STI! r - ? " ifS ' i." !Vi '.l KVi 7." l"" ..f y, -4 V,' "-; ?prv "VV , .- .-W . --. ; jt -- "11 ! -V-'J 'X. '. . .fll i'--f,ti, ' 7? r. .' (m w- R$Sv i"A; l.834. , m &m m. sA. IZii S ' mESti FBI fs& fW &HZix. W ra? SSj&i . E.A risert1 1 wcr & 3 Ke m Tf- Wl ii. 2 &b-. .- if.', f r.& m-i t ,-s- ;- ., .4": Th Dally Intll!gncr. " u- ViM)UtIII. AUBUBT IS, UW. I fAis mMxtameM publishes ell Ue MMMin "' Usdted rress p te " a aasssi t nssitiiii Tit-t tBttTk DeUy Edition of Tin laimu- MM m eernrsteei of ctnien la im mix 'Ml tmnamaia Wh fee we. per veeki fVT SBBM. fv J?ff I wv " wv . u.. mm am & km . n n mmm ta... tTJ BUS we tire snenia t bee. per wnu. XfMr.WMKLT limu.Uses (Deuble Sheet) w f",--iimil nlv si M TMtt uunn. In BA irtMtrtMn wiiWn thetr address cssa :;;sst also state te bow lee- wy .... - Y MltMaiBvxtl irem v Wl mm v. pfA m 'Aii mUMJTtaUdMBNOBB, . W.L , ,. Uiawtv. nw lMPttalMMMOOftBMtlOfl ,. . MKwil Wtnce Town veR rn ae. Haii i ihinun CAW w-v Ths Dailt ':'- iiZZ,7L.mmZL. te TBKV. Pest TAID Z1, - -. th address Bsise tits,! ., irilti Ik Tallrklr. 'tJ'mm.'' .J,,I.1 li.melbsi U'tltpll ?'y'U..'HH VHHIIIUT IMI1'I"W ,..... ,..! aur una cut UDen every luwu ueiv uvuu k t . . t. kI linifji nnnA $i'-w mneA tvrvlM in the DMt and Will I'wwllnuetodeso in the future; but the g?StHM w come when iney sueuia ue maue tife out of the public treasury should net out- wl " advantege or. maKiBR inem bu. pflfiT. county u aoieie buiuu uetivi mvmleef the county as te amply ju&tlfy HUHnKUOU Tl.w " D " ' 1L A law has lately been passed which ?pr0Ylde8 the mode in which tell reads WMK be made free, and this, as the rich lllM eeunty in the state, should be the first Vte avail Itself of It. The stocuneiaers 01 K'.2 the reads cannot ceiupiain n iuey teluitd r.fg&z "m etr nrira fnr thnlr nrenertv : the people KaS."t . .. r A .-! III n nanlf &t s ae county ceimiui nu. uw uev.. ii'f" , . mltatreA fmm tlin cost Olid the $5r annoyance of tollgatea ', and the cemmu- s-; nltlesln the clues into wuicu mey leau T- will certainly be beueOled by the taklDg P'., away et the gates, which de much te hamper tneir communication wm me country. A tax- laid upon the whole community for the purchase of the turn pikes will be for the benefit et all the people et the county; and that Is the function of a tax. We note that the turnpikes In the populous portions of New Jersey are being made free. In llerks eeaaty a like movement has been started, and we believe tliat Lancaster should eater into It. A treat many people who use the turn pikes are loud in their condemnation of them, and de net step te consider that ttay have afforded great facilities for latar-coBununlcatlen and te note that tbey have been and are still very beneO- cBt Institutions. They are annoyed at miag stepped by tollgates, and at the ebargse made, which they consider high , comparing them with the cost of railroad travel. They are necessarily high be cause et the fact that the railroads have absorbed their trade and required them te collect their cost of working and their dividends from a comparatively small traffic. The charges are net generally treasonable, and the fact that they are mie. should cause no denunciation cf the tell read ; but It may reasonably create a demand that they shall be made xras by pat chase; and we knew no geed XMSen why this should net new be done ia this rich county, which can afford the 'CO. Seme persons say that it made frce the xetds will net be kept in geed order by the townships which they traverse ; and ' they think, tee, that the expenditure of the money needed te keep them In erdtr will be likely te be accompanied by job- "bery In the township officials. There may be cause for these fears ; but it tliey aie leund te be justified, the remedy will be in the establishment et a county com mission which will take chnrge of them. ITebave long thought that there should be such a bureau in charge et all the county reads, provided with an engineer US te supervise their construction and repair. This duty Is very unequally at tended te by the township supervisors, and often very badly. They need te have competent direction placed ever them. And in fact we de net knew whether their work would net be better and mere economically done If they were abolished and their duties transferred te a county