wasssam H?;v?ffl?ipnTW T litffc.a t ' rA,' '- ,. ''' -$'' . 'il HE liANCASTER DAILY IKTELLiGENCER. MONDAY, AUGUST 20, 1888. ' OUU NATIONS NOBLE STANLEY. America, Id deep suspense, doth wait Te learn her brave Ixplorer'e Afric lite. And pravs 'twill net be called te mourn the great l'aihnutler's drtaled Ien ! nbrtuca l be In every freeman' heart As ene whose duds born blin with Hidden dart Te heights of fame tint has no counterpart, In wilds wliere deierU creis, League atter losgue, ana jungle swaitn allh 10(1, And rlrtri ceme from source no one knows And te blm new, e'er ea ihit 'tween them row. In thought their " 0 edipeed " te. m Lilt of rjecUlmtd Lattara, List of unolalmed lettera remaining in the jinatofUce at l,ncaiter for the week ending Monday, August 20: Lailiej' Li$t Mice Maggte Kvertele, Mr. A. H, Floyd, Mm. Jennie dibble, Mrs. J. LI. Liawley, M. E. Heemer, Mix Annie M. Ilea, Mr. Kttn N. Liwrenee, Mlaa Lizzie Letevrc, Mia Vloteila Wfilte, Iilzrle Yenns; ' Qtnts' LUtW. H. Brlnkerhcif. Qeerae Brooks, P. II. Forrester (for.), Edwin H. Fatten, M. Btere, W. F. Wliaen. i m m (Itneral UeulaDger KlfCUd. O en oral Bnulanger waa eleeted te the Chamber or Depulln in the department el Bimme en Hun Jay by majority et 31,723. lie alto heads the poll In the Oharente and Nerd dspartmenir, The announcement of the figures caused great exoltement In Paris. The lleail Htftltlnvard Made Easier. Ten bare been 111, we will suppose, and are couvalciclngalenly. 'I hat la, jeu are trylra te pick up a little flesh, te regain some of your wonted color, te nceuetem jour slemnch te mere solid nulrlment than Us recently en celled condition permitted en te take Hew can you nccclcmte your snail's pace health wardP i!nrevnrrautt'l by concurrent testis meny in alllrmlnp, ttiat tt jeu will tise twice or ttirlce a 1 ly llelettcr' -teinarli Hitters, an enabling medicine of long ascertained jjurltvan.l tunic lrtuus, thit you trill be ma. icrlafly nhlcd It piomntcaanewof tliOKaslrla Juices, nnil helps thn system te nssimilate the nourishment of which it stands se much la need, it remedies a tendency te constipation without cenvuMng the bowels 'Ihc liver It stimulates te renewed activity, safely pre. metes the action of the Udnejs and bladder, and Annihilates malaria and ihcumatlsiu of the outset. The imputation of Lancaster la about thirty thousand, and we wenld ay at least ene-halt nre tmubled with some affection of the Threat and Lungs, as these complaints nre, according te at ails ttc, mere numerous than ethers We would adylan all net te noKleet tbe opportunity te call en th' Ir drnsglstand hoc a bottle of Kemp's BaUnm for t e T hredt and i.uuri. Prlcofiecand ll.ce. Trial ilia free, Beld by all druggists. (4) Unpture careguoranteod by Dr. J. B, Mayer 811 Arch street, Philadelphia. Ease at once, no operation or delay from bualneas, attested by thousands of euros af ter ethers tall, advice free,snnd for circular. marlO-lydAw Bl'EOIAh NOTWKB. WHY WILL YOU COUGH when Bhlleh' Cure will givoltmnedlaterellof. l'rlce loots., CO eta, and tl teraalebyll.u Cochran, Dm, gist, Ne. 137 North Queen street (6) llucklen'a Arnica Balve. Tbi Best SAtvBin thowerldfor Cuts, Bruises niuuuuuBi uuu m no pay required. It Is guaranteen te feet satisfaction, or money refunded. Price is cents per box. rer eale by II. 11. Cochran, Druggist, Ne t07 and laa North yueen street, ljuicaster. l'u June27 1yd Ah UNFOHTUNATK l'KUSON. The most unfortunate person In the wend is ene amicted with sick headache, but they will be relieved atoncebvuslncDr. Loslle'a Seeclal Prescription .. . .... - . . .; euu uuvurusumeni in anemer column, () aillLOU'S CUKE will Immediately relieve Greup, Whoeiilnic Cough aud tironebltls Fer sale by It. II. Cochran, Druggist. Ne, 117 North Uueen Blroet- (7) A Mate Investment la ene which Is tuarunteed te bring you sat isfactory results, or In case of failure a return el purchase prien. Onthlsaafe plan you can bny from our adrei Used Druggist a bottle of Dr. Klnx'fl New Dlscovery for consumption. It Is guaranteed te bring nllef In every case, when ucd for any affection of 'threat. Lungs or cheat, such as Consumption, Inflammation of Limns, Bronehttis. Asthma, Whooping Congh, Croup, ote , etc. it is pleasant and agreoaule te ihe taste, perfectly safe and can atways be dopeiided upon Trlul linttln froe at It. II. Cochran' Drug Stere, N09. 