Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, September 05, 1888, Image 1

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" - i v j3 -- - BBjaaLaBkux " "- t-- -v wVvYvCQHilftlmmlmflwJuflHBBCer. aaaf aaaf ; &
, .r r ' a l ( aw ai ,- a. . j. kzttbiikb . m aw mt.
u - bbsbbssp"" m . w .anns w -w ns - j"--fca-F j r- . a mmm.mmr: m a ass -ma h rii r
.Wri"! ' .
iKixear nrn is Ner
The Ip et Dl.eaee I JaeBseavlHe M1M. rnraljted en the reatntuls,
Owing te IM, muk 0 J tins
t lb Oatewsyet the Otaia,
Lakr Hklkm, Fit, Aug. 30. Perhaps
oe will be almeat afraid te reeeive my
tottery u It eamee I ran aa tafeeted oeuntry,
bnta'snrpiee lfwlU'be fumigated ere It
reaches you. At any rata we arc hen m
free frena contagion as you ate, aad are, I
suppose, about as Bate frena It The yellow
fever can take root only In large tewne and
eltie, where there le a orewded population
and an aoeumulattoa et ultb. It haa sever
yet Invaded enr rural dletrlcte aad email
tewna, and It la believed that It oeuld set
twoeme epldemle In a clean, healthy, high
pare region like thla. There are se earn
nearer te ua than Jacksonville, which la
about 150 rrillee distant. Thla may be a
oemfortlng awuranee te some of ear friend.
The yellow fever at Itabtet la a thing te
be dreedtd, but la the form new la Jack
sonville it deee net give occasion for the
dread and panle that it produces. I sup.
pose that the mortality ia net se great aa
that etj typhoid fever in some Northern
cities, nor are there mere eases in proportion
te the population. Diphtheria la far mere
dreadful. And yet these dlaeasea de net
occasion anything like the panle that la
caused by yellow fever. The mortality
thus far teabcfat'l te 7, or say IS per cent
et the cases. In some former epldemlea the
rate of mortality was from 00 te 86 per cent.
That at Memphis some years age -was of
that terribly fatal type. But though
the fever Is comparatively mild at
present, Its presence here, especially In
Jacksonville, the gateway or the state, la a
dreadful calamity, being a deathblow te
the business et that city for the present
season and a cause of great leaa anl embar
rassment throughout the state. Travel la
rendered dlffleult and next te Impossible,
owing te the strict quarantine regulations,
and the detention of freights la producing
almost a famine In some parts of the etate..
Jnst new acme of the commonest neeee-'
aariea of life cannot be obtained at the stores
here or in De .Land, But the health
authorities have lilted some of the re
strictions, and we trust thst hereafter there
will be less lnoenvenlenoe from that source.
It is net belleved that the epldemle will be
of long duration. The most vigorous
measures are being taken te stamp it
out, and they will be aided by the gradual
cooling et the temperature. By the time
that the tenrlat season opens about Jan.
1 it will doubtless have been eradicated,
and business and travel will be unobstruc
ted. One thing observable in the reports
et eaaea la the faet that persona addlelel te
the ezeeailve use or Intoxicating drinks,
have the fever in its severest form, and in
meat casta die. This Is a goei argument
te be made use et by enr temperance advo
In my last letter I compared the temper
ature et Flerida with that of Northern
cities, rather te the disadvantage of the lat
ter. Hlnce then the advantage haa been the
ether way, Your summer haa been un
usually cool, I think; eura unusually
warm. And yet at no time baa the mer
cury risen here higher than 88. The die die die
oemfort has been net In the excessive heat
of partlenlar days, but In a succession of
het days. We are new having dally
showers, with shorter dsys and longer and
cooler nights, and we shall seen enter upon
the antumn season, dellghtlul here no lest
than there, though In a dlilerent way,
What we shall miss here meat et all de
new miss Is your abundance et luxurious
Irulta, the thought et which makea one'e
mouth water ; but we must net forget that
for five or elx months we are feasting en
oranges, strawberries, tomatoes, peas,
beans, and ether fruits and vegetables,
wbleh you can obtain only at second hand
or in cans. He It is all ever the world.
Every plaee has its advantages aad dlsad
vantsgc b, and no one can have all the geed,
unless he moves with the aun from clime
te dime.
Speaking of vegetables reminds me that
one of our neighbors planted an acre of
Irish potatoes the ether day, and I am pre
paring te plant some for home me. It
seems strsnge te, be planting potatoes In
August. Three cfept msy be raised here
an early aprlng crop, planted about New
Year's, a summer crop, planted in April or
May, (net te be depended en), and a fall
crop, planted new. The spring crop la the
principal one, and yields well, and the pro
duct brings in the Northern market from
eight te ten dollars a barrel.
I have lately had my first experience in
budding, and have found It very interest
ing. I have been like a child with a new
toy, looking at my buds two or three times
a day, te' see whether they were going te
" take." I bad several sour treea whleh I
am converting te sweet, by euttlng eft the
top and budding Inte the sprouts. I have
put in a geed many buda et a late orange,
known aa Hart's TardltT, which ripens in
May, when oranges bring a faney price. 1
have pnt in aeme of the Overbearing
oranges, aeme of the Satauma, and aeme of
the Bleed Naul, also aeme choice plums,
budding Inte peach stocks.
Blnee the freeze of Jan. '60 there has been
a reaction In favor et miscellaneous farm
ing aa opposed te raising oranges exclu
sively ; but nothing In Flerida pays better
or ever will pay better than an orange
grove properly located and eared for, And
yet thousands of acres of groves prove a
total failure and are abandoned, became
the necessary conditions were net under under under
atoed. I notleed In the Intbli.kikneek a
letter atatlng the same fact, and elting the
Spear proves aa an example. It Is a alx
acre grove whleh bore last winter 7,000
boxes, netting the owner 115,000. I knew
this te be oerreot. There Is a grove here of
the earns size, but younger, which will this
year, I am quite uure, yield 2,000 boxes,
worth at least 2,&00, This can be bought
with the crop ler 15,000.
Otncsrs Blected.
Iitat evening Ridgely Encampment, Ne.
217, 1. O. O. F of thla oily, elected the fol fel fol
lewlng officers for the ensuing term, ex.
eept the treasurer and trustee, who were
elected ler one year and eighteen months
respectively : J. O. Deneclrer, chief patri
arch ; Paul Carpenter, high prlett ; L G,
Mentrar, ssnler warden ; J, P. Snyder,
Junier warden; E. J, Erlaman, treasurer
Geerge A. Shelly, trustee.
lists 1111 New.,
The liOsgue games were as fellows
yesterday; At Cnlcage, Detroit D, Cnlcage
2; at Indianapolis, Pittsburg 5, Indianapolis
4; at Washington, Bosten D, Washington 4;
at New Yerk, New Yerk 2, Philadelphia 1.
