mmWW' c- -vyai, r ' r .vr": ' T1113 LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 26, 1888. ii&i&rmt-&- ?v; W me. h :! m& m m WSt. m ri IJ i r ., TERMS : l DmYlSTautaaweMUserrcdbv carriers I tkas ettr ml surreunding: towns for ire waek. By !1 few ftyeari per month, .SB. IT IltTBXlancnL Khrht Pases. 11.88 ; yaw, by ssU. Specimen copies sent I.' j. '1. TM IKTILLtQKNGKR, Lanotsler, Pa. (The Daily Intelligencer. 'tVAHCASTBB, BKPTXMBIB W, 1SSS. Csianbia's Day. i.Th fun ahlfiM nnnn thn f 'nlnmMe an. ..... - swusu, ana we eloquence or. ureslus baa 'HfltUncsettieK under a cloudless skv. ' ffcavt ifl Uw weather that Bulla it beat, for 4M eannet fellow back very comfortably, rkk edb'b mind, te tbe origin of creation ad tbe establishment of civilization, With tbe water running down one's back. It la necessary en all centennial occasions let tbe orator te go back pretty far and pick up things as be "ones up the long avenue of time, or tbeylataef Jrears or .something of that imn. Mr. Bresiusdid justice tobisec 'atien.asbe usually does, and gave Cel- , anbia a flnUcWoratieD, with quite as () L Bwch Information as they were en . frMHea te expect. We saew well warranted barging a bottle of de net knew he was in Madeira with tbe national yawping ue seat or s-fevernment away from Columbia, and ,We fear that his authority is somewhat 'iiMi in ins leira nnn nnita in iiia mniii. ;"tttm that he says Columbia's ancient "a4..k. .. Tl.-i .1 ,1.1 ... . . r. KrrAiuuibc wee. jjub iue iiiumiiin nr le. i;f'?ly can afford te smile upon the evanes- 5' -., Mint rm'n aherl nrvMin,! elinnt If e l,t-tl. jrtnee it has enough in its present size and t.'iiniiiin lAmsbn ..- mah.. .. l. .KM .jsfs It has taken en a new growth of late and &, strong and healthy child. Maybe in $' lta maturity it will lap and pass Lancns- iw ; "ere is no rereteuing the spread of i m.populatlen, but Lancaster can never be n lAam,1a nm if. 0i, ,a ,,,. -nn.1.1nn Mn be toward her border; and as Lancaster k spreading westward, some day the two (owns may run together and coalesce. Consclenilens Old Age. The Republican Press has been much xfrciaed for some weeks pastever a 110.- -- 000 check which Mr. Cleveland was de : " elated te have eiven te the nutlnnnl mm. fSjTiBalttM. Ne affirmation nr ilenlnl nf Mia ", Statpmpnt han henn Knrari frnm ilia L" White Heuse, and our Itemibllcan friends are given permission te believe or disbelieve the story, Just as they happen te feel about it. Seme et them uet only believe it, but think it a very heinous offense in the president; and our crapulous Winnebaie chief la re. f'lf, parted te have declared, from hla seclu- i1&l. alnn tmrfiar tlm felines,... nf 11xn iSVi. . . . . s.r-Ku cnurcu, mac mis deed alone Bheuld sufflce te defeat the presi dent's re-election. Te such llepub llcans as incline te think it et se great moment, tbe truth of the tale Bheuld be a matter of great interest, -especially when tbey live under the shadow et a church and are old and consequently !. nrmfirlAntfmifl There may net be many Viw- : "r;:., ". tiaa-ati W& the Breat majority deuJ.t Jt''-"the trial. When vK? '. , Jtt content te tni-"vn,-K' shabby-genteel looking ttrt.res'inrt nnt T -iv&eniie tale en lace and goutleinanly i r- --humuv-' - .- -, ' ,- """"i1iti i " "" ""J i'iiwi fegeiswsi wiEfrge eAJmning the president en slight t'j because he is a Democrat and if he ? The 4't de It, he is bad enough anyway. St miuituv mjuiu vuavvie, iu n icatauae niiu i.u ' aMAMa. Ill SBAi-n tf rl ITAMB 1 1 n wabI ln m nl nr Aa TlfftnmVA t.ha RtM-v nrvnlnnf. f llAVAlnnft am r T QTBAi BnfTDi nf annlllncr nltnrvattief tla nnllf I a.Su . -,... ..B ..un.... ..u , u,.v. Cl effcet. The new and improved edition which these people give out, is that the president did net give the check at all, but thatlene Bangs, an old friend of the president from Itochester, Xew Yerk, who get a fat contract in dredging Charleston harbor, gave it. This tale it will be seen, Bets our horrified Winnebago at ease about the particular depravity which led Mr. Cleveland te give ten thousand of his own money toward his election. It is true that a new offense is eharged against the president ; and upon this we await the Winnebago's deliverance. It may be that he'will think tbe president unworthy of election, be cause Mr. Bangs contributed the ten thousand ; or he may consider him net te be responsible for Bangs. Perchance the Btery may be amended te show a contract between Cleveland and Bangs whereby Bangs should dredge Charleston harbor and divide profits with the president, or at least pay his political assessments. Since Simen Cameren, who