ESKHWC3?-S?..1J 1 ' ' ' "' : H' SKe-: vfl . --, .. VVs.. . -v: r r rHB IJLNC ASTER DAllY tNTELLIGElSrCEK, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1888. . .?, Sever," he vrnttt. , JJS?, (nl lore agate. iwBlMe." Ana I loe, tear, elaee em A storm of farewell, et wilt goeabr, lie rube from the spot like an outcast emit MkMla a pillow hr streaming eyas, Aa wept wlUt anguish btyead control. J ait lr years Afterward th'er two tact I' At a vender's stana In a nets street! He mw the saUle M coal newr ferget, t AMsMthaeytstauwareinQMUiaAsweet, m i - t" n wrr pi J "Hew well yen lee I" "jiiti""e Harry r .. Hew WfcU Jea toen . " I stepped," he said, 'Just te get a toy 'for my little rrirl." 1 wanted a book," She ertly aala, ' ter By little bey." Itadellnt B. Mrligti In Brooklyn Eagl: m m Wants te Fight SelHvaa. There la ae doubt that Rieter K. fox It a naa of Meed aa wall aa ateaay, bat It li generally belayed that Iha fight between Htalih and Kllrala waaa "fua? of the went kind. Fex la oentlnaally doing aomathleB te advertlae hli paper, but ha row cornea te the IreBt with an offer te bwk Jack Kllrala aaalaat Balllran or a J ether fighter living ter $10,000, Jfex claim te hare the ireateet coafldenee la Kllraln and 1 confident thathaeaa whip Saitlvaa. There are many ether who be Here the am slnee Halllvaa' aaleerable exhibition with Mltebell The former ha Jut been en aaetber big drank la Boaten and waa arretted for disorderly oeodaet. He aaya ha can set a man te back htm for 110 000, bnt It 1 doubtful. Balllran baa leat frlenda In large number and many people einiider him a big leater. . Fat Kllfen, of Minneapolis, effar te light Kllraln bnt no notte ha been taken of btm by Vex,-who think hi name 1 net anfflelent te " naa " la oenneotlon with hi paper. Children Burned te Death. The cottage et G. D. MoOerkle, at the M rant Taber, N. J., Method lit eampmeet Ing ground was destroyed by fire Tueaday morning. Mr. McCorkle' family consisted et himself, wife, two ptlra of twin, one pair aged eighteen month arid ether pair alx month, a uvo-yeareld boy and a (errant girl. The hired girl atarted a Are In the tore te prepare breakfast. The weed In the teve r closed te burn, and abe resorted te oeal oil. An explosion followed and the cottage waa aoen la ashes. The eharred and almost unrecognizable bodies of one of tbe younger twin and one of the elder twlna were found In tbe ruin. Intense excitement prevailed during tbe fire, and the rather and mother of the little enea are new prostrated with grief. ""--' Frem Birth te the Orave We carry wtyh as certain physical tralti, as we de certain mental characteristics. Inse. much tlia psychologists have striven te designate by generic title certain tempera ments as the bilious, the nervous, the lym phatic Tbe Individual with a sallow com plexlen la set down ea bilious, often rightly se. If the saffron In the hue of his skin la traceable te bile In the bleed. Its presence In the wrong place Instead et the liver, will also be cvlnccdby fur en the tongue, pain beneath the right ribs and through the right shoulder blade, sick headache, constipation, flatulence and Indigestion. Fer the relief of this very common, but net essentially perilous com plaint, there Is no mere genial and thorough remedy than Ileatetter's stomach Hitters. Which is also a beneficent tonic and strength promoter, and a widely esteemed remedy for -and preventive of feverandagu, rhcuaftUse, kidney and Madder troubles., ' Tne Population of Lancaster la abent thirty thousand, and we would say at least one-half are troubled with some affection of the Threat and Lungs, as these eemplatnta are, according te statistics, mere numerous than ethers. We would advise all net te nogleet the opportunity te call en th lr druggist and get a bottle ef Kemp's Balsam for i e Threat and Lungs. Price coo and il .te. Trial lite ftia. Beld by all druggists. (4) Beptnre enre guaranteed by Or. J. B. Mayer 681 Arch street, Philadelphia. Ease atonee, no operation or delay from business, attested by thousands of euros after ethers tall, .advice free, send ler circular, marlO-lydA w HPKCIAh IfOTJOSS. BHILOU'S COUGH and Consumption Cure Is sold by us en a guarantee. It cures Con sumption. Beld by B. B. Cochran, druggist, wee, 187 and 189 