WC in" jvv W&7 n . !" 5 ! 1 fsf"! i7 , J" t .-V - " -- i. - P I' - , L?A v F1 ' -i. - " 7- t THE LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENOEI?, THURSDAY. AUGUST 30, t , .! I E; 5. . s i KU 3k E'i3vr- -r.j BW SaX Srff. .. l& Eft m i I,C ST I !' W m c feu-- ' it .. Vf 'Pf ' J PF TERMS: Sir is Whmlt lamueinn, Eight Pages, 11. te year, by mall, specimen copies tout tne. ' THE INTELLIGENCES, Laneiater, Pa. The Daily Intelligencer, LAHCASTEB, AUGUST 10, 1953. mL EfclH Tawa Kallraad Char. '"',?' Juflte Fitrxali, of the low rtale court, s? IfUkM the same view u Judge Brewer, of Ls&thrUntted Stateieeurr, aate the power v;'Yetttil9WrfcUrd commissioners ever &ttinfciiotairedcbarRe3. The state :'Zhm give the commissioners power te 'flxnUrMd rates; nnd the judges held Atia such unlimited power cannot be 'Uafcfated te the commissioners becanse felt amounts te a power of confiscation. M$iJ Brewer declares that the railroad . sft..;: raua of charges cannot be reauceu ey me commissioners below a rate that will ray the railroads proper expenses and some dividend te its owners. The state railroad commissioners are net likely te impose any .rates that in their judgment will net pay such preQt te the railroads. It they are sen table men they knew that railroad enter prises, like all ether enterprises, should pay a fair preflt te their owners. There is therefore no danger that the Iowa law, wisely administered, will cause confisca tion of railroad property. And there seems te be as little deubUhat the law, UBWisely administered, may bring about inch result. We presume that ;it will ba admitted all around that a state cannot confiscate private property without making fair compensation; and if the law of the Iowa legislature is obnoxious te the objection that it confiscates lallread property, it may be properly held te be bad. Evidently however, it produces no sucli effect en its face. The state commlslon cemmlslon commlslen ers are authorized te fix the railroad rates, with intent that they shall be made fair te both the railroads and their customers. The courts new step in and assert their power te determine whether the rates that have been made by the commission ers are just te the railroads. The presumption is that this power of supervision exists in the courts. It is the'r province toseethat there is just dealing between men ; and there is great opportunity for their discrimination in securing just dealing between railroads and people. These Iowa cases are pecu liar In that the courts are appealed te for defense by the railroads against the slate that has created them. It is a forum into which the people of Iowa may be glad that their railroads have invited themselves. They have net get that far as yet down this way. They never get into court here of their own motion. They have power enough te take care of them selves. We shall be very glad Indeed when we Sad them se weak as te appeal te the law for their protection . We shall be very willing that they shall get all that the law can afford them. The Iowa railroads have secured neth- lng by the decision, se loudly flourished as in their favor, but a declaration that they have n right te live, and that they may appeal from the state commissioners te the courts te declare whether the rates et charges imposed by the state commis sioners, are just. In Iowa it takes state commissioners and courts te determine whether railroad rates are- fair. In Penn sylvania it takes only railroad directors. Jf the Iowa railroads are happy ever this situation, the Iowa people may be. And percbance some day the peeple of Pennsylvania may be as well protected against railroad robbery. The Dig Picnic. The Grangers are having a big picnic ever the river, net far away, in the baili wick of Brether Themas and the Cum berland Valley railroad, for whom the event is a benefit et the first degree. We are sorry that the president did net come along, but the Governer was gathered in and seemed te be able te ay something about farming. We note, however, that hs said nothing about his late dealings with the