is an ex pert upon political plunder, has taken particular charge of this section of the Republican artillery, we shall await with interest and aubmisslveness his final determination as te the partic ular quality of the ammunition served eat te him. We have net ourselves been disposed te think that it mattered much whether the president had or had net given ten thousand dollars te the campaign fund. Our idea has been that be has the same freedom in this regard ns any ether citizen. It may be that the old Winnebago will be able te knock us out in the election with this clmrge, But be will greatly disgust his son Den, If he does. And we de net have any Idea that he redly thinks what lie is declared te have aid. The old man is net yet senile. Smuggling Frem Canada. Themas Lee, or Philadelphia, is a red bdt high tariff man who has been making a geed deal of noise ever tbe protection of American labor and the dangers of tbe Mills bill. He is one of the signers of a call for a business men's meeting te peak out for the Republican cause, and unfortunately for his party, he must be chief defendant in the charge of smug gling, Just brought against his Arm by tbe cust em house etUcers. They recently received an invoice et wool from Canada and In the centre et three of tbe bales were found three pairs of Canadian blankets. It appears very strange that Mr. Lee should run the risk of along imprison ment, heavy One and lasting disgrace for the sake of the few dollars that he would Lave made en t ties a blankets, and It may turn put that some empleye of his U responsible for the crime,but the incident pelnU the wisdom of the Mills bill. We de net yet knew the full scope of tbe Re publican tariff bill, but It has been said with authority that a chlet differ uee betweeh 1c' and the Demo Deme Demo ewatte plan Is tbe levying et a heavy duty en wool and in general a last liberal treatment of Canadian pro ducts. This Philadelphia incident should eraw attention te the fact that duties en CvaAlAn products are te 'a great extent -! ' . " 'M"":'" I IrfMaluna oe tauggllmr. It Is compare- tlvely easy te guard against smuggttng from countries beyond the sea, but we can net pretend te watch perfectly three thou sand odd miles of border. If Canada did net have a tariff of her own te protect from smugglers at her sea coast, sbe would be a grand highway for the pas pas sage of goods into tbe United States around our tariff fence. As it is, that is the chief route et smugglers, and the fact has often been urged as a reason for the annexation of the dominion. Fortunately many protected articles are se bulky that they can net se easily be passed across the border In secret. m They Want te Haas; Seme One. The negre who was convicted of the murder et Farmer Sharpless and who has been appointed several times te hang, la b agalnJibeen respited, for tbe very geed reason that two ether men have been in dicted for the deed. The attorney gen eral is said te have suggested te the beard that they could net hang the negre while the ether fellows were indicted, and could net release him, pending their trial, lest'it might prejudice their case. There may be ferce in this; but it strikes us that there la mere force in the suggestion that a man should net be kept under sentence et death if he is innocent ; and that it Is the duty of the beard of pardons te de termine whether the negre Jehnsen is in nocent; and net that et the Chester county jury that will sit en the case of the men new accused. One Chester county jury has found the negre guilty; and the verdicts et Chester county Juries Bheuld net have Buch effect upon the beard of pardons as te keep it from dis charging its duly independently et them. It is the duty of the beard te say from its own investigation of the facts, whether Jehnsen is guilty or innocent; nnd if he is inno cent It Hheuld discharge him. His lnno lnne lnno cenco does net preve the ether men, new accused, te be guilty. The two cases liave no connection whatever. The accused must be proved guilty. Ne man should be hanged bocanse some ether man is acquitted ; nnd the fact that tbe beard of pn Jens acts as though it thought that this was Justlce, shows hew demoralized our criminal practice Is. Jehnsen was convicted of this murder because some body did It nnd it seemed probable that he was the man. Iu ether words, he was net proved guilty beyond a reas onable doubt, as the law requires. He would have been released long age by an intelligent pardon beard. It ticems simply silly te held him te see whether soine one ehe will net be put under the noose in his place. Tins acquittal of Htage Manager KhIf, in the reoent;Honsatlonal trial in Philadelphia, appears te have been solely due te the op ep op rertunooonfoMalonof the man who really took the mouey that be was accused of steallng. The Incident Is Impressive of tbe fallibility of human Judgment, and tbe un certainty et circumstantial evu-r- nMi.i. kimi -h.v "-! many eases ?!