?' ' ; vk?v. -T-'ba" " - &' & m THE LANCASTER DAILY INTELLlOENtOSB, MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 10, 1888. 1 j& rewasi " Jy i Irea WU . The Viaduct irea Mill, M Oets8vllls, which beve been Mia for ssvssi naeataa, have rr snmed opereUene. TMjrww rs rs eently pureeaetdst afcsrlfi's ssis fey Werth Brether who have etacr tent irea Bills la Oestsavllle. Tks mills ilw Hey. BitM te upward of three feVBdrsa Mtmi ad tela nranpUea la bailed witk dsUgkt. It la understood a aaw eeapaay being formed will alae start a taa litaral Irea wetks aoea. They iIt sipievmaB.t te abent two hundrsd sad fitly pirsoes. i s LW of DactaimM Lsttsrf. IVst or nneiattned Utters rssaalsiag la tas poateffloa at Xineaatar ler tks wsek aadlag Monday, Baptambar 10 : Ladies' Zfci Miss Mand Btaaaraaa, MIm Little Derwarr, Mica KUa fray bnrger, MlaMeagleMeekawey. Otnw J.iitB. BeitheeeB, t. Decker, Matter Barry Gagcna, Jeba McCenaughy, M. P. Miner, Loyd Presbetry, O. U. Hsalln. The tUtallstlen Bill r MM the Hern. In tba Uenae of Representatives, ea Bsturriay, tbe raUllatlea bill waa pasted J aaa 174. caja 4-tba negatives being Mir. Bayna, Dal re) 1, L'nd tad White, 01 new xera. Men and Women's Benes, Joints and muscles may escape the agenising tortures of rheumnthm If tliey will but "take time by the forelock," and annihilate the symptoms of oncoming trouble with tbe b nljrnant ami highly sanctioned bleed depnrent nd altcratltc, lleHetlcr" stomach Bitten. Poisons meatly cenntltute the ordinary means of battling v. 1 1 h this atrocious complaint. Avoid the risk of using these by resorting te the safe as well a effectual antl-phllgostte and preventive. After exposure te damp, through drafts and etticr causes which en courage, a rheumatic tendency, a wlneitlassful of the Hitlers pretcnts III elTccts. Ne surer preventive of mnlnrlnl ailments like feter and ague, bilious remittent, dumb ague and ague cake exists, and it Is, beeides, it most genial recuperater of strength ctlmuntedry excessive mental or pliysictl effort. Miners, mariners, epsrallves and ethers whose avocations In volve laborious Vierk In rough weather ent et doers, or close application Indoors, find it Invaluable. " The Homeliest Baa in Lancastir. a a well as the handsomest, and ethers are Invited te call en any druggist and getr a trial bettle of Kemp's Ualstm ter tbe Threat and Lungs, a remedy that Is selling- entirely npen Its merits and ( guaranteed te cure and relieve all Chronic and AcutoCenghs, Asthma, Bronchitis and Consumption. Price BOcenta and ai. Janu-lyd&w (1) Rupture care guaranteed Dy Dr. J. B. Mayer Sel Arch street, Philadelphia. Kaseatoneo, no operation or delay from business, attested by thousands of cures after ethers fall, advice free, send for circular. marie-ly 0A w BPEOTAL XOT1CKS. Baeklen'a Arnica Batve. Tn Bbst Balvb in the world for Cnts,Brulaea Beres, Ulcers, salt Bhenm, Fever Beres,Tetterf Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cerns, and all Bkln Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay requireu uBuaranieepiegiveper no Davree aired, ltistraaran feet satisfaction, or money refnndi i HuiiKuuu, tir uwnev reiunaeu. Price Bcenuwrmj. a or saie ey u Druggist, Hee. U7 and 139 North IS cenu per box. Fer sale by H. B.Cechran, uueen aeiiei, lune27-lyd uneaaier. ra All UN1TOUTUNATK PKU80N. The most unfortunate person In the world is one afflicted with sick headache, but 1 hey will be relieved atonce bv using Dr. Leslle's Bpeclal Prescription. Bee adveritscment In another column (l) Mothers Metners 1 1 Homers I II Are you disturbed at-night and broken ei your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth 1 U se, go at once and get a bottle et UBS. WINBLOW'S SOOTHING BYBCP. It wlU re lieve the peer little sufferer immediately d e pend npen It; there is no mistake about lb There Is net a mother en earth who has eve used It, who