RTOXJtH ,-r1.L-r" C7"l ," "-f T JTI V kfc.-7K lywW'K'H - 4. -& y.w- t ' vx w JS -(. " , ,Va tip IKE IAtfOASBK pAJXY ifrTELLIQEHCEB. SATUBDAY, JULY 7, 1888. 158 r ' I -a'."-.. IK fcS M. i.v-. m. IPS" s.' i Ji ST,. ' ife1 Vh iSr IT J K. 5? r . wrrttiN en remr. Ts arHicaaarcher Oeiue Try Nrar OMIM Oat of the Frltre. gitfc,EsMsea Friday of the return of TMMrcher and Ltederkran-. singing tats, from Baltimore no special notlce M)a4aef the coo teat for singing honors pMNtenjrtne Mienneroner. it wn imeit ftat-tnell? coneeded that tbe Mtenner. after (should haye had one of the yricet. The Staati-Zcitunff, et New Yatkf placed them M rlrat In ran xliMea .and intonation ( the Baltimore j4mWam a91nrfl thfi Mnnnftrnhnv n Rjt ''"'a! ft, m lt mwtA Itia AT.,. amA nltinr tJMw w i""! . Mi.r mum ..... leMkelnthe nlghMt terms of their 'atactics aad the offlelal Judges placed Avcaeam muM one point or winning. , tfcqr aang for the prlsa were "Die tMN Kama Nlcht Endea and ' Watd AaaaCMheUi." Thete pieces were aang , 4Bk'MlH with some of the beat : aaj-rtM aoeleUM In the United S aai hmviaa- a mnen larger memeerenip fcalhafienneroher. The first prize waa ' tfHudasI te the Kreur.Br Quartette elnb et iVawYerkj the second prize te the Eln ' - - of Newark. New Jersey j and 'StaOna-tatte nlnb of Phllsdetnhls net the FttasM prltN the Mtounercher being a single ' -.' tMlat behind them, harleg 05 points out of w." " , . ,,'-, a possible 80. :i'V After the contest was ever the Manner. ' V3 eater aang Helmath " chorus, and sole by Wr H. Drachbar. l Tha Mcannarehnr. who were the cuesls ES'f -Trr.... n' ,. ,k-T,.- Plr VS SBW 9aililMU.v udaiumuhii vaj u mv.w K.lNlera had ae cordial an entertainment as jmai axtanata te inimej un uc.e.y, iX Jlers fair -tnlum.. v-ar .... .. t i.... .- .'At, imaaaiuonie we iiurisi i.ruuaiuu. iui -,.iV tkaoeanty fair heretolere announced the ;! aaarrtary.te-aay reports that a sun or nne ate4Uag from Wanamaker & Brown, Phil k, la offered for the best bushel or sssp-tswam In T.anrtaalar nnnntv f Mtfl.T2. Wlfc1 Woodwards 2QU Et King Mreet, clleri .'E"f .... .ls ltl..Al.l 1TAsass M frtf PSsfi if. wPUIfiui'" i."? .'."." rrn'r. Sr'sa "eai oaae ay young, .nujr u m7 -$' yeara or tinder. . J1 XOm lUUUniUg IUTO TT.i -ia.vu.w t' the Winning babe In the contest leauguratea iMi. jt w tut, .T nmf Wlrtrnvntr MaaarB. M'-"Kltk Jehnsen Ce, a flee violin jMessri. Keefec itc Klehl, 'a Due geld neckiace; Maaara. Bhaub & Barns.a palr'ef fine shoes; Mrs. E. M. Woodward, a hand-knit zipbyr aacqne t Miss Jesle Kelnsteln, a Qasker dolt; Oea F. Bsthven, a pair et fleo tManketa ; Aldus C. nerr, an ornamental (my, with accompanying plate, cup, knltr, f jrk and spoon. lancnttr Pedsstrlani. Jrprf Cel. Wd. B. Stauffer, Msj. Ohariea f. $& Oarh Bengler, Jr., and Harry Krampb, who r;WMa TMItea usttyseurg te ibkb pan iu iun i "y il llli nf Tnlr rnlnhrrtlnn left that town T. " v .- , 1 ? CHmb M A-nf Hn mm .wnllrA M Vn.l. T.n iVv '(CTUjyF"1'"" """ wniwv ....A. auv there took a train en the narrow uuage roan 10 Fishing Creek Ferks, at which point tin S hired three teams and drove toTforkFui teTforkFui toTferkFui atttea, where they spent the night, This aaemlng they left Yerk Furntce afoot via Bate Harber, and will arrive In Lancaster tkia evening. An advanea courier, who -flame en by rail, aaya the party have had a Jelly time and have berne the pedeatrlan part of their Journey through tbe broiling amn without fllnchlng,the youngsters vicing With the elders In making geed time Almest Ban Ilsrsell te Death. Frwe the New Uelland Clarien. '"a,, (JaBunaay dnrnieg .m.iseuuu diuiiij, &" llvtn north of Ohnrchtewn in the forest ' euatry, missed her boy and thought he i leat. Hhe became exeitea ana ran irem I te beuse te hunt him until she was exhausted and overeome that ahe be ta insensible, ana cas remainea se tne part of the time since, and but atlchl hopes are entertained of her re- s& ' .ym J.Baaai i-rtindpti astJel SruSt " Xf5? 'iC-3, arary. The Dey was net jesi, out uaa 'fix wandered away with another child and rc- ;w"t snraarf In th nvnnlnir all rlshL 'St - . LOCAL OfllIS. K. A. Wallen waa arrested In Harrlaburg iaat evanlng, en a warrant from Lancaster, barged with defrauding a hotel. Jehn M. PlokeJ, of Bart, has ben granted a pension. The College Association et Pennsylvania oleeedlts meeting alter deciding te change Its name te the College Association of the Middle States and Maryland, and te meet next year en the Friday and (Saturday (ol (el (ol lewlog Thanksgiving. Tha emesra Intulled. K. N. Wlnewer, district deputy stale counciller, last evening Installed tbe cfll cm of Empire Council, Ke. 120, Jr. O. U. A. M. The report of