Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, September 12, 1888, Image 1

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I Wi
je Xrnittf
uii eirmi or tbb rLavreBM een-
Inslitleg en the Cry of British area Trade.
Nothing Set Abeas gree Walshy-faver.
leg Exemption of Oleematnattae Wnm
the Internal BniaM fl-aehter.
Tbe following laasneralHarrieen'a latter
accepting the Republican presidential nomi
nation i
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., 8pt 11. HOB. M.
M. Estee and ethers, oemmlttee Gentle
men t When your committee visited me
en the Fourth et July iMt and pteeetited
tbe official announcement of my nomina
tion ter tbe presldeney et tbe United
Statec by the Republican convention, I
premised aa aoen aa praotleable te commu
nicate te yen a mere formal acceptance of
tbe nomination. Since that time the work
et reeelvlng and add rowing almost dally
large delegations of my fellew-eltlzMie haa
net only oeonpled all of my timer bat baa
In aeme meaiure rendered It nnneeeaaary
ferme te nae this letter as a medium of
communicating te tbe pablle my views
npontbe questlena Involved in tbe cam
paign. I appreciate very highly tbe oenfl.
deneeand respeet manifested by the con
vention, and accept tbe nomination with a
feeling of gratitude and a full sen be of the
responsibilities which acoempany It.
It Is a matter of congratulation that tbe
declarations of the Chicago convention upon
the questions that new attract the Interest
of our people are ae clear and emphatic.
There Is further cause of congratulation In
the faet that the convention utterances of
the Democratic party, if In any degree un
eertatn or contradictory, can new be Judged
and Interpreted by executive acta and mea
aagee, and by definite prepositions or legis
lation. This Is especially trne of what la
popularly known aa the tariff question.
The Issue cannot new be obscured. It la
net a contest between schedules, but be
tween wldeapart prlnelplea. Tbe foreign
competitors of our market have, with quick
Inetlnet, seen hew one Issue of th'a oenteet
may bring them advantage, and our own
people are net ae dull as te miss or negleet
the interests tbat are involved for them.
The assanlt upon our protective system it
open and defiant. Protection ia assailed as
unconstitutional In law, or aa vloieus in
principle, and these who held snch vlewa
alneerely cannot atop abort of an absolute
elimination from our tariff lawa et the
principle of protection. The Mills bill la
only a step, but It Is toward an object tbat
the leadera of Democratic thought and
legislation bave clearly In mind. The
important question Is net se much the
length et the step as the direction of lb
Judged by the executive message of
Deoemeer last, by tbe Mills bill, by tbe
debatea In Cengrats and by the St Louts
platform, the Democratic party, If supported
by the country, place tbe tarlfl lawa upon a
purely revenue basis. This la practical free
trade free trade in the English sense.
The legend upon the banner may net be
"free trade," It may be tbe mere obscure
motto, " tariff reform ;" but neither tbe
banner nor tbe Inscription Is oenoluslve, or,
Indeed, very Important. Toe asaault luelf
la tbe Important fact.
These who teach tbat tbe Impert duty
upon lerelgn goods aeld In our market la
paid by the oensnmer, and that tbe price of.
the domestto oempetlng artlele la enbaneed
te tbe amount et the duty en the Imported
artlele tbat every million et dollars col cel col
leeted for customs duties represents many
millions mere which de net reach the treas
ury, but are paid by our clttzena aa the
Increased cost et domestle produettona re
aulting from tbe tariff la wm may net Intend
te discredit in the mlnda et ethera our sya
tern of levying duties en competing foreign
products, but it Is clearly already discred
ited in their own. We cannot doubt,
without impugning their Integrity, tbat if
tree te aet upon their convictions, they
would ae revise our laws as te lay tbe bur
den of tbe customs revenue upon articles
tbat are net produced in tbla country, and
te place upon the free list all competing
foreign produeta.
I de net step te refute this theory as te
the effect of our tariff dutles. These who
advanee It are students et maxima and net
of the markets. Tbey may be safely al
lowed te call tbelr project "tariff reform"
it tbe people understaud tbat In tbe end the
argument oempola free trade In all oom eom oem
petlng produeta. This end may net be
reached abruptly, and Its approach may be
accompanied with some expressions of
sympathy ter our prnteeted Industries and
our working people, but It will certainly
come if tbene early etf ps de net arouse tile
people te effeotlve roilstanec.
Tne Republican parly bold tbat a protec
tive tariff Is constitutional, wholesome and
neeeaaary. We de net offers fixed aebedule,
bnt a principle. We will revise tbe
schedule, modify rates, but always with an
intelligent prevision as te tbe effect upon
domestle production and the wageaef our
working people. We belle ve it te be one
et the worthy objects of tariff legislation te
preserve the American market for Ameri
can producers,and te maintain by adequate
discriminating dutlea upon foreign oom eom oem
petlng produeta. Tbe effect of lower rates
and larger Importations upon tbe public
revenue Is oentinsent and doubtful, but
net ae the effect upon American
production and American wagea.
Lea work and lower wagea must be ac
cepted aa the Inevitable result of the in
creased offering et foreign goods In our
market. Byway et recompense for this
reduotten in hts wages, and the low of
the American market,lt Is suggested that tbe
diminished wsges of the worklngmen will
have an undiminished purchasing power,
and that he will ba able te make up for tbe
leaa et the home market by an enlarged
foreign market Our werklngtnen have
the settlement of the question In their own
hands. They new obtain higher wagea
and live mere comfortably than these of
any ether country. They will make choice
between the substantial advantages they
have In band and the deceptive premisee
and forecasts of these theorizing reformers,
They will deolde for themselves and for
tbe country whether tbe protective aystem
shall be continued or destroyed. ,,
The faet of a treasury surplus, tbe amount
of which Is variously stated, haa directed
public attention te a consideration of tbe
methods by whleh tbe national Income
may beat be reduced te tbe level of a wise
and necessary expenditure. This condition
baa been seized upon by these who are
hostile te protective custom duties aa an
advantageous base of attaek upon our tariff
lawa. Tbey have magnified and nursed
tbe surplus which they aBeet te deprecate,
Beamingly for the purpose of exaggerating
the evil In order te rtconelle the people te
the extreme remedy they propose. A
proper rednotten of tbe revenue does net
necessitate and should net suggest tbe
abandonment or Impairment of the protec
tive aystem. Tbe methods suggested by
our oenventlon will net need te be ex
hausted In order te effect tbe necessary
reduction. We are net likely te be
called upon, I think, te make a
present nbolee between tbe surrender
of our oretectlve avstem and tbe en
tire repeal of tbe Internal taxes. Bnch
a contingency, in view of the present rela
tion of expenditures te revenue Is remote.
The inspection and regulation of tbe
manufacture and sale of oleomargarine la
important, and tbe revenue derived from It
ia net ae great that the repeal of the law
need enter into any plan et revenue reduc
tion. The aurplua new In tbe treasury
should be used In tbe purchase of bends.