The Association games resulted aa folio ws :
At Cleveland, Cleveland 12, Leulavllle 3;
at Philadelphia, Athlelle 3, Oluelnnati 2 ;
at Brooklyn Brooklyn 3, St Leuis 1;
at Baltimore, Baltimore 9, Kansas City 2.
Tne Athletic club li gradually ollmelng
te the front.
The Cbloege nlub had thirteen men left
en bases yesterday.
Tne Louisville and Baltimore clubs seem
te have gene te pieces.
Tomorrow alternoen the Keystone and
Ae'Jve Reserve clubs will play a game at
Athletle park. It will be called at 330, and
oleaa contest la looked for.
I en eat CUT SLAKD.
Her, Jehn WlHea &ate the Beyablleaa
Ksaks-riswui sTeatettsg Irsst aa
fchC VMS WnkknM.
HaV.'1 Jeans WUsea, pastor of the First
rresey tsnaa enurea or umeiBBaU, aad en
of the most pepalar dlvlaea la the state,
aaaata through Pittsburg ea Tuesday
aiglet, aa route East. Mr. Wlleea ia wait
kaewafer the deep ialeraetha takaala
politics, UethlnkaltisaoteutotplaearoT
a minuter te have aad express opinions
upeathe polities et ala country, aad has
never Hesitated te assert aoaKlea.
Hitherto ha has Beam a Mreag adherent of
the Republican party, hat bow that (he
leaua ia made: upea the tariff question he
feels himself ia duty bound te oppose the
party aha would attempt te assist the ooaa eoaa oeaa
try te financial rule. Hie change of aslad
te eertalaly very atgalleaat. While ha will
net openly work for Cleveland or take any
part la the campaign, whleh would net be be
eeate a Christian minister, nevertheless ala
earnestness and aluearlty in tha matter will
undoubtedly hare their effect. Than It la
atgulSeant aa aaewlag hew the mladaef
sMsaiaaiaaaaaunprejaaieaa people are
turning toward tar I a reform.
Whaa approached by a reporter, Mr.
Wilsen was asked what ne oeufd any that
weuia ee cw interest te tae reaaing puDiie.
He replied : "The thing that ,1a causing
memosteonoern outside of my ehureh ia
the election of drover Cleveland. I aln aln
eerely nope he will be continued at the oe.
traaeat et the White Heuse, and I aa pretty
well satisfied that he will be"
"Upen what de you base your belief that
he will be re elected T"
"Upea my confidence and faith lathe
geed aense and geed Judgment et the
thinking people. I de net aea hew they
will make the mistake of putting in power
the party et high protection. It la only a
question of a man's sluing down and with
aa unbiased mind considering the ques
tion. If he does be Is aure te be a Demo
crat tbls year. There will be a great many
honest people who cannot allow them
selves te ebange their mind, but they don't
knew why. It Is only for these people that
Ohie will go Republican thla year. The ques
tion of tariff reform appeals te the intelli
gence and reason and Ills Just aa plain as
day. It la a great mistake te advocate
the polley which would abut off all our-
iraae relations with the balance et the
world. Tbat is net protection In tha true
spirit, and It is aa unlike the protection
tbat Hamilton and Calhoun advocated aa
night la like day. Oar forefathers aaw tha
necessity of giving enr manufacturers a
boost and they put a tariff upon imports
whleh averaged something like eeven per
cent. Thle was aufflelent when our Indus
tries were Indeed In their Infancy. New
why, when these Infant Industries have
grown te giant monopolies, grasping and
squeezing the very exlstenee out or all tbat
are compelled te deal with them, why
must these overgrown children be pro
tected by a tariff or hair a hundred per eentT
The faet la, snob, a polley is manifestly In
the Interest of the greet monopolies and
against everybody else, aad the Republi
cans have at last oeate ent boldly as the
friends of these select elasaea as against the
masses of the people."
" Then your change of faith la wholly en
account of the tariff question T"
" Yea, entirely. Or rather it is my only
reason when 1 except my opposition te the
free whisky plank. That does net admit
or argument. There are but two aides, the
moral and the Immoral. 'Xhe preposition
te let whisky go untaxed la aueh an Insult
te intelligence and morality tbat I don't
eare te speak of It. The Republican party
has fallen se) far from what It ones was,
thst I can scarcely realize I oneewasa
atreng and conscientious Republican. I
have alwaya been a Republican, but thla
year 1 sbalLvote for Cleveland."
"What can you say of the candidates?"
'Harrison la a geed man peraenally,
although his political mistakes seem fatal.
Aa te Cleveland, he has proved himself a
model president He la a man et neble
and patriotic Impulses, and right motives.
In my opinion his Judgment in everything
he basdene baa been above honest orltlelsm,
I feel confident he will be re-elected."
Omncctlcnt Democrats Acres te tbe Pro Pre Pro
peisd IbiIIT H.lerm,
The platform et the Connecticut Demo
cratic convention waa adopted with enthusi
asm. It cordially approves of the national
platform, "with Its planks In favor of the
Interests of the worklngmenMnderses the
president's position en civil service reform,
and hsa this te say en the tariff :
We especially approve of the last annual
meassgeef President Cleveland, In whleh
he urged a repeal et unneeeeeary , taxea
new borne by the people and called atten
tion In a forcible manner te tha dangers of
a large treasury surplus ; and we approve
et hla emphatle declaration that Congress
abenld se adjust tariff schedules as te bring
no Injury te our lndustrlsl Interests.
That we extend enr congratulations te
Democrats ia the Heuse en their auoeess In
perfecting such bill aa that which they
passed en tbe 21st of July. The difficulties
whleh surround the preparation or a tariff
bill and the success attained In tbe reduc
tion or taxation and tbe removal et great
burdena new borne by manufacturers and
meohanles, aa proposed by tbat bill, meela
with our approval. Any tax or Impert
duty whleh increases tbe price of raw ma
terial la a bnrden en the piodueer or tbe
Woolen manufactured goods te the
amount of $15,000,000, as valued in Europe,
and coating our people f80.000.000, were
Imported te thla country tbe laat fiscal year.
In tbe eight months of tbe present year the
Importations of these woolen goods, owing
te the languishing condition of woolen
mills here, have Increased te f3, 172,092, as
enmpared with tbe same time laat year.
Under the present duties our workmen are
made te snffdr by tbls Increasing Importa
tion or foreign cloths. In the coat of
145,000 000 worth of these Koeds laat year
were (10,000.000 worth et British labor,
which sum abeutd have been paid te 30,000
people In our woolen factories, and wbleh
will be paid te them In future If raw wool Is
Imported free of duty.