the trustees was read, ahewlng the council te be in geed condi tion ; there are 163 members and the oeun ell la worth t3,C7fi. The representatives te atata council are J. P. Wlnewer and J. IV Sbellte. Tba Void Ids Bed. Frem the New Yerk World. The folding bed Is a great convenience. Bat It receives a set bsck from foolishly alcataic HP with an old Jady at 1'ayette, In Mate atate, a few nights age and holding her jerjaener until morning, when she was tafeassl mere dead than alive and In a daaaareas condition from the shock. Hucb trleka as that will bring a very naeiul article of furniture Inte disrepute. Festival at Lanar'a fatk. Tula popular resort at Reading Is the plaeithe excursion under tbe autr'ceset St. Antheny's church, of this city, will Tlattea Monday, July 10. The excursion lata are very cheap, and there will no doubt be a train full of people lrave the outer station en Monday a week, Bala el a City Property. The property et Geerge Breldenbaeh, de ceased, at corner et Leve Lane and Union treat, fronting 210 feet en Union street and extending In depth 194 feel, was sold by ABoUeneer Haines en Friday evening. Mrs. Margaret Beldenbach purchased the prop prep arty for f S75. rroMcutlen Withdrawn. The suits for surety of the peaca and as as ateit and battery against Qeerge Shay, pre tarred by his wife, were withdrawn this aaemlng at the olllce et Alderman Bair upon the payment of the costs by Bhay, Osneral Sheridan's Condition, WAsniJJQ TOjf, July 7. CeL Sherl Cta telegraphed te Cel. Blunt, at armory aaaCquartera te-day that the general wis Cetacaawell aa could be expected. The waters, he stated, would anchor cfl New .Loetden, Conn., te-night, and would be at 3feaqulU at neon te-morrow. The Question Slattd. Fram the Dnluth Bawgraiiher. It Isn't ae much a mau's constitution as Ha bile laws that are infringed by rem jruxx Ung, Ta Picnic at X.IUU Hprlcgs. Christ Lutheran Sunday school will re te LUitz ea Tnetdsy, July 17. As usual this aehoel Will have a big picnic m i Main as a rikeiUIT. Ftein ttie Celnmbla Berald. It la, plain te be a ten that we em elect Cleveland and Thumnn without tbv aid t f Paaasyivanlf. HIC Tltld or nirawesrrlcs. J, 11. AVarftil, at Kobwslewn, ralsed 4,SW qearU of strawberries en three-quar. tata at an icre and sold them at an average gjaa at nine cants a quart, or 1337 for the A Blaatat et the Oaree. 2 rem the Xew Treik Ban. "Wall, young man," said a sporting iraMa dealer, "what pan we de for yeuT" J wyea boeka ea base Uur' p'af&ue?"' KU "' ,of lteRe- A Geed mil. The propileter of Mtcnnerolier garden haa offered some atreag attraction te the public lately, bnt the bill that la new given each evening m the strongest jet The Krenpt lam My of tnnslclans remain and In addition Mr. lVetflls haa secured Prof. Alex. Davis, the celebrated -entrlleaalst, magician, alnger and comedian, lie is one of the leadera In bis line. StU Hern Inrtstmsnlt. Colebrook Valley Ballreaa First Mortgage Registered S per tent. Bends, due 191C. In. toreit payable April ana October. A limited amount of thne deslrsble bends for saleat KB and accrued interest. Apply te Jacob II, ion. Breker, 10 North Oucen street, Lancas ter, ra. UdSAw Telephone Conntcllen. Dr. Ucnry YcsRlny, Ne. lit North Prince street. Is cenneclcd with the tclopher.o ex change. MARHIAUK8. ALTiCK-O'llTRNKUn the 8d Inst, at tbe Calbearal et t. Jehn the Itaptlst. Bavantiab, a., by the Very Be v Father Cafferty, V.O., Henry II Altlck, fotinerly or Lancaster, te Mls Marie u'Byrne, of Bavancab, Oa. Ne eards. ltd MARKETH. Philadelphia Fredaea Market. 1'RiLiDSLrnia, July B. -Flenr tlnllt sales 1,700 bbls t Minn, linkers. 13 eet)l M t Penn'a. ramtir, w:ias Mi Western ae, It loot cl Winter Patents, HtSQI 93. Byn, S3 7e Wheat .Inly. EOa t Aux , M Cern-J nl v, fil": Aug , wk Oats-July, tiKu ahv.. 8i Anir.fiflJict Bepts R9e, tHe bept , ISKc p I eepu, vty.n Ohloace Pt-odeee Market Csioaeo, -July 7,6 30 a. m. Market opened. Wbnt July, 8le.; AugeiJ.Oi 8ept,81e Oct. sifte- Cern Jnly, 43);c.; Aug, 4)0 IBepL, Ue.f Oct., tee - eat Inly, i;je. I Aug., ttc Sept., 15iC Oct,, 250. fork July, lit CO) August, 113 60; Sept, lare Tuly. s 20 f August, a 27H Beut., US!Oct,37K. . Short Htiis-july, 17 47H August, t7C'l Bept,l7 7H- 0L08IM8. , Wheat Julv.K.101 Aue.. 82Wet B-nt . tiC. Cern July, bOhet Aug., luii Kept-, He. t OOl., Wit. eau-.iuly, Elc. Aug, sea; Bept, UCl.,(,C. I'nrk-.iuly. U.162K; Aug, I1B62KI Bept., ira-Juiy, ts se t Aug., 8 VH .BfPt 3 SO Oct , 18 0 nhert Btbs-Jnly, (7 te t Aug, 17 57Xl Bepu,t7 ny. ew Yerk Market. Raw Yens. July 7 Flenr market strady ; Fine, tt(i"l73i .Bnperflne, HSiOSOOi Minn Rxtra,t2 7OSU) City 111. Kitra.lt WBiO). Winter Whnat extra, 1 IbQI 00. Wheat Ne. 1. Bed. Btaie.