engineer corps ; the read taxes being paid directly into the county treasury. .We nave outgrown the rude methods of read supervision that we have, and are ready for a mere systematic and general practice. We are ready at any rate for free reads and free communication . The tell-gate Is a relic of a public poverty which Lancaster county at least liiia long outgrown. Harrison en Hemes. The fuss and bluster of lilaine and his friends have at last Induced General liar, rlsen te say something and te say it well. His sermon en the American home was able and Interesting and It is a pity that lie marred It by a foolish reference te the Republican party as the constant friend and protector et the American home, naming the emancipation proclamation and the homestead Jaw as evidence of that friendliness, and asserting that the party Is still true te principles favorable te the' preservation of homes. General Harri son must have been quite conscious et the fact that this was all twaddle. lie knew tbat the "virtuous and happy homes" he spoke of were equally dear te men of all parlies, and were quite as virtuous and nappy under Democratic as under Itepub Ucw administration. When he loftily referred te the "things that belong te the higher man, his spirit ual and moral nature," when he con cen gTAtulated the people upon their homes rither than upon their rich farm lands h) commanded the reverent respect given tm'y te pulpit orators, but when he named a party as the special friend and protec tor of these higher things that men of all political creeds reverence equally, the hypocrisy of his declarations was unydlled. It was a transparent effort te placs himself In strong contrast with the preildeut, whose practical and timely observations en the material prosperity of the country have greatly disgusted the political theorists who revel in abstractions and despise facts. Paitl aan journals will hasten te remind us that President Cleveland en his travels com mented upon evidences of material pre gress, while General Harrison at Indianapolis touchiegly referred te we conditions et man'd spiritual aad moral nature. The country will Isardly condemn ths chief executive for t, Wsekmr attention te the practical side 4 wt we ana uie ureal nuesllens or the day. When General Harrison had. fklfgtd himself down te the level et THE nertal lUtetmen and the UrliT, he did I He wanted reveane reformers te edmlt that custom datles aheuli ndetiuately tarer domestle industries, but If he had a little practical Interest In the affairs of the day he would knew that the Demo cratic platform exprecssly declares that "our established domestic industries and enterprises should net and need net bs endangered by the redaction and cor rection of the burden of taxation. " Tuoueit the teperted treachery et their Mm te bow denied, the second die atler te the lUlUn forees at Mm Mm ewah will hardly pennade the mln litry te abandon tbelr position en the Ked See littoral, for the reaaen that Ilia leaa has ehielly fallen upon the allied Baabt Baabt U.zeuku, and will net prodnee halt the outcry at home that followed the last terrible defeat of regular Italian troops, Kranee la urging; theabendtnmmt et tblspart of Afrlca,and for that very reaaen It la hardly probable that Italy will yield. Bbe must held en for the sake of her mili tary prestlgeand pride j and there line geed reaaen why abe abeuld net establish a aue eeaaful province en the shore et the Ked sea, which at this point la said te be ex tremely fertile. Abyssinia will net easily be persuaded te abandon feruver se large a swtlen of her little aea oeaat,and the tenure et Italy must be by foree of arms and may cost her heavily In men and treasure. Thk heroic death of Mlas Elsie I'yle, of Philadelphia, while trying te save her brother from drowning, Illustrates in a re markable manner the helpleaaneaa of the beat swlmmera In the face of apparently trilling olreumetanoee, and at the earns time proves the value of a knewl edge of tbe art of awlmmleg. It '.se Impresses tbe tmportauce of caution In sailing, for tbe whole dliaster was due te the failure or her brother te leek out for tbe boom. It knocked him overboard and, being In bli bathing suit, he managed te keep afloat until aailstanoe arrived, while his stater, neted for her cipertneaa