. the parade was net liulaned until a late hour. There were numerous funny Incidents along and In tbe line. Charley Shay, of tbe Eighth ward, was carry In it a leg cabin en a stick. At the corner et Maner and West King some friend yelled at blm and he turned, In doing this be feU(pver a feet bridge and landing en the leg cabin smashed it te pieeea. DliJUKXOBt'UC. CONDUCT. Lewer End ltupubilcaii. IMUb.lmve en a Teln en 8tunljr NIkM. QuAitnTViT.i.R, Oct. L The crowd of Re publicans thnfleft Lancaster en the special train for Quarryvllie and Intermediate points after tbe parade Saturday evenlng was tbe meat disorderly that ever went dewnOver tbat read, and tbat Is Baying a geed deal. At least three-fourths of tbe number were drunk, and tbe sober ones were kept busy dodging tbe fists of tbe pugullHtle ener, who, as seen as they board beard od tbe train, proceeded te give an Illustra tion of whisky's beauty at 10 cents a glass, and bad It been 3 cents, as their platform proposed, tbe train would have been side tracked. Tbe light began when tbe echo of the car bell In Lancanter had died away, and Con ductor McOalllster threateningly stop step ped bis train three .tluim between Conestoga and Harnlah'a te eject the ruffians, Tbe crew were powerless, however, and until tbe train reached Quarryvllie there was one fight after auother. Sometimes tbe whole car was In an uproar and mere than one innocent fel low Is carrying marks and scratches as tbe result One of the leading charac ters wan Ed. Resse, Providence's super visor, who poses ai a politician. When the train left New Providence be was put off and left te fight with a "gentle man" from Beggar Rew, The respectable people who ncenmpanled the excursion were completely disgusted, and they earnestly hope Conductor McOalllster will repert tbe offender?. The oendnotor was choked, struck and etherwise badly bandied. HOUND VOlt AltlONA. A List et People 1'rera L.ncut.r Oily and County Who Kiutgniril. C. W. Mills, etPLdjtilx, Arizona, who has been In this city and vicinity ter the past few weeks recruiting a colony, left en this morning's train for UarriBburg. At that point tbose who intend going with Mr. Mills te Arl.wa will assemble and this afternoon they will loave for tbe West. Tbose who are going from thin city and oeunty are : Mr. Mills and family, J, 8. Llndemnlb, Wm. K. Wennerhelt, William Naup, C. P. Eckhard, U B. Lanbam, W. F. Lnngnecker, A. H. Morrison, J, N, Walten, O B. Kerr, William Wright, J, L. Perry, S. F. Tarklngten and Geerge W. Squires. At Indianapolis there will be several mere Jein the colony. When the Tariff Deme. en. Even tbechlldren cry for tarlll rt form, Down at the Gap the Democrats have a nourishing c'nb, through whlab the tariff question has been pretty thoroughly ventilated by speeches and the distribution of documents. The school children have caught up tbe Bplrltet the national Uiue, and tbe ether day among tbe compositions written by tbe pupils et the Gap secondary school was the following by A. Parke Kramer, tbe little ten-year-old son of A. P. Kramer, In whleli he states his idea of the benefit el tariff revision : WATERMKLONS. Watermelons grew en a vine. Yeu plant tbe seed In the spring ; then oemes the vine ; then tbe blossoms ; then tbe melons Yeu can grew them here, but net se fine as in Jersey Bands There are dlllerent varie ties, but I thick the beat kind is Ibe Moun tain Sweets. They are cheap tbla year, costing from 6 te 25 cents each, bnt when tbe tariff oemes en they will be much cheaper. Then I will buy one and treat the boys. A. P. Kbambr. Tbe Voueg Men' I'eiuocratleOfuu, The Yeung Men's Democratic club will meet te-morrow evening and every mem ber is requested te be present. After tbe meeting tbe club will march te Mwaneioher ball, whaia they will be dtUUd, PA., MONDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1888. TnrtEB manepfl rnNiKORATBD. Impieulre b'rrlce. in lh. Moravian Chared In Iteihlthrruen RumUy. Tbe Moravian provincial synod having net yet completed its labors, the clerical and lay delegates spent their second Sun day In Bethlehem. By Invitation visiting Moravian clergymen filled tbe pulpits of