'-' ' y THE LANCASTER DAILY iKTELUGEiCEK, MONDAY. AUGUST 6, 1888. fZV7 ; n- ir. vA '.V , te", l ir :.m h ftJ K If' r ?r ffi fcf. ite fe ? &'- IV.. ay& Ife-?-. R" fe If w ! i I k IV i 3f r I'' IK. :f he Dally Intelligencer. AtUlUABTSH. AUGUST 6, ISS8. 'jm PAH.T imixieBxcsa pnbllihes all the -'. tttocnpblenew of the United rress op te , t K latst possible nenr. yMEm-The Daily saiuen of th limu- b4 surroendlnfc town for 10c per week t bf Ml, tK.oe a yean 12.80 for six months, M for three months t Wc per month. CM WnxLY imLuenieu (Donme cnewi Mfht rages, only IU0 per Annum, In aft- ranee. Sibscrlters wishing their address changed ut also state where the Ipaper U new lor ler warded. ,TertteemenU from 10 te cu. per line MBk.tnterUen, according te location. Ttt INTKLLIGBNCKH, Lancaster, Pa. WTvtopncme'CennMtum VKMOiri LUTIM Tew " F"AM?; " VXKXa TjUVIlf.RS. CAW HAV Tl! 1UILT imuiencn TO Thiv, Vout l'AtB vem 10 Cains A W, THX ADDRMS llEISO CaxratDitt Omii Vbsiuid. The Death or hhcrlilan. General Sheridan is dead. This is the ad news that was flashed across the w Ires ;V 0 the country Just as Sunday niaht was merging into Monday morning. The announcement cemes with a great shock te these who had been hoping against hope that "Little l'hll " would be spared yet a little longer te the country he bat tled se hard for and te the people who loved him se well. Sheridan was net a youth of surpassing premise. He graduated at West Point a year later than his regular class, due te an act of insubordination, and en his final graduation steed thirty-fourth in a class of fifty. two members. Hut though net wedded te books, his nature was well adapted te the stern arbitrament of war. He was probably the most aggressive fighter who was developed in the civil war. Ills Rreat special knowledge was cavalry work and masters of the art of war, Buchas Yen Moltke and the late Emperor "William of Germany, censid ered him the greatest cavalryman of the age. Though Sheridan has passed away, his deeds will ltve whlle the memory of heroism survives, and future historians will give due credit te the intrepid young Irish soldier who knew net defeat and who was the personification of indomit able courage His life is enshrined in the annals of the country. Urave soldier that he was, he was generous te ttie fallen fee, and he was net found In the reconstruction period waving the "bloody shirt" in the fazes of these who had geno down in the lest cause. One by one the great soldiers of the war arebelnggathered te their fathers. Meade, McClellan, Themas, Hoeker, Ilurnside, Halleck, Hancock and Grant are gene and Sheridan fellows them. Only Slier man, Hesecrans and liuell remain. The war and its bitter memories are fading from view, and the great record of hero ism and results accomplished shines out brighter each day, a heritage in common for a reunited people. m l.t 11l.fi lln lift, f ..I Though Lancaster has only a few nma-1 t:ur base ball clubs, it will be evident te anyone who takes a trip te the Athletic pirk en Saturday afternoon that the earnest efforts of our young men te re vive outdoor pastimes in this city are fully appreciated. AmeDg the spectators at the ball games are te be scen the faces of men in all walks of llfe, with theso who have always made it a point te en courage the sports which quicken the eye and develop the muscle. But base ball is net the only sport which has received new llfe in Lancas ter. A glance at the list of the members et the Lancaster Gun club will show the names of many of our most highly re spected citizens. The matches which ' have taken place between this organisa erganisa organisa teon nnd theso of ether places indicate that we have In our midst marksmen et no mean ability. Beating en the creek, although enjoyed te some extent for the past two or three seasons, has uever been se popular as it has been this year. It was nraie occur eccur rence five or sU years age te