PJKW"SV.K3"P ? t'S; i ' ;V7 - -"",." tf - VA .. .-?" " M ' JOajffi -LANOABTEB DAILY PTTELLIGBNCEIt. FBIDAY, SEPTEMBER U, 1868. B?' 1? EC lirt" EL m 1 s. I7S R-' SP i'f K.t . tj u t IRTT BANDS OF MUSICIANS, rixaa plenty or mcbie at te. tf tvamtx CENTENNIAL. :& r.K Orgeauaueae Ait-easy Beeked te -'jMraa tke OelabreMea-Nine Uree.ry 'jaiSim tmhi ar ra.vti-Tweata E-3L'et Wasatagtect Sareugh AmiM. jp Colombia, Sept 14 The general cen- , Beaaaal committee held a meeting lest even m -..-i ...la. .11 aha, M.Ml.kilMia . t .- . . -.-.. Prasldmit Trnnra raneitnd IwtlBg M Invitations te prominent military a, journalist, ete, 01 the 3,000 invita- received 1,300 Have been issued. Ferry were siren the ,WMIMI ter tmltdiag platform In iim.pu. ler we, na fie additional ''-' aMlaiB Tha Iaas.1 nlaa, will hat ..tetmed te participate in tba opening dijr eaeiBlBu and will be aaked tedeiirerap ". .Estimate eeroie-i. en Saeday, September A'Mt ffitaa, iatwltaA enwlll aiwawiha hsa.-B spake. 47 " . AH uuuiiaiiaw arese iuivuaw waun ;' -aBVglaWji aaanrtl'a.ltiiB. at at aitea f nnt Mif OR r'ntli pwr tedg Tbe pregramme oem rlaUttMMnntl trt fir! iltv'a nrnarimmA Ihs&& oasiDlete. thfl ftoend dV will tM rudv in tub r.v" '-a. aaaes at Barak lha ttileiI tithA, haan waaV . j - ." ....- r. . fry ,!! -mb ay aaa auw tuitu m astrea ABvaannae 'rvlswaa reported tbat tbe rallreada would t.tboreotUljr ad Tertlae the centennial. Tbe ;.Maaw aaaaiu wu aaiv rawuu uey win iimva aaa iVfil'' ! aA Brlfer en tbe flrit and t'Mra days, xne aeoena aay committee re- .j;:7,g)anaatbe pregramme completed except. .t-lag the rifle and ahetgun club. Tbate- Li'-Im a. . a a t a pw.nimri nil te ueau ciovea inu ire ii VfylftUewt: Foarered raee, Harrliburg an a 3S XMdlng j doublvetred raee, HairUburg vCfiMA Colombia t aitiEle. erne from Harris ?V-'grg and two from Reading. Tba local kHS$ B0 clab wlU paratt en the teoend 2vH day wun float, up te data 41 5&Y ' InctvaUB tnaw aMifti4 Mead aawllh &'?' 4 ft. twel -.-. 1atli-. a there will f-y eav waa viajaukaeitii)ii lunie vaja :J Ikaa ILat naftaMllattnna akMi A haMila MnaU pH" aw era u0uiaiiviuuB bum wv umui ut uiuaiM rv'n. ThaflrairnrkB (Uanlar will baen lha hill K2JW5T i . .. i,.':. . J ,L".:.. iii-.-S" cnuriu anu unniDui kj;raeiB, rreaiaent xoenm epoke aoeui tne 'flViaoei te be derived from entertaining a 'amber of jenrnallata. W. D. 01 von, . 6t$:'W. Toeam and Jacob flialie were a: ,J. if;-"'"' Toeam and Jacob sialic were ep- f."jj.t fJRMalaifaay4 aft tnaill tat a n lha malUa fPliA i;;(,PUtatWM a UUUIIUIHVV W44 UO UiHUQII AUU "3..f emkllltaaai atnrl ft alrvkata MnmrvtllMa Anmli.rl 'At ,'taeaoeeptanoea from national aaarde IP, O jSi A R. d M nf V. A. mil flra mmrlnltl Ii. IVMeempeUtlve drill will beheld In the A.r ttmiiflalfl as th fiMarnrhiHIinlav. Bebber Uptratleg Keleaatban nine groeery aterei were '4?, . ymwa ey roeoera iaai nigni, out very Jiuie Wiv . waa atelen. At aeme of the clneta they 'J"?,' ViMP frlwhtltnftrt AWBV. )1, t Frank Btoeker'a atere waa entered by t fry hag open tbefrontdeor. Allthedrawere Kft' .were opened In the deak, tbe aoeda teaitered j - - . - -.. ...i ... k. ''iy.' 4oer. Tbe money from tbe drawer, About ij-iu ana revolver were eteien. hT 'rbt 8'oeery atere or 0. 5L Mlobael waa ""'" w wjwmuj tun inmi uvur( iud SBOMj drawer was czaalaea.bat U did net 'M -- BAIieUU vlUJiUIUaTe ft'JI&f Tdei mhhrai tittAmrttArl (rt anntav lha titrtvii hy Jtf An.nei 07la hn a.M l.ll,....l ... je. ' ww Maaeti vriii uui nBivamuvauDU Binpvi $ vTb were alto frlgbtened from tbe aterea ivv.t muiBumaruiaana jenn neinar. .1 r. KTllll fT .. . . Si'-. The elgar atere el Edward Blttner was lered by tbe front deer and 18 cent and few elrarp atelen. Tne aterae et Jeteph Kaalbeld, Frank Harry and Edward Oanldy were tried! kttt be entrance sained. Frem tbe work of tbe tbleyea money meat bt tbelr objeot, aa yaluable geed a Were handled bat net taken. A broken ehleel waa found near Murry'a atere, which ail ue marka or nearly all atreeta. Taken le Isn. Officer Shulta, at Watblngten borenob, arrested Uharlf a Urban and Goe. Wall, et &V "IBaiDlaoaLrerataanltaiid hattarv nnmmlttad f& iBYerk. Tbey were Uken te Yerk by u,i- . - .. . m -U- - Aieieeure Jr-aiwraen. or that eiiv. m- - A lag waa held laaUt enlng In the fcW ,"' weetaoheoi bnjKegln tbe Inter L V. BflUMmf. HSM.Vm... .k..H1 T .. r7?l.k Ik MnnAa I m lunliinntlnn .rti. v lain uu wguei m VWJUUUUUII :p' with tbe money