Fv vFlv . We1 " . .! "rt -i. ., fir- ' " . a THE IjANCASTEH DATLY INTELLIGENOER, SATUKDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1888. bw.'t' MS ?. TERMS t I Ault InHUMaMM If mttM by eutl wt a vats ttw m fmrreuaettat towns ler We. wk. r MtUV.eoaywciyaraeath, r IrmueawcBSL Ktfct Pacef . I1.M ft year, br bmu. Specimen copies wnt tU UTBLUOSKCKB, Lancaster, Pa. kv ' Dally Intelligencer. p;- JbAKCASTBB, HPTBMBM It, IMS, " Vr lateUltert KatllslmaB. Oar prty leaden who visit Europe I te pat their tongues in quarantine tiMj get none until they can learn en again the proper twist suitable K their party's exigencies. Mr. Blaine Hi. aet knew hew te talk te help his ''when he kt hk toDgee loose, and tj isnpew. wee tias just returned, net seem te understand that it Is Iful for him te make every Eeg- a het Cleveland man and Democrat a free trader. lie flljy that he met a very Intelligent Xaftish nobleman who wanted llarri Mfe elected because he feared that if OWrwUnd was chosen we would have free caw materials In tla country, and in that Ms) be thought we could undersell their fMfcBies. The drift of public sentiment he found te be In favor of Cleveland's , election, but he also found a great mis .BBderstandlng of the Democratic pesi- ea the tariff. It being considered te i Be for free trade. They regard the Deme- as free traders, Mr. Depew says, aaaaaifcM thev want te revIsAthA tariff. ' & , Ub4 they seem unable te understand the diffueece between free trade and revenue preferm. lie thinks that It the Republicans if&wraaiM nrnnnaA ti revlr a Hi a tariff HiaP.n- . SMshmen would think them free tradersalse. yMUt aeciarea mat aiermer editor or oneet , newspapers wrote a letter te the Leb-'- "4ea Times, undertaking te explain that KIOIUO ICIUIIU WHO UUV llOO VlttUU, UUli ''line Times could net understand his letter. jH'Mr. Depew's frank exposition of the Bish geed ammunition for the Kepubll- orators who occupy themselves in Announcing Democrats as free traders, "M'fand Cleveland as the choice of the Eng fr,llahmen. Mr. Depew, who has attained ;,njfin ran& in nepuuucan leaaeramp, neas all such people, along with the English- rx A nAllntfVj'J nvlttt n IttleLnMiii t u, iu in niiuwKU mwu a fcuiu&ueea ui r-ilhead and dullness et understanding, et K-which thev can hardlv relish belnir Mcused by a party fellow and lender ; gftBaauiat jngusnman wnotneuttuc mat .M Harrison was the better president of the JF twpjter England, because free raw rnater- . (. wt'weuia come in v u .Democratic as. etadency had a very level head. It is Ke' plain that the cenntrv needs frea raw -'S.aterlal. and no man of intelligence can K'fffcil te admit it; the only objection the rvanufacturer can make te the grant te 'Mktsa of Rlich n linnn. In hln four lenK JKfeHoed being ence tasted by freeing ;ibw materials, the ferocious free ',-, wnh wm ucaii warn, ui iree laurics. fMr Thnra la nnfhinv en fearfnl en .. &' protected manufacturer. He runs 'V. at a shadow and a sheeted spectre throws u,t? w dwuui ii uu numu uui uoe .,bls understanding he would reallze that Rji Y&nty party Is governed with eeme degree Krt.rHl InivlllirAnnA. nnrl Jint:-vlM man nti.1 : Fit-'- " ' --- """ " " """ " .ftjtJheir theories de net run It. That no . 13a ,,I1I .1 ili . '' skS""' "" OYCl uu """"UK juj,ure any , important established IdjjtVV may be . r aVsBstt . Wn aA tm An (! r"- '""""xsi fcfeV. TMe cr-a m '. new ( erk Mayoralty. There Is an interesting situation in ReJtew xerK city suneundincr the maver- ilBlty succession. Mayer Hewitt is chief factor, which accounts !for the iuteiest- l'Iagness of the situation ; things are al- Yways lively when he has his hnnds in ?.; uem. it seems mat Tammany Jlall, as n'whnAA KOmllllcitl Ifr TTe.nltf annf. ll.l ?irarte the mayoralty, has net been cettlnsr Rieng with him very well. Tnmrnnny i been In bad luck with its mavers for 3r- - i u ', :. .. y-;,' """j jmii aii ciuuis luuui, iiuu men leencludes that they bave "gene back" neir creaiur. xnis nappens se uni- Firsallv that the suspicion arises that jTammany Ilall asks tee much from the gawiyerB, ana tnis is wiint Mayer Hewitt f-fsavs la the matter. Ifn thlnVa ihnt m&f the Tammany leaders expect the mayor K?-U,J eCT;l, uesiew uis paironage 'vat their pleasure: and this nn in- Efr flAtlAtllAnt. man HIta t TTA.ftt. vf-iwiw MRU .g AU.