j-in rtfpew '-v,i.vy cvm- ?- ' w ' . 1? 'v Wt' ""k., . ' 'VS' 1?,' :( ,'' K' -" :J---''.ru.v e ,.. fWi v . j v'i -til" ft 'If?'1 ' A L'...A 1HE IiASTCASTER DAILY ISTEIJJGEyCER. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBEB 5, 18 vtf."irr'7 vyr1 r '-&,-"" ( -- - ' j.i !ii g , 'ATtRiKiir.. by earners tswMferiec. IMttNtt, !. ., v,t' . : ' V Wiusai , khbi rag, i.w ftjrjHaik, IfMima eepics set '. Vaa tnT.T.tacKdKB." UMHlnr,11. r,' i MM Dally, Intelligencer IKCAnr; rriMMN is. Pte IkMar.feCrtai A War Trtm It. Tfca aMiiilitiMn TiTSstib cannot stand jgjhiMn'irti'numiNl ... ,-,.,- a M . -M. k' . c7ITl- jjt.. iiiri.,i ..i aW. jhbuns asciaratura ma trusta uve it In'lii'f iiini'iii'll ill i nlllli'n- the r.- ..r..w.. .u.. - .. vi-i. kMiteMek(ethric'lta readers believe tbMWMTrMlt: and thli theuBli tt tall down' hi writirilr, se that be'inlmitiaenioediand the took down net only bis exact .'bat Mi tone of voice and gestures. atrtbat fee Bsa this declaration Alftrt.tNitawtifc bUuwb fC8,eut 'J'luaft Ansa and with lead votes. Ha mni'teUtg "te ataad by that, It by any mx?e,1l was euro that the nation as a Mteabad netung te de with, trusts, MtbatanaUMiaeanvu was net the .,.,..,. r., .- la WBlra te talk about tnem. BatTthe Press aaya that the Hill iertyer eritlcuea Blame? speech ;'' miiapprehenalen due te the iVr -lhaatfeLtefcj.M a' lha awuiAAii ttAtnsw a mAn rjaMOTW J m MJQ CVU WQIUft f VWA ne i-aar Mia at it, tbAt " uen pceeMf ibMma jurisdiction iit"fthaWtjlatJk chfirtd Mmnclftft. when ItattieS'tejaty acreaa sUte lines, that W.fcwi.iritti nPeet te railroads, MMs,feiTiei and ether means of Itinsf flirtation -,' and it declared 'that BiaJMaeeratd oblivious te the law and jeeMljrte the Inter-cenunerce act. And Mrtenadeubtedly was ; he never has ; kaewn anything about the law, and his kwc absence In Europe seems te have larthlHh little intelligence of any ktad about der institutions and modes. . IkalJilsaest lnoenoeivable that be should lkT;beea se ignorant as te declare that trsltUbadnethlns; te de with national teifties j but be undoubtedly said it ; and tits itiCsntiee is that be is very stupid or very ittuch inclined te defeat his party. ;Tbc bright undertaking et the Prm te fstBlktMaway from bis declaration is nssna npenine statement wac tue Mager HwnaSf in saying that Blaine bad forget- , MaisneBt tbe inter-state commerce act. ttsejfa'tbat be referred te it' apprev- : lagry Ui his speech; but it makes his felly : sweater, te declare that trusts are states 'IsWes while railroads are national con vMtai, they being equally of state crea- Wt- 'StTg. " "" " V- Lisiltiaf Issmlgratlea. wswesenwuve uates is preparing a bill k. y sitmm the evils of immlirratlan arid nrn- S .)iBt'jttMi easy ingress into the country ;. bow, aneruea au tne rm-ran or me world. :' ITMlaw new en the statute books which 'fiwbiMts the importation of contract labor, has bad a geed effect se fares it kM been operative , but it is very lnad- "4eately enforced, and is found in prac- readily defeated by immigrants who 'X' Illl te innlt." n all nt fhpm in they bare been instructed by the Jsjinferatlen agents hew te answer the ' iatfulrles of the United States officials en ' thaw shores. Tbe law la intended te pre- hlfelt the Importation of gangs of labor- ."Bdlt is JurtfluchHP-GJithat de. tne cunning ue vices interested in importing It bas been brought some What into contempt by the successful ' ; effort te apply its terms te preachers and .jettier valuable classes of men who have a.pMm engaged in Europe te All situations 'f'W. T t. ....U1 .1 .1 I .a '$fihijjtni, te prohibit tbe importation of ,tri4nWe and tkllled labor of any kind. J;Iti purpose was te keep out raw and Ignorant labor material, that was of no Sr fM&W te the country by its intelligence I'' flBsi mi only useful for its sinew ; of tpi tM country tuts a full supply