PWF" TOWPW ZJ2 T- W t'4. 'vs ."W' "X fc v t .v H ;'. r. -IfT- A " Vji '" - -; VI St"v V THE LANCASTER DAILY INTEIXIGENOEK. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 29, IMS. "."' ' n i& S mm r.jf"- Rt Ha.5 . m? P lU .i tm Z" ra w- ?&? 8? . ft Efe Bi T T V? m W, i r. r Jfl fi. r" ST ?- pr j Th Dally Intelligencer. ,,.wl)ABTKIt. AUHUST 19, 1888. bakt iirrau.tsiven pnDUsbet all the m - -- iinftnd rnm nn te v'Mim.Tta Dallv Edition of Tin Inui. ; us M delivered by earners in the city - aarraaadlng towns for loe. per week ky wall, SB.OD a years tire ter six nenim 1 for three wrath t eocpermenva. WnxtT iMTBLUaaKcna (Deuble Sheet) race only H.50 per annum, in as- vauee. aBaet1ben wishing their address changed swat also state where the tpaper U wrw ler irareea. SV iUTSrtteeinenU from 10 M S eta. per line h.aaeajnaeruen, aeeeMans te location. MIIOTIU-MMOW.. Lancaster, Fa. OeBBeetkm Twe Caaxrcssmcn. &l "Tbt te ft curious turn of tbe wheel of 'Ji Jm & ttMi fttrAcra T)Anr0luml.nt.lvpfl (JMW WU... .UtV" .r... . rin, etn nml T!rmnntrniit out Of COD- !S afttaienal life, after they have been cast ?y" lata one congressional district, without MntiDK them Inte personal contest for gW tte single seat. Lehigh county nrst re- iejm rfewuen'a aemana rer renomina renemina tkra; and new Berks refuses that of Ermentrout. Lehigh has conceded tbe choice te Berks, and Mr. Drunner will be the nominee. Mr. Sewden is supposed te have been defeated In Lehigh by bis adverse atti tude te tbe position taken by the Deme cratic administration and the party in national convention, upon tbe Mills bill for tariff reduction. Mr. Ermentrout Tam net been defeated in Berks for this reason, since he voted for the Mills bill; though up until this session of Congress he was one of the small band of representatives from Pennsylvania who steed along with Bandallin linn opposition te tarift re duction. Mr. Ermentrout wisely con cluded te take the track with his party ; and yet he seems te have been thrown as badly "as Mr. Sewden who belted ; and the question arises as te why this 1b thus. We de net think that the explanation is difficult. Mr. Sewden is a strong man , but be was net strong enough te buck against his party in a Democratic strong hold with a Democratic national admin istration in power. That was a task that was naturally a chinkapin above his strength. Mr. Ermentrout also Is a strong politician, as be has shown by the held he has kept in Old Berks from the time that he was Illester Clymer's chief engineer, down te the present fourth term of congressional life that he is new enjoying, lie undertook a big task when he sought for a fifth term. It he had net had reason te think that he had his county well in band, he would nethave ventured It. ntth terms de net come te many Pennsylvania congressmen. Tbe hungry fellows outside get tired waiting se long. Mr. L'rmentreut knows hew tired he get of waiting for Mr. Cly mer's shoes and hew he finally kicked long before Mr. Olymer reached his fifth term. Doubtless, there is always i neugh yeast in a Democratic constituency te keep things moving and te prevent any craft from lying se long at anchor tis te fPftthftr fearnmntitQ It Is doubtless better Mpirgi- te Upset old beats and old captains once 3NSr.r-fi. . -Ml. It teaches them n proper jh t " tat nuuvi M tattHttlll-W We are sorry te lese Mr. Sew- 4HUUU1VJ ' den and Mr. Ermentrout from Congress, ter they are both geed men, and we hope that some day they may both get back Main ; meanwhile they can devote their energies te making the Pennsylvania legislature Democratic be that they may each again have a district. Corporations In Trusts. The Democratic members of the IIoiue are contemplating legislation against tbe trusts that have lately sprung up in se many industries. It is well that the question is being considered ; but it will doubtless be found that these things are obnoxious te the present laws, and that little