l ; , fw- CJl '. . '- ixxjii LANCASTER DAILY rNTELMQENOEB. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 19, X888. ,. tVf MONSTER P1RADE. r A. S. lUtOKIOIl AT MAR1KTTA RBBO BT MAR BOLUIRK9. J . imvetii rivpn niuiiit ievkiv- I rtw ChM rmttldpMMl. .. .sjse DaHvert th Addrtaa fc-sj tMlWII M At. Brts Herpends .P - .. m IWMftaetbWbl 0y rer ma urana it RecaWlc The annual stttMoeuany pouts h being held In mm ui orewa in ut lengwy wt be tremendoei. Laneester Mkw ebare te make the affair end both pesu of tut oily at Urge number of men. Ne. fcl Mets two bnndrcd men and ten IK. The former wh accompanied. Potts' bit drum corps and the ut the BrairattewB btnd. Tie peiU te the Pennsylvania railroad from which they left en a special at f sle. ThU wm a tremendene train tr a bis freight engine and bad tteea cat, the majority of the tall, and the wbele number of excur. from sere waa between wu anu I ITlMeld Byerly poet of Quarry villa ar- , here at 75, accompanied cy me i bend. They left for Marietta en the I train. AT MARIETTA. Town Orewdad By Tltltorsle Wlmsis the Bannlea ExerelseJT K ItABixTTA, September ia Tbe cltlcena beauUlul river town extenaeu n r welcome te the Grand Army pesU The oeoaalon was tbe third annual i of the pests of Lancaster county, in number of peata present by Invlta- felhm from Joining equntlet. Nearly every MUdug lfP ,5rtn was bandaemely dee- illh flaga and bunting. Tbe weather I all that could have been desired and lgtreeta of tbe town were thronged all w. ' Bpeelal trains were run te the town 4 ell were crowded. The ene from Lan Mar earrled nearly a thousand paisengera si the trains from Columbia, Uarrlaburg I ether town were well filled. ffV !. avvlval nf Iha Twifctm Ihnv WArn Hint pjhjreemnjltteea of the Marietta I'eet and BWBrted te tbe beadquarters, en market raeraec. xiere tenia were pucnuu in uiu one assigned te each pett. 'Z'i TUB PABASX. v 5;-A ivsl O'Oioec me paraae was luruicu trlife. pests In tbeir numerical order, en "AtaakatalreeL rlahtrostlnnen Elbow atreet. kE j. - . m. - BBAft I aoeved sherilv after 11 e oieck in me sSJWIBg eraer . I wwbmi maranai, vapt. xiorace jj. name, i AM, Cel. V. 21. Chase, Cel. K. 1). Keatb, & Geerge H. Ettla, Capt. B. K. Wlantr Sergeant A. Wlaman. K. D. Baker Pest, Ne. 8, l'Mladel- ffMa. A flM, Jehn Bedgewlek Pest, Ne. 87, Yerk. & 6n. W. H. Kelm Pest, Na 70, Reading. 3Wbb. Starr Pest, Na 78, Mlddlotewn. "J esi. Gea B. Themas Pest, Na 84, Lan- ifCaL 8. G. Simmons Pest. Na 116. Harris vbWc With battery and advance guard. E.S .. weish Pest, na lis, Columbia. i i-S'rXteat. a W. Smith 1'est, Ne. 270 Wrights- -Keen. He n re men 1'cat. no. soe. miu- iX'Bergeant H. W. Latccmb Pest, Na 351, Helten. t, iJehB Hippie Peet, Ne. 3S3, IUlnbriJge. I- Jf Jehn A. Rem Pest, Na W9, Atglen. h 'Admiral Reynolds Pest, Na 40S, Lau- 'iSJ.'X. Nefl Pest, Na (Or), Slrasbuig. ; -.OapL Bnew Feat, Ne. 01, Pleasant Greve. ; VlXlent S. H. Nlasley Pest, Ae. D7P, gaematJey, Wan. Reberta PesMNr 487, Christiana. tana se. uoeu jgf-jNa liu, liiuaoein- ..- . - eld Scott Ryerly Pest. Na 611. Onerryvllle, if Strvena Poat.'Ne. C17, Llttlz. ,-AfI-leut. Iitcbe Pest, Ne. C24, Kpbrata. J8tewart Pest, Ne. SCO, Rawllnsvllla Captain Oca Hess Pest, Na 671, Safe ..Harber. i- Capt. K. N. Kuhl Camp Sens et Voternns, 'flfa 82. Ynrk. ''Gsd. Welih Camp Sens et Vetcranr, Na , Columbia. ,M:Wemen'a Relief Cerps, of Lancaster. 4 tt Heney brook Pest, et CoateavlUe, wllb attUlery. ; WI4euteaant Wm. B. Child Pest, Na re, vanetta. JjZhe follewlutj bands and drum corps (Maytewni Metropolitan drum corps, Lac eater ; junior American Mechanics' nana, Attddletewu j Fexten Military band, Har rrktenrg ; Keystone Cornet band and drum "earpa, Stbtltem Balnbrldge band; ABtawnstewn band: Mt Jey band : Eliza- ;. bet town cornet band; Quarry vllle bands ssaasnaruer arum corps ; jjieeriy nana ana artn corps, Manhelm Lltlli Sens of .Tatarani drum cerps: Kehrata cornet band: . " Wenb Infantry band, "Yerk ; Independent -tOrBsn corps, Yetk; wrlgbUvllle cornet ' hand ; Camp 15, Harrlsburg, Sens of Vet- 'iaaan drum and llute corps; Independent aarnst band, Falrmeunt, LUUe Rritaln ewnablp. i . . . , xae paraue mevea ever tue fouewmg ; AWBte : East en Seoend atreet te boreuiih J, ) UUUUIOlUiBIUU UI UIUUH BlTUUl, Q laiktkt. ttfjut tn TlArtalllp mtrnnt Mtinta,. -VtC ..M. L. .. -D.1, -1 . rVaUMlt (A RvMAv i Walnut In O.n n Centre