of its :iew production. :;iS.Mr. OAtes' bill proposes te remedy the 'Jdassete of this law. He may put a head tax spea every immigrant sufflsient te v1nrp oet the worthies!. An excellent fnvMonfer limiting importation is te tVsalt the number a ship may Wty, se as te prevent the sardine " Uksf crowding of steerage passengers that skes the price of passage se low. If a (l is required te give a proper amount 'ceble feet of space and air te every fisseeger.the passage rate will be a pre. WWtary tariff. upen.HuDgarlan lmmlgra. tissui It will doubtless keep out a great suay geed emigrants; but no general Mwmn be passed te cure an evil, which ' itwm operate beneficently all the time and : 4 ! every direction. It is clear that there J BMBAat taft ffAfHtlfrAnf1. rAlfrlAInn d9 tha a1 eCisamlgranU who come here te live like tJJMSjtsandte go home with their gains her a few years;of labor. They have no .latswet in our country and should net jpesayete with ita intelligent labor. Th y 'swe the instruments of their masUri and nothing better than the beasts whose cea- 4uetthey simulate. The people who mdaf them here need te be punished 1 ssmeely for their undertaking te "beat" tbt law. Bat prevision should be made rtiamhv thniu trhn ilaalra tn emntn ir. rl , ' " - w r .wiiu; 1U roeunines a desirable class et. lmmi. my de se through the United I consuls. ,m.- v.. Illiteracy. :,fW Americans are in the habit of leek. avgrvpea our country as we most en- lisrhteeed en earth, and nearly nil of us JT believe that .in America the tkm et tbe masses is better, and the of illiteracy lower, than lnanv land. The statistics et education te "net support this comfortable faith. According te tbe tenth census 17 per Mat. of the people of the United States IPsfSj usable te write, and 13 per cent. :Bikbk' te read. In 18S5 the reports m tbe Swiss contingent for mill. Afttir service showed that only 0.3 'pec. ,cat. of the men were either ;;WMk minded or illiterate, and tbe Swiss :Uwa declare that "every Swiss is liable psatuury service." In considering this rreeently the Chicago Intcr-Ocian UtetltM following facUwith regard te aatiena : JfOtShe rreKs te the Qer mtn army ler VM aalvi 27 twr cenU were ueabls w xeaa ff wTtsa. la Ei and Wast PumU ud in ; . ttw srenlage of UilteratM wm f i e in "51 m HW per OMi. ; in most or tb etber . aait bUBlv 1 nar esnL In Vnnni 'lafoeMibat 11.7 per cent of untie . asi.ietI.ua www totally igoeianf, la VLB, a tlSBiS neat wtilen Uie 'flejeafj.HeHUMtasMesJwrdlyex' S,s"jsjse aspartame tns rsue m1awm& la BmUsmI sa4 Wstss tMPwewifgwi of adaus utm NMlrwuM wy fcy tMniiiHet MM, llf7aMlHM MS fwitlW.TMMtU fwitlW.TMMtU lMsrstSdrjaatleSWSMtlMBWet MOSMfcOlM. OWeni mi Herrty, n wktaft mm HletWIM WSSSwBSJS Inr BIni( of SUltetsey was a, la Beettwad e et MMiiy aMMSta waw e aed 12.10 for Usssalss. la Irslaad M.S awl Md 8fl a Haaslss.' It will beseea tbat our own average of illiterates Is higher than that et all the ether nations considered, though in Ire land and In some of the French depart ments the average illiteracy Is greater. But the illiteracy, in some of enr own states is se overwhelming that it spoils tbe excellent record of a part et the coun try. In Alabama the percentage of people unable te read was 44.5, Arkansas 28.8, Flerida 8S, Georgia 42.8, Louisiana .45.8, Mississippi 41.9, New Mexico 00.2, North Carolina 08.3,SouthCarellna48 2, Tennes see 27.7, Texas 21.1 , Virginia 81. These are the highest et the averages. The lowest averages of illiteracy are Iowa 2.4, Nebraska 2.2,'WyemIng 2.0, Dakota 3.1. In Pennsylvania tbe average is 4.0 who cannot read, and 7.1 who cannot write. Massachusetts bas 5,3 per cent, unable te read, and 0.5 who cannot write. With regard te our own part of the coun try, and especially with respect te tbe great Western states our pride is jest but the ignorance that