j; e' Jli: - 1 'f !,, "V ? e -. V - -t V. F? ,; .. S i 'S T fj A. - 1 VJl - .?, 1M !'?. J- jB USGASTLR BAH7F NTE7,TTGfl5IrOiLrt. THUHBBAY, OliLY 12, 18SS x?mi3-wwmTtiifWZ-"'m - "jtwawwMiw Kaw.Twr----i.w . daily Intelligencer. TJrtUM K. JUI.T It IH. hmwIMe hour. Mjb iMdiv ftdltlen ft? fa J '4 auOKa ii? cortex In ttw dw auiudlw)ie'rJtt feri:a par we tl, u a.rzi .t for irt vnea-.w t ttrM rtentai tec nsi SsentA, Vmtitf Bt-itfi srcw inouWe ) ak. mi- trtXO fel mnuinx. 5 re. tjv!4Htit(jf .S5Tr? It xxrtf ter J 1 s' i ?4 from V le a mt.- una PyDttMfleft0Jwapp',d twin is rnr ikeji.t IuRhrse. .1., ti ..ln.-. ... .--- - T "ft- lAnewwr, Tfc Connection i tnviice Tew it Ttns FjmM. as .TuvRuti. CA SAva ana uailt Men Malta, Thv. rwijiffl -,!ivi?i a Wssk, laa Asriuis wsiita e)n as ui ..... "rrabnWr rrefllle&s. HCk inoltne te the opinion of the Inula 2?ccercJ that It will no l v I i ill I HHMihilSri'W'HI IP UHfl fciMattee&ier us te discus with it the i ss te whether tce wages 01 uie wrlrer'ln iron in this country are en-1 Ktt-AJ-?! 1. l Jl.4 1nt,l n. Vin tmnArtn. I Pipinmi "J UUbj UIU UU bUU ilUvmt' I tkneBi&uuIacturcd iron. TVe nronel wire that the Recerd denies tliAt i1lff lias tracu effect in this caoe.al- eft iU words recm te have that rueaa Te us it seems that the very ctate- L'teeafVet the preposition that the tint? y UkiL Bfc. H.1. nw.M ...nf. 4ft ttft mavuuuii vuama iiuui. v.nj,. uj uu ft tbelren worked Ftve3 It ; and i-.,. ...t.nLfl wv,nBMf. i who is net convinced by the salt' at fact cannot La satisfied 1 y arga l2fcte2 Id correct lu miderilnmllng lie y that the worker in iron earns : wages than ether craftcmen ec- eftute of the wverlty and skill of hu ?A lb9raudthdf.trenstt of the worfcmene' nten. Hut it lias no warrant for ita as- LMBpUc-n thct thece are the sole jmmm for the high wags ha gels. If tt 6mi)le)'er could net obtain a pi lea ftfnm his customers that would cnnble tun; te obtain at least the coot c hu fi mmdent. which includes the h.ih ?fi.pes p j wz w- It j- .M'iiis workmen, manifestly he cenld r VKiongcenunuoiusma&utAcinro. it is ' mftViViO U) bUO ItWb kUttb 1UU Cl.iJlUUX ieftgct sufficient prlca for Ids product 4ht the woikmen geta tbopricohode tbepricohode tbopricehode fHads for his labor; which would be fr- aitfyident te the Bunsby with whom f t tS Baerd Is aca.uaint,lf it is net pe te it. '.: '. a ftm n..? N.M..itnii.ini.V.. pa ui uie um uuii uuviuiiijr ul uu lakni, ? wi oemuined, would notauuice te get nun M&b wagee if the employer could net get ' tttem returned te buu by hla customer; 14. M the principle that bleed cunuet be get jept'pf a turnip. 17J fr uvu.,uiVU- UUU UiUUtUilUbUIUiO ifeUU vfjwsergiinizett werKniea in tue nB5, ?ySy, at the dull reason, haveatalk and NiOBte R flisagreement about wages. 'Xhe iittttinfachirera this year have net com- &jL ftetaedpf European competition, but of BT ..- "!--"" -"'l ". trgej el; the uen werxmen nre less. JaKnye&y they cannot cernpeta with mlllfl ia live Schuylkill valley payins &3S5 per hjten rff4ptt3dlins Iren, or in Philadelphia raiwa.wft w) w i iiurKaiJur payiug &f,j6; ,eatM ineycen-iUiaivaccula .eu "'stzed that t&s edrantegei thay fcibjia i- &.- . . . - ' . thrt.".