t &nate frctellxgrnM LANOASTEB. PA., WEDNESDAY, JULY 18. 1888. PRICE TWO CENTO. AM VOLUME XXIV NO. 2; 3. M , m BELIEVES IN HIS GLASS. WILLIAM SMITH lONHDKltr It IOBND TUB LOST OIKL AT rKMftTir. T is Story tie Tell m Msnbtlm ITepertsr Be Dec'ara III. Motive Stat Kit te Obiala Meney Tb Imagination Ola. Mctm te be Vied Ajaln te BT Anyone. TbeManhclm e'un had a representative at White Oik en Monday evealeg when Wllllcm Sinltb, tbe alleged abdnoter of Bertha Heek, arrived tbere 'tern Lebanon. 'The Sun will publish the following : There wereabundrei people at the station, and vrliun Smith voteft the ears Gee. Her mn,nne of Smith' bendBmen, aald : "B11', 30U better sink the glasi under the ground nhuudred font. It get ynu In Jail aud hat Riven yc u leta of trouble " 8-iilth replied, "I think mere of the gla.s nnw thu ever I did. It found the lest girl." Httnrv Stelncnan spoke te a San man say ing, " Ye, I went bis ball because be la an Innoeent roan. I saw him In tbe harvest field at 12 o'aleck ou Thursday and at 2 o'clock niy daughter Marie was out after raspberries and talked te Smith and want Inte bin druse when It rained and saw him there Tan railroad conductor mut be wrong when he says Smith rede en his train en Thursday." Frem tbn lake at Penryn runs a narrow pith towards Mount Hepe. The best theory Ib that Bertha lest herself In this pathway and etrajed Inte the thorns where aha was discovered. A Sun reporter Interviewed Smith en Tuesday morning. Tbe man had come te Manhetm tosee his old friend M. J. Burk holder, the merchant who kept atere at White OAk. Ue were a eheap straw bat with a blue ribbon band. Ue was elesn shaven and hla while gnatee carefully ar ranged. His eyes blinked continually is lie pike freely te the newspaper man. 'When did seu see Bertha Beck T" asked tbe reporter. lie answered In German slowly and de liberately. " Net until Swenk trem Lan caster had arrested me and Superintendent Jaeksen like a tiger started the ery of lynch him I' banirhlm!'" But you knew you were arrested for stealing tbe child?" " "yen, I knew that tee well. Oa Thurs day morning about 0 o'clock when the wheat was dry enough 1 went Inte the field te work. The ratn chased me out and 1 get wef. I went home and changed my clothe", and then curried a letter te tbe postefllceAt Gray bill's mill for my daugh ter. On mv way there I saw balfadczen of prtnpla Theu'l went down te tbe station at White Oik. Tbe la train brought out Jehn Ssylcr, Jr., and he told me that tbe girl was lust. That was the Ural 1 knew of It." "Did yen then go te the park ? " " Ne, I went home and.wauted the Ira Ira aginatien glas", net 'airth splegel,' that's tbeGarmtu name for P, bnt my family would net give it te me, se I bad te wait until morning. I get up early. Home Heme thing made me go. I could net stay. I bought a ticket at White Oak for Fenryn. When 1 get en tbe grounds I did net stand around like a steer, but was there ter busi ness, te Bee if anyone could tee the lest child in the glas." Smith theu related his expeilance with the persenH who looked in the glass and was particularly severe en the young man who said Ub saw the girl but oeuldn't lo cate her because he was net acquainted with tbe weeds. Ue is strong in his con d em nation of Superintendent Nell's con duct. Why didn't you sse whare the child was 7" Hecause I am net the proper subjeet and can't see anything In the glaw. I don't have the power te lecate thltiKS. When 1 went ever I expected te find eeme of Free man's hands who kuew the grounds who would have the power te locate. In tbe morning 1 had a number of the men te leek In the class. I was disgusted with the out- oemo ei the matter and was about te go home when 1 met Shirk at the tool house. He looked in the glaisjiud Bald that he saw the child, net In the lake but beyond the lake. I did net soe the child. Ue started oil and I followed hlrr. Ue bad goue some distance and they said the child wai found I wanted te Hud a geed place te cress the stream. That's what I was looking for when Officer Swonkeamoup and told me it was all right new. He began asking me iflhadn'tsiole the girl and then I Juit found out what they were up te. When 1 get back tbey wanted te lynch me. Nell had a rope and hild me by tbe threat. Jacksen was one of the worst among them. When 1 saw the child she could net talk, but would nod yea te any thing they asked her." Smith had uet read any of the news paper, and when the ntery hs published web related te him he laughed at it and .aid It was net correct. He denied tbe ac count of the Interview about the location of the ehlld and said many of the words were puWnte his meutb. Ha did net go there for money. "He wanted te show the people what hn could de with his glass which he rosde fitteen years age. In all that time Builih never found anything, atlll he be lieves In the glnup, but he declares that he will never nsa it te save anyone, net even from death. IisOnleeia chosen. The National Educational Counel', wbbh aijourned in San Francisce en Monday, evening eloeted ctllcera for the following year as follews: President, O. L Pickard, of Iowa; vlcu president, W. T. Harris, of Massachusetts; eeerctary and treasurer, Marie NIcholBen, of Indiana; members of the executive committee, 8. II. Peabedy, of Illinois; James Baldwin, of Texas; James H. Biker, of Colerado. San Francisce, July 18. The mem bers of the leacbetB' otnventlen de voted yesterday te making rounds of various headquarters and visiting friend". Every train brought hundreds of new ar rivals. The osnventlen opened lsst ever lug with a grand welcome concert at Mechanic' pavilion. Die Oat in Politics, rrem the llilllmore Herald. During ibocanvtsset 1681 a ltttle b'eck kitten strayed into the national Damocratle headquarters in New Yetk city. It was peer, apparently half starved, but the clerks who were doing Homiter German's work regarded It as an "men of geed luck. They took the little waif in, fed it en milk, fattened aud reared it, and when Gleve i.nri fiinetnd that cat was made a prominent lenture in the demonstrations of rejelclns. MJir Jehn Trainer, ene of the mimtelllalent of Onalnnan German's aids, brought the cat te Washington and has kept it ever since, a favorite inmate of bis resldenc there. Tbe