Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, September 13, 1888, Image 1

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    -' ,-
$ 3
J'i r
& IartfaW
ThlM hiMt'i Crep aaa-Three InAM
Bushels of Lwt Tmi'i Wheat BaraThe
laaeraeee Math Let Teaa the Less,
Ruin In Till CUT. BUM DBaasge.
Wednesday nlgbt a rata aterm passed
erer this elty and It tu acoenipaaled by
vary heavy thunder end abarp lightning.
Tbe rale began about ten o'clock and cob
tinned for a half hour mere. la a abort
time the fait was Very great, and the
lightning laited for aeme time afterirardf.
There was no damage from the
lightning In this elty, bat there was
aeme In the country. A barn en
the farm et Tobias Krelder, whieh la
altueted about half-way between Lancaster
and Meobanlesbnrg and abort distance
north of the New Helland turnpike, waa
etruck by lightning. Mr. Krelder does net
lire en this property, nor la there a tenant
la tbe beuse, bnt tbe owner used the barn.
The building was ttruek about 11 o'clock
and In a abort time It waa enreleped
Inflames The Uut made by the fire waa
very bright and could be aeen plainly In
this eity. Tbe neighbors rau te the plaee,
bnt It waa tee late te eave tbe building. Ne
live atoek was burned. There were 160
sheep In the building ; they were all res
cued. All the hay, straw and grain of the
past summer's orep was burned, besides 300
bushels et last year's wheat, which waa In
The building and contents werelnaured,
but net nearly for what they were worth,
and Mr. Krelder'a less will be quite
Btels Bis Bluer'. Watch.
Chief Bmellz reeelved a telegram en
Wednesday te arrest Jehn O ShllUne, for
larceny oemmttted at Harrlsbnrg. Offleer
Lehr, who knew tbe young man, waa Bent
la search or him, and be found him at his
home en Charlette atreet, and arrested
blm. Shlllenn was looked up at the station
beuse, and the Harrlsbnrg authorities noti
fied. This morning Deteetlve Erb took
Shlllenn te Harriaburg. The faets of
the case are these : Seme weeka age
Shlllenn stele a geld watch and chain
from bla slater, Mrs, Neumyer, of
Harrlsbnrg, and pawned It. When the
theft waa discovered Shlllenn redeemed tbe
watch and skipped te Camden. Knewing
thst his home was In this elty tbe telegram
waa sent te this city for bis arrest. The
accused at first denled having atelen tbe
wateb, and It was net found In bis posses
sion. The detective did net leave Lancaster
with his prisoner until 0:50 this morning,
and while waiting for tbe train young Shll
lenn weakened and made a confession. He
acknowledged that he had stolen the wateh
and chain. He said that he had sold the
watch at the j a welry store of Henry Feebl,
en East King street, and the chain te Au
gustus Rbeads. Tbe deteetlve visited these
plseea and recovered tbe atelen property,
which he took with tbe prisoner te Harria
Tne Hams" Started and a Uemmlttee Ap Ap
pented te Arrange Details,
A meeting was held en Wednesday even
ing at tbe oHlee of Jehn A. Ceyle, esq., and
the formation of a new building and lean
association waa discussed. James O. Gable
Ptscj was made temporary chairman, and Jehn
A. uoyie temporary secretary. After a
lull discussion it was decided te start an as
sociation and It waa named "The Heme
Building and Lean Association. " The
following were appointed as a committee
te arrange tbe preliminary details ; Jamea
C. Gable, Jebn A. Ceyle, Mlebael Haber
busb, B. Yecker, Jehn W. Lewell, Jaoeb
Fetter, Matthias Stelnwande), Andrew
Kray, Bernard Roekenstcln, Biebard M.
Rainy, Thes. F. McElllgett, Jebn
Helmenz, A. F. Dennelly and Augustus
Subscription books bave been opened and
any one desiring stock can secure it from
any one et tbe above named committee.
Anether meeting will be held en next
Wednesday evening at Mr. Ceyle'a offlee,
by wblnh time It Is expected the prelimi
nary arrangements will nave been made.
Bate Ball News.
The Lssgue games of yesterday were : At
Detreit: Pnllsdelpbia C, Detroit 3; at
Indianapolis : Indianapolis 0, Bosten 3 ; at
Pittsburg ; Pittsburg 2, Washington 0.
The Association games were : At Phila
delphia: Athletic 8, Baltimore 3 ; Baltimore
6, Athletle 0 ; at Cleveland : Brooklyn 8,
Cleveland 3 ; at Cincinnati : Cincinnati 5.
Kansas Oity 2; at St. Leuis: St Leuis 7,
Louisville 2.
The Detrelta fielded loosely yesterday,
and could net hit Bain n ten.
The Baltimore team aurprlsed all of Phil
adelphia yesterdsy when tbe Athletics
could net hit Walker for mere than three
When tbe aoere was 0 te 2 In favor of
GhloageagalnstNew Yerk yesterday, Buck
Earing relused te play longer, aaylng he
had been hurt Ansen protested and the
umpire waa with him. K wing and hla men
left the field and the game waa given te
Chicago by 9 te 0.
The Iteaerve ItcunleD,
from tbe Philadelphia Times.
A meeting of tbe Pennsylvania Reserves
association et Pniladelphla was held last
nlgbt in tbe rooms or tbe Cavalry Pest in
Industrial ball, te make further arrange
menta for tbe reanlen at Lancaster en tbe
18th. General H. G. Slckel, ez-penslen
agent, presided. About one hundred and
fllty veterans will go te Lineaster, leaving
the Bread atreet station en Tuesday next st
7:40 a. m. There wasanlnformaldisension
last night or the monument question. There
la a preposition before the Reserves te erect
at Gettyabnrg a large memorial hall with
the funds appropriated by tbe state, rather
tbanaetnp a monument for eaeh of tbe
regiments making up tbe Reserves. The
body was composed of fifteen dlstlnet regi
ments. Captain Stautfer, ex-mayor of Lan
caster, waa pressnt and apeke In favor et
tbe plan. He aald that the field of Gettya
bnrg waa getting te leek llkea big cemetery,
and thst for that reason alone tbe proposed
ball waa preferable. Definite action will be
taken by tbe meeting at Lancaster, when all
the regiments will be represented.
Gbnrcb of Ged Conference.
The annual aesslen et the East Pennsyl
vania Eldership or the Church of Ged will
be held at May town, en Thursday, October
4. The delegates from the Union Bethel
ohnrehare Abraham Leng, Jehn Bnlndel
and Jebn H. Abraham, and the messenger
B. J. Owens. At the congregational meet
ing en Wednesday evening It was decided
by a unanimous vote te atk for tberetnrn
of Elder Frtce aa pastor.
