a' a;h ?a 17 VSt " ili-frkf fK r' ri'H a i-- a . - -f, "T iHE LANCASTER DAILY INTELMGENCEn. FR1DA.T, AUGUST.t3Lr ,V VA lmKX ?- v' a kM svsr W as '? LS JwtMf Sff i. 81' w if iv ti m m ifC m. 8 w. HE ff w H 1 u &"' rv. , 13-i '&" CWfdNIil, 1.11 CO HC KM.D OH TTr-? i'lMIWmklNilHlM Acted pea , BsytaJeBea mlOWHlii SBianacst t ,' VjiM Om in Mm biiiim bV -r ,49. T, II. Treks M Celd Sprtegt. 3- i OettmaiA. Aug. 31 The general com- l or the centennial aeeoctetieB mu a I amtfac MM artmlng; li twmwr tears were preeenr. PmklBBt Yeeaaa that the luutitilmMi'MTi hm aninred tar Use an1a aiwrilsie, aad a Ite'taYiMrtlaM jMrtetad by the com cem mMn WW ltt BewBtved acxt week. The I saw aoeepted an invitation te ithetxereme. I eOBwtUee will erect m atend ,. vwnnweriw wet for un bio ei ib iMfBtiMKMi, clergymen, orator, aohcel 'M oaneUmoo, ete. fawetaUea1wUl form the first dlvl. gees, the aoheol children the eeoend aad Mst eeBistlmeB, directors, orators, eta, the t this cUvsaleB e( tke epenlBg parade. TMfirewerke committee reported Utt ceBtalaJBf MS pleeea end 70 pounds of ,UWWW BIO iUK rtVUf UiU IUI Ball PUUIUUUB I1M 397 Mmn sad 20 oeunda oelorwJ fire. & m' JfMftMtai te purclim th tddlUeaal lUt 'VWBHIOTM 41N VUmUIWini TllllVSiWIli a-asr- .UeB la a field te make the display. It was Lemaat4M te ereet a ataad ana rent the f -- fr McBBraaoerga W,a F. Haldetuan have p leaaed their lower alery building te the f'? Bfoead day oenference cemmltttB 'MBortedtbeooBipletlon et the pregramme :C:tttttB reaU aet yet deelded. The for ? watlnB et tee parade wilt be made aa aoea it'- -mm Hiv mux la wuiiiiimu. fr!,; ;Aa appropriation waa asked for the cem-iff-TiBlwii'a uie whleh resulted la a motion T!Hi ,! ! Wl fcMW lWUIIIVU HIUMW v r &S.wed for the hire et heraea and regulate for WVauaVita!!.) .!) Ki 2"" TbeJoBler Order el Ameriean Meeuau- . SpaBByVl nilHIVIiIVBUU Tf HiUIUKWil w -."v ler nermlanen te earade. Jt waa aeciaca '$; telBTlle the organlxatlena but net te en- . '....' Urtaln ttanm. 'v'V'u .- n.mi Hella l ! .nl..l1n wimnllltllL t, -ii-? ka appointed V. B. MnMer and II. 1'. S'-.Ai- Hhedeaaaclda. A Haedlns Arm will fur bgfV Btah ecatumes trem II te f 1 SO, The com- i!M. WHHee Bare i namea wee win lurewu irBeraea, TlMBMdlDg and PdaniylTAnUiAllreAdi V B4tl 4k llela KAakA&aAB UIiim Ad .-v ffiuuu kUDiar ucucMMrB fiurwtaiiuK buu 5Ae.-l .... l.-.- . ...I .... "a.- V'WIU UnHBDlV KITH ! rUBOniMUCHl WDU 'criBUua needed. The Readlns eemninv 1 1?. will ob web one-half rata and the Penn Wn.i. W . 5;'i"i lKi.l.ilI.nlunni .K.... Ik. linlM ' ,rwaa eta eant per mile. PreeldentToeum :WIU confer wlte Snperlntendent Wilten 4 boebi piaeing noueea or me ucaaie con- vtt" The Vigilant Are company will meet en S -LTneeday eTenlng and all membera Intend (&$4,iasV ptrade theuld be preaent te drill. if O' Wk.MraiMa. Animmltian altl filV ea meat ."'""r. "- "- "" w war nua eTBDiDKi Oeeapasy B, et the Btate Fenelbl a, will probably be preaent, Thle company hat the reputation of being the beat drilled company In the atate. Trie P. It. B. hose company met last taat evening and appointed W. E. Mtdden, Joaeph Sweltxer and F. E. Wagner a com mlttee te aaleet unlferma te be preaented at a meeting en Sttnrriny evnntng. Xleinlt of the Inqaail. ., Deputy Corener Uerabey In oempany With Bnnerrlier Ooener. of the O. A P. D. &, railroad, went te Celd Sptlnga, yeaterday v'i-g s-aaeralng, te lnveailRate The death et the && i! taan found dead at that rtlaee. The fellow & ! tiiMi mj.i AtnrwfinllAi1 . VnhHlm '4v Bargain, Kunery Mill, Thomaa Balney, viS?:Baaiual Green, W. B. Cully and A. B. '.AiijttTerUjenja The jury examined aeveral trT.-;'wltneaaa Including the crew of the 'if V.'freJiht train, which la anppesed te hare fSiv)illl6d the man. EDBlneer Jehn MeOall rriti leaunea mat ne aia net Birwe me man. b. j&; H. Warfel, Uagman, atated that he aaw a t.t &. nra in the weat yard at Columbia when igf'.t making up the train. The m vn waa anting ea the traeka with hie head en bla kneea and waa apparently drunk. He Identified the body aa that of the man. The conclusion arrived at was that the man had bearded the train and when the train Blacked te take water at Oulley'a tank the jar threw the man trem the train. The verdict waa In aoeordauoo with the faeta, Oa the body waa found a memorandum book containing the namea of Frank Cauley, New Albany, and Wlloex Ledabnrir, Men roe. The body waa burled In the McUalla Ferry graveyard. Arpeud Tetru, Weaver & Brether were unloading water melon from n eanal beatlaat evening when a younger brother fell Inte the river. He waereecued by an elder brother, and eoi eei tawed no damage exeept a geed wetting. A recaptien waa given laat evening te the Colombia Tennla club at the house of Alias Bitet Xoekard. freight wreck at Uocklew last night detained freight tratlle en the P. B. R. ever four heura. ' Mra. William EUaa and Urn. Barry Erase, et