(a riti.a n wtc wusld de , ke fiesa, p -co ur weum lbtcptfyttcl' t-ie tnulr cusie- $WU Jn, Wvir esgcrtiess te oecure bust. ;tw,uuu iiiuy mi uuui'iumu mis, uu ?itrcceunta for their reAdlness te yield ?irhitbeu: men are firm. All that the 'V;fjinufacturcr needs ia that he ehall be flced en an equality With Ids fellow manufacturer in hla market. Tha tariff leaves the home manufac- 'V i..w,- ll,l. .,.. nil mi., r i t auwBM.wwu.bA uu. UUU 11U1V 11.011. U IUU mrtet, norde wobelleve that the re- jtuctlera made in the Mills blllaresiiCl- clwt te sensibly damage the iron inanu- fe 4 rsr K6lr!Al3,bAlEiCisi ths Inlr w woeant. A." vjiiia tell tkein tai 'iftlabturini; inifieat in tbe ceuutrj. yillef, recognizing it s a rae.uure Ef.'lrtrODirlv tirete.p.tivn of tlin Indnntilnl In. i ttcBts of the country. t rcpre3eut the , jtpelicy of tbe Democratic party, lately Bd clearlv exuresafd. in dnmimiiintr niiIII. ietefit, and rejecting excessive, protectlon . jtet home industries. We understand .wat the Jucenl likewue Bunrarts f''.A.' 1-. ... ... -. ., . . . . mm AAJoiecrauo party anu is in leve awith the Mills bill. Wherefera it cut then idBOimr lhn LirlfP :tH n " si frnml ,inrl i ic tm.uZZn ":, zc:i rr-" iuuiiuvuii uuu uia&u limes ui me i:fxm liaiifcnn for sopperting it, while ap .ijplftttdlng Uib Democratic party for , ;deBg tha rams thing, seems some- feTfhat odd. Uut net any odder than Mttaarglng the extortion of the llessemer i8teel monopoly wholly upon the tariff, s. na xergeuing what enormous prices, atlrely regardless et tariff duties, jgjwra charged for years by thocemblna-'K-Uon that was created by the llesaempr :l.vpteht, which is chiefly responsible for K J( the great fortunes made by the rail men. yi$ It is true that the duty laid upon steel &( lX ral!Hr.qs nnd Is ptewrIva nml Hmt ff - fables the home manufacturer te obtain ul A'!l XCMslva timfit. wlien f Iia linma .In f, .A ttand exceeds the home capacity for nup- I 40Wt as it naa in Uie past, but Is net llkely wct wi ue i me lumre. xne auty IfJta properly reduced in the Mdls -fhllL It Is cscessive owing te the '""ySltthat "Dessemer steel rails, being rna rna ".l?ae xaaa In Rreat quantities, are : j uiaij iiauuiapiyasiuepuaaiedlrea Wucu is the raw material of nnu,ci ) Iren. Thftv Ihtiw fin nf. r.ne,i v tMritlen which the mere larimlv I.t.t,,! tv,, b 'l ;l5a requires. The American machine wer&3 as cueapiy as t ue l, urppean.The lie. v tcerdl neither renewa It3 denial of our stale- ..iaent that the rutsburg.puddhr receives uce me wage or ma iitirepean work werk jMn, aer apologizes for ita error ; which Irperckance was caused by a mementai7 -fimragftilnpfta thr.t: flie un.liai.lLK. .. 'pmt machlne like the Bessemer con. Vter. '$!. i "- V X'i j iuuu iiuriuvgs. 'Thft flnmRfM r.Tlvn1 m.mi.L T 1 .- 1. y "V MMWU V4.MWUM ...... Utkiiy UJ t U dden floods and fresbet3 of American rHwr could only be rcpreseaUd by flg imtlgh in the rnMkrae.and yt vt UMkls peing done by the genentlgov genentlgev yaBWient or the btaie goveramenta le pOtf the waters under control or gire aiijg of danger. The griat freshet l tbe Monengahcb with its record of littijjiea ueijare lest, tegethtr with i lives man we knew of, came upon ItjiwK laeeat Plttaburgw.tb asuddea nrttrwwl without tha least warning of jiwre, Jt ought te H a very ny ,. - .' i Ihlng 10 t-ALablfeli a filarial uratcm by which n warning e sovcralTieuri at leant could be given te the pcople nleng tbe threatened banks, nnd these enrjnRCd in tee comtnerco et the rivers. The oystem rnttsU Ijo automatic nnd inexpensive. Tae rifling of tLehe.vi wates lve e crtalniielat could be madate clese an olftCtre circuit and sound pa alarm in rittehurff. The prevention or the floods is a diSlcult and esrensive problem whlclr tbe national frcvcrmnwit if) eM tnA T!nlv workleK eat In tbef ar Weet. 