-.?? "WChe guilty de net con 1 "' -.TfcllRthened by tbe following inel- I'm". Of the trial. Wben Kala left tbe court man, with n pale manners, stepped him and congratulated him en hla acquit tal. The man said be bad attended tbe trial, net out of curiosity, but genuine sym pathy. The stranger Bhewed by papera whleh he drew from bis pocket that he was connccted with n well-known Mew Yerk family. He then told hew bis career bad been inlucil ten years age by aeen vlotleu In llroeklyn en circumstantial ovl evl ovl denoo similar te that produrea against Fals. He was Innocent, and after bis re lease from J ill I Hhntne dreve hint te drink, and be la new little inore than a frlenolesB drunkard. Jt would be bard te exaggerate the dlllleultlis that He In the way et the man who has served a term In J All and wishes te recover tbe respect et his friends. In faet tbe task Is almost beyond human atrength, and tbe stsln is almost Indelible. "Kt. J'aui, An he ad," Is the startling heading of .Londen dispatches et the New Yerk llerahl. Haitly enough It does net mean that the great apostle is at work, but that American railroads are Interesting the British. Awki.ia Kivei CirANLKH has a sharp oye te business without denbt and Is de. termlnoJte bsoemetharu leg ssosatlei e the hour. Hhe basjust aobleved the publi cation of extensive interviews In all tbe wow Yerk papers, the irerhi giving her a column, and If liberal advertising cau make a literary lloneas;she certainly Is one. When asked wblcb of ber characters she liked the beat sbe cunningly nsmed two In novels net yet published, and doubtless people will be rat or te read her work se Ibat they tney aee Just what manner of man or woman Amelia .Klveu admires. She told tbe ropertera bow sbe wrote tbst same " Brether te Dragons" which la chlelly retpenslble for ber literary prominence. "X wrote that story In two evenings, sitting up In bed wrole it because 1 llked te write, and becauBe 1 bad the story in my mind. With the writing of It that was the end of if, but one day a very nice Bosten boy, of whom we were all very fend, was visiting at thoheiiBO, and found that story In thn library. When 1 came In he said te me, "De jeu knew I have found the Jclllest story hereT I wonder who wrete It?' 1 told him that 1 had written It. What, de you mean yen copied it or com piled it from something T' be asked. Ne, 1 mean I wrote It myself.' And then with that nothing would de but be must take It back te Bosten when be went Ue has told me slnce bow be took It Inte tbe clUce ettbe Atlantic Monthly, and blnsbed clear up te his ears when be left It with tbe editor's assistant Fer friend who wrete it.' Iu a little while, about a week, 1 faney, be bad a note from Mr. Aldrleh te come and see him, and uet till tben did Mi, Aldrleh knew that It waa net a man who wrete the Btery." n A Child Carried etrtir mi Kagle. The baby of a farmer, William Beattle, wbe Uvea en the banks of the Clmmaren river, near Wichita, Kansas, was carried et! by an eagle last Saturday. Beattle went te work tn tbe morning, leaving In his dug out bis two children, ene r years old and a baby aged 2 months. About neon Bc-attle returned bome and found bis girl lu tearr. Hhe said sbe had taken tbe baby Inte the yard, and left it there while ahe went Inte tbe beuse. Ju a Jew minutes she heard cry, and in look leek lug out saw the baby "hying away." as she expressed It. ' The father knew at once ibat an eagle bad visited bis home,and summoned bis neigh neigh bera te tbe weeded banks of the river, for which the osgle bad made. In about an hour tbe sound of a shot summoned tbe sesrehers together. One of the mun bad found tbe eagle, and waa fighting with il He bad emptied his gun at the big blrd.and broken a wing, and mm using bis gun as a club when re-enfercements arrived. The ealolluttered Inte tbe bush, and then the father saw hla infant dead, tbe body hor ribly lacerated. Wssleu Pardoned and Sbeners le Ilsug, At a special meeting el the beard et par dons In liarrlsburg en Tuesday the meat Important aoilentakon was the pardon of Mlttnn Wttutnn. thn flhl.ii. ..,.llln.