t - r- 8 -';.,. v '. ' w.r -v'r" vv,--' 'irj.; . v - v til V M w,,t"-. THE JLAJTOASTEK DAILY INTELLIGENCEK, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 13, R b " ,L f ' , :., TERMS: MP MM Wtluaaaiag wwbiiwet. Bf imM P.W Fs per month. KtehtPuet.M.M Specimen copies sent K TaU INTELLIGENCES, Lancaster, l'a. Dally Intelligencer. BAKER, BEPTBMBEK IS, 1SSS. Vyt Frte Hfdw. t Jrie JaYa tries te refute the argu- t Am raw material will etlmu- rfciwftry by quetirg from a speech of i McKmler. " In 1672," lie iMea Mi skins were made frre be aufacturers could import JrltMtat custom house burdens. rfcTbad 'tree trade in their raw sew rer sixteen years, xnia bMbeen aa exceptionally sue iaev aad yet you cannot avoid tawprised when I say te you that i sixteen yeans we have beenable tBSBrt bat two percent, et the leather Mtttkn of the country." IjRM course of a joint debate between an Breckenridge and Muler cth before an audience in composed largely of leather , the former gentleman completely Ined his opponent by referring I well known facts with regard te 'fttttber industry. lie showed that 1872 and lbSO the amount of invested in the manufacture of fid leather goods increased by 1,000,000, while the production of these I was 76.000,000 mere than in 1872. flat My did we supply our own market, ft 'la loon .-.I 1 ulill -m icKw we cxpurieu mju luunuu I worth et leather and leather goods. t Only did free hides enable the Areeri- tBMnufacturer te control the home but it enabled him te expert ft uiui tsiviuK euiuiuynieiii, 10 iiuu- -yes, thousands mere men." I his hearers shouted their entliusi- PtwjTerificatlen of this statement. The was published in this paper en the float., and the Era Is referred te ether ietd.facts of equal weight brought out r aUiH fair joint discussion. Any party Jiat should new suggest a duty en hides cwua tuffer severely from less of votes ilKwark. tV. t see ht Death of Professer Frocler. J. 'TiM death of se distinguished a person hd Professer Procter, from yellow fever. Kwi Hew Yerk, is likely te create a very Wfieasant sensation net only in that c dwanlty, but generally in the country, which la thus seen te be but imperfectly fMlacted from contagion by the Flerida 4umntlne. The uncertainty as te where or,, whether the disease may spread is 'WU "calculated te cause wide alarm. It I aet, se far, been very destructive in B-j sm .nmuui. jbu&buuvui? is me emy ytee upon which it has fastened, lij. the deaths there liave been pVbttfc about a hundred. There are mm of our diseases, prevalent all the Kttew, which are net far below the yellow me at Jacksonville in fatality. Hut us have them all the time with us they , m net create a sensation. The yellow s'B"sras a mysterious stranger, and aeen- afwus disease does net need te de much than show its head among us te a panic. The strong probability K that it will net spread-bevend ita I location, wtara it is being care- Pi watched and is sought te be con- JIt Is said that Professer Procter passed the quarantine, but the presump presump Wen Is that the inspection was net .lese, because he came from n r;part of Plerida in which the disease net appeared. Evidently he causht ?S tbecoetaglon in contact with one who had 4ae disease, or perhaps from cars that fad carried these affected tv It. 'farther precautions need te be taken te top, the spread of the disease, and the frrafortunate Deenle of Flerida muiifc tm KUUXurther Isolated. The travel from lbs state must be turned away from Jacksonville, which lies at its satewav EF' .r-Ansf bthaimnfMAf mIIimd A--.....t... , pmwvwuvtuut inunnj i;ululuuiui;u ten," jff -. . TftSl IZ,O0U. vKThere is much idle speculation as te '.tbenameef the unknown giver of $12,000 ienve.New irerlc yellow fever fund, and i yet there is no reason why the aneny- i gift of money should be a very rare I surprising thing. That it Is rare for i te give large sums in this way can- Mt be denied, but there is a great deal of laweey ana went given