J3PWE im3 v-j5?r,?.. T r ? . k 2E IlNOASTEB DAILY DgTELLIGEKOjER. FRIDAY, JULY 20, 1888. mi ;-5?,, t 1. w mi i tm Dally IntelllgancT. .AJlCATK. JULT TO. 1868. irrsxtRivcn publishes all the news or ue unitea x-rcss up ve wowlblehenr. Tk Dally Idltien of Tub lirntu. Mi It dellTered by earners in u city nneBBOlBc twrBi ret lee. rer wee i la.00 ft rear I two ler six menus tar tfcrm months ! (Oe. Per month. Whrlt lvraiusBucm (Deuble Sheet) !, only 11.80 pt annum, in M wlahlwr their address, changa tee tut when tie 3p te new ter- (Km 10 t etc per Itns aocerdlne- te location. TBI lKTKLLIQENCKX, laeaster, ra. OcmaeeUea LAT10 TCWX T0 T '"'O' ?D n.mim. U T in win TU v.. tin TO Taut. 1'CBT I'AIO !ttCim A W". " addriss IUIke At OTtaa whwi. yAX"" " aaea"."aSB"a"" ' ' E . s MIL SU. .- book ;iv Mmsmm I-.- hji " AJBaiatic iic no. j;w me irem our reauera w-un pernsal of the letter written by SSlIr. Arthur T. Lyman, a manufacturer hmA formerly a prominent Republican, te jtht Holyoke, Mass., Republican club, Ueh had solicited from him a campaign ltJMtribnUen. Mr. Lyman, In denying the fjW 1NUUB., aamiVS UlIUSCll uwpijr lurawnu U,ll tt tariff , as it affects his products, .M 1 declares that the protection cause ;fe "..S?-1m bees mere injured by the Republican K sNibera of Congress from Isew .hog- Ml A than the Democratle members of -v: ia:.. ... e mr.wm ways ana means cemmmee. 'c'rfftVHte strikes the kev.noteof the Deme '" ywmUe situation when he says that " free SiW iaaterlal has been considered as an tlMMnt In protection almost as essential .Mtbednty en the manufactured article." rt'asV T.vman nnnatrlftrn fhtt TlAnllllllrjltl Tin Jsltlea hostile te the protected industries iVK ". ( tfaaan lattiiiiAtta n i4 iIamIavae 4 tint- Yin '&?'' cannot support It. He believes this falee FjWroTalet tbe rank and file of the party, k A'i''raad that it results from the exigencies of ,? practical politics. It is a strong letter "rXH. ifl ttrlll fiatTA crrnsf. wfll(rlit. trltli nil m?zzz..r::r: AffrtJ 'HUU)UlilUl tJUiUC. Wiy " Maaaal Tralelne in Schools. t" Tb able paper which was read by aXW.U i.j.i r. ir T..-,..i- ... i.r '- -!1'attY. hofern thn nntlnniil pilncntnra in fun- '&x ------ y L'Pmim In nellfrr,tn nr.fi mlitnl. roan r,rlr,l.,l Tr;jjm u wtuwu, nuu nuiuu niu l'nuiu f( bf m ue jntelweenceu en xnursany, it,., wui nkunuii wiuu nucuuuu nuiuui; tuuau :-S " he study the problems of the ege, and ;.,; .who, in particular, are Interested In tlie viftai'lUB00 01 true euucuuen. ?1U.l'fML Tltiartptik fa .nf inn if ll.ndi .1.. la .A.;.leeulated with the views of manual fj? tnlalng in our common school system. r U JK MAnllv VaI I AitAfi a-.i Itkln l1 lintfA -" w isuu uouevoa kutb una nm unve t" e eyii tendency lis logical eneci must &&, me, Minuut.e me puuuc bcuoels iiie bcuoeis T or the peer instead of the common meet iwirrf inffff round of thAchllrlrAn nf nil rlanins i-S Ai4 rT.AtHr.rta Dili ennartnfanilnnf www vvuumivuei vu. auctiu.vuuvun fjw n . . -yrp eauas up a seuna argument; ngainsrrann- ;-'-v. ual tralnlncr in thn anlinnla. hnrnnnA nf Itn '0,i:- utilitarian tendeney. Ha asserts that J.T a -- 1 - - it una euucauuK is simpiy te niase u '' .'i'Sv'l"! 1 the higher and spiritual feature But- .toweollapse. -as?1 , strong punosepmcai essay iiiai i-f-A' immm nuu euuuabiuuui bouueuuiu nii'uii t-7" thoughtful people recegnire, but 5,-fi; inlch few have the courage or ability te irrdlMnss in the manner which Lancaster's IV.'