'loosest precilsiBB rlan el rneay Uj be triW 1 th sreet jMervclr project by whirl ajeuntaln fiergeft ae w cs taia ap tejretft'n tee vUr tht com luiafs from mHu in t! &ee el fi MUiit. tlfivaalat- nj? regtena that anffer uieat el tbe ycata for want et molcture and swelling tbe volurnecf tbe great rivers te destructive power. Frem these rcservelra the water can be gradually roleaaed te tnobencui of tbe Eolgliberlng wlldernecs nndtbopewer of tha flood will be lessened by the volume thnt can be stored in thcseartmclal lakes. Tlds is a gigantic undertaking, but the bencfite premised by ltare great in propev- tien.and U it should succeed inthe West, ii kiimn l.l.n aa,1 ma.hmm ntift If bUUlUDWUUtWUUUU llll 1VMUU r. I.J should net be tried at tha hwrlwatcra et lSattorntlvers. - 1 If l The Urmtnd ler tower Vestngk One et th6 Bhalloweet bids ier support in the Eepubllcan plttferm In the do de maud for ene-cunt poataze. It loeka llke a tt?y ltl et Peer man, but it would in reality choapen the rites for the bnslnca man, who can afford te pay, nnd incidentally lalse the ta?03 en tha peer man by further inemaang tlie delltU in the postal nerviee. Ter under tf e cent jwelage there la h d&flciancy in the postal dr.paUnient. Many of the Rteat citiea of the country we oempfcllod te get along with lnbufd ciaut service, because the gcvomment Li out et f cutis for the employment et the additional ht)1p needed. Be geed a He- publican asTliomaeL. .Tamr.a,peitmaatcr general under Oarfleld, deel6M3 that it would be a better thing for the baiinais Inlerezta c tha country if, in&taad of lowering the postage, ths fncllltlea for the dolt uy of the moil in great uuslnesi centres . uild be incrcawd, The appeal, thercfem, for lower post age h net justiflpd by the eltuatiau, uud in the Republican platform auggests demagogy. It will attract no votes, for in prln;Ipla It veuld help the rich Rt the opense of tha peer. aiuiisccchr We punt te-day the fpeech of Heu, lleger Q. Mills, chairman of the wa'3 and means committee of the precent IIeunc, and original author of the tailft mcasure, much amended, which bears his naraa. I w?s delivered at the meeting of the Tammany society In Hew Yerk en July 1, and haa attracted wide atten tion be''aue of ita convincing figures and bocnu'e et the renservatism that chatao chatae chatao tcrke? It. There are many vhe have lieen went te icgard Mr. Mlllfi as an out-nud-eut free trader, who would be mils- fied with uethlng less than an immeaiatu Buncnder et tdl protecttve duties. Te these who had this av of the man th refctHug ei the upeeeh will bs in the uaturettf a i et eiatlen. He tielnts out hew a j, apuWwAK tff commission, alt aii:bi-r f rtloHtrero advanced protec tionist?, i rwd r ratsure that rwem. iMUAiA .ji -riiuu of from 20 te 23 icr c!i" I- iiutis. This wa3 net cou ceu cou eldered uu-ltepublican, but when the J)emoerM.s propone an avcraRO reduction of fovea iirceut.'lt is called free trade. All who doalte te keep themselves petd en the tariff issue Dheuld reail the opeeeh of (Jtinlreutn Mills. It te a cam paign document that should have wide circulation. -n iMi.l I 1 -JMi y 111 0CAn i'Av aujis, wne is well known Ju Liucaiier, nud 'lit, V. J. ltelfn have etratully euited for school reading nnd Fturty h velumu el eolcetlons from "Willlniri Merris' " Ktlhly lVradlnj. (TloUner it it Ce ) Ttime aolcct'eua inolude " Atula.itA'a It we," "The Proud King " and "The Writing en the Iransb," with prolecue, preluiluu, luterlniles, eta A oketcU or the peel, soma erltlual dliouieton of hla style nod n number of uiufiU note.i Aacempauy tlietest. It prouilsej te baa me3t