The president's message en the fisheries
la also Indorsed.
lie 8J. Hcr.try Lllchman'a Ooerss Weu'l
Sirrngtti.D me Republican Ticket,
In relation te the report that General
Master Workman Pew derly, of the Knights
of Laber, bad resigned hla cfilce te take tbe
etump ler Harrison and Morten, Mr, Pow Pew
derly aald en Tuesday :
(1 don't Intend te resign te speak for
Harrison or any ether candidate. leannet
ocneelve bow I oeuld etrlke a worse blew at
the Knights et Laber than by resigning the
office of general master workman at tbe
present time ter tbe purpose et entering tbe
"Win Secretary Lltehman's oenree
strengthen the Republican ticket ?"
"Net a bit. Our members hsve been
drilled se well against the arts of the poli
tician that they will naturally rebel at the
attempt te a rag tne eraar into pounce, i
don't feel at liberty te discuss Mr, Lltcb
man'e positien.1'
"Hew does the order regard Mr, Lltcb
man'a course T"
"I have received many letters from Dem
ocrats sod Republicans In the order te tbe
effect that Lltcbman had Jumped into the
ditch with both feet and up te hla neck. Aa
an order the Knights of Laber take no
V. at. U. A, Notes.
The association base ball team will go te
Columbia tomorrow, te play a return game
with tbe team of that place.
During tbe put four months Gl new
members have been added te the associa
tion. Avery Interesting paper, en "Hew can
a young man aaalat his pastor," was read at
tbe association meeting last evening by A.
O. Ilyur.
The young men will bold an entertain
ment en Friday and Saturday evenlnge of
thla week, In the form or a peach fete and
huHoenaphene. Tha humanaphene la a
saw auataal Instrument,
t i u:
H easy, Watehfa aad Jswstty Xakea-aMer-
eterm Usee: Uaea ns Hrmfeers er tae
raaatlr-! KalgMs it the Jlaamr
Veres Upea Ike Kitchen Deer.
'The gaaglef burglars la this city, who
asem te wera periodically, have bow
epeaed their fall aad winter eampalgu.
Tuesday night they broke Inte aeveral plaeea
aad stele oeastderabte. The aauet esteaet ve
burglary waa at tha heuaaet Mra. E. J.
Z thai, 144 Beat bemea street. Tbethlevee
eame la the bach way through tha ehlekea
yard and forced tha kltehea deer. Among
tha atesabera et Mra, Zsaaa'a taejUy are her
eea Miller Pralat aad atealBea Edward R.
Zshm. Tbe former eleefwla a roesaea the
second fleer aad tha Utter ea taaMtelrd
fleer. Mr. Zhm went home laat nlaht
about 11 o'clock, and aa ha waa Buffering
from a .sere arm ha did aet go te bed at
oaea, bat eat down aad read until 1 oeloek.
While reading he heard a noise aa though
aeme one waa In tha house, aad ha took
hla revolver from a oleeet aad laid it
en tha bureau. Mr. Zhm retired ehertly
afterwards, and did aet get awake until alx
o'clock thla morning when he waa called.
At aoeo as he get out' of bed he
aaw that ha bad been robbed. Hlsoeat,
veat and pantaloena were missing, and tha
revolver was gene from tha bureau. The
pantaloons were found ia a back room en
tha third fleer, and tha oeat aad veat en the
aeoend floeralterwarda, but everything that
had been in the pockets waa stolen. This
Included a geld wateb, valued at 1110, which
he was earrying te regulate, and whleh be
longed te one of Mr. Zabm'a customers ; a
poekelbook containing $27 ia money and a
large number or valuable papera. A buneb
et keys was all that waa left. Frem Mr.
Zshm'e room the thieves stele besides tha
revolver a valuable set of studs, sleeve but
tens, Aa. After Mr. Zebra get up ha called
te Mr. Fralm, who eald that ha had also bam
robbed. His olethlag had been taken
from the room and ware found in the
entry. Mr. Fralm lest a geld watch valued
at 1250, which theewner prized very highly,
a diamond ate i and a poeketbook contain
ing ever fCO.
At first It waa believed that tbetblevsa
bad entered tbe house early In the evening
and secreted themselves, but an investiga
tion later ahewed that they had foreed the
kitchen deer. A number et Mr. Z sum's
papsra were found in tha ehlcken yard,
where they had been dropped by the thieves
In their flight. Nene et the bed room doers
are kept looked, and after the thieves
affeeted an entrance they had little further
trouble. A gentleman who realdaa out et
the city and te visiting tha family, wae
there ever night. He oeoupled a room next
te that of Mr. Fralm, and although he
had both valuables and money he
lest nothing. The thlevea aeem te
have overlooked him entirely, Mra. Zahm
kept a light In her room all night ; nothing
waa stolen from her. She heard a noise aa
though some one waa walking during the
nighu Henry My ere, a relative who lives
with the family, want te the bath room
about 4 o'clock thla morning, and he, Is
positive that he then beard a noise.
There, te little deubi that the burglara used
chloroform en tbe Inmates of tha house.
Messrs. Zthmand Fralm, aa well aa Mra,
Ztbm, felt very alek for a long time after
they arose from bed thla merr leg, and they
feel positive tbat a drug was used upon
Soen after the burglary bad been discov
ered the pollee effleera were notified, and a
description el the stolen property was given
them and also telegriphed te ether citle.
A reward et $250 haa been offered for the
arrest and conviction of the thieves, but up
te the present writing no traeea et them
have been found. The man or men who
did the work aeem te have been acquainted
with the premlaes.
ThlB morning after 4 o'cleok two men
were seen coming out of the alley in the
rear of Zibm'a house. Tbe gentleman who
saw them could net tell who they were aa
there were no electrle lights burning.
Tbe Stock Yard Hetel, the Stock Kxchuge
and a Uwelileg Entsred.
There were no less than three buralarlee
'In the neighborhood of the stock yard laat
night This morning when Adam Snyder,
proprietor of the Stock Yard hotel, arose
about 4 o'clock, he found that the lamps,
both upetalrs and down, whleh had been
left burning last night, ware out Mr. Snyder
thought tbat probably hla wife forget te
fill them. He asked her what the matter
was, but upon examination he found that
the lamps were lull and had been blown out
by aeme one. About tbls time Gee. Ger
hnrt, tbe hostler, arose and told Mr. Sny
der that tbe house had been entered by
thlevea. Gerhart alept en the eeoend fleer,
ntxt te Mr, Snyder, and upon examination
be round that hla vest had been taken
from the room. It waa found down stairs,
and 8 in money wbleb waa in the pocket
had been taken. There was a silver watch
In one pocket, but this and some old
pennies were net disturbed. Although
tbe thieves were in tbe bar-room and ether
parta of tbe beuse tbey stele nothing
belonging te Mr, Snyder. The thlevea
entered the house by forcing open a rear
deer. Gerhart'a room waa epan and the
thief had no difficulty In entering tbe room.