Lancaster, are vlattlng Mra. Jehn ,.. Btreeig. ; The Metropolitan band will held a ball In w-.w .w..v. h. a.M.Mnj M15UW wj n ..4 - give a ahcrt atreet parade In the evening. " Werd waa received In town last night cf tin death of Mra. Henry Wright, at Cam den. The deceased waa aaiater et Mra, Mary & Withers and Mrs. Elizabeth O, Masen, of town. OCR AMElUOAN COl'ilN." Mr, acerx aelbrna nod a is cempiny I'rcitnt the fur Acctpitvbl. Fulton opera heuaa held a fair-sized su dlance last evening, when Geerge Helland and company .presented "Oar Ameriean Cousin." Tne theatre-going people et Lan caster have lest their appetite for the feasts" spread byaueu companies aa the eaa holding the bearda the first three alghta of Ibla week. Cabbage la ripe, but ttaeema the gallery gods forget te provide tbemaelvea with a head or two for the boy here. Maeglera or the hlstrionle art aaanet hereafter tarry here with the expectation et being liberally patronized, eterawltb reputations, these capable of ajlTlng aernethlng substantial, will be Heartily greeted. Mr, Geerge Helland, :V WBeneaaea the cast laat evening, waa net ,a welt known and that Is the rea ''OB the cnalra were net filled. But he nBhawad fimt-elatM anting In ihn nnlnnn y Bhaaeter of the English lord, and his sup. jj-t'pxtwas ampiy quaimea topreduoe the '?tT 1 In htshlv lAtlsfAetarY minnsr. And. -,'vi iBBrefere, the tire remaining nlgbta et the i,r Boeipany'a engagement will find few aeats aTBBoaenpiea. uui new troupe, out every r-fJ uiuerei ttawpiaya uoiiiiuersoio laienr. IM work of E. E. uultl.b, as the AmerJ. a m eeusln, full of Tankee wit and trleka j Mlea EUzabelh O. Btevey and Milten Bstn ferd, the auave butler, Is entitled te special MBtlOB. The play te-night la Scheel for Boati Beati daL " At a matinee te -morrow " Meney " wiu we given en Water Works Imprewratnu. At the meeting et the committee en wrge and water works improvements, Xagtaaer Slsy maker eubmltted nperta et lata work done by the aeveral sub-coo- The reports show that the work, aaiisiAOieriiy cone according te a aad that but little remains te by builder Urban and Frank who laid Iab saw water mala. iu -. i.-mlu-v.r. : 'T.T"T ' uBBaeJa)ff, under the auspices of theTJnlted ,V BtBUrsB vwtll be held for a week com. :gBaalag T&waday, September eih, it -wm aw ta eeargv m mt, aa. a, uenner, swar 01 wmcaeter aietriet, A MMTKCeXtTB HBB A BIB1MN.H AMD. the nteaB OharaB arasd aartl a Mamber et Oiker mmUg DhmiiI , At bb early hear Ule aeralBg tfat Beaally quiet village of Bird la-Raad waa areaeed by fire which tfeatreyed b BBrch and did ceneiderabie daag te BdjewlBg prepertlea. Thle ehurch beleaged te The Society of Frlenda,bat the ooagrega eoagrega oeagrega tloB haa beeeBM e email that U waa only oeaaaloeaUy seed aa a plaee et weraMp, It waa of briek and onaatery wUhaBlagla reef, and waa eltuated la the weBVera end of the village next te the prep. rty et the late Kara Iitunbera, wateft la eeeupled by the widow and the family et Joaeph Btyer. Oa the west aide et the church there waa a wooden aheddlng for heraea, and ta It were aeme hay, atraw, At. Whoa Mr. Btyer waa awakaatd about one o'eiock thle morning the ahed waa found te be en flre.He qulekly alarmed thevlllagere. Aa the ahed waa cleae te the chureh the ahloglereotof the letter waa boob eaflre. and in one hear the building waa a total wreck, nothing being left bat the walla, There are three elsterna in the Immediate vicinity and plenty of water waa te be had. Tee people of the village worked like Trejana and auceeeded In aavlng neighbor lng property. The reef et the IiStnbern house and alae that of Peter Steufler were oafireaeveral times and were aeme what damaged, but were aaved from deetruotlen by hard work. In the ahed where the tlre atarted waa an old carriage, belonging te Mra. Lsmbore, whleh waa burned. In the rear of the eburcb waa an old stable in whleh waa oernfodder, chickens, pigs, rt.0. It alae belonged te the launbern eeute and although en Dree number et tlmea waa aaved alter being badly charred. Peter StaulTer'a atable waa alae aaved by the bueket brigade. The ohureh building waa net Inaured. There le no doubt that the fire was the work of an lneendiary who applied the mateh te the dry ilnder box ahed. Ot this obureb the history of Lancaster eannty, published In 1883, aayns "The building waa erected in 170i), and waa built around and ever the old leg etruetura uned aa a plaee of worship from 1740. and after me new one waa ereeted the old one waa taken leg by leg out the deer of the new one. Thla waa dene becauae frlenda wished te occupy the aamealte, but did net wish te disturb the weekly meetings. The meetings continued prosperous until the schism of 1820, when it dlvlded t but no large a majority remained as Frlenda and se tew split oil with the orthodox that the meeting attll held Its aim. . The great rise In the value or land In thla