& XlOVVlbll IVOU- nE".AUU9Jv Duiecui in nmncr. ka 'I'nmTnanv &.vwj.. '.i' : . "." r :""""' wui no re-nominate xaayer Hewitt ; and he says he would net take its nomination 4C"B5newi Because he does net want the fc$fl-hce. But he declares that if Tammany &":& undertakes te run a candidate Dledeed te ride ita blddlnir. hn will nn in n Imaf htm ifit, ' Of- " e v www umi iV M the citizens' candidate ; because he sL believes tbat te elect a mayor who should I be simply a creature acting under the direction et a political machine and dls- gstf tributing patronage according te ita f orders, would be one of the very worst ,,wunga mat could happen te the city. Under such a svstem it would tnkn imt. a little while te develop 'rings' such as disgraced the city government under the rule of Tweed and his followers." - And there is undoubtedly Bense In that, M there usually is in Mr. Hewitt's utter- kneB! but still hninnllnna MirntrFtinmn ."& 4nBk1w an ta - ..- i. .. ijn. u.w;i hiu no ue uui. ixjniuuueu inut 'A . there Is such undue dictation from Turn. (s aaanv Ilall as he flmia. it man .i- f - - ......... M.UJ Uk, lay denbtless, and he may refuse : it mav be KftMtunlly vexed, but the fact that itasked Mv hat thn ennAIAala fnr ma. f ,..e p' shows that it did net then desire a man 1 4ifer mayor who would simply be IU tool. Aaaitlsfalr te say that the Tammany IsBders dtclars that thev have never EL$, priced anything from Mayer Hewitt or Rf iwught te control him. if, i I O On Sunday alaree partef the American f. people will devote three-fourths et their t' time te thought et matters that had tTftuch better be forgotten for that day. ": M must think while they live, but if ?tbe habits of thought exhibited in the y vcelumni et the Sunday papers are a true fyt xcoflctienoi cue pueuc tasieand tendency f .ane degeneration of the people has been 'BMrked. Just at present the great Miens of the day are Hell and te-morrow's papers will Ism B vast amount et entirely useless ttaaidle en the state of the campaign pssawi wiw a very iew items or real itn ftrtanee. There 111 be pages et social fMUtB and snobbish personalities, a fair effly of literary matter et mere or Jess sjserlt, and wit of various degrees of fee Dpftsaawith an occasional rare Hash of fM fHHiiae article. This class of mental ttaaUhec sibaulaUflg nor restful, and unless selected with rare discretion its endemic influence can hardly be ques tioned. It is said that church-going is net as universal newdays, and whatever the reassn may be, the home devotion with the aid et the Sunday paper, cannot be as harmless as endurance et the most drowsy et sermons. It men must have fowl for thought while they are resting, It would be better for their health et mind and body If they would seek It in standard literature, in conversation en topics far removed from the political or business issues et the hour, or llnd it In long walks in the country, drawing from the inex haustible treasury of nature elevating and Inspiring thought. And the mere men think of the end of man the better men will they be. The Heme Maker, a monthly msgiKlne, edited by Marlen Harland, and publlabed by the Heme-Maksr Ce., will make its first appearance Ooteber 1. II will contain net less tban one bundred and twenty pages, tally Illustrated. Wh pabllih te diy sketches of Mveral noted Columbians wbe wilt bear a premt neat part In the centennial of the borough. Tbe enta are furnUhed through the courtesy e! the Columbia Ueralil. The home or sensational Journalism la sappeaed te be In tbe glowing Weat, but of late the Journals et aembre .Londen have managed te keep their readers Interested by making the meat et tbe rumors et the benr in true Western style. They made a first class aenaatlen ever the retaliation message, and when tbe Senate at last passes tbe retaliation bill they will re peat the noise with variations. At present they are Indulging In oheer eheer fal assurance et the death et Htanley In Central Africa. They knew he has been murdered because Msjer Bartellet, who went te Und him, has has been killed, and they see lit te assume aa a matter or course 'that Bartellet teat his life through the treaehery of hla friend Tlppe Tib. It Tlppe saw fit te mataacre Bartellet why aheuld he net de the same te Httnley T The truth la tbat there la no geed reason te believe that Tlppe la responsible for Bartollet'a death and Stanley Is probably as union allve as ever. Tiik Keformed Cbureh Mcuienger bo be bo llevoa Mat the leaaen or the forming of tbe constitution can new bs followed by tbe lie formed churches. There were thirteen ltttle soverelgntlea, very Jealous of their Illgiiis, luat wure iu inn uuiwu uuuvr uiutu Deneral sovereltrntv that was te be nlaeed ever them all, and thua form them into a nation. Why might net theae two ro re ro llgleus bodlcaeomo together In the s.me way as the thirteen aecular bodies did a hundred years age, and like klndred drops mlngle Intoent? The latter retalned their preper sovereignties Intact, and simply plaoed themnelves under ene of a hlgtier erder, which waa brought in te strengthen and protect