U. ! r U- 1-1 V 2 rfvV -"V THfi UlNCASTEB DAILY BELIIGEXOEE, TUESDAY. AUGUST 28, 1888. ,. Tff v- r K.il ,;i ae Th Dally Intelligencer. , AUAtTEB. AUBU6T t. lM. I Mat UiHuincn publishes all the i sew of we unite rrees up uj ipeeMMakear. raw JHUr Edition et Tn imnzi- i It aeHvere by camera in the city MM tefreaatlmr town for loe. per week t , Man, M a yeart . ler tlz month UB Mr taree month j bee. per month. Bjaa Wamw lamxiaincia (Donble Sheet) race, only U.M pet annnm, In aa- imimw wtehtnt thelr adere chanced t UM tau wh&re ue ;paper i sew 'MwHNMstt trera 10 te eta. per line . MwjwenKiB, accerainir te location. rV .. THB 1KTBLL1QENOKK, . 1 Lancaster, fa. , Teleeaua OoMUBUea 3 na'VmMaCi iurantare. ":ThiKt Bdrantare which thepreal- fiNbW mm OTBchte political opponents lain Mwawlmm which hu publle acts nilenl ?'lMMty are actuated by a high regard tot MM ben Interests of the country, it .aw n) attributed te his geed fortune, te r-''lKfert awse, or te his honesty ; but It aw be gainsaid that the president ib r fuceesstal In securing the publle np iwtalef his eflleial acts. Ills success in f'-Ytbla has never been been mere clearly .Manifest than in his mesvtge te Cen- ''mi in mi thn flahnrvnnpatlnn : wherein :a aakf It clear that he has endeavored r4!by treaty stipulations te secure the pre- r'Br protection or American interests : ana felfcUb.e Senate, in rejecting the treaty 3j witneut proposing an amendment or iud- -,Vb1ji tnr It. la w!lllnu tn Wrn nnr fcj?reiigs for the present unredressed. ..."W-WW W -. w w. . w vv MVlti tats snowing-, the Senate cieany is n'i AtaiMntann with thn OTemitlrA ! xxhaatal tun rmmnllr tjikra thn occasion of ft thetraoilen te make still mere conspicuous ft, his position as the earnest defender of bis m-.m1m Intimate Rinna thn RunfltA ulll kp? ""' "vw " a... Be agrrei te aireaijr ncvuHuieub dcuuui g b?P tar flihleg rights, the prealdentdemands & tiA lia11 hn aitilhnrtrefl tn ttktnHltta r' apen Canada for her aotlen ; and he pre ;v,f pests sucn retaliation as even liaaaatt , eannet complain of. Three years age k-" aba withdrew from our fishermen the xTt .., jt-. I..-.. .i. ni.i. . pnVliegO Ul BUUlUg liUUlO bUUll II9UIUK eatcn.ever Canadian sell.ln bend and free PI ... mi. .,j .. . K' i,-ih Quiy. 4.UO fJiraiueuii juujubc3 vuaii e taew shal withdraw from Canada the k' witHefe of imDortieK and ezpertlnir ;; goods in bend te and from our ports ; and fi"f Mtacihall niu nnnn hbr) tfnfii.la fin nnr SJHMlSI VVO BUmt IM upWM !.. J vr wui Mli7 . ." ".. . r . ... - wag.Kaa iiD lubikd jmj tuiau nuii-.ii uud p. 'lapnses upon our vessels en ner crubij. hi. tkn ertffectivein BClien. Caundu ban lac ,., ,. . . - v- . i.i. . nW-fWunricB niuiuiuwu irum uti niiimi air tf , aBere valuable te her than these privilege? lv!fi ttVA tfnat1v tn hsr tlmtl aha ilnriffiH 11a nnrl 1 nv Jiif ucgn ucuicu uci nia ui u niuu S, mat sne baa denied us. and of the denial rtf, l& Hllll I.. a.B .kit ..nv.B.n 4 tn.A'.n teAn -i4W WUIUU ljr UDOUO UIUUUV HHTICIUIO ica aenably complain. jw . .. ...- .. . .? r xv ta uut itrange tuat me conepieuona ptipositlen of such statesmanship has nt- waeted general applause te the Deme. V. emtie executive and thrown corresnend. i'0h W shadow upon the Republican Senate. pNecesearily this feeling will have a pew fs&'.mtaX Influence en the political canvass. :;6S may or may net be tnat tbe notion or Ike Dtesldent and Senate was urometeu rxt9f lae eiidlnzelecllen. It la very ltKeiy p.i- " ....... " ...