North Queen St., Lancaster, ra. ) A Bound Legal Opinion. K. Balnbrtdga Munday, Esq., County Atty., ninv fin.. Tex.. Tex..'savs: "Have used Klectrla ye; "iiave upeu a.j Utters with most happy results, sly brother also was very low with Malarial fever and Jaundice, but was cured by timely use et this medicine. Am satisfied Klectrle llltters saved bis life." Mr. I). I.Wilcoxeen, of Herse Care, Ky adds a Uke testimony, saying: lie positively be lieves he would haye died, hed is net been ter Klectrle Bitters. This great remedy will ward off, c s well as cure all Malarial Diseases, and for all Kidney, Llverand stomachUlserders stands unequaled rer sale by our agent, II. B. Ueehran.drugglst 1J7 and 189 M. Queen BL, Lancaatdr, fa. (8) Metbara atetbersll Mourns i;tl Are yen disturbed at- night and broken of yenr rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth t it se, go at once and get a bottle of MH3, WINBLOW'BaoeTBlMUSTBTJF. It will re Mare the peer little sufferer lmmedlatelyfle pend upon It t there is no mistake abent It. There Is net a mother en earth who has are ased it, who will net tell you at once that it will regulate the bewelsand give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It Is perfectly aafe te use In all eases and pleasant te the tase, and I the prescription of one of tbe eldest and beat female physicians and nurses In the United gtates. Beld everywhere, as cents a bottle. Bayl9-lydAw BLKKPLKSb NIUI1TS. made miserable by that terrible cough. Bhlleh'a cure Is the remedy or you. Beld by U. B. Ceehran, druggist, Ne. 17 and IN North Queen St Lancaster. Pa. it) Uent Experiment, Ten cannot' afford te waste time In experi menting when your lungs are In danger. Con sumption always seems at first only a cold. De net permit any dealer te Impose upon you with some cheap Imitation of Dr. King's New Dis cevery ier iHJnsuinpueu, ueukus ana tvOias, but be' sure you get the genuine Because he can make mera profit be may tell you he has something Just as geed, or Just the same. Don't m deceived, but Insist upon .renin ir Dr. a, du King's Nes r Ulscovei ery. y, wnicn is guuranieea te give relief in all Threat, Lung and Chest Enactiens. Trial bottles tree at II. B. Cech ran's drug store, 137,and 139 N. Queen St, Lan caster, Pa. . (6) THAT BACKING UOUOU can be seqnlckly enrad by Bhlleh's Cure. We guarantee It. Beld bv H. II. Cochran druaeist. Nes. 187 and lis North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. (1) A GREAT DIBCOVKUY. The greatest dlsoevery of the nineteenth cen tury Is Dr. Leslie's Special Prescription ler sick headache, which Is the discovery of an eminent phyBlclan and used by him for ever thirty years before giving It te the public, and It stands te-day without a rival, head adver. tlsemenl In another column. Backlen's Arnica Salve. 'tn Bbst BALva In the world for Cnts,Brulse Beres, Ulcers, Bail tuiaum, sever cores, leiier. unappea naeas, leuuiudi s. ( Cerns, and all Bkln fcruptlens. and j pesiuveiv cures Itlvely cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteep te anteep te irtve per fect satlstactlen, or money refunded. Price B cents per box. rer sale by II. B. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 187 and 189 North Queen street. IsiwwT"! rm, juuexz-iye COUOILWHOOPINaceuuil and Bronchitis Immediately relieved by Bhlleh's Cure. Sold by U. B. Cochran, druggist, Nes. 187 and isa North yeeen St, Lancaster, Pa. (4) HAY MCVJCIt. I have suffered greatly from periodical re turns et hay fever. Cevert A Cheever, Drug gists, suggested Ely's cream ilalm. l nsed it during a Severn a.utcK. a van vucuuujiy wa tlly as te tbe linmtdlata and continued relief obtained by Its use. 1 hea tlly recommend It te these suffering from this or ktndred com plaints -( tuv.) Il A. builih, Clinten, Wis. auMwdec-lAw , My Meiner Has been using your Burdock Bleed Bitten as a liver remedy, and finds them veryiMlca ctnus " Chas. L. Alnswertb, II VftLCe llleck, Indianapolis, Ind. Fer sale by H. li. Coch ran, druggUt, 137 and 31 North Queen street, Lancaster. A Policeman uracsd Up. D. F. Cellins, member of plica, seventh ward, Heading, Pa, talks this way: "SutTertd severely from rheummt.m: nothing Old me any geel till 1 tried Tltenuu' Xelectrie Oil- It tsapleaiurrf te recemmendtt" Fer rnJu by U- fi. cechran, druggist, U7 and 1S North Queen street, Lancaster. " "" 1'fOvcd a Big- Usnt nt. " His magical pain killing and healing prep-., ertles. llalfet aflfty-cent unttln cured me of rfceamaMia and a cola that had .settled In my back. Fe us welt aaievr dta In my Hfaf" i. llnniliiivv nrnn'r iff1tnn,t rstt. .'