legislation is needed unless perhaps in the way of providing mere effective and speedy punishment for tbe offenses. Then) can be no doubt that combina tions of corporations In trusts that are intended te control tbe corporations and deprive them of their Independence, are unlawful. They bave been be held te be by tbe courts and upon patent reason. The supreme court of Tennessee has just made such a decision in tbe case of a trust formed by tbe cotton seed oil companies et Memphis. The court holds that a ? .. trust is essentially a partnership, and that I C corporations cannot enter into partner iJ ships. That is geed common sense law V-r-"nd nrevnlls na wall In nvrv Rtnfi na In F r1VnnfC!aAn A rtrnnrntlnt la n .Inttnltn creation, constituted for tbe purposes stated in its charter, and obliged itself te execute them. The charter provides officers te de the work of tbe corporation, and they, and only th3y, can de it. The Tennessee court says that "any arrange sent by which the control of the affairs of the corporation should be taken from ltsstockhelders and the authorized officers and agents et tbe corporations would be hostile te the policy of our general incor poration acts." We note that the courts nowadays nre Inclined te declare that tbe new condi tions et our life require vigorous inter pretations et tbe law that will proteet the people from the mammoth creatures that have arisen among them. But tbe courts de net need te give mere than a fair and sensible Interpretation of tbe law te give the people all the protection they want. They must realize tbe danger that comes from anything that is net In Btrict con struction of the powers of corporations, sod make their decisions se as te figure them as the skeletons that they really are. There has been, until lately, a disposi tion in tbe courts te favor corporations and make them sleek and fat, as though they were an unmixed geed and no evil could come from their nourishment The feeling new Is otherwise. It is that cor porations must be cerraled and kept within tbe field and under tbe strict terms, of their grant ; and it is coming te be believed that the legislatures et the people may, at any time, upon proper compensation, restrict, refine or destroy these, their creations. m m Tbe Indian Question. The Indian questien will, in all preba- Wllty, be forced upon public attention at M early date by dlatutbances in Dakota asd Mentana, directly traceable te the same old causes that have made most of r troubles of the kind in the past. The Indians held by right of sacred whicn regard their little tribes as a great deal of country which ? t in the nature of things lprfter tbm te hgia much longer. Most of them fully appreciate the fact that in spite of the most sacred obligations assumed by tbe " great father at Washington " they must sooner or later give up their land, but they naturally want te niake the very best bargain obtainable, and having been treated as nations have some tribal pride nod spirit. The mevesaent for the open ing of their reservations has drawn around them the usual crowd of rascally land sharps and unscrupulous white men who liRve se often succeeded In provoking Indian wars for their own profit. It is a little hard te believe that there can be men se brutally sclQsh as te encourage a savage war se that they might sell a few supplies te the troops and Indians, or gain a little land, but such is the fact. These things are net quite se bad new as they have been, because tbe circle is narrowing and tbe Indians and their real enemies can be better watched, but matters are bad enough te endanger the peace of the frontier. Twe-thirds of tbe effective fighting force of the army is new in the northwest watching the tribes affected by the treaties under negotiation , aad they are tbe most warlike and danger ous savages en tbe continent. The error of all our Indian policy has been in the making of treaties that could net