5SW""jav-wSjJ SHE liANCASTER DAILY INTELUGENCER. SATURDAY. JULY 7, 1888. TO rRtNCKS OLBTBLAMD. Queens hive been fair. One aseartdant head Among the mUts and shadows, here and I Uierr, Outshine lu crown. Down there among the t dead, Ah me, queen bare been fair t Even In this world' Just and ashes yet I de net doubt that beauty grew and bloom?. ' , Sometimes a living nnweret It, dew-wet. Buds lrem the royal tembi. Queens mav bs Mr. even In the cruel inn Ol thl our day. Bat range thm In a row s O te wean the roee of England -withering. One Ou glitters Russia's mew. Ona hells the Oerman cetn flower. One lore a beat The Anatrlan edelwelts. One shows the acar Felt by the Jewel thorns of France, deep as aome dead atar: One hldn a girl's faen In Hpvln'a widow -Tell. One, who lovea VlrgU' aeng, hai bnt te atlr, Or lift her geld head, and the nightingale lags ent his heart te her. Ihese, If they shlne (yes, these and all the restj, ; Shine through'brewn Jowels and from height of placet While you, O Lady shining In the Weal, Rhine but with ear own grace. Je. If yen will, among thorn all and atatd, With Just a mountain wild flower In your hair, With Just the weldlng-rlng en your light ha'd The nation bill you wear. Chen from the Elyslan Flslda call l'arla back ; "nay who shall hare the golden apple Who?" rhengh Europe, a med, should fellow In hi. track, He'd threw It straight te you I Barak Ju. B Piatt, In Betferd'i Magaitne. It publicans Ylsldmg. Representative McKlulcy, of the ways ind means committee, aay a that the passage if the Mills bill n the Heuse la a foregone oneiuslon. "There has been no agree nent en the part et the Republican te step lebate," be added, but I am of the opln epln opln en that the bill will pass within two weeks. )f course one speech Is Ilable te provoke netber and the debate may last looser, mtl bardly think it will. TbeBepubll ana will resort te no dilatory taotles te Inv tede the passage of the measure, but will lermlt It te be sent te the Senate, "I believe we shall have a final vote en be bill Inside el two weeks, "said Represent atlve Breckenrldge. " The wool clause Is Ikely te excite considerable debate and se i that relation te pottery, but I believe tie Republicans are taellly agreed that the till shall gote the Hen ate." Renresenta- Ive Ilsyne, el Plttsburtr, Is another Repub-' uau ieaur wuu preaicia su eany passage f the tariff till. The Stntte subs Itute for t'je Mill bill via Detrained te reduce the revenues sev nty te eighty millions et dollars, lnolurt lnelurt lnolurt eg the abolition of the tobacco tax, all peelal taxes and that en spirits used In be arts. 8VKC1AL IfOTIOJCa. TUB KEV. GKO.il. Til AYKB. of Bourbon nd., says: "Beth myself and wlfe ewe enr tves te SHILOH'3 CONSUMPTION CUHBS. 'or sole by II. B. Cochran, Druggist, Me is; forth Queen street. (8) The Mew Trlrjcle. This machine Is propelled by steam.and will arry two people l we uty miles In an hnur. it la Ud. It la qulte un tnvenfen but does net empare with Burdock steed Bitten which rill carry the Invalid a'eng the read te health beat all Fer aale by H. B. Cochran, drug. 1st, 157 and 13 J North queen street, Lancas ir. I have been troubled with catarrh from oyheod. and considered my cue chronic ntil about three years age 1 procured hly's ream na'm.tvna 1 count myself sound te-day, II from the use of ena beitle. J. B. loeley, ardware Merchant, Montrese, Pa. Mr. l. M. Barber has used Kly's Cream Balm :r citarrh In his family and commends it ery highly. A lady la recovering the sense et mell. a Tunkhannock lawyer, known te laey of enr readei, cava he was cared of ealaeBS. ifUjfen, fa,, Gazette. J-2wSceatw Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Tm