- aDerintendnnt linsGhnqnn. Tli a p(Tnrt. nf B-Vfi : . . . . . . . . . - t,'?j rrer. xiuenne is most oreuitaeie, and lis utcpresearcn ana pnuosepuicai view win levate him te a place among the leading educational writers of the country. Minnesota. Lookout for something te drop in Minnesota this fall. InlSSl tlie Prebi. IbitJen vete was 4.GS4; in 1880 it was 9,030, and well-informed politicians new aay that it may rise te 80,000 In Novem ber. In 1SS0 the Republican governor was elected by a plurality of 2,483, though Blaine two yeats before had 42,000 plurality. This change has been brought about by the spirit of tariff reform. In the Tilth congressional district convention held before the Chicago convention aud alter that at St. Leuis, this resolution was adepted: ' We lniirt upon a material and Judl Judl Judl etoea redaction et the tarlll, eapeuully Where It bear heavily upon the producing Md agricultural Interests, ana deinnnd that CeDgteas shall oease trifling with this meat important subject." Twe ether congressional conventions la the state adopted resolutions of simi lar import. The plain lessen of i' Is Is that the free whisky Republican plat. form Is net te be endorsed by the Lorth Lerth western Republicans this year. Fasleu In Michigan, The Democrats and Greenbackers of Michigan have united in a fusion ticket whereby the Democrats tnke the noml neml noml natiens for governor, lieutenant gov ernor, secretary of state nnd state treasurer, and the Greenbackers so se core tbe auditor general, land coinrals ceinrals coinrals leser and attorney general. The elec toral vote Is divided in the proportion of ten te the Democrats and three te the Greenbaekers. The resolutions of both conventions were In hearty nccerd with the Bt. Leuis platform and the Cleve land administration. The fusion nominee for governor is Mr. Wellington R. Hurt, who is reputed te be of large wealth and Identified with the lumber interests of the Saginaw valley. He has been quoted as against the free lunber feature of the Mills bill, but his peech et acceptance endorses the Bt. I0U! platform in its entirety. The ether nominees are men et state reputa reputa tien and of great personal strength. In the election of four years age in MIchlgan.BIalne polled 102,009 votes, the Cltreland (Fusion) ticket 1S0.3C1, and St. Jehn, the Prohibitionist, 18,403. It will be seen therefore that Rlalne's plurality was only 3,308. Since that time the growth of the aplrit of revenue re form in the Northwest has been very great. The united action of the Demo crats and Greenbackers this jear will snake It difficult for the Republicans te bold the state. The UutT On Tobacco. f$v Wepilnt a few of the opinions of te- &$ vf, ma en the restoration In the Mills JJT W of the old duty en the leaf, which is fW$y 4 " "iaueus,r cultivated Jn this vicinity. 4'Tfc??Q8ensu3 et opinion Is that it is a "I- . .' "uuwe "nK it win be se ISs"6 . hj tUa tobacco growers of j Jm county. - .vwuuuu ui mis old rate Is one of be strongest proofs et tim MmH,i ,. i. . .. . .- - " ---" '""" onus Ulll. It is aeon aeen fMHlve answer te these who claimed that the Mills bill was framed te meet the wants of only Democratic constituencies. One of the arguments that would have been used te some advantage en the stump in this county has new fallen from our opponent's hands, and they will hare te hunt elsewhere for material for condemnation of this measure for tariff reform. Sendcn'i Kill. Representative Sewden ought te be well satisfied with (he result of his tilt with the president, for although he did net succeed in convincing the Heuse that Allentown ought te have a public build ing, despite tbe presidential veto, he came near enough te that consummation te show that his arguments have been effective with his fellow members. The number of votes necessary te pass the bill ever the presidential veto was 1G2, and Mr. Sedden secured 141 votes for his measure te 81 against It. It Is a pretty fair indication that a number of Democrats considered that the president had made an error of judgment in refus ing Allentown a public building. 