Ww"f - y-a riJ THE LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, FRIDAY, SEFTEMBEB 21, 1888. TERMS ! rliMum Is serve by eanttn I asty aat wrwrnaaiM Mm e We. a immwim KUMrMrM.lt.BO , fey aasU. speetgaen copies sent TME IMTBLLiaEHCKB, Lanes ter.l'a. Dally InUlllgncr. LITIS, SEPTEMBER M, 1S96. Aa 04 CreaUre. i csMest revelation of the canvass se till the discovery et a man who can r vote for Cleveland nor Harrison, N both are protectionists ; and It is r feed man, tee, being no ether than 32. Moeaghan, one et the best and i Democrats in the state. 'ICenaghan is honest as the day, ibenesty leads him sometimes te eUeable. lie proves the strange tfftat a man may be tee honest for I Ufa in tnts wtckea worm. Air. i is a free trader, pure and slm- wltl endure a tariff only as a i measure, and will net admit tbut 1 Mty be Incidentally made te protect ctures. There are many people leave ibe same notion; but there are fwfcosjese in love with It that they keen company with a political r.'that gees a part of the way with ; although there is no party that gees whole way. Mr. Menagban is corn t enough for himself, when be thinks ti right; and generally that Is a com- ble way of managing oneself ; but eca is of no account as an indl- ZitHa, and canenJxJJS'bT account as one. " carlaJtla net practical wisdom te nnmbd refuse a half leaf because .l?JSA te be bad. MosTef tbe'eveland is a statesman of ltS fnnen arlnrl? anil In font Hint lath A s a.h.."- . ' .r ;.:: v PiitlnMiP"10"5 siaiesmansuip numus or. AWRjW imiQVO IM DIUVJCJOIJ" OS OXX. HXVU k' ju does in tne abstract lusiice or a ! for revenue only ; but be realizes as Mr. Menagban does net, that great iMaanfacturing Interests have grown up KIsTthla country, festered by protection, aid that it would be rank injustice te r It away from them ; and, moreover, It would be very injurious te the In- i of the country te de anything te its established industries. There- be proposes te take no mere of the .ftttbl duties off manufactures than they i afford te have taken off. k? tfmi.i. i. .i. t. -n i.i -ause in ujb iw& ui imvuna vvibuuui titling Democratic friend, Deb Mena- (Agaae ; who can aee no democracy in a protective tariff et any sort ; and this, U Mtwithstandlng the fact tbat the Dem- 'oeratio party has always declared for the taeMsnt&l protection which a revenue tariff can be made te give. Mr. Mena- jgaaa declare blnuelf a true Jacksenlan Daaaoerat, and thinks that the plftt- lataa of 1680 demanded a tariff 'for revenue only. Jacksenlan Democ Demec ,!liaey and the platform et 18S0 are net Jraaerally construed te be essentially dlf- v larent from the platform of 1888 ; in 1 1 troth, Mr. Menagban stands about alone Ja se considering ; which fact would pww iv muaij nu uuv uia uiueu Diiiu" , eked twelfth juror that be was out in Me reckoning. But Mr. Menagban is phenomenal in his stiffness ; when he ?": nlnVl tiA la rlnhr. tin tru rr nm run L je anybody else's tfetv -tie has often Jesaeustrated thlaCfrait, but never quite ggjJTirfnew. i notaispesea u cenuemn or up fegaid him. We knew that he is honest, and we believe that be will de the Deme- ; 7 eratic party mere geed by voting against , en this Issue than though be was for it; :ferbawilI serve te emphoslze the true rxViwtien of the party In favor of enough k?. arnmtlnnui nmtjv.f.. anrl nn mnm He rir'""-". - --.