soe a pleas ure beat en our creek after nightfall. Hut it is different new. One may take a ride te Potts' Landing en a pleasant evening and there find hundreds of pleasure aeekers enjoying themselves either by skimming ever the waters or resting under the delightful shade of the park. One thing yet remains te push Lancas ter still further onward te all the re re quirementsefn progressive city a. d that isanataterium. In our preseut all nation our creek Is of little utility te lutherB. Let the same young men who have de voted se much of their energy te the re vival of all legitimate sports fenn the In In spiratien by which we may haeanata haeanata terium which will proven blessing te our population and a source of pride for our city. ) as llarrlsun a Free Trader Candidate Harrison Is said te have been the author of the tarlll plank adopted by the Indiana Republican con cen con ventienof 1SS0, which was as fellows Following the reduction aud readjust ment of the tarlll from time te tlaie as cir cumstances may requlre, upon the bails of affording protection te tbe products and ro re aulta et American skill and Industry, in our opinion the duthH abeuld be reduced as low as will te allewed by a wImi ob servance et the necessity te protect that por tion rf our manufactures and labor whose prosperity Is essential te our national safety and independence. It will be seen that even the Republi can candidate is net in harmony with the miserable party platform of Chicago origin. Of course, in accepting the nom nem nom inatien from the committee of notiflca netiflca notiflca tien, he swallowed the platform. IJut when he reads his own tariff planks in the past, he will be treated te a gagging experience that will net be enviable. A tw Irade. Be Bcarce lias the young man, who daniea and flirts, become at the seaside and mountain resorts that the enterpris. ing hotel proprietors are offering him Beecial Inducements te come and Iodge with them, Seme hotel men charge nothing for these very desirable a-qulai-tionste the body of their gueals, l.ile ethers give them a ene-third rate. It is ery fortunate for the jeung swells of the country that these cheap rates come Just when they have least money and most leisure. A dude who walka into a hotel with his full dress suit done up In a paper box will bereceled with mere effusiveness new than a mil mil Uenalre many times ever. Rut it cannot be pleasant rtllectlen for the young max that they are hired as dummies te keep the young girls from ennui. The dudei thns are classed with the paid at I faction et the place. Heaven help the young women who aie ever foolish enough te regard them as serious creatures. The nnslncia Situation. The business situation for n prc3ldcn t'al year is phenomenally geed, and the commercial agencies report the volume of business thus far in 1SSS as fully equal te that et a year age. On niunn for this is the excellence of the crops which this year will probably touch hlgh-water mark prices. Then, tee, our neighbors across the ocean, England and the ether continental coun ceun trlw, save Itussia, have been visited by lacking crops, nnd will have te buy their deficit largely from the United States. Hut the best reason for business confi dence exists in the administration of President Cleveland. The peeple have such entire confidence in his wisdom aid patriotism nnd the Impression is se gen eral that he will be easily elected his own successor that the business peeple show less fear of embarking in new enterprises than if the issue was fraught with doubt. The unusual business prosperity nt this ttme will be nn important factor in at tracting votes te the Democratic ticket- JH.AiNE, Allisen, llawley, Hale and tbe lte Vleo l'nsldent Wheeler, voted ter irce cial. Were they f ree traders ? Mn. W. 11. Wilsen, of Philadelphia, who km sotne ycara age freight agent of the Pennsylvania railroad at this place, has found time from