cat is te be taken back te New Yerk le ba a leature of the national headquarters there during the pending canvas. It is decorated with plcturoaef ('if,veland and Thurman, and wears a ban- danna ter a cellar. As seen a the na tional Damncratle headquarter areopened Msjer Trainer will take tbe eat ever. landlord.' Prei.u He A.ioclatlen, A Land.erd's Protective association was TenlMJ en Monday evenlng by the elec tien of A. HIrah as president, David Weller vice p'03ldent, F. A. Albrlglt treasurer, an 1 J. O. Sturglsas sscteta'y. The ataoclatlen will meat at Bisilnper'a hotel, West King street, Thursday oven even lng, te hear the report of a committee ap pointed te draft resolutions providing means te protect landlords from default ing ttnittJ. I'll gr ern.hed. Christian Grattr, who Is employed at the atone crusher, bad the llttle OnRer et ene band badly erusbed yesterday by having It caught between tbn iron drill and rock at which be was working. Dr. S. T. Davis dressed his wound. llelDC'" Vliltthe ri.brriiicn. Alderman De9n aad a number of ether gentlemen left this city at 0-.30 this mere lug te vlelt their frleada, tbe But End club, new in catuu at Wel&' Ulaud, WHY BE DESERTS KKI'UBLIOANISB. Kx-Xtjer s.Ui Lew, at tuoealye, Writes a L.tUr of nsttgnatlen. Kx-Msyer Beth Lew, of Brooklyn, in tendering bis resignation te the First Ward Republican association, of that city, wrote as lollewa : Brooklyn, June 20, 1888. Channing Fi elhtngham, Etj , Bedrttarv i Dear Sin 1 herewith tender my resig nation as a member of the First Ward Re publican association. I de se because I am unable te support the party upon the plat form recently adopted at Obicase. I be lieve In protection for this country as a means te an end i I glory In the results achieved under it In the last twenty-live years, bnt le my mind the eigne are many that in net a few directions protection here has done Its peifeet work and Is new doing harm. Therefore 1 believe In a revision of tbe tariff upon principles directly opposed te the Chicago platform. I had hoped tbe Republican party would itself undertake te remodel the tarlfl upon lines that would gradually transfer tbe Industries of the na tion from an artificial te rational basis. 1 believe that ueu a cause Is demanded by tbe true Interests of labor. Tbe policy actually outlined seems te me full of danger te the country. The higher and tbe tighter the dam la made, tbn greater will be the destruction when the flood break through, and lean net believe that a country se large as tbe United S'ates can be permanently held aloof from tbe great trade movements of the outside world. 1 remain In sympa thy with tbe Republican party as te many polets, and especially am I In line with them in their attitude toward atate matters, but Inasmueh as 1 feel compelled at the present time te be oentrnlU d by the fore going considerations, 1 deem it proper te place my resignation at the disposal of the association. Respectfully, Beth Lew. Ex-Mayer Lew was net the only ene who could net oenso'entlously support tbe Republican platform and lta nominee In tbe spproaeblng campaign. Six ether members of tbe association followed hla example and cflered their resignations. Tbey were Jehn L. Moffat, Geerge B Mcdlat, R. P. Moffat, G. B. Ueggshall, Henry R. Averlll and Win. O. Lew. NRAICLK A aiOnUKK. Itibett Hjtis Strikes Jei.e James a Tirrlbla IIlew, Frem the Reading Times. A light that almost ended in a murder and happened be quickly that nobody could Interfere, took place In the St. Cloud hotel yesterday afternoon. The vicious dis putants were Rebert Myers and a man who halls from Lancaster county and bears the name of the most daring outlaw who was ever known either te the Old or New World Jesse James. Beth men are, in a way, horse dealers. They travel through the city and county and buy up old "plugs" for which tbsy find sale again somewhere. Lttely, It seems, they have been having aome transactions between themselves, and the quarrel of yesterday was the result of tbe last ene of these Myers claimed that James owed him ISO en this transaction, but James denied this and said he was willing te pay Myera SI. Tbey had had het words together before they came Inte the hotel, but peace had ap parently possessed their breasts until they had taken a drink together, when tbe same subjeet was renewed. Alter threatening each ether several times James offered te pay Myera the f I which be admitted he owed him. Myers is lame and walks with a cruieb. James' offer of only a dollar seemed te enrage htm greatly and raising his erutcb suddenly, and berere any ene In tbe place could Interfere, he dealt him a terrible blew en the bead. The bleed spurted from a wound above the eye and James stretched his full length en tbe fleer and lay like a man dead. Geerge Blessing, tbe bartender, who bad come from behlnd tbe bar at tbe first Blgn of a fight and tried te prevent it, picked up tbe unconecleus man and bathed bis fsce and wound with cold water. In this way he was revived In a Utile while. Myera left tbe place after striking tbe blew and did net return. Tbe two men had come Inte the hotel frcm tbe herse sale at the exohange en Pop lar Btreet. A mbr Drowned in a Spring. i rem the Heaaing Eagle. A very sad affair took plaas en the faitn of Henry Bennetch, in Heidelberg town tewn Bhlr. Benjamin Bsnnetcb, wife and two-year-old child, came ever from Oecallca, Lnncaster county, te assist at narveaung. While tbey were at work In the fields and at the barn, tbe child get tee near an open spring near the beuBe and tell into tbe water and was drowned. The firs', te go te the spring was the little one's fatber, who came for a drink. Ue ga?9d into the water and te ills lntenie horror he saw, for the first time, tbe body of bis drowned ehlld dead at the bottom. Ue quickly took It out and tried bard te bring back life, but It was tee late. His grief was intense as be held the little one te his breast. Seme ene then ran te tbe barn and suddenly Informed the wife and mother who w at work en the mew. She fainted and fall twenty feet te tbe barn lliter and was very badly hurt. Undertaker Knauer took the remains of tbe child and tbe sorrowing parents back te their home at Oesallcs. A LAW AND OKUEIl SOCIKtV. Temporal