Sauare. where the column wu r'Baaaaed, and an addreu of weloemo made E Mb SiAhAlt nf thn mnnln1nl anfhnvltlAa K IWWl . w, amw mimyuumu n fUMawmmw vj uuu, iunuu.. unjaim, ui umnoaa umneaa year. He thanked thn elIliRna nf Mitimis iJnr the generous welcome cxtonded te tbe K ilranrt Armv man. " J-1 ISl. .!.. mM (IlKH hVa.w.kJ .. .1 AUW WMMIAJU WM IUOU 1IJIU1DU BUU ",BAtebedep Gsy atreet te Walnut, and issesrote oemmlsary headquarters, wbcra ,BBner was served. It waa gotten up by Sha alttzMia of Marietta and thn lru-al nnel nl .. . . . .v.. f.w. H. ; 'V.nn aeipenae of about htteen hundred dollars. "llMtdBt the first table eight hundred vote. !v,?jrsaa wars accommodated. ,"' a joint committee ei arrangements who I entitled te great credit for the faithful in which they discharged their are : H. L. Baldeman. Dissident ; tVr. Gea W. Beleb. treasurer i Goeroa H. . n, . r n .. . " . gfc.V' isssn saatary , u, n. vaae, a. nann, A, ft .' JsawsaaB, G. R Beiler, 8. E. Wlsner, E. L. pHwinheld, G. W. Mehaffey, O. O. Lindsay, vm ", .!i. aun.irey, u, u, jungle, rfju X. Wlke, B. A. Haines, Q. w. Hleka, XWgfc I Bmedley, H. Burd Csasel, a. Wis- , jiaaaasf """i uauuu iuumi. . ! I' THB AFTBBK00N PB0OBAMM1:. . ". fha nmiftimmM fnv flha BftaKHne "'aata of wheel-barrow, and sack races, ihsm '.Battles, gsme of base ball and dress parade nndthla evening there will be a camp-Ore. lOtL Magee, department cemmander, ,'sjrtU have charge of the dress parade, with ,' i ajiuM. J. RtawarL aa artl.it.nt C' Fer the wheelbarrow end feet races tbe tries are Jehn Andersen, Jehn Jehnsen, JeAn Brown, and Andrew MeOardy, four -Teellmbthe greasy pole the entries are Vsank Read, Benjamin Livingston. -atmrn aain, canoe ana tub races en tbe g4)fnr could net take place because It was jWMLa these annrtawerairnlnrr nn n.n -T "-' - -. t. w. w B-VM.Q, WM m gllUU , exwentt waa given en the grand Alargsjlotef fireworks has betn for tbe sham battle. Among them M 1,000 Na 3 cannon crackers, four dozen tW hall Reman candles, (we dozen Bengal safhts, four decsn colored rock eta. U at saUsaated that 2,000 aeldUrs were In lBWwaA Tkla sa-tBlag Offlesrs Bsrebeld and Wssttek anested Barry Qallaabar pa tug. pleleu of tuTlng robbed two women en the peeltl train. Daring the arreat Gallagher attempted te ahoet Offleer Wltllck, but be wm aoen orerpewered and looked up. m nil efa Large Traa. A large elm tree, wbleh hue itoed fcr many years In front of Ne. 4S0 North Frlnee atreet, fell down thla morning. A four borne team narrowly escaped being atruck by Ik m Cnaw Strawberry ring Tobacco and saye the Tags for a handsome present, O. VVTtXHUOrmR, iele Agent, tlllmd West King street. A Brush Wall Applied and nrnvlnnalv moistened with 80Z0D0NT rctneree the Celaetng evidences of nngleet from tbe teeth, aed tlgbtena them In their sockets. If the breath has a repellent small, the article substitutes for that. Its own pleas ant aroma, t-hrnnken and Inflamed gums are restored te health by Its nte, and cankeret tbe month cured. System In the use of tbls Ann antlioptle, aaet ether promoters of healtbls highly desirable Apply nothing but th e gen ulna. Railroad Oondeelor's Anluma Excorilen Te Switchback and Glen Oneke, en Tues day, Beptember IS. Bound trip Mckotsgced for three days. Tare only 12.75. Me extra charge fur tee Glen. Special through train leaves tiuarryvllla at 0:10 a. m Lancaster (King street) at 0 a.m. and Columbia 0 at m. Betnrnlng, leave the Ulan at B:S0 p. m.and Bauch Chunk at 6.10 p. m. Ttekeu geed te step ever at Allentown fair. septlS,19,0,Altw m i i Da. TnaiL's lest lecture en weak, nervcu bleed poison and debtlltated men sent free of cbarge. Address, Da. TaxaL, Ne. MS North tth street, Philadelphia, Pa. JvSO-H.W.SlydAw Gnaw Strawberry ring Tobseco and lavothe Tags ter a bandieme present. C. UUTTBMIUrBB, Sele Agent, ilt-lmd 7 West King street. TaoaeniM'a school for orehestra playing will open te-morrow (Thursday) evenlng at 823 North Prince street. Bxodrsiehs te Columbia Centennial via. Reading railroad, fare for round ti Ip only Ma. Tickets geed going en all trains September sn, 27 and 29, and geed te return en all trains until Beptember 29, Inoluslve. Trains leave Lan caster (King street) at 7:30 a. m., It S3 p.m. Special tralaa returning September :e and V. leve Columbia at 7 p. m. On September 27 will leave at lflJW for all stations , septl,2;,2i0 C'nsip Excursion te Lebanon fair en Wed nesday, Beptomber 20. Pare for round trip, only tec. Trains leave Lancaster (King street) t 7 and 7.30 a tn. Trains relurnln leave Leb anon at 6:15 nnd 7:50 p m. Fer partleulara soe circulars at all stations. sepU9,22,2S OrsNiau of millinery and coots at Aslrlch's. Ueler te thelr advertliement. STVWA Oaih MllM IS I mm FTt Jh dhJfetfA aHk ll.M v" uij ur iuuouuiuiue C.UUTTKNUOrBlt.BelaAirent. ilWm(1 t7WetKlnir street. 