Ibe dlflerent denominational churches In tbe Bethlehem. Tbe synedlcl services held In the Moravian church were of an universally solemn and Impressive char acter. The entire body et clergymen urhe are In attendance at the synod, numbering seventy five, and the lay delegates were present at tbe sen Ices. The special services In the morning were' the consecration of the newly eleeted bishop-., Revs. H. T lUehman, of Ohie, and J. Mortimer Levering and Clement L. Retake, of Lltitz. The officiating bishops oecupled the pulpit, wearing white aur aur pllees. Bishop Henry J. Van Vleek, et Ohie, delivered the sermon, setting forth tbe work and obligation of the ministry in general and tbe duty and office of a bishop in particular. Diiniipa. A. JieinKK, emew Yerk city, delivered the ehare te the bishops eloet, concluding with prayer, which was offered while tbe congregation knelt The act of consecration wm performed hy laying en et hands, tbe otllelatlng bishop rtpt-atmg, according te thn ritual et iha ehurnh : "We ronsecrate thee te be a bishop of lbs Cbnreh et Unted Brethren, 4n the name of the Father, and of the Sen and of the Hely (JheU The Lord ble thee and keep thee; the Lord make His face hlne upon then and be gracious unto tbeej the Lord lift His countenance upon thee and give thee peace. In tbenameet Jeu-, Amen." Then the congregation knelt In silent prayer, at the close of which tbe otielr sumr the following dnxolegy: "Olery be te the Shepherd and bishop of our souls; tbe great shepherd et the sheep, through tba bleed of tbe ever lasting covenant," eta The congregation, still kueellnir, Joined In the amen, halle lujah. The choir selection, rendered under direction of Professer J, Frederick W0II1-, organist, were of a special character, being arranged for the occasion. In the afternoon, by direction et the spiritual authorities of the church, the members or the synod wero invited te partake of a love feast In which tbe members of tbe congregation also partici pated. Tbe resident pastor, Rev. Merris W. Lelbert, officiated. In tbe evening tbe bely oemmutaton was colebretod. Tbe Weman'. Kxch.Dge te lteep.n. Tbe " Weman's Bxehange," wbleb waa successfully operated last year, will reopen for Its third eeasen, all arrangements for tbaa purpose being new enmpleted, en Tuesday, Ooteber 10, at Ne. 101 East King street Persona deilring te avail themselves of the advantages rfiered by tbla Institution can qew obtain tickets by applying tentryJ member of the beard or managers. The Exchange affords opportunities for dispos ing or all klnda et feminine handiwork, and there Is every reason te bolieve It will sustain Its high reputation during the coming season. Owing te the resignation of Mrs. Dougherty, Mrs. Wm. Hendersen baa been eleeted te supply ber plaae. With tbat exception the beard or managers remains tbe same. Aiuaitng and Jlracvn Presumption, Frem the Mew Yerk 'XI11109. Mr.lilalno'sspeeob at tbe Pole Grounds en Saturday night consisted mainly et a grotesque falsification of tbe history of tbe tarlll and of the effects thai bave followed tbe various changes in duties. Witli'a bold dlregard of historical faets he claimed, tbat there was a protective tariff until 1810, when In point of faet tbe protective teaturf-s first appeared, and tbat It waa tben broken down wllh disastrous oensequenoea, at al most tbe preclse tltne at which our manu faet u res wero really established. Se be went en, claiming that ovary Inerease caused "booming" prosperity and every reduction dlsaster, relying upon his Imag ination for facu and the credulity of bis bearers for the effeci of his statements. A mero amazing exhibition of brazen pro pre pro sumptien upon the Iguoraneo et the peeple was uover eeun or read about LOO A L UIIII'S. Bert Ray, of this city, who Is employed In tbe natch factory at Springfield, Illlnclr, Is In town en a visit te bis frleniR. Tbe Yeung Poeplo's Secial Union will bold their first meeting tbis evening In tbe Seuth Queen street Presbyterian chureb. Mr. J. B Letby, a merehant of Newport, Pa, while en his way te Philadelphia, stepped here yesterday and spent the oven even lng and nlgbt wltb his