dally without ay heralding of the fact te the V public. The small amounts pK-ph S vffflfimit: namA wKanu.r.iM n .1.1tn n..il ggier help is made, show the 'same spirit ''Sra j...... .. ". " . """'""""i -jjjtMfM uv uuuuu me uineuuts given were Ittlte as large In proportion te the ability two givers, a. vanuerbllt with an in- IA" vl imuiens ceuiu Bpare twelve vthnwiMnf1 mnrn mllir II -iKiihnn witi. 1 MM Income of hundreds r.nnlil nnrotvieK-u Intl V,nf 1 la t An.l ,.M..A A. . iHectef riches that anonymous glfUef ree.t sums should f e se rare as te excite fsprofeund wonder. Thi3 silent charity ' " 4a iih nnlv nnre fnrm f i..u r. t w. ru,w .uiw ui uiiaiibjr, i-'ll 'aanm nr 1am tTaMm n,i iS JJ , uwu, uuu 15. 5"""" "f ue goea opinion et his 'ssuew men ana his act caunet be con cen sldered absolutely unseifish. f The gift of money that causes se much fVte was a noble act, but there la another Wt far mere worthy of admirine ' AWOBder. A larce force of tral nednn rp fcla about starting for the fever region,and, uwefu mey euer tnelr 1 ves. their r-Buaes have net been sought after bv tlin Bterprlslng New Yerk reporters. tierereer I1IU Reneminated. 2 v uu"'luur "" nas ueen unanimously .-uwuiiuevcu uj iue ieuecraiic conven cenven V tten for governor of New Yerk. The Jlspublican journals have been very busy .if! B "e e i ncn 01 unity rw "uwinen u ie .wew i eric iJemec- x-iey ceBcernlng the renomlnatien of r, Qaverner Hill, and a lack of warmth in his behalf en the part of the Democratic mwenai administration. The result is UN best answer te these statements. It is (rue that the Independent Itepubllcan SBant of New Yerk, as represented by MM Times and ether journals, Is opposed Governer Hill, while it niDnerts -rOswland. Uut this is due te th fact that the governor Is a strong partisan, aa has little consideration te give pellti- slwnU; and probably little sym- . te U wain Mugwump idea of a -Bjev-parUfan civil wrvJce. He will net expect Itepubllcan votes and will net ae4 them. The Democratic party in ttw state seems te be heartily for him, and that will suffice te enable him te take tbe trick. Anether View. The Philadelphia Inquirer takes a different view of the selfabnegatlen which it perceives in General Harrison's letter, from that which occurred te us. It recognizes, as we did, what it styles the modesty and the absence of egotism in Its candidate's letter ; and it seems te it very lovely. And certainly these are generally lovely traits of character ; but they are sometimes misplaced ; and it seems te us that they were out of place in the communication te his party, et Its candidate for president accepting their se lection et htm as their standard bearer, and undertaking te call them te arms, te rally them under his leadership te the de fense of their principles, and te give them a bugle blast that would be inspiring and triumphant in its tone. There does net seem te be a fertlle field for modesty when these things are te lx done; and, while General Harrison maul tested the modesty, we did net hear the bugle. Brether Ulalne, who has never been troubled with modesty, has been playing a bugle sole se far during the campaign ', and his party seem te like it. He, and net their candidate, is their leader. With the Democracy it is strik ingly different. Tlielr candidate is their leader; and the Inquirer quite nat uially finds that in his letter of ac ceptance ,he plantH himself in that place, and speaks ns ene entrusted with the parly. He declares what " we knew" and "we will de," as with an rn tire consciousness that lie is properly speaking for the party and is thelr mouth piece and leader. Just aa he Is, It Is the right speech from a leader. If a man who has been chosen by the party as ita presidential candidate may net properly express its beliefs as heunderutaudsthem, it will be hard indued te find anyone who may speak for it; and a man who is thus anointed, who fears te take this rvspen sibllity, is surely net the