3S DBATJIH, Kxllt. In this city, en the 171b Inst, Mrs. Catharine I). Keliy, widow of the lute Palrlek KeMy, In tbe 81th year of her agu. The rulallves and frlends of tlie family are respectfully Invited te attend the funeral from lier latniosldenco, Na 547 Bast Orange street, en Prlday morning at 0 o'clock. High Mass at St. Mary's church at 0.30, Interment at nu Mary's cemoterr. 2td Nselt In thla cltv, en .September inn. Mrs 31. K, wife of Jehn Meely, and a slater of J, W. Jehnsen. OHj. Punural HMurduy morning, K Inst., at ID O'clock, from her late roaldenco at Alrvlllc, Yerk county. slV-Std MARKHTO. Maw Kara Btwaat. Nsrw Yeaa, Bept 19. rieur market steady i Kxtrn,iame7S City sun, Kxtra.lt sssjJle. Winter Wheat extra, SJ S59& 25. Wheat Na 1, lied, siale, 11,01 1 Ne. 2, 9Ve Na 2, lied, winter, Oct., Mat Nev., 03it rocelpu, 3W.0B shlpmenu, C5.1H0. Cem Na 2, Mixed, Cash, fSl.'ej sent, 81'iei Oct., C!9 recelpu, 16a,i0J j shlpraenu, 49,t7. eate-Na 1, White, Bute. 12ei Ne. 2, da rov.ei Na 2 mixed, Sept,, Onei Oct., 30Xn ; reeelpta. 13I.&00 I shipments, nene. Uyeaulli BUte7M. Barley nominal. Perk dull t Old Mnaa, lift 2513 75. LardBrmi Oct,llU9li Nev.. ID l J. Molasaea dull I for Ml boiling iitnnlr, SCO330 Black strap, lie. New Orleans, 20Ol0c. Turpentine siead v at tlOtlKe. liesln dull i strained u geed, II 00. rotrelimm dull i Uedned In Cenes, DJjJe. PrelKhts aulnt i nraln te Llvomeol. W1ISM. Butter steady i western Oroamery, x3e. -2, Uhoeoo stuadvt WeaUirn rial. 7O80.J Blaui raciery, 7KO90 ; Pancy White, 1 i-ia Kggs steady etute, 10iO20e i Westera, 17 OlVs. nugar sleadyi Unflned nntleaf. FS"! Grnnnla td. 7KOH 1-lCeS 1ouldA.,"7Ce Conlec Cenlec Conlec tlenem -A.," 7iO0 H0 Coltee-A.," stunil uid, IHe. xajiew stennyi rnme city, IHO'H". iiuu ii.miiiiihi i uAreuai, xiurbn louuue. He, rule. l01He. ceuee n rm i rair uargoes, (or Cbleage Prednea Slarkei. Crioieo, Hept. 10, J.30 a, m. Market opened. Wheat Sepu, Who; OeUdOlK Dec.uiXet May, U5Xe. Cern -ept., tSCJ Oct., tSSe. Dec, S8s Hay, BJJe. OttU .upU, 2IKM Oot., 2IKCI Dec, 25ci aIay.j;e. I'erk-dept-, lit XJ Oct., lit 10; May, fit 25. i-ard-Bept,, no G7Xi Oct, 110 82K; lnc., $8 CO. Short ltl!-nepi., 13 75 1 oeu, Sb SJX CLeema. , whoat-sept., e.i oet, 9i;;c-i ea, 2c i May, li5He. Cern-ccpt., tJXe. Oct., 3Mei Bee.SSc; May. 6tytc. OaU-BepU, 24HO Oct, Vi0. Dec. 2l)Jej May. 28 e iTruVifs'UV ct- m M' ev- tKT?S?nleZm 0t- ,l0T7K NV-sr.ertBlbs-bpt,8S5j j Oct., SW Jan, Urain ana t-rovuiens. rurolshed by 8. K. Yundt, lireker. Cbioaeo, Sept. IV, l.eu o'clock p. m. Wheat Cern. Oau. Perk. Ijird. Beptember. UJ t3 2tvj .... lu.se October VIM IS1 UU 14.45 10. K0 November UHi tt)2 2l) .... v. 01 Deeimbur. ......... ,Wi 2J2 B.55 January May U5X & ;; crude OU IkA' Consels V71wu Cleslug Prluea-2 o'clock p. m. Wheat. Cen. Oats. Yerk. T.urd, Beptember w t$H W( it 45 lo.he ucioeer vi 41 K JI.45 10.HJ November vi eyt 24k 11, te eel December 91 SJ 24K .... 655. January aiav 5K Wi ? ClrudeOU. .....,'. oil Consels . . . Bocelpu. Car Leu. Winter Wheat 91 Spring Wheat C8 Cern .........................., 613 eats.... .................... ......., ...... V2l S .-................................... .... Barley ..................................... -... Head. llecnlpta Hogs... ....12,uU Uecelpu-Catue. lt,(00 Btecs Bars eta. Quotations by Uoed, MeUranu A Ca, bank' era, Lancaster, l'a. I1W TOKX LIST. 11 A. If. 12 M. s r. V, uanaaa rac.inc g;c O. O. C.AI IV& H 57 wujuraui, v.inu SrtX 16 bilt 16W Mi ' .29 10iV WH Is r 27Vi 2S Mi. 11 lli 10 te s ail 25X te tWJ 1H 27 central racine Canada Bouthem.. ........ ; kx xjuiet, jj. m a un.t ....... .... Den. A UleO Del. LA W 1J Brie HX Krleinds. ..... ....... 141K WX u'2 fO ts 81 27 er C........ ...... ...... Leu, A N Jj-SSere Mich. Cen Missouri I'acine xmm, T wuwy. Bast Teuneasue. Omaha Oregon Transportation.. Ontario A W... VaolfleMall Blchmend Terminal 2S ". fexas racinc Union raclfle Wabash Cem,,,, Wabiiti lref Western U,.... Wast Shere Bends ., raiUDSLTHU LIST. I4h Val...