will net tell yen at ence that it wlU regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic It Is perfectly safe te use tn all eases and pleasant te the taae, and Is the prescription of one et the eldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United Btatea. Beld everywhere, 28 cent a bottle. mayl9-lvdw BAY VBVBB. t have been afflicted' with hay fever from early In August until treat. My eyes would run a stream of water and I sreezed continu ally. I was advised te use Ely's Cream Balm. It has weraed llan a charm and I can say I am entirely cured. Mis, Bmellne Jehnsen, Ches ter, Conn. 1 have been for several years a sufferer from hay fever and severe head colds. I have found nothing that can compare with Ely's Cream Ualra. I would net be without it ter any consideration. It is simply wonderful In Its effect upon the nasal organs. 9 A Bunt, Wilmington, N. C. au272wdeedftw Oar Candidate for President. He will be nominated by the convention ana will be elected by the people, because he will come the nearest te nlllntr their Ideal of a Chief Magistrate. Blectrle Bitters has been given the highest place, because no ether medicine has se wolf flllodthe ideal et a per fect ten'c and alterative. The people have endorsed Electne fitters and rely upon this great remedy In all troubles et Liver, Stomach and Kldneys. Fer all Malarial revers and diseues caused by Malarial Poisons, Klectrlc Bitters cannot be tee highly recommended. Alse cures Headache and Constipation. Batls Batls lactlen guaranteed or money refunded Pride We., at H. B. Cochran, Drug Stere, 137 and ue North Queen street Lancaster. Pa. () COUGH, WHOOPING COUGH and Bronchitis ImmedlatelyrellevodbyBbileh'sCure. Beld by H. B. Cochran, druggist, Nes. 187 and 189 North Queen Bt, Lancaster, Pa. (4) T Frem Cleveland, Ohie, Comis a letter signed T. Walker, saying 1 -about six meDtln age commenced taking Burdock Bleed BMert for protracted case et lumbaKe and general debility, and new am pleased te stale have recevered my appetite and wentd strength. Peel better altogether." Fer sale by H. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. Noc a Case. Net a case of rheumatism, net a case of neu ralgia, net a esse of lameness, nei a case el palu or sprain net ene-hss failed te go when attaeked by Themat' JCclectric Oil. Fer sale by H. B Cochran, druggist, U7 and 133 North Queen street. Lancaster. What Can't Ue Cured Most Be Kndured." This old adaie does net signify that we must suffer the miseries of dyspepsia, when a medi cine wl h the curatlVH properties of Burdock Bleed BlUeri is available. It is oneet ihe most substantial and reliable lemedles sold te-day. Fer sale by II. It Cochran druggist, 187 and 1S9 North Queen street, Lancaster. THAT HACKING GOUG11 can be 60 quickly enred by Bhlleh'a Cure. We guarantee It. Beld by H. B. Cochran druggist, nes. 187 and vn North Qneen Bu, Lancaster, Pa. (l) " Spent Fit y Dollars In doctoring for rheumatism before I tried 2hemai' Kcltctric Oil, Used a5e-cent bettle of this medicine, and get out in one week. Fer burns and sprains It Is excellent." Jas. Durham. East Pembroke, H. Y. r or sale by II. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street. Lancaster. Honesty the Best Policy, In advertising a medicine It li best te be henettt deception will never de the people won't stand It. Let the truth be known that Burdock Bleed Bitten cura scrofula, and all eruptions of the skin Ihla medicine Is sold everywhere by druggists. Fer sale by U.B Cochran, druggist, 137 and ISi North Queen street, Lancaster. 