'With this verdict Mr. Sewden should be con tent. New let him turn In and take off his coat te unite in thrashing the com mon Republican enemy. A reuxa married woman flirt was swept ever Niagara Falls en Thuraday. Un known te her husband, nhe was yachting wl(h another mat). Net often deea retribu tion fellow se fait upon wrong-doing. - m Hey, HTKriiu.v Nkii., of Lebanon, In diana, ene et tbe ilaunehtRt Kepubllcans of the state, ha declired for Olevaland, An Indiana Kepublleui's conversion li Jut t new mere horleus than a Pennsylvania Doreocrat's fall, William Avium Hews, manufao manufae turern of woolens chltlly blankets In Philadelphia, de an oxtenslve business and employ from 1,200 te 1,600 men. Mr. Wil liam Ayrej and Mr. Leuis Ayrca are heartily and unqualifiedly In favor of free wool. "In the first ploce," said Mr. Leuis Ajntn, "we shall be able te make cheaper goods. That will Increase consumption. A large consumption will noctsultate mera labor. If you have te supply an inereased quantity et goods, calling for mero labor, you benefit the werklngman In two way. First, you give him mero work, and, sec ondly, 11 'i cven obaneo of hotter wager, be be be oauseyeu knew the greater the demand for a thing the liltther will bn It price In tbomarket. Hut leth tbe manufacturer and tbe operntlve will be benefitted. Te Illustrate : Huppeslng we are selling a eer tain line of goods at&0 per cent, less te day than similar goods sold for 11 1 tee n years age. New, at the rndueed rate, we are sell ing net twlce.but llve tlmes, as many as we then did ; and whlle we don't make bh much per artlcle as we did with the higher price, yet In the aggregate we make mero, because, you undurstsnd, that with quan tity the cost of production Is lessenod that Is, the propertlonsto cost for a large pro duction Is less than for a small quantity of tbe same goedc," " New let us regitrd nrtloles that would be really sITtoted by the passsge of tbe Mills measure, sueh as knit goods, gontlo gentlo gontle mon'a nnd ladles' underwear, llannelc, blankets, coats, pantaloons many nooes neoes noees stttos, Huppe-lng the 10 cents a pound taken ell wool lome grades are taxed much higher amounts te 35 ptr cent., nearly tlie wbole el It will go te tbe con cen BQinur, for competition will settle that point mighty quickly. Uis pay la thereby on en on haneed 35 per cent. In purchasing pewer, at leaat, as 11 applies te tueae articies. 1 maintain that lmmes In seme branehen, under the stimulus et froe raw mnterlal, will lncroase tenfold. Under thosoolroum thesoolroum thoseolroum atancos bow nun anybody say the laborer la te be injured ? ' Tin: 1'hlladelpliia l'rtit could net Und strong enough words te express Its disgust ever Jeseph Ilarblere, the Oonfederate colo celo cole nol whom 1'ontlen Agent Davis, la l'hlla delphla, appolnted ohlefolerkof his depart depart meat, ltcreitted se Usree an opposition te him that llarblore wt oempsltod te reslgn. New Jeseph has boeomo a Hopubllean and the l'fcss ohrenlaloa hlra " a man et high discriminating Intelligence " and "a gal lant oelonol." This Is what lollews the crooking of the pregnant hinges of thokneo, Tin: Mnlne Itcpubliean statu convention en J une 13, 1S32, declared that "we are un alterably oppeied te the abolition or reduc tion et the internal roveuue tax en liquors, and demand that nil poslble reduction et taxation shall be made en neoeMarlOP, and net en luxurlOH." This seems te be lvalue's present position, but It la net that or Lis