be kept with tribes unworthy of con cen con slderatlen as nations. As seen as we can deal with the Indians as prospective 1 citizens, having individual as well as tribal rights, the chief difficulties of the eternal Indian question will disappear. i m Malar, Blalne aad Canada. Chairman Quay ought te go te Wash ington ; and se should Blaine. There is evident need of early conference among the Bepubllcan orators and leaders te see that they strike somewhere near the same air upon vital topics. It is quite new in our political life te have Congress sitting whlle the campaign orators are out in the weeds talking. It does net perhaps make much difference what the little fellows in the country say while the big fellows at Washington are laying down tbe law. But Brether Blalne,being the greeted He publican leader, ought te shout in accord with the Washington voices te make that sweet concord of sound which is becoming te a political party that is face te face with tbe fee. Mr. Blalne has had bad success in striking the Wash ington key en the tariff; and he fares even worse when be gets in his volce en the fisheries. It leeks as though the Be publlcan senators were going te think twice before following Blaine In his dis approval of the president's recommenda tion of a reprisal measure, which would be very damaging te tbe railroads running Inte Canada and Canada interests generally. Mr. Blalne Is from Maine, which runs into Canada as a neck, and through which railroads from Canada run te Maine seacoast ports. Blaine and Maine de net want restricted intercourse with Canada. The railroad Interests of Maine and Blalne, and Canada, will be hurt by the adoption of the president's recommendation. But the Interests of this far away corner of the country are I net these of any ether section. The gen. J.eral railroad Interest wjll be greatly ben eutted by tbe restriction of Canadian railroads te Canada trade. They are net subject te our, laws and should net de our carrying. It Is unfortunate for Mr. Blaine's national leadership that he should live in a neck of weeds. m Who would have guotaed that light bore In Imnoas'.er a brace et Ohlnameu would tin round eager te "Hullay for Halllaen" I Majer ltolneohl and his frlenda Ah Weng end Sing Ooen bave (nrnlehed a proof that (JhlncHe cheap labor takea naturally te Kopubllesn pioteetlon. m Thk l'hlladelphla Jnquircr at llrst suoffed a leaning towards the patriotic) ceurse et the Ledger en tbe quoitlen of retaliation, and only a few days age rocem. inended the repeal et tboaeetlons or the law asked for by the preatdent It baa, bowever, snOerwl Itself te belgnomlnleuBiy whipped Inte line, and new doelare that all tbat la neeesaary te atop the Importa tion el llih and abut out Canadian vessels aoeordlng te the pewers granted In the re taliatory aet et February, 18S7, Wbleh waa patsed by Almest unanimous votes of both Heuso and Senate. "In tbta bill there was and is ample power for retaliation et the meat etlocilve eharaeter. Bad tbe presi dent acted upon It the Canadian authorities would have been brought te tbelr senses at onea and their oUcnslve oendnot wenld bave ceased." Tbat la Just what Trance thought when she stepped taking Italian wine, and the result Is seen In tbe present strained situa tion between theso countries. Tbe mass, ure tbat satisfies the bumbled Inquirer was openly laughed at ler Its feebleness by the Canadians, and the Inquirer very well knows that Kepubllean aonaters with no thought at all or country were eagerly hoping that the president might enforce that suicidal measure and se give their party an advantage. It was approved by Democratic congressmen and the president because It was geed as far as it went, but It did net go far eneugh. In a letter te the New Orleans Chamber et Commeroe Majer Powell clearly ex plains tbe operation or the mueti talked of plan for the building et great storage res res res orvelrs te control tbe turbulent