ae ; a-w iV T'TJ" 'JiSLWTrciSS. .' "- " . WW r1 ,'t ; ; ' TILE LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 8, 1888. T 5. 4 ' ,-, r uv Ki. H3S im- ms. vr." m. a En E'Sf 1ST- &.- r I? It re- life l& 3" 4 J It 0' Yt V" v. ft s,1 The Dally Intelligencer. jjAAOASTEB. AUQUBT 8. USSS. inn l-rtllnncm tDl)ll8htt fill thO vCl5eip!itcnewef the United rrc np te iVBt8-The Dally Kflltlen of Tn iKtatU- - w!ii-wa liit rftrf-lnm In the cltT TJ . sk IMMITHKHIUIU UUU. "' ..A .nrmnnfllnff towns for loe. per week t fcy nasi, tHCO a yearj 160 for ilx months. (MBioruireeinonuiBi nucpermu"" ra wmir lintugnea (Deuble Snoot) Wfbt rages, only .80 per annum. In a4 "O ibcrtbr wishing their aaamM chanrcd AavertlsomenU from 10 te ets.per llne ich Insertion, aocerOlns te location. B XU INXBLMU MCSB, Mi UICUW, lk p3" v"iHleplioT'CennecUon sift rxiwmra Lairraw aw v - - ---- - r.:. MTtueic! ! "-.-' -":.. llEINU -It. Ui..- n a 1 WKIK. THE nuuivanj ",? V " CAI0ID AS Om AS DK9IRI0. Head or the Army. The death of General Sheridan leaves Majer General Schefleld at the head of the army list. It would purzle a Phlla- delDhla lawrer te tell who Is the real head et the curious Eet of bene3 that passes for the army of these United States. The president Is cemminder-ln-chlef, but dec3 net Issue orders or assume actual control. The adjutant general is supposed te sup ply the military knowledge necessary for the conduct of army affaire by a civilian, and this efflcer appears te be the real custodian et the power implied by the sounding titles of ethers. There are new thice rnnjer generals en thellst who rank according te the dates of their commissions. This arrangement is awkward enough, but the president., actlnjt through the adjutant general, could greatly simplify matters in case et war. In times of peace the old generals care very llttle about the adjutant gen eral's rule of matters military, and find enough te de without quarreling with him, but if war should ceme there may ba same dignlfied noses broken in the scramble for thsreal control of theio theie vlving army. The president could upe bis discretion In the matter regardless of commission dates, and could evon con tinue the rule of Drum. I.I Hung Clinng. A curious tale comes from Australia of the plans of China for a big war in three yearj from date. Chinese affairs nre managed with a sublime delibera tion that has been the admiration and despair of Western diplomats, but that she should calmly do de clde upon a war three years from date and set te work pteparing for it is hardly te be believed. It is mere probable that the treuble given by her emigrants in Australia and ether countries is te be used as a pretext for strengthening the military force of the empire with a view te the conquest et Cerea, nnd perhaps the resistance of liussian encroachments. Viceroy Li is a crafty nnd unprincipled man, as civilized men measure principle, and whatever his plans may be it is clear that military strength has great value te Mm. Before he dies he may be emperor et China. " This man, who is new accused of lies tile designs ngalnst the .Kugllali, is the same who narrowly escaped death in the Tdl Ting rebellion nt the hands of Gen eral Gorden, the here of Khartoum, lie bad criered the execution of rebel chiefs who bad surrendered en Gorden's guaran tee of safety, and en hearing of this per fidy, the outraged Englishman sought for III with a leaded revolver. If he had found him the fate of modern China might lnve been very different. The position et China with regard te foreign war, is similar in some respects te our own. She has little te fear by land, for her troubles with Jtussla nre hardly mere serious than our own with Canada and England. Slie can mass her untrained millions for useless slaughter by Euro pean soldiers, but alie has little te fear from the latter because of the great cost and risk of transporting armies ever the sea. Hut her sea coast and comnierce nre at the mercy of ho3tlle navies, and, like us, she is awakening te the need of ships and forts. Where Is the Heard of Health .' Where is the beard of health ? If Lan caster ever needed such an organization, teas need exista new. The Intense heat et the last fire days has caused the do de composition of nil long exposed animal and vegetable matter, and