- . Sitaid that it was influenced by it. But president's advantage Id in the fact Ji-fthat his action, helpful though it be te & bis party, is yet te the honor and glory et E0, BH country ; and is recognized as wise ft'Latataamannhln Anil vclnairpneralnnnlnun &$ . it. M..it. KI no "Oii. ffi Most persons will say that tula is a '-marked exhibition et such wisdom as is 'il Bteat wanted in an executive : that it is ) anrh an xThlhltlnn nf nlrtnfi4 mul ahll. m' ity, in selling flying opportunity and tak- tog advantage et a fiituatlen.ttmtis bound r te win success ; and stamps greatness upon ..--I uwefi uu cuuiv ii, Air. viuvcmuu te doubtless bad thoable IieId of Mr.Bavard sv-' is evolving this triumph, and he preba. iSfiJ 1.1- V.. l.J It. 1 t . LI. vi una utsu uuu luu i uuuudci ui "is esbinet ; but they are a part of the exec &A,ltlVA. anil It. la trroatnsea tn llnaft tn ha 5 "We te select wise counselera and te fel- z lew wise counsel. (j- mb .wc.u. tiuu u(m iyvcu ictj Diitca ui, since nia return, in putting his loot lftte every subject he discusses, con- temns the president for tbe abandon- "fcj-. nu ui uie tueua ujwarus paciuc SJll ..A.I I. . rt . . . 7.M. .rinnisnr nr ..... ...ill..... (pi.miii.b n . .. SeJie for proposing te withdraw free sjftif wma transit across me ueraer in retaiii: Walten for agrievance upon the water. Such empiaini irem tbe Kepubllcan leitder ; Hews bow cemDletelv unassailable the f$ jtMident'a position Is; retaliation Is what $i?,tb Renubllcan leadurahn.v.4 vrn hniullnn 'v . ..-, v vv. .v ....Hf. for; and they bowl when they eet It in T. aweta fair shape as tbe withdrawal et rail J,H toad transit nrlvllajfa from Canadian jh forts, which Canada three years age with- ldrew from our fishermen's flah. a Batlreadi and lietallstleu. tAi Thn Tlnlnth. Rnnth Rhn - ai...ii. Pb xtenslen of tbe West Superior railroad i- Is belnK built under an American nhnricr lte the Canadian Pacific railway for use h, " Lioueuiuiuoui, ui iueicnanaisa in M !.. tM.nBl.1....!. . . Jl $$ fcenJ and te enable that great monopoly )$g te capture business from American reads. igj. n".uufc ueuui me immeeiate cause or f'fc" tbe stoppage of work en this read, which .;& ha Just been anneucced, Is the fear that '$2$ the president's meaiage may be followed , fcy the stoppage et transhipment. jg. ". American railroads have been clamer-t- c lag for protection anainst this subsidized ' htm, and the Hallway World loudly com cem w? ,lWiii that, though American shipping m fc5 coast trade la carefully preiected S alsMrican railroads are left te the tender jyaweiuMeui aBuuaiuucuanaail POWerlUl Irlral. With tbe exception of a few com cem ;attre.y short Kew England lines, JargeJy controlled by tbe Canadian iilfelflc, our reads are pleased at the ,Tp6pect of retaliation. Se Mr Blaine's ri point en tbe effect of such a measure i' Upen our reads Is destroyed by a study . V. of ttia ... 1L ...!. ,.t .1.. upon railroads. 'rr It la net a read controlled by Ameri- . ' cu that first shows signs of alarm, but SV branch of thn f!innr1fnn Tarinn 1m, in rfta Allplctttrl In ll.e i.n..lnllnH nt nt iUf liberal privileges for which Canada .ttturna Injury and insult. Mr. Blaine kej tee U ten taken part in legislation 'testing thebordercemmercetobelgnor ;Mitef the fact tb,t be new stands as the .wusplen et foreign Interests as well na C tetuU at borne. Ills effrontery in framing from this subject in his Lewlsten , tpeeeb te utter thoughts about the tu- iweaswyef patriotism ever partisanship WrtiU be amazing in any one else, but in Me. HlalBe It appears quite natural. The fWtdelpbJ Ltfgir aptly rmrkj; " What a wretched commentary is Mr. Blaine's vehement and unscrupulous par tisanship In this matter upon bia empty profession of patriotism as a member of an undivided American Republic.1 " UelVueed. A young girl writes te a Kew Yerk paper for advice aa te be w she may de geed with very little money and plenty of time. The editor replies by pointing first te the home circle as tbe rreper field for tbe commencement et geed