for repalra te tbe lower Buretu a male membership meeting will a naia en Meuaey ereninir next. l.Tke Bed and Uun club returned home laat night Mlaa ElltbDrubaker left yesterday (or Miumere. The P. B. B. pay car wai la town this anernoen. Tne Columbia wbeolmen held a meetlna laat evening and decided net te parllolpite im iud eenienmak The bualneee men and bank clerka rjlajadagimeef ball yeaterday afternoon ; bb iar are defeated by a aoere of 18 te 8 . isaineridga Ledge Na C27, I. O. O. F., rreaoeepieJ tbe centennial invitation. The funeral et Jacob Frey will be held OS Btnrday In WrlghUvllle, en tbe arrival wine uiiepm. train from Yerk. Her Tleae will be held In the Method Ut cbureb. Albert Courtney and Abram Hogentogler, aautee, were fl.hleg yeaterday alternoen. Their beat went ever the dam. LOCAL FOLITIOAI. NOTB3, Tka Bannsr te b Ktii by in riitt and Biztb Ward UolHleMiiriowb.nin. Te moirew evening the Demecrata of the Flrat and Sixth warda will flleit te tbe breexe a new banner. Itwlllhnanaruii44 between tbe Olrard heuae and Beblller Beuaa, anreaa North Queen atreet. The ceaaalen will be an lntereitteg one, and the Dtmoerata of the city will turn out in take part. Tbe Mxtn ward club ha engaged the Iroquela band te fur Bl.b tha mn.le. The club will meet at tbe Beblller heuae le tbe evening and, accompanied by tbe b.nd, will march te the bead quarters of the first ward and Tariff Relerm club and tbe Eighth Ward ' Mattallen. These organlattiena will be escorted te tbe Seblller beuse and the banner will then be ran eat After that a seating will be held In Beblller ball, which Will be addressed by well known apeakera. At tbe Centennial asloen, at Vine and Melberry streets, a pole will be ralsfd eema time between tbe hours of i and 8 o'clock te-morrow evening. The Klgbtb Ward Battalion will bold a meeting at 7 o'clock tbl evenlng when arraegementa te attend tbe banner raUtnir Will be made. BUa el K.Ki Ki.ata, XTea the atanhelm sentinel. C. T. Lehr, auutleneer, en rStturdsy sold Btpablloealefertbe assignee of M Yennp, leacree of land with loiprevementr, nesr Uolenvlile, Pene tevnshlp, for 11850. Harvay Seatb, parcbaaer. Oa Taaaaay , ter tbe executers of Btmnel Hernley, deceased, a farm of 161 acrea and M pemhea, with lmpreyemenu, le Samuel Oalb. at 173 00 an aare, ameunUna te U(mC0. And enWedn'eaday the m! aleat place of deceased, containing M acrea. wib leaprevementa, te Annie Hernley, ler -' fV,WI. k 1 D7 of Ataeamcnt, Yem Klppur, tbe D.y of Atonement of aba Jewish peenle. be ulna this evaninv ami at aunaet en Daiuteay. it win be eel by abstinence from feed and drink. bv Draver in the avnaaesuti i.rt uit. xaailBstleii during tbe whole day. The day le tbe last ct tbe ten penitential dsya beerred 'by them. There are various V-v'aelle OolNldre. and Bitnrdav bu ncrinrfa V e-lled Behachils, conducted by Mr, Brune Aacrlati. correanendlov te tha mnmimiur. Tlee ; aaaaaapb, neon aervlee, by Bar, TJn 'atliHert Mtneha, afternoon aervlee, by Mr. Albert, who also blewa the raru'a horn, M XaUab, evening aervlee, by Rev. TJn. TlaMsag ia arraiam fsaasyiTanU. ' .' . wuitasa aa, uoajngeam, one of the ' 'Jleaetageete at tbe PoanaylTanlarall-ead r' Malea,kaagaoeeaa Ulpte Cresen,PJtti- BtfSMt KBil rtlkM elaaaa l lha t.- . i Bl tbaaaatta. W9 mw aaaaaaj AH'tad Then ar taitara. William Sebnelder, aeaUieg clerk la the poitcfflee e( thle city, wee erreeted at a late hear thle arteraoeaoatheofiargeot eteallng lettera centelbtag Bseeey from Ue poetefflee The" arreet wee made at tee le. atanceet Inapeeter Taemaa, who entnpptd the aoeoetd bj meant of Ceoey letterr, K itelen letter waa found upon Bahaelder, and a rteoey letter waa fennd where be had thrown it. Suaplolea fell upon Behnelder about two weeka age, and aleca tbat lime the Inipeoter, aealated by Peatmaiter Blaymaker, bare bees; InTeetlgatleg tbe matter. Tbe meat el tbe money atelen waa In aeveral lettera which were addreaaed te Collleetor of Rarenne MacOenlgle. Tbe aeeaaed was takes before United Btatea Ojmmlaaloeer Kennedy Jnat .before we went te preea. Baac Ball Hews. Bd. Blximlth, who waa one Of the most popular playere en the Ireaaldee dab of 1S88, la In tbt city en a abort visit Early this aeeeen he algned with the Ban Antonie, Texas, club, whleh eoen went under, cheat leg the playere. Aa eoen aa he waa known te be ent el an engagement William Zecher, wbe haa managed the Canten, Ohie, team, aent for