Mr. Snyder's deer was locked, and It waa
net forced.
Next deer te tbe hotel, at Ne. 401 New
Helland avenue, Uvea Henry Rudy, and
hla house was also entered by tbe thieves.
Tbey broke open the Deck deer and entered,
but as tar as can be learned nothing was
stolen. In a down stairs room a market
basket, with market money In It, was
standing, but the burglars did net seem te
notice It, as thny passed It by undisturbed.
The third place visited waa the Stock Ex
change hotel, which ia kept by Jehn Ran
alng. Here the thlevea pried open a retr
abutter, which enters tbe barroom. They
were Inside, but all they are known te have
taken was a few drinks of gin. There was
nothing in the money drawer, which waa
unlocked. An unsuccessful attempt waa
made te force a rear deer of tbe house.
After the burglara had worked aeme time
with a chisel or ether Instrument they gave
up the job. Mr. Reusing closed up about
half past ten o'clock laat evening, but be
fore he did be a friend came in te get a
drink. Thla gentleman aald that there
was a suspicious-looking man .lying at the
gate en tbe New Helland ontranee te tbe
hotel- Mr. Rsnslng went out te see who ha
was, but tbe fellow had gene. It has been
but a abort time since an attempt was made
te enter Mr. Ranalng's house. The thlevea
were then heard, but the proprietor had
net yet gene te bed. When they ascer
tained tble tbey fled.
Seme one well acquainted undoubtedly
committed the burglaries.
ItegUtered im a Pbytlclan.
Dr. Thes. B. Btnkley, et Blstneepertwaa
registered te-day at tbe prolbenotary'a
cfilee. He la a graduate of tha Jvfteraen
Medical college In tbe elaaa of 18S8.
Aa lotelvsut Discharged.
Abraham L. Denllnger, who aerved a
term for misdemeanor, waa discharged te
day under tha Insolvent Jaw.
It la ae Wae afawn, ima Peace Mi
aaa Hsa rreeMeateajs ate Trusts.
Ia the Heuse ea Taeadsy Mr. MeOraary,
efKeataeky, delivered a forcible apaech
upea the rabaUattea Mil. After warmly
aralatag tha prealaeat'a miiaagi aa aaM i
Prompted by patrioUe aarpeaaa aad the
aaraeat detrrate settle all disputes! qaea qaea
Meaa. tha ttreeMeat eaeaea aeawtiettraa
and oeaeiaded a treaty. with Ores BrMala
aad aubenlKed It in tha UaHed
senate ter ratlfloauea. That waa tae
proper oeuree the eearaa wbleh tateulgeat
sad aaltghteaed oplaren sustained. If
the preMdeat had resorted te retalia
tory Bteataraa without aay aMeaipt
te make a treaty, there wan these
who would have erttieteed him aad
perhapaeensaredblm. Tha treaty, ae ear.
fully prepared by able aad oeaaeteatleus
gentleenen, waa rejected by the aaaulaaeaa
veto of Republican seaatera without aa
effort te recast or amead It. Walla the
motive whleh prompted thla aotlea might
aet aa popularly uudaretoed, It waa equiva
lent te giving uoties te taa prearaaut aaa
oeuntry that be treaty which oeuld baaege
listed la regard te tha Oanadiea troubles
would be deemed aattofsetery by a Repub
lic Reneta that the time for ratallatiea
It was aseartad that tha president already
had the power te retaliate T Neither the aet
of 1877 nor the aetset 1868 or 1864 veeted the
president with tha power with which the
present bill veeted him, or with taa power
ne ought te have under all etrearaataaeea
It wae also claimed that tha power bow
sought te be conferred ea tha president waa
la opposition te tbe 29la article of tha treaty
or 1871. Beheld tbat the article waa act
new In force; bat that it waa by tha termaef
artlele 33 repealed after taa years, Ha be
lieved that article 20 died when tha fisher
ies artlelea el the treaty et 1S71 died.
Thla waa net tha first time tbat a president
bed seat a message te Congress ea tha aub aub
jet or our relations with Canada. Oeaeral
Grant had sent a similar message te Con
gress, and almost Instantly messengers
were sent from Londen te Canada te warn
tbe Canadians that their unjust aeta must
cease, and Boen tha Joint high onmmlealen
Whleh negotiated the treaty et Washington
waa autherised. Thua it appeared tbat
President Great also believed that tha way
te settle these disputes with Canada waa
through the treaty making power. Tha
present president had been criticised be
cause he had net rushed along te issue a
S reclamation under tbe aet et 1897, but
latery showed tbat General rant followed
exactly the eame line of polio v. Thohteterr
of the oeuntry ahewed that, lneteed or
attempting retaliatory measures, General
Grant bad negotiated the treaty or 1871.
The only difference waa tbat General Grant
had mere auoeess with his treaty than
Preaident Cleveland bad with hla. When
Granl'a treaty waa sent te the Senate the
Senate made haste te ratify It Whea the
treaty or 1888 waa sent te the Senate (end it
waa the broadest and one et tha beat treaties
ever entered Inte between thle oeuntry and
Great Britain) it waa rejected by a atrlet
party vote.
He aald tbat the 100,000 mea and 0,000
vessels engaged In tbe fisheries business
were worthy or defense, and thdtbe annual
product or their business vaiual atf45,000,
000 ahewed tbe Importance of prompt ac
tion. The bill under consideration was be
war measure, it was a peace measure, and
tha president would exercise the power
elven him conservatively and courage ceurage courage
cealy. It waa by no means certain tbat ha would
be required te lasua the proclamation
authorized by the bill. He (Mr. MeOraury)
hoped and believed that when the bill waa
enacted Inte law tbe usual geed Judgment
or the English and Canadian eutberlttas
would be manifested, and all dlfScultlea
would be arranged without anything
whleh would break up tbe cordial relatiene
whleh had existed for many yeara between
Great Britain and the United States. But
let tha result be what it might, tha presi
dent would be supported by tha people et
the United Statee without regard te parly.
There wenld be no division or sectional
lines, but the men of the North and the
men of the Seuth would stand shoulder te
shoulder In solid phalanx te defend Ameri
can rights and American honor. Applause.