township and the movement et many toward the West thinned out the membera of thla meeting ae mueh ae that In 1854 the monthly meeting was taken te Sadabury. Thn Partioelar Meeting haa been held here everalnee, but there are ee few membera new that It la only an Indulged meeting. Thla, whleh la new ae small, may be rightly called the parent of the meat flour ishing yearly meetings en the continent, the Illinois yearly meeting. Dwelling Heess Barnsd. A atone dwelling house belonging te Benry Muaser, of Ephrata, situated near the Konlgmaeher property, waa destreyed by fire at 3 o'eiock this morning. The building had bsen occupied for the past few weeke. There waa no fire used about the premlsea since the last ten an u oceupted it, and the fire waa no doubt the work et an incendiary. The building waa inaured for $800 In the Penn Township Mu tual Insurance cenpiny, but that amount will net oever the Iosa. Net long age Mr. Musser'a large barn waa destroyed by an Incendiary fire, ItKUMON UP BSBUlOATABaOOIATlON. The Doctors of I'auniylTanls, HarrUBd and Delaware Held a Pine One. The eleventh annual reunien of thePonn thePenn eylvauta, Maryland and Delaware Medical annotation waa held at Birmingham park, Chester county, en Thursday, and about 500 people were present. At the buslneaa aeaslen oflleera were elected aa follewa : President, Dr. G. S. Bare, Rising Sun, Maryland ; vloe president, Dra. S. T. RIs ley, Philadelphia; and J. B. Bush, Wll Wll mlnRten, UuL; aeoretary treasurer, Dr. T. M. LlvinKsten. Columbia; exeautlve com cem com mlttee, Drs. Alex. Craig, Columbia ; S. J, Reuse, Yerk ; W. O. Pierce, Wilmington, DM ; JBpnii Prloe, West Chester, and J, L, Zlsgter, Mount Je;-, Tne addresses dollvered were aa fellows; "Woleomo te Chester oeunty," Br, 15. B, Ewlnjr, Weat Grove, Pa. AddreaaorPreai AddreaaerPreai AddreaaorPreai dentBr. S. J. Reuse, Yerk, Pa, "Pann aylvanla," Br. J. T. May, Philadelphia, Pa. "Bolaware," Br. .1. B. Bush, Wil mington, Del. "Maryland," Dr. G. H. Rehe, Bsltlmore, Md. History of the Aa Aa Aa aoelatlon," Dr. W. S. Rowland, Yerk, Pa ' These in attondanee from the Lancaster city and county Medloalaeclety were: Dra. Blackwood, Compten, Ehler, Albright, Wearerand Bolenlus, et this city ; Dunlap, efMsnbelm ; Deaveref Buek 1 Wiseman, of Balnbridge ; Bryaen, of Martin villa; Craig, Ltneaweaver, Bernthetzsl, Bueklua and Markle, of Oelnmbla ; Trelehler, et Ellis Ellis bethtewn ; Sbenk and Ltnoeln, of Ltlltz; Kehler, or New Helland j Muaaer, of Lam- Eeter ; Miller, et Blrd-ln-Hand, Leman, of euntvllle ; Zell, of Falrmeunt ; Trabert, or Annvllle, Lebanon oeunty j and Ztegler, Of Mt Jey, Theae pLytlelann proneunoa It one of the meat pleasant reunlena yet held by the aa aa aa aoelatlon. The exeoutlve oemmlttee will detdrmtne the next plaee et meeting and they will probably aeleet MeOall'a Ferry, Hanged Illmsslf, Geerge Abner Lauman, aged 55, of Mid Mid dletewn, Dauphin county, hanged lilmaelf te a tree near lila home en Tbureday, Ula Wife dled a year age, and alnee that event be was despondent, although bla family and frlenda did net think hla mind waa turning te lead him te take hla life, Mr. Lauman waa known and beloved by the people of Mlddletewn. His kindly dis position en d eared him te many children, with whom be came In oentaot while su perintendent of two Sunday schools, and his labors for the rollgleua advancement et the young wen ter him the admiration et a large olrelo In that town. Twenty yeara age he waa conduetlng the largest dry goods store In the town, and since his re tirement from business life he haa been aetlve In religious works. Fer olghteoa yeara ha has aervad aa prlnelpal of the Emaua orphan home, an Institution main tained by the estate et Eberhard Frey, one el the early settlers of the anelent town. Nut rlcaeri Found. A few daya age while Johnny Dllllcu, aen of Charles Dlllleb, C07 St. Joaeph atreet, waa playlngat the south end et Cherry alley bridge, whleh la being rebuilt, be upturned a amall package which en being opened wai found te contain half a dozen geed nut plckerr. Mr. Bllllch did net exsmlne them closely and he don't knew whether they were nlekel, sliver or allver plated, but the owner can have them by proving property and calling at 637 SL Jeseph etreet. There la no doubt the nut ptekers were stolen and accreted by the thieves under the bridge. laian Taken ta Barrliburg This morning twenty Insane persjna, who have been.cennned In the hospital, were removed te the atate asylum at Harris burs. They were leaded en a apeclal car of Msll Ne. 2, of the Pennsylvania railroad, at the Plum atreet crossing, without any treuble at all. They were In charge of Snperlntendent Worst, Directors Herr, Strlne, Geed and Bard, Dr, Seesentg, Con stable Sam Sbaub and Attendant Frank MlUer, lie Paid the Ociis. 