5W .V- fr1 UTO. "Rr l vf-"- ,, M.V .i-J THE LANCASTER DAILY INTELUGENCER, TUFSDAY. SETTEMBER 25, , Hi m BP. m Ra i TERMS! tr ImuMMtM is served by carriers i star anennaiBB towns ler 100, sty snail , a year j pes saenth. lt IrrauiMircn, Eight Paget, 11,50 ?M py cajei. specimen copies tent THE INTELLIGENCER, Lancaster, I'a. M 'i ie Dally Intelligencer. UlKOASTEK, SEPTEMBER tS, 18SS, L Qctlea Fsr Declslsa. Sllsj M pleased te note that our cer- ent takes our suggestions as te the e discussion as they were Intended taken ami concedes that the matter ttt considered Is simply the advisability Mm puiebase of the turnpike reads by county, their being no question as te utility or as te their ownership. Bfctbuld the county buy the turnpike V That Is the question at issue. If i llbou1d,theinedeby rvhlchlt may proceed IMbUin title te them is clearly defined Bl tee act or assembly. Ana the drat con sideration in the question is us te whether .( county can afford the purchase, .walch would probably require a million 1 0t mere of dollars te complete. At four ..pec cent. Interest, at which rate the rant? can readily borrow the money, H would readily entail an annual yammA ft fwfw (hmiaanil A1na ttf i ta ant ninnnw that mane rwamnna mill hn f?J-LZZlM zi I i . . . V... ' wpmu mi ueuy iuhi, iree reaus will ee yrj cheap at that figure te tb city and cauntrv communities, who will then m.mlA H.m .,........ .l J. .1 mu vug huuuibuue uiiu UBbCLIWuU annoyance BS wwl as the cost of tell-gates. lVlv t,l .. ... .1 . . '(;! iu Ui UU4UKU UVUU W1B CUUDtV mil fir a.a added the charge upon the townships ijlx keeping the reads In geed order. IKAlS the reads principally beneQt ..ftkneA ntl 1IA nlnM ttAM II. 1. JB, "" "" "' IUU VUCUJ, lb IB Efaic that the cost of keeping thorn .',":; should fall upon them, and we have tmwe doubt they will willingly assume it. ijslt la eblected bv semn nersnns In t.hn nnr. feldMse of the reads by the county that Kg. they will seen fall into bad order, and vwui net ee repaired properly by the bu- '.-nttwlat.. Phlannlntnn H.A.t.H.4.l '-'A it will be the interest of tlin nmnln iSfitllvlng along the line that the reads shall P&BB In geed condition, they will net only "gvBOt object te their being se kept by the 7"tami0rv1nr. Vnfr. fhev wilt cm tlinf i.a ri:' "properly discharges his duty ; and should M fail in it. there Is punishment provided kwjhf the law for supervisors who suffer '.t '! thlr reads in hprninn unfit for t.rnvul f)W It la possible that the turnpike reads mcl bmv net be as Bmoetlilv keet when the gaBfe tAlt-flratiia DM talrnn riff . l,ifr lin nlmMH. .,;. ""- - " 1 "" vuaui-c It auite as geed that thev mavba bet. 'M tar kept. Much will depend unen the n.;v, character of the men who have charge of LM'the work ; just as a great deal depends bow upon the kind of men who are In a ; turnpike direction. We hnve turnpikes Bbaut the town that are net as smooth as si hwy Buuuiu ue. uv u sruaii ut-ai. hIj lVa am nl.rnnelv tn fdvnr nf HiA VtW ,,w "" ..wB. u m.a VI V1JC7 Sf,J;' Bui-chase of all the turnnlke reads In ). .county by the county. We believe that $ will pay the taxpayers te have free reads. There are very few reads that will cost mere te purchase than they s cost te make. The Mlllersvllle may be foMieeh an exception, as the correspondent suggests, but it is the enlyjujevftUiihk. VeeUr"-' Prttruabie patronage, Jtfa"3Jiwte Shortness and great use, LWl&rge profit upon its erlgnal cost ; that net, it must be remembered, upon (he cost of the stock te many of Kb e proeoufcuwueio. j.ue w iiiiuuubiuwe reau t-.. . .. mi.. injinn.t . ells away beyond par, but nwuy below its cost; the present owners having tinneVit it fnr ft trlfln and (lift flrnt-. ntvunru ?&$ liwlna Inst most of thn mnnev nitpnt In fh rf -!-..