hit mnltlfarleus duties te wrlte a 27-page pamphlet entltted "A. Leaf from the History of tbe Kobelllen." Mr. Wilsen waa a military tolegraplier In that fierce nlvll alrlfe and bad oleso relations with McUlfllan, Gimoren and Hoett. Heme of the facts which he rolettM have nevcr before been given te tbe public It Is a very credltable ptoce of llterary work, The work isdedlcntud te the uiomery of tbe late Thomm A. HceU. Tnr. I'hUadelphln i'rci mill rnllerattB UioHtery that President Nervln (Iroen, of tbe Wostern Union Telegrnph company, gave f. 10,000 te the Domncratte campaign fund. Mr. Oreen hai denied Uil ever his own signature, but tbnt makes no dlllerrnoe te the I'mn, which must have Its doublo deublo double prlcod political news, evon If the Istter reeks with lalsoheod. This I lornatlenal Tuberculosis CengretB In 1'arls practically sgroed upon the Identity of tubercuIcHls lu men, woinen and cftttlr. llore was an Illustration used : A dairy maid with ronrmnptlen coughs and spin en u buudle of hey. A cow catH the bay and gctH the tame dUoase. Tbe cow Ih mllKcd and eotiie ene drinks tbe milk, and It he Is apt te Inke tbe dlsuaae, he gels con- aump'.len. Many strong poeplo, of course, escape, aud lu n general way the Rtronger tbe general health and constitution the less likely Ih the person te get tbe Infection, but the projierlloii llable te get It Is very large. Over ene- fifth of the population of the world dies of tuberculosis. In France alene 100, 000 yearly perlHb. Tbe remedy propesod Is te cook all men, thoroughly, bell all milk used and lUe as tnueh eh posslble In the open ulr. l'ni.sini.N r Uiivnt In ene of hla mos mes Magca rt'commendud that raw wool be placed en the I ree Hat. Waa be a froe trader ? l)i:KH UA'UU CltAlIlMAN IlKIUIl BOHdS out very encouraging roperta et tbe Deme cratle situation through the country. He llnds overy where n feeling of conlldenco In 1'reslitent Cleveland. Jleaaya: "Kvcu theso who de net dlstlnetly understand (he tarlll Isine are be Htreng In this feeling that the tllerta te befog and bowllder thorn en tirely fnll. Tuny will vete for Cleveland en Ihelr fcellng of trust and confidence They oeuHldor him patriotic, brave, honest, and faithful. ThlH conlldenco our report) lndlcate as particularly atreng In the agricultural regions of tbe West. The farmers trust Cleveland. Michigan, 1111 uels, Wlsoenstn, Iewuand Mlnnosetn will go for Clovelanil and Tliurman, nnd tbe grottadvnntiigeof this will be In the gain It will ltHine in senatnrH nnd congressmen. The great rolermi thtt the oxecutlvo plans will be encouraged by a Pomecratlo Con Cen grins, Itmtcnd et thwarted by an opposition parly." Tm:si: are the days when theuhtlCfiti poeplo iiiakn tbe tmrden et llfe hoavler bv tie Inquiry : " It It het enough for you "" Ev(lni:iien 1'eutkr, et IndlanB, relturutcu hit doteriuluatlou net te nccept the Kepuhllcnn nomination for novernnr. He snys his vlfe and children upheld blm In this dcc'fclen. He deems honest In bit withdrawal nnd In his specch en Hjturdity nkht aald : "1 fcel that 1 must utand fast by my Integrity. 1 cannot alterd for any publte honor that euld be put upeu me te have it said Justly by any mine man that for the aake of pop ularity or dlke J would net stand by my word. My Mm pi 8 Integrity rcfjulres that 1 shall net bs lu the way et auy of the gou geu gou tleoion whom 1 have montlencd." Hut what If all the goutleuion luontlenod por per por slste I In KOttlui; nut et Perter's way, would he then uccept ? It would aoeinso. PEHBONAU liAitm JiMteMK, tbe prlnne of koeiI JiMteMK, tbe prlnne lheiH and n famous New link wit, Is djIiiK In Hharen, cenn. v.. Matthias Hui.vhuu, med !l, proiehod at Klizibothiewu en Nuiuluy. Hev. llrlnuer Is a rualdent of the lower end of Dauphin oeuuty. Ji'iinK Jehn .Stheiim:h 1Iem died at Cynthia, Ky , jehleniy uierniuK, BROd 01 year', alter a Iedr Illness. He was ene nt tbe most promlnunlbarrlsterH In