man for the place. That which the Inquirer fludu te be a virtue in its candidate and n vice in ours, has beceme, by virtue et their dele- ROKU BUVUULIVjT, nCU&limi 111 X1UI1I9UU I and strength in Cleveland. The Registry Lists. The registration of voters in this city, as returned by the assessors te the county commissioners' office, shows a total of 8,030, which, at the general estimate et ene voter te every live of the population, would give this city ever forty thousand inhabitants. It Is net generally supposed te have mere than thlrty.flve thousand, and the registry apparently Is tee high. At the last city election attention was drawn te the careless way in which the registry lists were permitted te include names of persons net voters In the wards, the result being that some wards had a larger representation allowed them in councils thau was their due. It does net seem that the exposure then made has served te make the assessors careful In their work. The registry te be effective should be accurate. There should be no opportunity afforded, by the Inser tion of the names of persona net veterH, for fraudulent votes being cast at the polls. The registry list should he purged. BicuAnu A. ruoeToii'n death In New Yerk from yellew lever will uuke a nona nena nona tlen all around tbn world, for hl fame en circles the footstool en a line with ctvlllza tleu. Kkau AiiMiitAr. Lijeh, U, S. N., hug completed a Bieriny voysge from New Yerk te t'blladelphla via ttie Karltan canal In tlie ateatn lnuneh Vlxen, there belnK no war ship available, yet we havopentf70,000,000 en war ships since the clone of the war. Indiana la belnu polled again by tlie Iiepublleana, tbopelljuit Unlshed having failed te show an axHurlng majority, though all doubtful votes were counted ltopubll ltepubll ltopubll cae. Tuk czar of Huiula In a recent ukaae erdered the colleotlon and publication at till expense et the wenga of tbe (Joeka et the Den. War correspondents during tbe Huiuie-Turklsti war wrnte graphically ettlia plendld Ringing of the ltusalan cavalry when en tbe mareli, and it la well known Ltizt, Itublntteln and ethergreat muslelaua have liberally used ltusulau and Coesaek tunes. Wheu tbe fashion for Ituaalantiotlen has been drepped we may expect te And Husslan music alt the rage, tUanka te tbe czir'a ukase. The practical Jokers at the cel lege bad better keep dark, or tbere will be another bloody murder In the West Knd. Thr LowUten Journal, of Maine, distin guished for tbe Impartiality of Ita reperlH of election returna, aaya that -150 towns Bhew a itepubllcan majority of 14 843, These towns in 1880 gave mere than 115 per cent, of tbe total vote, and If the proportions new shown abeuld held wben all returns are lu the Itepubllcan majority will only be about 12,000, though tbe plurality ever the Demo cratic vete will be 10,700 The l'nlladelphla T.uUjer notes Unit tbeee figures Bhew that tbe Heublk-uu percout perceut K of the wbole vote cast la about ene per cent. less than lu 1884, while the Democrats bave ualned lf per esnU en tbe vete of Beptomber I8SI, and three pr cent, en tho'Nevombor vete of 1881. Yet the Itepubllcan papers are wild with delight ever tbe enormous uisjerl. ty In Maine. " Tbe party at present ruaem blea tbe Hpartan youth who lied ae ad mirably with a stolen wolf cub blddeu under his jaeket and tearing at his vltala. They will peralst lu laughing down thelr misfortune In tbi vain hope that the world my believe it te be something else, but the truth will prevail In November. Ulaink Is reading all hla sjieeabes from manuscript and they are probably carefully revised by Mr. Quay, Mn. Baiiiiisex proposes te buy bends at high prices irem tbe Vanderbtlts and ether nsedy people rather than rodueo the tux us as proposed by the Mills bill. PEBUUNAL. KxUoveunek IiKitiiv, of New llamp jlilie, one of the few war governors new 1 vlng, eelebrated the 02 1 auulverary of bis birth, at hl home in iirl-tel. N. jj it it een 11 