- I'i'iji sniklncr It. EKT ZZ:" , ,.. ... . xua iiurupuit reaus, us a let, can DO bought by the county below their "cost. Their purchase will be judicious and profitable te the community ; the county can afford te make it ; and the sooner it does it the better. A Question of I'rotectleu. The Baltimore Sun raises the question I& whether the recent importation of a num ber of young Swedish women under contract te marry 1b net a violation of the law. " It was recently decided in New Yark that a high-priced preacher was illegally imported under contract. Is itnet a violation of the name law te lm. jKj pert women ter wives t" As the law WVi CCB uut UUUCl VUUkIUlJ VUO llUeS- t lien BAflmn tt hi u nrv ntmttlA nnn na in -'arilv imullM lalmr. Preachinit ha,t been :': held te be labor. Iliul tn lnvn. Imnnr rvlmv w ' " wt.Tfi . . . ; . . ' """' wr- ana ease may aise de classed as labor. tfr " Anether point of interest in this matter is raisea Dy tue young American woman who wants a high tariff, piohibitery aud unchangeable, te protect the home matri monial market and prevent the importa tion et Swedish or any ether foreign women under marrlape contract, Buch as recently occurred at Castle Garden. There is se cause whatever for the sudden alarm at this kind of importation, us the Bwdlsh girls all came ever te join Swed ish husbands, and there was no disturb ance of the home market whatever. We can afford te let this business alone be cause America Is famous for a inostsupe inestsupe inostsupe rier product, and If anvthlntr Is done it jheuld be In the way of checking experts a.- Th .ii . ..... ucic bid cuwiti vuu many American women exported by English husbands aud the brains of Britain's aristocracy are being strengthened by the daughters of America. We might add a clause te the retalla retalla ten act prohibiting this immigration and it would probably bring the English te terms instantly. That Senate Bill. The Senate Republicans report that they are getting ready te present their tariff production te the Senate com cem mittee. The hen cackles and premises her egg; but this hen has of ten hereto fore raised false hope of her product by such premises, and we will need te wait te see tbe egg before we believe that it is coming. And it is net going te be a very big performance even accordlngte the ad vertisement.The tariff bill is only premised te the committee, and then tbe committee Mi en it before it cets te the Knnnfn and when the Senate gets it and discusses rRMd dUeses of it, the November election wl" hvrt come anii Bne The very pru- ens uepublican senators want te wait for this event before they make a tariff law anyway. They want te knew hew tie people feel about It; and when the lectleu la ever tbey will net be se afraid te say hew they feel about it themselves. The effort of the Senate Itepubllcans BtcBw te have been te prepare a bill that will reduce the revenue without reducing the tariff duties ; and their chief re source is in ttie leaucuen 01 internal revenue taxes, that en tobacco being abolished and that also en alcohol used in the arts. We are told that the bill that will be reported is only Intended as a text for discussion and that testi mony is te be taken by the committee after the bill is r. ported. This seems te be a cart-before-the-horse mode of doing the business, but as the play is produced te amuse the people and without any idea te business, it does net matter hew grotesquely it is brought out. Se tbere are drove et Canadians at work iu Uullile. Well there may seen be dreva et Buffaloes at work In Canada, It tbat country oenllnnos te dlitutbu. Ahetheii drowning in the fJoneatega. Frem the numbar et deaths by drowning one might think tbat Lancaster was built upon the banks et mighty river. -mm Tiih curious defiance of the sound ct loiters ahewn by the English In the pro nunciation et boiiie names has been the surJect