work, and then suggests many lines of usefulness open te one net fearing self sacrlflcs In hospitals and the homes of the peer. There are many who lack the taste and peculiar ability for either of the last two fields et work, and the family does net always afford a ground be bread that charity may properly stay at home. Much of the se-called charitable work does geed only by its reflex eilect upon the worker, and tbe recipient el aid Is often harmed rather than really helped, becoming weaker and less self-reliant with every push of the help. Ing band. Of course this abuse of ebarity can net be used te Justify a total failure te help our fellow men, but many a young girl, eager te help humanity, could gtve mere powerful ntd by simply fellow ing this narrow path of life before ber. She may net see the geed she does as plainly as sne would If she could be a missionary te China or an agent of the red cress in the track et storm, pestl lence or war, but she will be quite as oensclence clear and happy and find tbe work bard enough. Geed people de geed without knowing it, by the mere example of their charaeter, and every ene with time nod very little else te sp tre can use it well by trying hard, though quietly, te build up character; te se refine and pol ish it by theugblfulness and care, tbat nature's work may bacome a living mas terpiece of art. Self-sacrifice is very often carried te a fault, nnd rare abilities Ite undeveloped like the burled talent. Make the most of yourself, but step dreaming of another path of life and perhaps you will reach and flail neble alms and worthy labors close nt hand. n m- LtTETunir eplouree de net always agree as te l fin lwt things In poetry. The Tnlun notes thit Kat' "Holle Dime Han Merot" la mentioned bv Sidney Uelvln m tbe meit txttutirnl thing et ita kind In the world. Matthew Arneld didn't agree with blm; be wrote te Uelvln a year age : "The valne you attach te La Belle Dame Stei Mercl' Istorae Mtniily amazing." Coventry Pat Pat Pat tnore roegfn tilmaelt bcalde Oelvln and call It 'prebubly the Tery finest lyrle In the EeBlltb language." The lever of real poetry will, denbtlcta, nlwaya believe with tbe two admirer of thli lancinating- fantiay. Mr. Oelvln baa dUosvered what was net known before, that tbe peem was wrltt'n tn Aptil-May, 1S1P, the date alto or Keala maatitrploecu In nnotber tyle the edea "Te Paycbe," m "A Grecian Urn" and "Te a Nightingale." A Kussian exploring oxpedltleu In Eastern Thibet, oammanded by a gcneral with an eppalllng Mutcevlte name, 1 ex oiling the Jingoes of Londen very much inore than the retaliation talk. The expe ditien lsvery oxpsnaUeand wellequlpped, ehUily nt government expenae, and Jehn Ball otn'laeowhy anybody bat an Bnsllah man should care te explore and annex tnyagelandt tt a On Au.iUBt 3 Hotmter German spoke In the Senata en the tranalt of goad In bend betwecn tbe United States end Canada and allowed that from the very flrat this privi lege was ene aided and net balanced by any corresponding prlvllege te American roll, read n. It vrea largely due te the Inlluence of American ahare botder of the Oauadlan readr. In 1S33 Secretary Manning; at tempted te cancel this prlvlloge, but dts dts dts oeverpd that the statutes which the proeldent new twiUa ttpealed proveuted htm from act ing. The retaliation set cl 1SS7 did net glve tbe preildent this power. A line or read la new beluR built through the elate of Maine te New Brunswick and Halifax, which 1 In tended ler the eastern iBa termlnn of the great MnbtldlzsdOanailan rallway.alvlng it a renle from ocean te oeoan Reme 850 mile shorter than the read from Ban Franolaeo te New Yerk and ibertenlng the dlatanee between Ijlverpoel nnd Japan about 1,200 miles. Mr. uerman wanted te knew