Twen'7-elghl Members Admitted te
Yeung: Hen's Democratic Uleb,
The regular monthly meeting et the
Yeung Men'e Democratic club was held
last evening and it waa very largely at
tended. Twenty-eight new members were
The report et the treasurer waa read and
it ahewed that the debts of theelub have all
been paid and there la a handsome sum in
the treasury.
It waa resolved te go te the Pennsylvania
railroad atatlen te see Hen. A. G. Thurman
pass through, and the Invitation te attend
the meeting of the Tariff Reform club at
Rethweller's hall thla avenlng waa accepted.
Frederlek Pyfer, who haa been secretary
et the club alnee its organization, resigned.
The resignation was aceepted and A. J,
Dunlap waa unanimously elected te fill the
The new uniform te be worn by tha club
was adopted. It consists of a navy blue
eailet Jacket, grey derby hat, bamboo cane
and badge.
Tne following resolutions upon tbe death
of Henry M. Stebmae, who waa a member
of the club, were unanimously adopted :
Resolved, Tbat It Is with profound regret
tbat the members of this club bear of the
sudden death of our fellow member,
Henry M. Stebman.
Jieselved, Tbat we tender our heartfelt
condolence te hla widow, ehlldrenand aged
father In their sad bereavement.
Jletelved, That with tbe death et Henry
M. Stebman thla club loses an aotlve,
progreialve and generous member, whose
removal by death will leave a void that
oannet easily be filled,
Jieselved, Thataoepycf these resolutions
be sent te tbe family eftbe deceased, and be
publlabed in tbe Lancaster dally papers.
The elub new baa 400 members and lain
a meat flourishing condition.
Death et an Old Soldier,
Geerge Elliett, an old soldier, who lived
at 328 West Lemen street, died this morn
ing at 2 o'cleok In tbe 47tb year et hla age.
Mr. Elliett was a native of tbls city. When
tbe war broke out In 1801 be enlisted aa a
private aeldler In company H, 79th Regt,
Pa. Vele., for three years. He re-enllsted
as a veteran, and aerved te the oleee of the
war, being wuatered out with hla oempany
in 1SC5.
Mr. Elliett's death was caused by soften
ing of tbe brain, resulting from a wound re
ceived at the battle of Perry vllle, Ky. It ia
a singular fact that he had a premonition of
hla death, and while In apparently geed
health en Monday laat told several trlenda
that he would die In a very short time. 1 te
was a native of Lancaster and married a
Lancaster oeunty girl named Gam ber. Hla
wife and two daughters, the eldest of whom
is fifteen years old, survive blm.
Pell Down a Stairway,
Gai, Pa, Sept C Thes. Uelaelman, of
Marietta, who was visiting her alater, Mrr.
Orenderf, met with quite a serious accident
yesterday afternoon. She waa about te put
away aeveral Jars of fruit, and for thla pur
pose stepped Inte what she euppesed te ba
a oleeet It proved te be tbe cellar way,
however, and abe and her lead were pre
elpltated te the bottom of tbe atepa. Mra,
H. received a deep out en her bead and waa
pretty badly bruised. Dr. Sleyeaaker
dreased tbe wounds.
lit gl.tratlen or Voters.
The aaaeeaers of the city were at the poll'
Ing plaeea, noted In Tuesday's IntL,i.i IntL,i.i
eknceu, between tbe hours of 10 and 3
o'clock te-day for tbe registration of voters.
Tbsy will be there between 0 and 9 o'clock
thla evening, and te-morrow they will ob
serve the same hours aa te-day, Call ea
tha aaiaaier of your ward aad aea If your
name te la the registry et vetere,
Taa old beman rbehtbs a hbabix
aevatal Taouaed rsepl. Oathtr at tha Peaa-
ajlvaaM gMUtea te Greet Him Brief
BpMebee ay Mr. Tharasas, Oangrese-
maa Vfllklas aaa Alien O. Myers.
Judge Thurmaa left Columbus at 0
o'clock Tuesday evening accompanied by
htoaea, Allan W-, his grandson, Allen Q.,
Jr., Hen. Berlah Wllklna, member of Oon Oen
grees from the Sixteenth district of Ohie, a
representative et tha Aaseelated Press, Cel.
W. A. Tayler, of tbe Columbus, 0 aawt
papers, and Allen a Myere, et the Cincln Cincln
natien quirer. The party traveled very com
fortably la tbeprlvate carol Cel. Briee,ehalr.
man of tha Democratic national executive
oemmlttee.attaohedtothe Atlantla Express.
Tha Journey waa made almost te Altoeaa
by Bight, and tha first atop et duration and
importance in Pennsylvania waa at Harris
burg. Heie the men from the railroad and
aurreuadlng ehepi hurried from every
direction te the station aa the train draw in.
The Democratle Central elub of the town,
headed by tha Commonwealth bead,
marched Inte theataUen with beaUagdruras
and flying bannera aad la a very abort time
the ear waa surrounded by a throng esti
mated te number from 1,600 te 2,000. Many
of the people climbed the platform and
began a vlgoreua handshaking of tha Old
Reman," whleb had te be suspended te
give blm a chance te ba heard.
Hen. llerlah Wllklna Introduced him te
tbe assemblage as tbe next vlee preaident,
and Judge Thurmaa waa received with
voetreroua ebeeriag. Ha spoke aobstan aebstan aobstan
tlellyaifellowa: I have been introdneed in that way by
enough people te elect me vhsepreeldant,
but whether I am elected, depends upon
whether enough et you vote ter aaa. I
thank you alnesrely for tha warm aad
genereua welcome, but I oaaaet make a
apeeeb worthy of your atteotlea before tha
train atarte, but I oannet decline te aay
something sine you have turned out te
weloeme me. We are In the midst et a
presidential campaign aad we have before
usaa aeandldaia for preaident a man, who.
for three yeara and a half, la ray J udgment
haa discharged tha duties of tha efflee with
a singular abtUty and patriotism. Ne fair
minded man can aay Cleveland haa net
made a geed president (Cheers). I
am glad you thiuk aa I de, and 1 hope
when tha vetea are oeunted tha people
will have once mera placed their confi cenfi confi
deneelnblm for the place. 1 oannet aay
mere new than te once mera thank you for
your politeness. I can aay no mere than
te thank ycu and hope you will turn out at
the eleotlen and vote the right ticket"
Tha crowd cheered again heartily and aa
many aa oeuld de ae orewded up about the
train and ahoek hands with the J udge, In
speaking Judge Thurman ahewed tbat he
would be In geed ahape for the meeting at
New Yerk, ble volee being dear and atreng.
The train moved out promptly en time,
and aa far aa tbe orewd oeuld be aeen they
were waving saluiatlenB and bandannas,
while Mr. Thurman steed en tha rear
platform and bowed te hla friend.