-, . v u.w.v r ' Will nnlnfc nut thn f ant Hint tin "llnmnr. T4tr- , M ....... ,- rey u net ier tree traae, ana mat, it uees smk propose te reform tne revenue se as f.,"0 upturn industry. It is net for a tariff , far revenue only. It does net desire te Iixshss) revenue ea iereign raw materials or .1 M. M ..... Klaawnfncture ; but desires these te enter "because manufacture will thus be S, cheapened, and the consumer and the sjMker of goods will both be helped. Tale policy is transparently beneficial te the eeuntrv. l;Ut, Monaghan is a student of tbe rjswuswmuuu, uuu iuiukb iuuu ne unua no Mmnf In if ATCKln K.if a wi.tnn.m , tax ; and be does cot care what geed say oeme te the country from a different truotien : for he will net de evil that feed may come from it. As he grows be becomes mere conselentlom. Heretofore be has swallowed tbe In Mental protection policy et the party, I. has voted and eleauentlv sneken for C?tBSlnan(IMatAa TTa liaa Ivun nf tla mnf i-svT.TT7 . ' " "" """" " "W,J" iBUiiai and efflclent leaders. Hevr ha Jpsita ; and still is valuable te his party, in k SWVMBL VUMH ucte IB UUtUlUK UCOU UI11D Jaits states mansblp. A Big Little Uun. KIt is renerted that the Ampur nf ftSy--.-. . ..... . 'Argnanuum is ueau, una as me lettsc f'lTasser from that country is usually ac- ampanled by several speculations as te ,maat itussia is going te de. we may Vlkertly hear of various Muscovite doings aleulaUd te excite the tall of the British VIa. U.l ntl .. II t.f i. .. i'tmnt. eaiu itii u uuuBuuuy ttuaiuve juut rsjew because et the distressing mess of t Ji mnmrnkm. A a VMjltXm ffiA Amaplnnna n.i n t. :' Matte Afehan chief can't even die with. 'Mt azltating leonine feelings. pf' The Ameer of Afghanistan occupies u i;vyoeltlen in. the world's international L affairs se unique and important that it i only be compared in a ebadewr way fiVlth the position of Ferdinand nf llul. "aBBlla. Hla COUntrV la ttia natemaxt nf vladut; but two et the most powerful 'sjiUens en earth have keys in ocDesIte ', adlsa nf the lrwlr. unit tf ltn .i,.ij .'Sjearrel, the one that moved the most tapldly would held the situation, tne ameer and his peenle wekl be lucky if they caved their rtltsa In the succeeding row. The ameer t it a barbarous mountain chief of inslgnl. sVsaat power, but be might under certain lltiens plunge the whole clvi- sttea world in war. It is net Mebable that be would fulfill hMoe; conditions, by dying just at tbe at moment, but he aDDears fated r or later te afford a pretext for the el his country by one or the r of tbe jealous powers en either slde ' tba mountains. The great value of laeuntry te these powers lies in the aktul military strength of the narrow i long mountain passes where, in many a single battery could held an rsay back, and alto, and perhaps chiefly, capacity or tua gTmi mii fertile i laads for supporting a large army, On the northern aide et India's gateway the armies destined for invasion could rest and eather strength for the effort, and this is doubtless the secret of the many conquests et India by northern armies. The ameer is a small gun but circumstances may make his proceedings big with importance. It the ameer is really dead it is a pity, because his decease some time next spring might have been a very material Assistance te tbe adjustment of our troubles with Canada. "With America retaliating and Russia threatening the British lien would nrebablv be peaceably disposed, as be tween us we could undoubtedly eat him up. 3c van Tjiurman has cfloetually an awered.lf be baa net silenced, the malicious rumors that have net been checked by re aped for hlagray bead from Imputing te him a hatred of the colored race. lie shows that neither be nor bis parenta owned alavea and that bla grandfather aacrlfleed a large part el bis property by freeing hla alavea. The judge himself baa a record absolutely clear et any trace efj enmity te tbe race. He explained te bla oelored audience en Thursday tbe louetnlny of thelr present portion aa tbe political alavea of the Bo Be publican parly. lH Philadelphia there la an odd and Inter, eating trial going en, In which actor are tbe parties. Mr. Kala, a atage manager, la charged by Mlaa Paullln with having atelen a couple of theuaand dellara which were In her purse, wbleb was In ber besom, when ahe fainted during a per formance ; the purae was passed, through the bands of two