-;V'-"'- , kjV '"- iVt't-;1ri w - ' -f ? THE IiANOABTER DAELY DrrEIiIJGEKCEl!W THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER tt7. 1888. rr$ ritacKX. - -tfcrtr imltf " " AaflanelsnhantDttCkshlaowntreiiki f Bat rata mtw tell their ewi tates. And one seldom gate k te a cauak. Dees seldom wear ikelr own pan. Which fMt laya Uwm epem te scorn t e nephew or nteea fancies ant, ma a eew saver blows tu own horn . A cat cannot parse ite own !. Ma prMrtM nibs U own qmjtt The erpUsa bni swil have their pawi A bird will net pay its own bill, lick ducks -.ever go te a quick, i A horse cannot slew 1U own mane, I r AVflletlinrHiyaU-lc. -' HUm a wlaftew ne'er sntters from pane. f)rem the Ban tranelioe Examiner. m m i FltEPKsUCsVa WHDOM. TM afte German Emperor el aeaareaa aad ' rv ,mebW Impute, from the Chlcsgt alebe. Ta publication of the lata Kaapaier Frederick's diary must exalt Ihatuniertu- 2STwT rixjoxdteg hU though and At5Jf&U ' of the -real ,war WlUi FraaM la hla diary, wa only hair apparent, and waa naturally over ever over aadewd In the eye el Europe by bla , fcliMMdBkinMrefc i But tb record ahewa that M quietly exercised a meat potent In fluence in tbe eatftbliahment of the empire a Influence tbe. extent of wbleh waa wholly unknown eutalde of tbe imperial' lama MonlBteteUngtaaathle,heweTer, la taa frequent expreawea given la the dlftrwtoFrederiekaeaneatBympathywlth the German people, and hla reaelre te labor heneatly, when hla time aheuld oeme fcr the improvement of their political and ,- tneiaxkd .peadlUOB. i The publloaUen, te fioIeBSoBnflrmft.the popular opinion that? rtderTck -wftftSi man el meatgener- i. am aad amiable nature, but reveal In him the obaraeterlatlce of an able, praotleil, far aaelng atateaman, and one el tbe greatest 2i-el the aae. The German may well r ials.j;,ti-- m . ' "- ' ' r irt'L Fall One Thousand Feet. ' A young butcher, named Tem Wlnaley, waa deahed te piece at Ottawa, Ont, en Wednesday by falling from balloon at the height of ever one theuaand feet. A balloon aaoenalen and a parachute drop waa adTertleedaa the drawing card of the day Amcng the volunteers te held down the balloon waa Wlnaley, who, with ether, grasped a stoat rope running around tbe base of tbe balloon. When tbe order te let go waa given all releaaed their held with the exception of Wlnaley, who, retaining hla held, waa awlftly borne upward. The aeronaut waa unable te help him. Tbe balloon had new gene 1,000 feet upward. Wiaajey Anally let go and down he eame Sie a recket: executing a aerlea 'of corner attain the ftlraa he fell. .Heatruck n a fleld MO feet from the grounds and,, with f the exoeptlen of hla face he waa terribly maahed. " Bem Foolish reeple Allew a cough te run until It gets beyendthe reaeh of medicine. They often say, Oh, it will wear away." het In meat cases It wean them away.' Could they M InauMd te try the successful meaiclne called hemp's Balsam, which we sell en a positive guarantee tn mm. the v would Immediately see the ex eeuent effect alter taking the first dose Price SO cent and U, Trial tit ret. At a pinggUU. Janll-lydAw i Bantnre ear guaranteed by Dr. J. 11. Mayer S31, Arch street, Philadelphia. Koseatonoe, no operation or delay from business, attested by thousands of cures alter ethers tall, advlee tree, send for circular. marlO-lydw J- "' ' " RBSnl,T-qr,TP'.Ki'"";. -- - . Ttj.cTliroendltIon of the river neceaaU tated postponement for nearly three hours Iter the time advertised. Thousands of people lined the river shore, but before tbe start the patience of many had been ex hausted, and the result waa that tbe finish waa witnessed by comparatively few pee Sle. It wai a well that they did retire, for le result showed the contest te be entirely devoid of Interest, a hl, as will be seen, waa mainly due te an accident early In the race. Themas Jenes, of the Harrlabura Telegraph, waa the starter ; Jehn Mubrth' of Columbia, judge et finish; F.'