Bbst Salvi In the world for Cuts.Brnlsei ores. Ulcers, Bait Khpuni, Fever Seres,TeUer, napped IlandB, Chilblains, Cerns, and all kin kruptlens. and positively cures Files, et 0 pay re ulred. It la guarantee? te give per Mt satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 1 cents per box. for sale by U.B.Cechran, 'rugglat, Nes. 137 and 139 North Queen street, Mncaster, Pa. June27.1yd A Pleasant Acanewledgment. Had sour stomach and miserable appetite r roentbp, and grew ihm every day. 1 used lurdeek Bleed Bitten wltn'he most marvol marvel ua results; feel splendid." Mrs. Jeseph ohnaen, 1'lttsburg, l'a. Fer sale by II. 15. echran, druggist, j37 and 139 North Queen treet, Lancaster. Never Give Up, It you are troubled with nervous or sick eidache, de net Rive up your case as Incurs le until you have tried Dr. Leslie's (special reavlptfen, See tte testimonials in another elnmn. d2 CLOTH J AO, &e ASKEW en ME. IT NOB. S3 AND 236 WEST KING STHKBT. c - ett-lyd W ILLIAMSON FOSTER. OPENING OF lilK Vacation Season. SUPPLIES FOll Tourists and Excursionists I At Flier Unexceptleually 1 ew. Gent's Light Colored riunnil Shirts, $100 and $1 25. Uent's Inaian Gauze and Ketted Under wear, 25e. Gent's atlk Neckwear, all the popular stylet, 23 eents, bent's Fancy Hosiery, 2Se. Celluloid cellar and Culls. Uent's Percale Hhlrts, Wand 75 cents. Uent's Summer Suspnndeis, ISe. Uent's Initial and Uemstlleued Uindktr chiefs And a Large Assortment of Satchel", Sleimer Trucks and Valises At Unexceptional!? Lew r rices. WilliamseD St Fester, 32,34,30&38E,iaKaST., LANCASTER, PA. BRANCH STORE, UAUUiauune, pa. BTJB1NESS MKrHOUM MADE PLAIN. The system of Instruction t.t the LANGABIKK COMMKUCIAL CeLLKQsT, Is se simple and plain that any yenng Ndy or gentleman can easily matter all the dLtalfs of abuslneas education. LIBEHAL TrUMa. Xvenlng Sessions Tuusduya, Wed net and riiduye. JTull Ininraaiien Riven by H.C. WKIDLKU, Lancaster Commercial College. fXMlR-tfrt Univutr"n pECOMMENDED liY EMINENT PIIV81C1ANS The "Best "Tonic, A Concentrated Liquid Extract of Hall and Hep for sale only at J.U. tlOUOHTONACO, sTes.1 and West Slag street. lAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND. CANT SLEEP. BletpKaanesa and fearful dreams are the earllMt and surest ilgns of brain axaantttea. In halthy sleep brain foree la being stored up te meet the, next day' demaaa. Sat aewadays the nervous system has bssjm evartaaked that It U unable te aeattel aka atiaw, aa at alht tka worries, troubles and work are a prsaent as during the day. Y Hme the brain ka net trsa te recuperate 1U energies. The popular remedies are sdawTa,ary tsalet, lUiUra,aarr nlaters of the gsnsral functions. Cocea and eatery are Ua sedaUya anal aarra taaU ttsssad, anhtPalnsleJeryCoaixranUielrfnllbasMtclaltctUebtatBd. it alsa eOBtataa, la scleetifl6 proportions, the best ressedie el the materia medteafer oeastlBaUoa, aad kMay and 11 vsroVaerAers. This U a btleldasorlptlen of the medicine whiehais breaght swaei real te thousands who tossed In sleeplessness from night te momtngee-whe' saerMd rears canted them te awake mere tired than ever. All Barren, asaaptaaa, ttebUHetad oraged peo ple wIU And vljrer and psrfeet health In th Great Verre Tealr, FAtKsl'sl OMLBRT 0OM 0OM reUKD. rrier.lt 00. Sold by Druggists. Circulars tree. - WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO, Proprietors. BUBUNQTON, MKDWAL. )j tOOD'S HARSAPARILliA.,, TRUE ECONOMY It la true economy te bny Heed' larsapa rtlla, for "109 Ueies One Dellar,'1 Is original with and true only of this popular medicine. Ifyeu wlah te prove this, bay a bottle of Heed's Sarsapartlla and measure Its content