The party here was Joined by W. Hayes
Grier, et Columbia ; Mr, W. Redearmel,
of Hsrrlaburg ; Mr. Hlgge, of tha New Yerk
Sun i Henry Neater, chairman of tha Yerk
oeunty Democratle committee, and a repre
aentatlve of tbe Lancaster Ihtkllie khexx,
Te tbe latter Judge T. expressed himself aa
highly delighted with tha manlfealatleaa et
Democratle Interest and effective organiza
tion aad tha greetlnga of affectionate per per
aenal regard which met blm at every point
in his Jeurneylnga East and West Every
Indication that reached him pointed te
Democratle auoeees, and ha waa especially
delighted te find the werklngmen every
where aroused te the true lesues of the
eampalga reading, studying aad thinking
aa they never did before en political quae quae
Uena. Aa the train crossed tbe separating line of
Dauphin and Lancaster oeoutlea, Mr.
Thurman expressed himself in terms of
unbounded praise for tha landacaps beauty
and wealth, and the material reeourees of
Lancaster county, with whose history and
importance be seemed te be quite familiar.
When tbe train reached thla city, where
by tbe courtesy of Supt Gueker it waa
atepped ten mlnutea and tbe car earrying
Mr. Thurman rested upon tne worm
Queen street cresalng, a very large crowd
had assembled te greet him.
The Yeung Men's Demoeratlo club, with
a band of music, had assembled at the
rooms en North Queeu street, and headed
by President Gee. N. Reynolds, made a
atrest parade te tbe station. Hundreda of
ethers, ladies and gentlemen, and
aoerea of wagons and carriages car
rying many passengers, thronged the
Intersection of North Queen and
Chestnut streets and many gay bandannaa
floated ever the heads et these who made
up the throng.
Before Introducing Judge Thurman te
the enlhuslaatle assemblage Mr. Henael,
at ala request, asked them te please
refrain from shaking his hand ; net from
any lack of appreciation en hla part
et their friendly greetings, nor rrem any
indisposition te return them, but because
he had been ae severely gripped en the way
tbat he waa su tiering from the effects and
feared a renewal of It Mr. Thurman waa
then presented as "the Democratic nominee
for viae president, that 'noblest Reman et
them all,' or whom everybody haa read,
whom many or you knew and whom you
all love." Iu response Judge Thurman
apoke substantially aa fellows :
am adineulahed tiy reeent experleneet that
1 cannot be expected under aueh clrcnm.
stanees aa these te make a general speech or
te enter Inte any extended discussion of the
iseuea of the campaign. I used te read that
time aed tide wait for no man, but I am
disposed te add te Uut old motto ae aa te
make It read, " time and tide and railroad
tralna wait en no iaan."l can, however, thank
you, all et tbia great crowd. In which
I knew I have many personal friends, lire
epectlve of politic, for Its oerdlal aad oour eour oeur
teoua greeting. Yeu will, I am aure, let
me Bay that nobody of any party can deny
that Graver Oleveland haa made a geed
preaident lebeert ; and I am glad te find
tba people awake everywhere te aa intelli
gent diacussleu of the taauea of the day.
1 feel that I am ae ntranaer here. Within
your elty dwells my nearest relative my
only living alater, who with ber husband
aaa euildrea have lived hara for auay
Hither 1 have been accustomed for
many yeara te make frequent visits, aad
aere I have aaada aad found oeurtaoua,
ktad aad gentlemanly friends. Tha peo
ple et this great oeuaty have had their
Ilaea east ia pleaaaat plaeea, Yours
te a wonderful oeuaty. Ita agricultural
m Bonreaa outstrip all ethers la tha lead.
Year tobaeao, the megtilfloeet fleJda of
ualeal have aeaaby tha wayside, yields
k ere than that of any ether county and ae
amah aa aay state, except two. Your
beat aad ere, your batter end par
tape cheese are famous everywhere. I
hsve traveled many miles and la many
Isade, aad aewbere, evea la these parte of
Europe cultivated with tba apade,aeval
ataa Btoraeareful Ullage aad better hue.
bendry than hara. Thla year seems te be
one et bounty and prosperity with you, at
with tha whole oeuntry, and aa eltlatna et
ftleadlyaad neighboring statee we rejoice
www. v uueers. j
My friends, ray lima hara te brief; I
would ba glad te greet you all Individually
did the oeoaalon permit but I eaa only
again thank you, wish you all well and
trust you will vote tha right ticket (Re
newed end continued oheerler.)
oeMaaaasMAN wilkins talks,
Oeagraeaatau Wllklna began hla brief
epeeeabyoeagratulatlagthe Democrats of
Ltneaater oeunty ter tha noble fight they
make with tba great edda of 10,000 ma
jority agalaat htm. Ha congratulated tha
Democratle party for Ita nomlaatlena or
president and vice president At the head
et taa ticket la a name all Democrats love
and for vlee president we have tha noblest
Reman et them all. Their eleotlea means
honest government. He closed by Btauag
that Damoerata were confident of victory,
aad ha waa satisfied that they would net ba
Mr. Wllklni introduced Allen O, Myers
aad ha made a brief humorous epoeeb, aad
while ha waa speaking tha train moved out
et the elation, with tha orewd eheerlag,
bandannas waiving, and the band playing.
After the departure of the train the crowd
dispersed, tha Yeung Men'e Demoeratlo
elub reformed asd marched te their quar
ters, and tbat ended the reoeptien te the
next vlee president
Damoeratle Oalas Bvarywaete Resell or Ifee
Contest In Vermont.
Retnrna are bow coming la of
tha eleotlen held la Arkansas ea Mou Meu
i day, and tha state Demoeratlo ticket,
headed by James P. Eagle for governor, te
aweeplng everything. Tha opposition te
headed by O. M. Norwood, a high protec
tionist, who haa leat ground ever Blnee tha
eanvaaa began. Jehnsen oeunty, formerly
atrengly antl Demoeratlo, glvee Eagle 350
majority; Conway, Republican before,
glvea him 600; Independence oeunty,
atrengly Union Laber, glvea him a hand hand
aerae majority ; Millar, Republican hereto herete hereto
tefore, electa tha Damoerata throughout ;
White oeunty, Union Laber, galas 1,200
Demoeratlo votes. Frem every oeuaty
wbleh haa been heard from gains bava
been reported, and J. H. Harred, ehalrmsu
et the Demoeratlo state central committee,
estimates tha majority at rrem 86,000 le
40 000. It waa 17,000 two yeara age. Thla
la a conservative estimate, tee, and may ba
takaa aa tha probable majority which tha
Demoeratlo presidential ticket will get ia
APlaa Bluff epeetal aaya thatia a fight
ever tha eleotlen two negreee ware ahet and
Ia Menree oeunty there waa a riot grow
ing out of tha differences about tha oeunty
ticket,and two men were killed aatf another
wounded by a negre, who made hla aa aa
eape. Oaa of the killed Waa a negre aad
tba ether a white man, 3, W. B, Dobtnaen,
sheriff of tbe oeunty.