The law authorizes this use of It, and If It
la net needed for enrrent or deficiency
appropriations, tbe people, and net tbe
banks in whleh it haa been deposited,
should have tbe advantage of its use by
stepping Interest upon tbe public debt At
least these who needlessly heard It should
net be allowed te use tbe fesref a monetary
, trIegencylbus produced te coerce pubile
sentiment upon ether questlena.
Oleselv connected with tbe subject of tbe
tariff la that of tbe Importation of foreign
laberera under een tracts of aervlce te be
performed here. The law new In foree
prohibiting aueh contracts received my
cordial support in tbe Senate, and aueh
amendments aa may be found neeeaaary te
effectively deliver ear werklngtnen and
woman from this meat Inequitable form of
eosBftUUeB will Ufa nay aUeara adTcaeay,
Leglalettesi prehtbMlag Mm Importation et
laborer ander contract te aerve here will,
however, afford vary inadequate relief te
ear working people If the ayatera of pro
tective duties ta broken down. If the pro
duces of AeaerleeaBbopamurteotnpeta la
tbe American market, without favoring
duties, with tee produeta of cheap foreign
labor, the effect will ba different, If at ail,
only in the degree whether tbe cheap
laborer la aereaa the street or ever the sea,
Snch competition will aoen reduea wagea
here te tbe level et Ibeea abroad, and when
tbat condition la reached we will net need
any lawa lerbtddlaR the Importation of
laberera under contract they will have no
Indueement te come, and the employer no
Inducement te aand for them.
In the earlier yeara of ear history pubile
agenclea te promote Immigration ware com
mon. The pioneer wanted a neighbor with
mera friendly inatlneta than the Indian.
Laber waa eearee and fully aaapleyed. Bat
the day of the Immigration bureau haa gene
by. while our doera will continue open te
proper immigration, wa donet need te Issue
special Invitations te the Inhabitanta of
ether oeuntrlea te come te ear eberee or te
Bhareeur elUaanahlp. Indeed, the neces
sity of aeme inspection and limitation la
obvious. We should resolutely refuse te
permit foreign governments te aead their
paupers and orlmlaalate our perta We
ara also dearly under a duty te defend our
olvlllzatlen by excluding alien races wheae
ultimata assimilation with our people ia
neither possible nor desirable. The family
haa been the nuelena of enr best Immigra
tion and the borne the most potent assimil
ating foree in our civilization.
The objections te Chinese immigration
are distinctive and oenoluslve, and are new
ae generally accepted aa such that the quea.
tlen haa passed entirely beyond the stage
of argument The lawa relating te thla
aubjeet would, if I aheuld be charged
with their enforcement, be faithfully exe
cuted. Bueh amendments or further legis
lation aa may be neeeaaary and proper te
prevent evaalena of tbe lawa and te step
.further Chinese immigration would also
meet my approval. The erpreialone" tbe
oenventlon upon this subject Is in entlre
harmony with my vlewa.
Oar civil compaet ia a government by
majorities, and the law loses Its sanction
ana the magistrate our respect when this
compact la broken. Tbe evil results of
election franda de net expend themselvea
upon the. voters who are robbed of their
rlghtfnl lnfluenee in public affair. Tbe
individual, or oemmunlty or party that
praotleea or connives at election franda haa
anflered irreparable injury and will sooner
or later realize that te exchange the Amer
ican system of majority rule for minority
control 1b net only unlawful and unpa
triotic but very unsafe for these who pro
mote It The disfranchisement of a single
legal elector by fraud or Intimidation Itia
crime tee grave te be regarded lightly. The
right of every qualified eleoter te cast one
free ballet and te bave It honestly oennted
must net be questioned. Every constitu
tional power sneuld beused te make tbla
right secure, te punish Irauda upon the
Oar colored people de net ask epeelal leg
islation In their interest, bnt only te be
made seeure in the common rights of
American citizenship. Tbey will, however,
naturally mistrust the sincerity of tbeaa
party leadera who appeal te their race for
support only In these localities where the
suffrage la Iree and eleotien results doubt
ful, and compass tbelr disfranchisement
where their vetea would be controlling and
their choice cannot be coerced.
The nation, net less tbsn tbe states, la de
pendent for prosperity and aeeurlty upon
the intelligence and morality et tbe people.
Thua common interest very early auggeBted
national aid in tbe establishment an.i u u
dewment et schools and oellegea In lh na
states. There Is, I believe, a present ex
igency that calls for still mere liberal and
dirtet appropriations in aid et common
school education in the states.
The territorial form of government is a
temporary expedient, net a permanent civil
condition. It Is adapted te tbe emergeney
tbat suggested it, but becomes Inadequate
and even oppressive when applied te fixed
and populous communities. Several terri
tories are well able te bear the burdens and
discharge the dutlna et free commonwealths
In the American Union. Te exclude them
la te deny tbe J ust rights of tbelr people and
may well excite tbelr Indignant pretest
Ne question of tbe political preference of
tbe peeple of a territory should olese sgainst
them the hospitable deer which has opened
te two thirds et the existing states. Bat
admission should be absolutely refused te
any territory a majority of whose people
eherlsh Institutions tbat are repugnant te
our olvlllzatlen or Inconsistent with a re
publican form of government.
The declaration of the convention against
"4ll combinations, or capital organized' in
trust b or etberwlse te control arbitrarily
the condition of trade among ear citizen.,"
la In harmony with the views entertained
and publicly expreeted by me long before
the auembllng of tbe oenventlon. Ordi
narily, capital shares the lesees of ldlenea
with labor ; but under the operation et tbe
trust, in some of Its form, the wage-worker
alone auilera low, while Idle eapltal re
ceives its dividends from a trust fund.
Producers who refuse te Jein the combina
tion are destroyed, and the competition aa
an element of prices la eliminated. It can
not be doubted that tbe legislative authority
aheuld and will find a method of dealing
fairly and effectively with there and ether
abusea connected with thla subject.
It ean hardly be necessary f jr me te say
that I am heartily In sympathy with tbe
declaration of tbe oenventlon upon the
subject of pensions te our soldiers and
Bailers. What tbey gave and what they
Buffered I had Botne opportunity te observe
and, la a small measure, te experience.
They gave una-rud ulnul v : it was net a trade.
but an offering. The meaiure was heaped
up, running ever. What they achieved
only a distant generation can adequately
tell. Without attempting te discuss any
particular prepositions I may add that
measures in behaireftbesurvlvlng veterans
of tbe war and of the families or tbelr dead
comrades should be oenoelved t nd exc euted
In a spirit of lustiee and of tbe most arrate-
fal liberality, and that, In the competition
foreivll appointment, honorable military
lerviee aheuld have appropriate recog
nition. The law regulating appointments te tbe
classified civil service received my auppert
In the Senate in the belief tbat It opened
he way te a much-needed reform. I still
think se, and, therefore, cordially approve
tbe clear and forcible expression of tne con
vention upon this subjeet The law aheuld
bave tbe aid et a friendly Interpretation,
and be faithfully and vlgoreualy enforced.