XonwIUnndltteholdlCOteaspoonfOla. Mew read the direction, and you will find that the ayarage dose for persons of different ages I less than a teaspoenfnl. This Is certainly con clusive and unanswerable evidence of the pe culiar strength and eeonemy of HOOD'S SAUSArAUILLA " We began using Heed's Barsapartlla In enr Institution some months age, and having watched Its effects, wish te say that we find it a geed, reliable, and beneficial medicine for family use, and far hospitals and Institute such as ours." Stsiasser ilancr, West fourth St., Cincinnati, O, , , ' I took Heed's Barsapirtlla for less of appe ttte, dyspepsia and general languor. It eld me avast amount of geed, and 1 have no heal heal taney In recommending It." J, W. Willi ford, Qulney, 111. HJCALTU BETIJCIl THAN XVCK 11 1 have been troubled by a soiefulous amo ame amo teon all my life, it Is one or the marked reo ree reo ellectlons of my boyhood days, andfer several years has rendered me unable te labor mtuli. I think Uoed's Baraaparllla, which I have been using at Intervals for ten years, is the best I have ever taken. I am new ;co, ;and my general health teems better than ever." H. V, Abbett, Warren, H, U. EOOD'3 SARSAPARILLA Sold by all drugulsu. tl j six fer8. Prepared only by C I. IIeOO A Ue , Lewoll, Has. 103DO3ES ONE DOLLAR (3) M' ANDRAKU iILL8. Biliousness I Symptems: WANT OF APPETITE. FURRED TONGDK. BITTER 1 A8TK. CON8TIPATION. HEADACHE. GENERAL DEPRESSION. Treatment : Dr. Schenck's Mandrake Pills. THIS 19 SURH AND ALWAYS SAFB. Fer sale by all DrugglsU. Price 25 cents per box t S boxes for 6 cents i or sint by mall, postage free, en receipt of price. Dr. J. H. ichenck A son, Philadelphia. ml7-lydftw T7ALTJABLE MEDICAL WORK. TRUTH, Or the 8C1KKCK OP LIFE. A VALUABLE MEDICAL WORK, the only true description of this time en Man hood. Nervous and Physical Debility, Prema ture Decline, Errors of Youth, and the untold miseries consequent te same, as well as an ex posure of quacks and their se-called medical works,' by which they victimise thousands, and by thetrexaggeraUng disease, make these peer sufferers Insane. Every yenng man. euame-aged or eaa. should read this book. It Is mere than wealth te them. Bend two eent stamp for a oepy. Address, DU.THOB.THEEL, BUS North Fourth Bt, Philadelphia, Pa, flS-lyd rrUMPHREYS' Homeopathic) Veterinary Specifics, Fer Horses, cattle, Bhccp, Dogs, Hogs, Poul try, tee PAUE BOOK On Treatment of Animals and chart Bent Free. CUBES Fevers. Congestion, Inflammation. A.A. Bplnal Meningitis, Milk Fever. B.B. strains, Lameness, Kheumatlsm. 8,0. Distemper, Nasal Dlschargts. ,D. Het or urnbs, Worms. E.R. coughs, Heave. Pneumonia. F.FColleor Gripes, Bellyache. .G.- Miscarriage, Hemorrhages. H.U. Urinary and Kidney Diseases. LL Eruptive Dlaeaaes. Mange. J.K. Diseases of Digestion. STABLE CASE, with Specifics. Manual. witch llacel oil and Medlcattd sj.oe FBIL'E, Single BetUe (ever 60 doses) te SOLD BY DBUOQISTS ; OB SENT PBEPAID ON BKOKIPT Or PRICE. Humphreys' Med. Ce., 109 Fulton St., N, Y. Ilampbreys Homeopathic Specific Ne.28. In use 80 yearn The only successful remedy for Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness and rrosiraueii from over-were or ether causes. 