8LEEPLEBB NIGHTS, mode miserable by that terrible cough. Bhlleh'a cure is the remedy or you. eeia dv u. u. ceenran, druggist. Ne. ? uiu las fliuui vuuBu du, ijancasier, Jra. i) A Werd of Caution. Ballrcad men, mechanics, commercial trav eler, base balilsu, Lmneis, tnd otnerswhe labor out et doers, are peculiarly liable te ao ae cldent ana Injury. Themat' JCclectrie Oil for brnlies, burns, bites and sprains, is one of the flntst applications yet devised. Fer tale by U. B. cechran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. Itaauclng ths.Burplu. The disposition et the surplus in the U B, treasury engages the attention et our states men, buta mere vital qnestlen has our atten tion, and tha Is the reduction of the Burpius Consumptives. Since the discovery and in troduction of Dr. Bing'g New Jjlacevery for Consumption, there his been a marked de crease In the mortality from this dreaded dis ease, and It la possible te mil further reduce the number et consumptives. Uewt By keeping constantly en hand a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery and using according te directions, upen the appearance of the first symptoms, such as a Cough, a Celd, a bore Threat, a Chst, or fclde Pain. Taken thus early a cure is guaranteed. Trial bottles free at II. H. Cochran's drug store, 137 and 139 North Qaeun street, Lancas ter, Pa. (1j ATTOHNBYB. TrUTHKB-8. JCADJFMAN, ATTOUNEY-AT-LAW, NO. i SOUTH PBINCE ST., Lancaster, Pa. nn.lv aw mHOSK CORN AND HUNION PADS X- have proven te be a geed thing. Persons who have tried them speak highly of them. X deien Pads in a box t 16 cents a box, at UUBLBY'S DBUG STOBE, MtreitKfsfBirest, DAWK'S CELERY COMPOUND. A PERFECT COMBINATION Of harmless vegetable ntMales that will restore tbe whole system te healthy action, M abaelHtely seeded te can aay disease " for tbe disease that affects one organ weakeaaaU." Faiaa'a Celery Coapeund 1b THIS PEUFEUT COMDINAriON. Read tba proof-. I kay astfered terribly from nervousness and kidney Unable Iboaghttwebott eae: Palne's Celery CompeuoO, ana eh. hew it Aid help met I have se ranch faith In yenr mtdlctaa, for I knew w hat It did for me." , Ontario, centre, N. T. Mae. J. J. Watsev. PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND "reTflveyeers IsuSerrd wlthmaUrlaandnriveu.nets. I tried Palne's celery compound, and 1 can truthfully say that five bottles completely cured me. I cheerfally recom mend It, for I knew ft te be a geed medicine " CURES ALL NERVOUS DISEASES Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Paralysis, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Cestlveness, Files; L Complaint, Kidney Trenble, Female Complaints, and all diseases arising from pure uieaa. II. six for 3. Watts, Bioa.te son Ca, Propst, Burlington, FOB TUB MBRVOU8, 1, (lx for IS. gee that each hot het Ue bears the Celery trade mark. TH DBBIL1TATXD, A YKR'S SARSAPARILLA. REASONS WBT AYEH'S 8ABSAPABILLA IB PBKFBB- ABLE TO AMY OTHEtt FOB TUB CD BE OF BLOOD DISEASES. Because no poisonous or deleterious Ingre dients enter Inte the composition of Ayer's earsaparlUa. Ayer'a BarsaparllU contains only the pur. stand most effective remedial properties, Ayer's Barspirtlla U prepared with ex treme care, skill, and cleanliness. Ayer's Barsaparllla Is prescribed by leading Ayer's Barsaparllla is for sale everywhere. and recommended by alt flrat-elass druggists. Ayer'a Barsaparllla is a medicine, and net a beverage in disguise. Ayer's eanaparllla never falls te effect a cure, when persistently used, according te directions. Ayer'a Barsaparllla Is a highly cencent ra tedextract, and therefore the most economi cal Bleed Modleloe In the world. Ayer'a Barsaparllla has had r, successful career of nearly half a eentuty, and was never se popular aa at present. Thentands et testimonials are en file from these benefited by the nse or Ayer's Sarsaparilla. raarAUD bt Dr. J. O. Ayer & Ce., Lewell, Maw. Price tl ; six bottles. 