prevails among the colored people of tbe Seuth and the Indians of New Mexico counts heavily ngalnst us and must be overcome. Chief Justice Beyle. Tbe president bas put Charles K. Beyle la a place for which he is peculiarly fitted. lie will make an excellent judge, being a geed lawyer and a fair-minded man. lie has net made a geed politician. Be had net the proper facility for dealing with the groundlings ; and he bas always been in het water when undertaking political management. lie could net handle political patronage se as te make friends with it , which is a common fall ingot very geed men. Talent and tact are very different things. Mr. Beyle will get into an at-, mosiibere in the chief justiceship of Washington territory which will suit him ; and if be still has taste for political life, he ean go shortly te the Senate, which will also be a field suited te bis talents. " - Cuiu te net progreMlng in a very cbser cbser Iek way irons may Judge from tbe reports of brigandage tbat come te na new and tben. Tbe latest recounts tbe capture et a wealtby suirar planter and mayor of tbe town et Mantanzu, who la held by the brigands for a ransom of f 20,000. Tbe cap. tnre wta "Heeled by two mounted men wbe flratselKed an overseer of tbe mayor's plan, utien and mads him lead them te Sllveatre Qircla Bange, tbe mayor. Tben tbey re re leaned the everseer with instruotlens te bunt 120,000, and being Joined by eight mounted comrades heavily armed they rode oft with the wealthy Msyer Bange, Wtasn tbe proximity of Cuba te this moatelvlllzed of nations Is considered the ststa et things revealed by these constantly reported but rages aeems a little ourleui, but only s fsw days age we read of Incredibly savage mee aeres in mil progress in Morocco net a hundred miles from Kegllah Gibraltar, Our avages are several thousand miles from our capital, bnt the turbulent Arsb savsgss are net a thousand miles from Paris perps tratlng atrocities as horrible as any Ameri can Indian ever dreamed of, Tbeae barbariana seem te offer a fair field for the overgrown military pewer et Ku rope, and If the expense of great standing srmle, and tbe ruinous cost of ware ever .brings government te a ssnalbls arrange ment for European peace, tbe elvlllred natlena will rapidly overrun and rule tbe savage world by feres of areia and com merce, a India laruled by England. Even In the present unsettled state or ailalra ICnglUb, Qermana and Kuaalsns are push ing exploration, commerce and cenqusat In Africa and Asia, while Francs and Italy are making mere noise ever teas progress In foreign dominions. Tbe relief expedi tions te Central Africa are really commer cial enterprises but tbtnly disguised, snd the European control of the Conge snd lake region seams te depend chiefly upon the duration of pesos st borne. Tub visit eta Canadian mlnlstsr te the P.oltJe coast te leek after tbodefenaea lsnet a very remarkable event and ewes it, prom lnenoe In tbenews te tbsgsnsrallnterest in Canadian affairs consequent upon the treaty tatlure. Overayear age two heavy guna were shlpped from England te British Co lumbia and the Intention et England with regard te tbe fortlfieatlon et the straits of Kuca and the Paolde termlnns of tbe Cans. dlan PaolQe railway baa long been known. The value of that routs te India and the East la tee great te permit any neglset in its proteetton, and It would svsn sssm te be of cqnal Importance with Gibraltar, placing England within reach of bar Australian colonies, her Indian empire and tbs south ern snd et the Suez canal. Fnblle opinion In Britain baa been very mueh exalted of late ever atatementa of her military weak ness and the Inadequacy et her fortifica tions, and In consequence et this tbs government ha been stimulated te greater activity in British Colombia, as wsll aatn tbe northern frontier of India at