1 oe per vial, or 6 vials and large vial powder, for 1500. seid bv DacaatBTa, or sent postpaid en re eelpt et prien HUMPHREYS' MEDICINE CO. Ne. 109 Fulton Street, N. Y. mar27 lyQAwTn.ThAS Q.OLDEN HPEOIFIO. DRUNKENNESS -OB THE LIQUOR HABIT POSITIVELY CURED BY ADM1N1STEB1NO DB.HA1NEB' OOLDMN 8PECIFIO. it can be given In a cup of coffee or tea with, out the knowledge of the person taking It i is absolutely harmless, and will effect a perma nent and speedy cure, whether the patient Is a moderate drinker or an alcohello wreek. Thousand of drunkards have been made temperate men who have taken Gelden iBpe iBpe clfle In their coffee without their knowledge, ni tu1 halleve thev anltdrtnklnir of thlr own freewill, it NEVEU FAILS. The sys tem once Impregnated with the Specific, It be comes an utter impossibility for the liquor appetite te exlat, Fer aale by " CU AS. A. LOCUEB. Druggist, Ne. 0 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. aprlS-lydTn TbAS XARD RUBBER TKUSSE8. SEELEY'S HARD RUBBER TRUSSES Will retain the most dimeultformaefUKBNiA or Rupture with comfort andaahty thertby com plellngaradlcal fMTDiai et all curable ..' ajj" - nut ie moisiure. Msy be nsed in bathing t and fitting perfecuy tolenn of bpdy. are worn without Wonve Wenve nlence bv the youngest child, meat delicate wujr.u. ku..uu.... u-.u, uiuiuiui aij sour, aweaty. padded unpleaaantnes, balex Llsht! Coel, (.leanly, and always reliable. 'uk UAUTluN Beware et lmttattena. Alivenu. lne are plainly stamped "LB, Mslst 2 Ce . Wabsaiuxd." RUPTURE. Its Bsitlful Mechanical Treatment a Spe cialty Kltberln Persen or by Mall, SO Kears Reterenc-s Prei. a. D Oreji, D. Jlajei Agntw, U'tHard Parker, W 11 J'an J'an eeatt, Dr, Ihemai U, Morten, and burgeon Ucnerult cf the U.B Army and eavy, our" Wechiiulcai Treatment et tiernta and IUuatrattd Catalogue-Contents : llernla or ltupiuie delineated i Its dlflerent descriptions cause, treatment and cure Alse cerpulency. Abdominal Weaknesses and Varicecele. Boek of W pp. and 180 Uinalratlena. Mailed en re cetpt of te postage. L.B, BEKLKi ace, 1 1 Wda&aviitw Phiiadelpius, ra, V1HU01IT, WJttmmm QPK0IAL. WATCHES fer.ranaara and anuea B Jeb Let. Bieetaalaa.B' reet urn daUy, fey f4sTrs-eUy plaea tat Ha UK H. Queen Bt, wpestt aty HetaJ, kaac rasBa .Danet. Q.1LL-JEWELKR, cte. WATCH ESI Watches have never been se low In prier.' as at present, aad we have ntvar been betui prepared te meet your wants :thae Juat new. Would invite your Inspection uerer buying. GILL. Jeweler. - )QW. KingEt, LAKCASTEH, PA. HEADQUARTERS FOR WATOBKS AND BILVEBWABE. Watches & Silverware. Anyone who appreciates what it Is te have a geed watch In their pocket, should eall and see our Geneva Non-Magnetie. Per Beauty of finish, Aeeuracy of Time and Pealtlve rroef agalastany MagneUe Influence they are Decidedly Ahead. New Goods n Water Pitchers. Berry Dishes. Etc., at LOWEBrJiAltKEr PBIOkS. ' WALTER G. HERE, Ne. 101 North Queen Street, LANDA8TEB. PA. W Cerner nf Orange. nl-tM BABY OAJiBIA UMO. TIT p. SPREOHER, BON k CO. LARQE3TAND CUEAl'EbT AS80BTMENT BABY CARRIAGES I Q1BLS' TRIOYOLIS. EXPRESS WAUOK3. REFRIGERATORS! BASE BALL OOODB. LAWN TENMI3, CROQUET, LAWN MOWERS I EUSTIC AND TERRA COTTA VA8EB TREE SUABDS I IdELLlSES I HAMMOCKS I CARPET BWEEPERBI H03E AND HOSE REELS 1 W. D. Spreclier. Sen & Ce., NO. 31 BA8I KINQ 8TRBHT, LANCASTER, PA. ap r28 tfdB TJiXINN BRHHSMAH 100 Different Patterns -OF- BABY GARR1A6ES -AT- FL1NN & BRENEMAN. "Alaska" Eefrigeraters have no;equal. FLDiN & BRBNEHiN, Ne lea North Queen B treat, LAEOABTER PA, H A NDKKH C11IH FH, TANDANNA HAMDKBUUBIKPH. GET YOUR Bandanna Handkerchiefs 3(- 5 and IO Cent, AT ERISMAN'S, JVO. it WES'l KIXQ SI, AW-Next Doer te Bayler' Photograph OU. anmadssa, U Karat Oei . Masl I WaTn1sS TawslM? msliia raslaasasas fnallsalslnniir'nnr MOOtn'AND BROW "" IOOTS AKD SHOES. D. P. STACKEOUSE, 3 30 BA8T ELKO, 8T. Keleid stock but fresb, new KpeO coming fa asUly mrm tte factory and bought for cash. TaaU la why w ea sail our aboeesemaeh .Cksapat taenia ether aterea, and w glv our tawesaar tin beneat of elesa buying. , Start body about here rail of snap and Tim i a alffsMmt ahee store from what It wa-a HETTEB ea i