7 Jacob Stair, the peddler, who was an lntnite of the atatlen boese for Urunkenneaa ec'Wedneadey Blgbt, vraa arreated yeater. day for the aame effeaee by Oenatable Sbaub. Alderman Halbach discharged him upon the payment et oeata and be premised te leave the teara at one. (MlDrMsrstr, The BBBbaaaa-MoXrey1teyaotaB 'riUet committee of ceuaclle advertised -for prc BeaaU for coal for Um peer of the eHy, te be opened en Thursday. Neae of the coal mn eared te oesaptt for the eeatraet for the coal, whleh la net te be dellrertd until January, and the committee did set reeelve any bid. It will meet ea Tueeday next and decide from wheaa the coat will be bought" TkeTarUr Kferm Meeting, The Taria Reform club meeta thle evea lag at Rethweller'e hall. The Demecra'a et th FeHrth and adjoining warda are re quested te tare out In feree, and make th club a live representative of the Lancaster Democracy. Tna Tariff Reform Club will meet at Roth Reth weUer's ball, thU evening at 8 o'clock. All Democrats are lnvlleO. Will Opaa To-Bterrew. Te-morrow the new firm el Rettly Bres. A Banb will take possession of the extensive hardware establishment of A. O. Kepler, Het. 10 and 41 North Queea street. The rmblte Is oerdtAlly Invited te inspect their large and varied assortment of selected hardware. In addition te the Immense stock purchased from their predecessor, they have opened a large quantity of new goods, the excellence el which they wilt be pleased te show, Qlva them a cill te-morrow, whether pnrcbaslng or net purchasing, at the old stand next deer te the poitemce. Handsome notion, Mr. Jehn B. Otvler, the North Queen street dry goods merchant, Is new selling a very handsome Bandanna Flag Butten, It his been adopted br the Dorsecratlo cemmitter, and finds a ready sale. ltaflale BUI'S Wild Wast. Monday next, September 8, tbere will be an exonrtlen at cheap rates te the Gentleman's Driving i'ara, Philadelphia The time of de parture will be 11:33 en Pennsylvania rail road, and the fun for round trip, Including ad minion te the wild West, will only be H CO. Bnch an opportunity Is seldom offered. Bnf Bnf fle Bill aa Just oe-rlnded a twelve weeks engagement In New Yerk-, appearing before enormous crowds, and the prospects are geed for duplicating the success In Philadelphia, Thofe are 109 Sioux Indians, 60 Lowboys, 60 Mexiesn Jeequins aasaieg laey tiawi, zhi her es.a herd of 31 Humie, the old Dead weed stage coach, agd the wild untamable bucking horses. Buffalo lllll appears at every perform ance in marveleus feats with shotgun and rlflu en feet and en hofiebaca. It Is the show et the century, a naltentl cntorutnment, reAl title In every sense, Instruetlve and amusing. Taifpbens Oonnectlens, B. 1). Bchrelner's genernl eterc, Lexington, P. It. Itomberger's general stere, rennvllle, and U. Wcldmyer's noneral store, Whlte Uak, are cennectnd with the tlphnnn. MAKKBTU. PBIladalphla Prodeea Market. PrntlDaLrntA, Aug.ai. Plenr firm 1 sales 1,600 bbls t Minn, Bakers, l tuS (10 1 I'enn'a, family, It 00O "1 Western an. 4 40s te 1 winter Patents, eft 15B8 00 1 Bprtng de, 15180 IM live, W 55 WnoatAiig.,7Kei Bept, 97Kei Oct.. 9Sc Cern-AUK . Me 1 Bept., 30 Oct, MHc eata Auf-i 83He 1 Bept , Ijej Oct , Mc Mew Yerk Market. Naw Yen, Ana; 81. Plenr market Ann 1 F Ine, W 050' 10 1 BuperOne, ri 7303 40 1 Minn Bztra,S lUOSlOl City fill, BitrMlOOflSW Winter Wbeat extra. 803 8fl Wheat Na 1, Bed, Btate, OQ970 1 Nn. i, B9a t Ne. 3, Red, W tutor, sept,, tme 1 oet. 1 CIKe ; rocelpts, (2,780 1 shipments, Cern -Nat Mixed, Cash, tSXO'tKe 1 Bept, 630! Oct, Me 1 rvcelpu, 88,830 1 ahfpments, 8,091 OaU Na 1, White, Btate. 4101 Ne, 2. de, SSUe t Ne 9 mixed, Aug, W'tt'e 1 Hept,, seke ; rwwlpta,217C00 1 shipments, 41,000. Kyenaii) siave in. Barley nominal. rera erk dnil 1 Old Men. 114 S3B14 80. lATd auleti Soot. S3 83 1 Oot . B9 si. MelasHx nemualli ter 60 bollliie' stock, 21e Black strap, lte. NewOrlrani SOQIOC Turpenune steady at 86)i037Kc Besln cult (Strained toguea, flOJHOIKH flOJHOIKH Petreleum dnll t Unflned In (Jasna, ukc Prelghu anil t grain te Liverpool, ia. Buttar Arm 1 Western Ureamery, 'ilHBWa. Cheese dull 1 western Plat. 74)80. 1 Bute Factory, 7WO90 1 fancy White, 1241 120 1 Ohie Flat, 7iJse. Bgga firm 1 Bum, ll)XB2ei Western, 18 Q1U3. ouKerurm ineunea uuueai, o),ej uranuia- tad.7Uc Tallew flrrnt Frlme City, Be. Kle nominal iCarollue, fair toaeod, He Lntfee flrrai Pair Uaraoes, ter tle, UUUHC. OhleAKO PredUM Market. CniOiOO, auk. 81, se a. ra. Market epnned, Wbnnt AugH 910 1 SepU, 0 OCU MSiCl Aug , 430 ! Bept,, 46)c Oot, 43c. .'