et frequent satire, but down en the eastern shore el Maryland there lives a faintly who spell their name Koreught and proneuncs It Darby. Heme tlinn age correspondent el the New Yerk World en his travel offered this ipeclmen of name twlatlng te the Illshep of Ciibralter, who has evolved the following explanation re printed In American Heles anil Queries. The Enreushty may have ealled them elve Darby's beeanse they came from a part of Ireland, where a rollgleus faith pre. vailed founded by Darby. When tlio'orlgl tlie'orlgl tlio'erlgl nal Knreughtya reached Virginia they found It a perfectly hnpelesa Jeb te get their name either properly pelled or prep, erly proneunoed by their new country men, and se In despair oensented te be allied Dubya by man kind In general, while they lead lastly clung te their true patronymic In all papers and documents. m m Qt'AnAMTiNKD towns of the Houth are beginning te appreciate the Impropriety of repaying Northern aaelatanoe with Infected rolugeta. The two young men who slipped pait the quarantine and went te New Yerk were denounced by friend at home who did net like the Idea of sending fover in eicbange for dollars and nurses. Mum. P. H. Hhkuidan baa written a letter te the manager of the Associated Presn denying the report of the story that Mr. Frank llurr, who has written a life of the general, was an intimate friend of hi and that her husband aided Mr. llurr in the preparation et the book. Hue says that General Sheridan ordered Mr. llurr from his ofllee when tbat gentleman approaehed him en the subject. Hhe also denies the representatlena of his publishers tbat she Is pecuniarily Interested Iu the book. Hhe has no Interest of the kind In any book about her husband but his memoir. Thbrk 1 tbe ring of true reform In the address of the Douiearatlo national cam paign committee for aid. They de net fol fel low the old plan of onferood contributions from public em ploy e. "The National Democratic Party, Us His tory, Principle, A.oblevements and Alms," I written by Hen. William L. Wilsen, LL, D., late prealdent of Weat Virginia Univer sity and oeujos te us with tbe highest rec ommendation. Tbe authorities contributing te this work are se prominent that it will oertalnly command n wlde sale, acuvair Democrat. The foUewlcrv, nre'lhe most noted : Hen. JohnCarlltie has aohapter en the natltuuai revenues, and Hen. Jeller son Chandler writes en the true intorpre. tatlen of the federal constitution ; the comptroller nf the currency, Hen. Win. I Trenholm, treats the nutlenal finances with ability and clearness, while William H. Helman, chairman of the fiouse oemmltteo en public lands, deals with that Important topic. In the eame way Hen. Wiu. M. Hprlnger, chairman of the committee en territories; Hen. New leu C. lllanabard, chairman en rlvura and harbors, and the chairmen of ether oeinmlttees wrlte of the matters tn oharge of thelr soveral uommlt uemmlt tees. Oeneral Jeuu U. Ulack, Hen. Perry llolmeut, Hen. Win It. Cox, Hen. Benten MeMllllu, Henater James L. PiiRb,all have chapter in this valuable book ; valuable beeause the tueu writing are all In a poal peal poal tlen te knew whereef tbey speak. They are specialists and experts, and If tbey de net knew and properly welnu the facts, no ene en earth can expect te de It better. The book has about thirty illustrations. Tin: Senate navl coiumltteo has a flne contempt for tbe sentlinent that prempted the TIoue te vete for the repair and pre. servatien of Admiral Farrngul's old flag ship, the Hartferd, Honater Hale said te; reperter: "Our oemmlttoe la net disposed te wsste money repairing old and useless wooden hulks. We are doing what we can te build up a new navy, aud we regard money spent in repairing ships se appar ently werthlesa as the Hartferd Is a prao prae tically thrown away." The prevailing