the sickening stench and disease-breeding decnylrii been breathed out upon the town. Ther who live in the vicinity of people who keep open slop barrels in these intense August days are in great danger therefrem, for there is ae better friend of the undertaker than vitiated air. Meanwhile the mayor and councils are at variance ever the question whether the old beard et health, appointed by the court of common pleas, is in existence, or whether the city councils ought te pass the new ordinance which gives this appointment te the mayor. It is only a question of tweedledum or twecdiedee. "What the people want is a beard of health, and they want its protection right new. The City nud the Sea. In this very warm weather our city is only at a disadvantage as compared with seashore towns in the lack of an ocean. It will probably be found that the aver age temperature of the lower Jersey coast does net differ greatly from the average In Lancaster, and the only thing we need te tttrt business as a Drst-class Hummer resjrtisatectien of ocean and a supply of mosquitoes. New there Js a great deal of nonseme about the ocean idea, and many of the people who visit the leach de net care at a'l for bathing in suit or still water. Toey like the salt air and the crowd, the social pleasures, dressing and brass bands, anl above all, they like the geed living at high price in the great hotels. Sjmeday the wind of fashion will set this way and the unequalled markets of Lan:aster will give her control of thi3ele xnent of summer pleasure seekers. The ten-d)llar-a-week clerk Mill find out sooner or later the felly of flvedellar-a-day hotels and the excellence et fare In thecountysatef the nation's garden spot. Possibly by that time we may have a aataterium that will supply in a measure the plac of the ocean and cau be trusted net ie rise up and overturn the dignity et an inexperienced bather. Let these who really enjoy ocean go te it and be happy, but let these who de net give up all shallow pretence and lite from the Mailng sand and land brazes te the hills gt JVuasjlvania. It leeks although King Death Is getting ready te summon Kobett Uatrelt, the Baltimore railroad millionaire. The bigger the reception te ninlue, ilie Krcater becomes the lnslgnlncftuce et Har rison. TiiKUti used te be aeuie doubt as te liew Jehn H. Landls wen the sobriquet el the "Maner statesman." These who read his argument concerning the beceflt of a hlRh .protective tariff for farmers will soe clearly into the roaiena for this satirical deslK"- tien. . m m 1 tin, Jenx U. Laii18 shows te his own satisfaction that the farmers et Lancaster county are protected ene thousand dollars worth each, ue migni new enieriain mm seirandthe publle by llgurlng ent Just hew mueh each of these farmers pays for this protection, what Is the total value of manufactured articles consumed by the fwmers, and the total of the tariff en the ume. We cannot soe the otber slde of the moon, but It probably rosemblcs the slde that Is shown te us. It Is satd that the coal cpsraters of the Uleatfleld region have been enabled te cap ture the market for this your by a Blmple and sharp plcce of strategy praetlsed by the Pennsylvania railroad management. The story runs that lierwlnd, Whlte A Ce., and ether large operators made large oentracta borerotho announcement or ireigui raics, and when the Pennsylvania and Heading management had agroed upon n uniform tariff for both read, It was found by tbe Heach Creek men that the Pennsylvania railroad Hhlppers had taken all tbe busi ness. Tbe Uloarneld county operators hd in ado contracts Just bofero the sharp ad vance et freights te the flgurcn agreed upon by the two railroads, and se they and their read are resplng the beneUt. Tin: lani03ratle slate oimmlttte will meet In Harrlsburg at 2 p. tn. en TueHJay, Augnst 23, at the llolten honse,te nomlnale a candldste for auditor general, and te transact Buch ethor business as may prop erly ceme belore It. Tin Indian K'ftuts aioelatlon has pub lishtd the ronerl of thelr agent. Prof. U. U Pitlnter, en the oemlltlon of affairs In Indian Territory and UallfjrnU. This gcntleman tells what he knows nd thinks In a way that Inspires confidence, and it lsclearat least that hetH n reasonable man and no inore dreamer of Ideal J ustlce. Alter