farmers of Cam bria, wherein he secured the coal that underlies their stones and left them the tillage of the soil. The governor evi dently better likes farming by ether folk than by himself. "Rrnfchpr fhnmna fa FaIi-Iv Anfltlnl in W '""'"the credit and cash which his annual picnic, that he manages with se much business sill), brings In. He probably, however, was net surprised that his invi tation te the president did net bring him, as there is rather tee much of the state fair and private enterprise character about the occasion te have made the call upon the president a very loud one. And se he went a-fishing. lilulue'g Feeble Essay. Mr. Blaine has made a desperate effort effort te escape from the questions about trusts and the Canadian railroads by pub lishing a labored essay In the American Magazine under the title " The Presi dent's Errer. " He summarizes the ar guments et President Ulevelands famous tariff message as an assertion that these persons net employed in what may be termed protected industries have no in terest in a protective tariff, and he then proceeds te show hew vitally related te the prosperity et all classes is the manu facturing welfare et the nation. lie shows that persons net directly pretecU d by the tariff would ba harmed at once by the wrecking our manufactures and that a paralysis of that line of industry would react most seriously upon the transpor tation system. In short, Mr. Blaine has succeeded In proving in a most masterly manner that if the Democrats strangle business, business will probably be strangled, but he falls te convict either president or party et any such murder ous intention. President Cleveland can not be fairly represented as .maintaining that the protected Industries might net Indirectly benefit the unprotected. He only shows that in many cases the bene fit both direct and Indirect is in value far belewthe price paid for it by the pee. pie in taxation. It after months of thought and tell this essay is the plumed knight's best assault upon the president, it fcove. clearly that whatever may be al ability as a debater, he is bM tee shaky in his logic for Nm sober work of an essayist. Hepre Hepre teadaletUluk it strange that the presi dent failed te consider the barm that would come te the railroads and shipping through a serious reduction of the tariff, It la impossible te imagine any reduction I et the tariff that could be seriously con Idered, that would have damaging effect upon transportation. People will con tinue te buy things from ether parts and te send their own surplus away, and the world will roll en just as steadily when the taxes have been lowered as at pres ent, lie says: "Iren ere admitted free from Spain, coal admitted free from Neva Scotia, wool admitted free from Australia, all favor British ships at the expense of American railroads." Ne, because these raw materials must often be carried te faclerlas in the interior, and the ships must take away with them ether cargoes that have reached the coast eyer American railroads ; cargoes that must mere and mere be mode tip of Amerlcan manufactures. Se even Mr. Blaine's pets, the railroads and the coal barons, have no cause for fear, because they will have a near home market In healthy manufactures, with all necessary protection. Absnt a Dellar a Day. We publish elsewhere a number of statements that are new made concerning an alleged declaration by General Harrison ten years age, that a dollar a day was high enough wages for a working man. We print these statements for the information of our readers without claiming that there Is anything discredita ble te General Harrison in the statement that he is aald te have made, if it is fairly construed. We believe in dealing fairly byjeveryene, in the conduct of a news paper us In every ether business, se fur as our judgment will permit us te de se. We knew no geed reason why an editor should be mean, unfair nnd untruthful ; en the contrary he should be particularly careful te be just. Ne doubt many of our readers would like us.te say that General Harri son said that a dollar a