lm. prosslen that (secretary Whitney and the Democratic administration are building the new navy la evidently displeasing te Hen Hen aeor Hale. His talk about a new navy is quite absurd with rofnreneo tothe Hartferd, which no eue dreamed of preserving a anything but a rolle et the bold admiral who dared te match woedon vessels against tone forts. The Hartferd Bbeuld be saved as we have saved the frigate Constitution and as the English kept the Victory, the flagship et Nelsen. The Benatermay sneer at the worn out old hulk, but Americana who kuew her history must be deeply oBended by tbat sneer, Thore Is nothing in our naval chronicles mero Btlrrlng than the record of battle and bravery associated with that old Hhlp. Ne matter what the coat, her preservation would be cheap Le cause no boy or man could leek upan her aud think et the Mississippi battles and Mobile without a thrill of patriotic pride pride et the kind that must be aroused in men when tbe nation needs theiu en the bittleQeld. It is well known that the Philadelphia Vresi takes great care te exclude from Us news oelumns matter that is net pleasing te the editorial department, aud probably no reader of the paper expeets te find all of the news in it. This has been its praotlee for be long a time that tbere Is little sur prise at the performance et the Journal this morning In noting the Brand banquet te the new chief Justlae, Melville W. Fullsr. The 1'ress saw fit te get very res ever the appointment or this gentlemen but a great banquet has been given te him by the Chicago bar. Many distinguished men of the Kepubllean parly have taken particular palna te express their warm approval by attendance, and by toasting the appeiutee, se the JYjs geea Inte another contempti ble pet and publishes nothing but the bare fact et the dinner, and an extract from Mr. Fuller's speech. All Kepubllean papers with any pretense et respectability publish list of the guests, but as such publication would prove the shining lights of the party te be tn direct disagreement with that journal it could net be expected te let its readers see them. This exhibition of small spite Is net noted as a matter of surprise, but simply as a curious specimen. PEBSONAU Hen. William Muteuleu has ben nominated for Congress by the Democrats et Northampton oeunty. Heuacis DAVENreivr, a Chicago boot beet black, bai announced his intention te de nate the entire receipts et bU Hand for the current week te the yellow fever fund. Calvin Huntington, of Fert Hcett. Kan,, has given fO.OOO te Vasar oelleiie with the understanding that for all future time his children and hit children's child- ren shall have rrse acboeilBg there. Chief Jcstieb Kulmcb waaentcrtalne. at a banquet Monday nlgbt by a hundred cllirsn el Cbloage, A distinguished com pany was prrasnb The principal speakers were Judge Fuller and Jndgs Oraaham. Hebbbt B. MANTBLr-, the actor, who la playing Menbara" at the Grand opera beuse, Cincinnati, I defendant In a sensa tional suit brought by Dr. Wsleb. of West Ninth street. A woman, fashionably droned and apparently well educated, called at Dr. Weleh'a house en Monday and Ansased beard ler herself and. husband. During the evening the alleged husband railed en Mrs. Jtruce, but remained for only a abort lime. Dr. Welch was Informed tbat the supposed husband was Mantell. The actor la registered, with hlawire.at the Emery hotel. 1 be suit of Dr. Welch la liable te precipitate several ethers. Mantell threatens te sue Dr. Weleh for blackmail, and Mrs. Mantell saasrta that she will Im mediately institute divorce proceedings. VTANAMAKKH'S ytfvwMviwMW I'fliLiDBLriiu, Tuesday, Sept. 23. 