aen,-J. E. Lelby, wholsastudentot Franklin; and Marshall academy. Tbe regular --meeting of Ibe Ladles' Auxiliary oft he -Teung Men's Christian association will be held this evening In tbe parlors of tbe association. Tbe Democratic boys et tbe Second ward raised a pole en Saturday eventnir at 0 o'clock at the corner of Ann and Orange streets, amid greatexthuslaam. Injured by a Pall. On Saturday afternoon William, a three-year-old son of Mr. Wm. Price, residing at Ne. 121 Fremont Htreet, met with a sorteus acsldent. The boy was playing with a number of companions at the home of Mr. Charles Schled, en Arch alley, when be tumbled down tbe cellar steps, striking bis bead with such foreo as te disabled blm. His erles attracted Mrs Schled, who carried him home. An examination showed that the lad's Injuries wero an uely gash en tbe bead above tbe right eye, caused by strik ing bis bead en a sharp stone, and a num ber et painful scratcbei en the face. Democratic tdeeiliife at Hmltbwlln. The Democracy of Stulthville and vicinity turned out in goodly numberH at Smith's stere en Saturday evenlng te bear the IsituitB el the campaign discussed. The meeting organized by the appoint ment of the following named officers : President, Ella Btauffer, Quarry vllle ; vice presidents, Louts Winters and J. Shirk ; secretary, Gnorge Smith. Able addresses were made by Wm. R. Brinten, and D. McMullen, of Lancaater, and 1) F. Magee, of White Reck. The New Providence band furnished ex cellent musle for the occasion. Pound Dead In tied, Mrs. Phllllpplul Lesaner, wife of Henry Leasner, living at Ne. 310 Church Htreet, was found dead in bed en Sunday merblng. She bad been complaining ter a few days, but nothing sorieun was apprehended. Corener Henaman was notified, and be empanelled as bis Jury te held tire lnquett Henry Keller, Jehn Houderc, Jacob Sauders, Henry Mltsal, Adelpb Elllnger and Joieph Zlllex. The verdict et tbe Jury was tbat death resulted from beart failure. Lett Per C.lllurnla. Samuel hprecher, civil engineer, whose residence was en the New Helland turn pike, uear tbe Park bouse, left Lancaster te dBy wltb his wife aud two children, for Placer, California, wliore be h&'i purchased a tract et land and where be proposes settling permanently. Mr. Sprecher Las traveled extensively In California and ether portions of tbe great West, and be thinks Placer ene of the most desirable places in tbe whole boundless continent. His many friends in Lancaster will with blm all possible Bucceas In bis new home. Thieve De .Nut Want Light On Saturday night one of tbe circuits of tbe United States Kloetrlo Lighting com pany failed te produce light Heme person, evidently a thief, cut a wire at tbe corner of Prince and Frederick atreets. Tbe break was found at midnight by a ltneman, and be was fertunate in discovering it Tbe Insulation waa net out completely around the wire, and it held the line In plaeft, but no current could pus bocanae tbe metal did Boteoanaot, TO EXCLUDE CHINESE. riMniOlUft OLKTRLAND HtONS TDK MKABt-Kl TO UKEI JOHN OUT. Ta. Rsaaess fllran for HI. Approval of the BUI Braiud by Mr, Brett Why ctitntM Laber.!. Bhenld ttrn Prev.nted from Enuring the United Bt.te. WAsiunoten, Oot 1. The presldent to day algned tbe Chinese restriction bill. Tbe following la tbe message sent te Congress : Te the Congress : 1 have this day approved Heuse bill number eleven thousand three hundred and tbiily-alx, supplementary te an aet entitled "An act te exeentn certain treaty atlpulttleua relating te Chinese," approved tbe sixth day of May, eighteen hundred and eighty-two. It aeema te me tbat some suggestions and recommendations may properly accompany mv approval et this bill, Ita objaet Is te mera efinatnally accen 1 plish by leg l.latlen the exclusion lrem tul" country el Ohlne-e laborers. Tne experiment of blending the social habits and mutual raoe Idlosyneraalea of tbe Chinese laboring claea wlththoaeef the great body of the United mates lis. been proved by the experience of twenty year and ever sine-tti Burllngame treaty el U03, te be In every scnee unwise, lm lm petliiu and Ir-Jurlnu iw bin nations. With tbe lapse of time the necessity for Its aban donment