but of all Shee Btere snore Ufa, njere loed geed of th right sort and rlghtpriae, aETcAssa aad see ns i w chearfulty show yea tka geed, whether you purchase oraet. D.P.STACKHOUSE, NeE8.nd30lutKingBUtt, LANCASTER, PA. aW-lydAW XSOR!BARaAlN8. aissa.sBB Hurry Up! TO FREY k ECKERT'S FOB- BARGAINS -IN- A8 THE BALANCE OF THEIR BTOCK FROM TH EIB BRANCH BTORE, Itt 29 West King St., REHAININU UNSOLD WILL BE BOLD AT THEIR MAIN BTORE, Ne. 8 EAST KING ST,, AT BAKE PRICES OFFERED AT THE 1 LAST WEEK. HORRY UP I -FOR- BARGAINS, AB3HE SHALL STOCK REUAININti UN BOLD CANNOT LAST VERY LONO. VLUXUIKU. R EIJUOED FRICEa 1 L. GANSMAN & BRO. Fact and Prices. We are making te order Fine English Wor sted Sntt, the latest style Cutaway or Sack, at lis and lis. We are making te order All-wool Thin Csa stmera sulU at lis, 1 14, tin. Pant te order, W.M, 4, as, 16, 7, 18. TMq Sammer Goats and Yests, Beeisucker Ceat and Veat, 11.00. Beys' Coats and Vests at SSe. Flannel Ceat and Vest, II se. Barge Ceat and Vest. IX2S, tl.1t, $?5,HW $1.00, MOO. Mohair Ceat and Veat at 12 oe, u ee, ss re, nee, Children's Odd Pant at CO, 65, 7, 84 canU, uoe. I Hen's Woolen Pant, II. M, IU5, iloe, liBO, Aeo, at se. aasrlntlre Spring Bteck at reduced prices. 4VA glance at our window's exhibit will convince you. L Ganan d Bre., S.W.OOBNCR NORTH QUBBN & OBANQB BT8, LANCASTER, PA. MACaiNHKr. riEM'KAL MAOU1NE WORKS. Central Machine Works, W. P. CUXMINGS, Proprietor, NOS. 131 A 130 NORTH CHRISTIAN ST. LAacMSTKK, Pa, EMOINES, BOILERS, MACHINERY, SHAFTINGS, PULLEYS, UANOEES, Ar. IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, WOOD AND METAL PATTERNB of Beat Quality. Largeat and Beat Stncktn Lancaster or Cast Iren and Malleable Pitting, Brass and iron ValTts and Cocks, bieain Gauge, safely ValTes. Try Cetka, Water Uangea, Gate Valves, Lubricators, and ateam Oneds In general. svRepaitlng promptly done. Second hand Engines, Boilers and Machinery Bought and Beld. GOOD WORK. SEASONABLE jGHARGES. PROMPTNESS. AWHete change in Addreaa. Mcltfd pKNBIONB. BOLDIEBS who were dlaabled from wound Injury, rupture, expesuie, pile, deafne, or wbowero.lu conatxiueneo of thelrmUltaryser. vtees. Incapacitated for manual labor, whether from wounds or disease, are entitled te pen alen. WIDO WS,mlner cbUdren.and dependentrel. atlves of soldiers who died of disabilities con tracted In the service, are entitled te iensten, and by Act of congress of Jan. 20, lfW, soldier of the Mexican War are also entitled te pen suras IMCBKABK.Thouiandsefponilonersareen. titled te a higher rating. Ne fee unless success ful. Can refer te many successful clr Imams. Soldiers, It wtll cost yen nothing te write me, and It may result greatly te your advantage. M. D. MULL, tens., AtVyT Vennsrtlla, Lancaster County, ra, uaxt-lydsftiyw mut s UMatER DRESS GOODS. Metzger & Summer Dress Goods ! LAWNS, BATISTES, PERCALES, QINOUAMS, FRENOH SATIN ES, AMERICAN SATINES, 11KAUT1FUI. CH ALLIES, ALL AT.LOW PRICES, AT Metzger & Eaugliman's NOS. 38 AND 40 WEST KING' STREET, Opposite ths Cooper Heuse. M.W N EXT DOOR TO COURT HOUSE. BRAND NEW THIN THINGS Fer This Warm Weather. In te-day an elegant assortment of Scotch Gingham in fut colon, made te soil at CO cents. Our price 1JK cents Loek fei thorn in our East Window. Anether invoice of thesn beauiimi C hall Irs at 10 eents. French designs and fast colors. A new Lawn opened 10-day. colors and designs perfect. Early season pnee, WH cents 1 new! cents, ninehf wide. Oceheee Muslins a finer and llghter weight fsbrle than Batiste, a trifle less than a yard wide, In both mourning and raney coloring, atllX cents. Many New Baterns at 10.11X, la,Uand ascent a yard. Gutlbett'a Watrantsd Fat Blaek Hanrlstfa. a