Tbe report et the treasurer shows thst
the finsnces of the cbureh are In geed oon eon oen
dltlon, notwithstanding the heavy expenses
of remedelling tbe church.
JTrem the Mew Yerk World.
It the Mills tarlM bill Is a blew at tbe
laboring men In tbla country, bow did It
happen that Mr. Smith, of Wisconsin, tbe
only member el the Heuse who waa nomi
nated by tbe Laber party and elected en a
labor platform, voted for It ?
Tbe Tariff Keletm Oleb'a Meeting,
The Tariff Reform elnb el tbe Fourth ward
will held a meeting at RethweUer'a hall en
Friday evening. Measurements for unl
ansa will betakes,
Maw fork's State Ticket Named Ity the De
mecracyA Streng Platform Adopted.
Upen the reassembling of tbe Democratle
convention In Buffalo en Wednesday eve
ning the choice of D. Oady Herrlek for per.
manent chairman was oenfirmed, and he
waa escorted te the ehalr, when he spoke
briefly, congratulating the convention and
tbe Democracy or the state that their dellb dellb
eratlena had been harmonious, and would
result In presenting a united front te the
common enemy. The Democratle party,he
aald, had oeaaed te be a party merely of
opposition, and In its conventions It la no
longer limited te erUlcIsms, ettaeke
and premises of what It will de It
Intrusted with power. It can new refer te
premisee kept, pledges fulfilled, acta done
and policies for the future defined. Fer ever
a quarter of a century undismayed by dis
aster, unbroken by defeat the Democracy
tolled and struggled en for what It believed
tbe right A party having ue reason for
existence exespt te hope for apells could
net have held together se long ; but the
Democratle party waa founded upon and
existed for principle, and, clinging te the
ancient landmarks whieh tbe fathera bad
erected, at length, after many reverses of
fortune, purified by its trials and ad veraltlea,
the people bavfi restored It te newer. That
resterstlin with Us consequences waa net
only a vlotery for the Democratle party-
it kh a victory ler me people. ine
apeaker alluded te the administration,
which lie aald haa been clean and strong.
It has been an administration or tbe whole
country and net of a section, and a policy
for the party has been formulated as bread
as the republle Itself a polley net te pro
tect trusts, monopolies or classes, but a
polley In tbe Interest of all the people and
for the protection or Individual capital and
labor all ever tbe land. The address,
whieh predicted a Democratle vlotery in
November, waa rapturously applauded.
David B. Hilt waa reneminated for gover
nor by acclamation, aa were Edward F.
Jenea for lleutenant governor and Jehn
Clinten Gray for associate Justice el the
court et appeals.
All tbe preceding outbreaks of applause
and enthusiasm during the evening were
far surpassed by thst which took place when
the nomination of Governer Hill waa de
clared. In all parts of the house men
eprang te their feet and cheered and waved
nanaannasana nags, while the ladles who
filled the eight boxes en either aide of the
stage joined In tbe enthusiasm and waved
their nandkercbiefs, tbe band meanwhile
playing, thengb lta stralna weie hardly
The committee en resolutions thou re
ported a platform heartily approving of the
platform adopted by the Democratle con
vention at St. Leuis, and reoesnlzlnir in
Cleveland and Thurman tried and true ex
ponents et tbe principles therein expressed;
declaring that Mr. Cleveland's letter of
acceptance haa truly Interpreted the Demo Deme Demo
crateo platform and clearly presented the
vital Issues pending before the American
people; hailing with patriotic satisfaction
the bold, aggressive and statesmanlike mes
sage of President Cleveland upon tbe fish
erles question, vindicating tbe rlgbta and
proclaiming anew the dignity of American
citizenship; oemmending tbe efforts of the
president te enforce the laws relative te Im
ported contract labor, declaring that sech
efforts hsve revesled tbe weakness and In In In
snffioleney of the immigration laws se far as
applicable te criminal paupera and contract
laborers, and recommending a thorough
revision et the laws la relation ie such im
migration and imported contraet labor, se
that tbla oeuntry ahall net be made the
refuge et tbe dangerous and criminal clasaea
of etner lands, and that werklngmen ahall
net be deprived et work or have it cheap
ened by competition with Imported con cen con
treot labor ; approving the Democratle
measure passed by the Demoerstlo Heuse
el Representatives prohibiting Chinese Im
migration; condemning tbe Republican
majority or tbe United Btatea Senate ter its
hostility te the lsber measures whieh were
Sased by tbe Heuse of Repreeentatlvea in
arch and April et 18S3, and whieh have
failed te receive even consideration by the
Republican branch of Congress. Other
resolutions are :
Fourth. We maintain that combinations
of espltal, commonly called trusts, are con
spiracies whleb limit production, fix tbe
prlee of commodities regardless of tbe cost
et production and reduce the wages of
labor, erush out tbe smaller independent
dealers and atrangle competition. Tbe
conspiracies are net private atlalrs ; tbey
are matter of governmental oenoern. We
demand legislation te prevent such combi
nations, and we condemn the last Republi
can legislature for defeating all legislation
for the auppreasien or these trusts and
monopolies alike repugnant te tbe common
law and dangerous te the prosperity et a
free people.
Filth. We oppose all sumptuary laws aa
interfering with the personal liberties and
reasonable habits and customs of any part
or our citizens. We believe in the regula
tion and restriction of tbe liquor trime by
Just excise laws rigorously enforced, appli
cable wltbent UDjuat dlicrimtnatlen
throughout tbe state, and that local excise
revenues raised by state law, like ether
local revenues, should be applied In lessen
ing tbe burdens of local taxation. We
favor a revision of tbe excise lsws and ap
prove the recommendation or a Democratle
governor te that eilect te tbe last leglalature
and adopted by it, when a commlaslen waa
appointed te make sneb revision, and we
trust thst the work et tbe commission will
be sueh aa te meet the approval el tbe peo
ple of the atate. We denounce the variable,
defective and bypocrltleal legislation of
Republican legislatures upon the liquor
queatlen In the last few years, much of
which waa clearly Inconsistent, net rten
estiy designed or calculated te aid the cause
of reform, but Intended only te mislead the
people and for political effect.
The aixth resolution favors the preserva
tion el the purity et elections, tne protee
tlen or the ballet and tha certainty of neneat
Seventh. We arraign tbe Republican
party for iia nullification of the constitution
ler the purpose or perpetuating party
ascendency. It bas persistently neglected
and refused te provide for au enumeration
of our people en a basis of a new appor
tionment of the Senate and assembly dis
tricts et tbe state. Although a minority in
the atate, it has held control or the legisla
ture for many years, regardless of tbe will
of tbemsjenty or tbe people. It bas re
fused and neglected te enact a proper
measure for cresting a constitutions! con
vention aa demanded by the vote of the
majority of the people or the atate and
Imperatlvrly required by the constitution.