a brlef iovIew el the causes of rocent Indian wars he reoclies the following sullable conclusien: "We uity ni well settlu It first as lest, and better no ' than Itt ir,thatsuehan lmtnonfce territory ,t new 1 1 in vacant and werse than useless under the shadow of eldtreatlis, can never, ai n matter el fact, be held for such tlme as the Indian, left te hlmtelf, may baable te utlllzi It atidoause It te con tribute what It U capable of doing te meet the world's cry for loed. Hut a buoceshIuI appeal may be hopelully made te the Auintlcan ponple ns agtlnst essential and absolute Injtistioe and oruel wreu, and this appeal should be promptly and distinctly made." The report gives In detall tbe con dition of each trlbe, and If It is as froe from partisan bias n 11 Appears te be, should prove e( creU value te the administration In ihe guKlance of ludlan affairs. PEKSONAL. l)!t Wll.MAM PlII'I'lJIl'S gift Of H Villi!- nble tneiltcul library nud un nddltlcnal subscription nt tn.000 te the library fund of the University of Pennsylvania, bus benn sccepUul tiy the trustee. Hi:v. Katiiijii K. O'Buannkian, pastor et the Maercd linnrt Uatholle euutch, of Bliaren, Pa, ene of the besl known prlfHts in the Krie illoceso, dled en TtK'Hdny, Beil 0. years, of strangulated hernia, lie was educated In Mnynenth, Ireland, was a claiumate or Archbishop ityan, nnd Imd been ennuocted with the Krlodlrreee for thirty years. He built up the church mmubeishlii from 1100 te 1,C00, and paid nil a debt el f IS. 000 In a fewyuarv. Ai.ritnn It Axir.s, tbe young principal whom the llrldgetuu, N. J., eobnel beard disnilssed from the public school becaucn el Ids secret marrlage te a 1! year-old pup I who had JitBt Krnduatnd Irem the Hcboel, has nccepicd the position of principal nt the Uedarvllle, N. J., publle school. He will omtlnue te held ltrlititoten pecuniarily re re re sponsible for his dlamUsal, having tnken legal advlce te tbe ill cot that this can te doeo notwithstanding bis acosptance et tbe ethor position. Mims Mahy A.Ntu:useN Is mueh nn nnyed by "the pestilential nulsancen who wrlte for nutecrnphs." it is understood, and has Hoeordlngly Invonted a plan for dealing with them. Hhe has hadnBpcclmen of her writing llthographed, and her manager, It Is uasorted, sandH enah appli cant n copy thoreof, with n prlnted card Hayleji: ".MIhs Andersen desires me te enclose you her autograph, as you request, and tn say hew sorry she la that the matter has net bud her nttontlen ero this." IJei.ONin. PuitKtNH, of Norwich, Conn , hasJuHtcelcbratt'tl blsonehundrodth birth day. A correpoudent saya that "the colenol Is still In aotlve bimlneHn, having been treasurer nf the Norwleh it Worces ter railroad of which he was ene of the In. osrperatori, In lMO almett sluce Ha estab. llshment, nnd he draws his checks and leeks ever the important buslnrss papers of hl position rh keenly and as tinerrlngly at the present tlme as he haa at nny period during the last OjyeatP. In truth, be leeks te be many years ou the right side of 100 " Coi.em:i. OKOiinu Giiisen, of the Klfth Infantry, V. H A., eaiuuiuudant at Pert Hltss, Texas, died very Ntiddenly at Vuga, N. M whero he had geno ter a rout. The remains will be oent te Car lisle, p,i., for burial Colonel Gibsen was the second son of the Inte t'ulef Justice Jehn it. Ulb Ulb sen, nf Pennsylvania, and was born at Uarllale In l&tt He was apfoiuleU a mili tary B'.erekveper In the regular army in ISM, At the outbreak of the war In 1SU1 he was coinmlskilenoit eiptaln of the Kleventh lnlantry, wen a brevel as major lu the bat tle of Gettysburg, and another as lieutenant-colonel for gallant and meritorious ser vices during the operations resulting In the surrender et General Lee's army. He be eine mj r lu the First Infantry, January 12, ISO!); lieutenant oelouel of the Third ln lantry, March 'JO, IST'J, and colonel of the Pdtb lufautry ou August 1, lSi0. .Iim Wanted te Knew. A geed Illustration et the beauties of the tarlll wasrelated teuiu yesterday, said Hen. G. 1). .Nichols, of New Oanan, Oenn. One of our lccal Daiuecruts named Jim Davana a shoemaker, has a wife who works as a talleress, Thore Is a certaln clothing mauu facturer here who Is a rampant Kepubllein and proselytes wherever and whenever he can. He met D ivana en the street a day or se age, ami he began le get In bis work en Jim. He told him hew the Kfjmbllcan party protected tbn Amerlcan workman, and declared that If the tarlll was reilueed the country wouidBetothodoainlilon bow wows. Jim listened attentively and then said te the merchant: "My boy went te your clothing stere the ether day te buy a pair el panlM, uldn'the?' 3 ' "YtH," replifd the merchant, "and you asked t" DO ler thorn J 'Ye, but they were all wool and a line pair " "I knew that," replied Dtvana, "out my wile made that sauif pair et pant ler y u for 31 cent. New IM like tokuew whote the ether t7. 