thelr own. The Messenger la en the right traek, and time Is ripening things for a greater union of Christian churches. J'mir. l'noeTon left hlsbetneat Oakland, FIb., 1U5 miles from Jacksonville, en Sat urday, Hepteuiber 8tb, and reached New Yerk en Monday morning, September 10th. 80 that be did net tarry by the way. There is no lever at or near Oakland, lie cer tainly contracted tbe disease en bis way ; and It doveloped upon him within two days and slew him within four. Tjik comparison that Kepublleans wculd draw botween Kngllsb free tratle labor and our own labor cannot be lalrly made, beoause Kngllsh labor la kept at low prloe by the competition or lilgbly pre tooted German labor. The Kngllsh bave been complaining tbat their oltles were overrun with cheap Herman laberers, and tbey bave net aa we have the protection et dlstaoee from foreign labor. s Tiik value of all tbe relled or hammered bar lien lmpnrted In the haeal year eudleK June 30, 1887, waa $10,831.67, or about a quarter of the monthly product or the l'enn Iren oempany of this city. The duty en this amounted te fO,417,7.1. Under the Mills bill tbe duty would have been Ti,05U SO. The dlllorenoo, $760.47, should be contemplated with profound awe because certalu gontlemen nseert that If tbat duty hid net txen oellootlblo the Iren Industries et tbe country would bave been hopelessly rulnel by tbe Importation of llrltlsh Iren, and American labor would net have had a ohaneo te vete for Cleveland again. The probability la that the trilling. Importation referred te would have been made In aey event, bub regarding it as an Indication that tbe pro tective tailll barrier waa almost passed by the flood of foreign cheap Iren, would net a slightly lower duly have had the ciTeet of ateady lug the home market and preventing the disastrous effects of an unhealthy benmT Certainly a small difference of $780 in the tariff could net cause tbe closing; et thousands of American puddling and hetting furnaoea. The eUoet of tbe tariff as revlsed by the Mills bill would be te atlmu late nearly all branehes .et trade and lnduatry and at the same tlme prevent, In a measure at least, tbe damaging aucoeaalen of booms and pinlcs which are mueh mere violent In their effeet when their ferce must bsapent en the home market. It we had a larger foreign trade the cauaaa tbat pro pre pro dueo dopretslon at home would be counter acted by foreign markets and business would gain in steadlnees and vigor, PERSONAL. Jehn Woei.vkuton, exmiyer and a pretutuent plijBlelan of Trenten, New Jersey, dted them en Krlday.aged 03 year. William 1). Hii.i.mkyuh, aged 2, a promlueu; cltlzeu of Yerk, died there Friday evening. He waa a member of the lumber firm or Itlllraeyer A Bmall. Jehn Halhiiaueh, a well-known Ke- ubllean farmer of Derry township, lauphln county, Intends te support Presi dent Cleveland for re election. Mr. Bats btugbasys: "Asa farmer, as well as a citizen yttie desires tbe prosperity of tbe country, 1 am In favor of a revision or tbe tariff and the reduction of dutlea that are unnecessarily and Injuriously hlgb," HinuiKnT Johnsten, formerly of the J.NTKi.i.KiKNCKit, and since auecmslvely connected with Cel. Hoett'a Erie Ilerahl. Cel. Wells' Philadelphia JYm, Cel. Mei Clure's I'hlladelnhla Timet !nd CeL Jnnm. Ht.lieula lltpublic, has gelltm back from tbe booming Weat and settled down en Cel. Hlngerly's Philadelphia Jieceril. Herbert is net yet a colenol himself, but he seems te have gotten round with military preci sion te the only trua fighting ground et tariff reform and lower taxes under Bin gerly's aggressive leadership. m dULUKN HUD. Have you stelen a ray et sunshine Frem the lading summer illy, Te gladden haarU In autumn w nn your lovely golden ray I Did you get your yellow Jackets Wuy down In the cold sod, Frem old earth's hidden treasures, , lovely gelden red! All the vivid tints et nature Are kept until the last. That tbe color of the maples Way euUlve the winter's Wist, As tbe purple of tbe aster, Mixed with tbe geld of thine, 'Uuliist the dull giuy sky of autumn Makes a picture half dtylne. Queen Autumn's (airy courtiers htrewlng her path with geld, Waving your yellow tanners In defiance of tbe cold ifmwirt A" .S'uIiMiry. WANTKD TKMPKRATK, KNHlt KNHlt KNHlt gotle man te soltelt orders for our choice nursery stock, steady work and geed pay. The bu.lness easily learned. Uefereuce iiulrd. suite age. Address. U. U. CliASK A co., line a. reaa Square, VhUadelphla. sepl Suitwd MXLWIOVI. RKlilOIOtlH HKHV1UKS WILTj BK held la the follewlnff churches en Sun flay, In the morning at lOJri, In the evening at 7.4V. Bunflay school at l:p. m. Wbentha benr U airTarent It U ipcciftlly no toil t St. 8tbi'Ubr' I.UTiiEtnw uticHcii, (Onrman) for nor Seuth liuke nnd Church KirwiU, lliv, l:. Melsior, pastor. serrtce te-morrow inoni ineni lnir nnd evening. Babhath school ai 9 a. m. i'bbabttbiiaii HiieRUt. UHOacH, Sonth Sueen stroel, Thnmu Thompson pastor. . resehlng la thn morning at 10-10 a. m. and In the evnlng at 7:11 p. m. HunQRV school at U a. m. Yentiir people's meeting at 0 1) p. Bi, I'rnynrana ltlbieatuay wcuneay evening. Cacaeit or OoD-Cernnr et l'rlnee ana Ur ange. rnwchlngat 10:30 a. m. and 7:10 p.m. baltbath school at 1:15 p. m. OHTrr UArrisT L'huxeh. Vast Vina near Dnkn atreet. 