whether Vurment and ether atatea should be allowed te grant ebartar te foreign rail way oenipaule', giving them great ad van. Uror evor our own reads whlen. must com pote with them without BUbaldy. lie uroed tbe stoppage of tranalt In bend or tranahlp ment en a meeure ter the fiehlng Internata and the cxcluilen of the Uhlneae. Yet Mr. Blaine ruabr te tbe dafenss et tbeie short cut BrltUhllnca bnllt teat carry Canadian trade ncreta nnr territory. m a m pretaONAU Pnitir H Geik, F. K. 8., the famous KtiKiish ubturulUt, I dead at Londen, aged 78 years. Mb Gladstone has preiented te a church lu Filiiuture tbe money he received (or his reply te Uebert O. Ingeraell, BinnY 801.LIVXM, tbe aoter, 1 new re ported Miuk beyeuu hope of recovery. The laatriieael the onureu have been admin lateied te him. Jamks B. Reillv has been nomlnated by tlie DauioenitH or the Thirteenth con. Kreeleiial dtatrlet nf Pennaylvanla. Ha is la a prominent elllzen et Potlatewn. Majer J, J, Cummines, a prominent ratlretd contractor, wm leuud dead in bed tn a botel at Atlanta, en Monday. HI death waacauabd by delirium tremens. Mn new itt raid en Monday that be wis net a eaudtaate for mayor et New Yerk, but that If the pnople oheao te elect blm he would uerve. Ha eatd that If he wai a tax payer ether than lilmaelf hu abeuld vote fnr Abraham B. Hewitt for mayor aa a man who waa net under tbe rule of any band of politician!', who, while be baa made mistakes, baa tiled oenaclentlonaly te per. terin his auty toward the people, and baa shown a atraigbteut, manly way of dealing with the ditucultu tbat have preaentei themielve. A Laniua'a Orlet. At Brewer' Leck, cear Plcoalxvllle, en Sunday the batklngetaamall akye terrier deg led te the finding or bl matter's dead body. Elijah Warner and a companion were employed near the lock guarding a number of idlenanal beat, making their borne tn re - beats. Oa Sunday morning W hpciat te pump water from a leaky bpi Ilealll et ,)ie companion en Baged tn ttt weUhinlrWn of their breakfaat. ui deg, iw. a, avrlably accompanied him, returned in a abort time barking violently end behaving In au uuuaual maaner. Tun man whose attention be was trjlng te attract aeucludcd tbat aemetblng bad bapiwned nd followed tbe deg, which aoen led blm te the plaee where Warner dead body lay In tbe eaual. The laltblul deg wa tbe only wltntsa te tbe accident, Warner waBeubjMttotjpllnptiente, and it la aup. petted tuat be fell Inte the water while under tbe etltct of one of tbeae attaaka. ' i Ariett ur a Ityuamltcr. Several weeks age the (tore and dwelling belonging te J. O. Rummnll, clothing msrebant at Sblppenaburg, Pa,, wu blown te atom, along with several adjoin ing tiulldle'.-f, by a dynamite cartridKe, which bad bcn placed In the eellar el tbe building at midnight by an nnknewn pur son. Sines then doteeilves have been work, leg up tbe cam, and Monday the guilty per. en Usorge Carrell, alias "Jumbo," a wertblcM colored man and a native el Sblppenaburg was arretted near Cham beraburg by Oiileer Rlppey, and Is new in the CembsrUnd county jail, rarmi taqntra. Frem Ue ManeBMter (M 11 Onion. Farmem Ask tbe llepnbllcan war Urlfl advocate why, If the tar i IT governs tbe title of wool and ether products, wool has iteadlly declined In price under a high prnteetlv tarifl. Farmer: Inquire of tbeie tariff-loving gentlemen why the red notion of the duty en wool In 1883 km follewod by an advance in price Inttead of a decline, and why tbe leweat point In tbe price et wool wai reached under the hlgbeat tarlll. Farmer: Inquire why sbeep In Ohie bftvodecroaaedinnnmber right along for even year under a high proteotlvo tariff, and why the abeep of Ohie rieercaaed ever 200,000 in number during one year. 18S1 82, wl en the blgheit wool tarifl exlated. Fanner: Have them explain toyeu why tbe price el wheat and corn ha declined under a high proteetlvo tarlll, while your taxe were growing higher and the coat of living baa Increased, Farmer ! 