15. Werth 13 a bottle. seplOleie ItTANDRAKE PILLS. THE BEST BLOOD PURIFIER Is that which keeps the Liver and Stomach In healthy condition. GOOD DIGESTION MEANS GOOD BLOOD. Nothing in the world se success fully treats the digestive organs as Mandrake, and the only pure, safe and reliable preparation of Man drake is Dr. Schenck's Mandrake Pills, Fer sale by all Druggists. Price 28 cents per box 8 boxes for 65 cents I or sent by mall, postage free, en receipt of price. Dr. J. U. Jchenck A Ben. Philadelphia, ml7-lydw TIILVS ORKAM MAOiM. OATAHRH-AY FEVER. ELY'S CBEAK BALM cures Celd lnjllead Catarrh, Hese Celd, Hay Fevor.Deafness.Ueod Fever.Deafness.Ueod Fevor.Deafness.Ueed ache. Prlee BO Cents. EABY TO USE. Ely Bre's, Owego. N, Y U.B, A. ELY'S CBEAM BAT.H cleanses the Nasal Passages, Allays Pain ana Inflammation, Heals the Seres, Besteres the Senses of Taste and BmeU. TBY THECUBE. A particle Is applied into each nostril and Is agreeable. Price 60 cents at Druggists i by mall, registered, CO cents. ELY BBOTHEB8, U Warren Street, New Yerk. nevlt-lydAw ARE YOU CONSUMPTIVE? USE PARKER'S GINGER TONIO Without delay. A rare medicinal composi tion that cures when all else falls. Has cured the worst cases of cough, Weak Lungs, Asth ma, Indigestion, Inward Pains, Exhaustion, Meat Druggists. UINDEBCOBN8. The safest, surest and beat euro for Cern?, Buulena. Ac Steps all pain. Ensures com fort te the feet. Never fulls te cure. IS cenu at nruggisls. uisiiex cu., N. r. tj Q.OLDBN HPK01F1U. DRUNKENNESS OH THE LIQUOB HABIT POSITIVELY CUBED BY ADH1N1STEB1NO DB. HAINES' GOLDEN SPECIFIC. It can be given In a cup el coffee or tea with out the knowledge of the person taking It i U absolutely harmless, and wlU effect a perma nent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreek. Thousands of drunkards have been made temperate men who have taken Gelden Bpo Bpe Bpo clfle In thelr coffee without their knewledge, and te-day believe they quit drinking of their own free win, IT NEVBU FAlLsrThe sys tem once impregnated with, the Specific, It be comes an utter Impossibility for the liquor appetite te exist. Fer sale by CH AS. A. LOCHEfi. Druggist, Ne. 9 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. aug8-lydM,W,F Q.RAY8 BPKOLTIO MEDICINE. Gray's Specific Medicine. The Oreat English Bemedy wUl promptly and ridlcally cure any and every case of nervous debility and weakness, result of indiscretion, excesses or overwork of brain and nervous sys tem t Is perfectly harmless, acts like magic, and been extensively used for ever 86 years with great success. aw Full particulars In enr pamphlet which we desire te send free by mall te every one. AVThe Specific Medicine is sold by all drug fists at II per package, vc six packages ter 16. t wUl be sent free by mall en receipt et the money, by addressing the agent, H. B. OOOBR.IN, Drugslst, Nes. W 133 North queen Bt, Lancaster, Pa, THE QBAY HBDIOINE CO., Ne. 106 Main Btreeu Buffalo, N Y. JnnlS-lydAwMWAF IMPROVED CUSHIONED EAR DBUMS. CURE FOR THE DEAF. Peck's Patent Improved Cushioned Far Drums perfectly restore hearing and perform the work of the natural drum. Invisible com fortable and always In position. All conver sation and even whispers heard distinctly. Send for Illustrated book with testimonial., fuck. Address or call en r. hiscex.su Broadway, New xerk. JiK.Zw0M,W,FAw TKVAN'H FLOUR. USE LEYAN'S FLOUR. It Always Gives Satisfaction. UdllTbAB WL. FISHER, DENTIST. Particular attention given te filling and preserving the natural teeth. I have all the latest Improvements for doing nice work at a very reasonable coat. Having years of ex perlenee In the large cities I am sure te give the beat of satisfaction and save yen money Mat aruaetal teeth only saoe ear set. ssArinya JtO,HUTJmUBBJI BT, VHaVaVtaWtcaaB&anpi ueuci Vl 1 lri uea t uroeKij n. , x iver iBl II. SIX for 1. VLL9, ElcnAIlD. e Ce., Preps , llarllng ten, Tit THBAUD. OLOTU1KO. SO. M: EKCHANT TAILORING, Yeu can And a most oxtenslve line of For eign and Demestic uemIs for Fall and Wlntur Wear at pilees that will surprise you, at ASKEW'S, HOB. KM AND KM WEST KING BTttKKT. aihiya E ARLY FALL ATrRAOIIONS. L (JansiMD & Bre., B.W.OORNBR NORTH QUEEN de ORANGE BT?, LANOASTKU, PA. Early Fall Attraction. We have recolvel lately Large Invoices of OOODS IN THE PIECE, comprising Cassl meres, Worsteds and Cheviots, which we llaketoOrderintheBcstefStyloatModerato rncei. All-Weel Worsted Suits te Order at 113,111, 116.118,130,131. All-Weel Casslmore Bulls te OrderatllO, 112,111,116,118,130,123. All-Weel Cheviot Suits Bults te Order at 113, 115,118, W). AH-Weel Cheviot Pants te Orfloratuse, II, W.I0.I7. All-Weel Worsted rants te Order at l SO, BO, 6,7, 18, 19. AUWetl Gursluore rants te Order at II, tu, se, se, im, The Finest Ge. ids I The Fairest Dealing 1 The Fullett Satisfaction Guaranteed. sF" We invite Inspection and Examination of Onr Stock. Cee Styles, Loek at quality and LewjPrlccs, L. GANSB&N & BRO. On account of Holiday, our Stere will be Closed en Thursday, feptcmber C, and Satur day, September 15 until 6 o'clock p.m. H IRSH & BROTHER, EAIL AND WINTER NOVELTIES IN OUB T DEPARTMENT. Fer SuitsMade te Your Order : HANDSOME EFFECTS in FANCY WOB3 TED9, W1DEWALKS, SCOTCH CHKVIOIS, COBKB0BEWS and FANCY CASSIMEBKB. Fer Pants -Made te Yelt Order: BEAUTIFUL BTBirKS and rLAIDS In FlNBFUENCtf, BNHLHH and DOUK8TIU WOHSTED8 and OAbSIHEBKS, MEDIUM andHEAVY-WElQUCCUEVlOSS; FOR OVERCOATS: HELTONS, KEB8EYS, CHINCHILLAS, WEST-OF-BMQLAND CLOTHS, WOUBTEDI, WIDE WALES andBEAVEBB. 1 Perfect Fit Gaar&nteed. Only the Beit Trunmiegs TTsad. Only the Beat Workmen Emplejed. CORDUROY SUITS Made te Order Either Flannel or Serge Lining. AVA cordial InyltAtlen Is extended te call and Inspect enr stock. HIRSH & BROTHER, ONE-PRIOB CLOTUIEBS AND FUKNISUEUS, Cor. North Qaten St and Centre Fqnare, LANOASTElt, PENN'A. AWJhep Ceat, Pants and Vest Hands, and Custom Vest Hands, wanted, SWCleaea en Thursday and Friday, etb and 7th Inst, en account of Holiday. aug3l 4md OAHRlAUJilS. CTA.NDAKD WORK. EDW.EDGERLEY CAHRIAUE IlDILDh'R, NOS. 0,tLJ,45MAUKKT BTBEET, Bear Of Postefnce, Lancaster, Pa, I have In Steca and BuUd te Order Every Variety of the following styles s Coupe. Ung ates, Cabriolets, Carriages. Victorias, Business wagons, "T" Carts, McCeU Wagons. Burrlea, Market Wagons, Ptuetens, Express Wagons. I employ the best Mechanics and have 1 acu ities te build correctly ny style of Carriage desired. The Quality, Style and Finish ei my work makes it decidedly the Cheapest in the market, SVWE HAVSTUE BEST AND CHEAPEST 04KTIWTIIK MAHKVT WANTfD --TKMPKKATB, KNElt KNElt getle man te solicit orders for enr choice nursery stock, ttteady work and geed pay. The butlness easily learned. Beferenea required, state age. Address. B. Q. CHAbi: ft ue., UK B. Penn Square, Philadelphia, sepl-taeed MERCBAN TAILORING PALAOM Of FABBIOK, , STRIGU'S PALACE OF FASHION, 13 East Kine Street. Lancaster, Pa. T!. ti l J..t I, Ifll y-1 Aim -eiauys ivm vjiieve - 1 has arrive.fl tnrlnr orire nni dollar. It Is an English Deg Skin Gleve, 4-button, bread band. They arc indestructible and the finest fitting glove in the market. New Jewelry Rolled Plate Rhinestone Pins, 25c., 50c, 75c, warranted. 54-Inch Stamped Linen Side, beard Cevers, knotted fringe, 25c 54-Inch Memic Cleth Side board covers, dado border, hand-sewed fringe, 50c. 72-Inch, the same, 75c. 90-Inch, the same, $1.00, 72-Inch, open worked, 37c. New Tapestry Berder, 7c, iec, 15c. and 19c, a yard. New Linen Towels at iec, i2jc, 25c, 50c. Prices guaranteed te be the lowest. Specialties in Muslin Under wear. Chemise at 63c. and 75c. 25c, 37c, 50c, Skirts at 50c, 63c, 75c, 87c, 90c. and $1.00. Embroidered Flannel Skirts, white and colored. The "Pansy," small, a Bustle, price 25c, white (or new and colored. . Fancy Turkish Tidies, 25c, 37c, 40c. and $1.00. Spanish Silk Scarf and Fichus, 25c 37c' nnd 50c, are great values at the price. New Chantilly Silk Laces at iec. and 25c. a yard. New Spanish Flouncing, 75c, $1.50 and $1.75 a yard. New Chantilly