10 gees te." The manufacturer loekod at Jim lu horror and thou il parted. Elnp d Willi An llclrs. Miss May aluntlne Yalebasbrr. t, ping at l.ake GeorROier bvu, ..ui with her mother and friend, it. Pitts, et New Yerk, the latter's husband. Mr. Pitts is the young tjlil'H guardian ai well as Htop Htep ftlhftr. Mini Yale made the acquaintance there of P.URene J, Iliasell, Jr., son of a prominent business man, and quite a beu in ttiatelty's most elect clrclta. The ac quaintance neon iened Inte love, but the gin's guardian would net consent te her marriage. Mist Yaln Is au helreis. Oa Saturday young Mr. Hlssell drove her twenty milbs ever a plank read te Glen Palls, where they wre married. Then they drove baek and informed Mr. Fitts. lie separated the bride and groom and en Tuesday took Mrs. HU HU aellie New Yerk. The young husband will fellow, however, te claim his bride. rropeiert T Cal'grspn. , Frem tbe Dottelt ree I'reis. Yeung Thnba Is geed builness man, but outside of business he Is net sueh geed manager. He had a beautiful typewriter, one et the psrfoet kind, aged nineteen years, better than new, with laughing btue eyes. Having fallen In love with It, he one day sat down beslde It and told it that he wanted te dlctate a letter of leve te his sweothearL It went te work mechanically : "My dearest angel, I leve you deeply, devotedly j no otber being could ever In. spire In my heart Buch a fervent and last ing alleotlen, and I take this method of laying at your feet my life, my love, my honor and my fortune. Will yen accept these ? Answer immedlatnlv. (Your sin core levor, "H. Tiiuns." ' There It Is," said the typewriter. Te whom Is It addressed ?" "Te your own dear neir," said Thubs, with a volce that would tnake a lemonade shaker. " And you want a reply ?' " Ves, my precious one," "Well, you shall have It In the same manner ; take this aeat at the Instrument, Heady ?' "Mn Tiiuni : " Uraii Bin Yours of this Instant re ceived ; contents neted. In reply I beg te state that your offer Is nzceedlngly kind and worthy, but thore is a bar which would prevent Us acceptance " "Htep," said Thntw. "Why should there be a bar between us ?' " Well, you write en " 11 My marriage last Thursday night with Mr. J. Hqulggs, rendert ' lint Mr. Thubt' distant foeUtepa were echoing down the corridors el no tlme at all. and In next mernlnu's rmner wa AaTANTKD-A. YOUNG liADYTYPE- TT ViltlTEIt. li. mints. Killed lijn KleUileUerrcnt. In Atlsntle City, enTtirsday nlghl,I,euls Mund, age H yearr, of Philadelphia, was Instantly billed by grasping an eleetrla light wlre. He, his brother and another boy wero playing nn the reef of Albrccht's hetel, when they wero called te ceme down. In gettlng down young Mund grasped tbe wire, whero a splice had been made and whom; there was no insulation, te steady himself. The cunenthnd Just Leen turned en, and he received Its full loreo, Htaggered anil tell dead. Ills body vim picked up and all posslble means moil te riHtore him, but without avail. 1 he Kitrimcn te the Ualaraiulm Is no', morn forbidding Hum a mouth Clsman tlca of teeth. This flUHtfiinitnent la Inmost Instance, the consequ'nee of u want of atten tion te them tn jeatli, but Is happily provenl Ible, with HOZODONT, used, in a stump speaker ence nred his auditors te vote, "curly anil etUin," This stiple aitlcle Is n thoroughly reltable means of lenileilng tbe teeth ornmnental and servlcutble. Tbaprtss and medical profession endersu It. r.M.WAw HI'JiOlAlj NOTIOEti. Nvir (Ilia lt. II you am troubled wlih nervous or sick he ulurlin, de net Klve up youre'ireus tncuru tileiintlt yiiu have tilud lr l.enllit'a Hneclal l'resiilp.len, Bee the itstliiienlulb In another column. (12 feeine