."',,,, ,iy I BPU' 2,c' Oell !,x Alay, iiHe, ferk-AUgnst, ttl 27i Bept, S14 18) Oot, Lara-August, l 87X1 Bent, r S3 1 Oct, Short Rtbs-August, S3 tl ; Bept , 18 25 j OLOBIHa, , Whcat-Aug ,WHOtBept.,l)3KCi O0t,91'! Nev., We. Cern aug , 410 1 Sept., 48c, 1 Oct., 453 1 Nev , tetfe. eau-aug., SfiJic j Bept, JiXei Oot. SiXc; NOV, 2SKO. Perk-Aug., Ill WX Bept, 111 20 1 Oct, Lard-Aug., 9 40 1 Bept 19 BJX i Oct., Hhert Ulbs-Aug., 18 82X Sept, 1 42H I Oct , 9 33, Nsw Yerk Stocks. Naw Yeax, Aug, ll, 1 p. mMeney closed at IX per cent Bichange steady 1 poated rates, it BSXOi 83Xt actual rates at 858 4 83 rer 00 days and 14 8881 88X for demand) Governments otetod steidy 1 enrrency e's, II se bid 1 4'a coup., l 28X f ax's de, 11 C7K bid. The stock market this morning opened quiet and firm, but alter the tint few dealings the room traders made a raid en the leading steaks, causing prices te decline X te J- Alttr the first call a buying movement In the Vlllatd atecks wai developed, and this, together with buying or Western Union and Union Pacific, caused an upward turn At neon values weie up X te 1 per cent from the lowest point , 1 he maraet has stnee been dull but firm, Stock aearaacs. Quotations by Ueed, McQrann A Ce.. bank era. Lancaster. Pa. aaw veax list, 11 a. u, Canada Pacific Bex O. C. C,l ." Colerado Ceal Central 1'aclne , .... Canada Beutbern ti OhL.Bt.L.APbg Uen. Altle U law. mi Sr.n. X B7Ji se 34X eix m Del.LA W UiVi Brie...... .,,.....,,,,,,,,,. Brle2nds... , ier C....,,...,,..,,,....,,, B. m T..,. ,,,,.,,, ,,,,,, LOU.B N..,,, .,. ........ 1,. Bhere .................... Mich. Cen .,....,... Missouri lAclne Heck Valley..,., N. P.. .,...,., ,,,.,,.,,,, N. 1.1 rer... .........,. N, West,,,,,, ,,.....,,... 118' N. X,U. ......... ........... Xv6't atewaingiana Bast Tennessee ,... Om an a,....,.... ............ .... Oregon Trausportatlen.. 23X Ontario Ck W,, .... ravuxiu biu ,, juoABieaa inmnu srmlnal 24X ..,, ...a..,,, 04 Da,,,aa..a.a 24X or. raru.. Taxaa PaolCe. DntonPaeiflo eiy Wabash Cem., ......,.,.,,. .... Wabash Prof , .... Western U !SU West Shere liends rXILiDSLTBU IUT. fVal.......... t3X g-N. Y.A Phlia a. k. it.,.,,,.,,,, ......... Beading 20 8-11. Leh. Nav.. ...,, Hasteuv. Pass r". 4s ... ............. ...... .... -, WUIi.tMllitllMi Peeples Pass Bdji. t's.... aaa. .... Oil. .... V1M PhUa. TracUen............ .... .! stock Markets. BAST LiBiRTT. CatUe Becelpu, 627 1 ii.y.neiiuj, u uiarsni neuung aaing 1 All uirauBn cennignmeuts 1 beiars ihipiiud te New lerx te-day. r less ltueuinui. 11m hnad 1 shipments kw I maraet ntin et firm 1 Phiiadelphtas, K Ten 0 BUeeBBi keranrs, suSujaiOi fair. I6O0OB Uiplire. J7IW. 6 txj t mixna, is common 10 lair, isuuae IB) pUtc U 7SaM ahoep-lftcolpts, 8100 1 shipment SCKOj marketdullt prime, II Mai 76 1 geed, 11(24 23 common 10 (alr,l 604J3 83 ; lau.u", f ) ' IfMW AD VSRTJSKMBNTH. THE FINEST PAQNBS, ' AMERICAN CHAM. Gelden Age and Hammondsport Stc. BOBUXa'B I.1QUOU BTOBX. TOST ON THURSDAY KVENINQ J-J Inthevtelnlty etOukeand Klngetnt, a young black and Un wirier, with alcknl. Plated cellar and braia lock. ihh mthi name or Chip " a libaral reward if ravurne. I t07BAT WAtNUXSlBUKX. Jw I lliX Hfti s; vk ? u:t :; T a'7 CJH ? s iiii wx tx wi BOX 78X sea U teji x '"X euii (tow wii TfT "3X. iu IV X 108X 1X IV eeee eeee aeee a tow 2SX "X .... is .... S6X H B4j2 73H 73X S4K 3 1 eix eex 27 X sax X tf UK a we bX eeee esse ssis eeee see eeee eee iw" wx mmwjld vanriwMtfKTg. ClALIi AMD BEE THB MAMMOTH t wteriniens at tke w Preface Depot, 1M80UTHQUBKWBTKKET. Bear th OUtB- rn ttaret. Ceretateits eetutjr. - ltd S.O.aTKtUKBirALT. S7IORBENT. .' At flrst-rate rarni of abent 07 Aerra, savea wiles trein Lancaster, near the l.tutz mra ptae. M A..i.eMa. aee5l-st, T-VKMOORATH OK HIXTH WARD. XJllK mraiM- Taaettiir will be held at the eenliler furase TH-mriUT at 8 o'aieek. A fall stteBOaaee Is Oettna. O. HOl'i'BK, ltd aecratary. ESTATE Or MATHANtKL O. AN. niRSOB, late of Laacaiter, city, e ceased. Ittara taatameatary en aald es- tate Having mm grantea ta tee BBeeraigBas, all parsons lndsbtaa thereto are requested te tate having baea grantea ta tte BaeeratgaeB, make immediate vayasent, and Uiem fcavlag claims or demands against the tame, will pre- ent ttaxfli without flalar for settleraant te the undersigned, residing at Ne. sal kaat Frede rick street, in said city. j BIS.ULI B, UUtHUK! Baewar A Baaaat. Bxaeuutx. ausii-etar Atterseyt. HEADQUARTERS FOR FISHING Taokie. s Joint Beds ler tee, Braaa Baels, sne, Ilavlng mere fine Jointed Baas Beds than we care ter at this season or the year, we will sail atgreetly radnetd prices. The great bargains In Uses. Reels, Pleats, Baskeu, tfoekt, etc., have been duly appre ciated by sportsmen. Mew ler the brtak in Beds. PBAIXBT'B BABT END PHARMACY". (Opposite Kastera Market,) Prallay's Rarsapanlla Compound cures Beils and Ptlekly Heat, sec blw.PAw rnHE AUTUMN TERM OF IIBLBN RBIMBHBNTDBH'S PRIVATE SCHOOL commences BKPTEMRBS t, Klnderesrlen occupations and exercises ara combined wltn primary teaening. maddl ion te tee klndor klnder artan and primary, pupils for advanced cissies ara snlielted for further particular, Call at Ne. 83 WBSTK1NOBT. ltd tt w HBRB SHALL I BEND MY danshter for a (reed, refined and moral education T" Answer! Te the BAOKBU BBABT