In swimming, waa carrled down by tbe weight et her clothing and becoming entangled In the aea weed waa drowned, Hememberlng only that her brotber could net swltn sbe had jumped Inte the water te aave bltn without remov ing any et her encumbering clothing. Tbe water made It heavy and as ladles' dresses are net se arranged as te permit the awlm mlng motion et the arms abe was seen help less. The of male awlmmera would atop te threw oil coat aud shoes bofero ptunglec In for tbe rescue of drowning person, itud a man's coat hangs loetely upon his shoulders while tbe dreaa et woman fits closely. The time lest en shore by the removal et clothing will be well lest, and It Is better te accept tbeobanee that your friend will sink beyond reach than te yield thoughtlessly te a noble Impulse by getting Inte tbe water In the werat peaslble cendl. tten ter acttve work, and Imperiling two lives instead of one. Letrn te awlm, but be aure that your clethea give you a chance and that every musele baa free play. Bknateu Knaean introduced bill In tbeHenatete prevent the formation of trusts and (senator HUurirmn rapidly followed It with a bill et his own designed te nocora necora nocera ptlsh the ame orjeot. lUaxan'ablll care fully tlounea a trust as a combination of cap Ital or skill by two or mere, persons for the following purposes : first. Te create or carry out restrictions en trade. Soeonil, Te limit, te reduce or Increase the prod notion or prices of inorclundlse or oemmodltlos. Third. Te provent competition In the manufacture, making, aate or purchase et morcbandlae or commodities. Fourth. Te create a monopoly. It Is provlded that any member of auch truit or any one ent;tged In Its business ball be guilty of high mUdemsaner and aball en oenvlotlon be fined net raore than 110,000 and may be Imprisoned for net lesa than ene or mere than ten years. Henater Hherman ezpreased some doubt as te the pewer of Congress te enact such a law, but It was retorred te tbe oemmlttco en llnsnce. He Introduced similar bill of his own whleh was referred te the same com ui llloe. PERSONAL. llmiNAHU Med inn, of lialtlmere, or ganize of tbe Uatholie Knighthood of America, Is ilead. He.v. T. J. Oami'iikli., of New Yerk, en Tuesday lutroduced In the Uouse n bill placing en the pension roll Onneral Hherl aan'a widow at tbe ratoet f 5,000 a year, ItKV. llui'tm N. llisnep, recently re turned from a long servlce In the Moravian mission fields of the West Indies, died of fever in Helly Urove, Arkansas, en Tues. day. V'm. IiUTTftKLt. Hoenns, M. a, a grad. uate of X'rlucuteii, has rucotved an appjlut appjlut ment te the chair et natural sciences, in Ocoldental cellege,! at ,1ku Angelea, Call, fernla. Uhaiu.kmCuecuku soeond vlee president et the Heuthurn l'acltla railroad company, died In Monterey, Ual., en Tuesday utter utter neon, lie waa 00 years of age, and his wealth Is estimated at 40,000,000. Mns, IlAlUUKT IlEKCIIElt STOWK 1 rejKirted te be losing health and atrengtli rapidly, being new hardly able te walk out of doers. She la at fcfig Harber with her aen, tbe llev. Charles E. Htewe. KMi'Kiien William, In the autograph letter sent by hlni te Count Ven Moltke en tbe occibIeii et tbe Istter'a retirement from the poet of chief of tbe general stall' of tbe German army, said tbat he only accepted tbe count' reslgnatleu because et his ro tated requests te be relieved from the duties et his office, and that, In any tlme or difficulty, he would rely upon the e tint's tried advice. TUAT AWFUL BIILL'ti DILI,, lllll Nya IilireTtnThatli Is the Auther et Ceuiiileiia lliirlness tVecs, lllll Nye In N. Y. World. Yesterday en beard an elevated train leaving Houth Kerry an aged woman under took te seli an armful of penny ballads without attracting the attention et the guard, for It is against the rules of this scenleand New-Yerk-by.dayllght route te sell goods et any klud In tbe cars. Hhe was a plain woman even when her face was In repose, but when alie smiled, llttle children clung te tbelr parentB and shrlekcd. It has been my lotto witness a great many plain peeple during my plaid carter, but this woman, when she smiled, certainly presented a new aet of horrem and points r doselatlou whleh I bad never before wltnetscd, Hhe would aldle up te a ntutaui wi hihi wiiu uiiiuu weicu WOUlu have