... . Otte J. Ilelland (Ha (Ml. t linsuuil "" " .... ajf 4HUI id, Mien. speaklOK ler Themaf' JCeUe 11. Pnraale fy 11. li. Cochran, druvgUH, U7 and 139 North (jaeemtrect, Lancuter, QELKKY OOktrOUHD. Paine's Celery Compound THE CELEBRATED NERVE TONIC. A Werd te the NerveusSffl'Sl boy bs aawy u you, bnt b doesn't kaew 1 1. Ttet te ibg dlffeTMcibrtwwsi "sek" and "wall." Wby don't you cure yourself V It te easy. Don't wait. FaWg CWery Cem pound will de It. Fay your druggist a dollar, and enjoy Iif 4 onee mere. Thousands hgre. Why net yen? WELLS. RICHARDSON ft CO., QUXIOUKA RKMKOIBH, k A Frightful Skin Dlieasa. afrrigs tataas Head Nearly Maw-Bedy Covered WKH Beres-Onred by taa Outlcura RSSDtdWS. Massas. ETarairs A Batrsrss, Menree, W. 0. Otar Bin.- Abent two months aae, en yenr reoemmendatloo, I bought a bottle of itm. otnu.Hsset.varr, en box of Ctrriecaa Silvs, and one cake of cvticcsa Bear, for my son, aged thirteen years, who bad been atnlcted with ecsema for a lone time, and 1 am pleased te say that 1 ballare the remedies have cured him. Bis sufferings were Intense hi bead being nearly raw, his ears bslng gene exeept the gristle, and his body was covered with sores. Bis condition waa frightful te betteia. The sire hare new all disappeared, his skin is healthy, eye bright, cheertnl In disposition, .and Is working e vary day. My neighbors are witnesses te this remarkable cure,' and tbe doubting ones are requested te call or write .me, or any of my neighbors. . . WM.a.BTEPngNSON. WiscHisTSS P. O , Union Ce., M. C Moaae. N. O , Oct 29, 18F7. Tbb Perrsn TJrtue asd Chshical Ce. : Uentlemen.Hr. wm. B.Btepnensen, of this county, bi ought his se te town te-day te let us sen him, and te show ns whstctmcinu. Itmets8 had done ler him. This Is theesss referred te In our letter te yen some time aste. Te leek at the boy new, one would suppose that there had never been anything the mat ter with blm-seems te be In perfect health. We bare written and herewith Inclese what his father baa te say about the matter-wrote UJustaa he dictated. we are selling qulteannantlty of Cdticcsa. BBKauis and hear nothing but praises for them, we regard the urrnuen. kimsdissUie best In the market, and shell de all we can te promote their sal. Yours ruly, BTKVKNSABUUNBU, Druggists and Pharmacists. CuTiccsA, the great skin "cure, and Cuticdsa. Seaf prepared from It, externally, and Utrri cdha lliseLVBST, the new bleed purifier, Inter nally, am a positive cure for every form of skin and bleed disease, Hern pimples te scro fula. Sold everywhere. Price, rrrrtetnii, doc j I fjeAr, 96e lfsseLVSMT, 11.00 Prepared by the , rvriKH. AIHUW AMU UUKM1CAL CO., BOS ten, Mass, aurBendfer " Hew te Cure Bkln Diseases," 61 pages, IW Illustrations, and llti testimonials Pf-gPLKB, black -ueadg, red, rough, chapped and eUy skin prevented by CnncujA- SOAP Sneezing Catarrh. The distressing sneez, sneez sneeze, the send, watery discnargrg from the eyes and nose, the painful Inflammation extending te tbe threat, the swelling of the mucous lining, causing choking sensations, cough, ringing noises In the head and splitting headaches, hew familiar these symptoms are te thousands who suffer periodically from head colds or in fluenza, and who live In Ignorance of the fact that a single application or BAwresD'a Babical rum rea catasjui will afford Inttantanteuir tltf. But this treatment In cases of simple Ca tarrh elves but a taint Idea of what this remedy WU1 de In the chronic forms, where the breath Ing Is obstructed by choking, putrid mucous accumulations, the hearing atfeeted, smell and taste gene, threat ulcerated andhacklng cough gradually fastening Itself upon the debilitated system. 