J- OrfauixattenEncta Mas Mttl llif. le lie II. Id, A meeting of the Law and Order eecUty of Lancaster county was held In G. A. R , ball (latu Excelsior hall) East King street, te-day. A temporary organlritlen wai tlleeted by the election of the following named cfll cfll ce -a: President, Ezra ReUt, Manhelm ; yl09 president, Mrs. Byerly, MUlersvllle ; secretary, Mrs. Eather Bacbman, New Providence ; treasurer, Luther S. Kaufl man. An executive commltteeof twolve was appointed te arrange for mass meeting a throughout the county In the interest of the society. The nrat et mese meetings wm be bold in Lancaster en the u.h of AugutL The dates of ether meetings have net yet been fixed. Theobjentef the society Is te secure sn enforcement of the Sundsy laws, net only against liquor selling hut against all ether Sunday traffic. Any person who is In favor of this object ein become a member of the society by signing the oenBtltutlon. The Coleuol'a Head U L !. Colonel James Carnes, of Sharen, Pa., lttely one of the most prominent iron manufacturers in the Shenaoge Valley, but recently retired, was said te have flopped. He is out in a letter vebsmently denying the charge He siye: Fifteen yeirs li tbe iron business have taught me that the true principles of government In relation te the tarltl are as set forth by O rover Cleveland In bis mes.age and affirmed by t le Democracy at S'. Leuis. 1 regard tbe Democratle party as the safeguard et tbe masses and am satisfied tbat through its principles millions of labemra new en slaved will be disenthralled. " The colonel calls himself a Democrat and the unquallfind enemy of any party wmehs policy is te esubllah a plutocracy instead of auemocraey. Mr. ream's Injuries. Mr. J. R. Fester, wheae narrow escape from dfa'h while driving with his chl dren out North Duke street was mentioned in Tuesday's Intelligencer, is en duty to day. He carries a cut en bis right cheek ss large as a sliver dollar, and Is badly bruised k. nr4r I, nt tin vatnlnAS that hn aa. caped with se little damage te himself nonetetheohlldrea. ANOTHER ANARCHIST PLOT. TtaiBXY disceveht or turn flins or DYNAMITERS IN CUIUAUO. Terrible Bsvaegs CeuUmplaUd Ily tbe FLncu-Thr el Iks Obltf Compliatera Bshtnd Fruea Bar.-Ilow Tbalr Arrttt Was Ateorepll.htd By the rotlee. On Tuesday the Intklt.iekncer con tained brief telegram from Chicago an nouncing tbe discovery et a plot by An An arehlsta te assasslaate oOlelala of tbat city, who were concerned In the trial of the Haymarket murderers, Following are the details of the story : About ten dava age a prominent Bohe mian called en Iuspeoler Benfield and In. formed blin that a plot was en feet, the objeet of which was te avenge the execu execu uutlen of Spins, Parsons et al, by blowing up with dvuatnlte tbe residences of Judge Julius B Grlnuell, who was the Kate attor ney when tbe Anarchists were tried ; Judge Gary, who was tbe presiding Judge, and also tbe residence of Inspector Bon Ben field, who bad been tbe prime mover of the arrests which followed tbe Hsymarket aUatr, and who furnished meat of tbe evi dence whleh brought four et tbe principals te the gallows, forced another Inte a aul aul elde's grave, and sent three ethers te Jollet. The Inspector was net alew In aollegnpon the tip thus given, and by cartful shadowing and ether skillfull deteetlve work succeeded In weaving a web, as he claims, et locentestlble faets about at least three men aud arresting them en Tuesday morning. Tbe name of the ring leader la Jehn Hrenck, and he lives nt Ne. 2932 Fairel street Uetsa Bohemian and a cabinet maker by trade. The ether man is Frank Cbapek, who Uvea at Ne. 408 Weat Twen tieth street He Is also a Bohemian, aa la the third man, whess name la Frank Ohnbews, a tailor, living en Zlen place, and who Is the Informer who told tbe story of the plot te tbe Bohemian, who in turn related It te Inspf cter Benfield. It eeems tbat alnee the exeoutlen a move meve ment was atarted among tbe followers of revolution and chaos in Chicago, by which the groups which disbanded almost as seen ss tbe market bomb burst were te be re organized, it appears, te de business at the old stand. It was thought dangerous In the light of paatevents te have these groups composed et sn unlimited number, because It would increase the possibility of Infor mers making their appearanees at the tnett critical period, When silence was very golden. It was oencluded tbat eaeh group as re organized was te have no mere tban three members, with eaeh of tbe three members well acquainted with the ethers who cetrfV posed tne group when farmed, It wss thought that "aqueallng" In the Anarchists' ranks in tbe future could beoemo a lest art Tne three men arrested constituted a group, and In the bands of these waa left, by whom it la net yet known, the occupa tion of blowing up residences until tbe aet or last November waa considered fully wiped out In bleed. The group new lnetrcerated In the cells under the City ball bad no regular meet ing place whero plans oeuld be discussed, but tbey met casually aa frlenda and ever a gla&s of beer oenoooted their bold and bloody aehemes. . it waa agreed tbat Grin nell's beuse was tbe first one te be blown up, but net unltss tbe ex-state attorney was an iumate wbeu the explosion took place. Judge Gary's beuse waa the next one marked, and last Saturday night was the time set ter carrying out tbe plot. It was net fully determined hew Inspec tor Beufleld was te be remeved. lie was the third one en the Hat, and he was deemed te die with tbe ethers, but bow was net fully decided upon. The plot bad mede rapid advancement, for en July 4th Urenck detailed himself te examine tbe S remises of Judge Grlnnell In Aldlne quare, with a view te lta oecupants, Ue reported te his companions tbat nlgbt. The enormity of tbe offense began te dawn upon tbe mind of Chebews. He wrestled with hla feelings for several days and finally made up bis mind te ask ler advlcn from a friend. The latter hurried at once te tbe police department and told his story. In the bousei of all three weapons weru found and oueuith dynamite te blew upBevoralet the largeut buildings in the city. It is stated In this connection that the three men were present at tbe Haymarket massacre, and