1 It your experience tbat ln oreenlpg your txe be added te your prosperity, or tbat you can be taxed Inte wealth? De you prefer cheaper salt, clothing nnd ether necoaalllea of llfe, or cheaper whlaky and tohaecoT armor : ak tee nepnnncan organ e explain ta yen why the tarifl 1 net an un Jnit tax upon you te tbe extent net only of tbe dutle ea import bat alie tbe extent of an equal percentage of geed manufactured at bums whess price 1 lnorested by tie war Urlfl. Farmer: If the Republican policy et building a Cblnroe wall around theooun theeoun theoeun try prevalla would It net dontrev a marknt for enr annnal experts of abent (200,000,000 and threw the men who produce tbl product ent of employment T Is It net tree tbat trade must ba reciprocal? i i i Vtfl F. Marien' Wlga, ITem the N. T. star. Yes, It la true tbat Morten net only wears Impirted wlga, bnt te hi lntimale friend exhibit Ma (took with an alretperhapa pardonable pride. Ne lea than twoderon nf thn batry topknot are eald te bang In a corner of the banker'adreaalng room. They arelneleaed Inanalr-tlght, moth-proof glare oaae and are meat arlUtlcally arranged. In. deed they are reputed by the taw who claim te have een thim te com peso tbe rleheat collection et bead drei evor bieught te tht country, (TANAMAKRWU Closed at i p. m. en Saturdays. When you come te the city bear in mind that Wanamaker's is a meeting and resting and waiting place a3 well as the biggest store In the world. There are reading and sitting and retiring roem3 for you ; telephone, telegraph, and mail facilities. Your parcels will be cared for without charge. We try te make you welcome whether you care te buy or net. L J L iqvtnt WANAMAKER'S HAcrca FLO OH SPACE S PHILADELPHIA MiRrleciiTH "t "" i 1 r Yeu knew that there is no worthy het weather (or any weather) thing for wear or home use but we have it. If you can't come te the store, write for whatever you want, samples or goods. Shopping by mail has come te be simple and certain. A few scratches of a pen, and all the facilities of the store are yours. JOHN WANAMAKER, Philadelphia. aOMPLlCXION J'O WOBU. e 0MPL1CX10N POWDKK. ladies: WHO VAliDl! A ItKriKKI) COMI'I.KXION MUttT UBE POZZONI'S MKDI0S.TXD COMPLEXION POWDER. It l3ipn.ru a brilliant transparency te the alctn. Utoieven all plmplea, iroeklea and its colorations, and miatia Iho akin dellcatcly aett and beantltiiL ltcentatnt no llme, whlte, lend or araante In three ahades, pink or fleah, white and brunette fOtt SALE 11Y All DracBlata and Fauey GecOa Donlers flvorywhero. irnKWAUK or imitatieks.-c aprvivd STRAW HATS. 8TACFFER & CO.,Ne-(. ill and 83 North Quoeti street, ure aelllng $2 60, 19.00, eice and $100 Straw Hat for 00 and 26 cents, MAOUlNURr. QENTKAI, MACHINE WORKa FOR SALE CHEAP 'JU IUUEUIATK DKUVKUY. tlne IK II P. Knglneana Heller combined. One 11 P hnlne nt,d e It. p. Ueller, en bite.ewubtutd ;iue4 1l p. eocena-ltand Vertical Knrtne. with or without lliiller. "' one & 11. p. jtawlioiliental Engtne Own maue. crtUi!nC9ana lk,1Ier' r very tlza and de- boverul Uetary VentllaUng Pana, aultable lorabeporomcdtiae. ! Alse Valvea. rittlepa. Pipe, nrnia and Iren Cocks anaand a lull llnoateain Uoeda and Kn BlueurD'Suppllia. Maeblnu work, Pattern Werk, Itrtiai Cast lnga, bhafUng, Pnlleyn. Hunirura, Xtc. htc. GOOD WUUK, UKASONA1ILK CIIAUOK3. IMIOUPINBSI. Central Machine Works M. 1. CUMMINOS, Proprietor, N03. 