waters et the Mississippi. Tbe objeet of this oentrol Is tbe prevention of the devastating floods and tbe major shows tbat their damage Is due qnlte as mueb te the choking et tbe river ehsnnel by tbe sediment deposited as te the great volume of water. Tbe river and Its tributaries drain about 1,250,000 square miles and the volume of dralnsge passes New Orleans at an average rata of 675,000 cuble teet per second. Tbe Ohie contributes mere water than any ether tributary and the Heeds from that river are tbe most dangerous and varlable, Lut its waters are relatively tree from aendlment while the Missouri Is a rlver et mud, dis charging en an average t.00, 000 cuble feet of solid matter a day. Mew tbe cutting power of a stream increases rapidly with an increase of aedlnientary lead, and where clear water may keep a fixed channel a muddy atream will cat away Ita banks and fill up Its channels with sediment Be It Is proposed te lessen tbe volume et Mississ ippi Heeds by storing tbe epper waters et tbe Missouri and ita tributaries In great settling basins from wbleh tbey may be gradually released ler the Irrigation of tbe fertile but dry lands tbat are new useless deserts. In this way the floods from the Ohie will be robbed of tbelr most harmlul power and will find dear channels before them, while tbe sediment from the muddy MUsenrl will make barren land lertlle and Irriga tion will make agricultural thrift where desolation reigns. "Irrigate tbe deserts and make them gardens and wheat fields, and by tbe same process you protect tbe flood plain or tbe MUslsilppi and make corn fields and oot eot oet ton fields." m a FiiEn QcnifARD is reported suffering from ruelauunaiu and affeotlen of tbe brain. Tbe rumor is quite worth or belief, but It U bard te see wby as small a matter as Mr. Oebnard's brain should be a subject el popular Interest, fSBBONAU FBKSIDB5T Fitzebrald, of the Irish National lieagus In America, baa Issued aa appeal for funds te aid I'amell in his suit against tbe Londen Times. Rev. Jkssr Paatt, the eldest Bay. tlst minister In Arkansas, died en Monday el grief while tits eon, J. R Pratt, waa en trial at Little Reck ler assaulting woman, Rbv. Dr. Jehn B. Felict ba been ap pointed te tbs blshoprle of Detroit. Cardi nal Gibbens received tbe papal brief en Tuesday. Neday baa yet been set for the conereratlon, but It will net take place be fore November. lteucnT OAnHK rr baa been benefited by bla removal te Klngwoed, N. J. He waa cheerful en Tuesday and bta body and mind stronger. While walking around tbe grounds surrounding tbe villa be chatted pleasantly with bis nurses. Every thing tbat care and exporlenoe can suggest Is done for tbe anfferer. Ar.i'BKt) O. Henns, of liar I ford, Conn., Is new 70 years of age. He la tbe man who succeeded In picking every lock placed be fore him at the Crystal Palace, Londen, In 1A51, and wen 11,000 eflered by an Kngllsh firm te any one who could pick tbe lock tbey manufactured. Mr. Hebbs beeatae a lien, and was presented te the unite or Wellington and Queen Vioterla. JuDen White, president of tbe lleense enurt of Allegheny county, name out en Tuesday squarely against Sunday news- Sapera and all kinds et Bnnday work that i net strictly noeeasary. He objected em. pbatleally te tbe running or trains en tbe Hsbbatb day, and said all freight trains, except these transporting live stock, abenld certainly be stepped, Speaking or tbe Brooka law, tbe Judge aald be wm In favor et It ; that It bad been the means el accom plishing a great amount of geed. A Bansdlct Of70 Ut"U WUb Widow el 00. Mews of an unusual and amusing elope ment comes from Centrevllle, Md,, In wbleh a married man 75 years or age and a widow of CO figure. Iletb were In mates or tbe Queen Anne's county alms alms beuse at Batbseurg, and tbe man left a wile beblnd In the Institution, Geerge W. Hulllvan and Martha Morgan are tbe names et tbn principals. Tbe male eloper bud married