- .-..,....... B..N.Y.A FhUa Pa.lt. B,,, .,..,. Beading J-eh. Nav...... ............. Uesteuv. rusa ! MIStt IJiVrjUttsttstrssiMMMusM ljeplea aVaUu Xef. 4issiii iiiisst 11H JtiH MX 65X .... 6S 8X ytTaatiei' X see ae ww K'west nVt lll Newnnuand sc Vs' - ) ae i7V m 8ti2 sru 2sC? Si rt" sj rhUMelphU Prodneo Market. raiLADiLraia, Sept. l.-ttenr Arm J talcs 1 BW bbu j Minn, Uakerr, It se ,0 t'pn'B. ramllr, ttlfte)! Mi wwwes no, It 0O '01 winter Patent, as ie5 Ce spring de, 15 800 8?. V,UV5 WBeat-eept,MMi Oet., Hl ex., 9(Hi Wee jrn-Bept, 63ci Oct., Mci Nev. MX"i Dec., Oau-sept, li;cj Oct., Sie Ket, SiHet Dec.,ss. Maw (or Steeaa. Maw Teme. Sept. 10. 1 p. m-Meney closed at per cent I nxchange steady posted rates, at sse tout -actual rates M SIK) sMMIforeeoays ana at tostesxfer flem&ndi Governments closed steady currency t's, U 11 bldf t's coupon, 1 29Jft W de, II 07 1 bid. The stock siarket opened active and strong, and for all except Hecking Valley stock which wss weak en the announcement that a suit for !,oe,ono brought against the company had been decided In favor or Ibe plaintiff. There was quite a brisk selling of the. iteck, ana lis price decllniid 8 per cent, by midday. The rest of the Hit advanced ' te IK per cent, during the first hour, but lest It by midday In all cues except that ei St. 1'eul which wss very strong en heavy purchaaes, 40.0W shares of th sleck ehanged bands this morning. KICWAD VHH TIHKMKNTU. B AKINO FOWD1SB. ROYAL BAKING POWDER, Absolutely Pure. THIS powder never varlnn. A marvel of purity, strength and whelesmneneis. Mere economical than tbe ordinary kinds, and can net Imi sold In competition with the multitude of low test, abort welicbt, nlumer phosphate powders Held only tn cant, KetjlL liABiaa l'ewpas Ce., 100 Wall Blroet, New Yerk. lyis lydw QliARKE'H TEAS. The dsy will be intcnsely cold When Bnnuiel Cliirke is undersold. 1 ft ColTeo and X & '1 "' ler.. tive 1 ft HestCeiree for lh Hpnuy Ini.Tiy ....23a 1 ft Cream Cheese and 1 ft rioshcedaUraclc. em w... 25e 2 ftt Clean iIch and 2 ft. Tiipleea..."..7 ...'.I'b 6 fts march una 6 cixiui gimp ter ,...2f.c 3 Cakes Olalne Soup anrt ft ft3"vvash Hefla ler.25a 1 Qqllen Heati.ldiir Vinegar in tbe World. ,t5e 1 Oallen Poed 1'iirc llmneTMadii Vlnenu.r...l5e 2 l.nrne llexes Muslard or Hplcud faulluua .tee 1 gimrt lleltln bliiulrtlllnliiK. He 1 100 "lie Hei lllulng and 1 lua lintiln ....ion lYlb llexullbert rGiaves' ntuiLli pr no 2 fts cream wuta and 2 ft lats ter 25c 2 1'aeks Cern wutrch and 2 Bit Ui ackers.".. ..7i5e 1 in-ftlliieliet Nlee New Mat kwr.T.. . . . 7. $ i .1 5 Nlc.i Miw Messtd jluil hu jt ft. ilest l'lckle Hplee lPey" ft Wn have lbs Finest Ne. 1 llloek Island Mackerel in tbe Market. .lust rcoelvea, A NBW LOT of Cntulldnte riioie. which we win giye with Hample oider et our Teas and Coirees. AUea Klim Llnoef Candldnte Cakes or Kx. celUmtquullty. SAMUEL CLARKE'S WHOI.KSAI.K ANIIUKTAlLTKAANDCOr. FK1C H'l'OUB, Neb. 18 nnd 14 Seuth Queen Htroet, LANCABTRU.l'A. aarTelephnne. THE FINEST FAONKS. AMKU10AN CHAM- Gelden Age and Hammondfpert See UOHKBB'H LIOUIIH STOIIK. rpHK HIXTH WAKD IlKMOdKATlO a Club will meet thla evunlne at Schiller uui ul i ucitmK snirp. 10 lnke anuiiKd. uiuuis ier me nanner ritising, mi XBOK HALE AT PRIVATIC HALK, Mnln unll llwntlln.. J tee thren-Rtnrv Heuse, Ne. ki eth (Juoueu street, Lancaster city, l'u. luqulru of 11.0. KUKADY. ... . "e. 27 Kast King auoet, ,r, .. .u i' ,or staie oUaceb C. KieaUy. tup19-M WAMfd ATTENTION I YOUNG MEN'S I)K. ocratle club Yeu will plratn report at cltib room nt 7 o'clock 'Jills UVuNINU, teat teat toat tend Banner Ualslegln the Hixth ward, OhOUUK N. UK) NOI.DS, ltd l'resldiint, PUHLIO NOriCE THE V1EWEKH appointed te vlw and asxess en tbe property owners thaoest and expenses or a sewer In North Plum stnwt, between least erange and KustCbestnutstreet, will meet ou Tue-day, Sepi. 2 ls-M, at 10 o'clock, n.iii,, at thn corner et Bast Orange and North I'lum streets. 8BiW6ta UK LATEST. THK UKNTAL 1'KNriL. Invented by Dr. UcUlellund, thi celebrnled demist, ltiemeves Scuri nnd Terlar, thus prnVeutlnK decay. uuaruntefld iron liem Arldorelhor Deleterious substuncu. S3 cen h we are still Headquarter ler Fishing Tackle. Luriteat assortment, lowest prlees. yUAILBY'S KAM KN1 fllAUSUUl, . ... - (Opposite Kaslern Market.) M.W.FAW pUULlC BALE, BaTVBBAT, BSITXMOER 2., ISM, Will be sold en tbe premises In tleudersburg, Luncasler county, l-a , one aero, mere or Ji ss, with a twivstery llalCIC llu M8, frame kitchen, Irauie burn, carrlge linme, voed hnuse and coal home, corn house. ell n( water with pump, aud cistern near the deer. Hearing rrutt Trves. Sale te comiruuce at! o'deok p. lu. sharp. 