new mourning material, at S7H and te cents. FAHNESTOOK'S, MOB. 80 37 HABT KING ST.. I ARD ik MOELROY. bard & Mcelrey, 33 and 36 Seuth Queen Street WASH DRESS GOODS. Just opened another let of these choice styles cf Telle du Nerd and Prrai Ginghams, some of the beat styles of the seaaeu. India Linen and Victeria Lawns from Te np t atwelal bargain at UK, worth sua. Plaid and strips Nainsoeks from ta np 1 extra value at line and 6c. worth aoe ai.A sac Corded Plqae or Weits from l!Xe up 1 the biggest drive at e evur offered, regu lar price eOe. Figured Lawns at Be that are strletiv fast colon prlee elsewhere sue. Lann stripe Jacenet ai loe 1 regular price lHe Figured Percales at 8a 1 regular pile loe. l.oceo dexen Vegetable lrery Buttens at Se per desen 1 this is a geed wa.h button and sold elsewhere at se and loe rer desen Knehlng, six yards In a box. only 100 per box. DECORATED M ATEKI AL-Matcrlu for decorating purposes at 80 per yard , OAMPAIGN HANDKERCHIEFS. Democratic Bandanna Handkerchief, size 23 Inches square, only 7c each or t for tte. Re publican Handkerchief with the stars and stripes, same site, same price. Yeu pay your money and take yenr choice. One let of yaid wide Bleached Mualtn M emnants at 9c per yard t regular price Ua, The best yard wide Unbleaebed tduslln in the elty at evjc per yard. Thlslsau uay washing Mus lin, after once tried, yea will want It again t worth se. bard & Mcelrey, 33 and 36 Seuth Queen Street, JBWJCLUT. H. Z. RBOAUS A BON. Geld Pens, A very large assortment of Geld, Silver and Plated Fens, 1'encllfl, toothpicks, Ear Spoons, and all novelties in that line whieh we will sell at wonderfully low prices. Many et them are new en display In our West Window. Alse a full line et new, Scarf Fins, Cuff Buttens, Locket, Fins and Earrings. These goods have just come from the manufacturers and are finely finished. We would like you te come and examine them. If you have any repairing te be done bring It te us. H. Z. RHOADS & SON, Ne. 4 West King Street. HTOCK s TOOK FAUM. EMLETREE 8T0RM KING, 2101, Ily Happy Bay horse, foaled 1832, Brether In bleed in MOKMAN MkDIUM, 2 20. BiOlltf alMQ stands .0 bands. welKbs l.sce deal of style and tlntab. He has never been dnfeated In the show ring, taking Ave flrsi pre mium ever some et the best hortes In the country. Storm King should enter the 2-0 list at any time. HI HENRY, 4S14, lly Mambrlae Dudley, record 2.10. Dam Virginia, by Volunteer, alroef Bt. J niten, 2 11 W. Virginia Is sis. Bay horse, foaled IS9!. ter te Oambetta (aire el Voliner, 2.uyt), and riorenoe, grandaen of Xpaulette, 2 19. 2d dam Nell (dam et Bateman, 2-22), by Hambletenlan, 10. td dam dam of l'latq, 2 38, by Hbark, son of American Kellpsn. HIHKNBY stands Unhands Has taken Ave Ural premiums In theshnw ring, Vastwlce ludgee by the " Bca'e of I'elnts" and as a two-year old aceied U points, which has nevcr been equaled. Many noted horsemen have pronounced him the must elegant young horse lu the country. Terms fcr Storm King and HI Henry, IV) eiieuld mare net prove In foal, the lame maroer any ether can be returned free In 1WJ. ....... . .. aprS-3mdlb,JTS DAN'L 0. EN OLE, MARIETTA, PA. OAMFMT BAKGAINH I QO SHIRK'S CARPET HALL - FOR WILTON, VBlsVET, BODY; BRDSSHLB, Tapestry, Ingrain. Damask and Venetian, Rag and Chain Carpets, OIL OLOTHB, WINDOW BHADMB, etc. We have the Largest And Beat Btoek In the Olty. H. S. SHIRK & SONS, Oerntr Wut Kins and Wttar Klmta, Lucaster, Pi. I'ARAHQLB. R. B,iU, Ladies, Loek te Your Interests. We began the parasol aeaaen with an en tirely new atoek. We want te de the tame next year. And te that end offer Great Bargain In rarasel and Sun Umbrellas. Prices are marked away dawn, and geed must go. Call and see Bargain. R. B. & H., O.UKABTKIMOar, aprs-ima BBE. kAAMMAMM Haughman. L ANOASTHR, PA. Opposite Fountain Inn. Opposite Fountain Inn. Pencils, Etc. FAJtit, STOCK EAM. Mediant, lire of 00 from 2:13t te 2:80. "ThAmnstprolinereierrotrof ipeed that eyer lived." Dam Tepay Tayler, by Alexander's Nerman, aire of Lula, 2 UK. 2d Oam by Heward' tlr Charles (thoroughbred). 