exot." exet." luttnst Uenk for nu advaneed oenraj in EagUaU lo'.erature. HuitNun O, W.i.eir, claim agent of tlie Ohlcage Ohy railway, has been centcnccd te Bix jueuthb' JmpriBOnme'nt, whtle O. IJ. IJelmca, prf cldent Of the company, and C. M. Hardy, tlie eampany'u uttorney, are roeomineadud te badsslt with by thograed Jury. Tiitlr effenw la Jury brlblDtr, and all nre raeu of the higheat ecclal and oani eani oani merclal Btandleg In Chicago. The Juiy Juiy llser must ue. Is liU 'Tweiy 'i'earD m Cengrcps," Illaln8 8y, "Thurmau'a rotlratnent from the ReriAte wai n corleua less te hi party n low, iedead, te the body. Iio left behliid him the respect of all with whom he had bewi BMOclaieJ daring hla trroive yeara or liouerabls bmvIce." The ' Old Iteman " will enter the bimate uBxt year, and he will preside ever that bwly with wisdom nover displayed or cqualled by a vloe proildent bafere. ii aw .. ,. Tanv t.6lti)mjiieaaj advoeata aya tcm v,tikia teuats oertatn claatoef our cltlzma at t.3 riimo.et overy honio henio honie hoUtor in th'. Juad a system which broeda diiaonteut, neeauw it permlts the dupliea- uen it wwuhj vimeut correspondiujj ad ad ditleiut raoernponao te labor, whish pro pre vont lhe opportunity te work by atlUins proJuctien ami limiting the area of our market, nnd which enhancea the cost or living beyend the laberer'a hard-oarned wagt Tht Prtstdcnl't Letter. Wb belleve that public land ought, as far as possible, te be J.ejii &j homesteaaa ler aetusl eair$, that ail urittirned Icndu uorewure impruviaautly uranied te mil. sc-1 epu'tuiunsby tlie aotien of the Jto Jte publicau j arty saeuld ba losteud le the public demaui, and that no mera grants of Uud aaeuid be made te corporations, or be allowed te fr.ll into tta owiiemhlp or alien abwitee' Rational Democratic Vlatenn Mi i. reni, mat n 1613. mi w ii i . . . OewsRAr. j.fcW Wallamj is iard at weix eanf8 .,f u-wwal Uarrlaen and telu a it. j .-tot mat he fi na jr lt werJ lu MaiB rict tha rne dliUcult of hla lltwaiv tanke. Tee autlier of "Hen Hiu" H net tiwrt te fiutcfc wrltluB and cempletna that no 1im no tlme for elaboration- mi emtnrt m r nd - . Ui t Le iuiI.. wwi. iuUi U3erl veluias. ''i.hc iBortHthiel.ofV.thelMter the mcmetlsa effMia tnd iecldM,ti Keep crowding upon W IJiavaotwntbenght, Jn my literary work, hew likt, Uum crs te mice, that coma ead pw at un from tu corcer et n room. AioAnaltattewu without a notion In his neddWiwi'Ba of a anddn tee' thought pre.iuduK jw haad into the ehamtxr of liU ml- d, aud then atwUwr and unethar, till lti6rJ!amtMloeUoiiathlm Irem all d!r .8, li U a (u.tqy that looms very trii ' tl te nis." Ne doubt the work wu boa credit te Wallers and It may halp te kwp allva the msmery of Ilarxtsen until the elwtlejj. Qeat Is Uepubllcftj itstlecal ehi!rmn. Loek ent for AildltIon,DIvUlen end flllence, 1 70cti) lltote talk toyen man of butt. hum tly en lie mntler of the Brant "nr "nr ilnsef taoney in the .VdHnI SlfiWhtrfia uvty. 'Xhst CtwU you roaterlally. We vrauW ratber profer te l.nve H thnn n dell cieuay. Tie 'povemrr.tnt of the "Untied Biatitj ttce (hts nuirplea new, una ltBoemeaa U30UKJBuioi'Mj'l9weietr7inR te eetria Otit. - (lr)'t Jnia te eUudfltO , SIIUW. tOrloaef Mem," tmatt ojewtltngolctsx lenrd the deak 3 Stterj? uutu et oentt Xcews Ui6t tha gcvezoment naoed ei col cel let wiy naorase)npy Mum u a(tiu nm rcarj te isrty ca tit tuuaw tiUj cle esjcjiScay, DtaalnftppUea.J OoegnAS ! rc3htlJ tx your te rtwte ei mets te lrt- J petju of tbUi aurplasj -jut ve I-wnli bcote, nflti, n".iy ia '-e - - JOKn BBrr.WAK think