1E88. The questions ei the heur: Fer men, politics. Fer women, dress. Loek in ether columns for treatment of the first, for the second in this. The second fleer, Chestnut street, was alive yesterday with ladies eager for a first view of the new Wraps and Costumes for the Autumn and Winter. Paris, Londen, Berlin, Vi enna, are represented by rare and exclusive types. The om nibus things are net here. The selections have been made in person by our most tasteful and experienced people, visit ing all the great manufacturers of the European capitals in their own workrooms. Thus we get only the best. The best way te see all these new things is te seek the store at the corner of Thirteenth and Chestnut streets and ascend either by stairway en east wall, or elevator, te the dress-making rooms. Then examine the east room first and proceed west te the down stairway en Juniper street. Remember the second fleer. By this proceeding you will see: First, the Women's Costumes and Fine Wraps. Second, theJWemen's Ulsters and Jackets. Third, the Misses' Costumes ntifl Oi7rrnrni-mfntcj Fourth, the Baby CletsT Take our werdtuV it, you will be repaid ljvf""loeking, and the autumpfdl decorations add teibti'iciia'rm of the exposition. Anether bit el interest te the world of Women. Comple mentary te the Costumes Dress Goods. We hate te ad mit incempetency, but at the moment we are unequal te the proper display of Dress Novel ties that have been falling en our counters thick as forest leaves in Autumn. And se, te help out a bit, we have seized the late clock space (clocks have " gene up " te the second fleer) and filled it with a show of the newest things in fine Woolen Dress Stufls. Yeu knew the place just by Juniper street, midway be tween Chestnut and Market streets. The advertiser's pen can no mere convey a clean notion el these new Dress Stufls, their colors, figures, and combina tions, than a guide-book can convey a thought of the Sistine Madenna. Don't attempt it here, you say. We won't, but leave te you the task when you come. Fownes' (of Londen) new Gloves, and such Gloves only as this famous century - old house produces. We have re ceived se far : Fer Women : 4 button "ieuflau." tl te "tjruuu tan," Kauntlulu, r.' M Fer Beys : s-liutten "Craven tan." f t.si a button "Hesinaii," (1 de i butteu "Jseuilan," I1.2J Fer Men : 1 button "Soudan," Sl.te l-bittten Ne. 3 "craven tan," l.rta 1-butteu "Cuvnndlah tan," SI 75 2-batteu "Saudau."SI W 1 patunt clatp " endan," 11.50 1-uutteu Ne. 2 "Cnevrette, ' SI 1 butteu Ne. 1 "i hovretto " S2.50 1 button Ne. l "Cravnntan," i 1-htuien "chovrette" driving, 11.71 1 ballen black driving $2 Te arrive : "Geld tan" "Albert tan" Probably mere by double here new than any ether house will show you. There's a broad side of them in the Chestnut street windows. Seeing is something, but it's better te handle them at the counters. Chestnut struet side, west of main aiale. JOHN WANAMAKER, ... . ASPHALT BLOCKS. A Hl'HALT PAVINQ BIX)OK. Asphalt Bleck Ce.. Offlce-601 Chestnut St, l'htle., I'a, Works-Bridgeport, fa., A Camden, N. J. at ANUrACTUUKUS OF) Standard AsphaltPaving Blocks S1Z KB 4x5x11 JAND tXIJxl. In Kencreluse forstreetpavlng.siaewalks.Kar den paths, mut yards and driveways, gntu rs. eel ars. vau ana sea walls. AdvanUges: JL; .'"S'- .aeH. stricuy sanitary, prlctl callylnanstrucUbleund cheap. . for prtccs ana turvher tntonnatlen address! R. S. OSTER & BRO., Agenls Lancaster Ce.. 824 North I'rtnce su Lancaster, , uUaia H OOD'B 8ABSAPARILLA. The Liver And klays are ergaas which It Is important sneata m kept la goeei oeadiuea, ana yet tha? are overwetkeBaaB abused by aearlf every body, nntu they basens worn-out, clog-fad p, or diseased, Beet's SaraaparlUa curse all dtffleaiUas with tkasa ergaas, rensaa tksmte bealttay action, aad teas the whole digesUre organism. "I have been using Heed's SarsaparUla ter Indigestion and liver trouble. It has graaUy benefited me. and I think It lifnllv as geed a medicine as ciiimed." . a. csuuaaae, cat!, Dgineer