3d dam bv Smith's Meaaens-er. son of Dill's Measenaer. fti. and Is a very stout-built borse. with a great UA1.LB. B AUG AIMS I TC - irOK HALK OH BUNT. HOUHKH KOK BALE ON TUK MOST liberal terms, en Weat Chestnut, Wal. nut, Lemen, Mary, fine and Charlette streets. Apply at Mlf6md 303 NORTH HAUYBT1HKT. CTOK KKNT FKOM. APUIL L 1888. JC foreneoratermof years, the Strasbnrg BaUread, with Ceal and Lumber Yard, Waro Ware Waro benae. Locomotive and Oars ; all In geed and running order. The lease of this valuable property presents a rare opportunity te any party desiring te engage In a pleasunt, well established and preflt&ble business, for con dlllen. rent or ether Information apply te THOB. erUKNKY HAUMUAUDNKU, mUfd Lancaster Olty. Ha -pUBLlOSALE. OH SiTUBPiT, Jcir 11, 18a, the nndeiatuned will, by virtue of a resolution of Councils, expose at public sale all that cer tain triangular let or piece of ground, being part of the licservelr Ground., sltuaud en the north aide of Hast Ktngstteet and ths l'blta. delnhla turnntke. and eaat of llread street. and having a front tbcrfen ei 19 reet, mera or less, and extending northward along llread street te the middle et old Orange atret read. Tenua : Ten per cent, cash en day of ssle, and balance en delivery e' deed. bale te be held at the Leepard Hetel at IH o'clock p. . iJgM'Jii&'kiis, BEUBEN8.01TKB. j l jua Water commtitteaer, OK00JCRJM9. OIBHAKD'S " MILD CURED HAM ., AND BKKAKrABT BACOW. Unequaled for tenderness and delicacy et JT0,r:We guarantee that there Is netfclag te e3ui' ll;em ft quality In this maraet. Jkeu SS? ! ln" bt amUIes are new using these. HSLR'I" nn-ersal satlsfacUen. IrytkesB andtell yenr neighbors. .UI"aJ?!?,1 aa Bologna nicely chlpveC rtleei reaaenable. UKUHUB WIANl X BUHSK'S. PIONIO SPEOIALTIES. Ilrt the Weed P'ata. TickiM m n rioule.lsc irc.ers ierlCVleIjinaTS: rreeh Canned Salmen and Lobat. Vresh an soused Mackerel, Haratarla 8ohrinpVretU and Bened .chicken, Turkey, Ham iSl . ESP-PS' Compressed Corned Beef, chlpneti ' ' Dried Beer anef Bologna, Beef Tongue, CbeSa H ntapple Brand Hams, cream Cheese, Fleate Pineapple Checte, Dntchhead Sapiace and Koqueferd. Lemens, and Jsaen and Lime Juiee, Kasptxrry syrup. Oatmeal and Ora- ?ro!.arBlsc;t,la,ySre0W " Wa AX BURSK'S, NO. 17 HABT KLNCr BTRK1T, LANOABTIR.rA. rjiKAb, COfcTEES AMD OROJBKIK8. W. A. REIST & CO., GROCERS. C0USKK B. KtKU AND DUKK BT8. Open Every Evening Until S O'Clcck.-vt TKAS New that Bummer la here, Coel and RelitsMng Drinks taste nloely.and there 1 nothing se refreshing and healthy as Iced Tea. We are prepared te sell yen Teas from 40e te ' ILOO per pound. Imperial, Oolong, English Breakfast. Jinan and Yimn Um.. v.h. In stock the finest Ensllah Breakfast Tea at II 03 per pound ; thl 1 a very fine quality Tee and will please you. CO rtE is-Anether freah let of Roasted Ccffees received thla mnnim, u,t,..MKAM enr Coffees are roasted evenly, being roasted bythetenewned Hepe Mills, of New Yerk. We want you te try them, and If they de net give sUlstaollen we will refund the mono. BEMRUBEK-We are Headquarters for Plonle Specialties and give Breclal Price te all picnics and damping clubs. Carda aad Fans Given Away. Telephone and free Delivery: W. A. Reist & Ce., Cor. East Kf us; and DakeSU. JJX01TEMENT KUKS HIGH -AT- Heist's. cleu, and, we