bas grown In foree, until these having In ebarga the Revernment el the reapecitve countries have resolved te modi fy and sufficiently abrogate all these fea tures et prier conventional arrangnments wbleb permltte 1 the coming; et Cblneae laborers te tbe United States. In modification of prier conventions tbe treaty of November 17, 1880, was conclude', whereby In the first artleie thereof, It waa agreed that the United States should at will regulate, limit, or suapend the coming et Chinese laborers te the United State, uui nni nueeiuwiy iireuiuu 11; anu unaer this article an aet of Congres. approved en May 0, 1882, (see vel 22. p. 58, statutes at large), and amended July 5, 1884, vd, 23, p. 116, atatutes at large), suspended ter ten years thn coming of Chinese laborers te tbe United Stater, and regulated tbe going and coming of sueh Chinese libnrnrs as were at that time In the United fetates. It wa, however, snnn iukue evident that tbe mereenary greed of tbe parties who were trading In tun uoer of this class et the Chinese population was proving tee strong for the Just execution of tbn law, and tbat tbe virtual defeat et tbe object and intent of both law and treaty waa being fraudulently accomplished by fal.e preten.sand perjury, contrary te the expressed will et both gov ernment. Te such an extent has the aunneaarnl vln- -UXcn efjhe treaty and tbe lawscnaeied for hi execution ftfgrfssBau, mat 1110 courts in the Pacific .tales Ii1i-ra-b;r2,tp'-.tnme tluie past overwhelmed by the examluartcajif eases of Chinese labnrers who are charged with having entered our ports under fraud, ulent certificates of return or aeek te eatab lish by perjury tbe claim of prier rosl resl rosl denee. Suen demonstration of tbe Inoperatlvn and inelUelent condition et tbe treaty ai d law has" produced dnp seated and Increas ing dl'enntent am m' the neonle of the United States, and especially wltb these re.iuenr.an me 1'aoine oeasi T'U.naa in duced me te emit no rflert te find an ef fectual remedy ter the evil. oeni-iLlned of and te answer the ear 11 eat popular demand for, the absolute exoleslon or Oblnsse laborers bavlng objects and purposes un like our own, and wholly disconnected with American altlcenshlp. ' Aiaea ny tne presenee in tms country rr able and Intelligent dluleinalla and consular officers of tbe Chinese government, and the representation made from time te time by our minister in China under tbe Instrun. tlens or tne department of state, tbe aitu 1 condition or public sentiment and thu status or all airs in the United St ites bi been fully made known te ibe gevernmsi t of China. The necessity for remedy bas bera telly appreciated by tbat government, aud In Augu.t, 16S0, our minuter at Peklnir re ceived from tbe Chinese foreign office a oemmuntcatlon announcing that China, et ber own acoerd, proprited te establish a system of strict und absolute prohibition of her laborers, under heavy penaltle., from oetnlugto the United States, and like wise te prohibit tbe return of the United States of any Chinese laborer who had at any time gene back te China " In order " (in the words of tbe communication) ''that the Chinese laborers may gradually be redueed lu number, and causes et danger averted and Uves preserved." This view et the Chinese government, se completely In barmeny with that of the United States, was by my direction speedily formulated In a treaty drafted between t a two nations, embodying the prepositions ae presented by the Chinese foreign nfilie. Tbe deliberations, frequent era 1 bioav bieav bioav alene, and correspondence en tbe general questions tbat ensued bave been fully 00m munleated by me te tbe Senate at tbe present aemlnn, and as contained In Senate executive document O, parts 1 aud 'i, and In Senate executive document Ne. 272, may be properly referred te as containing a com plete history of the transaction. It la tbUN cay te lesrn hew the joint de sires and unequivocal mutual understand ing of the two government! were brought Inte artleulated form In the treaty, which, after a mutual exhibition or plenary powers from tbe rutnotlve governments, was signed and concluded by the plenipoten tiaries or