day was enough for a workingman, and all that he should ever earn. But it does net appear that he said mere than that a dollar was suf ficient wages for a days labor, under the business situation at that time; which .may have been very true, nnd probably was ; because labor has commanded less than a dollar a day at times since the war. Ne business man pays as a rule mere than the market price for un article. If labor can be had at a dollar, he does net pay n dollar and a quarter. If he only offers a dollar for what ether people pay n dollar nnd n quarter, he may fairly be abused for it ; but if this is what General Harrison did, the statements we print elsewhere fail te make it as plain as it may be made if it Is true. CknkualTiiaev, It correctly reperted In the New Yerk Tribune, la reaponslble for the follewing: "Free trade or revenue tariff deea net allow any Impert duties being Imposed en aueh artlelea as are llke- wUe produeed at home. Under a revenue tariff, the duty would be Imposed en tea, oef) te, sugar, apices, and all articles whleh we de net eupply at all or supply Inad equately for the demand et the home market." lie failed te abew that any one advocated a tatltt et thla kind, and aomo aemo aome .bow, forget te mention that under the Mills bill the tax en the abeve artlelee wenld be very much rodueed. He knew that If hie moment wero applied, he Intended that It aheuld be by Mb hear ere, it would be quite Idlotle in its meaning. It would amount te an nanortlen that a party that baa boldly be gun reform by plaelng lumber, aalt, vege tables and ere, with many ether raw ma terials en the froe Hit, really intended te tax theee articles heavlly, and te admit manufactured goods free. What he ealla a revenne tariff la a creation of hit own dUeaaed lmglnatlen, which no calm Amerlcan oeuld think of wlthent smiling. It Is doubtless true that we could gather a large surplus by a tariff levied selely upon "articles that we de net s apply at all," but It would appear that Mr. Tracy has net beard that the aim of the Democratic Is the decrease of taxation, and that therotere It will naturally admit free these things we de net and cannot produce and take what ttx is noedod from the Importations et ar ticles that we manufacture. PERSONAL. Hauvey iUDUCRN Xjne, for many years professor of Oreek In the Wesleyan University at Mlddletewn, Conn., died at Saratoga, N, Y., en Tuesday. Mns MAnv Cuahmek Hume, CO years old, wife of Professer K. W. Hume, well known In literary olrelee, dropped dead wblle preparing te bathe In the surf at Ooedftronnd, h. X, en Tuesday. William M. liLorp,apremInent banker or western Pennsylvania, died en Wednes day at his home In Alteena, aged 74. He lest his fertune In the panle of; 1S73, but by Judicious management recovered It Inta few years. Jehn A, Hobinsen, a wealthy and eccentrle eltlzen et Norwleh, Conn., died recently. His will provided tnat hla body be kept three days before being plaeed In the grave. 1 1 was further ordered that the grave be ee made that an oxltfrem It would be easy. A hammer was te be plaeed near bis right hand, and a lamp kept burning In the grave for three days and nights. These directions were carried out te the letter, but with no startling result UANAOIANSALaitMKt). The LIUttal r.fader Urge the Adoption or a Frlendljr l'eilcjr. The lien. Mr. Laurler, leader of the op position In the Dominion Parllament.clesed a series et addresses te the electors of On tario Tuesday night with a sharp crltlelsm of the Canadian policy towards the United titates. After referring te ihe great harm that would come te them from the plan of retaliation proposed by the president ct the United Stater, he asserted that the present deplorable state of things was all due te the vloleus policy of the Canadian government "If the Canadian government had followed a mere friendly course there would net have been any unfriendly feeling today. Time and again in the year 1S35 Amerlcnn flahormen were arrested for trivial offenses. Nothing oeuld be mera offensive te these people when they citue te a British pert