lllllilit tlin Hilda And the motives el ltsnnlhnrs tint nnne who liaveusen iheindentittliuelllOtey el Murdoch Jl.neil ltiltcrx. This siilenilld tilmid tonie Is wltrienltt pr l'er Hide by II. Jl. Cochran, drngKist, 137 and 1 Werth Uuecu street, enter. Tlirfiir Aitj:i.1ii, "Troubled with asthma or elirlit vears. Net quun two unities or Jhemnr Kcicctrte Oil mitea iiiiiceinpieuuy, nriersminainKove overf3'u without the slightest uonertt." This Is what August Trubner, el Tyiene. rn., Bays, for pnle by II. II. Cochran. driiKglst, 117 and IX) North Oneen street l.itncimter. n'AMAMAJilClftl Closed at i p. m. en Saturdays. When you come te the city bear in mind that Wanamaker's is a meeting and resting and waiting place as well as the biggest store in the world. There are reading and sitting and retiring rooms for you ; telephone, telegraph, and mail facilities. Your parcels will be cared for without charge. We try te make you welcome whether you care te buy or net. cm inu SQUAW L j u JUMIPt h WANAMAKER'S l4Acres fLOOFSpACE PHILADELPHIA J IHIItrCCMH'it i 1 r is no Yeu knew that there worthy het weather (or weather) thing for wear home use but we have it. any or If you can't ceme le the store, write for whatever you want, samples or goods. Shopping by mail has come te be simple and certain. A few scratches of a pen, and all the facilities of the store are yours. JOHN WANAMAKER, Philadelphia. UOSU'LKXIOX VO WDKli QOM1M.KX10N POWDKK. LADIES WllO VAI.UK A KKFINKII COill'LKAION Muar use POZZONI'S MKIHO&TKD COMPLEXION POWDER. It Imparts a brtllliuit transparency te the skin. Ilouievrs till plmplas, truckles unit uls uls uls coleratloiiH, and mks the sltln delicately soft nnd beautttul. It contains nnlliue, white, leid or ar-tenln in threu shades, pink or tlesh 1.1.41 Itutl lilUUULle. reit U.M.K UY All Drugglata Hui Fttney Qoedfl Doalera lvorywbero. (WIIKWAKK OK IM1TAT1UN8.-S apwi lvd QVKKXSWAKH. yWM A MARTIN. Fruit Jars ! - Fruit Jars I AT CHINA HALL; Uhu ld "Unflard MAM)N KUU1T JAlt In 1'luts, Quurtf, llall-UalleEs, AT 1.0WKST l'KICKS. Tie I.1Q1IT.N1NU JAlt has no Buparler, U K&sbir Opened and Cleted, Made of liutler Metal und Is ltellable. Try them. HIGH & MARTIN, Ne. 15 East Kim? Street, J.ANUABTICU, VA. "CTOOD'H HAltHAPARlLLA. Almest a Wreck It ti otten tht caie that a person get Inte a ren down condition, the cause of which It is almost Impossible te determine, rromaweak rremaweak rromaweak ened system and Impure bleed, mere and mero sorlent dlsorderi appear, until the comtlto cemtlto comtlte lion breaks flown ana semaflcflnlta powerful dlsease gains a Arm held. When that tlrefl feel ing comes en It should be overcome at any cesti Heed's Sirsapirilla should be taken te revive the declining power, restore the appe tite and vitalize the bleed. 1 feel It my duty te teU what I think et Heed's Sarsaparllla I was In a very peer state of heallh for several months ! for four weeks I was unable te work, and nothing seemed te be what I neeftcd. My sppetlUi was peer, 1 cenld net sleep, had head ache a great flail, pains In the small of the back, my boweU iim net move regularly. Why 1 1 seemed almost a complete wreck. In this condition 1 began te take Heed's Barsa part 1 1 a. and tn a short tlme It did me ae much geed that I feel Like a New Man I cin't beiln te tell all the geed it did me. My pains and aches are relieved, my tppetlLe Im proved. Had 1 realized hew much geed a sin sin gle bottle el Heed's Sarsapirllla would de me, 1 would glaliy have paid ten dollars for It. I guy te ethers who need a geed raedlclnn, try Heed's Sarsaparllla and see." tiieBus r. Jack Jack eon, ltexbury Station, Conn. Heed's Barsaparilla Sold by all druggists. II I six for IS. l'rcpirefl only by 0. I. HOUU ft CO., LeweU, Mass. 100 Desos One Dellar. Y KK'S PILLS. "Try Ayer's Pills." Fer Itheiiinallsin, Neura'gla and Gout. Btepheu l.ansleg, of Yenkers, N. Y , says: ' Itecommendod ai a euro for chronte Cos Ces Cos tlveness, Ayer's 1'llls have relieved me from that trouble and also from (10UT. If every victim nf this dlseasn -would heed only thiwe words or mine, 1 could banish Gout Irem the land. Ihcse words would be-' try Ayer's i'ltls.'" " by the wre of Ayer's fills alone, 1 currd myself permanently of iheumallsm, which had treiiblnd mn several months. ThPIO IMUs nre ut ence