(rt0l Ma 1,000) n. Bed, Winter, July, tfyiei August, E8;et receipt lB.oej shipuienu, 61,000, wirn Me. t. Mixed, Cash, Me; s.Vi. 6f!ei ug, Mjjai receipt. s.e.Oi shipmeniH, .t7,one oats-Ne.l. White. BtAle, 4l(tllei Ne. 2, de, 4IVin; Ke. a iriUrd, July, Js,c ( trucelpt, W.uoe i shipment, r.j.oeo. uye dull I Btaie 76c. Barley nominal. Perk dull t Old Mnea.114 OI4 2.1. Ijtrd flrmnr ; Am , IS BM Hept.lS (17 Molasses Or in t ter B" boiling sleck, l'JKO- Turpentine dull at S.'e. Besln jnt!ti strained te geed, 1 07KOIV15- Petreleum dull t BeOned In Cases, VHe. Freights dull ; grain te Olusgew, 2d Butter quint i western Creamery, lSQlBlt'c. Cheesn easyi Wnstern Flat, 7o.ie.j State Factory, 7KQ9C t Fancy White, lift 12e t Ohie Flat, 7tSe. ggs iiulei; emu), ieai7)ie ; Wostern,10WO lCe. bugar Onn ; lleflned Cntleaf, 80 1 Urannla. led, 7.c Tallew atetdvt Prime City, SlB-lfQIc' Bice nninlnal I Carolina, talrtogeou, THc Cellee dull i Fair Cargoes, ter Bie. He. tlTeOteck Markets. Cnicuoe, July e Cattle -lleeel ilpta, 6,oeo t thlDintmis. s3K)i market stead vi best na tlvns. Be tii lOe higher ; choice teuxtra boevea, IS cefin re . common In geed. It 2BOB tte t stock era and nnileis, l240O3V0t cows, bulls anil mlxed, II 7JOJ 15 i Tnxas cattle, 11400370) Wrsturn rangerr, I3B0Q4 S3. Hogs Ueeuipu, O.uu he&dt shipments, 7,00) i market active ( mlxnd, A W05 bb ; henvy is:oe5!K; light, B 6591 w); skips, 7SOJ BO. Hhnep Becelpts, 8,000 heads shipment, 14001 market stxadyt mult-ni, FiBOOB Hl Wi-stem tirnlnrs, I3.K1J3 SB ; iexans, 12 IXQ3 75 ; lambs, 3 7OStu. JCAST I.ibsutt. Cattle Keeetpu, 3.'B shipments, art nothing doing j all thceuga consign uiuntr. Hogs Becelpls, eoe headi shipments, soot market uotlet rhtladelphlas, is d'O 6 IB; mixed, IB 03(10 00 1 Yorkers, ssEeaBWii common te lair, sBKaOS 75; pigs, IBZBOBfO. nbenp-Kocelpla. 12oe ! ahlpmeuU, 4(U market slew: prime, II Wet ,B; fair te i -hi, t3 WO I U ; common, tW B) ; lumbs, tQ 0 7B. NawlerK Stocks. Nsw less, July 7, 1 p. mMeney closed at 2H Pr cunt, i Kxchange steady ; posted rates, 1 1 87K01 tKl actual rates 14 870 4 87 for GO flays and It E0O1 Pf for demand Uovernmunts closed steady currency 8's, II 19 bid 4's coup , II i'M i 4H's de, II 07K bid. The stock market this morning epened rtreng ard en a mndetate amount of business, continued throughout, notwithstanding the bank statement showed a deereare of 17,600,423 In the reserves. At the close stocks were HO X per cent, htgher than yesterday's close. Sales te day, 07,207 shares. Bteca market. Quotations by llcud, McUranu A Ce., bank ers. Lancaster. Pa. mw Tuna list. 11 A. . i m. Sr.M. Canada Pacific. C. C. C.A1 Colerado Ceal..,, Central Pacino.,., Canada Southern. Chl,t I..APbg.. Uen. AUle O Oel. LA W tie Krle2nds ler C K. A T. ..,,.,. lien, A N L. Bhere illch Cen Missouri Pacino. , IlockValley K. P. Prof N.West N.Y.U New Kugland East Teunuaaee Omaha Oregon irnsporlatten.. OnUTleAW Paclnu si an Blcbmend Teiiulnal 21 hu Paul am Texas Paolfle i union Paclnc Wabush Cem Wabash Pref Western U 70Ji West Bhere Bends VBIL4DSL1-HU LIST. Leh. Vel H.. N.Y. PhUa 1'O.B. B 63 Beading 30 1-16 Leh. Nuv Uestenv. Pais P. A R.... ...... ........... .... N.cent Peeples Pass Bdg. 4's teu Oil 76i Phlln. Traction B2k rti B3 80 4 ii'ii 'y. drain and PtOTlslens. rurntshed by 8. K. Yundt, Breker. Cuicuae, July 7, 1 UO.o'cleck p. in. Wheat, com. OaU. Perk. Ird. July h:w 43K rsu 13.ru u. August Wi B'S 2tl 13 01 8 81) September. 61H 10t 2BU 13.87 8.17 October Ju 25Ji 1J.8J 8.4'J December ...81 tirudnutl TttK Consels V3 ClOBlnc Prices 2 o'clock n. m. . . Wheat, Cern. Oau. Perk. July Blli cOVf SiM 18. w beptumber BIjJ 61 October bejj lOKUlUOl ... ,, 0ts .... .... Crude OU. Winter Wheat .??.??!?..?.. Spring Wheat tern Oats Bye Barley Receipts Hess..., Itecelpts cattle... .......... ............ Household Market. DA 1ST. OieaiLJry Butter V ..... ....... , Itatti i V tt Uuica tl.ciibu v lump , reciTBT. Chickens V pair tllv) Chickens ft piece (cleaned) ...'Xa 150 6Q1QC ,.400700 30050a ....... M.,,4. jjucmi, .uvn MISCILLAHIOFS Apple Butter V qt e tggs Bdra Hfjiec fleney t It .2fe Heminy V qt... 5e Lard J ft loeno Bauer Kraut V qt ..oe racns, Aptlcets V dcz , V5e Cherries w ber , 120 Cranbtirrtua r qt...... 10(i2e Apples H rk , soe Buunas V dez,,,.., , , ...bje Lemens y dez......... 120160 Oranges V dez txj3uj Pineapples ,,.,,...,,, 15c Sirawturrlet at box KO 80 Cocoanuts... ,.....,,...,....10ai6e WelersBelenj,,.. ,.,,.,,,. ,.t tac UH 47 WJ4 8 Wi WH teV2 lu ltw 1S0H jseii Ul UK V'.4 W H2 b.-W .......... 18V 18u t5W MW U1M HIS HH 79)2 74 21 M 24X !W MH tn 107$. 