The eighth declares for home rule for
eltles, ana favors a revision of the tax lawa
se aa te Inaure mere equal taxation.
Ninth. While loudly proclaiming their
devotion te the soldier, tbe Republican
party, through ita legislature, bas neglected
te pass, although urged ae te de ty tbe
preaent Democratle governor of tbe atate,
the necessary legislation te enable the
eeldleraat the Soldiers' Heme te exercise
the elective franchise thereat, and baa
thereby aeught te place them en the earns
plana aa tbe convict and the pauper.
Tha teath refers te the canal system of
tfcf Matt IM rtmatb favesa. fea faaeimaat
aaaaaaaaaaaaaeL 1uBBBBl
? X$bbBbbbbbbbbbbbbbK
of auch lawa in relation te persona oeavleted
of crime aa will reader them aa far aa
possible selfsopaerllag aad at the aame
lime prevent their labor or tha prodaet of II
from oeaspettog with honest labor or tbe
prodaet et honest labor, aad tbe twelfth
pledgee te Gladstone and te Paraall aad
their saeoeieua moral support la tha eflerte
tbey are ae faithfully making fe aeeare
home rule ler Ireland,
Thirteenth. We heartily endorse the
Demoeratlo administration of Governer
David B. Hill. He haa proved hlmaelf aa
aggressive champion el Democratle prieot prieet
plea aad an able leader, Hla firm and
JudioleuB exercise of tbe veto power and
nla fearless, faithful and conscientious die.
charge of the d utlea of hie offlee have ehewn
hla determination te proteet tbe lnteresta of
the atate and tbe people. The atrcnueua bat
futile attempts of Republican partlian
Investigating committee and Rspublleaa
legislatures te dlieredlt blm with hla party
and tbe people have utterly failed In their
Eorpeeea and have only eerved te strengthen
Im la tbe publla onnfldenee.
Fourteenth. Tbe Demoersoy of the Em
pire state send greeting te their brethren in
ether atatea and congratulate them and all
frlenda of constitutional government
throughout the Union upon the bright
prospects of a renewed triumph of Demo Deme Demo
crateo principles. We confidently assure
them New Yerk will held her honored
piece In the oelumn el Demoeratlo atatea.
jsvery point made in the platform pre
sented waa vigorously applauded, especi
ally by tbe crowded gallery, and when the
section endorsing the administration et
Governer Hill was read tbe galleriea and
delegates broke Inte a aterm of applause,
and hats, bandannas, and tlaga bearing the
namea or Cleveland-Thurman Hill-Tammany
Hall were wildly waved. At the
conclusion et tbe resding or the platform it
naa uuauimeusiy aaeptea as reaa.
Frank L.'janeway, editor et the FredO'
Man, a Republican paper et New Bruns
wick, N. J., who la new In Europe, baa
written te a friend In that city that he will
vote for Cleveland and Thurman. Mr.
Janeway la largely interested In the menu
fscture of wait papsra, and waa tbe Repub
lican candidate ler mayor et New Bruna Bruna
wlek two yeara age.
A Chicago dlspsteh te tbe New Yerk
Timet ears that the field of battle la te be
transferred te the West, and a desperate
effort will be made by the Demoeratato
carry Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin and
Minnesota. The sinews of war, Instead or
belns thrown Inte Nmr Ynrlr enri lh
Eastern states, will be used In Illinois,
Wlsoensin,Mlonlgan and Minnesota, where,
upon the bread ulatferm or the president's
messsge upon tie subject or tariff reform,
the Democrats believe that they will make
immense eaina among ine agriculturists.
Mr. H. K. Tburber, ssya the New Yerk
Times, hss had the manliness te acknowl acknewl
ledge that hedlsoevers that the quotation
he attributed te tbe Londen Titnis, "that
the best use thst England could make el
an Irlahmsn waa te aend him te Amerlea
te Jein the Democratle party and help break
down the protective tariff," was a mistake.
He ssjs thst he first saw tbe quotation "In
a speech msde In Congress." That el Itself
ought te have put him en bla guard. He
also saya that he haa "altered the eame In a
new issue or the lesfiet." We hope he hss
denounced the congressman who misled
htm, and haa held him np te merited acorn
by name.
Senators German and Wilsen en Wednes
day Introduced te tbe president a commit
tee from Baltimore who presented a series
et resolutions approving the president's
message en tbe fisheries, adopted at a re
cent meeting et Irish Amerleane In Balti
more. Oliver Amea was en Wednesdsv rennmi.
nated for governor by the Massachusetts
Tne llrat colored Demoeratlo club In New
Jersey wsa organized Wedneaday night at
Memerial hall, Camden, Tbe hall waa
crowded. A. Watsen waa elected chairman,
Rev. A. Brown vice president, and R. J.
Jehnsen, seeretary. R, M. Deraej, el
Massachusetts made a ringing speech, and
was followed by William Warner, of
Camden. Resolutions indorsing tha nreal
dent's measage and the Mills bill were
prepared by A. Brown and adopted by tbe
meeting. The organization will be known
aa the United Lsber Colored Tariff Reform
club. A large number of members were
The Whelessle Dry Goods Dealers' Cleve
land and Thurman club, of New Yerk, re
ceived some valuable accessions en Wed
nesday. Ot tbe empleyes of Sweetser,
Pembroke fc Ce., 100 Joined ; of the om em om
pleves of Tetf, Weller A Ce., 141; of
Dunhsm, Bnekley & Ce., 80. It waa re
ported te tbe club that tbe members of the
firm of H. B. Clallln & Ce. are net averse
te tbelr empleyes Joining, and that a
majority will de aa Meyer, Jonassen &
Ce. have suLaarlbed 1100 te the club, and a
Hat of their employee will be presented for
The Democrats of New Yerk will ratify
tbe nominations of Cleveland and Thui man
at the Harlem River Park Caalne en Tuea
day and Wednesday next with an ex roast
and Jubilee festival. Among the apeakera
who have volunteered are ex-Gov. Leen
Abbetf, el New Jerey, the Hen. a a Cox,
Cel. Fellows, the Hen. Jacob Canter, ex ex
Senater Ecelealne. Charles A. Dayton,
Corener Levy, Alired Stockier and Wil
liam J, MeKenna.
Prof. R. S. Oelwell. professor of pe
litlnal economy at Damsen University,
Granville, Indiana, and a lire-long Repub
lican, baa taken the stump for Cleveland.
Hen. Edwin F. Gould, or the name atate,
and a national officer el tbe Knlgbta et
Laber, baa also come out for Cleveland.