many years age a well-te de widow who hoi pod faun te eatabllsh business. Klnanelal failure came upon them and tbelr property melted away. When all waa gene tbey aengbt shelter In the almr almr almr bouse, and here It was that Hulllvan met Mra, Morgan. Tbey did tbelr courting lu the greunda et tbe Institution, wbere the eye et Mra. Hulllvan oenld net reach thorn. Mrs. Mer- gan'a eon beard et bis metber'a infatuation and threatened te break the old man's head If hedld net lothlsreothor alene. Then It was tbat tbe aged ceuple dotermlnod te elope. The ether night Hullivan borrowed a friendly neighbor's teitin, ostensibly te visit the county town, and In this way tbe pair burrled away te Carollne county. Hlnce tnen they bave net been heard from, m Te lis Tried, Geergo G. Yeeum and Jehn II. Derr, el Itnarilng, were en Tuesday bold under l,O0O ball each by United Htatcs Cemmls- siener Edmnnas, in rniiaueipuia, te an swer charges or conspiracy wltb U If. Marshall, lately peatmsnter at Ht. Glair, Pa,, te embe7Zln the government funds by means et money orders, fTANAilAKXH'll Closed at I v. m. en Saturdays. When you come te the city bear in mind that Wanamaker's is a meeting and resting and waiting place as well as the biggest store in the world. There are reading and sitting and retiring rooms for you ; telephone, telegraph, and mail lacilities. Your parcels will be cared for without charge. We try te make you welcome whether you care te buy or ntft. CITY Hill squAKt L. J L WANAMAKER'S 14Acrcs FLOOHSfACE PHILADELPHIA r J I uiiitrctttrHi'i "1 I Yeu knew that there 1 r is no worthy het weather (or weather1) thiner for wear any or home use but we have it. If you can't come te the store, write for whatever you want, samples or goods. Shopping by mail has come te be simple and certain. A few scratches of a pen, and all the facilities of the store are yours. JOHN WANAMAKER, Philadelphia. OOilrLEXlUX J0 WD BR. e OMPI.KXION POWDER. LADIES WHO VA1.UK A UKriNKT) COMI'LKAION iiuax use POZZONI'S medicated; COMPLEXION POWDER. It Imparts a brilliant transparency te the skin, llomevos all plmplni, ireckles and Ms colorations, and uiki the skin delicately aeltand beauutul. ltoentalns no Mine, whlte, lend or arsenic In threo shades, pink or nosh, white and brunette. rea balk ur All Druggists and Fancy Ooeds Dealers i3verywhere, SES-HKWAUK Or IUITAT10N3.-M auriUva UAKDKKKOUIRFS. QPTe'KKlSMATT'fl tOK LadtBs'Oelluleid dollars & Puffs CAMPAIGN KECKTIES AM) AOVKLTIES ATKUISUANM. N OTIOR TO C1.UJJH. FIjAUa. 1IANNKUS AND I1VDUU3 MADE TOOUUKU.AT " E R ISM AIM'S, NO 41WKRTKINQ BTRKRT. fUit HA LU OR RXNl, BtOIl BALKOK ItENT A FlHSr. - class rann, situated two mil from Lan Lan caster city. Terms reuonable. Inquire ut angis lmq TUiaerrlUM. OD8K8 rOR HALE ON TUB MOST liberal terms, ou WeU Chestnut, Wal. nut. Lemen, Mary, I'lne and Uhaxlottestreots. Apply at IDli-emd. 802 NOKTIl UAUY BTitEKT. CAKE, 8UKE ANI) SPEEDY OURK. KJ Uuptare. Vartcoccle and Special Diseases of either sex. Why be hunibuiorea by qu&cks when yen can find In Or. w right the only lliu" cllb rHTsiena in 1'hlladxJpula who nuifccs a specialty et tne above diseases, ana Cress Taint 'naaaueABi.KTBBa Advice Ifree day ana evunlna. Strangers can be treated and up turn home same day. omces private. IB. W. H. WltlUUT. 1 Herth Ninth Street, Abeve Uace, r. O. Bex 871 iUladelDhla. g OOP'S BARHAPAKILIiA. TRUE ECONOMY It la true economy te bay Heed's Bempa (Ilia, ter "100 Dotes en Dellar," Is ongteai with and true only or this popular medicine. II ynu wish te prove tbls, bay a bottle et UoeA's Sariapaxtlla aa measure IU eeateats. loawniflnaittehoiaiooteaspoonfau. Hew read tbe directions, and you will And that the average dose for porseaa of different ages Is less than a Uaipoenfiil. This Is certainly con cen con clnslve and unanswerable evidence or the pe culiar strength and economy or IIOOD'B BAH0A.PAlllLtiA " We beian using Heed's Barsaparilla in our InsUtnMen seme