137 and 133 Aerth tjueen Btreet, Lancaster, I'a. (1) Hethera Mether 1 1 Mothers i;il Are you dlsturbed at-night and broken et your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth t If se, go at ence and get a bottle of MBS. WINBLOW'S SOOTHING SYBUF. It will re lieve the peer llttle sufferer Immediately de pend upon It t thore Is no mistake about it. There la net a motheron earth who has eve used It, who will net tell you at ence that It will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and rellnf and health te the child, operating lltre magic It Is perfectly safe te use In all cases nndloesant te the tose, and Is the prescription of one cf the oldeet and best female physicians and nurses In the United States. Held every where, 15 emits a bottle. mavlMydAw THK BKV. UKy. il. TliAYKU.et Bourbon Indisaya: -"Beth myself and wife ewo our lives te SHII.OH'3 CON8UMHTION CUBES Fer sale by It. li. Cochran, Druggist, Ne 137 North (jnoen atroet (5) hay rr.VKit. 1 have Buffered greitly from periodical re turns et hav lev or. Cevtrt ft cheover, Drug Slsta. siKrges'ed Kly'a cream Balm. 1 used It uHng a sovern attack. 1 can cheerfully tes tily as tathe lmmtdlatn and continued relief obtained by Us use. I hea tlly recommend It totheso sintering from this or kindred com plaints - (tiuv.) 11 A. Hmlth, Clinten, Wis. au3 Jwdoed&w "My Sleiimr Has been ustns your Burdock Jlloed Bitten us a liver remedy, and finis thnm verydttca. cleus" Olies. L. Alnswerth, 11 Vaice Bleck, Indlanapnlts, Ird Korsale t.y II. B. Coch ran, druggist, 137 and 1JJ North Qacen street, Lancaster. li. B. Cochran, Kofl. 137 and 133 North Queen street, Lancaster, l'a., la soiling BUILOH'S COUGH CU11K as a guarantea te cure all hreat and lung troubies. 16) Slerlt Wins. We deslre te say te our cltlrenr, that ler for ye ar we have been selling Dr. King's New Dlscovery for Consumption, Dr. King's New Life rills, Bueklln'H Arnica Halve and lnctrle Hitlers, and have nor hnudled romedles that sell as well or that have given Buch uni versal satlif cilen. We de net hesitate te Kunrentee them every time, and we atand ready te refund tbe purchase price, II satisfac tory rtsults de net lollew their tise. These remedies have wen their great popularity purely en thetr menu. II B. Cochran, Drug. glsL 137 and 130 North Qucen street, Lancas ter, l'a. ") A I'eliceiuan itrucmt Up. D. r. Cellins, uiomber of po'Ice, seventh ward, Heading, l'a , talka this way: " Buffered ievrely from rhuuma'lsm: nothing Old me any geed till I trled Tltemat' Kclectria Oil. It la a pleasure te reonminend It " Fer tale by 11 B. cechrun, druggist, 137 and 13U North Queen atmet, iJinrtiiUr. 1'ieved a itlg lltnttlt, " Has magical pain killing and healing prop erties. Half et a Itlty-cent bottle cured me of rheumat tim and a cold that had settled in my back i'eei as well as i ever dtdlnmyllfe" Otte J. Doesbury, prep'r Jlelland Citv Xtv. I, HOllane, Jlica, viivuhiuk ui iiwmar jteirc trie Oil. r'er aale by II. M. Cechian, druggist, 137 and 13j NortnQjeon atroet, vjinc-isier. Hew About the Dotes. Many poeplo before purchasing a medicine naturally Inquli e the sue et the dese ana the atrengthel lu In using Jlurtleek llloecl Bitten auia-poenfnl for the lit loenes and twotea twetea twotea apeoniul ler the llttle onea and two teaspoon teaspeon teaspoen tula for grown folks nreallthat Is necesary at onetime. This magnificent medicine Is net only economical but very pleasant te the taste, ier aale by 11. H ceihian, druggist, 137 and 133 North Qucen street, Lancaster, OAllRlAUKli. SJ TANHA1UJ WORK. EDW.EDGERLEY CA1UU l(!K IIDIIiDER, NOS. 40, U13, MARKET STRKKT, Rear 01 Postetuco, lncaiter. Pa, t