Since bla return from New Yerk Judge
Thurman haa remained quietly at home In
lieiumDusseeKing aeme rest, but tbe Grand
Army men who are Democrats or who are
admlrera of the Judge, have been calling en
htm In large numbers, and are very cor
dially welcomed by him. They eame from
all parts of the country.
B. D, Thorsen, of the Central Manufac
turing company, Chicago, save : "I never
waa a Democrat, but I am going te vote for
Cleveland, because it la a fight between a
continued high tariff and an honest reduc
tion. It is the prlnelple tbat la Involved. I
am net exactly a tree trader, bnt ae far aa
my buslnesa is concerned I would rather
aeefree tradr. In furniture we could easily
compete with the edete monarebtea et
Europe. There la no country en earth that
esn compete with us in furniture mskleg "
Mr. Thorsen is one of the leading Scandi
navians or Chicago.
A Ueax al College.
Seme wag at tbe college started a repot t
that a prominent citizen of Lancaster waa
preparing te give a grand brass hand and
fireworks reception te Dr. Thes. O. App a
en his return from Europe. On Wednes
day a distinguished committee from the
college visited Barbery Coast te cflsr assist
ance, Tney were eager te give a fitting
welcome te their distinguished president
and were no doubt well prepared with the
outline of an impressive address et wel wel wel
oemo, but tbey msrehed sadly book te col
lege with profound Berrow, the wisdom of
expenenee and net a little amethered
What Liquor D.alsrs Want ,
J. M. Atherton, of Kentucky, has been
re elected president of tbe Liquor Dialers '
National Protective assoelstion. Resolu
tions were adopted recommending the
adoption or Just and reasonable lawa te reg
ulate the Untile, and deploring tbe efforts
of aeme people te prohibit the tralile en
tirely, Tbey favored a low license, and
were opposed te the concentration of tbe
business In the hsnds et a few as the result
or high license. They slse recommended
thst no person who had ever been con
victed of felony should recslve a license.
A national committee was organized, with
Samuel Wertnelmer, et Pittsburg, aa tbe
Pennsylvania member.
Tbe Company Coed His relent.
Jehn MeCreary, of Mlddletewn, Pa ,, filed
a bill in equity In tbe U. 8. circuit court en
Wedneaday against the Pennsylvania canal
company, He complains that the company
has ter yeara used, without bla consent, de de
vlees for coupling and steering canal beats
for whieh he holds letters patent, and aska
for an Injunction restraining the company
from oeoUnutBg tbslr use and for aa order
for aa MoeaaUBg MU Mia tat past.
Tke Olty, Aeeerdlag te Their Resorts. Oea-
Sales a repuatleai el rerty Tkeasaaa -The
Member el Voters Maw ateatstsrsd la
Bach Dlstrtcs ef the Oeaaty.
Frem the registry books oe fit lit tha
cfflca of tba oeunty eommtmleaats tha
following figures, ahewlag tba number of
voters registered, Is compiled. Tba total
number of voters registered la this elty Is
8,080, whieh Is fully a theuaaad larger tbaa
there are voters. Tha total regtatraUea In
tbeeeaaty la 89.020.
AdSBlSlOWn .......,.......,.,.....,,
5ar .. ......... .,...,.,, ,.,.,,,
Clay ................
Coealieo Kast
i...... ................
.... i. ......, ........
" . west,
2;Jjard..,, , ,,, pfli
cen.a ::::::::::::::::::::;:.?!t-s!!il
i'.l'i!118 u
EeSLWMt mi
Dramerg...., .tit
, ASJl.. ,,.., ,, 401
Karl "iast-"" 8l
L!22J2?.V.- '
?"' IK- 181
SI " eW
SSirtV.'i""" )i
Slil'SSiS: "M
""b"tewn m
??,.? lw
SSU-vriv: 8
J sndlsTlile
Bempfleld West
Meuntvllle. .,...,
North wea tern..,.
Buyer "prlngs....
Lampeter Kaat ,
. " West
Lancaster city -
1st ward
SO. ward
1th ward
6th ward....
. 671
, 761
. en
, 810
, MS
Oh ward
7th ward.
8th ward.
" -
Lancaster township .,
Leseoek-... ,
Leaeeck Upper
LUUe Brltatu
J.ltlts borough
eseaeaeees a
aaee a ateee assesses
3ed ward
Manhelm township
Maner Nw
Blount Jey horeuyh ,
Mount Jey township
Milten urove
Paradlie ,
8t MS
eeeeeeseeea S3C
. 301
. 1S4
i kO- 671
..... en
' M I
.... 186
.... Ml
.... Ml
.... sui-ess
.... 2110
.... 5S
.... 274-1069
sporting Hill
8 trlcklnr's uoheol Beuse
Union Square
ytjntf Garden ,
Whl'e Hene , ,
Straabuw borough -
1st ward
Xnd ward
.... 70
.... 07
.. 8J-2M
aeeeesee wl
Bra ward
Strasbnrg township.
Washlogton Washlegton Washlogten
Upperward, Lewer ward.
Admiral Reynolds Veir, a. A. It,, Extend.
neepttaiiilcs te Veterans aad citlsans.
Wednesday evening Admiral Reynolds
Pest, 405 Q. A. R , extended tbe hospitali
ties of a grand camp-nre and bean bake te
the veterans aad many citizens of Lancas
ter. Their handsome hall waa crowded.
An abundance el black coffee, bard tack
and beans were eerved and highly relished.
There were many flee selections of music
rendered, Mr. liuokenbaeh presiding
at the plana A number of army
songs were sung under the leader
ship et Quartermaster Ratbven. A
duet by Junier Vlee Commander Wllhelm
and Sergt Majer Arndt waa finely rendered,
Sergt. Rete playing tbe accompaniment en
ajewaharp. Commander Helllnger aang a
sole, and Adjt. Black recited "Sherldan'a
Last Ride." Senior Will Guleney made
an address, and a quartette waa aung by
Offleer el the Day Huffeagle, Quartermaster
Hergeant Hoffmeyer, Offleer of the Guard
Moere and Paat Commander MoDennell,
with tilangle accompaniment by Janitor
Kllllan. Interesting stories were teid by
Cemradea Welgand and Bbaub. Paat Com
mander Hambrlght recited "He Steed Upen
the Burning Deck," and the camp-fire
oleaed with the chorus "Marehlng Through
Altogether the occasion was a pleasant one
and long te be remembered by tbe vets and
guests In attendance.
The Iianerer Vtr.
The pleasant weather of yesterday drew
ever five tbeuaand people te tbe fair at
Hanover, The display waa very geed and
the audience was pleaaed with It. Nellie
Bnrke gave an equeatrlan performance,
which waa very geed. The three minute
race waa wen by Black Geerge, owned by
William Flea, or this city, and tbe summary
waa aa fellows :
William riis enters black Geerge 2 1 l 1
II. 8tener enters bherman liubaw 1 J 4 2
Ueerge Jehnsen eti'ets Heorge U ...3 8 s S
W. H.AblrK enters James H 4 4 Jl a
favorite Uieckley enter Pnrdy r dls.