107)2 103)2 ss i?a 88 'M Sit 'C fM "A UX Lard, 8.2U X IS tl 8.27 25H 13 67 8 83 S 13,43 8 33 7; car Leu. .. 8 se Z4 ease Head. 7,(0-3 2.5C0 vsnsriBLxa .r-tue . te anerzse ..oaieo ,100120 Beets W bnnch....... Sweet Potatoes K l' Turnips? H Pk J'otatec" V H P Onions V mincn...... .,. 38 50 Onions 1 H P sie .50 JUdistac W btincn WO r.nrrnU V bunch .................... c NowPetato-sVKP-! Curumbnts each..... New Pass Kpk..,. ................. ..................... .tua ..Ke Rhubarb ti un .. Ilcadalad..... Bquaaheseacb..... NuwTetnaUie. Kpk Asparagus at bh Beans m pk. Peas Vfcpk it...,,,,,..,.... 1S ... .61100 . . .700150 lecwc 800 ....,,.,...VV Twvn ahd unsm Family Fleur bbl.,.. ..........tA10 Fancy Beiler flour.... .....saw Oats bus. .,............................. ..450 Cern (belled) bus 'oe Cern W bus..... ............................. oe Rye bus....................,........,, .....70e Fleur per quarter ... JJZIS Wneat bus.................................b5ejOe OR1BSSS, Day ten nsail Clevurseed W bus Tlmethv V I""- It 60S00 ........ ..S11U tierauraasfi nus.... Ilnnitarlan,..,. ........ Urehard... ................ sl i.............. ............... ..tl CO fi.H0 l. W) iawQiiiMi .............. MSATS, Mntfm V RClOe Veal W a ...saiisc Beet y tt... ..................... ...... ......Sptiae IlAnf fi p. ............................... ....... .aflse rausiuceV t. .......... 1USI1W3 100 ISO tte 120 ruaainn T ...' Ham ,whole ............... nam n, tnceu ....,.... Bacen W ft UrtedBrefV or .1(10 .100 Bologna sj (jr..,., Cern Beet f B no I'nrk V a., lOOlfle Bmeked tengne y i .... Fill. Salmen V lb Cattish B Oysters W 100. kelsW tb P orgies. ..... Sea Bass , ISO 10e lfa .60COI1W ine lc 10c Lecal steea and oends, Uepertcd by J. B. Leng. Par Last Value, sale. Lancas'r 8 T r rent, lsoe lue 10A.00 ISO 1UU Scheel leanlsSS loe lul or 40 yours. 100 indoraeyoars. loe Inioeratvnars. 100 113 10S 100 100 leiK mil In BerSUycars, 100 Manhelra Borough lean lue UOII.LIWSOCS BTOOSJ. East Brandy wimi A Waynesburg... 60 anarryvlileB. B.. Be UlersvUle Btreut Car BO Inqnlrtng Printing Company 60 Uaallghtand Fnol.Cemtiany........ 25 Sevens Heuse (Bends) loe Columbia Oas company 45 Columbia Water Company 10 Busqnohannalren Company , 100 2f0 1. V 62 28 100 26 11 20B.2S 210.10 1.06 IS 80 C2B0 103 102 110 1IB 67.60 61 60 00 C3 8 MaHbUaillouew.waro km DiaTens iiuunu... ....... .............. MUleravUle Nermal Scheel Northern Market. .............. ....... . . Henso. ......... .............. be as 60 Ml 100 100 100 loe 60 60 60 ILlkSiesn UHm. ,i ....... Uas Company Bends Celnmbla Borengh Bends Uuarryvtlle 11. B., Tl Beadlna: A Columbia IL, B.. B's. Kdlsen Light Company Western aiarsei Lanens ter City Btruet Railway Ce.. a KaslKnaBtreeiuauway Ttmrriaa rtecsb. Big Spring A Hoever Velley 29 Bridgeport A llorseshoe., 13X CelumbuiA ChestnntllUl.... , XV (MlumbleA Washington 20 Conostega A HlgSprlng 26 Marietta A Mount Jey 2S Lane, RUsabolhtewn A Mlddlet'n, leu Lancaster A Frultvllle..., 60 Lancaster A Utile,,... 26 Lancaster A WUllamstewn 25 I ancestor A Maner , 60 LancaatorAManhelm......... 2D Lancaster A Marietta 26 Lancaster A New Helland.......... 100 Lancaster A Susquehanna. 800 Lancaster a New UanvBle 26 Columbia A Marietta.. 26 May town A Rllzabothlewn 29 Lancaster A Kphrata 23 Lancaster A Willow Street US Rtnisburg A Millport ,., 26 Marie tU A Mavtewn 26 BASK STOCKS. First National Hank 100 Farmers National Bank 60 Fulton National Bank 100 Lancaster County National Bank.. . 60 Norvhern National Bank 100 Peeples' National Bank 100 Keystone National Bank.Manhelm 100 Coiurebln National Bunk 100 Christiana Notional Brnk,. .......... 100 27.75 27 20 20 85.60 76 60 76 75 110.00 165 40 83 82 806 11 3) 40 42 IB 49 23 22 80 900 11B.2B IMII5 lit) 132 ISO 103 1S8 126 146 104 110 210 IfO 107 tO 1(10 160 69 lit 110 phrata National liana; 100 First National Bank. Columbia 100 First National Bank.Btrasburg 100 im national nan, sianotte. ... 100 First National Bank, Mt. Jey. ... loe ... 100 ... 100 1.IUUI riBuunsu imwik Meuntvllle National Bank Manhelm National Benk Union National Bank. Mount Jey., 100 60 new iienana nauenu mdi, ... 11AJ Uap Notional Bank 100 auarryvllle National Bank 100 Ittabitthtewn National Bank 1(0 1KB j'euniMi. Democratic stata Tlekat. von eurnaMs jddhb. J. II, MsCelluui, el suifiuehanua county.; KLICTOItS, At Large-K. Milten Siwer, A.F. Keating. 1. Det Id W. Heller. IB. Alvln Day, 11. William Bent, 1 7. Bussell Barnes, IB. Henry K. Woodal, 19. Heruian Boelnr. 