and found themselves ar rested and their vessels detained for a sim ple violation of the customs laws, which in all probability they did net knew. It is no wonder that tbelr hearts were bitter and that they made complaint at Washington, If, en the contrary, the Canadian govern gevern ment bad administered our laws as tbey oencelvod thorn under the treaty, In a friendly manner, tboreeoula net have taken plaoe what has taken plaee. We are threat, ened with the possibility of losing our car rying trade. "It is bicrb time we should reverse the pol icy we have been following toward the United tjtatea for tbopasttweety-live year. Ker the past twenty-five years it has net been altOKetber hostile te the United Htate, but it has never been altogether friendly." What la Trait? from tlit Chicago Tribune, (Uep). What Is a trust but a combination of tariff protected manufacturers te strangle compe tition, monopolize Industry and Its products and rleeee consumers T It baa no ether purpose, whether It Is a sugar, a steel, or a lead pencil trust. Tbe nltra tariff tax is their sole support. The conntctlen between tariff ana monopoly and trueUiim Is clear, be long as exoeaslve duties are main tained, these trade rlnn will be enabled te bleed the public. Reduce these duties te a decent, reasonable figure and they will be smashed. Mr. IrersVs deassslttee TakM BMi. RtpnaMtaUve Ferd's committee en cea tract labor returned te Washington en Wednesday after an atsenee et live weeks. Mr. Ferd sys they took 2,500 pages of type written testimony, but that they would pro bably net make a report untA the entire Investigation Is completed, as there le till evidence te be heard. Koengh had been taken, however, te convince the committee that aemethlug me.it be done, aa the lawa relating te contract labor have been violated te a remarkable extent becanae of the lack of msehlnerjr te enforce them. Be thought that In about sixty days they wenld reiume the taking et testimony. no Women Imported Under Conflict. The Portuguese brlgantlne Heptane ar rived in Halifax, N. H., ten day. age from Kayal, Azores, bound te Bosten, with titty, alx female Portuguese immigrants ea beard. It was aald that she came In te procure water, but It ha been developed that she put Inte Halifax te land the women. who were forwarded te their desUnatlen by rail te evade the American law. Had the veaael taken the women te Bosten they could net have landed there, aa tbey bad been prevleuily engeged te enter service In the United States, Stele the Ohnrch Mortgage, Edward F. Stewart, treasurer of the Washington Square Methodist church, Mew Yerk, Is In jail for robbing tbe ohureh of a mortgage et 13,100. A portion or the debt was represented by the mortgage, whleh Stewart eredlted himself as having been paid and caneeled. Ue paid Interest en It for tbe ;paat three years, but failed te oeme te time last March, and the mert gager notified the pastor. WANAMAKKK'ti Closed at i r. m. en Saturdays. When you come te the city bear in mind that Wanamaker's is a meeting and resting and waiting place as well as the biggest store in the world. There are reading and sitting and retiring roeni3 for you ; telephone, telegraph, and mail facilities. Your parcels will be cared for without charge. We try te make you welcome whether you care te buy or net. tITVMtU L j u WANAMAKER'S (4Acrc FLO OR SPACE I 5 PHILADELPHIA rtiittraurm 1 T Yeu knew that there is no worthy het weather (or any weather) thing for wear or home use you can't but we have it. If come te the store, write for whatever you want, samples or goods. Shopping by mail has come te be simple and certain. A few scratches of a pen, and all the facilities of the store are yours. JOHN WANAMAKER. Philadelphia. (JOMPLKXIOX TO WDBR. QOMHIiKXION POWDKR. LADIES WHO VAl.Utt A KKriNKV) COUIM.EAION MUST USE POZZONI'S UEIHOATEI: COMPLEXION POWDER. It Imparts a brilliant transparency te the akin. Hemevea all pimples, i rookies and ols els ols celorations, bnd makes the skin delicately anlt and beautlful. ltoentatna no lime, whltn, leia or arsonle. in taree snadea, pink or neah, white and brunolte, VOU BAl.K UV All Druggist nnd Faney QoeJe Doalera flvorywhero. -hkwauic or 1UITATI0NB.