Time 2.18, 2Jt4, vx. 2-9i.
Te-day tbe 2:60 and 235 races come off.
Among tbe horses entered in tbe letter
elaaa are Jee Oeker'a Little Jee and Jeff
Mlddagh's Dick Organ.
uepsrtnre of Johnny lobar,
Johnny Huber, the Insane aeldler, left
Lancaster ler geed te-day. He purchased
a new trunk yesterdsy, whieh he filled full
of his trapplnga, Tbla morning he started
for Columbia. Berere going and while
atandlng In the atatlen he waa greatly an
noyed by a crowd of bad beya. He became
very angry, and attracted a great deal of
attention by bla wild conduct. He asjs he
oenld net stay In tbla "Chinese town."
Larceny and Uscstvleg Stelen Ooeas,
Israel A. White, et Mt. Jey township, haa
brought suit before Alderman Halbaeb
against Fanny Lelb and her slater, Lydla
Elebelberger, ler larceny. About a year
age Mrs. Lelb waa the housekeeper el
win te, and he alleges tbat when she left hla
employ ahe and her slater took with them
his furniture and household goods. He
demsnded tbelr return, they have thus far
refused te return them and the above autt
la tbe result. Mr. White baa alae brought
ault against Jehn German for receiving
the goods, knowing the aame te have been
I'ay Veor Tax.,
The voters et Lancaster elty aheuld
remember that October 0th is the la t ten
whieh they can pay their taxes entitling
them te a vote at the coming election. A
small psree&laga havs se far paid, aad it la
matter tn aseei very taf. auaaUea,
Hew Leaders et tha watg Party, ef Which
the BeamBilcea is Heir, Advocated
the Katetaaef Revenae.
Eds. lNTr.t.iaBNOR The first tariff
debate in thla eeantry under tha preeent
coaatltatlea began la tha first eeaelene et
tha First Ooegreee, (1760) at tha beginning
et Which Mr. Madisen voleed tbe prtBelples
whieh he thought enght te govern wise
leglalaUea la regard te levying Impert
duties, namely t Bpeolfie duties the rule,
ad valerem duties tha exception t reveeue
tha object, with snoeuragemsat te home
Industry la vlewi tba burden el taxation
te be Imposed ea luxuries, and upon
articles made abroad In aueh a manner aa
te favor tha peer and encourage home in
dustries and manufacture! and all theae
duttaa te be moderate ae aa net te ehaekie
trade or agTieultura."
Tba total population of the country at
tbla time waa 3,029.827,of whieh 097, B97 were
slaves. Tha new government had a foreign
debt of 111,710 378, and a domeetle debt
estimated at42.U,085, besides It assumed
the entire debt of tha Btatea, whieh
mounted te (25 000,000 mere, making tbe
Whole publle debt 79, 124,463. with thla
debt Blaring them la the feee aad the
neeeaeary means te esrry en the new
government, It behooved them te de
vise and ereate resources, and under
111 the olreumstanoes nothing seemed
mera feasible than te assess Impert
duties) for, there waa comparatively very
little manufacturing dena In this oeuntry,
and benee It depended largely en ImporU ImperU ImporU
tlena, it la true they might have resorted
te dlreet taxation, but the bead of tbe coun
try waa "tender," If net "sere," en the sub
ject or dlreet taxation that was tba cause
et the revolt against the English govern
ment, and from whieh they fought aeven
yeara te disenthral themselves. Therefore,
they adopted a tariff for revenue, be laid aa
te encourage home lcduatrlea and manu
faetures, tbe burdens et whieh were te be
levied en luxuries, in deferenee te the
laboring peer, but net one word about
monepolising protection ; Just aueh a tariff
aa Freatdent Cleveland and the Demoeratlo
party new advocate sueh a tariff as tha
"Mllla bill" antlelpatee, and aueh a tariff as
tba Incipient Republican party advocated,
as contradistinguished from tha old Whig
protective polley. It la astonishing with
Wiat facility the Republican parly can
osehew Ita original prlnelples and fall back
upon tbe effete doctrine from whieh it pro
fessed te ae widely diverge. A purely free
trade party In this oeuntry under our prea
ent constitution Is an impossibility, but If
ever there waa aueh a party, in " wish and
will," It was the present Rspnbllean
party when It wai first erganised
in Samson atreet ball ; lta "key
notes" were "free trade and free
soil," and we well remember with what
pugnacity a knot of them about Laneaster,
who had been etudylng the doctrines or
Coudy Raquet, antagonized .their old een-
reres alter the downfall el the old Whig
party. All thla la new ebanged, beeause a
Demoeratlo president and bla party, In
order te relieve an overflowing treasury
and a taxrtdden people, reoemmend a Jn Jn Jn
dloleus tariff reform the very meeauree
that tbe Republ lean presidents themselves
hsve frequently recommended when they
were In offlee. Ninety-nine yeeraief tariff
discussions, alnee the organization of tbe
government, atlll leaves tbe questions
involved in it in an unsettled oendltlon,
and all because the opponents of the De De De
meorsoy have at tempted te make a national
Issue of It, and by that meana ride Inte
offlee. In Madisen's outline et theae early
tariff meaaurea tha word " protection ' ' waa
net even mentioned ; It waa merely Impost
duties for revenue, ae laid aa te encourage
domestic msnufaeture and agnealture, and
te bear aa lightly aa possible upon tbe peer.
But Instead of that, exeeealva duties are
Bought te be Impeaed, thua encouraging
monopoly, enrlehlng the rleb, burdening
tbe United States treasury, Imposing oner
ous taxes en the consumers of the oeuntry,
Importing forelgn pauper labor, and
oppreaalngeurown American werklngmen.
If tbe new government of ninety-nine
years age, with lta 8,000,000 or mere el a
population, and lta 170,000,000 or mere of a
publle debt could progress under aueh a
tariff and that It did progress Is aelf-evl-dent
by taking a retrospective view of It
what ean be the needa et a high tariff new,
with our 00,000,000 of population, our
plethorle treasury, and our almeat Infi
nitely multiplied publla and private re.
eoureea I Oar ninety-nine years of experi
ence ought te demonstrate without a eavll
that a high protective tariff cannot (and
ought net) be permanently established In
this oeuntry without depressing aeme of lta
meat worthy and essential interests. It Is
aaklng tee much of tbe government ; it la
but favoring the few and converting the
masses into "bowers of weed and earrlera
of water."