All appointments under It should besbto besbte
lutely free from partisan conslderatlena and
Influence. Berne extensions of tbe classifi
cation list are praotleable and desirable, and
further legislation extending tbe reform te
ether branebea of tbe service, te whleh It Is
applicable, would receive my approval. In
appointments te every grade and depart
ment, fitness, and net party aervlee, should
be tbe essential and discriminating test,
and fidelity and efficiency tbe only sure
tenure et office. Only the Interest of tbe
pubile aervlee should suggest removals
from office. I knew tbe practical difficul
ties attending the attempt te apply tbe
spirit of tbe elvll aervlee rules te all ap-
peiaimrats ana removals. 11 win, now new
ever, be my sincere purpose, If eleeted, te
advance tbe reform.
I notice with pleasure that the convention
did net emit te expreas Its Bolleltude for tbe
promotion et virtue snd temperanee among
our people. The Republican party has
always been friendly te everything that
tended te make tbe borne life of our people
free, pure and prosperous, and will In the
future be true te Ita history In this respect.
Our relatiene with foreign pewera should
be characterized by friendliness and re re
apeot The right of ear people and of enr
ships te hospitable treatment aheuld be
Insisted upeu with dignity and firmness.
Our nation la tee great, both In material
strength and In moral power, te Indulge In
bluster or te be suspected et tlinoreuines.
Vacillation and Inconsistency are aa Incom
patible with auoeeasful dlplomsey aa tbey
ate with tbe national dignity. We should
especially cultivate and extend our diplo
matic and commercial relatiene with tbe
Central and Meuth American states. Oar
flsheriea aheuld be festered and protected.
The hardahlpa and risk tbat are tbe neoea neeea
aary Incidents of tbe buslneaa should net be
Increased by an Inhospitable exoluslen from
tba near-lying perta. The reaoureea et a
first digniflaa and oenalatent diplomacy
J ara waesbtedly equal te la prenpt and
peaceful eolatien of tba dlfflealtiea that aew
exlet Oar nelghbera will aurala net ex
pect la enr perta a commercial hospitality
they deny te aa la their
I eaanet extend thla latter by a epeelal
raferenea te ether anr-Jeta upon which the
convention gave an expression.
In respect te them aewellaa te these 1
have noticed. I ana latatlra agreement with
the declarations cf the oeavaaMoa. The
reaolntleaa relating te tba coinage, te taa
rebuilding of tba navy, te ceaet defeases
and te pubile lander expreee conclusions te
all of wbleh I gave my auppert la the
Senate. ' - r1
Inviting a ealm and thoughtful consider
ation of theee public questions; wa submit
them te the people. Their Intelligent
patriotism, and the geed Provldenee that
mala and haa kept ua a nation, will lead
there te a wise and aafe oenolualon.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Benjamin Harrison.
LHuiecimta and Kepublirana te Beld Joint
Meetings te QearryvlUs.
The following correspondence explalna
Quarryvillk, Pa , Sept 10, 1888.
Chat. II. (Itigrr, tig., HrpubUecm Count! Cent
mutetman, Quart yvtlt; Pa:
Dear Sir Wa invite yen te meet na
with any three et your pubile speak era that
yen may select la thla county te pnbllcly
dlscnaa tbe Issues of tba present presiden
tial campaign ; the time we will leave yen
te fix. We deelre the aame te take place In
thla village. Believing tbat you are aa
anxious te enlighten the voters of this aeo aee aeo
tlen en these subjeeta aa we ere,
I am yours truly,
E, M. Stedffeb,
Democratic County Committeeman.
Quarryvillb, Sept 10th, 1888.
JB. M Slexiffer, tiq.. Democratie Cemmlllt.
tuan, QuarrtiVlllt, I'd.:
Dkar Sir Yours of the 10th Inst at
hand. In reply will Bay that I think I can
make arrangements te meet you en tbat
lasue the latter part of thla month or the
early part of next Yeura Resp'y,
Oitas. H. Qbiqer.
QuARRvvitr.K, Pa., Bept 11, 1888.
Chat. II. Ueiaer,etq.t
Dear Sir : We are ready. Name the
day. All we aak la that yen will help ua te
make the noeeeaary arrangement
Yeura Truly, K. M. Stouffer.
It la proposed that the discussion shall be
held in tbe open air.
The Uanqast J Be Getten Cp Ceder Ulree
lien of n Joint Committee,
The committee of tbe Pennsylvania Re
serves and thocitlzrns'eommltteeappolnted
te assist In tbe arrangements for the annual
reunion next Tuesday, met In the Beard of
Trade rooms laat evening, with William
D. Stauffer presiding and O. O. Kennedy
acting aa secretary.
Judge Livingston reported 1478.75 aa tbe
amount of money collected by him from
the clllzena et Lancaster for the banquet te
tbe visitors at the reunion.
The bill of fare for the banquet wai dis
cussed and one offered by the committee of
the Reserves waa net satisfactory. Messrs.
Btelnmelz, Kennedy and Wlekeraham, of
the clttzena' aemmlttee, and Heflmeler,
Wend It z and 8 (suffer, of the Reaervea, were
named as a Joint committee te order and
have charge of the banquet They were
directed te have tables set for 400 men and
tbe oust of tbe aame la net te exceed tbe
amount collected for tbe aame by Jndge
Livingston. This committee will ask for
bide from caterers in tbla city, and award
tbe contract en Thursday evening.
In addition te tbe citizens' committee,
these who contributed te the fund for the
banquet, tbe city officers and officers of tbe
local Grand Army poets will be Invited te
the banquet
Dr. Urban, of the Reserve oemmlttee, re
ported tbat about 1200 had been collected
for tbe expenees Incident te tbe reunion,
and tbat amount would be sufficient te de
fray all tbe expense?.
Mr. Stauffersald be waa going te Phila
delphia te-day and would be at the meet
ing of the Grand Army pest made up en
tirely of members of the Pennsylvania Re
serves, and en his return he would be able
te repert tbe number of strangers that
would attend the reunion.
Will New Support Cleveland.
A New Yerk special te the Public Ledger
says thore was much rejoicing at the na
tional Democratic headquarters ever tbe
change of political sentiment In the Irish
Independent association, which laat night
came out aquarely In favor of Cleveland
and Thurman, although four yeara age It
supported iJlalne.
Tbe president of the Irish-American In
pedendenta ia Edward J. Riwe. He Is the
Democrat, who, in 1884, called a meeting at
Clarenden ball te pretest against tbe nomi
nation or Grever Cleveland. He waa one
of the meat persistent and indefatigable
opponents of tbe head et the Democratic
ticket at tbat time, and organized anti
Cleveland clubs in each of the 24 aaaembly
dlstrlefs, besides working Industriously In
surrounding districts In tbe Interest of
Jamea G. Blaine.
A Newtptper Correspondent Assaulted.