rarty. Mn. J. Hew Aim W'kkt, principal of the boys high school in Uarrlxburg, is a poet whose works, well kuewn In Dauphin oeunty nnd vicinity, are new te have a wider circulation In a book et nearly 200 pagcH entitled " foetus of Camp and Ueartb. " Tbe book displays a goodly share off he dlvlne Kill itus aud the poems are upon subjaets that have a inoderu In terest. Copies nny he secured from tte author In Uarrlsburg. PEItSONAU Uarkv A. OAitriELn and James It Garttbld have formed a partnership under the imuie of UartleldixOarfield, audopeuod au oltlce lu Cleveland, Ohie, Tiru 11 nv. Jenr G. Wikiile, I). I) , for many years pastor of the German He formed Salenva chureh, Philadelphia, died en Wednesday, nged 71 years, Tirt; 1.AT1: HAXiUKt, F. AsnTON.etl'hiia. delptiln, leaves au vstate Valmul attlOO.OW. The will ceutalnM theaecharltable bequests : Te the Hoceml Uflferinpd Kplsoepal onureb, f5,000 1 te the Women's Bible's Headers' i-eclety, f5,000 ; te the American Sunday Boheol Union, te tbe Yeung Men's Christina association, f 5,000. Ouaikman Calvin Hiiicc Is by no means nn amateur politician. He was aetlve In political nllalrs in Ohie during the period when the Democratic party of that state waserganliBd under plans formulated by Hamuel J. Titden. It was this perfeo perfee perfeo tlen et organization, made by the late Jehn G. Thompson, Calvin H. Urtce and etbera, which enabled the Democrats toeotuo with In six or seven thousand votes et carrying Ohie at the Ooteber election In 1676, MrT IlrJce Is a pate, thoughtful man, with n brew motioned ou the Augustus Ciesar plan. He has a way of coming out wluuer in all his undertakings. A 1UNO OS IOUNM TUIEVES. itiey Arranee flaa te lleb Natlanal lUnk, On Thun day three boys,uet ever 12 years old, were arrested near the ISxpoalllen building", In Olnelnnatl, where they had been cbservtd nttemptlng te pick poeketa efatrangera. Late last evening they made aconlessleu, end by thelr own statements showed that they were members of a regu Jarly organized band of young tbletts The gang was oemnosed of Ilundy Wain wrlght, the leader, Llnsey Mnrpby, Walter Harris, Willie Madders and the t-tinuuciB. uueir ages range rrem 12 te 18, Dixen, one of the prlsoners, stated that tbe gang had been picking poeketa and tapping 1 11a all ever the city. Several days age Jhey made a round and tapped the till et the drug store at the oerner of Clark and Bsvmlller street.. Frem there tbey went te Freeman, near Oehler street, whr ih-v tapped tbe till of a groeary 1 4. . .,, JV they went te the saloon ri the coruer of IJlchmend and H.ymlller atreets and re. lleved the till of lu contents. Frem here they worked northward, the next nlara being the saloon at Freeman avenue and Liberty atreetH. Here they succeeded In getting several dollars In change. The gBng, according te the prisoners' statements, even went se far as te organ lzs a raid en the Second National bank, at Ninth and Maine streets, it was arranged that three el the gang should visit the plaea about closing time, and while two of them started a sham right, the third was te clamber ever the Iren railing or get through a deer and grab a bundle 01 money. The boys visited the place twice, but each time a blueoeat happened te be In the neighbor hood. After this attempt, Welawrlght, Murphy, Madders Nashville, Tena, presenu and Harris went where ttiey are UsMKlaStrcslCar riengri Tray. Frank 1'erklns, a colored stable boy occ ecc occ pleyadbyl). aibtoe, of Lexington, Ky., became Insane last Monday because the horse (Autocrat) which he groomed failed te win a raoe at the re con t Washington park raeellng. A sensational freak wm his ecurlega shotgun and aiming It at some stablemen, saying : Ds geed Lawd com. inands y te pray ;" and they all obeyed the command with alacrity. He then pre- oeeuea 10 maae ine lanerera pray, ane, singing a hymn, he went en the street and foreed eltlzsna te highway devotions. Nett he halted a crowded car, and seen had all the passengers en their knees, and would doubtless have made a very general re vival bad net a oenplo of pet lee cflleers sneaked up behind him and made a pris oner of the ardent evangelist. When tbey examined the weapon they fennd Uwaa net leaded. 