81TB K. ritANT., seplOStd Administratrix tJJl'EOIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. The latest for Full Dress Suits Is a very narrow whip Cord, Wcstel Knvland Worsted. 1 havajtist lecelvedsuveial pieces which will be made up In the latest style, maxninceutly rimmed with nil silk satiu llulnit Plain or iimbreldert-d Vest, and my well-itulng I'HtMiit in rap Trousers, During this mouth 1 will make them toeiilorntn greatly rd ced Ir,c2; -.. A.II. KOeF-NSTKlN. fi5 North Queen street, corner of t iranue. slO lydU Lancaster, l'a AKKIENU THIS HUMMER PAID S5I5 for an Mdiy excursion ticket. When lu San Fruuclsce she initie u jmrelmse, brought It home, and letind thi sumo at a lower price near by. We IhUik we hve ether trlends tn that swim. Seowhltwuhive, that won't cost anything. Ge te ban Francisce ler your unsatlsdeil wants It we were a email boy would say cake or soap that you went ge-ami cau't de better It you de MIW.B.M WOODWAUD'S AKTSTOIlg, ,, , WXrastUlngSU SV-lInve you feeu these 6e liimn ceilura t only a UtUe smoked. uiuyD-lydWAs WKW WISH TO EMPLOY A FEW oalesmen en salary tn sell our ennda liv sample te tbe wholesale and relull trnde et Lancaster, l'a., and adjoining states We ant the largest manulacturera e( our line In the country. Bend two oenta In stamps ler par ticulars. Nopeatals answemd. IKNTKNNlALM'r'HCO., auglO-rotdeea Clnclnnaaa XTT L. KlHHElt, DENTIST. w . j-artl-ulw attonUen given te filling and preserving the natural teeth. I have ail the latest Improvements for doing nlee work m&3LmSE'Bm lerk Stere. "" .wMuimuja HHb iiavniff years or ex fa w ApyjBRTJaKuanTB. wA NTKD-A QIHIi IN A RKSTAU HANI'. Bteadv amnlerment will be given toaceodglil. aepl8Md AWLY AT THIS OfriOK. NOTICE Ne. 1 OOrrON HILL, WILti resume work en Thnnnay morning, the thlnt. r. BUAOUAB A e. IisneASTin.Pept.lS.lB'S. ltd OUKOOL.URNt.10N AND M1A.QUE 111 DA te CIHABare clear Uavsna, hand, made, In boxes of w and letrs. ' niu iitiiiii iiinin uniii. lit Bast King meet f-WABBtld BiUbllshed 1770. PHILIP HOKRSOM, MANUFAG ittrfr at Fin flnrrtanta. Jluaeiei. ilfl Wtanttlti tail King ttreei.U tht paltntt of th Ureal I)'K-(IM I'aTKM' riFTU wlIKnL Ittclll be en tihlbltten at th Jalr In connection with a fine itliplayef Carriepet, Kltlghn.ae, It JACOB F, HUKAKFKH'H PURE RYE WHISKY. (MY OWN DISTILLATION.) SlB-tfd Me.UCBNTBBBUUABB. LOST HKTWKKN TUK P. H. K. fetatien, thla city, and l.ltltr. Turnpike HiMge, nn Wtdnesday morning, 12th Inst., a Lndy'aUn'd WHteh and Chain. A liberal re ward te the Under. I)K. O. T. IIUKI1KNEB, sl7-8td Ne. 43 W. Orange St, Lancaster, Fa. N EW STOCK OF CANES. ALLBTYI.tS AND T.OWBST FBIOBB. DMMUTU'S CIO AB 8TOBB, no. us nasi itingmreei. Xstabllshed. 17W. feb29-VTAsBUd ATTENTION OAliniAOK AfANtT. ncturere, Jlutineii Men, ttrmeri and allitttlorile the jAxncaiter County Fair, de net leave the greundt until you have letn and ex. amlnedthe anal OOKKhUHFATkN I'rirTU whkkl. for tale in large or imall guantt tlei. It PROOKAMMK OK ITALIAN QUAB-. TKTrg. I'rer. Cerlese, Director, at Charles echv saloon TU1S B VBNIMO. 1. bemiramtde-iiverture ...Uesstnl. 2. sinilnte-beloellnn 8. L'ltailaneln Algerl-Overture uesstnl. t, Trevatur Selection Verdi. ft Travlva Selection Verdi. 6. l.'l'uilUnl-Boleetlou.. lid QUOEH TO ORDER. Fine Shoes te Order. Thern Is nothing that adds le the appear nneunfn persrm se much as the neat dressing tit tlie frui. Wn are hotter prepared than ever t nil the wants of thoie wanting something tasty In footwear. lUnd-eine, Durable, Well-Mitde nnd Ueason Ueasen able I'rlees are tbe words tbat expregs what wu ul mat. New Is the llrae te leave your erder for your rail Wetk. Kespcctrully, WM. H. GAST, NO. lOf. NOItTII QUKKNIBT., LSNOABTKK. JunMydWAr M AHTIN UROTHERS. We Ge In Best Fair at Martin Bres. -you LOWPRICES. Veur money shall de most for you Invested with us 3 ha most Uillabin Clothing and Dresslnst. chntcu large. Yeu hardly expect such a pick ei kinds lu ene store. Men's Suite at?oe te 112 CO that will stand the pull and twutet wear Klne.it Dress