Themas L. Wilsen, the resident cerre
spendent of tbe Harrlsburg Teltgram in
Reading, was assaulted at tbe Keystone
house, Reading, en Tueaday evening by
two local toughs, Sabaffer and Marqnart by
name, wbe threatened te kill him and bang
him te a lamp pest They tore the clothes
off his baek, and followed him up stairs te
hla room. By the time the pollee arrived
hla assailants had made their escape, and
warrants are new out for their arrest It la
aaid that tbe asaault grew out of an artlele
written by Wilsen in reference te one of the
parties about a year age.
First Ward OleTeland Club.
A Cleveland and Thurman club waa
formed by tbe First ward Democrats at tbe
Western hotel en Tuesday evening and the
following oineers were elected : President,
Jehn Altlck ; vlee president, Dallas B.
Flery ; secretary, Pierce M. Leehcr,
Resolutions were adopted commending tbe
preatdent's letter of acceptance and the
Democrats of Maine for the great fight tbey
made, with tbe odds se mueb against them.
Anether meeting of theelub will beheld
en Thuraday evening, when arrangementa
will be made te attend tbe banner raising
of tbe First and Sixth wards en Saturday
i .
Helen Is Denounced,
At the annual convention of the Wed ten'a
Temperance Christian Union, In Pittsburg
en Tutsday, Mrs. Helen Fester was savagely
attacked by tbe Prohibition members of the
organization, who boldly charged her with
being a Republican emissary, under pay of
the national committee, going about tbe
oeuntry organizing lady clubs te work for
Harrison. They also entered a pieteat
against allowing Mrs. Fester te speak at the
state oenventlon in October.
Te Ue bete tbe Tarlir.
Congressman Tem Bsyne Is te have a
Joint debate with ex-Ubslrman W. U.
Hensel, of tbe Democratic state committee,
In Butler county, en the 10:h, at a grangers'
picnic. Weaver, tbe granger member el
Congress from Iowa, Is te preside and talk
en tne granger side.
Net a Querum present.
Only seven members of tbe Beard of
Trade put In an abearance at tbelr rooms
en Tuesday evening and that number net
being a quorum President Wlekeraham
declared the meeting adjourned,
She Bald Be Was Jealous.
Waller H. Levan and Miss Kittle Heffner
were te have been married at Kutztown en
Tuesday, but tbe latter aoenaed her
Intended husband of being tee Jealeua, and
atUMlaMaaxtuamteaaUaad te Barry aim,
aaiBRM rKSNstLYaMia aarr.
Ceaasnlttess AppeiaUd te Fnoare Beeerta
en Bahjeete en the Vregraaaaaa for Otseas
slea Dartagtha three Daya' gasslea at '
the A. at. caareh, This Oily.
The first presiding etdera dtetrlet oon eon oen
ferenoe waa opened at 10 o'clock thla mora
ls g In the African Methediat Epteoepal
church, en But Strawberry atreet Br.
CethO. Felts, of Philadelphia, preeldlng
elder, opened tbe oenfereaoe and Rev. J.
W. Nerrls, et Frankford, waa aleettd
Rellgleua eervleea ware conducted by
Reva. Nerrls, Wllkshelm and Heard, after
which the presiding alder delivered an ad
dree. Tbedelegataa were weloemed by
Rev. Smltb, et the Strawberry atreet
ehurch, and tbe response made by Rev,
The following standing committees were
announced by tbe preeldlng elder :
The financial ability of our people
throughout the dlstrlet i T. B. Moere,
Cbamberaburg ; P. Brake, Frankford.
The beat mesne neeeaaary te make tha
ehurch financially mere prosperous : J. O.
Damn, Mt Jey 1 J. B. Hill, Centrevllle ;
William Hants, Philadelphia.
The best means of obtaining preeldlng
elders' support! W. H. Heard, William
Ames, Philadelphia t J. J. Evans, Green
castle; Beth Smith, Lancaster; Caattea
Warueld, Bleelten.
Hew te maintain congregational singing
in our obtueh services : J, J, Evans, Green
eia'.le ; N. Temple, Philadelphia ; H.
Btewart, Harrlabnrg.
Meral worth or the people; Carter
Wright, Harrlabnrg; Jenatban Harris,
Spiritual condition of the churches : J.
W. Nerrls, Frankford ; J. C. Brlek, West
Cheater ; G Berry, Weat Cheater.
Uniformity of our church aervlee i J. U
Buekner, Germantown; Beeeher Carter,
Condition of tbe pubile school : H. A.
Cromarte, Downlngtewn j G. W. Glbbs,
Downlngtewn ; J. Barnhart, Mt Jey.
The requirements el the Sabbath aoheol :
J.Hammend, Carlisle ; J.HUl,Bryn Mawri
Thomaa Wilsen, Lancaster.
The sponsors of baptized children and
their relation te tbe chureh t L. Patterson,
Fhoenlxvllle; T. H. Smltb, Harrlabnrg ; J.
Thompson, Mt Jey.
Chureh reoerda and manner In wbleh
they aheuld be kept : E. O. Herbert, Lang Lang
herne; Benjamin Daik, Meobanleaburg,
Heme for aged ministers : W. W. Grtmea,
Yerk; Jaaeb Wllkshelm, Steel ten.
Preachers' saving land: A. M. Baekley,
Columbia ; William Procter, Lancaster.
FInanee: Beth D. W. Smith, Lancaster;
J. W. Nerrls, Frankford; W. Bprlgga,
it waa nearly 1 o'elook when the morning
session waa adjourned, and te give the
committees an opportunity te get te work,
the conference adjourned until 3 o'elook.
The conference ia made np et elergymen
and delegatea from tbe Methediat ehurcbea
of the counties of Franklin, Cumberland,
Dauphin, Bnrka, Lancaster, Chester, Bueka
and part of Philadelphia.
The conference will be In seasien until
Friday night Thla evening the sermon
will be preached by Bishop Turner, et
Atlanta, Georgia, He la in Philadelphia,
but la expected here en tbe afternoon train.
If he aheuld net get here the sermon will
be preaehed by Rev. Wm. H. Heard, a
well-known Philadelphia clergyman.
A Mether's Awful agony.
Ab the young wife of Jamea Llllle, tbe
noted base ball player, formerly of tha
Buffalo and Kansas City League teams,
waa filling a gasoline stove last Saturday
an explosion occurred, and abe waa ln
atantly enveloped in flames. Llllle tried te
aelze ber te amother tbe flame, bnt aha
fought him off with all ber might. Finally
he succeeded In seizing her, and thengh
her clothing waa In flames, he tore It from
ber, burning his bands ae terribly tbat tbe
right one will have te be amputated and
several ringers of the left will be deformed.
The peer woman aoen became the mother
of a premature infant daughter, whleh died
In two bouts, and Tueaday night, after Buf
fering intenae agony, she tee died. LIUie
waa formerly regerded aa the crack out
fielder el the League. Tbla year he haa
been living quietly In Kanaaa City, hla
wife being rleb.