ether actresses, Inte the bands of Pals, who seems te have been tbe aoeomodatlng genius of the troupe upon wheuj everyone dumped any odd thing that was te be done. When Miss Paullln recover ed, Kala gave her baek her purae, and ahe aald It was all right : but put It back In ber besom without counting the meney, ahe aaya, (which she did net de for a couple of days, when ahe noted her less. There Is nothing te show tbat Pais leek It, eieept that he had It, beyond some of bla declarations of no particular foreo, abewlng tbat he knew there was a large aum el meney In the purae; wbleb be might readily have knnwn In a number of way a when the lady bad been making a bank of ber besom all the seaten tbrengb. The lessen of Pals' ex. parlance la te avoid tbe custody of etber people's property, and te be earerul te get receipts In full en returning It That there la a valuable limit te careless geed naturals one et the meat necessary lessens of life. Twe of the essayists be Tere the Heme, pathle Medical society, In Philadelphia, bad bepef ul views about tbe cures of two et the meat terrible of lneurable dlaeasna. One thought that consumption nraa net beredl tary and oeuld lie eured If properly treated In Us Incipient atagea ; anotlier Dr. Mebr related a eaae of the aoeldontal euro of a malignant growth of oaneor by the break. Ingouteferyalpela. Thla accidental eure, Dr. Mebr declared, has peaslbly opened up a way by whleu oaneer ean be cured with the virus of eryalpelts. lllapaper created much talk and Dr. Mehr was asked a great many queattena regarding bis patient, who la new In better flesh than alie has been for six years, m A oeNTXMVoitAnr notes with surprise tbat a Yerk county woman recently sent one cent by mail te a party with whom ahe bad been unable te make the exact ebange for a purebaae. There la nothing aurprla. ingly honest about that. We euraelves make a praotlee of returning stamped en velopes that may have been sent te us ler our autograph ; and we don't put anything lualde of them, either. Aa It costs two cents te return oent and don't coat any thing te return a atatnped envelope It strikes us that our honesty Is mere thorough and refined than tbat of tbe Yerk oeunty party ; for the amallnesa of the Bum re turned seems te be the oauae of remark. Tiir thoroughness of tbe French war preparations may be Judged from tbe fact that a oemmlsslon baa been onagaged for many months past In determining the beat meanaef victualing large cities foraelgeand particularly with regard te Paris. The victualing of Paris Is reoegnlxed as an enormous operation, euly equaled by that of the oetnplnto mobilization et the army. It would exact the employment for at last three wceka of all the rolling ateck et the French railways. During the last siege of Paris the most aorteus want was that of bread and fuel. Te-day tbe circle et Investment by building new ferta Is uiuuh mere extended than It was eighteen years age, and the number or farm animals capable of being brought within the new llnea of defeuae would lie very great. The difficulty of feeding them being reoegnlxod, tbe commission proposes that they be slaughtered and tbe meat kept in refrigerat ing ebambera. Per a aelge of alz months Paris would re quire about 800,000,000 pounds et flour, each peraen being allowed 16 euncea a day. 11,000 ten-ten cart would be needed te take tbls into Paris, and thla Is only ene part of me preniem ei supply ier a city new nutn berlng 2,334,000 Inhabitants. Keau Apmihai, Luck baa beeu inter, viewed by a reporter of the Haltlmere Sun aa te bla trip in a launeh from New Yerk Seuth, and he Is greatly impressed with the advantagea of the Inland waterway, and urgea warmly that It aheuld ba made avail able for large ahlpa and be protected as te be used in time of war by our coast ooui eoui oeui merco and war ahlps. "Before we can hope te de anything