-M aprjMva 11 A NO KKH OH I It Fa. Q.O TO KHIHMAN'fl roll Ladies' Oolluleid Cellars & Guffs. CAMPAIGN NECKTIES AND NOVELTIES ATkUISMaN'J. N 0XI0K TO OliUMH, riiAUS, 1IAN.NKUH AND lt&UUKa MAUK TO OUUKU, AT ERISMAN'S, N0.12 WKBTKINU BTUKXT. MAltlll.a WOHKtl. jVTAHBIiB AND UKANITK W0HKS. CHARLES M. HOWELL, MARBLE AMD GRANITE WORKS, Ne. IU NOIU'U QUKKN STliKKT. Having special facilities for mamifacturtucr Orautte MonumenU.Tomba, Uravr-steneaand cometery Werk et all klnda, reapeeUully an Jlctt tUe patrenase of tee public, and Invite all JoeaJl unaoxaintieihuinlonBlvotockof ilar. bio Meunmunts, Urave-3tenea, ote., new On. lanea ana erected tit my werku, which i eirnr at greatly reaucea nrlecs. 1'ractlcal exprl ence, with taate Jn tfw nrrangemenl of erna. mentatien, lettering ana oieoutlon of aealgna ?'.. "S1 Ctt.r?t li R Ruaranty inut porfeei satisfaction will be glvun te the meu exacting of my patrons. " , .JiRiitfera Br? invltea te cell for eattrnatea for buliateg work. order received ler oil kinds or Mantels. A large number of rinlihed Band and Uremi. Stene Doer-SUls en hand, at leir prices. ,. 0UA8.M.flOVKLI HUgS ly 0M VVB 8trecl-Kul slae' tiewMMwvturiauixu vuujed, QALI, AND HKM -TUX- ROCHESTER LAMP Klxtyuandlft-Iilgbt) lteats them all. Anctter Let of cheat qlebks (or Qaa an OUBteves. TH "PHnFJSOTIOH" MtTAL MOUIiDINO A ItUBUSlt CUSIHetf WEATHERSTRIP t. eata men allThis strip outwears all ethers. SSR?nel.yi? JfS" ft101' re"ln of winoewl Exclude the dust. Keep out auewandralu. Anyone can apply ltne waste or dirt made In applying It. Can be nttee anywhere-ne holes te berp, ready for uae. It wdl net epllt. warn or shrink a cushion strip is the tnesl perfBft. At Ue fltove, ueaur and itange etere.i or Jehn P. Sehaum & Sens, 84 BOOTH QUEEN ST., -.,. bAXOAXTIB. FA. NJ EKVOUS HEADAOHM. The Nerves Bentberg says that Mnralate Is the prayer of the nerves for healthy bloeO." Tata Is eanaUy true of every form et nervous Stsease. It the bleed Is In a normal cenattltm the ner vous system receives from It the strength it functions require, Hence the all-Important ntiettlen of the pnrifloauea et tbe bleed again Impresses lUelf npen us. A moment of care ful thought enables us te realize why lioed'a Barsapiulllabytts power te purify the bleed produces cures In a great variety of diseases te an extent hitherto unknown. ' Whan I began taking Heed's Ban aparilfa I was confined te the bed nearly alt the time. Mew I am up the best part of the Say, nave a better appettte than for five years, and am net nearly se nervena as I have been." alM.AKH A. II aiLis, Mloetown, I'hUadelphla. Nervous Headaches " 1 have been for years n great sufferer irem nervenaheadache of an unuiually severe type. 1 have tried a great many remedies, bnt saver fuund any relief Ull t began te use Heed's Bar sapatilla. Before the second betUe was gene my headaches were net se severe nor se fre quent. I am Jnat beginning the fourth bottle andhavenotreltsewell for years. The con. fused dltzy feeling In the head Is absolutely gene, and my general health Is wonder fully Improved. I write tela, hoping It my Induce some ether suffarerllke myself te try this In valuable medicine." Mas. W. 8. Oartwbieit, Shelter Island, Suffolk Ce., M, Y. Heed's Sarsaparttla Beld by all drnggtats. 11 1 six for . Prepared only by 0. 1, HOOD CO., Lewell, Mats. 100 Deses One Dellar. 