him. lie played with that nine until last Sunday, and only left It en account et an Injary te hi arm, which be received In a throwing cdbteat "Blxy" haa played In many cltlea since be left here, but be aaya Lancaster la the best of all. Tbe League gamee yeaterday were : At Pittsburg : Pittsburg 8, Washington 8 t at Detroit s Detroit 11, Philadelphia 2 J at Cblcege: Chicago 6, New Yerk 8 at Indianapolis : Indlanapella 7, Bosten 10. The Aeaoelstlon gamea were: At Ht Leuis t Bk Leuis 3, Louisville 2 ; atl'hlla delphla : Atbtelle P, Baltimore 1. Ihree Toneg Men On a Turn p. E, W. Mumterd and Llgbtner WUmer, of Philadelphia, and Rebert Hunter Mo Me Qratb, of New Yerk, are bow en a tramp te Luray Oave, which tbey expect te reaeh byTutaday next The three young men left Philadelphia en Monday, Downing town Tuesday, Badaburyvllle Wednesday and Lancaster yeaterday. Laat evening tbey reached Yerk, and stepped at tbe Metxl hotel. This morning they continued tbelr long tramp. At Targ-t and (llass Ball. The Northern Ead Klfle clab and the Ltneaater 8ebuetr,an Vereln ahet two matebee yeaterday afternoon at Telia Batn. The visitors anoeeedad In winning by a geed aoere, a tbey did one year age. After tboaheotlng dancing began and wai kept up for eotne time. Tbe Columbia aud Meuntvllle gun club came te Ltnosater at neon today and matcbea are being ahet at glaaa ball, clay plgeena, &e., at Knapp'e Villa thla after, neon. A ramtly Itannleu, Frem tha Ephrta .ews. Last Monday tbe children and grand children of Mr. and Mrs. Yeung, of Sobeen eek, tendered the eged couple a surprise, it being tbe 77 in birthday of Mra. Yeung. The children and grandeblldren oame from Kpbrata, Womeladerf and Mlilway, bring ing wltb them many aoeeptable presents. Thla was tbe flrat family reunion they have bad for 17 years. About SO relatives were present Heme en a Porlengb. Jehn Wldmyer, et this city, who enlisted In tbe regular array aeveral months age, la at home en a furlough. He baa been eta eta eta tloaed at Willi' Island, In New Yerk liar bar, alnee hi enlistment William Smith's Trlat The case et William Bmltb, tbe old man who la obarged with having abducted Bertha Beck at Penryn park, laat summer, la down en tbe list for trial In Lebanon next Wednesday. A constable el that county waa la Lanoaster aubr-cvnalng wllnetae te-day. Anether Ledge Going te Colombia. Uorsehel Ledge et Odd Fellows et this city ba,ve decided te attend tbe Columbia centennial, and take part In tbe exerclsea en Thursday, September 27tb. Tbey will turn out aeventy-flve men, who will wear high blaek hats and badgea. A meeting of the Dcmoeraoy et the Firth ward will be bald this evening at the tiehilUr heue. All Demoeiataaro invited, business of Importance. Arrangementa will also be made for the r&lstng of tbe ward banner. Cnsw strawberry flugTobacceandsavethe Tags forahaudseme preieut. O. UUTTKNllOr K rt, Sole Agent, slklmd U west King eueet 7m Tariff ltoterm club will meet this even even leg at lietbweller's Hall ler tbs purpoteef getting measured ler uniforms. A New Beer en Tap, L. J. llnppel, proprietor or the Centre "qnare restaurant, has arranged te have en tap te-morrow the beer of t&e standard brew ing company, et Baltimore. It la pronounced a very flue artlcle, and will be drawn dlreetly trem the keg, m Cnaw strawberry l'lng Tobaeoo and save tbe Tags ler u handsome present. O. DUTTltKUeriCB, Sele Agent, slMmd 47 West King street itsTSica's l'aHce of Fashion wilibecleisd en Saturday, Beptember 15, until p. m. seplu-itd AdTertlttng Cards. De you with te use etrds for advertlilng purpetva during the fatrt If you de, you will de well te ea)1 at tha IrcTiiueascia Ornea and see Ann samples and cheap prices. We will Klve you neut and cheap novelty adver tising of all kinds. 1NXXXI.10KN0J.I., CcntroEQ-.e,re. CmiTf Btrawhcrryring Tobaeco and save the Tags fur a handsome pnxent. O. DUTlKMiOrjtlt, BelO Agent, sltlmd 47 Wtst King street Atmurments. rj u In Artten ittzt Wttk. -Itdwln ArJen, ft popular young aei r, plavs " Kagle's Meat" and ' llanvd uat " at the opera home the nrst three nights of next woek and at a Woanet Weanet day matinee. Uebai never appeared In lau" cmer aa a star, bat he ti highly spoken of everywhere DBATH8 SuJtMT.