the United and China at this capi tal en Mareb Vi last Being submitted for the advles and con sent of tbe Honate, its confirmation en thn 7tb day of May last was accompanied by two amendments which that body en. grafted upon it On tbe 12tb day of the same month tte Chinese minister, who was the plenlpeten. tlaryef bis government In tbe negotiation and tbe conclusion of the treaty, In a nole te the secretary of state gave bla approval te these amendments, " as they did net alter tbe terms of the treat,"and theammd merits were at ence telegraphed te China, whlther the original treaty had previously Imen -nt Immediately after Its signature en March 12. On the 13th day of last month I approved Senate bill number thirty three hundred and four, "te prohibit tbe coming of Chi nese labnrers te the United States." This bill was Intended te supplement the treaty, ana wai approved In the confident antlcl antlcl clpatlen eian early exehangn of ratifications et the treaty and Its amendments and tbe proclamation of the same, THIS MK-tUAOK ItKFKRKEn, Washington, Oot L 'fbe president's meaaage te Congress announcing his ap proval of the Chinese exclusion bill, ac companied by aoemmunlcatlon submitting eertaln recommendations, was read ; ordered printed and referred te tbe com mittee en foreign affairs. Mr. Sherman said that tbe only legisla tive suggestion made by tbe prosldent had be-n anted upon and that an appropriation of 270,000 te Indemnify Chinese for looses lulllcted en them In the territories had btin put In the defioleney bill. Mr. Hale added that the Hern was new In conference between Ibe two beusec Organlaed a O, & T, Club. A Cleveland and Tliurmau club bas been organized by Ibe Franklin &. Marshall 00 lege and aeademy boy. Uhey have been exercising In drill. Mr. Jehn Na!y( of tbe Junier class in college, Is captain. Wh. Ja Out oilier Trouble. Mr-. Hln-er, the Dauphin couuly'weman wuu soevuu-r eieped wiih Frarikllu Brlcker, tbe forger, and was prosecuted for adultery before Alderman Dun, was discharged from prison te-day. Htcek ureker's rat'. NmvYerk, Oe 1, The firm of O. O. March A. Ce., tteak brokers, doing buslneas at 15 llretd atreet, bave just announced their sunpensleu en tbe sleck exchange They have also made an assignment Lord Hack villa Dwtd, Londen, Oot I. Lord Sack vllle Is dead. HawMWyeartOliige, T8TKHV. 'Leather Apron" Add. two or. Victim. te Ilia Ltat. Sunday morning the whole elty of Lon Len Lon eon was again startled br the new tbat two mere murders bad been added te the list or mysterious crimes that have recently been commuted in Whltechspel. At an early hour it was known tbat another woman bad been murdered, and a report was also current that there wai still another victim. This report proved true. The two vletlini-, a in the former cases, were dlssolute semen et the poorer clans. That tbe motlve of thn murderer was net robbery Is shown by the faet that no at tempt was made te dot-poll the beJies. Tbe first murder ocaurred In a narrow court off Bsdnera street at an esrly In the morning, beneath the windows of a foreigner socialistic club. A concert was In progress and many members el the elub were present, but no sound was heard from tbe Yletltn. The same process bad been follewod as In the ether esses The woman had been seized by the threat and ber erles choked, and the murderer with one sweeping cut had severed her threat from ear te ear. A club man en entering thn court stumbled ever the body, whleu was lyli g only two tarda from the street A stream of wsiut bleed w fl iwlng from thn body Inte tbe gutter. Tbe murderer had ovldently been dlMurbed be ere he bad time te mutilate til vlmlm. Tbeseennd murder waneiin'nltte I three quarters of sn hour laler In MltioMqiure, live minute wslk from the sa'ne of t':e first crime. Policemen patrol the -qimre every ten minutes. The body of the un fortunate woman had been dlHombewled, tbe threat out and the noe severed. The beart and lungs had been thrown aside, and the entratls were twisted Inte the gaping wound around the neck. Tbe Incisions show a rough dnxerlty. The work et distention was evidently done with the utmost haste. Pending the report of