Cyprus and at Gibraltar. FEltaONAIi. Hen. lAJCtus Hbndbk, for twonty.twe ?' prexldnut of tie JKtna lire Insurance company, died Tuesday at Hartferd, Conn., Ki 70 years, ' Winnie Jehnsen, well known te dime museum geera throughout the ceuntrv as Big Winnie," died In Baltimore en Mon Men day night, at the age of M year. She was colored, and weighed 819 pounds, W. Q. W. Day. ene at thn lemiin.. .. well-known newspspsr men of Western Pennsylvania, died at bla borne in Waynes burg en Monday, Mr. Day waa for IS years editor and proprietor of tne Waynesbura JitpuUican. " Uhahi-es E. JIevlk has been nominated by PftMldeut Oleveland te be chief Justice of Washington territory. Mr. Beyle was b0rnBUynlent?wn V -830 i graduated at the Waynesburp college, and wa editor ?!? U,ei'Jnt0,'n c"'" of Liberty, from 185S te 1S81 ; waa admitted te tbe bar In lMUj elected te the taiembly la 1865 and I860, snd elteted te tbe Ferty-elgbtu and E.er,J.:?.,n.lu Uengreaass and defeated for the Fiftieth. suuley and as area. Mr. Herbert Ward, the African explorer, met Mr. Stanley and bla followers a they were setting out en their present expedi tion. 1 never, " be says, In my life waa ae struck with any sight as with Htstt ley'a caravan en tbs march. Egyptians, Seudanese, Somalia, Zanzlbaria and ethers, nine hundred aueng. It took me two hours te pass tbem, and than I met the sec ond In oemmand, Majer Barttelet, a young fellow, burnt Tery dark, with a masber oel lar fixed en a Uannel shirt, top-beets, etc. He wm carrying a large backet that some fellow bad Abandoned. I aay, are von Ward?' he sneuted. 'I am Ward,' 1 aatd and I new belong te your expedition l am very glad te bear It,' be replied ; 'Stan. ley baa spoken of you, and ae you are com ing bIedk; that's right I vsry geed bust, nessl' He seemed te be full or tremendous spirits, looked very nt, sod I admired him Immensely. Tippoe Tib, tbe notorious slave trader otStanley FaUs,basoemeround from Ztezlbar with Stanley, and In bis silken roees. jewelled turban and krlsa leeks a very ldesl Oriental potentate. It la thought 'geed business,' as Captain Bart Bart teeot would say, getting him for an ally. He bad forty-two of bla wives along with him. Seme of them srs bandaems wemen. vue tuns sieui taay, ueeaea out in msgnl I 8wnt costume, appeared te be rstbirTreeJ la bw tekarMr, 1 theaahi MwliMit as, daeMsdi-. Iirsvwhsriwe fowls, m WtjwtadMBtrMMUylMMBft" t rea4t Wm Me SHtavMnM tftk-apaif. Tbe WssMagtes, jTVsf Tim s4ay ssys tbat tbe sahsles) at" Oaalrssaa Btnasa, of is astletrsl DtBOonUeeoaamlUt,'totiieeHy last week, was te eeassU with the heats at deports and leadlsg DesaesraMe pellUetsna in regard te tM Mat method of oelleotlog campaign1 .eaa-' trltmtlens from gevernment1 empleyes ?Bt ether residents of the district. t wss decided that Uis civil ssrvles law sad raise and the civil ssrvles reform prt prt tsBSIeas et the administration would net permit tbe dutritratlomera begging circu lar among the empleyes. Tbat propoii prepoii propeii tlon wss laid aslds ss unfSMinie. It was decided, however, tbat aa offlee wiu be opened ta tbe Corcoran baUdlng, or at sebbs ether convenient pises, ta a few days, and mesas will be found te let svsry Dem oeretBO resident In ttis District of Col Cel li m bis knew tbat bis voluntary contribu tion will be welcome. WJ.IfAMAKMR'8 ltMW'l'tJlJ.