tiavS"In"EUVMi and BuUd te Order Evarv Variety et the following styles : Coupe, Bog gles, Cabrlelitts, CarrbiL-s, victeria, Buslut Wagen. "I" Carta, McCall Wagons. Suriies, Market Wi ei'nns. l'hxtens. Kxnrvsa Wazeni. , I'BIU i employ y thn best Mechanics and have f acu ities te build correctly any style of Carriage desired. Tbe duality. Style and rinlah et my work makes It decldudly the Cheapest In the market. MfWt HAVE THE BEST ANDCHXAPXST CART IN THE MARKET. F OR OLD PEOPLE. FOR OLD In old jnjople the nervous eystem Is weakened, aud that must bS strengthened. One of the most prominent medical writers et the day, in speaking of the preraleaee of rheumalje troubles ameDg the aged, says : " The various pains, theusaaUe or ether, which old people often complain of, ana which materially disturb their com fort, result from disordered nerves." There It Is in a nut shell the medicine foreld people must be a nerve tonic. Old people are beset wltk constipation, flatulency, drewslneaa.dlarrlHTa, Indigestion, rheumatism, neuralgia. These diseases are of ner ner veua origin. Falne's Celery compound, that great nerve tonic, U almost a specloe In these disorders, and by its regulating Influence en the liver, bowels and kidneys, re moves the disorders peculiar te old age. Old people And It stimulating te the vital powers, productive of appetite, and a promoter of digestion. Sold by dniffgists, 1100. Blx for 15.00. Send for eluht-pape paper, with many testimonials from nervous, debilitated, and aged people, who bless lalne's Celery compound, WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Burlington, Vt YEK'S HAIR VIQOK Dress the Hair With Ayer'a lialr Viger. Iti cleanliness, ben. eflclal effects en the scalp, and lasting per fume commend It for universal toilet use It keep the hilr soft and allktn, preserves Its color, prevents It from falling, and, If the hair ha become weak or thin, promote a new growth. "Te restore the original color of my hair, which hat turned prematurely gny.luaea Ayer'a II air vigor with entire succeai. I cheerfnlly testily te the EFFICACY of tht preparatlen."-Mr. r. II. Davidaen, Alexandria, La, " I was amicted some three year with aeslp dlsease. sty hair was falling out and what re mained turntd gray I ws Induced te try Ayer's Hair Viger, and In a tew week th 01. ease lu my scalp disappeared and my hair re sumed Its original color." (ltav.) tt.U.SImt, raster U. B. church, St. Bernlee, Ind. A few years age I suffered the entire lese of my hair from thitliects of tetter. 1 hoped that alteratlme nature would repair the less, but 1 waited In vain. Many remedies were sug getted, none, however, with such proof of merit as Ayer'a Hair Viger, and 1 began te use It. The result was all 1 could have desired. A growth et balr seen cainn out a 1 ever my cad and grew te be as sort and heavy aa I ever bad, and of a natural color, and firmly let." J. a. rratt, Hpofferd, Texas. Ayer's Fair Viger. rasTAnae bt Dr. J. O. Ayer St Ce., Lewell, Maae. sold by Druggists and Ferfumers. augl0tc!7 M ANDKAKE Pllit.6. Heartburn. When the feed does net digest, but ferments and sours, it causes a burning sensation. This Is a step In the direction of Dyspepsia. It can be cured safely and Bin ely with DR. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS, Which will put all the digestive engans in a heallhy condition, Fer saleby all Drugglats. rrice 28 centa per box 8 boxes for 05 cents : or stnt by maU, poatage free, en receipt of price. Dr. J. n. Bchenck A Ben, Philadelphia. ml7-lyd&w EL Ain BAh9AM. l'AUKEH'3 11A11C BAL9AH Iloautlfiea, Cleanses and proervea the hair. KoenB UbeU and silken. Promotes a luxnrl antgrowte. Always rosteros gray hair te Its eriuinai color, rravenis nair lauini ngand Man- druff. Cures scalp diseases. 