1M 4 136 NORTH CHRISTIAN Hr, iuvciiTsx, Pa. daej-tta H OOD'S BARSAPARlLIiA. The Liver And kidney are organ which It 1 Important should be kept In goedeondttlon, andyettkay are overweiked and abated by nearly every, body, until they become worn-out, cleggM up. et dlteMcfl, lloe V Baraaparllla cure ail dlflletiltlei with tseta ergan,mnae tkarats healthy action, and tone the whole dlgeillve erganlim. 'iltiarobcenntlng Uoed'i Bartapanlta for Indigestion and liver trouble. It he greatly bonefltedme, and I think It la felly a geed a medlclneaa claimed." K. a. Caaasrie, chtel engineer fire dent,, Btonlngten, Ct, Bound and Healthy " 11 nfferda me tnnch pleeanre te reeemmend Hoed'a SarraparlUa. My health two yeara age wa very peer. My friend thoeght t wa going with contumptten. Icetnmcncednalng Heed' Saraapirllla, took flve bottle et It, and to-fley lean Ce Bi hard a flay' work m I ever could It aaved me from the grave and put mnenmy fet a teund, healthy man." Well li. U. TatBicr, lil Eatt Main street, Wlggomt Wlggemt Wlggomt vllle, Ohie. Built Right Up 11 1 we all run down and unet fur builnei. I waalndacoiltetakea bottle of lloed'a Bar aaparllla. and It bnllt me right np ae that t wa een able te retume work. I recommend It te all who are ffliote." D. W. Kuti, ttone ttene catter, Ne. t Martin atreet, Albany, M. X. H. D.-Ite nre te get HOOD'S 8ARSAPARILLA Sold by all drnggtita. sitxferl3. rrepared only by O I. ROOD CO., Lewell, Ma. XOO Deees One Dellar. m s KADUUX'S SULvaUU CANDLES, rer disinfecting Closet, Stere Kenmt. V.a lira, fl'nki. Btablei. IIONT YOU out ilrii'Oi, uhlcken Coepi, Bird Gain. Ae. NEHD USE ea MOHEOr THESE UAnUftl'D IITUKUHAI'II. .. ..i. .ir... ..... THOU soap, for dUen-a of the kln and Scalp, inch a Tetter, Ringworm aczma. Beahlna, Seily Krnptlens, Itcb'ng, awnat irg rnet, Uandrufr, railing Untr,e HYIMtONAPIITIIOr. PAS AUTIObEdTTH.LEa, terpnrKtlng the 810k mom. ex'eruit(.alln; lniecta andellmluatlng atseaae germ. URA1VSCOKN ANU LUtON PXiABlKUS for enltrfmblca liRxneN't fliASTXRfer Aches and Fains. WSeid byall Urtivplita. hKilillltY ft JOHNOON. Beln Uannfacturer. New Tork. UUMI'UltUYH' TTOMKOPATHIO s PK0IFICS. du. iitrMPiitiEYa' nook et au niieasaa, rieth and ueld lllndlng, HI Parps. with Hteei Kngnvlng, MAtliKU r.KE. AOdre, P.O. lier 1810, N . . I.latef Prlnelpal Nen. Onrei. Price. 1. Krvkiw congestion, Inflammations ss 2. m, Werm rover, worm celle ..26 it. Crtiwh ''olio, or Teething of Infanta. ...9S 4. DiMnncii. of Children or Adult 25 c, DrsaxTanr, (irlplng, MHleua Colle vs 5. Ciietn Meaaua Vnmltlng..... S3 7. Cocehs. i:eli, llrenrhttn ,. ,.,..,C6 8. NaenikLOU, Toethacbo Farnneha VS 9 llKii)ACii Hlrk lleadache, Vertigo S6 10. liTitrcraiA Dtlloueaioinaoh in It. ficrpHEStitner PAtnrm. PanreDs..... '& 12. wutTBD. ten PrefiiHH Period " 11 t'ROOT. Cough, Dinienlt Ilreathmg ...26 1(. Rait utiHBK, BryHipelaa, Kruptlena ...... 15. UBKCatATiKH, Ithonmatle Palna 24 in ravan akp Aero, Chills, Malaria 60 17. 1'iLK-, Hllnd or uleedlng SO 18 OATAimn. Inn nnxn. Cela In the Head. ...te te. Wnoermn teuan. Violent Cetmhg CO 21 HBNBRA.L UaniLtTT, Physical Weakness. .se 27. KlDNltr llIBUB..... se 9S. NKRVOCS KSnlLtTT ...1100 SO. UnuriRV WaAkHiBB, Wetting Ited SO SI' IltaiARsaerTKi Heart, Palpitation ...St 00 Hern by aruggints. or smii pnstpatd en re ceipt or mloe. 1IUMPIIUKYS' iliciiIClNK CO , ICO Pulton Bt . N. r. Tn,lh,UAw(2) SAFE, HURK AND HP KKDY CURH. Ilnptnre, Vartcocele and Bpeclal Utaeaae of either aei. Why be humbngzedbyqaacka when you can And tn Ur. Wright the only mo me mo exib piitbieiah tn Phlladnlphla who make a jpeclalty et the above diseases, and Curbs 'IbimT Ourbs UDAUAirraaD. Advice Pree Oav anaovenlng. Btrungen can be treated and re turn home aivrae day. OITlces prlvate. 