-- Open all dav en Saturdays. when you come te the city bear in mind .that Wanamaker's is a meeting and resting and waiting place as well as the biggest store in the world. There are reading and sitting and retiring rooms for you; telephone, telegraph, and mail facilities. Your parcels will be cared for without charge. Wc try te make you welcome whether you care te buy or net trrnii sqvt L J u WANAMAKER'S 14 Ac re 4 PLOOR SPACE 8 PHILADELPHIA P i ruitretum in , j- Yeu knew that there is no worthy het weather (or any weather) thing for wear or home use but we have it If you can't come te the store, write for whatever you want, samples or goods. Shopping by mail has come te be simple and certain. A few scratches of a pen, and all the facilities of the store are yours. JOHN WANAMAKER, Philadelphia. COMPLBXION re WD as. V- ., w-'i-g--i-fA--.4- S. vv'vvV QOMMVKXION POWDRK. LADIES WHO VALUE A BkriKKD COU FLEXION MUSX USK POZZONI'S MEDICATED COMPLEXION POWDER. It Imparts a brUllant transparency te the skin, Bcmeves all pimples, I roekloa ana ais ais ais colerations, ana nrnkes the skin aollcately sort ana beantUuL It oentalns no llrae, white, lead or arsenla in three shaaas, pink or flesh, white ana brunette. FOB SALE BT All DniffslBts Doalers and Faney aoeda lvorywhero. VBEWAUK Or 1UITAT10NB.' armt-lvd UROOXK1JC8. TMNK ailOCKUlES. Read 1 Bead I Read 1 -CALL AT- W.A.REIST& CO.'S GROCERS, COUNRU EAST K1HQ AND DDK K HTB., l.A.NOASTKH.l'A. f 'Inest Line of Ohotce Qroeoiios In the cltv, and rnrelve a haiaome ana correct oehlnat slie photegraphsot J. Wilkes Uontb.Lnwrence Barret, Henry Ir.lnir, rreOeilck Warae.ana AnnlB Pixiny, lrnne Verona, Agnes Uernaen Jesephine Suaialr. The above are rorreet ana cannot be stir pusett aa te qnallty et cara ana renrateness of pt-rsea. Alse sample of Brat Uaktna: row rew rerfree. Qnaranteea atrlctly pure, ask ter We have Qret Barsatna In Qroeerlss te errrtu von for the next ihlrtr Oavs In order te reduce our stoek. Mew anned Ooedsand rrulis wM Ukn up al the room we tare te pare, ana we are receiving them dully. . A. Mst & Ce. aWTELBVUONK. OPEN KVMUY EVEN 1NO. I-BBE DELIVKUY. B A1U1AIN& RE 1ST, tai READ 1 READ 1 READ 1 Ualllernla Btraioed Heney. S as for Sic. Jelly (all kinds), 0 &s Korsse. Table Syrap, llgnt as honey, 10c a qt. StewtDK rigs, t B for no. Hunch It ililnp, 4 fttforSSe. . l'runca.O S lands for 25c. rreiU Tea Blicnlte, 4 fti for tAe. Snaps and Mlcnars, s fet for 25c. Twe Geed Breems for tie. Bast rieur In the World (Belsl's Leyal), tee a quarter, lfresh Wheat Genu, 6 fts for S3c. rresh Uelled uat, 8 ttj ler 23c, Vresh Oatmeal. 0 ks ter SSe. Whole Uratn-a uice, 6ki for &a. Geed nice, 5 It j for c. Twe Large Cakes Laundry Seap ler Cc. Ololeesosp, 6e. Large Bex- Blue, 5e a box. Finest Drlea Beet In the city, l.Ke a &. finest flcule Uams In tbe city, UXe a ft. Twe Largs Boies fttusWrd Bardtutts for 21c. One Bex Oil or Jiuitwd Uardlnes for tic, SS-And many ether Bargains, call and see It will surely pay yen. Relst, WbeIesaleA Retail Grocer, Northern Cerner Weil KIbs tad rrlecs Slreeli, w LAWOABTEH.PA. VrrANTUD -TKMHBKATE, KNEK- Btle man te sellstt order for our lc(V.urJl6t? 8teck' Pteadywnrkand geed Ju.-0 KilS6! --J rned. ItefiSreScS sepi'toeefl 8qnaT' ""lpbta. TfOOP SAsMAPAXIIiLA. , TRUE" ECON6MY His trrM sesuessr tasnv SMfa HUs, far "MS SMMSai VeHar,nls wKasaatrnaeair of W wepslsr II Ftm wlsk te wrers ttta. bas a 1-sMtesC Jlssd'slsrispstnisssa m ssssaHa ssasssis. ion win una un seia ise teaspoon rats. . Slew ta tits dirssUefes, ana yen wUI'k that tM atMScs' aess for persons of atfferent sgss is lass tfeaa a teanpoeafnt.-TW Is eertaiBly esa eluslrs Md aaaswerabl eviaeace of tbe pe culiar atreagtk ana sseaemy of HOOD'S BABSArAKIXLA " w bssaa nata oeS's aaiMssrUla la enr iBsutntle aetas aseaths age, ut tevtng watched IU effect. wUh tessy thatwetsAlt a geed, reliable, and ' bsnsdetal medietas' for tamUy use, aad tat' hospitals and institutes suck ss our." Stsisas os Kaacr, West erth stOlaslnnatl, O. " I took HoeS'a STnrUta for less of sobs- Uts, dyspsysla ana general languor. It did as avt sineant of geed, and 1 have no heat Uney la recemmeadlng It." J. W. Wius Wius Wius roae, Qulney, 1U. uaaivrH BKTriB tiiik mi " I bav been troubled by a sotefnloas affoo affeo affoe Uonallmrltfe. it Is eas of the searksa rec ollections of ay boyhood d tys, and for several yesra haa rtnaared me unable te labor sauclu I tklnk Uoed'a Sarsaparllla, which I havs been using at Intervals for tan yean, lath bt thing I have ever taken. I am new SO, and my general health sssm better than ever." H. V. Abbett, W arras. If. U. HOOD'S SARBAPARILLA. Sold by all drufftists. SI t six for SS. Prspared oeiy ey u i. uuuu c uu iiewsu, jsasa. 