must admit, are behind kasa -,iV all around. Tomorrow we expect a BI day, v t jti&fc "" " " " up wiva our wet ana, ne reasty A.sitf:s; lorthe ruth In geed time. We would rur&JiUXi much like te write up a thousand and aWSWs bargains in our line, tint wait unt a.xi itSir.ii z r . . "" :.,v ume, reu must see our Immense steek asw -"Ba exceedingly low prices In order te understaaa isi $&,M enr mettanda nr dninv tiM.in.,. a..,., dsAxss r.Bm. B.m. rT,'"?. ..:zr.vjn:zz?j j-t?a success. t"M, rinet Dried Beef in the clty.per pound. .KK tal New Picnic Ham RmJZSM- Borax Bean :"""""r"ZSWJ: Large Cake White Jfrelb Seap Se .'' MuiijHixinaiia i . sat s' .- light Pound Prunes .Ue vive Pound New Prune ,Me four Pound New Prunes .. Three Pounds Large New Prune tte Four Pounds Bunch Baliln ae -ASDA . THOUSAND CHEAP TEX GOOD TUIHGj. Heist, WiieIesaleA Retail Grocer, Car. VT. Klaf BdPrlMe BU,, LAN0ABTEH,PA. TJiANHl EAUS I MS I ' 1,000 Hen Fans fobs Gimiw. To-menow. -AT- SAMJJBL OLAEKE'S. Juat received a New and Fret h Line of TKA which are the Queattha market can produce, ranging In price from 19e te llapeund. Opened today, a crate of the Finest Im ported Vases and Ortamants you ever saw. Call and see hew we Intend disposing of thsm 1 you will be astonished. COFFEES I COFFEES 1 COFFEES 1 liny your Coffees of Clarke, as we roast It ourselves i by se doing you will net only be able te enjoy a cup of the most delicious beverage lu the world, but yen wtll And that you sv money by se doing, far when fresh toasted It Is at least twenty per cent. stronger and richer than that which has been en hand ter xouie time UX, IB, 20, a, a and 25 cents per it, MISCELLANEOUS GOODS, Three fti New and Freah Cream Nuts for Ma. Three bottles New Pickles, Mixed erPlaln.SSc. leurks Flake'laploea,23n. Four ft New and irresh Dates, 24c Fenr Da Best Itlee ler the money you ever taw, tie. Four ft Nice New Figs, -Se one ft Calllernla eeudleas flutni, 16e. Four Nice New Prunes, JSe. Three as ew 1'rnnsllaa for tse. One heap of Heney, loe. onebexMustardorSplcedBardlnesonJy lie. Vive as Laundry starch and Are cake Laundry or Toilet soap for 23a. FitUlT JABS 1 FKU1T JABB ! Juat received, a larcre quantity of the Masen Fruit Jars, In f lets. Quarts and UalKialleus, Call seen, as the prieea will suit you Just think, Hire's Beet Beer, He a bottle. SAMUEL CLARKE'S WUOLEBALE AND BET AIL TEA AND COF FEK.BTOttK, 13 and 14 SOUTH QUEEN STRUT. (A few Deers front Centri Square ) aVTELEPHONE. MUSICAL. QUPK1UOU QUALUY MUSICAL BOXES. IIENBT QAUTSCUI SONS, NO. 1033 Chestnut Street, PhUadelpttla Examination will prove enr Instruments far superior te any ether make, net rpeakl" of the worthless trash that abounds la the market, seen being of mere annoyance ttuut filuaaure te thulr owners. Old and Imper Imper Imper octlymade Uuale Bexes caretnlly repalreA bv expeneuwl workmen from the lntnunae lntnunae tery In Switzerland. CorreapendenceAOllcltod. Send stamp ler catalogue and price list. un MtAAw MKOPOUALS. PHOPOSALB FOR CUAI eealed proposals will be received hv the Water comiuli.lener until 5 p m, JULYS, 13&, for the beat quality of haul) PEA CeaL itojaef,eoopuuuda.l bald coal te be delivered te Oi.u WATatt WOKKS Itrem date of contract) until OOt'OUKU 1,1888, or until ethetwlae erderd. The name of coal must be mentioned lnblds(alae security ) The ciimmlsaieners reserve the rVghttoreleetany or all bids It net rwtuUciery. All bids must be handed te the chairman. JgHK BOHKSB, N.0.U Peas Square. jicesUAisicn, Clerk, jf-t4 v.'-l .va " ii l Vi m ua i wvri 'm S U," tS .jlB . tJit W r i)r:vjT JH ' .aw rVT5 -v f v 4tm '"Sm 'm "W&i1 "w. 1. 'MM .rWHS t.. '"y. 3,51 vw - m U '- jj 4 i 4i1 y h- t ZC .va