'reaching morning nnd even ing by thn pastor, Sunday ichecii at 1:45 p. m. Heys rerelgn Mission band wlllmeet en litts. atv evening at 7:.te St. i.ce ' 111 ruRif 10 M arle tU A von u 0, lle v. Win. jr. Llchllter, p&ster. Ulvlnn serylca at 10.90 a. in. and 7:15 p. in. Sunday school at 1 p. m. Service In Ui" Oennin language at t M p. jd. I'mf. U. C. Pchledt, rnicUtlng. St. STsrHM's lltirenam) Cnnncit CoLLaea CitArax. Ulvlnn amoe at 10-ae a, in. sermon liv the Her. K. V. Uerharl. 1). U. D. I).. pastor. Services te-morrow at le-SJ a. in., and 7:15 p. m. Hnneay bcdoeI at 1.15 p. in. bt. l'AUL'e UireufBD-lley. J. W.Metnluger, pastor, l'reichingat 10.31a.m. and 7:15 p.m. Ity the pallor. Sunday school at 1:1) p. m. Yeung peonle'a meetings at 8:15 p. m, 1'rayer servlra Wednesday at 7.30 p. in aaoeKD Ktakoslieal (Kngllsh), en Mul berry street, abeve Urango-rreaohlng at 10.30 a. m. and 7:15 p. m. by the pastor. Sunday school at 2 p.m. 1'iaver meetings, Wodnes. day ana Tnursaay at T.w p. m. riMTllArnaT. Serytces at tbereirnlar hours morning ana evening, pastor, Kev. J. N. Vel. wan. euauRyiDnwi m. x p. iu. i oangrpenpie prayer ireetlng nt 0:ii p. m. Kyentng subject "The Heuse et Ged" 1'rayer meeting en Wednesday at 7.45 p. in. Wmtbrn M. K. cncRcn-K. W. llnrke. pastor. Class at no. m. 10 80 a m. and 7:15 p. in nroecblnir. Bundav school nt 2 n. in. class Tuesday at 7.80. Vrayer meeting en Thursday evening aij.ixi. JtASTllissieBM. E. CuuRcn.-Sunday school at I) a m. UBtTBD IIRBTIIRBH IK CHRIST (COVBHABT). West Orange and Concord streaU-Uey. J. U. rnnk, pastor. Preaching at lihSO a. in , and 7:15 p.m. Sunday school at 1:15 p. m. 1'ralse service at C:15 p m. Cerist Lethbra Cnimen Went King street, X. U Iteud, pastor. rrenchlng at IU.M a m., and 7:15 p. in. by the pastor, aunday school at 1.45 p. m. I'RaaBTTBniAK lreach1ng at the usual hours morning nnd ovenlng by the pastor, Uuv. J. Y.MItcbel . St. l'AUt'a M.K. Cnnncn -Charles Koads.pes. ter. 1'ruachlng at 10:30 a. in. by the pastor and at 7.30 p. m. by llev. n. J. Cainnbeli, a native African Sunday school at 1:4.5 p. in. Yeung people's meeting at 0 p. m. CI un tnnetlnes en Tuesday, 'Jhuisday and rridny uvenliiKS. Vrayer meeting nn Wednesday evening. First M. K. Ciionen. Uev. J. U.T.Umy, pas tor. CUss meetings nt II n. in. 10: a. in., preaching by the pastor, and at 7:15 p. 10. by llev Dr. Mters, of ISul Ultimo. CIS p 111. young people's meeting. 1:15 p. 111 Htindny chrnl. Meudav nnd IhursOny cUhi meeting at 7.80 p. in. 7:30 luesduy, liellnesi meeting) 70 p. m. Wednesday, prayer meetlng 1 7 Je Friday, young people's class ) 8 p. in. Ihuis day, pmUir's class. 8t. Jeiin'a litrriiKiuif. ltev. II. F. Alleman I). 1. pastor. Annual llaivestsorvlcesat 10.UO a. m. and 7 45 p mi Uabbath school at nt. Jehn's at 1:1.5, and at (letwuld Memerial chapel nt 2 p. m. Lecture nnd pray or sorvlce en Weilnesday evening nt 7:30, steBAViAK. J. Max Hark, u. I)., pastor, lCulD a. in, i.ltany nnd sermon. 2 p 111. Sunday school t 7:1ft p. in. evenlnir servlen. Uraeb LtmiBRAH. Cerner et North Queen and James street. Kev. (J. Klvln Jleiipt, pas tor. Cbureh servlce at 10:3J a. m. ana 7:15 p in. Sunday school at 2 p. in Usual mid week services en Wcdntgdiiy evening. Sleet ing nt guild en Thursday evening. CatCCholl CatCChell cal clans meets en Friday evening. til'JCVlAL HOT1VKO. Mothers Mothers 1 1 Mothers I It Are you disturbed at- night and broken ei your root by a sick child suirerlng and crying with the excructaUng pain of cutting teeth f It se, go at ence and get a bettle of MU3. WlNDLOW'a SOOTHINU BYUIU. It Will ro re ro llevo the peer ltttle sufferer Immediately do de pend upon It 1 there U no mlstake about It. Thorelsnota mother en earth who has eve nsed It, who will net tell you at ence that It will rcgnlate the bewels, and glve rest te the mother, and roltef and health te the chUd, operating like magic. It Is perfectly safe te use in all cases and pleasant te the tase, and Is the prescription of jnoef the eldost and best female physicians and nnrses In the United States, sold everywhere, 25 cents a bettle. maylWydAw COUOH.WHOOl'lNUCOUGllandlirenchltU Immediately relieved by Uhtleh's euro. Held bv II. 11. Cochran, druggist, Nes. 137 and 1X North quean 8U Ijxncastcr, 1'a. (I) I have been a great suirorer from eitarrh for overteil years; haillvury bail, could hardly broathe. Heme nights lce.ilcl net sleep bad te walk the tloer. 