20. William a. Uarman. v. jiurusei niaRee, 8. A. II. Laduer, 4. William J Latin, B.Jehn la) ler, 0. ranklln Watdun, 7. Oonrge VV. I'aullng, 8. Jatnus Smith, 9. Iiunlel Sohweyer, l'i. W.ll. UlNen, 11. rharles lieblnsnn, 12. Jehn B. llovneld, 13. Udwa d .1. flay nor, II Simen P. Li;ht, II. William MahHr. ft. Jehn 11. lialiey, is. Jehn Huekeusteln, it William P. I.entz, IB.DsvldH. Merris, M James II. Caldwell, 7.8.T. N11III, U. J. L. Brown. COUNTY TICUET, Cenpr. HOlt ACK L. UALOhM AN, Chlcklei Slalt Senater. OllUHTItHUOWR.&lrasburg, Anembly. (Northern District.) J. F. KC.1TKBNAOH, Munhclm. JOHN HII.KV. Manhelm. KMANUK1. HOFFUAN, KHzibetLteWU. (southern Dlstrlet.) JAMES O. ItelPAUltAN, Drtimore. Xecerittr. JOHN UKUM AN, Manhelm. County Solicitor. VM. It. BBINTON, Lancaster. Jury Commititener. FBANKLIN CLARK, Stresburg JDlrecteri olhe,i'eor. P. WALL, l.aneaster. J. MO.VIUOMKUY, Meuntvllle. JVfjeii Intpecteri, A L. WINTKB'', Provldnnea. UJ..NB1 F.llABTMAN,i:astLampettir. j's w ad rsiiTJsxMicyra B AKINQ POWDEa ROYAL BAKING POWDER, Absolutely Pure. TU1S iowder uever varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness. Mere economical than the ordinary kinds, and con uuk uu wu iu uuuipvuuea witn tne multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate Tiewders. Sold only; in earn. Beval Bakiru Pewdbb Ce., luti Wall street. New Yerk. 1yl8 lydftw VTOTIOE TO Ultll) U Te-UuTLdErs. Sealed proposals for the erection of an Ireu or WoeSen Bridge ever coon Kuu, at Klnsey. Mile, la Utile Britain township, Lancaster county. Pa., will be roeelved ut tbeortle-o! the County Commlsflener, Lancaster. Pa., until neon, Monday, J uly 23. 183. Spectdcaiiens Lir Weeden Bridge nnd Ma sonry can Iw had en uppllcallen at the Cem mlstlenera' olllce. Proesala ter Masonry and Burerttruolure will ba rrcelt ed separately or combined. Masonry bids should deslgnatewbethertbey are for lien or Wenden Bridges. Perfelt liend ter soej must accompany bll. Blanks for hid and benu can be obtained en application By order of JOHN UINUltlCU, a. b. we in 11, ' J W. LKBKB, , Commissioners, Atte-W,W CaiUT.CIsrk, jelSWBJtw NKW AD VMn TIBKMHNT8. .i!-,! g "TEAK OLD VUilE KYE WHJ8KY 73CKNT8AQUABT. tjuallty untnrpasscid for the money. KUIIHKK'fl ..lqUOli HIOB.lt, Ke.81 centre Bqnare, Lancaster, Fa. CLAM SOUP FOR L.UN0H TO-NIOUT at Kicdsler Hall, Ne. I7 Kat King street. uitAa. toot. ltd rroprteter. FIRST OF THE HKAHON I Orennd note Lnnch and Bet Out this M ATI! HO AT ) evening at Lien Brewery hotel. Kobier's Celebrated Lancaster Beer en araught from the kes lt AUOL1' KFFINQIB, Proprietor. OLAMHOUPKOn LUNCH TO-NIOBT at the Maner hotel, 17 and 219 West King street, nppenlte King fltrert theatre. Beer drawn from the keg. Electric f ina oenatantly working. .1. B-BlsalNQKU, Prep. It CHICKEN COKN SOUP LUNCH, also Bicker's, Keehler's and Haefner'a Cxlebratnd Beers en tp this evening at the Schiller Heuse, 233 AONh (J neon street. Come enn, Comeall. WAt-bPANULKlt, ltd 1'roprleter. CLAM HOUP I'OB LUNCH THIS (Bitnrflav) evening at Hetel Veteran, Kes. 3) and 41 North tineen street Choice Wines and Liquors at the bar. Sprenger's Celrhratcd Ur en tap direct from the kes. ltd BEfLKY A BUBUONtf, Prep's. 11TANTKD YOUNO MAN WOULD r like room nd beard In private family. HI ate terms. Address "B," iMTXLLiassrsn Uliice, jancaatr 1" J-2ld EXt'KKlKNCKDHALiKHMAN WANT Kl) ter our Hosiery Department. AbTUlCU'S PALAUK lir FAhHIOV, It Re. 13 Eait King Street. WANTED. A Mrst-ftlnss Bleam Pretrel Baker, flood waffft and slendv Atnnlevmnnt. Address, F, W. UlUUMIt, Jy7-d Tltnn, Ohie, UllKRIDAN'H CUAIIOK PIVEFORKS. On Kxhlbltlen atU. II. Barr's -window THIS KVANlNrf. It WANTED TO RENT A LICENSED Hetel In town having three te seven thousand Inhabitants. Xastcrn Pennsylva nla. ierea, luBCtdAUw LOCK 110X113, Mlddlotewn, Pa. PIONIO-OHKIST LUTHEBAN SUN DAY Scheel Plcnlu at 1. lilt 7. Springs Park, TUESDAY, JULY 17. Apleasantday tn the weeds. Tickets, 60 and 20 cents. Fer sale at Church en Monday evening previous. It WKi, MAICK A SPECIALTY OK 11 lull tirade Polishing of Brass. Copper or White Melal, as wull as plating It, All work warranted and prices moderate, at llUCIt UlLLBU'S HLAT1NO nOKKS, ap234w dU J 30 North Market Street. SPECIAL ATrKNTlON OIVKN TO Fitting Hard Bubber Trusses. Light, cleanly, coin (or table, suitable for warm weathuraad bathing, a well selected stock at UUBLKVSDHUOgTOR), SO West, Kin StroeL vjrr L. PlSHEIt, DENTIST. W particular attention given te filling and preiervlng the natural teeth. I have all the latest Improvements for doing nice work at a very reasonable cost. Having years of ez porlenco In the large cities I em sure te give the best of satisfaction and save yen money, best a 11 "Hal teeth only 8 00 per set. mtrU-lyd no. at nehtu quern ST. FOK RUNT. THE QUARKYVILLE BTKAM BOLLKUMtl.L. This mill is