1'erklns la In Jtllnowarav Jtllnewarav Jtllnowarav leg maniac, and has tern his face terribly m uis irenzy, i ' Kwp th Oilmteals Oat. In the prison oengress in Bostea en Thursday the Inoumbent efflcers were ro re ro eleetod, and Nashville was ohesenastbe next place of meeting In October, 18S9. The report or the committee en police ad vocated the liertlllen system of registra tion, the detective system, and tbeexchanRO of Information concerning criminals, with pensions and rewards for exemplary ser vice, and stringent lawa against the Immi gration of criminals, R II. Hayes heartily mdoraed this report, and after Its approval declared the oengross adjourned. The Snow of Mount Blanc Is nnt whiter than the teeth that are dally rubbed with bozo HUNT, ana coral R-athered. lnocean depths, cannot surpass the hue et gums freca Irem spenfflnnss of the same salu tary agent, Amttican ladlct Tliltlng terelfn lands, eiclte tbe admiration et behelders and the envy of ether transatlantic! slsuirs, with thasurprltlngeiccllencnnf tholrleeth. Whm asked te what tlioyewo this charm, tbey mur mur the taltamanle word, S jZOUUMr. r.M.WAw HVKOIAL irOTIOJUl. Never OHe Up, If ynn are troubled with ncrveui or slek heida'-ne, de net nlve upynuronBeaa Inoura Ineura Inoura Die until you buve tried l)r Lesllii's Speelal l'resjilp.fen, See the testimonials In another enlumn. 02. WAHAMAKKIVa Closed at 1 r. m. en Saturdays. When you come te the city bear in mind that Wanamakcr's is a meeting and resting and waiting place as well as the biggest store in the world. There arc reading and sitting and retiring rooms for you ; telephone, telegraph, and mail facilities. Your parcels will be cared for without charge. We try te make you welcome whether you care te buy or net. rrv ulli ff J u I aquAHi L. WANAMAKER'S l4Acrci FLOORSfACE PHILADELPHIA TiiiRrecurH m 1 r ir is no Yeu knew that there worthy het weather (or weather) thing for wear home use but we have it any or If you can't come te the store, write for whatever you want, samples or goods. Shopping by mail has come te be simple and certain. A few scratches of a pen, and all the facilities of the store arc yours. JOHN WANAMAKER, Philadelphia. COitPLKXIOK PO WDEIt QOMI'irKXleTnnEKT LADIES! WHO NAI.UK A HKriNKO COM1M.KA10N muar UbK POZZONI'S MEDIOATEU COMPLEXION POWDER. It Imparts a brilliant transparency te the sktn. Kumevc'S nil pimples, truekttMi and ols els ols celorations, and mukej tbe Rkln dnlloutelv sett una beantllul, ItennUitus no lime, white, leid 01 arseula In threo shadeu, pink or aush. whlte und tirunette. ' reu BALK iir All Drusalnta and Paney Goods Doalera vorywhero. Jf-UKWAUK OF 1M1TAT10NS.