80e.at UlNDKIt LOUNS druggists. Safest, surest and best curd for Cerns, ron ren ron eons, etc. steps all pain, Never fails te cure. ISO. at druggists. MA fh(3) Q.OLDHN BPKOlinu. DRUNKENNESS -OUTHK-LIOUOB HABIT POSITIVELY OUBKD BY ADU1N1STKUINQ DU, 1IA1NK8' OHLDKN BI'KCIFIC. It can be given In a cup of coffee or tea with out the knowledge of the person taking It ; Is absolutely harmless, and will effoet a perma nent and speedy euro, whether the patient la a mederalA drinker or an alcoholic wreek. Thousands of drunkards have been made temperate men who have taken Oelden Bpo Bpe Bpo clfle In their cofTeo without their knewledge, and te-day bellove they quit drinking of thulr own froewUL 1TNKVBB, rAlLB. The ays tem once tmpregnated with the Bpeelnc, It oo eo oe comes an utter Impossibility for the liquor appetite te exist Fer sain by un as. a. jaiuuae, uruggisu Ne. 9 East King Streot, Lancaster, Pa, angS-lydM.w.r ' G RAY'H BPKOIFIO MEDIOINK. Gray's Speciflc Medicine. The Great Kngllshllemcdy wUl promptly and radically cure any and every case of nervous debility and weakneas, reamt of Indlscrotlen, excesses or overwork of brain and norveua sys tem : Is perfectly harmless, acts like magic, and been extensively used for ever SO year, with great success. AW Full particulars In our pamphlet which we deslre te send free bv maU te every one. Wlbe Bpecine Medicine la sold by all ctrug- ?Uts at II per package, it alx packages for is. t wlU be sent froe by mall en receipt of the money, by addresslng the agent, H. B. OOOHRA1T, Druggist, Ne. 137 a 133 North Qunen Bt., Lancaster, l'a. TUK QUAY MKDICINK CO., Ne. 108 Main Street. Buffalo. NY. JunllilvdAwUWAF TMl'BOVKD OUHHIONKD KAH X DUUMB. CUKE FOR THE DEAF. Peck's Patent Impreved cushioned Far Drums perfectly restore bearing and perform the were of the natmaldrum. invisible coin lortable and always lu posltten. All conver sation and eveu whlsiers heard dlstlnetly. send for Illustrated book with testimonial. FltftK. Address or call en F. HISCOX.bM Broadway, New lerk. JiJ52wOM,W,Aw TJIIiY'B URKAM HAliM. OATAEKH-AY FEVER. ELY'B CBBAM BALM euros Celd in ;ueaa Cattrrh, Uoae cold, Hay i"ever.Deutneas.llea4t. ache. Price re Cents. EASY TO USE, Ely BrO', OwegO. N, Y., U.B.A. ELY'S CKEAM BALM Cleanses the Nasal PAevairra. Allans Pain and lnnammatlen. Heals tbe Seres, Ueeteres the Senses el Taste aud Smell. THY TUE CUliK. A particle is applied Inte each nostril and Is agrueable. Price M cents at Druggists f by mall, registered, CO eenta, nueTaK,f8( V, Warren btreet, New Yerk. nnvlfi-lydAw AlAltULB WOltKS. TtTAKHLE AND OIIANITE WOKKH. CHARLES M. HOWELL, MARBLE ANDQRANITB WORKB, Ne. 130 NORTH QUEEN STREET. Having special ficllttlea for manufacturing Grai Ite Monnment,Teiabs,Uravt -atones and Cemetery Win kel ail kinds, respectfully so il. It the patronage of the public, and Invlin all te cill and examine the extensive stock of Mar ble Monemenis, Gravi -Stene a etc, new tin. Ished and erected at my works, which i etrer at greatly leJuurd prices. Practical exp-rf. once, with taste In th arrangement el orna mentation, lettering and execution of designs with gruui care, Is a vuaranty that perfect sat I. fiction wUl be given te the most exacting of my patrons. Bul'dera ar Invited te call for estimates for building work. urdira received for all kinds of Mantels. A large number of Finished Sand and Brown 81OQ0 DOer-SUls en hand, at low prices. CHAS.M. HOWELL, Ne. l North queen Btrvet-Kut sidu. usydii,W,ti PEOPLE! TOBACCO. QTANOABD OBEWINQ TOBACCO, DOYOUCHEW? 1UKN GET THE BEST -WHICH IS Finzer's Old Honesty! Genuine Has a Red H Tin Tag en Every Plug, OLD HONESTY U acknowledged te be the PUBE8T and MOST LASTING pteee Of STANDAUD CHEWING TOBACCO en the market. Trying it I a better test than any talk about It. uive It a fair trial. nevlHrdftw BUMMBR RESORTS. MCOI.INTOOK COTTAGE, CORNER Central Ave. and MeOllnteek St., oeean urove, N. J.i central location; near audito rium, postefflCA, lake, oeean and bathing grounds. Terms, ts te 19 per week. Special rates te excursionist. MB8.A. W. L1VINQSTON, Jy2Mmd .dexBO. T HE "CHALrONTB." Ocean End of North Carolina Avenna, ATLANTIC CITY. N. J B. UOBK RTS A 80 NS. tprSMml A TliANTIO OITJT, N. J. HOTEL NORMANDIE (Formerly Hetel Ashland.) AVNOW OPEN.