the doctors It Is net known whether or net a portion of the viscera was taken away. The doctors, after a hsty examination of tbe body, said Ibey thought It must have taken about five minutes Incomplete tbe work or the murdorer, who then bad plenty or time te esoape the patrol. Mitre Square, the soene of tbe second murder, Is a thoreugbiaro. Many people pass through the square early en Sen lay morning en their way te prepare for market in tbe notorious Petticoat Lane. Thn pub licity or the plaoe adds te tbe beldness et tbn crlme, The police, who have been severely criticized In connection wllh tbe White White ebal murders, are paralyzed by these latest crime. As seen as tbe uews was received at police heariquarterautoenK,er wa. ills patched for Sir Charles Warren, chlel coin cein coin inlaalenor of police, who wa called out of bed and at ence vlilted tbe scene of tbe murders. Tee Inhabitants of Wbllechapel are die may ed. The vUllanoe oemtnlttoo which were formed after the first otlnies were committed bad relaxed tbelr eflerta te osptiire the murderer. At several mast. .lnga held lu Whltoebapol Sunday night It wan-TKuuviHi 10 resume tee work 01 pa trolling thesrtffit.1 In, the district in whieh the rau Mera bad occur red. Dr. Blackwell, who was ealled le view the remains of one of the victims, gave It as his opinion that the samn man, evidently manlae, had committed both murders The Baduers street victim had ovldently been dragged back by a baudkorehlef worn around the threat Tbe Inquest will be held at 11 o'clock en Monday morning. Fenr doctors wilt be en UiV-Jmy. Tbe lnquoaten tbe Mitre Square vlatldt--4Cfil possibly be field en Tueaday. nuwAnns peh mfmOHKW. Londen, Ojf. 1. The police TvFjVtWES. nbolueooncernlngtboWblteobapelmurdor. Various arrests hsve been made en sua- plolen,-but there Is no hepe of any of theee detalued being the man that I wanted. The managera of the i-'inunetuf Ktwn buve offered a reward of 300 for the apprehen sion of the murderer, and It lscald that a fund for tbe aame purpose will be raised by tbn members of the stock exebange. The lord mayor et Londen bas rfiered JC50O reward for tbe arreat et tbe Wblto Wblte chapel murderer. Dm. Ker ben Wlnalew and Sir Rlsdnn Bepnett and ether medical experts ex press themselves as mero than ever oenvlnqod tbat tbe perpetrator of tbe crimes Is a homicidal lunatic. HUrKKMKCOIIKT 1 r.CI'IOM). Tbe Case, from Luetw Oeiiniy ; a.s.d Up Up on Krllie tilglieal Trlliuii.l. PtriNiiuiid, Oot 1 The supreme court te-day handed down tbe following de cisions : Lancaster oeunty : Doclslen ciurt ever and terminer In case of Jatuei 11. Ja'Obt, who stabbed Elmer K, Qulgley, affirmed, Ohs, Freed men vs Tun Marrow Shee Manufacturing company, rrer te common pleas of Lancaater county, alllrmed. Appeal et fidelity Trust A. Hafe Deposit company, from tbe decree or orphans court of Pnlladelphls county, affirmed, Peunaylvunt County v commonwealth, error common pleas of Dauphin, reversed. Wm. O, Huuy vs Augum Gallenbaeh, error te common pleas Ne. 1 of Philadel phia county, reversed, Yeltley vs Bundel, error te common pleas el Lancaster oeunty, Hillrmed. Commonwealth v.. the American Dredg ing company, error nf common pleas of Dauphin, reverrad. Nam'l Rllgnn, et. el., vs , Robt Tynl, le common pleat of Yere oeunty, slfirined. Harrlaburg and Eastern Railway com pany appeal from decision of common pleas el Dauphin county alllrmtd. Valentine Hnheld vi, D Rapp, error com mon plea of Lineaster oeunly, reversed. Pennsylvania railroad coin puny v Ball, error te ojrumen picas ei Lauouter county ; rtvr.ed. Farmers' Muteal Insurance company, et Lancaster county, v. the New Helland Turnpike Read ctrnpany, error te common pUian e' t aieaster ceiinty ; roversed. t&Mararet Itimner, appeal from orphans oeur, Lteuaster county, reversed. United Brethren -Mituul Aid society, of Pa., h. Mleliuel McDonald, error common plea, Daufiblu county, leveree '. J no. L. Masterson, error common picas LBncaeter oeunty, reverf-ed. Win. Perter t. F. A. Nelsen, error com mon pleas et Yerk cjuuty, alllrmtd. A. N. lireuaruan, appeal lrem orphans court of LineaHter, sfllrmed, Fagle nl al. vs. Brtibaker, errnr