( I Westen was tried and oenvloted In June, JEr n 1Dd 00nv,"l6d ,n June. 188J, in Allegheny oeunty for ve untarr awnianghur. Xu Jul, 1866, he wm iZ tetieed te five years in tha Wcatern pon pen pon tentliry, Tbeotue bid Userleln Jnadlinute between Milten Westen and Obndlah Hay maker for tbe possession of a plnce cr land alluated near Murr.jsvllle, In Westmore land county, which culminated ed the 26 Ih at Nerember, 1883, In a personal encounter et the loreea reproaentlng the opposing In tresta. As a result et this encounter Oeadlah Haymaker wan killed. It ia net alleged that Weslen Inflicted tbe wounds whleb caused hla death, but be was con cen con vleled et reluntary manslaUKbter, as being present, aiding and abetting one liewssr and ether, then In bis employ, In tbetr sets. A number of ether case were acted upon, and among ethers the application ter oloni eloni oleni eney of William Hhower. who murdercd bis two grandchildren in Lebanon county, was refused. TUB LUMIKU4N OOUNULADJOUKN)). A UttolaUenAgatnsith.Formltgart'trsaoal Litany Ltugats. The Kvangolleal Lntberan synod of East Pennsylvania, In session in Philadelphia en TueJay;reappnlnted Rev. W. II. Dun bar, president of tbe beard et trustees for tbe orphans' home at I.eysvllle. These delegates were eluded te tbe general synod : Kev. Drs. K. W. Cenrad, 1J. W. McKnlght and O. A. Hay. The following were elected alternates i The Kev. II. V. Ilolleway, D. D J. W. Ooedlln, M. Hheelelgb, I). I)., T. O. Prltchard, J. A. Mackenburg, 11, F. Al leman, D. V., K. H, Uenry : Messrs. U. M. U Wellls, William V. Btecver, Jeseph Htulb, F. A. Bennett, KdwardBcull, Daniel Knnzand William Hhrlner. Kev. D. Cenrad, te whom the report of Philadelphia Habbath association U re ferred, madn hla roperL In It be said : Wiibiikah political associations have been ergsnlzad In many of the states nf tbe Union. In nearly all of which the Christian Nabbalh Is recognlzed and pretected by law. for the openly avoweJ purpose of re pealing all Habbath laws, and thereby rob bing it of Its sacred character and trans forming It Inte a stcular holiday, deveted te amusement, apertf, labor or business ; therefore Jlcaelved, That we leek with no ordinary oencern and apprehension Uhiii thn i II or In et the ontanlzitleng known im "1'ornennl Llberty Leagues," composed uulnly el misguided foreign-born cltlzenn, te break down the Christian Hftbbatu by securing the repeal of tbe lawn which protect It from desecrstlen by tbe liquor trallle and ether demoralizing pursuits and ludulucncrs. At the ytternoen session Hsv. Dr. Hay's resolution Indorsing the Law and U.-der soclety was adopted. Thoerdlnalon nf (1. (I. M. Ilrewn, I). H. Kurtz, 1, 11. Mcdann and () if. Millar took place at night, and Al, h. Deyee was Heensed te preseh. The synod will meet uextyear In Hied Hied ten, Pa. - lluiicoftleuhcjcureWIO.OCO, Jehn J. l.otueu, an aged and respected citizen of Allegheny, wasnwlndled out of 110,000 en Tuesday by two bunonmen. The old gentleman wai ontlced Inte n house en Pearl street and Induced tn play n gsmn In which It was alleged be had wen (10,000. Te get this, howevor, It would be necessary te produce a llke amount. Tbe victim fell Inte the trap at once, and went te the Third National bank, wbere he drew out tbe money. Het tuning, be plAoed It en the table. Uetben took another chnncn and was Informed that he had lest the 20,000. This dazed him for n moment, but he quick ly recovered, and drawing a revelver, de manded bis money. Onu of the swlndlers knocked tbe pistol out of bis hands and the two ran out, locking the deer alter tbeuy By the time l.omea bad suoeeiedod In '-Trn leg tbe deer open both men br. V".Vi'.. peared. ' Tbe police wero netlflQ' ..... . ... tllBV ;.'hymi,f5'Vr.Tdcinlte wealthy. This tVn "IJSJWten wltum six meiiilH that "V-ifi.'rreA name has been successlullv t Worked In that city for large amounts. The l'rf slitcnt Coming te I.nnc.nWr, Pa, The 61c te Itccelvs Slitillcal brrvlce Prea el Ghaiga. lhe l'lOBlitent et the Great KngltshFtatref l'hyslctnns and Hurgoen-, consisting of four feur teuu In number, w IU arrive nt the city Hetel, l.ancaslnr, l'a., en tbe 23th et Boptembor, nnd will render sorvlefs te the ntckfroeof charge until Id of October, lhe only favor Coslred Is a rucninmondatlen Ireni these who are cured. Invalid! will yilouse net take offense If ttiey are rejected as Incurable, as nocase will be accepted unlesH thurn Is a moral cer tainly of ncurubclngcllpcled. If your tnsels incurable they wilt frankly nnd honorably tell you, also caution you ngnlnst spending mera meney for mpfllclnea and appliances whleh Imposters usually Biiggest. TMi syudlcate et 1'bystctans nnd Hurgeans treat every vur let y et Cltoase and dulermtty. 