Kentucky. Sami i;r. HreTTs, et Keadlng, the man who built the, tlrHt coal car for the Heading railroad, full down stairs and whs killed a 'ew dys ane. He was7S yeara of nge, and had worked for ttie company alui'e 1810, longer tt.au any ether Heading band. Xlli: 1NIII4N 1 CASll'AlliN. A Uuuicratlr HI ass Meellug In Xcrre llama uit hpetcli bjf Senater oerlien Ths Douiecrsoy of Terre Uaute, lndlaua, and vlelnlly, bold a uiasa meeting Haturday night, an 1 Sonater oerhocs made tbe ejn'iilng speech of the l)emoeratloctiuiiilgn In Indiana, this being the ser.atir's hoae The strcet proeesHlou was n large and crud crud ttable display, and the wigwam where tbe meeting was held was crowded. Henater Voerhoos was tendered an ovation en bis appearance, tbe audience rising and cbeer lng several minutes. On the platform wero many Democrats jif state and local promt premt neuce. Houater oerhooa' address waa listened te with marked atteutlun, aud be was frequently interrupted by rounds of spplausu. He said: .Ter 10 years the Kepubllciiu party has caused ttia peeple te pay the manufacturers at least f 100 000,000 a year In consideration or a tax paid by the manufacturer te the k'evermuuut, net a dollar et which tax diir- inir mat lime was paid. Nearly f2,tHX) 000, 000 have thus bceu wrencbed Irnm iti 'nil. lug niaw. The p"rv I ' , iu Jar riH.e ii.ii c s ery ellurt te reduM ihu meun. talueus tantl duties by which they bae drained the eiruiugs of the people. Jlends and oeuixjtie, hank atesks aud railroad profits wure made exempt from tbe tax gatbirei'ii demand, whlle tbe tax en your aiilrt aud your wife's calloe dress uud llaunel pottlceat remained tbe same or were inereasbd. Henater Voerhoos then discussed at length the labor question aud the surplus, ile declared tbe labor Interest of the country need In circulation every dollar that can be spared from the expense et the government, auu jet at this hour tbere is piled up as a useless surplus enough of the laboring peeple' money te pay down In easIi mere than IUO0 for every day slnce the birth of Christ. Yeu want free salt, cheap nalis, cheap farming tnoterlala and cheap article for household and kitchen use. Touching upon the Republican Internal revenue plaek, (Senater Voerboessald: "It is bard te apeak In terma et moderation et this monstrous preposition. In this Chris tian land and age, men remellmea spoken of aa Christian stateamen think nothing better than troe whisky and tobacco te eiler the peeple In reaponae te tbelr cry ter re re llef.' Thought Fer Weiklntmeu. Frem tte 8an Fratulice Kzamlner. Yeu are aupposed te be the chief bene Ce leries of lbs war tariff. Te Improve your condition lsalleged te be the single aim of Ita advocates. Yeu have a right then te demand all the advantages that you are told It can afford you. Huppose youeeewhothor you are getting them. There are, en a generous estimate, por per baps 20.000 workera In protected Industries In California. Jty proteetod Industrie we mean, of ceurse. Industrie the prlee of wheee prodneta Is artltlelalty kept up by the tarlir. Ot tboae 20,000 fully 15,000 are Chlneee, The peeple of California pay at leaat 120, 000,000 a year te "protect American labor." Thai means te protect you, the 6,000 whl'e workera In tbe proteetod Induatrlea of Call fernla for of ceurse tbe workers In ether states are supposed te be cared for by the taxes paid by thnlr neighbor. H appose the 15,000 Cnlnamen avorage f 10 a week apiece, their total wagea amount te tT.bOO.OOO a year. That leaves fl2,200,000 for jeu, or about (2 r00 aplece. In ether words, the posple of California are taxing tbemselves enough te pay you average wages ef!2,t00 ayear, supposing that all your wages have te oeme out ei uieir taxea and nothing out of tbe roturnsef your employer' buslnpim. De you get Itr Yeu help te py the bills, but de you get the rewaru ? Unions the avorego "proteptod" worker In California Is rocelvlng fJCOO a J