tbat Urenck received a num ter et bombs and some dynamite from a friend of tbe cause who was present. When asked what he bad done wltn hta stuff, he replied quite readily tbat hn bad thrown it into tbe river. It is supposed, however, tbat tbe stuff found Is some whleh was iriven te him en tbat fatal evening. Urenck and Chapek were Intimate friends et Leuis Llngg. Inspector Benfield en Tuesday night in a modest quiet way told tbe story of the plot and capture. Said he : "A week or ten days age a gentleman drew my atten tion te the fact of a conspiracy, whleh In cluded an attempt en the lives of Jndge Gary and myselt This etme te the gentle man's knowledge from a Bohemian ou the West Side, whcreeuaiue 1 dtellue te give. Investigation satisfied us tbat a con spiracy bad been formed. We found tbat three men had been te Mdlne square Grlnnell lives en Aldlne, square en tbe Fourth of July, and tbat Judge Urinnell hal noticed them there. The conBclence or cowardice et one of theae men oeuld net bear tbe strain, and he shortly afterward gave up the secret, which came quickly te our ears, as I have already stated. "We learned the whereabouts et tbe men and Monday night procured warrants for tbe arreat et tbe three. Besides Lieu tenant Elliett and four of bis men, wn bad two ether otllesrs along who speak Bohe mian. Tbe first place we went was te Ne 2 05! Farrell Btreet, where the chief ene of tbe trio lived. We arrived tbcre about 4 e'ciccic tnia morning, but having been Informed tbat he bad revolvers, dynamite and dsggerr, poisoned perhaps, we concluded net le enter, but te wait developments Tbe fel low came out abnut 7 o'clock. We arrested him without difficulty, he being taken en tirely by surprise. Ills name was Jehn Urenck, hU age about 39, and he was dressed in a blue lltnuel Bhlru We Bfnrcbed tbe house and found a small portion of dvnamlte there. It was the Etna, Ne 2. We found also a let et bombs. et tbose manufactured for tbe purpose, but these pressed into service, mere were Heme bait dtz'n of them, about four Inches long, et cat Iren. 'Lieutenant Mahenev was then tele phoned te, and be arrested Frank Cbtpek at Ne. 493 Twentieth street Chapek'a beuse was net searched." The Inspector declined te state whether the aet that no search was made at Chapeir'a Indicated that Ohspek wss the Informer, net, as rumored, Frank Chobewa, the third member of the group, "Chebewa," continued the inspector, was then arretted by our parly, lu his oustedy were found eUbt half-pound pack ages otdynamlte labeled Etna, Nn. 2, aud sme bombs, the same as these leund en Farrell street, also nne luimiuating cap.--Mn. Albert R. Partens. the wife of ene of the excutel Auarchlxta, was told of tbe arrests and asked If Hhu knew anything about the matter. She became highly excited and stated tbat U there was any conspiracy It had been hatched up by the police "They baven't murdered any Anarchists," she said, " since November last, and tbey are thirsting ler mere bleed. 1 don't tmlleve there was a oeusplraoy, only in tbedevel. lsh imagination of II jn field and hi min ions." Sne grew mere exnlte 1 as she went en, and finally said : " If Grlnnell aud Gary are net killed very soeu 1 will kill them myself, and you cu rest aisurea l will net make a botch et it " Pointing te her ten-year old son, she con tinued : " What de you suppose I am raising him ferT I stall teach him tbat bis fatter was murdered and Dy whom ; and these red handed butehers had better leek out" AnarcMiU' Itinks Graiilng, Chicaue. July If, Tbe Time today atates that according te police reports tbe armed ranks et the Anarchists have In- and e teased fully 100 per cent since tbe Haj. market tnuMere. At that time It WM known tbat tbe armed sections numbsrsd 2 600 men fully armed and well drilled. The execution et the leadera served te lnorease their hatred and also taught them tbat greater secrecy would have te be ob served. It la nnw believed tbat there ate mere tban 5,000 members of the armed groups, all provided with Wlnshcster rifle, bombs and dynamite. The Newt this morning saya tbat tbe de tectives bare Information tbat twenty pounds of dynamite was distributed June 13 i tbat many of tbe old Anarchists re ceived It, and that Captain Benfield thlnka some of It can be traced very close te mem bers of tbe Central Laber union. TLe three Anarchists Cuapek, Chebewa and Hrenek arrested by Inspector Bet field yesterday, are booked at tbe armory. Their caaee will come up today and will be continued. On Meudsy tie evidence against tbem will be presented te tbe qwA Jury, and they will be indicted under the dynamite aet and en ether counts. Ne mere arrests were made this morning and no further details et the big plot were made public. The pollee are still aetlve, however, and will probably aoen have othera of tbe conspirators utder arrest ACSTKiLIjlN WOOL AND TUK TAItirF. rtgarcs Submitted Whlctt Ma.iatn an Ailst tlen et Obairmau stills. An interesting report upon Australian wools, recently received at tbe state depart ment In Washington trem G. W. Griffin, United States consul at Sydney, New Seuth Wales, gives seme significant faets snd figures bearing directly upon the pres ent discussion et the wool sohedule in tbe Heuse and sustaining fully tbe arguments advanced by Mr. Mills in bis famous apoeeh in opening the debate. Mr. Grlfilu says tbat, owing te the high protective duty, tbe demand for wools suited te the Amertcan market la extremely limited, only about twelve hundred bales having been pur chased ter expert te tbe United States at tbe fall aalea In Londen In October last Tbe direct expert te the United States from Sydney durlug tbe whole season of 1880-87 consisted of but 4S0 bales, though tbe wools shipped te the American markets are far superior te these exported in any previous season. It It maintained that these wools will net enms Inte direct competition wtththe wools et American growth, out, as Mr. Mills has held, being of a finer tex ure, can be used te mix with tbe American product in tbe mauu'aeture of a grade et woolens whleh no sttempt Is new made te produce, thus enlarging the field for Amertcan enterprlae. These Australian wools are deserlbed as being well grown, bright, soft and ex ex tremely light in