y. ' ' i.,BnI,l,0WLA5,D H dentist of Wash. J.Bh,' P.V ' w".H.alZ6,iw"bBhemorrbaie of the lungs in tbe waltlue room of the Pennsylvania railroad station at llwrHburg Weuneaday evening, and died beiore he could be removed te tbe hospital. GkobekIiaw, theeoeenuio mllllenalte who recently madeaaeb a sensation at 8ara. toga by giving 3,oeo worth et Jewelry te bis sporting acqualnUnewi, Is believed te be tbe donor et the 112 000 recently laid uponadesk in Mayer Hewitt's olhce for tbe yellow fever sullerera. Caleb i, Wickeiisiiam died at his hetue in Ktnnett Square, en Widnesdav from paralyse. He was a Justice of tile peaoeuud ws well known In edncatlensl elreleil having taught school considerably In bis earlier dava. He was also necretarv of tee Kennttt rire oempauy. He was lu hla 74tb year and unmarrled. Ceu D. t Kelleii, president, and BenJ. tyislshman, secretary, of the Berks County lilqner Dealers' league, have tendered their realgnailent. Cel. Keller aald that he resliaed beeaBae meeabera of the Lftagas peratated In vlelaUng tbe laws et tn atale. He waa tbe Brit president of the State Liquor Dealers Leiaue. Mr Klslahmaa latne preseat secretary of the Bute League, Dn. T. D. CROTiiRns, of Hartferd, read a paper bofero the Med loe Legal aoelety la New Yerk en Wedneaday en tbe queatlen, whether Inebriate who commit murder should be made te suder tbe death penally. Dr. Oret hers takes tbe negative, arguing that Inebriates are diseased and Incapaci tated te act aanely, and that their punish ment liMnndeterrentlnlluenoeupea ethers lie propeMM Instead the confinement of the Inebriate murderer for lire In a workhouse and hospital. Dn. E. O. BriTZKA aays: "It ia certain that for one Inebriate who bas become snob through tbe use of beer, ale or porter, there are three who have become ae through tbe use of wine, and WW who ewe their disease te brandy, rum, whisky and gin. Indeed, It la an exoeptlen te find any person com mitted te the workhouse for habitual drtinkennesa who Is net an indulger in one et the four last-named articles. X cannot recall a nlngle case of alcoholic Insanity due te tbe abuse of malt liquor alone, and very few which were due te wlne as oom eom oem pared with these attrlbutable te spirituous ilqners." NOVKt, Sfc-rrLKHIKNT, A Triangular County scat War Kuriad liy Moving ! Ifeuaa. The bitter county seat war which has been pending In Wichita county for tbe past two years, and been one of tbe worst In tbe his tory of K ansas, bas been amicably settled. When Wichita county waa organized tbe contest for the county seat was between Leetl and Coronade, situated only about two miles apart aid having about an equal population. It was a bitter contest, but Leetl was apparently the winner. Then t'mnn a massacre at Coronade. In which six Leetl uien wero killed. This caused Hiieh bitter fouling against Coron Coron aeo that nor chances were ruined fir ever being made the oeunty seat. This resulted In the building up of another oom eom oem netllor for tbe county seat o.illed Farmer City. It wes only akiut a tnlle from Coro Cero Core nami, and though the tliroe towns were within a radius ofthreo miles, they managed te keep nllve. A few wueks age tbe oeunty records wero remeved from Luetl te Farmer City, but tbe sberifl and bis psrty oempellod thelr return te Lentl, This woek tbe towns of CornnaJe and Farmer City will oensoli. date with lrfietl. ihorearo overouo hun dred buildings In khcIi town, and tbey will all be removed te Lcell by tbe end of tbls week. Thore will seen be nothing te show that thf re ever worn sueh villages aa Coro Coro naeo and Farmer City. Tne I'. A' It. UeiMuj'a luturanca Scheme. The 15,000 empleyes of the Philadelphia &. Heading railroad company have each re re eelyed a circular from i'resldent Cerbln, In which he proposes te erganlzs a rellef or mutual Insurance association rer the bone lit of the employ eh. A fund la te be raised by monthly contributions for the members, payable In advance, by