tunts IS ill tetiWO. all tbe Latest noveIUhs. rail oviiceuis witn durability and style In them Full overcoats sbeiud have. Se theso at tSUMMUOiindtl&UO. our children's nnd Heys' Bulls are making last trle'idsel the mothers and the boys, tee them. You'll be suited In klcd and prlce. New Styles tn Children's Kilt Butts and. Waists. MARTIN BRO'S Clothing and Furnishing Goods, 33 NOUT1I UUKBN BT. TJliADY-MADK CLOTHING. HAGEtt & BROTHER; Ready-lade Clothing. We are showing NKW, ATTRACTIVE BT YI,Bs, (or s all and w Inter Wear, in Beya' and Youths' Clothing. BOrS' KNEEPANT SUITS. BTltO.SU AND NK AT 8U110UL SUITS, MSSSandUp. BTY1.KH hTiili'KD CIHKVIOTJ. VS 00, 5 SO and HO 00. KKW 11, All) C1IKVIOT3, 3 oe, an.oe and e oe. YOUTHS' SUITS. t,OOI (1SHHIMKKK RTYLKB, 7,00, S7.00 and 00 LATEST h i HII'K OIIKVIOT STYLKS, 8 00, SU,00 and 10 OO. LATKBT I'l.AIO CUV KIT STYLUS, KB OO, B OO nnd SJtO OO. HOYS' FANCY CHEVIOT CAl'E OV1U CO A IS. YOUTHS' l'l.AII) CHEVIOT UI.3TEU3. HAGER &BR0THEE, 25, 'J 7 nnd SO West King Street. sl5-9md SIL KSI HILKBt Black Dress Siks. WATT&SHAND, 0. 8 & 10 BAST KINO.ST. Ol'KS'XO-UAY. Choice Llnas 01 Latest and llest Values In ULAUK SATIN LUXOR, Tim Newett and Hest Deslrable Bilk, 21 lucbes wide, f 1,10 and 11.8) a yard. ULAOK FRENCH FAILLE, 21 Inches wlde.tfSc, il.oe and I1.2S a yard. BLACK HATIN RUADZIMIKR, Clinches wide, 75c, 11.00 and ll.U a yard. RLACK HATIN DUCHESS, ltovcnlble Eatln or arcs Grain, U0 a yard HASKELL'S Famous Black Dress Silk Are the beat value in anyuiarket, warranlel nel'lier te cieck, break erthllLSI Inches wide, li.oe, ll is and l 60 a yard. ' fcl'KClAI, UAlJUAlhaiN Colored Qres Grain Silks, Twnntv-one Inches wide, 75c a yard! never sold ler lees than 11 00 All Celers In AII.MIk 8ATIN UUADAMAB. Bplendld Value at "Se and 11 00 a yard. HBW ADYMRTIBMUMNTa. MR. OEORUH BBNKKRT. 1NBTKUUTUB IN MUSta riane. UiBin and Violin tanvht lv heat method, instruction at Ala mule room or paplis' realdcnce. Addraaa, SlS-lWdB ll7BATXtRe STBBBT. H0DHK8 FOK HALE OH THK MOHT liberal urms, en West Cheetant, Wal nut, Lemen. Kary, Pine and charlotte atteeta. Apply at BUM) imd m NOBTH MABT STBBBT. "1TTANTED RKLIABLK MAN TO TV take the poalllenof take the position of " Manager i" salary. first year SI. 800 1 cash deposit of SUMO year si.wei casn dep d as nart seenrttv for a re aetrs d as part seenrttv for iteck of ec imrt a as part sncnniy rer stecx ei oeds la fta ebatge. isama te be subaequautty with drawn.) Beat of rofereneaa mnttba furnished, A areas Sl7-lwdB " SfUOLIlALS." 2 Cooper Union, Bsw Yerk. PUBLIC NALK. Oa Wanaasniv. rxmvaaa M. isaa at the leopard Hetel, all mat valuable let with twOHitery Brick Dwelling and store room and twu-sierv irame kitchen attacned, situated Ne. Its Ksst orange atreet, 8 rooms and garret, well and pump, in d rant, fruit, ote Let frenta 80 feet oneraiigestreet and extends 244) feet te Oiant atreet. bale te rimmence at 7X o'clock p hi. ALLAH A. HBUB, Me. IN Kast King atreet, Agent ler r. shreder. B. W. Bews, Aucttenter. sia,14,17A.l,M.d IT OAN UK OSKD ON ALL VEHI. cite II cettt no mere than the Oommen Fifth Wheel, Yeu are net tafe without U ; go aid tee U and examine (f OiikBsOM'H HAf KNTM'Tll WUKKL. II ttrtll be en exhibition at the lancatter County Futr. Ir tale tn large or email uuantittct. It "DROOL AM ATION- X BPKCIALCITYBLKCTIOST. The qusllfled electors of the Third Ward et the city of Lancaster are hereby notified that an eleotlen win be held in the Third Ward at the usual plaee of holding general elections, en TUKSUAY, September 21, 1BS8, between the hours cf 7 a. m.and 7 p.m., for the purpose of electing one member of Common Council, te fill vacancv occasioned by the resignation of lienryK. Oroff. Olvennnder my hand this lSlh day of Bep teinber, A. D ltn.4. BD W. BDOKBLKY, Mayer. 