New and has the Latest Im proved Machinery, with Ballread Siding at deer. A geed home trade. Special induce ment will bs si von tee responsible party. lloiMen ler ren'lng geed. Will give possession en J uly 1, or any tlme therealter. K. M. STAUFFRB, unelC-tfdH QuarryvlUc, Pa. URLIO HALE AT CORNER OF Walnut ctrret and New Helland avenne enWcdnrsdar, July 11, at 9 o'clock a. m, et th materlal In two rough-cast frame houses 1 alie a let of lumber, frame, chest of tools, mpe and tackle, gtlodstenus, moitlie ma chine, stove, eta MAllG ABET M'LAUOIILIN, Kxnentrtx et Danlul McLaugh.la, dee'd. JOKLl. Haisss, Auct. 2td-7A10 STOP AND READ. The event or the Season will be the Ex cursion le Biallng and Urand Festival at Lener's Park, en MONuAY, JULY 10th. Prof. Burger's orchestra will famish the Muile. Werm Ptnner nnd Supper and all kinds of refreshment", cin be had ut Park. Bound tilp, lnviudlug Admission te Park, 11.23. SpccUl ttaln leaves Upper Depot at 7 IB a m. Jy7 3td8,W,S G RAND CON CKRTTHIH EVENING OOMMBIIOIAL HOTL, BV - puer. ciuiiST. .liuitaKii's eucukstua, llergner A Vngel's KBmeus Tannhoeuser and Uaetiier'd Kulserand Behnmlan Hserx en lap. OCIISAKKNDIB, .ltd 111 and 113 North tjuten Btreut, T AMI' SHADES. Written te lis bv n custemer who had pur chased nne ut our Knit Lamp ehades le use en while porcelain shade : " Bcauttlul beyond our expectation, far morn se than the most oxpenslvo hand hand piilnted work and the cost mneh less, with lb met remaining that no accident will smash It Inte n thousand pieces Can't be bteknn. lh etluct en the light Is wonderful. 'Tl reftcr, the glara Is genu, and the room seems cooler, quieter, mrtre restlul and homellko. a nre glad le have It, and thank you very much." We have mere of them for ether homes and make Iheiu te order In any shad -. MBS, K. M. WIIODWAKD, Ne. 26X Kast King St -Colored Cellara and OulTs reduced te lKe a e. Chomltettos, 10c Bargains In Stamped I.lnens. mayBlydSAW YER'S bARSAPARILLA. High Pressure l.lt Ingcharaotetlzes these modern days. The reult ts a leartul Increase of BBAIN and HCABT DISBASKS-Goneral Debility, In semnla, Paralysis and Insanity, chloral and Merphia augment the evil. The medicine best adapted te de pormanent geed Is Ayer's Sir sspatllla. It pirlfles, eatlchcs and ltallies the bleed, and thus strengthens every fuue- Uen and faculty of the body. " 1 have used Ayer's Sarsparllla In my fam ily, for yearn, I have leuud It Invaluable- as A CURE for Nervous Debility caused by an Inactive Uvorandelow stme of the bleed." Henry Bacen, XenlA, Ohie. " Fer sotne time 1 have been troubled with heart disease. 1 nover found anything te help ine until 1 began using Ayer's Sarsapartlla I have only used this mudlolne six months, but It has relieved mi from my trouble, and ena bled inn 10 resume work,"-J. P. carzanett, Perry, lll.i " 1 have becn'a practicing physician for ever hallo cuntury, and during that time 1 have never found se powerful and rellabla an al ternatlve and bleed purifier as Ayer's Barsa parllla." Dr, M. Maxstart, Loulivllle, Ky.; Ayer's Sarsaparilla rRBrABKO BT Dr. J. O. Ayer & Oe , Lewoll, Mass. Price 11 j six bottles, jmte8 IS. Werth IS a betUe. T ELEI'HONE ! GRABILL'S Original and Only Cash Grocery! N. W. COU, DUKE AND VI NIC 8TS , Is the only place In this city where Groce ries ere sold ou a CASH basts at CASH profits. It is tbe rallying point ter oil cash paying peo ple who earu te purchase thelr ureceriesat vasn s-ricus. LANCARTKU COUNTY HOLOONA. The finest heme-mada attlcle In the market, chipped at lUJ J 1 by the pleca at Ma per yeuud. it Is Just what is needed for lunch, picnics, AC BKKKTONOUKS Arn another convenient Hnd palatable arti cle ler summer and picnic use. tee te 700 aplees. KI tBTIO 8TABCI1 Makes a 1 nuh like Celluloid, Only sc a package. KICNACS Of ibe beet quality are considered cheap at 9b a pound. OANNKI) HKEF In pound and two pound eans, ready ter the table, at 13s and 20n a can. BllYfcB'H UY8TKU9 In pound cans, 10a This U one of the belt brands before, the public j each can contains from 3 1 te 40 oysters. OUI.DKNM M1KD MUSTABP. And everybody knows this brand-only lOe aquut. Isuettuatchtup Inhallplat bot tles at lOe. NORTHWEST CORNER DUKE AND VINE 8TUEET8. tuli.iyaat,W4I' KMW AlirMBTIBBMKNTIt. "WrANTED-ONK THODBANb" OLD vv common rigeens F1JCLB8BR08., Christiana, Te. jnll-lmd SOBOOLTAX, 18S8-THE OUPL10ATK Is new In tba hands or the Treasurer. Office hears fmm 0 a. m. till 4 p. m. W. O. Marsh ALL, Treasurer. tnXMfdR Re. 1! Centre Bqnare. CITY TAX, 188S-THE CITY TAX BU plicate Is new In the hands of the City Treasurer for oelleeuoa. oaiee henrs, tm a. m. mis oe p.m. J.b.Ratufen, JeBtldK