The Peet Wblttler te Bev. Dr. Oubbs,
The following letter haa been addieased
by tbe poet Whlttler te tbe Rev. Dr. J. H.
Dubbe, of Lancaster, en receipt et a oepy of
his recant book, "Heme Ballade and Met
rical Versions" :
Amksbury, Masa, Bept 10, 1888.
Dear Friend: 1 bave been absent from
home ler aeveral weeks, and find thy note
and book awaiting me. I bave read the
little volume with great aatlsfsotlen. Tbe
eauaaaare specially notewertny. it waa
well te thus commemorate the Christian
pioneers of Pennsylvsnla, In aueh poems
aa Cenrad Bucber, Henry Antes and tbe
Legend of Enbrata thy lines bave tbe
genuine ballad ring.
I am glad te aee translations from ae
many German poets before unknown te
me. Tbey aeem admirably rendered.
I thank thee for sending me tby volume.
It will held an honored place In my
1 am truly, tby friend,
JeiinG, WniTTIER.
Taa Ball Field.
The League games yeaterday were : At
Detroit : Detroit 8, Philadelphia S ; at Chi
cago : Chicago 6, New Yerk 3; at Indianap Indianap
olis: Indianapolis 5, Bosten 4; at Pittsburg:
Pittsburg 7, Washington 2.
Tbe Association games wero : At Cin
cinnati : Cincinnati 11, Kansas City 0 ; at
Cleveland: Brooklyn 2, Cleveland 0; at
St Leuis: St. Leuis 0, Louisville 7.
The St Leuis gslned yeaterday by the
Athletics net plsylng.
Big Dsn Broetbets, et Detroit, was with
the club yeaterday and be ahewed Casey
what a alugger he is by making three hits.
Dalrymple, of tbe Pittsburg club, la very
tired of that crowd and yesterday be asked
ter hla release.
Dunlsp's Injury la ae bad that he may
remain off all season.
Blaine's Words-Uenipaie Willi the Pacts.
This la the way :
Repaira te the steel
works of tbe Potts
town Iren oemp.nj
were commeueed
tbla morning, and
tbe large establish
ment will aoen be in
operation again aftei
an Idleness nf aeveral
months. Potutewi
The year 18S7 waa
prosperous, and the
president at Ua olese
proposed a radical
ebeuge In the indus
trial system Which
had produced that
prosperity, ana sinee
'bat day tbere has
eeen reveraal and
jenf nslen In the com--nereeand
msnufao msnufae
tures of tbe United
States. Jlmblalne.
Hpectal te Evening
itiegrapn, nepiem
Appointed Jostles of tbe Peace,
J. Milten Haber waa eleeted Justice of
tbe peace of Weat Lampeter township, but
failed te take eat hie commission and tbe
offlee waa deelared vaeint Mr. Hnber,whe.
desired the efflee, explained te the state
authorities tbat the commission waa net
lifted through a misunderstanding aa te
tbe time of lifting It and he was te-day ap
pointed Jastlee, te fill tbe offlee until tbe
first Monday of May, 1889.
Prese catien Withdrawn,
The suit for assault and battery against
Albert Green, preferred by Louisa Uall Uall Uall
atoek before Alderman Barr,waa withdrawn
laat treating aad tat eceta fait,
Lancaster's Oaatle Oapiares the Manner for
IelUatiag the Large Member et Members.
Mera than ICO repressnteUvee ara attend
ing tha aeealeaa of tha Belect Castle,
Kalghtaef tha Myatle Chain, which waa
called te order tat taa ball et Ua Henaa of
Repreeentelivee, Harrlabnrg, en Tueaday
nernlag. All tha Important auberdlaate
esatlee bave Bent delegatea, Select Com Cem
mender Geerge P. Chandler, of Harrlabnrg,
lain tha ehalr, and the principal ofneera are
In attendance, among than being Fred J,
Bkerrttt, et Philadelphia, senior vice com
under) A. B. CbatlIer,aeleetebaplaln,aad
and Leuta O. Gottheld, eeleet Inside guard,
all et Philadelphia. Governer Beaver wel wel wel
eomed tha knlgbta and waa responded te
by Select Commander Chandler.
W. B. Solemon, WUkesbarre i Jehn Ma
riner, Philadelphia, and J. K. Streng,
Norrletewn, were appointed a oemmlttee
en credentials, and Paat Commander
William F. Powell, of Philadelphia, waa
aeleetert aa treasurer pre tern., in tha
absence et tha permanent treasurer, who
waa detained In Pittsburg.
At the afternoon's eealen tha select
rewording and corresponding secretary read
hla repots whleh waa heard with Interest
Daring the peat year there haa net been a
alngle chatter surrendered, bnt en the con
trary, twenty-one ebartera have been itaued
for the institution of new eaatlea. and In all
eaallee, both new and old, there nave been
additions te tha membership. Ha reoom reeom reoem
mends thst tha supreme representatives be
Instructed at thla session te naa every effort
for the adoption of a "Ladles' Rank" and of
"the endowment fund. " He elee urcee
the formation of " uniform ranka" In
every castle in thla lurlsdtoilen. Tba een.
dltlen of auberdlnate eaatlea as perreperta
for the term ending J une 80th, le aa follews:
Number of prepositions during tbe term,
2,021 1 deceased. 30 ) total number of mem
bars, 10,000; total receipts, 155,808. 80 1 amount
paid ter relief, 116,077.78 ; expended for
sundry purposes, 114,861 08 ; expended for
lnveatrnnnta, 17,074 65;' total expenditures,
(87,688,47 ; cash balanee in treasury, 18,
070.01 ; amount Invested in real aetata, bank
or bends, f4l.024.08 i amount In wldewa
and orphans' fund, 13 300 S3; value
of castle paraihernalla. (33,003 ttl; total
value of castles, (07,!M1 80.
Caatlee were erganlaed tn Rllaabethtewn,
Allegheny, Horanten, Moeaio, Alteena, Fa
yette Oily, Homestead, WIlklnsburg.Yerk,
Plttsten, Pittsburg-, bteeiten, Hanover,
Paradise, Ashley, Philadelphia and Wllkec
barre. Cempamea In uniformed rank were
erganised In Colombia, Yerk, Helmeaburg,
MoKeespert, Harrlsburg and Lancaster.
Lancaster Caatle eapiuree tha banner for
Initiating the largest number of membera
during tbe year. There were 164 membera
Tbe report of Select Treasurer Brown
ahewa tha reeelpta te have been (2,031.48,
and tbe disbursements (3,040.00, leaving a
balance In hand ei(S0L42.
The Day ter Parade.