1 hen It la that the marvelleus cura tive power 01 Sarrresn's It adicaz. Curs manl iest s Itself In Instantaneous and grateful re lief. Cure begins from the first application. It is rapid, radical, permanent, economical, safe. BAsreKD's radical Cum consists et one bot bet bot Ueet the Uadieai. eras, one box Catabbbal BotvasrandanlMrneviD Imiialxb i price, si. POTTXR DSCO A CllSMIOAL CO., BOSTOK. Pains and Weaknesses OF FBMALF3 Instantly relieved by the Cutlcnra Antl-Patn Plaster, a new, most agreeable, lnstantanoeus and Infallible pain-killing plaster, especially adapted te relluve remafe Pains and Weak nesses. Warranted vastly snporlertoall ether plasters, and the most perfect Antidote te Pain, Inflammation and Weakness yet com pounded. At all druggists, 21 cents ; Ave for 11.00 ; or, postage free, of Pettsb Dnca Ann chemical Ce., action, Mass. JunfcMydW.BAlyw JLTANDKAKK PILLS. Heartburn. When the feed does net digest, but ferments nnd sours, it causes a burning sensation. This is a step in the direction of Dyspepsia. It can be cured safely and surely with DR. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS, Which will put ail tbe digestive eagans in a bealtby condition. JTersaleby all Druggists, Price 25 cents peg box S boxes for 65 cents ; or sent by mall, postage free, en 'receipt of price. Dr. J. B. Bchenck A Ben, Philadelphia. m!7-lydAw TJUjY'B uukam balm. OATARRH-liAY FEVER. rar KLY'B CBSAK BALM cures Celd la:Head Catarrh, Ueae Celd, Hay Fever,Deafness,liead ache. Price 00 Cent. KASY TO USK. ly Bre's, Owego. N. Y., U.S.A. KLY'B CUB AM BALM Cleanses the Nasal Passages, Allays Pain and Inflammation, Heals the Seros, Ucsteres the Senses et Taste and Smell, TKYTUK CUUK. A particle is applied Inte each nostril and Is agrm-able. Price GO oenU at Druggists i by mail, reguierea, bu cents. KLYnitOTIIKUS, M Warren Btrest, New Yerk. nerlMydAw GOLDEN HPKOIFIO. DRUNKENNESS OKTHB LIQUOB HAH1T POB1TIVKLY CUUKU BY ADMIN 18TKU1NO DR. UAlNltB' QOLDSN BPKGIF10. It can be given In a cup of coffee or tea with out the knowledge of the person taking It ; Is absolutely harmless, and will effect a perma nent and speedy cure, whether tbe patient Is a moderate arete drinker or an aiconeuo wresk. Theusanda of drunkards have been made temperate men who have re tAki ken Gelden B Bpe edtre. clfle In their coffee without their knowledge. and te-day believe they quit drlnklcgef their own free wUl. IT NKV BU FAILS. Tbe sys tem once Impregnated with the BneclOc It be comes an utter lmpeaslblllty (or the liquor appetite te exist, for sUn by CHAB. A. LOCUKtt. Dnwgllt, ug8.ry'dM,'rK"IEBt,t:ln,laI' G BAY'S HPKUIFIO MKDIOINE. Gray's Specific Medicine. The 0 reat English Itemed y will promptly an d radically cure any and every case of nervous debility and weakness, result orinfllacretlen. axceaaes or overwork ei Drain and nervous y. tern : Is perlectly harmless, acts like inaglr. and been extensively uted ler ever SSyeais with great success. -irull particular In our pamphlet which we desire te send free bv mall te every one. gaThe Specific Medicine Is sold by all drug gists at II per package, cr six packages ter fc. It will be sent free by mall en receipt of the money, by addressing tbe agent, H. B. OOOHHAN, Dniffgiat, Ne. 1S7 139 North Queen SL, Lancaster, Fa. TUB QBAY MEDICINE CO Ne. 108 Main Street, Buffalo, N X. JanlS-lydgwMWAr Proprietors, Bullofttei, Yt. amoeMMim. OARSARD'S MILD CCRKD HAM AND BKBAKgABT BAOOR. Unequaled for teadsrness'aad feUeaay ef flavor. W guarantee that there Is nothing te equal them & quality la tat market. Tbea sands of tbe best tamiue are new using than. Thry give universal aaUafeatleau XryUaas and ten your neighbors. any Dried Beef and Bologna nleely chlpnea. Prlees reasonable. tjaOKUBWlANT. H ERE WE ARK AGAIN I . A. Reist & Ge. Fine Grocers. Here we go again t Always In the lead wltA the Best, Purest and Freshest Stock of arose rles In the City. We advertised In last week's paper extensively tbe merit of Vaa Derreer A Helmes' Biscuits and Wafers. Twenty-tour hours after delivery of same we were sold out entirely. .This morning we received two gross one pound tin cans and can meet the de mand et all. We are beginning te find out that what peo ple are going te put In their stomachs they want geed, and If yen pass our store te-morrow yen will be convinced that the majority of the people believe in pure geed only, and net In shoddy and Impure goods which are sold for a mere trifle. Call and taste wafer beiere purchasing. Headquarter for Pure and Fresh Groceries. Telephone. Free