-SpiHinber 13 W, In this cltv, 1. II buinmy, AK'd stxty-slx'yea, its months ana nineteen days Tbe relatives and friends of tie family arc re-pectfully Invited te attend the Inneral, wltnnut fun her notice, trein his late residence, Me ti"" North Qaeun street, en Monday alter, noun at ISO o'clock at the heuie. cervices at the Old Mennenlte church, at Lancaster, at a o'clock. InUnnMitut I anesteremetatrv MAMJCJtTU. . .i i -wswwv ,' Hiia Vrk MariiaM Naw Teaa, Sept 14 rieur market calr r lne. 2 16CS 10 1 Snperflne. CI7&413 40I utnn Extra, 13 10O5 60 1 City f 111. Extra, M 60OS . Winter Wheat extra, sa85BS IS. w 380 1 -e, J, Hed. Winter. Beeu. 7e i Ct receipt, iS3,a ahlptueuu, bem Vn. a. uixed. Cash. B4Wei ?&tmen,.C.,ei0$t' KH & fswta Mr I urtifta at.t. n.. . rtxwlpU. 17J.OO0 1 shipments, none. ' Barley nnmlnrJ. Verk steady i old Vess.tlS I5B15 7J. Lard stead vt "epttlusei oct.lleov. Melaaaei stead) ler W boiling itn, aeitia Black strap, 14. Mew erlrana SOOiOe. Turpentine qutet at JSHaSSJic Kesln quiet i atralned u geed, 05CQI1 C5 fetrnlMiiin Ua0y t UeflnhC In Utau, UJic. freights Una grain te Liverpool, M Butter quiet Western Creamery, lBe)74a. uavu.0 vmwg , vaiMMU a aaa. .(130. I Stale racuiry, TKOSc rancy White. Hat UoOhleriat,7CSKo. "utw,ii araa dull I 8l.u IQVaayVM W ,., eji: ' ' ujrar flrm llnOni-fl Ontieaf. fWn t Orannla, td. TJ,eil lICai MeuldA.."70 Conlso Cenlso Conlse tlouer -A.." 7H MB Cedec ma,," stand am, 7X0. xuiew qnieti rnme city, WiSJ'HO. Wee nominal i Carolina, fair togeua, VUe. aaa r ranUaaal by B. k. Tnndt, Breker. Oaioaae, Sept. it, l.oe e'clnea p. m. Wheat corn. l' Ferk. Ir4. September. snu t wK .... e.es Oetelmr , Stfi 4 4W 11.23 B.II7 MevnmbW WW 41 SIM .... B.00 lieeembar... 91H t3'4 .... 8.11 January... ......... .. . May .............. ..,.05 N9i 8Ba . .... lil ufle Oil ...a a ......... .... ... a ... Consels..... ...... a... !.. a. ......... .aaa 03 110 Oleslnr rnees-. o'clock r. Bui WhwitiCeri. 0t,Verlt. Ird. oepusmeer w October ,.. Bevnmber C December.. Bl January Mar dsm Mir w flrdllA 'lll....a.....a...aa....aa..........aa.aa.92)( COaaOlS.i.a.aa.....a..........aa,.i....aaaaa ueceipta. uar jxu. yfintasrnneat..a...aa...a.........aaaaa 18 1 apnng Wlieat.aaaa a....... .aa...aaa.aa. Ouauaaa..t.a.........a.a.aa...aaaa.aa.. Oata..aa.a............a.......a..a....a..aaa Stye .aaaaa..aa....a...a..a...a.i.ii..a.aaa :a SHuiey aal. aa. .aa.aaaa.aaaaiaa. tat. aiaaaaaa ..a.A Bead. ItACMpta. IIOaTS.. a. aaa aaa... a a. .aaa. ,. ....aaaaa . Kecclptai uattie........ ...aaa tTBleage rradeea Market. Caiciue, Sept. 11, 9:30 a. m. Market opened, Wheat Sept., Wiei OeU 8.)c.i Dec, lKc; May, D3e. . Cem aept, lll.e.i Oot, 45X DJC ts;e t May,IDe. m Oate-sept, He-I Oct,, Hci Dee c t May.BSSe. fork-dept, Sit u, ect, tit IS May, lArd-Sept, 110 0t) Oct. 199": Dec, 19 GO. Bbert Blue Bapt, a) 9 1 Oct, I 00. cLoaure. Wheat-Sept. ,90Ke. Oot, 8JJ.C) Dca, 907,0 1 May.uiKc com .ept, ej.c 1 Oct., 43Ke i Dec, fflKc; Bay. BSHc. OaU-nept, 2IJi0 Oct. S1XC Dec, 2I.0J May, S8I40 rerk-nept, til S0 Oct, U 2) Nev., IIS7IMI Jan-,ll8 77Wi ird-sept 10 7H Oct, V 7H I Nev., 1903 I J.n.eSOaH. . obertlllbs eeptatSOlt Oct, I9 01 Jan., 7 01K- dlvasteefe Markau. Crnoieo, Sent 13 Cattle H'celpts. 12 000) thtpumnu OOWi maraet sta-ndyt bOHVes, 1(1 7' I sUsers, 43 6003 90 1 steckura and fi-Kdxrs H00a'iO oews, liu'l Hid miznditl 7MI3O0I Tetans steer, II U.03 00 1 Western rangers, S8BOB120. negs-iwcnips, lu.tuu nnea 1 empmnnia, B.OUOi market strung, lower t mltnd 13 9) Ofi S 1 heavy, 10 OOflW 63 1 light, f 1 MQG SO Skips, 44 O0fJ4 CO 'hnep ueenlpu, O.em neadi shtpmenu. SOOOt market strong) natives, ti CO Q4 80 1 Western Shern, kl SJfflt 00! 'texas shorn, SJ73O3 00I lambs, II Oefll 90. a ast Liaaarr. -Uatua llenelpts, 770) shlpmenu. . "Mt market Menflv 1 prime heavy, (3 730,8 1 fair te Keed, II 7M31 ' t eem men, 43 3DB4 1 no cars shipped te Au w Yerx to day. Hogs Boeelpta. 1,800 head 1 shipments lioe 1 market active t .'Mlaaelphl&R. an 500 R 7i I inlxed, te 8308 40 1 Yorkers, SO 20O 0113 1 SOtmimn ti tair, 10 I0Q0 10 1 pip, II 73 QSOO) 10 ears shipped In Mew Yorkfedy. 'heep-ltnecipu. 