'Xhuy havuhidu vast oxperlenca both en land sen, also In the following plicef, vli : Londen, l'urls, Dublin, lleltnst, Liverpool, Heme, Ileldelbiug, 3t. l'o l'e l'o tersburg and tstoekholm. The following are tbe number et cases they hive accepted as curable and rejected as In curable, vlt Accepted as ltejrcted as ,, . Cumblu. lucurxblu. NowVerlr HfiS l'.-(l rillAdelphla ft cur 7 Ml chlciigu, Ttkt (.mi liosieu 4,u;a :i sin fan Kranrljoe vw jjnu Newerlrnns a in v'.ivi Ht Louts S.ltii ifn llomeinber tha dates and ue eirly. 1 heir ofllces are crowded from morning till night, N.U. KveryonehovUtts the doctors be be bo lero tbe7d et Dctober will rocelro services ler the 0 rst thre e meuihi f rce of charge, OFITIUlCHoUU3-rrem0ii.m. te 7 30 p in fiundavs from 10 a. m. te 5 p. in. sep2l-3UIAllw Why Incur Torture 'f Uy dlregardlng cleanliness et the teeth nnd thin encnurnglng thelr decay, when BOZO 1JONT, which Is delightful te use. prevents tbe nnsttbllltyofteothiu'bo. by krvnlnir the teeth In health. Ne ene who hat net used this pep- umrnruciucin lennan aucrjuite lilea of hew much Improvement dercctlve teeth nre tuj tuj cepllble. BOZODONi' la Inllnltcly lolmpre lerred tenbradlng teeth powders, ltpro-eivcs the teeth, net scratohes tha onamel. WA NAM A KBITS l'liainsLrnu, Wodnesday, Sept 2, l'.t9. The fame of the new Dresses and Wraps is getting mere and mere abroad. Besides what we say in the papers, one tells an other, and se the news spreads. They arc the sort ei things that make talk. Such variety, such grace, such originality, such richness in one exhibition is no common happening. for Women for Big Girls for Children for the Baby Whatever best outside things Christendom affords. Second lloer, entire Chestnut street side. Flannel weather. The Flan nels are here. Mere sorts than you could take proper note of in half a day. We are en the watch ier every Flannel new ness that is worth having. The mean, flimsy Flannels don't come tliis way. Embroidered Flannels have come like a cloud ; two hun dred and ninety-six styles and colorings. Little mere than half as many made a stir last year. White silk embroidered : plain scallops te 14 inches deep, 65c te $3.50. One hundred and fifty-one styles. Colored stlk embroidered ; 1 te 5 inches deee. 00c te Eighty-nine styles. v-oiered wool embroidered ; 2 te 8 inches deen. 00c te i6e. Fifty-six styles. Branch, bud, leaf, flower and WAltAUAKMR'B geometrical designs. Full of new thought, and every one en grounds of pure wool. Flannel substance with Hamburg deli cacy. All - ever dot embroidered Flannels, for sacks, or any dainty outside wear. Solid grounds with pea-dots of white, pink, cardinal, black, light blue. white. 59 Inches, sl.M colored, 31 inches, $1 U Northeast of centre. We have sold 2,251 Refrig erators this year. The strag glers of that great army are still here. Seme a little scratched, some dented, some samples, some a bit odd in pat tern or color suffering in geed leeks alone, and net then un less you hunt up their hurts. The going of China and Lamps te the second fleer lets us .put these limping Reiriger Reiriger aters where you can see them. Thirty-three in the let, and a little bunch of sample Ice Chests. Sometimes one of a sort, new and then three or four. They are watched for. sli Walnut Kefrlsreratere for 110 !!! tt!nat Kerrlgeraters ferw 118 Walnut Kcfclgeraters ler 19 Nl Walnut Hefrtjornters ter sis se Walnut Hafrtgermters ferSM v? w.nlnu' Kemgeraters or tn SO 4ii Walnut Itefrfgeratais feres II2.CO llutternut Kerrfgerauirs. I21.U i0 cherry uablnet ttolrlgeraters, ISO Sample Ice Chests : Id M Ash for H 53 I7.V)AmIi lern I'lBJ A Bh for 18 su grained for fin Si. Mummed tern S7.7A ii rained for f(I t.2J grained for ft Northwest of centra. Fer a trifle you can bring the sunshine of Summer flowers Inte the Winter home'. Art that puts nature te the blush. Leaves and petals and every grace of the choicest plants and blossoms at their best. Ne drooping, no withering, no bug biting, no leaves falling. "ws tlger lilies hydrancens tuilpj erchitis palms ferna pinks and se en. Better for decera.-. and se en. Better for uen man ureai. bingiy or with, jafdinier or basket. 