Ia Garland oeunty there wae also a fatal
fight la whleh a maa by the same et Deay
hilled Squire Law.
Bepauileaa astasia Vermont.
Returns from 105 towns, received at
White River Junction, Vermont, Tueeday
night, give Dillingham, Rep., 25 376 ; Shut
IIO, Dem., 0,844 Seely, Pre., C0& ; Mattering
& The eame tewna In 1884 gave 22,000 for
Flngree (Rep.), 0,495 forRedlngten (Dam.)
and 472 for Stene (Pre.) and aeatterlne,
Gslna ever vote 1841 Republicans, 3.209:
Democratic, 260; Prohibition, 161. Net
Republican gain ever Demoeratlo vote,
2,860; ever all 2,708
87,000 Majority in Vermont.
BUBI.IHQTON, Vf., Sept 6, Chairman
Page, or the Republican slate oemmitlee,
haa received rsturns from 130 tewna giving
Dllllegham 31,378 votes, Shurtleff and scat
tering 13,066, a Republican majority of 17,
723 end showing a Republican gala Blnee
1884 013,804 la the aame tewna, Tha ami
ratio ia remaining tewna would give a Re
publican majority in the atata of 27,812.
Tbe Prohibition vote te leea than 1,500. Tee
130 tewna elect 125 Republleana and 11
Democratle state representatives.
i m
Seme Sharp Words os tbe Letter's Mede et
Oiltloum-TneUoTornmeal Oenoeaa.d.
Mr. Gladstone, in a epeeeh at Wrexham
en Tueeday, aald tbat tbe Timet had done
him an unexampled compliment in an
awerlng a apeeeb net yet delivered. He
had no with te interfere with the natural
and legitimate performance of tbe Time iu
throwing dirt upon htm. He remained
atreng in the opinion that the criti
cisms et a man's enemies were mera
uselul than tbe cheers of friends.
He maintained the truth of hla
former statement that he had aeen a
political prisoner In Naples better treated
than were imprisoned Irish membere of
Parliament It baa net been denied that
aeme et tbe Parnellitee bad broken the law,
but tbe framera and administrators of tbat
law were mere guilty than the Pemeline
offenders. He would net aay tbat Impris
onment bsd killed Mr. Msndevllle, yet he
declared tbat Mandevllle waa need In a
manner tbat dlagraeed tbe Engltah govern
ment, and any government In the world
would be dlagraeed that did tbe like.
While en the eubjeet et the treatment et
political eflendera tie observed tbet It waa
sldem that he waa able te apeak with satis
faction of the polltles of Austria, but he bad
learned with the greatest satisfaction thst
Austrts bsd given liberal home rule te tbe
Gallclan Poles and In that respect aha waa
far ahead of England.
Referring te Welsh sympathy with the
Parnelltes, he eald tbat tbe people of Wales
would net be loners by tbe preaent agita
tion. They would find tbat tbe Scotch,
who were a determined people, were with
tbem when there came a demand for tbe
solution el Welsh questions That demand
oeuld net be made until tbe Irish question
was disposed or.
In tbe afternoon Mr, Gladstone made a
apeeeb at tbe Elatedfed. Hla .remarka bad
no political bearing.
Bhoeflog at Tell's llaln.
At the BhootlngottheLancaatorShuetzen BheotlngottheLancaatorShuetzen BhoetlngottheLancaatorShuetzen
Vereln, at Tell's Usln en Tueadsy, the fel
lowing aoerea were made : J. tr. weirer,
212; O. Franelacus, 180; P. Deming!!, 160,
out of a petalble 288. William Briz, 121 ;
Jamee B. Beat, 110 ; V. P. Oummtngs, 116;
Jebn Hcrtieg, 111 ; K. O. Hall, 80 out of a
possible 210. Tbe dlatanee waa 170 yards.
The averages were : Wolfer 0, Franclscus,
7K 1 Demmell, 6 ; Balz, 7; Beat, 0;
Gutnmlngs, 01 Hertlag, 01-0; Hall, 6.
On Thuraday tbe king ahoetlng will take
ABnortOeurl Week,
Court met 2:30 o'cleok en Tuesday after
noon, but none et the eaaea upon the list
being ready for trial the court discharged
the jurera and adjourned until Saturday
Ueal for tbe foer.
The Buohanan-McEvey Reynolds relief
committee of oeunolla met en Tuesday, and
aaw a number of coal dealers in reference
te furnlahtng coal for the peer. The oom eom oem
mitlee will meet again at 7 o'elook this
evening when bide will be opened aad the
oeBtxcet awarded,
, !.-
Oae el the Traias Tnveawc at fast Baee
... . - - I T-J
wieiwmasaieTuesaiiea-wsB raaaaaw
gers Held te MM Debris Haay la t
Besides TBeee Wae Were BHted. J&j
PABI9. Aug. B, A
aceldeat eeeurrai
lag. - "$
Twe axDraaa trafaaa. ma nnmmVnaaai
naraeuiea aad tha ether treaaTara: aaa
laeoitwea. ftffc-
Oaa train waa going at fuU apaaaaai Nat ,
shook waa terrible. , , ,ft .
Tba ears eraehed Inte aa amataaf eut
eaeh ether aad tba rsisengata aie waijaal '
la among the rulae. ' '-'7
The xreeae were frightful; ?'
Tbeaa who aaeapad begaa taa work Ot
reieulBg the deed aad tejured,.btkag
time alaaeed before all were tafcea eaVtVTIf
Berne died before they exratd be reteaeedA
TbetotalaumherefkUUdia reported h
ba twelve, aad away are Injured, eeeWef.
wanna saeuKH recover.