AtlATJ- IMV, Lancaiter, Pa., forlhe Bisters In charge retnectfully announce that they ara nretnred te teach all branches constituting a finished RnglUh education, Including uerman and Prench, which langnsges am taught by Bisters who speak them fluently. Music, vocal and Instrumental, (piano, organ, guitar and tlthern)) alie drawing in pencil and crayon, the various branches of painting In oil and water colors, and every variety et plain and raney needlework are taught ultber by the course or alngte lessens at very moderate prlees The Pnll tirm ter bearding and day pupils opens this Monday, the 3d of September. Preferred hears topnratomuitopupUsinak tepnratomuitopupUsinak topnratemuitopupUsinak Inn application AT ON OB. rer terms and lurtbnr rnrtlcuUrs please ad dress SIBTKUHUPKILIIIW. At Academy, Cor. Ann and Orange Bts. aeg81 Btd RET1RINU FROM 1108INEMH. Ilavlng sold my hardware business at Ne. 40 and 42 N"ith Qufen street, teK, M. Uellly, w. H Neilly and 11. L. Kaub, traelng ai thoflrmef helHy Ilru. A llaub, 1 desire te annonnce te my patrons and the public gener ally my retirement from business. 1 earn estly bespeak ter my enterprltlng young suc cessors the patronage which was extended te me uerlng a business carver nf fourteen yrars. All store accounts will be istt'ed by me at the old stand, os. 49 and 41 North Queen street, A. V. KXPlaBB. Having succeeded Br. A. C. Kepler In his extentlve hardware stere, Nes. 40 and 42 North Uueen street, we raspecttully solicit a contin uation of the patronage, whleh has been ae liberally bestowed upon the old hcuie. ltd KKlbLr BKOS.A BAUB. PROPOSALS FOR MAOADAMIZIMQ. Sealed proposals will be received by the Btroet Committee UD te Mendavevenlnir. nun. tember H, 1188, at 7 o'elook. for tne mnoodamlz mneodamlz mnoedamlz log or West James street, from Prince te Mul berry streets Alfbldsmustbe aocemnanled with nrmwr seeurlty t alie with a oerttfled check te the amount or 10 per cent, or thn bid, which will be forfeit d te thn city In caie or failure te SO' oepiineooniracdi nwaraee. 1 he unmm i ttee reserve the right te rejeet any or all bids. Plans and specifications can be seen at the olllce of . c. Blaymaker, City Bnglncer, at the b tat Ien Ueuie. rropnsautebo addreised te Btreet Com Cem mlttee " for Macadamizing or stree's, and de- Geilfd with William ltlddle, chairman or emmlttee. By order et au2H.81d STBKKT COMMITTEB. UCQOOIi SHOES I At the begKnlng et the school term parents will have te Bee that the ohlldren are provided with PROPER SHOES. Shoes that will allow of rough mage and liave a neat appearance and de net cut tee deep Inte the poaket-beok. We have them and can supply your wants In this direction In intdlum and low priced goedn. We have alee a full line of Men's and Woinen's that will please you in Myle, Qual ity and Price. Olve us a call and test our statomentia Uespoetfully, WM. E. QABT, NO. 105 NOUTK QUKKN 8T, LANOABTBIt. Junl-lydVfAP M' ART1N RROTHERS. Wbatxtkb sort you Scheel SuiU care ler you'll find here. Butts that Bell Quickly because they Please the Beys and the Bethers. BtylesasPnll -TOaTBX Beys. of Jiil.htnesi as the lle)s themselves, and Prices that ara Sure te Please, We'll step talking. Bathrhave you call and see. 13 (Ogees far. Lets of Fall Overcoats. Cheap Enough and style Bneugh. A Bplen did Choice at 110 0). Men's Treuters-a Great Let, a real Valuei.tiBO te 13 .60. MARTIN BRO'S Clothing gud FurnUhlug Goods, tf iS NOBTB QUBBN ST. P. 8. Campaign Clubs Equipped, AKGAlNri. RE 1ST, stail READ I READ I READ ! California Strained Heney, t Bs for 23c Jelly (allklndi), 0 fti fter 230. Table Syrup, llgnt as honey, IPC a qt. Stewing rigs, 4 fti rer S3e. Bunch ltalilns, 4 & for SCe. Prunes, 6 5 4 and i Bs rer 23c. Presh Tea Blicults, 4 Bi for S3e. Snaps and Nlcnacs, a ft rer sse. Twe tloed Breems rer SAe. UcstPleurtnthe World (Heist's Leyal), 60e a auarter. i reih Wheat Germ, 6 Bi rer tse. Preib Itelled eati, 8 fti for 25c. Preih oatmeal, 0 Bs ler 25c. Whole a ram-a Hice, Bfti for sse. Qoed Blw, I fts ferssc. Twe Large Cakes Laundry Seap ter tc. OlolneSoap, le. Large Bexes Blue, Be a box. Plnest Dried Beet In the city, UXc a ft, I teest Plcnle Bams In the city, UXe a ft. Twe Large Bexes Muittrd Sardines for fSc. One liax en or Huitard Eardines forde, BiTAnd many ether Bargains. CsUandsce -It will surely pay you. Reist, Wiielesalet Retiil Grtcar. Northern Cttfaer Viett King Bd frlaca Streeii, LANOA8TgB,pA, maw Anvmnmrnttasn. -lirAKfBD-THBBC PUgBljtO MP Hf 1 1 ssaSusf spssiLl3BJBOwV BsiJr, Kbi est 1 aisai, aieeaiiMsr. BT. eJeiatiBB a rime: W MatAtlVA MAM or Wl OhTA la .every vieUttyBBUiDte.. Uberai pay. BUM Betaeceeaaty, Bivemrereaaaa. iaaraaa, B. Yf. WUUDWAHO CO., 1HBM aarB4iB Bal timer. OLARKR RBTAIL1NG TBAB COF feee and Oroeerleo te fannies at Whole sale Prices. MewcaaheBeitr The fnllewlag tkrealaadlaa-prUelaleahitB ceBduct of our business eaaUae aa te Be It t JSb&S&SB. "-tH-Utt..heap-t m-.efeaKKVVT?' nM,,,rt 8-",,'rt' M, Te Bell only fee Cash. TBAB. tmtmry ttaexpertBoeef most grocers, our sales of this article eeBstttate a vetv la ge BOrtlOB tlf OUT teta.1 . aA a! k5a yerjraoedisaaoa y bellera ihat there U ae T5S?J?4l,1ftaH-lBctrJ Peaaylfla whiek at an approaches ua ta ear immea trade ta this arttele. ""' jeja pamliy Blasded Tee from He te see pr beubb, i-SKfiS?"