ear, somebody Is swindled. IhaKatrnnre te the Oataoemlit Is net mere forbidding than a mouth fllsman tied of teeth. This dttnguromeat Is Inmost Instanter, tbe conte'iiiHnco of n want of atten tion te ttinui In youth, but Is happily prevent Ible, with UO-UDONT, uaed, at a stump pcaker encn nrged lilt auditors te vete, "rnrly and etluti," Thti stiple article Is a thoroughly reltable nieang of rendeilng tbe Uiith ernamental and sorlcnsble. Theprcai and medical pi illusion uudeinu It. r.M.Wftw R'AA'AifAJiKieU Closed at i r. m. en Saturdays. When you come te the city bear in mind that Wanamaker's is a meeting and resting and waiting place as well as the biggest store in the world. There are reading and sitting and retiring rooms for you ; telephone, telegraph, and mail facilities. Your parcels will be cared for without charge. We try te make you welcome whether you care te buy or net. L j t- sqint WANAMAKER'S HArrcs FLOOrspACE PHILADELPHIA J - i i r Yeu knew that there is no worthy het weather (or any weather) thing for wear or home use but wc have it. If you can't come te the store, write for whatever you want, samples or goods. Shopping by mail has come te be simple and certain. A few scratches of a pen, and all the facilities of the store arc yours. JOHN WANAMAKER, Philadelphia. vemvi.ks ie.v re wdkr OMl'l.KXlON l'OWDKK. LADIES WHO VAI.ITH. A KKFINKI) COMl'I.ICStON Mil HI' UnK POZZONI'S mkiucvikd; COMPLEXION POWDER. It Imparts n brtlllant transparency te the skin. HuinevtN nil ptinples. tnokles utul el. colnralleiiH, and in ik llie nkln Oellcatxly soft aud btiautlltil. Itcentatns no lime, whlte, loidernminla In Uuoe Blindea, t Ink or Hush, whlle ana Iminuttu. roil HA1.1C II V All Druggleta nnd Fauey QoeJb Donlera lvorywhero. aWIIKWAUK Or lMlXAX10N3.-6a apwu H d (IHATKKS x 1.1NN A HUKNKMaN. BUY 'lHK O.NI OOOD- Green Cern Grater. This highly useful Invention en en tlrflyaupetseile! nil ethci lu.ichlticsfcr mluclng tiiet'n Cem te n pulp for rank ing ruiTrnus, vuniiixcis, sue cerAbii,c. Jve ry fnuilly bheuhl have one of these IlllcllilHH. Price Only 30c. BREKBMAN. (1UKN1S roil LANOiTKlt.) Ne. lea IlertU Queen Utroet, l.ANCAHfKU i'X. G ri:at reduction. Fine Tailoring At tee Grenuist llrductlen ever rnadotoro rnadetoro rnadotero tluce a huuvysteck, hi H. GERHART'S Pine Tailoring Establishment, 4J NORTH OUKKNSTKKKr. Only UHTCUmpsrtlngXallerln the Cltye TTOOirS HAKSAPAHILLA. TRUE ECONOMY Itlstrue economy te bur Heed's laraapa rllla, ler "100 Deses Ons Hellar," Is erlgtntd with and true only of this pepnlar medicine. If you with te prove this, bay a bottle or Heed's Sanaparllla and measnralu cenUnU. F xoawllinndltteholdlOOteajpoonfals. STew read the directions, and yen will find that the avnrage doae for peraens of different aea Is less than a teaspoonful. This is certainly con clusive and unanswerable evidence of the pe culiar strength and economy of HOOD'S 8AU8APAUILLA " We began using Heed's flartapartlla In our Institution seme months age, and having watched !U effects, with te say that we And It a geed, reliable, and beneficial medicine for family uie, ana far heapltnls and lnatltntes such at ours." SiiMist erMancr, West fourth et., Cincinnati, e. ' I took Meed's Barsaptrllla for less of anne- llte, dytpepnta and general languor. It did me avuit amount of geed, and 1 have no hesi tancy In rocemmondlng It." J, W. Wulb Wulb ferd, Qnlney, III. 11KAITU UETrEIl THAN EVIli " I have been trenbled by a soiefalous auc tion all my llfe. it M one of the marked reo ree reo elloctlons of my boyhood d lya, and for several Teirs has rendered me unable te labor much. I think Heed's Bartaparllla, which I have been ntlng at Intervals for ten yrart, li the best I have ever taken. I am new ;co,:and my gennral health looms betterthanevtr." II. V. Abbett, Warren, M. II. HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA Held by sll druggists, ft t stx for H. I'repnred only by U 1 IIuOD A 0O Lewell, alms. lOJDOSKS ONK DOLLAB J DRY UOODti. TJAW1A1N3! UAUQAINhT BARGAINS IN WASH DRESS GOODS. OrY 13 lOUItTlUKXOHUY H tl IN KS, OKI N h I.K", OINUUAMS, WHITE UOUUH, And Anything In Eutmncr Goods. I'AUASOLB. At Trices te cell the Ooeds, te Jlake Koein for r.UIima Winter UoeJs. WCOS1E AND HKK US f JOHN S. GIVLER, (SKW UAHIIHTOBB) NOB 0A8KOUXII QUHBN BXIIKKX. NKAli CKNTIIK BUUaKK. 