2V0HI hip menu, 00t market flnnt pr'me, 4i40fll W geed, IIQ 4 1 common le fair, . We' U i lambs, ft 00 03 60. Haw kera Bteeas. Maw Yebk, Sept. II. 1 p. m-Mrmey closed at 2 per cent Rxchange steady posted rates, It WHO fS9 actual rates U SHB B 00 for CO day s and it tBViO &X for demand 1 Uevernmenta closed steady 1 currency e's, 11 SI bldf 4's coupon, II SOHl tH'sde, II CCKl bid. The stoek market this morning opened HOH higher ewlnn te a better market In ton ten dju, butik terthe fliatdeatlnKS the veiling et Bt. Paul wm renew, d aud prleus declined M te 9i percent from tha opening. Ihli was IOl IOl lewed by a recovery of 1 percent, but towards neon en the selling of the grangers and l, L. A W.prtoesdsellncd te the lowest el the day. Btoec raarketa. Quotations by need, MeUrann era, Laneaster, l'a. aw TORk LIST, 11 A. V. Canada 1'aolfle... O. C. C.AI Colerado Ceal A Ce., bank- UK. tr.it. new M I OH a se 11 H 18 UQUUll rHIQQt,,, , Janada Southern.., dhUBt UAl'bg oen.Aitie a Del. L A W................. Brie..... aaa a a... a. ,...,,,,. Brie Studs. "Jer 0. aaa. .a, a... .,,,,.,,, K. JS T-..aa..........a...... M 53 14-V4 iS 14i, 29 lft Ml 13 Len, A M..,,,.. ,,, CO L.ShOre ,aa..,...aaa 9b MX Mlaantiii PaclflO 81 ' 10SH uocxvaiiey m B. af...aa...,aa..,,a......a f. r. 1 rer.........,,,,,,aa, N, West... a a a......... a...,, N.Y.O.... ........ ...a.,..,. Mew Bngland Bast Tennessee Omaha, , Oregon Transportation.. Ontario Ok W Paoiae Ball Richmond Tormina! st Paul, .......,..,,,,,.., Texas raclfle Cnten Faclde , ,, )7K 83J S4H 04K 23H Ou wauaan uem.. ........ wanasn l'rel Western U.., ..,aa..,...,, snJi; B3H West Bhere Uends , a...... .. niiiJLDiLrau. list. tSh Val.aaa. .....aa,,..aaa .... It, M. Y. 4k aPhUa,,,aa,,,,, .... Pa. H. n.a,aa,....a......... t'OSa' Heading , se WlDa naVsaeeeeeeeeeeteeeeee e Uestenv. fais ,. b S aVaeeeeeeeeeee It 1 COnteeaeeeeteeee feepleafau .. Wi i4teet teeeee OH. see eaeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeee V Pbila. Traotien , B3 11 2H 8SM 1 93.i Lecal ateca ana nenas. Separted by J. it Leng. Par Last value, sole. LincM'r erier cent, 1890 100 105.00 t lei 100 lis 103 100 100 4 4 a Boheol leanlBOB 100 Inloraeyeora, 100 lnBorSuyears. 100 tnlOnriaeyeara. 100 4 4 in 6 or soy ears. 100 103 Q 1( Hanhftlm Ttnmntrb lean inn AJiB AVhM2JbtMhlat. c LAHKE'S TEAS. Tbe dy will be Intensely cold When Bamuel Clarke Is undersold. 1 a (.'eireeand H It 'I'm ler , 7S0 18) itt-st Coffee ler the Meney in city ....Me 1 tt Uream Cheese ana 1 D rresh eeas CraelE- ' aa 9 fas Clrau a. Uw and 'i It. l'ptinn -lie 6 ttaetttrch auJ5eu.ua euap ter 0 B Cakes Qlelne Seap qui B tei"wuh fefla lor.Me 1 Gallen west Ider Vlnegarln thu WorldTiSe 1 Gallen Onea I'ure Heme-Made Vinegar". .150 9 Large Uer.es Muitard or Spiced tataines. .VQe rquart llettle LlquldTlfnlnn lfe flOa -ue Bex lllulngnuil 1 teabnf In ....10a lttt. UexHlltwrt w.Uiuvna PiurcU lur......iee 8 ft. cream Nuta uneTilti Dates ler Be 9 Packs Cern March and ftitiraekers Ma 1 10 ft llitraet Ntre "uw Maik'ivl 11.13 Mieu tsemi aluantd mq .. toy a. Best Pickle Bplce 100 y gT We have tha Finest Me. 1 llloek Island Maeberul In the Market. .Inst reelvefl. A NKVf LOT of Candidate Photo, whlab we will glve with sample order et our Teas aud t'effees. Alsea Fine Line or Candldats Cakes of Ki Ki eclitntQuallly. SAMUEL OLAUKE'S WUOLKBALK AND BKTAILTKA ANUCOFa FJCk. BTOKK, Ned. 12 and 14 Seuth Queau Btroet, LAKCABl'ItU.l'A. Ba-Telephone. PUBLIO.BALE OP NORMAN OOLm On Monday. Hepl, 17, 1&8, will be sold at Stewart's Meck Yards. Lancaster, l'a, 91 haad of Ohie Merrean volts, from 3 te 0 years old, a goeo us ever been sold In Lancaster. Sale te oemmenco at 1 o'clock p. in. A credit ofnedava wlU be given. SOjllitd'tt PAN1KL LOG AN. TUBL1USALE. THE.. HALE OP STALLS IB TBS Parmera' ' : Eeuthern . Market ?l!!:.b.aJ,.uu.6d,ln the Market Heuse, en OAXUiaUAX A.UKWINI. atSe'ClOck. I t, - u-l. FttaitKY, Betreurr. I B.r.aowg.Aueueneer, ' BV",H,f'' J ft K HU It 31 B7 431a. S4U 14.-0 87 (A 40U tlW 1..7J BUS U i-i 14W .... a a i... .... 81 k ai 0t& lilt? llOSi 111M 1(M KihW H 3 " 8i 8UV. '-". 17K 17H Et'K V'K 31)2 SIM iwm 01)2 K tu2 27 ii NMW ADVBBTnaXMWTB. F OR RENT. ., AflrtraurarmefarxmtrAerm,eva rstlea trem Lancaster, near tbe MUta inra Pk., .,. M.a.XA)Ma. angJl-8td,l M EllCHANT TAILORING, Yen can find a most extensive line of Fer. etrn and uomestle Uends for rail and Wlater Wear at prleee that will anrprlae you, at ASKEW'S, NOB. BH AMD MS WBST X1KU BTHBET. , en-iya ESTATE Or NATHANIEL O. AN. dbbsew, late of Lancaster, city, de cessed. Letters testamentary ea aald ee tate having been granted te tka undersigned, all parsons Indebted thereto are reqnsetM te make lmmndlate earment. and tkeaa bavlntr claims or demands against the same, will pro pre sent thm without delay for settlement te the undersigned, re Idlng at Me. J Baatgrede rick street. In satdetty. .. BBIaL