HAitBisucna, Pa., Sept 12. Visiting
oemmanderles et the Knlgbta of
the Myatle Chain oentlnued te are
rive all morning and tbe local oemmlttee of
arrangementa were kept busy In reeelvlng
them at the depot with a band and march
ing them te their quarters. Tha city la In
holding attire, many public and private
heuaea being deoerated In honor of
the event The warm aun had a
beneficial effect upon the muddy een
dltlen of the atreeta, thereby rendering tha
general surroundings pleasant Tbe grand
parade or tbe Ancient Order Knlgbta
et tbe Myatle Chain took place
at 2:16 o'elook thla afternoon. Tha
parade fermed en Weat IS tate atreet, lead
by Chief Marshal W. Ji Wilkinson and a
number of aealatanta. About 600 knlgbta
were In line.
And tbe Paddle Mills of tba Penn Iren Com
pany are Again la Operation.
The Penn Iren oempany atarted np Ita
puddle mill thla morning after a stoppage
et aeveral weeks, during whleh a aet of
three high rolls were put In. Seme Interest
haa been aroused concerning tbe atart
Ing et tha mill, because since It haa
been shut down the local assembly
or tbe Knlgbta of Laber, composed
of these working In the mill, had adopted a
resolution directing Ita men net te resume
work In tbe mill, the reason being that four
puddlera bad been discharged by the
euperlntendent beeanae they had net oeme
out te work when called. They had
aufflelent lnfluenee, apparently, with the
majority of their associates in tbe puddle
mill, te induce them net te work nntll they
were reinstated. And after tha finishing
mtlla shut down, a oeuple of weeka later,
the men employed tbere are also under under under
atoed te have been indueed net te resume
Later, however, a number of the mere
sensible empleyes, who oenld net aee why
they aheuld atop work beeanae four et
their fellewe had been dlaebarged ter a
confessedly proper eauae, even under tbe
Interpretation of the rnlta of tha Knlghta of
Laber order, signed a eall for a meeting of
tbe aaeembly en laat Sunday. Here , they
are understood te have been In a 'large
majority, bat they lacked a few votes
of having the two thlrda needed te reaelnd
the previous action. They reaelvad, hew
ever, te go te work at any rate whrn tha
mill reaumed, and enough puddlera came
out thla morning te man five double
furnaees, and all will be going te-morrow
morning. All tbe hands required en tha
bar mm and eight inch mill were en hand,
and tbeae mills are tunning. The ten
Inch and spike mllla will net atart until
next week. ,
The Belated Beuate Tariff BUt
Nothing definite la given ent from the
Senate finance oemmlttee aa te when the
tariff bill will be brought forward, A few
days age Senater Allisen Intimated that It
would be presented te the fall oemmlttee
the latter part of the week, but tbere are no
Indications tbat tbla will be done. A rumor
new prevatla about the Senate that tbe bill
will net be ready for a week or two yet
Thla delay is causing many persons te een
elude tbat it is net the purpose of the Re
publican in charge of tbe measure te bring
it ferwaid at all, unleaa compelled te de en
by the exigencies of the eampalgn. It la
Idle te speculste upon what the Repubil
eana will de with tbe bill In tbe way it
brlealnK It forward. Tba delsv is net
owing te any lack of preparation In tha
measure Itself, bat seems te be In pursu
ance with a well considered pregramme
baaed en the presidential eleotien.
A Henda -Scheel Celebration,
Leacoeic, Pa., Bept. 12. A union Hun
day school celebration waa held In Kinzsr
Bender'a weeds, near Mechsnlesburg, en
Monday, Although tha Inclemeney of tba
weather prevented many front attending,
yet there gathered a social crowd. Gamea
of all aorta were Indulged In by both obll ebll obll
dren and elder ones. The occasion waa
enlivened by tbe Rethavllle band, wbleh
furnlabed excellent music. Addrsaaes
were delivered, and refreshments were In
abundance. Twe tables were furnished,
and all did ample Justlee te tbe sweetmeats.
A collection waa lifted and all responded
liberally. Enough waa ralaed te delray all
expenses, and a handsome aum left for tha
Hyoedal Appointment
Among tbe appointments made by tba
ayned of tbe Catholic dloeeae of Harrlabnrg,
wbleh assembled In that city en August 18,
and Just new made public, are the following
Lancaster county elergymen : Reva. Jamea
J. Ruaaell and William Pelper, Columbia,
and Rev, A. F. Kaul, Lancaater, en the
beard of consul ters ; Rev. P, J. MeCullagb,
D. D Lanoaster.en the beard et examlnara
of clergy ; Rev. Janata J. Russell, promoter
flsealia; Rev. P. J, McCullagh, defenser;
Rev, A, F. Kaul and J, J, Ruaaell en tba
aafaoei bear.
Want te sea aim Banged.
Ban Francisce, Bept 13 A large
number of people bave applied te the aherlff
for tick eta et admission te the execution f
Gcldensen en Friday next Nearly 600
tlcketa have already been Issued. Among
tha applicant a waa an Australian, lady
Who naked te wltnesa tha execu
tion en the ground that It would afford a
rare phyaoheioglotl atady. She waa told
that women were net admitted te hang
ings and aba Mid abe would dreea In men's
clothing If that would overcome the ebjee
ttens, Goldenaen shows signs of weakening
bat ha la kept braced np by stimulants. He
haa written a long screed condemnatory of
the aherlff, He haa asked for hair an hour's
time en the gallows te make an address,
bnt thla will net be permitted. He
threatens te curse the aherlff with his
dying breath. A aeene la feared. Golden Gelden
eon la ae very mneh Incensed by tbe
ahertfl'a action in refnalng te bring him
before a Jury Impanelled te test his aanlty.
Goldeneen's lawyera threaten te have the
aherlff arrested for contempt because of
tbla refusal,
A Prominent Docter's Strange Conduct
Four Waynh, Ind., Sept 13. Yester
day morning, while Dr. P. M. Leenard
waa eaoertlng hia daughter Mica Battle te a
aoheol ahe Is teaehlng weit et tba eity,
ha repeatedly atruek her en tha
head with tha hravy end of a
busgy whip, Tha gtrl'a eereama aoen
brought assistance. Then Leenard drove
away, leaving bla daughter prostrated.
She waa removed te ber home and eared
for by her friend. Leenard la a prominent
and well known physician here. General
Indignation haa been aroused against him
en aoeonnt of hla brutal oendnot Tha
eania of the assault la net known.
Massaehnsalte Bepnbltesn.
Bosten, Sept 12 'the Republican state
oenventlon waa opened tbla morning In
Tremont Temple. Chairman Burden pre
alded and by 11 o'elook the hall waa filled
with delegatee and apeotaterr.
Chairman Burden made brlef remarka
after whleh committees were appointed.
Tbe oemmlttee en eredent'ala reported 32
cities and 327 towns represented by
1,216 delegatea. Tba committee en
permanent organization reported aa tel-
.Iewa: President, Jehn D. Leng, of Hlng-
nam j vlee presidents, Hen. P. Banks, of
Waltham, and 70 ethera ; aecretarlee, J,
Otla Ward well and 8 ethers.
Mr. Leng waa eeoerted te tbe platform
and delivered Ma address.
Delarlng Action.