City Treasurer. THE BOAKD OP D1KEOTOH8 OP The Kdlsen Rlectrle Illnmtiiatlng Cem. pany of Lancaster, Ps.," Has this day Otclared a semiannual dividend of three and a-half per cent., payable at the northern National Bank en and alter Monday, J nly 9, 1B8S. Attest-H. B cecit HAM, secretary. LakcIstxs, Pa., July 8, 1888. xtd W ANTED LADIES AND QENTLK men Deesaastn small eanlta.1 tn feandla a rare Invention ; eclipses all ethers i no ped dling, no opposition, no risk, easily carried, easily shown, easily sold, sweeping success, 110 a dsy, iioe a wees, liOO a month, IS 000 a year sure, tatleraddrrss MRS. C, lyB-lmflAw 1M north DuseSt.Laneaster.Pa. ESTATE OP SARAH liACKENBKR ger, lata of Ceney township, deceased. Tba undersigned auditor, appstnted te dis tribute the balance rematnlngln the hands of Edward nosing, administrator, te ana among these legally entitled te the same, will alt ter that purpose en Wednesday, Augusts, 1888, at 10 o'clock; a. in., In the library room of te oenrt hent. In the city of Lancaster, where all persons Interesttd In said distribution may attend. A. IL ruircIIRY. Jy7-ltdA3tw Auditor. B8IONED ESTATE OP JOSEPH K. Beyer and wife, of Lancaster city, Lin caster county. The undersigned auditor ap ap Fielnted te distribute the balance remaining d the hinds of Jehn D. asuiee and Tobias Beyer. assignees of Jeseph H, Berer and wife, te and among these legally entitled te the same, wBl sit for that purpose en Wednesday, August 15 1-sa. at 10 o'clock a.m. In the li brary room of the courthouse, in the city of Lancaster, where all persons Interested In said distribution may attend. A.B.1IAS9LKK, Jy?3t3 Auditor. T7I8TATE OP EL1ZADETU MILLER, XU late of Ballsbury township, deceased. The nnderslgned auditor, appointed te dis tribute thebalsnce remaining in the hands of William Landers te and among these legally entitled te the samn, wl'l sltfertbat purpose en Wednesday, August 15, 1833, at 10 o'clock a. m , In tbe library room of the court home. In the city of Lancaster, wtere all persens Inter ested In sa'.d distribution my attend. A.u. ritiiuiin.1, Jy7-ltdAJtw Auditor. PROl'OSALS FOR COAL, Proposals for Ceal will be received at Ne. 23 West Chestnut street until Monday, July 18. 18.sn, at 12 o'clock neon, te furnish the pub. He schools of this city with Hard Broken, Kgg, bteve and Nut Ceat, te be el the best quality, free from dirt or slate, and delivered In the cellars of the school houses os directed by the committee. The bids te cever oil the coal re quired for tbe entire year- about 000 tens. J. I. HABTMAN. It-7.t 9 Chairman of Cem. en B. A 0. REPORT OFT1IK CONDITION OFTHE Farmers' National Bank, of Lancaster, Pa., nt the close of business, Saturday, June 80,18831 HESOUItCES. Leans and discounts l,n75 7fl 73 U.S. 4 per cent, bends (par value) . lBO.oeo en Kxpensesatd taxes paid 2.664 43 Due from banks and bankers. 4364U01 Cash and reservn 3 6.948 88 Beal estate, and safe dopeslt vault,. 40,000 no Total . LIABILlTini. Capital stock paid In Suiplus and undivided profits.. Circulation ,.,... Deposits Due te Banks and bankers Dividends tinpAld . S1.120.M1 48 4"0,000 00 283 778 67 43,00(0 798,812 01 88,361 40 6,201 CO Total 11020 83148 ltd C. A. rOK DEU3M1T1I, Cashier. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OFTOE PctTet Xatievm. Bask, of I.ancn. caster, In the Statu of Pennsylvania, at the close of business .Iun '0 1843: Hi:SOUKCE3. Leans and discounts 1313,822 69 vrdrnfis, secured and unseured... M 61 U. 8. Bends te secure circulation 0,000 00 Due from approved reserve ugents . WAS 43 Due from ether Nutlenal Banks ..... 12UWIC7 nuti ti-em aiate banks and bunkers,.. 8 18 Ileal Estate, Furniture and Fixture 81,000 00 Current expenses andtaxespald 7,K) 30 Premiums paid 7.MM) 00 Checks and ether cashltems 16.69 23 Bills of ether banks lOOuOOO rractienai pajier currency, nickels and cents , 2611 44 40,120 76 430 tO 2,250 00 specie Legal tender note. Bcdomptlen fundvrlth U.S.Tieasurer (S per cent, of circulation) Total LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In .Tl,0SB.(i33 80 0,000 00 ... 