the narplui should be reduced vhUe his piuty nnyu nay te it. Bew la ibis f JAUM A. BltADI.EV, tH3 BUlOCMl Of Anbury VmU, X. J., m been arxocted far llbBL Mr. Brndtey Bosten te own this town, Its b&asU and own lt pre&K. l!utbe found a plueky m&u who would net sit til silt under dticredltable nccuiatloea In Bratfltij'n paper, &ud tbe oetaplfi'.nsmt was nhrevid enough le import e forelgn polleo Justice botero whom he m&de thcoum thceum thcoum ptnlet, under whleh BrcJIey wti crxnted. It vrlli be & ftecd tblnc for Utcdlny te find that tboreftvo comcttlecotn Wew Jersey tlnU he doc net evu. vpjx&eautu ?ae, Wm. linrpBnT tes lisn clieifiu sujiorlnlandenl et ttie nclioela el l'otuiteuu. PniNOirAi. QHenan M. finturj, et V.'wt Ouenter Nermal oebool.lJ premlnantly rueniloaed for tbe ptMMe.ity of Suohneil university at XevrhDuir;, VL Qr.K. JEsn O. OMHn, nga.l 80. dled of ctrelyflB en Wedniaaay, In Brooklyn, N. V. ane Klevtntii New yerk lirtrpde nr.der lilt oemt.ir.ud norved tllh med it la the QcttjBDurc Ouiniiaicu. Vivian Paui. J buns Is tbe naine et t ll 70oreld en nnd buy In PhllMlelpblu wlie ferf;l hU ompleyar'a narae te a $2 liboel: fcr hla naltry. Ue la nor under li&ll end BUcuUl also be pnt under a dUIiirIe. SnwATen OAiirt.cyK hte preeentsd In tt.ti tionste t.boutaeeero of piltlcns from uir!ri.ln rmmr.ll.T ni llin .llinlir flnlw t X ntted American Meli-loc In Pcnnaylva-1 nln preylaE for tlse pwinge of a hill te rG- i uiBis enu rosiriei lmniccuuen. Bb. a. Y. P. GAnnrr, of VAwSiUkieu, B. O., ox-prwideat of the American Medi cal association, dled Wortneadoy ct Keliobeth, De). He married the eldeit douBliterot nenry a. WIto.ef Virginia. At tbe brer.ldtirc out of tbe w&r he left WuHiiitifUin Hiid bcoauie sarcoen genernl or the Conf6derato cMr.y, He waa tne ffjnlly pnyalclan f JeOorsen Mavis 'and of fillhln cabluet clUoers, i.nd tcccmpanlsd Mr. Davla tutor tne ovteantlou of Itloh Itleh tumid. CesanKss:iAti WiluaM li. Hcerr, cf Erle, wta in Ket7 Ycrfcea Wodueaday and vlowed tbe rucetluR of the Iteputillcau liatiencl conunitteo from r. dklcnea. WUen attend what iie tiieuckt of tl'.e filtuttlen Mr. Beott quickly leplled "Ultliallen? 1 don't fcnew euythlug ahant tlie hlniBtien. I only bue alient the rsnit. Wo're eoies te liave a wallt-evfir," he mijjj, tvllli cm p hauls, ' n rralk or or. This hurrah liar.. !s all faoe aud foatheni ( had Jut tu well pael: uenml i;et out, ler nil practical purjxe3. We nhall have n valk-over." WAttAlIAKUlVa Closed at i p. m. en Saturdays. . When you come te the city" l.ear in mind that Wanamaker's is a meeting and resting and waiting piace as well as the biggest store in the world. Tiiere are rcadhig and sitting ana retiring rooms ler you ; telephone, telegraph, and mail facilities. Your parcels will be cared for without charge. Wc try te make you welcome whether you care te buy or net. . . . tiryiJiu r J 1 . i ' SQVAlit V, WANAMAKER5 IdAcrcs pLOOFSpACE PHILADELPHIA THmrccuru ' i r r Yeu knew that there is no worthy het weather (or weather) thing for wear home use but we have it. any or If you can t come te the store, Avritc for whatever you want, samples or goods. Shopping by mail Jias come te be simple and certain. A few scratches of a pen, and all the facilities of the store are yours. JOHN WANAMAKER, Philadelphia. UKDWAI. JKAIU' It V'fl tJDLPHUIt CANDIiKS, l'er dlalnOictlnrt ClnBL. rtrn ,...,, .. lteiu, Ce tar. Rink, ataliles, DOVI TOITeut ilcme, (ttilckuu Coepi, NEKl e.ns ea MQKSOir 'XIIESB kauuuws irvDUeiAnr. thei. hOAf. for aiicifl-s or the ltln ana Bcalp, snch