harmless and effectual, and. I be lieve, weuia prove u specinc in an ensoser Itulplent RHEUMATISM. Ne medlclne could hurossrved me In belter stfad." c. V. jieck, Ciruir, Avoyelles far Isb, La. C K. Ilepblns, Nnvada City, writes: ' I have limit Ayer's I'll Is for silicon years, and 1 think theyaru the best Tills In the world. Wn keen u box el them In the house nil the time, 'i'liey have cured ma of sick headache nnd neurnfKW. Hlncn tuninir Ajer's 1'llle, I have been tiee Irem theee complaints." I , have derived ureal benellt from Ayer's Tills, five yours airy 1 wan taken se 111 with rh umallsm that 1 wnsnnitble todeany work, 1 took three limes or Ayer's I'llls und was en tirely cured. Mnce thai timn lam never with out u box of thote pills." l'eler Ohristeuseu, enerwoea, wis. AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS. rnirARBD ut Dr. J. O. Ayer Si Ce., Lewoll, Mass. He'il by Drugijlsu nnd Pcifumers. miRnuii: IM 1 It O V K I) CUdUlONKD KAK UUUMtJ. (JURIS VOK TUK DEAK. l'eck'a l'atent Improved Lushlenad Far llrums perfectly r store hearing and perform tli'i weik of the nalurul drum, invlslblocom invlslblecom invlslblocem lurtitbluandalnuys In position. All conver sation and evon whlsers heard dlstlnetly. Hend for illustrated book with testimonial.. VltKK. Address or call en r. HISUOX.8&3 Hreadway, New Yerk. JjM.SwflU.W.rAw tiUMMKK JiKaOKTH. MeOl.lN'lOUIC OOlTAOK,"cOUNER C'entrnl Ave. and McCllnteck Ht,, Ocean Greve, N. J i central location; near audito rium, pnsteltlcn, lake, ncenn and Imthtne KreunOs. 'Jerms, ti,tn$12 per week, 8pclal rates toexcuislunlsta Mils. A. W. I.lVl.aSTON, JyS3-lmt1 box 30. T UK "CllAI.KONTK," Ocean Knd of Werth Carolina Avenue, ATLANTIC UITY. N. J K, K01IKKT3 A 9UiB, upr 41-1 nil A TLANT10 UITV. ' CIIESTKH COUNTY HOUSE. This thoroughly conirnrtable and well known heuse U new open. 'xwnnty-etKhtb fe.isen. Hume manuKemenr, Coel and de llKhtful location very ueurtlm ea. jtinli-Smd JKKIMA80NS. A TliANTIO OITY, N. J. HOTEL NORMANDIE (Formerly Hetel Ashland.) TNOIV Ol'KN.-t UKFOUNISIIKI). - . KKMODKI.KL), UKNOVATKD. JOS. H.FI.ANIUKN, .IB. mat l-lmd.Mar.Apr.J uly, Anit. A TIjANTIO OITY, N. J. THE MANSION. ATI.ANTIU CITY, N. J. L'irKest Most Convenient Hetol. KleKantly Furnished. Liberally UanaRed Coach teand trein 1 touch and .Trains. Orchestra Music. (J HAS. MeUIiADi, frep. W. K.CeaiinAM. Chief Clerk. lebKemd CTOL'KTON HOl'KU CAl'K MAY, N.J. Ol'KNS JUNK 30,-New ownership. New MnnuRflinent. Newly rurntshed. Porfeot ApiMiintiuunts. 1'epuiar Trices, rinest beach lu the world. r.THKO. Walten, Proprietor. lualO let d l.ntoelHU James IInt-l, N.V. Tirr. GKKTNA l'AHK. Mt. Gretna Park, KOU KXCU113IONS ANU l'lONICS. This l'ark is locited tn the heart of tha Seuth Mountain en the llnu of thu Cornwall ft Lebanon Kailrewl, Nine tnlles leuth of the City of Lebanon, within easy dlalance of HarrlsburR, lleudliiir. Lanntster, Columbia anil all points en the Philadelphia A Ueadlntr and Pennsylvania iiullreids. The grounds are Urge, covering hundreds of acres, and are FltKK TO ALL. The conveniences nre a large Uanrlnir Pa vilion, a gpscleus l)lnlri( Hull, Twe Kitchens. llHKKUKO and Ceat ltoenu, whlle the arranue menu rer atnuseuienta censtat of iroquetnnd Hall Oreunds, ltewllntr Alley, Htioetlnu Ual lery Quoits, Kt5., Kic. Tables ler Lunehnrx. Kustlc Heats und llenchea are scattered throughout the grounds. TUK at'ATK KIVLK UANOK Of the National Ouard of Pennsylvania has been located at ML Urelna, and the MtlUrv Kltle Pmctlce, from Ume te time at the ttanirit, will constitute a new attraction te visitors Anether attraction Is LAltJCCONKWAQO, Cevering nearly twenty acies en which nre placed a number of elegant New lteau. and aniiig the banks of which are pleasaut walks and lovely aconery. OHSKitVATlONGAUS Will be run en the line el the Cornwall A Leb anon lialiread, or will be lent.te dlirerent points, when practicable, ter the accommoda tion of oxcundeu parties. They are sale pleustnt and convenient. ' Patties desiring it can procure Meals at the Park, us thu Dining Hall will he underthnsu- "iiivi.iuu in c ai. nuuii, ei the Lebanon Valley meuse. Theso who wish te spend n day In the Mountains can And no place se beauti ful or atterdlng se much pleasure as Mr. Urelim sU INTOXIOTINtl DUINK8 a LOWKDONTHK PHKMISKS. U" rer