Washington, Sept 12. The retaliation
bill waa taken nnder oenalderatlon by
tbe Senate committee en foreign relation!
thla morning, bnt tbere waa no action
upon It The oemmlttee Is awaiting a re
ply from tha aeeretary of atate te Senater
Hear'a reaolutlen asking for copies of
pretests made by tbe administration, if
any hare been made, agalnat tbeentragaa
perpetrated by the Canadian authorities
upon American fishermen,
Jee MeAnllfTe signs Fer Twe rights.
Ban Francisce, Sept 12 Mike Conley,
tha Ithaca giant, baa signed with Jee Me.
Anllfle te fight te a finish ueteber 20th next,
for tha trophy offered by the California
Athletic club valued at (2,000, Conley
being allowed (260 ter expenses.
MeAullffe else signed with Peter Jack Jack Jack
aoe, of Australia, te meet ter a finish De.
eember 28, for a trophy offered by the aama
club valued at (3,000, tha leeer te take
Twe Vessels Helled.
Ottawa, Ont, sept ,12. The oustema
department haa been advised tbatlnapoetor
Kavanagb, of Quebec, baa made a aeizure of
two American bargee, tbe Beaupre and tba
Pacific, for landing bituminous coal and
ether dutiable artlclee at tbe outpert of
Valleyfleld without a report or oiearanee
from any place. The vesaela were also
found without oertlfleatea or registration
licenses. The case la nnder consideration.
Dwellings and Beilneea Buildings Barn,
Huntinqten, L. I., Sept. 12. A tire,
whleh commenced at 4 o'elook thla morn
ing and la stilt bnrnlng, haa already con
earned the poeteffloe, tbe bank and several
d welling houses. The eltlzene have turned
ent and with tbe local fire department, are
fighting tha llamea. The fire companies
from adjoining villagea bave been tele
graphed for. The leaa will be heavy.
Deolleed te kit
Vienna, Sept 12. The Bohemian Diet
opened yesterdey. The German membera
declined te ait
Wen tbe at Leger Blake.,
Londen, Sept 1?, The race for tbe Ht.
Leger atakea waa wen by Lord Caloo Caleo Caloe
thorpe'a Sea Breeze te-day.
Cities Cenneeted by Telephone.
Berlin, Bept 12, A telopbene line hta
been opened between Berlin and Breslsu.
It la tbe longest line In Germany.
King Ludwlg Nearly Ont et Debt.
Munich, Bept 12 Tbe debts of the late
King Ludwlg have been almost cleared up.
Tbere la a geed prospect of rebuilding tbe
r jyal fortune.
An Inhuman Practical f eke.
Oswald O. Allen, an Inmate of tbe work
house In Washington, D. C, who suffered
under the sasplolen of being oerered with
vermin, waa en Wednesday aabjoeted te
tbe usasl treatment employed in aucn
cases tbat Is, be waa given a sponge bath
of coal OIL Thla probably would have been
forgotten In a short time If It had net been
tbat aeme one applied a match te Allen
wblle be waa stark naked, dripping with
coal OIL Allen waa aaddenly all ablaze,
and the Incident caused much excitement
The llamea were net extinguished until
Allen waa aeverely burned about the banda
and back. Three men are Implicated In the
brutal Jeke, and warrants were Issued for
their arrest
Excursion te HarrUbarg.
Last evening the Reading railroad com.
pauy put their fare te Harrlsburg down te
(I, tbe same aa the Pennsylvania company,
and the result was that they took about 130
people tbla morning. Tbe majority at
these were me-nbers of the Knights et the
Myatle Chain, who ran tbe excursion, and
tiey were accompanied by tbe Lltxriy
band. Tbe. Pennsylvania railroad bad low
ratea also, and they had sold ever SO tlcketa
up te 0 o'clock thla morning.
Went le llaneeer.
Quite a number of Lancaster people went
ever te Hanover, Yerk county, te-day te
attend tbe fair. Among tbe berate entered
te start te-day la llly Flaa'a Black Geerge.
He will go In the three-minute class to te
dsy, and 2:60 te-morrow.
rest Line Late,
Thla morning Faat Line, et tbe Pennsyl
vania railroad, wbleh la due here at 65,
waa ever three heure late. The oause'ef
delay waa weat of Pittsburg.
The Bsclng Entries,
The raelng entrlea for the big fair here
next week closed laat evening. The Hat is
quite large and It lneludei many geed
horses. The namea will be published aa
aoen aa they can be arranged.
In Needy Clrcnmstanee.
Tbe family of Sarah Cunningham, Ne.
422 Jehn atreet, la In needy olreumetancea,
and calls for aid from the public They
bave aleknesa la the family, and one of the
beya recently bad a linger out off ia tba
oek factory,
Jenes and Gray Fer Lieutenant Oeiasai saaUi&
Jadge et the Conn of Appeals Teas eine '&l
Chairman Balaes DeHvsra a Meet
qasnt Addresses-Bill Cheered.
. . j 'C'
Buffalo, sep 12. Ooaventlea iHriI-:
xun programme ter KJ-aaye oewvamiiens r.,y
matna tha asme aa u naMlimaAt la
United Preea dlspatebea et yeeterday. ta $
ticket will, wltbent doubt, be : Fer grrtrarw
ner, David a Hill ; for lieutenant awHeV;'
nor. Edward F. Jonas, and for Irnte either.-!
oenrt or appeals, Jehn O. Gray. h M
Utl.ln t,ll a... ....a .V. --- --- ' M" '
"" ""--." KU U1W DUB ,e1 1MU
tlnn nertv thla mfitnlns nww ia -3-
Vision of Cem mltslnnsr Thnmaa BeeMaet! 3-7-
tha eerieant atarma. Tha MrawejeaseaiaaVl .
are very complete. Tha hall la one of taW.l
Nku, l ik. tt-lii m.iH k. u. ',j
uuei-t in iue uuucu uwa uapeuia at aaae-f,
ingu,w pexipir. in. nniy oeeorauqps weia W
periraiia ei rreeiaeni uieveianaana uevec .v.K
nor Hill, draned with Usee. The delegates "5
numbered barely 400. J&f
f mam 1141 .,. tUm Amm. .. - - 1 j.', 'J
open te delegatea. 'w :
Alie uuuveuiiun waa uoiteu iu erae sreVi'
12:30 p, m. SgTjfrJ
uesiiinsa jnurjja, ei me state cqesaan1 ,-?, a
tee, called the convention te order aavAi'.S
moved tbat Hen. Geerge Balnea, of R;ebe; iMj
ter. ba made temporary chairman. ' lfri'ii U
. ... , ..... ,. '-f.i, "
upon rcaeuiua tuu piaiiurm ar iMMOsejr'v -
waa greetea witn tnnnaerena appianaa, na& ,-j
then atennad te tha ehalrrna&'a deakaaat-T: '.C!
addressed tha convention than ktag tha daV.'tj
egatea ter their oerdial rtoeptlea, TM?
beginning ei the address wae devoted te IM
review of Democratic reform whlen bagas
with Seymenr and Tllden and waa betas).'
oentlnnad by tha present Jaadera, bee.'
at Washington and la thla atate. Mr,
Balnea aald that along the nae or ustuafca
every atate the tnapirlag werda will 'aw
heard. "Dsmoeraev nlveeber Mmmlanaaaa
of leadership ia New Yerk te fear tntatt c';
and atrenieet son. bar meat faarlaaa atkastM.
ploe, tha present governor et the.aiata .