-CS BErUUNISHED. . UEHODELED. UENOVATED. JOS. B FLANIUEN, Ja. marl-tmrt-Mar, Apr, July, Aug. A TLANTiO OITT, N. J, THE MANSION. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Largest Meat Convenient uetel. Elegantly furnlahnd. Liberally Managed. Coach te and from Beach and .Train. Orchestra Muale. C1IA8. MOULADZ, Prep. W E. Coeniuir.Chlof Clerk. feb22-md s JO0KTON HOTEL. CAPE MAY, N.J. OPENS JUNE 30. New ownerahlp. New Management, Newly Vurnlahed Perfoet Appointments. Popular Prices finest beach In the world r.THEO. WALTON, Proprietor, JnnlG-IOtd Late of Bt, James Hetel, N. Y. TT. QRETNA PARK. Mt. Gretna Park, rOll EXCURSIONS AND PICNICS. This Park is located in the heart of the Seuth Mountain en the line of the Cornwall Lebanon Railroad, Nine mile reuth of the City ef Lebanon, within eaBy dlstancn of ilarrlsburg, Reading, Lancaster, CelumMa and all points en the Philadelphia A J-eating and Pennsylvania Railroads. The treinda are large, covering hundreds of acres, and are KRK TO ALL. The convenience are a Large Dancing Pa vilion, a Bpacieu Dining Hall, Twe Kitchens. Baggage and coat Beems, whlle the arrange ments ter amusements consist of Croquet and neil UIUUHUB, euwilllg AJluy, DDDOUDg UOl- lery Quelu, Kin-, Etc Table ter Lunehera. RusUe seats and Benches are scattered throughout tbe grennds. THE 8TATE RtrLE RANGE Of the National Quard of Pennsylvania ha been located at ML Uretna, and the Military Ulfle Practice, from time te time at the Ran go, wUl constitute a new attraction te visitor. Anether attraction la LAKE COHEWAGO. Cevering nearly twenty aeres en which are placed a number of elegant New Beats, and along the banks of whlel ai wnica are pleasant walk. ana lovely scener OBSERVATION OARS Will be run en the linn of the Cornwall A Leb anon Railroad, or wUl be sent .te different points, when practicable, ter the accommoda tion of excursion parties. They are safe, pleasant and convenient. Parties desiring it can preenre Meals at the Park, as the Dining Hall will be under thn su- irvlalen of K M. BOLTZ. of the Lebanon Valley Meuse. These who wish te spend a da' A In the Mountains can nnd no place se beauu. ful or affording se mnch pleasure as ML Gretna, au INTOXICATING DR1NHB AL- LOWED OW THE PRKMIBKB. rer Excursion Rates and General Infor mation, apply te NED IRISH, Bup'tC.A L. Railroad, Labanon, Pa, Je-3ma MAUllItiEHT. O ENTKAL MACHINE WORKa Central Machine Works, W. r. CUMMIN0S, Proprietor, NOS. 131 A 136 NORTH CHRISTIAN BT.j Lameibtib, Pa. ENGINES, I101LKR9, MACHINERY, BHAKTINU8, PULLEYS, UANGEHS, AO, IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, WOOD AND METAL PATTERNS Of Best Quality. Largest and Best Stock In Lancaster of Cast Iren and Malleable Fittings, Brass and Iren Valves and Cocks, Steam Gauges, Safety Valves, Try Cocks, Water Gauges, Oats Valves, Lubricators, and steam Geed In general. AVRepaltlng promptly done. Second-hand Engines, Belleis and Machinery Bought and Beld. GOOD WORK. REASONABLE CHARGES. PROMPTNESS. avNete Change In Address. dMtS tfd BWYCLEB. B 10Y0LE.S,TRI0Y0IiES, TANDEMH. COLUMBIA Bicycles, Tricycle?, Tandemp. DURABLE, SIMPLE. OUAUANTEED IIIQHEST OUAUK, ILLU1TKATEU CATALOGUE rHEE. POPE MF'G. CO., Tt rUANKLIN ST., J10STOM, iiu a unif lintfiiwa t tf a IAttU4A UUUaAO 1A TT af.r70U OU raw Yerk 1 HI WCMU ats., ublcage, auS-lyaoed rVRXlTURB. TE7IDMTKR'B. FURNTTURE WIDMTIR'S 001OTB, THE OLD COJiNMR U EULL OF GOOD HEW .THINGS. OnrsteekU tee large and mnat be rsdneed before the aeaarm eleae. Te de this we have concluded te glve the people a chance te get Geed Furniture I AT A UTTLB OOtT. We have some geed (net the newest, but )nsta geed) that wUl be tetd lithe prlee put en them wUl wdl Umbs. TheM are wheat HAttQAINS, ana we ex pect te Me them move lively. WIDMYER'S TUJiNITUKM STORM Oer. last Kins & Dtikt Bts. QOHS is GIBBS, FURNITURE ALREADY. We are getting in some new Fall Styles In Furniture. They'll be coming and going all the time. The geed selection you have from our entirely new stock, at the extremely low prices, will pay you te call en us. We're manufacturing a full line of geed Heme-Made Werk. Alse de repairing and uphol stering. OCHS a GIBBS, Manufacturers and Dealers, 2d, 3d and 4th Floers, 31 Seuth Queen Street. ?"