.P.P offlelal time keeper, and Perey V Pennsylvania Beat clutves-.' waa selected as referuy are two big thieves ; 'I lean easn in aAdsteal our health and comtert before w Knew It. Let u;pul a atop te their Invasions with a bottle et a Jlurdevk Bleed Bitter $ te be haa at any Drug store, "or Bale by 11. B. Cochran, druggist, 131 and li.3 Neith Queen street, .Lancaster. Worked Wonders. "My daughter was very bad off en account of a cold and pain in her lungs. Dr. Themnt' JCeleetrie Oil cured her In twenty-lour hours One of the boys was cured et core threat Tbls medicine has worked wonders In our family " Alvah Pinckney. Lake M&hepac, WiY., for sale by 111 B. Cochran, drugalst, 137 and 1K north Queen' street, Lancaster. . A II-, About Our Mecki. A weak stomach or enfoeblcd circulation is like a rope about our necks. We are strung up and unstrung alternately till ex'stence be comes unbearable Burdock Bleed Bilteri will arrest all this misery, 'liurdeck Bleed Hit ters are a been te the sick. Let us remember this fact. Fer sale by 11. It. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 1S9 North Queen street, Lancaster. 'A Baptist minister's Experience. "I am a Baptist minister, and before I ever thought et being a Clergyman l graauateu in medicine, but left a lucrative pructlce for my present profession, forty yours age. 1 was for many years a sufferer from quinsy. Themat' Melecirie Oil cured me. 1 was also troubled with' hoarseness, and Themat' Keleetrle Oil always relieved me. My wile and child had diphtheria, and Themar Eeleelrie Oil cured uam, .aa u uueu iu uuje it ui vuru HQVUU times out of ten. I am confldent It la a cure for the most obstinate cold, or cough, and If anyone will take a small teaspoon and half Ull tt with the Oil, and then place the end of the spoon in one nostril and draw the Oil out of the spoon Inte the head, by sniffing as hard a they can, until the Oil falls evor Inte the threat, and practice it twice a week, 1 don't care hew offensive thelr head may be. It will clean it out and cure their catarrh. ler deafness and earache, It has done wonders te my certain knowledge. It Is the only medi cine dubbed patent medicine that 1 have ever felt like recommending, and 1 am very anxious te see It in every place, for I teU you that I would net be without it In my heuse for any consideration. 1 am new suffering with a pain like rheumatism In my right limb, and nothing relieves me like Themat' Scleo Sclee trie Oil." Dr. K. F. Crane, Cerry, Pa. Fer sale by 11. B. Cuchran, druggist, 137 and 1W North Queen street, Lancaster. H.B. Cochran, Nee. 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa., la selling SUIUOU'S COUtiU CUltK asa guarantee te cure all nreat and lung troubles. 18) I have been a great sufferer irem catarrh for ever ten years; had it very bad, could hardly breathe. Deme nights I could net sleep had te walk the fleer. I nurchased Kly's Cream Balm and am using it ireely, it is working a cure surely. I have advlted several friends te nse It, and with happy results in every case. It is the one medicine above all ethers made te cure catarrh, and It is worth Its weight in geld. 1 thank Ged I have found a reuiedy i can use with tafety and that does all tint is claimed ler it. It Is curing my dealneas. 11, W, Bperry, liartterd, cenn, 815 2wdoed4w Never aire Up. II you are troubled with nervous or sick headache, de net give upyourceseas Incura ble until you have tried Dr. Leslie's Special Prescription, See the testimonials In another column; j dai "Is Consumption Incurable. Bead the follewing: Mr. C. II. Merris, Newark, Ark., says: "Was down with Abscess ei Lungs, and friends and physicians pronounced me an Incurable Consumptive. Began taking Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, am new en my third bottle, and able toeverseo the work en my farm, it Is the finest medicine ever made." Jesse Mlddlewart, Decatur. Ohie, says: "Bad It net been for Dr. King's New Discovery ter Consumption, 1 would have died of Lung Trou bles. Was given up by doctors. Am new In best ei health." Try It. Bample bottles tree at II. B. Cochran's Drug Stere, Nes. 