pre eepb, Bicninf von, ut. Bound and Hsmlthy "It affords me much pleasure te recommend Boed'a Bariaparilla. My health two years age wa very peer. My friends thought I was going with consumption. Icammeneed using iioea'sBarsapiruia,tooknvebotueaoi it, ana te-day I can de as hards day's work a I aver oeuld- It saved tne from the grave aad put me en my fnet a sound, healthy man." will . U. Tsisaar, 111 Cast Main street, Wlggons Wlggens vUle, Ohie. Built Klght Up " I was all run down and unfit for business. I was tndueed te take a bottle of Heed's Bar sapartlla, and It built ma right up se that I was seen able te resume work. I recommend It te all who are amtcteS." D. W. Usats, stone cutter, Ne. 4 Martin street, Albany, M. Y. N. li.-Ue sura te get HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA Beld by all druggists. St t six for IS. Frepared only by 0 I. HOOD A CO., Lewell, Mas. 100 Deaea One Dellar. 8 UKKMGK'B MANDRAKE TlhLH. Bchenck's Mandrake Fills, -reR- IlltaOUS AND LIVam COMPLAINTS. .UHHNOK'H MANDKAKEI'IliLH. Schenck's Mandrake Pills, FOB J11I.I0US AND MY'glt COMPLAINTS. lnyW-lyrtftw a . ' ; JIOOTU AND OiWaa. t . JUfci ' je OT WEAR. Ready New I Tfs, NOW BKAIIY, with my Complete Heek of BOOTS, 8UOKS and KUBUEHS for Tall and Winter Wear. Nevor before did I have sueh a Larne and Varied Bleck of the Very IJeat that the Market Affords and Marked and Quick Selling rrice. Alse I call j our attention te my $3.00 GILT EDGE SHOE. This is r . th-e-Det Three-Dellar Shet for men j i made te-day, Call and see them t r- vests all ethers. D. P. STACKHOITSE, (ONK-FUIOBBTOUK.) fl8 & SO BA8T KINO, BT. LS.NOABTKU.rA. aw-lydftw B OOT8 AND HUOE8. WK AUK KKTAILINQ- BOOTS - BOOTS -AT- WU0LESALE FBICES, Hew Can We De It? YOUMAYAflKiWXWILLKXPLAIN. A Iter the Inst Beet Season we bought fllty ntnn (59) Uaaes of Youths' Heys' and lien's Meets at a 1'rlvate Aastirnee sale, for Spot uash, nt such Jtxceedlnfdy Lew Prices that we can new sell you them Ketall at llsgular Wholesale l'rlees, aud jet make pre lit enough te keen us alive. We Can Sell Yeu: Youths' Belld Kip Beets, sites 11 te 13, ter II Mj iwnlar price, II 60 and f I.7J. Beys' Heavy Heets, sizes 1 te 6, for II 00, $1 25, II 60, It 74 antf SWU Men's solid Kip Beets, sizes fl te 11, SI M, II 75 ana IL00 1 regular price, II 00, IMS and 12 60 Our Beets ler It M and S3 00 we defy anyone in tna cnunty or slate te beat ler tit. Dura bility and men Wecouiamatianluinicnse;preflt en these 69 Cases of Beets by selling them at the old prices, but our motto is Quick Sales and Small Profits, We have stuck te it, and te our " Bule"of giving our customers the advantage of our iiurcrmses. We luve the largest stock of -aflliV, Misses' and Children's Ueavy Lace una Butten f hoes for rail ana Winter Wear In m cuy, twmen we ueiy any ei our cempetl- rices 10 suit tne times. Call In te see thum whether you wish te pur. cn&se ni net. us we consider it se tr show goods at the prices we sell them The One-Price Cash Heuse. FRET ft ECKERT, The Leaders of Lew Prices IN BOOTS 8c SHOES, Ne. S East King Street, LANUAHTKU. PA. svstore closea every evening at 6 p, m., ex cept Saturday and Monday, BATS. Y0DNQ MEN, ATTENTION 1 Stauffer&Ce, LIASIHO H1TIIRS, Are showing up the largest and finest line et the most neyel ana new things known te the Hat Trade lu Fashionable Eall Styles. dxirr hats moil coo. te ss.ce. r dll link or Trunks and Traveling Bags AT DOTTOU PU1CK8. 