revealed (9 worth or teeth, If she had bad any, would present a aeng te tbe pur pur sen en the right Bnd then te the one en the left and try todlBpese or It at mark down figure. Hnedld net seem te make an In stantaneous hit. l'oeple took one geed, square leek at the frightful disaster abe called a smile and tbeu went Inte soaie ethtrcar. Finally she approached agon agen lleuian from Krasttna who was asleep. He seemed te be dreaming et some, thing geed te eat, for as he slum bored be leek large muutbfula of space and ohewed en them, then he swallowed them with a Bmethered rattle et tbe glottis which drowned tbe rear of the train. Hhe sat down beside him and waited for him te awake. He did net de be readily, and 1 think sbe pinched him. He awoke wltb a wild start, only te see these beaming tuaiu nd eyes like a pair of filed egg, it w t this moment that she hi' ' Q him a sour enlltlcd "1 Am iiliig,My Darling, ter Tter. " He read it hastily and then lied frcm tbe car. He get oil' the train hurriedly, and a man who Bat near me said tbat he mw him try te threw him self under a bob-Ull car, but It waa up grade and the horse could net La nrui in climb ever him. The baliad-aellerthen took a seat by my alda She waa evidently waiting my dar ling for me. 1 thought 1 would take the offensive, and se I spoke te her before ahe could introduee ber favorite theme. 1 aald te her: "Madam, thla Is rather dull day ter the aeng buslneis, la it net T "Yes," ahe replied in a hearse but rewi. nam voice. "The bottom has fell out of the hull aeng trade lately, Uenerally In this month 1 sell as high as sixty five Waiting IiAJJCASTER DAILY INTEIiUGEyOER, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 15, My Darlings for Tnee," forty te fifty Belle taavaee' ana, n7, wnij.tMn iu uuij flva ln the GleamlngR.1 This year I won't pises mere'n Mlf them sengs beat I kin dc." Te what," 1 asked as I took her keen, penetrating elbow out of tbe pit cf ay sUHSaeh and rested It en book which 1 had en ray knee, "te what de you attribute this treat falling oft and diminution In your leaf Why. It Is tbe Mills bill that has dena It. What else could of done HI Tneaenga jet tuu bsiud iuex wm last year, seu se ami Jest the same. If anything, I'm mera sociable than I waa last year and try te wear smile eltener than I did laat year." "Yen, but what has the M Ilia bill get te de wltb the 'Belle Mabene' Industry T What bearing does It have en your watting my darling for me T" Well, it unsettles things, l'oer men are (raid and folks that works era scared for fear that Instldet getting t2 adsy for two days In the week they will have te work 11 the week at fl 60 day, and se they are mere oleat new with their money than they waa." What de yen regard as the ssltenl points of tbe Mills bill 7 ' 1 Inquhed as 1 rose te "I don't knew as te that, bull knew that aenee It get start I have fell oil about one half In my sales, and I have hung en harder and etntled deeper and wider la order te sett one dang aeng than I did laat year te sell two. That's what yer old Mills bill has done for me." This suggettsd an Idea te me. I wr.uld aea several representatives of tbe miner branches el trale and the leaser IndustrUa here and learn, If possible, what tbe eile t et proposed tariff red notion might be. Ou Whitehall street I found Mr. Uulaeppe Olacame Klgoletto, a maroon colored gen tleman, who owns seven small green birds, by the sweat of whose brewa he secure h aulllelent ground feed and garlle te keep his great, noble soul Inside his peer, perish, leg body. A cannot Rive dis laDgusga uurp, wcauaa Hladirhouutelntroduoelho broken Kng llshand xylophone remarks of Mr. Itlge lette. but he waa very cress and dlsgusted. His birds are auppesed tolndlcate tbe future prospects for tbe Inquiring mind at five cents each by pulling sprinted ticket from tbe pack. Mr. Blgoleite was engaged whip, ping ene of tbese blrda across the tees as came up. I asked him If he would tell me bow trade waa with htm. lie said It was most profanely peer, aud he garnished It in front and trimmed It down the back with little sprigs of Italian swear werda which actually atarted tbe perspira tion en him, Be said tt was oaused by the Mills bill. He could net explain why It was se, hecause he could net spunk tbe Kngllih lacKUsse. or read It, or