months age, and having watched Its effects, wish te say that we find it a geed, reliable, and beneficial medicine for family uu, and for hospitals and Institutes such as ours." Sisina or Maner, West Fourth St., Cincinnati, O. " i took uoecrs earsapinua rer toss or appe tite, drspepsla and general langner. It did me avast amount or geed, and 1 have no heel tan ejr in recommending it." J. W. Witta Witta reRn, Qntncy, III. 11KAI.TH BKTrZll THAN BVBB " I have been troubled by a aotefalons affec lien alt my life, it l one of the marked rec ollections of my boyhood d ays, and for several sears has rendered me unable te labor much, I think Heed's HarsapaMila, which I have been using at Intervals for ten years, Is the best I have ever taken. 1 am new ;ee, nd my general health seems betterthanever," II, it. Abbett, Warren, K. II, HOOD'S BARSAPARILLA. Beld byalldruHtats. It alz for SB. Prepared eniy vy u t. uwu a uu., nuweii, janti. 103 DOSES OMB DOLlAJt (3) YEK'H OBRRRY fKOIOKAU BEST COUGH CHUB. rer all diseases or the Threat and Lungs, no remedy Is se safe, speedy and certain as AYKIt'S UUKBUY FKGTOltAb. An IndH IndH IndH ponslljle tamlly medicine. 11 1 rind Ayer's Cherry l'eoleral an Invalua ble remedy for colds, coughs and ether all all inenta of the threat andlungs."-U,B. Ban dall, rM Jlreadway, Albany, N. Y. 11 1 have ttsed Ayefs Cherry I'ecteral (or bronchitis and LUJ4G DISEASES, for which 1 bellnve It te be the greatest medi cine In the world."-James allller, Caraway, M.C. "My wife had a distressing cough, with pains in the tide and breut. We tried various medicines, but nene did her any geed until I get a bettle of Ayer's Cherry Pecteral, which has cured he. A neighbor, Mrs. Ulcnn, had the me&slcs, and the cough was relieved by the nse et Ayer'a Cherry I'ecteral. 1 have no ho'ltatlen In rocemmondlngthls medicine " Uobert Morten, Foreman JleaJtlgM, Morrill Merrill Morrill ten, Ark. " Ayer's rherry l'cotenil enred me et a se vere cold which had settled en my lungs. My wire says tbe 1'eoterjU helps her mere than any eihnr modlelno she ever used "'Knet Clark, Mt, I.lbstty, Kansas. Ayei's Oheny Pectoral, rSBFAEID BT Dr. J. O. Ayer At Ce., Lewoll, Mass, Sela by all druggists. Frlce tl ; six bottles, IS. aug2itosep H ARD RUHHEK TRUBSK8. SEELEY'S HARD RUBBER TRUSSES e Will re tain the most difficult forms of Hkbnu or Itupture with comtert and safety thereby com cem plptlngnradlca' ryr Inn el all curable rnabs inipervl- vUn Cj nn te melatnre. Mny be ua- d In bathing : and nttlng perloetly te lerm et body, are worn wlthnui tncenve- nionce iiv inn yeungeai enua. most uencaie lady, or the laboring man. avoiding all sour, sweaty, padded nnpleasantnesx, belng Light, Uoel. (JltMltlv. and mJwava rnllaliln. UAUTIi ill Bamra el Imiutlnti. Aiigenn- Ine are plainly stamped "1. U. 8iEtT A Ce.- TVAKMnTXU, RUPTURE. Its Skllllul Mochanlcel Troatment a Spe cialty Kltner In Persen or by Mail. SO ears Itererencs Profi. B. V. Grati.D. Ilaytt Agnew, WMard Parker. W. H. Am Am ceatt. Dr. Themat U. Morten, and Burgeon. Ucneralt of the V.B Army anil A'ai y. nur Miichunlcal Treatment of Uurnla and Illustrated Catalegue Contents : Ilernla or Itupture dollneatod i Its dlflerent descriptions ckuse. treatment and cure Abdominal Weaknesses and Varicecele. Uoek; of 90 n. and 100 111 us trillions Mailed en re. ccipi ei oe postage, i. u. bHEbKI A CO of 6e nnstaire ly2-3mdndftllltw PhUadolphle, l'a. IMl'ROVKD CUSHIONED EAR D11UMS. CURE FOR THE DEAF, reek's Patent Improved Cushioned Bar Drums perfually restore hearing and perform tba work of the natural drum. Invlslblocom Invlslblecom Invlslblocem fortable end always In position. All conver sation and even whispers heard distinctly. Send for Illustrated book with testimonial!, Kit it K. Address or call en r. hiscex.bM llreftdway, Mew Yerk. J23.2w0M,W,rAw WABVMMt, QPEOIAU WATCHES for Farmers and llaltrenders, It Karat Geld rilled Uesa cases, hlgln Works, txi each. Jeb