111 rALAva or rAauieir. G KHAT BAKOA1NB. ASTRICH'S PALACE OF FASHION, 13 East King Street. Lancaster, Pa. Te-day vc have received the first let of New Kid Gloves, and are prepared te show te our customers this Fall a line of Kid Gloves of our own impor tation at prices which are lower than they ever have been heard of in this city for first class goods. Our line of Kid Gloves comprises the following styles and prices : Elegant assortment of 4-but-ten " Alexander " scalloped top at 50c a pair. Never sold at less than 75c. Our celebrated " Fourchette " Kid Gloves, black and colored, at 75c. An extra fine Embroidered Kid Gleve at $1.00. New Hemstitched Colored Bordered Handkerchiefs at 5c. A let of extra fine styles at 10c, Bargains in Ladies' White All-Linen Handkerchiefs, hem stitched, .at iec apiece. Closing out Braid Sets and Panels, in black and colored, at less than cost before our new goods arrive. Alse our stock of Colored Girdles. Buy our Dress Trimmings before they go up te the origi nal price. Opened te-day, one let of Rubber Lined Dress Shields at 5c a pair. One let of Seamless Shields at iec a pair. Jersey Coats are all in new. Our assortment in them is much larger than last season, our styles are better and prices lower. New Mourning Handker chiefs, 10, i2, 15, 20 and 25 Cents. New Embroidered Handker chiefs, 10, 12, 15, 18, 20, 25 and 35 Cents. All of them are special bargains. A New Imported Ruching in combination colors, 15c a yard. New Lace Cellars, 5, 10, 15, 19 cents apiece. One let of Lace Pillow Shams at 25c a pair. Twe large tape bound Lace Pillow Shams for 25c, or i2c apiece, New Windser Ties, 25 and 50 cents. New 5 and 10 cent Laces, 4 te 10 inches wide. ASTRICH BROTHERS. TJiUNxa. rpaUNKH, TKAVKL1NO MAtlB, Aa ALWAYS AHEAD! TRUNKS ! TBJJMS ! KKUKlVll) TO-UAV, A Carload of Trunks. ALL PRICES. $1.50 TO S25.00. ALSO AliAUOK ASSOHTUKNTOr Traveling Bags. AT M. EaberMsli & Sen's SADDLE, HABNESS, AND TRUNK STORE, Ne. 30 Centre Square, LAN0A8TKU. PA. XTT U flHHKK, DKNTIBT. rattlcular attention glvt given te tllltnft and pretnrving the natural teeth. 1 nave ail ue latest improvements ter doing nice work at n, very ruaaeaable coat. Uavlngyoarsef ex perlonce in tne Urge cities l am euro te give the best et satisfaction and save you money bast arueciAl teeth omyw.eoper set uieu surtuya Ko.eVeQoi rr, XOMAOV0. QTA-NDABD CMW1NG TOBACOU, DOYOUCHEW? -THIN 1T THE BEST -WHICH IS Fi Inzer's Old Honesty! Genuine Hu Bad B Zla Tg very Flu. ea OLD IIONKSXT U acknowledged te brtha F0KE8T anfl MOST LAaTixa pioesrof STANDARD GDI WINO TOBACCO OB the market. Trying It U a Utter test than any talk about It, Ulvs It a fair trial. JI-rqUKDKALBHAS XT.i nevis-ivdAw DRY OOODB. tPKUlAL BARGAINS. WATT &SH AND a. 8 Ac 10 HA.BT KING BT. l.ANCABIXH.PA. 1IAVK NOW ON XXIIIBITIONTIIK hkU UMrBTOUKOr DRY GOODS, NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS In Central fennsylvanla, New rail oends In Kvery Department bought for CAau at the Lewest Market Prices. SPECIAL I 100 1'IEUKS ALL WOOL TBICOTS, 40 laehes wide, only 85c a yard, in Light, Medlnm ana Darkareys. We pronennoe this the Best Bar gain In Dress Goods we have ever baa te offer. These goods are all wool and have never here tofore been sold for less than 37)fe, tO-INOU ALL-WOOL SUITINGS, In all tne New Shades ler rail ana Winter, at Boe a yard. B-4 ALLWOOL BUOaDCLOTHS, In all the New Shades, at 7Se ana ll.oe. Our own Importation or ALL-WOOL IIKN K1KTTAS and FttKNCH BLACK CASH- Mkltss, saving trar customers the Jobber's profits. Our own Importation of SILK FLUSH KS : 16 inches wide, in all coloring imaginable. at 60 cents a yard. 19 Inches wide, In ail the Mew Colorings, only 75 cents a yard. 20lneheswlde,ln ail the New rail Shades, only ll.oe a yard. 21 Inches wide, In ail colors, only II 28 a a yard. We consider these goods, at the prices Quoted, tne very best value we ever offered te enr customers in bilk flushes. Every department will new be found apen examination te be replete with Mew fall Goods at prices te suit the tires. New Yerk Stere. N KW BOSTON HTORK. "WAIT 1TOB.THK OPENING -or- J. Harry Stamm's Ne. 24 Centre Square, ABOUT- September 1. It WlllJPay Ven te Bemeniber the l'lace, N0.24GENTRESQUARE. New Bosten Stere. DRY GOODS -AND NOTIONSI J. Harry Stan. if BOSTON STORE auflHrd aLOTMiirm. et ASKEW OB MB, A MOS.9BM AMD MB WBST KIHtt ST4BBT. CM jJKROHANT TAILORING,1" v HAOER a BROTHER. Merchant Tailoring DEPARTMENT. AFKBrCCTrlT QUABANTMD. Mid-Simmer Speelil SedieUmia. Scotch and English. Oheviete. scotch. i msae te r&oe. ciieviet BuniNaM W8.WT0E1M0; KNULISU 1 B7S.O0 TO S910Q. cukviet auiTiNas.l Ja.wTe Koe! The above are THE LATEST in Plaids 'and suipesj The CLOSING FBICES