read any ether language in raet, but when "plenty psepil oeoma te pay a tbe Uve sunt te fain out what the leetlea bird sail peeka out by hoes dam knolleedge or the planet las' year, does tarn the bettam of tbe dizziness gnna tehaL Whatforayeuaay,eb7 The Mills bill mak mena ae dam tite 1 keel myself fjr tweaaant." It waa the same with Mr. Ploeolo, the great pesnat purveyor et Ilresdwsy. He oeuld net explain It, bat the dull goober market, he tht.ugbt, retild l-e easily traced te tariff agitation, lie was eating a decayed pear and cursing tbe Mills bill as I came way, Everywhere I found people who bad been bill lined by tariff agitation, either directly or Indirectly, since the Introduc tion et the Mills bill. A colored man who whistles In loud, a ten ter Inn tones at the plar of the Itaekaway beat and then passes tbe bat told me tbat be did well last J ear, but this season, unleaa trade plektd up, he would have te make an aasUnment. On tbe Fourth of July he whittled till he almost paraljztd his tremolo and seriously Impaired bis puoker. lng string this year, only te tall abort of the dsv'aroeelpta for last year by U. He says tils whistle geta dry quicker and remains In lhat condition longer alnce the Mills bill dlrousslen. He also has an Ingrewing nail wbleh under a protective policy he Is aure would net trouble htm. Tbe general a nt'ment, as expressed by tbese Interviewed, was, tbat with tariff" revision peeple who mismanaged tbelr builneis and then tailed would have noth ing te lay It te. Hu.t. Nyk. BPXOIAL. ISOTlVKIt. Heur Abent Hie Uet: Many people hefnre nnrchMlnjr a meatclae naturully inquire Ihnslmnf the diueanathe strength of It. In using Hurtleek Jiloed HiUeri utesifxinful for the JltMaenm und two tea spoonful for the little ones and two teaspoon teaspeon teaspoen luls for grown folks areull tbat la necestaxyat oiintluie. This niHf-nlflcant inedlclne U net only economical tint very pleasant te the tnnie. Fer suleliy 11,11 uechran, druKglst, 137andlilNorlh(Iueenstrent, Lancaster, Why Us Down Can? Trne, you are In a mlsuralile condltlen-you are Wrthk. valla, ana nervous Yeu raunnt nlecpnt DlKlit.iiorenJnv your w&klng hours yet, why icwe heart? (ini. at the QniKKUt'iR unttlu of Uurdeck Jlloel Jlitlcrt. Thuy will roteryou toheiilthandpuaceof tnlna. Fer side by II, II, uechran, OrwrRUt, 137 und 1SJ Merth Queen street, Lancanter Hpraks Itlcht Up. llavntrlea Themat' JCeleetrie Oil for croup ana colds, und riidltth bout remedy I have ever used in mv family " Wm. Kay, 610 fly fly menin Ave , Utitr.ile, V. Fer il by H. a, Ceahrun, dnwalst, 187 and 133 MerUi Queen street. Lancaster. WAA'AMAKKR'U Closed at i p. m. en Saturdays. When you come te the city bear in mind that Wanamaker's is a meeting and resting and waiting place as well as the biggest store in the world. There are reading and sitting and retiring rooms for you ; telephone, telegraph, and mail facilities. Your parcels will be cared for without charge. We try te make you welcome whether you care te buy or net. cnvuMU J L L JUNIH i' WANAMAKER'S MAcrci FLOOHSpACE PHILADELPHIA i L rtwtreami "i i r i r Yeu knew that there is no worthy het weather (or any weather) thing for wear or home use but we have it. If you can't come te the store, write for whatever you want, samples or goods. Shopping by mail has come te be simple and certain. A few scratches of a pen, and all the facilities of the store are yours. JOHN WANAMAKER, Phlladelphla. VOmFlKXWN l'O WDKK. QOMPJiEXlON YeWDKK. LADIES WUO.VALUK A KKF1NKU COJU'LKXION miViS USK POZZONTS ukiheatkd; COMPLEXION POWDER. It Imparts a brilliant transparency te the skin. Uumuves nil pimples. Heckle una OU colorations, and Iiinkes ibe sktn dellcatelv selt and beautiful. ltcnnUlns no lime, whlu? lead or arsenic In thruu shaden, pink or fleh! whlte and brunette. FOU BALE ur All Drugffiata and Faney Qeads Dealers Everywhere. pwTiya mnimA.iuna.fn JJOOD ts-ARSAFARILLA. TRUE ECONOMY Itlstrne cconewr te bar Heet's rtlla, for "tee Deses One Dellar," U ertglaai wim ana irne only et tela pepaiar caMiem. If you wit a te prove tali, buy a botUsef Heed's Batvaparilia and nesanrs Its es.tsata. ionwUlflaaltuMtieetcMpttoarBte. law read the directions, tail ytm will flaA tfcat U avenge dese for persons of atffamtagealt leas than a teaspoonful. Tats ta certalaly