Let Best Watch and Jewelry Hepsinng. spectacles, KyeKlasaesand Optical Ooed. Cor rect time dally, by telegraph only place la the city, LODIS WEBER, Ne. 1WX N. queen St, opposite City Hetel, Mear Penn'a Denet. W ATOUREr'AlRINa. WATCIREPAIBIIfG A Watch U the most dellcate and Intncate fiteeoef mechanism made by mon.andtheono bat recolves the least attention. Your steam englne, your wagon rvoetves mere. it Is an established Uct that there are mere Watches ruined by the average Watch Its Its palrer than by the Watch Carrier. We have a Watch In our possession made by the nndorslgned i this, coupled with an K l'UUlBNUKilir K1UUTKKN YKAK9ATTHH 1IKNC1I, enables us te turn eat work or the Highest G ratio at reasonable prices and with sat lsfactlen te nur customers. Would respectiuliy invite a trial, GHAS. S. GILL, Watehmaker & Jeweler, NO. 10 WEST KING ST., LANOASTKU. l'A. w ATOHKS. Lew Prices! Quick Sales! ire0a Matked at fast Selling rignres at this Boosen. euu stock or WATCHES Is very large and comprises everything In Held, fcllur una NIckmI. erlcss will surprise jeu. our aim Is te give you the VHV JIEMT mJue for the money possible. And we de It, Men Magnetlc Watches n specialty. WALTER C. HERB, Ne. 101 North Queen Street, LANCASTKU. PA. nl-tfd CORN, HUNION AND WRTPADS. A..veI" convenient way of applylDgu Cera Utmtdy. l&c a box, containing halt a dozen pads, at " IlUliLKY'S DUUO 8TOBK. 98 west Xing street. TOMAOVO. gx, ANDARD OBXW1MO TOBAOOU, DOYOUQ-rrW0 THIN aT- THE BEST -WHICH Fi Inzer's Old Honesty! Grsnulne Ha lUd'H lln Tab Mvtj Fleg-, OB OLD UOBTBSTY u acknowledged te be the rUHZST and MOST LAST1XO pleM'Ol BTAMDASD CBBW1NQ TOBACCO OS the 4 market. Trying It Is a better test than any talk about It. (lire It a fair trial. SVYOUSDBAMtHHAS IT.' nevls-lydAw DRY QOODB. S PEOIAli BARQA1N8. WATT &SH AND 0, 8 tk 10 BABT KINO BT. LANCASTKli.fA. UAVX KOff ON IXHIB1TION Till I-AK-QSAT STOCK Or DRY GOODS, NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS In Control Pennsylvania, New rail floods In Every Department bought for CASH at the Lewest Market Frtcea. SPECIAL I i 100 PISHES ALL WOOL TRICOTS, 40 Inches wide, only 23e a yard, In Light, Medlnm and DarkU'eys. We pronounce this the Best fur gain in Dress Goods we have ever bad te offer. These goods are all wool and have never here- lorer) neon seia rer less vnan 3he. 60-INCH ALL WOOL U1T1NQS, In all the New Shades ler rail and Winter, at 800 a yard. M ILl-WOOL BB040CLOTB8, In all the Mew shades, at 750 and 11 00. Our own Importation or ALL-WOOL HBN R1KT1A3 and ritENllH BLACK CASH. MaBaB, saving enr customers the Jobber's preflts. Onr own Importation et SILK PLUSHES : 18 inches wide, in all coloring imaginable, ateecenuayara. IS Inches wide, In all the Hew Colorings, only Te cents a yard, se inches wide, lu all the New loll Shades, only tl 00 a yard, 2t inches wide, In all colors, only II 15 a a yard. , we consider these goods, at the prices tqnetaa, the very best valus we aver offered te our customers fa SILK t-LDBUES. Every department will new befanndapen examination te be replete with Slew rail Ooeds at prices te suit the times. New Yerk Stere. N KW BOSTON HTORK. WAIT reB.TaK- OPENING -OK- J. Harry Stamm's Ne. 24 Centre Square, -1UOUT- September 1. It Wllljray Ten te Eemember the Place, N0.24CENTRESQ0ARE. New Bosten Stere. DRY GOODS AND- NOTIONS I J. Harry Stamm. NEW BOSTON STORE cLeramm. mm. ASKEW OB MB, AT BBS). yH ABD M WB8T KtB BTstBB. jKROHAMT TAILORING, HAGER a BROTHER. Merchant Tailoring DEPARTMENT. A FXKTSCT FIT 8UABAHTMD. lid-Simmer Special BedMlleu. Bcoteh and Eeglisa OhtvietaV SCOTCH I CHEVIOT SUITINGS, BOLISH CHEVIOT SUlTlNflS.J ObjOOTO SH.00. a00TOS.00. SoeTosaoo. .WTOtM.00. The above are TBE LATEST in Plaids land Stripes; TheCLOSlNS rBICES will Warrant an Ex ami nation. CHEVIOT SUITINGS, 110.00 TO 11600. CHEVIOT SUITINGS, SM.00 TO S1S.0O. Desirable Thin Materials for Summer Wear Witt be found in enr assortment of Worst eds, flannels, serges, Drap DeEtes, Mehairs, Pongees., IM POUTED LINEN VESTINGS. LINEN VEBTIRQS. WHITE lager & Brether, 25 & 27 West King Street. L TTRAOTIVE BARGAINS. L. GANSMAN & BRO. ATTRACTIVE BAEGAINS ' or Seasonable Ooeds for larlj Fall Wear New Heady for Tour inspection. MEN'S, BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTBlfi Af THE LOWEST FBIOES. Hen's Bum at S3 ca, 11.00, 4.G0, 5.ce, M.oe, 13 00 110. Men's Fine Salts at 112, sit, tic Beys' salts for school at liW, 13.00, 1160 andltoe. Beys' SniU, Dressy, at $5, as, 17. 