100 DOSES ORB DOLLAE (S) QUAY'S BPKQiyiQ MKDIOIKK. Gray's Spedle Medicine. TheQreat English EemedywlU promptly ana raOleally enre any ana every case et aervoes cutbUlty anaweaJkBeaa. resnltoflnducratlen, esoeese or overwork of brain and nervous sys tem j te perfectly harmless, act Uks magic, and been extensively tueti for ever H year with srreat am srui pameniars la enr pamphlet whleli eesire te sena tree rr mau te every ebs. Hneellla lledleuals sold bv all urn. rtsta at l per fetatge, or six psekages rer p. It will be ent free by mall onreeelptof the money, by addreesteg the agent, H. B. OOOH1X.UT, DruaTOlat, Ac. ,117 A US North Queen at, Lancaster, Pa. 1 THE QBAT MED10IWR CO.. Ne. 106 Main stroet, Buffalo. HV. JuniMvewMWr IMPROVED DBUUS. CUSHIONED KAIt OOBE FOR THE DEAF, l'eck'a Patent Improved cushioned Ear' Drums perfectly restore hearing ana perform tha work of the natural arum. Invisible com fortable and always in position. All conver sation ana even whispers heard rtlsllneUy. fend for lllnilrated book with testimonial. rrleK. Address or call en r. H18COX.8M Broadway, New Xerk. l23..wOM,W,rw usir vuuea. J. UAKRY BTAMM. Stamm's OPENED THIS DAY, Saturday, Septemtar 1, Sema of our mock was fetmarly at Nos.35&37NerthQuo3uSt. But we moved te enr NEW STORE, -AX- N0.24CENTRESQUARE, Where we will be pleased te see all enr old friends and patrons, likewise strangers whom we nope te add te our list et mentis ana patrons, We propose looking after your Intcrrsts- wnjgmrueNK WKLL-ultlmately means enr success. WK AUK NOT HAED TO FIND. KKMt T IN OEMTUE EQUAUK, tNexi Uoer te the New Era Office.) FOR 10 DAYS -WEerrxu- 100 Introductory Bargains ! W hlch will be sure te attract you te in. OUU NEW STOttK wilt always leek clean ana nice, and as near liomellke as possible. Don't Ferget Our New Stere, STAMPS STORE, Ne. 24 Centre Square, S-01'ENKDSATUUDAY,BE1'TEMBEB 1, anglS-lya BICYCLES. JJ10Y0IiK8,TRI0Y0LKS, TANDEMS. COLUMBIA Bicycles, Tricycles, Tandems. DUUABLE, BIUPLE. ClUAUANTEED UIOHEST QBADK, U.I.U8T11ATED CATALOGUE KUKE. POPE MF'G. CO., 19 rU AN KLIN BT., BOSTON. BitANOli IIOUBKB - li warren St. New Yerk i 01 Wanash Aye., (.htcaira, auS-lydeed OAHHARD'H MITjD CORED HAM AND UBKAKrAHT BACON. Unoe.uHla for tenderness and eellcacy of flavor. We auarantee that there Is nothing te equal them In quality in this market, thou sands of Uw best families ere new iijlnu them. Tnjy KtT0 onlversai satlsfacUen. Iry them ana tell your neighbors. 5t.,i2aJ?,' j BelOfna nleely chlppea. rnoesrssaeBablsT aOKt,VlANTT NEWlSTONSTORE SWaTCVO. 8TAMDABD CHJlWlXQ TOBACCO, t J DO YOU CHEW? -THEN UET THE BEST s WHtca Finzer's Old Honesty Ottilia k lUd H Via Tsw ea Kycry Fles, OLD HOMSflTr te ssksewlsagsA ts tM UM FOBM sua MOST LASTUtft pteSS'SC BTAMDAKD OHEWINQ TOBACCO OB ts market Trylnr it te a better test than aay taikaoeutlt. tilve Its fair bteL sT-TOUB DEALS HAS IT.i nevlS-lydAw FUBN1TVRM. --kn,KK.' w IDMYKR'S. FURNITURE WIDHTEE'S OOBJSTEB. THSOLD COBNXR 1 FULL Or GOOD NEWpTHlNOB. '-Our stock Is tee large and must be reaneett before the season closes. Te de this we have concluded te si ve the people a chance te get Geed Furniture I AT A LITTLE COST. We have some goods (net the newest, bnt Inst aa geed) that will be tela If the pnee pat en them will sell them. TheseareeBBAT BAVOAINB, ana we ex- ywu www UIOUI UlUfD UVOljt WIDMYER'S FURNITURE STORS Oer. M'aat Kina & Duke Sta. QOHS & QIBBa FURNITURE ALREADY. We are getting in some new Fall Styles in Furniture. , They'll be coming and going all the time. The geed selection you have Ifrem our entirely new stock, at ;the extremely low prices, will pay you te call en us. ' We're manufacturing a full line of geed Heme-Made Werk. 