1HAT HIGH ORADfi OLD CIDER AND WHITE FRUIT VINEGAR Advertised tn the INTELLIGENCES, last week Is having an Immense sale at the Orlgl nal and only CASH GROCERY, N. W. CORNER DUKE AND VINE BT&, LANCASTER, PA. The opportunity te get such vinegar at 15c a Ballen does net come slwava. and this fact no doubt explains the enormous demand rer flekiing and Spicing netbtng but an old high graue i.iuer or nmte rruu vinegar irm an swer satis factory, BOAP8 are advancln All the soap manu facturers are advanclne urlcis. We have. however, a large supply en hand at our old low prices. MACK EREL are, as'overybedy knows, very high. We have In te-day a small, White gat Mackerel at Se apiece. Large flahatlSoper pound. Mass Bhui, 7e per pound. DEBT PAULOB at 4TntIE8, 200 In a box, ISO a dozen bnxes. Just think of It, 2,100 e! the very best Parler Matches, lSc. An Extra Geed Bulphur Match. Be a dozen boxes. AVTELEl'UONB. FEEE 'DKL1VEUY." T-Ol'IM EVENINGS." lluylng for Cesh Always Saves Meney. mltlydM.WAS OLANKKTS, COMFORTS, 4a Blankets, Comforts, Flannels. Skirts and TJndeiwear. All New This Beaeen. aWWe U uarantee tentve ycu the Best Goods for the i'rloe you ever bought. Jehn S. Givler, 6 & 8 North Queen St, LANCASTKB,1'A. marle-lvdAw TJERR'S BOOKSTORE. NEW GOODS AT- Geed Fair Prices. l'liore AI.UU.M-J. FAMILY 11111 LK 3. CIllbUUKN'S BOOKS. SCHOOL BOOKS. Ouellty et Goods always guaran teed and prlces show for them selves. Hen's Bookstore, 53 North Queen Street. augis-lyd w XLL1AMHON A FOSTER, .THE- Big Day at the Fair Will DeMereln.Mtlng After a Vlslttetha LARGEST STOCK or Ready -Hade Clothing IN LANCASTER. CO.STilMINQ : Gents' nrets Sulu In Sark, Cutaway and rreck Ceals ei yine Womeds, Cass I meres and Cheviots, Gents' rail Overcoats lined all through with silk Heys' Dress and Scheel Suits of fancy Worsteds, Caailmeres and Cheviots. Children's Ktltrtklrts and Short l'ant Suits In New and 1'upuler rasblens. 8HIBT WAIBiB-callce, l'ercale, rrench Otngham, l'laln and rancy flannels. All who have seen thaiu concede the prices te be phenomenally low. Williamson & Fester, S2,34,36&SB.HINQBTh LAW0J8TK11, i-A. BRANCH STORE, HO. 818 MABltHT 8TBUBT, UAKEIBUCA0, s?A, xmw ADVMRTiaaitBXTS. N EXT BOOR TO TBE POSTOxTICE. GO TO THE COUNTY FAIR, .. F0W,thatAh.e D, Falr te W"'1 UDder 'raTi " tu'egs are In reallneas for the decision ei tbe question et tbe weight et TIE BIGGEST SKATE ON EARTH. .Ia?f5T?&5ndJ?J??T?2d ch-admired display that (s pre ented by 11EILLY BROS. & RAUB. The prizes Bte tempting, r nd four in number. They are as follews: The man who guesses nearest te the weight will get One Hatchet, One Saw, One Brace, One Set et Bits, One Screw Driver, One Spirit Level, One Carpenter Pincers. The woman who is nearest will receive One Agate Iren Coffee Pet, One Agate Iren Sauce Pan, One Agate Iren Preserving Kettle, One Agate Iren Cooking Pan. The girl under 14 years, One FalrGirlfl' Fine Skates. The boy under 11 years, One Pair Nickel-Plated Lever Skates. Every one should make a trial and leave their guesses at the store of RE ILLY BROS. & RAUB, Nes.40 and 42 North Queen Street. 3.1md MBW ADVSRTJSaUKNTH. FROM THK GRANGERS THE MmeU'W come when DOEIUOM'S PT. KNT nrill W1IRBL will be the only Fifth Wheel In tile. Thete were the temarkt at Iheutandi of people at the Urangert' Plele. It wilt be en exhibition at the Lancaitcr County Fair, it JJIALL, 1868. Fine Tailoring rer the Latest Novelties, confined styles. Largest assortment of fine Woolens, and prices as low as any, go te H. GERHART'S Only Direct Importing Tailor. U NOBTH QUEER STREET. R AYMOND'B VACATION HXCUR. BIOMB. RAYMOND'S VACATION EXCURSIONS. AUTravellng Expenses Included. A nartv will leaverhlladelnhla. Uendav. Oc ber is, ier a Grand a rip Direct te SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. This trip Is lntended for persons who deslre te reach Bouthern California by a direct reute and as expeditiously as may be consistent with perfect comfort, The halts by thn way are Intended for rest. The excursion will be carried out upon the same plan that has made our winter excursions or the pest few years se popular, and ticket-holders will possess all the advantages given In connection with the later excursions tn the season et 18S8-69 Thn tickets supply every needed comfort during the tran sits 10 and from California, inclndlngsleeplng. car accommodations, meals, transfers, and beard at hotels, but leave the heldeis 10 dis pose of their time In California in accerdance with their own preference. AH travel in Fal ace Blecplng-Cara. The Heturn Tickets Geed nntll July, 1889, with a Chn'ceef Five Different Ileutes hastward from Ban rranclsce or Les Angeles. In addition te the above, parttes will leave October 8 ler a trip te the l'aclflc Northwest and California, and ler Colerado. Alse excur. slens te leading aaeternlleserta In September. seventh Annual series of Winter Trips te California : November 8 1 Uecember 8 ; Jan nary 7 and 10; rebruary 7. 