condition, tbe very perfec tion et high merino, and specially adapted te the American market" Mr. Griffin has forwarded te tbe National museum at Washington a collection et interesting aamplea representing every grade et Aus tralian wool suited te tbe American mar ket acoempanled by a descriptive list giv ing many statistics of value te Amoriean manufacturers and wool growers. Atler ealllng attontlen te the rapid growth et tbe wool manufacturing Indus try in this oeuntry and the necessity ler a large supply et tbe raw material te keep paoewith tbe demand, Mr. Grlfilu makes the assertion tbat in the United States there was from 1834 te 1887 a decrease In tbe pro duction et wool amounting te 23,000,000 pounds. With regard te the reaseus fur its reduction Mr. Griffin sava : In 18(0 tbe sbexp tn the United States numbered about 10 000,000. In 1800 the number bad Inereased te 35,000,000, but In 1840 tbe bulk of tbe sheep were grazed In tbe New England and Uastern atates add none In tbe Southern and Western atates. In 1880 the Southern and Western states grazed one-third of the whele number, while tbe New England and Eastern states only grazed bslf tbe number they bad In 1840 Tbe highest point was readied In 1834, when tbe number et sheep waa 50,000 000 Ol that number mere tbaa bait weru icrazad In the Hnntbern aud Western states anil only 8,000,000 In New England and the Eastern states, showing that tbe In creasing population arove tue sneep out ei tbe Eastern and New L'uglaud states to wards the mere sparsely settled Southern snd Western statin aud territories, tbe laud being required where population was dense for agriculture aud litlug tee dear te profitably graze sheep. "Hlnee lsa4 even the Southern snd West em states seem te bave beoerne unoble te sustain their former number, tbe result being tbe total number of sheep In the United States has decreased from 1681 te 1887 by about 0 000,000. As tbe population et the United States la Increasing very rapidly (ihe annual increase being estimat ed at nearly 2 000 000) and oentloually pushing out West and Seutb, itli notun netun notun rBaaenable te sunneae tbat tbe reduction In tbe number of sheep which has been going en in the. New England and Esiteru states Mr, Griffin cltes recent reports et the United States bureau of statistics te show tbat tbe demand baa mere than kept pace with tbe supply, and that at the present time manulaoiurersarebaroof stocks. This further points Mr. MI1K' argument In favor of the Importation of sueU wools as cannot profitably be raised In this country, thus furnishing raw material te tbe mauy wool maoulaeturlng establishments wbich have ben compelled te shut down under tbe existing bigb tariff, throwing thousands et operatives out ei junpieyinenr, particu larly in the New England districts. - num, Kemamiru and Hebtlllen." EDITOns 1NTELL1OEN0EB '. Last OVn- ing I lnadvertently witnessed the follow ing soene in a hotel net twp tquares from the centra An amateur Republican politi cian had been wading through the two col umns of New Yerk Tribune slush en the Irish vote in New Yerk, republished in the New Era last evening, with approving ed itorial comments en the same. He was surrounded by quite a orewd et listeners, and after he bad finished, being desirous of making a convert from the Democracy, be turned te an old natlve et the Emerald Isle, who was sitting in the corner enjoy, ing his after-supper pipe, and called out : well, Mlke, wuat ue you tuinic ei mat ( Yeu can see new hew the Irish are going te vote. They are going aelld for Harri son, and are organizing all ever the coun try." " I'll tell ye," said Mlke, taking bis plpe from betweea his teeth. ' Four years ego there wuz a praeber. I tink he was a Matedlat, and he marched up te Jim Ulalne In New Yorrlek, an' ez he, Mr. Blaine, Rum, Remanl.m and Rebellion are tbe ruination of this country,' sez he. 'New, Buichard aald it, and all you fellers think it an vecau't be after glvlu' me any tally lelke tbat yb've Just been rudin' euttf tbe psper. Yer tee late." And that Is about the way all true Iiish men leek at this new-found admiration of tbe lYtbutie and lu allies for the Irish as a claw?. Burchard said it, and you fellers think It," was pretty geed for Mike, li he la only a laberlug man and net one of " them literary fellers." TAnA. Te Vat en the TanIT lllll ouSiterilnr. In the Houveief Keprokeeutlvison Tues day Mr. Cox (N. Y.) aigued tbat thepro thepre thepro Deaed reduction el 7 pereantutn en the tariff ty this bill wai net a free tradb step, and the cbarge that It was sowasllkelbo Republican platform, made as If tbey had been drinking tangtoreot whisky. Osteber 1 wai named as tnu date for the bill te go Inte operation. Mr. Mills elated that a veto would be taken en tne bill en Saturday at 11:30 o'clock. H.ut te trie ilep tal. Geerge Menley, one et the tlrcus cm cm pleyes,called at tbe stat'en house inn after noon and called for a permit te tbe co inty hospital. He was taken befere Alderman Halbsch and sent te tbat institution. He I Injured several daja age but was able I te work until te day, WILSON IS THE DETECTIVE. 0 trraiN Mceinn. or vinkkuten ades- Or, UKLUOrANILY ADMITS UK IS. 4 Stnsatlen la the Trial or tbe Allratri - U ' Coatpiralers-Meaian Testifying TaatAn Offlesr Was Among tbe Aecassa Vf lin ThrrVf.re On a Dn.mltltg Trip. CmoAeo, July 18. The discovery of another Anarohlstle plot lu the city and the aelzure of large quantities of dynamite snd bombs by tbe police, tegether with tbe arrest of the three men yesterday, and tbe Impending arrest et ethers, Invested the proceedings in the Federal court this morn ing with sn additional grave, if net tragic, Interest. Leng before the assembling et onurttbecerrldors of the government build ing were crowded by throngs anxious te gain admls.lnn te Judge Gresbsm's court room, where Ualted States Commissioner Uojne Is hearing evldenee in tbe Burlington cases. But a email proportion el tbe orewd could gain admittance te Ihe court room, and It waa some time beyond the hour snnouneed for the opening of the proceedings before the surging crowds were quieted suffi ciently te resume Inquiry into tbe recent dynamite explosions en the Burlington read. The cool and complacent revelations et Alexander