in the construction of these Inland waterways for military pur. peaes we muBt have some facta and figure te lay before Congress. When wedetbia we have ground te ask for an appropria tion. He appropriation need be made for luv survey. The navy department eau de that Aa te the fate of my report 1 cannot speak definitely, lleperts reetlve dlllerent treatment at tbe naval ollleo new than formerly, They go te the bureau of naval intelligence and are eyatematlcally ar ranged tbere. Nobody kuew what became of them lermerly. "The Democratle administration has aided the navy very much, although 1 de net apeak as a politician. Oongreaa Is ready and willing te help the navy, but the trouble la It deea net knew what te de, ae ceuuiciing me evtaence Deiere the com mittee as te the needs et tbe uavy. 1 belleve tbat Mr. Clereland baa atrlveu hard aud earneatly te eeeure ua a navy. There la a sentiment throughout the country In favor of It" PERSONAL. Kev, W. L. GuiNTHKn, of Oreole, ria., married Mlaa Lettie J. illckel, at Womels Wemels Womels derf, Harks county, en Thursday. They suited for Flerida Immediately, learleai of Yellow Jac. Kev. Jas. I,. LKKr-En has resigned aa E ater of tueKiret Preabyterlan church, of .eadlng. The rea'gnatien was accepted by the Lehigh prebytery, and tbls ends Heading's famous church tight which baa been beiere the publie nearly two years Historian Banciiept visited Mrs. Polk at Naanvllle, Tenn., net long age. and borrowed tbe late prealdent'a statu panera, lie returned them te her a few data ane With a note in which he aald: 1 hope my life will ba apared te oemplete my his tory te the close of jour husband's admin istration. That will clone my Ufa work. I am engaged with aoerpaot typewriters and clerks aud I believe will be able te ao ae ao eompllah the task." Senater 8AvrEn,ef Wisconsin, recently aald : "1 am surprued tbat any one abeuld anppeaethatl will be a candidate for re. election te the Senate. I did net knew that the matter was even mentioned. When my present term shall expire, my vge will be such aa te preclude all possibility of my name being mentioned for re eltotlen. i will be seventy-seven years old. When a man attains that age he ought te be villlag te retire from peUtlcal lire. I csrtataly snail." Bin mil Haw. The AtsosHttlen games et bass ball re sulted m fellows yesterday. At O Belli, natl I Clnelnnatl 1, Athletle 0 1 OlneiaBsU 3 1 Athletls 1 1 at Louisville : Icralsvl is 1, Brooklyn 0 at HU Leuis : Bt. Ixrals, 8. Baltimore 0 Baltimore, 8, Bk benis, 3 1 1 at Kanaaa City : Kanm City, 5 ; Olevstaad The League rsbim were i At Indian apelli i Philadelphia, 2, Indianapolis It at FUUburx i Bosten 4 ; Pltuburg 0 ; at Ohloage: Ubloate. 11, Washington, p Obloage, G: Washington, Is at Detreit: NewYerk,6; Detroit, 4, a Bint te Pan People, Frem their arrival en this planet te their usually early departure from It, peeple of weak cODitltuUens and angular pbjilqnes pus a sort of halt existence. Like dormice they borrow In their home retreats, afraU et heat, afraid of cold, cenitantly afraid that the ahadeweflhedrcadrcapcrwIllmsUrlillMaBd exact the forfeit which ha demands from all, i"Ser or later. Ne Unci 'medic mal MWBjjejj l eomnsrstlve t nor for the feeble exlutsTnan HiataXdedby flei.tctter's Stomach Hitters, Used with perslnteneo-net with apnrti i and pam-thls genial and Prp?"10".!1.!"; wended tonle will de mnch toward lnfBln strenath Inte a puny system, and rounding eB !..... .....lxi In thn human OfUre. AV pane, nerve tranquillity and nlft.Uy repose are encouraged by it. and a malarial, rbeu. ..nn f.uinna tenilencv orcrceme It re. cttabiuhcs digestion and prevents troubles. kidney CovrAaiaea Bolicitbe A wise dlserlmlaa. tlen should be exorelsed by all who tak med med ielne. The proprietors et Heed's Baraapartlla solicit a e uful comparison of this medicine with ethor bleed partners and