,k i, "iTv! rsiT7t".'y yi&&yQj!kJGIfeiKStjBn0BMwmMMKm 5 . B- TERMS; r Isrvatiiasircss b serve, by earrters INT m6 sarreanAlaf towns ler We. mt smu p.w jU per month, IT iKTStLlaSffnR, Eight Fag, ft. M py mv, gpeeimen copies tent TCI IHTKLLtQENCER, Lancaster, Fa. Oally Intelligencer. aSTEK, SEPTEMBER IS, IMS, iff' a Strama. . at issues et this political struggle I M w bee aqm of the nresldent. rV confidence born of strength, att inUMd bra lcnnwlndcnnf hnlne iraght.be ba made the reduction of mm Mtee or una campaign, ue lmVMlati.h tariff nlena until the I sheared mere ripe and the people ret ret reform, jue mignt nave t from Delntimr out the dan sen mrphuand made shift te avert til ruin dnrln hi administration. VmtJuA let these things alone and r.fene oerere tne people en nis lour 'record of geed government, he save been elected, rer his vetoes 'guarded the people from careless t ana his signature of Approval t mere pensions than any ether nt's en the list. Under him millions let wrongly held land have been te the public domain, the navv : rebuilt and our dlnlomatle coal. I.: abroad has been established. I'ttm simple application of the fifty practice and principle . .mm. American man. of business. i this record e President could have triumphant reelection. but the path of dutv. lie saw the bur. fit taxes, the growing surplus, the l of labor, the stairnatlanef busi. ,pfM;'Mid careless of partisan clamor and KJhterr 0f free trader." which he knew be uujustiv ralsed.be boldlvde- I that "our present tariff laws, the t. InMUltable and illeffltal nnilrrn fttiiweessary taxation, ought te be at i revwea ana amended." .Net one tin a thousand, net one In ten thou. I would then have ventured te strike 4atMa tinging blew en the. Inner unanunileA W&lMel the nigh tax men, and when the If JftHiaftd knlffflfc AVAr thn raerlnrr tnetti ennf eKb answer te the challenge it was nothing r m uuuee mii no weuia prance in tne Mi1. trade lists where Cleveland was net Cp ifennd. The president has given te i rsepie ier aecuuen in this campaign, I Ot mere Vital Impert than the morn Vattiea of who shall be president, nud doing he has proved that he has the Igth.the courage and wisdom that i him a rlaht te that ii!crh nm. i- S? It: WOUld hfl Wflli if the T?niii1lnn.i tAaaten and representatives could reach , AiOOflamen opinion uoen various vltiil LfftitMeal matters, beside the tariff. It cer wuyrerrxxies nogeoa te their patty that IN leaders stand In sueh great disagree- at as te what should be the political ; MUcy Of the ceuntrv in se manv thec 'mtrnu. They can hardly expect the people 4b put a party In power that does net area settled policy upon the political - St.. ...... g; Y r unfortunately for theJlepubllcaus, f yuBpwi remains in session after Tr """ QtXWitlen has made Its Be. This is an unuBual situation. Ifitblds fair te ruin the Republican jarty, whose convention decreed for un. vlfSalted Protection, lint nhnui ronrneontti. ptfft In Congress wholly fail te formulate ' ?w t de what the convention siyg ahoeld be done. : , oe xwpuDiic-tnB or me iiouse ue .gjaWiacea me bill prepared by the Deme- El. fallt ilnrinrT Ycenlra et rlIetififN glaltei te prepare and propose a bill of f lli ni.ii. H .!&.-.. a... ..in. i.. . pT",""Ji uu J"i"eu me juiiis mil ie 'tw-yiaeu wuueut a ucpubiican moas meas moas len belnir set off tumlnst it. Timn r;tW bill went te the Senate and Sepubllcan senators declared that . tktf would frame a bill : which vu ' . direct indletment of the rtannhlinatm KW'i the Heuse, because all revenue asures lawfully originate In that body; vucuie penormanceer tne senators has 'jJleng awaited and the premise is net 1A11.J. !.! t m ...in.. 'if"1 uul " '"ere aiga ei imuiimenc ; aaa tney new intimate that they may Walt until after election. Such delay will flhftvfirfllllvalA'nf i atfi.M Im ltM4T.fr jpi popular mind. Te prevent Republl VJa escape from respenslbllty for non nen non MjUen, the Democratic congressmen are Aiiwllling te adjourn until the senators jaasiure ineir Din or declare that they Fm" UOD0 10 present ; unpleasant as It is vji-wwaitin Washington while their con. it:tttuencles need them at home. Everv. understands that Congress remains iaaaMlen awaiting this premised Itepub. .