'Alse de repairing and uphol stering. OCHS a GIBBS, Manufacturers and Dealers, 2d, 3d and 4th Floers, 31 Seuth Queen Street. aprlMyd I desire te call the attention of my friends and patrons te tbe fact tbat I am no wprepsred te de general Undertak ing1, te which my per sonal attention will be given st moderate charges. Respectfully,; WALTER A. HKIMTflH, 27 St 29 B, Quesn.StV j Besldenee 87 West Vine Street, opposite St. Mary's Charen, F lURNWURE I FUHN1TURE I THE UNDEU8IONED HAS BEOPENED UIB BTOHE AT TUB OLD BTAND, Fe. 88 East Sing Street, Which was destroyed by Ore some time age, ana ha a perfectly Mew stock of all kinds .e! FURNITURE. VAULO&-SUITE8, 11BDKOOM SUITES, TABLES, GHAI.ua, ETC TJPflOLSTERINQ In All Its 'Branches. Alse fainting and Or namenting old Chair.; HENRY WOLF, Ne. 38 East Slag Street. leatfd COAL, '' fc.-... .-.... - a. a.-.- -. , . , M i.i i - iVUi.-i.ir.XfU L. TO B, MARTIN 4 CO., Wholesale) and lie tall Dealers in all kinds of L.UMBKK AND COAIi. AW Yxbe Ne. i'H North Water and Ne. 00 North Jrrlncs street, Lancaster, fa. nS-lyd JDAUMQABDNXS'S OOMPAHY, GOAL DEALERS. emw-Hft ltl Nerth.QneenBtxeet, ana He. H4 North rnnee street. TABnet Mena rnnei street, near Bseelng anr UlM ItAROARTBE. PA T UMBER, COAL, 40. LUMBER, COL -AND ROOFING SUTE. O. SENER a SONS, l-KINCE AND WALNUT STB, Bell coal el the Best Quality at the Lewest Vrtees. Bny new, as U may be hlgaer. JaJvua a OLOTMljrW, sVMwa.iarfij'j' ifcwsv-jSvyit,i,ii., VAJU,y PALL ATTstACSJesrs. ".W.OOJtMWl KORTS Qtmssst OKANQ1 UTt. LABOABTBE.FA. Early Fall-Attraction. W have reeetvss tetely Lsqrs Invetes of GOODS IK THE F1BOB. SMsptlalBg Csssl aasrea. Worst as Ofcevtess. whtek ws MaktoerderUthBeftorBylsMHeentts Frlsss. All-wool Wersted Bulla te Ortsratlia.Wi, U,n.BS,M. All-West OssstsMrs Bulu te Ortsr t9U, U, tU, SW, tlM, 0U, te. AU-Weel Cheviot Bait Belts te Order at lit, Hi, si.). All-Weel Cheviot Fat te Orier at SABS. It. S,I6.7. AU-Weel Worst Fast te Ortsr atHU, IB.IS,K,T,tS.ss. AU-Weel Casrimere PasU te Order st M, Ths Finest Qoets I The Falrast DsaltBg t Tbs FnllenBaUstaetten aoaraatsse BV W invite inspection ana Bzaateailen el Osr Stock. Bee Styles, Loek st Quality ana LewjFrices. L. GAHSMAH & BRO. On account of Holiday, enr Stere will be Closed en ThursOsy, September e, aaa Satur day, September 15, until 6 o'clock p. m. M KK8 BATHTOK. We're Pushieg Things. WE AUE l'USIIINQ THE BUTT END OF OUB Summer Stock of CletblDg off at- LOW PRICES. Net Belew Cost, of course ; you don't expect that i or, ir we dia adrertlse it yen wenld net believe It. Bntlf you wanta O00D, HONEST SUIT AT ITB LOWEST PRICE, CALL NOW AND QET A SOLID BARGAIN'! Myers & Rathfon, LBADINO CLOTH1EBS, NO. 12 MAST KINQ ST LAHOABTBB fA. H IRSH it BROTHER. FALL MD WINTER NOVELTIES IN OOK DEPARTMENT. Fer Seits Made te Your Order: 11 ANDBOHE ErrECTa In FANCY WOBB TEDS, WIDEWALE8, BOOTCH CHEVIOTS, COBKSCBBWB ana 9 ANOT CABBIUEBEB. Fer Pants-Made te Your Order: BEAUTirUL STB1PES ana PLAIDS In JT1NE rBENOtT, ENGLISH and DOMESTIC WOKBTED8 ana CABSIUEBES, MEDIUM andHEAVY-WEIQUrcUKVIOrSf FOR OVERCOATS: MELTONS, KKBSEYS. CUINCUILLAS, WKaTer-EMQLAND OL.OTB8, WOBBTEDS, WIDE WALES anaBEAVEBS. A Perfect Fit Guarantee.1. Oil tbe Beit TrinmiDgi 1M Only the Best Werknen Employed. CORDUROY SUITS Hade te Order Ellter riannel or Harge Lining. AW A cordial Invitation l extendea te sail and inspect our stock. HUM & BROTHER, ONH-PRIOB CLOTUIKU3 AND EUKNISUEUS, Cor. North Queen St and Centre Square, lANOASTKR, PENN'A. aTf bop Ceat, Panta and Vest Hands, and Onstem Vest Bands, wanted . AWCleeed aa Tbursday ana rrlday, etb ana 7tb Inst, en account of