1 purchased Kly's Cream Halm and am using It Ireely, It Is weralng u euro snrely. 1 haveadvlned suveral friends te nsnlt, and with happy results In every case. It Is the one mudlclnu above all ethers mane te euro cabirrb, and It Is worth IU weight In geld 1 tlmnk Ued I hive lOundn remedy l can ube wlili safety and that dens till Uiu claimed for It, It Is curing my dealuesj. 11. W, a perry, llartterd, Conn. 8lS-2wdced&w Sl.KKI'I.KUb NIUHTS, madu tulserablu by that terrible cough. Hhlleh'n euro Is the remedy inryeu. Held by 11. 11. Coehran, druggist. Ne. 137 and 130 North Uuoen HU, alienator, l'e. (2) IteiUirlug the Nurpliis, The dlspeslllnn of the surplus In the U 8, treasury ungnge the attention 01 our states men, butn mera vital (lunation has our inten tion, nnd tha Is tbe ruduallnu et the UuriiliH Consumptlve. Since tbu discovery and In troduction of Dr. Itlng'a New Ulacovery ler ConHUinptlen, thoie hus liuen a marked do de do crefje In the niettallly from this dreaded dis ease, nnd Ills pesslblu te Hllll turtherreduee the number et i.ensumptlves. HnwT Ity keeping cenxtunUy en hand u bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery and using according te directions, upen tbe appearance of the tint symptoms, such as a Oeimh, a Celd, a Mere Threat, a Chrst. or fide l'aln. Taken thus early a euro Is guaranteed. Trial ImttlcH mm at 11. It. Cochran's drug store, 137 and 1J9 North Queen street, Lancas ter, I'a. (4) BlllL.OH'B CUUUU and Consumption Cure Is sold by us en a guarantee, it cunts Con sumption. Sold by II. 11. Cochran, druggist, Nes. 137 and 139 North Queen BL, Lancaster, la. (5) Huckleu'a Arnica Halve. Tub IIbst Balvb In the world for Cuts.llrnlses Seros, Ulcers, Salt llhuutn. rover Heresl'etter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Cerns, and all Bkln kruptlens, und jMMlttvely euros l'lles. or no pay rei ulreil. It Is guaranteep te glve por ted satisfaction, or meney refunded. Price as coma per box. rer sole by II. II. Cochran, Druggist, Nes. 137 and 134 North yuoen street, Lancaster, ra. lune27-lyd Ah UNfOllTUNATK l'KKSON. The most unrortunate porneu In the world Is 0110 atUlcted with sick headaehe, but I bey will be lelteved at ence bv using Dr.Loslte'sBpeclal l'rescrlpllen. Sea aavurusement In another column (I) Oar Gantitilate rer l'rlc!iit. He will bn nominated by the convention and will be elected by the people, because he will come tbu nearest te milng their Ideal or a Chief MuglstraUv. Jtlectrle Hitters has been given the highest place, because no ether medicine has he well ittled the ltlenl et a per fect ton'e HiiCl alterative, The people bave endorsed Kleetrlc enters and rely upon this great remedy In all troubles or Liver, blntuach und Kidneys, for all Malarial rovers and diseases caused by Malarial l'olsens, Klectrle Hitlers cannot be tee highly recommended. Alse cuius Headache and Constipation. BatU BatU tactien Kuaiantecd or money refunded iTlce tee., at 11. It. Cochran, Drug Stere, 137 and 1X1 North yuoeu stroeu Lancaster, l'a. ) Can't Sy Kuuugli. " I cannot speak tee highly of Jlurtleck Jlloeit Jlttlcrt j they have been n great blutslng te me, Cured me et blltousnefs and dyspeptta from which 1 had sutTrnd for years '' Mr. J, Maieh, llanket 'lernntn, Unt. t'orsale by 11, II. Cochran, druggUt, 137 and 130 North Oueen street, Lancaster, Thauilsr It Down ihs Awnt. That for lameness, for rheumatism, tnrsches. -u. .uui,, urn. Jin hmmub( jt. ittemn jLcire. trie Oil is nosltlve and rcllable remedy. Dr. Themat' JltUetrie Oil can be purchased of nny drugglsu rer sale by II. H. Cecbruu. druggist. 137 uud 130 North Uueen slruet Lancaster. All Admire n liaudsuma ce. A pure, clew skin will make nny face hand some. Manifestly anything which Hlieugthuns and enriches the bleed will directly uileet the whole person. AH eruptions (l the skin dis appear when if unlock Jltoeil Jlitleri unem ployed. 'Ihey are a vrgeiable niuedy or in in estfmable value. Fer balubyll.lt, Cochran, druggist, 131 and Is) Neith (juuen street. Uxu-c&stvr. 1 e.tminter haiuual A. Ilenrllt, Of Montersy, Mich., delivers hlmu'll in hls wlsei "or colds, burns, sero threat, und rheumatism, Themat' Jicleetrie Oil cannot be lieateii. 1 nay kivp It up te the standard, and Itwlllaatlsly the popie. 