60,000 00 Surnlus liiiid. Undivided Profits National Bunk Jsetcj Outstanding, 43,700 00 318 Oa jjivmeuui uiijiuiu.... Individual deposltssubjeot te check C91.404 37 uemunuoeiuncnies or deposit 4,ote 71 Due te ether Nntlenul Bunks 17,199 27 Due te Statu Bunks and Bun Sera 1,316 CO Total ll.OBS 013 83 i'dife 0 J'enrKilfanfu, County 0 iMncatter, It.: I, Jehn C. Carter, cashier, of tbe above named bank,dn solemnly sw ear that the above statement Is true te the best of my knowl edge and belief. JOHN C. CAnTKlt, Cashier. Subscribed nnd worn tobntero me this Uh day of July lsa3. Jekiuiaii Bitk, ISetary Public. Correct Attet . F. H. Baltic, K J KKNDlO, ABBAMB. HIinKK, Directors. M EROHA.NT TAILORINO. H16-E11 & BROTHER. White Goods INDIA LI.VKN.FBKNCH NAINSOOK, 0 1MBU10 NAINSOOK, DOITED MULL, PL1IO LAWN. VICTOUIA IAW.V. EMBROIDERIES -AND- Ail-Over Eleuncingl MtWHSrSAllSKS, NEWEST BATISTES, NKWESTCUALLIKS, .NEWEST QINQUAM3, PAKASOLS, ULOYE8. Hager & Brether, 25 & 27 West King Slreet. ATTOUXJSVB, TOTIIKR 8. KADFFMAN, I ATTOBNKY-AT-LAW, NO.. 80UTU PBINCI ST., Lancaster, Pa tSJ-lydAW iraw AMVMSTjaruMim. "-111 rsTi"ire,"B"j- WLafutesj ttftu s iTAMal BROTMIMt FOR YOUR WI8IT OUR STORED DURING GREAT FINAL CLOSING OH SUE Goods Fer Half Price, -AT BOSTON Nea, 35 and 37 T ANNHAEUSER BEER. The Bergner & Engel Brewing Ge,, PHILADELPHIA. A Colossal Establishment. A Successful Career. An ffinortneua Buainasa Derived from the Purity of lta Production. ITS FAMOUS BRANDS : 4 THE BERGNER & ENGEL e MJ 3 cd EXPORT BEEH, (TKADK-MABK.) THE B. & E. B. CO. PHILADELPHIA Brewing Company e Ll. u. 0) Ui (D cd c c CO Tte Only Urand Pdza Awarded In Fans GENERAL AGENCIES: BALTIMORE, WARBINOTON, BIUHStOND, BOSTON, JAOKsONTILLK, UAUlChBTOW, SAVANNAH, CUaKLKSTON, WlLUlNQtON, H.C OOLUBBOae. PaTKKSRMBO, WILIIINOTON, Del., THE BER&UER & ElfBEL BEEWIM CO., PHILADELPHIA. . Keenlg & Weiaeman, Jr., Agents, Harrlaburg, Pa. iygir AD VMRTI8BMENT8. WKIKEL'H FASHIONABLE MIL llnery ana Trimming store, Ne.88 North Queen Street, contains aU the newest ana Latest Novelties el the sessen. .Prices rea sonable. Call and gee our e w Qoeds. aprzs tfd OUR GOLDEN LION AND MIA QUE QUE KIDA6eClMABarecierUavana,hana. made, In boxes et Ge's ana loe's. DUtUTB'8 OIU AR 8TOBK, . lit Kast King treet KltAbllabea 1770. 129- WASBt Id qUE BLACK BARREN BPR1NQS A. UOUSB ii new prepared te receive guests. oed rooms, ta Ou te 110.00 per week. Leave Lancaster ler Haines station, via. Col umbia, at 6 se a. m. or 530 p. m Carriage wBl be In walling only en prevlen notice of day andtraln. OUBISltK BOMBKBOBB, Jane6-lmWAS Manager. TJAVE TfOU UORNBT DO YOU WANT THKU CUBKD 7 ir BO.'USK OOOHRAN'8 CORN OURB. it is sale ana sure and guaranteed te cure I'ilce,2Sc. rer snie only at. UOOUUAN'S DBUO BTOBK, 187 A 139 North Queen St. TuThAS LANCASTER COUNTY NATIONAL BANK, JUNK St). 1&M. IUS0CBCK3. Lean9and DUceunt9 $ 7H7.IM ra I'.s.sourpercentbendiCparvslue) M.000 oe BanklnKhnueeardetherrealrstate 4S,eil w Current Eipentej and taxes paid.. 1,M0 it Checks and Otlitjr Cash Item. 1,708 20 Bcserve, lawlul money In vault ( ana Balances due by Banks J 591,917 3S Total. . ,l,U3 99 i ta LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid In $ 8OA0O0 00 Hurilu Fund.. lHO.OOOOO 43,ilU 45,000 00 X.0I0 00 G09,9 26 8,763 04 Uudlided l'rellts.... Circulation Dividends Unpaid.... Individual Deposits.. Due teBauks Total , .l.mwiM iim iT'i-fi-i F. II. 11UKNKM AN, Cashier, J. I.. SlETZOBB. 1 H. e. LKHMJ.N, Directors. Martin ti.LAHDis, ltd B 10 BARGAINS. STRAW HATS ! CLOSED OUT AT Half the Original Price. TRUNKS & TRAVELING BAGS ATB1U INDUCKMICVra !UBltQ THK VACATION SKASON. Stauffer&Ce. 21 and 33 North Queen Street, LAWOASTJ.B.l'A, BENEFIT THIS- Goods Fer Half Price, THE - STORE, North Queen St 3 w (X) e CD n e 00 O If MAUANOT CHIT, LANSrOKD, l.YNCHBUHO, NOBreLK, HAUKISBUBQ. SUKNAMDOAII, POUT DBPOS1T, UANOVBB, YOBK, TUKNTON, ATLANTIOC1TY, CUMBKBLAND. NSW AD VSR TiBBSISNTS. New s'rbck bpCANEa ALL STYLUS AND I.OWK"-T TBICXS DatlUTH'S CIQAB BTOBB, Na IU Bast Klnir Street. AW XstAblUhed, 1770. Ieb29-WAsBUd HE FOLLOWING APPLICATIONS ler the transfer of license and all addi tional petitions or remenstrances wBl ba heard ou J ULY il, 1683 at 10 a. m. Jehn D. Blshel, ler the transfer et David Mlngle's hotel lleense, Grape hotel, sTBst ward, Lancaster city. airs K. Jt. Sprenger, for the transler of Gee. jr. sprenger's bottler's license, Third ward, Lancaster city. II. r. W. UBBAN, Je80Ay7,lt Deputy Clerk Quar. Ses. M ARTIN BROTHERS. SUMMER FernishiDgs ! Only Mention. DBBS3 SUITS. cool suita. We need no mere than mention Thin Cleth leg and furnishings. Summer weather re minds the needs, and the many kinds here make picking easy. Lew prices help the sell lug and careiul salesmen see you fitted. Nsw Patterns in flannel Shirts and Naekwsar. MARTIN BRO'S Clothing and furnishing Goods, Si NOKTH UUKKN ST. w HITE GOODS. WHITE goeds: WH1TK LININ D'XNDBS. COLOBED PLAID LINEN D'INDKd. rBKNCH NAINSOOKS, riQU COBDS. PLAID PJQOKS. VICTOUIA LAWNS. SWISS MULL. DOTSWI98. MA2 ALIAS. LACEKFrECTSIV DBES3 GOODS. VLOUNCINUS, ALL-OVEB KUllBOIDEEf TINE KDOINQ3 AND INSEETINQI. LACI9, ta BABQAINS IN PABAS0LS. JOHS S. GIVLER, 6 & 8 North Queen St., . . . .. lANOASTlB, PA. taaxlO-lrdJiW