Kxcnrslen lttea and nnneni inm. maileD, upply te NED IRISH, Pnp't C. A L.llollread, Lab&non, Pa. JlAXDHKJiVJUHFU. JJaNllANNA UAJSJJKhnuUIKt'a OKT VOUlt Bandanna Handkerchiefs 3, 5 and 10 Cents, AT- ERISMAN'S, JVO. 4S WXS'l KINO S'J. -Next Uoer te Bayler's Photograph Ual. j TOBACCO. e hD HONESTT. INOUK POrULABBItAND Old Honesty W1U bolennda combination net always te de eaa, A. riNK QUALITY Or PLUG TOHACCO AT A UKASONABLK 1'UICA Loek for the red H tin tag en eaeh plug, FIRST-CLASS ARTICLE 1N- Chewing Tobacco. DON'T FAIL TO GIVK OLD rIONESTY A r AIB TKIAL. " Aakyoerdealorforlt. Uon'ttakeanyether. JNO.FINZER&BROS, LOUISVELIiB, KY, ci me r aoeDU. Ol'KOIAIi I1AKUA1NH. WATT &SH AND SPECIAL BARGAINS. Uurlrg our Pf ml annual Clearing Bale we are elbrlng Kxtiuerdlnaiy Uargalus In each and evtry departmuut. The bulance nf our stock el Spring and Snmmer Dress Goods IncludlnpSIHrg, llla'kard To'erod Ilnnrlettss, bethln All-Weel ana lltc Watped, Itlackand colored Cashmtrr, Delieges, and a large as as as sortmentef All-Weel cloth buttings are new being closed out Urgardless of Cost. BPKCIAL VALUES 1.1 I.AD1KV, UKNT'B AND CHIJ.DKEN'S GAUZE UNDERWEAB. GUKAriliUC. AINSIN TABLE LINENS AND TOWELS. One hundred denen All Linen Knotted Krlnge 1 owels at l'2Xe. rut v duzen Large air. Enetled Fringe Tow els, 17e. ene hundred drzen Kxtra rine Quality Knotted rlnge Damask nnd ltlrd eye at 25c. Fitly dozen Hath Towels at 5e each. One bundr.d dozen Kxtra Large, Geed Quality Uath Towels at l.'Xe. SPECIAL I Onn ease of Sateens, aoed Styles, Perfect Ooeds, only 60 n yaid. We opeq tu-day eeveral cases el New Cali coes, Dark Fall Patterns, AT THE New Yerk Stere, 6. 8 &s 10 EAST KINO BT. sv EC I ALLY LOW l'RIOES. Eemnant Sale -AT THE- The People's Cash Stere NO. 25 EAS'l" KINO ST., -UOMMENC1NQ MONDAY,AUGUST6, We will eiler JCveiy.hlng In the Heuse la the Shape of an Odd Length or Hem nant, at Specially Lew Pricas Ii order te make a C.'ean Sive3i of Spring mul Summer Goods, anl there! y make room for OUR FALL STOCK "Which will seen le ccm'ng !r, The People's Cash Stere, LANUABTllH.PA. irrrlt-ivdAw EDUCATIONAL. T UK Yeates Institute. (IthV. UOSTdOMKltV H, IIOOPE1L 41. A., Headmaster,) will UKOPKN FOll THE YKAtt lSJ-9, ON MONDAY, BBPTBMBEB 3, 1888 Mr. lloepor premises specially thoreuarh Ins ructleu in Matheinailcc. Penuianshrp, linkkeeplri;and the usual KnglUh tUudtes. He burs te nay. also, that having taut ht for inorethiu a quarter of arentury.he hal fitted boys Ionian aid. Vale, Princeton, Celntubia. Amherst, Trinity. West Point, aud Annan. "Uls. and ha never had a eandldate ler admlksjen rejected. Five or six lieys will be received Inte tha family et the headmaster. "aiaieua Circulars by matt or at Mr. Fen Deramlth'a Ilnok8tern. " 'f'tn'win'onn'tlen apply t0 the Head- Ne. 305 North Duke Street. JlyJ-JeldTThA3 CLerminw. ASKEW OK MR. - AT OS.;UI AMU 230 WIST KINO STitKKT. 0.7-lrl jyTBRCUANT TAILORING. HAGER a BROTHER. Merchant Tailoring DEPARTMENT. A I'KltriLT FIT QUAKANTCKU. Mid-Summer Special Redactions. Scotch and English Cheviots. BCOTOU ( CHEVIOT BU1T1NU3, 1 KQL18H ) CUKVIOX aumNUe.l 178 M TO 175 00. i-a oe te ru.oe. 18.00 TO J00. r-s.ue te oe. The above are THE LATEST in rialds ana Stripes. The CLOSING PBtCKS wlU Warrant an Kx- amlnatlen. GUKVIOT SUITINGS, .(0 TO lid 00. CHEVIOT BU1TINGS, 120.00 TO IH.OO. Desirable Ihln Materials Bummer Wear for Will be found In onrufsertment of Worst eds, Flannels, aeries, Drap DeEt.s, Mebulrs, Poiirces.; IM POUTED LINEN VKSTING3. LINEN VKSrtNGS. WHITE Hager & Brether, 25 & 27 West King Street. jDKDUOKD PRICKS. L. GANSHAN & BRO. The Great Sacrifice Sale OF MEN'S, BOY' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING Will Contlnne for a Few Hays Lencor. We Orrar GuKATllAUUAINb te lttduce titeck. MKN'S IIUSINKSS SUITS at 1150, $1 50, $5 Ml, MKN'3 UUE9S SUITS at (0.(0,17.09,18.00, 110 00. MKN'S FIWK PHINOK ALBEUT SUITS at 112. 01, lit 00, I1C.00, fig 00. pants at cec. axs. lie, roc, n.ce, ii.u, i 73, 12.00, n co, $3.(w. MEN'S 8EEU3UCKKR COAT AND VEST, 85C. BOX'S BKEttSUCKElt COAT AND VEST, Ji3c HOY'S SUITS at (2.00, .50, 13.00, 1100,1150, tC0J,7.(0. ' CHILDllEN'B BUITS at $1 25, 11.75, I2.0C, 12.50. 13.00. Five Hundred Palra CHILnilKN'S OOD PANTS, 20C, 25c. 35c 50;;, 750, tl 00. Great Bargains, pantaloons tuekdeh, $i 10, $ j.50, (4 0J, $5.00. 