B. AHUBBBOjr, liaewaAHamx. Bxeeutrtx. auaii-itar Attorney. s BOEH TO ORDER. Fine Shoes te Order. There Is nothing that adds te the appear nnce of a person se much as the neat dressing et tbe fteu We are betttr prepared than ever te fill the, ants et these wanting semsthlng tatty In footwear. Handsome, Durable, Well-Made and Reason able Prices aru the words that express what fl aim au New is the time te leave your order for yenr Fall Werk. BespectfeUy, WM, H. CAST, NO. 106 NOUXa QUXBR ST., LSNOASTF.B. lunl-lydWAF J3ALT1MORE BEER, THE - STANDARD Brewing Company's Beer. FROM BA.LT1MOBB, One el the beat Beers ever brought te Lancas ter, WILL VB OM TAP at L. J. IIAFl'KL'5 OBNTRB 8QUABK BBS TAUKANT, TO-MOttBOrT (SATUBDAY ) av Drawn direct from the keg. baer should try It. Judges of it PHOPOSA.LH FOR MACADAMIZING. nealfd proposals will be received by tbe Street t.'emmltUMi until Monday evening, aep aep tember 94. U83, at 7 o'clock, (or macadamising of atreeta, te wit 1 West ubestnut from Nevln te Elm, and from Ilm te College avenue. Bids for each qnare te be given separately. All bids must be accnnnanled with the sig natures of two or mere responsible parties wPllng te became security 1 al-e wlthacenl flrd check te the amount of 19 per cent, of I he bid, which will be forfeit- d te tne elty In case el ration, te noeept the contract If awarded The Cntnmi tea teterve the right te reject any or all bias. nans and specifications can be aren at the offleeof h 1. siaymtker, city anglnesr.atthe Station Heuse. -ropesals te be addressed le alBtrnet Cem mitten" for" Macadamizing," and deposited In street committee Bex, at the office of W.T. Brown, 4 n erth Duke street, nrderet 114,17,12a BTBBETCOMMITTBg. M ART1N BROTHERS. Stere Enlarged. Ohoie3 Enlareed. FALL OVERCOATS -AMD- Suits of the Best Sert, ARE READY. -AT- MARTIN BRO'S Clothing and Furnishing Goods. 98 NORTH QDBBN BT. UilNE UK00KRIE3, AT W.A.REIST&CO.'S GROCERS, COaNKHKABTKma AND DUKE BTfl. CRANBERRIES AMD KJILAUJIZOO CELERY. We received this morning New Cranberries and Michigan celery. First berries 01 tbe season. ..IKD BBBF I DBIBD BRBFI Tee. we are headquarters ler Beef, ana are selling the best bem at 15e per pound. Flats at. i9le 1'bat'a cheaper than wht you pay ter tt else whera.ls tt net? Why cauwe soil It for that price 'I hats easily answered. Weget ltdi ltdi reet from Armour A te, Chicago, and save thnjehber's profit call and taste Annthxrlotel VanDerveer A Helmes' Cake and 111 cults iect.vpd!rrshte-dny. Alse Choc olate, Vanilla and dinger Waters, . A. Eeist & Ce. sar-Toleptene. Free Dellvery.-m TITILLIAMHON A FOSTER, V1S1TOU3 TO TUB Lancaster County AGRICULTURAL FAIR Will Find Our Asiortment et Ready-Hade Clothing FOB GENTS AND BOYS, Ueiiable in Make, Correct in Style, Perfect In tt, Large t In Vatlety and the Lewest In 1'rlce. Uent's Dres Back Ceat Bulls, , no. Hi. Gent's Cutaway CeatButts.llO I1L.I13. Beys' BtreDg Boheol BnlU, S3 00, 44 OT, 1 SL Bey's ureis Cheviot BnlU, 7, 49, 410. Children's Bhett Pant Suits, t, W te, S3. Oblidren's Kilt Short suits, tl.te, ), at Children's Flannel Shirt WaUti, JSe, tl.OJ, 11 -0. Oent's rail Weight Orerceau.WM te 12000. Williamson & Fester, 32. 34. H0ts38E. KING ST LASUaSTXItFA. BRANCH STORE, MO, 818 MARKBT 8THMBT, iUBBlSBUBa, A. BMW ABTBBTtBBMBtm. TH. jyHEgT -aMERIOAK CHAIt FAeRBS, 0eU kp ul BiMNtiViert Bm. KOHBBB'g UQTJOB BTOBB. -tTTANTED-A GOOD OOOK, APPLY SlS-It4 HSBOXTnUUKBBTEBXT w ANTED-A OOOK APPLY AT SOB flUKtHUUKIHIKSIT. SlI-tM FOR BALK OR RENT A FIRST class Farm, situated two atlas from Laa euterctty. Terms reasenable. Inquire at augtS-lmd THU OFFIUB. DANCINO BOHOOL AT THE MJEN--J.iiCHO,i. HALL Oa SATtJBUAT BVBBlNOatS o'clock. Bteey's Fall Orches tra will farnlskthemutlc. Ladies, loci Qents, li0- ,. BAMUBlaHOWABD, aeplJ-ftd Manager. 