bob cluilre and unanswerable ayMMce of tae pe culiar strength and xioaemy of HOOD'S SAKSArABILIiA. ' We began using Heet Sartapartlla la our Institution soma months age. Mid tavlag watched It effects, wish te say Uat wa tad It a geed, reliable, and bsnedelal medietas) for family use, and for hospitals ana institutes such as ours." Biribu evMaacr, West fetirtn nU, Cincinnati, O. " 1 took lioed's Baraaptrllla for less of appa ll te, dyspepsia and general languor. It did avuit amount of geed, and 1 have no beat tancy In recommending It." J. W. Wuxa Wuxa vced, Qulney, ill. UKALT1I BETTER T1IAR EVEE " I have been troubled by a scrofulous auc tion all my life, it Is one of the marked rec ollections of my boyhood dtya,aad for aeveral leirs has rendered me unable te labor much. I think lioed's flarsaparttla, which I have been using at intervals for tan years, Is the best I have ever taken. I am new ICO, ;and my generat health teems betlerthanevsr." 11. 1. Abbett, Warren, K. 11 HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA Beld by all drngslst. It I six for IS. Prepared only by V. m, uuuu a uuk uiweii, Mass. 105 HOSES ONE DOLL All (SI , YKK'S BAKSAPAHILLA, High Pressure Living- these modern days. Tbe resnlt Is a fearful Increase of llmln and Heart DIanasc Oennrnl Debility, Iniemnla, Paral ysls and insanity. Chloral and Merphia aug ment the evil. Tbe medicine beat adapted te de permanent geed is Ayera Saraaparllla, It purines, eniiches and vitalizes the bleed, and thus strengthens every Innctlea and faculty of the body. " I have used Ayar'sHarsaparlllalnmv fam ily, for years. 1 hve found It Invaluable as A CURE for Nervous nobility caused by an inactive liverandalew state of the bleed." Henry Uacen, Xenla, Ohie. " Fer some time I have been troubled with heart dlaesss I never fjund anything te help me until t began nslng Ayer's HarssperlilA I have only usi-d this medicine ilr month, but it bss relieved me from my tronble, and ena bled me te resume werk."-J.r. Caizanett, 1'erry, 111. "I have bcen a praetlclng physician for ever rait a century, and during that-lmel have never ienna se powertul and reliable an alterative and bloea purifier as Ayer's Sana-imrl)Ia."-Ur. it. Uazstart, Louisville. By. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. msrARBD BT Dr. J. O. Ayer & Ce., Lewoll, Maes. rrice si : six betues, i. Werth ss a bottle, augisteiu IM 1'ltOVED DUUMS. CUSUIONKD EAR ODRE KOll THK DEA.F. Peek's Talent Improved Cushioned ar Drums perfecuy restore hearing and perform the work of the natural drum. Invtstblecem. feruble and always in posiuen. All conver sation ana even whispers heard dlaUncUy. end for tl1ustraud book wltn tesUmenUU, ritaK. Address or call en r. MISCOI.853 Ilreaaway, Mew Yerk. JjCl.lwaM,W,rAw CAFE, HOKK AXV 8PEEOY OTJRK. KJ BUPI Uuntnm. VulMywlM &nrt ftnr.i of either sex. Why be nnmbucsed by anaeia when you can Una in Dr. w right the asly Ess- PiTllUUllllPhllUlminM.aKn ntk CUiB specialty ei tbe above fllnasn. and Cvasa Taint Crass Ocaxijrms. Advlee rree day ana evening, strasgers cube treated ad rs tum soma sasss day. OSSees prlvaiav. ... DB.W.H.flUHT, Ml Werth Nistn Street, Above Baee. P. O. liex en PhUadslDbla. fhV.T1Aw ...". HUMMMK KKHOKTH. MOOI.INTOOK COTTAOK, COKNKR Cuntrai Ave. and Uccilnleck Hu, tieean Urove, N. J.t central loeatlon t near auatto auatte num. postenicn, lake, ocean and bathing greuuOB. Terms, Wtelll per week. Hrwclal ratosteoxcurslnntats. i-- M118.A. W. L1V1NU8TON, irHmd lioxae. rrtUK "CHALrONTK," Ocean Kndef Merth Carolina Avenue, K.BOBBBT8 SeMY aiUut TLANTIO CITY, N. J. HOTEL NORMANDIE (rermerly Hetel Ashlana.) UKruuNiaiiKrLOW.ul'!tN,"Slt0u-..D KBNOVATED. ' mar,!U1QKW' J"' TLANTIO CITY, K. J. THE MANSION. , . ., ATLAMTIOClTY.jr.J., v.uavnnieni neui BlegantlT TurnrnhBd. Liberally Manured. Ceuhuui Coach te and ireiy iseacn ana Trains. Orchestra Simla. CHAR. IIM41. All u W.B. Cechraw. Chief Clerk. iebmd OTOOICTON HOTEL. CAPE MAY, M.J. OPSINS JUNB 30.-New ownership. New SlaiiaKeinent. Newly rurnlihed. Perfect Appeintinents. Popular Prlces. Finest beach In the world. . , r.THKO. WALTON, Proprietor. unl 40t a Lateef8L Jamis Uoti; N. V. JT. O It ETNA PARK. Mt. Gretna Park, POU KXCOllSIONS AND PICNICS. iJ.WJ. '. 