1 shall tend tera new supply seen.'' Korsale by II, u Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen stroet, Lan caster. lrln. rteaBiut, healthy grins are seen only en the faces nl heulihy ptTsena. Thndysptiitlannd debilitated pun sinllu only iu 11 hlt.i.eaiied way. 1'urlfy the blted. tone the stmnacb. and atniugihen the lUiiies wlih Jlunteek Jlloed iiMcri.it tm wish te lauh well uud 011m. "r su by II. 11. Cochran, druggist, 137 uud 13h North Queen street. LancAster Vrill.lt Itmlly aura ithruiuatl.ui ? matlHin, und the sever, .nisostce Jr Thern at' JCeUe'ria OH was specially piiiparVit ter t e rheuuitttte and lame. ' Ne-lcu Vetters Irem the peeple letatlve te Its menu In iieatly eiery paper In th country, for seJe by 11. it C00K an5Utifr.U,, lW ana m &&M, WAHAMAKBKB 1'utLinaxrBi a, Saturday, Sept. It. There's that in the new Dress Goods qualities and prices that sends them out with a bang. The racket is all along the line. Through Flannels and Habit Cleths and Tricots and Henri ettas up te the richest Berder designs and Silk Striped Nov elties from Paris. Makers ei every fabric have had their best wits at work. Such uniform excellence and sparkle and originality don't often come about. We never before had im ported 50-inch Broadcloths at $1.50. They weren't te be had. The let we are just opening will surprise you if you knew what the points of Broadcloth good ness are. Twilled back, firm weave, moleskin finish. S browns 3 blues cardinal olive serpent mahogany slate reseda green hi US SOT black Three ether grades of Im ported Broadcloths, in 108 shades, $2, $2.50, and $2.75. The one ier least is the best we ever had at the price 50 and 52 inches wide. The $2.75 kind was $3 last season. Nothing finer is made in Broadcloth of the weight for ladies' dresses. 54 inches. Northwest of centra. 141 styles of Parler Suites in every desirable covering. II taste and fitness count in your idea of furnishing you'll natur ally prefer te pick from all the going sorts. Where els' can you de it ? Third fleer, four elevators. There has been a shake-up in China our China. The stocks lrem the Basement and the Main deer have been taken into the light and air and plenty of room of the second fleer, along with Glassware, Lamps, and all the bright and brittle brotherhood. The whole busi ness is under your eye at once if you are long - sighted enough, four quick elevators and nine easy stairways make your going up and coming down a matter of no moment. Of course such a moving has brought te light stray pieces, odd lets and slewish sorts. Ne place for them in the new quar ters. Only fresh, sharp-stepping things seem te fit in there. Stragglers and holdbacks shall have short shrift. We have leaded some tables with them. Enough te stock a common crockery store. Geed ware, de sirable ware; without a fault except that it has lagged a little lrem one cause or another generally because of broken as sortment. Prices half, third, or less. Here are some of the things : Decorated llohemlan Vases at ene fourth regular pne. s Thrnnded liiass Vases and BaskeU for a wnru were $1 11 j new 0e. Japanese Vases atbair prlce w ero U 0 1 new u3e oaeh. lludelstadt Water Jugs down lrem II IBand SI te 33 and SSc. Choice Decorated Carlsbad China ut hall prlce and less Were. New. Dinner l'lates, der t2?5 ilufl Mreuklustl'lauis, dez,,.. 2M lte Tea l'lates, der. 2V5 1 15 Soup Plates, dez 7.75 12) Cups und Saucers, dez.. 300 ISO Vine White Cblna- Beup l'lati-9, dez 120 Dinner 1'lH'es.dez 120 llreaktasll'Iates, dez 1.10 Tea Plates, aez ioe It utter Plates, dez 50 Cevircd Veg. Dishes, each 1.10 Of course first choice will be best. Second 11 oer, J unlper street side. JOHN WANAMAKER. OOMPLICXION rOWDKK. QOMPJ,KX10N POWDKIt LADIES WUO VALUK A UKriNKD COMI'LKJLION MUST UBK "' POZZONI'S MKDICATKD. COMPLEXION POWDER. It Imparts a brilliant transparency te the skin. UomeveB all pimples, irecklea and dls dls dls colerations, and makes the skin delicately jolt and beautiful, ltcent&lns no lime, white, lead or arsenla In threo shades, pink or flesh, white and brunette. " reu balk itr All Druggiata and Faney Goods Doalera jSvorjrwhero. a .wTiUaWAU,C or 1MlTATINfl-"W N KW 8TOOK OF OANES. ALL8TV1.K8 AND l.OWKST l'UICKS. DKMUTU'S CIO AU STOllK. Ne. IU Kest King Street. BstablUhed. 17W. febai-WAsUtrd D ,ON'T FOHQET IT. That IN, riumM ,.. Ah . i,,.-, . ..... cold, te be prepared by getting a bettle et Coeh rail's Gengh Cure, And thus by tiklng n " dese In tlme, save nlne;" but ul.e tave your health, i-ilce 24 uudiecentsu bottle, at Ctli.HUAN'd DUVU STOKE. At 1ST A 1IU North Wueeu ut, Lancaster, Ha. Tu.ThAB NOriOKlHUKKKHY (UVKN THAT nn appeal will be made te the Governer of l'cniisylvunU en Katnrday, BeptemberSO. ul,;,1,'l,y "trauiK. Miller 1. B. Khaw.ll h, Wllllttinsen.iriunk i. Cehe and Charles 11. Keller, under IhH a ct of Assembly, entitled n urt te prevldn ler the tnoerpoiatlon and regiilutlnn et ceruiln con or itiens," aporevt d April isi. 8,l, and Hie ti p ileinants thereto, tortbechnru-r of nn tntenatd corporation te Im culled "'lhe Linester Are Light cem-p-uiy," the chirueteruna object el which Is te mtniidciure and snpply light, heat and power by means of uluetrlclty. andferthein purposes te have, pestest and enjoy all the irmw JLDVMRTtamMMitn. H0D8K8 FOR HALM OM THK MOHT libml Vtrna. ea Watt Chestnut, Wal at, (meB( MaryTriM aai OaarletMstrMts. 