11IOR RENT. TWO COMMUNICATING H Beems en Second Fleer, with Heat and 4J.S. Centrally located. Annlvte AtLAM A.UBBB. Beat Istate and Insurance Agent, Be les But King street. eeplHta L08T-AT OR NEAR THE P. B. R. Butten, this city, en Wednesday morn in, ltth Inst, a Ladv'a Oe'd vrateh and Chain. A liberal reward te the finder. UK. O. T. HOBBBRBB, lMtd He. 41 W. Orange st, Lancaster, Pa. HOUSES FOR BALE ON THE MOST liberal terms, ea West Chestnut, Wai nut, Lemen, Mary, Pine aag Charlette street. Annl v at ml3-emd MB MOBTH MABY BTBBBT. AH. ROSENSTEIN TAKES PLKAS e Ultsln announcing that he has scoured the aervlees nf MB HABOLD BITNEB, an Xxperleneed and stylish Cutter, lata et Dougherty A Uerty, of Filth Avenne, Mew Y 01k city. Alse the opening of hi In ported Woolens for Fall ard Winter. An examina tion of the satne is resiieetmlly reqnesledT 03 NOBTU QCBBR BTBBBr, slO-lyaB Cerner et Orauga, Lancaster, Fa. PUBLIC HALE. . . Oa WaranaT,xrTiKBia8,188, at the Leepard Hetel, all tbat valuable let with two-story Brick Dwelling and store room and twe-aterv frame kitchen attached, situated Ne, BM Bsst Orange street, B rooms and garret, well and pump, hydrant, fruit, etc Let fronts 60 feet en iraugestrcet and extends 2 te feet te Utant street. Bale te commence at 7k o'clock p m. ALLAN A. HBUB, Ne. lOti Rast King street, Agent ler r. Bhroder. B. F. BOW I, Auctioneer. Sl2,14,17,19,Jl,SI,96d e HEAP HUOE.S. CHEAP SHOES -AT- HIEMENZ'S. Closing out a nlce let of Ladles' Leather Slippers at Me a pair. M Uses' school Shoes, sec, 73e, 900 ac d .1 a pair. Beys' Boheol Bhees. 75c and 11 per pair. Ladles' Fquare and Bound Tee Butten Shee, 75c, 83c, II and II 29 per pair. ueiaeMaaecnua's spring Heel, HevryBele Shoes we warrant, sire 5 te 7X, Beet size 8 te lOKi 730. Ladles' Fine Lancaster Made Shoes, ll.BO te 13.00. Jeb let of Men's Bregan at 600 a pair.; Infant Shoes, 98e a pair. Men's Bhees, 75c, II 00 and ll.iffl a pair. Bhces of all kind marked down at half price; john hTemez, 67 North Queen Street. D O YOU DO ANY SPICING OR 1'ICKLlNQt If you de, don't risk your fruit In low grade Vinegar. Te keep fruit nlce you shenld have the very beat OLD OIllRti V in KG Alt or High Grade WHITB VlNKOAB. The ordinary vinegar usually sold, wui net answer the purpose. GRABILL! THE Original and Only Gash Grocer IN LANCASTKB, HAS OLDCIDERVINEGAR Of Special Strength for Pickling and Spicing Purposes at 13 Cents a Gallen, and WHITE VINEGAR At 13 Cents, These ericas are a trlfle hlaher than soma common vinegar Is sold at, but when you take Inte consideration the feet that this vinegar is of such aga and strength that for ordinary use one quart will make two, tbe price is very ivn. N, W. CORNERDUKEANDVINESTa, LANCASTER, PA. AaVOrEMKVENlNQS. mll-lydM.WAF H IRSH A BROTHER. Three in One BEAUTY. DURABILITY, CHEAPNESS. 'i'hlslsthetaloeurChlldren'n Suit tell, A very pleasant and truthtul enw It Is. Every thing in Children's Clothing. Pults Plaids, Cheviots, Worsteds, Flannels ana.'XHceta. Prices, 11.00 te 7.00, Cbiidrea'sFall&WiQterOverceats llaautlfnl KtrMOta In ltnal Snntrh ntiairlnfi. Ilauneckbarns, Uhetwyns, Meltons and Cassl meres . l'nees, l oe te te te. Beys' Suits and Overcoats. Butts Hest materials and workmanship, l'rlce. m&rveleusly low. 12 70 te lis. overeoKts-iasstmetes, Ker.eys, WhlpceTds, Uelteus. All kinds andquaiitlts. 12.00 te 111. Children'sJKnee Pants The Largest and Cheapest Assortment In Lancaster, live, 8ie, 4uc, ecc, 6Jc, 78c, S5c, ll.W, Vt.M, Sa w, Vl.lf. Ohildreu's Shirt Waists. Potcile and Light Flannel. 23c, 40c, 60c. 11 Monogram " Flannel WaiBts 73e. 93e, lire. 11.18. The Best Fitting. The Be.tUade. Thecheapeat. OUR MIN'8 SUITS AND OVERCOATS Are mere popular than ever. SEE THAT $1800 ritlNCE ALBERT BU1T. HIRSH & BROTHER, der. Centre Squire! and Ii. Queen St, LANOASTBB, FA. Closed Saturday, Beptember 15th, utll 6 O'cVeckia tkeTMlBe. ' augtl-ima . BBW ADVBBTmBMMtm. " - "H ' - ' . ' ' i . -mi. . (1 ' I A CARD! LAJTOAirTam, MPT. IS, 184S. We have mtade estMiaiTe teswOTsMMmtAi4ltHiactk ataBUaar qKmtha auvd bat doubled ebt feUlttes for erWlB seek. TaWMttraidBaef the Mere haa btea taeBrei. m&mk PtvtBaeatwlll be femad oeaTealeBtlr BrraBved Md.Mta.fwMy Uclited. MBek arreeter geMtae thaa beretefbre &g aJleUM te Draea Ooeda, u tke Depertaaeata of Drees Trlmmtacs, Uaderwear. Heelery, WtrweeaB axl aVmawlaeld Uaeaa mad Ootteaa bbtb beea extended and the srteeaw iaeteaeed. We oerdlail-;iBTtte eutailaatlea of the Impfeyeaieatfl, aad large aaa.oarereiijr sen SBW AD rMBTJBBMBIfra. "DIOR RENT THE DESIRABLE PROP JD any known aa the Grape (Mlehsel's) Hetel: immediate possession i no Incumbrance In the way el old furniture, etc. A rare chance for a flrstelaa hotel man, the l na tion being tbe beat in the city of i ancestor. Apply te uua. at. Hunsiii. su-sta Me, us North Queen street. rpHE LATEST FOR LATEST FOR CORNS. Felt Fad containing Oom Salve, attlna f A dbeslve Flsster en t aeh Pad makes it adhere te the tee. The Fad relieve, pressure trem tbe shoe while the salve removes the