deductions from tbe pay of the contributors at a rate ac cording te tbe tnentbly earnings. Tbe psymenta are divided Inte fl ve classes,from f0 cents per day for sickness among em em peoyes who esrn 10 a month te (2&0 per day te contributor whose salaries are ever flOO monthly. The corresponding death IhiiicIUh range from $2r0 te 1 1,200. Any omplnye under 45 years of age can become a member of the aaaoelatlon by undergoing a satisfactory medleal examination. The company agroea te ansume all ex ex ex ponses of tbe management and te bocemo a contributor te the fund te the extent of 10 per cent. of the sum contributed until tbe funds shall reach f 1,000,000. A Clark NlcalaH,000. Charles Htevens, a trusted olerk of Uley, Dnubleday A Ce., paint dealers in New Yerk, and who had cbarge of one of their two stores, was arralgned en Wednesday en a cbarge of limit, and waa held for trial. The tlrin, during the past year, bas been robbed of ever (8,000, and suspeoted that seme oeo lu thelr employ was the guilty person. Detectives bave been at work en the case for two months, and finally, by means of marked uieney, they cornered Htovens and umdu him admit his guilt. VOHVI.KXWN I'O WVKK. QOMI'LKXION l'OWDKK. LADIES WHO VALUK A KKriNKII CUUI'LKAION MUHT UHK POZZONI'S alKlHUATKll COMPLEXION POWDER. It liunnrU a brilliant transparency te the akin. lUimevra till ptmplaa, iruoklea und His. colorations, ana lnikes the Bkln Oellcately and and Ixiuuttdil. ItcentiUna no lliue, white, lead or aimmle lu thruu ahades, pink or fluah. white and brunettu. rOU SALK UY All Druggists and Faney Qoetle Deulers Bverywhere. 4BTUKWAUK OT lUlTAl'lUNS.-C aurJUvd s TKKL1NO BAKING l'OWDKB. s K D AM n mm, Absolutely Pure. THIS Powder never varlrs. A inirvel of purity, atranitthund wbolu'eiuencag. Mere economical than the ordinary klnda. Sold only In enna by all urecern STKULINU MaNUrACTUKlNOCO., auuOtfma 12andU8pruce Street, New Yerk. IjBUAIi Mil 1VM9. -CiXKCVTOK'SBALK-ON SATURDAY lu septembur SHI, liss, at 1 p m , at Mount Meunt vllle, the real oalnte of Sarah Dutwllur. dB CHiatU, censUtlnt; el ulet el land, containing thttreen u twonlery brick Leu se, eununnr house, stable und weed Blied, well of waluraud ciBteiu; centrally lerntud and In flwt-claes order. AUeTpn Hhurca Mountvllle National Jlank Stock and liotuniie'd (urnlture. e. ... -a-)'r'ILKU,KxBcuter. Bam Matt KjiiDr, Auctioneer. b-Jtl'l h' SAFK, HUKE AND HPKKDY OOlTrs! Jlupturu, Varlcocnle and Special Dlaeaaea of either sex. Why b humbuKUed by uuacka when you can UnQ In Dr. WrUht the only Uis Uis Uis otial,nvsieiAlnl,hllad.lphlawho nuUea a tpncleJty et the above dldeaaua, and Cenaa IrHanr Cuaaa Ouaeaitd. Advlce rree day and evening. Strangura can be treated and re. turn home aaine day. omens private. JU.W.U. WKIUHT. S41 North Ninth Street, Above llace. F'.'L i0?."73 rhUadelphla CTOTIOK TO TKKHFAHaKlia AND hM.S,ilf?Kll,-u Persona are hSebJSS KSJi 5K?rlJ . Lehanen or rrrrr-..c -'""-. wiinuier ineJiMea or own- cscffrSe-itr SOW, U.TilZtMZH, Attemsva for u.w.cwsm'f Mtu STT Vt."';.?ir55" inojeaea or enln- H OOD'S BAK8APAKILLA. The Liver And kltaays are ergaas which It it ImierUat sbeatd be kept ta gees eosaUtsea, aa et Usy araorsTwetkeSaad abases by early every body, naUl they beeema wera-eat, elegged ap, erdlieaaed, Hoefs Sarsaaartlla cans all dlfflcnltlas with these organs, rensea them te healthy action, and tones the whole digestive organism. t hate bean nalng Heed's SarsaparUla for Indlgeatlen and liver trenbla. It baa greaUy beneflted me, and I think It Is f nlty aa geed a naedlelne as claimed." S. fl. Cbssbme, chief engineer Are Sept, Btoalngten, CL Bound ad Hsetltbr " It affords rae mnch pleasure te raeesnmsnd Heed 'a SarsaparUla. My health two years age waa very peer. My frlenda theaght I was going with consumption. I commenced using Meed's Baraa partita, took Ave bottles of It, and te-day I can de aa hard a day's work as I ever could It saved tne from the grave and. nut tne en my feet a sound, healthy man." Will B. V. Tairmir, m Kest Main street, Wlggons Wlggens vllle, Ohie. Built Right Up I was all run down and unfit for buslaess. I waa Induced te take a betUa et Heed's Bar- saparllla, and It buUt me right np ae that I was aoen able te reauma work. 1 recommend It te all who are amicted." D. W. Bbats, atone atene atene cutter, Ne. 4 Martin street, Albany, N. Y. N. m.