-2'MnHi ucuYcrauce upon me larur, nnti verv dav that It dot net mm int in. taaslfles the fact of Republican disagree- E" And, while they watt, the Republican M " .ua uejr uisagree Tripaaat the fishery question, which is .Bether important issue, and upon it no tis? """" ssBUMuti "m uviiireu. f.t1W,eDBt 'eriunateiy for the Demo Deme Demo cvlftnlAe party, that these issues are made 'V:-lrv Uutir nntinnnl nHmlnlafml.n ,i.i.i. hW'pcevat te be as wise as it is courageous, Y'V and cenaeanentlv p.Krritn tta nart iriih if r:"S i :: z :.. .' "'" " ;,fj-w kb sareiy unaer cover, H;'wfcll tha 'ReniihH.an Vill-en. . jeattered about, without a hen. Their Fif " " uuet agree, iiiaine, witn a Mlaarty regard for the Maine railroads, fcZ4M0UnCM the President' ratalialnrr KeUcy. Jehn Sherman, with like fervent .aU)ad leanings, does the same, and RrtWaki it entirely tee severe a panUhmant LiT upon Canada for stepping our fish In mm.uuBi, wan sue duuuiu de aepnved of a fll ' f ilfflll tlllll llllll I 1 l t A fj)"" """ """ nmuuuieu m bis years ie rtxwe hundred and seventy millions of iini. itWlan: and he Is se amlahin n.nii invin ir i J. x- . . '.' .jwwu vaaaua mas ne wants a union Vnrlth her and does net want imin n J ;--thlnf te aggravate her feelings or that will t"r ..tnniin tli tnMnn .1 t if ;"""" " "ff " wueu we mil d government ana one people the Rie Grande te tim JUisUe. The senator might as well aid. from the Panama rnnnl I hava welcomed the Mexican taran- l as warmly as the polar baum. lint rfmrnmvmumuoijiuuneia nu Uana- mm advance and that Is a feather in his ' hewarer uncertain It Is that his party m at aia mck. i or ether Urpublican or- have talked hotly asainst Canada I roundly denounced the president for :' aieikac baton new retaliating upon her, lalltllia- that be baa leatr had all th :pmm tt be new aks ter, ud libit be should have knocked Canada into a I cocked hat upon the flret show of her im. pudence, without waiting for the leave of Congress. And when the Rpubllcans get settled upon their tariff and Canadian policy, they will still have te make up their minds what they will de about trusts, which, it is true their platform de nounces, but which their apostle de clares net te be a proper issue In a national campaign, but te be a state affair and net altogether bad, anyway. A party is te be sincerely pitied whose platform gets se badly ripped, as seen aa it is promulgated, through the sad acci dent that lis leader Is in Europe and does net knew, or care, when be comes home, what the sub-leaders have beendelng and saying In bis absence; and which Is caught'.wllh a Congress in session where in its representatives are brought te book upon the platform declarations and called upon te'redeem them with their legisla tion. There never was, since the coun ceun try started en Its political life, a party se badly rattled by its fate and faith, or rather its lack of faith, as the Republican Uwlay. Thry All Want Him. Mr. OVVelll, Republican, of Phila delphia, announces In Congress that Mr. Randall Is about te be reneminated unanimously by the Democrats of his district. Mr. O'Neill seems te think that is remarkable ; he does, net ap preciate the ease with which Demo crats get together when the enemy Is in front. Mr. O'Neill made a mere notable statement in declaring that Mr. Randall would have no Repub lican opposition. Such unanimity of pe. lltlcnl support is very complimentary te Mr. Randall, showing that he is n true representative of his Immediate constitu ents. Tiik LOnden Trade Journal Myi that within tbe laat ilx months the leading ship owning Arms in .Londen bsve been losing faith in steel ships. It says: "We have made a point or censulting: a number el naval architects and marine engineers, and have te admit that majority have unhesi tatingly told us that, In the light et experi ence, they prefer Midland and Yerkitilra Iren .for ship building purposes te either Cumberland, Durham or Lanarkshire mild steel." DKMOenA-riu members et the Heuse of Representatives held a caucus en Tueaday night and doelded net te adjourn until the Binate made known ita intentions concern ing the