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa: (5) Mothers atetbersll Mothers I II Are you disturbed at night and broken ei your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of catting teeth f ir se, go at once and get a bottle of Mlta. WlNBLOWSSOOTllINUSYltUI'. It will re lleve the peer little sutlcrer lmmedlately-le-pend upon It; there is no mistake about It, There is net a mother en earth who has eve used it, who will net tell you at once that It will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the motherland relief and health te the child, operating like magic, it la perfectly safe te use in all cases and pleasant te the lese, and Is the prescription of jne el the eldest and bast female physicians and nurses in the United States. Beld everywhere, 23 cents a bottle. maylS-lydAw Bucklen's Arnica Halve. Tn Bbst Balv in the world for Cuts, Bruises Beres, Ulcers, Salt Hh nm, fever 8eres,Tetter, UlUkpUOU 1UUIU, bUUUWUI. IsUXTlB, UlU SJl Bklnl i siru ruptlens. and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. Veper. Price feci j. sausi&cuen. or money refunded. S3 eenu uer box. Fer sale by IL B, Cochran, pruggut, nes. 137 and 1M North Queen street. Lanoeswr, Pa. juneZ7-lyd , pUNBIS CKLBRY ,00 JL V- LJ aretauaUln- around for your hare of the world ' geed gifte, and it's hard work': think et something elM. . - ThtacoMUntwerkw'Ul UU aWawklatr-petbAps it bat ftkdj-aad netTOua. nefle, sleeptoeaeeM, Murmigle and rheutoatle aches and pains ate part of the " geed gifts ' your hustling he wen. r If yen are that waft tot nsglve you a prescriptlou-ne charge for the prescrip tion, though It will cost a dollar te have It filled by your druggist. K PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND Oj. ' 9 Big. Use avoiding te directions. Adruggtsla keep It. It will strengthen your nerrei, tone up your whole system, and make you bless us for prescribing this great nerve tentc. Be sure te get the genuine, prepared by WXM.3, BlCHAHDSOn; a CO, Burlington. Yt. ,? A MKW BOOK. n i : :. ' ' DB. J. Hi BCHKHCK has published A BW AMD BLABOAATB BOOK On the Treatment ana Cure of r Consumption, Liver Complaint and, Dyspepsia, Whleh win be Hailed FEKB te all who want it If you are, or knew of any one who is, amieted with, or Uable te any of these dis eases, send name and address (plainly writ ten) te DR. J H. SCHENCK& SOY, " r , rUlLftDgLPHIA, PA. (Name thU Paper.) ' - - mylMjdaw , YKK'8 SAKSAVARILIiA. THE OLD DOCTORS Drew bleed, meilern Aocters cleanse It; henee the Increased demand for Alterative. It la new wel huewn that most dlseasea are due, net te ever-abundance, but te Impurity ei the Bleed.) and It Is equally well attested' that no bleed medicine Is go offleaclous as Ayer's Bar. saparilla. " One et my children had a large sere break out en the leg. We apulled simple remedies, for a while, thinking the sere would shortly heal Hut it grew worse. We sought medical advice, and were told that an alterative meai clne was necessary. Ayer's BarsaparUla being: r ' i - ,, , '.s .,, i .-'', Recommended! '? above all ethers, we nsed It with marvelous resnl! ba-Tbe sere healed and health and . .,- "Tvmiiiv TMturnMl." J. J. Armatrena club ana. aiiatn vletbr'a Bariananlla te beauadmlra. I same attrae; the cure pi blced dljgry Um0. the urnnnri..' it does the wc5tn. Kauaas. . -Mannar- MANT lANOA."8arsapartlla here for ' always rocemmena It rive Thomaed vuitfthe best bleed purlfler." aggist, Augusta, Ohie. There werp-ictnes continue te be the stand ramlnr'a i.'''uplte et all competition.',' T. ""'".flmead. Hear Lake, Mich. . t an' Ayer's Sarsapariiia. rSBTABID BT Dr. J. O. Ayer 4 Ce., Lewell, Mass, Price si : six bolUes, IS. Werth IS a bottle, sepltew B ENBON'S PIASTERS. Tnu can sten that scratching WILL TOU and I retting by using SSAnunT'B JIT DRONAr HTHOL fOAF for TeU EXCHANUK ter, Ktzeuia, lngworm,Ureund Itch, Polnen Oak. or ether skin eUrKEttlNQ or scelpdlseaxe that is worrying you nightandday. Whenencu FOll enred by this soap there will be no retu rn of the trouble. COMFOUT If you wish te prevent conta gious or " catching " diseases AND JOY T during the summer months, (elthur among your family or your domestic animals,) burn bbabcbt's 8ul rnunCAHDLss ireely in your Closets, Cellars, Kltaeens, uutheuses. Chicken Coops, Bird Cages, Stables, Heg Pens, etc Absolutely no danger of Are. These candles are handy and always ready for immediate use. sss-Uemember Bcssen's PLASTin for aehes and pains. (1) TniiT'B OKKAM BAIiOT. 