medicines be ing confident tbat the poeuitar menu ii Heed's flaiaapirllla are ae apparent that the people wUl unhesitatingly prefer It te any ether preparation. Iloed'a Baraapatllla la net a mixture of Slelatses and a few nert roots andherbs,butitlaa peeullar concentrated ez tract of the best albBratlre and bleed purify, lngromedlesol tbe vegetable kingdom. The nnormer s salea of Uoed'a Raraapatllla, and the wonderful cures eneeted, prore even mera than has been claimed for this medicine. If you are slek the beat medlctne Is none tee geed. Therefore, take Uoed'a Barsaparllla. WANAMAKBR'a I'nitiDKLnttA, Friday, Bept, 31, 1M8. In order te think of the Up holstery new. We were never in better shape te help your thinking. The new importations of Cur tains are at hand. Madras Nottingham Irish 1'elnt Laee Bwl.a Tambeured llraseels and Bru stela point New effects in Heavy Curtains. Nevel Patterns, rich colorings. Tapestry, Jutes, Damasks. Plushes, Brecatelles, and plain and fancy new things in yard goods ler Curtains and cover ing. ie iigni up me uhtk. cor ners of a room and make the home mere homelike. Only a word el prices never se low for same quality of goods. Becend fleer, north of Transept. Lazy Chairs, dreamy Chairs. Se cunningly shaped and up holstered that they touch every tired spot and lull you te rest. Try till you find one that just fits. Sorts enough. Third fleer. Four elevators. Shep - worn Memorandum and Bill Beeks. Many im ported in Russia Leather, English Calf, and imitation Seal. Mostly Card-cases with two or three Meme. Beeks in cluded. Third and hall price 25c te $2. Twe numbers of Letter Copy ing Beeks that a manufacturer wanted te close out. All per fect goods and geed paper. Canvas or leather backs, with cloth sides. S00 pages for Me liO pHKea lurOie ' pages for tta MX! pages for UOe loeo psires ler II Near Juniper aud Maiket streets comer. Big Buttens are the style for trimming. They add te the sparkle and dash of the elegant new striped Novelties and rich Bordered Dress Stuffs. Mere cunning designs and cute turns than ever in Buttens this year. They fit in with every shade and tint and oddity and quirk that Fashion has pre scribed in costumes and wraps this season. Art and elegance in them. The new sorts are in sight brilliant, dull, extrava. gant, modest; for every taste and every use. nmtal pearl oreotiot mohair lirulU lusting bODO Ivery Jet silk velvut suttn KtO hum and they come in almost myriad styles and colors. We have counted a few of the kinds. MT aorta of Metai lluttena, Be te as a dez. SS4 sorts el Ivery linttens, Se te tUe a dea. IU sorts of l'eari UutteuH, 40 te f i ii a dea . 1 sorts of White fvarl lluttena. 80 te U.7S ades. Of jet 1 1 5 styles, black crochet 140 styles, and se en. A Butten carnival. Northeast of contre. JOHN WANAMAKER. COMI'LHXIOS I'OWDMK. QOMPLKXION POWDER. LADIES WUO VALUJt A URriNKU COMI'LBXIOK pozzeni's MKIMCATKD (a. COMPLEXION POWDER. it imparts a brilliant transparency te the aktn. Uauieves all ptinples, truckles and QU QU QU coleratlons, aud uinkus the skin delicately sett and beanUfuL, It contains no lluie, whtuL iejd or areunle. In three shades, pink or nesh. white and brunette. --, reu balk iir AH Drugglata nnd Paney Doalere vorvwhera. Geed e aprSTivaWAilK " 1MlTAT"""'-'W TJOOD'S BARSAPABIIiliA. TRUE ECONOMY It fa) true economy te hay HoeS'a anaaav HUa, ter "let Deses aa DeUar," la crtgUMi with aad trueOBlf et tkls pepnlar.saadletaa. If you wish te prove this, bay a botUaef Heet's SaraaparUla aa aaaasnra IU eeateats. leu will flnd ltte held ISO toaapeoarala. stew raatMoJraeUeu,a)iayouwUl flnSthattk avaraga desa for peraess of dUrereatagssls lasa than a veeapoenrou nn is eanaiauy aw dust re and unanswerable evMeaea of the pa pa ealiar strength and aeoaemy of HOOD'S BAMAPABILIjA Wa becan nalng Heet's BaraapaxlUa tn our lasUtutlen seaae mentha age, and