-jje aura te get HOOD'S BARSAFABILLA Sold by all druggtsts. II six for Ss. Prepared only by O. I. HOOD CO., Lewell, Mass. 100 Deem One Dellar. m ABK YOU CONSUMPTIVE? UBK PARKBR'fl OmQBR TONIO Without delay. A rare medicinal composi tion that cuma when all clae ralla. lias cured tbe went caves of Cough, Weak Lungs. Asth ma, Indlgoatlen, Inward Pains, Kxhaustleu, bee. at UrugglritJi. HINDEKGOIINB. Tbe aafeat, aureat and beat cure for Cerns, Unulena, Ae. Htepa all pain. Knaurea com fort te the feet. Kever falls te cure. IS cents at I'rugglala . UIBCOX CO., N. T. m eLOTrsa. M KHCUANT TAILOKINU. Yeu can And a meat extonalve line of for fer for ein and Uemeatlc Uenda for Kail and Winter Wear at prices that will surprise you, at ASKEW'S, NO. ZM AMU 230 WKST KING STttKKT. OTMVd M AKT1N UHUTUU1U). Stere Enlarged. Ohoiea Enlarged. FALL OVERCOATS -AND- Suits of the Sest Seit, ARE READY, -AT- MARTIN BRO'S Clothing and Famishing Goods, J8 NOUTU QUkKN BT. M YKitH A ItATUJTOM. FALL OYERGOATS ! This Is tbe Proper Time TO THINE Or FALL OVERCOATS. Loek at Our Assortment SS,S9,$10,$12,S13,$t6,S18,S22. WK UAVBTHK Nicest Assortment for the Meney. AND YOU MAY KKLY ON IT. THKUK'S NONC IIKTIKU MADE THAN OUli'S. Myers & Rathl'en, NO, 12 BABT KING ST., LSNUABTBU FA. OAKUA1NHWOHTH BUYINU. L. Gansman & Bre., B.W.OOBNIB NORTH QUBHN & ORANQB 8XB. LAMOASTKU, l'A, BARGAINS WORTH BUYING. NEW BIYLKSOr Men's, Beys' and Children's Suits New ready for your Inspection for JTall and Winter Wear. Men'a Cheviot Suits at 15. M, SS, S10. aten'a Caaalmere hults at II fin. S7. tS. tic. 111. Men's werated Sulu at W.S0,il, ia, , no, lis, l'rlnce Albert's Suit at 110. 112,114,110, 118 Men'a Wide Diagonal Sulla at I1U, 112, 114. lie. Men'acorduiey&ultaat li " ' Iteya' Scheel Suit at 60. S3, t. iiojs'All-Weol Suits at II W, ss, 8, 7, as, 9, Cblldren's Bulls at 11.60, i:, 1K, 13, l, 5. FILL OVERCOATS. - FILL OVERCOATS. 6.00,13.00,, 114.00, Well-madeand fashlonable cut and trimmed all our own make. ' We bavB never before been se well prepared ler uualnesa ae early In Uie season, ueilutu prices ever been se low. I, GANSMAN & BRO., MANUrACTUUEUS 01" Men'?, Beys' and Children's Clothing, 8. W. COBNEll NOUTn QUKEN ANU OKANOK STUEgTS.I,ANOASTKK, PA. ,.Pn S0011111 of Uellday, our Btere will be Cleaea Saturday, September 15, until a o'clock 11 ULe TOBACCO. JMNJB FIEOX OF CHEWING TOBACCO IS IMUBIDALTJXUBT. FINZER'S Old Henesiy. Cernea as near being a Sne pleee et M.UQ TOBACCO aa It Ulpesslble te make It, and Is known aa a STANDARD BRAND AM0N8 DBALBB8. Wa are sure that ONI TBIAL will Convince roneriUMerlU. SsyLoekfortharedHUntgoneachplng.- J no. Finzer 8c Bre.'s, LOUISVILLK, BT (I) JPAhAOM Or FABHlOir. A HTRICH'B , PALACE OF FASHION, 13 East King Street. Lancaster, Pa. OPENING OF COATS. We are showing the largest and best asserted stock of Coats ever brought te this city. Come and leek at them. Ladies' Black and Colored Jersey Jackets. Fine Black Jersey Jackets at $3 $3'Se and $4. Elegant Fancy Cleth Jackets, $2, $2.50 and $3. Black English Serge Jackets, silk bound, tailor made. Black Astrachan Jackets at one dollar. Fine and Heavy Beaver Jackets. Modjeska Coats are the new est thing this season. Price, $4.50 up. Our assortment of Children's Coats is simply wenderiul. We are showing ever one hundred different styles of all ages and qualities. Come and leek. Open te-day one let of extra heavy quality 24-inch Colored Silk Plushes at one dollar a yard. New Jerseys have come in. Military, Silk Braid Frent, 1.37. Braided, 1.15 and $1,37. Extra Fine Braided and Mili tary, $2 and $2.25. New