Dellrery, W.A. REIST& CO., OKOCKB', Car East King and DakeSU. , T BURHK'a Coffee I Coffee 1 Coffee 1 BIOS. JAVAS, MOCHA, LAQCYKA AND BOO ATA. Juatrocelved.twenty-flrensgsefChotceOld Ilie Coffee, which we are selling at He , fresh kcasted-a royal geed drinker. Our Mecha la the Finest Arabian Mecha. We have two geed J a vaa -Tbe Mandehllng is tbe lnestlmpertrd. We buy our coffee green, and always have them Froth lieasted. Teas I Teas 1 Teas I Xngllsh Breakfast, Meynne Imperials, For mosa oelor ks and Japans. Our Teas are se selected with ears and purchased from expert enced Tea Dealers. Prices, e, W, w, and the Best 7B cent a pound. BURSK'S, NO. 17 WLSfS KTKQ BTBMT, LAN0A8TBB.PA AT HEIST'S! One Unndred Gallens Pure Extracted Cali fornia Meney, 3 ks terlVi This Is a decided bargain. We could net buy It te-day for near the price we are selling It at. Fifty Gress Masen's Fruit Jars at the follow ing Lew Prices : Pints, 7le a desen t Quarts, Sloadezeni Half Gallens, 11.03 a dozen. Yeu knew these prices are very low for Fruit Jars. We have a '.heavy stock and they must go. Don't watt until they are gene. Buy new t you wUl neea them at all times. Fifty Dezen Geed Light Breems think of It l-MKe each. Yeu pay 18c elsewhere ter the same kind or a broom. Buy before they ate all gene. They go fast. Prunellas: Think of It, bnt don't be. ur. prised when we offer them te yen at 3 as rer 2Jc This Is really less than what they cost, but we don't with te carry them ever the Ma Ma eon, and this Is why wa offer them se low. Jelly, In buckets of 30 At each, only 11.50. Evaporated Fears and Fitted Plums cut down te HX a ft. Coffees and Teas at prices that wlU make you wonder bow they can be grown. Dried Beef, UHe a ft. Picnic Hams, lie a ft. Republicans and Democrat! Bear In mind that wa are Headquarters for Fireworks, Flags, Lanterns and Balloons, The Finest Exhibition neens In tbe World, cost ing from ILM) etch te f LOO. Balloons, Animal Figure Balloons. Muslin Flags, en sticks, from s te OS Inches. Flags of AU Nations from 6 tnohestolB Inches. Sewed Muslin Flags from 3 te 18 feet. Grand Army or the Kepub Kepub lleriags from SI te te inches. Silk Flags, Is te 18 inches. Bunting Flags, 3x3 te 20x10 feet. Bunting streamers or Pennant, any length, from B te 60 teeu Call and see our Illustrated Catalogue kstlmates furnished en displays from l.oe up te f 1,000. Our Imported Lanterns are the beat. We offer them low we bare tee many. Relst, Wholesale Retail Grocer, Cor. W. Klag aadPrlBC Stt., LANOABTEB.PA, 2IARBLB WOlt&U. TyTAKBIiEAND QltANITE WORKW, CHARLES M. HOWELL, MABBLB AND QRANITH WORKS, KO. 13Q NOBTU QOEEN BTBEET. Having special ficilltles for manufacturing Oianlte Mnnnmente.Tembf.Oravi -Stene and Cemetery Werk el all kinds, respectfully se- in ib inn p&iruuaKu ui tee pauiic, ruia invitn ail te call and examlneihe extensive stock of Mar ble Monuments, Urave-Stenes, etc., new fin ished and erected at my works, which I offer at greatly reduced prices. Practical experi ence, with taste In tn arrangement ei orna mentation, lettering and execution of designs with great care, I a guaranty that perfect satisfaction will be given te the mestexactlng of my patrons. Builders am invited te call for estimates for building work. erduiH received for all kinds of Mantels. A large nnmber of rinlshed Sand and Brown Brown Stene Jjoer-SUls en hand, at low prices. UHAH. M. UUWKf.T.. Ne. ita North Queen Btreet East Bide, anga lydM,W,S tiJiallINaKr' QKM'KAIj MACHINE WORK Central Hacbine Works, W. P. CUSMl.VOS, ITeprleter, . NOS. 131 X 138 NORTH CHRISTIAN BT. Lascaitkb, Fa. ENOIKES.BOILEBS, MACOINBBT, BUAPT1NUB, PULLEVB, UANQBBB, go. mON AND BBA8S CASTINGS, WOOD AND METAL PATTBBNB Of Best Largest and Best Stock In Lancaster of Cast Iren and Malleable Fittings, Brass and Iren Valves and Cocks, Bteam Gauges, Safety Valves. Try Cocks, Water Gauges, Oat Valves. Lubricators, and ateam Gi-eda in general. aarBepairlng promptly done. Second-hand Engines, Boilers and Machinery Bought and GOODWOBK. SEASONABLE 0HABGE8. PROMPTNESS. WNete Change in Address. w"x'00' Aacl-tfd rtfmitiTVMM. wrfMOmwwKvwwAs.Avs'-a w ISKYKlVft, FURNITURE VLDin&'S 00EI1E. THXQLD CORNER ujouueraooD xaw,XHei. CiwrataehlsteetargaaBf most ha reduced balers Ue season doses. Te