taring watched IU etaets, wish te say that wa tad It a geed, reliable, and banafletal mediclaa for family use, and for hespitala and lastttntas such aa ears." Bistsas e Msbct, West Fourth St Cincinnati, O. " I took Heed's Baraapartlla for less of appe tite, dyspepsia and general languor. It did ass avaat amount of geed, and I have no hesi tancy In recommending It." J. W. Wills roan, Qulncy, 111. HEALTH BBTTam TUa.1T IVBB " 1 have been troubled by a aerofnlena affec tion all my lite, it Is one of the marked reo ree reo elleetlona of my boyhood days, and for several yeara has rendered me unable te labor mnch. I think Heed's Baraapamia, wmen i nave been uaing at Intervale for ten yean, la the bfist thing 1 have erer taken. I am new se, and my ireneral health seems batler than ever." H. D, Abbett, Warren, Jf . H. HOOD'S BARSAPABILLA Sold by ell druggist. II tatx forts. Prepared only uy u i- uuuu c uu, lyeweu. 100DOSKS ea teu m TUttAWVU. e LD HONESTY TOBACCO, FINZER'S OLD 'UOJSESTY The Chewers of OLD HONESTY TOBACCO will seen find that It lasts longer, tastes sweeter than ether tobac cos, and will please you. Ask your dealer for It and insist en getting It. Genuine Has a Red H Tin Ta en Every Fleg. HATH. -yOUNO MKN, ATTENTION 1 Stauffer&Ce, UUDMQ UTTIR3, Are showing up the largeat and finest Una of the most novel and new things known te the uat Trade in Fashionable Fall Styles. STIFF HATS FHOAI We. TOIS.CO. -FU1A, LINK OF- Trunks and Traveling Bags AT UOTTOM PEICK8. 3iand33NerthQaeenSt., LANOASTBL.PA. QVXBNUWARB. H 1UH MARTIN. FRUIT JARS, JELLY TUMBLERS, JELLT JARS, AT LOWEST CABU PBIOXS, AT CHINA HALL. Thn I.iailTMtNO FBDIT JAB. the Best In the Market, In PinU, quarts and Ilall Gallens. MASON JABS In all alaea always en hand at uouein pnees . HIGH c5d MARTIN, Ne. 15 East King Street, utnnAaTBK. fa. BUMMHR RK80RT8. TkTT. QRKTNA l'AKK. Mt. Gretna Park, FOB EXCURSIONS AMU PICNICS. This Park ta located In the heart el the Beuth Meuntala en the line el the Cornwall Lebanon Railroad, Nine miles south of the Ctty at Ibanen, within eaay distance et Harrlsbnrtr. lieadlna-. .Lancaster. Columbia and all points en the Philadelphia Si Beading and Pennsylvania juuireaas. iu Kjreunus ure large, covering hundreds of acres, and are FUKBJ TO ALU The conveniences are a Large Dancing Fa Titiuu, wk epviuu. fuiiug mi.. Anu AtHUMOl, r ana ueai. uoems, wnue ine arranse Buttle Beats and Benches are scattered throughout the grounds. TUB BTATK KIFLB BANQ1 Of the National Uuard of Pennsylvania has been located at Mt. Oretna, and the attittary BlSe PracUee, from time te time at the Bangs, will oenstltuie a new attraction te visitors. Anether attraction la LAKB CONKWAQO, Coverlng nearly twenty acres en whteh are placed a number of elegant New Beats, and along the banks et which are pleasant walks lovely scenery. OBSKBVATIONOABS WUl be run en tbe line of the Cornwall Js Leb anon Ballread, or will be sent .te different fielnu, when practicable, for the acoemmoda. ten of ezouraten parties. They are aafe, pleaaant and convenient. Parties dealrlne; It can procure Heals at the Park, aa the Dining Ilall will be under the su pervision of B It. BOLTZ, of the Lebanon vaney heuse. xnese wne wisn 10 spena a da' in tne aieunuuns cau nuu no maea ae Dean ful or afferdtnir ae much pleasure aa Mt, U DBINKB AL- Uratna. SU IMTUAIUaXlN LOWKD ON TUB PUBM1BKS. sv rer xxcnralen Bates and General In ler mailen, apply te NED IRISH. Bnp't C. 4 L. Uailread, Lebanon. Pa. Je28-md PROCLAMATION BPKUIALmTYBLKCTlOir. The Quillfled electors of the Third Ward et the city of Lancaster are hereby notified that nn election "111 be beta In the Third Ward at the usual place of holding general elections, en TUKitU AY, September ii. 18S8, between the hours of 7 a. in. and 7 p.m. for the purpose of electing one member el Common Council, te nil vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Henry B. Greff. Given under my hand this 3th day of Sep tember, A. D., IMS. BDW. DSKSI.XT, Mayer, DMT mOOBB. 