Plush Ornaments in all shades, 3c and 5c apiece. Brass and Silk Banner Reds, all sizes. Mere novelties in Jewelry. Elegant new style Geld Frent Breastpins, 10c apiece. Fine Rhinestone Combs and Hairpins. New Dress Trimmings open ed te-day. Fine and new designs in Silk Cord Trimmings, with and with out pendants, 50c, 75c, 85c, $1 and $1.35 a yard. New goods are received and exhibited daily. We invite a call. ASTRICH BROS. JiATS. YUN'0 MKN, ATTENTION 1 Stauffer&Ce, LBADINO B1TTJKS, euw ji iiik u ff i lirt lui Uv K.UU UQOfll 11110 OX the met novel umlnuwitilngs known te the U&t Trade in Fashionable Fall Styles. STtrr hats raeM tee. te ss.te. ime1inlnM..it..l.u . a . ... FULL LINK OF Trunks and Traveling Eags AT 110TTOM FIUCKS, 3 land 33 North (tan St L&N0A8TKL.PA. T HOSK CORN AND UUNION 1'ADS have proven te be a geed thing. Peraena who have tried thetn apeak highly or them. X dozen i'ads In abext isceniaubex. at JIUDLKY'S tUIUII 3TUUE. BO Weat King Btreet. T EVAN'S FLOUR. USE LEVAJTS FLOUR. It Always Qlves Satisfaction. tttMTbcS omeoMmimm. -HABBAKD'S MILD ODK1D HAM UaaqeaJe tec ss arauas aid sHsair at sUtet. "Wa ruataa tea that taare itiMslu eqaal thea in qaaliMr ta tMa asarfeat. vasa. aaads of tta best taaMlias ai?s5ww5Ma5sL Tajy alTa aalrenal aattsfsMtesuxJirMsssa aadtefl Tenraetihbera. ' mf Iirted Beef and Bolerna, ateeJy ealajMC Fries reasonable. aKOBUBWlAMTT AT BUKMK'S, TUK QROOKR An Acknowledged Fact 1!'iltJf Campatea riaqaaa, Okrcnsea ?, ;?, Jtafinblteaa or Uemocratte mMMSAf Wtaravjrlth attlisr tkattwoBe tkattweBe FJi'SJPwi.1.?8 iBsssoeraUe caadMaMa s ?iS.,?.'Lw3it? 'iZ Oapttel. TM no tares are said te be a Terr eeiiaet llkeaets of the candidates and BaudlaisV wsa ei YOUCAWeBTOBB By bnylna one or two or aaere pmbOs of enr BzeellentV-Cent Coffee, or ear Beat Bin or Blended or Java or Mecka-alwaysrrsak Beaated and snre te please. W v. 8. If yen are tee far away, aad waat one, send 10 cants and we will mail one, BURSK'S, NO. 17 HAST KINO RRHTt LAKCABTBB.PA, TWINE QROOKKIEH. Read ! Bead I Read I CALL AT W.A.REIST&CO.'S QrlOCERS. COBMBB BABT KIIU AND DUKE ST84 LAMOABTEB,FA. Finest Line or Choice Oroeetles In the city, and receive a hanOieme and correct cabinet slze photographs of J. Wilkes Beeth. Lawrence Barret, Henry Irvine, Frederick Warde, and Annie Plxley, Irene Verena, Agnes Uernden JesephlneBuClalr. The above are cerrect and cannot be snr passed aa te quality et card and teenrateneas et person. Alse sample of Best Baking Fow Few Oerfree. Guaranteed strletly pure. Ask for We have Great Bargains In Groceries te offer te you for the next thirty days In order te reduce our stock. Mew canned Goods and Fruits will take up all the room we have te spare, ana we are receiving tnem aaiiy. . A. Mst & Ce. BsTTKLEFBOMB. OPEN EVBBT EVEN ING. FBEE UELIVEBT. -DARQAINeJ. RE 1ST, ll READ! READ! READ! California Btralned Heney, 8 as for 25s. Jelly (all kinds), 0 lbs Ser ae. Table Byrup, llgnt as honey, 10c a qt. Stewing Figs, l ns for 2Se. Bunch liaising, t ttt for 28c Prunes, 6, S. 4 and 3 fes for 25c Fresh Tea lllscnlts, 4 Bs f or Z5e. Bnaps and NIcnacs. S As for 21c. Twe Geed Breems for 25c. Best Fleur in the World (Heist's Leyal), 60e a quarter. Fresh Wheat Germ, 6 Iks for 25c Fresh Boiled Oats, 0 Bs for 24c. Fresh Oatmeal, 6 as ler 25c. Whole Grained Bice, fifts for 25c. Geed Bice, 5 Iks for 28c. Twe Large Cakes Laundry Boap for 5c. OlolneBoap, 5c. Lame Bexes Blue, 5c a box. Finest Dried Beet in the city, 12He a ft. Finest Picnic Hams In the city, HXc a ft. Twe Large Voxes Mustard Sardines for 26c. One Bex Oil or Uustard Sardines for 8c. A3-And many ether Bargains . Call and see It will surely pay you. Relst, Wholesales Retail Grocer, Northeast Cerner West King aad Frlnca Streetl, LANCASTBB.PA. 11 BATING. PJELLAR HEATERS. FLINN & BRENEMAN'S Cellar Heaters ABE TUB BEST IN THE UABKBT AND PRICES TEE LOWEST. ALL WOltKGUAUANTEKD. FLINN & BR1ENAN, CONTUACTOUS OF Plumbing & Heating, Ne. 163 North Queen Street) LAMUABTEB