-S aprilli-d m u 1fmrnumiM it itru titiujj. QVLL AND HKK -THZ- ROCHESTER LAMP sixty Candle-Light 1 Beats thorn all. Anether Let et CllKAl-QLOlias ter Gas an OUStevea. TDD "PDnPBOXION" MSVAL MOULUIMQ A UU1SUKU CU8U10W WEATHERSTRIP Beau them all.rrws atrip outwears all elheir. wSSPn'SV0 5' 5,op rau'n8 e wlndewi: rclude the dust. Keup out snow and rain. ,D.y0iCal,..al,r.ly "-nowuste or dirt made In applying It. (Ian be ntted auywhere-ne holes te bon. rreidv ler nan. it will . .n. wani en "- a cmlueu strip is the most rwrfW. At the btevu, Ueater and llaakti -or-; Jelin P. Sehaum & Sens, 84 SOUTH QUEEN ST LANOASTUb l'A. Ut'KUlAL ATl'INTlON GlVJiN TO s.J rttttnK Hard Kubber Trusses. Light, cl.snly, onmtertable, suitable ler wiem wiathuraMd Imthlnir. A wll stileeted stock at HUflLKY'S UUUtiai'OltH. 80 Went Ktuif Btrett. BU81NKSH MKTUOUh MADK WiAlN. The system of Instruction at the LANCABTKU OOUMKUC1AL COLLKQX, Is se simple and plain that any yeunir lad v or Knntlem&n can vtully master all the details or ujjilneM education. LlllKUALTKIlMS. Kvenlnu laossleus Tuesdars, Wodnei aud rrldays. S ull lntormatten slvnn bv 11.0. WKll)LElt, ' .M.. Incaster Commercial college, Q.RUAT Hr.Dl'eriON. Fine Tailoring At the Greatest itrdttotlen ever madetore madetere aiea a heavy stock, ut H. GERHART'S Pine Tailoring Establishment, NUUTH QUEKN BTKEKT. 'yedlniPtlnKTaUerlQ the City of TTOOD'fl SAI18APAR1LLA, Impure Bleed Appears In a thousand dlffsrent forms an causes a vast amount of suffering, Bcarealya single person It entirely free from Its affect. Hence the necessity et a reliabla bleed part ner Ilka UeeA's Sariapartlla, which eradlcatea every impurity, and glvM te the bleed vitality and health. It cares scretals, salt rheum, bells, pimple;, and all ether affections caused by Impuntles or poisonous germs la ths bleed. Uoed's Sarsapmrllla alie overcomes that tired feeling, ereaUs an appetite, eurea drsparsta. biliousness and headache, and builds up the whole system. Heed's Barfl&parllla " Frem childhood I was troubled with pim ples, and every remefly failed till I took Uoed's Barsapartlla. 1 have taken Ave bottles and new the plmplt s are almost gene, my general neaitn is much improved, ana 1 mg my recom mend Heed's Barsaparllla." W. Ktaks, 4 Lexington Avenue, Btoektyn, 11. Y. Borefula 11 My son was sBlleted with the worst type of scrofula, and en tha recommendation of my druggist I gave htm Uoed's Barsaparllla. To day he la sound and well, notwithstanding It was said there was net enough rnedlelnsln llllnds te offect a cure." J, (.meutuh, IlUpo IlUpe lts.III. ."1 bad salt rheum enmy left arm threa years suffering terribly. I took Heed's Barsaparllla, and the salt rheum has entirely disappeared." U. at. Mills, 71 French St. Lewell, Mass, Heed's SarBapariUa Beld by alldruggtsu. II t six for as, 1'repired only by O. I. HOOD A CO., Lewell, Mass. 100 Doeefl One Dellar, nur UUUDK. J. It. MAKTIN A CO. JULY SALE Fifteen Huudred Yards of DRESS GOODS placed en the counter yesterday. Fermer Pdce, 40, GO nnd 00 cents ; pres ent, C cents a ynrJ. Of the 600 Dress Patterns we had at 7c a yerd about 60 remain unsold ; balance will be sold nt Cc a yard. Thirty-Five Cent French Sitlues are reduced te 26; a yard ; the largest stock lit the city te select from. One let of Scotch Qinghama reduced from 20j te 10c a yard. One let of Light Shades American Sitlnes reduced te 6c a yard. Eight Hundred Excelsior Cooking Crocks sold during this sale. About ICO still In stock ; 30j for all sizes 2, 4, C aed 8 quarts. Every Dinner Set in Stock Itedticed. J. B. MARTIN & CO, S1 USONAHLK HAKQA1NS. WATT &SH AND O. 8 Se 10 EAST EI MQ BT. Special Seasonable Bargains 1 100 1'IXCKS Swiss Embroidered FleunciDgs, from 45c te ll.sa a Yard. We call special attention te tht let of goods, aj they are vnty deslruhle and much less than regular prices. 