Smith as te Ills participation In the plot and hla confession cf having placed tbe bomb en the railroad traek, under alleged lnatructlena from Bowles and ether co conspirators, In vlew of these later developments, msde blm sn elject of horror ss be entered the court room. Te the surprlse et everybody, when court was called te order Mr. Kwlng stated that Alexander Smith waved further ex amination, Te this Mr. Donahue, ene or the counsel for defense, replied that be did net think that a witness could waive exam ination, but, howevor, be would net ob ject Capt, Jehn C. McGinn, of the Plnkerten ageney, wb the first witness called. The pareel of dynamite aald te bave been found In the possession or the prlsenete In the passenger oeaob, while tbey were en the tratn te Chicago, was again brought Inte court Capt McGinn narrated hew the dyna mite was dltoevered. lie saw It under the arm of Brodetlek en the platform at Aurera. I saw blm," be atated, place the paokage In a batrack In the ameklng car ; Wilsen and another man were with him. Bowles shortly afterward eame In and took a sest opposite Broderlek. After I saw blm enter I weut back and get one et my eperatlvea and we entered tbe car where tbe men were. United States Dep uty Burehard had a warrant In his pocket te arrest Broderlek. This occurred en tbe 2.05 train leaving Aurera for Chicago en IhoGthef July." Tbe fulminating caps found en the person of Brederlck were produeed during Me Uluu's examination and ettered lu evi dence. WILSON IS A DETECTIVE. Attorueys David and Donahue, for the defense, scored a point when they estab lished the faet that tbe warrant for the ar rest of the men was sworn out berere tbe crime was committed, and a profound sen sation wss created at tbe following revela tion : " De you knew Wilsen T " asked Attorney Donahue. McGinn visit ly trembled and a delay of nearly five minutes followed before he answered tbe question. He finally acknowledged tbat Wllien, one of tbe conspirators, so-esllcd, waa tn the em ploy of Iho Plnkerten agency. "Are there any ether of tbe defendants In the employ of your agency T " asked Mr. Donahue. Attbls question tte witness smiled and aald no " Before we are through with your ex amination," exclaimed Attorney Donahue, We will have no oileuta at alt" At thla point Dlstriet Attorney Kwlrg capped the climax of astonishment per vading tbe court by stating tbat Wilsen waived examination, and that tbe ebsrge against him wail dismissed. The attorneys for the delense, however, demanded that he should net be permitted te leave tbe court, and asked whether be was te be ex amined ai n wltness. Attorney Dawes ter tbe railroad company premised tbat be kheuld net be allowed te eieape. Frem this moment me proceed ings were et an intensely sensational char acter. Why didn't you arrest tbe fourth man, why did you allow blm te get away 1" asked Attorney Donahue. 1 thought 1 had my bands full with Mulligan." Why I Isn't Mulligan, tbe man Wil Wil eon new In court, your own operative." 11 Yes," responded Capt. McGinn. " And you actually assign thls,befere tbe court and before tbe world, as your reason ler permitting the fourth man te escape 7" Te this question Capt McGinn inade co reply. ' De yen knew whether tbat fourth man was the man tbat put tbe package In tie car 7" " 1 de net," replied McGinn. HAUUKISEN'H LETTEIt. I saw Broderlek put hla baud cut of the window. I had tbe train stepped and ran back and found a letter en the track," the witness testified. Ue then identified tbe letter produeod by Dlstriet Attorney Ewlng ai tbe one bu found en tbe track. Attor neys David and Denanue said although the letter contained nothing relevant te tbe case, they had no et J Ml Ien te its being read. Tbe letter was addressed te Tem ltred- ortek and read as follews: "Brotherhood of Loeoraotlvo Engineer, Aurera division Ne. 23, Aurnrs, HI., June 13, 1888 Tem Brederlck, Dear Sir and II re, : l Just re ceived n letter from Bowles from Glen weed Junction, Me , and I don't knew where te write se he will get my lotter. Yeu should have made nrrangemtnts with blm when be waa at Creaton. I will let you knew It I can get him as seen as pesilble, ( Let me knew wbere te sddress you every time, you write ) 1 will alwsya write tbe Cete. uin and you ctu get your mall Irem tbem, that uthH surest wav. I will direct te you In care nt tbem. aud tell tbem te return the "utter If you have left there. I will try te find J. A. ii. as seen as x can anu get mm fjwerk. If you bear et blm tell him te come te Aurera, unless you want him with (Signed) "J. A. Bauiikiskn " On the back et tbe letter the following appeared : " Maybe J. A. Bawles has Koneio li reek n eld. H a said in his letter be would write soeu agaiu. Haaaysthsy are getting onto him. " Tbe reading et tbe letter did net produce tbe sensation which was expected. At 12:10 o'clock Inspector Benfield waa called te the stand by Attorney Ewlnje. He described tbe testa et a part et tbe dynamite, taken from the package found en the train, whleh he made In company with the United States cUlclal He waa net cress- examined. F. O Rice, superintendent of tbe Illinois division of tbe C. B. & Q. read, testified tbat he saw Broderlek wltu a package under bis arm July 5, and saw him get en beard tbetralu with if. Upen tbe conclusion et bis direct evidence tbe ce.irt adjourned until 2 p.m. when Mr, Klea will be recalled for re-dlrcct examine tun by the prosecution. TUB MSBIKTTA CKfTENNlAL. Ajsd Men et the Vnu.li Visit IheOtlebrt tlea-Oen. Themas Swing speaks. Mariktta, Ohie, JulyJlS. The pioneer at the Marietta Icentennlal had a Jelly re union for an hour this morning before the regular exerelsea commenced. There weir prraent a gteat number el very old persons. Among thorn were three whose sges sgarregated three hundred and two years. There are mera persons everelghty years of age In this, the first.'oeuntyl of tbe Northwest territory, than In any ether county In tbe Weal. Tbe early part el the eay being given up te an in formal reoeptlen for the old people, brought together a remarkable gathering et silver-haired men and women. Mayer Coulter woleomed the pioneers of the Northwest te the city In a short apoeeh, aud banded te Gov. Fcraker a handsome gavel whleh be