0ATARRH HAY FEVEB. XLY'B CBBAM BALM cures Celd in Bead Catarrh, Uese Celd, Hay rever.Deafness,Uead. ache.. Price no Cents. KABY TO UBK. kly Bre', Owego. N. V., U. B, A. KLY'S CBBAM BALM Cleanses the Nasal Passagns, Allays Pain anu Inflammation, Ueals the Beres, Uesteres the Sense et Taste and BmelL THY TU CUUK. A particle is applied into each nostril and Is agreeable. Price ae cent at Druggists I by mall, registered, 60 cents. KLYBUOTIIKK8, M Warren Btreet, New Yerk, nevlB-lydAw T1TJMPHRKY8' TTOMKOPATHIO SPECIFICS DR. liUMPHKKYB' Boek of All Diseases, Cleth and Geld Binding. IK Pages, with Bteel Engraving, MAILED ritKK. Address, P.O. Bex 1810, N.Y. List of Principal Nes. Cures. Price. 1. Fkvxbs, Congestion, Inflammations... ...25 2. Worms. Werm Fever, worm colic as 5. Ckyimq Coue, or Teething of Infants. ...25 4. DiARRnoiA.ef Children or Adults 25 6. Dtbsmtiut, Griping, Bilious Celic 25 e. Chelsra Messes, Vomiting 25 7. Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis 25 8. Nsukaleia, Toothache, Faceache 75 9. Hkadaehk, Sick Headache, Vertigo 25 10. Utsi-hi-hia. lilllrms stomach 25 11. BcrmassKD or 1'Ainrui. Pirioes 25 li. whitub, tee Profuse Periods 25 11. CBecr, Cengti, Difficult Breathing 25 It, Halt Hiikck, Erysipelas, Kruptlens 25 15. Hbiukatisk, Uheuinatle Pains 25 It rsvxB and Abub, Chills, Malaria 60 17. l'lLBJt, Blind or tileedlng te 19. Catarrh, Inflnenra. Celd in the Head, ...CO 20. Whcofike Ceijqu. Violent Coughs 50 24 Obmbral Dsbilitv, Physical Weakness. .50 27. KlDHBV DISBASB 50 28. Nervous Debiutt II 00 SO. Ukinart Whabhbss, Wetting Bed 50 SI' Disbasksevtub It BART, Palpitation... II 00 Held by druggists, or stnl postpaid en' re ceipt el mice. UUMPUUBYd' MCDIC1NK UO , 109 Fulton St., N. t. Tn,Tb,Uw(2) H ARD RUBUKK TRUHHKH, SEELEY'S HARD RUBBER TRUSSES Will retain the most difficult forms efllnKiA or Uupture with comiert and safety thereby com cem pletlngaradical lyv j- ei m curable cases. Impervl- J Ull Cjeus te moisture. May be usd in bathing : and flttlng perfectly tolerm of body, are worn without inconve nience bv the youngest chUd. most delicate lady, or the laboring man, avoiding all sour, sweaty, padded unpleasantness being Light, Coel. Cleanly, and always reliable. CAUTKiN Beware et Imitations. All ine are plainly stamped " L B. Sxslbt genu genu kCe. TYARBAaTBS. RUPTURE. Its Skillful Mechanical Treatment a Bpc. claity KlthorlnPersenorby Mail. 20 Years ltelerencs Pret. S. D. Oren. D. Jlayet Agnew, Willaril Parker. W. II. Jkm. ceait. Dr. Themat U. Morten, and burgeon. Ueneralt of the V. N Army and et'avy. our" Mechanical Treatment of Hnrnla and Illustrated catoleguo Contents : Hernia or Uupture delineated : Its dlOerent descriptions cause, treatment and cure Aliocerpulency, Abdominal Weaknesses and Varicecele. Boek el 90 pp. and 180 Illustrations. Mailed en re 0 Upt of 5e postage. I. B. BKKLKi A CO, y2-indfedAmw Philadelphia, Pa, .! l,l rUXIflTUXM. w IDMTKK'R 1 I - FURNITLIRE! FURNITURE! BTOOK FULL. MEW AMD 11KA.UT1TUL. Can't be Described. Put Tour Bye On IV andb your Own Judge. Common, Veaium and rine rnrnltur. Style quality ana finish Rising te the HIHH AST Pi roil, whU Prlae are In the LiiffIT NOTCH. Mere worth In our goods than the price would Indicate. A Grand Exhibit. The Latest and most Attractive novelty The DUUM Otteman aad Footstool In the window, leek at them. . A . Our floors are r uU of the Newest Styles. WIDMYER'S FUSNJTVBS STORM n" Oer. JBaat King & Duke Bte. OFFMEIBK'a YOU All knew us. Can you guess who we ARE If In need of t'urnltureef call and beceu u any description, ACQUAINTED And'Examlee our Large Assortment, knew ing you can aeai WITH u. Ds. alter seeing the Great Display andLwTI DHas aifA -u I ." "w ' -" TfOFFMEIER'S sarBApairlng Promptly Dene EAST KING BlUKBT, Lancaster. at no. te sU-Smd O CH8 et (UBBB. M HI I i Our Hemes and Hew te Fur nish Them. These intending te furnish or refurnish their houses, in part or the whole, should Inspect our immense uteck of New Fall) Styles en exhibition in our large salesrooms. Our own and ether makes at the lowest prices. Lar gest display of First-Class Fur niture in the city, en the ad, 3d and 4th Floers of Ne. 31 Seuth Queen street. OCHS &GIBBS, Manufacturers and Dealers. apm-lyd F URNITURE 1 FURNITURE I THE UNDK1181UN ED HAB UKOPKNKD Ills BTOUB AT THK OLD STAND, ISTe. 38 East King Street, Which was destroyed by fire some time age, and as a porfectly New Stock et all klnds.ei FURNITURE. PABLOU BD1TKB, BKDBOOM 8UITK8.V TABLES, CHAIUS, kre. UPH0LSTERINQ In AH It lirancbes. Alse Painting and Or namenting Old Cheirs. HENRY WOLF, Ne. 38 East King Street. leatid 38 BY ACTUAL; COUNT. 38-By Actual Coit-38 We have received during the month of Sep tember 1 blrty-Elght Shipments, or in ether words Tblrty-HUht separate and dlsttet Bills or the Newest, Choicest and Most Attractive Goods which the market affords. Ail these are being placed dally en our large and commodious floors te the bt-st possible ad vantage for the benent of enr visitors and cus tomers Berne of the choicest patterns of Uattan and Beed Beckers opened te-day already sold. A rineiiakBnlt, very large and weU made, at tbe popular price el te-day. BeelL A very nice vvnten Bug Bult In Cherry at a price that will net let you pass It by. THE POPULAR PLACE, TUB M03T POPULAU PBICE8, The Newest and Most Popular Goods. Heinitsh's Fureiture Depot 27 6s ?0 EOUTH QTJBBN ST., LANCASTKR.PA. MJC WOBKU. TV K WOBKH. Sttam Dye Works and Dry Cleaning Establishment, NO. 630 HIGH 8TRHBT. Ladles' Dress a dyrd te match any shade or color witbent ripping apart. Gentlemen's garments dyed and warranted net te rub erf and leaving the lining clean i also renovating equal te netr. r-uoeds called fur ana delivered fiee of charge. M. 6TBA83HpEFBR, QKAIQ'8 GOLDKN TON10. WHAT IS It la a purely vegetable medicine, containing no mercury, quinine or ether Injurious drug. It Is compounded by an entirely new and Improved proeess, whereby each Ingredient Is thoroughly extracted ant properly combined. WHAT DOES IT DO ? CRAIG'S GOLDEN TONIC Is ft thorough purifier et tbe bleed and renovator of the system, and Is designed for disease arising from an Impure, weak or Impoverished state of the bleed or frem debUlty of the digestive erganf . It I net ft cure-all.but peslU vely does cure Dyspepsia. PROVE IT. Cralp't Oeltitn Tenie Company biimi Please send nm another bottle of your Tonic The one dollar I paid ler a mere for metkan the hundreds I have pepsla in IU worst stages i ve naa irat ami teeiing ever enure bear wttn snarp pairs in i wLleh Increased with everv movement of, the body, at time making work an lmpeslbtllty, miAinaMmHniiaii. fllnrw tnklti innr Tnnln all u..tna havnlftft mn. mv bowels have bei lve had that appetite and teel no oppression after eating, t net only ran work, bnt fral like working, for with the new Urn yenr Tonle haa a-Wen me all biliousness and dyspepsia has lett tun. 1 new wish another bottle that every vastlge el dyspepsia may b driven V . r 1. ,T irein my system. Yours truly, la for sale by all Drugguta. Ment run the risk of using so-eallod Tonics or Bitters that may contain POISON, but laiUt upon getting the only genuine UBAItt'd OOLDkN TON 10. If your Druggist does net keep It send te SAMUEL OLIEEE, Wholesale Agent for Lancaster County, 12 CLOTH IN U, tC. McGrann & Newlen, HEROHAOT TAILORS, 44 Went King Street. iremd FALL SUITS AND OVERCOATS. L Gansman k Bre. FALL OVERCOATS, FALL OVERCOATS. f!.