11, aud 25; and 11 arch 7 and U. Annual Winter Tours through the "euthern States, llexlce, and Califernia: Januarylland rebruary 11 . through the Southern States aud Mexico, March 11. 47-Send for descriptive circular (designat ing the particular trip deslicd.) RAYMOND e WHITOOMB, 111 Be. Ninth Btreet, (Under ContlnentalHettl), ruit.ADKi.rniA, pa, (UM.W.rd H IKStt & BROTHER. -AMONG THE- Many Attractions OK THE- GOTJBTT FAIR, Visitors te Lancaster Will rind Our IMMENSE STOCK -or- CLOTHING One Well Werth Examining. OUH North Queen Street Windows Are but an Inkling of Our Display of MEN'S SUITS AND OYERGOATS FOli FALL AXD WINTER, -WHICH 13- LAUUK, Sl'VLIBU, LOW1NFUICE. Men's Suits, Castlmeres and Worsteds, $1, 1 5, C, 17 and 17.60. rine Dress Fults, Back and Cutaway Coats, In liroadwaled, Silk Mixtures. Bilk Stripes, Wanteds, cheviets, Corkscrews, etc.,'.8, 1U, 12. Ill, l, HO, 117 aud 11. Men's nverceits. In Meltons, Kerseys, Chin chillas, Beavers, whipcords, Cesslmeres.wllh and without silk racings and Sleeve Linings, and lined with Bilk throughout ranging In prices from li S0,3 00, f I, IS, 18, 17, S,$9, IIP, 1J, jit, IIS, 10 te 1.8. Storm overcoat), 13.50 and upwards. FURNISHINGS. UNDERWEAR, HI1IRTS, NEOKWEAR, HOSIERY. HIRSH & BROTHER, One-rrlce Clothiers and Furnishers, Cor. N, Queen Street, and Centre Squire, La KCASTAE, PA. LANCASTER, PENN'A. ASSIGNEE'S BALK OF VALUABLE llKALKSTATB, On TncaseAY, EatTixBin V, 1888, Will be sold by the undersigned at the Leep ard hotel. In the city of Lancaster, the follow ing valuable Heal a state, te wit: re, 1, alet of ground, en which is erected a Twe-Story uriek Dwelling lliuse. with Two Twe Two Btery llrlck Back Building, numbered .-8 vast New street. In the city of Lancaster, contain ing in front 10 feet, mere or less, and extend ing In depth M feet, mere or less. no. a, a let of ground, en which Is erected a two story llrlck Dwelling Meuse, with two story brick back-building, numbered Ne. 23 Kast New street, in the city ei Lancaster, con taining In front 10 feet, mere or less, and ex tending In depth 64 feet mere erlesa. These valuable piepertles are at the corner of North christian and Kast New streets, and are favorably located for renting or ether pur poses. Pale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m., when terms will be made known by ABKAUAM BUKITIGAM, A sslgnee of Amelia Mlschllch. Josl L. Uaikib, Auctioneer. aug29il,5,8,12,16,18,22,'W,27d ASTRICH'H PALACE OF FASHION, 13 East King Street. Lancaster, Pa. OPENING OF MILLINERY. This week we have received, marked, and put in stock the largest stock of Millinery Goods ever brought te this city. Our assortment ei Felt Hats has never been se large, and we have made special efforts te mark them at prices which will astonish you. Fancy Wings and Feathers in endless variety, and en these also we have put the very bot tom prices se as te please you in every way. Our Ribbon department has been acknowledged the largest and most complete in the state, net excepting the larger cities. In Fancy Ribbons mere espe cially we excel all ethers; and there as well as en all ethers se called fancy stock, we stick te our motto. Quick sales and small profits. A leek at our stock and comparison el prices with these of ether stores will at once convince that for Rib bons we are headquarters. We have the largest assort ment and the lowest prices. New D r e ss Trimmings ; second large invoice ; this time all the newest colors at 37 and 75c. a yard; cord and silver mixed, all colors. Silver and Geld Trimming, 50c. a yard, was 75c. last year. Our stock of Coats for Ladies' and Children is com plete new. Yeu are invited te come and inspect it. In this department we have always been the Leaders, but this season we have made extra efforts, and claim te have a much better assortment and generally lower prices than at any pre vious season. Come and see for yourself. Merine Underwear for Chil dren, all sizes in five different qualities, from 10c. apiece up. ASTRICH BROS. AUUHJlMENTtl. Proctei's Fulton Opera Heuse ADMISSION 15, SO, SO and SO CENTS. EDWINARDEN. TUESDAY MGIIT AND WEDNESDAY MATINKL', BARRED OUT. WEDNESDAY NIGHT-TUK ItOMANTlO DliAMA, And Delightful Western idyll, Eagle's Nest. A KOMANCK Or TUK CLOUDS. TIIDBEDAY, rRIUAY AND BATOKDAY, ANDSATUltDAY MA11NKE, DTJVAY & BRaVY'S lltmiielk Miutrel ud Socially Cempur. P-r- - ivi