50 Dezen Gent's Unlaundried Shirts, Geed Quality Muslin, Narrow rutted , Al Linen liosemsaud Cuirj.atAOoeaoh, ONE CASE SATEENS, New Ptyles and Colorings, At 12Xc a Yard, el' Short Lengths and Odd Le't of floods accu, mttlatud dutlng the season's business 11EMNANT3 OK SILK, UKMNANTS Or OASIIUEUK?. KKUNANTfl Or llUACK AND COI.OKSD 1IKN1UKTTAB, UEMNANTS OK ALL KINDS Or ULACK ANDLOLOUKD DUKS3 UUUDi, UKMNANT3 OK llATlSTKS AND LAWNS. These goods are all holngclesod out, regard regard less of oesL SPECIAL. ! Onu let of HALT-WOOL 1IIINTINUS, In Blacksand Uolers.only riVJCCK.NTS A YAUD, AT TUK New Yerk Stere. PARASOLS. R.u All, Ladies, Loek te Your Interests. We began the parasol season w lth an en tirely new strck. We want te de the sauie next year. And te that end offer Great liargelns In t'arasels und 8uu Umbrellas, 1'rloes are marked away down, and goods must go. Call and see llngalus, R. B. & H., NO.IIXASTEINQKT. aprf-iaia A Special TOBACCO. e LD HONESTY TOBACCO. FINZER'S Old Honesty The Chewers of OLD HONESTY TOBACCO will seen find that It lasts longer, tasks sweeter than ether tobac cos, and will please you. Ask your dealer for It and Insist en getting it. Genuine Has a Red H Tin Tag en Every Plug. id BOOTH AND UllO SB. F0' or WEAK. Yeu Can Save Meney 11Y VIS1T1NO STACKHOUSE'S AND 1'UUCUASINQ YOUU FOOT WEAR. 40TTUK 11K3T SHOES 1'RlCUSlNTIIBClTr. AND LOWEST D. P. STACKHOFSE, 83 & 80 HAST KINO, BT. LANUA8TJCU, l'A. attUyd&W F OH BAUUAINS. A MISTAKE Ltke all ether hunlness men we sometimes tnake mistakes. HAVING 110UUI1TTOO MANV Men's Dongola Shoes rer Summer Wear and Tender reel woren eluded te . Sell Them Off Hfgirdleis of Cost. The tt.eu Hue we will new sell at 2 se, and the J M Line we will sell at ti 00. We have a large assortment of thesa shoes. They are as fellows Men's lirlght Dongola, ll.oe Tip, Laoeand Cengress Bhoes, reduced te 12 W. Men's Bright Dongola $3.00 Plain Opera Tee, Lace and cengress Shoes, reduced te 12 se. Men's Dull Dongola 1J.63 Tip, Lace aud Con Cen gress Sheas, reduced te 12 (0. Men's Dull Dongola 1160 Plain, Bread Tee, Wide SheeB, ter Older Men, reduced te fi 00. A full line of these Shoes can be seen In our Indews. The Oiie-Pi Ice Cash Heuse. ft" The Leaders of Lew Prices -IN- BOOTS & SHOES, Ne. 3 Etht King Street, I.ANCA9TK11. l'A. TK VXK8. rjlitUNKS, TRAVKUNQ IIAt3, Av. AIWAYS ABEALI TRUNKS ! TRUNKS ! HKCKIVKD TO-DAY, A Carload of Trunks. ALL PRIOES. $1,50 TO S25.00. Al.SOALAUbK ASIOUTMUNTOr Traveling Bags. AT Iff. laberbusli & Sen's SADDLE, UABNESS, AND TRUNK STORE, Ne. 30 Centre Square, LANCAJTKU, PA. FREY ECKERT r a lack of r abb ten. GBKAT THIRTY DAYS CLEARIMGt S ALB or BUMMKK UOODS. FURTHER REDUCTIONS AT THE GREAT THIRTY DAYS CLEARING SALE or SUMMER GOODS, AT ASTRICH'S PALACE OF FASHION, 13 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. One let el Colored Tips te 19c a bunch.1 One let of Fancy Cord Trim ming and Braid, formerly 50c te 75c, reduced te 10c a yd. One let of Braid Trimming in all colors, formerly 75c te $1.00, reduced te 25c a yd. One let ei Colored Braid 1 rimming, leatner edged, re duced from $1.25 te 50c a yd. One let of Black Silk Cord Trimming reduced te 25c a yd. One let te 50c a yd. One let te 75c a yd. One let of wide Torchon Laces, formerly iSc te 20c, re duced te 10c a yard. One let of Fancy Laces re duced te 5c a yd. One let te 10c a yd. One let of Oriental Lace Skirting, formerly 50c and 75c, 45 inches wide, reduced te 25c a yd. One let of Fancy Net and all all ever lace, reduced te 25c a yd. One let of fine Black Milan Hats reduced te 49c. Plushes 16 inch reduced te 55c ; 18 inch reduced te 75c ; 24 inch reduced te $1.00 ; best quality reduced te $1.50 a yd. One let of Bey's Waists re duced te 19c apiece. 