1ILK8I 8ILKBI Black Dress Silks. WATT&SHAND, 0. 8 10 BAR KIKO;R. OPKH TO-DAT, Cfcetee Lines of Latest and BvstYelneslai BLACK SATIN LTJXOB, The Hewest and Most Desirable Bilk, u inches wide, Si.oe aid. ll.Ss a yard. BLACK FBXNOH FAILLE, 31 inches wide, Me, 11.00 and UJB a yard. BLACK SATIN RHADZtMIBR, 91 laches wide, ffe, H.et sad BUS a yard, BLACK SATIN DUCHESS, avertible eatln or Ores Brain, 11) a yard. HASKELL'S Famous Black Dress Silk Are the beat value in any market, warranted neither te creek, break or shift, 21 Inehee wide, ll.oe, ILK and ll.M a yard. BPSCIAL BAKQAIH8 IN Colored On Grain 8Uki, Twenty -one Inches wide, 7BO a yard 1 never sold for leas than SL00 All colors In All-silk SATIN BHADAM AS. Splendid VaJ e at 75e and 1L00 a yard. New Yerk Stere. E ARLY AUTUMN BTY1.K& STAMM'S ST0BE HAS HOT MOVED Frem 85 and 87 North Qieen 8t Has Opened a Big Assortment of EARLY AUTUMN STYLES ADD COLORS New Silks, -AND LADIES' CLOTHS. We take pleasure In announcing the open ing of a large shipment of the above Heeds In airthe Latest Btyles and Celers ler Autumn Wear at Very Moderate Prices. SILKS. TOILLB FBAHOAISB, MOIBE ANTIQUE, B ATIM DB LTJIOlt, MOIBE FBANOA18K, ABMUEX FiqtJXB, FLUBHEB, BUADAMXB, VELVETS, 8DBAHS, BATIBB, DRESS GOODS. HENBIETTA8, OMBEB PLAIDS. PATTEBN BDITB, OMBEB BTBIFXB, BBBGEB, FOULK8, NOUVEAUTB, CABHMEBE8. CLOTHS. LADIES' CLOTHS, DELHI'S CLOTHS, BNGLlflU COSTUME CLOTHS, TBIOOTB, AMAKONE D' INDE BACKINGB, CLOAKIBSB, T WEEDB, &0 , Ae. All are respeetf ally te call and tnapoet our Mew Goods and MTEOUftLOWPRIOES. Samples sent free upon application. Coun try orders receive pempt and careful atten tion. Goods sent te all parts, O.O. D., or en reeetpt of Foatefflee Order. Don't mlaa seeing our Display before making selections. Our qualities are always Bellable. Frlces always the Lewest MO ZBOUBLBTOBHOVf GOODS. Chas. Stamm 8 and 87 North Queen St. SS-Ol'l'OSITK THE P03TOFFICK. BOSTON STORE. aug3My IIBATipa. CELLAR HEATtltd. FLINN & BRENEMAN'S Cellar Heaters ABE TUB BEST IN THE MABKET -AMD- PBIOES THE I0WEST. ALL W OBK GUABAMTBED. FLINN & BRENENAN, CONTIIACTOBS OF Plumbing 8c Heating, Ne, 163 North Qemb Stret, LAM0A8XEB TA. Goods, cLOTMur0,m. M2 KOHAHT TAUVOKIKO, Tee eaa tm newt bsbits) tassel fee. atenaaaieneslaeweeUerraU easTwtaMr wsarw r at prteaa that wtu sarstlaa yew, M ASKEW'S, new. m ad as wmi Kixe TaUMT. STMWI MeOraan & Nowlen, mOHlIT TAILORS, 44WtKingltrMt. alTlmS R BADY.MADB OLOTHIMO. HAOIR & BROTUB. Eeady-Made CletMng. Wa are shewlnc MBW. ATTKAOT1VJI STIIiEs, for Fall an ia winter wear, tn Beyi'and Yeuthi' Olething. B0TB KHEE PART SUITS. BTEOHG ABD I BAT 80BO0L 8DITS, 3 S5 and Up. 8TTLIH BTBIfBD CWBVIOTJ, s ee, ss.se Mai ae.ee. KW PLAID OUBVIOT5, ause,&se andSMiee. YOUTHS' SUITS. GOOD OAMIMBKI RTVLKS, 7,00, T.8 and a.oe. LATBSTHTK1PBCHF.VIOT BTTLBB, s 00, w.ee and ie ee. LATXBT PLAID CHBVIOTBXYLKB, S.00, aw 00 aad aie oe. BOYS' FANOr CHBVIOT OAFS OVIE- COATS. YOUTHS' PLAID CHBVIOT CLBTXB8. EAGER &BE0THER, 26, 27 BBd 29 West Hag Street. sis-sma M TKRB A BATHFOH. OUB STOCK or Hen's Diess Suits -FOB- FALL AND WINTER WEAS Is the Most complete we Have Ever Had the Pleasure of Showing. Handsome Breadwale Diagonal!, CORKSCKEWS AND TRICOTS, In the Meet Desirable Bhades and Fashionably Cut Make Up the List. DEPEND ON UB FOB Reliable Gods and Reumble Frieea. Myers & Rathfon, NO. 12 BAST KLNQ BTM LAMCABTEB PA. BOOKS, AC. H ERR'B BOOKBTORB, NEW GOODS AT- Geed Fair Prices. PHOTO ALBUMS. FAMILY BIBLES. OHILDBEN'S BOOKS. SCHOOL BOOKS. Quality of Goods alwaya guaran teed and prices show for them selves. Here's Bookstore, 63 North Queen Street. angis-lyd BAKISQ TOWDHH- i ess w '' ww s QTERIilNQ BAKING POWDER, STERLING BAM u D 11 Absolutely Pure- THIS Powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesemoness. Mere