11H.W. It. WKIUIIT, !tl North Hluth Street, Abeve Uece, P. O. Bex 673 PhUadel phU. 1'AL.AVK utr fAOMlUn. G HEAT ilAKUAlNS. ASTRICH'S PALACE OF FASHION, 1 3 East King Street. Lancaster, Pa. Te-day we have received the first let of New Kid Gloves, and arc prepared te show te our customers this Fall a line of Kid Gloves of our own impor tation at prices which are lower than they ever have been heard of in this city for first class goods. Our line of Kid Gloves comprises the following styles and prices : Elegant assortment of 4-but-ten " Alexander " scalloped top at 50c a pair. Never sold at less than 75 c. Our celebrated " Fourchette " Kid Gloves, black and colored, at 75c. An extra fine Embroidered Kid Gleve at $1.00. New Hemstitched Colored Bordered Handkerchiefs at 5c A let of extra fine styles at 10c, Bargains in Ladies' White All-Linen Handkerchiefs, hem stitched, at iec apiece. Closing out Braid Sets and Panels, in black and colored, at less than cost before our new goods arrive. Alse our stock of Colored Girdles. Buy our Dress Trimmings before they go up te the origi nal price. Opened te-day, one let of Rubber Lined Dress Shields at 5c a pair. One let of Seamless Shields at iecapair, Jersey Coats are all In new. Our assortment in them is much larger than last season, our styles are better and prices lower. New Mourning Handker chiefs, 10, I2J4, 15, 20 and 25 Cents. New Embroidered Handker chiefs, 10, 121, 15, iS, 20,. 25 and ,35 Cents. All of them are special bargains. A New Imported Ruching in combination colors, 1 5c a yard. New Lace Cellars, 5, 10, 15, 19 cents apiece. One let of Lace Pillow Shams at 25c a pair. Twe large tape bound Lace Pillow Shams for 25c, eri2c apiece, New Windser Ties, 25 and 50 cents. New 5 and 10 cent Laces, 4 te 10 inches wide, ASTRICH BROTHERS, TOBACCO. e LD HONESTT TOBACCO, FINZER'S Old Honesty Tbe Chewers et OLD HONESTY TOBACCO wUl aoen find that It laaU longer, tastes sweeter than ether tobac cos, and will please you. Ask your dealer for It and Insist en getting- it. Genuine Has a Bed H Tin Ta en Every Plug. (4) UHT QOODB. s PKOlAIi BARGAINS. WATT &SH AND 6. 8 & 10 BAST KING OT. I. ANC A3TEU, PA , HAVE NOW ON EXlttUITlON THE LAK- Qasr stock or DRY GOODS, NOTIONS AMD FANCY GOODS In Central Pennsylvania. New rail Goods In Every Department bought ler U Aau at the Leweat Market Price. SPECIAL I 100 PIECES ALL WOOT.TIIICOT8, 40 lnehea wtde, only 25e a yard. In Light, Sfedlnm ana Dark U'eys. We pronounce this the Beat Bar gain In Dress Qoeda we hare ever had te offer. Anese goeaa are au wool ana nave tef ere been aeld for lcaa than S7Kc 60-INCH ALL WOOL MJITING3, In all the New Shades for rail and Winter, at SOe a yard. (MALI-WOOL BltOADCLOTHB, tn all the Mew Shade, at 75c and f 1 00. Our own Importation of ALL-WOOL FIEN. R1KTTAH and rUKNOD: 1ILAOK CASH. Mains, saving our customers the Jebbcf profit. Our own Importation of SILK PLUSHES : lsinche wide, tn all coloring- imaginable, ateocenuayara. IS inches wide, In All the Mew Coloring, only 79 cents a yard. 2niDcheswlde, In all the Mew Pall Bhadea, only ll.oe a yard. St Inches wide, In alt colon, only l 88 a a yard. we oenillor these goods, at the price quoted, the very beat value we ever offered te onreastomer in ir.K pLUBttata. Kvery department will new be found apen examination te be replete with Mew rail Uoeda at price te autt the tl ate. Hew Yerk Stere. N fiW BOSTON HTOltB. WAIT roil THE- OPENING -or- J. Harry Stamm's Ne. 24 Centre Square, A1IOUT- September 1. it W tlljray Ven te Eemo-nber the Place, N0.24GENTRESQUARB. New Bosten Stere. DRY GOODS -AMD NOTIONSI J. NEWBOSTONSTORE Harry Stan CLOTBinu. me. ASKEW OB ME. AT SOS. ; AKD SSI WEST KUtQ B MEET. .-7-Ur TM-fiRCHANT TAILORING, 4 HAGER a BROTHER. Merchant Tailoring DEPARTMENT. A PKUrECT T OUABAMTMU. Mld-Sammer Special Bedactlens. Scotch and English Ohevlete. "0OTRH I CHEVIOT aUITlNOB, HQLiaa I CHEVIOT BUlTlNaS.l W.COTO ra.oe. 198.00 TO BBB.00. 