?-11' WMdedOoBTeaafieBiWKe te ase per pound. BOTB A PBW BABDOK PBIOBB s I fti Dates aad I Be Cream Mate for Me. 1 un cent box 01 Iadlge Bine for se. UKe. 1 w musub, iBBuiar Bnea isa. ear nnas , ,. , w II eakes geed Lanadrr Beati for Me, a m Laundry Starch ferise. eeakea Queen cf Toilet aad Lanndiy Seap, SEN t Oleiae soap, no. Box,ee Bi, -'ITPSliS! flalaeeakef aeap In the world. Try it Hare jrea aeea Use nii,0AR,0tM.J fcrippariet town' p Vhtr ar tn talk (f the twenty cmt bottles of Bxtraet Vaatlla for Try pismcwd Crystal Table Salt. psckagS! T en "tal, Oata,loe per J2nlAJ.W!;.2SJ,tf" OhoeelstS.ilsper eaka t de de Qoeea, per box. Bpp'a Kng- lUhCnee.BMtwrbOX. mypmmum nStTZ ,0U ttla avulm Wag Powder t W LadteetoekBerei One 3 a. bexQUbertB. Braves PaaUp oieaa starea fr I80. Andt paoksefuUbettciDnjstarchfoer iiS2J:,B".a,!,'.1 J Pesad, wr IBc' '?nri2?rAP.,eWS.?pU nfve-yareld Cider anyUitAke" p,MtMr' fta B wui net make BJeta Hams and Dried Beet at a Great . fw of the rreatdenttal Candidates te be given a ay te-morrow with Tea or Coffee. SaUIIFELOLAIIKB'S. WHOLESALE- AND RRTAIL TBA ABO OOP PBB BTOHK, Neb. IS Bad 14 Beuth Qaetm Btrget, m.m . 1'ANCABTEB.PA. Air-Telephone connection. w 1LL1AMSON it FOSTER, A Few Special Things Bcattered around In all or our DEPARTMENTS ! Te whleh we call your Special Attention. Gent's Colored Batbrlggan Underwear in All Biz 1 a. Shirts and Drawers for 2Se each. se Dezen of New and BtylUh Neckwear for Pall, Prices, tee and 75c. ( Berne Bxelnslye Patterns. ) 10 Dezen of All-Weel Blue Piannel Shirts for 1 13 Bach. Sele Leather Tip Scheel Shoes for Beys, 90c a Pair. Beys' Lace Scheel Shee. Beamless, for 9e a Pair. Ben's Bell! Leather Working Shoes. Deable Bele, for 1 10 a Pair, te Dezen et New Pall Styles or Gent's Stiff Derby Bats, n as, ii.ee. n te, ,2 te, i3.Wwereihopr.ee. Berne Soheol GletMng rer Beys that Is reliable aud Lew la Pttee. (A campaign bug is given away with each purcbaie or CLOTHING.) Williamseu & Fester, 32. 31, 36 & 38 E. KING ST., LANCABZBB, PA. BRANCH STORE, NO. 818 MARKET STRMBT, UAUUiatlUBG, PA. H IRSH dc BROTHER. FALL OF 1888. OUR -or- Beja'and Childreu'd CLOTHING! -IN OUK- North Qaeen Street Window IB V711HOUI DOUBT TBB TJ.NB9T DdSPLAY IB LAMOABIBB. We Invite every one te call and lnipeet the Immense Quantity of new, desirable, hand, some, well Attlng and suitable steck: et Men's, Youths'. Ueys' and children's overcoats, Men's, Youths', Beys' and Children's Butts, Men's, Youths', Beys' and Children's Furnish lngs. and beat or all, no ta that we always, with with with outexeeptloni, sell bettergoedstorleas money than any aure in Lancaster aces or ean de. "ONE PRICE TO EVERYONE." Te day we call the special attention et Par ents and Guardians te enr immense itneet Cuildr ea'i ' Soils Single Puis and Waists. r " 8,1X10 cnlldren's Suits. II 00, 11 en, 11 73. 1100, H 60. 7TL m 00, 1 1 80. S3 78, S4 00 te 1 00. ,00u Pairs et Knee Pants at ttSe, S3e, 40c, 60c, 63e. 780, 13c. II CO. It S3. It 6", II 73. lhe Celebrated Monogram " Brand or PLABNBL SHIBT WAI8T3. All shades and Sices. PXB0A1.K AND CALICO WAU13, aec te "se, A lab ABB IN ITKD TO CALL AT HIRSH & BROTHER, LEADING CLOTHIERS, Cor. North Qaeen Street and Centre .Square, IiANOASTEH, GRAND EXPOSITION FENN'A. augU-tmd I. ITf r I ngelllaBalatBJi I j w ( a.. ' -'rt-vj.j k AN OLDSTOM IN WILL HEIlkY BROS, i SaturdiyrSeptember i, TAKE POS8BSB10N OF THE ExtensiYfl HirdwiM Stere it l. C. Kepler, N03. 40 AND 42 NORTH QUUN TROT, (Jext Doer te the Fostefl.ee.) The stock hu been largtly lncr4ki by addition of Nbw Qoeds. EEILLI BEOS. & RAUB, Nes. 40 and 42 North Queen Street, LANOASTEB, PENN'A. JTMW AD VBRTIBBMBNTS. P, R RENT A DESIRABLE BIX. roomed house t possession given lmm dlately. Apply te jsnEBiiAit turm, eX Beatta Dnka Bb augs-i (-tfdB 44 m HEBE SHAIili MY SON OR ww Daughter attend Scheel V Before yen de decide write ter particulars te the Lancaster Business College, Term begins Monday, September 8 1 Evening Session. TntsOav. SeDtember 4. Koamienn te vlsliers new, where all tnrormatlen relative te " course or Instruction," win be cheerinliy given. Address, B, O. WHTDLKB, PrlB. augt-UdB AT QIVIjER'S, NEVSc7 FALL AND WINTER NOVELTIES. PANOY WASH PLABNBLB, BTBIPBU AND PLAID BAXOMY PLAN- BBLS, In Black and White, Grays and Paney colors. OA8UMBBK PLARBBL8. B1DBBDOWN CLOTHS, :s Inehea wide, In all the Desirable shades. PLAIN COLOBBD BHBOKK PLANNKLS. Bverythtng in BBD, WHITE AND OuLOnKD PLABNEL9 at lowest