?- I desire te call the attention of my rrlenda and patrons te the flaet that I tun no wprepared te de general Undertak ing;, te which my per sonal attention will be given at moderate charges, Reepectfully,; WALTER A. HEHMT8H, 37 & 20 8. Queen St. Beetdonee 37 West Vine Street, opposite St, Mary's Church. F UHN1TURE I FURNITURE I THE UNDERSIGNED HAS REOPENED 1118 BTORE AT TnE OLD STAND, He. 38 East King Street, Which was destroyed by nre some tlme go, and has a perfectly New btoek of all kind et FURNITURE. PARLOR SUITES, BEDROOM SUITES, TABLES, CHAIRS, ETC. UPHOLSTERING In Alt 1U Hranchea. Alae Painting and Or namenting Old Chairs., HENRY WOLF, Ne. 38 East King Street. lefd OOAU .iv T B. MARTIN A CO,, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In all kind of LUMBER AND COAL.. r YAao-Ne. 124 North Water and wes, 20 North pnnce ntreets. Lancaster, Pa nl-lyd B AUMUARDNER'B COMPANY. COAL DEALERS, Ortica:-Ne. 113 North QneenStreet, ana no, ifl North Prince street Yaids : North Prince Street, near iMaAlng Depot, atlrtatfA t.AltnABTWK. P4 T UMBEH, COAL., 40. LUMBER, COflL AHD ROOFING SLATE. O. SENER a SONS, PRINCE AND WALNUT BTS., Sell Ceal of the Beat Quality at the Itewett Prlera. Ray new, a It may be higher. JeMtfd r... ;,,.. ,. . - u: ; QUHKNHWAKB. H IQU A MARTJN. Fruit Jars 1 - Fruit 3atrs I AT- CHINA HALL. The Old Htandsrd MASON' rilDIT J All In Pints, Quarts, Ualiaaltens, AT LOWEST PBI0E8. Tbe LIGHTNING JAB hi no Survrler, 1 Easier Opened and Cloned, Made of Hitter MeUlaudls Bellsble. Try them. HIGH & MARTIN, Ne. 15 East Kin? Strett, LAECASTEE, PA. T" EVAN'S FLOUR. U8E LEVAJTS FLOUR. It Always Gives siUstAeUen. tiaHTeAS ma F IROM THK ORRAT AUWION SALES. -WK HAVE Flannels Frem the Great Auction Sales HELD LN NEW YORK. While Flannels from lit Cents Up. Red Tlannels from IS Cents Up. drey Flannels from 12 Cents Up SHAKER FLANNELS, ALL AT I.OWKK PRICES FOR QUALITY THAN EVER BEFORE. Hetzger & laughman's Cheap Stere, 38 AND 40 WEST KING ST., Opposite the Ooeper Heuse. JJARDdtMeKLKOT. bard & Mcelrey, 83 and 36 Seuth Queen Btreet, - Opposite Fountain Inn. , L I, Democrats and Republicans, Attention ! Clubs organizing for the coming Campaign wanting Flags et any tire, In Hunt ing or Silk, had better get our price before placing their orders elsewhere. Ctmpilgn Handkerchiefs, Campifga Neckties, Material for Decorating, &c, &c. P. 8. We are enabled te glve you lower prices en Flags than any ether house In the city. Bard & McElroy's BARGAIN DRY GOODS HOUSE, S3 and 35 Beeth Qneen St., Opposite Fountain Inn. SBWXLRT. jNVai H.1 A RHOADH A BON, ONE MORE OPPORTUNITY. We want te make room for our Winter stock, nnd consequently will give nil buyers an opportunity of getting goods VERY CHEAP. We have just received a great number of Chains and would like te have ye come and examine them, They are the best in the market. Loek at them lneu Eiist Window. H. Z. RHOADS & SON, Ne. 4 West Kins Street. Wltepalrlng in all Its branches. CAarmr BARGAINS I SHIRK'S CARPET. HALL -FOR WILTON, VELVET, BODY BROSBBLS. Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask and Venetian, Rag and Chain Carpets, OIL 0L0TJB8, WINDOW BHADMB, Ac. W Have the Largest sad Bast H. S. SHIRK & SONS, Oerntr Wart King and WiUr Struts, Lucuter, Pi WAWOUB. OFEOIAL, WATCHES ler Earners and Ballreadars, It Karat Oeia EUlea BOBS Cases, Elgin werka. r eaen, Jeb Let. Bt Wateliana JewslryKepalnug;. Bpeotaelo, EyagliAW and Optical Geed . oor eor oer root Uma Oallj, by taiafrapa only plaea in tiie etty. LOUIS WBBBR, Me. WH M. Qneen BU.oppealte City Hewl, Near Fenn'a Oenet. W ATOU REPAIRING, WATCH EEPAIRIIfG a ffibth i tha meat delicate and Intricate niece et meensnlam made by maD.ana thenne tnat receives ibe least attention. lour steam engine, your