5ted MlTOBTBKAltrtTBBKT. OUKOOLUEN CIONAND M1AQDK KIDA 60 CIMAK an CMsur Havana.hand made, la bozos of 50 and loe4. VIHUine uiu AK STUHI, U Bast Ktnjr ttiwal EsUblUhed 1770. UH-WABKtia ttlOH MARTIN. FRUIT JARS, JELLY TUMBL1RS, J1LLT JARS, AT LOWKST CASH FBI0KS, AT CHINA HALL. The MOIItNINa fBDlTJAB.theBeitln tbeMarket, In flnu.gearta and llalf Gallens. MASON J AK3 in all sites always en hand at bottom prices. HIGH 8c MARTIN, Ne. 15 East King Strett, IAKOABTIK. PA. T HARRY BTAMM. BKMOVKD WEOH NOS. SJ ft 37 M)RTU QtlKKN BTBKBT ' TO NO 24 CENTRE SQUARE. FALL GREETING, 1888. It has been our wlshtotlgnallzoouropon wlshtetlgnallzoouropon wlshtotlgnallzeouropon lug both aa te our New Quarter and tbe fall Season In some remarkable manner whleh aheuld show our appreciation of pest patron age Hat after cor.slderable thought be stowed upon thn subject. we concluded te put away all Idea of nevel or expensive souve nirs and express our appreciation of our cus tomers patronage by submitting te them an array et nargalns in which we should excel ourselves and eclipse all enr past efforts. TUB VEHDIOT Ot our customers must determine the lull meaaure of eir success. But we can say this much In etir behalf, that ive have given every effort te the (election of a stock wbtch In all respoeis should rave no superior, we con sider that in this we have succeeded. We would Call Yenr Attention te a Special Line 11BNUIKTTA8, 12 Shades, All Weel, 40 Inches wide, ealy 37Xc a yard. These are net the se-called, but the genuine Imported floods. 1 he low prlce is enr secret. Tnenual tyw 111 meet yenr every expoetatlon. These who will leek ever our large and varied as sortment of Henriettas, both in lttack and Col ored, will cease te wonder at the popularity of this familiar dress material. If anything oeuld be neater and mera desirable (or wear than a dress of these goods we have yet te see It. We CtTer Catching Bargains In New rail Dress Goods AT 70, IOC, 1BC, 2"C. 8e, liHc 17c, iSc. 1 his assortment has already rocelved a most flattering approval lrem the many patrons at our cstablleliment. 1 1kb poeds open the purse strtnus. 1 hore is nereslstlng the styles and quulltlts. Special Assortment nf 11 LACK DKKSS QOODS and 11LACK 1I'.ICD GOODS, In Lew, Medium and rine Qualities, at prices that stamp ihern as Inducements. Teu'll very seen leek at your wardrobe and find that you ought te get a newBUAWL. Mew, whether It be a Single or Deuble Blanket or 'IhlUut bhawl, you'll nnd Just whit you wantln oursteok. These WHtTK BPBK ADS we have been tell ing you or for 1 be past week are going rapidly. Kneugh left if you hurry. silk flushes and Bating for the million. lannels. Blankets una Comforts. Last, but net least, we would like you te ex amine our Ladles' Merine (Winter) Vests. Frlce, 37Xe each, -UKMUBKu- NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, auglMyd N EW FALL GOODS. New Ml Goods. WATT&SHAND, 0, 8 & 10 BAST BUNOIBT. Invite the Attention of Ladles te their own special imperuu nor DRAPD'ETE DRESS QOODS In All the New Colorings. These goods are heavier t hn Cushmeres and have a beautiful nnUb, 48 laches wlde, 75c uud 11.00 a yard. Fine French Habit Cleths, 43 Inches Wide, l. Ce a Yard. rUKNCItreULEBUlTINUS.lO Inches wide, 53e a yard. CHOICE STYLES IN Arnheim Suitings In Checks,. Stripes and Mixtures, 10 inches de, MJoayare. FINE SHAWL PLAIDS, UBAUTIi'ULCOLOUINQ, ie Inches Wlde, 75e and 11.00 a Yard. Assabet Pin Checks, (G Inches Wl.'e, &0e a Ynrd. Never Beld ter Less tban 71 Cents. NEW B TIME ALLBUADB31N ALL-WOOL TRICOTS, Si Incce Wlde, 37Xc a Yard. Sped 1 Bargains In 40.lneh ALL-WOOL TaiLOrd.Ai.il SUITIMI and COLOltKU fLAlu fUlTir,us at 2'e a yard; wenia be cheap at3;jtc New Yerk Stere. KMW AD VMRT1BUMMHTB. "liriDMTalK'B. FURNITURE! FURNITURE! STOCK TOLL, MKW AND BEAUTIFUL. Can't ba Described. Put Tour ysOa it, and bs your OwaJndta. . Jeran.. MellBBS and rina rurnltnr. Wi'-ySiHl'y aB '"h BUInf te the H lH lH 58I,JCceH' WIU" Prt0 tba LOWIM A Grand Exhibit. Tha Latest and most AttraetlT Berelty The drum Otteman aad roetstoot ta tM window. Loek at them. Our Floers are fall of tha Newsst Style. WIDMYER'S FUBNITUBa BTOBM Oer. Kaat Klnff As Duke Ste. J. fl. MAKTiM at OO, ALI PAPER DEPARTMENT ! Hundreds