The laet Is, a tariff that proteeta msnufoo msnufeo msnufoe
turera perfectly enhances the wagea of
operatives, and lessens the burdens et con
sumers, is an " Arabian Night's Dream "
that Ilea beyond the aphere of material
realization ; and la as baseleaa as the alle
gation that "Henry Clay killed Teoum Teeum
eeh. " If there were no ether reasons
agalnat a high tariff, the alngle one that it
diverts millions upon mllllena of dellara
annually from tbe legitimate channels of
trade, whleb la hoarded uselessly in the
" cash- bexea " of the government, a atand
lng temptation te burglary, peculation and
prolllgsey, would be sufficient It Is stated
en reliable authority tbat tbe dally trans
fer et sliver te the cash boxes of the treas
ury at thla tlme amounts te fSOO.OOO In
aacka of f 1,000 eaeh ; the aggregate weight
of which la fourteen and a half tens. " The
whole amount of assets en band In tbe
treasury, including Ita sub - treasuries,
mints, ete , is 8721.000,000, and 195,000,000
mere In tbe depository banks, te tbe eredlt
of the government. Te remove tbla money
en a audden emergency would require
about nineteen hundred four-horse wagons,
osrryleg two tens eacb, making a treasure
train of thlrty-alx miles. Can we, In thla
nineteenth century, contemplate tbla atate
of thlnge wjth oemplaoenoy T or de we
gloat ever It aa any ether ether unre
deemable mlasr does, ever hla useleaa and
parsimoniously accumulated pelf 7
isefere tbe Mayer.
A young man was arrested by Offleer
Flannard en North Queen atreet, last even even
leg, for disturbing the peaee. The mayor
discharged him this morning en payment
of the costs, it being his first offense.
Henry Brown, a stranger, bailees and
shoeless, waa at tbe corner of North Duke
and Walnut streets, between 10 and 11
o'clock, acting In a auspicious manner. He
waa Bent te J all for ten days.
Three beja were arreated at the Penn
Iren werka last night by Offleer Glass.
They gave the names et James Hays, Wm.
McGrau and William Kelly. The two
firat named aald they lived in St, Leuis
and were bound for Philadelphia and tbe
lest named aald he lived In Philadelphia.
They admitted tbat tbey were ateallug
their way en a freight train and get off, en
account of tbe aterm. They premised te
leave town at once and were discharged.
Ohlldrf n Scalded te Death.
Miss Gertie Wagner, of Annvllle, Leb
anon county, was acalded te death by the
upsetting et a boiler et het water.
An Infant child et Horatio Mell, et Llea Llea
heltivllle. Barks county, waa fatal! v scolded
The Ohtingnlshed Aetrnnemer Expires at
New fork of Yellow F.r.r.
Professer Rlehard A. Procter, the astro
nomer and lecturer, who leetured In this
elty eeveral yeata age before tbe oeunty
teeehera' Institute, died In New Yerk en
Wedneaday night of yellow fever. He bad
been In the hospital alnee Tuesday night
last, bnt aa late aa nightfall en Wednesday
the health authorities of tbe elty were
reluctant te admit tbe true obaraeter of hla
ailment The professor's destb, however,
at 7:15 waa preceded by the oharacirlstle
black vomit, whieh aet all doubts at rest.
Profeeser Proetor arrived In New Verk
en Monday from Flerida by rail and put
up at tha Westminster hotel. He had stint
tha aummer at hla place, Oik Lawn, Marlen
county, Flo., and was net known te have
been exposed te the dred disease There
hsd beennoessea In Marlen oeunty. He
waa en route for England, wbere he was te
lecture thla fall and winter, and had left
hie wife and ether membera of hla family
In Flerida. Ue had engaged pssssge In the
Umbna for Saturday.
William Q Sohenek, the proprleterof the
Westminster hotel, ssld: "Tne professor
seemed very eheeiiul when he eame, and
aald te my brother, who waa at the dek.
Yeu needn't be afraid of me If I am J tin
from Flerida, l'vebeen thoroughly fumi
gated and have a clean bill el health.' Mr.
Proetor haa stayed here often for a number
et years. 1 knew him well and waa
el wave very glad te oblige him. The pipsr
whieh he had aet forth tbat he waa entirely
elear et Infection. He had net entered any
Infected diatrlet en hla way Northward.
Ne, he did net toneli Jacksonville, al
though be eame wholly by rati. I bad no
hesitancy at all about entertaining blm. Ha
took a baek room upstairs. I did net knew
but that he was psrfeetly well, until Wed
nesday morning he told me he was feeling
very badly. He called it a bilious attack.
Hla wife, he aald, had been suffering with
mslarlal fever In Flerida, and he thought
he had a touch of tbe eame thing.
'Knewing that he had Just oeme from
tbe Seuth, 1 could net be essy under the
olreumstanoes, and I aald te htm that he
bad better have a doctor. He oppeasd tbe
uKguenuu, out witueui rurtner aae I sent
ter a physlclsn, Dr. Geerge S. Conant He
aaw Proetor and told me be thought he was
selna te be rerv sink man. I eeni mnnt
te Dr. Cyme Kdseu, of the health beard,
and about 12 o'clock he eame. He pro
nounced Professer Proetor very 111, Indeed,
and auggeated that tbe beat thing te le was
toaauseblmtebetakentoaiuapKal spec
tally deslsnad for cases of that sort An
ambulanea eame and Professer Proetor was
carried down etalrs about midnight aud
plaeed In It Dr, Bdaen get Inte tbe ambu.
laoee end went with him te the Wllllard
Parks r hospital.
" Aa aoen aa tbe room whieh he occupied
waa vacated every bit of bedding and
furniture In It waa taken out by employee
el the health department and destroyed,
and tba room Itself waa thoroughly fumi
gated. I aaked Dr. Edaeu after tbla bad
been done if there waa any danger et in in
fsctlen. He assured me tbat all suen
uanger naa eeen absolutely removed."
At tba hospital tbe professor waa kept
entirely leelated, and had tbe very best of
care and attention. Dr. A. Jaenby, as ad
vlsery physician te tbe heslth offlelsts, was
unremitting In hla attention te tbe patient
rveaneeaaymorninginepreiessor appeared
te be In tatr condition, with a atlll uucenaln
diagnosis. He rested fairly well until
neon, when a relapse overtook him. Tbla
waa what the phyalelana looked for en
Tuesday night, and It waa tbe expectation
et thla turn In the dlaeaae tbat deterred
them In tbe matter et romevlng
tbe patient te North Brether Islsnd.
It waa thought that peasibly tha patient
would etetpe this relapse, but when It
finally appeared Wednesday tbedoetorloat
hope of aavlng tbe great scientist. It waa
than deemed advisable te aend word te tbe
professor's family In Oakland, who were
Ignorant of the illness until Wednesday.