de this wa hare eeeeiaded te glre tbe people a ehaaaa te gat Geed Furniture! AT A I4ITLM OOaT. Wa hare sens geed faet ta nawast, bnt Jastsa geed) that wiu be sold uthe pnea pat ea them wulseu them. ... Theaaara GBBAT BAKGAINS, and wa a peet te sea them move Uveiy. WIDMYER'S rUSNITUBM BTOBM Oer. Hast Bluff ft Duke St. QOHSitaiBBS. FURNITURE ALREADY. We are getting in some new Fall Styles in Furniture. They'll be coming and going all the time. The geed selection you have from our entirely new stock, at the extremely low prices, will pay you te call en us. We're manufacturing a full line of geed Heme-Made Werk. Alse de repairing and uphol stering. OCHS a GIBBS, Manufacturers and Dealers, 2d, 3d and 4th Floers, 31 Seuth Queen Street. aprlllyd I dealre te call the attention of my frlenda and patron te the fact that I am no wprepared te de general Undertak ing, te which my per sonal attention will be given at moderate charge a. Respectfully,; WALTER A. HB3N 1T8H, 37& 20 B.Queen St. , Reeldence 87 West Vina (Street, opposite St. Mary's Ohnrch. V URNITURE ! FTJHN1TURB I TH DKDKUSIGMXD HAB BKOPCHKD HIS BTOBK AT TH OLDBTAHD, ISTe. 38 East King Street, Which was destroyed by Are soma time age. and has a perfectly Wewbteck or all kinds et FURNITURE. PAULOUBUITK", I1KDUGOU8UITKS, TABLES, CH AIBS, I TO. UPHOLSTERING In All It Branches. Alse Painting and Or namentlng Old Chairs.; HENRY WOLF, Ne. 88 East Kins Btreet. 1e.tfd COAL, -D & MARTIN & CO., Wholesale and Befall Dealers In all kinds of LUMBER AND UOAL. ar Taan-Me. 124 North Water and Ke. 410 North Prince streets. Lancaster, Pa. nJ-lyd DAUMQAKDHKK'H OOMTAMY. GOAL DEALERS, OmatXa UB Nertb.QneenBtreat, and Me. M North Prince street. . TABsaMerta pnnca atraat, aaar aaung anristfa LAWOA8TBK. FA X UMBKK, COAL, 4e. LUMBER, COAL ROOFING SLATE. O. SENER a SONS, FBINCE AND WALNUT 8TS., Bell Ceal et the Best Quality at the Lewest Frlnxs. Buy new, as It may be higher, jesetfd QVMMNbWAKM. llUct dt MARTIM. Fruit Jars ! - Fruit 3 am 1 AT CHINA HALLc Ibe Old Standard MAHON tttUIT JAU In 1'lnU, Quarts, UallQallens, AT LOWX8T FB10KS. The LlQBTMINa JAU has no Bnperier, I Xaaler Opened and Closed, Made of Better Metal and Is Reliable, Try theiL HIGH & MARTIN, Ne. 15 Hast King Stret, T.ANnAHTBK. PA. ATXUUNMta. T UTUKK a KAUWfMAN, ATTOKNXy-AT-LAW, HO.S SOUTH JNUXCX STH LaMaater, Pa. t-lydAw WLv K1HHEB, OKNTIHT. Particular attention given te flUlag and preserving the natural teeth. 1 have all the latest Improvements for doing nice work at a very reasonable cost, liavlngyeaxsef ex ptrlenee in the large cltle 1 am sure te give the best et satisfaction and save yen money, bast artiaelal teeth only Heeper net. narlMya NaMXOXTMQUBKJlJrT. I VXOM TBI GREAT AUCIION SALES. -W MAVK NOW IN STOCK Flannels Frem tbe Great Auction Sales HKLDlNNIWYORr. White FlAtiMta from 12 CenUUp. Bed Flannels from 15 Cent Up. Grey lAUiela from 12) Cents Up SHAKER FLANNEL8, ALL AT LOWER PRICES FOR QUALITY THAN BVKR BRFORK. Metzger & Haughman's Cheap Stere, 38 AND 40 WEST KING ST., Opposite th JgAKOtSMeKLROT. v bard & Mcelrey, SSeUktSBefeuthQpettBtrMt, ' - Opposite Fountain Inn- Democrats and Republicans, Attention ! Clubs organizing for tt coming Campaign wanting Flags of any size, in Hunt ing or Silk, had batter get our price before placing their orders elsewhere. Campaign Hiedkircbiefs, Campalgii Neckties, Material for Decorating, Ac, 4c, ? P. 8, We are enabled te give you lower in uie city. Bard & McElroy's BARGAIN DRY GOODS ROUSE, S3 and 85 Beats. Qneen St., Opposite Feantatn Inn. JTKXT DOOR TO COURT HOUSB. EIGHT Ladles' Muslin Skirt and Night Gowns at one-half value. We have Inst succeeded In par chasing thoabevegoodsat ibs sslAcfaflrm declining buslness, and place them en sale te day at rrlees which Bpeak for Themselves. SKIRTS. LOTl-Madeofrmitef Leem Mnslin. full stse. row ei tusks, with cambrle ruflle, Se. LOrj-WllliamsvUle Muilln. deep tucked cambrla ruffle, 63a. LOT J. Wamsutla kln.Ilp, tucked, with two tueked eatnbile rnnies, flje. I4IT4 Wamsntu Muslin, tucked, with rum of Hamburg CmhrelderT, Me. LOT 6. Mlises' shirts. 