tarlfl. The congressmen are anxious te leave Washington te leek after their fenees, but when the Republican members faoe their constituents and are aaked what they have dene te reduce taxation, the true answer rnuHt be : We have net tried te take any burdens from your shoulders." Tin: Farnell inquiry started out with uve hnndred reporter. preent,and hopes te get at the truth. He wonder the Judges are said te feel the prominence of their position. It takes a brave man te faoe five hundred reporters. "Bit quick or your deid" is the title or a Western romance about a read agent. It Is said that several et the young Re publican stump speaker have pligurlzsd in otne ei their epoeehea dollvered In this county. They have however shown geed Judgment in refraining from using Blaine's truit speech as their own. Plagiarism Is a polite name for what la reaily theft, and our young Republican frlends come naturally by the failing, which la prevalent among their londem ; and a little matter like bolt belt ing a second-hand speech will net disturb the peculiar appetite et Lancaster county Republican audlenoes. Oengreasman Hpringer recently set an example of honesty and frankness in this respect worthy of oemruendatlon and general adoption. Mr. Hprlnger, having been Importuned for information en the subjeet of free qulnlne, asked ills nepbew, the elerk et tbe com cem com mlttee en territories, te investigate tbe matter and prepare a wrltten statement. This was done and Congressman Hprlnger atked and obtained leave te print the statement, net as part of his own speech, but as the resultofhlaclerk'alnyestigaUen. AcceitDiNci te tbe report of the com mtssloner of pinnlens Just issued there are' 1,250 pentlonera in Lancaster county, and tbny draw evfry three months from the government 113,225 25, There are 452,557 pensioners of the United Htatea and they are paid every quarter $13,832,007. Senater Mitchell Intimated very strongly In the Senate the ether day that Senater Morgan, et Alabama, was aoeus. temed te enter the Senate In a drunken condition and dlsgraoe it 11 was a beastly thing te say unnecessarily, even it there had been aeme foundation for it ; but it seems that it was wholly baseless, as Sea. ater Morgan's fellow senators have united In testifying that they have never seen him under the inQuenee of liquor. Mitchell in that Is preved te be a lying hound ; which, however, hardly needed fresh proof, Mn Quay is said by an Interviewer, who met hltu In his Beaver home, te have de clared that New Yerk and Indiana were very doubtful and te have shown himself by no means sanguine of the result. This interview having Peen publlthed, Mr. Quay en belng interviewed again says that it was all wrong ; that he did net say that he was doubtful about New Yerk and In dlana, but that they were doubtful states, as everyene knows, and that he was bopelul ; or te that effect. It is somewhat hard te get the difference in Mr. Quay's sbades el meaulng, but we understand him te aay that he means te be misunderstood te declare his bellef that New Yerk and Indiana are doubtful, but that he la hope hepe ful ; and that be never will dlspalr or give up the ship of whleh he Is captain, while llfe lasts, or a rag or a plank Is left, Quay doesnetquall. The report of the experts et beet, hog and dairy products In August shows a total seme sis hundred thousand dollars below the txperts of August IRS7. Beef and hog products show a small gain, but the dairy products have net bsen se largely exported. PEHSONAL. Reiiurt E. MoCennkll, a Republican oemmltieuman of Warsaw, N. X has declared for Cleveland and tariff reform. Colonel James Dougherty, died suddenly, at hi home In Beiling Springs. Cumberland county, en Tuesday, lie was a member of the 1st Pennsylvania Reiervea V,rlnJt tb" war. He wa prominent In Orana Army circle. Mian Eva Fkmuebthv, of Canten. O., well educated and weslthy, went te Pitta! burg a few wenks age te obtain experience as a nurse. While at one of tbehwpllals he wltneiised a surgical oparatlen whleh unbalanced her mind, ud aha was takan home a raving manlad M ultea Dn. KiiWAUD Boeekmann, a prominent Norwegian pnyslelsn of 8t. PauVaml one et the