PA. r:ttvmwuMWiuiMW sfuuxt. i WXjJi and mkk -TBE ROCHESTER LAMP aixtyCandle-Llgbti Beau them au. Anether Let of cheap glebes for eu an OUBteyea. THS "FHRFBOnON',1, S1KTAL MOULDING BUBBEU CUBBIOB WMTflER STRIP Beats them eU.Thls strip outwears all ethers. Keeps out the cold, step rattling of windows. Bxclude the dust. Keep out snow and rain. Anyone can apply It no waste or dirt made In applying It. Can be fitted anywhere no holes te bore, ready for use. It will net split, warn or shrink- cushion strip Is the most r.arfeet. At the Bteve, Heater and Bange Jehn P. Senanm & Sens, 24 SOUTH QUBBN 37 LAHCABTBB. PA. WI K1HHER, DENTIST. Partleular attention given te fllllntr andpreservlng the natural teeth; I have all the latest Improvements for doing nice work at a very reasonable cost. Having years of ex penence in the large cities I am sure te give Iue Destej huumiuuu turn said jruu uiuuuy best artlflclal teeth only s&oeper set. marie-lyd Ne. M NOKXil QUEEN BT, DUTUOOBM T AD1ES' AND OHlliDKBWB OQATB. About September 17. WILL OMI Entire New iMortmeet, , OF fcritet'MiCUMrmVi COATS, WRAPS, JAOKBTS AND BHAWLI. NEBWBT STYLES. LOWSSreiBHPBICM. BBTMe Titrable te Bhew floods.-Va JehnS.Givler, 6 & 8 North Quewi Bt, ... .iancaweb,fa. marlO-lydAw JJIALlj DRY GOODS. 7- Having Remedelled and Enlarged enr Btere Beems during tbe Bnmmer months, greatly Improving the light for the Exami nation of Merchandise, and added largely te the space allotted te the several departments, we cordially Invite Examination et Leading Neveltie IN Demestic and Foreign DRESS GOODS, UENBIETXAB-Belld Celers, Newest Shades. COMBINATION BOBKS AND SUITINGS, seleeted from tbe Importations et Bosten, Mew Yerk and Philadelphia, including ori ental Bebes with borders and side bands. wool CLOTHB-selld Celers. Plaids and Stripes. BEBGSB, ABMUBEB, MOHAIBB. Meraraa wear. Prlestly's Celebrated Black Henriettas and Orepe cloths, the most perfect fabrics manu factured. BLACK BILKB of Superior Makes at Bettem Prices. BILK AND WOOL HOSIERY 8s UNDBRWKAR. Bele Agents in Lancaster for Jouvin's Kid Gloves. The Best Imported. And also for Smith A Angell's BLACK HO SIKay. full Lines In Ladies', Children's and Misses'. Wananted net te crack or grew rusty. ,LadIes', Hisses' and Children's Winter Cloaks and wraps. Matchless in Style and lager & Brether, 25 & 27 West King Street. LANCASTER1, PA. HARRY STAMM. rOBMEBLV AT- NOS. 35 & 37 NORTH QUKEN ST., MOVED TO NEW STOBB, 21 CKNTIIE BQUABI. YOU CAN'T MISS US. N0.24GENTRESQUARE, Stamm's A IVOlil) ABOUT FLANNELS & WOOLENS. wT.h.!A.cI?"? of goods becomes an object of WAUM Interest te buyers at this season of the year, enr customers will find that 'we show a flne line of these Staple Goods, both" In Celers and Weights, that will meet the re qulrumenu of all buyers. They are Marked te Seil, and weareUenudentall can be pleased. COMFOBTS AND BLANKETS Will be a Large Facter In this Fall's Busi ness, lly reason of Karly Buying en our part, we will 1m; able te have very Lew Prices en IU080 UOOuSs THE STBONG INDUCEMENTS OF LOW PRICES IN OUB Dress Goods DEPARTMENT Cn tlTllflfl with nnalftir will Ka .tM..... iCKcardwith ufr, ana we Mmt Cerdlallv ln Vltil I lift I.fldta tfi MTsmlnn line aAl Our Three Great Combinations Through Our Whele Store Will Be WOBTH AND WEAB, STYLE ANE STBENGTII, CHOICE AND CUEAPNE8B, Attention, Ladies! We have just purchased from a large com mission house their Entire eample Line of WHITE BPUEADB. Seme are soiled, ethers froth as a rose. This Let will be Sold at about llalf.Prtce, J here Is NEWBOSTONSTORE music iu lua irxices ler you. There Is Something for Yeu Among Cnr BKMNANTd OF DUKS8 GOOD?, AT HALF. Twe Special Numbers of White Flannel at 25c and Sic a yard you ought te see. The Flannel Skirts are making their appear, ance. You'll And full and plenty en our coun ters. Bmcia! Assortment of Silk Plushes, Satins , Velvets, Etc., ' ' AT THE New Bosten Stere, Ne. 24 Centre Square, AT Near Hast KlngSb-Ct angl8-lyd