'fii!n -n,rt of the -.V..H MWWUVMSU VA UiU IIUQ Ul LUU Cornwall ft lebanen Ballread, nine nines reuta of the City sf Lebanon, within easy flUUince or llarrttburg. Ueaainr Lancaster. Columbia and all points en h. Nine miles etith et the Clt ? r.uA',mS. .1'2? .sad Pannsylvanta EKaSes ersSM. wa S" mr' covenn KltKE Til AIT. The convenlouces are a Large Danrlng Pa vilion, a spacious Dining Halt, Twe Kitchen! ltaBKBge and Ceat Deem, while the arrinsS JiVi?il? r amueme,na consist or Urequetand llallOreunas, Ilewilng Alley, Bhoettnir Silt lery yuelts, fctc. Kte. Tables ler Lunehera llustie eat ana Uenches are .cittA throughout the grounds. scattered Til K STATU UtPLB ItANQB Or the National Guard of Pennsylvania he been located at ML Oretna. and t5 jSfltS? Bine PruoUee, from time te tlme at the Kanie. will constitute a new attraction te vlsltenL Anetber attraction U "w vul""- LAKBCONKWAQO, Cevering nearly twenty acres en which are placed a number or elegant New Beatsand along the banks of which are pleasant walks and lovely scenery. r - numa OU3KBVATIONOAUS Will be run en the line of the Cornwall A Leb. anon Uallroed, or will be lent .te different points, when pmctluable. ter the accommeda, lien of excursion parties. They are aare. pleasant and convenient. PurUes aeslrlng tt can procure Meals at the Park, as the Dining Hall will be unHnrThiir.? rjorvUten of B. M. BOLTZ, of the Lebanon alley Meuse. These who wish te spena a day In the Mountains can Bnd no plaei ae beantl. lul or aderdtng no much pleasure is Mt. Uretna. no INTOXIOatINU DU1NK8 Ali LOWKUONTtlKl-UKMlSES. ""J,JlB Ai' a rer Kxanrslen Bates and Qeneral lnrer TTIAIInn All)l 0 tn .vi ,utui- w I -I''. NED IRISH. Sup'tC Jeawma A L.Uallread, Labaneu, Pa. 11 A ND K Bit U1IIKFS. OANU.VNNA HANUKEROUIEKH. UKT YOUU Bandanna Handkerchiefs 3; 5 and IO Cents, AT ERISMAN'S, JVO. it WES1 KINO SI. AVMext Doer te Bayler's Photograph a al lery. TOBACCO. QTANDAXD OHKWUfQ TOaUCOU, DOYOUCHEW? THRU OIT- THE BEST -WHICH Finzer's Old Honesty! Graneln Baa Had B 71a Tast vary Plug. en OLD UOKKSTT U acknewleflfM te be tU PUREST And MOST LABTLKe alee of STANDARD CUB WIKO TOBACCO en tke market. Trying it is a better taatUan any talk abent IL Qlvs Ha fair trial. rTOUBDEALBEHAS IT." nevls-lydAw OHT QOODH. S PKOIAL, nARQAINB. WATT & SHAN D SPECIAL BARGAINS. During our Semi-annual Clearing Sale we are enertng Extnierdtnary Bargains Ineach and every department. The uaianoe ei our MKULU& Spring and Snmmer Dress Goods InclndtngSllks, Blarkand Co'ered Henriettas, bethln All-Weel ana Nllk WunMI. HluikanTI ueiureu kuumsrri, ueeeges, ana sertment of. All-Weel cloth Hulilni being olesed out Begardlesa et Ces' and a larva as. , suitings are new it. BPBC1AL VALUB8 XJT LADIKS', UENTS AND CHILDREN'S GAUZE UNDERWEAB. UBKAT BABQA1N3 IN TABLB LINENS AND TOWELS. .One hundred deten All Llnen Knotted Prlnse Towels at UHc riti r doaen Large etrs Knotted Fringe Tow els, ic One hundred dcran Bxtra Fine Quality Knotted rlnge Damask and Bird eye at He. Fifty deien llath Tnwnli at An Mi.h QtytnTSweLili Qe0d SPECIAL ! GeX5VsiaVa7aL, 8tr rerIeCl We open KHly acTend cases of New Cali coes, Dare Pall Patterns, AT THB New Yerk Stere, O. 0 & 10 HABT KINO BT. gl'EOlALLY LOW i'RIOES. Eemnant Sale -AT TUB- NO. 25 BAST KINO ST., C3MMBNC1NU MONDAY,AUGUST6, We will offer EverytLlng In the Heuse In the Shape of an Odd Length or Item nant, at Specially low Prices In order te make a Clean Sweep of Spring and Summer Goods, and thereby make room for OUR FALL STOCK Which will seen le coming In. The People's Gasb Stere, L.ANOABTXB.PA. marlMvdAw moruLKe. JJIOYOLKS, TKIOYOLES, TANDKMH. COLUMBIA Bicycles, Tricycle?, Tandems. DDKABLB, GIsfPLX. UUABANTXBD HIGHEST QUADK, lLLUSTKATBDCATALOOUX FBKB. POPE MFG. CO., 79 FBANKL1N ST., BOSTON. vAwcu HOU8K8-11 warren Bt. New Yerk i Wl Warash Aye.. Chicago. auD-lydoed rHOl'OXALX. SEALED PROPOSALS FOR XVR. blihlug 100 tens el Hard Broken Ceal and 6 tens of Hard Nut Ceal, all free of slste. for the Court llen.e, will 1m reetlvea at thi Cenntv i:einu.lialnnANMiniiviiniii ,. Jr." SZZZSss I ThePeeple's Cash Stere i fcj ' V . rw gffcCIAI, fsUOM. WOOL YARNS. mreKtap skkmamxewx wool, sax- ONY.BPABHUI AB Hsf AM KBIT TWO TA III Alt ABBA. TBBSB ABB THK VBBY BBS QOAX1TT YABMS. L1NOAITBB COUBTT WOOL STOCK IB8 TAJBHS AT LO WIST CASH FBI0BS. JOII S. GIVLEB-, O mad 8 Kerth Qemm BtrMt, J. B.MAJtTIS00. AT IOC. EACH. Well