will Warrant an Ex. animation. CHEVIOT SUITINGS, .10.00 TO 11000. CHEVIOT BUITINGB, 120.00 TO 118.00. Desirable Thin Materials for Bummer Wear Wilt be found in enr assortment or Worst eds, Flannels, Serges. Urap UeEtes, llehalrs. Pongees.; ' IM POUTED LINEN VE8TINGB. WHITE LINBN VE8T1NGS. Eager & Brether, 85 & 27 West King Street. A TTRAOTIVK BARGAINS. L. GANSMAN & BRO. ATTIIACIIYE BARGAIMB or Seasenabls Goods for Early Fill Wear New Ueady rer Tour, inspection. HEN'S, BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING Af THE LOWEST 1'ElCKb. Men's suiu at ts.te. st.oe, .se, as.ce. taoe, 18 00,110. Men's Fine suits at 112, til. 110. Beys' suiu for Bcboel at CEO, u.oe, 13 60 andti.00. Beys' suiu, Dressy, at 15, aa, .7, H. Children's BnlU, ll.SO. 11,75, 1 J, 12.90, 3, t(, 5. Children's Fants at 25e, 40e, 60e. 75c, II da Early Fall SnlU te Order, strictly AU-Weel, at 112, ill, 18, .18. rants te Order, All-Weel, at S3. 60, 14, as, W. 17,18. LATEST STYLES, LABGK ASSORTMENT, PBICESTHE LOWEST. L & Bre., 8.W.OOBNBR NORTH QTJBHN As ORANGE BIB LANOASTKB. PA. 1VP EBB K KATHFON. Boys'Scheol Suits. Only one mere week el vacation for Hoheol Beys. Mothers should net lerget that we have everything Streng and Serviceable -reu- BOYS SCHOOL WEAR -AT- VKRY KHASONABLB PRI01S. SUITS THAT WILL STAND THE UOUUH USAGE OF SCHOOL BOYS, AND COLOB3 THAT WILL NOITUBN rueu SUN AND XXrOSUBE. Every Suit Made Bight Here. Myers & Eathfen, LKAOINU 0L0TU1EU9, NO. 12 BABT KINQ STH LAN CAST EH PA. ears j a ana. aTANDAKD WORK. ED-W.EDGERLEY CAKBIAQE BUILDER, NO. 40, OJ3, iS MABKET 8TBEET, Bear Of Posternoe, Lancaster, Pa, I have In Stoea- and Bnlld te Order Every Variety et the following styles : Coupe. Bug. glee. Cabriolets, Carriages, Victorias, Business Wagons, T" carte. McCaU Wagons. Bnrrles, Market Wagons, Pius tens. Express Wagons. 1 employ ue best Mechanics, and have f acu ities te build correctly any style of Carriage desired. The Quailty. Style and n&Uhet my work makes It decidedly the cheapest la the market, ' Sfrwa Hsv.Tai hsst unuaJArMT QASXIMTsta-MAsUUT, Han mm mmmt QVIOIttAL BOSrON STORK. THE ORIGINAL Eosten Stere! I or STAMM BROS., 85 and 37 North Qieen Street, (Opposite the rosteflot,) BAB BEEN PUBOHASED BY SeBler Fartaer of Ike Late Flm. The Stere Beem is ene of the finest nd best lighted In the etty and the Meck of Dry Goods I CANNOT BE EXCELLED. FINE DRESS GOODS A SPEOIALTT. CHABLKS STAMM return, thanks te the many patrons of the late Arm and will always be pleastd te meet them at the Old Stand. w Charles Stamm, SU00ESSOB TO STAMM BROS. angtt-ly rpHB POPULAR DRKSB FABRIOB. ALL-WOOL HENRIETTAS -AT- NO. 25 BABT KING ST., WEIHAVE NOW OPEN AND itJSAur FOB INSPECTION AND COMPABlflON A 46-IeGli All-Weel Henrietta In all the Desirable Shades tat 750. A 46-Inch All-Weel Henrietta In all the Dealrable Bbades at 11.00. The above two qualities of Henriettas are net only the best goods for their respective prices in this city, but we can assure yen, are unsurpassed by same priced goods of the best Philadelphia and New Yerk houses. avWe sell for Cash, whleh places us In a position te give yen as geed goods for your money as the world produces, Tbe People's Cash Stere, LANOASTKB, PA, tuarl!-lvUkw MAOBINMRT. CENTRAL MACH1NK WORK a FOR SALE CHEAP FOB IMMEDIATE DEMVEBV. One IK H. P. Engine and Belter combined. One 4 II. P. Engine and 6 U. P. Beiler, en bise, combined. one a H. P. second-Hand Vertical Engine, with or wlthent Beiler. One & 11. P. ftew Horliental Engine. Own make. Knclnes and Boilers of every size and de scription, several Botary Ventilating Fans, suitable for shop or office use. Alse Valves. Jfltttngi, Pipe, Brass and Iren Cocks and and a full line Bleam Goods and En gineers' snpplles. Machine work, Pattern Werk, Brass Cast ings, Shafting, Pulleys, Hangers, Etc., Etc. GOOD WOBK. SEASONABLE CHABQES. PBOMPTNE88. Central Machine Works W. P. CUHMraeS, Proprietor, NOB. m A 136 NORTH OHRIBTI AN ST. LasaasTU, Pa, decS-tfd ATTUHMMXM. T OTHER B. KATJKFMAN, ATTOBNET-AT-LAW, HO. 1 SOOTH rKMOl T:Lansastar, Fa. JBVlytAW CHAW STAMM The People's Cash Stere