1.ANCA8IKK. uiune-lydAw S'1 TAMM BKOTHRKH. GOING ! GOING ! GONE! Valuable Business Property -AT- ASSIGNEL'3 SALE. OnrillDAY.AUaUSXIO.ata li m .will be onured, ut the Coepor Heuse, the ery deslra. bin biulnens iiroperly. Ne. 83 and 7 NOllXII QUCICV BX., (ncresn rrem l'ostenico) as the irroiiertyot Btainin llrothers, consisting ei V8 (((it HJi Inchie front, extending back te a depth nt 21) rect, inore or les, with a three (1) Htorynhep fronting en Christian street, ueel us u manulaotery. Alse right et way through Ihroe 13) feet alley and stairway te second secend second Btery. ThoStero ltoem Is ene of the finest and bi'studapted ter genural mercantile business te be found any where, having lately been re ro re medeled by the owners. Bald Btore room Is 23 tool HV lnehts whlu and 100 lout long, ventt ventt lated aud lighted In the medt Improved style. l'arttes can vlew the preinlses by calling en Messrs. btamm llres., or the asslgnoe. W r. I1KYK11, Asslgnoe. 'In 03 J. Dams, Attorney. 3 WEEKS MORE AND 11IK &reat Closing Sale Stamm Bres., Nes. S5 & 37 North (jumii Street. WILL END. t reiu no no nifert will he ppiud tocleso eullhti h naureil ihu stock $500 A DAY SA.Vi3D TO BUYERS. 'I h sHfisen li Imt approaching whonyeu will netd te uuy Woolen Dress Goods W hr net buy uew and two your portion, -AI'XIIK- BOSTON STOEE. 11 A Xl K KJtCtllKPS. B A.M1ANNA HANDKEUOUlKFa. -OKT YOUIt- Bandanna Handkerchiefs 3, 5 and 10 Cents, AX ERISMAN'S, JVO. 43 WES'l KINO SI. WNext Doer te Bayler's 1'hotegrsphUal. lerj'. BOOTB AND BJIOEM. OOT WEAR. Yen Can Save Heney nt V1SIT1NU STACKHOUSE'S AND VUB0HAS1NQ YOUB FOOT WEAR. aay-TUE near shoes riUCKSlNTIIKOITr. AND LOWEST D. P. STACKHOTJSE, B3 & 80 HABT KINO, BT. LANCA8TKB. FA. aSVlydJtW E UH 11AHUA1MH. A MISTAKE l.lke all ether Uiulntu men we sometimes tnabe tnlstukcs. 11AV1NU llOUOlITTOO MANY Men's Dongola Shoes Fer Sammer elndcd te Wear and Tender Keet we con ' Stll Tbtu Off Btgtrdlcsa of CehL Iho $.100 Line we will new soil at V 50, and the iW Line we will soil at ti.oe. We have a large aaaortment of Vtirte Bhees. Xhey are as fellows : lien's llrldht ucngela, 13 00 Tip, I,ace aud Congress shoes, reduced te 12 50. lien's llrlght Uonge'a $J oe l'laln Opera Tep, Lace and congress Shens, reduced te 12 60. Men's Dull Dongola t2,5)Xlp, Lace and Con gress Bhees, reduced te 12 (0. lien's Dull Dongola 12 50 rialn, UrondXes, Wide Shoes, ler Old or Men, reduced te t-2 00. A fnll line of these Shoes can be seen la enr Windows. The One-Pi Ice Cash Heuse. I The Leaders of Lew Prices -IN- BOOTS Sc SHOES, Ne. 3 Eiht Kiug Street, l.ANCAHTKK. PA. UUM1IKK JiKUOKTU. McOMNIOUIC COTTAGE, COHNKit Central Ave and McCIInteckSU, Ocean Urove, N. J t central location ; near audito rium, pestnlllcn, lnke, ecvan and bathing greunfls. 'Jurms, fntn12 per woek. Special rates te excursionists MUS. A. W. MVINaBXON, Jy2Hmd Ilex 30. mUK "CIlALrONXK," Ocein End of N ei in Carolina A vnnun, A'i 1, ANTIC CITY. N. J K.ROUKUX3 A SONS, aprSMnn A TLANT10 CII V. CHESTER COUNTY IIOUSE, XhU thorengh's comfortable and well known house 1 new open, 'iwonty-etghlh roageu. Same nmnngpment. Coel and do de llghtful location very nearthn pea junl22uid J.KK1IU A SONS. A TLANTIO CITY, N. J. HOTEL NORMANDIE (feruurly Hetel Ashland.) STNUW U1'KN.-V UKUJUNIallKl). - . UKMODKI.KD. UKNOVAXKD. JOsTlt KI.ANIUEN. .Is. marl Imd-Mar.Apr.July.Aug. A TliANTIO CITY, N. J. THE MANSION. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Largest Most Convenlent Hetel. Elegantly Fnrnlahncl. l.lberally Uanagea. Coach te auQ from lluucbana Trains. Orchestra Muale. CHAR. MeULADit, Prep. W. K. CoeHiun. Chief Clerk. lOUW-flina Q'lUCIC ION UOTEL.; CAl'fc MAY, N.J. Ol'KNS JUNK 30 Vew awnenbln Nnw MatiUKPinenU Nly rurnlshed. I'orfeot AprnlutniHiits In the world 1'epular I'rlces slnest beach r.XIIKO. WALTON, 1'ioprlelor, J unit) (01 a LntoetSU Junies Hele), N. V TVp'. OKBrNA l'AKIC. Mt. Gretna Park, rea KXcuusieNs and i'Icnicb. This I'ark li located In the heart of the Seuth Mountain en the line ei the Cornwall k Lebanon Hailrend, Nine mtles reuth of the City of I ehanen. lthlneuy dUtuucn of llarrlauurg, lteadlng. Lancaster, Columbia and all points en tbu l'hlladelphla A JUuadlng and I'ennsylvanla Hallreidu. Thu ground are large, coveting hundreds of ucnu, and are HI Kit TO ALL. The conveniences are a large Dancing l'a l'a vlllen, a Spacious Dining Hull, Twe Kitchens, llaggage aud Ceat lioenu, whlle the arrango arrange mmiis ieramusemnU consist of Lrmiuetand HallOreunds, Hewling Alley, Sheeting Ual Ual lery (juells, Kt., Kte. Tablrs ler LuuLhers. ltuitia em and llenches are scattred throughout tbe ground. Til K S 1 TK Kir LK UANOK Of the National iluard of l'ennsylanla has been lecated et ML Urutna. and the Military Hltle 1'racitce, tiem 11 me te time at the llange, will censtltuiu a new attraction te visitors. auuiunt nvunvuuii ,a LAKKCOSKWAQO, Cevering nearly twenty acres en which are placLd a number of elegant New beats, ana auing the hanks el which lire pleasant walks and lovely sconery. OlideitVATION OAKS Will be run en ths line el the Cornwall A I eh eh aeon hallrejul, or will be tone te dlilurent points, when practicable, ter the accommoda tion of excursion parties. They are sate, pleasant and convenlent. l'arllua desiring It can procure Meals at the l'ark, as the Dining Hall will be under the su su su rorililen of K M. liOLI., of the Lebanon allay t.ouse. Theso who wish te spend a day In the Mountains can dnd no plaen se beauif. ful or ullerdlng e much pleasure as ML Uretna re IMUVIU'TIMi DltlNKS AL LOWKDONTliK I'UKMlSKS sv rer Kxcnrsteu lUUss and Oonerul lnfe mailen, apply te NED IRISH, Pup't C. A L. Itallread, Lubanen, l'a. Jei-Jraa 1UST OTKNKO A HAG OF PIUMK ti n tilted Canary Seed at 10 cents a quart. Klid BeeO ana Uravel In pack, fl.h Mine, Beng je:d and Urd Tonic, at UU11LK) 'a DliUO SXOKK. 8 West King Street, FREY mm VLOTBMa. ASKEW OB ME. ATN08..IS1 AMDS WE8TK1NU sr4KT. 0.7-lyQ TITKRCUANT TAILORINO. HAGER & BROTHER. Merchant Tailoring DEPARTMENT. A l-Kltl-MCTl-IT QUAUANTCKU. Mid-Snmmer Special Bedacliens. Scotch and English Cheviots. PCOTOIl I CIIXVIOT 8U1TIMQS, NaLIRII i CUKVIOX BUIXINHS, tsMTO rsoe. 28.00 xu ra.oe. r oe te iivoe. rs.ie TO U 00. The above are TUB I.ATK3T In I'latds and Stripes. The C 1.03 IN U l'BIOKR will Warrantan Kz- amlnatlen. CUKVIOX BUITINHB. .CO XO llbOO. CUEVIOX bUIXINGM, rOOO XO US CO. Desirable Ihin Summer Materials Wear for Will be fennd In our assortment or v orst erst ed, riannels, Serges, Drep DeKt.s, Mehairs, 1'ongeos., IM?OUXKU L1NKN VK3TINU3. UNKN yKSXlMQS. WlllXS Hager & Brether, 25 & 27 West King Htroet. pKDUOEI) PRICKS. L. GANSHAN & BRO. Tbe Great Sacrifice Sale or MEN'S, BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING Will Conltnue for a Kew Dayi Lenger. We Offer UhKAXUAUUAlNS te UtQlC0 titeck. MKN'S DU3INK9S SU1X3 at II te, tl 50, S50, MKN'3 DKKSS SU1XS at (0 10, 17 00, 13 09, I10 0O. MKN'3 KINK PRINOR AL1IKUX 8CIXS at 112.00, 1 00, 1C 00, 118 00. l'ANTS at COO, CSc, 75c, 10c, 1 CO, 1 25.IL73, 12.00. 