asTotter, Itlnirwerui Hciuum, tlcaUleii, HCily Urupllnnn, Itchtncr, Hwnit li'tt yoet, Dandruff, rallliie lli.tr, Ae. JIVllltOWArTtTlIflT. vm. AUTIC1.E3TTILLKS. ler purlftlng the 8lek room, i'i'irinluiUiii lusoet ..... cnaellmluaMaif dlsunse uerm. MRA1) R COKM AM) iiUNlUN i'JL,AblKUS ler trcet trnulltM. jiknben's fi.ASTsn for Actes una ralne. J-.101d tiyall Drnaifl.in. MAUtlRY A JOUNflON. sole itanofaelurcra, Niwlerfc JANDRAKIS PltiS, Dr, Schenck's Itandraka rills' luxve a vlaas ahoueehold remedy rarboyetia te pe'K? of langtiiigote aoierlUA Tue fiiiiilly cm hardly Im tniote i'aelt that dettj net Mop them pnhauCtXer uiu laemorguseie. Mandrake lithepnly vojreuble suiigutate far that dan gernue uihierat, MUlluUtiV, Aid wtilM luuc-llouue-eureuve I lu ly ijul, H innscd uoaeof the peillOBn eilvcw. In CousUpaUen, Uandr.Ae acti upon the bowels without dbipeihis them te anbeauunt I'vitirece. He reraedy aria re fllrecUy en thnllTer, netlalnuen apneiiuy curee Blete HtHflaahe, ieur btoeiBOK una Jlllleuinus us tbeee Pills. l"erltvr'U)mggljta. I'rlwt x ccnti pec txtr 1 s 1 ,i for r.s reete j e sent by intil. Wu t. en reealpt of priaa. Dr. J. 11, tsebwwl; A un, l'hll3ulpiiiii. iul7-lyi w JjllluKU h, KATJFKMAH, ATXOUMSV-AT-LA W, 0. J fiOUTU l'RINOB 81'., lancajtsr, J'a. r-lydAw coirsi.xxiezf re wdxr. (TlOMPIiESlOI POWDEil. s LADIES', tTitti valur AsnnsiBn courtiixteM ilUBT VIM pozzeMis , C0MPLBX10R POWDER. i. wipjirrs-fc iaiuia-k! utoeTn-nesftctiWt nJiin. ik.inevK3 6.il ptiujM, li'i'-i.w li.-ia.Qie-, OfjJOTCUet ., mi i unhe- ibA nun aeUcctelJ AettanatKMinurat nepotism noilme. -nhU' id Ot VNISIC Iti 'tif&6 Pllns, tilnit lt DCAll,-' A :uiv una trauetw. All Dius'giata tvnd Fancy QoeJa Doalers flvcrywhore. JGTUBWAUK Or IMITATIONS.-. Jla) lva DUX UUCJJJ. rOKSKTti. & V( SfTTB '4 1 TbeDest Coraet, Jloenla. He Coieet lu Lanea3ler at fc 33 ccea Rt Uie OUOWOBSU. Our 7se Oorset U e;utl te meit tl.U soe$. Acl: le bee our Tttltor-JnaeCorjaU. Ilorue nnd Dr. wamra Oerieta. Xi. te sse enr CUKIrenV Ccraet WeUtj cul? 833, fleld cvoryr?here at K. Attc te nca our Yeuni IaUIW Copula, e;)0: 3irgnlivj in PavaBelfl. 0 & 0 Werth Queen Sty iANOAsraa. pa. H: UltOKAXIX TAILOKINfl. HAGBR & MOTHER, iilLIAl.Iu:i, ffliUWUl MAliTEOOU, aanie SAIXBOOK, DOCtTED llULr, rr,ixn t,A.ww,vioTeii.7,Aif. EMBROIDHftlES ' '16 All-Over Heuiicingl MKWESTBA1INEF, NKWKST HATIBTK3, UKWK!3TCIIALr.IBS, NKWK3T QIN0IIAM3, I'AKAaOLS, UI.OVKS. lager & Brether, 25 & 27 West King Slroet. bPUNlNGKrO-riAY. ft. OUtt K"e. 25 East King St. Opening Te-clay J Olugbnxa nt 10 &nd 12 be-ut-a. Dest quality Batlate In tha city lu ohert leugtha, OJe ; regular prlce, 12 J centa. New ntylca lu in ctyle Satinea at 12e; te the Troneh equal Qoeds. HOSIERY, &LOVBS Silk Milts, GAUZE UHDBETOAB.&c Gee. JP. EatliYen, r . 25 BASf K'jNQ H7., LANCASTILrA marll-lyCAW Ii Ms.! 11IB1UU1U II ( .UK I lll'V OUAUCO. TANDAKD OltEVINQ T03AC(XJ, 't DO YOU CHEW? Tlrxii GST BEST -YMIOJI 13- Mi I r. .mzers Old Honesty! Gonnlue Has u tied H lin Tag livery I'luir. en 01.1) HOUKaTV la aoknewkflgod te e (te rUHKST ana UO&r t.astinu piece of HTAWDAKl) CI1KW1N0 T011ACCO en tLe muSiet. Trying It ti c. bettcr test than any telle about It. (Uve It u fair trial. sa-YeuaDUALUli ItAB lCb. nevlS-lydAw MOUTH ANO hllOKa. fiOtIHANOHItOBH, D. P. STACKIOIT&E, 03 St 00 HUUiT B3H0, O'C, KotelactoiVtut trcch, new uoeCs cemtnff lndatiyfreni the f&otery nnd bencht for caeh. That la why ua can hell our Qhoe8 se much chcaper than the ether stores, and tte bIye cur ouetomora tha baneAt of 0I030 baying. Everybcdy about