'oeuthoost of centre, near Kast Transept. JOHN WANAMAKER. H OOIVH HAUSAPAMLIjA. TRUE ECONOMY itlatrue economy te buy Heed's Sarsapo Sarsape rllla, for 100 Iloses One Dellar," is original with and true only of this popular medicine. If you wish le prove this, buy a botUeef Heed's S.imaparllla and measure Its contents, l ou will find R te held 100 toaspoenfuls. Sew read tha directions, and you will nnd that the average desu for persons of different ages Is less than a teaspoenfut. This Is certalnly con clusive and unanswerable ovldeuce of the pe culiar strength and economy nf HOOD'S BAllSAl'AHILIiA " We began using Heed's Sarsaparllla In our Institution some months age, and having watched Its Hfects, wish te siy that we And It agoeil, reliable, and beneflcUl medicine for family use, and for hospitals and Institutes such as ours." S'hikrs of Maner, West Venrth at,, Cincinnati, U. " I took Heed's Sarsapirllla for less of appe tite, d j spep9la and general languor. It did me avast umennt of geed, and 1 have no hesi tancy In recommending It." J, W. Wiixs Wiixs veni, (Julncy, IU. HKAITH UETTKll THAN KVKIt " I have been troubled by a sorefulous affec tion all my life. It li ene of the marked rec ollections of my boyhood diys, and for several yearshosrenaerodmounnbloto labor much. 1 tblnfc Heed's barsaparllla, which I have been using at Intervals for ten years, Is the bnt thlug I have ever taken. I am new 60, and my Kimcrul henlth coems botlerthanovcr." U. 1). AnueTT, Warren, N.H. HOOD'S SARBAPARILLA. Beld by Ml druggists. II i six for IB. Prepared only by u 1 UuOl) x. CO., Lewell, Uass. 100 DOSES ONE DOLLaU (S) s OUKNOK'H MANDUAKK PILLS, Schenck'B Mandrake Fills, FOR 1HL10UH AND LIVKU COltl' 1,AINTB. UeUfiNOK'd MANDUAKK PILLS. Schenck'a Mandrake Pills, en- IllblOIIS AND I.tVKlt COMPLAINTS. OC1CKMJ1CH MANUKAKK PILLS. Schenck's Mandrake Pills, KOS Htl.lOlISAND LlVJiaCOMl'LAINTS. UOIIUNCIC'S MANDUAKK PILLS. Schecck's Mandrake Pills, llll.lOUSANDUVKUCOMI'LAINTS. 1i.J'l7-ldAw COMVLKXION 1'OWDKR. QOMPLKXION 1-OWDKK. " LADIES WHO VALUIf. A UKKINKl) COMI'LKXION ' MUST UBK POZZONTS UKDIOATXD, COMPLEXION POWDER. It Imparts a brilliant transparency te the skin. lloiuevi'S all pimples, iroekles and ots ets ots celorations, and makes tbe skin delicately soil and beautiful. Itcentatns no lime, white, lend or arsonle. In three shades, pink or nosh, white and brunette. rOtt BALK UY All Druggists and Faney Goods Doalera iJvorywhere. SVIIKWAUK or IMITATIONS.- aprMvd TIIK LATKHT. THK DKNTAL I'KNOIL. Invented by Dr. He'JIelland, thi celebrated dentist ltiumeMu Scurf and Tartar, thus pri-vnntlng deciy. iJuaranteed tree from .acld or ether Deleterious substance. S3cen s. W am still Headquarters for Klsblng Tackle, Largest assortment, lowest prices. ritAILaS'O KAST KM1I 1'UAUUAOK, u w toppeslte Kasum Market,) TsliTTfw(W DRYUOODB H AQKR &. BROTHER, FALL AND WINTER Dress Goods! The Novelties in Dress Fabrics for the Fall and Winter Season. Oriental Itebes in all new colorings, with 18 Inch and narrow borders, tn Cashmere and Oriental Shades en plain grounds. Cashmere Feule Robes, with side bands contrasting or matching. English Serge Itebes with borders, narrow and wide, in combinations et Silk and Weel, French Twilled India Cleth Robes; in new shades of Gray, lilue, Mahogany, Brown and Green, with Black Silk Woven Borders. Combination Suits in English Tweeds, with stripes for lower skirts, plain ma terial te match for Drapery and Basque. Combinations et different width stripes. Alse choice lines of Plain, Twilled, Diagonal and Corded Materials. Mourning Goods. 25 & 27 West King Street, LANCASTER, PA. VLUTUMU. H IKBH a HROTHKK. SOMETHING NEW!' Any Tailor with common wit can put a Suit together se as te make it present a nice appearance te the eye, but will such a Suit give you servlce V As a matter of course you cannot tell. We read and hear a great deal about Chkav Suits, which are hawked about everywhere. The simple truth Is implied in the words, they are Cheap Suits. Our ideals net te sell Ciie.U' Suits, but te fur nish at a low figure that which will give Satisfaction in every Paktic Hew will we de this? 13y taking our empleyes into considera tion. Yeu cannot pay peer prices and get Geed Werk, while en the ether hand if Ilicm I'iuces are paid you get first-class workmanship, and you beneQt both Weukman and Cus tomer, as tbe goods being well made will stand longer and rougher service. K you want te see the sequel te tbe above facts call in and have a leek at our Fall Overcoats, which range in Price from $7.00 te $25.00, in all the latest fabrics ; al3e our Cutaway Suits at 10, in Worsteds, Corkscrews and Bread Wale, and all the most Pashienaulk Cleths, HIRSH & BROTHER, CORNER OF N. QUEEN ST. 8s OBNTRBSQUARB, LANCASTKU, PA. rOK HAL.H OR RUNT. HOUHKHFORHALK ON THK MOST liberal terms, en West Chestnut, Wal. nnt. Lemen. Mary, l'lne and Charlette streets. Apply at UllMind 802 NORTH MARY BTRSKT. FOB BALK AT PRIVATE SALE, the three-store ftere and Dwelling Heuse, Ne. ii Mirth O,uoeon street. Lancaster city, l'a. Inquire of a C. KHKADY, Ne. 27 East Kins street, Att'y for Estate et Jacob (J. Kready. teplft-M.WAMfd U It LIU BALK OiT DWELLING HOUSSC. Om f atehday, SsmuBsn , 18SS, at the Fountain Inn, tbe homelike one and a half tery frame dwelling, Ne tivsonthuueen street, front 13 feet 8 Inches, depth 2(3 feet, te a il feet street, with rfxbt te well and pump. Uoed rain cistern, pig pen, chicken beuse, woedsned.avatletyoi tine fruit trees, shade trees eapwerueut uale te begin at 7K o'clock p. in. JOlINUcMANns. Josl L. Haikis, Anct. s'JJ,M,',?7,ssa HAGER & BROTHER AHSIONEK'B BALK OF VALUABLE UKALKSTATX, OB TnCBSDAY, PriTllilllllSl, 1SS8, Will be seldlty tbe undersigned at the I eon ara hotel. In the city of Laucsster, the follow ing valuable Real k state, te wit: . I, a let of grenna, en which Is erected a Two-btery Brick Dwelling Heuse, with Two Twe BUiry llrlek Rack Uutlding, numbered :6 Kast New street, in tbe city of Lancaster, contain centain lng In front 1G faet, mera or less, and extend ing la depth tA feet, inore or less. no. 2, a let of ground, en which U erected a two story Urlck Dwelling Heuse, with two story brlrk back-bulldlng, numbered Ne. SB Ifatt New street, In the city el Lancaster, con. Mining In front 16 feet, mere or less, and ex tending In depth 64 feeu mere or less. Thealuble properties are at the corner of North Chrlslltn una Kast New streets, and are favorably located ler renting orether pur poses. rale te commence at 7 o'clock p.m.. when terms wUl be made known by ' Alltt All AM bUKlTIOAM. Jsslgneaef Amelia MUchllch. Jesi Ih IIaisis, AucUeneer. tiglA8,U,W,W,s,a.7 aRoeMHima. AnOFFKES! TKABI OHOIOl OLD COFFEES. rresh Boasted DaUy and Finest Mew Crep. TEAS. DrTAV?D5unaHUe.?r "M " Geed OKOBOB WIAKT, Se. Ill West King S. jg-lNE QROOKKIKS. -AT- W.A.REISTSdCO.'S anecEfif, COUNKRSJASTHlTa AND DUKE 8TS. CRANBERRIES AUD KALAMAZOO CELERY. WerecelTfd this morning New Cranberries and Michigan celery, rust berries et the season. uhicd DIM l DBIED BlEKFI Yes. we are headquarters for Beef, and are soiling the best ite;t at lc per pound. Flats atlixe. That's cheaper than wht yen pay ter It else where, la it net? Whf canwe seli it for that price t That's easily answered. We get It di rect from Armour A Ce , Chicago, and save vuvjwuu. 0 jiiuiiw IIUJ and lASUs. Anether let of YanDenreer A Helmes' Cakes and Ulen!ts received lresh te-day. Alse Choc olate, Vanilla and Ginger Waters' . A. Mst & Ce. sy Telephone. Free Dollveiy.A AT BUKSK'a Fer the Campaign ! FOB IMI'OalBQ PARADES: Unman Candle, 8, 10,12, 15 and 20 bills, col ored! tha American Flagef allsliest Chinese Lanterns, variegated colors i Japanese Lan terns. BOMKIHINQ BNT1UBLY NEW, The Candidate Lantern, Large Sfan, with Portraits, Les Cabin, Cider lltrrel, and lettering Protection, etc. Just the thing rordpceratlng your Houses and for the Btreet Parade. , KVUr CLUB OUGHT TO IIAVKBOMBt diRi8e,rlRorett:?ana elxeap' i-anteru can- 1IUNT1NO FLAGS of any size furnlshed at U hours notice. Prepare for the coming rat ado. Don't wait until tee late. 4Vitemember, Headquarters at BURSK'S, NO. 17 HABT KLNQ BTRBBT LAN0A9TKB.rA AT REISrsi " FLAGS, UNIERNS and FIREWORKS. RE 1ST, FLAQ8 OF ALL BISKS, LANTBUNSTHATBAVKNOXQITAL, FIKKWOBKS THAT WILL SUUPB1SEYOU. Political clubs or all parties will de well te oxsmlne our stock before purchasing else whom. Parties who Intend illuminating ler the coming grand parade can fled no better selection than we have In Imported Lanterns. See that you get your Flags, Lanterns and Fireworks In geed time. GROCERIES. Fifty dozen mere of these Geed Breems, two for Me. rinest New Dried .blackberries, only loe a pound. In atock-uranberrles and New CedSsb. nest I) Med lieet in the World ler tbe money, 12)c. rlcnlc Hums, Sweet and De licious, only HKcapeund. California strained Heney, 8 pounds for 25c rrench Nlcnaca and Olnger Snaps, S pounds for 25c Ohie Stene Werk by the valleu, 10c. Masen Jars Pints, 75n; UuartH.SSe; Half-Gallene. ti.loperdezen. Halt-SOU-Bi llags. 8SO ; lSD-Bi lings, 75s ; llve bag lets, Ee per bagless we get It by the carload Crary's Deuble strength Ammonia, warranted te be denble the strength of ether ammonia en the inarket. hells fitst. Just In, another let. Reist, Wholesales Retail Grocer, Nerlbetst Cerner West Kins; sod Vrlnee Street!, LANOABTEU.PA. Trlnphene and Frte Drllvery. QUBBNHWARB. J. H. MAKTIN dt UO. Bench Shew In the basement next week, and dogs of all kinds will be represented. Grey hounds, Spaniels, Tugs, EeglisU Mas tilTs, Beagle Hounds, Gorden Setters, English Bull Pups and a dozen unknown breeds. The large Greyhound will be given te the person guessing the closest te his weight. Five casks of Arlington Dinner Sets were unpacked