economical than the ordinary kinds. Beld only In cans by all urecers. BTEBLINU HANUrACTUBINQCO., llane. UBnruce Street, New Ter. Jar-Will exhibit at Lancaster county Fair Cakes for all. Samples for all. aug2Hma UANDKBKClimnS. riO TO ERIHMA-N'B -FOK- Ladlee'OelluIeid Cellars & Ouffu, CAMPAIGN NECKTIES klSD NOVELTIES ATBBIBMAM'S. N OTIOE TO CLUBS. FLAGS. BAMMEBS AND BADQBS MADE ERISMAN'S, MO.UVfEBIKIMQ STBBBT. MEN'S DRESS SUITS w DMTVOOB0 SaaaSajsatSjaksBsWBjMMk QLAXUTS, oeMroxn, s, Blankets, Comforts, Flannels. Skirta and TJndaweu. AU New This Imkmu SsVWe oaanataeteaive yen the Beet weeae for the Pries yea ever bought. Jehn S. Givler, 68 North QrjMn St, -. .- IAHCAWB, rA. saeris-lysaw ILKASK NOTICE. NO. 26 IAST KINGr ST. PLEASENOTICE. We will be found, upon close, Inspec tion End fair compArisen, te be ON TOP as regards assortment, and Invariably At the Bettem As regards prices during THEOOHIlHrSEASuff. Tbe People's Gash Stere, NO. 26 BAST KING STRUT, LAHOABTEB.FA. marli-lvdAw J. BARRY STAMM. -REMOVED FBOM MOS. 35 A 37 NORTH QUEEM 8TBEET -TO- NO. 24 CENTRE 8QUABE. FALL GREETING, 1888. It has been our wish te signalize our open ing both as te our Mew Quartera and the Tall season In some remarkable manner wbleh should ahew our appreciation of past patron age. Bnt after oecalderabie thought be stowed upon the subject, we concluded te put away all Idea of nerel or expensive souve nirs and express our appreciation of our cus tomers patronage by submitting te them aa array or .bargains in which we aheuld excel ourselves and eclipse ail our past efforts. THE VEBDICT Of our customers must determine the full measure of eir success. But we can say this much In ear behalf, that we have given every effort te the selection of a stock which In all respects should hare no superior. We con sider that in this we have succeeded. We would Call Your Attention te a Special Line HENBIBTTA8, 11 Shades, All WOOL 40 Inches wide, only S7Kc a vara. mesa are net the se-called, but the gennlne imported goods. The low price la our secret. Tne qual ity Trill meet your every expectation. These who will leek ever our large and varied as sortment of Henriettas, bethln Black and Cel. ered, will eease te wonder at the innnnliLHtnr thla familiar dress material. If anything could be neater and mere desirable for wear than a dress of these goods we have yet te see We Offer Catching Bargains In Mew rail Dress Goods A rn 7e, loc, 15c, aic Ail ic, liKc 17c, ;bc This assortment has already received a most flattering approval from the many patrons at our establishment Ibeae goods open the purse strlnga. 1 here Is no resisting the styies aud qualities. Special Assortment nf BLACK DBE88 GOODS and BLACK MIXED GOODS, In Lew, Medium and Fine Qualities, at prices that stamp them as inducement. You'll very seen leek at your wardrobe and. And that you ought te get a new SHAWL. Mew. whether It be a Single or Deuble Blanket or Thibet uhawl, you'll And Just what yen want In our ateck. These WHITE 8FBE ADS we have been tell ing you of for the past week are going rapidly. Enough left If you hurry. Bilk flushes and Batlna for the million. Flannels, Blankets and Comforts. Last, but net least, we would like yen te ex amine our Ladles' Merine (Winter) Yeats. rnce,S7Keeach. -BEMEMBBB-C NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, angis-lvd NOTICE TO TKKHPABHKH8 AMI QUNMSB8.-.A11 persons are hereby ter. bidden te trespass en any or the lands of the Cornwall and Speedwell estates ta Lebasea et Lancaster counties, whether Incleses, or uaia uaia clesed, either ter tie purpose of akoeUag or Oihlnjr, aa the law will be rigidly eatereea against aU trespassing en said lands of tea) on en designed after this notice; Vfsr0OIjffisJI nBIMAaT, a rssu s uuui libw. e. fbeImse, AVsHESf S IU fcvTssSS The People's Gash Stere NEWBOSTONSTORE r' J.