wagon recelTe mere. ilia an eaubilanedfaet that there are mere Watehe mined by tbe average Watcb Ue purer than by tbe Watcb carrier. We have a watch In enr possession made by the nnderslaned t this, coupled with an EX VeBIKMOE or A-IUHTEE.. YEAK8 AT THE BbncU, enable us te tarn eat work of tbe UlRheat Grade at reasonable prices and with ailataotlen te our onatemer. Would reipectinlly invite a trial, CH AS. S. GILL, Watchmaker & Jeweler, NO. 10 W1IST KING BT LANCASTER, PA. w ATOHES. Lew Prices! Quick Sales! Occd Marked at aMt S tiling rLjurej at thl SsajeD. OUU STOCK or WATCHES J very large and cetaprlica everything In weld, bllver and Nlcl. PrlM will anriirtaa you our aim Is te give you the VcBY BEST value for tha money possible. And we de tt. Hen Magnello Watches a specialty. WAITBE C. HERB, Ne. 101 North Queen btreet, LANOASTEB. PA. nl-Ud SOME Sl'EOIAIi PRICES ON HIGHER priced tteda and Beeia. We a' 111 keep up afullatoekof Lines, nnelled Heeks, Leadis, Bwivels, Uwkela, Bait Kettle and general luppiwi, at UUIILEY'SDBnaSTOBE, M west King streeu NOW IN BIO0K- balls. BARGAINS I Btoek In the Otty. OHATKRa. p LINN it BRENEMAN. BUY -THE ONLY GO(ll). T. This highly useful invention en- tirely supersedea all ether machines for reducing Qreen Cem te a pulp for mak ing FRITTERS, PUDDINGS, SUC COTASH, &c. Every family should have one of these machines, Price Only 30c. PLINN & BRENEMAN, (AUENTH foil LANOAttrEU,) Ne. 102 North Queen Btreet, LAMOABTEB PA. HANDKHRCUIRF8. LO TO ERIUMAN'8 reu Ladios'OelluleidCollara&Ouffs, pAMPAIQN KKCKTIES AND NOVELTIES ATEIIISMAN'H. IS OTIOE TO UJLUBH. rLAOS, BANNEBS AND 1IADUK9 MADE TO OBDEB, AT ERISIVIAN'S, NO. 42 WEST KINQ BTBEET. rOR BALE OR RENT. HOUSES KOR HALE" ON THE MOST liberal teruii, en West Chealnut. Wal nut, Leinen, Mary, Pine and Charlette streele. Apply at UliMmd V1 NOBT1I MABY STUEET. TJIOR RENT-FROM AI'RIIi 1, 1BS8, AJ for one or a term el years, the Btrasbnrg BaUread, wltn Ceal and Lumber Yard are are heuie, Loceruouve ALdCars all In Reed and running order. The lease 01 this valuable property present a rare opportunity te any party desiring te engage In aplwuant, well MtaCllsbed and prenuble business. Fer oon eon oen OlUons, rent or ether Information apply te THOS.OrliENBY BAUMOABD1JEB. rns-tie Lancaster City, fa. Green Cern wae TRAVELERS OUIDM. i JREAD1KQ fc COLUMBIA R. R. j Arrangement of r Mien gar Train en, alter, SUNDAY,MAT 11,1888. NORTHWARD. Sutavs a.. narryvllle mu , lng Street, JLanc 7W Lancaater ,, 7.40 Chiekie 7.S0 Uarletia JunoUen 7.M Columbia. 7 80 Arrive at t .. Beading 9M SOUTUWABD, "; 7.J0 mm Amive at a v. HjJSSlSSi' celnmbla...,, ,.,... en Lancaster ,-tt King street. Lane, i a se aLMiv&OC QnarryvlU ie. mJ BUHUAIi Leave QuarryvUleat 7.10 a. m. King fl trcnt. Lane,, at 8.08 a. m and J.M p. at. Bnidlna-, ieiOa.m.,andM53p,m.' '" Leave; Beading, at 7.90a.m., and I p.m. J Arrlveat Muarryvllle,ata.iOp.m. , ' A.M. f.SL J 9. tW i ItSS MM i ia.4S m ' U8e iS'- i ltW AM un itl a. m. r.'sb : EM IM f , A.M. 1H tot M S.SJ i.a asm i m '!w?,r"5tn05n,,,2.,lt Headlnat wlt traJaaM ' f-. aiu.U", r "fi".""?-;v,iJiu& IT255w: i - .-4 Bente. i' l r.MtHH.t... m-... . A- . m- f I Hanover, (iettysbnrg, ErederleK ana ZIM 4 mere. .L tJti, ."vVSi1 J"cUen with trains taaaf ' rrem i.hleklns. if -.tM"J,he,mwlUl tr,n te anaireLsV S' non. jj At Lancaster Jnneilen. with train teaaA "y .viu iMainr, unrrj vine, ana UDIOXMB. A. M. WlLaON 8npenntadant. LEBANON 4 LANOASTER JOINT 4f L1NKBA1LBOAU. 