(0, 112.00, 111 00, 118.00, 12000, IttCO, H5.00. LINED ALL THllODOn WITH SATIN AND BILK BKBOKS. - 10,00, IS.00, S7.00, S3.00, 110 00 OASSIMERB OVJBROOATS, BUk raced and BUteilng, All Weel, are Big Values ler the Meney. Fall "Suits Of Every Description Fetter Goods and Bet ter Uade than Kver Before. Qui Custom Department Xa Stocked with the Oholeest Line of Foreign ana Demestic UoeOi. That enr OSa-ftrtP.l?i4 ) unaerany her Heme that Handles ttfh"SttAOeas. UU11 KEEING 18 UElTEVING. L. GANSMAN ft BRO., f MASUPACTUUEKa or Men's, Bejs' and Children's Clothing, B. W. COBNKHNOI1TH QUKER AND OBAHOX BTBEBT8.LAM0ABTJCU, rA. up KB8 ck KATHFOH. The Best Selection! Everyone Wants te Knew WUEKE THEY CAN FIND THE NICEST ABSOUTMENT OF Ready -Hade Clothing! -AT- EEA80NABLE FSIGE1. OUR STOCK has been pronounced by the purchasing pub pub lle te be the BB9T BBLHOTBD AND TA8TIB8T ON BALE I The prices wehavoendeavorod te keep down te tbe lowest point. If you deal with ue you may expect your money's worth. Myers & Rathi'en, UEUA11LE CLOTHIEBS, NO. 12 BAST KING ST., LAMOABTKB PA. w lliLlAMSON A FOHTKU. CEASELESS ACTIVITY MAS MADE- Our Business A SUCCESS. Ceaseless Activity Has Brought te Yeu BITTEIt MADE, BETTClt FITTINO. BET TEU MADE AND LOWEUPBICED READY-MADE CLOTHING. This ract Is Demonstrated by the Gent's Fall weight Overcoats we new offer at (seu HOW, llioe. Alse Beys' Butts ati00,tce,JCO, Men's Butts at IS 00, 110 W, 112.(0. O-Call and Examine our Assortment of Beady Made Clothing and you will be con vinced that we have been Ceaselessly Active for your Benefit, Williamson & Fester, 38. 34, 36 & 38 & KING ST., .ANCASTEU, PA. BRANCH STORE, NO. 818 MARKET 8TDUBT, Uauuubube, pa, CRAIG'S GOLDEN TONIC? paid physicians, and ler ether medicine. Fer dull feeling ever entire body with sharp pairs inee. ronweiTiirnTii w flv. l llmM maklnir wnrlr an Imnn.alDllllv. waa oemrjen Since tnklngyonrTenlo all pains have left me, my bowels have If U ,.., MM 11 . SALMON, Me. CRAIG'S GOLDEN TONIC AND 14 SOUTH QUE IN STRUT. UMX B AHD ik MOKLKOT. bard & Mcelrey, 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, Opposite reunWdn Inn. FLOOR OIL CLOTH We have been asking our customers who bought fleer Oil Cleth of us last season, hew It were. Kern Is what they say. ' We never had Fleer Oil Cleth that were aa well for the money, paid mere for fleer UU Cleth, and did net wear as well." De you knew of anyone that bought oil Cleth of us lat season T If you de, ask them hew tt were t Wn sell tbe best seasoned, bett wearing oil Cleth in the City for less money than you pay for goods that will net wear aa wall. All widths from l te k yards wide We guarantee enr price fi be lower than same goods sold elsewhere our trade Is Increasing every iiay. Wbyt Lew prices. By giving our customer mere ler their money than they get eiaewhera. Ya all Ilk te get the most for enr money . That's human nature, you knew i ain't that se t UNDERWEAR. Watch foreurtlndorwoar Advertisement. It will surprise yen at the prices we will quote, and then coma and s for yourself. We will take one number as an example. Themenpnp. ular price in Ladles' Merine Underwear, and the price that most of it is sold is 60e each, tl.00 per pair. New ir you will come te soeua abent Underwear we will give you with that pair of 11.00 Vest SJe change, or In ether words, Boe Vest for 19c. BLANKETS, COMFORTS. Space will net allow us te say anything about enr Blanket and Ueme-af ade Comforts, but you can put It down that the prices are way down. Bard & S3 and 35 Seuth Queen St, H EADCiUAKTBllH FOH UNDEHWKAK. Metzger & Haugtean's Cheap Stere. HEADQUARTERS FOR UNDERWEAR. Our Underwear haa been selected with great care and is sure te give satisfaction. Men's Merine BhlrU ati5e, 80c, 87Ke, E0e, 60c, 75e and 11.00. Special attention te our Fifty cent Ooeds in Ladles' and Uenta' Underwear from 10c, HHc, up. Bargain In All-Weel Bed Medicated Un derwear, for Ladles, Osuts and Children, riannels from the late auotlen sale lower than ever Vbofero. "MZer & Nes. 38 & 40 Westk&flfe woppebit ram "KTKXT DOOR TO COURT HOUHK. CARPETS ! Opr Fall Line of Carpets la new ready for your inspection. The new styles are as perfect as the weavers' art can make them, while the prices cannot fall te meet with your approval. These Carpets are entirely new and fresh, having come direct from the looms during the last few days. The new Ingrain Carpetlngs are 20, 25, 81, 48, 40, 45, 50, 00, 06 and 75 cents. Special attention is called te tbe 60e. crude ; they are, without exception, the best geed" ever offered for the money. Tapestry Brus sels Carpets in great variety at CO, 02J. 75 and 85 cents. It you are at alllntBrnstnd or anticipate buying anything in Tapestries be r .te nee this line before you de se. Ileuv liriiftsfllfl nnil Vnlvntn. ti.nn. 11 ull ami nuC)n.ruti in nil n. l.i ,... x..i.r r. . Viru '; ..