Holiday. angSMma WL. FIBBER, DENTIST. Canicular attention glren te flUliur andpreserrtng the natural teeth, I have all the latest lmprerement ter doing ralce work at a Tery reasonable coat, tiarlngy.sarsef ex perteae la the large cltiealamauxetegvre lave bast or satisfaction ana sare ytra saeney bast srtuslsi teeth osUysteoper esc MsntOyd sfe. N TO JOMtiergM SI, . uansman ts Bre., MERCHANT TAIL RING eenr -sftivcjrej F00 it WAH. Ten Oan Save leney BY VU1T1MS STAGKHOUSE'8 AND PlTBCHABlNa TOUB' FOOT WEAR. BBST SHOES AND LOWBS1 FBIOsWtNTHBIOITT. D. P. STACKHOUSE, f SO HABT KINQ, OT. LANOABTBE.rA- MB-lyABw JOOOT8 AND SHOES. An Exciting Race the Lead I for la these time when "Competition la se Streng," ws sue Determlnea te Keep la tM Lead, and hays LalO. in a LARGE STOCK or- Scheel Shoes Which for PRICE, QUALITY ana DUB ABIL ITY cinnet be beaten la the City. WE CAN BELL YOU Child' Kid ana Pebble, neel and spring Heel Shoes, sue. from S te 10X, for 11.00. Child's Grain Selar Tip, U-el ana iprlng Heel shoes, sizes 8 te 10H, for 80 cent. Misses' Grain Butten Miess. Bread ana Nar row Tee, site 11 te i, for 11.00. Misses' Grain BelarXlp Butten Shoes, Bias llto.terii.0J. aliases' Kid and Pebble, Heel ana Spring Heel ehee. sue 11 te z, 11.28. Youths'. Beys' ana Men's Veal Calf. Heek Lace "-hoes. Biz e 11 te 2, S le 8 ana 0 te 11-11.00 par pair. Ladles' Pebble Butten Shoes. Sizes nt te 7. 05 cent. Ladles' Grain Butten Shee. Blr.es !X te 7, Ladles' Kid and Pebble, Bound and Square Tee checs. Bliss SH u 7, SUSS. Bemember these are no Auction Bale Geed (as we de net buy me Dellar's worth et shoe In that way), but are made by Geed Sellable Vaoterlea, and we will guarantee they are the Beat eheea yen can buy tn the city at the priers quetea above, as wa areBnliainsrUp enr Trade by Selling Heeds en a Clese Mar gin. Meat or these Shoes we have sela ever since we eommeneea basinets, almost three years. We have flllea enr EAST WINDOW with SCHOOL BUess ana have marked tne prices en them, se that you can compare them with these you buy elsewhere. The One-Pilce Cash Heuse. & The Leaders of Lew Prices IN -J BOOTS & SHOES, Ne. S East King Street, LANCASTER. PA Dai'UOODS S1 PKOIAIi BARGAINS. WATT &SH AND 0. 8 & 10 BAST KINO BT. LANCA3TBB,PA, HAYE NOW ON EXHIBITION THE LAB GKBSSIOUKOr DRY GOODS, NOTIONS AND- FANCY GOODS In Central Pennsylvania, . New rail Goods In Every Department bought for CASH ut the Lewest Market Prices. SPECIAL I 100 PIECES ALL WOOL TBICOTS, 40 Inches wlde, only sse a yard. In Light, Medinm ana Dark Greys. We pronounce this the Best Hit- fain in Dress Goods we have ever had te offer, hese goods are all wool ana have never here tofore been sela for less than S7He- E0-INCH ALL-WOOL RUITINGS. In all the New Shades ler rail ana Winter, at Me a yarc. (MALL-WOOL BROADCLOTHS, In all the New Shades, at 7Se ana II 00. Our own Importation of ALL-WOOL HEN BIETTAB and riiKNCH 1SLACK CASH MkBbb, saving our customers the lebbtr profits. Our own Importation of BILK PLUSHES : IS lnehes wlde, In all coloring Imaginable, at CO cents a yard, 18 Inches wide, In all the New Colorings, only 75 cents a yard. 20lncheswlde,ln all the New Pall Shades, only 11.00 a yard Si Inches -wide, In all colors, only 1123 a yard, we consider these goods, at the prices quoted, the very best value we ever offered te enr customers In BILK PLUBUES. Every department will new be found upon examination te be replete with Mew fall Goods at prices te suit the tl nea. New Yerk Stere. HATH. TA.1H I BATS ! STAUFFER & CO. SATURDAY, SPT. I OPENING DAY reu -DUNLAP'd PALLISTYLBS IN Silk and Stiff Hats. We think we have the BEST WOO BLACK BTirrUATlnthectty. AU New Goods. TBUNKS and TBAVEL1NQ BAGS at BOTTOM PBICKB. BOYS' SCHOOL HATS, ISO. Stauffer&Ce. Nea. SI tfc 83 Nertri Queen St., LANCASML.PA. FREY mm. t 4'Siy.. J-ut.ij-r'fk 4t',r! fr-.--v..'V; a.