best !ested Bcsndlnavlan sludent of political economy la Minnesota, has an. nouneed his intention et supporting Oleve land and 'Jhurman. lie says: "I am In hearty sympathy with tbe Democrats de mand for lower use and tbe pledges made by that prty in Minnesota te strive for them." lr. Bpeckmannha long been a Republican, and Is at present en tbe staff of Governer McGlll. He Is a man of in tin. ence, and his manly sUnd for tbe cause of tax reform and honest government will attract widespread attention. a Jungs Tburreaii's LstUr te a Colored BUu Eugene D. Jehnsen, a veune oelorsd bbss of Detroit, rsesaUr wrote, te Judge TILE LANCASTER DAILY INTELUGENOER, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER Tburman, and ia tbe course ei his letter Incidentally referred te an expression mads ne of by Judge Tburmsn in his Pett Huren speech, suggesting ttist It bad been Interpreted as a reflection, although tte writer was thoroughly convinced tbst It was net se intended. Judge Thurmsn re plied aa fellows t Celumtius, O., Sept. 10, 1&W Te Eogene D. Jehnsen, nan , Ne. 11, West Congress street, Detroit, Mich. Dear Slrt Your very interesting letter e! the 20th tilt was re ceived Just before stsrtlng for New Yerk, and being se engaged with ether matters at that tlm, I found It impossible te reply. I certainly never Intended te use the ex pression in an offensive sense. The idea meant te be ennveyed was that tbe negrees were a prollde race, and te show that they net only had but would continue te lnerease when It had been prophesied that after slavery the recewunld deteriorate and finally dloent. Statistics prove this te be se, and the re mark wee Intended as commendatory in stead of tbe way In wt lob it ha been In terpreted. I see, tbeugb, It was an unfor tunate expression, and It wiil be hard te make people, either wblte or black, com prehend aa clearly as you evidently da I ball eertalnly.keep your letter as an ex ample of the intellectual growth of your raw Yours truly, A.Q.TBunxAK. irjTtfAMAKKH'a I'aiLADitraiA, Wednesday, Bept. 18. Hardly weather te think of heavy stuffs for ladies' Coats and Cloaks and such like. But muffle-up days will come just the same. The new thick goods, are en hand. , - r " " All wool, fine' wool. Cloak Cleak ings and Ulsterings in checks, plaids, and stripes, 14 styles at $1.50 and $2. A grand mustering of peach cheeked Beavers. Mellow as doeskin. The colors among them are what Fashion dictates, such as reseda mode red dm gray green mabegaiiy golden brown and most of them appear in several shades 4 blues, for in stance. These choice Beavers are $2.50 a yard. Frem the same mills and in the same tints, but finer, softer, lighter, the last degree of Beaver exquisitencss. $4. Last clrde, north wen of centra. Seme Women's Balbriggan Vests (French), extra cloth and pearl buttons, arc here in force, and the price is $50. It is very much in favor el retail buyers when they can get a staple thing like this for about half price, but it's hard for the man ufacturers. Maybe they won't make se many next time. High neck and long sleeves and high neck with ribbed arms. Fenrth counter from Ubeatuut slrcst en trance! Saxony Flannels, plaids and stripes. Entirely new color combines. A delightlul wrap per stuff if you get the proper grades. There's the danger. The meaner qualities are se light that a little strain does for them. Nene of these here. We knew better. Only the kinds that will give satisfaction in wear. 50c a yard. Northwest el coulre, next main nttle. Dining Tables of every proper shape and weed. Size of the room, style of finish, or thickness of pocketbook fit either. Third fleer, reur elevators. Seme fine Vases were slight ly soiled and finger-marked during the moving el the China camp from the Basement and first fleer te light, airy, and roomy quarters en the second fleer. Touch of a brush will put most of them te rights. Never mind. We drop third of the price and let you de the cleaning. $1 te $20. llbnnlah Crown Jieultnn Imperial Austrian Gebelin UuTUliad Hungarian ItlldOlKUdl MUUUuur dlcm buicmy I.etiU Soeenrt fleer, Junlper street tide. Four elc- Three pretty lets with a bar gain flavor : Albums, real lenther binding, plain brown, seal brown, or red, white or colored paper, exten sion clasp. Held either 34 cabinet pictures, or 2S cabinets .and 16 cards. The price is $2 ! A few sample Photograph Screens, cabinet size. Ne two alike. About a quarter under price. The " Favorite" brass Easel, with plate glass, for cabinet pic tures. 