te-day, and a dozen new decorations are here te cheese from. Crazing or surface cracking are unknown te the Arlington Hard-Seml-rercelaln. New Chamber Sets decorated by the re nowned China Decorator, Jesse Dean, are here, and a special pattern called the " Doulton," is a remarkable Bet for (12.G0, slop jar included . A special price of $4.00 was placed en 25 Chamber Sets yesterday, and they must be seen te be appreciated. About halt of the let have slop jars included. Crate or English Chamber Sets at $2.50, ten pieces. Just opened, are en display, and eight patterns te cheese from. All New. J. B. MARTIN & CO. rACOBF. SUEAFFEH'S PURE RYE WHISKY. (MY OWN DISTILLATION.) SlSUd Ke.lSOKNT&SBQUAKX. BOOTS AX1 BOOB, s ' z? - F T WEAR, Ready New I Yes. HOW BBADT, with my Complete tteclt of BOOTS, SBOKS and HOB BBMfO Fall and Winter wear. Never before did I have such a Lara;e and Varied Steek or tia Very Best that tha Market Affords aaA Marked and Quick Selling Frteea, Alse I call ) enr attention te my S3.00 GILT EDGE SHOE. This a one el the best Three-Dellar Shee for men that is made te-day. Call and see them it beats all ethers. D. F. STACKHOUSE (ONB-PBICBSTOKB.) SB ft 80 BAfiT KINO, 8T. LANCABTBB, PA. aKVlyAw B OOTS AND BHOK8. WI ABB UKTAILINQ BOOTS - BOOTS AT nuujiESAiiis rmuK, )i Hew Can We De It? YOU HAY ASK: W WILIiKXPLAIN. After the last Beet Scaen we bought titty nine (5) Cotes et Youths' Beys' and Men's Beets at a Private A sslgnee Sale, for Spot Cash. tit such Jtxceedinuly Lew Prices thatwaean new sell you them KetaU at Bsgnlar Wholesale Prices, and yet make profit enough te keep us alive. We Can Sell Yeu: Youths' Solid Rip Beets, sizes 11 te IS, teri j 11.25; 60 and SI.7J. ' iseys' ueavy Beets, sizes 1 te s, for 11.00, l JSJ llB0,ll.7andszee rVJZ. lien's solid Kip Beets, sizes tn 11, V??. 78 and ttoe i regular price, H oe, sia a K Our Beets ier StM and M.oe we ,JerE. jmyena In tha cennty or state te be1 ,or ''t. Dura bility and pi low. m We could maUi) an Imrne.186 pr0 1 en these 69 cases.a'il?. v-eillng them at the old Iince,vut iiij ja Quick Sales and Small Profits. We have stuek te It, and te our " Itnle" of giving our customers the advantage of enr urchases. We hve the largest stock of adles'. Misses' and Children's Heavy Lace and Butten shoes for Fall and Winter Wear In theclty.fwhlchwedefyany of enr competi tors te dispute) at prices te suit tha tunes. Call In te see them whether you wish te pur chase or net, as we consider It be trouble te show goods at the prices we sell them. The One-Price Cash Heuse, & The Leaders of Lew Prices IN BOOTS & SHOES, Ne. 3 Eist King Street, LANCASTKU, 1M. svstnre closed every eventr g at 0 p. m.. ex cept Saturday and Monday. WA.KVHM. OPKOIAU -WATCHES ter Farmers and Ballreaders, 14 Karat Geld ruled Bess cases, Elgin works, sa each. Jeb Let. Best Watch and Jewelry Bepalrlng. Spectacles, Byeglassea and Optical Goods. Cor rect time dally, by telegraph only place in the city. LOUIS WEBER, Ne. UGK N. Queen St.. opposite City Hetel, Near Penn'a Deneu W ATOH REPAIRING. WATCH KEPAIBINe A Watch is the most delicate and intricate piece of mechanism made by man.and the one that receives the least attention. Your steam engine, your wagon receives mere. It is an established fact that there are mere Watches mined by the average Watch Be palrer than by the Watch Carrier. We have a Watch in our possession made by the undersigned i this, coupled with an F.X PKBIBNCBOFBIUUTBBN YKABSATTUB BKNC1I, enables us te turn out work of the Highest Grade at reasonable prices and with satisfaction te our customers. Would respecUuUy invite a trial, CH AS. S. GILL, Watchmaker & Jeweler. HO. 10 WEST KING BT., J.ANOASTKB. PA. w ATOHK& Lew Prices! Quick Sales! Goods Marked at Fast Selling Figures at this Season. OUH STOCK OF WATCHES Is very large and comprises everything In Geld, bllver and Nlckel. Prices wilt surprise you. Our aim la te give you the VKttY bkst value for the money possible. And we de IU Nen Magnello Watches a specialty. WAITER C. HEM, Ne. 101 North Queen Street, LANCASTKU. PA. nl-Ud AHPHALT BLOOKa. A 8PHALT PA VINO BLOCK. Asphalt Bleck Ce., Offlce-M)l Chestnut 8L, Phtla., Pa. Works-Bridgeport, Pa., Camden, N. J. MANUFACTURERS OF Standard Asphalt Paving Blocks SIZKS USzllJAND WxiKzl. In general use ferstreetpavlng,sIdewalks, gar den paths, mill yards and driveways, g niters, cellars, vau and aea walls. Advantages: Noiseless, dustleas, strictly sanitary, practi cally indestructible ana cheap. Fer prices and further Information address: R, 8, OSTBB & BRO., AgeeU Laneaster Ce. W MerU Friaee st, lensastar. fa, amlB4 FREY ECKERT