6-4 Tapestry Table Cleths, tinseled, reduced te gi.ce. ASTRICH'S PALACE OF FASHION, 13 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. rjIUKSA QPKUIAL. WATCHES for Farmers ana BrJlroaaers, 11 Karat Qeia Klllea liess cases, Klgln Works, sw each, Jeb Let. Best Watch ane Jewelry Uepalnng. Spectacles, KyOKlasses ana Optical Geed'. Cor reci time dally, by Velejrrapn only place In tne city, LODIS WEBER, NO. 159X N. Qneen St., opposite City lieteL Near 1'eun'a lieneu s FECIAL NOTICE. GILL. Watches and Jewelry. Silverware and Novelties. Geld Pens and Panclle. We call Speclal Attention te our rOFULAJl F0UMA1N FE.V. Only 5c. Can use any kind or Ink, Take a leek at It. Charles S. Gill, KO. 10 WEST KING ST., LANCASTEB, l'A. HEADQUARTERS FOR WATOHK8 AND S1LVK11WABK. Watches & Silverware. Anyone who annreclatpa whit it la ii hum a geed watch In ihelr pocket, shcuia call and see our Geneva Nen-Magnetic. rer Ilanty el Finish, Accnraey of Time and 1 esl'lve frcef airalniitiinv&lnDnAtia indnnnM they are l)oe'.dt.dly Ahead, New Goods Water Pitchers, Herry Dishes. Ktc, LOWKSf MAhKKT 1'UIUAS. at WAITER C. HEBE, Ne.; 101 North Queen Street, LANCASTER l'A. U Cerner or Orange. nl-lid asphalt blocks. A Hl'HALT PAVING liLOOK. Asphalt Bleck Ce.. Offlce-Ml Chestnut St., 1'hlla , I'a, Works-llrldgepert, fa., a Camden, N. J. XIANUFACTUUKUS OF Standard AsphaltPaving Blocks eiZKSlxSzll ANO 411111 In general use forstreetpavlng.siaewalks.gar den paths, inlll yards and driveways, riuUts, eeli.ra vats and sea walls. AdvaeUgea; Nelapless, dustless, strictly sanitary, practl cally Indestructible ane cheap. Fer prices and lurtner information address: R. S, OSTER & BRO., Agents Lancaster Ce.. ni North Prince St. lAacMWr, Pa. nHma CLOTHIKO, C. ASKEW OB MB. . AT MOS.IM AND W WB8T KINO BTBBBT. esn-ix JYEK8 A KA.THFOR. SERGES. THl MOST AGRMABLl THING IN- SUMMER OLOTHIM FOB- HEN'S WEAR -ISA- SERGE! We have them for 115,113. no ana ra. mads te order In suletly nrst-clats style. AUAND30MB8TOCK OW Summer Trousers ! 3.80 TO BIO.OO. IN LIGHT AND MIXED COLOBS. Myers & Bathfen, FA8UIONAIILK TAILOB9, NO. 12 EAST KTNd STH LANOABTXB FA. TJEDUOED PRICKS. I. 6ANSHAM & BRO. Great Sacrific Sale ! MEN'S, BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTOING BKDUCKD ALMOST TO ONK-lt ALF TUK1H ACTUAL VALUK. Onr Summer Goods most go for want et room. ouch low prices were never heard of before tn this city. cot Pair Children's Knee rants at as, u, ti 43, 00, 75 cu, $100. tee Fair Men's rants at CO, 03, 70, 80,90 eU, andil.te. 8oe Pair Man's Castmere and Worsted Pants at 1.25. (1 SO 2 00, S2.A0 and S3 CO. 830 Children's Bulla at II. !5, tl 60, U0, 160 1,000 Men's butts. Worsteds. CaBslmeres and Chovlets,atL8,aj,aioand fl2. Prices That Will Astonish Yen. Beys' Seersucker Ceat and Vestal 70e: Men's atoed. Men'a Thin Coats at Mc. Men's Mohair and Serge Ceat and Vasts ; H'S. .Un5ei. ccttls ana VesU at 1.15, 11.50. si, 92 60, S3 and 14. SOU Men's Odd Veals at 50e, 71c and tl 00. . ssr-Thls offer will held geed until every dol lar's worth of Summer uoeds Is sold. L (iiiHiiQ Bre. j S.W.OOBNIR NORTH QUHBN & ORANQ3 BIB, LANCA9TKU, l'A. M EROHANT TAILORING, The People's Cash Stere MERCHANT TAILORING IN ALL ITS UKANCUI8,; Balbr'ggan, Summer Merine AND- GAUZE UNDERWEAR, Neikwer Cellirs, Mi, Hosier, Etc. Sosjen'er?, Flannel Bhhta, Peicile Shirt i and Wh'te Shirtp, IN GREAT VARIETY OP ST1TE8. Tbe People's Casb Stere, NO. 25 EAST KING ST., (Next roer te tbe I.aneister C unty National liank,) LANOABTEU, l'A. warH-lvd4w NOTIOK TO TRESPASSERS AND OUNNKKS.-A11 pewens are hereby t. bidden te trespass en any of the lands at ths Cornwall and SpeedweU estates in Lebanon or Lancaster oennbes, whether inclesed or nnln. closed, either for the purpose of ahuettnsT or nshinjr, aa the Uw will te rltdly enteiced aealnsl all trespassing en said lands of tha un. designed after this noUeo. uu Wat. COLKMAN FBXIH ah. K. PKKOr ALDKN, ' llDW, U.FUKMAII, AUeraars tar a.w.oeui.ut Htu Vv.