Flouncing, gi, $1.75 and $2.50 a yard. Beaded Grenadines, $1.00 te $2.50 a yard. iTAnauax S PEOIAL. WATCHES for Fanners and KaUmadeni, 11 Karat Celd Filled BOa Cuses, UlRln Works, la) each, Jeb Let. Best Watch and Jewelry BepalnnK. BpectaclM, KyeKlasaesand Optical Geed". Cor Cor met tlme dally, by telegraph only place In the city, LOUIS WEBER, Ne. VJX N. Uueen Bt, opposite City Hetel, Neur Penn'u linet. W ATOII KEI'AIIUNG. WATCH EEPAIBIHG A Watch H the most delicate and Intrlcate filrce et mechanism made by man, and the one hat receive the If uet attention. lour steam euKlnn, your waunn rdcelves niore. it Is mi rstauilthed f.ict that ihore arn mnre Wat Chen ruined by the overaxe Watch lie palrer than by tbe Watch Carrier- We bnvii a Watch In our possession made by thn nnderslicnedt this, coupled with an KX KX PKUIKNUKer KHiUl'KKx YKAIttt AT THK IIKnCH, unablei uh te turn ent work of the Highest Uradeat rut.nnnt)li prices and with satlsbicllen toeurc-ustomors. Would rcspectlully invite a trial, CHAS. S.GILL, Watchmaker & Jeweler, KO, 10 WEST KINO ST., LANCASTER. PA. w ATOII an. Lew Prices! Quick Sales! Uneds Marked at rest Selling Figures at this Season. euh stock or WATCHES Is very large and comprises everything In Meld, MlveraudMckHl. I'rlces will surprise ynu. Ouratinlatoijlvuyea the VKltV JlttsT value tnr the money potslble. And we de it. Nen Uni;netle Watches a specially. WALTER 0. HERE, Ne. 101 North Queen Street, 1.ANCABTKU. PA. nl-tfd AHPHALT BLOOKH. A HPUAI.T 1'AVlNO HLOOK, Asphalt Bleck Ce.. omce-Ml Chestnnt St, Phlla., Pa. Vorks-lirldgepert, Pa , a Catnden, N. J, UANUrACTUUKUD OK Standard AEphaltPaving Bloeks flZKS 4X3X11 AND liixlfixll In general no femtritetlavlnE;,sldewallis, or den paths, mill yards and drtvuways. Kitttnrs, cellars vatu and sea walls. Advantage! Nolj-leai. dustless, strictly sanitary, practi cally Indestructible ane cbiuip. Fer prices and farther Information addressi R. S. OSTfiR & BRO., Agents Lancaster Oa. KM North Prince St, Lancaater. l'a. nal-ema He Z, RHOADB at BOH. DIRECT IMPORTATIONS. THI first of our Importations is new in Btcek. son sucewwdlng week ethers will be re re eelTCd. Ten will find a line of new styles the finest productions of the present markets and are cordially Invited te come and examine them. H. Z. RHOADS & SON, Ne. 4 West King Street. UARDWAR., "- J, ,-, ,. - - 1- , f- - ,-- - f- - - 1 !. i,,i , l,--l-ll--,-,-tr- r-tra-l --, f-u-x-u-Lru-u-u-irt N EXT DOOR TO THK FOSTOPFIOK. PL! BIS, I RAUB, (Successors te A. C. Kepler,) Nes. 40 and 42 North Queen Street. -WK HAVE FAMILY In the Market at the Lewest Prices. Cemes in Three, Five and Ten Gallen Sizes. -CALL AND SEE IT TO-DAY.-" REILLY BROS. & RAUB, Nes. 40 and 42 North Queen Street. ta-lmd LANCASTER, PENN'A. 1.1 - UMU HVUMft e UK OWN 1MPOKTATION. NEW FALL -AT METZGER c5d OUR OWN IMPORTATION. NEW COLORS IN HENRIETTA CLOTHS. BROADCLOTHS, BLACK FRENCH HENRIETTA OLOTBB. BLACK FRENCH OAHHMERES-Extraerdlnary at COe, (We, 05e, 70e, 760, 85e, f LOO Metzger & Nes. 38 & 40 West King Street, eard a Mcelrey. bard & Mcelrey, 33 and 36 Seuth Queen Street, pT rtnD iXTT riT nTir Hew often yen hear paepla say Uiy bought low-priced F LiUUn Ulb UJbUl tl, fleer Ull Cleth and it woie lODger llun smthlng ptlda higher ptiea fiir. De you knew why t lhe lewprlcfd Oil Cleth niv hava been thoroughly seasoned, while tba higher prleed was lust fresh from the factory, and had net been seasoned, and did net wear as long as the low.prleod oil uieth Uat was nsened. Jf you want rioer nil Cleth In any width and quality, we will sell you better goods for tbe money than you will buy in any ether honse in Lancaster. All enr grades ant well aeasened. Heforeyeubayeeoonr took, au these that have bought enr Ull Cleth aay It wears batter than any they erer bought at the price, TTXTTYTDTHfF AU Ten nerer bought aa geed Underwear for the money, we den' UWUtilViff