13. Children's suits, 11 se, 11 78, 12, II se, 3, 1, is. Children's Fants at 25e. 40c, tee, 75c, 11 00. Early Fall Snlu te Order, Btrletly All-Weel, at ill, Hi, 116, lis. Fants te Order, Ail-Weel, at S3 SO, U. IS, 3, 17,18. LATEST 8IVLEB, LABOE ASSOBTMENT, FBIOES TBE LOWEST. L. Gansmae Bre., B.W.OOBNMR NORTH QUBBN St ORANQH BTB LAHOABTEB, FA. M TKHH ft RATHKON. Boys'Scheol Suits. Only one mere week of vacation for Scheel Beys. Mothers should net forget that we hare every wing Streng ted Serviceable rea- BOYS SCHOOL WEAR -AT- VERY REASONABLE FRI01S. SCITS THAT WILL BTAND THE BOUGH DSAQEOr SCHOOL BOYS, AND COLOB9 THAT WILL NOT TURN EBOM SDN AND EXPOSURE. Every Suit Made Bight Here. Myers & BatMen, LEADINO CLOTHIEK8, NO. ia bast me STH f.ANCABTEK FA. OARR1AUMB. s TANDAKD WORK. EDW.EDGERLEY CABRIAUE BD1LDER, NOS. 40,0,41, 49 MABKBT BTBIBT, Br Of Fosteflloe, Lancaster. Fa. I hare la Bteca and Solid te order Erery Variety of the following styles 1 Coupe. Itug tea, Cabrteleta. carrtagea. Victorias, Bnateaae Wagons. !" Carts, McCall Wagons. Burrtes, Market wtrau, Fbssums, Express Wagons. rsunms, lytheb I amnlOT best Mechanics ana fears f tell. Itasw te build eorreetlT any style of esairen xne uuaiuy, eiyie sd. The Quality, Style and Finish et say make It teelaidly the Cheapest 1 tha worn narkat. 'B HAVE THE BEST AND CHEAFB4T Mf tJMBa. QHIOIMAL BOSTON STORE. THE ORIGINAL Bosten Stere! STAMM BROS., 80 ud 87 North Queen Stmt, (Opposite the rosteaoe,) HAS BEEN PURCHASED BT Sealer Fstiaer of the Late Flm. The Stere Beem Is one or the finest ."and best lighted in the city and the stock of Dry Goods I CANNOT BE EXCELLED. FINE DRESS GOODS A BFECIALIT. CUAHLES BTAMM returns thanks te the many patrons of the late firm and will always be pleased te meet them at the Old Stand. Charles Stamm, -3UC0ESSOB TO. STAMM BF0S. augMly 1HK POPULAR DRE88 FABRICS. ALL-WOOL HENRIETTAS AT NO. 25 BAST KING ST., WE..HAVE NOW OFEN AND BEADY FOB INSPECTION AND OOMPABIBON A 46-Incti All-Weel Henrietta In all tbe Desirable Bhades at 7BO. A 46-Inch All-Weel Henrietta in all the Dcslrable Shades at tl.oe. The above two qualities of Henriettas are net only the best goods for their respective prlees in this city, but we can aisnre you, are unsurpassed by same priced goods of the best Philadelphia and New Yerk houses. SSTWe sell for Cash, whleh places us In a position te give you as geed goods for your money u the world produces. Tbe People's Cash Stere, LANCASTEB, FA. marlMvdAw " MAOBINMKT. ntrTaceune work FOR SALE CHEAP FOB IMMEDIATE DELIVEBY. One IX H. F. Engine and Beiler combined. One tt. F. En.lne and 8 U. F. Beiler, en bise, combined. one 4 11. F. eeeend-Hand Vertical Engine, with or without BeUer. one S U. F. ew Hoilsenta! Engine. Own make. Engines and Boilers of every size and de scription several Botary Ventilating Fans, suitable for shop or office use. Alse Valves. Fittings, Pipe, Brass .and iron Cocks ana and a full line Steam uoeds and En gineers' supplies. . . Machine Werk, Pattern Werk, Brass Cast ings, Shafting, Felleys, Hangers, Etc, Etc. QOOD WUBK. L SEASONABLE CBABQES. PBOMPTNESS. Central Machine Works w. p. CCMMISGS, Proprietor, NO 1S1 ft 180 NORTH CHRISTIAN Br. LAwatsTsa, Fa. aaeS-tfa ATTOMtfMTB. CHARLES STAMM The People's Cash Stere T OTHER O, KADFPMAN, ATTOBHEY-AT-LAW, EO.l SOUTH PBINOa ST., Lancaster, Fa. fss-lysAW SST WE HAVE THE BBS! OA&T IM THE MASXET, anglS-lyd