The prompt attention glven tbe eaae might
hsve saved him but for Brlghl'adlseaseand
ether complicated disabilities et tbe victim,
wbieh made his recovery doubtlulfrem tbe
Dr. Jaoebyaaya: "We must expect a
stray case of yellow fever new and then.
We must remember that Flerida la only
thirty hours away from us. A man may
be expesed te It by riding In a railroad ear
en bla way te this elty with a person who
haa been Infected. It may develep en the
read or after arrival here.
"lam astonished that we have net had
mere eases thsn we have. We need net
leek te Jacksonville alene for them They
mlght;oeme te ua from any part of Flerida,
wbtQh la overrun at thla time with relugeea
from towns where we knew that it Is
raging. I have no doubt tbat there Is mere
erlesa fever all evor Flerida a great deal
mere, probably, tban we have any Idea of "
Professer Proetor waa born In Knglandln
1837, graduated from St Jehn'a college,
Cambridge, In 1860, and married In tne
aame year, Frem 1863 telSCO he published
a number et aclentlfie werka en the atars,
but they were net popular. In tbe latter
year, by tbe failure or a Londen bank, he
leat hla entire fertune. D le auggeatlena aa
te the best method of observing the transit
of Venua in 1673 were unanimously ap
proved by the prinelpal astronemera of
His Uedy Seated In a M.tallle Oeffla,
Nhw Yerk, Sept 13 The body of Prof.
Rlehard A. Proetor was removed tbla
forenoon from tbe reception hospital at the
foetot East 16th atreet, where he died, te
North Brether Island en the health depart
ment steamer. On tbe Island It wsa laid In an
Isolated deed.neuss spsclally provide:! for
aueh purpose and there It will be kept t ntll
advleea have been recelved from the family
in Flerida or abroad as te tbelr desires In
the matter of Interment Ne one of theae
who were near or dear te tbe dead astrono
mer will ever leek upon hla faee again.
Berere tha body was removed It waa
aealed In a metal Ue oeffln thst will net
again be opened. Thla is according te sani
tary law which also prohibits publle or
cbureh funerals of yellow fever dead.
Theatatement tbat there are In New
Yerk at thla time ether cases el real or
au.peeted yellow fever, known te the
health otUeers, Is untrue. There Is neitber
apprehension or exeltement at sanitary
headquarters te-day, tbe anxious doubt of
yesterday having beeu eliminated by the
death et Prof. Proetor.
FHfy.twe New Oea.s and Nlz Deaths.
Jacksonville, Kit, Sept 13 There
were 62 new cases et yellow fever and six
deatba from the dlaesse reported up tonecn
te day, making a total of nearly 800 eases
reported slnee tbe fever first msde Its ap
pearance, 103 or whleb have died and 280
have recovered. Fer the past week very
unfavorable weather has prevailed. Almeat
every day there has been a warm steaming
rain, followed by an exceedingly het sun, a
heavy fog enveloping the city most of the
Clese of the rope. Jubilee,
Baltimore. Sept 13 Cardinal Gibbens
te-day l.sued a elicular letter te all the
elergy calling attention te tbe close of tbe
pope's Jubilee year en Sunday, Sept 30.
The elergy are requested In accordance with
tbe desire of tbe pope te invest the servleea
en that day with unusual solemnity and
the day le appointed aa one et indulgence
for all tbe falthlul.
A nieeh la Lyrecn.e tlnrned.
Svraguhe, N, Y,, Sept 13. Tbe Orand
opera house block was completely destroyed
by fire early tbla morning, together with
tba atoek and fixtures of five bu.lneia
Arms. The block was valued at f 16U.000,
moderately covered by Insurance.
Ad An.trUn Tciru Bebmergcd.
Vienna, Septl3 Ten lives bave already
been reported aa lest and great damage has
been done by the Heeds in Austria, whleb
are Increasing. Turee-teurlba or Trlent la
under water, Tbe troops are employed
day and night In bulldlngembankments.
Discount Kate Advanced.
Londen, Sept 13 The Bsnk el Kog Keg
Und'a rata of dlsoeunt has been advanced
run rjuzaa y:t,
. ,:SA
i. v. weir.ris tne King-Rewards get Onmr
BinameaThaSeereaMaaabr tkaaaM-'M
t'artleiaaaas ataaehaM mt . -.,-'
- - . . -av
nerinera sad Team ?"Y '
The annual King ahoetlagand pleats af i
the Laneaster Sehnetata Vsrela leek Masg t :
at Ten's Halnteday. Quite a large atHaViF ,
ber et well known marksmen gatberag ai'M
this popular resort thle forenoon, iiaeast""; Q
lh. ,lftl,ma aa ... .-1. . . W.y -
.... ..... nee iue Kine wing msm ears as a
the Northern End rifle elub of BefnaeakiC
j.A.nioeer. jum. Welat an Whm. y
Wayne Carpenter, W. K. Hull, H. ,'
Keller, Lam C. Wolf and Pberea F.Brearay
There waa considerable nraetlea ahnAtiu
early In tha forenoon, and Hwaa followed w.i i
bv tha klnv ermntlnv !. k. .i 7-5'-
et the Sebuetasn-Vereln. There wara5 M
enm genuemen in tne match, and eaeti Vj! i
ahet three times. The dlstaees was 178 "viucl
sheeting waa net aa geed aa In former veers, 1$ k
tbe result belns-ee fellow. ,ife.-
J. F. Weif-r,
eA..Ak .. . .19
9 7-
- r jaVlUI-CUl . fl
S S.M W" .
-joerKv nam.
s ......lole l isjSy
.............,..,,, 8 7 G-re -"tc
-r ....,., T e S If w
4 lijrs
James near...
Ittmrv Hra-lte
vmiip ubuntav :::::::::::::::::::: J : unts
Pstfmi fsntsaaviaal
Ueorge Klrchnr , ,. a 0-S'iX1 3
Aa Moure. TVimmd nH n.i... .l. 3(3.
ttr flfth nUiw . -t.M .. ...- .-. vt?ZJ
winning by 8 te a As Mr. Welter did thaW f
nest snoeting, be waa declared king. His W -
prias is a beautiful geld medal, from ai-tF '
bar suspended by email ehalaa Is a ehMaV rr:
ever whieh are a pa'r of oressed gaastf
Messrs Franolsnne and naruwa tra . ,
eelved the prises of first aad second Rltter.-fi'-i
..., vv- - ' V-5J.
rtr nhavallar. antt SSabmm IIm, .7fftj
-.7T"' ". r"? - ."" """sass
urmer mete or nrst ana saaaad&j
Knapps or Shield-bearer. Tha prlaaAt
of tha Rlttera are almllar te tBaT'aO '
tbe King, bat Basilar, These of tav;.