WAiHiwareK, Beat 3. Wat. T.
a oelored empleye at the peatlea etaea. Bit
fled from tha etty la dtagraaa, VuaaVsrasi
ww a graduate el Heward ulveelty,wn '
ob duty in tha offlee of the msdteal reearee, ,
where he draw 11,600 a year. He waa a"',,
Republican hold-ever aad waa oaaettaal
mosttruatedeaapleyeaortlMofllea, He Waa'
of vary light oemplaxloa aad waa aoTteaa
te pern aa a white maa. Beasatl ha eh..
talned aa introdncttea into a, wafe aMattjr
te whom he ropresoatod himself aa a rettav
geee. la a abort time be propose aaa.
rtege te tha daughter of,thehoaea.Ta
pefBBMwent te tne peaatea
they were horrified te teara teM Ftoer warn
a oelored matt with a wlla aad.aataial -
children, Flier Bnnnmitiri la alagaag ajjg'
eagry father, wrote eat his iwaajpnatjaa ajf'j
hurriedly left the eRy.
new tne xewew sreva BBeuaa. '
WABHiwarerr, Sept 0 -Telfair BteeMOBt
et Jacksonville, Fie., whohMjeatesaMBB
from the Seuth, aaya t "Tlrt'fwvar wau
broughtte Jaekaoayllle by aaHmaanBad
McOormlek, who get It at Tampa, KawueA
te a hotel aad waa takaa lll.wlta tM laeat.
Ontheaametrala, aad eesapyiag aheaual
with him, waa a young maa aamed MUm
fromOrteada He took the fever tMat MB'
Gormtek. Btaka weat te BaaUayatefhw
lag atere, where there wera atx- atcrke aaaV
tegaaaouBtefatoek. AUtaoaierkagoitkB)
favor. Fvaryeurt ofetotaea waahaaHad
bytaeasierka Toe otero te elnmfc'.lsew,
what will ha doae with these alotaea t; 'Saw -aogreea
thought they would he traafteaa
fever, but they have get it UtetiaMlk
aeeeaara whb taem, lea. itteai
feet, autdriakteg people an 'far i
tesueeaatD te he ataaea
a point for prohlhltleatoto."
rart of a YWtage Pseaeyed.
started la thaatetaaf J.O.
0:20 o'clock thla isorate&.aa aaaanathaat-'.
mnldl daatrmnd tka nMUVMMal BAA ''
villus. 1RO hnllillnaa In rafcu. Inieiai
Ll- r rTriTTrV . .2. Z " f
bui one store, eaa bow aaaaiew.awaBV.
lags ataadlBg. Ne eae waa tejareevv Va
leaa te heavy bat aet yet eatiateted; m
Amoag.tae ptaaee Duraea-aret;
ciAtk'a mirfaAjy otero, J. Andrews at OaAt
dry goeas, iitiimtHea, eragar
Bres, general atere;
Keppel'a meat market; A. E.
drugs; the poateffloe; the Cattatavifaa
usak ; woedward's jewelry
Rleh'e hotel.
The water supply and fire apperataarevv
the village were totally laadcquaee, ,, A',
meeting waa held aeme time age, at wklear,J
It was proposed te bend theyUlegofertM''
purposed getting a water aupplyBaf H
waa voted dewa aad tha plaeeteftBaate . .
teeted. Tha origin of the flre te aakaewa.
r$kSS '
. tSWl wJ"
A MoseiattoB te Adjeara, -gg-;J
wabbinotek, Efept. s. Moaae--Bia1
Oatee, presented a Joint revolution la' the r
Heuse te-day preyidlac far theadJaarB
meat of Oeagreaa ob Thuralay, epitaV
It wee received with applause aad isaanaaV
te tha oemmRtoo ea ways aad BsaaaaV"' ''
Senate-Mr, Bbarmaa odered tfaipi
tlea la the Senate te-day whteh 'waa
adopted rsqutattngitha prmideat te taJaim
tbe Senate whether the roaeat irea.wHB
China had been ratified by thaamBOfaref
China. Mr. Snermaa-tb4evhtMdMteBsai
dignity et the Saaate aad tae eVaarBr
transaoUeB of buelaees te have tatolaleo .-
matlea before proceeding further wish aa '
CblaeaeMIL ', Viie '
At 3 p. m., tbe Seaateireaumil aaaaHaaa i '
tlea of the Cblneee bill, Mr. Geerge atkBhf
tbe fleer and advoeetfag iu pasaaea, " ,'f
Probably tbe eklaeee DM Xet BJeet IVi;
Washikoten, Sept 5. -la roepoaaaJta
an Inquiry addreaaad te Mr. Deabymla-, "
later or the United Statee at Pekmg,,taa
department et etate haa received a tilagrara
from the minister atatiag teWMBOB'B,
nnaltlM Infnrmatlnn la nnra taateaanlael!-
ortheOblueao antbentua
Aeeepted ae,150,eee,
Wiunmnrnv. Rem. K Tha bend MM. r-S"
Inga te-day aggregated 16,235,000;
ances, f0,160,00a
""-- " i ' r - -- e
Fer Oovemer efMasisehaasMa,
SpnirrariELD, Mass., Sept 6. W
Russell, mayor of Cambridge,
nominated by the Demoeratlo
A Tr Merchant VnUr:
Nkw Vnnsr. Hent. G laia.a P. Bannalr 1VA
dealer in teas at 65 Veeey atroet aedaai-
'iniru avenue. uieu as mmimummm n jf u,'s
giving piefereneea for 121,326.45.
I I iWABHiifeTeir, D. O., Sept i
I Kastarn Peensylvaaia ana new je m
Jaey ;
Fair, cooler winds aaiftlag le?
Crime ela Obloaae Olessysaan.
Rev. Jamea 8. Greeae, aeariy 80 yearn efK:'
ira and former rector et SL Matthew's Re t
formed Eplaoepal chureb, Chicago, waa(-'f
avlj.11 Mm IhA CZrmnA PlAlfln hntel AS1 .V&
Monday night, where be oeoupled elegant
quarters with an Innocent bride, en taa
charge of bigamy, preferred agalnat him by
his legs! wile, who leit him a short time
age la fear et bar Ufa Fer ever halt a cen
tury a mlalster et tha gospel, it tha beet
evtdenee te true, be baa between family
prayers, during which he tell ever with la la la
tozlcaUeo, been net only addicted te the la
evltable miner vices, but haa beea a forger.
a etate prlaen convict, three H'?,.:'.Tf
rrem wives, wnu ikt. y.,"rl?rr yi
hrnku hearts, and baa mamea aix weaasau m
. ,
a wms atrest. iJ
Plum atreer, between the PeaaBylvaaia M
reiiraad and the New Helland turnpike, ' v
In a terrible condition. -iaa guHar aaa
even tbe street te full of taa largest aad
rankest kind of weede; and people reeiaV
leg in the neighborhood are tearful leak
their eblldren be leat In them.
Tne Fer.b.y Veil. '
Several dsys sge tbe terebay of tha) aatH,
of Jebn Carnatbaa, iu aea wwanry,
Mount Eden, fell dewa rrem awan
aad a buggy aad wagea wow alaaaat
'".v. a
: i i
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