presented te General Themas Kwlng, tee president et the day. The gavel was the gift of the Women's ueutennlal celebration and la te be placed in a aealed iron box there te remain till the bl-centennlal et the origin of civil govern ment In the Northwest In 1088, General Ewlng accepted the gavel. General Kwlng waa Introduced by Hen. Gee, M. Weed, bridge, who euleglzad hla lather, Senater Tem Kwlrg, lnavery hsppy way and de elared that Gee. Ewlng was a "chip of the old block," upon whose cspable abeulders the mantle of his distinguished father bad fallen. General Ewlng wete a cluster of buckeyea In hla buttonhelo and badaehalr lavishly trimmed with buckeyes. Hla audience waa a splendid ene and had In It the greatest number of descendants cf the colonials who came te Ohie In 1783 tbat oeuld be brought tegether. Tbe name et Ewlng la ene that is widely known in tbe West, and there waa a great doslre te bear tbe representa tive et tbe family speak hore te-day, ThaA sjia ananlal ai Vrttlf-atntial In It am auuiu nwau sivuicsa avuisuus at-v Ewing meeting and the audience et course, was a great ene. Tbe thorough and brilliant speech of Uen, era! Ewlng' was happily supplemen ted by an ode wrltten for the oceaslon by Rev. W. L. Lee, of St Leula, who Is among tbe sweetest of Western alngetr. AtlOSOQeneral Ewlng began his speeeb. nig Flre Hating In OMotge. Oiiicaoe, July 18 At 10:06 o'cleok this morning flimea were discovered en one of the upper floors of the flve-stery building, 150 Webash avenue, occupied by Julius Bauer, pianos, Standard Muslcsl company and Mann Manufacturing company. A general alarm waa turned In and tbe entire tire department is lighting the flames. 1 r. m. The tire is still raging snd baa destreyed about f 400,000 worth et property. In spite of tbe eUortaef the fire depart ment it has spread te tbe building 100 and 102 Wabash avorjue, occupied by the Chi cago Carpet company, and bids fair te en tirely destroy the building. Thu fire started in tbe baiement et 150 I y an exploaten of benzine or varntab, aud spresd with frightful rapidity throughout tbe building, climbing up through the ele vater shstts se rapidly tbat In three min utes the filth fleer was ablaz?. James Ma honey, Janitor of the bntlding, la auppoaed te have been buree J te death. Tlieie were several narrow escapes. Affairs tn ths Nerthntat. Winnipeg, Man., July 18 The dam across tbe Winnipeg rlver at Rat Portage burst yesterday morning and swept away the government colonization bridge. The damage Is estimated at 110,000, There la every proapeet that the Hudsen Bay railroad wilt be recommenced shortly and pushed te completion. A syndicate of capitalists, including Mesin Onderdenk and Klngsmllt, have the matter In hand and are negotiating with tbe local govern ment regarding tbe land graut and for a gusranlee en tbe binds. Tbe eimpany premises te construct filty miles of the read this year. Regarding the Red River Valley railroad scheme and extensions, Mr. McNaugbt, solicitor for the Northern Pacific, atated yesterday that the company purposed leas ing the read from the prevlnclsl govern ment after lta completion, and extending tbe branch te Pertage La Prairie, sixty miles west of here, this fall. Further ex tensions will take place next year, .J ,, i u 1 cleaed immediately and work commenced I XI IS Wu .ua. u-Kuu.uuua win u- , itaajl IhnmAltlalhltl aa T SSfnala AAmsmavi AAfl at oneo. An all-rail route te Eastern Canada te cempete with the Canadian Pacltle is premised ; also a out In freight rates. Fasted a Ceuirnrtable N'gtaL Nnw Bedford, Mass, July 18 donor al Sheridan passed a comfortable ulght, and Is reported as feeling well te-day. Wasuinuten, July 18. Congressman Randall passed a comfortable night and has Improved a little since yesterday. Htiam.btp Arrivals. New Yerk, July 18 Arrived, steam ships Wlsceusln and The Qieen, Liver pool. Bosten, July 18 Arrived, steamship Michigan, Liverpool. Qubknstewn, July 18. Arrived, steam ahlp City of Rume, New Yerk. ia Dfclartd Ills Inuecsnca. Han Francisce, July 18 Jacob Dauscher, who was arrested at Daggett, Cal., for the murder et Leula Sobeenberg, at Denver, Cel., and brought here for cafe keeping, committed suicide yesterdsy by hanging blmself in bla cell. He left a let ter declaring hla Innocence. Twe New fe.tuiB.teis. Washinoten, July 18 Tbe president today sent the following nominations te tbeSenate : Pestmasters: II. L. Church, at Union City, V J Christian !!, at Bteolteu, Pa. CHM.I.er cru. l)1. Cleveland, Ohie, July 18 Cre, the catcher of the Loulsvllle club, died te-day at his bome In this city. dominations In lbs Diplomatic Servlce, Tne president baa seut thu following nominations te tbe Senate : Lambert Tree, of Illinois, new minister realdent, te bu euvey extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary et the United States te Bttlgliiiu. Koberl 11. UOOSBveih ui nnw mru, uuit minuter resident, te be euvey extraordi nary and intulster plenipotentiary et the United States te the Netherlands. Rufus Magee, et Indiana, new minister resident, te bu envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the United States te Sweden aud Norway. Charles L Scott, el A labama, nnw min ister resident aud consul geueral, le Le envoy txtraerdlnsry and minister pleni potentiary el the United States te Vene zuela. Jehn E B.cen, et Seuth Carolina, new charge d'affaires, tn be minister realdent or tbe United Stale te Paraguay aud Uru guay. Why Mis Manl.d. "A Miss Leir, of Mentana," says the New Yerk aVteune, "has Just married a man named Hand. Hbe thought she would ratier be a right Hand tbaeaielt Lsh-" The Kles Bt Theatre. It la rumored In this city that H. R. J teebs, the well-known manager, Is willing tJ lease the King street theatre after the Improvements are made. TWO DIE ON THE GALLOWS. THK IIANOMAM OK NEW JERSEY TAKES TUEIIl LIVSA THIS MORNING. .Dry Ebirt,W be M urdsrsd III. Vf its. Hastate the Seiftldat Jsrs.y City aad Rtehatal Kearney Pays tne Eztrsme penalty at Prssheld for Killing a We nan. Jersey Citv, N. J, July 18 Heary Kbert, tbe wife murderer, was hangsd 1st Ihe J all here thla morning. Ebert atept soundly last night. Promptly at 4:30 a. m. Dr. Meury, accompanied by nn assistant, ascended te Ebert'a celt anal Aroused