1 8 c, Northwest of centre. 48 dozen Hair Brushes, gen uine white bristles, solid back, 25c each. You'll say that het a penny gees te waste there. Near the contra of tbe store . JOHN WANAMAKER. OOMFLSXIOiV FO WliBK. QOMPLEXION POWDER. LADIES WOO VALUK A BKJriNKI! COMFLKXION J! USX UtilC POZZONI'S WJCDIGATKD, COMPLEXION POWDER. kiV""- brilliant transparency te the J001'0,0. ana unisimi the skin delicately ?MflafnUiV'VU "oentaln no lime. whli wwe anebllne188 ,1"U,M' r,nk or n"$ reu BAtK ax All Druggtata and. Faney Goods Dealera fiverywhore. aprSTlvS 0r IMWOHS,-a QUTIOUBA KKMKDIKS. bORE FROM KNEE TO AMK1X Bkla EaUMtreene-Vlaaw a Xbm er Dtssa . 1 DlmleUbsd Oaa-Thlrd la) Btts Ooat Oeat Ooat tien HepsisM-vtiraa bf tae CnUeareftaaa- Ml', for three years I wa almost crippled with an awf nl sero lev from my knee flown te my anklet the skin was entirely aTBa, and the nh was one mass of diseue. Boke pays!, etans pronounced It Incurable. It bad dlmln Isbne about ent-tbtrn th at of the ether, f n . .w ,n hopeless conaitlen, After try In all klndi r.r remedies ana spending Ban ernds of dollars, from whleh 1 ret no relief whaterer. 1 wa persnaded te try your CUTI CU.lAKKMEDlk,ana tbe result was a fol fel lows 1 After tbree days Inetleedaeeetnael cnanae for the better, anA at the eiifl of two months I was cemp'etelyeurcd. sty flesh was pu.iuvu, imiu uie none iwnien nae Devn vx peea for ever a yeari aotanned. Tneflenh btfun te erew, and te-day. and for nearly two yesra rati, my leg is as well as arerltwas, strand In evry reapeet, and net a sign cf tbe Olienie te be seen. a. U. AliaBW, Dubois, Bedge Ce , 8a. Terrlbls Buffering from Bkla Disease, I have been a terrlble unfrerer for years from dueains of tbe skin and bleed, and have been obliged te shan publln places by reason el my dltngurlnirhmenr. Ilavs had the bastet phy sicians and spent bnndreds of dollars, tint f et no rellel until I nied theUtmUUKAUaMB m", which have cored me, and left my Bkla as clear and my bleed as pare as a child's. 1U A MAT MASS. Ollve Branch 1. O., Miss. from US Pounds te 17S round. . 1 have taken several bottles of OUTIOUBA Eiut,VNT with all the result l could wlih for. about this time last year, when cnmmencing its nsa, i weiguea lie pennas, and today 1 weigh 172 pounds. .. aii.OAiHBaiJL, Washington, D. G. . NOTK-lhe CUT1CUBA HKSOLVBHT IS beyend all doubt the greatest bleed partner Tur oempoundud, CcTictnu, the great skin cure, and ctrriensA Biur, an exqutte akin beantlfler, externally, ana Odticcba ltMOLVSirr, the new bleed pnrl pnrl fler, Internally, ara a poaltive cure for every form 01 skin and bleed disease, from pimple te scrofula. Sold everywhere. Price, Otrrioeaa, Boe 1 SeAr, 2Se 1 KsneLvsxT, si ue Prepared by the l'OlTKH UUUU AMU CUEhtltJAIi CO., Bos Bes Bos eon, kitten. WHonafer ' Hew te Cure Bkln Diseases," CI pages, t Illustrations, und 100 testimonial "DADViOSkln and Scalp proserved and DB.OX (5 bcantlflcd by ctmuusx Mbdiea- THD SOAr, Oon&titutienal Catarrh. Ne Mngle dlaease has entailed mera snfler Ing or hiutaned thn breaking up of the consti tution than Catarrh. The aenae of smell, of taau, of tight, et heating, the human vote, the mind, iine or morn, una aemetlmes all, rlriatoltsdeUTUctlvetnllnence. The poison Ldlntr llm K'ii throughout the syttem attacks every vital force, ana breaks up tha most ro bust of constitutions. Ignoreo, because but llltln understood, by mist physicians, Impo Impe tenlly n lulled by nnacks and charlatans, these sufTerlng from ft have little hope te be relieved of It this slde of the grave. It is time, then, that the popular treatment of this terrible disease by remedies wtthln the reach el all paised Inte hands at onee competent and trustworthy. The new and hitherto un tried method adopted tiy Dr. ranferd In tie E reparation of his Uaoieal Ocas ha wen the early approval of