-.."" fuymaL i'iiuei. t? u uavu vuu cuviipur cents, ah goeu value. OIL OLOTHS-PIoer Oil designs. Bargains in HUGS, Cleths, FAHNESTOOK'S, NOB. SO A 87 HA8T KINO ST., HAHOWAlia. VrOVEIVTY HOT AIK KOKNAOE, Prepare for Winfcerl The nights are growing colder and the morning air merecrisp. It 1b tbe time te think of heating the house for the long winter days and nights yet te cpme. This Is why we feel Impelled te call the attention of the publie te tbe merits of the NOVELTY HOT AIR FURNACE. We are the sole amenta for this great household comfort In this commu nity. It needs no pulling. It is its own beat advocate. It keeps the Heuse Warm. It needs no repairs. It Is easy en the coal bin. It Is no trouble te manage. But the argument which speaks most powerfully for this furnace Is that there are scores of them In use In this community. Te any one calling at our store we will be glad te show the endorsements of upwards of fifty of Lan caster's most pr iminent cilireus, all of whom will flay that the NOVELTr Iier AIKFUIINAOD leads al. the rest. 7 nbVU0uj:'ljA WK IfAVK AL80 KlrTTV VARIETIES OF PARLOR STOVES I In square or round form, at prices te suit all. We are prepared te sell them at euce, and these who wish :i large stock from which te select should call early. Reilly Bres. & Raub, HARDWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Neb. 40 and 42 North Queen Street, 3-lmd juwuLur. H; 7 BUOADH A HON. DIRECT IMPORTATIONS. T "HB first of our importations Is new in Stock. Each succeeding week ethers will he re ceived. Yeu will find a line of new styles the finest productions of the present markets and are cordially invited te come and examine them, H. Z. RHOADS & SON, Ne. 4 West King Street. W. U K1HHKK, DKNTIHT. l'artlcnlar attention riven te fllllnir ana preserving the natural teeth. I nave all the lutaat Improvements f or delus; nice -nerk at a very reasonable cost. Having years of ex perlence in the large cities 1 am sure te give the best of satisfaction ana save yen money pest artificial teeth only H00 per set. mailMyd Ne. M MOUTU QUXXN BT, PniLADsrratA, July 1ft, 1883. bottle et Craig uoldenTenlo has dena twelve yea's have suffered with Dys- In the side. In tha region of the heart, lieu iu iKa puixviTa been recamed, 1 have regained my IDH U.rt.M HlM.t V1..,bM. 1M tierbard Street, Philadelphia. KUUiWi McElroy, Opposite Fetntaln Iaa, Haughman, Lftneasttr, Pa. coePSJSSlI? 'V1IAVAiVAiVVvvv5iSa. 'V. H xs, 7 ttO) ri iai k'".'u" h-"" "u makes grua awuilX'i 3arpetat 10, 11, 10, 18 and 25 Stair Oil Cleths and Table Oil Cleths in all LANOABTHR, PA. LANCASTER, PENN'A. WMJV7W. Ol,D llltAHH WANTKU TUK UIQU f tt cash price paid ler eldlirass ana Cop Cep pur. The finest brats castings made te order. Mutul pattern work nnlin.d at reasonable ratts. at. W. rKAlat'S lock works, Uear Lecher's Hanking Uuliaing. 8l-Tu,Th8tfd TBAVMLUMB BVIDB, KADINU A COLUMBIA R. & r , Arrangsment of Passenger Train en, atUr, BUKDAT.kAT l,laB. MOkTHWARD. A.M. Leave Quamr vUle. 80 aing eirner, Lane Tan . j, -..,. sHrtlftkrlna ..... ... 1M MarMtfa JuDci'.im! , 7 JO ,7M ueiamtLA.,..A A -4SA St A TH Beading,. mq southward. Leave a.. Heading , f.gn Armveat i, at. Columbia , g Lancaster aen ?'n2iJt, Lane e.W aUavSM tluarryvlUe ioje u . M SUNDAY. QuarrvvBleat 7.10 a.m. -f-i Ins Almat T tn k al a -. . . a mm a, h Arrive at W? us m ik tm:-, A.K. V.SU 3 s-.K. W.U,t LSI tot M ij. m: Beading, at 7.90 a.m., and I n.m, U'$ .asilinM i - ,m aaWvtwvaM " rf , 1 KlnBtreet,Lane.,at.!A bbubM UBaVlsl Dmi ,'111 m ji M wwF W M.V. M 1W y. UU. SBB'ISfll AAttMKAal " - m .-.