31and33NertnQae8nSt.t LANCA8TEL.I'A. sar aretiBd. -..JS' J. B, MAKTIBT OCX Bench Shew In the basement next week, and dogs et all kinds will be represented. Grey hounds, Bpanlels, Fugs, English Mas tiffs, lleagle Hounds, Gorden Setters, English Bull l'upe and a dozen unknown breeds. The large Greyhound will be given te the person guessing the closest te his weight. Five casks, of Arlington Dinner Beta were unpacked te-day, and a dozen new decorations are hen te cheese from Crazing or surface cracking are unknown te the Arlington llard-Seml-Fercelaln. New Chamber Sets decorated by the re nowned China Decorator, Jesse Dean, are here, and a special pattern called the "Doulton," is a remarkable set for 112.60, slop Jar Included. A special price et $1.90 was placed en 26 Chamber Sets yesterday, and they must be seen te be appreciated. About half of the let have slop jars included. Crate of English Chamber Sets at 12.60, ten pieces. Just opened, are en display, and eight patterns te cheese from. All New. J. B. MARTIN & CO. flHARLES BTAMM'S 85 and 37 NeTtb Queen St. (Opposite the l'ostcfllee.) Grand Opening TO-DAY ! CARLOADS OF GOODS. DKEH8 GOODH, VELVKTB, DKEBS BILKS, UDERWEAR, HOSIERY, BLANKETS, TABLE LINENB, CALICO, SHAWLS, CASHMERES, HANDKERCHIEFS. CORSETS, RUOHINGS,. PANT GOODS, FLANNELS, COLLARS, RIBBONS, GINGHAMS, LACES, GLOVES, EMBROIDERIES, ALL NEW GOODS BOUGHT FOK CASH. WILL BE SOLD OflEAP. Big Bargains AT BOSTON STORE. 35 and 57 North Queen St. (Oppetlte the Fostemce ) Chas.Stamm aug2S4y (lUXMItaWAJiM. qIQH ICARTIS. FHUIT JARS, JELLY TUMBLBRS, JSLLY JAR!?, AT LOWKBT CABU J-K1CK8, AT CHINA HALL, The L1UUTNINQ FBDIT JAB. the Best in the Market, In Pints, quarts ana Half Gallen.. MASON JABS tn all sizes always en hana at bottom prices. Wen Stere HIGH & MARTIN, Ne. 15 Eaat King Street, LAHQAJBTIB, fAi DMT GOODS JhL-ytOOh SHAW1A Te the Ladies LAkcASTBS, r , BPU M, USB. We have Just raesivad our rail aad Winter Stock of ALL-WOOL SHAWLS. Breakfast Shawls, s B.00, bus. Mlssee' aekoel Shawls, am Ladles' Deable Shawls, SS.7S. sUQ, SSOO, SRJ0, 1760. Single Shawls Jest half the price. A vary Shawl warranted net te spot ky balag need ta the rata. This is the only make of shawl that caa tw warraatsd. Cem aad sea them. Ask te sea our Ladles' oeau, Wrap aad Jaekats. Ssr-Ne Trouble te Shew Goods. JehnS.Givler, 6 & 8 Ferth Queen 8t. LANCAria,FA. saarW-lydAw rAGER dc BROTHER. FALL AND WINTER Dress Goods! The Novelties in Dress Fabrics for the Fall and Winter Season. Oriental Robes in all new colorings, with 18-inch and narrow borders, In Cashmere and Oriental Shades en plain grounds. Cashmere Feule Bebes, with Bide bands contrasting or matching. English Serge Robes with borders, narrow and wide, in combinations of Silk and Weel. French Twilled ind!-'-1010 Bebes; in new shades '"-' 'Wi B'ie, Mahogany, Brown -and Green, with Black Silk YfojvenBerders. Combination Suits in English Tweeds, with stripes for lower skirts, plain ma terial te match for Drapery and Basque. Combinations of different width Btripes. Alse choice lines of Plain, Twilled, Diagonal and Corded Materials. Mourning Goods. 25 & 27 West King Street, LANOABTXB,PA. :harry btamm. It's Wonderfully Astonishing what Business Is Btlng Dene at the 3. HARRY STAMM, Frep. (formerly Partner In Dissolved Firm cf Btamm Bres.) BKMOVED rftOM HOB. J5 A 87 KORTH QUKXN BTBEKT TO THC j New Bosten Stere, N0.24CENTRESQUARE, (iJetwccn Seuth Queen A last King BU.) Bemember we are tha New IJoaten Stere Netice We brought with us (from U ana 87 u e' th Queen street) when we moved, a Large Let et UKMNANIS OF Dress Goods, Berne are seaienable. ethers a little out or season. We WILL BKLL Orr this let of Ureas Goods at about and even leu than half cost. When Preparing for Winter, Come and Bee what we are Offering in UNDERWEAR. A few Prices May Interest reu. 17Hc Kch ter a Ladles' KxUa Quality Merine Vest. J7Xe Xaca for Men's Kztra Quality Merine Vests. (9e Kach for Ladles' Merine Vests, the like et which we never seen. Ke Kach for Ladlei' Merine Veats, equal te any formerly sold at62)a, FLANNELS SHOULD NOT UK FOliaOTTXN. AH-Weel Heavy Bed Twilled riaanel, 20c, Se, te 82X0 a yard. rtne White flannels a Specialty, Black Cashmeres and