thousands. It Is Instanta neous in affording relief In all head colds, snrexlng. unuUltng and obstructed breathing, ana rapidly niuevts the most oppressive symptoms, clearing the heed, sweetenlng the breath, restoring the entes of smell, taitn and hearing, ana neutralising the constitutional tendency of tee dUease towards the lung), liver ana kidneys. BAKreriD's Kadieat. Ctms consists of ene bot bet bot tle 1 r tha IIadieai. Cure, enn box of ca tarrhal eeLvxnT, una lumeviD Ihualbrj price, ft. 1'tiTTin Dtia A CnsuieAT. Ce , Hest cm. KIDNEY PAINS, Str&lna and Weaknefisea, Uelleved In ene minute by that marvelous An An An tldoieto I'sla. Inflsmtniitlen and Weakness, theUutlcura Autll'aln Plaster. The Drat and only ralu killing suengthenlng plaster. Xs sprclnliy adapted te InsUntiy rolteve and siwedlly euro Kidney and Uteilne Pains and Weakness. Warranted vastlyslipetler te all ether plasters. At all druggists, 21 ennts ; flvn for ll.ie 1 or, postage f rer, et Pettxb IIhiie AMDCmuiOALUe. iioslen, Mass. lunandWABAlyw TOBAVVU. A FINK 1UEOE OF CHEWING TOBACCO IS INDBKUAI.UAUUY. FINZER'S Old Honesty. Cemes as near belng a flne plece of PLUG TOUACCO as It ls.'posslble te make It, and U known as a STANDARD BRAND AMONG DKALKK8. We are sure that ONE THIAL will Convince Teu of lu Merits. tsr Loek for the red ll tin tagen each plug.-S J no. Finzer & Bre.'s, i.OIIIBVIIiLlC. KY (8) QUXKKUWAKa. H IOH ft MARTIN, FRUIT JARS, JELLY TUMBLERS, JELLY JARS, AT 1.OWKS1 UA8H PBI0K8, AT CHINA HALL. The MUUTNINQ PUU1T J All, the Hest In the Market, In Pints, Quarts and llalf Gallens. MASON J Alts In all alies always en hand at bottom prlees. HIGH 8c MARTIN, Ne. 15 Bast King Stret, LANCASTER. PA. JilOrCLRS. JJIOYOL.KS, TJUOYOIjKS, TANDEMS. COLUMBIA Bicycles, Trioyeles, Tandems. UUUA1ILE, BIMPLK. GUAUANTJEK1) HIGHEST GUAUK, II.LUSTUATKUOATALOQUK riiXX, POPE MF'G. CO., Ti ritANELlN ST., BOSTON. 1IUANC1I IIOU8KS - u Warren St, New 1 nrk : 5S)l Wat'iuih Ave., uhleaga anfi-lvdeed WANThD. TKMPKKATK, KNKK KNKK getle man te solicit orders for our choice nursery stock. Hteady work and geed pay. Thubutlnesseitally learned. Ueference leiiulred Sftteugn. Address. U. G. C11ASU A ue., H30 8. l-euu Square, PhUadelphla, Bopl-2uieed NOTIOK 'ltJ THKHPAHHKKtl AND .... aONNKU8.-All person are hereby for. bidden te troepens en any of the lands of the Oernwall ana tlpoe4wU estates In Lebasea or lAneasuir counues, whether Inclesed or aula aula clesed, either for the purpose of sheeting or aU?n:' f.tn6 'w will Va ngldly enftxeed against all tresnttstlng en said laada of tha wa designed after this nelle. WM. COLEMAN NUslafAJT. K PSUOr AXDBsT, Bisr tree. T HARKT BTAMlf. BKMOVXD MOU NOS. J7KORTHQUMN bXBJUKV TO NO. 24 CENTRE 8QUABE. FALL GREETING, 1888. At aaa uren our wisnie signalize ear open ing both a te our Mew Quarters and tbaTall Rumn In anma Fia1rt.lA ma... wht.l, should show our appreciation of past patron age. Bat after considerable thought be stowed upon the subject, we concluded te pnt away alt Idea of novel or expensive souve nirs and express enr appreciation of enr cus tomers patronage by submitting te them an array or Bargains In which we should excel ourselves and eel ipse all enr put efforts. THE VJCRDICT Of our customers must determine the fnll ineasuroef eir success. But we can say this much In our behalf, that we have given every effort te the selection et a stock which tn all respects should tave no superior. We con sider that la this wa have succeeded. We would Call Your Attention te a Special Line UKNltlKTTAB, 11 Shades, All Weel, 40 Inches wide, only 87Ke a yard. These are net tbe se-called, but the genuine imported goods. The low price Is our secret. Inequal ity will meet your every expectation. These who will leek ever our large and varied as sortment of Henriettas, both In Black and col ored, will cease te wonder at the popularity of this familiar dress material. If anything could be neater and mere desirable for wear than a dress of these goods we have yet te see We Offer Catching Bargains In New rail Dress Goods AT 7C, 10O, 1BC, 21c. 8c, 1XC 17C, 2BC. This assortment has already received a most nattering approval lrem the many patrons at our