1IK.MSMBKH these IlarKalns cannot ba duplicated. 11 ion want them ceme atom e. L. GaBsman d Bre., S.W.OORNBR NORTH QUEEN & ORANQB BIB LANCASTKB, PA. - Hands Wnnted en Vests. Geed Prices Paid. M YKKS 4 HATHON, THE PRICES ARE DOWN. The C it wehtvj Wale en Our Prices covers all (trades and Kinds, J.3t ts rem'nl you that we havj our eye constantly en the lieliabiHty of our Clothing, ai d we're pleased te say lt'a well ap ire:lattl tiy the pinjhasieg public. All Uoeds 11 irked at Mid Season Prices, and if 3 eu'ra in need of Cleth'nj jeu miss a geed ehr n:e if you c"en'S call en us. Myers & BatMen, lMMAULK CLOTU1EU?, NO. 12 EAST KINt ST.. 1.ANCASTKU PA. IIOTEUS. OT. CUAKbKS HOTEU kj Table Hoarders wanted at 1.00 per week. Ilreaklagt from u te 7, 5.'e per menl. Dinner from 12 te 1, We. flnnper from B te 7. ISc. Tran sient Custom solicited. Uoei beda ana well ttlredioeiiu. Heed stable room far benei. Ne. It hast chestnut Btreer, opposite Penn'a U. U. Depot. lySllma QKO. KLOItV, Prep. UUhQUEUANNA HOUSE, ON TUK SUSQUEHANNA, WASHINGTON UOKOUGU. Newly ntted np and repa.1nteO. Klrat class accommeOattoni ler !lshnnen. llrraU ana Kxl f arnUhea at reasouable prices by flay or weeU. licit flhln,g greunat en the tiutque' nanna. tngilwa H.WIHjrZ.l'roprUter. palaeb or rABHIOir. rriHK GREAT THIRTY DAYS CLEARING SALE i-AT ASTRICH'S PALACE OF FASHION, 13 East King Street. Ending SATURDAY. AU GUST 18. Te-morrow we put out the fol lowing Bargains: One let of Embroideries at 10c a yard. Anether bip; let of Colored Bordered Handkerchiefs at 2c apiece. One let of fine new designs Hem-Stitched Handkerchiefs, neat borders, formerly iec, at 4c apiece. One let of blocked and polka dot border Handkerchiefs, for merly iec, at 8c apiece. One let of embroidered cor ner, hem-stitched, regular price iuc, at ec apiece. One let of Mourning Hand kerchiefs, hem-stitched, reduced from i2jcte iec apiece. One let of extra fine Mourn inn Handkerchiefs, formerly 22c, reduced te i2jc. One let of extra fine hem stitched, pure linen, formerly 20c,new I2j4c. One let of plain corded ber dered Handkerchiefs, pure linen, hemmed, formerly 7c, new at 4c apiece. One let of colored bordered, formerly iec, new 6c. One piece of Tapestry Bor Ber der, 10 inches wide, reduced from 25c te iec a yard. One let of Table Linen, bleached, Ge inches, reduced from 30c te 1 8c a yard. One let of Cream Damask Table Linen reduced from 37c te 25c a yard. One-let of White Table Linen, 60 inches, reduced from 60c te 37c a yard. All our Colored Chenille Fringes, formerly 50c, 75c and $1 a yard, te-morrow at 25c a yard. One let of Black and Colored Tassels at one cent apiece. One let of Black and Colored Girdles at iec apiece. One let of Beaded Orna ments, formerly $1.00, te 25c apiece, te-morrow at iec apiece. One let of Boys'Calice Waists, formerly 25c, te-morrow at 15c apiece. One let of Worsted Wrap Trimming in all colors, formerly 50c, new 10c a yard. Curtain Lace, regular price iSc and 20c a yard, new iec a yard. ASTRICH BROTHERS. WATtinm QPEOIAU WATCHES for Farmers ana llallreaaers, 14 Karat Geia rillea 1IOSS cases, Elgin Works, iju each. Jeb Let. Best Watch ana Jewelry Hepalrlng. Bpecteclea, Kyeslossesana Optical Geed". Cor rect tlme dolly, by telegTapn only place in the city. LOUIS WEBER. NO. 1WX N. Queen St., oppnslte City Hetel, Mear Penn'a Denet. N JJW DKSIONH IN JEWELRV. JEWELRYI Call ana bes our new Dcslgneln JEWK1UY, both In GOLD AND SILVER. M0TJENIN& JEWELRY A SPECIALTY. Charles. S. Gill, NO. 10 WESI KING BT., liANCASTEU. PA. S'1 TKKLINM SILVER GOODS. SPECIAL NOTICE. WBDAVEA i.k:e' Sterling Silver Goods, Including Uoekmaiks, Paper Gutters, Piaster Cases, Uuckles, Pin Cushicm. A big let of lracelet Buttoner?, I'lc. We will sell you at COST. WAITER C. HEEE, Ne. 101 North Queen Street, L.ANCA8TJSU. PA. nl-lrd ATTUUSKXa. y UTHER 8. KAUFKMAN, ATTOUNKV-AT-I.AW, NO. 2 SOUTH PUINCK BT., Lancaster, Pa. rji-lveaw WL. KIHHER, DENTIST. Particular attention given te filling ana preiervtng the natural teeth. 1 have all the latest Improvements for aelng nlce nerk at a very reasonable cost. Having years of ex perience In the large cities 1 am sn into give the best of satisfaction ana save you money, beat artificial uth only uioepor set. UHrlB-lya NO.6tMOUTUQUIXK.ST. --v- ' 'Jtl" :