Knappea are tha aame slaa but of aUvm- '
"""S" vmy ueaiiT gewea ss aaa . .
were made by Henry Q. FeeW, Jsweetaf,"-V 3
Eat King street ) 4
Afta, tha 1Mn alinnllna. Ih mI.aU - v. -r
.r.T". -""-.::'"." T.n'mv"msLi ra
at uuwu tu au oueunul u inner, WBKIB MMO
Deen prepared Dy tee BOOUeiasa Tills, "'" ,
.u .ue - uuuuiBg. an rveirar BIS"
eelved tba warm oeaaratatattoaa of tkmtm-i i '
present and bla health, as thenewKlsg,? $
waa drunk. At tha table Mr. Steber, at taa'p,
miriueru nuu uiuu, raue a snort ana var'TY
humorous speeeb, In whieh be thanked ta '
Tnn.ataff annnara fn tha 1.1mm mm mffh
- -.- . mw ,mu aiv aa ,-? t
pltable treatment ,.; -'g, M.r....uvu mm. tu uujta.-aa -- ft
maiea neiweea inenceusiasa veremaM--'
North Knd elnb. Tha sboettag begaa at 1 '
o'elook and waa In pregreaa until Uta thla ,
afternoon. Tha score la lull will be Baky1'
llahed la te-morrow's iNTBLtiaitrc.. ;$
At tbe oenoluslosi el tha akoetlag latere'
ansraoen there wsa danelag la the larasKS-'
hall tin ktalral attt1 a ayaanaavml aaJ am.a. .-.a'2.
- .. a.-- .-. --.m m sa.snava.s.a awvu MamtV WtJas-''"
" ,fra
Wm. Warner Bieeted tMmsaaaar-U.Oalet,ti'
Ueseptlea le ared. Graar. ;,,
OeLUMBtrs, Ohie, Sept 13 AU epasMg-i
tlen baa been withdrawn and iajStraatleaaV
have bees given te east tha entire votaef ;,
the oenventtea for William Warier, atST
MUseurJ, who will ban eleeted ewimaadsf.
lu-ouiei 01 tee uraaa Aimy 01 tne KeastB-.-;,
The Encampment met at
O nlalMWiii.
this morning. Thara was
a utrnkP.1.
quantity of routine business trinsantsd ""
After Mr. XVemnr'a alantlna u mm MMJUL.T ?)
..--.: f"7. M--A-M-M.MMMM.----U j
inebier, u. u. Ken, of Oelumbaa. O.. waa ,".. n
obeaen aenier vice commander fand J, JCSPj
Hatfield, of New Yerk, Junier ylMoeav ''';'
usn. enermsn and sraater Maadarsemik
Tiraaantiai KTalm Wama nan Ci,. .mmm MMjT.r ?$R
f -,--rf. ..M.M-., V-M. WMMSMMMBM-
calling tba tact that three years agea,?
placed Warner la nomlnatlea. All taiaa',fi h
et tbe offleera elsnted made arnanhaa' "jS
et lhanke. On hahalf nt hie - s
Leuis Wsgaer pressated leGsaeral Ziaalaaf
f ajruuuu e eiegana au j ertnui or Diseasar. ?-;
A oemmlttee from the Wemaa'a',;-
Relief Cerps wsa glvea ate;
oemmlttee lnvlttaa tha Orand Area ba-W
viait the exposition at (Jinelnaati. Graaa-
... t : - ": TTiV--
Army day, September 14, Recess waa taegt
taaen lerainner.
Tft la HnrfanlMil h .t.1- mM-mmmmm mm i
. .- MUMa-Mn. .um. .um, ailM.MUuat ,
efTert will be made te lad nee tha eeavaa--' ,
tlen te enderaa the aerviee rja-iea,aiaaj,.i'
During tha mernlaa Gov. Furakar aatad m?M .
aaanrt In llnl WrmA llr-nl '' -m
-- --V.- - -M.MMS M.VUMMMM.M WWMJM J0jV -
thellllnela veterana have their beadqaattssV.V'
and a splendid reception waa gives tba semni' :
of their grand old cemmaadar. ni
The reception waa impromptu aaaVfM
tbe hearty greetings of tha IM-
neisans anewea pisiaer tnaa worse JrvB
could expre.a what they thought of tbttlM-
old commander and hla son, who many
them had seen and known as a boy.
,m fflr"
A Henchman's Brave VUs. -?n
uxeriA, -xexss, nspt 18. A masxsa
M- . e mm . .a. "JVi.e
man entered the Heuse of Geerge Hay, a . Vjl u. u.umi uuuuty, xueauey, aa j-i
the abaenee et Hay. Mrs. Hay seised alvJKs
gun te defend herself, whereupon tha maa, m
aiaanea ner race wun a long knife. Taa
woman knoekod him down with tha gnn, '
and aa he fell he stabbed ber again la tea
eheuider. As tbe man attempted te rise tba
woman ahet him and he fell backward eat
of the deer. Hay's doge then attacked taa
man, but be fought them oft and escaped.
Aa he erawled away Mrs. Hay ahet at hi
again bnt missed him. Hay ou hla retarst
tracked the man half way up the meaa
tain. Hangers are new searching tot IM
An Excited Htoek Mark!. ifwjj
New Yebk, Sept 13 Te-day's epealag ?.,f
or the stock market was very exeited, yes- ?,y
terdaj'e action of tbe St Paul dlrestssa
having demeralizsd the entire list, Dealara'
In Bt Paul took up an entire aide et tka , 'I
exchange, and trading was of tha wlidast i
character, The firat sale reported was made .,
at 09, 3tf per cant, lower than last nlght'a
olee. At the aame time sales were mada
at CSX, 67 ud 07 X In different parts et
tbaoiewd. Salea or St Paul la tta first
quarter of an hear amounted te 80,000
Parent. Bst Tbelr Children.
Ottawa, Out., Sepr, 13. Lata advleaa
from the Northwest report great suffering
and many deatha from atatvatlen among
the Indiana et the Canadian Nerthweat
territetlea. Frem the Peaee river distrlel
eeveral cases of cannibalism are reported,
where, te ave their ewa Uvea, aeade ef
famlllea hsve killed and sataa their call
dren. a Het.l ta Aie.a,
Lake Gbobeb, N, Y., Sept 13.ialey'a
Kert Geerge hotel waa burned this morn
ing. Less IG0.000 ; Insurance feO.OOO.
PWabhinoten, D. a, Sept 13. Fee
Kastern Pennsylvania and New Jar '
sey t Coeler, fair, northerly wbtae,
A recaUer Ferh,
Henry Fllllsger, Ne. 236 Loeaet street
xhlblte a deutue peeea. .t M
slMef abaM tail,
Kl i
. iu
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