here fall of cnap and vim j a different Ohec Store from hat It vJi-a naxreu ene 1 but of 1.11 Bhoe stores moie Ufa, raare rjtoea Eefla of tha rizht oert and right prices. roeme and ec us : we chserfully show yen the goods, whattiar you vurcLse ornet. D. P.STACKHOUSE, Kei. 28 and SO East King CiMil, liAlfOAfii&K, pa, aSOlyrtiw w OR IIAROAINB. A MISTAKE! Lthe allother Injelncw rusn we teicelluiis mn.2eml5tik9B. A.vtitG nbufiiiiatK uamx Men'seSeiia Shoes . ., Jfpt triT V?i and Ttmtex ret e con- t :H ten W MiiRS ff Ictt. The fire line vre TvlllneiTBcHatJIK), and the fi Ji) Una we will sell at UOO. We have a large naiortment of the se Phecs. They nre a IoUeitm : I.len' might DaiiBOla, JJ.CO Tip, Lace anil Conaresn Bliocs.nduccate M, . llen'd UrlghtUonge n3.00 Plain Opera Toe, Lace unft engrcia 8he8, reflucea te (2 no. Men'4 Dull HenRfila J35iaip, Luceanfl Con Cen Con cress Bhoeq, reduced te 13 (0. Wen's Dull DenROla tiW I'laln, Urend Toe, Wlfle Shoes, ler Older Men, rednccd te fi 00. A full line of thoje Bhoeo can be scen In our Windows. lhe 0.10-PtIce Csah Ifonse. ffll I ECKERT, The La3en cf Lew Prices IN BOOTS & SHOES, Fe. EtRt Kius BIrcel, IiAMCA3Ti:U, r A. J'AHASOLti. E.u a ii. Ladies, Loek te Your Interests. We bcijan the parwel tcnten with an en. 1lrolyi.ew8tocK. 'Wownnttedothesamonext j ear. And te that end offer Ureal Uargalus In J'trasels and San Umbrellas, l'rlcea are muraud away down, and goods rmmt go. Call and see llariiahn. R. B. & H., KO.HKA'Jl'lilNGST. apiCCmff AHI'JIA LV JIX.OOJCS. A HI1?A1.TIV1HG JJIOOK. Asphalt Bleck Ce., oruce-wi rueatnutat, rnua., Pa. Weiii, iaiiiKi,SKitj t'n., a Utmdan, K. J. MAnurACTunKiia ey Standard ABphalt Paving Blocks tizas4x&xu AND KslXli Jn enPiuInB ferBtrwtpBvlnjr.iilJHwaDig.gi.r den ptith3. u.111 yardttnnJ arlvcRtya, f,iuira, cttllniu viiu and eea walla, a l7iu.ta,s ; ela'le8. ciMUess, strictly ranltarj, prucU callTlndoBtniettiile ana cheap, jrerprlcts Mia further lateriuaticn rdrcis: R. , 03TBR & DRO., A genu Lancaster Ce.. S.'l North I'rlec St. i.ncJttr, l'. mi-tmaa Fusyiruits. XjnrlDMIER'S. i"4 FURNITURE WIDMYEB'S C0E5EB, THE OLD GOli&EM is row, or ceed hbw suineb. Ourwcl:MtceInrBfl6aa wast b rcfleefd licfare the eeti clni,e. TodettU treJiAVu. ocncluced totttrethopooplBOfhtwa te Geed Furniture J AT AUXIX.ECO0?.1 ' Ve tave oeTce ttaeae tne. o-.e ew;t frut Jutit m coe.ll tliAV wlUboee;a Jl tUi prlue put. un theia trui .dl theaL llH'JO&ruWKEAY HAUQAINIi, rJld W8 0S poet te 8'is tacanieTO Uvety. WIDMYEF FUimiTUBX STORE Oer. ITeet Kln & Duke 3te. ' reri3 & aiBBij. Roem Wanted. We need mere room for the stock which we have bought and are making up. We're go ing te gel it by putting the prices se low that the present stock will move fast. Our necessity is your opportunity. If you're thinking' of getting a Parler, Dining Roem or Bed room Suite, or any piece of Furniture, new is your! time te buy. Come and leek at our New Stock en 2d, 3d and 4th floors of 31 Seuth Oueen Street. OCHS & OIBBS, Manufacturers and Dealers. eprtMya I doalre te call thn attention of my frlenda nnd patrons te flie feet thntl nm nowpreparod te de goneral Underlnk lngr, te which my por per por aennl attontlen will be civ en at inoderato chnrgoe. RecpcctfuUy,; VALTE2t A. HE3MT3H; S7&30S. Qu9enBt. ftouldenco 37 West Vine Etroet, oppealt er.Marj'e Church. ' IT IDIUUTUHE ? FURNITURK I t T'lnCffDZr.Sia.lEDnASItEOrEHKDlUS BTOltE AT THE 0I.1)STA?ID, le. 38 East Jiing Street, Which wn flotreyo(l by flre pntnf tlme rue, ana riasaptiftctlyKowhlecS et ml fcltidsei FURNITURE. l'Ani.OllSUlTF.9. llKOROO.'1! SUITES, TAD1.K8, CIIAlltJJ, JITO. UPHOLSIBBING In All Its Itranchei. Alse 1'Alntlnr and Or Or ucimectln old Cmlrs., i HENRY WOLF, Ne. 30 East King Street. lea tta STJIAW HATH, B IU 1JARGAIN9. STEAW HATS ! CI-03ED A. Half tlfl 'engiZiA I'ne?. truhsb mwim mk 1 1 .1 MS X1B VAOAa'lOS BIS BO Vi OtlSl rmr CO-: ?l and 33 '& Quean Street, I. VHCASrifJt, PA ' t'OAr,. 