te com mon pl"Bi of LanraHter county, reversed, Jue. P. Brechley vs. B. Breckloy, error te common pitas of Lancaster county, affirmed. Cem men wealth v. Busqnehnnna A Delaware railroad company, error te com mon pleas nf Dauphin, reversed. Farmers I nauraai-e of Lancaater, vs. E K. My lln, error of common p e.Hjhlllrmtd. Best v, riaumgardner, Kb.irman it Oa, error common ple Judgment reversed and new trial awarded. Barbara Kurtzand Henry Kurtz vs. Jehn Ilalne, error cernm! plea", tlllrriied. Appeal of lerer z Nolde, et al., demurred and deere os (firmed at cits or appel ant, Annie E and O W. Varnau s. Ponn Penn sylvanla 'i'dephone company, error oemunno plea, alllrmed, James Hear etui vs. Millard, Laman, etal Errer, common puase. Alllrrued, Reland II Brlnaer, ppl from nrpharib' court, affirmed at coats et appellant ATeinble Mltake Roeki'ort, lnd., Oot I. Adam Lehr, n farmer of Centre tewnsblp,went te a neigh bes', bouie Saturday night for asslstance lu slckncs. He rapped en the window and a boy inside inLtaklng him for a burg lar, fired a heavy oharge of shot Inte bis face. He cannot recover. The UUI. Are While. llnATTi.unone, Vt, Oat. L Southern Vermeut bill, are white wllh enew. It has been tbe oeldeat Heptember here for many years. Considerable damage bas bten done te corn and fruit Scow fell yesterday at Mentpelier and Springfield. Tue Voeug Mtu llrenued, DunuQUi:, Iowa, Ost I. Jehn Valb and Charles Blake, two prominent young man of tbla city, were drowned yesterday while beating en tba river. LONDON'S t PRICE TWO CEOT&$ Ofcf-fl'fc . w. . , . ti OLDHOTCtPCAN SQUEEZE acir.ll-, OIIICACIO W Ft BAT BIBMg DAltltasSBD nx-TUB KINO BOULik . -' Great Kxelt.ment Amui the Deal.ra aasl Fealltjv That ! n-n.-ymr ...t. a Tiv . -. -. uwma,H .. ... UWreWfmt- j rr.rall.-Oer.mb.r Wheat J amps ajt.OS-Ts lh Deal Eu.etratee ' 4&1' OinoAcie, Oot. 1 Wheat opened amj ..wK p,iu uifiucr. jcirnnuH were f 1 uiKuur man oainraay'seicas, TIMgrsMH activity was In December, wbleb laaMs 'a three minutes hsd jumped te fl W. TSlv rrem tne opening pries Decembtr i very quickly up te y. and fluets rapidly between tbat figure and lsWC. ai 11 o'clock it leek an upturn, strtktsst ,.!..-...., uui i uui, ane 1x07 aj 11:22 amid great exeltement. At U3T U-sV cinlxir was selling at II Ofljtf. At lld(L' v.v,M-.nuiu, nl nuoiecK intures wara) qunied : October, 03; November, fl MWl Dtemiher, ILOStf s May, SLO'. At lljH December teuciied 1108. Aij3 me who and delirious .cones tbatv wlinesaed during the closing dsys of ween en inn netrd of trade while the 1 sal wheat squerct of "Old Dutch "1 progress showed no abatement whs' heavy pertala leading onto the fleer (XI lilt Were MWIInir heflr thla mnrnln T- "-.M r. -.. hivu,u, Minej befere that time, however, tbe gallery, asaa ' corridors and main stairways throngs-' nesrly the entire building were orewdaoVv with a throng se densely pscked and nsW'l' governable tbat people could enlv with afeVi greateit difficulty make tbelr way te tM general tfUees In the building. It was Ma-" i'eu mat eiiiements weuiu nave made by these caugbt In tbe corner buslneas was resumed tbls morning. monthly deliveries of wheat were licks. Hutchinson delivered out nearly all of fL but It was noticed tbat tbe bulk of It bmMf-: lauueu wua one nrm. Aoeoraing te BkM who has watebed matteiH closely. "Haaa'- . took tbe wheat out of bis right band eMt Q put 11 into bis left Charles L. HbbV insen, president 01 the Beard of Trad asTaf ?, of tbe Cern Exchange bank, a son of "OtsVlj uuteu," said no settlements bave va. I made. The rule of the beard, be eald, te tne ciiect mat when settlements are m they shall be made en tbe basis el Saturday's prlees. He said New Yerk 1 net be alarmed. The extent of the deal, Iss).; say., naa eeen very widely exaggsratssl aud may net amount te mera tbaa Isaat a million. Tbe trouble, be deela-gdt.Bi new all ever. The conviction pre g beard of trade circles that tba uffSJai will be nretested bv Ibma nn-i.WkaBlaa shortage unnn tbe ground thatjL! W.I.A- la t-nla j hn ka a... .Oil " ' ' ' te nublle rmllev. A"-" I w - j ja. - .... .a Tim Hrt .finnnfiA.ml-1 neVOT aBMnuulat trouble te abort lnterests w2fjafvsytd la 4he announcement posted w i merahaBV 5 anu ipucu vy tue urui ei m' w vrr ct VSkt. A and Frank ClIltenA Ca, asking tbatasfi partita bavlng dpals wltb these firms tlm out tbe deals at ence.