blm. He Informed Ebert tbat there was no earthly hope for blm and tbat he bad butter prepare te meet bla fate in Christian spirit. Ebert beard the an nouncement with a calmness tbat surprised the clergyman and appeared entirely In different He Immediately arose and ilresaed himself and apent tbe time until breakfast waa announeed with hta spiritual adviser. Breakfast waa served at 7:15 sad he ate heartily. The tlme from this en was pent mostly In conversation and prayer with the Rev. Dr. Meury, The aaarameat et the Le-d's supper was administered. A few minutes before 10 o'clock tbe therlfT and hla cfllclala ascended the atalrs te Ebert'a cell and the eberlff at elcs begun reading the deatb warrant Thla con cluded, the black cap waa placed en Ebert'a head, the noose adjusted around bla neck and bis arms pinioned. The precession te the gallows, hesded by tbe sheriff, was formed and a few minutes after 10 o'clock the conriemnod waa placed under the fatal rope. Ebert, with the clergyman at hla side uttering words el comfort aud consola tion, walked with a atcady step and, looked with a vaeant atare nlralgbt ahead. On tbe gallows there was but little delay, The olergyman here recited a short prayer. The black cap waa drawn ever the mur derct'a face and at precisely 10:08 a, m. the drop fell. TJ18 BODY TO 11 K CREMATED. Tbe body will be luetnerated at the ort ert ort tnatery at Freih Pend. Ebert tbia mera Ing made the following statement te Her. Dr. Meury : "I forgive all wbohaveslnneel against me. If 1 killed my wife in a fit of tuaanlty I regret It from the bottom of my heart, as I would never bave killed her bad I been In a healthy state et mind.'' When naked by tbe United Frees re porter it Ebert had made any confession, theRtv. Mr. Meury banded tbe reporters copyet a translation et a letter which was written In German and dated September 6, 1887, two mentha befere the murder. In II Ebert speaka et attempts msde by bis wife's people te get her te leavehim, and asyatbat the actions et these ree pie have confused bis brstn t tbat his wife has asked him te sheet her and himself that both might die together and tbat 'be has con- Is eluded te cemmltthedecdlu order te make , hla wlfe bappy. SJ Tbe crime ter whleh Kbert was hangsd f was oemmltted at bla home tn Jersey City -"ik en Sunday, November 27, 1887. Heah6t?0 hla wlfe In the ion Dreast ana men enet ,; himself In the bead. Ula wife died shortly after ana ne was remevea te tne neapttai where be finally recovered. Ha tried te make It appear that hla wife ahet blm and then herself, but the circumstances pointed te him aa tbe murderer, and tbe metlva rer tne crime ms uosire te oumibbebesh. I rtftA h-l.l In tmat lilt hla vlta frtflflMkL. 3ftV ,1,.........., "'rr-"T '"ri ter by a former nusDane. ue was iriea, nenvlettd snd finally scnteneed te M vf,c? ZL -J . .,., , 'TrfM VI,IHI.,lnf atranenlntlnn. It la uM " "': that hla brother tiled te smuggle eeme strychnine te him en Ftdy night. lUCIIAttD KKAItNKY'S B.NU. He Urn tail? Murdsr.it au AgMl Weman. lieath Oemsa nam for lllm. Freehold, N. J July 18. Richard Kearney, colored, tbe murderer of Mar garet Purcell, white, was banged In tbe Jail yard at this place thla morning. At 0.45 o'clock the holy communion mi admlulstered by Rev. J. G. Mowbray, as sisted by Rev. F. T. Webster and Re?. Lvttleten Hturgls. He seemed anxleua te have tbe banging ever, but lbs death war rant was net read uutll 11 o'etook. Kear ney waa then led te the soafleld by OrHeera Streng and Ackerman, of the death watch. as no eniereu iuq muiuiui. us birdeiu si t()e ,uewii but dW net flinch. HO " . led te the rope and tbe drop was made ready. James VanHlae, tbe hangman, asked , blm if he baa anything te aay. Kearney , replied : " Nothing," and then tbe black 3 cap waa drawn ever bla head. He shouted "Owd-bye" and at 11:05 tbe trap wai 1 sprung. Kearney's body wss Jerked high Inte the air, bat b'e neck was uet breksa. At ll:(0lhepulseceasJ, but the oenvul k slve twlteulng el the body continued for some tlme. At 1132 the doctors In attendance pro pre pro neunctd lite extinct and the body was eat down snd given te Corener Barkalsy. Kearney's brother will claim tbe remains. Kesrney was executed for tbe murder of Mrs. Purcell, aged CO years, who wss house keeper fur a neighbor of Kearney's em ployer nesr Leng Branch. la the spring et 1SS7 while Mrr. Parcell was alone In the house Kearney weat there, and alter a terrible atruggle, la which tbe aged lady waa frlgbtlully bruised and her clothing nearly tern cil, be feloniously assaulted her. His victim was found un conscious lu tbe house and abe died a few daja arterwards. Kearney was arrested and for a week bS stoutly denied his guilt, but finally made a, full contention, He was tried and oea vlcted last January and sentenagd te b banged. A Het ftreta a;3,000 Damagea. Chicago, July 18. Andrew Andersen, a twelve-year old boy, suss the village et , Uyde Park end the Illinois Street Gee cemiany for 120,000 In the circuit court. Andersen was employed In tbe village te light tbe atfeet lamps furnished by ths Illinois Street Gas company. While light ing a lamp be was badly Injured by tbe ex. plosien of tbe tank wbleb contained tbe gasoline. Tbe Durning en leu ou sua ssa his bsnds were burned cfl, his eyes were) ( put out and hla ears were roasted te a crieri Tha few.r el Vf Ind. Wasiiinciten Court Uecsk, Ohie, July lfl On tbe farm of Jacksen Pep Jey, eat tbe Waterloo read, four miles from tewa, -. 1 men were engaged tnresning wneai woes a terrlfle wind struck tbe separator, tearing it te pieces. The water-wagon, which waa filled .with water aud yety neavy, waa wr-eeled In a bee line a quarter of a mil acresi the field, where It sti nek the creek btnk and stepjd. A regular waterspout accompanied the storm. WBAVMMH IttUlVAtlUm. Washington, D. C July K Fet Eastern Pennsylvania and New Jer-.' ey i Warmer, fair, followed Tbnra- day by local rains ; seutbeaateriy winds. a. A Sptclal Tialu cur tbn Casep, The Third Brigade will be In camp at Mt. Gretna en next Sunday. The Peas- , sylvania railroad empany will run a1, special train trem this cliy te the camp. It will leave Marietta at 7H5, running fresu there te LincMtar and thence te UtQttVBta & "! 0 ,a m IX ' vS Pi i.i ., -