Bound, Splendid Selection, Fxoellent Prints i..FhlScn7arrHBi?fem ,h8lttb- Celebrated Authers ! ALU TUB WOllKB OF BERTHA M. CLAY, WILK1B COLLINS, ROBERT BUCHANAN, R. D. BLAOKMORB, M. E. BRADDON, WALTER BESANT, HUGH CONWAY, THE " CODNTESa," THE DTJT0HKS8," CHARLK8 DICKENS, KLORENOK MARRYAT, LORD LYTTON AND MANY OTHKK3. J. 6. MARTIN & CO. S TAMM HHOT11KKH, GOING ! GOING ! GONE! Valuable Besjdcss Property -AT- ASSIGNEE'S SALE. OnFUIDAY,AUGU8Tir,at8 p. rn ., will be offered, at the Cooper Deuse, the very destra ble business property, Ne., ss and 7 MOBTU Q.UBXN BT (across from PostefUoe) as the property el Stamm Brethers, consisting- et its feet lli Inches front, extending- back te a depth et 245 teet, mere or less, with a three (8) story Shep fronting en Christian street, nsed as a manufactory. Alse right of way through three (5) feet alley and stairway te second story. The Stere Beem is one of the finest and best adapted ler general mercantile business te be found anywhere, having lately been re ro re medeled by the ewners. Bald store room Is 28 feet UVi Inches wide and 100 feet lung, venti lated and lighted In the meat Improved style. Parties can view the premises by calling en Messrs. Btamm Bres,, or the assignee. W. F. BBYBB, Assignee. Taos. J. Davis, Attorney. 3 WEEKS MORE AND TUB Great Closing Sale AT Stamm Bres., Nes. 35 Si 37 North Queen Street. 'WILL END. Prem new no effort will be apaiel te close out the balanee of the stock $500 A DAY SAVED TO BUYER 3. The season Is wm need te buy fait appreacllnj when yen Woolen Dress Goods Why net bjy new and ve your rxjrtiem -AT TUB BOSTON STORE. ,1,111)1! Hard Beeks cjtersTi. ASKEW AXBOa.9MABDi iwxaTJUKaaTstBXT. I.JERCHANT TAILOKINQ. HAGER a BROTHER. Herehint Taileiine DEPARTMENT. A PBBFKCT FIT aUABABTBBD. Mli-SffUHMM Special IcImIImm. Scotch And English Chariet. OUBVIOT BUITINGS.J HOLISH I 0HBV1OT BUlTlNaS, SMjOOTO SSS.0O. S3.00TOSSS.0B. S7S.00TO ISVOO. ts8.U0TOsaB.00. Tbs above ar THB LATBST m Plaids and Btrtpas; TaecLOSlKO PBlOKa wUi Warrant an Br- aminatlen. CHBVIOT TO 11600. OUBVIOT BUIT1BU8,J0.00 TO SHOO. Desirable Ihln MaterlalB for Bummer Wear Wilt be found In our assortment of Worst eds, Flannels, Barges, Drap Desus, Mehairs, lougees. IMPOBTBD LINBK VBSTIMU8. L1NKH vxsriBea. WU1TB Hager & Brether, 25 Si 27 West Klag Street. R EDUCED PRICES. t. GANSMAN & BRO. Tbe Great Stcriflce Silt -OF- UWi, BOrS AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHIKQ Will Continue for a Few Day Lenger. We Offer UUEAT BABQAlMtt te Bcduee Stock. MEN'S BUSINESS SUITS at 11.(0,11.50, IS 90. MEM'S DBKBS SUITS At I0M S7.00, S8.00, S10.00. MEN'S FINK PBINOK ALBBBT SUITS at ri ou, iu oe, sie.00, sis.00. PANTS at (IOC, OSc, lie, fOe, 1.00, .28,L75, S100, S3.M, SJ.00. MEN'S BEKIISUCKBK COAT AND VEST, B8C BOY'S BEBBSUCKBIt COAT AND VEST, jmc BOY'S BUIT8 at S2.00, ?.M, $3,00, $1,00, N. S800,$7.CIO. OlIILOBEN'S SUITS at$L29, $1.75, tlOC, $160. $3,00. Five Hundred Pairs OIIILDBBN'S -ODD PAN1H20O, 6c, 3Se. BOO, 750, $1.00. O teat Bargains. Pantat.oenb TOOBDBB, $1.10, $1.50, $40J, $5.00. ' KBMIMBBB these 'liargalea cannot he duplicated. If son want them come at once. L. (Jaflian d Bra., S.W.OOBNMB NORTH QUBHN He ORANGE BTfl LAB0A8TBB, PA. Hands Wanted en Yeats. Geed (Prices Paid. M TERS A RATHFON. THE PRICES ARE DOWN. Tne Gat we have Made en Our Prices coyera all Grades and Kinds. Let us remind you that we have our eye constantly en the Reliability of our Clothing, aid we'relpleased te say it's well ap preciated by the rurclutfleg public. All Goods Marked at M.'d Season Prices, and If Jyeu're in need of Clothing you rnlss a geed chance if you don't call en us. Myers & RathfeB, BEL1AULK CLOTH1IKS, NO. 12 BAST KINO BT. I.ABCABTBB PA. rOH HALM OS HMNT. HOU8KH FOR HALE ON THE MOST liberal terms, en West Chestnut. Wal nut. Lemen. Mary, Pine and Charlette streets. Apply at unwind B02 NOBTU MABY 8TBBET. F OR RENT FROM APRIL 1, 188, fareu erstsrm of tun. Lha Btraabnrir Ballread, with Ceal and Cumber Yard, tw are are seu te, Locomotive aiidCars all In geed and running order. The lease of this valuable property presents a rare opportunity te any party desiring te engage In a pleasant, well misuiun ana preuihiue eusiness. rex con dltlena. rent or ether Information annlv le TBOB. OX UXBBV BAUMUAsUlMltB. Sat-tM Lanewtsr CltyTPa.