establishment Ihess goods open the purse strings. Mliore Is noreslsungtbe style and qualities. Special Arsertmnnt of BLACK DBK88 GOODS and BbAUK MtXCU GOODS, In Lew, Medium ana rine gualltles, at prices that stamp thnm as Inducements. You'll very seen leek at your wardrobe and find tlm you ought te get a new 811 AWL.. New, whether Itbe a single or Deuble Blanket or Thibet bhawl. you'll And just what you want In our stock. These WHITK aPKE.r8 we have been toll tell ing you of rer the past week are going rapidly. Enough lelt If you hurry. Hllk flushes and Baling for the million. Vlannels, Blanket and Comlerts. Lst, bat net least, we would like you te ex amine our Ladles' Merine (Wlnter) Vest. rnce,S7Keeach. WliEMKMUKE-Sa N0.24GESTRESQUARE, auglS-lyd MAVllINHRT. QKMRAIj MACHINE WORKa FOR SALE CHEAP rOB IMMEDIATE DKLIVJCBY. One 1 1 11. 1. Bnglne and Beiler combined. One 4 II. r. JCnulne and 6U.r. Beiler, en btse, combined. One4H. V. ecoend-TIand Vertical Engine, with or without Beiler. " ' ene & 11. r. New Horizontal Knglne. Own make Knglnes and Bellors of every size and de scription, Several Botary Ventilating Fans, suitable for shop or office use. Alse Valves, rittlngs.Plpe, Brass and Iren Cocks and and a full line Steam Geed and En gineers' supplies. Machine work, Pattern Werk, Brass Cast ings, Bhafllng. I'ulleys, Hangers, Etc, Etc. GOOD WOKE. SEASONABLE CHABGE8. PKOMPTNE88. Central Machine Works W. F. CUMMINGS, Proprietor, NOa 134 ft 136 NORTH CHRISTIAN ST. LaseASTaa, Fa. aecj-tfd BUMMHR HKHOKTS. TyT. GRETNA PARK. Mt. Gretna Park, rOU KXCDBSIONB AND riONICS. This 1'ark is located In the heart el the Seuth Mountain en the line of tbe Cornwall Lebanon Railroad, Nine miles . euth et the city ef Lebanon, within easy distance of Harrtsburg. Ueadlnir. Lancaster. Columbia and all points en the Philadelphia A Beading and Pennsylvania uollreads. The grounds are large, covering hundred of acres, ana are 1TUEE TO ALL. The conveniences are a i-arge Dancing Pa vilion, a Spacious Dining Hall, Twe Kitchens. Baggage ana Ceat Beem., while the arrange ments ier amusement consist of croquet ana Ball Grounds, Bowling Alley, Sheeting Gal Gal lery Quoits, KUk Etc Tables ler Lunchers. Bustle Beats and Bonehe are scattered throughout the grounds. THE BTATE litFLE BANGE Of the National Guard of Pennsylvania ha been located at ML Gretna, and the Military Bide Practice, from time te time at the Ban go. will constitute a new attraction te visitors. Anether attraction Is LAKE CONKWAGO, Coverlng nearly twenty acres en which are placed a number of elegant New Beats, and along the bonks of which are pleasant walks and lovely scenery. OBSERVATION CABS Will be run en the line of the Cornwall A Leb anon Ballread, or will be sent , te different E Dints, when practicable, ler the oocommoaa eocommoaa oecommoaa on of excursion parties. They are aate. pleasant ana convenient. Parties desiring It can procure Meal at the Park, as the Dining Hall will be under the su pervision of E. at. BOLTZ, of the Lebanon Valley Heuse. These who wish te spend a day In the Mountains can And no place se beauti ful or affording se much pleasure as ML Gretna. MO INTOXICATING. DU1NK8 Ali LOWED ON THE PUEM18K8. AW rer Excnraien Bate and General Infor mation, apply te NED IRISH. Bnp't O. A L. Ballread, Labanon, Pa. Je2$-3ma AHPHALT HLOOKS. A HPHALT PAVING BLOCK, Asphalt Bleck Ce.. Offlco-eOl Chestnut 8 L, Phlla., ra, Works-Bridgeport, Pa., A Camden, N. J. M ANUrACTUBEUa erj Standard Asphalt Paving Blocks SIZES txSxlljAND KxXxl2. In general nae ferstreetpavlng.sldewalks.gar den paths, mill yards and driveways, gutters, cellars, vats and sea walla. Advantages: Noiseless. dusUess. strictly sanitary, practi cally Indestructible ana cheap. '' rer price ana further Information addrewi R, 8, OSTMR & BRO l&BRO., lUXerUtrrtaeest. 