90 and ti Inches long, deeply tueked and Hamburg ruffle, Me. FAHNESTOCK'S, MOB. 85 a 87 mVBT BOHQ ST., JMWXLUT. H. Z. RHOADH A BOM. ONE MORE OPPORTUNITY. We want te make room for our Winter stock, and consequently will give all buyers an opportunity of getting goods VERY CHEAP. We have Just received a great number of Chains and would like te have ye come and examine them. They are tbe best In the market. Loek at them ineu East Window. H. Z. RHOADS & SON, Ne. 4 West King Street. (Repairing In all Its branches. VAurmr BARQAIHH I SHIRK'S CARPET HALL - vex WILTON, VBLVBT, BODY BRUSSELS, Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask and Venetian, Rag and Chain Carpets, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW BHADMB, Ac. W tlM LaVgMt Beat Btoek la tat City. H. S. SHIRK & SONS, Oerntr Wt Kinf tnl WiUr Strtets, Unsuttr, Fl QKATKRN. W I LINN A BHENEMAN. BUY -TQX ONLY GOOD- Green Cera Grater. This highly useful invention en tirely supersedes all ether machines for reducing Green Cern te a pulp for mak ing FRITTERS, l'UDDINGS, SUC COTASII, &c. Every family should have one of these machines. Price Only 30c. FLJNN & BRENEMAN, (AQKNTS FOB LAMOASrKU,) Ne. 163 North Qneaa Btreet. LAKGASTBB PA. -VTtmOH 'TO TRKHPAHHKR9 AND J3I OUMKEIUJ-AU persons are hereby for btdden te trespass en any of the lands ni the amwiu and Sneedwell estate in Leban en or Lancaster counties, whether inclesed or Bain len. atU-wT for t&e porpeM of aiuieiiav or aaiaU law wiu vm kikwuj auiuiixM SrU&at all imMitfiipB iftiA UbOj of U un -MetfKfrAl. XXXXM AX, x. rxxer Al DW. O.XBJ ktttmMT tat J rajuji Aiiuss, -aHMASI. M.wieiamAB' air (, Ooeper Heum. prices en Flags than any ether house LOTS. NIGHT GOWNS. 1.OT0.-1S Geed Muslin, tueked front, full sited, lace trtwaned, Sen. LOT 7. Fruit of Leem Muslin, Mether Hub bard trent and back, Hamburg edged, Me. LOTR.-Wamautta Muslin, trlmmed with embroidery and Intertten, 7W. 4ar These geed are perfect In every re peet,inade ter this sessen's trad a tow gar ments are slightly soiled from banding. Boe them eariy. IiANOAOTBB. PA. mall. V"'' BAKOA1HH I - HTRA W 11A TH. R AKK KAHQAINH I UNU1STAKAULY TUX Biggest Bargains XVKBOrrXUKDllY T1IKHATTBA.UX. Stauffer & Ce.'s GREAT CLOSING SALE -or- STRAWHATS. The balance of our BTll AW il VTBrimttw sold, and toclneeut the ntitlre line we hav redueed our (ISO, tl.OO, 11.79, tl.W, 11.23 and II U) Hlrawllats te 50 and 25 Gents. Ne advertising scheme, bnt a positive mark down. Call and we show you the figure. Stauffer&Ce. 31 and 33 North Queen Street, LAN0ASTXU.PA. OAKRIAUBH. QTANDAKO WORK. EDW.EDGERLEY CARRIAGE I1UILDER, N03. 40,42, , 45 MAUKXT BTUklT, Bear Of Fostemoe, Lancaster, Va, I have In Bteca and liulld te order Every Variety el the following styles : coupe, lmg. gles, UabrlnleU, Oarrtagus, Victorias, business Wagons. "Tcaru, McCal I wagons. Hurries, MarketWagens, l'hatens, Kxpress Wagons. I empleyUui best Mechanics and have lactl lues te build eerrecuv.any style of Carrluge desired. The Uuallty. Style and Finish pi my work make ltdeddedly the Cheapest In Ua "aw-WX II A VX TUB BXSTAMUCUKArXST OABT IK TUX MABBKT. TJtA VKLMRB B VIBM. , K'.i r-er..un i..ntttlllil. u !-!.- uuivinu a bviivneim xt a. , i J Arrangement of Pasieager Train en, aa-!, alUr, SUK HAY, MAT U, 18. '' MOBTHWAKD. A. ST. Leave OnftmrvlllA King street, Lane "HI t'.a Ohlcklea 7.S0 jtarteiu Junction....,.,,', 7.M Oelnmbla. , 7.30 Beading.. M BOUTHWABB. tear .r. "eaeing , , 7.30 w.rrtT" at a. w. Sn2?5i S9 oelnmbla,,,.,, B!n 5i2fpri5if.t,tae .fl80 aUlvJ I wnarryvlli ., imu sj a lismv ?.. r Sing Street, Lane-at .( a.mManJlKlii?sS? Arrive at -"Hv a. x. . , ',- n lias trmi-vm use tftM 11 m - Am,f.JtS uss Wltm a. n. :ia 11.W ?. r.w. ,r.m : .iE. ana mat .rl S Beading, 10.I0 a. m., and &..' fi u..rj Beading at 7.90 a. m and I p. Klna-street, Lane., at ate a, M4aaagLas.a . .f ,wh.m.'m.iiu .. Wt J lialn eenneet at tvmuilnar wtta -'"''J'' i- ana from Philadelphia, FettsvlTle. Ilsrrlsaasar "1 ''' AUentewnaad Mew Ferk, . vli BaTxwa V- auutn. j, AiCNnmbfa,wIthtrt!nite and from T Hanorer. uyiburg, rreaericM and m UIOT9 ' J&XSX8Z JUt- wt trains teaa netwetinwiUi trains te ana iron ZjM? It f .Tntsat-u-. b-sii, a &. "ai from Lancaster, tluarrj vlil uand eM5rT4F A.M. wimew aunenntaaeaat. .wh LEBANON A LANCASTER LINX BAILBQAU. Arrangement et rassenger Train after, Busdav, iTat IS, 1888. .TriiaWS.' noBTawAKe. Leave a.k. t.m. Quarrvvlle. King street, Lane lianeaater 707 Maahetm 7SS Cornwall 7.W . Arrive at Lebanon ail HOUTUrTAKU. Leave Lebanon..,.... Uernwall.,.,.,., Manhelm Lancaster. Arnve at Xing Street, Lane 8.W A-.ML7ii,L,H' nJ,t 0 HattreaA. B, B.MKrr, Supt, O. B. K, -. I W U D V r. V I u I 1 nv nM -1.f tmmKim nnaay. 