- .Tbls la said te DC I direct result of tba Septe ? """ 'Huteb." Other farms A i & se! la an equally bvX way. najren.i.and tlnir Sir-tnuHOOKH, Que,, i'3 leroelll.lin betwet fib $' seldierBBfJlU-a atrean' terdav ineruTmW. Tiir were badlv wound dlera waa seriously cut 3iL-& -J oempanles et tbe Fifth twO? M - j lander h, under Oapt Kelly, werX? At 2 a. m. the alarm was given" 160 rletera were again at weik en : trestle. Companies were quickly forerMd and orders wero klven te lead' wltb ball. Oapt, Kelly oemmanded Itefr -laiians 10 unvu me neiguuorneoaano Wv ; nnaa-A-a with vnll Atut & ihnalf ; missiles. He was struck by a alene lUHl'l ordered oempauy I te fire inteMst,' .Inlavi Tliti inllne M iil.ii, a-i-a&.4 sbewer of atones mingled wltb revelTts ; lint era rf.liirnnd. Thn w-hnl Mmiwuuli Ihen nlmrreil thn Italians wllh fltatt ' ... .. .... HWW h.-n .na flU.. .Inl... A .1 ImahImm Ik w.juiiiiih, hid nutuii USUj AVOriUg. UUff,. or tbelr number en tbe ground, - $j" Tli.v warn nerer! (nr hv thn anririiAM e-aAr'j placed under aneat Nene waa ssrlenaly O net. , ,- -i Uet llld ela Bad ladlan. TiiuurcKS, Cal Oct L Tbls town wal'. thrown into excitement vesterdar a neon by tbe acta of an Indian of tbe Wastes) trlbe who leaped upon a blufr overleoklaa- ; thn town. He first fired three shots .free rlfls Inte tbe town, one shot striking H squaw. He then fired a shot atamnltUn4sj -i suiilte Trva-annlA An fhn nrinnlnal aalwareaTat. Wskas. j ww Mlie rvi--aw we uw-i aawiBsTis fWirBH AsW K.-rf3 snot, newever, aia no injury, utneers bjmj eltlzsns tJ-CU gave chase. Tbe Indian nad'si-; taken reluge In a cleft of rocks, and whai;j seen bad bis rifle drawn en ene of Ustl lMilrnf lh nartv In kill him. Annth--A'!". member, however, shot tbe Indian dead.'?1 Many of this trlbe of Indians bsve beasts: iroueiesome or laie. xeaierusy 11 waaijf; learn ed they had been securing liquor tHi opium from Chinamen here. Lest evenletg, 800 citizens waited en tbe Cblcamea a-edv ordered thorn te leave town within twentvS four bouts, Tbe Chinamen will leave ' ence. Advancing the i-rla el liread. CniOAae, Oct. 1 The great advance la M tbe price el Heur, which bas followed oleso , .- upon tbe beela of the advancing price et j whAnl lii tn lin fnllnujfd In fntn hv riAmra- f3 .. H., ... .w ww ....., .H ..H - HVaa leaves nf bread. Man v bakers inalal that Ihav tnllat nliepirn 7 Mlltl tt Inaf tlAPAafflaa la r the leaf whieh is new selling ter 5 cents. ' Werk ter 1 300 Han. riTTsnune, vau l aii ei me winnow vg glass laoieries in tne weatern a-saciau-r.-vv twonty-nlne In alt, resumed operations tbla -eg-. morning after a s'x weeks' shut down. ' Thirteen hundred men were afforded Csk-J nlnvmiint In thl rilv itlnn A. 3l Tbrewn Frema Magensnd Killed. ,, Cxi-enu, N. U.. Oot. I. Henry FltcJa, the Democratic candidate for Male aenatOX from this district, was tiuewn from Big wagon Saturday nlgbt and killed, bia nee", belug broken. He waa net found nntll Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, Tbe Jury fall te Agree. r Lacemx, N. U Oot L The Jury Ja tbe Qraui-Uutchiuaen manslaughter caaa after being out nine beurs reported that tbey were unable te agree and were dkf dkf ebarged. A Doeior Die. Mucldtnly. i Wiiekli.ne, W. V, Oot L-Dr. T. H. Legan, an old and highly respected cltlsea et this place, also Republican candidate ler tbe Btate legislature, died ben suddenly this morning. ' , Vbalil. l)iugi.ULe. bjlclre. jj Cincinnati, O., Oot l.-Uray Jtuuaien, wholesale aeaiera in aruggtsu- Buearis-. rn St no. eg.lCHlBUPai, suu.icu it-. ni ,x . a n 1 .. .l.a.l ...Maa a laaa mM K. i f 18,000 by fiie last nlgbt; Insurance is.eaw ,- He.p Faoiery De.trejed. Milwaukkk, Wis., Oat 1. The facterv of DoLerme it Qulntln, at 22d Bf'! Bast V Woter street, burned yesterday merahig. The less 1b t-0,000. -iVEi'.l'UKK llKDlUArlOXS. nWAHUJNUTOM, V. (X, Oct L Fee Eastern Pennsylvania and New Jar. I 'sey i Rain, followed by fair weather, ft warmer, aiuwwi -fiuw- iwvmQ e waatarly. . , iW,