--. IT and from Philadelphia, PetttvUle. Harrsbvj- '' Allentewnand Kewlerk, rUliSSSTSi(. At Columbia, with trains te and from T.ti T.ti Hanever, Uettysburg, Fwdertc i4 SsBtt mere. - At MarlettA JnnMim , tm mm from Chlekiea. v , fn At Manhelm with trains tn an Mm 1.--' neu. T u.fl AtLaneastAr Jnnetlnn. witi. mMmm - x ' Irem Lancaster. tarrjvine,ajidChicklvli-j AM.lLeewlnnertBisSSl.'l; X KBANON ft LANOAHTKR JO - A.IMCUAILKOAU. Arrangement et Passenger Traini en, rter,BnDAv, MavU,18B8. MORTUWARD. Leave a.m. r. k. r.u. 8 nanvvllle.. ....... sre ing Btreet, Lane 7.00 n (64 Lancaster 707 12 43 Km ?3Bai Jler of tkt. Maneetm 7M i.is eae Cornwall 7.00 its 6.88 AfTlVA ft . !nATln' VCS T" ' WBMOO.,.,...,..., mi IM 7.10j.WeODT." i-i Leave a m. 'r. h. v. m Lebanon 7 11 12 80 7.se Cornwall 737 1145 7.46 Manhelm 7.rfl 1,14 (IB Lancaster. 8 71 L kts Arrive at Xlnar Street. Lane- 8. l.M ABDI A. M. wimen, Bupt. B.0. Railroad. n.n.NKFP,BnptaB.K, 8 10 B : s 8.40 3 "j awl trfl PENNHTfliVANIA RAlliROA0l BCUKDULE.-ln effect from Jun U,f Trains taava LAbcastss and leave as a. ' rtve at Philadelphia as fellows t l IjwkV. WK8TWAKD. PaolBe ExpreMf..... News Rzpres ..... Way Passengerl Mall tralnvlaMt. Joyt Nn.l Mtl Train, Philadelphia. . -www- . ! MgHMIIStt, ii:zd p, m. 4 80 a. m. 4:'0a. m. 9en n ' a, we 6:1 A M, f via Columbia 7'AOa. tn Niagara express nanevaracwm,,,,.. Fast Llnet Frednriek Aoeem..,, Lani-aatar Aoeom,.., llarrliburg Acenm,. , via Columbia lln. m via Columbia via ml. ey KS"T! KIID1BI1 4:10 p m. 6-B0 p. m. 9:80 p.m. Leave Lancaster. K'da m. 6.-06 a. m. 8:10 a. m. 8 Ma, m. B-.cn. m 11:80 a.m. 1--04 p, m. Wp m. 8:i0p. m. 4:46 p m, 8 45 p.m. 7:40 km, Marrisburg Rxpres( 7:au rJw"Vit neeMiEn jtzpresif K1RTW1RII 11:10 I Art Phlla. krpresif, 8.-A, 'Ilarrlaburg Express) tmnenBivc xcevin..., Columbia Accem.,., Atlantic Kxpresat... Seashore Rxpreia..., Philadelphia Accem eunday Mall Harrlsbnrg AQcew t The only trains which run dally. ea'Bs"4 dav thH SIrII train WMt niM hvnviif n2.? vUMlJWSi HtWAtiT' 1B. a.iS iJ 8:4.iujA 8 48 p. a. J! .i nmbla. KFJl J. U. WOOD. General Passenger iit,A "" . w.T. ISVtia.n. WMM, "S: TBUHKB. ri.. F ALLi AND WINTER QOODd. m 'W A- M. HABERBOSH &S A.tnfc. - or luiur kM"' F wmn 2-0 OotetMT Vh y " ,..... . ., "n.rw '.z. m m r. out otecK ei j; an ana winter Geea, new COmolete. Wn Imvn thn T.isk1. matMr Vlnaat. Htru.li- l. M. trrnu- i . . tl T.nn Tllnnkntji. In T'ln.li Wnnl A Z.I Felt. lllack and Orav Onat Tlnha.3 Hudsen llav mill Prnlrln Wntf RrOKa ''-J Uuffale Kobes. Siberian Deer MaakV?ii Tl.- w J r OUI -L- H jmjuce. a- u. uuu vuun eiiu lveues. tK 3T- Wn KunJilu it nn ....! m.J.XM W ,iu uuuau lauUHVUUigniHWRip our goods AT- M. Haberbusli & Sen'i . HADULE, ILUlNESHi A aud ' TRUNK STORE .. . . 'j no. au ventre Bquaxt, -; LANOABTRK. FA, B. B. MAKTXN A CO., Wholesale and ItataU Dealers in all ktaaA M LUMUKH AMU UUAU. Bsi- YakdNe. 424 North Water andWe.aBI North rrlnce atreets. Lancaster, Fa as-lrB - TJAUMUAKIJHKK'H UUUfAHIi GOAL DEALERS. Orjo:-Ne. i North uneenstreet, aad , BM North Frlnee street. yads: North Frinea street, nsArsUattag anrmtd LAMOA8TU. FA -r VMBElt, COAL, AC LUMBER, C01L ARD i- ROOFING-SLATE. O. SENER a suns, vi FltlNCE AND WALNUT BT, BeUCeal of the Uest Quality at the Lewest 1'iiera. liny new, as It may be higher. JeMtta OABKJAUM9. QTAMDABD WOJKK. ED'W.EDGERLEY M CARRIAGE liUILDEB, 1 NOS. 40, 41 43, 45 UAUKIT BTUHT, Mtf JM I have in Stock ana BnUd toertKJMnr ft! v.Hj.,n, ,h fniinwini, atvlaat OaaBSU Jhasv "Tl Ilea, cabriolets, Carrtwes, flcterlas, hnslssji MUIOk TTUCVlOa sOTVU mmm.yvm is u m m i I einpleythe best Mechanlca. and have Jaatt., Ens, rnwMns,pi ta5. , j i best Uechanlca. and have raall. I correctly any style of Carriage ry a Quality. Bty le and Finish Ol wri .fl l, AA.AaAm h lluiaTMaa Xm. SSjavm Itlas te buna cerreauy aj aesirea. tee work makes i market, w'buatktubbkstanuciusafmt ",i rlNTHI MAKKKT Vs OAHT 5S.'-t ATTOKMBXa. J UTHKK 8. KAUKJfMAN, ATTOBr-A-A,, NO. J SOUTH FUINOsi 8TH :UsJ5'2J3i- f ' ri.w f;1 ' 5 7M V i C-i tMlVtB T$m I , . FJI M 1 as tt. V .a is? - vs Jt II"' I SMI ;te'a- ''&J?JMfia'r4ii