178.00 TO t 00. VBMOTO fW.00. The above are THE LATEST tn plaids .and Btripeaj TheCI.OSINO PBIOKS will Warrant an Bx- amtnatlen. CHEVIOT BUITIMQS, IW.00 TO 11600. OUEVIOT BtUTIMQB, I30.00 TO 118.00. Desirable iThln Bummer Materials Wear for Witt be found in our assortment et Wont ed, riannels, Sergei, Drap Deates, Mohair, Pongee., IMPORTED LINEN VKSTINUS. L1NKN VX8TINQB. WHITE lager & Brether, 25 & 27 Wert King Street. , TTR&OTIVE BARGAINS. L. GANSMAN & BRO. ATTHACT1VE BARGAINS OK Seasonable Goods for Early Fall Wear New Iteady for Your Inspection. MEM, BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHINft AT THE LOWEST TBIOXS . Men' suit at u.ie, n.oe, n.oe, as.ce, te.00, is 00. 110. Men' Fine Salts at 112, til, 110. Der' Butts for school at II W, U 00, II GO ana 11.00. Beya' Butt, Dressy, at IS, W, 17, i. Children's suits, It SO, II 73, 12, se, 3, II, 5. Children's Pants at 23e, tee, We, :5c, l CO. Bnrly Fall Suit te Order, Strletly All-Weel, at 111, lit, lis, 119. l'anu te Order, All-Weel, at S3 M, (1. as, K, 17, 18. LATEST BT1TLE8, LARGE ASSORTMENT, PKICKBTHE LOWEST. L. Gansman d Bre., B.W.OORNaR NORTH QUEEN & ORANQB BTB LAHOABTEB. PA. M YKHH ct KATU1TON. Boys'Scheol Suits. Only en mere week of vacation for Scheel Bey. Mether should net forget that we bay everything Streng aed Serviceable -xea- BOYS SCHOOL WEAR AT VERT REASONABLE PRICES. SUITS THAT WILL STAND THE KOUUU OSAGE OF SCHOOL BOYS. AND GOLOUS THAT WILL NOTTUBN rBOM SUN AND EXPOSURE, Every Suit Made Bight Here. Myers & Eathfen, LEADINQ OLOTH1EKS, NO. 12 HAST KINO ST., LAMOABTEK PA OARS1AOE9. 8 TANDAHD WORK. EDYJ. EDOERLEY CARRUGE BUILDER, NOB, 40, 42. tS, is MABKET BTBEET, Bear Ot Posteffloo. Lancaster. Pa. i have in sleck and Build te Order Everv Variety et the following styles : Coupe, bag gies. Cabriolets, Carriages, victeria. Iiualnea all Waaens, "T" Carts, aieCall Wagons. Hurries, Market wagons, rontens, express wagons. I employ the beat Mechanics and have tictl ttle te build oerreotlr any atyle of Carriage aealrea. xne yuaiuy, eiyie ana inum ei my work make it deciaAly the Cheapest U tM markat- a.Wm HAVE THE Bl B HAVE TBE BEIT ABD CHIATMT Pair ajMttcM. t arvxKrvs. Black Goods. BLACK DBEftS BILKS, nt , BLO tM .. BLACK CISIUIBBB. B0e, 63c, Tie, I7e BLACK BATISTB AMD ALBATSOSS. ALL WOOL BBMBIXTTAB, 7SO.I70 Bad ta.00 aiLKWABPnEKuirrrAa, itoe, ilb a&a ma ALU A CLOTHS, 75e and UM. 110BDEBED MTJMS-VEILIMG. Ererythlng in Mourning Geadi. BBpLOOK IM OUK MOUTH WINDOW.tBt 6&8I0RTHQPEHST. Jehn S. Givler. LAHCA1TBE.PA. rw BH aoea for Caak. aaarie-irUw mH E POPULAR DRESS FABRICS. ALL-WOOL HENRIETTAS -AT- NO. 26 EAST KINO ST., WEIHAVE'NOW OPEN AND HEADY VOU. INSPECTION AND COMPABUON A 46-Incti Ail-Weel Henrietta In all the Deilrable Bhadea at 7Ce. A 46-Inch All-Weel Henrietta In all the Desirable Shade at 11.00. The above two qualttle et Henrietta are net only the beat geed for their reipecttve price In this city, but we can assure yen, are unsurpassed by same priced goea of tbe beat Philadelphia and Mew Yerk heuses. TWe ell for Cash, whteh place us la a position te give you aa geed geed for your money a the world produce. Tbe People's Cash store, L ANC A9TEB, PA. marlt-lvdAw e RIG1NAL BOSTON STORE. THE ORIGINAL Bosten Stere! STAMM BROS., 85 and 87 Nertb Queen Street, (Opposite the Poitefflcc,) BAB BEEN PUBGHA3ED BT Senior Partner of tbe Late Firm. The store Beem U one of the nnt .and bit lighted 1 a the city and tbe stock of Dry Goods I CANNOT UK EXCELLED. FINE DRESS GOODS A SPECIALTY. CUABLKS BTAMU returns thank te the many patron et the lata firm and will always be pleased te meet them at the Old stand. Charles Stamm, SUCOISSOK TO STAMM BROS. The People's Cash Stere CHARLES STAMM aurM lj augiMya OAlTWTBBMAlfKBT. -ra-