12 tO, I1.0J. MKN'3 SKKR3UCKKH COAX AND VEST, liOY'3 8KKU9UCKEU COAX AND KST, ;c5c BOY'J SUITS at 12 00. I7.50, U.00, l DO, 1 50, I0 0),S?I0. C1ULI)UKN'3 SUITS at II 25, 1.75,J,0C, 12.50. I3.O0. rive Hundred l'alrs CltlLDKKNS ODD l'AN IS.2IC, 25c, 35c 60c, 75c II 00. Great llargalns. PANTALOONS TOOKDEll, s 3C0, $150, I1UJ, 5 00. -KK.MBMUF.lt the0 llirgatns cannot be dupllcutee, 11 ieu want them ceme at once. L. Gansman & Bre. 8. W.OORNAR MOUTH QUBHN & ORANGE ST3 LANCA3TKK, l'A. llauds Wanted en Yosts. Geed .I'rlces 1'ald. M YKRS k KATHrOfv. THE PRICES ABE DOWN. The (Jut we Lava Made en Our Trices covers all (trades and Kiuds. J.et us remind jeu that we have eureje constantly en the iteliabllity of our Clothing, atd we're pleased te eay it's well ap preciated by the purchasing public. All Goods Marked at Mid Season Tiices, and If jou'reln need of Clothing you miss a geed chance if you don't call en us. Myers & RatMen, UKLIAJILK CLOTH1KU3, NO. 12 EAST KING ST., LANCABTKIl PA. HOTELS CHAKLRSHOTKr.. ST, Tahiti IlfiMt-tlAPfl wnlifeil el 1 Crt HA, nti.nl nreasiast Irem 6 te 7, !le per mttal. Dinner from li te 1, joe Sunper from 6 te 7. Ue. Tran sient Custom solicited. Uoel bedsananml nirudioeius Ooed stable room for Lories. Ne. It Kast Cbestuui street, onpeaito renu'a U. It. Depot. hSMmd QKO. KLOllY, I'rep. . - ---- ""uh-mhi. j.w LtxjL ni'tja CUiQUEHA.NNA HOUSE, ON XUK SUSQUKIIANNA, WASUINUTONllOKOUail. Newly fltted np and repainted, Klrst class acroiatuedatlons for dshfrmen. lUuts and Hedn (urnUhPd at reasonable prices by day or week;. Best nehlng grounds en the Susque hanna. angl-lwft U. WKETZ, Proprietor, PALACH or rABHlOtr. rriHE GREAT THIRTY DAYS CLEARING SALE AT ASTRICH'S PALACE OF FASHION, 13 East King Street. Ending SATURDAY, AU GUST. 18. Te-morrow we put out the fol lowing Bargains: One let of Embroideries at iec a yard. Anether bit; let of Colored Bordered Handkerchiefs at 2c apiece. One let of fine new designs Hem-Stitched Handkerchiefs, neat borders, formerly iec, at 4c apiece. One let of blocked and polka dot border Handkerchiefs, for merly iec, at 8c apiece. One let of embroidered cor ner, hem-stitched, regular price iec, at 8c apiece. One let of Mourning Hand kerchiefs, hem-stitched, reduced from i2j4cte iec apiece. One let of extra fine Mourn inn Handkerchiefs, formerly 2 2c, reduced te i2jc. One let of extra fine hem stitched, pure linen, formerly 20c, new i24c. One let of plain corded ber dered Handkerchiefs, pure linen, hemmed, formerly 7c, new at 4c apiece. One let of colored bordered, formerly iec, new dic. One piece of Tapestry Bor Ber der, 10 inches wide, reduced from 25c te iec a yard. One let of Table Linen, bleached, Ce inches, reduced from 30c te 1 8c a yard. One let of Cream Damask Table Linen reduced from 37c te 25c a yard. One let of White I able Linen, 60 inches, reduced from 60c te 37c a yard. All our Colored Chenille Fringes, formerly 50c, 75c and $1 a yard, te-morrow at 25c a yard. One let of Black and Colored Tassels at one cent apiece. One let of Black and Colored Girdles at iec apiece. One let of Beaded Orna ments, formerly $1.00, te 25c apiece, te-morrow at iec apiece. One let of Boys'Calice Waists, formerly 25c, te-morrow at 15c apiece. One let of Worsted Wrap Trimming in all colors, formerly 50c, new iec a yard. Curtain Lace, regular price iSc and 20c a yard, new iec a yard. ASTRICII BROTHERS. wat v n mm. QPKGIAJU WATCHES for rormers and Railroaders, It Karat Held ruled lleaa caes, hlKln works, J0 each, Jeb Let. Best Watch ana Jewelry ttopelrlng. Spectacles, KyeKlosses and Optical tierKl. Cor rect time daUy, by teleirrapn only place in the elty. LODIS WEBER. Ne. 1WX N. Queen BL, opposite City Hetel, Near l'enn'a DemiL N EW DKSIQNS IN JKWKUt. JEWELRY! Call and soe our new Djblnnalu JKWKLUY, both In GOLD AND SILVER. MOTTRIOTG .TEWBIET A SlEOIAI.TY. Charles S. G i, NO. 10 WEST KING ST., LANCASTEH. l'A. gT. KKI.IN11 aiLVKK GOODS. SPECIAL NOTICE. WK UAVi: A I.1NRO' 0 Sterling Silver Goods, Including L'eDkiDaiks, Taper Cutters, l'laster Cases, Buckles, Tin Cushion!. A big let et llracalet lluttener?, I'tc. We will sail jeu at COST. WAITER C. HERB, Ne. 101 North Queen Street, LANCABTKK. l'A nl-tld ATTuitxnrs. y UTIIEll B. KAUFFMAN, ATIOUNKV-AT-LAW, NO. 1 SOOTH l'UINCK ST., Lancaster, ra. rJi-lydAw T EVAN'aiLOUlt. USE- LEVAJTS FLOUR. " It Always Gives Satisfaction. tmiiThaa yfiUkS