Black Henriettas at LOWKBT riUUKB -AT- STAMM'S STORE. vn m ncvirnpaniiinr U,lilM BROTHER NEW BOSTON STOBE V. X VCLIXXIA fjlf UAUb tAJLAOM or rAamiem. ASTRIOH'B PALACE OF FASHION, 13 East Kine Strebt. Lancaster, Pa. OPENING OF MILLINERY. This week we have received, marked, and put in stock the largest stock of Millinery Goods ever brought te this city. Our assortment ei Felt Hats has never been se large, and we have made special efforts te mark them at prices which will astonish you. Fancy Wings and Feathers in endless variety, and en these also we have put the very bot tom prices se as' te please you in every way. Our Ribbon department has been acknowledged the largest and most complete in the state, net excepting the larger cities. In Fancy Ribbons mere, espe cially we excel all ethers; and there as well as en all ethers se called fancy stock, we stick te our motto. Quick sales and small profits. A leek at our stock and comparison ei prices with these of ether stores will at once convince that for Rib bons we are headquarters. We have the largest assort ment and the lowest prices. New Dress Trimmings; second large invoice.: this..rimA e.irt irunc-ut colors at vj and 75c. a yard; cord and silver mixed, all colors. Silver and Geld Trimming, 50c. a yard, was 75c. last year. Our stock of Coats ier Ladies' and Children is com plete new. Yeu are invited te come and inspect it. In this department we have always been the Leaders, but this season we have made extra efforts, and claim te have a much better assortment and generally lower prices than at any pre vious season. Come and see for yourself. Merine Underwear ier chil dren, all sizes in five different qualities, from 10c. apiece up. ASTRICH BROS. WAtvmma. IPKOIAL. WATCHES for rarmera and Hallre&ders, U Karat Geld ruled Bess cases, fclgln works, 2e each, .lob Let. Best Watch and Jewelry sepalnnsri Spectacles, Eyeglasses and OpUealGoedilroor. rect time dally, by telegraph only place In Uieelty. LOUIS WBBBR, Ne. INK N. Qneen St., opposite city Hetel, Near Penn'a lienet. W ATCH REPAIRING. WATCIEEPAIBIUa A Watch is the most delicate and intricate piece or mechanism made by man.and theene that receives the least attention. Tour aUam engine, your wagon receives mere. It la an established fact that there are mere Watches ruined by the average Watch Be purer than by the Watch Carrier. We have a Watch In enr possession made by the undersigned t this, coupled with an 1 X PJCBIKNOK or BIUHTKKN YEARS AT CHE BENCH, enables us te turn outwork or the Highest Grade at reasonable prices and with satisfaction te our customers. Would respectfully invite a trial, CHAS. S.GILL, Watchmaker & Jeweler. NO. 10 WEST KINQ ST., LANCASTEB. PA. w ATOHES. Lew Prices! Quick Sales! Goods Marked at Fast Selling Figures at this Seasen. euu stock or WATCHES Is very large and comprises everything In Geld, Silver and Nickel. Prices will surprise you. our aim la te give you the YUY BEST value for the money possible. And we de It. Hen Magnetic Watches a specialty. WAITER C. HERE, Ne. 101 North Queen Street, LANCASTEB. PA. nl-tM MACHINE T. nKMRAL MAOH1NK WORK& FOR SALE CHEAP FOB IMMEDIATE DKLITEBT. One IK H. P. Engine and Beiler combined. One 4 U. P. Engine and 6 U. P. Beiler, en base, combined. On 4 u. P. Second-Hand Vertical Engine, with or without Beiler. " One S H. P. New Uorlsental Engine. Own make. Engines and Boilers of every size and de scription, Several Botary Ventilating Fans, suitable for shop or office nse. Alse Valves, fittings, Pipe, Brass and Iren Cocks andand a full IlneSteam Goods and En. glueers' Supplies. Machine work, Pattern Werk, Brass Cast ings, Shafting, Pulleys, Hangers, Etc, Etc GOOD WOBK. SEASONABLE CUABGES. PBOMPTNXSS. Central Machine Works W.F. COMMLNGS, Proprietor, HOS. 154 fc 130 NORTH CHRISTIAN ST, Laseistu, Pa. OsKt-Ua k i navrMH