'ii$JJM in kuseb mi "&-, 1.18 B 80 8.1(1 Ei ?,'$ its e.tksa.17 M.wA IM 7J0 9SJ M 811 IU aatSLll ZZW-'K l.M B.M9.M eJ-Kii-'.'!i A Hnltalllll.a In utrart rn .In.. H'J!l . iw? . . . - . "i'-'SS trains LSAyn,i.aeABTsa ana leave ana ar- rfS - riTe tb rnimanipniaai xniiews X v. LeavH WKSTWABD. raeifle xxpresit.. Philadelphia. Leave Aiif p. xn :S0a. m. 4:30 a. m, 7:00 s. . i".wi KxprvM! .. Way l'assangeri Mall train vlallts Jey f etHa. ns.- ';; . at.i-Vj;. MB a. .!' JjfOMB.S'? WetstSiV: J-.1.. a Btui Axiunr,,,,. Niagara Xxpress Hanover Acoem rast l.tnrt......i fredstlek Acoem.,,. Lancaster Acoem.... Ilarrlsbnrg Aoeem... Columbia Aocem... llarrisburg Kzpresi I Western azprestt... XA8TWAKI). Pblla. Xxpresit ' fast Line llarrisburg Bxprein) lanesster Acoem..., Columbia Aocem.... Atlantic Xxpresit... Beashnre Kinross.... via Columbia 7:40 a. m. via Columbia llitea. m. via Columbia ViaMu joy. kie p. in, 4:10 p.m. B:5Jp,m. 9:U)p. m. Leave Lancaster. X:a.m. fliesa. m. 8:ina. m, S-Mm. in. 9:00 a. in. 11:90 a.m. 17:01 p.m. l;0Jp, m. 8:C0p.m. 4:48 p. m. 6:48 n.m. 8i rtm. A",:i - wv v.," Uneaatr,vS.vS 1.7 . w. .& & mzmmim 'v.m. Arrl raiia.vs-;i" m 4t4ta.Bi' M :,.fiSlt I", Philadelphia Acoem. MB P.MU-ife Sunday Mall Day Xxpresst Harnsnnrw Anenm. rta l.uniiutr Aiuminnindfttinn iMm'lilh il'1, ana arrive at Iinetf -,i aaat aw j -, Tf?-t The Marietta AeaemmMIatlAa laavaafleiwB.-V Diaat:wa.m. ana reaene Maiisua assaa..!: HP' juse leaves uoiutnew at n:i a. m aaw ra., reaching Marietta at 11:01 ana 8I, l Marietta atl:08 n. m.. and arrive at CM : 1 also, leaves at sas ana arnvaa at an.;-' .tv,--,, , The 1 erk Accommodation leave 'Maiiaaija . Bit tiiu ntiu Mr.TW nmwmuims A' ! OTIV ,9 neeUng with llarrtsbnrg xxpres at S-JK a an e ;? Tbeffrederlek aoeemmodatloa, wast, eeey.,, i neeUnn at Laneastav wltn raat Ll. sit '-S at 10 p. m-, will run through te f redetiek..-- -2 ins rrenenc: Aocemmoaauon. east, isa vaa s va Columbia at 1J6 and raaaka rawaarat'j''. ?J u-nsp. m. -vii.m',:r llarrisburg Accommodation, waft, anwktat at oelnmbla for Yerk. ". av!k Banevsr Aocemmodatlon, east, lawaaCtaw) nmbla at 4:10 p. m. Arrlvea atlABaatar 4.S5 p. m., oennaettng wltn Day Bxprea.- -?-: - uMiuivi j.mxjuiuiiMu.uen. wrn, euniwvsBwar - at Lancaster witn Niagara Kxpreas at a.'v' cent Sunday also oennecu at OeliittsmaacM: Bale Harber. -M' rast Une, west, en Sunday, whet flagaeg;-? Parkeaburgt Mt, Jey, KlUabethlewn aa HMU 4tl M dletewn. a . .al tthe only train whleh ran eaily. On S-m, dav the Mall train mat rnn b mt of- BSuffi nmbla. V :tfcfe2 w. . n wui uenviiu l .MHDH l CHAS, X. ruuu. ueneral Manager. i'JVrifflSi.Q!lYifAinm' TKUitKB. fTIRDNKB, TRAVELING. BAGS, Ae.- .TTtnTrn .' m ALWAIB AHMJI ..!SKS TRUNKS ! TEMKSI ' ss (KtXlVXD TO-PAT. A Pnfln-iJ r( Tvnnl -.-'ii ATT TITtTITVH v'' AUll riULUJJO. $1,50 TO S25.00. ALSO A L Altaic AaaORTMKBT CIV i Traveling Bags, if -AT- M. Eaberbusli & Sen's SADDLE, HABNES8, AND TRUNK STORE. H Ne. 30 Centre Squat, LANOABTKB. PA. MVVBBTVMMUHm HStUNt. sMAliIi AND BMi l-THX- ROCHESTER LAMP BUty Candle-Light i Beau Uaat alL Anothr.Letof oiiXAraLOBXafecBaiaat " ouBteraa. TBI "PBRFHOXIOlf", urrii. Hiiiir.uipju mukhu uuimii -f? WEATHERSTRIP KeaU them alLtThl strip outwear all etaaaaj , Keeps out Uie cold. Btopratuingelwlneujwa. ..i':? XCiuae uie aaii. &et)p uai uwvwwnat Anyone can apply ik-genra ur anwra v.-y,s in Hnnlvlnirlt. holes te bera, ready for use. wm n? Ahrlnk . eiuhlen inet snU. or shrink a cushion strip 1 tAsssea perfect. At the Steve, Heater aa ' -0- Jelui P. Schaum ft Seul, S24 SOUTH QUIIN ST, LANOASTXB, PA, JlQTtCLH. ST. OH A KLES HOTKIi. Table Hoarders wanted at 11,00 pex week, lireaktast (rem 0 te 7, itaperuietj. Oinuer 1 tern 11 te 1, 300. f(ouiflte7, 3e. Traa slent Custom soucttee. uoea eeds ana wait kiredroems. uoea stauie room iexjuusaii 14 Cast Uhestuut strr et, opposite fena'a I yep",. lyji-imd qke. rLOXY, Prep. w """.",J." ' JJ" .ii'4?i it wui no BBisa., .' -: 'jtS! Wis .TTrVTJ .f."Bfl r . " .aJtS MM m v$m '?? 'siw nst m KE jfn mt -wa ,vv ,S l(A 3L .ifr' 'V f it m'&l zm a r ; MZ