of New Fttterns This Wetk. Many Among Them te Bait Yeu. Nef Is tbe Time te Pick Them. WE WILL I1AYE THEM WiiKN YOU AIIB BEADY. A Special Offer! GOLD PAPERS, 7c. UP. NfXT QUALITY, 3c. UP. HIQU-CLASB WOBKIN Decorating & Fresco Painting. We have expert designers, paper hangers, doeorators and furnish excltiilve designs J for all classes of work-. If yen have a room, hall, sulte et rooms, house or row of houses papered, no matter hew small or large the Jeb Is. give us a call and get enr estimate before purchasing elsewhere, it will repay yea. CARPETS In every grade and te suit every toate-Vel-vets, MequetUw, Wiltens, Gebelins, Axmln 8 ter, Ingrain, S-1'lyandUome-Mode carpets. J. B. MARTIN & CO. ABLY AUTUMN BTYLK8. STAMM'S STORE HAS NOT MOVKD Frem 35 and 87 North Queen 8t. Has Opened a lllg Assortment of EARLY AUTUMN SrYLES AND COLORS New Sills, Dress Goods, AND LADIES' CLOTHS. We take pleasure In announcing the open ing or a large shipment or the tb jve Goods In all the Latest 8t les and Celers ter Autumn Wear at Very Moderate Prices. SILKS. TOILLE FUANOA1SV, MOIUE ANTIQUE, SATIN DKLUXOlt, MOIKEPKANOAISr, AUMUBE PIQUES, PLUBUE8, BUADAUB3, VKLVETd, SU11AU9, SATINS. DRESS GOODS. 1IKNUIKTTA9, OHBKU PLAIDS. PATTEBN SUITS, OMUKBBTBIPXS, HEBQXS, peui.es, NOUVEaUTE, CASHMEUES. CLOTHS. LADIES' CLOTHS. DELIVS CLOTHS, ENGLISH COSTUUK CLOTH?, TBICOTS, AMA'ONE D' INDE SACKINGS, CLOAKINU8, T WEEDS A0 , 40. All are respcetf ully te call and Inspect our New Goods and NOTE OUR I0W PEIOES. Samples sent free upon application. Conn, try orders recetve pempt ed carelul ailoj ailej ailoj tlen. Goods sunt te all parts, c. O. D , or en receipt ei postefrlce Older. Don't mlis seeing our Display botere making selectleDN. Our qualities are alwayi Bellable. Prices always the Lewest NO TBOUULKTOSUOWGOOrS. Chas.Stamm 35 and 37 North Queen St. worpeaiTK tub posTerricK, BOSTON STORE. angsHy rrmw AprmiiTiuBitnitTM. WALL, 1888, FALL, IMS, OUR OFFER. A him Bedroom Suit, Complete, Btalaef, 9VBBBBa At;iw Oak Bait, SsUtJO. Others at SW, BSO, 9a, BB7, BtU. A Very StylUh alr Clett Bait. MJ. A SnlsndWt n.ik Plaak Parte Bait, aesipieU with divan, Ciimy.ats 60. ssmier offers we snake whisk spsee wUi aet allow, ana yea ean't fall te be repaid by a visit te seethe slew UoeO wale aiaBally beiB( received. Prices Well, they are astenltblncly tow. Hew can we de it? We answer-Quick Bales and Bmall Profits. S7 & 50 EOUIH QUim ST., LAKOABTER.PA. JLttauXUKifTH. A MU8EMENTS. Froctet'i Fulton Opera Heme admission ...I8,so,aeaaato cents, THOH8DAT. PBIDAT AND SATURDAY, With Matinee batukdat ArTEBaOON. H. C, Miner's Grand Spectaeular Production of ZITKA. Elaborate Boenie Effects carried by the oom eom oem pany. Gorgeous Costumes and a Superb cast, headed by MISS MAY WHEELEB. NEXT WEEK-Engagement for Three Nights MONDAY. TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, W1TU WEDNESDAY MATINEE, EDWIN ARDEN, IN TWO PLAYS, Eagles Nest" & "Barred Out." augZl-Ud T ANCASTKR COUNTY FAlB. Farmers' Lancaster Conetf AGRICULTURAL FAIR MedKANN'S rARK, LANCA8TJCB, SEPTEMBER 17, 18, 19. 90, SI A 21, 1883. largest Display of Live Stock, Farm Pro duce, implements. Machinery, Industrial and Art Werk ever exhibited In Pennsylvania. Three Flrst-Cless Bates Bach Afternoon. Baby Bhew en Tuesday from 10 a. m. te 4 p. m. aacb person purchasing a ticket te tbe fair entitled te vote ter the prettiest baby en exhibition. Cyclorama of the Battle of Gettysburg en Exhibition Dally. Xxcnrslen Kates en all Ball reads. Half-Bate Kxourslen en Wednesday from Itarrtsburg, Yerk, Beading. Lebanon, Coatee Ceatee vllle, Quairyville, Peach Bettem and all In termediate points. Numerous Special Attractions Daily. SW ADMISSION 25 CENTS.- sepllttdAttw DHY UOODH LKA8E NOTICE. NO. 25 BAST KING BT. PLEASE NOTICE. We will be found, upon close inspec tion and fair comparison, te be ON TOP as regards assortment, and invariably At the Bettem As regards prices during THEGOMIfffrSEASOir. The People's Cash Stere, NO. 35 EAST KINO STREET, LANOABTEB, PA. marlt-lydAw HATS. Y0UNQ MKN, ATTENTION 1 Stauffer&Ce, LEADING H1TTIRS, Are showing up the largest and finest lineet the most novel and new things known te the list Trade In Fashionable Fall Styles. STIPrilATS FBOM COO. TO SI ,C0. FULL LINK OK- Trunks and Traveling Paga AT BOTTOM PBICES. 31 and 33NertbQneen St.( LANCASTER. PA. E 3HL.EMAN UAL.L. The People's Cash Stere Having been recently decerated and refnr ntsbed. Is new open for engagements ter Balls, Weddings, Uanqusta and antertaluments. i emplete Cooking Attachments and Dining Beem furniture have been added, which makes it specially desirable ter large or small parties. AW Terms Very Moderate. sepSptOS B.JriiANKKSHLIMAN. KWKIWUSMUlaU-rf " Jm-