Cera. S3e a box. Headquarter, for Fishing Tackle. Largest assortment, lowest prtees. FBAILBI'S BAST BND PHABMAOT, w . (Opposite Eastern Market,) .T BURSE'S. MASON FRUIT JABS. PlnU, 73c, Quarts, IV). and Half Osllens, 11 10 a dozen. Alse, the Fure Bnbber Blngs for old Jars, atloeadoaen. nubber Blngs eugnt te be renewed every year. l'ICKLINQ TIMEQAB. The Finest Pure, Cider Vinegar, made of the PureJulOdef the apple. Very Sharp : what you want ter plek ling. 8FICE8. Whole and Ground Splees also, the Whole Mixed Bplces, about sixteen different kinds ler piCKJlDg, COFFEES I COFFBE8I COFFEES I Alwas Fresh Boasted and the best for the money In the cltv. Jtte, Lagnayra, Mecha, Java, c.-wlth one of the finest Panel Pic ture, of our Presidential Candidate. BURSK'S, NO. 17 BAST KTKQ BTRMT. LANCABTBB,PAS ILEASE NOTICE. The People's Cash Stere NO. 25 BAST KING ST. PLEASE NOTICE. We will be found, upon close Inspec tion and fair comparison, te be ON TOP e as regards assortment, and Invariably At the Bettem As regards prices during THE C0MI1I& SEASON. Tbe People's Gasb Stere, NO. 26 BAST KINO BTBBBT, LANCASTKB, PA. marlt-lydAw TkARQAINci. RE 1ST, XXX VINEGAR I Yeu never saw the llke. Just what you want at this sea, ene! the year, lias no equal. Veu can't afford ti be without It, Always ask for AuAA vinegar. MIXED SPICES I Think of It! Bixteen different kinds et Whole Spices mixed. This Is lust what every body want. Btinemuer we have them, MASON JARS! Uaeen Jar am lower than they have ever been before This is tbe time te buy them. 1'lnts, 7:c; Quatts, BM; HalfUallens, 11.10 per dexen. A BIG HIT. We have contracted for a large quantity or Patent aa Beiler Fleur belore tba late ad vance, and will be enabled te offer it te the trade at 65c per quarter. It Is put np especially ter us. in i'lnat sacks, and BalsT'S aa BuLLEB branded en them. TheFlonrhasne tqual. The price te-day is really 700, but we rive you the benefit et the advance, and offer ttoyuatbSe. wehave all the leading bran's, among them BKIHT'e BtiYAL at eec aquarter. Beat lu the world for the money. Reist, Wholesaled Retail GreKcr, Northeast Ceraer West Hag aad Prisee Streets, LANCASTER, FA. TtUphen aad Frte Delivery, HAGER & BROTHER, SB and 87 West King? Street. BBW ADVMRTlHKUBltTB. WALL, 1888, Fine Tailoring FJLi1!? l Keveltle. eenflned etyle. H. OERHART'S Osly Dlrrct ImBertlar Talkw. U NOBTU QUEB-f STREET. T ANOASTER COUNTY PAIR. Farmers' Laicuter Ceaatj AGRICULTURAL FAIR MeOJtANN'JS PARK, LANOASTBB, SEPTEMBER 17, IS, 19, 20, 81 A 22, ISM. Jar"ie,t ,DPly of Live Stock, Farm Fro Fre ducejlmplemunts. Machinery, Industrial and Art Werk ever exhibited In Penn.vlvaala. Three Flrst-eiau Bace Bach Alternoen, Baby Shew en Tuesday from 10 a. m. te 4 p. an..faniJ2PPon.D'!reM,,na a Ueket tetae eaUbmea. pretUet baby en EtttlerBaliy1 "' Excursion Bate en all BaUread. -Ffi'-Kate Excursion en Wednesday from Harri.bnnr. Tere, Bradlng, Leb.nen. Coates Ceates vllie. Quarryville, Peach Bettem aaO all ta ta termeelate point. Numereu Special Attraction Dally. epll.tTAttDw11Mi5ir8fl ' IOSTON STORE I TO CATCH EARLY TRADE. Before the bjnsy season begin we will make the following Special Offering of an ENTIRELY NEW Let of Goods. Deuble Width Heavy Bheetlng Muslin, lc a yard and upward. Tard Wide Sheeting Muslin, Be a yard and upward. Heavy Bed Ticking, Be a yard and upwards.. ward4 Apron ataBnt Ke a yard and np -lti?nen Toweling, 8e and 4c a yardanu npwards. Calicoes, Newest Btyles, Sjc a yard and nP wards, flood Towels, Be and upward. All-Linen Napkin, S3e a dexen and upward Bel Flannel, All. Weel, lSXe a yard and Jnp. Curtain eertrns, 9a a yard and upward Table Ltnenj, ilea yard and upwardr. Our Qualities Are Al ways Reliable. Aw-Don't ml, this DUpUy of Etapl Qoed. Pr lees Are Always the Lewefit. Chas.Stamm OK1UINAL Bosten Stere I 85 and 37 North Queen St. V-01TOSlTE TUB P03TOFFICE. aug25-ly I .' . . 11 II 3 AMVHBitKNTB. AMUSEMENTS. Proctei's Fulton Opera HeuBe ADMISSION ...Ii, SO, 80 and SO CKNTB. THCS8DAY. FBIDAY AND 8ATDBDAY. With MaUnee batubday aftebboen. U. C. Miner' Grand Spectaeular Production of ZITKA. Elaborate scenic Effect carried by the com pany. Uorgeeus Uestumea and a Superb Cast, headed by Miss May wUBBlbb. NEXT WEEK-Engsgement for Three NIghU Only. MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, WITH w an N BSD AY MATINEE, EDWIN ARDEN, IN TWO PLAYS, 'aglM Nest" & "Barrtxi Oat." augavtta vr,