rii.r, care when erwhere you bought It. as wn are going te seu thtsneaen. We bought an Immense stock, and we are going te sell it tee, by giving you better goods than you overbought la your Ute ler the money. Just leek through our stock belore you bay. FEATHERS. De yen need any Feathe t if you de, we will sell yen the best Feath en lower than anv ether hense tn the citr. If veu don't believe It eeme andaeoferyouraelvee If yen are a ledge of feathers, von wl'lae what we say l.oerrooti if you are no judge, then gnani see ana prlce them elsewhere, and then coins and see ours, and you will u wfi.i we ey is correct We believe tnt we r ave sold mere reathera last year than any three atoms put together. Ihjw prien en Oei ten flannels. Medicated Ked Twilled Han. nei at aae. worth 87e. The best Rteckings In the oltyferthe money. Men's t-ply Linen cellars lOe, cheap at IBs. enr P.leea are Lew. Bard & 33 and 85 Seuth Queen St, N EXT DOOR TO COURT HOUSE. FAHNESTOCK'S! Have this Day Received a Full Line of MOURNING GOODSI Consisting et LUPIN'S Celebrated Single and Deuble Thibet Shawls from 41.75 up. MUESTLY'S Silk Warp Henriettas, 1.00, 11.37, I1.C0, 11.75. LUPIN'S All-Weel Caahmerefl and Henriettas from COc te (1.25. Mourning Handkereblefs, Gleve, Kuchings, Cellars and Cuffs, Hosiery, &c. FAHNESTOCK'S, HOB. 8S 87 BAST KING) BT.. OAMPMT BAKUAINH I SHIRK'S CARPET HALL WILTON, VELVET, BODY BRUSSELS, Tapestrj, Ingrain, Dimisk lad Yenetlie, RM md Chain Carpet!, OIL OLOTBB, WINDOW BBADMB Ac We bave tbe Largeat & Beat Btoek la Um CHty, H. S. SHIRK & SONS, Oernir Wist King iei Water Strtcta, Uneutir, P. SAKE, SURE AND HPKEDY OUR& Unptnre, Varloeoele and Bpeclal Uleeaaea of either sex. Why be hnmbnggea by qnaeka when yen can Una in Dr. Wright the only Kma cub rsrrsietaa tn fbUadelphla who makea a specialty of tbe aoeye aiaeasea. ana cvaaa TBBMt uvaaa uummun AflTlee Free aay ana evening. Strangers can be treated ana re turn home same Oay. Office private. DK.W.H. WJUQHT, Ml North Ninth Street, Above Uaee, r.o.exm raUaaalphla. fablyaaw JMWMLMT. THK BEST- OIL CANS It DRESS GOODS HAUGHMAN'S. Haughman, Lancaster, Pa. Opposite Fountain Inn. McEIrey, Opposite Fountain Inn. LANCASTER, FA. HALLO. BABQA.INH I N OTIOH TO TKEHfAHUURS AND GDNNKUS. AU Dersons are hereby for. bidden te treapaaa en kny of the lands of the Cornwall ana Speed weU estates in Lebanon or lAneastar counties, whether Inclesed or main closed, either for the pnrpeae of sheeting or ashing, aa the law wlU be rigidly enforced against all tree paw tng en said lands of Ue na FoeISSS-ak ruiMi, K. rutey ALUsUT, i&.n yJCA VHliMKq VUIUAt ,. v,V" - R KADINU & COLUMBIA . . 'TN 1 "- - T , ,,." ri "ZW.SLXKWArvS&r- n Leave ". Q parry rule .ejj ffngn'treeULane Tn Lancaster 7.40 Marietta JnnoUen 7A8 Columbia. 710 Arriveatt a.. fading me 0CTKWAB9. aI9 l' ?"." .., 7.19 w.Ty?1' A. at. ?A"rt" J onetlen tM aw-is tsa- Leava out,"A, - Qnarrjuieat 7.10 a.m. Ja lng street. Lane at (.08 Lauuiuia.. ' 7fi us tl tt-' 'Wj a.m. r.a.' iue 9 .. t.,f Lsa ;; tM 'lal- a Arrive at ' .- Ai 4 Leave-' " Ww" 4 j'ummm, jane.,atB.SDg, gLatM MPfcaU1';' Qnarrrviiie.atB.inn.tn. "" wf;i - - Ww -. ,tJ",1-'-t .n"SVKrSl.'H25."5. ?" wrea np js;cwian BanU,ni,-,a;W.tUltrl,,,t0 M01 Wni. ' w"ule, Msvumnem umm fr5S.JnncUea -" ." ai Maaiieim with tralni te tAftfraite. At. T.leaMaaakB IsmaAIsM iia. n 'iH -..uieisM VUHV1VD, WIMl QMUIOBai' from Lancaster. Qnarn vlile, anaehewS.r5j a. M. wilben Snpenntena eC LEBANON A liANOASTEX L1NCHAILXOAU. JOIHl;; . - . '!? .after, BeapaT, Mat Is, law. NOSTHWAKD. wnurryviiie... ...... King Street, Lane. 7.00 taneaater 7. Haabeim 7M Cornwall 1M . Arrive at Lebanon an OUUXUWAKD. .Leave a.m. p.w. Lebanon 711 UM Senywa" 77 uas Manhelm 7.M 1,14 Lancaster.....,,..., J fj Lit . Arrive at A. at. WILSON, snpt B. a, O. WaMmai PKNNHYIiVANU ItAIJbROAn 18M. " ""-? .Trains tAvaLixuTB anal imts Sttt SO"3 . . . ..j.,j... nm itH.uwe I JsSVtt vnnr.vn Philadelphia. Paeffle Kipressf Jews iKxpressr . .. aae Cm. lu"0s.m, 9ttn sa. tnaa . Mall train vlaM,Jej I p aNallTraint..... NUgara Express Hanover Acoem Wmt l.ln.t ... vteoeinmbta i:ua. m. via Colombia itederiek Aoeoni!!r! iiiwa. m. uuirBaier acoem..,. UarTlsbnrg Aoenm.. , (Je'umbia Aocem .. Harrlsbnrg Nzpraw f Weatern Axpres,... EASTWARD. "Ufa. xpreait 'aat linef. Uarrlsbnrg Kxpreasl Inesster Acoem..., Colombia Acoem..., Atlantic Kxpressf,,, Seashore Express..., Philadelphia Aocem. jnnday MU.. ....... via ait. rfey, K'ep. as. :0p.B. ,,0:up.m. ;Mp.a. Lancaster. fiet. a, eisa. m. tiiaa. in. .Ota, m. 8e a. m. litsea.m. 12KMp, m. t.Kp m. IM)p.m. 1:46 p.m. -J",ai-nisiegt4) Hanigharg Aocem e:wp, t the only trams whleh ma Sally, ea day the Mall train waat rnna by mil t J. B. WOOD. General risaanger iaail . OHA8. a. rvuk. ueaeml lSSSS.T TMUttMB. - "- n r.i'i t n ' 'i'l mstTTWB ntDivm.iiiri m&.ua 'mLZ j , .., mmrnrn, asa, i ' mmm ..1KB' ' &' ATTlTlVa ITJUiTM' V, TRU $ TEUMS! " EK0HV1D TO-DAT, A Carload of Trunks os miZ ALL PRICES. $1.50 TO S25a iter"' . - sum 1 r, m. aB. w.m j?. a rm .ft nil HB SMI OS lM 1.18 SI0MI sm t? US T.U1M Ull T.M A K, Ml'- ai Ml CM- a Mali .ta m m&i MfcBfcV5 aawp.sAV't 4Ma.aa.' - viz Ria.as( TO tl. Zt.I2, Traveling Bags. vt"8,l ALSOALAK0K ASCOKTMBNTOr &M asm S. Habertush & Sen's --, SADDLE, HAKNlSBj AMD jfe TRUNK MK.M.B G-.S S1UK& Ne. 30 Osntra Bquart, d LANOASTSB, FA. BtJMMMB JtmOMTg. m w a a w fsasPSOisi sa Manx A TLA.NTIO CITY, N. J, THE MANSION. . .- ATLANTIC CITT.NVlI. Laraeet Most Convenient Hetel. laMetlwr alent Hetel. sUeMsttfNTt tanagea. Ooaehleaai Vfi'I Orcheatra Mnate. Q; rnrnisnea. LiDenuiy Ma from ileaeh ana X rains. . CUAS.M0ULADJS.Frea, W. M. Cecebab. Chief Clerk. lebavin VJT. GRETNA PARK. . Mt. Gretna Park, JOB BXGUBSIONS AMD PICNICS. This rark is located in the heart el tks) Beeth Mountain en the line of the Cornwall Lebanon Ballreai. Nine miles , enth et the City at Lebaaem, within easy distance of llerrlsbara. KeaOlaay Lancaster. Colombia and all txrfnta ea tfi Philadelphia A Heading and rannsylvaalan':)' Hall reads. The ground are large, neisiHa .S-. ' nnnoreeaoi acres, ana are A?V 1-SBS TO ALU rf'$ xne oenvenienoee are m irga tnuicim fi. 9iv vlllen. a Spacious Dining Uall. Twe Kltelaaa, 4'S-V menu tortnaemtntecmiUtOf creqaMAC VMi lery qnelta, Kta., fte. Tables ler Lnnctwia VS unstic Beats and Benehea are seattereA ,", uuungneut me gruunas. TUB STATN KlFLK BANQN Ot the National Guard of Pennsylvania has been located at lit tiretna. and the MMtary Nine Practlee, from time tetlme at the Kanga, will oensUinte a new attraotlen te vWtets. Anether attraction la LaKKCONKWAQO, , Cevering nearly twenty acres en which are placed a number of elegant New Beats, am 1 along the banks of which are pleasant walks ana lovely scenery. OBSK&VATIONaSRS Will be run en the line of the Cornwall Lab- anon ttaliread, or will be sent .te nnlnti. when nraetleable. ter the aaai ataataM. Uen et excursion parties. They are saaa, pieaaani ana euuyruieuu ... Parties desiring tt can procure Meals at tks Park, aa the Dining Uall win be under the su su pervUien oil II BOLTZ. of the Lebanon Valley Heuse. These who wish te spend a day In the Mountains can find no place m beasts tnl or affording se mncb pleasure aa Mb Uretna. i0 INTOXUHTINU DUNKS Air LO WBDO TUB PKKM1SKS. ' aw rer Bxcnrtlen Hatea and assets! UMs matien, apply te. - ncu imvn. Bnp'tOAL, . Railroad. Labaaea. Pa. jeai-sma WK, tvrwu Tn CUUI1V A KKW sample te the wholesale and retail trade el iAeeaster. r. and aojelntng autea We are tbe laraeat manufacturer et enr llss ta tks country, send two eaeu in atampe let par. Uaelar. NopetAiaaswa.re. HW SSSasr aw ae na ItXMMIAIiM'V'OOO, BB11 rlBaawsa SSI 4ssparweaaw , ?-;. .. ? m m IA."H 3& liV. MM 'a m .'M yi m H& S i 1 Jf '.Itr M ? .S1 "tj fl j- ,i3 fa. ti v tj .. S if. v ,1 r.