19.VtM9MtimJEI('U COMfAl'V. COAt. DBALS2SS. ocr:-J"e im Nertn jaenE;tcat, tnd Me. C3 north l'rtnoaetraet. YiMtitxerUt rnasc atrett, aeri:caaiEg tusr lllM . I A10AEVKJ1, PA B. B. MAKTIH. Whelcs.ilA and liefiU Uealer tn all kinds cl J.Ul.U.ltU AIJ LUIAIj. fJT YAp.Je. M Knnh Hum nnd I'rtne BtrceUi. ube u i.u uen I.uue,iur. nS-lya TUMBEK, COAL, Ac. LUMBER, COAL -AEU- ROOFING SLATE. O. SENER & SONS, FRIKOU AND WALNUT BTS., Sail coal et the Ileit Quality ct the Lewest I'l te i. uuy new, as it may be higher. :??Q: 'i cLOTmxa,&c. ASJKEW -Oft MK. -A M0S..1U AMD tX WKST KIMO BTRKKT. 0S7-lr JfKlNU, 1868. Fine Tailoring. TbU 1 te lafara try enstfltnwa ttettun tow jirspirea te elew tlieia anuwertmaat crsfr'iDB utilttaff ana Trorrterinc umt mmi rsnrrxvnetfl. , Thtt Arfv'ASt iraveltlct In Cprisiff e verwiatln Ct tay eyn ixarortaUea tuna cunilnua styiea. .HsaBRHARl1. tiuh ia?enriifQ TAiLen. no. neiitu uua;r, exM 1,ae etxb, ia. f TEKS A. iATHFON, THE MOST AGREEABLE THING -IN- SUMMER 0L0TII1T& reic- MEN'S YJEAB -ISA- D G CbMUl Vi have them for fl5,jl8,a) and t-5, made te order in auicUy flrst-cid etyle. AnANn30MEBT0ClI OP Summer Trousers ! C5.BOTO10.PO. IN LiailT AND MIXED C0L0119. lyers & Eathfen, 7A0UIOKA1ILK TAIL0K3, UO, 13 HAST KINQ STM IAHCABTKU IA. yjEDUOKU PRIUKB. GANSMAN. fi BRO. Great Sacriflc Sale ! MES'i BOW AND CniLDllEN'S CLOTHING JIKPUCKD ALMOST TO ONKIIALt' TUKin ACTUAL VALUK. Our aummer Uoefls mnet go for want et room. such low prices were never heard of before lnthliclty. cm Pair children's Knee ranis at S3, 33, 41 45, CO. 75 ctr, $1 00. .iii m Va.lv iten's rants nt 0, C3, 70, 60,90 ct, ana 11 id. 800 Pair MenM Cat stmore and Wersted Pants at$.3.US0 12 CO, WW una I3P0. 330 Children's hulls nt tlSb. II 50, $1(0, $1 fO 1(0 Men's hull.", Wnrstndx. Cubiimeiu.i and Cliovleta, nt l, te, f i, f le and 412. Prices That Will Astonish Xen. noya'BecrauckerCejtand VcstetTOe; Jlen'j at miii. Wen's Thin Coats st 21e. Men's Mohair and 8er?e Cent and Vrsts: nl(0 Flannel ucata and V-Btsat$l.i5 I50, v, XI f", 3 nna f I. 0Q Mun's ead Vnl nttes, 7!e nnd f 1 0 -thl3eirnlll neia nefa until uvury dol lar's worth el bummer Ueuds Is sold. s. w.oeniTsn HOIITH QTJBE1T Cs OBANC , RTfa LAIICA5Ti:n, PA. ISA It r CA A B1A UEil. B CHtillsN a BitHMKMAiy. Ct V Different PaUe.'ns or- MM MSMkim AS- mm & BEBNEMAfi. v, laska " Refrigerators jd. HAVK NO JKQUAL. P8 & BRENEMM, Ke. le2 i;erth Queen Btroet, LANOABTEU PA. MAuniNEttr. pr.NTKAL MACHINE WeltlCS. Central Machine Werts, W. r. CUHMINGS, Proprietor, NOS. 134 & 130 NORTII OURIBTIANHT. liUOASTKB, I'A. KNOtNKS, BOILKItS, JlACHINKttr, BUAKTINC.B, I'ULLKVS, HANUEU3, 4c. IRON AND IlltAFH CASTlNOfl, WOOD AND lirTAl. PATTKUN8 Of lleet quality. I.ari?eet nnd Vai Stock In Lancitter of Cant Iren una Midleabla 1 ittlng, Uikis una Iren talvrs snd Coeds, bleam ifaupts. Hftlcly Valvm , 'try Cot Ui, WattrOanaes, Unto V alves, Lulirlanturs. nnd Meain Ui edt lu K'mercl. sjr-ftepalilnir. piemntly dnne. Mcenfl-hind J!naiaes, llelleis nnd Machinery Uungbt and bold, geed wenir. B1CASONAIILK CllAltdKS. FUOUPXNEaS. x.-Aete thangg la Addreti, dce3 tfd 6 KJ (Tl "Ss-a -TTTk TV TT! "" raJauftu-.GiD L. mm I Bre.,