1 r? aal-Sts4 J Aetata TiSssastsTOa. NEW BOSTON STORE 19, CLOTB1NQ. SO. jyEKCHANT TAILORING. "i-i-rra-irmnriai. Ten earn Had a atestextanslvallMef rer- epmeatle OeMs for rail aa Wtatac wear as price Uat will arprlM yem, at ASKEW'S, OS. mt AKD MS WtMT KINO STREET. TJ-lysl MeOrvnn A Nowtes, KEB0E15T TAILORS, 44WtttKinfltnt. BARGAINS WORTH BUXJWG. atsaaaaasa L. Gansman Bre., .w.CrOiutasm WORTH QUMW OBANQ1 BTfj. LAXOABTXB,rA. BARGAINS WORTH BUYING. MEW BTTLES OF Min's, Beys' and Oaildm's Suits New ready for your inspection for Fall and winter Wear. Men's Cheviot Butt at as. aa, as, no. Men's CasslmereSulu at Si se, 17, S8, SIC, HI. Men' Worsted Bulu at tBM, i, as, as, ie, sis. Prince Albert's Suits at Sie, til, 114, SIS. 118 Men s Wide Diagonal Baits at 110, sia, 14, tie. Men's corduroy Suit at H. Bey' Boheol SnlU at tt 6U, SS, S4. BOJS'AB-WOOl Bulls at U.M,B,t,7,tS,Sfi, Children's Bulta at 11.60, (7, kue, aj, si, as. FALL OVERCOATS. FALL OVERCOATS. .0C IOC, SlP.CO. 112.00, 111.00, Well-made and fashionable cut and trimmed, all our own make. We have never before been se well prepared for business se early la the season, nor have prlees ever been te low. L. GANSMAN & BRO., MANUFACTURERS OF Hen's, Bejs' and Children's Nothing, B. W. COB1CXU NORTH QUEEN. AND ORANGE BTKKET8.LANOABTEU, PA. On account of Holiday, our Stere will be Closed Saturday, September is, until 6 o'clock p.m. M TKRS dt KATHFON. OUBBTOCKOr Hen's Diess Suits FOB FALL AND WINTER WEAK Is the Ment Complete we Have Kver Had the Pleasure of Showing. Hindseme Breidw&le Diagenib, CORKSCREWS AND TRICOTS, In the Hest Desirable Shades and Fashionably Cut Make Up the List, DKPJCND ON US FOB Reliable Goofs and ReuiDable Prieea. Myers & Rathfon, NO, 12 BAST KING BT.a LANCASTER PA. CARPKT8. J. B. MARTIN A CO. WALL PAPER DEPARTMENT I Hundreds of New Patterns This Week, Many Among Thern te Suit Yeu. New Is tbe Time te Pick Them. WE WILL HAVE THEM WHEN YOU ARE READY. A Special Offer! GOLD PAPERS. 7c. DP. NEXT QUALITY, 3c. UP. HIGH-CLASS WORK IN Decorating & Fresco Painting. We have expert designers, paper hangers, decorators and furnish exclusive designator all classes of work. If you htve a room, hall, suite of rooms, house or row of beuses papered, no matter hew small or large thejebls. gtve us acilland ft wmrepayySn. e Iurchaln8 elsSwhSre. CARPETS In every grade and te suit every taste Vol Vel vets, Mequattm, Wiltens, Gebelins, Axmln ster, Ingrain. 9-Ply and Uome-Meda carpet. J. B. MARTIN & CO. M)Mi DYWAMlTKIe) WKLIiMfOKKN J-i of a a safe and sure core for Hard and sale for It for several years past, reraale ealr M UUKLEI'S DRUGSTORE, ' MWMtsUawltttit. MEN'S DRESS SUITS DKYVOOBB ILKA8E NOTICE. NO. 96 BAST KING ST. PLEASENOTICE. We will be found, upon close laapee tlen and fair conperisen, te be ON TOP as regards assortment, and Invariably At the Bettem As regards prices daring TEEOOMIIT&SEigOH. Tbe People's Cash Stere, NO. 25 EAST KINO STRMT, LANCASTER, FA. marlt-lvdAw E ABLY AUTUMN BTYLB8. STAMM'S ST0EB HAS NOT MOVED Frem 35 and 57 North Queen 8t. lias Opened a Big Assortment of EARLY AUTUMN STYLES AND COLORS New Sis, Dress Goods; AND LADIES' CLOTHS. We take pleasure In announcing the open Ing of a large shipment of theaboveaeodstn all the Latest Styles and Celer for Autumn Wear at Very Moderate Prices. SILKS. TOILLE FKANCA1SE, MOIKE ANTIQUE, SATIN DB LUXOR, MOIUE FBANOAI8K, ABMUHE FIQUES, rLusass, BU AD AMES, VELVETS, SUBAQS, BATIN8. DRESS GOODS. HENRIETTAS, OUBBBl'LAIDS, FATTEBN SUITS, OMBEBSTBIFiB, SERGES, FOULES, N0U7EAUTB, CASHMERES. CL0TfS. LADIES' CLOTUB. DELIN'S CLOTHS, ENGLISH COSTUME CLOTHS, TRICOTS, AMAZON! D' 1NDE SACKINGS, CLOAKINGS, TWEEDS, AO.AO. All are respectfully te call and Inspect enr New Goods ana ffOTEOUELOWPBIOES. Samples sent free upon application. Conn try order receive pempt aud careiul altea altea tten. Goods sent te all part. O. O. D.oren receipt of Fostefflce Order. Don't miss seeing our Display before making seleotlena. Our qualities are always Bellable. Price always the Lewest NO TROUBLE TO SHOW QOOl'S. Chas. Stamm 35 and 37 North Qaeen St. 9-0II'0SlTE THE FOSTOFriCK. BOSTOI STOKE. angg-ly BAKING rOfDMR. s TKKLINQ BAKING POWDKR. POWDEH, Absolutely Pure. THIS Powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesemenes. Mera eoenomlcal than the ordinary kind. Beld only in Can by all urecers. BTEKLINQ MANUrACTURIWG CO- JSanaisBprnoeStraatNawTerk. r,,BJr1liy?'irhl5lt . Laear (teuaty Fair Oaks ter au. ttaaplsffwaji. siiaiilsia The People's Cash Stere snEi BAKU - Xt i--"1 A "!. '- ft- -1 i- -j... k..