4, Arrangement of Passenger Train en, SEA "yjS MKr, DU.VAI, MAT la, 1003, NOBTHWABD. Iave a.M. .m. Sunday. a.m. r.au r.M. Unarryvllle.. Bra IN mngnt treel. Lane.. 7.m 80S 8.1S 8.45 U7 lAiicaatnr 7 or iau 1.1s Mr. Manhelm 78S Cornwall 7.W Arrive at Lebanon 8.11 SOUTUWABD, . .Leavo A.M. Lebanon , in Cornwall., , 727 Mnnbelni... ,, 7.K8 Lancaster..., 8 37 Arrtvn al 8 SO 8.B8 AM 1.8S 7.10 981 1M r. a. x. m 1230 7.X 1Z4S 7.4 1,14 81ft A.M. 7 AS r.at, $M S.1S 810 8.40 9.11 L4S 84J King street. Lane 8 n 1.M ABO 9.20 . M. WILSON. Rnnt. It. A n. tUilmtA. B. B.NKrr, Snpt C. B. K, PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD BCItKUULB. In effect from June 11, Tiatn taxvn i.aweabt and leave anal ar rive at Philadelphia a,, fellow 1 Leave . Leave Lancaster, IU8 a. m. :sa, m. WKSTWABD. Faolfle Expreaaf New teipxat Way Pasaengert UUItralnvlaMt.Jeyl Ae.SMallTrati.t.,... Niagara Express Hanover Accera...... Fast Unit... rredanek Accem..., Lanraater Acoetn.... Harrliburg Aeanm... Ce umbla Aocem.... Harrtabnrg Bxprnsil Wostein Axpresat... SABTWABD. Phlla Expresi) fait I Inel Philadelphia, iiinp. m. 430a, in. 4:;e m, 7 CO a. na. e:sqi 8:81 tkta. 01 a. sa. s-90a.lnU 8:58 , a. ).. K10P.M. tin p. nu 7:40 a.m. via Celnmbla 7:40 a. in. via Celnmbla 111SOK. m. via Columbia viaatt. Jey, m-.tu p. m, 4:10 p. m. IMp.m, B-.M p. m. Leave Lancaster. t:.ea. m. e0 a. m. 8:lna. m. SMu. m. B.oea. in, 11.90 a. m. K01 p.m. tjm p. m, 8:(0 p. m. 4:4ft p. m. n 45 n. m. 7:50 p. aa. 11:10 p. n. AXT1TW H Pfeila. 41 a. a. 8:Ba. m. Hatriabnrg vxpreaaj lAnoaater Accem.... 11 turn. tm via Mi joy ll:tla. m. Columbia Acoein.... Auanue Kxpreaat Beaahem Kinreaa. i:w p. aa. 8:18 p. am. wf- Philadelphia Aocem. D.-ODB.M. JHl ; 5:15 p. BM A;, Sunday Man .,,, iay Exnreaaf Harr'ahnrn" Accnm 'J no lhiii Kur Accommodation leave Ha t ' ri.burgatB.iep.ni., and arrive MJAmawtu atBJiOp. m.: Tnn Marietta Accommenaunn leaves ueinm. ,,;?, blnatn.tea.m. and reaehea Mailetta a SAC' & Alan leiivna 1 nluinbln at WIS a. m and CM p. iV'1 m., rencbtng Maxlelta atll-01 and 2:30. a Marietta atll-01 anaUB. LaavsaiTi ti m......,.r..1. n J-. - mm.mum . r,.lMMkA " 1 iwuk nit e.uu u. u,., ran uinn h weiiniMi a te 1 alae. leavaa .! H.iu ana trrtTM at a se. t ine iera Acoemmoaavion leavea aananaa c; at 7:ie end arrtvee at Lancaster at S;00,oe. -(v nwi1lnU1i H,iHihiiM Wnra at fl'llltt n. tv. The r4rleai a oeomiaodalloa. west. eon. "y'i nectlng at Lancaiter with rast Line, wast. f : at Z'le p. in . win rnn through te rrederlek. .'i,;5f .4 The Frederick AccominedaUon,eaat,Ieav m ciiiuuiui ai is:w uu reeenee lamwwapsca) -1S liaip m. U' ' llarrlsbnrg Aceommedatioa, west, OOBBaet b- at Columbia for Yerk. y; ."UOl AUUWUIUUU.UUBI Bt .CT..OT JW VI ltmhi. At 410 n. m. ArtlvM .t. unMrtw 'it i.M n. m.. eenneetlnir with Dav Kxnnaa. Hanover Accommodation, we at, oeaneotlaE V If. I .IIMlt.F Wllh NUBflM VVMMAMM ft MA .. JL. in., will tun through te Hanover, dally, ex- .?.-', wM.'u..u , MOT VWUMW. VWHIHINM MIV Bale Harb jr. Fast i,ine, west, en Bnnday, when fiagred, will nep at uownlngtewn, (Jeatesvlllau Parkxsburg, ML Jey, Ellcabuthlewn ana MMU dlntewn. t Thn only trains which run dally. Oa Bnn day ttrn Mall train west runs by way of Cel- UU1U1H. t if tvnnn -.( . a a. OUAB.E.Pi; (ill. lieners! Manager. , TRUIfXB. rpRUNKB, TRAVELING BAUS, 40, ALWAYS AHEAD! TENKS ! TRTTNKS! IIK0E1VED TO-DAV", A Carload of Trunks. ALL PRICES. $1.50 TO S25.00. ALSOALABQK ABSOBTMENX OP Traveling Bags. 1 -AT- M. lalDerbusli & Sen's SADDLE, HAHNE88, -AMD- TRUNK STORE. Ne. 30 Centre Bquart, LANOASTEB. PA. ifutrssurvMjrijATjDrw moon. QATuIi AND BHB -THE ROCHESTER LAMP Sixty candle-Light i Beats taem au, AnotnarLetot cheap glebes iweas mi j ou stoves. THM ' PaBFjXJTIOMS METAL MOULDING A BUBBEB CUBBIOB WDATHBRSTFaP Beau them alLrrhls strip outwears all ethaisa Keep out the cold, step rattling of window. Hxciuae uie auai. avei um, bmhw M.cwa innnna A&n mn eMnlvlnir lt IlaH bO flttAtt tnTW ion be fitted anywhere-BO S.lwi- MAirfntiniA. It will tint wan or .ESkVuThlen .trip U tha ' SSrTaeti . Ail ine stove, Heater aaa Bai stereu ei" Jehn P. Sehaum ft Seni, 24 SOUTH QUBMN ST., LAMOABTEB. PA. HOTELS. S' T. OHARliES HOTETj. Thin linardera wanted at 1100 per week. iiM.vr.tt from fl te 7. tfta ner nieaL Dinner f rem te 1, sue. Snopdrfiemto7. 85e. Iw; slent Uusteui solicited. Uoed beds and well alrodreoms. Geed stable room for homes. Ne, It East Chestnut street, opposite Penu'a B. H, D?yi)l-ima. oee. rteiiY, Prep. V7, $ ;m M .'Sra .-; a J$' 14 a 6. 1 .i , 8 V, - 4. u e ' Mi ' II m m ta ff t AJ b? yj-. M