Prices. WOOLTABNS OP ALL KINDB. ' Jehn S.Givler, 6 & 8 North Qaeen St , LANCASTBB.PA. marle-lydAw A SIRIOB'S PALACE OF FASHION, 13 East King Street. Lancaster, Pa. Things that are cheap in every department. We have selected a number ei goods in every department, which we are selling below the regular price. Come and see what they are, and that they are Real Bar gains. Pure Silk Milanese Gloves, plain and embroidered, of finest texture, 25c a pair. Alexander Kid Gloves, scal loped top, 50c a pair. Fast black hose for ladies, 25c a pair. French Balbriggan Vests, at 31c Infant's Shetland Chemise, 15c. Ladies' ribbed Gauze Vests, 15c. Ladies' ribbed lisle Vests, pink and cream, 25c. Ladies' Shetland Weel Vests, Sac Sac Beys' French Percale Waist, pleated front and back, 25c. Fine Ruching, cream and white, 4c a yard. Children's Lace Cellars, at 5c. Lace Pillow Shams, 25c a pair. Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, white and colored bordered, fine quality, i-inch hem, 5c. Japanese Silk Handkerchiefs, hemstitched, 25c. Linen Cellars, 5c apiece. Fine Linen Cuffs, 10c a pair. Extra wide Torchon Laces, at iec a yard. Extra wide Needlework Edg ings, at iec a yard. Dress Trimmings at 25c a yard, which are worth 75c or $1. Braid Sets, at 50c. Braid Panels, at 710. Colored Silk Girdles, 35c. Embroideries, at 25c a yard. Chemise at 25, 37 and 50c, worth much mere. Jerseys at 50c, fine quality. Stamped Memie Cleth, doy dey lies fringed and hemstitched, 1 5c. Stamped Felt Tidies, 5c, Purses and Embossed Leather Pocket-books, 25c. Plush Balls, all colors, at ic. Dress Shields, rubber lined, 5c a pair. Seamless, iec a pair. Ammonia, 9c a bottle. Plated Lace Pins, with chains, iec apiece. New Lace Pins, at iec apiece. Moiree Silk, all colors, 49c a yard. .-j HEW HANDS. jr y. - rvi OM. -rVBIT AD rSBTJSMltBATa. NOTICE F1VJC PR CENT. WILI. be added te all mty tab aet pat ea r berer atjgust ti, 1B88, fiaaeei Sum rrelae a.m. te l p.m. open Monday aad aatnrgr evenlnga1rrem7ti8p.m. awuiwAy ...,. J.H.BATBTOW, BBga-tfdB CltyTreasarer. s1 PEOIATj WOTIUK. On and After Bantmntxp 1. rtvk gn -.. tTVi..vr"r.- -.--." Btalningnn wall ua Buuea c en all school tax re- nnald. W. O. M ABSHALL. Traeaumr. -n.- .. Centre cquare. n0mce open Monday and BatttrdayBvea- Q.REAT REDUCTION. Fine Tailoring dlutceYh,iU2aatUOt!m CW "" H. GERHART'S Fine Tailoring EeUbllehment, 43 NOBTB QUBBN STBXBT. Only Direct Importing Tailor le the Cttye rpBE TALK ABOUT THE CASH PBIOBB OP TBB Original and Only Oath Grocery DUKE AND VIBB BTBBXTS, One Square Beuth or the Court Beuse, Continues aa mueh aa ever. The fact Is, pay leg cash for anything- saves, or at least euga te save the purchaser money If yen deal at a Cash Btrre it wui save yen money, but It yen pay cash where getdaare sold en credit yen will, as a matter of oeurse, pay credit prlees, even though you de pay la that lalrt ! It rltrht lht huabimn cash should pay the same aa the one who pays onee a month, once a year, or net at all T At the original and only Cash Oroeery every customer ta placed en the tame level one prtee and one system-the cash-for alia It la evident, therefore, that all get their goods at the lewestflgure. MCBBONB'S TOILXT SOAP t The larsest, finest and cheapest let of Toilet Soaps ever eaan In thla city. In stock at S, Sand 10 cents. If you want something Terr Bar, pura and nicely perfumed eaU aad aaa thla ee- IWWWUIt BABBB'S BBBABPAST COCOA, Tee drink for the drsper. 0 ana invalid, ?5e; Baker's chocolate, 18c i Creft A Allen's Break' last Lucua, hud i ppswoea.mo. MeALLIslBB'tt BlBU SBBD In pint packages very superior article for the canary, it is considered one of the beat selections, 80 a paekage, canary seed, sea quart. N. W. COBNEBDUKB AND VINE STA, IiANOASIER, PA. mil lydM.WAP' AMVHEilUNTS. --VVW l-SHJ pROOTOR'B FULTON OPERA HOUSE. ADMISSION.. ..1580 and 60 CENTS. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, ADQDBT 89. 31 and SEPTEMBER 1, WITB A AtATINaK OB BATBBDAT. Mr. Geerge Helland And a Competent Company. TBOBSDAY BIQUT, " OUR AMERICAN OOTJ8IN." PBID AT BIGHT, " SCHOOL FOB BOANDAL," BATDBDAY APTBBKOOB and BVBBIBB, MONEY," BBZT WBBK-atOBDAT, TUK8DAT ABD WBDMBSDAT, THB Redmond - Barry Ce.. In their Latest Success, 11 KERMINIE." augZZ-tfd BOOKB.&Q. H ERR'S BOOKSTORE. SCHOOL BOOKS AND Scheel Stationery AT WBOLBSALK .TO COUNTY MKBCUANT8 ABD DBALBBS. Once dealt with you purchase again. Clever usage and lair deal ing make you feel comfortable and atheme. L. B. HERE, 53 North IQueen Strwt. augla-lyd BATH. rATS I HATS I STAUFFER a CO. SATURDAY, SEPT. i, OPENING DAY pek DUNLAP' FALLISTYLMS IN Silk and Stiff Hats. We think we have the BEST taco BLACK BTlPPUATlntheOlty. All New Goods. T BUB KB and TBATBLINQ BAOg at BOTTOM PBIOBB. BOTS' SCBOOL HATS, Kc. Stauffer&Ce. Meb. 81 Si 38 North Queen.St., LABCATIL,PA. 'AWZif . MfB ' V" -' - .i -iSl 't i-iJa$inii -' ii