David B. HllL" This sentiment eaassd
roarlena applanae, whleh laated for eat:
eralmlnutea, rbespeaker then caused aaaT
tlen te the abusea wbleh Democracy bad eeav.r
reeted. Land franda bad yielded upetgaljr
millions aerea or plunder; the Indian afa'
tem no longer blossomed with red elnataiaaf
maaaeerea, a navy teeted fairly en tM
highaeaa beglna te repreeent the mlllitasl
lavished for national daleaee : dlpleesaayi '
wbleh formerly hid vaatoemmeroal
new honestly aeserta that general tamnaw
and protection or enr people la fereign:
lande ! pubile ofnelala held offlee by gaeet
aervlee net by partiaan aetlylty i
flew ent te heneet claimanta wltbent
application of teata of parttaeaahlp.s 'si,
Referring te Mr. Blalne'a peetUaalM
aald tbat tba gnaat et Clanny, eaatat
criea aloud "retaliation upon Canada fav
tbe wrongs of our fishermen wenid tajwf
tha rallrnaria nf mw alata." ' tTrnata are) reatW
- - -. t- ' . m i
private affairs," 'touch net Mr. Mettawl ?
Imported gatdaner and cook." KiHrtwaj
te the eurpiea Mr. Raines aald tbat s "v
doetloa et revenue meat be made.;,-
ridiculed Republican propealUoaa efx.
division of the aurplua ameag the etatare
apandlng It In butldlaga at every peasat
contra, A raferenea te tba preaMaat'a Ha
ter of aoaeptanee elicited enorueeon aa
plana. It eeenjMtea tne utmeeraiM seas
book in naUenal iwaBea, tee
would find both la The lei
Mllla bill a trna declaration of morale, ;i,l.
Mr. naineeoenoiaaea witnaa asenraaear
iff tha InatlMa tttM TltmAiwell .MHai'ttaa
tba certain triumph of Democratic prteaa-4'
piea in the election of Cleveland, TheranasV?
and Hill. (Cheere) r3i
At the conelcaion of Mr. Balnea' apiiafeg
tbe roll of delegates wae ealled. "V
Oemtnltteea en peranenent ergraiaamtssiV
contested seata and reaolntleaa warn favjp:
pointed, tba calling or tba roll being agsaVfe'
begun for tbe varlena districts te dssigaaes)
membera of each oeatmltteee. ,'ift
At 1:45 p. m., en motion of Hen. Xagk
Grant, of New Yerk, tha oeavaaMoa eaeac
a reeeee nnUl Op. m. . -Q
v, caay uernex wm na
w Wm . ' t
chairman of tbe convention. ,A &&3
Inrilift. aYhnlav A Sflaaa-
- - - - "
Helena, Ment, sept ia The marstsna
of Jehn Hembeagh by two Nee Pereea lev ,
dlanabaa juat bean reported te thai alt fi
Rembaughwltb Frank D. Jacqaatta, affl,
Oerrallla en Aug. 24, for Mineral Peas,1j H
wnera they ware empieyea w a,3;
They bad reached Dlllard Creek, la Mas.J, .;
aenlaoenntv. when tbey met the two la-: ,
dlana, Rembangb and Jacqaatta alter! V
niUllU IV, kUV UIUI, WiHWWWf wbwp
jacquetie was aroueeu vj a awn. Kmi, ,
ieepea te uia loot etuu aew iu a -, .
afanriintf nvar KAmnin.n'i uur. aviaapv
..-...-. ... -e-- -----: rat)
wandering torengn tne mountains ,ibstv.v; ,3
aeveral day a Jacquette reached camp, wbaaa frfe
be organized a posse, who are aew an par-.J
auit 01 tne inaiana,
una eiuaurau v ivi.sae. ' JuM
jacksen villi, trie., sept, i. jiasj.
tout number of deatba from velleWv
lever tu-uajr ivaiuiu w wu ,w waa..-jj
-. ... .4..M MtAAft..,.! IM! BMrf TilA MM.A!
Dave eeen reportea mi te Maesuft,j
The majority et fatal cases are nndeubtadlr'vy
due te a laek of physicians and trained fJ'j
nurses, xnere is suu a great aeeu os '-y
physicians and nurses. ,t;l
A Weman Fatally Irjared. irt;
St. Leum, Sept. 12. A oerieae aoe Idea t -h-.
occurred en the Franklin avenue eable laat
night Twe can oelllded, one of thee $&
being completely wrecked. Mra. unibM'"
was isiaiiy iDjurcu aeu eorejai tna aii-vj
enalv hurt " sd
- a &
WfeMU ua aa) aTMaaaaawaaa a -". j,-v rw
Pittsbobe, Bept 12 J. Newton GetsWseV-lf $
tbe well known tbeatrieal maatagar.sawaa,
elocutionist, died at his reeldaaea, fcHwlesT.'i
isy, ra, at r.w ocieca uue astunieaj, "ai-
Brlght'a qiaeaae. ffa
Dlnglej's Big atajeruy. ' ,,'
lxwisten, me-Hept iz. The jeurnata, cti
returns from all but few plantatlena in tha -r7
Rvutft nnneraaalnnal rllatrlnt alva Dlnelav. ltl
7 rr-r.r r. . .rn .rr. -'
i,riBp )i,(ie; Alien, (vein. ) ie,iiu, ausmbi ,-
(rre.) 77 ; iiewara, (Laoer. ) ww.
At Antwerp. Toe.
Londen, Sept 12 Coffee gambling,
similar te tbat at Hamburg, la going en at
Antwerp. Measurea are demanded te aaa -pteaa
these operations.
Kaeae rutMined.
Bosten, Sept 12. Tne raeea aeheduled '
for te day at Myatle park have been poet- .
pened until te-morrow en aoeooat of rain
and a bad traek.
ramlne reared.
Tnnnf,. NAnL 12 A.11 ADD. BBB OOBBi .-ft
abeuuoneaei a luime " fv 't-y
. . J-.. l...Iu.I .k. Mil. Jm'Vl
Egypt, ana jemine leeueu isen, ,,-s
A Ol Suartsga.
Londen, Sept 12 -Tne shortage Ut tbe)
harvest et trraaoe is eeuaaaiM eu im .,- .
000,000 beotelltea. $
I I WAIXlimivei u w.awFjw. aj mv
I lu-..i.,n Puinnlnal end hur Jaa.
J 'aay 1 Fair, waratar, weatarly